The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, May 29, 1891, Image 2

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Lebanon Express.
Editor - and - Proprietor.
TC I V.7 Q r-X-C OttDQrDIDTtnM
On vr 52 00
t'C I1' advance, SI SO lx-r yrar.)
Six mimh - 1 ort
Thne mnihs....-.....
f mtfl" copic. ......,..
As announced Inst week, I have
bought the Lebanon Express from
Mresrs. Adam A Alexander, and
will hereafter undertake the man
agement of the paper, editorially
and otherwise. It is now but a
year since I retired from the con
trol of the papp-sd I feel that I
am not unknovL e people who
will be my ; ,v- A coun
try newspaper isV nted, as I
believe, in proportiouTwire imount
of local news it gathers; that its
olliee is to chronicle more particu
larly the happenings of the several
immediate communities, and es
pecially the news of its own town.
I hat i may be aoie to place oeion
my readers a larger amount ot sue
matter, will be mv chief endeavoi
To the end that the Exprrss shal
be duly appreciated, I earnestly so
licit contributions of readable mat
ter from all sections of Linn county.
I hope that the present correspond
ents, as well as the friends of the
paper, will continue their valued
correspondence as heretofore. Ed
itors and publishers do not know
Ttf ix-rljwir wpnta tf lifA hr intu
ition. ' " ... fl
Trt TV i. .!1,J. l!i I
w niie x nave very aeciaeu
ical views, it is not my purpose to
make this a partv aper. I will
endeavor te treat all live subjects
fairly and fearlessly. If any wrong
is done any one. it will not be in-j
tentionally, and I will do all in my I
power to right any errors. My best
efforts will be made to make the
interests ot Lebanon and the sur
rounding country. I am not yet
well settled in the editorial chair,
and I hope to mnke each succeed
ing issue of the paper better and
better as long as it patrons will
enceurase its advancement. I ear
nestly ask for all the patronage the
Teoile think the naner merits, and
I irerily believe that I will have a
liberal support. V ery respectfully,
H. Y. Kirkpathick.
Governor Pennover has appointed
Hon. Geo. K. Chamberlain, of Al
bany, to toe office of Attorney Gen
eral for the State of Oregon, a new
office created by act of the last Leg
islature. Although the office is a
ery necessary and important one,
the btate has heretotore been with-
t such representative. , The
office is made elective, the
Governor having power to
make this appointment, under
which the present appointee will
hold until the general election in
1894. In view of the importance
and responsibility of the office, the
t iovernor's selection is a good one,
Mr. Chamberlain being eminently
apable of discharging the duties
of this office, and the people r no 1
know him best have no doubt bot j
th.t his administration in that de-'
partment will reflect the wisdom of
his selection, and that he will get
honors to himself and his State.
His appointment will meet with
tfee-approval of the peopl of this
ounty without regard to party dif
ferences. He has a good record
and is a tried and faithful friend of
the masses. It will in this connec
tion perhaps not be amiss to sdy
of the past career of Mr. Chamber
lain that he was bora, in Natchez,
Miss., June 1, 1854, so that he is
nftw 'in his 37th year. In 1872 he
matriculated at Washington and
Lee University, graduating from
there in 1876 in the academic de
partment as A. B and in the law
department as B. L. He practiced
law in Mississippi a short time, and
in December, 1876, he arrived in
Linn county, Oregon. He was in
1879 appointed deputy county
iplerk, which office he filled satis
factorily. In 1879 he formed a law
partnership- with Judge L. Flion
Me was elected to the legislature
in 1880, being next to the youngest
member of that bodv. Overcom
ing a Republican majority of sev
eral hundred, he was elected dis
trict attorney in 1884. He was at
TJnefeii? editor of the States Rights
To use an old saying in connec
tion with Hon. Jerry Simpsou, the
srckless statesman" of Kansas.
"V hoever fries him for a fool will
lose his fat.'" The Kansas farmer-
eiCTessmanbeeu interviewed
at leneth as to his views on finance.
transportation and other - subjects
for legislation, and he is not so -vis
ionary as represented. After reH
counting, the hardships ihe Kansas
farmer kas to endure on account of
high railroad rates, he was asked
whether his people did not get some
benefit from southern routes in com
1 petition with easterr - Mr. Simp
son replied that a good deal of in
terest had been taken in a roposal
to improve Galveston harbor, as it
promised a more easily accessible
outlet through the gulf. T'But,
dear me," he sau, "wyt..our pres
ent protective tariff, what's the use?
No sooner is an opening found any
whereXfor getting American ' pro-
government stops it up again at a
. custom bouse, so that nothing can
" get into the country from outside
,r without paying an extortionate toll.
The trouble with commerce, as
: with any other form of exchange,
is that it takes two parties to con
duct it; and we Americans can't
expect other people to buy. our
goods if we refuse to accept theirs
in return." - " 1
a Belgian . immigrant
York, was scs pected
4 e,
r ft
a Tiger for
anon I
Prosperity and a Boom for Leb
anonWork to Commence
In Thirty Days.
y ith vim and determination the
Lfcitlzens have taken hold of Hits enter
prise, and the committee in charge of
the affair have pushed the matter for
the past three days, and now victory
has crowned their efforts THE CA
NAL 13 A SUCCESa The coiuple
tion of the canal will ensure the future
prosperity of our little city, give a cor
dial Invitation and guarantee to cap
ital, will inspire everyone with confi
dence, and will put the croaker to
citizens generally was held Wednesday
rwning, at which time the following
directors werefeeed: L. Foley, C H
Ralston, F. O'Neil, J.L. fcwwanj W. II.
Donaua, J. J. Swan and M.A.Miller.
The dirt-ctors held a meeting and
elected the following officers from
among their inemlers: President, L.
Foley; Secretary, M. A. Miller; Treas
urer, C II. Ralston.
The capital stock of the company is
$12,000, divided into shares of $23 each.
Up to time of writing $S,000 have been i
We are assured by oneof the directors
that work will begin within thirty
credit Is due a number of our
citizens for their indefatigable labor in
securing to Lebanon this great enter
prise. J'Next week we will publish a list of
ile stockholders.
(From the Ochoco Review.
The Fouth of July begging commit
tee will be out this afternoon.
Horse men who have been riding on
the range of late report a fair increase
in their bands.
Indications are favorable that wool
will be worth 20 cents or more at The
Dalles this season.
Bough Bros, started on Tuesday
for California with 10,000 head of mat-
toheep which , they bad bought in
this and Wasco counties.
The southeastern part of the county
was favored wirh a fine shower of rain
on Friday of last week.
W. J. Claypool arrived yesterday
from Willamette valley. He brought
band of cattle across the Cascades.
The cold north winds that have pre
vailed during Uw week have been very
detrimental to growing crops.
Last Friday a very heavy rain fell
on Willow creek country. aI,d up next
to the timber it was very nearly
water spout.
This week a band of cattle belonging
to Col. Nye was brought across the
Cascade mountains by the way of the
San tiara route.
Prineville merchants, report quite a
revival of business during the week.
They have been kept busy filling
orders and waiting on customers.
The wheat belt of Eastern Wash
ington produced an enormous crop last
year, but it is estimated that the yield
will be 30 per cent, greater this year.
Several teams are reported to have
crossed the Cascade mountains by the
San ti am route. There is snow on only
about lo miles of the road.
Graut county sheep raisers sold their
mutton for 2 25 to $2 75. Crook
county sheepman beat them slightly,
they having said at from $2 75 to $3.
Every farmer who comes to town
says his prospects for a ood crop are
flattering. Although the frost injured
grain in some places, the growing crop
is not materially affected.
Times are entirely too dull to. be
healthy. Not a fight for a month
and the police court hasn't had a cas
for six weekrt or more. What ia-'the
town coming to? The millcmum must
he near at baud. - "
ment swamp land InspcowJias been
here several das examining the
so-called swamp lands in the surrYHind-
ing countrv. 3ie found considerable
land J8ed as "swamp" that is
reality desert land.
Murk Powell met with quite a
Wrious accident on Eriday of last week
at his farm below town. He was roll-w
ing grain, and the team becoming
frightened, dragged' 'the roller over
hnn, bruising bim considtrably,
though hi injuries are no dangerous.
Mr. Powell has been able to be about
the past few days. r
Last year the Canyon City News
published an article that was offen
sive to some parties, ana me reieui
ftrnn-rprvriTitv errand iurv indicted
the editor, IX I. Ashbury, forTibenl
Kditors oucht to be careful and
publish nothing but the truth,
then tbcv ncd have no feari of
being indicted fwrJibe.L " , .
'tlce JTaj-mer-Wantcd
at n-, lii4:kens.
jrec, tarKfVB, nnu iruns.
zni limit it
kinds of farm produce.
limiiest uru'C
goods. -
. V. Stmpwn,
Editor Lebanon Kxphrhs:
It seems that our able corps of cor-
respondi'tiU are aomewhnt delinquent
In furnishing their regular quota of
news items. I suggest the fulfillment
literally of the following monthly pro
Crowfoot Snatches;
Willow I'rutrte, nionntttin news;
Kir Bottom, fiuntiernnd pioneer;
itrownsville, literary and educational.
Waterloo Warbles, "Little Bird;" Itip
ploSi C. Ritic;'
DTreet Home, rcliRious, personal, etc. ;
Happy Home, fanning, vimlening and
health J
J jiconib, soriul news and items of interest.
SwitJierland news, routing, invignmtinir,
Snilaville, beverage, band, building, busi
Hamilton crrrk, real estate, health, good
Fairview, fun, fame, fancy, fiction.
SodnvHle, swial news; ,
Waterloo, pence, plenty, pajjeantry, poesy
Wirblmrg, lumber, logic and locality;
Mapleton, fruit, berries, ieaclies, apples.
nisplerries and cream, and every other
good thing.
The above to be Interspersed and
spiced by local correspondent else
where, with news and items of interest
from correspondents at places not enu
The ExrRKSsdfserTesthebestefrort8
of its local correspondents, and the
readers desire a newsy and livelv pa
per. The editors are doing their part,
and we as contributors should will
ingly, for the public good, devote some
of our spare time to collecting and ar
ranging news, notr-s and items, that
the people may know what is being
done In every part of tlie county. The
local newspaper is taken principally
for the news contained In tiie "corre
spondents' columns1 So, correspond
euts, one and all, let us make our pa
per particularly interesting for the next
six mouths, so mucA so that its editors
may enjoy the warm . season,
well, and be doubly paid for the labor
expended. There are no doubt fiOO
families ready to subscribe for the pa
per, if we yes, we furnish the news
they desire, and just the very things
they desire to know is known only by
us. To prove It, listen:
Health is good.
Peace reigns supreme.
A. If. Yost is building a residence at
Mrs. 8. I. Russell is visiting her daughter.
at Mapieton.
John Gilliland has a force of men at work
on the toll road.
Ererycme has their crop and garden in
and are now taking an invigorating rest.
Charles Howes is at work at Lower Soda
will probably remain during the summer.
Parker and (iilliland have the best pro-
pect for a good crop I ever saw on the tJilii
land fami.
The Howes boys, while at work last week
in the timber near Mapieton, saw a lai-ge
black bear.
Jesse Yost will commence work on his
dwelling in Akola as soon as lie can get the
lumber hauled.
W. H. McKinnon is at his old stand ready
to accommodate the travelling public in
every way m his power. .
a. i nomson, roan supervisor, is at wn -
on the county road atxrve Sweet Home. 1 '
road will sooja be in good condition.
John Atkinson will ran the hotel at Iower
Soda. He will put everyibing in good re
pair and wilt keep supplies usually kept at
such places.
Jacob Menear is through seeding. lie lias
the best prospect for a large crop of anyone
east of Wilev creek. He has planted about
three acres of beans.
Mr. Wayne came over the toll road last
week with a drove of horses from Hamev.
He lost two black horses which st ravel
away from the band this side of Cash creek.
Mr. Humphrey has moved his family to
Akola and taken possession of his proterty
there. It will be remembered that Mr.
Humphrey bought the grist mill at this
There is a stray horse at Elder Shea's,
two miles above Sweet Home. The horse
is branded L. T. on the left hip. color bay.
There is also a bay horse branded 111 at A.
Wiley's, just above 8weet Home.
Hoping that every contributor to our
"program" will acquit themselves with
honor and credit on this the first round, I
select the fbl'owing committee to arrange
program for next ronnd : Prof. Barzce, Pro.
T. 1. Kice and Prof. O. Calovan (of La
comb). Au revoir. W. R. Itkb.
This is wbat you ouht to have, in
fact you must have it to fullv enlov
life. Thousands are searching for ft
daily, and mourning because they &M
it not. Thouiaiid upon thousands of
dollars are spent annually- byjslir peo
ple in the hope that they .may attain
thin boon. And yet It- mny be had by
all. We guarantee tlax Kleetric Bit
ters, if used according to directions
and the use persisted in, will bring you
Good Digestion and oust the demon
Dyspepsia ajed install Instead Kupepsy.
We recommend Kleetric Bitters for
Dyspepsia and all diseases of Liver,
Stonffirn:" and Kidnevs. Sold at 50c.
and $1.00 per bottle by Smith A
Miller, druggists.
Sprina; JFever.
At this season-of the year the most
vigorous and hearty people often have
a feeling of weariness, tired and worn
out, without ambition to do anything,
and many break out in pimples and
boiN. Wbat you require is a mild
tonic medicine that will act gently on
the liver and blood, and for this, noth
ing eqUnlsD: Oun's Improved Liver
I'M if- . ji ney give au aeuviiy x.a m
livtsr, purify the blood and by thei
mild--tonic action, new vitality ann
stregtfi to the entire system. iSoldat
25 cents atA by M. A. Miller. -'
Sm '
Ocd'a BtrsoliTE to HansanltTH:
So Says an Oregon Pioncer-Klnetr YearSJidti'
Fobfct ('ROW. Or., Mnrotj I..w
Ihavenfed the OlifcXiON K10N-EY TEA aud
jbtttine immediate relief. I is Ood'f twiU.Uj
humanitv. I tnke pleasure ii reeomtnenfl writ
to l lie afflicted. lam now nearty uintiy wm
old. -Mme o Oregon in ' i the eipioy of- ihe
HudHon'H Bav f'ompJinv rnd since'! Itesmn ti"tiiR
the OREGON KIDNEY TEA. ? enioy grtod health.
Used in Millions of Homes-4o Yeass tlie Standard.
IVru Emily Torhet wn born in Liverpool,
Ohio, A u trust 10, 1872; died hi Isbnuon,
Oregon, May 23, i80l.
At the age of 10, she gnve her heart to
Clod and her timid to the church. - She was
carefully trained from er.rly iutaney hy her
piou mother to say not o?wy the o!inary
prayers of cliitdhood, tmt a 1st) to Hfp others
the thtmglit-s ot the mother. Bhe Ijeeame
familiar with Bible words and Hlhle xtorieu
ot a very early age, having rend "line upon
line" and "precept upon precept" licfoK
she was H years of age.
She went to ft hool Imt Utile, only two
mouths in all before the nse of 12, yet she
was carefully instructed nt home both by
her father and mother. Her associates were
uniformly those inclined toward spiritual
things, and she seldom was absent from the
means of grace as observed by ttie Metho
dist Kpiseopal church. Her taste for litera
ture caused her to rend quite extensively,
and her scrap-lvooks nre carefully selected
productions of the piirent thought. Al
though she sometimes looked at the dark
side of lite, and at such times reproached
hcrseif for Inactivity in spiritual things, yet
3hfeentcd ever longing to be more fully
co -rated to ttod and his service. Very
frequently during the last year of her life.
she kissed her hither ntid mother and sai
'1 am fully the lord's," or "I am wholly
consecrated to iod," or "I feel Jesus very
precious to my soul," or some other words
ot similar lmiort. Bhe passed away in the
bloom of youth a lovely half-blown rose.
transplanted from earth to the Paradise of
Uod. When her father kissed her forehead
as she retired to rest for the las time he
said, "You are trusting in Jesus an yon go
to sleep." She replied, "Yes." A few min
utes before she diet!, she said, "Teach the
cl itdreii the books and the Bible."
Her plan for life seemed to be to fit her
self for a missionary to India, where her
uncle Hiram Torbet lies burled, and where
her aunt Ellen H. Fox stilt labors to bring
the heathen to Ood.
But He who gave hath taken away. Al
though wounded and disappointed, we bow
in humble submission to his will. Our loss
is Dora's gain. Father ind Motbki
WinrcoMB, May 22.
Beautiful Sring.
Fine crops coming on.
Population on the increase. We now
number 22.
Messrs. Runthaueh and McKechnie an?
tip tlie new trail prospecting.
Mr. Boon, with his bride ami little daugh
ter, mon-d in their new and comfortable
cabin on his claim yesterday.
Mrs. Whitconib's father, Mr. Bheppnrd,
from Caliromia, han taken a claim in Bijr
Bottom, hns a cabin on it and expects his
family in the fall.
Onr sick man, Mr. Hantelmnn, went to
8weet Home last Tuesday, feeling quite
well, though not with his usual strength.
He expects to return to the mountains soon.
We have a fair prospect for a school at
Whiteomb. There are now six children of
sehool age in Big Hot torn, and if nil the set
tiers had their children up here there would
then be fourteen.
"Oreen Peter called on ns just before we
received the 1. m Alton Kxprsss of May 8th.
If he had waited nntil we received san
paper he might have received a much
warmer welcome. But as he has gone out
of business in Kwitzerland, we feel free to
compliment, and will remember him
wherever he may roam.
Mrs. Potter, of Lctanon, formerly of
Kansas, walked to Big Bottom a short time
ago, and is none the worse for her trip.
though friends in Iebanon and on the way
said it wotdd kill her. Hue camped one
night on the wnv, got herein good season
t- nd diiv, and sti- rhed 22$
- snd hearty.
T'" L. T?W..sE JlsB3-4.
The fullest store we have ever seen
in Linn county, the finest assortment 1
of goods In the valley, outride or Port
land, Is to be seen at the Golden Kule
Bazar. Children never tire loohingat
the immense stock and uniquedisplay
of tovs; the stock of crockery, glassware
and chinaware is the wonder ut id admi
ration of all who see it; the ix hundred
pounds of tea of tue cn nicest brand
and oest flavor, which the proprietor
has sold within the last year, has cre
ated a thirfet fior more ef this eicelllent
beverage. While Dr. Price and other
chemists rre wraneling over the purity
at their Hiking powders, ihe Ooldeu
Rule prize pakinh powder hells and no
ques ions nre aked and no fault '
found as io Hs merits. A compleiv
line ofshel- hardware, am.r, tricycles,
baby carriages, etc, ate to 3e seen t
this house. Don't spend ?10 gtihiy' tit
Por.l;.ud w ten you can seev all
the r lore sights for the simple
cost o" a look. When in AJbany spend
an hour in in is great, curiosity store
and you wtii alwayebe glad fhat you
visited O.adwuhl's Golden Kule iia
Kaar. Altany, Oregon.
. Jp Changed Kvery Week.l - w -Wheat
85c ; ;
. Oats Oc
Khmr 1 40Hr 50 per sack.
Chop 1 50 perewt. f ;
Bran 90c perewt. .
Middlings -$lfi0 per cwt- -Potatoes
40c. -, f -
Apples Dried, 8c per lb." ;
Plums Dried, 7c t ;
Onions 5c. i v v
Beef Dressed, 67c f
Veal 5(S:6c, , i-
Ptrk Dressed, 5i6c " i1
Lard 124SU4. f
Hams -l15c per lb.
enou liters ;Hf.ioe.
Sides 10foM2c per lb.
Geese $1112 per dox.
jucks 7 on per aoz.
Chickens 4 O05 00. -
Turkeys 12ci per lb.
Eggs loc per ao. J4?.
Butter 20c per lb.,-
Hides Green, 4fS5ci ' ary , 10c
There is mosCatarfh "tfi this section of
the country than all other diseases put to
gether, ana until the hut few years wus
sMiMvfl tq tea incurable. For a prent many
vignrMpWliroi i ounecd it a lx-al disease,
!i MwJFrM local remetlies. and by con
tjtrrt!tlyailing to cure with local treatment.
proven Catarrh to lie a constitutional dis
a0ic, and therefore requires constitutional
treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufac
tured by F. J. C'henev t Vo.t Toledo, Ohio,
ii the only constitutional cure on t lie mar
ket. It is taken internally in doses from 10
ritorSs to a teaspoon fill, lt acts directly
limn thlood and mucous surtuces of the
system. Thev otTcr one hundred dollars
for any case it foils to cure, fcend for circu
lars and teftinTonmln. Addicss,
F. J. Chknet & ro., loledo, O..
:oi(t t-y j.rutri , i.n.
Tb Baad to Wealth!
Cannst b siieetMnilly trmlstf with
out good health. Te nwh wailth at any
eovetsd sosHloft in lit rtquir thsfull
setMuien n4 eptratlon of alt ths fae
altlstklnd nattirs hat andoned ut with.
Tnsts conditions eannet oxltt ttnlots ths
hytleal fcolng Is In aerfset working
ordar, and this Is Impootlblt whtn ths
llvsr and Spleonara torpid, thutebttruct
Ing ths Merotlont, eautlnf Indlfittlsn
and dyoooptla, with all ! tholr accon-
panylng horrors.
English Dandelion Tonic
xtrta a tpwlflc lallnanes evtr ths llror,
oxeltot H ta hoatthy aetlon, rstolvsi Mi
hronlc sngorgamants, and promotes ths
soerotlono ; suros indiotttion and Mnttf-
patlon, sharpons tho appotlto, tonot np 1
tho ontlra systawi, and nakss Ills worth
Mirrnonisr kpifcopal cm'Rmi-Thomiw
Y. Hyil. na-lor Ni-rvtees every SitbbJitn at U A.
M. and 7 Y. il. Habbntli M' lmi at 1U A. M. SIict
(nftof ttie F.pworth l.cusiic ill 3 P, M. Piuvr
mt-Tiitip j nurumy cvcniujr i-.iju a eioi'K. jiu arc
uivltfa to nUcnu tiie sprvtres.
PRKSBYTr.RIAN HVRCH A. Wanclliw. n&s
tnr. Svrvlres vvrry Hubbrtli ti 11 A. M and 7-:k)
p. m. iuiHtuin M'iMi ttt iu . m. rrnTer incet
tug WetlucMlay evening e. 7dX) o'clock. AH wel-
E. K. Thompson, lmstnr. Preai'litur scrvlf.t eurh
H-.lK.Hth Mt fl A M unil T-ltll I l ' Prnri.r mntl.
his Wi-durlav evenhie at 7:30. SuuHar Bt-huol
every Hitoiuun r.t w a. m.
M. E. f'Hl'Rflf, SMTrf G. P. Hnnleitcr. piu
l.r. Proaohtnctlrst BJthbath nt 11 A. M. and ewli
sairHi ti event no: At l :o. hiuhIht si-ijiwl at i: 31
CottoRe prayer mevttna i-ich Friday evening.
FIR3T BAPTIST CITrRrtll. R. Lamnr. rw-
tor. .er-lees held tn the Acdntemy. Prenrhinfr
every ttrst nnd seeond Sunday at 4 P. M. 8uuday
Attorney-at- Law
Albany, Oregon.
Will pnwttee In all the courts of ltd state.
OlUve, front rounu over bank of Oregon.
W. H. BOOTH, M. D.,
Office tn Guv a New Build Inar.
Residence at Mrs. Ambler's.
Physician and Surgeon
Graduate of Royal College of London awl BeU-
toc Medical College. Mass.
Chrouie eases a speeitUtjr.
mm-en removed wilhoui anin or the knife.
OFFICE- Kirbpatrick's butldlnx, Ibauon, Or
Emporium of FasWo
Is rertlen vci tb TjihW Stvle of I!a!, Bonnets
aud every Ttiri"-tr of iiean -jpw known to
"the laMikmable urld.
which i M;Ultd m or ttv liufip who maktt
cutting and Kitting a Sint-luliy.
. Ria-rwt tvr tiik 'KxpRam" Ornca.
EX(3!!HiE HOTEL Bl'lIAimi.
DrefeEiiits, Vh CmIh.. Wrap, end Plain Sewing
Gently and rrnuiptly Doue ,
Cuttinjr and FltMns a PpeetaHy. -hnrsi- reason
able, A fair sbare of sewing solicited.
LAxnOfTicB at Oregon Clly. drrpon. 1 fl hernr pItto tht the ruiUtvring-named
settlepnjM filed no icj of hiK In fen tion to mnke
finAI jiroof in soiiort of hip claim . and that stiid
p-Ttof will be mnle before the t"otur Clerk ot
fc, County, at ADiauy, Oreguo, on Ally 13, VS91,
z: .,
Homestead Kntry No- 5h99, for the E. K f 3?- W.
and Lots 1. 2. S and 4, Sec. 9. To. 13. 8. R. 1 W.
his eontlmtoiti" reldenee upon and eultiva
tinn of. kMirt lnnd. Georee Uivar. (leorce Wil-
Bfin, fieorve K hint and Jnnies Vatulerwol, all of
SodttTille V. 0, Linn Conniy, Ore-on.
- Xand Ofnce at Oregon rlty, Oregon, 1
Mav 21. 1831.
. Norlee In herehrirtventhat the ftillovliie-narued
euler las tiled uotiee of his Intention to mnke
IHnftl proof tn miDport of his claim, and that cam
nrmf will ho mnr p Itefore nio I OlinlV cicrK OI
Linn County, at Albany, Oregon, on July 14, 1891,
; -CEimOE omits.
Pre-emption P. 8. No. 7401 for the K-Kf -and
E. H of 8. E. i. ?er. M. Tn. 12 t.. 11. 1 E.
He nnmos the roHowinR- wltnewos to prore hlf
eontimions residence upon and enltivaflon of. said
laud, vis: ttucar W. Mnrrish. OrenC. Marshall, C.
Dun kins and I Crowd ley, at of lbnnon, J .inn
County. Oregon. J. T. APPIvKlsON, Kcgtster.
't tXnA Omce at Oregon City, Ore iron, t
4MMvi lav2I. 1SW
Notice Is herebr siYenthat the rollo-iK-named
Mttler has riled nonce of hi Intention to make
ftnal proof in support of his clnim, and (hat Mid
proof will be made before the County Clerk of
fcrnn Count-, at Albany, Oregon, on July 14, lsyi,
vl: .
Pre-emption D. B. No. 7445, for the X. K. H Sec.
30. Tn. 12 S., R. 2 B.
He names the fnllowlnir witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of, fRid
land, viz: 'ren i;. wftrsnan, ueorjse wiuon aw
William Hale, of Lebanon. Linn County, Oregon,
and Andrew Vail of Waterloo, Linn County, Ore
gon. J. T. APPERSON, Register.
Has en hand a large stock of
Call f!A.nd 'Secure Prices.
Tn Make Room for My
i OF
Kntire Stock of
Boots & Shoes
jSJF cost.
Now is the Time to
I Propose to Have
Leading Dry Goods Store
In the Valley.
Promptly attended.
Alban-) Oregon.
The Yaquina Route.
T. E. Hograr, Receiver,
Oregon Development Co' s Steamslip Line
326 MMtt Short rl 20 Hoars Lass Trms!
Than by anr other Route.
From Portland and all point In the Willamette
VaUer to and from Ran Francisco, CL
TIME SCBEDL LE (Knee pi PtindnT-.)
Lt Yaquina 7 ADAM
Lt CorratlU.lJ:35 A M
Ar Albany 11:US A M
Lt Albany ir 2fl P M
LTCorralli'! ISPM
Ar Yaiuina 4:35 p M
O. C. trains ron nert at A1lany and Corrallia.
Th above trains mmiert at Yaquina with the
Orcein DTelopment CimvAnxn Hne of Steam
ships between i atjulna ami ban FraiKUicii.
S. S. Willamette Valley
from Vannlna Mst 7lh. Ifith. 2h. Slst
From San Francisco May 3d, 12ih, 2Uth. 28tb
Thi companT resrrres the rlsrht to change sail-
iii g oaui wiiuoui uwifc.
C. C. HOOCE. General Manager.
O. F. & P. Agent. Corrallls, Or.
Omaha, Kansas. City, Chicago,
East, North & Souli.
. AT .
C. O. RAWLINGS, Agent,
Albany, : : Orkoos.
Cose for Sick Rfamrhc,
1 idi trnuLImarialcut froia
Xadigritiaii prCansrlpcUon.
. hi t'-jrtf Tina the HUmd.
Tm ntoety oHjn-,td to iu t he caw, m
toe Inrv -inmrn. auivy to V. lie
temtif l TfavrWr nmf UklHi pu. Ion urinla" wiVh-
pi?, i
nnd KirtN'
lo I1KA1.T
d vinonoussTRns'umofYt.imir
rautod, and so stamped on bottom. Address
W.LuDOLJttLjAS, Brockton, M&m. SoldbJ
Land Office at Oregon City, Orefron,
Mav m. I
Notice is herebv given that the following-named
settler has tiled notiee of his intention to make
final proof in support of his claim, ana that said
proof will be made before the County Clerk of
l.iim Couuty, at Albany, Oregon, on July 14, 1691
Prc-cinnlinn O. S. No. 7444. for the E. yt of S. W.
J4. ana LH8 3 aim 4. oec. w. rp. o., it. s
He nuniftP tho following witnesses to prove his
eon tiuuous reMdetu upon and cullival ion of, said
laud, viz: Utwpe Uibbs, O&t-ar w. Mornsh, An
drew Vail anl William Hale, all of Ibaiiou Linn
County, Oregon. J. T. Ari'tKSOJf, Kegi-ster.
lluiU 0
one pill cin nver
UfSf'. fts.-
If you want to see the best assort
ment of General Merchandise in town,
and get the best values for your money,
you cannot do better than call on me
at my old stand, where the latest nov
elties in Spring Goods are to be had
at way-down prices.
Call and examine my stock of Fur
nishing Goods, Ties, Collars and Cuffs,
Kid Gloves, Fine Balbriggan Under
wear, Etc.
I have the latest novelties Dress
Goods, Ribbons, RuchiLgs, Silks,
Plushes, and Trimmings of all kinds.
I keep the celebiated P. N. and S. K.
Corsets, which give elegance of shape
and perfection of fit.
H11 lines of CLOTHING, BOOTS
and SHOESaficKjEeeEBtES con
stantly on hand.
Produce of all kinds taken in ex
change for goods.
Your patronage is respectfully in
Lebanon, Or.
1ST -
Men's, Youth's and Boy's Clothing,
Furnishing Goods, Etc.
" s '
"Nliso Keep on Second floor a full line of
In which I will not -e, undersold. Come and see me and
J. WRVtefat
Leoanoii riaumg mnr
Refitted, Enlarged and Improved.
I manufacture and deal in Doors, Blinds, all stvles of Windew
Frames, Door Frames, Mouldings, Brackets, Etc., in fact anything man
ufactured and kept on hand in a first-class planer.
In connection with the above, I also have on . hand a well-assorted
lumber yard in which is to be found reugh and dressed Lumber,. Rustic,
Bevel, weatner noaruing, nuonug,
for Cornices, Etc.
Nichols, Westfall & Co.,
AT .
Reasonable Bates.
Livery, lectl aad Sale Stables.
HpecinI attention shown Commercial
Transient stock carefully cared for.
for Bargains
von w.ll.
aiiu uai jlhiub ii riuisuiuj (juuiurr
Short Notice.