The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, May 15, 1891, Image 2

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Lebanon Hxpress.
l(:nLsiiKH8 Asm Fhopmikyors.
tOn rr.t ...fa (
"UK month M , l w
Tnrvv tuomlt ; ; SO
fdutflu twjitf., ..-... ,.. ,.. Ql'i
President Harrison is m'nernlly
supposed toi be wide-awoke, but lie
t un nut di-ny thnt the citizens" of
. ICujreue caught him napping lust
' -wcvk.
The current number of Frank
Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper says:
It is a violation of no ronfidanoe to
ivy that Secretary Blaine is not a
candidate for the presidency. He
will under n (rircutiistanccs con
sent to the nse of bin name. If
there is any doubt in the minds of
the people, Blaine will, in due time
and in bis own way, utterly, finally
and absolutely dispel that doubt.
The lynching in Walla Walla,
by the soldiers, of a gain bier by the
. name of Hunt has already had the
salutary efiVot of prohibitinggamb
liii and closing the saloons on Sun
day. While it is to be lamented
that two lives had to bo sacrificed
to stimulate the citizens up to the
point of enforcing law, it fre
quently kappens that good men
are immolated to the irresponsible
demon, lawlessness.
The Sunday Welcome, published
in Portland, is authority for the
statement thnt tho mueh-talkcd-of
.Democratic daily which we were
Ao'd to expect soon, will not be
'forthcoming. , This being the case,
the Oregonian will continue to be
the c.rkat aii.y of the Northwest,
.the source of political information
for all parties. Barring editorials
(which bv the way are of little
"value in induencing public opin
ion), the general news published
I by this paper will be as widely read
by ail classes of people bb if a
Democrat or an Alliance man were
tat the helm instead of a Kepubli-
JElere is a go d specimen of
iarty serfdom. TheNational Dem
wiorat, the efficial Democratic party
organ at Washington D. C, sends
out the following partisan edict to
jneoplo whose chief ambition in life
5s to wear a Democratic party col
lar: Democrats everywhere rememlier
;bst it is their duty as Democrats to hM
fthnr opinion on all soch oiwOAons as the
nirrency subject to the decision of the next
Democratic convention, and then go in and
lect the man who is nominated, whoever
Ahat may be. That is genuine Ilcmocracv,
jsand that is the potation of the Saliotial
That may le genuine Democracy,
ibut it is a very spurious patriotism
sand a miserable standard of citi
zenship. The duty of an intelli
gent voter is to form and adhere to
4ha own convictions on the cur
rency question and bolt the plat
form aiid ticket that disagrees
'President Harrison has given
- "(Congress to understand that he will
veto any measure that is sent to
Tiim looking for the free coinage of
sil ver. B.q-President Cleveland has
reiterated in a manner unmistaka-
lile his hostility to free coinage.
Oue is recognized as pre-eminently
the leader of his party; the other
is the official head of his party, and
at present, of the country.
- When the old darkey preacher in
formed his hearers that there were
but two roads to follow, and that
one of them led to perdition and
the other to- damnation, a thor
oughly frightened brother, who
undcrstKxt the words a little better
than his minister, exclaimed:
' Dcn.dis chile takes to de woods."
We feel Vcrr much as this darkev
felt. If these two are the onlv ro-
litical roads that' lie lefore" the i
American people, we shall take to
the woods. Progressive rarmer.
Superintendent Porter in his
"Extra Census Bulletin" of April
22, 1891, makes this statement:
Inquiries were mnric in 102 counties frr
iUf. (uriosc of reaxitiitg tiow much remains
tinpatd ujton crcry unoanceied mortpage
' 1UIMI .if'i-aUsvfar hack in time us anv ainre-
oaMe amminnt of debt is found to exist
Renerlly twenty years"
Will some of our good friends
who have been telling us about the
jrreat prosperity of our country in
these latter days, and its rapid in
crease in wealth, please to tell us
hv there ws no debt of "an ap-
preciable amount twenty years
aeo. .awl what are the causes that
have led to the -ast incumbrance !
UfKii tle homes of the people at
the present time? Who will an-
swer tho questum?
of the etipcrintendent of the census !
is lull oi sinincnnce, and we pre-1
rtrui- ii a vtpiu wuiui.. in a murt.
candid study and discussion than j
it U likclv to receive ?it a tiuc when 1
the press xh the v-onntry is ho -en re- j
V fully guard cti- wiih refer?nt'f to the;
: it4.Kfcrai-fj--t of whatever it may j
jiib'ir-.'j. Advoeaie Tf-pfka. Kan. '
Out- eiltaeiia are nnxlniiply awnitlng
I he roport u( lCulneer O'Connor rela
tive to the estimated cost of the Leba
non cmiul. Mr. O'tXmnor will make
bin report this week, when a meeting
nr the eltlitens will bo called and stock
sutwcritlotis solicited. The movers In
the enterprise have no tlouht that the
required Kiitouut of stuck will he taken
and thut the building of the I.etannn
canal Is an assuivd fact. The time
conn's In the hlxtory of every town,
afler that Its resources have been
worked up, that new enterprises must
Iw created or business wanes and the
town retrogrades. This seems to be
the condition of Lebanon at this time.
She has enjoyed a vigorous growth for
two or three years past, our population
has steadily Increased until all lines of
kUMlncaa are full, the mechanical trades
are represented lieyoud what Is war
ranted by the present growth of the
town, and unless some new enterprise
is projected, like an overgrown colony
of liees, our population Is sure to
swarm. This appears to lie the general
view taken of the matter by those
most Interested In the prosperity of the
town, and we have no misgivings tu
regard to the future or Lebanon.
We are glud to be able to announce
to the publio that the. Kansas City
bridge has been rebuilt and travel by
this route has been resumed. Not
more than two yoke of oxen are al
lowed to cross at oue time, and even
then the driver must leave his whip
behind. The bridge disaster last sum
nior resulted front the driver's Im
prudence In carrying his whip at the
time of crossing. Au extra handful of
dust on t he side of a plain might en
danger the universe. The public will
take notice that It Is a free bridge (it
0.111 stand or take a plunge without
being amenable to any law, civil or
mechanical) so leave your change
at home and consider that you have
as much Interest in this structure
as the man who cut the fir poles
for the principal span. The first
bridge that was built at this point was
a draw bridge (it drew off the piers,
It also drew ten feet of water) but the
last bridge is built high enough to al
low ducks and geese to ply thecanal at
low water mark withmit the tncon
venlence of ducking their heads while
passing It. While tho drlsens of Al
bany wv wrangling over the location
ticir bridge a few enterprising men
this town sTurd a franchise built
.ne Kansas City bridge and established
communication between Lebanon and
There is n doubt that Albany is fast
'becoming the center of trade In Ore
gon outside of Portland, and business
men are turning their eyes toward Al
bany as the future trade center for
Eastern Oregon and tbe Willamette
Valley upon the completion of the O.
P. H. R. The leading house in their
line is the firm of Kuapp Burrell A
Company, wholesale Agricultural Im
plement dealers, who occupy the finest
rorner in Albany, and carry the largest
4ine of farm implements, consisting of
nne ougKtca ana tineas, road carts,
wagons. Monitor drills and seeders,
Oliver chilled and steel plows, Deering
harvesting machinery, and everything
in the implement line needed by the
farmers of this coast. This year they
are shipping their goods direct from
the factories to Albany, and looking
into their warehouse will convince the
niost skeptical that they are in Albany
to stay. Air. K. H. ltoscoe is their
manager, and his experience in the
business enables him to know Just
what the farmers want, and the li rv
amount of goods seen leaving their
house daily Is evidence that the farm
ing public appreeiatostheir presence in
A itany. eajuSend for catalogue and
Dr. Barker was quaffing Soda water
Families are moving into godnville
for the season. Ere long there will be
no vacant houses and the more prim
itive styl- of tenting will be adopted.
Work hws again iven resumed on
the spring block. Many changes and
some additions will be made to this
property which will be appreciated by
the public
As proof that our spring is appreci
ated, E. E. Thompson, G. S. Han
leiter, Frank Skipworth and A. Jack
Adams walked from Lebanon Friday
to get a drink and returned bearing ;
the jug with them.
It is matter of doubt whether the
new church will be built this summer.
The Christian people in this section
represent nearly all shades of denomi-
nationalism and unless a house can lie
built and held as common property
they do not feel inclined t begin the
The many friends of Miss Iva Tem
pleton, of Brownsville, will regret to
learn that after ten months of suffering
she has at last been compelled to lose
her injured limb. The amputation
was performed in Portland mouday at
the Oood Samaritan hospital by Dr.
Saylor, assisted by Drs. Cauiliorn,
Panton and Gt-isv.
The patient stood
the operation at the time very well, :
but during the afternoon she began
rapidly sinking, and for two or three
hours all reasonable hope was aband
oned. Later however she rallied and
was resting and ipving every indica
tion that all immediate danger was
Remarkable Rescue.
M rs. Michael Curtain, PlainlieJd, III.,
j makes the statement that she cuujrht
coM, whieli eetLled on her luiiprj; ahe
was treated for a month bv her tanulv
j physieian, hut grew worse. He told
her she was a hotyclms victim, of vm-
sump f ion Htid that uo medicine could
ii re Iter. Her drujrgist sugposted Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consump
Ition; she bought a bottle and to her
rtehjrht foui.rt Herself tenemtd from
hrs& dose. Bhe continued its use and
after taking ten bottles, found herself
ouiid and well, now does her own
liousework and is as well as she ever ;
F ltis:"uA
Kotjc lu tarnifrn.
Wanted at one;-, chickens, ducks,
i ...1-..... .J,..! frnil l.l)(rjt-
m1! uiiuU of farm prtxhiee,
for which 1 w ill pay the highest price
cah or Pt g;ds.
( " ' a Ib-uTv Oi-
.- M
J. 'il.m firr-s of WaUrloo takes p:o-
:iu:e in izxvUzag.- :or ittia
1'KltSnn Al.lTtKS.
Iti'v, N. 1. New wan In Lebanon Muniln.y.
J. R. Klrlq.ntrkk was In Ci,'vnllU Mon
day. Jos. Nlson was able to lie out Inst Patur
dny. 9. K llnniln lias been ntling fhr several
V. H. Hncoe was in town the llrsl or (he
I. U. Pnrnm was aftlirted with la griie
Mrs. (1. W. Crusoil visited Alluuiy Wednesday.
(ieo, Chcndle came
lip trotti Portland
Ollm Ontiper. of Albany, was ill town a
few diiys since.
A. V. Moses, ofTuniaMit, was in Lchanon
a ft'W ilays since.
Henine Smith was up fmm Stlcm Tlsltlng
friends inst week. .
Tlios. ltobsoa, of Sodavtlle, returned from
IVIk county last week.
Peter Hume and his daughter Christie
were in Lebanon Monday.
Kcv.G. R. IlanU'iter's family returned last
week from their visit in tiie tsmntry.
11. Y. Kirkpatrlek and O, W. t'ohb visited
Bnnvnsvillc Tuesday on a business errand.
nr. rhidley returned front Bwcet Home
last week where he hud been on professional
Mrs. I. A. ltennctt's mother. Mi's. Rob
erts of llarrishurp, was visiting her kinship
in libation last week.
Vm.OdcU and fhmily anived In IImuioii
from Missouri last week. Mrs. Odell is a
sister of I. It. llorum.
Mrs. Harbour, wife of the deceased Win.
lUrlsmr, is making arrangements, to return
to Ismdun, Ontario, her former home.
Miss Kllen Thompson was retorted bet
ter Friday. Miss Thomson has been ill
for about a month at the home of tier par
ents at Talhnaih .
RulT. Hlatt returned Monday from his
Eastern tour. He has been absent several
months visiting relatives and friends in
Jorth Carolina and Indiana, principally.
Agent Dennett has been indisposed for
several dava. It was until he had lost
fifteen pounds of flesh that he began to sus
)ect that there was anything serious the
matter. Ills sickness has developed into a
genuine case of la gripie.
Judfg Hctttiyler r Kostem Pennsylvania
has hantlM down the first leg-a) opinion
rendered in that tate iuon tl ihnp
iwwman iTswuiwe, wnu-n nave hnttPii the
RvaiiRcHrol AmiH'iatiun to its fonndatiim
tor nore than a year.
At the fcust rvnnsylvanla rottferenr.
nirt m AHentovrn In Kebniary, Her,
William Wleaml was aptMii,ted bv niilioi:
Iton ninn to Uie Hangor church, which ap
pointment wasaiven to Kev. w. Gross
by the anti-liowmnnites. The former re
fused to give up the chunh reeitnls and
nuit was htstltuteit to contiH'l him to . so.
the issue turnina: on the legitHty of bis ap
pointment. Imhre Khuyler held thnt the Powman
conference was without leiral authority and
that in consequence its apitointmentn -rre
nigral, lie teased this opinion on the fact
that the liishop hnl lcen tried for immoral
purposes byalawftdly constituted confer
ence In t'luYago, and by" that conference
susicndctl. In thow circumstances he was
wholly unauthorised to muke appoiutiuente.
anil as a remit those he did make were null
and void. The opinion closet! with an order
on Iter. Wfcunii to vacate the .arsonam
ano iimui over all recorrta within twentr
More lUvH Ore.
Mr. John Hacelton, the exiert sup
erintendent of the Alhany nuiies, and
Geo. P. Hrris, came in from the mines
last evening after supplies. They
brought some as fine specimens of free
gold ore as ever the eyes of the mot
experienced gaged on. creating an en
thusiasm among those Interested la the
mines not yet equalled here, Messrs
Haze! ton and Harris report the mill
as having been on a steady run. The
men at the mines had begun a clean
up when thev left, with fine results in
view, the prosfects Increase. ng with
every additional ton of ore dug from
the bowels of the mountains. tSuninnv
unfounded reports are always circula
ted about new mines that people get
skeptical; but there lire no doubts at ull
any longer that the Albany Mining
Company have one f tbe richest mines
in the United States. There are mill
Ions in it and much for Albanv if push
ed with the machinery the qualit v and
quantity of the ore entitles it to. With
in a year Albanv will be the centre of
a great mining excitement, and thous
ands will be here to see for themselves.
for the Mines.
A company of men left Brownsville
Monday for the Calapoola and Blue
River mines. The snow has so far dls-
appeared as not to Interfere with work
n these districts and the mining sea- i
sou is now fairly ojien. The men who
started to these mines Monday are go- j
ing in the interests, mainly, of the C. '
and B. It. M. and M. Co. It is now
settled that this company will be oper
ating a mill le lore many weeks
Three companies at least have decided
to nut ii mininur nlanta this season.
IScores of ledges will be represented by
their respective claimants who will be
on the ground either to develop their
Claims or wrorK assessments. All
things considerd this will be a busy
session in these mines and the public
will learn by autumn about the wealth
of this section.
There is more Catarrh in this section of
the country than all other diseases put to
gether, and until the Innt few years was
supposed to be incurable. For a ffreat many
yi'ars doctors pronounced it a local disease,
and oroscribad local renelie. and bv con
stantly faitinp to cure with local treatment,
pronounced it incimthle. Science has
l-roven Catarrh to be a constitutional diti-
eai'e, and therefore requires constitutional
treatment. Hall's fatarrh Cure, manufac
tured by V. J. t'heney t Co., Toledt, Ohio,
is the only constitutional cure on the mar
ket. It is taken internally in doses from 10 ,
drops to a teaspoon ful. It act directly ,
upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. They offer one hundred dollars
fr any case it fails to cure. Send for circu
lars and testimonials. Address,
F. J. Ohkney Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by UruKirisb. 7oc.
Rnd'g Blesslna: to Humnnity.
So Says an Oregon Pioneer Ninety Years Old.
Fokft Grove. Or., March 19.
I have used the OKK'iON KIDNKY TKA and
obtained immediate relief. It is ikVm blensing to
tiuinaniiy. I take pleasure in recommending it
toihe atllicted. Iam now nearly ninety years
old, came to Onppon in 1842 in the employ of the
Hudson's Bav t'ompanv. aud since 1 began using
Om-OKEUOX KIIfNEY TEA T enjov Rood health.
. 1 m a
Used in Millions of Homes
citifliNntis. '
Being a stranger to everybody when
I came to Bolo, Anl reallelng that It
was necessary to convince the people
by demonstrate! facts, I used the fol
lowing method of Introducing myself
as a physician, and ray special reine
dies foi female weakness to the people:
I prtitHVsM tfikln four put tents and cure
them PUNK OK HAIt(.R and ull nuMil -
elues f'li K 10. nwtde front the co:d of instrn-
nu'itts, and IT nt Hie cud of om month they
did not receive any benefit, I would rct'uiut
whittfvar they should have paid for the In
stiiinunls. And further, the parties scrept
hiK this oflcr wein to lve their tcstltiioiiinl
tuicc every month, tellina their coudithiti,
whether unproved or otlterwlse, ami them
testliuuuinls were tu ha puhlishcd every
month. Three Indies accepted this proto
shinii, namt-lv: Mrs. H. Phillips, Miss i-a
Phillips, and Mrs. 1hc Itilyeu the fourth
nne preferring tu pay tlui agreed sum, which
w hk ?2-t.
The testimtmiHls thus htr used have all
Iwen Riven by the parties themselves, or by
their dlreet order to use their name and
ease for that purwsp. Hinee these tcstlmo
ninU hidicatu what the facts prove, that
those ladies will soon 1; able to care for
thentsclvus, I henhy offer to take six more
on the same terms, namely : That they Rive
a stutement of their comlMion once every
itioiuh until permanently curedit written
testiimintiil preferred, if no improvement ,
is nut tie by the end of one month, I agree
to take hack the Instrument and refund any
money which may have been paid to m. i
Yours reaiM'ctfullv,
1H. A. AH hltOKN.
Sidseribed and sworn to before me this the
27th day of April, mn. I
John Crai.. i
City Keeorder.'
Ir. AH L HO UN will treat all cases
of Fkmalr Wkaknrhs at ah average
cost of from $40 to ttSrtO. Wednesdays
and Sundays reserved fur office praotloe,
when all classes of chronic complaints
will be treated. Read belnw w hat
some of your neighbors have to say
concerning the doctors treatment. - 1
A few days ao we met Mr. W. M. Phll
lits, Jun.. and in eonversmft with htm he
voluntarily made the following statement, '
which we publish at his request: "About
ten years ago my wife became aHlicred with
a weakness, that nt times gnxts Iter ervat
1 rouble, and prevented her from hndciiiK1
after her household duties, nevertheless she
was under the care of several physlHaus. 1
Her health (trad unity grew worse, "and for
the past si mouths, until quite recently,
she has been entirety unable to do her I
household work. K?ve weeks oati. lr. Ahl
Isiru commenced treating her. Hhe eom
menred getting better from the beginning
of his treatment, and at the present time
her health is (tetter than it has been at any
time during the past ten yearn. While 1 do
not regit rtl her as laHng completely eitred,
she in mi far recovered as to be able to look
alter br hoiuwhotd dutiett without undue
fatigue. Her appetite is pood and I deem
her well on the mud to complete recovery.
I make litis statement not for the ptirjK.sf
id simply gel ting my name in public print,
but for the purHe that others who may be
suffering similarly may be benefitted by it.
Mrs. It. VhilHps says: "During the past '
three weeks 1 have Improved wonderfully
under Ir. AhlN-rn's treatment, and would
not go back again to where t was before he
began Ireatinguieforuiiethousaiiddollars."
Mrs. Wash VhilHps says: 'I have been !
suit oring from sore thoat and stontHch trou- '
hie for twenty years. During the last five
weeks I have leen treated bv Dr. A It thorn.
and now I am feeling so welt' that it seemM
anjif my throat and stomach had never
caused me any trouble."
- Miss Ida lhillis soys; "I want the peo-
fde tf rk-io and vicinity to know that I have
een greatly Ikenefitted bv Dr. Ahllxtni's
treatment, and cxect to be irnuineutly
Mr. fico. Olasn, who lives about two miles
west or pm io, and who bits been troubled
creatlv with Ins ntotnai h aiul bnbitvs. snv
I have been benefit tetl so much by Dr.
AhllHtrn s treatment that I feel that 1 can.
not say enough in praise of the doctor's
Mr. William t-opati says he is intiroving
as fast as could be ex pee ted in a case ot his
Kinu ctmiu not any worn lorayear ast.
Changed E-vr" Week. J
Wheat &"c
Outs 60
Hay 115 per top.
Flottr f 1 MVp.l 60 per sack.
(,'hfp 1 5t per cw
ilrnn 90c per ewt.
Middlings $1 60 per cwt.
PotatcHs- 4c
Apples Iried, fic per Xb.
Plums Dried, 7c
On loos 5e,
' lleef Dressed, Gf5i7o.
Veal 5W-6e.
Pork U'ressed, 6J6c
I.ard YIU 14.
1-1 a uih 1 21 Cv. loe per lb.
Hhoulders Mfa.lue,
8ide 10-12ie per lb.
Oeese $-1 ift 2 per dtw.
Thteks $7 50 per dots.
Chickens 14 0hV5 00.
Turkeys 12e per lb.
Kpg-tf 15c per doe.
Itutter 20e per lb.
Hides Ureen, 4nv3c; dry, 10c
"Th Jry Lllj."
Anoi-kska Cottage, L. JB., July 2.
Ocnffemen. Althn it Is very unusual
for m to use any lotions or
washes, still, in answer to your
request, I have tried Wisdom's
Violet Cream and Robert hie. The
former I consider especially efficacious
in eases of roughness of the skin, and
I nave been ukiukic every clay tor tne
last fortnight. I have found the
Robert 1 tie an excellent preparation in
casees of tan, sunburn, etc., caused by
exposure to March winds and a July
sun. Yours faithfully,
I.Ibl.IE La.nuthy
To Messrs. Wisdom & Co. -
The West Shore suspended publi
cation last week. It tiad reached
the seventeenth volume. The
West Shore waa an ahlv conducted
journal for a number of years while
under the control ot Li. bamueia,
but its power and influence
certainly, waned when it passed out
of the control of that gentleman.
The truth is the Northwest was
hardly ripe for a journal of that
kind. - We shnll miss its weekly
visits very much.
A Chicago woman who has just
returned from several years as a
missionary in India, says that in
the boxes of clothing she received
from the charitable women of New
York were ever 2,000 corsets and
700 pairs of rubber gaiters. What
with whisky from the traders .and
corsets from the women, the poor
natives stand but little show for
comfort in this world or the next.
J. C. Frey & Son manufacture their
own horse collars. Call and examine
tueir stock.
40 Years
the Standard.
Pnrat the Ochiwo Review.
A few of the sheep men In this
county report having raised more than
300 per cent of lambs.
A. II. Lyle, of Hay creek, one of the
largest cattle owners in the county, Is
of the opinion that the outlook for the
cuttle business is better now than It
Jh,M u,, ru. mnnv vmni
f ,IM bwn "tr many years.
The damp, cloudy weathar this week
hs been worth thousands of dollars to
the farmers of Crook county. Nothing
hut frost can now prevent fine crm of
hay and grain beltitf raised throughout
the county.
Mr. Joseph Connor, a respected citi
zen of the Bquaw creek neighborhood,
this county, died of la grippe at his
home on Bonday, the 20th ult. De
ceased was born In Indiana In 18.11;
emigrated to Oregon In 1862 and settled
In the Willamette valley. He was well
and favorably known In J ten ton and
llnn counties, where he resided a
number of years.
Deal h has again claimed nne of Crook
county's oldest and best respected citi
zens. J. J. C. X.awson died at his
home ten in lies above Prlnevllle a few
minutes past 12 o'clock last Monday
morning after a lingering Illness of
several months with consumption.
Mr. X.awstm waa born In Whitley
county, Kentucky, on November 80,
1850. At the age of 111 he came with
his parents to Idnn county, Oregon,
where ho resided until after his mar
riage In 1872, when he came east af the
mountains, and has resided lu this
county continuously since.
The fullest store we have ever teen
In Id nn county, the finest assortment
of goods In the valley, outside of Port
land, Is to be seen at the Oolden Rule
Baaar. Children never tire looking at
the Immense stock and unAjuedisplay
of toys: the stock of crockery, glassware
and ehinaware is the wonder and admi
ration of all who see It; thesis hundred
pounds of tea of the choicest brand
and best flavor, which the proprietor
has sold within the last year, has cre
ated a thirst for more of this excelllent
beverage. While Dr. Price and other
chemists are wrangling over the purity
of their baking powders, the Golden
Rule prlee paking powder sells and no
?Uestioiia are asked and ho fault Is
ound as to Its merits. A complete
line of shelf hardware, lamps, tricycles,
baby carriages, ete, are to be seen at
this house. Iou't spend $10 gomg to
Portland when you can see all
the above sights for the simple
cost of a look. When in Altrany Sfiend
an hour In this great curiosity store
and yon will always be glad that you
visited tlradwohl's Oolden Rule JJa
zaar. Albauy, Oregon.
Spring Fever.
At this season of the year the most
vigorous and hearty people often have
a feeling of weariness, tired and worn
out without ambition to do anything,
and many break out in pimples and
boils. W'hat you reoulrw is a mild
tonic medicine that will act gently on
the liver and blood, and for this, noth
ing equals Dr. Oun's Improve Liver
Pills. They give an activity to the
liver, purify the blood and by their
mild tonic action, new vitality and
stregth to the entire system, bold at
26 cents a box by M. A. Miller.
The Boad to Wealth!
Caaast M saacMshifty tram 14 wJtli
st 4 SMtta. Ts rases wealth sr sy
eovsts sssltloa la Hfs requires thsfvlt
sissies ami ratio f all th tw
srthiB kind MtHra has ndttwvtf wtth.
Thasa Maailieaa eannsi aklst anlaas th
kfttoal aafafl Is Is strHet warhhif
roar. iM Ut la Is lmaalfcla wtwa th
ttvar bihI splaas am tarsN, ttiMaattract
las tha sMratUna, awsintfl IMIfMnas
ass sstBala, HUi all tl thair aceest-
aasytai aorrera.
Enjrllfh Dandelion Tonic
asarts a ciSc IiImkm aw th Ihrar,
sdtM H t liaanhf actlan, rehwa Ha
rente enfereeHiante. anal promotes tha
secretions: seres Indigestion mn4 cenatt
satJoa. aharoena the aasetlta. lenoa mp
the entire srttest, anal stakes Ufa worth
You can buy any of the
Cheap, of
Uaaden and
, Stone Ware, also
R&f Job W'ork done on Short Koticr.
The Yaquina Route.
- T. E. Hoars Receiver,
Oregon Development Co1 s Steamshp Line
225 Mile Shorter! 20 Hoars Less Time!
Thmn by my other Route.
From Portland end ell points in the Willamette
Valley to and from San Francisco, Cal.
TIME SCHEDULE (Except Sundays.)
Ly Yaquina..
...7:00 A M
10:35 A M
,.11;0S A M
Ar Albany....
Ar Yaquina....
O. A C. trains connect at Albany and Corvsllia.
The above trains connect at Yaquina with the
Oregon Development Company's line of Steam
ships between Yaquiua and San Francisco.
S. S. Willamette Valley
From Yaquina May 7th. iflth, 24th, 31st
From San Francisco May Sd, 12lh, 20th, 28th
This company reserves tiie rigrht to change sail
ing dates without notice.
C. C. HOOTTK, fJcneral Hanngex.
G. F, &. r. Agent. Corvdlis, Or,
To Usko Ilnem for Mr
Kutlre Stork of
Boots & Shoes
Now I th. Tim. to
I Propose to Have
Leading Dry Goods Store
In the Valley.
Promptly attendod.
Albany, Oreiron,
Atbsnjr, Dnro.
Win praritra In .11 the issirts of tnl. Rf ate.
ORlc, front ruotus uv.r buuk of Onwm.
. W. H. BOOTH. M. D.,
Office In Guv's New Bulldlngr.
Residence at Mrs. Ambler's.
Physician and Surgeon,
Graduate of Rra1 rollcm? of Lontlon an4 Bell
rue Medtenl ColicR. Hbw,
fhronte a sji.lir.
('Bntwrsremnvcd without nsln or the knlffe.
OKPICK Kirkpetn-h's bull. I Ing. Lebanon, Or
Emporium of Fashion
Is replete with the I-ate "Wle of IIbIb. TtnnneU
sou every TMrwty ch np'i wnr inuwn ui
tltu fa-flihaisble wurkl.
A F1rt C1-" Trenaklnfr "her In connsetioa,
wbicit V prrKlo over or lniiie whu uieke
Cuttlug aud Kltliag a bin-cully.
Owe PortR 8 aTtr or me ' Exprem" ofpk:&.
xcnistiK num. Brnjxlcn.
OreSE Suits. Wssh Rails, Wrsp. snd n.ln Sc.ulf
A fair thnre ui wwlng BtllL-liMl.
Will r-irMy Ife IMi iwffuUte the
Tlnr.rHahk u Tmt. Dy-rpTi
Want el Aittit. Ind iunt ion.
Ijhck or nirfiiKtb mnl llrM
eiinKii7r- mnM
auolo mid ntrrt rnotir
Daw fores. Kul Irons Ulad
IIriDR from oouplsii
,f ttnil ipvnlf ire. Ulren a clear, beU
ion. Freuaant aUonipta nt coiintarfwit
1 to the noButftrity of thu orlsinjil.
ini only add to the papal
teHmntLfit thn ORiniMl, and CERT.
I Hmdacha. Hmp)o Dow and Uruaru Boo-
mailml on moMl of two oentK in p"". W
K Bfc-i Ladieii,
hi on DotMim. Aciareiis
BroeJccon Alaee Soldtv
Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, I
April 9, lfttil. f
Notice is hereby given that the followinK-immcd
guardian hm filed notice of his intention to make
Dual proof in support of the claim o( the minor
heirs of Joab Powell, deceased, and ihat said
proof will be made before the Register and Re
ceiver of the U.S. Land Oflice at Oregon City,
Oregon, on June 5, 1.S91, viz: James Oithtrec,
Etiiiniian of the minor heirs of Joab Powell, de
ceased; Homestead Jin try No. 403, for the X. K
of N. K. A and 8. E, i of X. E. J.i of Sec. Iffi, To.
II S., R. 1 West.
He lianten the following witnesses to prove his
and their continuous residence upon nnd cultiva
tion of. said Jsiirt. via: J. A. Crocket
Crockett, A. J- I'Kzwuter
I-cbanoa, Lnm county, Oreptn.
J. T. AI'FERSOX, Resist.
If you want to see tho best assort
ment of General Merchandise in town,
and get the heat values for your money,
you cannot do better than call on we
at my old stand, where the latest nov
elties in Spring Goods are to be had
at way -down prices.
Call and examine my stock of Fur
nishing Goods, Ties, Collars and Cuffs,
Kid Gloves, Fine Balbriggan Under
wear, Etc.
I have the latest novelties in Dress
Goods, Ribbons, Kuchings, Silks,
Plushes, and Trimmings of all kinds.
I keep the celebiated V. N. and S. K.
Corsets, which give elegance of slsapo
and perfection of fit.
Full lines of CLOTHING, BOOTS
stantly on hand.
Produce of all kinds taken in ex
change for goods.
Your patronage is respectfully in
Lebanon, Or.
- IX
Men's, Youth's and Boy's Clothing-,
Furnishing Goods, Etc.
Also Keep on Second floor a full line of
In which I will not be undersold. Come and see
I will treat
Lebanon Planing Hill
Refitted, Enlarged and Improved.
I manufacture and deal in Doors, Blinds, all styles of Window
Frames, Door Frames, Mouldings, Brackets, Etc., in fact anything inan
nfactured and kept on hand in a first-class planer.
In connection with the above, I also have on hand a well-assorted
lumber yard in which is to be found rough and dressed Lumber, Fust:
Bevel, Weather Boarding, Flooring, and all kinds of Finishing liumlrr
for Cornices, Etc.
Nichols, Westfall & Co.
Rates. j?? , J , rn - -', r"A
Livery, Feed sxncl Ssxle Stables.
Speoiul attention shown Conimercia!
Transient stock caiirfuUy cartd for.
for Bargains
you well.
Short Notice.