He who thinks to please the World is dullest of his kind; for let him face which way he will, one-half Is yet behind. LEBANON, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 29. 1891. VOL. V. NO. W. B. DONACA, -DEALER IN- Groceries and Provisions, Cigars, Tobacco, Furnishing Goods, Etc., Etc. First-Glass Goods at Reasonable Prices. GIVE ME A TRIAL AND BE CONVINCED. Country Produce Taken, in Exchange for Goods. KEEP, ON HAND Shingles, Posts, Boards and Pickets. " Notary Public. PETERSON & GARLAND, Real Estate Brokers HAVE ON HAND - CHOICE BJR&lllSrS Til Lartre and Small Farms. Bt Fruit Land in Valley. Finest Grain Ranches in - the WorM. Improved and Unimproved Land, Irom t per Acre and up. Satisfaction tiuarautepd. Have on hand some CHOICE CITY PBOFEKTY, Residence and Business. Bargains in all Additions to the Town. . Houses Rented and Farms Leased. . , xrsrsTJUisrcE AOKNTB FOB London Liverpool Glob Insurance Co. Guardian Assurance Co.. of London.. Oakland Home Insurance Co., of Oakland, Cel. State Insurance Co.. of Salem, Oregon. Farmers' and Merchants Ins. Co., o f Salem Collection"! Receive Prompt Attention. pleas lira in rivingr OUT patrons ail information ueeireo in our una oi ouwuww. DR. O. H. DUCKETT, . D E N T I SJT LKRAJfON,. OKKUOX. . ' J. K. WEATHTERFORD, ATTORNEY. AT-LAW. Office over First National Bank. v AUMlT, - J - - " OREGON. - w. R. pilyeu, . ; ATTORNEY- AT- LAW. i. L. COWAN. J. M. RALSTON Bank of Lebanon, LEBANON, OREGON. Transacts t General lU Business. KEPT SUBJECT TO CHECK. SOI' Exchange sold on New York, San lanoifcoo, Portland and Albany, Org Collections made on favorable terms G. T. COTTON, Dealer la Groceries and Provisions. Tobacco and Cig-ai-s, Smokers' Articles. Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Jonlectionery, Qneensware and Glassware, Lamps and Lamp fixtures. PAY CASH FOR EGGS. Mate Street. Lebanon, Oregon LEBANON Meat Market ED. KELLENBERGER, Prop. Fresh Salted Beef, Pork, Mut ton, Sausage, Bologna & Ham, BACOB ASD LAUD ALWA YS ON HAND -njMIr- J i n( "I" "" -- r-s i A STOCK OP Sam'l M. (tAELASI), Attorney-at-Law. Notary Business a Specialty. We take EAST AND SOUTH Southern Pacific Boutc. THE HOCKT SHASTA ROUTE. ET.paxm tbaIks uuti fostlahb daily; Portland ' AlbSDT AT 9;3 A. I9i3 A. Lv was a.m- Smb FranetflOo Lv. Above trains to only at u to""". BM"mB Eugene. . - . 7 Mail Dally. 84)0 A. W. ArJ 40 P. M. Ar 1 12 :00 . Lv 6:20 A M. 12 :W P. k. B :40 P. IE. r Boeeburg Albay Local Dally (Except Sunday.) Portland Albany Ar 90 A. XC Ivt jS.-OO A.K TrmiBft Sally Kxoept Sunday. 2 :3 p. X. Albany Ar f 9 :33 A. 1 Lebanon Ir ( 8 :3 A. 1 Albany Ar I 4 :26 p. Lebanon Lt j 3 :40 P. 1 2:2b P. K. 7:30 A. M. 8 . 22 A. M. PTJLXMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping: Can For accommodation of Second-Class Passengers. anaer ea so axpreHs raua WEST SIDE DIVISION. BETWEEN PORTLAND AND C0RTALLIS. Mall Train Daily (Except Sunday.) At Albany and Corvallls connect with trains of Oregon racinc uauroaa. s Train Dally Except Snnday.) .K.ILT . jl I Ar aa-Th roueh tickets to all noints Bast and South. For Ueheta and lull Information regarding rates, maps, etc, can on uo s agem auDBnon. B, KOKULEE, K. P. ROGERS. Manager. Asst a. F. a P. Aft : : . . I. 11. BOllUM. Tonsorial Artist A Good Shave, Shampoo, Hair Cut, Cleaned or Uressea. Hot and Cold Baths at all Hours. Children Kindly treated. Calland see me. R. L. McCLURE Barker : and : Hairdresser. Lebanon. Oregon. Shaving, Haircutting and Shampoo ing in the latest and best style. Spec ial attention paid to dressing Ladies' hair. Tour patronage respectfully ao- Farm Notes Bllaa. on Dairy Vtorma. Iu responce to numerous inquiries repnrdlug the use of the siio in storing food for stock the foilowinB report of work done in this line nt the Oregon experiment station has ijeen pre partnl. A small silo was built iu the barn on the station farm In 1889. It con sisted of a portion of the lower floor, 10x13 feet, partitioned off with 3x8 studding, placed 13 inches apart, and extending to the upper floor, 10 feet above. On the side next the Bide of the barn the studs were 16 inches apart. The floor of the silo was made on the ground, 18 Inches below the barn floor, making the ello 11 feet deep. The studding was boarded in side with common rough lumber run ning across the studs. Tarred build ing paper was placed on this, lapping enough to break joints. Then a cover ing of matched flooring running up and down was put overthe paper, making a smooth and air-tight wall. A coat of hot gas tar and resin was put on the last coverinUo. protect the lumber from the hot juices of the silage. The tar and resin was used in the proportion of one pound of resin to one gallon of tar. This portion of the silo has been filled the third time and there is no Bign of decay in the lumber. There was no floor in the silo when filled the first time, simply the ground cevered with two or three inches of pounded gravel. This worked all right until the rate found out the merits of silage and began explorations. A cement bottom has since been put in to protect the silo "from these rodents. - - 4 Many use plank floors and are mueh pleased with them; observing the same precautions that are taken in the construction of the walls namely,', to keep out the ait and vermin, and to make it strong enough to support the great weight of the green silage. In the fall of 1889 the silo was partially filled with corn of several varieties, grown on the experimental plats and on the farm. About 15 tonB were available for silage, hence the silo was only partially filled. The fill ing was delayed by the cutter not arriving on time.' On account of this delay the corn was very badly frost bitten, so much so that when cut the leaves were dry and brittle. Notwith standing this condition of the fodder it made excellent feed, noue being re fused uy the stock. The silo was filled the first week in October. After filling the silo tarred paper was spread over the top, and loose boards laid over this, with about half of a cord of fir wood placed on the Is to hold them in position and press them down in a measure. There was comparatively little weight, and even this may be dispensed wttfa, as many have determined in practice. When the silo was opened January 1, 1890, there was a few inches of poor silage on the top. This wag removed to the manure pil and feeding begun. All the covriing was removed from the top, wUit'h is thought to be the best method, as there is no loss when a layer is taken off every day or two ff feeding. There were no animals on the farm that had ever been fed on silage, yet some of them ate it at once and ail soon became very fond of it. It Is best to reed only a little of the silage at first, as in the case of any new kind of food animals have to learn to eat it. The animals were given one feed each day for a few dayB; but later two feeds were given, constituting the main ration. A small ration of bran was given to cows giving , milk. Better results are realized If there is one feed of dry material given each day, or the animals are given the privilege of the straw stack. I believe straw can be utilized .very satisfac torily when fed in this way. All of the cattle, consisting of ten head, were fed on the silage until the middle of March, when the supply gave out. In May, 1890, five or six tons of mixed clover and grass, cut from the college lawn, were placed in the eiio. This was covered with a layer, three inches thick, of green rye which had been run through the feed cutter. The clover and grass was not cut with the feed cutter. The silo was covered as before, except there was no paper placed over the material. The feeding of the clover sileage was begun July 1. ' The animals were very fond of it, and the cows gave more milk than when running in the pas ture. This is one of the strong points in favor of the silo ; i. e., by its use the supply of succulent food can be kept up during the dry season. Dairy products bring a better price at this time than earlier in the season, and the pastures invariably fail during these dry months. The practice of feeding silage at this season has been successfully followed by those who are-engaged in the dairy business. A boat Strawberries. The strawberries that seem to be safe to plant everywhere throughout this coast are Lanfrworth's Prolific old, medium size, very good; Sharp less very large, poor in quality, pro ductive, but fairly good for home use if allowed to become fully ripe ; Mon arch of the West fine south and in Arizona; Wilson's Albany is still prized by many, and is exceedingly rich and fine if allowed to ripen on the vine; Cinderella is fine near the coast on strong soils. Varieties seemingly worthy of further trial: Downing, Haviland, Bubach's No. 5, Warfield's No. 2, Parker Earle Eureka and Princess. These have all been found to withstand heat and drouth well. Petaluma Courier. Emperor William has forbidden court preachers to make their sermons longer than fifteen minutes. Woman's World. Wom.nB PrM Anroelatloii. The Women's Press association held Its " journalists' day " at Ban Fran cisco May 11. Mrs. Nellie. Blessing Eyster presided. Mrs. Eyster en-i nounced the illness of Mrs. Emily T. T. Park hurst, and in the Matter's absence read her paper on the duties of local writers to the community in which they live. In reply to the criti cism that the members of the associa tion were not genuine journalists, Mrs. Park hurst ably argued that news paper workers had more to do than supply news. They were builders of the commonwealth. A flue paper, "The Editorial Chair," was read by Mrs. Maggie D. Brainard of the Santo Clara Valley. "Soul reaping," said Mrs. Brainard, "is the aotual vocation of the editor, whecher he realizes it or not." Mrs. Emily Browne Powell recited her prize poem, "The Story of the Ages." Mrs. Abby Holton gave an essay on " Special Articles." A lively discussion followed. Mrs. Mary Lambert then read an able paper on " Poetry." Mrs. Char lotte Perkins Stetson followed with a vigorous, encouraging poem ad dressed to The Girls of To-day." Mrs. Eliza Keith in her essay, " Ed itorial Discourtesy," 1 scored the editors. A resolution of sympathy was passed for Mrs. Elizabeth Hogan, whose mother recently died Mrs. Edholm was appointed fraternal delegate to the convention of the Pacific Women's Christian Temper ance Union to be .held at Portland, Or. The next meeting of the Women's Press association will be held the second Monday Ift July. This will be authors' day.' Wlitt M otnr are Mad. For. A home is what a woman makes it. A daughter is, in nine cases out of every ten, the reflection of her mother, writes Edward W. Bok In the Ladies' Home Journal. The training of the girl of fifteen is shown in the woman of fifty. A son may, by contact with the rough world, sometimes outlive his early home influences a daughter rarely does. She may make a mis step. Indiscretion may be to her a necessary teacher; but her early do mestic training will manifest itself sooner or later. A mother's word, a domestic proverb told at eventide by the quiet fireside, has been recalled by many a woman years after it was uttered. " I thank Ood that my mother told me what other women have been taught by the world," said a gentlewoman to me not long ago. This, my friend, is the tribute which your daughter and mine should be able to pay to on loiiK attei J ,wc Riv gone. A he world has a sharp way of teaching Its truths to a girl. Is it not far bettor, -then,' that her mother should tell her with that sweet and sympathetic grace and tender ness which only a mother knows? The flowers most beautiful to the eye and sweetest to the smell grow In good soil. The world's noblest women have sprung from good homes. The question of admitting women to the Methodist general conference provoked an interesting discussion at the meeting of Methodist, preachers in San Francisco May 11. The paper opening the subject was read by Rev. M. D. Buck. ' Discussing his subject historically, the reverend gentleman cited many examples of Womanhood equal to all emergencies of public and private economy. He "told" uf women high in the council of great states, of women powerful in the deliberations of mental and moral con grosses, of women able and discriminating iu the accomplishment of reforms and in the adjustment of existing institutions. Woman has been found equal to" the re! onaibllities of her environment. She should be admitted to a religious and moral conference. In schools and colleges sho has .elded a subtle and modifying influence. She is capable to judge and act as well as follow. The opinion of many of the ministers present was heartily in sympathy with the views of the essayist. There were not a few, however, who deemed woman's true and only sphelre the home circle. Woman Is an equal of man, but her activity should not Jsfe hfs. Created with concurrent powers, they move in different orbits. After a business meeting of the Woman's Press Club in New York the other day Mrs. Candace Wheeler pre-" sented a plan for an apartment-house for women which met with the appro bation of the club. The plan is for a building which shall contain suits of rooms and single rooms, together with a restaurant for those who do not care to keep house. She said : " That such need may be understood it is desirable that the professional women of New York should co-operate by forming an association and choos ing a committee who are qualified to decide upon the necessary require ments of a building for woman s oc cupation. The opportunity for invest ment would be made apparent to cap italists and a substantial proof of the demand would be given them." - Miss Caroline Guelph, the neglected daughter of George -the 4th of Eng land who was born at Kensington in 1815 and baptized in the church there that year, as shown by the record, is dying in the Camberwell poorhouse. HOWS THIS T We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any case of catarrn that cannot be cured by taking Hall's Catarrh Cur. F. J. CHKNKT A OO., Props., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Chenev tor tne laet 15 yoa.ru, and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions, and fin ancially able to carry out any obligations xiade by their Arm. ' . - - West a Tbuax, Wholesale Tlrugglsts- Toledo, O. Waujino, K inn an ft Itf abtix. wholesaU Drug gists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure IsNfsJton vtentall'. acting directly upon tne blood and mueu au faces of the system. TesUinoulalb sent ti -c 1& per bottle. Sold by all drufglsta, ?j ;. Current News. A WholMal Fatal Bnrnlnfr. ' Terrible forest fires had been raging in Pennsylvania and May 11 at Moore's Bun, on the Sinnamahonlng road, a train load of seventy-five willing men. sent out from Austin the preceding night, had been fighting back the fire byevery conceivable means. They made trenches, piled up eartry and lighted fires but were finally jliged to retreat. The men hastily boarded the train and started to make the run to another point, when it was found that they were hemmed in by forest fires on one side and a huge skidway of burning logs on the other. It was finally de cided to dash past the burning skid- way, and the engineer and fireman, with their faces covered with damp ened cloths and their hands and arms wrapped in wool, pulled through the wall of fire. The seventy-five exhausted men gathered in groups on the flat ears for protection or lay on their faces on the floor. The engineer had forgotten that such a great heat would surely warp the rails. Suddenly there was a lurch, an ominous heaving and a shriek of dispair as the train toppled over into the hell of fire beneath. The ars caught Are like so many play things and . the men within, half- blinded, and scarcely realizing any thing except that they were being slowly roasted to death, struggled tearfully to regain the track, where safety lay, tor a time at least. Those uninjured from the udl and only smarting from the pain of the intense heat, bravely turned theff burned, blackened hands to aid their more unfortunate fellows. ; Superintendent Badger of the Sin namahonlng Valley railroad, who was in charge of the train, went down under some of the wreckage and un doubtedly burned to death. Six others also mleerably perished at onee or died soon afterward, and thirty others ot the party were badly burned, many probably fatally, having Inhaled the flames. The works and stock at thirteen oil wells have been burned at Pine Grove. Numbers of people from the burned districts In Michigai have asked the railway companies for transportation to places where they have friends, as they were not able to save more than the clothing they wore. Clinton, Claire county, and Walkervllle.Oceana county, have been burned. A tract six miles long and three miles wide has been burned- over at Beyos. .- Over 100,000 square miles of virgin forest in Wisconsin has been de stroyed, r, , .J. iiiany Belgian strikers are returning to work. The strikers in Pennsylvania con tinue to induce many new men to quit work and the employers continue to flood the region with laborers from other parts of the country. Oakland was drawn into the San Francisco mill hands strike. - The New Tor k lumber trade associ ation has stopped building operations in that city by refusing : to deliver lumber where union men are em ployed, in retaliation for a boycott placed by the anion on a member of the association. . :iv" Strikers with shotguns attempted to prevent Davis & Son, proprietors of a brickyard at Denver, and a num ber of non-union recruits, from going to the brickyards and F. N. Davis ordered his men to Bhoot, and Bhoot to kill, and they did; killing one man and wounding several. I At Ghent 3500 weavers have struck. All the union elgarmnkers In New Hampshire ar? on ft strike for an ad vance to tl 50ju thousand. ....: ; A strike ot spinners, followed by riots, is reported at Warsaw. The lead era are German socialists. i The employes of the National tube works, Pittsburg, got a nine-hour day itfter a strike of fifteen weeks. r-u t j -j- . .. mo vuiw($u emu nuibuncDictu iui-n road disoharired all its 350 union switpftmen at Chicago May 14 because of their insistence on the re-employment of a discharged member and filled' their places with new men. AU the breweries at Portland and the brewery at V aaeou vefaave agreed to efnploy National union men and the Pacific Coast union men are out. TUvals of the Fricke coke combina tion are openly aiding the strikers. i The Oregon Improvement company has imported 450 negroes, with their families, to take - the place of the strikers a Franklin, Wash. The Pacific coast' brewers union will test at Portland the anti-boycott law passed last winter , w The constitution for federated Aus tralia is completed. After threfeool onles (which are to be called states under the federation) have accept it the imperial parliament jstobe asked to sanction it and the queu ttu appoint a governor general and pro claim a day for the constitution to take effect. Then the governor general s to ap point a cabinet and call elections, when each state will choose eight senators, four to serve six years and four to re tire at the end. of" three years, after which the term shall be six years. A house of representatives of one for every, 30,000 inhabitants, and not less than four from any state, is to be elected, its term to be three years. The bodies are to be called a parlia ment and have duties identical' with those of the United States congress. Parliament is to meet every year. I ntef -colonial free trade is to pre vn' TS soon as a tariff system has boen d by th?r" Tnets" - General News. Blaine says there Is as yet nothing to arbitrate between Ituly and the United States in the New Orleans affair. UNITED STATES. The prohibitionists in Iowa brought a suit to have the prohibition con stitutional amendment put in force. An attempt was made to block them in the federal courts, but Judge Shiras decided at Des Moines May 13 that the matter belongs to the state courts alone. The electrical execution law of New Tork has been declared valid by the federal supreme court. The college of bishops, to which Bev. D. C, Keiley appealed from a decision of the conference deposing him for having, with his presiding elder's consent, made a canvass as the Prohibition candidate for gov ernor, has sustained his appeal on the ground that he was dented the right of a trial by a committee of his con ference. It is believed that such a committee would have sustained his action. Asbury Green, a colored man serv ing a sentence foran lndecentassault, was dragged from jail at Centerville, Md., May 12, and hanged by a mob. White Caps tried to tar and feather .Louis Walterr and Mrs. Thomas Graham at Fostorin, Mich., but Wal ters choked Mrs. Thomas Campbell, who had instigated the outrage, al most to death, and when her husband interfered Walters pave htm a good whipping and then left town with Mrs. Graham. tr , The forest fires in Michigan have been more destructive tins season than for many years past. Half the public debt has been paid In the past ten years. ... The widow of President Polk is 88 years old. She was at the wedding of her grandnlece. Miss Sadie Polk Fall, at Nashville, May 12. A bride, whipped by White Cap women at Ducktcwn, Tenn., has died of her injuries. Corte. the Italian codbu! ut New Orleans, has quarreled with the grand jury and the city government and the latter has demanded his recall. He goes to Italy, he says, only to verbally explain the lynching and attendant circumstances. Sister Catherine, formerly Miss Drexel, will open a school for colored cnuuren at lsauas, iei. A man and wife named Miller died in New York the other day of trichi nlasls. They were the first persons attacked by that disease in that city ii tnree years. 3. A. and Samuel Riley and Berry Fowler found a bottle of aconite at Stanford, III., thought it was whisky. drank it and died. The New Orleans committee of fifty, appointed by the mayor before Hen- nessy was murdered to investigate the Mafia murders, reports that there had been ninety-lour of them com mitted by Italians where the accused escaped for want of evidence, the witnesses being terrorized by the Mafia. Consul Corte had admitted the existence of the murderous body and had gAvea the n&me- of & num ber of members, but suddenly stopped ana reiusea to give any more aia Then occurred the murder of Hen nesy, the farce of a trial and the lynching. Blaine Is much troubled with gout. Mayor Shakespeare of New Orleans has triven notice to the Prnvpnnnn brothers that If thy do not cease their bullying and intimidation of rivals the police force will stop it " if it is necessary to wipe flora the face of the eartn every member or tne gang. Fire destroyed the greater part of aiusKegon, mien., Alay le, including 350 dwellings and all the principal uusiness nouses. Barney Brooks and wife, who drugged Lody Wirt and sold her to Tom Parker, a gambler, have been turned loose and Parker is out on bail which he is expected to jump. FOREIGN. The grip has proved fatal in many tses in London. Seventy members of parliament have been down with it at a time. France has decided to allow pool selling on races under a tax. Portugal Is the scene of a financial Eanic ana everybody expects the out reak of a revolutionary movement. Some unknown persons exploded a bomb in the department of the interior premises tne otner aay. The government was sustained In the pantsn election. I lvrjuoiuuu una uiuiwu uuk iu iuwu Uuiana. In the conflict between the power of Parnell and that of the Catholic church Parnell is fast losing ground, General Brock, chief of gendarmerie at Warsaw, suspecting the police of aupucuy, oruerea me students' quar ters searched at a certain hour, orev- lous to which he himself searched the quarters and found nothing of an incriminating nature. The chief awaited the arrival of the police and discovered that they had supplied themselves with revolutionary proo-, lamauons witn tne intention or man ufacturing public sentiment. The body of Madam Blavatsky was cremated. Fighting between England and Venezuela over the boundary ques tion is considered almost unavoidable Terrible anti-Hebrew atrocities are reported at Corfu, Greece, where corpses of murdered Jews lie unburied. An investigation by the commander of the United States steamer Kearsage shows that contract laborers who have been lured to Navassa by the phos phate company are being treated as slaves and.&bused, clubbed and mur- aerea A Chinese mob has burned and looted the British consulate and cus tom house at Woo Hoo, a treaty port in the province of Ngan Holi. The British consul was wounded and his wife escaped by disguising herself as a Chinese woman. 1 No other element is so inimical to the success of American wool growing as the large use of the lime and sul phur dip. It injures the fibre and lowers tne quality of our American grown wool. v Six persons have died of trichinlas in Meining, Germany, and fourteen more have the disease. It was caused by eating diseased pork of local pro duction. Oueen Victoria has become very feeble. W hen the czarowitz reached Otsu, Japan, in swinging around the circle, a policeman, Tsuda Sanzo, tried to 'It - dieting a severe sword put A SOLDIER ROMANCE. A STORY WHICH LAYS RUDYARO KIP LING IN THE SHADE. Has; It Thompson, m Wanderer n the Fst nt the Erth for Tweaty-flre Tears aad Conld Hot Keeall Bis Own Nana Amoiifr the million claim filed awav In the Pension Bureau is hidden tnttlerial for more thrilling rotrs.nces than Rudyard Kipling ever dreamed of. nay a a writer "in the Washington FoaL There was a ease brought to final adjudication recently that even when told in the rieid. concise ohrase- ology of the legal documents, verifying its strange ieaLurea,reaos more liae tne fanciful creation of a novelist than cold reality. Sept. 1. 1862, there enlisted at Van : Wert, O., in the Fifteenth Ohio Volun teer Infantry a slender.blue-eyed youth of 20 named Hugh Thompson. There was nothing to distinguish- him special ly from a thousand other farmer lads who donned the bine and marched away to the front In the early days of the irreat war. His surviving soldier : comrades recall him as a bright, cheer- iui young reiiow. witti a low pitched ; voice, as one of them remembers, and always cheerful and ready i&rHatj. At the battle of- -Chickamauga, as a comrade relate, while they were lying on the ground at the front to escape ths tempest of balls that swept the thin woods where his regiment was en gaged, a case shot, probably deflected from a tree, struck him in the head and bis face was instantly covered with blood. His companion spoke to him, but be did not answer. Just then the order to fall back was given. He was assisted to his feet, stavered a few yards in a dazed way, and then fell ia a heap as a Confederate brigade swarmed into tbe woods, and his comrades were forced to leave hi no, evidently dying from a mortal wound. He never rejoined them. Tbe War Department records bear opposite his name this note: "Woonded and missing in the battle of Cbicka matiga, Sept. 19. 1863." And so be disappeared from comrades, and frienus,and home, one of the unknown dead, remembered only as a component of the myriads of soldier boys who gave their young lives for their coun try. His father, years afterward, ap plied for a pension on account of his service. hU mother having died prior to his enlistment. No doubt was raised as to bis death in tbe army, bat the claim was rejected on the legal ground of non-dependence. Tbe next scene in this strange his tory opens on a snowy country road in Northern Illinois, near tbe village of Cleveland, in tbe winter of 1870. Night was coming on as a small-sized but sturdily built traveler breasted his way against tbe keen winds that swept the bleak -prairie- --- He -was comfortably dressed in a good working soit, with a pair of new boots on his feet and a coon-skin cap on bis head. He carried in old-fashioned oil-cloth valise, and appeared to be looking for a place to stay over night. Ana - Jtltete on the" lonely road in the darkening twilight ot mm. ireeziug reonwr? evening in the year of grace 1870, JHusrh Thorn d- son, thv wounded soldier of Cbicka niauga, "came to himself,1 as he ex pressed it. It was just as if at that mo- meat ne oad awoke from a dreamless sleep of seven years and become con scious of existence. But his memory was gone, totally and absolutely. But other faculties were keen enough, but be could not re call nis own name, where he bad been, his family, or his home. His entire past up to that moment was simply a blank. The only thing that connected him with a former existence was aa idea that be was looking for a Mr. Baker, who needed men to work. This turned out to be correct. He found him, and was given employment in a coal mine. When asked his name he replied mechanically, 'Henry Thompson," though why he said Thompson" rather than "Brown" or "Smith" he could not explain. He was a good and reliable worker, but subject to spells. when he would disappear for days or weeks, bnt always returned and took up the thread of existence where he had left it. The cloud on his darkened mind gradually lifted, and old scenes and incidents came back to him more or less vividly. He became aware that be bad been in the army and had been wounded. Along in tbe '80's be drifted to nansas ana enterea a nomesteao. on which he settled, having married in Illinois. - . He finally became satisfied that he bad served in an Ohio re&lment. ami then, aided hy the Grand Army men of AJinsaa, in wnom ne torn nis story, ne set about discovering his borne and bis family. The discouraging feature to him was that be did not know whether tbe name be went by was really bis own or not. The local newspapers took up tbe matter, gave accurate de scriptions or mm, and tbe strange his tory of the Nameless Soldier, as he came to be known, traveled to Ohio, and was read in the columns of the Van Wert . Gazette by his aged father. Tbe per- annul H Ari utinn r II toil in a,. with thjfTof hi is lo Dg-ajou rned son, and correspondence followed - Tbe son. while not able Ia mnall Van Wert, had a clearer version 61 bis boy hood ts home, and wrote an exact de scription of it as be had last seen it, a quarter of a century before log bouse and stone chimney, the well with the long sweep to raise the bucket, the high-banked stream that ran through the farm all still as be had left them, for changes are slow in the backwoods. The result was that be returned borne In 1887, was easily latent! tied by bis family and former comrades, applied for a pension, and the certificate direct ing payment to him as the wounded and missing Hugh Thompson of Chickamauga was duly forwarded. Through all bis wanderings and this sounds like a Sunday-school tale, but the incideut is lejrally proved, and forms part of the evidence of his iden-tity-he carried a little Testament, given to him by a sister, with an In scription in rhyme, when he enlisted. The sister, still living, recognized it at once when be exhibited it upon his re turn. All his efforts have so far failed to recall to him anything that occurred to him from the time that he tumbled over on the bloody hold of Chicka mauga until the strangtt awakening of his dormant perceptive faculties 1870. He has a dim impression of working id a village or town, wiin a uuiutainin idb square, iuu oi h iirijini-i:; -u 'Zj- named '1 in . i. a b) bis memory ever be thoroughly reha bilitated what a strange tale of a double life it might anfold. . Great Ughta Qnarreled. 'In the morning, at our usual time, 9 o'clock, oar guettfs came to the dining-room, where my wife sat by the samovar, and .Lbexpeetation of cof fee. Sat at the, "TD ot tbe table, says a write ..foreign exchange. "Aurgeni" , my wtzes rig tit hand an JTon the left. Know ing tb. ;..'.ance Turgenien at that time ascribed to tne education of bis daughter, my wife asked him whether be was sattshed with bis jsagusn gover ness. Torgenieff began to sing ber praises, and, among other things, said that tbe governess bad asked htm, with English exactitude, bow much his daughter might spend la charity. 'Now,1 said Tureenieff, she wants my daughter to collect tbe ragged elotbes of tbe poor and mena mem, "And do you consider that to be good V asked Tolstoi. Of course! it brings tbe charitable person closer to the poor, replied Tor genieff. "And I thick,, said Tolstoi, Hhat a well dressed girl who takes the dirty raga in her lap aets an insincere and theatrical part-' "'i request yoa not to say so,.: aatu Tnrerenieif. with aui vers nit nostrils ; 'Why should I not say what I am e&ovineed ot? answered Tolstoi. I bad no time to interpose, eon- tinned tbe writer, "when Tnrgemeff said, pale with anger: Then 1 will force yon to silence by an insaltH With tnese woras ne rose from tne table; then suddenly clasped bis hand excited ly over nis race ana ten tne room. After a moment he came back and said. addressing my wife: "i oeseecn yon to forgive my ness. I am deenlv sorrv for it.' Th be withdrew. Understanding that the two late friends eould no lunger re main together, I ordered separate ear : riages for them. In Popocatepetl Cratesv Mr. Monrel Ixs Tanos of Chichihao, Mexico bas been visiting friends ia this city recently. Mr. Dos Tanos frs Mex ican mining engineer. He told yester day of his descent into the crater of Popocatepetl, tbe volcano which ia now practically extinct: I went down into tbe crater of the mountain farther probably than any other man to examine the anlphur mines,1 said the young Spaniard. Very few persons of tbe United States have even made tbe ascent of this mountain. It is worse than climbing tbe Matterhoni. It costs about $60 iu the first place, takes several days, and if very exhausting. I was letdown in to tbe crater the same way that tbe Mexican miners who dig BolpburW this elevation of 18.000 feet by -means of a windlass and a rope. Tbe mouth of the crater is more than half a mile across. Tbe mine is owned by Gen. Ochoa who lives in tbe city of Mexico. I saw there and examined carefully thousands of tons of tbe purest salphnr ever mined. When Cortex and his soldiers visited that conntry they need ed sulphur for gunpowder and ascend ed tbe mountain for the first time in its history, tbe natives said. I tell yoa it must have taken a vast amount of nerre to go up an unknown mono tain like Popocatepetl and then descend in to a crater yke the mouth of that vol cano. I think everything considered, it beau anything I have ever beard of in history or fiction. The natives who gather the salphnr now OTily secure small packages of it which they fasten to their backs. They then slide ewa the snow on tbe mountain after thV manner of woodcutters of France. For y this venturesome work they get about 20 cents per day.n Kansas City Times, Cbln i Servants. While tbe Chinese do make good servants. It is cot always easy to capt-ure-Vfirize; and while banting for one among the wilderness of incapabes, a housekeeper may meet with some very disagreeable experiences. Some of 1 them are the natural outcome of the , state of affairs. Since tbe passage of tbe Bestriction Act, tbe Celestial, whose ' commercial instinct at once appre ciated the law of supply and demand, advanced his price and became more exacting as to bis accommodations. No more out-buildings for bim. He most have a bard-finished room, even demanding that be might "sleep np stairs with tbe family. Of course,"" such a demand was made for the ad ded facility it would give him for pick ing and stealing. For it cannot be denied that the majority of Chinamen are thieves. With tbe exception of provisions, which they will carry off bodily if they feel so inclined, or bold -a banquet in a neighboring Chinaboy's room, the refreshments t"""lny U been contributed bbeaJieQpUroji ing from their employers, while fa in tends to remain in the place, be will be scrupulously honest as to money matters, or to articles of value, reserv ing himself and his opportunities for one grand sweep, after his apparent honesty has dispelled any suspicions or prejudices that his employer may have had towards the Chinese aa aa honest race. But when be does make a steal, he takes all that there ia ia sight. There is this peculiarity about a Chinese robbery, tbe stolen goods are seldom recovered; let the thief bat reach Chinatown with his booty, and"' as well hunt for tbe proverbial needle in a haystack. Good Housekeeping. Borden of Memory. 'I saw Phil Kearney brought dead into camp," said an old ex-soldier the ether day. "It was the sadest moment of my life. He was my ideal of a soldier and of a man. It was he of whom the ruler of Esrypt said. 'With a thousand soldiers like him I could conquer the world. The Confederates wrapped him tenderly about with oar own flag and wept over the body of tbe fearless man.1 r- -The saddest hour of my life was when Sedgewick fell." said another. "And Lincoln, when be died," said another. I had a young tent mate, a tender boy," said a fourth. "He was engaged to marry my youngest sister. We shook hands at Gettysburg for the " last time. When I found him he lay dead stilL His red cheeks were colorless. He had walked a distance and he lay upon his side. Before him oa the ground lay a letter from borne. Now I donU think my grief has ever sm passea wnat l leit then." Curious, is it . not, after years, so many gray-hairer1 -carry as B&irdens of mr of wariJthesedav- .v Joumalr many . - Id i 3 '33ean ; Tlfni tlTlT. T tTmbiTi Tt . y. '