. zszzizzz - - ifc - - He who thinks to please the World is dullest of hi httfd; for let him face which way he will, one-half is yet behind. VOL V. LEBANON, OBEGOjST, FKID AT, JUNE 12. 1891, " NO. 14 W. B. DONAGA, -DEALER Groceries and Provisions, Cigars, Tobacco, Furnishing Goods, Etc., First-Class Goods at Reasonable Prices. GIVE ME A TRIAL AND BE CONVINCED. Country Produce Takea in. Exchange for Goods. KEEP ON HAND Shingles, Posts, Boards -Peterson. Notary Public. PETERSON & Real Estate Brokers HAVE ON CHOICE In Iarf?e and Small Farms. Best Fruit the World. Improved and Unimproved Satisfaction Guaranteed. Have on band some LHUiih tu x PROPERTY, Residence and Business. Bargains in all Additions to the Town. Houses Rented and Farms Leased. AGENTS " Guardian Assurance Co., of London. Oakland Home Insurance Co.. of Oakland, Cal. State Insurance Co., of Salem, Oregon. Farmers and Merchants Ins. Co., of Salem Collectiims Receive Prompt Attention. Notary Business a Specialty- We take pleasure in giving our patrons all information desired In our line of business. DR. C. H. DUCKETT, D K.N T I S T LKBASn OREGON. J. K. WEATHERFORD, ATTORNEY- AT - LAW. Office over First National Bank. ALBAJiV. - - - OREGON. W. R. PILYEU, ATTORNEY- AT-LAW. ALBASTOREGOX. J. I. COWAN. J. M. RALSTON Bank of Lebanon, LEBANON, OREGON. Transacts a General Banking Business. ACCOUNTS KEPT SUBJECT TO CHECK. Exchange sold on New York, San rancitto, Portland and -Albany, Org Collections made on favorable terms G. T. COTTONY Dealer in Groceries and Provisions. Tobacco and Cigai-s, Smokers' Articles, Foreign and Domestic Fruits, CJontectionery, Queensware and Glassware, Lamps and PAY CASH FOR EGGS. M.ln Street. Iboon, Oregon LEBANON Meat Market ED. KELLENBERGER, Prop. Fresh & Salted Beep, Pork, Mut ton, Sausage, Bologna & Ham. BACON Km LARD ALWAYS ON HAND afaam Street. Inm w. On. IN- Etc. A STOCK OF and Pickets. Sam'l M. Garland, Attorney-at-Law. GARLAND, HAND Land In Vallev. Finest Grain Banehes In Land, from $4 per Acre and up. FOB EAST AND SOUTH Southern Pacific Route. THK MOUNT SHASTA ROUTE. EXPB1SS TRAINS LBaTK FORTXJLHI DAILY : 7 100 P. M. I io as p.ar. 1 Portland Arl 9:3 " A. M. Albany Ar j 6 :15 a. M. San Francisco Lv9i P. . 10 as A.M. Above trains stop only at tbe following stations north of Boseburg: East Portland, Oregon City, Wood tram. Salem, Albany, Tangent, Shedds, Halsey, uarnsourg, juncuan unj, irYinsauu Eugene. Roseburg Mall Dally. 8 rf A. M. 1 Lv Portland Ar 1 4:00 p. n. 12 :2G P. M. I Lv Albany AT i 12:00 M, 6 .40 P. M. Ar Boseburg . Lt 630 i. M. Albany Local Daily (Except Sunday.) SKJOF.H. Lt Portland Ar 9 :00 A. M. 9:00 P. M. j AT Albany Lt5.-00 A.M Local Pmenger Trains Dally Except Sunday. 2flP. JLILv Albany Ar"j" 9 -25 a" Jl" 2;2& p. it Ar Lebanon Lv SAO a. m 7it0 A. M. I Lv Albany Ar i 4 -.26 P. M 8 32 a. M. Ar Lebanon L,v 3 :40 P. M PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Cars For accommodation of Second-Class Passengers. attac ea to Kxprem trains. WEST SIDE DIVISION. BETWEEN PORTLAND AND CORVALUS. Mall Train Daily (Except Snnday.) At Albans and Corvallls connect with trains o Oregon Pacific Kaiiroaa. (Express Train Dally Except Sunday.) Ar as-Thmncl) ticket a to all oolnts East and South. For tickets and full information regarding rates, maps, etc., call on Jo s agent atiDanon. K. KOEULEK, K. P. ROGERS. Manager. Asst G. F. fc P. Agt I. 11. BORVM. Tonsorial Artist A Good Shave, Shampoo, Hair Uut, Uieaned or uressea. Hot and Cold Baths at all Hours. Children Kindly treated. Calland see me. R. L. McCLUEE (Successor to C. H. Harmon.) Barber : and : Hairdresser. Lebanon, Oregon. Shaving, Haircutting and Shampoo ing in the latest and best style. Spec ial attention paid to dressing Ladies' hair. Your patronage respectfully solicited. Farm Notes. Pertinent JParagrapha. There ought to be no difficulty in growing ail the flax, ramie and similar fiber plants we want in California. It would not pay, of course, to devote orange or cherry or strawberry land to flax raising, but there is a good deal of land in California where orange growing or strawberry prow- rig will not pay, and on some of this the fiber plants will, some time. The charge that bees bite grapes and thus gain access to the contents of their skins has been abandoned and the calumniators of the indus trious littie workers now assert that the bee spits upon the grape a sub stance which eats awav the skin. Ex periments have been made by shut ting bees up with no food but grapes and keeping them thus to the point of starvation, but they left the grapes whole, though running all over them and extracting every atom of moisture where one was already broken. If the bee was such an effective spitter then was the time for him to spit for dear life, but he starved without. The spit story needs verification. Calf Rearing. Prof. W. A. Henry gives the Live Stock Gazette the following notes on raising calves for milking cows or beef: On the range, of course, the calves run with the cows, and there the question is a simple one. Upon the cheaper farming lands of the west a good cow by a little careful manage ment will bring up two or three calves, and where labor is high this is probably as economical a system as any. Farther east, where lands are assessed at high figures and where the art X butter-making is well under stood, few farmers can be found who are willing to follow the simpler methods of the west. In such dis tricts if the calf lives on full milk for a rew weeks it may thank its lucky stars while reveling in that luxury. The common practice is to wean the calf as soon as it has relieved the mother of the colostrum milk, that is, within two or three days from the time it is dropped. When taken from the mother place the calf where it is quiet, and where the mother cannot hear it "bleat." Do not attempt to feed until it is hungry when it usually can be readily taught to drink milk by use of the fingers in the meuth. Much of the trouble of breaking calves to drink comes from trying to feed them when they are not hungry. If a calf will not soon learn to drink the milk better get it out of the way at once, for such animals are usually un satisfactory later on. Start with full milk, taking care to have it of the natural warmth and not feeding too much. Two quarts three times a day are ample for the beginning, increas ing gradually. After two or threw weeks substitute sweet skim-milk for part of the full milk, and gradually make the change. Calves can be reared entirely upon skim-milk after they are three weeks old, and grown into fine dairy animals. Tbe greatest trouble in using skim- milk is that it is fed in excessive amounts, being considered cheap food and being fed cold, we must not ex pect a calf to thrive that drinks several quarts of cold milk two or three times a day. The feeder should use a ther mometer and warm the milk to 100 degrees : this is easiest done by pour ing in sufficient very hot water to raise the temperature the required amount. A better way is to use the hot water in making a gruel of a little oil cake and then pouring in the milk. A tablespoonful of oilcake made into gruel each meal per calf is ample to start with, increasing according to the requirements and age of the animal. Scouring is the common trouble with feeding skim-milk. This is due to feeding too much, feeding too cpld or feeding at irregular periods. As soon as detected reduce the amount of feed at once, putting the animal on short rations. If the trouble continue. give strong coffee or use parched flour or eggs. If possible at once move the patient to other quarters. The change is often a great benefit. Avoid the trouble by carefully regulating the amount of feed, giving the milk at blood heat and at regular periods. Place an inverted sod where the calf can get its nose into the fresh earth and eat what it wants. Teach the calves early to eat grain by placing a handful of whole or ground oats in the mouth immediately after it is through drinking at the oail and when it is easrer for some thing to suck. At first it will spit out me oa,us, uut aiLer a lew ut,y ti win begin to chew them, when a handful mav be placed in the feedincr box. Place no more feed before the calf than it will eat up clean soon after oeiDg iea. jtreat care snouiu oe uiKen that nothing remain over from one feed to another to be tainted and rendered unpalatable. But very little feed will be consumed at first, and only a very small amount should be : eriven. Under the system I have described grade Jerseys calves usually gain with us a pound and a half a day. We have pure-bred Jerseys and Short horns that have gained two pounds a day lor aconsiueraoie penoa. About the only way in which the dried or evaporated apples can be made palatable is to stew them slowly for a long time. When thoroughly done, so there will be no lumps, pass through a colander, making a homo geneous mass about the color and thickness oi apple-butter. Add the juice ot u temon. cinnamon and cloves with discretion, ami sugar with liberal heari, lenidics of tariff, and by "making beneve veiv hard," after the fashion ot Di Kens Marchion ess," you have a wr( ..ur .. u Institute orapple-bu tter. Current News. A Victim of Foul Play or a Uar. May 22 Fred Hitzman, aged 22, dis appeared from his home in East Port land., The next Tuesday, the 2fith, his mother received a letter, posted at Oregon City as follows: "Dear Mother: I expect you feel terribly worried about me. After I left home on Friday X went down and met a man I know, who asked me to go to Vancouver, and showed two tickets. He said he would be back that night, but we did not return until the next day, and got off the cars at Albina. There we took a drink of water from a glass which my com panion took from his pocket, and I : lost all consciousness. The next I re : membered I was lying under the shade of a tree in an Indian camp. The Indians said they had found me and brought me in, but they could not speak enough English to tell me where 1 am, but they are very kind and will take you this letter. I sup pose you are worried about me, but do not worry any more, for when you get this I shall be dead. I have been vomiting blood all day. I think I am near Vancouver, but don't know just where. The reason my companion gave sue the drugged drink was be cause of a terrible secret of his that I know. Yet I freely forgive him, and his secret is safe with me forever." The young man's father visited a number of Indian - camps in that vicinity without finding any trace of him, and also procured a search war rant and visited several ships to see if he had been shanghaied, but could learn nothing in regard to him. Strike and Boycotts. The San Francisco granite cutters, whe were working eight hours a day, with a half holiday Saturdays, for $4 day, were notified that, as filling pipes was occupyinganother half-hour of their, time, a loss on which their employers had not counted, smoking during work hours would be pro hibited after June 1. Against this order they struck May 35. The matter was submitted to the state board of arbitration which decide! that the granite cutters may smoke. The executive council of the Ameri can Federation of Labor charges the failure of the eight-hour strike of the United Mine Workers to the Knights of Labor, while many unions of miners charge it to the federation and are bodily joining the Knights. Homeless and destitute families of defeated striking coke workers in the Scottdale (Pa.)district are being sup ported by charity by hundreds and the strikers, unable to get work at any of the factories on any terms, are leaving the place, poverty-stricken and on foot. Three boycotting bakers were twice arrested for disturbing the peace in San Francisco May 29 and one striking mill bench hand was arrested for threatening the life of a non-union man who had taken his place. The carpenters' district council met June 1 and declared the strike off. A Const Cyclone. A cyclone passed over Arlington, Or., May 27. The large general mer chandise store of D. S. Sprinkle eol lapsed under the force of the gale, burying in the ruins Mr. Sprinkle, his wife and N. B. Baird of Fairhaveu Wash., who happened to be in the store at the time. Mrs. Sprinkle was injured internally. Mr. Baird sus tained severe injuries to his head and back. Mr. Sprinkle escaped with a few bruises. The large building used as a skating rink and opera hoi owned by L. O. Ralston, is in rum?. Considerable damage was dor throughout the country. A windstorm prevailed at Payutt I-hih", the samo. day, and the larg livery stable of Williams & Paine was blown down. An unknown man who was asleep in the stable at the time was fount) in the debris unconscious, but not dead. The damage vena about $5000. Passengers on the railroad say that when the cyclone passed in the vicinity of the train it became almost as dark as night. The large store of M si Brothers was injured so badly that it will have to be rebuilt from the ground. Many private dwellings were damaged. Two men vcere seriously injured. What marked it as a cyclone was the fact that while it pursued straight course it would drop down striking one house and skipping the next. Action Reproduced by Photography. Edison has perfected apparatus by which he can reproduce, together with the sounds of an opera or a play given by the phonograph, on a white cur tain in front of the audience the original scene as true as life. The audience will see the singers before them, and all their movements and gestures will appear as if they were actually on the stage. Colors will not appear, but otherwise they will see and hear the opera as they see it at theaters. The machine is, in fact, mechanical eye. The machine is placed in front of the stage, operated by an electric motor, and starts, moves, uncloses, stops, takes a photograph, closes, starts, uneloses, stops, takes another and so on, and forty-six of these are recorded every second. This process can be kept up for thirty minutes without a pause, so that 2760 photo graphs can be taken each minute and 82,800 every half hour. Afterward the photographic slips will be developed; replaced in the machine, and a pro jecting lens will be substituted for the photograph lens. Then the repro ducing part of the phonograph will be adjusted, and by means of a cal cium light the whole can be projected upon a white curtain anywhere. General News. UNITED STATES. Several persons were killed In a riot ; a circus at Mahanov Citv. Fa.. May 27. - Miss Laura Bonhominee of Owens- boro, Ky escaped from her father's nouse ana eioped to Indiana with a Mr. Jones, where thev were married. Her father swore out a warrant for her arrest, charcin or her with penury. aad the governor made a requisition ! on Governor Hovey of Indiana for her, but Hovey refused to surrender her. j The rubber trust has coilasped. I Kev. Georcre Vancil. who converted and staited in the ministry Jeremiah 'Holmes, who was caught passing counterfeit money at Duquoin, III., nas oeen arrested ior tne same crime. aticirs convert had led him, too, astray. Mary Anderson saysshewtll not re turn to the stage. . Miss Jennie Webb, a school teacher at Pontiac, Mich., has been arrested ior Hogging a boy pupil so as to cause his death. A colored man named Baldwin. feeling that he had been slighted at Vreth's hotel, Boston, on account of his color, took a colored reporter with him and ordered dinner there again. Among the things they ordered were pudding and a glass of milk. The pudding was salted and the milk was watered. They took samples away with them and crave them to the health inspector and the hotel man has been unea ior selling aiiuiea ntiia. It has been discovered that the Louisiana law against jury bribing has no penal clause and the bribers of the Mafia jury will escape. Harrv Tracy killed James Burns with a foul blow in a prize fight at Lynn, Mas?., and is under arrest for manslaughter. Enemies of David Glickman drew over his head a bag soaked in coal oil as he was going home in Chicago the other night and set fire to it. He and a rnend wno neipea remove it were frightfully burned and Glickman may never see again. Lawrence Drver drove off a band of White Caps who broke his door down at Waterville, Wis., by firing a shot pun into the crowd, but unfortunately ne iailea to Kin any oi tnem. The New York Society of Friends dtseussea tne liquor question ana tne men voted to prohibit the use of in trT w.nt.ct iv memhers. while, the women voted to refer the question to their xliscipline committee, which will confer with a likecommittee from the men. Judtre Patterson of the New York supreme court has iust handed down an important decision in which he holds that an illegitimate child can inherit its mother's property regard less of a will executed before its birth and admitted to probate. The Harvard students have painted the marble statute of John Harvard red again. The commissioner of internal rev enue has issued another circular on the federal licmor license Question closinor with the words: "Once for all. this office wishes it understood mat toe government aoes not license liquor selling of whatever description, and onlv outs a vearlv tax on liauor- sellers, and does not seek to interfere in prohibition districts. Leonie Burtlie was offered $1000 to get on the jury that tried the Mafia muraerers in aew Orleans ana secure their acouittal. He refused it and after the lynching was given $1000 to leave the city and not testify in the bribery cases, but he was arrested at St. Ijouis ana tauen oacK. Barn urn's body is to be cremated. It was buried first, but grave robbers nave oeen alter it. A lartre tract of land is to be bousrht near Harrison, N. J., and fifty cot tages built for needy Jewish refugees, and if this experiment is a success 200 or 300 more cottages will be built irom tne jjaron nirscn ninci. FOREIGN. A hurricane on lake Ilmen. in Nov- crorod. Russia, a few davs affo. wrecked nineteen lumoer vessels anu urowneu their crews. The British government has asked parliament to prohibit seal hunting : by British subjects in Behring sea tins year. The expulsion of Jews from Russia is being carried on with remorseless vigor and European cities are crowded with penniless refugees. The O'Shea divorce decree has been mitile absolute. Ttie Esmeralda was given five days' coai at Acapulco and ordered to leave the port, which she did. -fTen rsons perished in a fire in a petnl iiMi refinery at Condekerque, Hoot In i d, May 2G. The Paris staged ri vers have struck for a twelve-hour day. .There have been serious labor riots at Corunna, Spain. France has provided for the storing in every fortified town or sufficient grain to last the civilians there two months in case of siege. The Chilean congressional party has attacked Balmaceda's credit by declarincr void all transactions based on deposits of silver in the mint at Santiago. Premier John A. McDonald of Can ada had a fatal stroke of paralysis May ay. Bolivia has recognized the Chilean rebel government. It appears that Commissioner Quin ton ana the four men who perished with him at Manipur had been sent Uj V iceroy uttuauunue wiiu uiuoio to capture Senaputty treacherously. Senaouttv turned the tables, captured them bv treachery and they were bound and first their feet, then their hands and then their heads were cut off. The English radicals demand the resignation of Lansdowne. The people of Newfoundland, an gered by the conduct of the imperial government in the dispute with the rench , refused to celebrate the queen's birthday and tried to burn the royal standard flagstaff at the government house at St. John. The populace of the commune of Misterbianco, in Sicily, rose in revolt May 28 against a local tax and, in vading the town, set fire to several buildings. The troops quelled the disturbance and arrested the leaders. Fifteen thousand, carpenters were locked out in London May 25. Mrs. Emma Spaulding of Eugene has been arrested for sending obscene matter through the mails. The nine Japanese women refused a landing at San Francisco were hnmuil liuino T .TlldflTA TkAflflv lit. Port. I land. Woman's World. From Driving Cows to Driving; Bigotry. Many readers will remember the excellent portrait given last fall In the Farmer and Homes of Mrs. Lucy Stone, the friend of all women whether believers or opponents of suffrage. From a sketch in Demorest's Maga zene this glimpse of Mrs. Stone's child hood is taken. "I am sorry it is a girl,' said the mother of Lucy Stone when that now famous woman was born. "Women have such a hard time In life.' And her words were a far echo of those of Martin Luther, who placed his hand above his infant daughter's head and said, "This is a hard world for girls." It has been a hard world for girls and a sorry one indeed for the rank and file of women ; but One wonders whether, could Lucy Stone's mother have looked across the coming years from her little bedroom in a Massachu setts farmhouse so many years ago, and seen the opened doors and widened avenues for women of to-dav. opened and widened by the brave and loyal pioneer work of the baby she wished had been a boy, and a few moro true and earnest souls like hers, she would not have felt a divine com mission and aspiration and said in stead, " For humanity's sake, Amen !" When that baby was older she was early put to work for others. The New England spirit of utility and helpfulness was carefully cultivated in every child's bosom in those days. I can remember," says Lucy Stone, " when I was about nine or ten years old I had to get up before the sun every morning in summer and go for the cows, and I used to run along the highway barefooted in the dewy mornings, wishing I could have lain abed a little longer. There was a particular fiat stone, I remember, where I used to stop for a minute and warm one cold bare foot against the other leg, watching the red glow flame up in the east ; but it was only for a minute each morning because I couldn't be late with the cows, you know." How could this simple-hearted country, girl know that a few years later she would be eagerly watching the sky of the world's progress for the first signs of women's emancipa tion, the glowing reddening streaks of broader opportunities and larger developments for her sex? And, poor child, that duriug the first dawn of the movement she would have to stand almost alone with cold feet, but a warm, earnest heart, on the chill, immovable stone of prejudice and long-established custom? The Blesssed Little One. No one but the childless wife can Jtnow the longing she has for a bairn all her own. How she misses the caress of baby hands and the little clinging arms and tender kisses of baby lips ! As the years go by and no child appears to bless the home, no matter how happy a one it is, she knows there is something wanting. When she gazes on a happy mother with her little ones with all the care and trouble they are, still making home so bright, then the hunger her heart is greater, and she only can tell you how she longs for the carress or baby arms. She sees in the dim future the childless old age, when other interests are waning no son or daughter with little ones around the hearthstone to recall happy by-gone years. Children may be adopted, but there must always be a sad remern brance that she has missed something of sweet motherhood. Of course there is more freedom without children. and I often think God does not give children to all that they may devote time and talents to other things for the benefit of mankind, or that they may look after some or the many little motherless beings in the world, On the other hand, all children are not blessings, and it would be far harder to see a beloved child turn out badly than to have had none ; but the question is: Cannot all fathers and mothers so bring up their children that there will be no black sheep? Corr. Rural Press. It is a curions fact that there nothing which is so wholly unanimous as tne aesire mat otner people i daughters should be cooks and cham ber-maids. We never think of it as a thing desirable, or perhaps suppos able, for our own, and this fact seems to damage most of our arguments for otners. x. w. mgginson. The California Fruit Grower says "If shippers force commission men to become buyers instead of handlers on commission, they are doing them selves a great injury, for the minute the commission interests are out of the field the shipper will be kept as much in the dark as possible regard ing what is going on in the world' markets." With the present facilities for obtaining news it ought to be im possible for anybody to keep anybody "in the dark regarding the world markets." Every farmer or fruit grower ought to take at least one agricultural or horticultural weekly, which would keep him posted, and every man producing any consider able quantity has his daily paper. with its market reports, showing not only what wholesalers are paying but what families are paying at retail MOWS THIS T Wo offer One Hundred DoUars reward for any case of catarrh that cannot be cured by taking P. J. CHENEY & CO.. PrODB.. Toledo. O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and beUeve him perfectly honorable In aU business transactions, and fin ancially able to carry out any obligations made oj tneir iirm. West A TBUAX. Wholesale D ruin? fata. Toledo. Waldino, Rinnan & Martin, wholesale Drug aists, Toledo, O. Hull's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, acting airecuy upon uio dioou ana mucous sunaces ui the system. TesUntonlats seat free. Prtoe 75c par bottlA, Bold by all aruggl&hv A KENTUCKY BEAR-HUNT. Tnlorons Deeds of Youthful Sportsmen Their Triumphant Return. A few years aeo there could be found no braver hunters than the mountains Kentucky- afforded. The same baa. for the most part, disappeared, but there stilt remain tne "sons ot sires" who fought the ferocious bear and panther of former times. Accordingly, when not Ions' since it was noised about that a real bear's ack bad been seen not far from town. lere was a sudden excitement among the younger generation that knew no bounds, writes a Hyden (Ky-) cor respondent of tbe Qlobe - JJemoeraL Every old rusty fire-lock was cal led in to use by plucky Nimrods who were thirsting to meet the bear face to face. It was animating to see the boys leave the town in a loug trot, their feet far apart in the stirrups and their guns high; in air. .tvery clog that could make a noise and would not bite was taken along. Every man was to make ,11 the noise be could, also. This was to give the bear a chance. To come upon a bear suddenly and murder bim was not considered fair. When they thought he might be in a certain thicket they gave h im a fair and gentle manly opportunity to get out before they got in. A lot of banters more courteous to their game bas likely never oeen loumi. But notwithstanding' such precaution. one of tbe boys accidentally came in tight oi tne near. ah at once this lel ovr bethought himself of the needs of is family or something else that de manded bis presence at home. He didn't undervalue his gun. but he was n a mighty hurrv. and so he left it till another time. His hat fell off as be went along, but it was getting late and he thought he would let it go till he eame after bis gun. When ne got home the folks asked im what be had come for. He said be bad come after ammunition. They wanted to kuow what be bad done with his hat. He said the bear had eaten it uu. "Where is. vour gun?" they asked. -I put it in a hollow tree till I go back.1 be said. "But how do you know the bear will be there when on get back? they inquired. "I guess Know now to nunt near," was ms answer. hen some of the bovs brought bis gun in that evening be was 'mighty mad." 'Til let 'em know," be said, "that 1 am t afraid to go no where after my own gun." Tbe method of tbe bors was as fol lows: When one found the bear's track be at once gave a yell, whereupon tbe other bors would close in on the track. breathless and with guns cocked. Wben certain that the bear itself was somewhere else they breathed more freely, and letting down tbe hammers of their guns went in quest of another track. Ud the second day ot the bant one of tbe bovs. who carried a 45 pistol. was heara to discharge eve snots rapid- Itr On haclaninff In him hair fnnnil that be had reloaded and was standing itu bts pistol in both hands, presented on some object in a bunch of bush. "Here he is, boys,n he said. "Where!" said a dozen vices. "Right there io that bush." "Yes: that's bim," they all said. Each one then proceeded to empty bis gun into the ill-fated bear. Over seveuiy shots were tired into him broadside. The bear didn't even move. This created some suspicion. But one old fellow said be knew what was tbe matter. The bear was killed too dead to move. No bear could stand that amount of lead thrown into bim and be expected to move. Then eantionsly supping np closer on uptoe,mey peerea through the brush, when there it was, sure enough, a big black stumol Matters went on in this way for two or three days more. The horses were jaded. Some of the dogs were knocked out or tne county tne near was ciose to the couuty line while the others even refused to look the wav the bear had gone. Things were getting des perate, when one North, who had hid den himself in a tree-top. spied Mr. Bruin as be walked along and shot him. It is surprising how soon a wound will heal on a bear. Not less than a score of bullets had been shot into this bear; that is. by the nightly reports, and yet when he was dead but one bullet-hole could be found in bim. It was funnv to see how the bors faces ?hone with valor as they marched into town bearing for their flag of triumph Bruin s winter clothing held, atoit on a cbestnut pole. A TwlrWnjr Stone. . There has been discovered about half a mile west of the Bargytown ledges a twirling stone of about five tons weight. It has always been re garded as a bowlder, and from the way it is poised, on tne rocK ueneatn it no oue could see why it should not rock. Hundreds have tried to rock it in vain, and tbe surprise of the man wbo first felt it move under pressure may better be imagined than described. It moves hard, of course, but it moves, tbe tinder informs us, round as if it was placed upon a pivot. It has been care fully examined, and while it looks like a bowlder, several allege that it must be a ceremonial stone set there by some prehistoric race. This rock is creating great interest among the bowlder tran ters of eastern Connecticut. JVorwic Conn.) Bulletin. A Hint for Home Decorators. For the decoration of the panels of dados and doors and portions of wall surfnces.says TJteLadie Home Journal, apply a smooth, three-stranded cord, one-eighth of an inch in diameter, gild ed or bronzed, representing any fanci ful form, such as spiral figures which are just now so fashionable with de signers. Irish or Celtic interlacing work may be done in a wonderfully striking way with it. It lends itself well to the tracing of the outlines of bold designs. The cords are coated with glue, then with gold-size, after which the gilding is laid on. They are fastened with short, brass-beaded nails. Why He Wanted a Nice Picture. A local photographer tells a story of a young man who came into the studio one day aud asked nervously if he might have a Utile conversation with him. Tbe visitor was painfully ugly, and after some awkward blushing and indefinite allusions he asked the artist if he supposed he had among bis sam ples a picture of any yoong man wbo looked like him. but was better look ing. "What do you mean, young mauP" asked the . photographer. "Well, replied he. making a clean breast of it, I am just engaged to be married. The young lady lives out west. She is going home to-morrow. She says she thinks I'm so good she doesn't mind my being homely, but she wants a good looking picture to JL I laae lioiuu wiLU nut lu suu ttia giiia. - Boston Traveller. CRAPE CULTURE. as Interesting aad Carious Facta from the Census KeporM A recent bulletin for the census de partment gives some interesting facts in regard to the history of grape-growing in the United States. For more . than luo years, says u. (Gardner. special agent in charge of this branch of tbe agricultural division, efforts were made to grow the European varieties of grapes in the open air, al ways, however, resulting in failures, except in California, where viticulture was introduced by the Franciscan farmers many years ago, and where tbe foreign grapes grow to perfection. -Eastern growers finally turned their attention to the improvement of native varieties, with great success. In New York state, in what is known as the Lake Keuka district, a growsr of grapes shipped bis first crop, amounting to fifty pounds, to the New York market, about 1845, by way of the New York and Erie canal. 'The grapes were delivered in good con dition, and tbe commission bouses handling them wrote encouragingly to the shipper, advising further ship ments. The next year the grower was able to ship some 200 or 300 pounds. He overdid the matter, however, and tbe New York market on grapes broke under tbe pressure. It is estimated that dnring this last season (1890) there have been shipped from this same district and carried by tbe differ- . ent railroad and express companies to New York, Boston. Philadelphia, and other distributing markets about 20.000 tons or 40.000.000 pounds of grapes, and probably one-quarter of this amount was in addition sold to wine manufacturers. The Hudson river district in the same state is estimated to have shipped to the New York and other markets during the same time between 13,000 and 15.000 tons or 28, 000,000 pounds of grapes, while the Chautauqua district of New York, where tbe industry bas been growing and prospering only through tbe last decade, furnished as its 1890 crop for the different markets of tbe conn try probably about 1.200 car-loads or 30, 000,000 pounds of table grapes, making a grand total of 98.000.000 pounds as tbe product of what is known as the New York state district. This does not include the large amount of grapes nsed in tbe district for wine Teh am a county. California, bas the largest vineyard" in the world 3,800 acres. There were in the distillery on this vineyard in April. 1890. 300,000 gallons of brandy and 1,000,000 gal lons of wine. California bas also tbe smallest vineyard in the. world. It is a vineyard consisting of a single vine, in Santa Barbara county. It was planted by a Mexican woman- about sixty-eight years ago. and has a - diameter one foot from the ground of twelve in die-, its branches covering an area of 12.000 feet, and produces an nually from 10.000 to 12,000 pounds of grapes of the Mission variety (many bunches , weighing six and seven pounds), the crop being generally made into wine. The old lady wber" planted tbe one vineyard died in 1865 at the age of 107. One of Ibe largest wine-casks ia tbe world is at a winery in Ohio. It has a capacity of 36.000 gallous. LIBERTY OF ARABS. A Fable Which Probably Has No Maefe Foundation In Reality. . Three men were disputing, in the court of -tbe Caaba, which was the most liberal person among the Arabs. One gave tbe preference to Abdallah, the son of Jaafar. the nncleof Mohammed; another to Kais Ebn Saad A bad ah, and the third gave it to Arabah. of the tribe or aws. Alter mnen oeoaie one that was present, to end the dispute," proposed that each of them should go to bis friend and ask bis assistance, tbat they might see what each man gave and form a judgment according ly. This was agreed to. and Abdallah's friend, going to htm, found btra with his foot in the stirrups, just mounting . bis camel for a journey, and thus ac costed bim: "Son of the nncle of the apostle of God, I am traveling and in necessity. Upon which Abdallah alighted and bade him take the camel with all tbat was upon her; but desired bim not to part with a sword which happened to be fixed to the saddle, be cause it belonged to Ali. the son of Abotaleb. So he took tbe camel and fonnd on her some vests of silk and 4.000 pieces of gold; bnt the thing of greatest value was the sword. Tbe second went to Kais EbuSaad, whose servant told bim tbat his master was asleep, and desired to know bis busi ness. The friend said he eame to ask Kais' assistance, being in want on the would rather supply his nececesskv than wake his master, and gave him a purse of 7,000 pieces of gold, assuring him it was all the money then in the house. He also directed him to go to those who had charge of the camels with a certain token, and take a camel and a slave and return home with them. When Kais asyoke and his serv ant informed him what he had done, he gave bim his freedom, and asked him wby he did not call him, for, said he, I would have given him more.1 The third man went to Arabah and met him coming out of his house in order to go to prayer, ana leaning on two slaves because his eyesight failed him. The friend no sooner made known his case than Arabah let go the slaves, and clapping his hands to gether, loudly lamented his misfortune io having no money, bnt desired bim to take tbe two slaves, which the man refused to do, till Arabah protested that if he would not accept them be would give them their liberty, and, leav ing the slaves, groped his way along the wall. On the return of the" adven turers judgment was unanimously and with great justice given by all who were present that Arabah was the most generous of tbe three. Mrs. Ltangtry Plncasbton. One of the most marvelous pin cushions belongs to Mrs. Langtry. It is a silver framing that in years gone by, when Ireland claimed kings, held tbe wooden-bowl in which the steam ing hot potatoes were brought on tbe table to delight royalty. It was found taruished and dark in an old shop ia Dublin, bought for a small sum, cleaned up, and now the centre is rilled with a fat, blue velvet cushion, in. which are stuek pins, little and big. black and white, and of all sizes and sharpnesses. The Ladies Borne Journal. There is now being finished at Green ville, Fa., a disk of glass for a refract ing telescope lens, which is claimed as the Inrgest tbat bas ever been madeiri the United States. The disk is 50It inches iu diameter by 5 1-2 iuches i thickuess, aud weigtia over 300 pound - - ' . i '