The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, June 12, 1891, Image 2

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    Lebanon Express.
Editor - ari:i - Proprietor.
One vear S"i 00
f tf kxA iii 4lViiiiM. 51 HO iKr vrnr.t
His m.nuh . 1 00
Tarn- mourns -
Kindle copies. . -
Mr. ItarrUoti made something
like 140 speeches in his trip, but
in none of them did he sav a word
about the free coinane of silver.
The people of that great metrop
olis, London, have to walk, on ac
count cf a strike on the part of em
ployees of cur lines and omnibus
When the Alliance organization
forsakes the principles upon which
it was oraranized, and enters poli
tics as a third party, its doom is
Portland's new morning paper,
the American, made its appearauce
on 5th. inst.; but has turned its
infant toes t the daisies, already.
A lack of wagon wheels was the
cause of its demise.
The Indanapolis Journal, (rep.),
has made the canvass and declares
thai congressman Mills, of ninth
Texas district will secure the speak
ership of the next house, by a safe
Says Henry Waterson: Let us
hops" that the prophets who are
predicting the world's end is near,
may be wrong. How would tht
United States look on the morning
of the lay of Judgement with a
republican administration and an
empty treasury?
One of Germany's judges has
solved the problem. He has so
construed the law of libel as to
hold the newspaper's proof readers
criminally responsible for any ob
noxious or libelous matter that
gets into print. Justice has at last
run down her game X. Y. Tele
Canada'! Great Statesman.
Dallas, Texas, has one to her
credit in stoppin the sale of that
libelous and otrageous sheet
known as the Kansas City Sunday
Bun. It is the tarst omciat act on
record, where the circulation of
newspaper has been enjoined, and
unless the proprietors go down and
ficht the case, the injunction will
remain in force. In this case the
sun does uot move.
You may usually judge of the
fairness and fineness of a man's
character bv noticing the wav
which he estimates the labors of
his fellow-men. A disposition tt
belittle what others have done, a?
compared with the worfe our owi
efforts is the mfaiible token ot a
mean and narrow nature. Chris
tian Advocate.
When a delegation from the Cin
cinnati convention called on Sena
tor Carlisle and asked him" if he
believed in government ownership
of railroads, he answered by asking
if his questioners were in favor of
confiscating the property. The
replied in the negative; whereupon
he asked if thev were willing to bt
taxed $14 000 000 000 in erder tt
put the railroads under govern
ment control. There was no fur
ther discussion of the proposition.
The legislature appropriated
nothing to make an exhibit at thi-
UL'v0 1 'a fiiir . Til t a n-aa ri o-li Ha
cause it is not within the the prov
ince of the government to go into
the show business. But whilt
this is true it is just as true that r
creditable Oregon exhibit should
be made at the Fair; and every
good citizen feels an interest in the
success of the enterprise to be or
ganized for this purpose. Three
hundred thausand dollars should
be raised, and all of us must pull
A citizens' ticket has been select
ed at Portland as follaws:
Mayor W. S. Mason (Rep)
City AttV Wm. T. Muir(Dem)
Police judge Chas H CareyRep
- Auditor W. 1 . BrasbLKep
- Assessor Jas. FowlerDem
Street superintendent D. W.
Taylor Dem
Overseer street-cleaning depart
ment A AndersonRep
Surveyor T M HurlburtRep
Police com'r Frank Logan (Dem
Fire com'r AM C Wayward(Dem
One Demoerat and one republi
can have been nominated for coun
cil in each ward. The Democratic
city convention has met and ad
journed without making nomina
Hons, , This is considered an en
dorsement of the Citizens' ticket.
While at Lebanon, says the San
Francisco Mining Review your corres
pondent went with some enterprising
gentlemen or that town to inspect
noma pros pert; of natural gas. Near a
mail stream is a bar, partially covered
with alluvial soil. Between the soil
and the water ia a strip of sandy loam
more or less damp and quite soft. By
panning a stick into the soft earth and
withdrawing it a small hole ia left,
from which gas escapes and which is
readily ignited with a match. The
gas continues to burn until, the soft
Hides of the hole clone together and so
cut off its escape. Tt burns sometime
over a minute, with a name a foot or
more hi hight. The flame in blue and
very hot. ?oul lie in the bills not far
irttaiit, and it is said that the irides
cent oft'ect of oil on the water is con
stantly seen on the surface of the
stream in the neighborhood of the gas
wells. At the time of the visit here
sp:iken of it was raining-, the creek was
Sir John Alexander Mucdonald,
the great political factor, the keen
political leader in the dominion of
Canada, lias passed away. He was
a man of unlimited, restless resour
ces, tireless energy, adroit execu
tive skill and intense mugnatism.
He has faithfully battled 'for the
idea of British sovereignty as
against any and all plan for seper
aticn and republican home rule.
During the long period of hi pub
lic service he has held various po
sitions member of the executive
council, commissioner of the crown
lands, member of the cabinet, min
ister of the militia, attornev gener
al, arbitrator of the joint high
court at Crenova, and prime minis
ter. Governor-generals have come
and gone, in long procession; rivals
nave risen and t alien back; liberal
ism has organized and threatened
and broken into political revolt
but this marvelous old man has
kept his hand firmly on the helm
of state, and dies after one of the
most signal victories of his entire
Time and a era in his friends even
have predicted that he would sure
ly come to gnet; but m every in
stance he steered around the rocks.
conciliated conflicting elements
with rare skill; and his party to
day seems as strong as ever. Wha
it will be without the master mind
is a problem that only time can
Sir John was on opportunist,
most successful men in statecraft
are. He was never in ahurrv. He
went by the name of "Old To-mor
row," and his dilatory tactics have
tten enabled him to profit by tb
mistakes of others. As a speaker
;ie was fluent and impressive, rath
r than eloquent; but was a skilled
debater, and had the taculty
Snding the weak points in his op
ponent's armour, and of turning
chem to ridicule, which is often
;nore potent than anv amount
irgument. He was very powerful
on the stump, and he never failed
to get on the good side of his audi
euce on snch eccasstons.
And he had, too, that other qua!
ity of the world's successful men
in infinite capacity for work, and
in equal eapacity to throw work ofl
ais mind when the time comes
rest. Despite his years, he could
stay with the procession" as long
is any one. He was, too, with all
Uis manifold duties, a great reader,
md ripe scholar, a thorough man
if letters, and a man of the world
blessed with a robust mental and
physical endowment that enabled
aim to fill a score of roles at once.
Take him all in all, he was one
f the greatest characters and
strongest leaders of the nineteenth
La"t Officv at Oregon fity, Oregon, 1
Notice in hereby siren that the folluwiiip-iwwned
seiner nas men nonce 01 ms liuenoon io mast
!nnl proof in support of his claim, ant that .said
wwt will be malc before the County Clerk ol
.mn Countv. at Albany, u re son. on July 13. it&i,
Iomestea Entry ?fo. .1599, for the E. of X. W
und Lota 1, 2, and 4, Sec. 6, Tp. 13, S. R. 1 W
He names the following witnesses to rov
lis eontinnons residence upon and eulliva
ion of. said Innd. viat: OeoTEe IHvcr. Georee Wil
mi. ;eonje Klnra and James Vandcrpooi, all ot
J. T. APPKRSON, Register.
Land Office At Oregon City. Oregon. I
Mav 21. 1R91. f
Xnrtw fa ifrhr rirm that the folio wiiwr-named
ettler has filed notice of hi Intention to make
mat proof in support of his claim, and that said
woof will be made before the County 'lcrk of
.inn County, at Albany, Oregon, oa Juiy u, iwi
?Te-etnptibn D. 8. No. 7444. for the E. 34 of S. W.
He nam the following witnesses to prove his
ontinnous rt-fiaenee noon nn cuiuvaTionoi. saia
and. viz: Geortre Gibbj. Ovear W. MorrtMi. An
Irew Vail and William UIe. all of I,ebanon. J Jim
bounty, Oregon. j. l. A.'n-.KfcU.s, register.
Land Office at Oregon City. Oregon, 1
Vrttiee is fwrehv in ven that the following-named
-ertiet has filed "notice of his intention lo make
ma! proof jti suDport oi nts ciairo. ana mar. saio
woof will be made before the County Clerk ol
.ifin County, at Aioany, we-oo, on JUiy , iwi
UEORtiE tilBW,
Pre-emption T. S. No. 7101 for the E. Jof N. E. .
..wl JT 1 rtf M V Is. 3t Tt l' f R 1 E.
rt- nuniM the fovJowIiisr witnesses to nrove hi-
jontimioos residence upon and, cultivation ot. said
land. Viz: Uar vt . Jiornsn. uren v-. aiarf naii, .
Dnnkins and L. Crowdley. all of I-ebanon, Linn
Uounty. Oregon. . a. An-r.uw., lweKit-r.
Land Office at Oregon fity, Oregon. (
Mav 21. ISM.
NoHcft is hereby given that the following-named
lettlcr has filed notice of his intention to make
final proof in support of his claim, and that said
oroof will be mde before the Connty Clerk ot
Linn County, at Albany. Oregon, on July 14, lSfl,
Pre-emp1on P. S. No. 744, for the X. E. 14 Sec
. lp. 12 R.2 E.
He names the following witness to prove his
eontinuou residence upon and cultivation of, said
land, vix: Oren C. Marshall. George Gibbn aud
Wiliiiim Hale, of Lebanon. Unn County, orepon,
nd Andrew Vail of Waterlw, Linn County, Ore
gon. J- T. APPERSON, Register.
Changed Every Week.
Wheat 85c.
Oats 50c
Hay 15 per ton.
Flour $1 40(,1 50 per sack.
Chop 1 50 per ewt.
Bran 90c per ewt.
Middlings $1 50 per ewt.
Potatoes 35c.
Apples Oried, 8c per lb.
Plums Dried, 7c
Onions 5t
Beef Dressed, 6 7c
Veal 5(5i6c,
Pork I) reused. 526c
I,ard 32?fS;.U.
Hums 2-J(15cper lb.
Shoulders (10,
Sides lOfJ? 12ic per lb.
Geese $U(r.l2 per doz.
Ducks 7 50 per doss.
Chickens $4 00(5 5 00.
Turkeys 12ci per lb.
Ergs--lSo per doz.
Butter 20c per lb.
Hidt8 Green 2(34c; dry, 6c
Crops looking fine.
Mr. Boone is quite sick.
Mr. Sam Herring and family art up
nera ousy ai worR.
1 here was n large party of prospec
ton went up the trail and we preHtiuio
they have struct It rich as we have not
aovn or heard from them for over
Mr: Chandler stopped here on his
way to Quartzville.
mr. jtsanurora ana two sons are up
here for a rest and seem to be enjovin
our beautiful scenery aud trout fishing
very much.
Bark pulling has got to be quite
industry here as those along the trail
can testify, by the number of pack
horses passing.
ExpecthiK a visit from the Crow this
week and for this reason I bcfrin active
alteration at once. In order that I may
devote my simre time (which, by the way,
is only twenty-three hours per day) to the
special benefit of th Corvidac, In after
years I shall be able to tell yon of th
pleasure we enjoyed while tracing our
lineal deeeudants oh ! no, not that our
Eld. M. M. Korton, a moigrel of the
Advent Christian church, preaches the
first Sunday in each month. Elder Mnlkey,
Christian church preaches the second Sun
day; Elder Yost and G. McEloy, are the
representatives of the Evangelical .church,
as there is a divission in the church eacl;
divission sends a preacher, who preach third
Sunday ; Sunday school every Sunday at
to o'clock at both cburchvs and the hall.
Mr. Hughes moved into the Findly house
last week.
P, I. Bilyeu and family, Misses. Tifi
DeVancy and Aggie Green went up
Lower Soda, for a months rest and hcaltl:
The young ladies are newspaer correspon-
dents and will no doubt pick up every item
to be found. Best wishes to them.
O. H. Kussel had the misfortune
severely sprain his left ankle.
A. D. Mcticen went up to build a house
on his homestead just above Pleasant
Ridge. iMealy's)
I understood that there was an alliance
formed at Sweet Home, Saturday.
Mrs. P. LeFrancis is at Albany visiting
friends and relatives.
I have em mined several gardens and can
not decide who has the best one, but the
four best ones, include those of
Peter LeFrancis, Levi McQecn. P. B. Cal
kins and E- C. RusseL
A. Wiley is making rails.
G. W. Howes and Chas. Howes will run
the Walton ranch this summer.
There has been plenty of rain to fully
inssne a large crop of grain and vegetables
for this year.
There was an agent for some hygienic
and physiologic charts for the use of
schools, visiting the school boards, of thi:
vicinity. As to the merits of the chart I can
not speak, as I did not sec it, but that the
gent did not know the laws empowering
boards to purchase school apparatus, I am
certain of or else was unscupuloua not
caring whe ther the board individually or tht
district paid for it. If I err not, boards cannot
buy apparatus under the provisions of tht
new law unless they meet as a board
transact business. There is not one directot
in a thousand who would intentionallv do
any thing unlawfully but '" they
frequently do things without ascertaining
the text of the law allowing snch exjieudi-
1 am pleased with the promptness which
actuates the correspondents in their desire
to make our paper a success. I exict thi
weeks issue to be filled to over flowing wttt:
Chittim hunters are plenty and the bark
is being hauled into our village by the ton,
'Caseara Sagrada" is the siet-ial name for
this shrub, or tree and its medical proper
ties are only partially known by the people
of this country. It has been fully desrnbed
in the agricultural reports of the agricul
tural dept at Washington I. C.
Yours Freuuenny
Mao riEK.
God's Blessing: to Humanity.
So Snys an Oregon Pioneer Ninety Years Old.
Forest Grove. Or.. March 19.
I have ied the OKECiOX KIDNEY TEA and
btnineU immediate relief. It is tiotf s Wessimr u
humanitv. I take pleasure in reettmniendine ii
ro the aiHicted. I am now nearlv nfnetv vear
i-auie to Oretron in 1M2 in the enimuv of the
iiTiufoii ay Lompuny, ana sinee Degmu os;r
lie OREGON KIDNEY TEA I enjoy tcotxl health.
Celebration Hie fourth of July.
Town improving some, but lu the
near future Waterloo will take a leap
for a great boom.
Quite tt crowd gathered here for the
purpose of witnessing the baptizing
Tuesday at 3 1. 14 were baptized:
several more will be Sunday this
being the effect of Soda's cnnip-
Waterloo will hold eatnp-meetiug
also, commencing about the loth.
Program,, for the Fourth of July
celebration, will be arranged soon, and
no pains will be spared to make this a
Several campers at this place this
Waterloo fs quite dull at present.
Ora Bell Kees, oniy child of A. A
K was born Deo. 13, 1885, died June
8, 1801. On the morning of the 3rd
she complained of a sore throat which
as It developed, proved to be dyphthe-
rla; which together with croup term I
nater fatally. 8he was a fuithful
memlwr of the Baptist Sunday school
and on the Sunday be J ore she died
expressed her regret at being too Hick
to attend her chess. Only a short time
go, when the teacher had asked all
who loved Jesus to hold up their hand,
her little hand went up and she whis
pered to the teacher "I kve Jesus too.
When talking of going to be with her
mother who died Dec. 31. 1S0O, she
said "I want to stay aud love my
papa." Her last request ot her father
was to gather her some flowers, and
she held the rosebuds till she could not
realize that they were flowers. Many
friends 'sympathize with the grief-
stricken father and commend to Mr:
the grace aud consolation of Christ
who said, "Sutler little children to
come unto me, and, forbid them not,
for of such Is the Kingdom of Heaven.
A brief service was conducted at the
graved by Rev. T. P. Boyd; od be
with you till we meet again" was
sung by the friends, after which they
dispersed to meet the little one in
Heaven, we trust.
A Fbiesto,
Died: June 8, little Vernetta, daugh
ter of Mr and Mrs D J Hildreth
Darling Vernetta ho gone and left as,
Sbe ha joined the Heavenly band.
Gone to dwell among the angels,
In that far-off Heavenly land.
How we loved our darling baby!
And how md it vas to rtu"t
From our darling little Vernetta,
The dear loved one ol our heart.
YetVetnnst he submissive
To what the Angels of (iod have done:
He lias come in all Ilia wtelom.
And taken our darling baby home.
Yes. she's gone to ITeaven above.
To rest like Noah' dove.
Where death and sorrow never can "loo lest
Where all is Joy and peace and love.
T!ien rest with Jems, darling baby;
- To Him thy spirit, wc eommcud.
He alone run heal our sorrow.
He's the Utte children's friend.
Written by a cousin, who loved her.
prtff Fever.
At this season of the year the most
vigorous aud hearty people often have
4 leeinig oi weariness, urea ana worn
'tut, without atiibittou to do anything,
ttsd many break out in pimples and
:Ktls. What you require is a mild
ronie medicine that will act gently on
Hie liver ana blood, ana tor tuts, noth
:ng equals Dr. liuti's Improved Liver
ntis. iney give an activity to me
Siver, purify the blood and by their
:mia tonic action, new vitality ana
dreirth to the entire system. Sold at
25 cents a box by M. A. Miller.
For Sawmill Proprietor.
Sawmill men should be careful
how thev violate the law by throw
ing sawdust into the streams. The
iowest penalty for so doing is $100
tine, I be law passed by the last
Legislature is as follows:
"It shall not be lawful for the
proprietor of any sawmill in this
3tate, or airy employe therein, or
iny other person, to cast sawdust,
planer shavings or other lumber
waste made by any lumbering
manufacturing concern, or sutler or
permit such sawdust, shavings or
ther lumber wast to be thrown
or discharged m any manner into
the water of this state, or the
Columbia river, or to deposit the
fame where high water will take
the same into any of the waters of
this state, or the Columbia river
and any person or persons violat
ing anv ot the provisions of this
section shall be deemed guilty of a
misdemeanor, and upon conviction
thereof shall be fined in a sum
uot less than one hundrd dollars
nor more than two hundred and
fifty dollars."
Bucklen's Arnica Salve
The Best Salve in the world for
Cuts, Bruises, Bores, Ulcers, Hall
Kiieutn, Jrever Sores, 'lVttcr, t -happed
Hands, Chilblains. Corns, and all Hkin
Eruptions, and positively cures Piles.
or no pay required. Tt Is guaranteed
to give periocc sausiactioti, or money
refunded. Price 25 cents ier box. For
sale by Roberts & Miller.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice w hereby eiven that, bv virtu re of an
order of the County !ourt of Linn county, Oregon
made and duly entered of record therein, May
28, 1831, the undersigned N. R. Dalgleish n an ap
pointed administrator of the Cbtate of Wm. M.
Harbour, ded'd. An" and all nenons havinr
claims against said estate are hereby notified to
present them, with proper vouchers, to the under
signed, at the store of Barbour & IahjciKli, I,eban-
on, unn county, megon, wnnin six monins irom
this date. Lebanon. Or.. June 5,
K. 8. OALGEISH, Aflm'T
Est. Wm' Barbour. Dec'd.
$100 Reward. $100.
The reaflersmf The Express will betleased
to lenrn that there is at least one dreaded
diffftM- that science bus been able to cure in
all ita sfajres, and that is Catarrh. Hall's
Catarrh Cure ic the or-ly TKisitivecure nov
known to the medical 'fraternity. Catarrh
hcinjr a constitutional disease, reduires a
nstit-ntinal treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is tnken internally, actinjr directly
Uhii the blood and mucous surface of the
svstmn, thereby destroying: the foundation
of the disease, and giving the patient
litv consrituiion
... ... . - , 1 rrMiiT 11 rtv riiniinnL' 1111
High ami the grounu run or waier ami nf .iisiinjr nature in doin its work. The
verv soft. Yet on pushing a cane into , aronneiorK have so much faith in us cura
.,th, ped i auffinot IUanitv , l- th.t .1 oJ, O,,, HhM
rinugh to stte the water ; t4'e:id for li::t of" tesfimotiials. Additss K. J
; and close it up. j 1 -hencv S '-o., loledo, O
eaitth, rtifl escaKd ii
t'T jJ'.llLrht enough
S t!juho!eai
't 1
3Crt. 3MC- I1ANTA,
Press Suits, WTash Suits. VTraps. and Plain Sewing
Neatly and Promptly Done.
Cnttlnjr and Fin in ft Specialty. Charprs reason
able. A i.-iir shore of fcewing sttlicittMl.
Hardwark, Stoves and Ranges
Alhanv, Ore.
Xlie Bachelor Metlnv.
The bachelor section is about two miles
east of Willow Prairie, and is completly
settled by bachelors.
A. J. Nichols has a new house on his
ranch, just about finished.
A. H. McQueen has commenced his new
house and we are looking for Mr. A. Phelps
up in a few days to build his house.
Mr. Btiengrant has got a fine place and
the finest garden in the mountains.
Ivev. T. A. Yost preached at Willow
Prairie June 7th.
W. R. Mealy has been working on his
ranch and from the look of things we think
that William is tired of baching and will
take untc himself a housekeeper. There i
are about as many old maids in the moun- j
tains as there are old bachelors so it
about a stand off betweeu the bachelors and
oid maids.
Mr. A. Hackleman passed over the road
with his drove of cattle to-day.
Mr. Mealy's ranch corners on " fli
bachelor section on the south-west, it is
fine ranch and will be worth money some
day. We think Andy and Jedd aredoomcd
to be old bachelors sure enough, if they
don't get a different- move on them than
they have had, for the two Bills and A. H.
are sailing their boats all around them.
Andy and Jedd's advice is for little boats to
keep near the shore and not let the paddle
dip or they will be swamped.
Whenever the Crow starts over to the
places named in the last writing, don't
forget the bachelors and we will see if the
('row don't get some of the finest straw
berries a crow ever saw.
IWe use the Pacific Washing Machine
We don't use the Pacific Washing Machine
Notice What we Claim for the Pacific.
FrasT A family's wash hip done perfectly white
.ta snow, in 30 mlnntea, or one-fifth the time of
any machine on the market.
Second No labor.
Third No rubbinx-
FoVKTH No time(eomparatiTely)
Fifth N fuel (eomparatirely)
Sixth No chemicals to rot the garments
Setexth No soaking;
EiGirru No pumping or pounding
Nikth No boiling
Temth No weartnr
EutreztTH No teorinf
The machine will save the arermge family 25
per cent per year by not rubbing or wearing; tb
clothing in the washing procesB. to say nothing of
Us great aavina- of labor, mel and time. "Si
1b belierinc;," so please ace oar machine operate
before you object, or buy some inferior machine.
Read what Your Neighbors Say About the Pacific:
EruEXE, OR.. April 1. 1891.
We. the underalgnied citizens of Eugene, Oregon
having TnosoTOHLT toted the Pwine Washing
Marhine do mont chcerfullT reconunend the same
o all who need a nirt-clas machine,
it does its work KXFBcn.T in a remarkable
'bort time, and without any labor, so to speak.
It Is all that Messrs. Bunch A Williams claim tt
Go be.
Mas W B Mummcy
" C S Davia
" J Miller
" D Cherry
I L Simpson
B C Dunn
NB Allen and wife, Pastor Chris
tian Church
G J Travis, Pastor 1st Bap Church
tr St: 1 - , 1 . . . .
i a ivituuit; tt asnuurne, 1 31
E B Handsaker
Mrs W R McCornack
Fannie Lock wood
Mrs Wm Stephens
" J C Watkins
' Sherwosd Burr
" S McConnel
" G Soverns
" John Whitaker
Sarah F Osborn
Mrs T J Ross
SP Powell
G A Blair and wife, Pastor C
" W TEakin
" Nancy Burch
" P Coineor-s
" C F Littlefield
" S E Churchill
" J E Belshaw
" Geo Belshaw
" EE Bleaver
" T N Segar
DtHT McCornack
Wm P Fisher
A E Gallagar
J W Cherry
F E Brines, Christian minister
A E Wheeler
A H Fisk
M E Judkins
The fallowing Citizens of Albany Certify ta the Same
A G Ilovev, Pres Lane Co Bmk,
T G Hendricks, Pres 1st Nat Bank
F M Wilkins
Mrs G P Griffin
Mrs S M Abrains
Mrs E C Smith
Mrs W II Abiams
Mrs E R Luckey
.Mrs r J Crouch
Mrs J J Walton
Mrs Dr I) A Paine
Mrs I)r Harris
Mrs C M Horn
Mrs B D Paine
Mrs Geo O Yoran
.Mrs L Fisher
H Svarverud
H A Haskell
Mr and Mis M S Riddle, Pastor
Presbvterian Church
E C Lrrimer
Sam Nelson
-Mrs 8 H Friendlv
P E Snodgrass
G M Whitndv
Ge B Hall
C Huff
J W Egan
R B Henderson
Dr Shelton
Ada MePherson
M C Dovle
Albany. Oregon.
Will pradice in all tlje onrts of this State.
Ollife, front rooms over bunk of Oregon.
Vnnr Face.
You can got your ijiuttlre takt-n for
PI .50 tvr ti-avvftird fc Puxlmi'rt.
SolU by DruRia j Albany.
! Physician and Surgeon.
Orn'lnatc of riovnl OOUore of tendon and Bell
rue Medmal College. Mass.
. Chronic cases a siH'Cinltv.
(anierB removed without ain or (Tic Iniife.
OITiCh KirUpalrn-k s bui!tl::ig, Lcb:i:ion, Or
Mrs D P Mason
Mrs Wm Meyers
Mrs J L) Irving
Mrs A L Lamb
Mrs R F Ashley
Rev Geo W Hill
J A Combs
F W Schults
Mrs I F Conn
Mrs II P Miller
Mrs G E Chaimberland
Mrs Wallace Baldwin
Mrs H H Hewitt
Mrs J M Pollack
Mrs Geo W Hoohsleetler
Mrs J R Chaimberlain
Mrs J L Cowan
Mrs A Morris
Mrs Martin Payne
Mrs J M Ralston
Mrs B W Cundiff
Mrs F H Roscoe
Mrs E Blairi
Mrs J Kltin
W C Davis
B F Zeigler
H F Hollenback
T Wandell
Mis E Washburn
Knecht fe Meiser
Harland Hulburt
Mrs DEN Blackburn
$500 REWARD.
We will pny 9500 for a that we cannot
wath, as clean as i an bo wnphed, in one-fourth the
time that is required iu the old w sun-board plan.
Agents Wanted Everywhere.
State and connty ritrhtu fr sale. Every family
win buy a machine when they see what it will do.
Yau will not have to be a talker in order f o be a
.Iranian. Show the ladies what it will do and
it is boWI-
The machine will be on exhibiton, after Saturday, June
13, in the sample room of the St Charles Hotel, Lebanon, Or
The Pacific Washing Machine Co.
If you want to see the best assort
ment of General Merchandise in town,
and get the best values for your money,
you cannot do better than call on me
at my old stand, where the latest nov
elties in Spring Goods are to be had
at way-down prices.
Call and examine my stock of Fur
nishing Goods, Ties, Collars and Cuffs,
Kid Gloves, Fine Balbriggan Under
wear, Etc.
I have the latest novelties in Dress
Goods, Ribbons, Rnchings, Silks,
Plushes, and Trimmings of all kinds.
I keep the celebiated P. N; and S. K.
Corsets, which give elegance of shape
and perfection of fit.
Full lines of CLOTHING, BOOTS
stantly on hand.
Produce of all kinds taken in ex
change for goods.
Your patronage is respectfully in
Lebanon, Or.
Headquarters for Bargains
Men's, Youth's and Boy's Clothing,
Furnishing Goods, Eta
Also Keep on Second floor a full line of
rn which I will not be undersold. Come and see me and
I will treat you well.
To Make Room for Vy
Kntlre Stuck of
Boots & Shoes
Lebanon Planing Mill
Refitted, Enlarged and Improved.
I manufacture and deal in Doors, Blinds, all styles of Windew
Frames, Door Frames, Mouldings, Brackets, Etc., in fact anything man
nfactured and kept on hand in a first-class planer.
In connection with the above, I also have on hand a well-assorted
lumber yard in which is to be found reugh and dressed Lumber, Rustic,
Bevel, Weather Boarding, Flooring, and all kinds of Finishing Lumber
for Cornices, Etc.
Now Is the Time to
I Propose to Have
Leading Dry Goods Store
In the Valley.
Carpenter & Builder.
All Kinds Repairing- & Jobbing
Dona on Shortest Notice.
Shop on Main Street, Next Door to
Tailor Shop. .
Bas on band a large stoek of
Promptly attended.
Albany, Orogon.
Notary Public and Collecting Agent,
Justice of the Peace, Lebanon
Lebanon, Oregon.
Call And Secure Prices.
Emporium of Fashion
Is replete with the Latest Styles of TTata, Bonnets
and every variety ot' heiul-srear known to
the LosliiouabU: world.
A First-Clasn T)nOTiinV-lnr Shop in (onnertfoo
, ujhjii lMViuuvu !- iv Hunt: wno uiu.jl
Cutting iumI .t itling a SHrULU.
One Door South or mc - Ex phksi" offics.