Lebanon Express. H. Y. KIRKPATRICK, Editor - and - Proprietor. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. On. r-Ar - 92 00 !l jrtutl ill d'RiK-?. SI tw:rvr.) Six ?noi!hi..:....:. .. . 1 00 Thr.e mw:hrf ....... . o1 4:liiU: ?pic?............ . or Tin-Kent! lo Lttkv 8M're A Easteru ?faiilw:iy Iims Imm'ti transferred to the Spokane has just completed liish school buildir.R at . est of tll)2 000. Chas B. Belcher, asred 18 yer, was drowned ill the McKinzie river last week. Kentucky proposes to celebrate its centennial ns a state, and is now m kmc; preparation therefor. The famous case of the state of "Washington v.s. Angus McLean, for burning lintel at Shelton, that wtate. has been brought to an end hv the discharge of the defendant. A Philadelphia paper in describ ing a New York preacher, says:"He is like an auger; he takes hold right away, cuts nil the time and quits when he is through." If Estee of California, should nueceed Noble as secretary- of the interior, as is indicated by the des patches he will, the Pacific coast would regard him as comprehend ing her needs and sympathizing with her aspirations. He is one of the best men of his party ou this coast. Von Moltke's cheif bsoks were iho Bible, Shakespeare, Goethe aind Scott. He seldom read any other but technical works on war. Here is a moral for the man who nibbles at a thousand books and digests none. He will never Jive to be ninety and have a monument when he dies. An adventurous young gentle man of Eimmclaw intends to scale hc heights of Mt. Rainier, and if jssible, on the ronrth ot July next, plaut upon its sky-cutting 31 pex the starry finer. The banner f liberty is to be 15x20 feet in size and will wave a greeting to Puget sound and the Pacific ocean from a eeetional pole about thirty feet in length. There are many good principles, embodied in the platform of the new party, such as the abolition of national banks, prohibition of alien ownership of lands, the re turn to the government of all rail road lands not "needed" by the rail roads, the election of the president -1v a direct vote of the people, the luafrtnission of universal suffrage to the people of the several states. The vote upon the question ef the consolidation of the cities of Portland, East Portland and Albi na resulted in about ten to one in tivor of consolidation. It is a matter of eongratulstion to the eople of the new Portland, as well as all citizens of this state. With its combined population Portland etands head and shoulders above any citv of the Pacific north-west. - fAs e rule in life there is but lit tle of what is called "luck;" and if the eases of individual success or failure in life are carfully studied ' it will be foundjn meetof them that neither good nor bad luck had anything to do with them, utthat . intelligence, ambition, energy ap plication and courage made the successful man, and the lack of all or of some of these things was res onsible for the failure of the un successful one. An exchaore says that the aver age man prefers the society of a pure woman to thpt of a social out cast, but when the former is denied "he takes the latter rather than be deprived of any society." This is putting a very low estimate on the average man. Aside from that it is nonsensical; No average man .-need be deprived of the society of pnre women. The man who, wish .iig the acquaintance of pure wo men of his own position in life, can not obtain it, is not up to the aver age. - He is a chump. The government having secured a consignment of 500 lb. smokeless !owder of the brand now used by some of the armies of Europe, the board of army officers appointed to select a magazine symtem for rifles and carbines and a test and report for adoption of snch smokeless powder as is deemed most available to ns, will be able to further prose- j cute its investigations. The tests will be made at Springfield, Mass., j where American inventors will have art opportunity to submit v capons whose qualities will com pare with the Schmidt rifle Swit zerland, capable of firing thirty shots a minute, the French Lelel rifle, which can send J a bullet through over fifteen inches of oak at 220 yards, and others with death dealing records. Oiir neighbor, the Albany Dem ocrat, says: Some people do not loose much sleep studying about how to make themselves pleasant' and agreable to their neighbors.South Bethlehem Pa. has a citizen in this class. His next-door neighbor wished to put new weather-boards on his house, which was built on the line of the lot. The citizen whose lot joined objected to the use of his ground for the necessary scaffolding. 1 he other is now moving his house four ' feet for this purpose, and when tiic ejl wetfrt-h er-boa rdin g is on it will be moved back to the line. AVM:h proves that surliness does not ai i. wars win and that there is me tim i uuc n.iytu clap-board a h we The Pineville News says: Thous ands of acres of the best agricultu ral lands iu the web-foot country that have been tilled are lying idle and growing lip in weeds. They were mortgaged lands. Their or iginal owners mortgaged them, and b:-ing unable to meet the indebted ness thus incurred by the produc tion and sale of cereal crops, they suHered the inevitable Kansas re suit- a foreclosure. And then they came to eastern Oregon, where they have since prospered. The Willamette valley is doubtless one of the agricultural regions on the face of the earth, but it is heavily mortgaged all the same, and iu that respect its situation is very much akin to the best agricultural districts in the middle west. In writing the above the News editor cither didn't dnow what he was talking about or else was de liberately misrepresenting the mat ter. In the first place the land is not "lying idle and growing up in weeds," and this region shows up as light an indebtedness ns any other part of Oregon. In Linn county a few years ago five loan companies held mortgages ou farms amount ing to about"900 (KM. Now they only carry about $100 000 in that county. That don't look much as though the farmers were becoming bankrupt. -Union City Pilot. The last session of the state grauge, held at Hillsboro, is said to have been a very interesting one and largely attended. A commit tee consisting of R. P. Boise, of Salem, J. Voorheese, if Woodbunij and R. A. Irvine, of Albany, to for mulate a bill en assestment and taxation, and to report by Sept. 1, to the state exeevtive committee, which is instructed to have same printed and send copies to each sub grange in the state for its consider ation ; and their action to reported to the next annual session, which will be held at Albany. Sugges tions from farmers and others who are interested are asked for. The Slem Journal announces that Rev. Doctor Van Seoy has tendered the trustees his resignation as presi dent of the Willamette university. The future engagements of the gentle man are supposed to embrace a year of travel and study and then the accept ance of the chancellorship of the new Portland university of the M. E church. The Corvalis Times says: The next annual session if the Pres byterian genera! assembly will meet in Portland, Origon. The delegates from this coast to Detroit, are to be cetigrat ulated on this achievement. It is one of the largest ecclesiastic assemblies in the world and their meeting here will redown to our benefit - Sir John Macdonald is tough as a pine knot. The old statesman, at last reports, was resting eomfor tnbl, and may live yet to disar range some people's plans. The Kansas Alliance men are down on Mr. Sockless J. Himpson because he opposed the creation of th third party at Cincinnati,, and some of them go so far as to say that Jerry's political sun is set. If we would study life with the pleasures thereof with the same assiduity that we do the faults of neighbors there would be much more pleasure in living. The country editor without the Oregonian in his business, reminds one very much of a theatrical troupe playing Hamlet and leav-, ing Hamlet out. Tf wa could man a ere our own business w ith the same ease that we suggest to others how to man age theirs success would be easy. Spring- Fever. At this season of the year the most vigorous and hearty people often have a feeling .-f weariness, tired and worn tiit without am hit ion to do fin vthine-. and many breakout iu pimpfes and von rwni i in is e mild tonic medicine that will act gently on the liver and blood, and for this, noth ing equals Dr. Hun's Improved Liver Pills. They give an activity to the liver, purify the blood and by their mild toi t tc act ion , new vi t a 1 i t y a ltd streeth to the en lire system, fciold at 2o cent.-, a box by M. A. Miller. LEBANON PRODUCE MARKET. Changed Every Week. Wheat &5c Oats 50c. Hav 15 per ton. Flour $1 400t l SO per sack. Chop $1 5 per cwt Bran 90e per cwt. Middlings -$1 50 per cwt. Potati es 35c. Apples Dried, 8c per lb. Plums Dried, 7c. Onions 5c. Boo Dressed, 6S-7c Veal 6Wc Pork Dressed, ofrGc. Lard 1214. ' Hams 3 '2 . 15c per lb. Shoulders-y,10c. Sides 10M24c per lb. f-Seese ?U(fvvI2 per doa. Ducks 7 50 per do. C hickens 4 00(5 K. Turkeys 13cti per lb. Ergs 18c per doz. Butter 20c per lb. Hides Cireeu, 2(.4c; dry, 6c. THE CRY OF MILLIONS! OH, BKCK! STOP IT NOW, SOON IT WML BC TOO LATE- I have been troubled many years with disease of the kidneys and nave tried many different remedies and have sought aid from different physician without relief. About the 15th of April I was suffering from a very violent attack that almost prostrated me in sue tt a manner nuu a was tjcni uvn. When I sat down it was almost impossible for rae to get up alone, or to put on my clothes, when kind Providence sent Dr. Henley, with the OREGON KIDXEV TEA, to my hotel. I immediately commenced using the tea. It had an almost miraculous effect, and to the aston ishment of all the ucs at the hotel, in a tew days,X am happy to state, that I was a new man. I will recommend the tea to aH ftfilicl as I have been. C. A. TTJPPKR, A Sure Co ( for PII. Itching Piles are known by moisture like iKrsmrtf( ion ciiusit ie intense itch ing when warm. This form. a well t 4 1 a a mum, bifx-aiiipr ini prfiLruuniff, ; horBe and Rn wim op with them will vield at once to Ir. Bosun ko's Pilei, 4 . . . rr, ! n.-uicdv, which nets directly on the ! weU treated iuhI w.eli ittstied. TIw , pnrts iiff'wtcd, nlmnrlw tuiiKint, alhivs I two houses stund opposite each other, itchinir utiri enVntB a pcrrtKinont euro. I and their tables arc ulwwys supplied : r(la lrutrtristK or mail: tre&ttue free, with i he hv ;t. j ir. jiortfinko, A roll bti ett, i'hiluacl- I i)lu, fix. bold by M. A. JMiUcr. Sodaville Art vert Ifement) BodaviUe Is I catcd twenty miles southeast of Albany, five wiles south of Lebanon and twelve miles west of Sweet Home, In the foot hills of the Cascades where shade trees, gr;iss and dower llourish In abu admire. Di rectly on the east, the timbered hilts rear their heads fur above the village, affording jpime of many kinds 111 abundance and shady walks for tour ists and health seekers through pleasatu woods, while on the west., lies the -broad expanse of the great Willamette valley, u a broken by any rise of land for more than forty miles, with Albany dimly outlined twenty miles away. Boduville eati be classed as a mountain or a valley town, as her limits are tu both. Sodaville is the most accessible health resort in the state, being only Ave miles from the .Lebanon terminus of the 8. P. it. H- and in less than twenty -four months, will have direct communication with said road by rail road or mnter line. The road from Lebanon to Sodaville is level and tirst class, passing between finely cultivat ed grain and fruit farms and the tourists and health seeker enjoys a pleasant ride of 43 minutes on the fcodaville Hack." which meets every iu-coming train. A long and tedious juuruey or seeking a health resort is thus avoided and one can leave his home at most any point in the Willam ette valley and reach his destination the same dy. Invalids rind this much pleasanter than to be driven over long and rough mountain roads. ttodaville consists of about twenty five dwellidg houses, one general mer chandise store, one drug store, one butcher,brksmih,two bote Is, one livery stable and one well furnished school house. In addition to this, there art under construction, two busiuess houses on I he principal street, v uew church house, a large wing to the school house and several dwellings. Thc are no saloons and bittard halls in this toicn, and as the town has a charter and city officers it is a quiet and peaceful health re-sort, and fully meets the want" of those who, by the excessive work aud care of the year, seek a quiet aud healthful retreat for a tew weeks outing. The Sodaville Mineral Springs. were discovered by Reuben CYiyle iur the summer of 1843 white riding on the range for cattle. Becoming thirsty lie alighted at a spring that showed itself above the ground rnd where stock, for many miles around had been coming for water, as was after ward ascertained. "When Mr. Co3le first drank of the water, he thought himself poiseued, as the water tasted very q'j-ijr." bat J :clArcd it t bs a verv wholesome beverage. The des cription of the "curious spring" dis covered by Mr. Coyle, at ouce, created universal interest, and many people flocked to the new fabled fountain of immortal youth," only to find that his words were true. He had dicovered instead of 'a poison spring," a water that has since proven it-elf to be the best on the Pacific slope for health giving properties. But Utile was done for many years. in the way of permanent imprmtMnent but suffice to say thai now, It finds itself in the center of a block wholy dedicated to its purpose, which is located exactly iu the center of the town of Sodaville. The block has been improved at an expense of several hundred dollars. The spring is now under a roof, in a well aud solidly built cemented brick tank, surround ed by a brick wall and well supplied with floor, steps, pipes, faucets etc There are many fir and maple trees in the park which furnish leatiliful " the thousauds of health and recreation seekers who are daily arriv ing at these springs. Provisions can be had cheap here aud fine camping grounds are always open to the public, free of charge, as is also the water. The Wmtf r is a clear, cold, sparkling fluid strong and extremely pleasant to the taste, drink of it, that "you cuntiot drink enough to hurt you." The benefit, especially derived by the use of this water is the absolute ciye of stomach and kidney troubles. It is indeed Xture's own remedy. The citizens of Sodaville are mainly made up of ) people who once came here with badly disorganized stomach or kid:ieyst aud who, having been completely restored, will not now leave the springs. People from nearly every state in the union, can testify to the superiority of the water, while all the Pacific states furnish hundred of visitors to these wonderful springs. A volume might be written in des cribing this water, but want of space piohibits fuller details. In conclusion we would say, if you i.re afflicted with kidney, stomach or liver troubles, let us cordially invite you to come aud see for your self, and you will add one to the thousands of living witnesses that are now ready with their hearty testimony in its favor. Hardmm Hotel In 1890, Mr. W. II. Hard man built a fine large hotel for the accommodation of the public, which furnishes a pleas ant home for fifty guests. This build ing is large, neat, new, and commo dious, aud Mr. and Mrs. Hard man ; make ail, whose good luck it is to stop ! with them, to feel at home. This hotel ! was built and" furnished at a cost of 7000 It was built because the numer ous people, who' throng here, imper atively demanded it. Being situated near the spring, it is very convenient for those whose health does not permit them to walk far to visit the springs as often as is desired. The distance is about ninety yards. Mr. Hard man will in the near future put in some baths for mineral water bathing. The price of boar-1 nni lodging in this house per week, r.uijros fr-un $4.JS0 to $12 Although it vi' nt ilnilml until late last summer it was at tiiue crowd ed to its fulU-t e:iuaety. K '-n Hutel is managed by H. D. Klum and lady, which, although mnHi smaller thnii the former, Is a V'-ry iifat antl pitvtsuHt usually fuLtua in the markeia will be j furnished by H. M. Perry and Wm 81111th, at lowest rates. Jumes Found does alt kinds of blncksmlthlng and wood-work, and in nil cases guarantees satisfaction. : Tl Urns Store Is under the management of G.Robcrts, w Ik keeps constantly ou hand all articles usually found in a first-class drug store; : - : A Grocery Store- will soon be in running order, with Thus. MelJullocfc as manager, who will keep a full line of groceries. A tlcnertil MercliandUe St.r r Is being conducted by Frank Duvls, who Is u'so post-master, ns well as agent for the Wells Fargo Kxpress Co. In this store will always be found a complete stock of goods, and Mr Davis will politely and quickly attend to all your wants. Peerjr Bt Tvrhume ; arc the gentlemen who own and lo the -livery busiuess of the town. Their 'Sodaville hack" meets every in-own ing train at Lebanon and foe the moderate fee of fifty cents, will convey you to the springs at Sodaville. All bagt;age left to their care wilt quickly aud surely reach Its destination. School Honae is a large new frame bulldij; (large for one room) and well furnished with iron desks, a geographical school chart worth $75 and many other school fix tures which are Iiidistnsau1e "to a good live school. During the past year, the building was found to be in adequate in capacity, hi consequence of which a lnrge and commodious wing will be built during the present summer (1891) thus making the entire house to seat and provide for about 125 pupils. Prof Bansee who has had charge of the school during the past year, has had six years of actual experience in his profession, has thoroughly graded the school aud has It based on a written set of rules and regulation, approved of and adopted by the board. Prof. Rarzee has been employed as principal for this coming school year, and be in co-operation with the school board, invites parties from elsewhere to send their childeu to this place of heath to attend school. Board and tuition rates will be made as cheap as any other place in the val ley. Special attention will be given to any children, young men or young women who may come from a distane to attend this school. For any further information euquiie of or addess the principal. A New CUnreh Hoose Is to be built soon, on a beautiful rise f ground, in the edge of the village. Sodaville now has a good live Sunday school In good running order, and preaching nearly every Sabbath. Do Ton Want at Home at or uear this watering place? There are some good lauds for fruits and grain raising purposes that can be had at reasonable rates near these springs. Tracts of 10 acres are being sold for small homes or fruit and gardeu rais ing. There are also some Very beautiful aud desireable lots inside the incorporation, the prices of which range from $10 to 60 on easy terms. For any aud all information regarding these landT Inquire of or abdress Louis Barzee, real estate & iusurance agent, Sodaville, Oregon. Another Soda Sprfnc " has ieen discovered ot - the farm of W. W. Parrish near the present spring and inside the city limits. Mr. Parrish Is having the spring developed, aud with all present indications it seems to be a good one. A part of bis farm will be divided In 5, 10 or 20 acre tracts aud sold for fruit farms. Supplementary Kemarlis. Sodaville, although a small village, is incorporated under the laws of Oregon. This was done that authority might be given the town to control the springs and maintain ordes and peace. The city officers are; W. W. Parrish, mayor; H.J A. McCartney, Fnnnk Davis, II. M. Perry stid M. F- Ter hnme, councilmen; C K. Eicbler, recorder; H. V. Peery, treasure and H. D. Klum, marshal. It has a daily mail, a telegraph line which connects it with the main line, express office and a notary public. The peoplf of Sodaville are always kind and obliging to any aud all who come among them, and extend a hearty and cordial i avi ation to all who may wish to come. Come and see us for yourself. You will be pleased with our people, our town, our springs and our healthful locality. When you have read this circular, will you kindly hand It to anv one who is in need of lost health, or to any neigh bors who is dissatisfied with his present condition, or who wants to find n suitable place to send hischildreu away to school. Any and all commu nications relative to any matter men tioned In this circular, will be quickly aud willingly answered fey Louis Barzee $iOO Reward. $100. The readers f the Expbkhr will beplcasefl o learn that there is at least otic dreaded disease that Bcieiiec has been able to cure in all its stasres, and that is fatarrli." Hall's Catarrh Cure ie the only rvosrtive cftreiiow known to the mcutcai iratvrmty. - t. ruarrn betne a constitutional disease, rcriuircs a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the biooa ana miivms furiaec oi i-nc systutn, thereby ditroyinp the foundation of the diseafje, and "giving the patient atrenjrth by building up the constitution and nsist-inir nature in doing its work. The proprietors nave so much faith in it cura tive powers that they ofler One Hundred Hollars for any ease that it fails to euro. Send for list of testimonials. Address V, J. Cheney $1 Co., Toledo, O Sold by Druggist THE KOI.DEN RULE BA2AAK. The fullest store we have ever seen in Linn county, the finest assortment of goods in the valley, outside of Port land, is to be seen at the Golden Rule Bazar. Children never tire looking at the immense stock and uniquedisplay of toys; the stock of crockery, ghissware and eh in aware is the wonder and admi ration of all who see it; the six hundred pounds of tea of the choicest brand and best flavor, which the proprietor huK sold within tii' last year, has cre ated a thirst for more of this excelllent htivt-rasre. Whilt Dr. Price and other t-MetnistK are wmti::iiiff over the purity of their hakiny; p wders, the Golden Jtulo v.-7A pakinj? powder sells and no questions are usied and no fault is found as to its; merits. A complete line tf shelf hrtrwwure, lumps, tricycles, baby carriages, ete. ait; to be seen at this' hnt.-se. Don't, spend $10 gorng to Portland when-, you can see all the above si g h t fo r th e simple t-ost of a lk. - When it) Albany spend au hour in this .'rent curiosity store and you will always nc jrlad that you visited Gradwohi s -jodeu lime Ba zaar. Aiiwny, Oregon. I The Bead to Wealth ; Cannot b successfully traveled with out good health. To reach wealth or any coveted position In life requires the full possession and operation of all the fac ulties kind natar has endowed us with. These conditions cannot exist unless the physical bslna Is In perfect working order, and this It Impossible when the liver and spleen are torpid, thus obstruct ing the secretions, causing Indigestion and dyspepsia, wtth all off their aoeoat panylnf horrors. DR. HENLEY'S English Dandelion Tonic xerts a specific Influence ever the liver, ascites H to healthy action, resolves its chronic engorgements, and promotes the secretions; cures Indigestion and consti pation, sharpens the appetite, tones ap the entire system, and atakes life worth living. THE CHURCHES. MKTTTOIflSr EriffCOl'AL fllflUil Thomas ! lloyd, pastor jsorvlres everr Satilj&th at II A. M. and 7 P.M. Sabbath school at 10 A, M. Mi-tit-i injro!" tliw Epworth league at 3 1 M. Piuvit mferJnjE Tlmrsday evenin" o'clock. All arc invited to a; tend then; services. MtKSBVTRKMTS CTIl'RCH A. Mnrcf.Hiw.paj5 tor. Service every Habhntli.at 11 A. M" and f-:t0 P. M. Sitbbnth school t 10 .. M. Pruvur utcet lnii WcdueKlii? evening at 7:30 o'clock." All wel come. CVMltERliAICn FRJKBYTKIUAN rm'ROH E. K. Tlinmtison, pastor. Prctienlna- services each Sabtwith lit 11 A. M. and 7:l P. M. Praver meet ing Wednesday evening at 7:3a Suiulny School every Sabbath at 10 A. M. M. H. CHPIM'H, SOUTH G. Itnnleiter, tnr. PrcitrhiiiK iirt Sabbath t 11 A. M. and ench Sahhnlli evening at Sunday School at 3 P, M. CoKavf pmycr nieetinir each Friday evening. Everybody welcome. FIRST BAPTIST CHl'RCR C. R. TjiTrmr. pas tor. Services held In the Academy. lrencli!ne SAML M. GARLAND, ATTORNEY- AT - LAW. LEBANON. OREGON". GEO. W. WRIGHT, Attor ney-at- Law AXD KOTABT PUBLIC, Albany, Oregon. Will practice in all the courts of tnl State. Oflice, front rooms over bank of Oregon. W. H. BOOTH, M. D., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Office In Guv's New Bufldlns;. Residence at Mrs. Ambler's. DR. W. C. NEGUS, Physician and Surgeon. Graduate of Royal College of London and Bcll vne Medical Collesv. Mask, Chronic eajfes speehtttr. Cancers renmved wtihont pnht or the tiifc. OFFICE Kirk pa trick" a building. Lchmntfi, Or- MRS. S. H. CO WAX'S Emporium. of Fashion Is replete vUlt the Latest Siyle of Hflt, Bonnets and every vnH-ry nf henVl ciir known to the. fusitionable world. A FlfM ct-ss Prcuflkine Shop In connection, tvlilcit it pre-jded over by n bo make cisfiing and Fitting a Specie! ty. Onk Poor South op tite - Express" Office. FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKING ETC-K.VKE HOTEL BVllX-Wi. Dress Suit. XVnh Snl'?. Wnr. and Plain Sowing eaur anti i-rumpuy iHine. Cnttinsr And FIJI ins a Specialty. Chrsi- reason able. A fair snare ot scTiiig aouciiu. TfOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laxk OrFirs xt Oregon Ci)y. Ore-iron, MayJI.lWd. f Notice i hcrcbv-ircTi that the itiliowing-nsuied settler ha died lio ice of hit in"o:i;itn to make r?nnl proof in ynpixrt of hi- eliiirn. aud llmt Miid prMf will be mude Iwfre the County Clerk ot Linn Countv, at Albany, Oregon, on July 13. IP31, vlx: P. X. MIU-P.D. Homestead Entrr Xo. 55W. for the K- & of X. M and Irfs 1. 2. 3 and 4. Sec. 6, Tp. 1H. S. it. 1 W. He names the following: wiinesws to prove hi" continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of. naid bind, via: tieorse Diver. Ocorsre Wil- tn. lieorse Klntn and Jamr Vtindcri'tL "H of HtNtaviiie i. u.. Linn founiy. jin. J. T. APPKKlaON, Resteer. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Oregon flfr. Orcein, l May 21. 1Sfl. f Not Ire fs herehvpiven that the followiii-nometl settlct hiiB tilfd notice nf hi? intention tu make flnal nmof in Ftifijfjrt of hU claim, and that fahl nnuv uiil 1m t.oi.Io !r,tri the ( nnntr IMprt fil Lnin County, at Albany, refill, ou July 14, 18i.ll, I (JEOKGE Oinilf. Pre-emntion P. S. No. 7401 for the E. Jof N. E.J and E. of s. E. i. See. T). 12 S.. tt. 1 lv. Me nntue the fulTuwiitfr witnesep to prove hi eontlnnouf rt'siilcnee njun and eiiltivMtfott t- switl Imid. viz: thrar W. Mnrrili, (iren Marshal t, V. Punkins and L. Crowd lev, all of t'lmnou. 1 Inn County. Orogm. J. T. AIU'EKSON, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Oregon City. Oregon. 1 May 21. Il. f Xotiee Ik hereby piven that (he followins- name1 settler has tiled notiee of his intention, to make (inwl priMif in support of his claim, and that said Knwf will be made before the funnty t'lerk of inn Cmntv, at Albany, Oregon, on July 14, 181, vis: OSCAR W. ?VRKIPn, Pre-cnintlon T. 8. No. 7445, for the N. E. i Sec. 30, Ip. 128., R.2 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his contimmuit residence upon and cultivation of. said land. vi: Oren C Marshall, (it'onte tiihhs and William Hale, of Lebanon. I,tnn f?ounty, Oreson, and Andrew Vail of Waterloo, Linn Comity. Ore gon. J. X. Al'l'EltisON, Register. G. K. HARDY JEWELER, Has on hand a large stock of JEWELRY JUST RECEIVED Call And Secure Prices. AT COST! To Make Room for My SPRING & SUMMER STOCK, OF DRY GOODS, FURNISHING GOODS, AND HOTIORs, I WIIX CJLOSF OUT MT Kntlre Stock of Boots & Shoes JJF COST. Now is the Time to SECURE REAL BARGAINS. I Propose to Have Leading Dry Goods Store 1 In the Valley. MAIL ORDERS Promptly attended. W. F READ, Albany, Oregon. The Yaquina Route. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD, T. E. Hogg, Receiver, Oregon DeYelopscnt Cc' s Steamslip Line 225 Mlltts Shorter! 20 Hoars Less Tlmel Than by any other Route. FIRST-CLASS THROUGH PASSENGER AND FREIGHT LINE From Portland and all points in the Willamette Valley to aud from ian Francioo. VL OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD. TIME ScHKIU'LE (xpt Pundayi..) Lv Yx'fuins A M I I.v Al!anv 1 P M Lv tonalHjltt ;li A M Lv CorvaJtls. IflSPM Ar AIUkt tlH A M 1 At Yauina P M O. & C. trains connect ai Albany and Conralli. Tl a!-ove trains connect at YaTirsa with the Ore iron lteveloin:i;t Comtttnr" li;ie ol Steam ships between Yaiuiua and Saa FrauciscA. SAILING DATES. S. S. Willamette Valley WIIX SAIL From Yaqiiina June 4, June ts. Jnne22- From Snn Fmwiit'jo 3Iy-L " U. W i Thi eompany reserve the ritfltt to rhatigu sailing- dstes withonl notice. WM. M. nOAO. C. C J ton PR ficwrai Managi-r. G. F. i P. Asont. Corral!, Or. Omaba, Kansas City, -Chicago, ST PAUL. ST. LOUIS, AND ALL POINTS East, North & South, AT UNION TICKET OFFICE, C. G. RAWLINCS, Agent, Albany, : : Obeoox. PILLS. DD MOT GRIPE, SICKEN OR CONSTIPATE. Sure Cure for Sunt Hcapwe, a ail cronotea snsmf iron. Iruusation or Oonstipatiein. w Improves the Oornpifiiott hv Pnridina lm Rlrvxl. The Aom ran b nloelr ndjnsted to suit the com, mm mm pill can npt-er be too large a dose. Knsr to tke as so moch suitBf. 43 pi Is pat Tip inn Mrotut vial whiob enn bernrrlefl in wit pocket. A 8rMUmn. Iraee la TraTVlvra Rutam -. Kbb G fob in w Hh. at "Crw"t"Trd(iSrk. Sold F Tfry wbr.5r bI. SASFLr. DOSK and HKEAH BOOK for- 3m. tm tmmfm, M DR. HARTCR'S IRON TONIC. W rTTRiriFatho Bl.OOl); RRi! UL.ATKS theLiVTTTlB and KIDNRVSand BKSTOSES tliP nKBTUTATKH ts HFAl.TTt and VIOOROUS STRKSGTH ofycTii W THE OR. HABTER MEDICINE CO. ST. LOUIS, MO. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE ties for GeDtfenien, Indian. etr . fira war ranted, and no stnmped on bottom. A W. L. UUIULAS, ISroeUtan Mb ranted, and no stnmped on bottom. Address C. C. HACKLEMAN. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Orejron City, Oregon, May 21, Kotice is herehv given that the following-named settler has lilod notice of liia intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that paid proof will be made before the County Clerk of Linn Couuty, at Albany, Oregon, on July 14, 1S91, Viz: OltEN C. MARSHALL, Pre-cmntlon D. S. No. 7444. for the E. of S. W. Jtf. and Lots 3 and 4. Pec. SO. Tp. V2 S., K. 2 K. He uanmsthe following witnesses to prove his continuous rosldence upon and cultivation of. said land, vix; George Glbbs, Oscar W. Worrish, An drew Vail and William Hale, all of Lebanon. Linn County, Oregon. J. T. APfERSO:, Keprister. mwJtmMm ow. gals Oliver SPRING If you want to sec the best assort- mentof General Merchandise in town, ! and get the best values for your rnoneyy i 3'ou cannot do better than call on me j at my old stand, where the latest nov- I elfies in Spring Goods are to be had j at way-down prices. J Gentlemen, Call and examine my stock of Fur nishing Goods. Ties, Collars and Cuffs, Kid Gloves, Fine Balbriggan Under wear, Etc. Ladies, I have the latest novelties in Dress Goods, Kibbons, . Kuchings, Silks, Plushes, and Trimmings of all kinds. I keep the celebiated 1 N. and S. K. Corsets, which give elegance of shape and perfection of lit. Full lines of CLOTHING, BOOTS and S1IOKS and GROCERIES con stantly on hand. Produce of all kinds taken in ex change for goods. Your patronage is respectfully in vited. C1IAS. B. MONTAGUE, Ixibanon, Or. Headquarters DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, Mens, Youths and Boy's Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Etc. Also Keep on Second floor a fvdl line of BOOTS & SHOES, In which I will not be'undersold. Come and see me and I will treat you well. J . W . SIMPSON, ALBANY, .... OREGON. Lebanon Planing Mill AIM IJ UNIVERSAL WOOD-WORKER. ESTALISHED IS 1875 BY S. A. KICKERSGK. Refitted, Enlarged and Improved. NEW MACHINERY OF THE BEST MODERN TYPE. I manufacture and deal ill Doors, Blinds, all etrles of Window Frames, Door Frames, Mouldines, nfactured and kept on hand in a first-class planer. In connection with the above, I also have on hand a well-assorted lumber yard in which is to be found rsugh and dressed Lumber, Rustic, Bevel, Weather Boarding, Flooring, and all kinds of Finishing Lumber for Cornices, Etc. Nichols, Westfall & Co., FIRST-CLASS rTs it rn ah n Reasonable Rates. Livery, leed mid Sfilo Stables. Special attention shown Commercial Travelers. TraHsient stock carefully eared for. GOODS. for Bargains Brackets, Etc., in fact anything man- DRAYINGDOHE yZ: JShort Notice.