He who thinks to please the World is dullest of his kind; for let him face which way he will, one-half is yet behind. VOL. V. LEBANON, OREGOGST, FHIDAY, JUNE 5. 1891. NO. 13. W. B. DON AC A, DEALER IN - Groceries and Provisions, Cigars, Tobacco, 'Furnishing Goods, Etc., Etc, ; First-Class Goods at Reasonable Prices. GIVE ME A TRIAL Countrv. Produce Taken in Exoli anw for ; . Goods. KEEP ON HANI) A STOCK OF Shingles, Posts, Boards and Pickets V. C. Petersox, Notary Public. PETERSON Real Estate Brokers HAVE ON HAND CHOICE BUElGhJDSrS In Large and Small Farms. Best Fruit me orin. improved ana unimproved Land, from S per Acre and up. Satisfaetien Guaranteed. Have on hand some CHOICE CITY PROPERTY, Residence and Business. Bargains in all Additions to the Town. Houses Rented and Farms Leased. iiisrsTJRjsrcE AGENTS FOR London A Liverpool & Globe Insurance Co. " ' Guardian Assuranee-Co., of London. Oakland Home Insurant Co., of Oakland, Cal. State Insurance Co.. of Salem. Oregon. Farmers' and Merchants' Ins. Co., Collections Receive Prompt Attention. pleasure in giving our patrons ail information desired In our line of business. :dr. c. h. duckett, DENTIST LEBANON, OREGON. J. K. WEATH ERFORD, ATTORNEY- AT - LAW. Office over First National Bank. ALBANY, - - - - - OREGON. W. R. PILYEU, ATTORNEY- AT- LAW. ALBIVYORKCON. J. I.. COWAN. J. M. RALSTON Bank; of Lebanon, LEBANON, OREGON. Transacts a General Banking Business. ACCOUNTS KEPT SUBJECT TO CHECK. Exchange sold on New York, San rar.cho. Portland arid Albany, Org Collections made on favorable terms G. T. COTTON, Dealer In Groceries and Provisions. Tobacco and Cigars, Smokers' Articles. Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Confectionery, Queensware and Glassware, Lamps and Lamp Fixtures. PAY CASH FOR EGGS. M.in Street. Lebanon, Oregon LEBANON Meat Market ED. KELLEMRGER, Prop. Fresh & Salted Beep, Pork, Mut ton, Sausage, Bologna & Ham. BACON ANJ1 T.AVD ALWAYS OK HAND AND BE CONVINCED. SAM't M. Garland, Attorn ey-at-Law & GARLAND, Land in Valley. Finest Grain Ranches in Notary Business a Specialty. We take EAST AJND SOUTH Southern Pacific Route. THE MOUNT SHASTA ROUTE. EXPRESS TRAINS LIaVS POBTI.A3ID DAILY i 7 .-00 p. m. I 10:23 P.M- j 10 -A5 A.M. Portland Ar Albany Ar San Francisco Lv 93 A. .1S A. M. Ar 90 r. Above trains atop only at the following stations north t Boseburg; East Portland, Oregon City, Wood burn. Salem, Albany, Tangent, Shedds, HiUaey, Haxrlaborg, junction Cly, Irving and Rosebnrfc Hatt-DaUy. 80 A. M. 12 :20 p. M. P :40 p. M. Portland Albany Koaetourg Ar j 4 :00 P. M. Ar i 120 X. LT 6:20 A. M. Albany Local Daily (Except Sunday.) Portland Albany Ar f 9 0 A. M. LT I 5 :00 A. M Passenger Traini Sunday. -Daily Except 2 -3d P. If. 2:2b P. M. 1 S30 A. M. 8:22 A. M. Albany Lebanon Albany Lebanon Ar J 9 r2S a. it Lv j 8 :40 A. M Ar i 4 :26 P. M Lt I 3 :40 P. M PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping- Cars For accommodation of Second-Class Passengers. wwc ea to tipre.se trains. WK8T SIDE tIVTSIOK. BETWEEN PORTLAND AND CORVALLIS. Mall Train Daily (Except Sunday.) At Albany and Corvallla connect with trains of uragon pacific Kailroad. (Express Train Daily Except Sunday.) AT S-Through tickets to all points East, and South. For tickets and lull Information regarding ihm-b, .nape, eic., caii on jo s agent aiteDanon. R. KOEHLEK, J. F. lUHiEKS. Manager. Aast G. F. & P. Agt I. R.BORVM. Tonsorial Artist A Good Shave, Shampoo, Hair jut, uieanea or uressed. Hot and - Cold Baths at all Hours. Children Kindly treated. Calland a ILL. McCLURE (Snoooosor to C. H. Harmon.) Barber : and : Hairdresser. Lebanon. Oregon. Shaving:, Haircuttiug and Shampooing- m the latest and best style. Spec ial attention paid to dressing Ladies' hair. Your patronage respectfully so le i ted. Farm Notes. Keeping Ega-a for Hatching-. "How long can epfta be kept and batch well? " Is a question that Is fre quently asked, and some lifrht upon it may not be unprofitable. The Ken- end opinion is that they can be kept as mucu as rour weeks if rifilitly handled, but an experience of one of our customers with eegs she bought from us gives us an insight into what not to do. This lady bought a sitting of our early laying Light Brahma eggs on March 12, and wrote us a few davs since that she got but one ehicken and that almost all the eggs were entirely infertile: that is, they were quite clear and showed no signs of naving been fertilized. Turning to onr record bofllTwe found that we set 60 of those Light Brahma eggs March 7, ana 66 more March 17. Those set on March 7 were February eggs that naa ueen Kept about ten davs. and they gave us 48 chickens, only four of tne eggs being Infertile. Of the second lot, eggs laid immediately after those sold to Miss D.. we trot 58 chickens from the 66 eggs, and oojy three were Infertile. - Here was proof positive that the eggs were all right wnen sent her, because eggs laid two weeks previous showed 66 out of 60 fertile, and 58 chicks hatched. We wrote and asked her how she had kept the eggs, and she replied that she took the paper off of each egg, left the eggs in the box- in which they were delivered and turned the box upside down (halfpver) every other day. This was as It should be and gave us no light, but a personal in terview and some questioning re vealed the fact that they had been kept in the dining-room closet where the temperature averaged (probably) 60 degrees. Here, then, was the ex planation. The directions say " keep in a cool place a dry cellar is best" She hadn't kept them in a cool place (35 to io degrees )i but had kept them in a warm place, and the warmth had actually annihilated the germ so that the eggs were as clear after three weeks' incubation as though just laid. a one familiar with hatching en-ox wouia question their having been fertile. Our very high average batches uiNHCTiinKiy oeiore ana after f.-om precisely similar eggs, laid by the same nens, remove all doubt upon that point.- No special selection of eggs was made for our own hatching. In fact, partiality would be practically impossible as the eggs from those Light Brahmas are remarkably sym metrical in shape" and uniform in size and color. It is as certain as any thing can be that Miss D. spoiled those egg3 by " keeping them in a nice warm place " when she should have kept them in a cool one. F. A. Hunter in New England Farmer. Don Kill the W One of the greatest pests which the farmers of this country have to eon- tend with is the gophers. W. S. Camp, the real estate agent, who owns a farm near Orangeville, has been greatly bothered with them. One day last week, while walking over his alfalfa field, Mr. Camp noticed that the gophers were not doing the usual amount of work therein as the mounds they throw up were not so numerous as of yore. He could not account for the disappearance of the rodents, but in the afternoon he found out the cause. While walking about the place with a neighbor, H. L. Parker, show ing him his vines and trees, alfalfa, etc., Mr. Parker's attention was at tracted by what Appeared to be a squirrel scamperiug across the Held. lie watched it and saw it disunncar down a hole. As the men were wu! Ic ing toward the place where the animal disappeared, they observed it appear again, but this time it bote in its mouth another animal of nearly its own size. Out of curiosity the ineii chased the live animal and forced it to drop Its burden and make for its hole only a few feet away. It turned out to be a weasel and its burden a dead gopher which had been but re cently killed. Mr. Camp at once saw why the gophers were getting scarce in his alfalfa field, as he had seen a good many weasels about and had killed two that morning. Ine weasel that had killed the gopher did not seem to be much afraid of the men, and did not drop its load until the latter were almost up to it It then sat upright on the edge of its under-ground retreat After the gen tlemen had looked at the remains of the gopher Mr. Parker held it out toward the weasel, who ventured from his retreat, caught hold of the dead gopher and scampered away to its hole. Mr. Camp says that he will kill no more weasels around his place, as he considers that they are great gopher exterminators, and he is right in thinking that if he can get rid of the gophers ho should be willing to let the weasels get a chicken now and then for a change of diet, or else make arrangements to keep them away from his poultry, of which weasels are known to be very fond. Hanford Journal. Five or six sawmill menMn mutAm Washington, knowing themselves guilty, have paid from 4200 to 5O0 each to a man claiming to be a gov ernment agent not to report them for buying timber from settlers who have not yet proved up on their claims. He is a swindler named Pemberton and has been arrested. Banker George Comeevs of SDokane advised a violator of the liquor law to icoioi, nucBu jviLeir tuo liquor man was jailed the marshal attenmted to ftl-rftRt Oomejrva. who drw A ronlvai- The marshal and deputies also drew firearms and a bystander named Bal lou had both bones of his leg broken oy one oi uie outlets wnien new. Woman's World. Current Comment. The world continues to move. Mrs Luella H. Jenkins of Wilkesbarre, Pa., the first woman in New York city to complete the two years' course pre scribed by the general Methodist con ference and become a deaconess, was consecrated at the Park avenue Methodist church, New York, May 18. The Daughters of the Good Shep herd keep hammering away at the San Francisco hospital and have secured the abolition of several abuses in the institution. They are now try ing, with good prospects of success; to secure the substitution of comfort able pillows for the wads of filthbn which patients lay their heads and some kind of decent drinkinir vessel! in place of Hie dirty black bottles in use. Arclibishop Biordun of San Fran Cisco says: "We may laugh at the Salvation Army If we like, but the Salvation Army can reach the de graded masses as none others can. notice that those who laugh most are the very ones who never do anything memseives." On the same occasion the archbishop said : " I would make it an offease to employ any woman or girl In any place where liquor Is sold Far be it from me to close any proper avenue oi employment for women would open more. It is just because of the curse of drink that so many women need employment to-day. But x wouia nave no such thing tolerated as the employment of women in saloons." A rescue home, whose location is kept secret from the public; Is being conauctea m Ban Francisco by a com mittee of charitable ladies where fallen women are supplied with the means of returning to the sunlight of an up right life. They find in it a genuine home, and when their reformation appears to be well-grounded and per manent situations are found for them in good families where they may sup port themselves. This is the first in stance the writer knows where women reformed from evil ways have been cordially received into families where they may have a chance in life, but it is asserted such homes have been found for a number already and the success of the reform movement demonstrated. The Holiness Associa tion tried to do something on the same lines a few years ago, and the Salvation Army is now raising a fund for the establishment of a rescue home for dive girls, with whom the female members of the army are work in it. The many attempts 'at the systematic rescue of fallen women in the centuries of the past have all faded because, after a girl had been induced to at tempt to reform, she found no families nor friends willing to receive her. The so-called charitable ladies of wealth and refinement who began the various movements with hope and enthusiasm all stopped short of accomplishment. The reformed woman cannot pass her life in a rescue home, nor car she re turn to the home and friendsof child hood, where everybody knows her history. She cannot get Into a new home where she is a stranger, and those who have helped her to take the first steps stop at that They cannot take her Into their homes. If women with hearts, who can receive these girls into their homes, have been found in San Francisco almost miracle has been wrought. , ' An Enterprising; Cnlifornte Woman, i. Mrs. H. J. Langdon of Weaverville. Cal., the only woman mail contractor in the United States, is in Washsng- ton and has considerable business with the PoBtomeeDepaituient. She is known to all the stage-drivers and mail-carriers in the West ai "The lit tle boss." She tells a reporter how she caire to be a mail coutractor: "It hapjencd rather strangely. My m-si nusuana naa Deen a large con tractor and I was familiar with his business affairs. At his death he left a will bequeathing me twenty-five unexpired mail contracts and made me sole executrix of the will. I at once assumed control, and after they expirea l Degan to hid on my own ac count and was successful in obtaining contracts. It is now nearly twelve years since I began to work for my self, and now that I am married again I have to bid in my husband's name. I am the only woman who carries the Wells-Fargo express, and from July 1 to the time the snow shut in we carried $100,000 in gold dust. We have nineteen agents under our control. At present the longest route we have is 115 miles long, from Weaverville to Susanville, and 250 miles, or one-quaiter of all the con tracts, is under my personal super vision." "Black Bart" made his maiden effort at stage-robbing on one of her routes. N. Y. World. Women are apt to criticise women with undue severity. It has been said that while men are often unjust to men, they are always so to the other gender; but the New York Ledger is inclined to think that so far as talk is concerned, the gentler sex scandalizes itself more frequently than the "bearded tyrants ". scandalize it. Ladies do not, as a rule, take a siater like, charitable view of the errors and shortcomings of their female acquaint ances. Why cannot they be more blind to each- other's faults, more wide-awake to each other's virtues? More than 100 of the women teachers of the Boston public schools are known on the books of the board by their pet names, which has dis turbed the slumbers of one of the women upon the school board Dr. Caroline Hastings who has intro duced a resolution that hereafter only the baptismal names of the women teachers be recognized. ' A postoffice has been established at Boston, Clallam county. The imported negro miners are at work at the Franklin mine and the strikers and their families are leaving. Current News. National Union. - The national union conference met at Cincinnati May 18 and continued through the week. On taking his seat senator Peffer, permanent chairman. said, referring to a placard on the balcony of the hall, "Nine Million Mortgaged Homes. that it told volumes. The disease of usury must be cured. Growing more fervid in his manner, the speaker said: "What shall we do with the money power? We'll raise up a power among the people, make our own money and use it. 1 Tremendous applause. Take their railroads? No; we'll build our own. More applause. We will fight with ballots and prayer, for the Alliance is in a great measure taking the place of the churches." Peffer closed by giving the new party a boom in these words : " Does this mean a new party? Cries of 'Yes. What else are we here for? The prophecy or tne nour is that a new party is to be oorn here and that its name is to be the National partv." Great ap plause. vn Wednesday the platform was adopted. It names the new party The People's party of the United States." The St. Louis, Ocala and umana platforms are indorsed; so are the abolition of national banks the issue of federal treasury notes sufficient to meet the demand for motoey; government loans to the people at 2 per cent on real and per sonal property; free coinage of silver ; the prohibition of alien ownership of land; abolition of protective taxation: a graduated income tax ; government ownership of railroads ( with an " if ") ; the election of president and vice president of the United States by direct vote of the people; an eight hour day for employes of all corpora tions; universal suffrage and the pay ment to soldiers of sufficient treasury notps to equalize their pay with gold. A convention of the six leading re form organizations to meet Feb. 22, 18i2, is called, and, if this fails, the new party is to hold its national nom inating convention not later than June 1, 1892. A resolution favoring the abolition of the liquor traffic was voted down. Marion Cannon, H. C. Dillon and . ,G. Hinkley are the California members ef the national executive committee. A Tornado's Track. A terriftc tornado passed three miles north of Mexico, Mo., May 20, in the vicinity of Bean creek. Fifteen houses in the vicinity of that place were de stroyed, ten or twelve persons killed, an equal number fatally injured, and large numbers badly hurt. .., At the house of a farmer named Duffy John Doerger and family were ing. James Doerger, aged 10, was killed outright. Lizzie Doerger died few minutes, Mrs. Doerger was crushed to death by falling timbers and Doerger was fatally injured. The house was entirely swept away. Noth ing has been heard of Duffy and it is supposed his body was carried away by the whirling wind. At the house of William Stranberg William Josteranger was killed, his wife badly injured and a little girl fatally hurt. William Stranberg was also fatally injured. At the house of Ed Norris Gertrude Fletcher, daughter of It. S. Fletcher. was instantly killed, E. B. Norris was fatally injured, Caleb Norris badly hurt and his wife seriously so. Willie Fletcher and his sister Kate were instantly killed and their bodies terribly mangled. At the same place Mrs. Emily Seal was fatally hurt and Mrs. Norris was killed. F. S. Norris was badly hurt. The house of Boston Kunkel was swept away and Kunkel was instantly killed. A farmer named Sogers was killed, also a farmer named Crane. Several farm hands in the vicinity of the Kunkel and Rogers farms are be lieved to have been kilted. Joseph Kendall's house and barn were blown away and Kendall had a narrow escape. He had j ust gone to the barn when it was lifted up, leaving him unharmed. James Dillard's house was blown down. A mowing- machine was carried 100 yards and torn to shreds. A large iron roller, weighing 1200 pounds, was taken up and broken to pieces. The tornado went on east, passing Rush Hill, one mile north, carrying destruction everywhere. Great treeB were taken up by the roots. A great deal of live stock and poultry was killed. By a hailstorm near Gainesville, Tex., farmers all lost their entire pos sessions. Crops were destroyed and houses, fences and orchards were laid waste by the wind. Birds and animals were killed by the thousands by the hailstorm, but no person is reported hurt. The cabins of Joseph and Charlie Sherman, with their families, in a can yon south of Protection, Kas., were caught up by a flood caused by a cloudburst, in the night, May 19. Two of the children were drowned and the entire party would have Buffered a similar tate had it not been for the branches of some trees on a little island in a stream in which the sur vivors clung till help reached them in the morning. They had been carried four miles from their home and were in the water ten hours. Indian games are the latest thinsr in poultry breeds, and they seem to be well worthy of the sensation they are causing. They are grand for crossing with the large Asiatics for broilers and table fowls. At a late Doultrv show a rooster of this breed could hardly hold his head up under valuation oy his owner of $600. Yet t35 rooster Oaptured the first prize. General News. Chicago Is promised a line of ten steel steamers which will run thrnuo-h the Welland canal to Welsh and other European ports. During the last four months 20,066 Italian immigrants have passed Gib- ioiw uuuuu tor me unitea states. Blaine said to Fava: "I do not recognize tne right of any govern ment to tell the United States what it stioutd ao. We have never received orders from any foreign power and we will not begin now. Please inform Marquis di Budini that the federal government cannot give the assur ances which he requires and that It is a matter of total Indifference to me what persons in Italv rrmv think ..r our institutions. I "cannot change them, still less violate them. The fact is me marquis m uudlni does not give that four Italian subucts hmut bun massacred, put l nave my doubts on that point, as I am informed that they were mixed ud in scandalous electoral transactions. Still I don't contest their nationality, but while I ask for ume vou want an official rteclArntin on the spot. Well, I will not make anything of the kind, and you may do as you please." The next day rava leit nasmngton. .UNITED STATES. Everv house on Rnrntr !u! nAnH -'"!- Aiane nas been destroyed n nit-, xue lnoaoitants es caped In boats. The Viilatre of Amherat Wio ho. ueen aestroyea Dy a lorest are. Eleven Italian laborem May 19, and four were killed. A quantity of dynamite exploded on work train two miles from Tprv. town, N. Y., May 19, killing eighteen 11 fl 1 1 1 imuiy injuring nrteen and Comnletelv destrnvino- th. (ruin Window glass fell in showers on the siuewaiKs at iarrytown and ma houses were cracked. Judtre Botkin has been ir-i.wl Kv .1... uausos cuai i i luiemperance ana profanity and acquitted. The Supreme Court of v V...L. has decided that George H. Munson, who left his wife and lived in Califor nia and got a divorce on the ground of desertion without her knowledge la .-. ; 1 1 V. . . 1 1 1 , . .. . . ' o ami uci iiusijtuiu HUH IS JlVIUg in adultery with his second wife nt that "the courts of one state cannot Usurp jurisdiction of the nerann r.t t--it.i2A?u wi auotner itne uelendantl "iiiKiiii me uemai oresencA fn that state of the defendant and personal service of process on such uartv or fjjMrMuce iu me action. An officious Boston rvnliemnn named Maguire arrested a man and his wife for kissing in public. The judtre of the municinnf court: h.q- chaiged them May 22, declaring that tuT?jr uu uuuiuiuteu no crime. KeV. Jeremiah Holme, nt hnnnnin III., has been arrested for counter feiting. He savs his shIai-v M tjtn small and he made bogus dollars and mux -dollars to eKe it out Alfonso Taft is riend TTn woo o judge in Vermont, his native state. and secretary of war and attorney general of the United States and minister to Austria at different pe- rtnda Ua .1 ! ... 1 .. . L3 .. T 1 : . . ...o. - - - . i inn i-i . may jsi. Detective Dominick O'Malley, who was accused of bribim? the inn in New Orleans, has been arrested for opening letters oelonging to Jimmy Carroll, the pugilist. Illinois has prohibited the owing by mine owners of stores where their employes buy supplies. Vice-President Newton of the Des Moines and Kansas City railroad has been indicted for padding the mails during the period when they were weighed to determine the price the r. ... . I . . . 1 . 1 .... : .1 . . . ,rT (wu .oi carrying mem for the year. He is accused of mail ing great quantities of old news papers Dacfc ana forth during the weighing period. The boycott against New York lum ber dealers was a failure. The Pennsylvania coke strike is petering out All the tin-plate manufacturing companies have formed a trust The forty-eight shingle mills in the trust have shut down to raise prices. Count Kalnoky of Austria fought a duel with swords with L. 8. Band at Chicago, May 24, and was badly wounded. An actress was the cause of the quarrel. The deputies who fired upon riotous strikers at Morewood, Pa., have been tried and acquitted. The striking coal miners in Illinois have returned to work. The circuit court of Kansas City, Mo., has rendered a decision which, if sustained, will close every liquor saloon in the city. The liquor law violators of Mason City, la., have notified the judge and state's attorney that their homes will be burned if they enforce the law. FOREIGN. Minister of the Interior Nicoteia of Italy has ordered the police of every prefect to raid the anarchist clubs until they are exterminated. Chinese laborers are being intro duced in Germany in large numbers. A shipload of 700 Italian have returned from South America in a starving condition. England is alarmed at the Dronor- tions of the influx of Jewish refugees A miner in the San Carlos minn in Guanajuato, Mexico, met a frightful death the other day, --He had lighted the fuses of a number of blasts and ordered those at the head of the shaft to haul him up. The horses which worked the winze started at siinh speed that the bucket carrying the umuibuuttiA. minor uiuro OKalQSl ID6 windlass and its freight fell back into the mine just as the blasts went off. He was cut into a thousand pieces. The reoort that Italian offinnra in Abyssinia have kept for themselves leuiaie staves reieasea irom their native owners is confirmed bv the de tailed account of the capture of a chief called Kantebay who had five hand some women in his harem who were distributed by lot among the officers at Asmara. The British and PortmriieaA hn.v been fighting in Mahonaland. A group of soldiers assaulted a party of men returning from work in a suburb of Berlin Mav 20 and a free fight ensued in which two soldier and one workman were killed and many persons were injured. Gladstone has recovered from t.h grip. REMARKABLE WINE-TASTER. A Cl si-teuton Ian Has a Pslsts for Wins That Can't Bm Deceive!. It was at the club, savs the N. T. Evening Bun. They bad been talking of wine connoisseurs. Old Ante Bella m bad heard them out patiently. When they had all finished he raised his hand in his well-known way. This meant that he was going to add his experience to tne o in ere, ana as usnal they gat ti ered around him. 'Well, gentlemen," he said slowly, "those are good stories and do show remarkable ability in detecting virions vintages of wine. I once knew a man who possessed the power himself In a most remarkable way. The story I shall tell yon occurred in Charleston, way back in the 50s. Ton know that Charleston was famon then for its Madeiras. There is not much of that wine drunk nowadays, but then every gourmet prided himself on his collec tion of fine old Madeira vintages. "Old Mr. Ashley had not only a fine cellar, but be used to say that he could make no mistake in the matter of vintage, importation, or owner, even. "Some of the yonngmen determined to test the old gentleman's ability in this direction. "So one da V. when the mntrermtinn drifted to this subject, one of the young fellows offered to wager a large sum, $5,000 I think it was. that Mr. Ashley eould not sit at the table and pass on as many Madeiras as be could bring op. "Mr. Ashley promptly accepted the wager, and the test was appointed for the next afternoon at 4 o'clock. At that time Ashler walked In and seated himself at a table along which stood eight or ten glasses of Madeira, each from the cellar of a different owner. "He started at the glass at the left. That,' said he. is the vintage of '37. and is from the cellar of Mr. Cooper. The next is of the date of '28, and comes from my own collection." "And so he passed down the row till only one glass was left. "The gentleman who bad made the bet was perfectly unconcerned, and smiled grimly when old Ashley took up the last glass. "The old gentleman lifted it to his lips and instead of merely tasting it as he bad done the others, he emntied thtt glass and pnt it down with a sigh of regret. "That sherry, he exclaimed. is the best yet, and there is none finer. it was imported before we be can to take records, I should say abonl 1795. or thereabouts. It is from the cellar of old Mr. B a tier.' 'The eenttemen d resent crava mur vm. laugmer as m is, ana yonng iane, who had made the bet, said, -Why, Ashley, we sent down to the corner grocery for that, and it cost 50 cents a oot lie. lou ve lost, old man. Not so fast answered As hie v. T wilt double the bet, if yon wish, that 1 am nsbt. Where was it boturht?" Thev Rot the name of the stora- aeeper anu appointed several gentle men a committee to look the matter nn The grocer admitted to these gentle- uitsu mai iie nau ooDgnc me wine trom a sailor, and farther inquiry developed the fact that Mr. Butler's cellar had been robbed some time before, the wine was compared with his. and ac knowledged by all to be the same. "Youds Lane acknowledged his de feat and paid the bet. -Wo more attempts were made to trip the old gentleman np, either." A silence fell on the Erroun when Ante Bell urn finished this story, and was unbroken till some one suggested an adjournment to the cafe to test some new whisky the club had received. ine motion was carried. Poor Joe's Misfortune. The creat farm-house is ablaze with lights twinkling from every room. Long tables groan beneath the loads of good things the bnsy housewife has been days preparing. From the barn comes merrr voices: joyous laughter. Let us stand unobserved, in the open door. What a hapov. merrv lot of vonnir folks -stalwart, handsome yonng men and healthy maidens! They are ranged around the walls with rapidly-diminishing piles of corn before them, which they hnsk and throw npon the golden heap which is growing in the center. Ah! That yonng man has found a red ear in his pile! He leaps to his feet and dashes at one of the prettiest girls! A short chase a struggle a resounding smack and it is over. He has kissed her maybe on her collar or her back hair; but that doesn't mat ter; she counts it all the same. How happy they all seem. But no. Over there in a dark corner sits a tall powerful handsome yonng fellow all alone. He speaks to no body unless addressed, and then his answers are short and sullen. Ever and anon he casts a niercin? glance at a young man of about his own age who sits at the end of the row opposite, chatting with a pretty irl. ui race a art. ens. loere is murder in his eve. He love. perhaps, and Jealous. The bell rings for supper jnst as the husking is done, and the hnskers jump up and scamper pell-mell toward the house, but the tall handsome young man remains seated and drops his face in his hands with something that sounds like a sob. For a long time he sits thus alone. then a light, harried step is beard and a sweet-voiced girl asks: "Joe, what's the matter? Had trouble with Mary - You haven't spoken to her to-night, hardly. Sick? Better come into sunoer. It will do you good, maybe.11 bis, it aiu 1 luau Tell me. Joe." savs his aUtor bind. Well " he answers. "I've irot on my thin pants I rid Dobbin over tharwuzanail-orachafe fn th' saddle." Ana the stalwart yonng hayseed Adonis broke down and shed a drench ing shower of salt and bitter tears. Jt. L. Kctchum in Short Stories. What Caused the Trouble. B loo bum ner- I thono-ht McMackin, the Alderman, were great Pennibs (an editor)We were until McMackin got married." B loo bum per "Both loved the same woman, eh?'1 J Pennibs "No, that wasn't it. When he was married I wrote aa account of it for my paper, and wrote the caption. An Alderman Takes a Bride. Weil, the compositorthought he knew enough about Aldermen to put n W in ulace of a d' in the word bride, and "now McMackin is suing ine for damages." Jkhtuseif s Weekly, THINCSFORSPORTS. How Die, Poker Chins, S II Hard Balls, and Cards are Mad. "Do yon know, I don't think I ever saw so much vice fn such a littia room," said the Sunday-school report er of the Washington Star, gazing in at the window of a dealer of sporting 6vvuo . cuiibt iTsuia nrcDuo. "Vice?" queried the dealer, standing in the doorway. "Why, certainly. Look at all those dice and dice boxes. For what im moral purposes are they intended pray?" "That Is more than I can teln re sponded the dealer, "but I can inform you as to how they are manufactured. Dice are mostly made in Germaay.and the material used is bone, bat they are not the sort to boy. because yon never find two of them alike as to size, shape, or marking. When too see a die marked on Its sides with the numbers all askew yon may know that it is a German product It is in New York city and the towns near by the metro polis that the best dice sold are made, of a celluloid composition that is par ticularly excellent for the purpose. Each die is precisely like every other one, even to the poker dice, which are stamped when soft and subsequently baked, so that the aces. kinn. aueena jacks, and ten spots are as perfect km i ib putuMuie to niaae mem in a ptaeic material. "A novelty is black dice with white spots, as yon may see in the window. All American dice are made with rounded corners, because persons who know about such things believe that they throw better." '-That is horrible," said the Sand ay school reporter, "bat I see what I pre sume are poker ehips." "Yon are right The manufacture of poker chips is an important industry in this conn try one so successful, in fact, that Mr.McKinley has not thought it worth while to protect the business -in his tariff bill. Tbev are mad a ly in New York and its vicinity of the same celluloid composition I have been speaking of. Yon can bay real ivorr chips for from $4 to 98 for 100, while those of celluloid cost onlr 75 eents. It is worth saying that the imitation has some advantage over the reaL Fnr example, aeellnloid chip will not crack if yon drop it So far as beauty is con cerned the artificial material is not to be sneezed at Look for yoarself at the ehips in the window, some of whiea are so close a counterfeit of ivory that few persons can tell the difference, while others are exquisite imitations of born. tortoise shell, agate, onyx, and other substances. All of them are prepara tions of the same sort of celluloid mix tare. Here are dice cups made in toe same way. Are they not pretty? "Those billiard balls are ivory, of course." 'lint mt all Tk . loid composition also. For that pur pose it is not quite so good as ivory because it has not the weight nor the same degree of elasticity, but it serves very fairly aa a substitute, neverthe less. Ivory can not be ased very much longer for billiard balls inas much as the elephant and the walrus -are on the verge of extinction." "Bnt do yon know I never saw so extensive a display of playing cards." "Isn't it fine?" replied the dealer. "Cards are marrelonsly cheap nowa days. Only a few years ago yon eon Id not get a good pack for less than 75 cents, whereas to-day yoa can bay m very fair one for 15 cents, and 35 eents is a fancy price. Competition has done it The bigzest playing-card factories are in New York city, where the finest Mvle in t ho nrll .h . concern there has $400,000 worth of5 machinery as a part of its plant The machinery required is very ' costlyl" fiKcn paca is primea entire on aHu gle sheet of cardboard and Afterward cut apart The latter operation has to be performed with the utmost aoenracv. in order that. the edges of the cards may coincide. Dies are used for the printing, and very expensive colors are employed." Tbe Boranit the Hog. J Io the last Dumber of tbe Medical ; Record Dr. A. M. Phelps publishes a ' description of his recent and maeh . criticised experiment in boae-grafting 1 at Charity Hospital, BlacVwell's Island, f The case was that of a boy with a frae-1 tare of the bone of the leg which it was sought to heal by welding with it the bone of the leg of a dog. -The dog lost its leg and the boy wu-t not eared of bis fracture. - i Dr. Phelps acknowledges tbe fail ore of bis experiment, outlays it to bad lock.? "Owing to the inefficient dressing," he says, "which is apt to oceur-ia. ail early operations, tbe contact of the: transplanted bone could sot be eon- tinned sufficiently long for bone tt? unite to bone. Bnt I an confident after viewing the specimen, and taking . all the conditions and snrronndingi-'i ' into account, that bone union- woulc . have taken place if actual contact could have been maintained for t. longer period. The stimulation of thv graft, however, has excited a repara ' tive process in tbe fracture, and it not promises fair to reooite. ; " "Tbe boy walks with the aid of on ' crutch or a cane. The operation . its ; success in so far as it establishes th' firinciple that it is possible to grof arge masses of tissue from aa animr to man, and to establish the circnlatio until tbe union takes place bet wee :. opposite species, without danger (, either." t $ Case and EAtec. T Cowboys and earalrvmen int n.. -' ally bow-legged from sitting astride uun ao constantly. The right arm of a blacksmith, fro ? constant use. is almost hypertrophies' - wun. ..." ten iinj, innn aisuse. b comes atrophied, . A shoemaker is almost alwavsmnn' shouldered from continually bendit over the last between his knees as -lews and hammers. .. The head of a brick-lav' i.h. -- is held aloft from bis habit of carry! ' a hod on his shoulders and looki above him as he climbs op the acaSo ' mg. -j A carpenter's risrht shoulder ia most invariably higher than his k I' in consequence of havinsr to . - right arm all the time in planing " hammering. With every shaving : shoulder rises with a jerk, and . finally becomes natural to him to b - uimselt m tbat way. All good orators have moat .hi- 7 mally wide mouths. This is the di - ' consequence of their habit of aa. sonorous words; and speak inj deliberation and correct pronunciat If one practices this before tbe g .- one can see tbat the tnaseles in cheeks are stretched more, tbaa 4 - narily and the mouth is fixs great deal snore that ia eref - v . ; veraattoa. .