The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, May 15, 1891, Image 1

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He who thinks to please the World Is dullest of his kind; for let him face which way he will, one-half is yet behind.
Vol! "v7 "' LEBANON, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 10. 1801. . : NO. 10.
Groceries and Provisions,
Cigars, Tobacco, Furnishing Goods,
Etc., Etc.
First-Class Goods at Reasonable Prices.
Country Produce Taken in Exclia-ngo lor
Sliinglcs, Posts, Boards and Pickets.
W. C. Peterson,
Notary Public
Real Estate Brokers
III LrK nd Small Farm. Vfsl Fruit I-and In Valley. Finest Grain Ranches In
the World. Improved and Unimproved Land, from M per Acre and up.
Satisfaction tinarauteed. Have on hand Borne CHOICE CITY
riiOl'F.RTY, Keidnee and Bualness. Bargains
. in all Additions to the Town.
Houses Rented and Farms Leased.
Xjondon ft Liverpool ftXHobe Insurance Co.
Guardian Assurance Co., of London.
Oakland Home Insurance Co.. of Oakland. Cal.
State Insurance Co., of Salem, Orejron.
Farmere and Merchants' Ins. Co., of Salem
Collection Receive Prompt Attention. Notary Business a Specialty. We take
pleasure in giving our patrons all information desired In our line of business.
Oftice over First National Bank.
W. R. PILYEU, "'
Bank of Lebanon,
"Transacts a General Banking Business.
Exchange sold :o New York, San
rftTieus-o, Portland and Albany, Org
Collections made on favorable terms
7 DoiUter ,tm
Groceries and ' Provisions.
Tobacco and Cigars,
Smokers' Articles,
Foreign and Domestic Fruits,
' . Confectionery,
Quevnsware and Glassware, Lamps and
iarap Fixtures.
Heat Market
Frbsh & Salted Beef, Pork, Mut
ton, Sausage, Bologna & ham.
, ill
Sam'l M. Garland,
Southern Pacific Eoutc.
tflOP, H.IlT
Portland Art :S5 A. M.
Albany AT 6:13 A. H.
tea Francisco Lt OO p. m.
10 ;BS P.M. 1 1.T
Above trains stop only at the follow! nf stations
nonnoi Kosenurs: mbiiwimu, uranuuuii,
Wnn.lhnrn Hulnm. AlhanV. TmUML SbeddS.
Rowboff Stall IMHy.
ft : A. k.Lt Portland Ar ( 4:00 P. M.
1S: P. U.) Lt Allnny ArJ 12:00 X.
ft ;40 P. M- Ar Roaeburg Lt( 6aiA. lt.
Alfcany Leal Pnily Kxcpt Snnany.)
S :0ft P. M.' I Lv - Portland Ar OflO A. M.
AK P. M. j Ar Albany Lt j ft A. M
Lqcal FiMeasw Tralna DaUy Except
a :M p. K. Lr Albany Ar 9:X A. K
3:25 P. Ar Lebanon Lt 8:40 A. K
1 i30 A. H. Lv Albany : Ar t 4 -M P. M
gili.iL Ar Letonoq Lv j ft :0 P. M
Tourist Sleeping Cars
Tor aooofnwtodatton t Seoond-OlaM Paa
attached vo nxpress vaina.
Mall Train Dally (Kxoept Sunday.
At Albanv and OorvaUls oonaeot with trains of
Oregon acinc xuuiroaa.
(Exprom Train Daily Kxoept Sunday.)
a-Ttirnn fftt tickets to all oolnta East and South.
Vnr tiakAtn and tall Information reKardlne
rates, naps, etc, call on Co s agent atijerjanon-
Manager. AsstO. F. & P. Agt
Tonsorial Artist
A Good Shave, Shampoo, Hair
Cut, Uleaned or Dressed.
Hot and Cold Baths at all Hours.
Children Kindly treated. Oailond see me.
(Soeeorar I. C. H. EnaJ
Barber : and : Hairdresser.
Lebanon, Oregon.
Shavings Haircutting and Sbampoo
ing in the latest and best style. Soe
ial attention paid to dressing Ladies'
hair. Your patronage respectfully o
ieited. . v
General News.
During the last ton days or April
one woman was killed and mutilated
In Jack-the-HIpner style In New York
and another In Benthen, Oerinnuy.
Work has beirun on a tunuel to eon-
nwt Detroit. Mich., with Windsor.
The president of the Italian cham
ber of commerce In New York has In
terviewed the Italian cabinet In Koine
and has been assured Unit Italy never
thought of sending war ships to
America on account of the New Or
leans affair, nor of withdrawing the
legation from Washington.
Hudlnl. the Italian prime minister.
has notified Imperial I that he con
siders it time to break off this boot
less controversy' about the New Or
leans affair, and adds; "The present
dispatch is addressed to you exclus
ively, Ill'S M Hit UHltMli KOWI Illlinilb.
Your duties henceforward are re
stricted solely to dealing with current
uusiuess." - -.
The nrtnt works of the WMintrv
have combined to Bhtit down to force
prices up.
The chief of ordnance of the war
department Bays that he intends to
have large quantities of powder for
the new $runs manufactured on the
PacHic coast, and he also expressed a
desire to have a pun-cotton factory
established on the Pacific coast.
"Old Hutch' the Chicago million
aire Km In speculator, has fulled, but
uououy tosea anyinmg uy mm.
The tin plate men have ortranlzed a
The government exacts a duty of 85
Eer cent on Mexican lottery tickets
rough t into this country.
The New Orleans errand iurv has
indicted one of the Mafia murderers'
attorneys and another man for bribing
Manv of the nearroes who rushed
into Oklahoma last year are starving.
The Bayward case In the federal
supreme court has been postponed
until the second Monday tu the Octo
ber term.
The jury which tried Plenty Horse.
the Indian murderer of Lieutenant
Casey, disagreed.
Ben Butler, acting as counsel for
Mrs. Clarietta Johnson, on trial for
perjury in the United Htates district
court at Boston in a pension case,
offended Judge Carpenter In the
charges he made in a motion for a
new trial and Carpenter had him
ejected. A resolution was Introduced
in tne state legislature caning on me
attorney-general to interfere, as the
right of Mrs. Johnson, a citizen of the
state, to counsel had been violated in
the federal court.
Walter 8. Maxwell of California has
been made chief of the horticultural
division of the world's fair.
Del liio. Texas, has a Jack-the-
Ripper murder case. A. Mexican
woman was butchered In the usual
horrible stvle and the words " Fresh
Meat for Hale were written on the
wall with her blood. There is no clew
to the murderer.
Fat cattle are scarce and corn and
oats hiirh and meat has advanced 33
ter cent throughout the east. At
Chicago, where ftSOrt cattle are usually
consumed uauy, ouiy wi a ciay are
The number of seals to be taken in
Alaskan waters this year has been
limited to 60,000.
Edwin M. Grant, western agent for
B. Manville & Co., the New Haven
carriage manufacturing firm, has
been arrested at Chicago for em
bezzling from f'JOOO to $15,000.
The Ohio Sunday-closing law for
saloons has been sustained by the
A bill providing for the choice of
presidential electors by congressional
aistncts nas passea tne iuicnigan
Philin J. Patorno. a naturalized
Italian citizen of New Orleans, has
applied to the police for protection,
declaring that he is in danger of being
murdered by tne Alalia.
Somebody crave a stick of dynamite
to three little boys, James and Milton
Turnev and Charles Wilson, at Mar
tin's ferry, vs., Maya, ana wuue tney
were piaytng witn it it expiouea ana
two were fatally mangled and the
other made blind for life.
The JEtna furnace property at Iron
ton. O.. including 17.000 acres of min
eral lands, has been sold by the sheriff
to satisfy, a mortgage xor f2G6,ooo.
AH Jews have been ordered out of
St. Petersburg forthwith, the same as
at Moscow.
Tamasese, at one time the Germans
puppet king of Samoa, is dead.
Baron Hirsch proposes to give
$1,600,000 toward colonizing Jews
from Russia in South America and
Paraguay is shaken with a revolu
tion: . ,
Manipur, after the magazine was
exploded and everything of value re
moved, was evacuated. The British
when they took possession found the
heads of Major Quinton and other
The English parliament has adopted
an act reducing thenumber of taverns
to be licensed and compensating
those closed for the loss of their busi
ness. -
The Chilean rebels have captured
Copiapo after a fight. The govern
ment cruisers Argentine and Almt
rante Lynch were so badly damaged
in the fight in which they sunk the
Blanco Enealada that they are laid
up for repairs. The report that they
same tne iuascar at tne same time
proves unfounded.
Portions of Peru where rain is hardly
ever seen were visited with a terrific
rainstorm between March. 19 and
March 22 and millions of dollars
worth of damage done.
Grand Duke Nicholas, the czar's
uncle, is dead.
Em in Pasha has gone after the
ivory abandoned at Kibiro.
A Bussian named Glikoff has been
arrested for the murder of the Servian
minister of finance, and confesses the
The Chilean rebels have taken Co
quimbo. Turkey insists that the treaty pro
vision that Bussian war ships shall not
pass the Dardanelles shall not be
evaded by their carrying a mercantile
flag and nas stopped a second one.
Bussia threatens war and Turkey re
plies that all the European powers are
pledged to help her in defense of her
rights under the treaty.
Rivas & Palmer's shipyards at
Bilboa have been destroyed by an in
cendiary lire.
Current News.
LatMM Strike.
The Detroit street-oar strike ended
In an agreement to arbitrate.
The Michigan car works at Detroit
have closed down Indefinitely on ac
count of a strike for higher wages.
The miners strikes have caused a
coal famine In Germany and the foun
dries In the 8olg vnlley and the steel
works along the llhlne have closed
down for want of fuel.
The Pennsylvania coke-makers are
fast filling the places of the strikers
with new men.
The Indianapolis saloon-keepers
formed a union to raise the price of
beer aud the stonecutters union of
that city has platted a boycott, with a
910 fine attached, on all union saloons.
The printers In Rome struck April
39 and none of the papers came out
the next day.
The May day demonstrations at
Lyons, France, were so riotous and
the police so cowed by the mob that
troops had to be called out and several which ten police
men and soldiers were injured. Blxty
rioters were arrested.
At Rome there was rioting and two
soldiers were killed and one anarchist
was shot dead by the soldiers and sev
eral of the rioters were injured.
Stones were hurled on the soldiers
from houses and the soldiers stormed
the houses from which stones came.
At Paris and Berlin quiet was pre
served by the police." -
AtClichy, France, four poJcemeu
were killed In a fight with anarchists!
who used revolvers freely.
Several persons were injured In a
conflict between policemen and a
crowd of roughs at Marseilles.
The threatened general strike of
workingmen throughout Europe did
not take place.
In the United Htates there was
nothing tike a general elghthour
strike on Mayday. The Pennsylvania
coke strike Is petering out and the
ovens are starting up with non-union
men. The strikers there were mostly
foreign contract laborers who had
been brought into the country In
violation of the federal law. At Ash
land, Pa., the minors are at work as
usual. The railroad miners in the
Pittsburg district, about 6000, quit
work because their contract had ex
pired and a new one had not tieen
signed, but they did not demand an
eight-hour day. The same thing oc
curred at Wheeling, W. Va. The car
penters at Pittsburg struck for 35
cents an hour, and succeeded In get
ting it. The slate roofers joined them.
The general strike of Pennsylvania
bituminous coal miners has been de
clared off without being begun.
In Clay county, lnd., B00G miners
The Ohio miners accepted a nine
hour day.
Throughout Iowa the miners struck
for an eight-hour day and burned one
or two shafthouBes and tried to burn
At Portland, New York, Cleveland,
Des Moines, St. Louis, Chattanooga
and Memphis there were strikes In
the building trades, nearly all or them
for eight hours. In New Orleans all
the building trades are paralyzed by
a strike against the employment of
non-union men.
In San Francisco the pain tors and
decorators struck for an eight-hour
At Tourmles, France, stones were
thrown at the troops who had been
called to quell rioting by strikers May
3, and the troops fired on the mob.
killing eight men, six women and
several children and wounding twenty
people. Great excitement was caused
throughout France by the tnci lent and
the fall of the ministry Is suUl to be
one of the possible results.
Owing to the fact that the struggle
in the coke fields will empto) all Its
resources the executive board of the
united mlneworkers of America
abandoned the proposed May-day
eight-hour strike. '
Slav for Italian OWwn.
In the Italian chamber of deputies
April 29 Imbriaui, who stirred up
row with ex-Premier Crispi a few
weeks ago, created another great up
roar by charging the Italian govern
ment with permitting the African
slave trade to be carried on openly.
and also asserted that thirty-five girls,
taken from their former owners under
the pretext of rescuing them from
slavery, bad been distributed among
Italian army officers.
Premier Budinl protested against
such accusations without proof, and
the minister of war declared he would
not remain in the house unless the
charge was withdrawn. Such a tumult
ensued that the sitting had to be sus
pended. The charges were withdrawn
next day.
Central American Politic.
Salvador and Honduras have ar-,
ranged a treaty of neutrality and also
of arbitration in case of difficulties.
In case of war with another power
each is to admit the products of the
other free. The projected inter
oceanic railroad in Honduras is to be
available to Salvador in case of war
and Salvador is to build a branch
from Puerto Union to the main line,
to be free to Honduras under like cir
cumstances. It is believed that the
object of Salvador is to isolate Guate
mala in the event of war.
Barillas' friends insist that he is the
most popular president Guatemala
has ever had and that he has no
intention of forcing a war with Sal
vador. In Watt's valley, twenty miles east
of Centerville, April 27, Adam York
shot and killed George W. Mercer,
who had succeeded in marry ia nrl
whose bjr v-m both had i
Farm Notes.
The Oodlla Mailt. !
The eodlln moth Is attracting a good
deal of attention In California just
now. Not only has its vigorous de
struction become necessary to the
securing of a crop of apples In most
of the apple growing districts, but it
has also attacked the pear and quince
to some extent. The Increase of the
pest all over the United States for the
last few years has been very rapid,
and It is now acknowledged that
spraying at the proper time with
arsenic solutions Is almost necessary
to the securing of a crop. The first
brood of the moth puts In an appear
ance as soon as the blossoms begin to
fall and thf fruit Is formed. This is
usually from the middle to the latter
part of April or first of May. The
female deposits her eggs In the calyx
of the fruit, and In a week the egg Is
hatched and the young worm begins
to eat to the core of the fruit,
Three or four weeks after the time
of hatching, when the larva Is nearly
mature, the body assumes a pinkish
or fiesh-colored tint, being slightly
more colored on the back. It then
begins to burrow Its way out of the
fruit and descend! by a spun thread
to the ground or some place of refuge
on the truuk or large branches of the
tree, where It spine around itself a
cocoon. In about two weeks the In
sect has changed itself Into a moth, I
which emerges from the cocoon and
proceeds to lay eggs for a second
brood of larva. The moth la not so
particular ft pout disposing Its eggs
the second time and will place them
on the fruit at any convenient point,
but usually where the apples come In
contact with each other or with some
obstruction. Many methods of trap
ping the eodlln moths have been
tried, but the only really effective
remedy Is to spray with a solution of
Paris green, London purple can be
used by very careful operators, but as
the proportion of arsenic It contains
greatly varies, It Is dangerous in the
hands of anyone but an expert. The
proportions of the solution are one
pound of Paris green to )G0 or 900
gallons of water. No addition Is made
to the Paris green excepting the water
after It has been dissolved with am
monia. The ait plication should be
made with a very fine spray nozzle,
so that the poison may be evenly dis
tributed upon every portion of the
fruit. The first application should be
made as soon as the blossoms drop.
Earlier spraying, It Is claimed by
those who have experimented, will
not only be of little service In the de
struction of the worm, but will also
jeopardize the lives of the bees which
collect honey from the blossoms. An
other spraying should be given be
fore the apples droop downward, so
that the poison can settle into the
blossom ends, but the strength of the
solution should be reduced to say one
pound of Paris green to 300 gallons of
water; even a third-spraying a little
later will prove beneficial. Greatcare
should be taken that the solution is
constantly stirred while being used,
so that the proportion of poison may
be evenly distributed. If only one
spraying is to be done early in the
season a little soap added will make
the Paris green stick more securely,
If a rain should occur soon after
spraying, the operation should be re
peated very soon after, otherwise no
great amount of benefit will result.
If the spraying Is done effectually and
thoroughly from 75 to 90 per cent of
the worms will be destroyed. Great
care should be taken to destroy all
apples which fall to the ground and
to keep the trees clean of loose bark.
and the orchards free from piles of
lumber, trash or anything that may
furnish a hiding place for the worms
which escape.
The last brood will spin their
cocoons in some such hiding place
and will remain dormant until spring,
when the moths will Issue In due time
ready to destroy another crop. Cal
ifornia Fruit Grower.
Gopher Folaon.
A patron of the Colusa Sun says
that after experimenting for six years
with various kinds " of gopher
exterminators, including smoking
machines, traps, cats, carbon, sulphide
and many other kinds of poisons he
has found the following mixture to be
the most effective as well as the
cheapest remedy he has ever used.
Cut the top off a five-gallon oil can.
clean thoroughly, put in a little cold
water and insert a stick of phosphorus.
Hot (not boiling) water is then grad
ually poured in and stirred with
stick until the can is half full. The
water should be just hot enough to
melt the phosphorus gradually. As
soon as this is done, stir briskly while
two pounds of sugar are added
Sufficient corn meal and flour are
then added to make a thick batter
Stirring is continued while wheat is
added, making the mixture as thick
as can be stirred. Add at the same
time as the wheat, fifteen or twenty
drops of oil of rodium. The waterwill
be absorbed by the wheat, which
should be dry, and the whole will be
come a hard mass. Pieces the size of
a hickory nut are chopped off as de
sired and put in the main runs of the
gophers. The odor will attract the
rodents from a long distance and the
least nibble is sure death. The above
quantity of poison will be sufficient
for a large orchard or a whole neigh
borhood of small growers.
Jack Smith, alias Linsey, was strung
up by striking miners at Oilman who
believed he had been sent there by
the company to burn buildings and
have the crime charged to the strikers.
He confessed, but not as they ex
nented. He said he. had been sent bv
one Brunt! age from Seattle to burn &
house belonging to xminaage.
Woman's World.
Bum Rrincatlou.
tlm Km
H-'laUim by
Abble riMfcti Eau.u.J
According to my Interpretation,
home education does not mean a reg
ular, set time for study and recita
tions, although Btich a course Is some
times pursued In some families as a
preparatory. It may be anything
learned at home, as well as taught,
by example as well as precept, or by
any Influence, unconscious, even,
either physical, moral. Intellectual or
On the Influence of parents on
physical education, Mrs. Eddy, an
exponent of Christian science, says :
Mind can regulate the condition of
the stomach, bowels, food and tem
perature of the child far better than
matter can do. Your views, that Is,
those of the parents on these, pro-
uce their good or had results in the
health of your child. Your child can
have worms, if you say so, or any
other malady that Is timorously
holden In your mind relative to the
body. In this way you educate your
child into discard and lay the founda
tion of disease and death. The entire
education of children should be such
as will form habits of obedience to
moral and spiritual law, whereby to
meet and master that belief In phys
ical laws which breeds disease."
Frances Willard, president of the
Woman's Christian Temperance
Union, lu writing on "Home Influ
ence " or Home Education any :
It would bo easier to toll what were
not, than what have been, formative
influences. As a jagged bit of rock
is wrought upon by the many waves
and wavelets of the sea, until Its
angularity disappears, and it takes on
something of a polish and ranges it
self along the beach In, harmonious
combination with the rest of the
pebbles, so It Is with human life ; all
nfluenees combine to make It what It
Is." She gives as her opinion that
father and mother count more In
the training of the child than all other
influences. They are the real unlver-
ity. They are the great world and
what they do not plant In the nature
and nurture of the child the world
will never see,"
In criticism of her remark that
what the father and mother do not
implant in the nature and nurture of
the child the world will never see," I
would say that the rule Is proved ex
ceptional when we remember cases of
children maturing from homes where
they have been taught habits of tem
perance by example as well as pre
cept, becoming hopeless drunkards.
The same Is proved In regard to re
ligious education ; we all doubtless
hear of ministers children who have
been brought up In the nurture and
admonition of the Lord, but who de
part severely In the opposite direction.
In the case of the sot who was the
outcome of training lu the reverse It
may be suggested that some remote
grandfather might be responsible, the
appetite being Inherited although
perhaps skipping a generation or two,
as physicians say thatjoon sumption
and scrofula sometimes do. Even then
it could not be charged to home edu
cation, unless, indeed, heredity be
pressed into the service as a home
Mrs. Alice Freeman Palmer In her
remarks at a recent reception and
dinner given by the Mystic Valley
club, in speaking of the college class
of 1900 said the fathers and mothers
before her who would go home to
night and hurry to see that the little
ones were sleeping well would have
more to do than any ether influence
with the destinies of the twentieth
Another branch of home education
influence or bias, the existence of
which has my thorough disapproval,
is when a parent chooses for a
child the business or profession it
shall prepare for without regard to
the taste, talents or capacity of the
child. A fond parent has a great de
sire that the boy shall become a min
ister ; said boy has a great propensity
for business and trading, not much
for books and less for theology ; he
wades through college and the sem-infci-v.
in after vears troes Into miscel
laneous business, fulling far short of
being a Christian minister and mak
ing a very poor innuei.
Middle age to a woman of strong
character and a cultivated mind
brings the best chance in me xor
progress in knowledge, for study, for
tnougnt tnat enlarges uio mum nu
plants upon tne eoun wmwiv-w ui im
press oi a oeiiuni ui spini
Mrs. Harrison has been called the
best housekeeper that the White
House has known "since President
Arthur's day. She has lately had a
large linen closet built in tne space
nenina tne elevator, wuere ueuuiutr.
towels and table-linen are kept ;
sweet freshness. The initials " U. S.
are worked in every article, in white
linen floss. Tne supply or taDie-nnen
hnfl heen creativ increasea since Airs,
tiarrison came to me niu.e nouse
Miss Gertrude E. Fonda of St.
Albans, Vt., has won the fifty-dollar
nri?.e offered lor tne oesc onsmai ae-
sign by a woman for an article of
nousenoia iurmture. xier uesigu is a
bookcase in the lorm oi a large volume
onen at a little more than right
angles, with the shelves across the
onen naffes. t is maue oi woou. ana
tne Dinaing, lettering aau Lrimimug
of blue ana gold are cleverly imitated.
About 200 designs were submitted in
the competition.
we offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any
case of catarrh that cannot be cured by taking
Hali auatarrn (jure.
V. J. CHENEY A- CO.. Proos.. Toledo. O.
We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney
for the last 16 yftars, and believe him perfectly
honorable In all business transactions, and fin
ancially able to carry out any obligations made
by tneir nrm.
West ft Tbuax, Wholesale Drufcfflsts. Toledo, O.
Waldino, Kinnau & Makvin, Wholesale Drug-rtAtM-
Toledo. O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting
directly upon tne blood and mucous surfaces of
, per bottle. Sold by aU drugclauv
ID VyVlluu. iwuiuuuuub nnuii uws niuv ,W
flirnirlh and Ratatlva
In Pmmtm n4 War.
The total expenditure on the irnir.
out of taxes. In the year Id the case of
the United Kingdom wits Inst venr,
according to Sir Charles Dillcs. ilrt -
600.000, says the London BtUurilay He
view, and In India the mine, or 3.
000,000 (84.000.000 In the present
year), besides the expenditure out of
loans and that of the self-governing
colonies for the armies of the British
empire; The eoloniea altogether spend
for themselves about 1. MX). 000 a year
for army purposes. In addition to the
contributions made by some of them
toward the imnerinl forces and toward
marine defense. While the armies of
the British sent about 3A.A00.-
000 a year, the German empire eosta
aooui oou, iw nnu tne trench army
a little over 28,000.000.
Our armies cost no. therefore, con
siderably more than theirs, but while
each of these powers would have In the
Held on the twenty-first day of mobili
sation over 9,000,000 of men, with be
tween 3.000 and 4.000 guns, and be
hind this vast fores a large garrison
and territorial armv In reserve, we
oou Id altogether muster but 860,000
men from all the resources at our com
mand. But tr.e Ingenious Briton will
retort that, though our forces are
small, they are of exceptional quality;
that one Englishman is equal to two
Frenchmen; that one volunteer is as
good as two pressed men. and so on
und so waiter, etc Not so.
The 9,000,000 active German or
French troops, of whom we have Just
ipuKCD, are -pretty mucn me same ail
broughn that Is to sav. tbev are of
uniform quality, even If It be granted
that their standard be not as high as
ours. Our muster-roll, on the con
trary, la built up from the most hetero
geneous sources, and the quality, when
the training and education of the sol
dier are considered, if Q some cases
lit go, is in others deplorably,
total we arrive at is made up oi
000 troops, excellent though deb
in some particulars 00,000 to 6d,v
Srst-clttsa army reserve, useful but n't
periodically drilled as Is the reserve or
every continental army; 9,000 t&bonf '
ciass army reserve, naruiy wor
counting; 113,000 militia, who may r
said to be without half their office'
8000 Channel island militia; abc
.000 Malta and St. Helena mlht -1.000
yeomanrv; 224.000 voluntee
74,000 regulars in India (undoubted
splendid force); 08,000 good nat
t roo ps In I nd i ti ; 60. 000 bad n a V
troops, and 81.000 of wlmt Sir Chai
Dilke terms "odds and ends."
n other words, the figures we
produce include everything we 4
possibly term a soldier, from a guar
man to a native policeman. Thev
elude some regiments of Indian ;
fa 11 try which are recognized even i
ourselves as worthies!!, and whom
from time to time disband as snr
They include the St. Helena milif
ana tne Korai lrisn constabulary, whcT
however eflicient in their own sphere,
would probably be so occupied in it
that they can. hardly be available to
nghi a foreigner. But. more than this,
not only is our force thus variable and
sometimes unsatisfactory as regards
the quality of its component parts, but
It Is singularly badly proportioned as
regards the arms of which it is com
posed. 11 mere is one thing wnicn recent
experiments have established more
than another, and upon which there is
complete unanimity of opinion among
military men, it is this that modern
armies should in future campaigns be
remarkably --ell furnished with both
cavalry and artillery; infttntry will be
unanie to lace modern musketry un
less they are well supported by guns,
and have the way of their attack pre
pared for them by artillery tire. A
thick veil of horsemen will shruud the
movements of a modern army from its
opponent, and an army which has not
a strong force of cavalry, both to gain
Information for It and to ward off its
opponents1 scouts, will be at the mercy
of a better-informed antagonist.
it wui neither be able to see nor re
main unseen. Yet how do we ilnd
that our attenuated levies are furnish
ed with these necessary adjuncts?
Contemptibly so, it seems, as regards
artillery. We have but a nominal 600
guns all told, against 3.000 to 4,000
belonging to the powers that may op
pose us, ana 01 tnese we coma, not
place above 320 in the field.
Not only have we an absurdly small
number of batteries, but we propose
on an outbreak of hostilities to reduce
them by fourteen in order to make np
ammunition columns! That is to say.
we organ ize, eq ui p and educate a
scientino bodv of men in order that
they may on the outbreak of hostilities
be equal to the duties which Pick ford's
or Carter Paterson's draymen daily
perform in our streets! The Germans
on Oct. 1 last added to their artillery
almost as many guns as we have in the
whole world, and Kon mania and Swit
zerland can each of them put in the
field about as many guns as can the
British empire. Nor when we come to
analyse our cavalry returns are mat
ters more reassuring. We have only
12,000 horses to mount 19,000 troopers
both in India and at home together.
"Religion Was Ixoklng Up.
The following story is told of old
"Father Taylor": He" oLce went from
a certain town noted for its apathy in
religious matters to a conference meet
iug, where his brethren in the ministry
were comparing notes as to the condi
tion of church work in each one's
locality. Presently some one asked
Father Taylor how the religious inter
est was in .
Oh," replied that gentleman, re-
lisrion is looking up in
This occasioned much surprise, as
such a declaration seemed mrectiy con
trary to ireneral reports.
"How is that?" was asked. "Is there
anv general awakening of the
Any special interest on the part of
those outside tne cnurcnesr
"Well, then, how do yon explain
your remark that religion is iooking
up- in r
"Why." said Father Taylor, dryly,
"religion is flat on its back in " "-,
and it has to look up, if it looks any
where!" Kites as Implements of War.
In the volkov fields, near St. Peters
burg, the ministry of war has insti
tuted exercises in flying kites. If
experience shows that kites can bo
made to fly with a certain regularity.
small electric lamps will be attached
to them, and the cords will be pro
vided with metallic wires, to be used
as air telegraphs between distant
camps in times of war.
Haw th Bvrir Ohane4 to B DfMk
la a rifth Atmm Club.
Fifth avsnns recognised a tall, lanky,
whiter whiskered old man. who walked
lazily up-town In the sunshine of a re
cent afternoon, as being straight from
the rural districts, tits frock coat of
rusty broadcloth, his exceedingly crook
ed snotf-oolored trousers, his large
stiff boots, and his inquisitive, roam
lug eyes stamped him as a farmer
eorue to town for a holiday. He paus
ed on a corner of one of the cross
streets and gszed long and admiringly
np at the ornamental lacads of a hand
some club-house. A number of mem
bers were sitting In the windows, and
the farmer saw that they wore their
hats and were smoking, while be also
observed that cabs drove on to the
maia entrance of the editice, and gen
tlemen passed through a doorway that
stood open.
"That1 one of them high-toned hotels
I reckon,1 soliloquised the farmer.
"I'll be gosh darned ef 1 don't go In
and hev an oyster stoo."
He crossed the street and sauntered
leisurely up the broad stone steps of
the club. At the door he was baited
by a servant, who asked him whom he
wished to see.
"I don't want ter see no one, he re
sponded. "I stopped in for an oyster
stoo. Suppose I can get one, can t IT
He was apprised of the fact that be
could not get an oyster stew, and when
he brindled up a bit aud said if ba
couldn't get a stew be would have a
plate of corned beet the servant began
to smile and to say that he eonld not
be served, even with corned beef. At
this the farmer became very angry,
and in a loud votes gave forth the in
formation that be had plenty of money
to pay for what he ate, and be didn't
propose to be insulted just because be
wasn't born and bred in New York. It
so chanced that a party of members
a wagon r
a basket was carried in. The driver
of the wagon left a note addressed to
live members of the club. A few mo
ments afterward a dozen bottles of
cider were being consumed by a crowd
of men in the cafe. The health of tbs
old farmer was drank standing, with
the wish that his crops woo Id never
fail and his children never bring sor
row to his heart. N. Y. Sun.
Dibbles and Corn-droppers.
A dibble and a corn-dropper will
be more in his way than the rifle, for
some weeks to come." said Mr. HowelL
What s a dibble?" asked both of the
youngsters at once.
i he eider man smiled ana looked as
Tounkins as he said, A dibble, my
lambs, is aa instrument for tiia plant
ing of eorn. With it in one hand yon
punch a hole in the sod that has been
turned over, and then, with the other
band, yon drop in three or fonr grains
of corn from the corn-dropper, cover it
with yonr heel, and there yon are.
wot, i snpoosea we were going to
plant corn with a hoe; and we've got
hoes, too!" cried Oscar.
'No, my son," said his father: "if
we were to plant eorn with a hoe, we
shonld n t get through planting befoi
next ran, 1 am airaid. After a in
we Will make some dibbles for von.
boys, for you most begin to drop corn
to-morrow. What plowing we have
done to-day, yon can easily catch up
with when you begin. Ana the three
of yon can all be 00 the furrow at once.
11 tnat seems wortn wnne.
The boys very soon understood fully
what a dibble was, and what a eorn
dropper was, strange though those ini-
J. laments were to them at first. Be-.
ore the end of planting-time, they
fervently wished they bad never seen
either of these instruments of the corn-
With the aid of a few rode tools,
there was fashioned a staff from the
tough hickory that grew near at hand,
the lower part of the stick being thick
and pointed at' the end. The staff was
about as high as would come np to a
boy's shoulder, so that as he grasped it
near the upper end, his arm being
bent, the lower end was on the ground.
The upper end was whittled so as to
make a convenient handle for the user.
The lower end was shaped carefully
into something like the convex sides of
two spoons put together by their bowls,
and the lower edge of this part was
shaved down to a sharpness that was
increased by slightly scorching it in the
fire. Just above the thickest part of
the dibble, a hole was bored at right
angles through the wood, and into this
a pee was driven so that several inches
stuck out on both sides of the instrv- -ment.
This completed the dibble.
"So that is a dibble, is it?" said Os
car, when the first one was shown him.
"A dibble. Now let 'a see bow you use
Thereupon his Uncle Aleck stood up,
grasped the staff by the upper end,
pressed his foot on the peg at the lower
end of the tool and so forced the sharp
point of the dibble downward into the
earth. Then, drawing it out, a convex
slit was shown in the elastic turf.
Shaking an imaginary grain of corn
into the bole, he closed it with a stamp
of bis heel, stepped forward and re
peated the motion a few times, and
then said: "That 's how they plant
corn on the sod in Kansas. Noah
Brooks, in SL Nicholas.
A citizen of Jacksonville, Fla., de- s
posited 5,000 oranges in a public place
recently and invited passers-by to help
tbemseives to the fruit, only stioula-
ting that the eater should quarter the j"
o range and place the peel in a barrel
of alcohol standing near by. About '
four thousand oranges were" thus dts-
posed of, to the satisfaction of is -
donor, who will ship the peelings- - .
Kngland to be used for medical f
poses. It was a novel expedient .j"
getting a good job done witaoal
oeose. r