The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, May 08, 1891, Image 3

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    Lebanon Express,
FRIDAY MAY 8, 1891.
T. C. Peeblei 'a grocerk-a
Shaving 15c at McClurw's barbershop
Rev. E. E. Thompson's fotbo is sick.
Go to S, P. Bach tor boots and shoes;
Waterloo hotel tor rent. Inquire or
The public school will close after one
tnore week.
0. V. Bice Is assessing Lebanon
school district.
J. G. Gross of Waterloo sella goods
at bottom prices.
1. A. Rennet W$ the contract tor a
dwelling thta week.
New millinery nt Mrs. Geo. li ice's,
Straw hats for 50 cents.
Look out for the Bodavllle Dramatic
Troupe In the near future.
J. G. Gross of Waterloo takes pro
duce iu exchange tor goods.
For choice groceries at bed-rock
prices, go to T 0. Peebler's.
Bom, to the wife of Tr. J. S. Court
ney, May 1st, a sprightly girl.
Go to T. C. Peeblera cash store and
Set 17 lbs. Kxtra C sugar, $1 00.
Mrs. Geo. Rice, milliner. The lar
gest stock and the lowest prices.
The Siuger Manufacturing Company
have au ageut iu lebaiuu, Oregon.
M. A. Miller Is agent for the cele
brated Cleveland ready-mixed paint.
Children's day will be appropriately
observed some time during the mouth.
S. P. Bach keeps a line of boots and
hoes as well as Brownsville woolen
We had a good deal of thunder on
Wednesday, followed by a heavy
J. C. FreyASon manufacture their
own horse collars. Call and examine
their stock.
We have money to loan on improved
farms and ranchas. 8. N. Steele & Co,
Albany Or.
We expect soon to have a full report
from the engineer. O'Connor, with ref
erence to the Lebanon Canal.
W. W. Crawford, of Tall man, was in
Soda vi He Friday night giving the Cor
net Band instructions In music.
Mr. Btowe, an attorney recently from
Iakota, thinks Lebanon a deiraole
location for a man of his profession.
Ttev. Aleridge preached in the M. K.
church Hundsy morning and in the
evening he preached in Brownsville.
Wanted, 250 dozen chickens, 500
dozen eggs. Will pay cah or give
foods tor same. T. C. Peeblku.
Wm. Ralston s addition, and also
J. M. Ralston 's tourth addition to Leb
anon, on sale by Peterson A. Garland.
Rev. Lamar's family have arrived
from the Etwt. He will move into the
house formerly occupied by C. A. Mo
It Is said that McTonald has retired
fnm the Brownsville Times, Mr. Cav
ender assuming entire control of that
J. M. Xiehols and wife, of Plain-
view, were among the number who
looked upon the presidential party
We will Inform the people of Leba
non and vicinity that there in no extra
charge on trimmed hats at Mrs. 8. H.
uowau's. .
Dr. L. Foley has improved the sp
earance of his residence by the addi
tion ot canisters to ttie entrance of ms
F. Brown has his house well uudcr
headway. The old gentleman will
tiave a very desirable home in a pleas
ant part of town.
Local talent of Sodaville will render
the drama, "Foiled," or "A Struggle
for Life and Liberty," at that place
Haiurdny evening.
It Is not likely that Settle Bros, will
dispose of their warhouse, as the man
to whom they expected to sell is talk
ing of building elsewhere.
After going to Cruson & Menzies
hardware store and getting prices, we
find that they are selling goods as low
as any place in the valley.
Some of our young people ascended
Peterson's butte Saturday and partici
pated In the rustic exercises of the
school cuiidreu on that date,
Oregon weather in this section is
about all that can be desired. Warm
weather, with occasional showers is
Just what pleases our farmers.
The rains which have fallen this
week interferes somewhat with that
taigfry ride which you promised your
aweeinean. wnen last you met.
John Donaca has ben stopping on
his father's farm for two weeks past
while the latter was helping forward
the interests of the Lebanon Canal Co.
G. M. Westfall drove over to Harris
burg and back last Saturday. A ride
of 60 miles over a not very smoothe
rode Is telling on a man of Milton's
Perhaps no part of town can boast of
as many new aweumgs and more ex
tensive improvements than our eastern
suburb located on both sides of Bridge
A war of species is waging in a
neighbor's garden between his onions
nd the pesky dog- fennel. One or two
industrious men are helping the fittest
to survive.
Another ear load of paper mill ma
chinery arrived last week. We u nder
tand that the freight bill of the
company, on machinery alone, will
font up about $8000.
Rev. C. A. McDonald is agent tor
the famous Epworth pianos and
organs, which for tone, durability and
finish, are unexcelled. Inquire at Ex
press office for prices and terms.
A company was organized last week
In Albany, that purposes building a
woolen mill at Watereloo. When this
to done Waterloo will make a suburb
to Lebanon, or vice versa, which?
The city of Seattle has extended its
limits so as to include Wassom's Addi
tion. Linn county men who bought
lots in this addition will know by this
that their property is now in Seattle.
Our produce merchants received an
Invoice ot salmon and catfish last
week and before the news had time to
spread the catfish were all sold, which
proves that the latter is a rare dish in
these parts.
We fear that if the small boys are al
lowed to play on the Santiam bridge
that some of them will be missing. It
in dangerous playground, and parents
would do well to keep their eye on
their little ones.
Lebanon Engine Company held a
drill last Friday evening with a view
to ascertaining whether everything
was In good order. We need a few
more cisterns and we are told that they
will be provided.
The Epworth League Convention,
which was held in Albany this week,
was attended by the following dele
atea from Lebanon: Rev. T. P. Boyd,
Rev. C A. McDonald and wife, Mi as
Simpson and Miss West.
Died, nenr Lncomb, April 2fl, Wm.
Tueker. Mr. Ttiuknr came to Oregon
from MiwHourl in the yetir lWtii mid
after residing in di (Keren t portiotmnf the
Slate located near Lnoomh S years aum.
He leaves a wife and 8 children, nil of
wiiom uie grown.
Some of our young people went to
pHmviuo tor a unit it rsatunmy, out me
spring wiw undergoing repairs ami
they failed to ehike their thirst. The
company then drove to Waterloo, hut
met with no better success there, the
spring at that place being submerged.
T. C. IVebler hns provided for the
muscular development of the young
men by erecting a trapeze in the rear
of his store. After watching the per
formances for awhile we were con
vinced that the boys would perform
belter at tumbling than on the trapeze.
The little misses of Lebanon enjoyed
themselves to the full on the evening
of the first of May. Woven paper
baskets of various colors were tilled
with flowers and suspended from door
knobs, and In this way they heralded
the advent of the "month of flowers."
The first of a series of baseball games
will be played by the Lebanon tireys
and the Albany nine on next Saturday
afternoon. Arrangements have been
made for five match games between
these two etutis and much interest is
being manifested by all lovers of this
kind of sport.
There are conflicting opinions rela
tive to the value of the coal discoveries
east of town. By some they are con
sidered good for cropplngs, while
others, accustomed to seeing Kastern
coal of a higher grade, are inclined to
put a conservative estimate upon dis
coveries of tins kind.
. Agent Rennet informed the people of
ijetmnon on jtioumy evening tuat a
special train would be placed at the
disposal of as many as desired to see
the presidential party as the train
f mssed through Albany Tuesday morn
ng. About thirty or forty of our citi
zens availed themselves of this oppor
tunity of a lifetime to see a president.
Hardware, Stoves and Ranger
Albany, Ore,
About two years ago Claud Davis
stepiHHl on some glass with Jiis bare
foot,outtingoneof his toes pretty badly.
When the wound was dressed the glass
was not all removed, and as a conse
quence it has been more or less painful
ever since. About two weeks ago it
came out through the skin on the up
per side of the member, having passed
entirely through the toe.
My Increasing trade has prompted
me to buy largely. I have a large bill
of all kinds of shoes on the way from
the Kast, also from San Francisco, that
will soon le here, and then we can fit
anyone in size, quality or price. Re
member I pay cash and sell for the
same; therefore we can sell as cheap iu
Lebanon as anywhere In Oregon.
Hibam Raker.
We wish to announce to the public
that we have a large stock of wagons,
buggies, backs and carts, direct
from the factory in the Kast. We have
seUrcted these goods to suit the climate,
roads and people of this vicinity, and
we cordially invite all those wishing
to buy anything in this line of goods
to call ou us before purchasing else
where. Crvson & Mknzies.
Two hundred newly-married couples
wanted at K. Goau's furniture store, to
buy bed room sets, that they may sail
mrougu nte -on nowery immis or ease."
I am not seeking an invitation to your
wedding but 1 do want to congratulate
you and start you on the highway to
prosperity by furnishing your rooms
with the lest, the handsomest and
cheapest furniture this side of auy
w here.
One of the worst enemies to blos
soming fruit trees in this part of the
country is a small bird which perches
among the branches and using his
beak as a pair of shears cuts the blos
soms so rapidly that the failing petals
resemble a light snow storm. Unless
these feathered marauders can be in
duced to cease from their unprofitable
labors there will be a shortage in the
fruit crop.
The following statement from Mr.
W. B. Denny, a well known dairyman
(rfNew Lexington Ohio, will be'of in
terest to pei-sous troubled with Rheu
matism. He says: 'I have used Cham
berlaiu's Pain Balm for nearly two
years, four bottles in all, and there is
nothing I have ever used that gave me
as much relief for rheumatism. We
always keep a bottle in the house."
For sale by M. A. Miller, druggist
He wants it known. Mr. J. H.
Straub, a well known Oerman citizen
of Fort Madison, Iowa, was terribly
afflicted with inflammatory rheuma
tism when Mr. J. F. Salmon, a promi
nent druggist there, advised him to use
Chamberlain's .Pain Balm. One bottle
of it cured him. His case was a very
severe one. He suffered a great deal
and now wante otheis similarly af
flicted to know what cured him. 60
cent bottles for sale by M. A. Miller,
There is an old addage that "what
everybody says must be true." Henry
Cool:, the leading merchant of New
Knoxville, Ohio, says; ChamlerIains
Cough Remedy has taken well here.
everybody likes it. They say it gives
immediate relief." That is what
makes it so popular. It is prompt in
relieving a cough or cold and can al
ways be depended upon. There is
nothing that will loosen and relieve a
severe cold so quickly. For sale by
M. A. Miller, druggist.
Since Sweet Home has a daily mail in
addition to an express office, Sodaville
has a telegraph line to this place,
Waterloo is to nave a woolen mill and
possibly a motor line, Whitcomb is in
creasing in population and prosperity
and is strong in the hope of being con
nected with the outside world by
means of a railroad, it now behooves
the inhabitants of Lacorab to build a
telephone line to Lebanon and by be
ing within hailing distance of the
mother town there is no danger of
your being outstripped by ambitious
rivals. t
Faded Beauty.
Died, in S. M. Garland's botanical
garden, on Saturday, May 2, of spinal
menengitis, or lack of stamina, a rare
exotic, known to botanists as "Queen
Jumbo." Queen J urn bo was trans
planted from the East bank of the San
tiam last spring, by Dr. E. R. Barker.
Not until the onion blossems or the
skunk cabbage redoles its fragrance will
we cease to mourn the loss of this rare
For Sal.
A well improved farm consisting of
225 acres, 125 acres of which is sowed
to grain. There is on the farm a large
new barn and a fine orchard. Two
good springs to furnish the water sup
ply. J arm, farming implements geese,
turkeys and chickens for sale at the
low figure of $4500. For particulars
call on or write to W. J. TuDridge, La
eomb Oregon.
S otiee.
There will be a meetiug of the trust
ees of the Santiam Academy on Satur
day May 16, at 10 o'clock.
J. A. Beard, Sec.
Your FiM'e.
You ran got your picture taken for
SI AO per doz. at Crawford & Pax ton's,
A II...
Wm. Rrhnnr UHltMl anil Ft I Borty
Tbmvn Into llt Itlver, nt Itirtlitml.
The body of Wm. Barbour, the Leb
anon merchant, was found In the Wil
lamette river near Penuoyer's mill on
Sunday last;
In response to a telegram, Mr. Dal-
gleish went to Portland Monday, and
Mrs. Barbour on the following day.
Both Identified the remains as those of
Wm. Barbour. Mr. Dalglelsh, the
murdered man's partner, who has been
intimately acquainted with Mr. Bar
bour for a number of years, testified
that he was not an excessive drinker.
Dr. Andrew Smith made an exami
nation of the remains finding a 82-ea li
ber pistol bullet in the brain. The
bullet entered the head at a point three
inches back of the right ear, passing
entirely through the brain and strik
ing against the upper part of the left
side of the forehead. Nothing was
elicited during the inquest to give the
slightest clue to the perpetrators of the
terrible crime. The remains were de
posited temporarily in a vault in Port
land until further Instructions from
the relatives of the deceased.
Following is theOregonlan's account
of the finding of the body:
D. W, Prince, th cider sail vIuorw aisnufVte
turer. In bwfnem on South Water street, rejMrUil
to Coroner River About 1 o'clock yesteniiiy after
noon, t hut the body of an unknown man hml
been found in the rtver betwoen the lopi at Pen.
noyer'a mill. The body was Usovcreti by K. A.
Carrel, and lie notitktl Mr. Prlncw. Coroner iilver
ntomt feat ihe dead wajron to the null and found
the body as rFiwwttt. It wan the body of a man
about '2$ year ot ac. with dark Imlr and light
moustache. He w&t well droned and it wi cvl
dent that he wan a man in good ctrrma stance.
The owe was so badly discolored that no one could
reenffnlM It.
When searched at the morniie nothing was
found on the body except a small scrap of paper
ron tnl nine a receipt for Home t purchased
from a Portland rtrysood Arm. The upiier bnlf
of the rewtpt was torn ot! no that the receipt
amounted to absolutely nothlrf for the purpo
of identification. The body was atlired In a
checkered Scotch tweed milt, blae!; Me Inrush,
white shtrt. and white necktie with blue Iwirt-
xontal stripes. In the tie there was a square irold
pin with mat and ereneent ornanienu. There
was a pearl Iu the ereseunt and a inunetin the
star.' This pin led to the IdenlMcaiion of the
The front of the head wax crushed In, and from
a hole in the back of the head, evidently a I
let hole the brains were oozinp out.
No one knew who the dead man was and the
reporter, remembering the mysterious disappear
ameof Barbour, auspeeled that it was the bori-
oTthe mining man. The ie and general build
of the body eorrc-ponded with the description ot
Barbonr. For the purpose of atii'Tlns himself
in this point thw reporter called at the city Jail
where the poliee authorities have a photograph of
Barbour. The searf-pm told the tale. It was the
body of BortwMir. lietectire 6riluaeher, after
taking look at the body was wiiisUed of the
name fact.
Mr. Burhonr was a member of the firm of Bar
bour & lolff ir!?h, at Lebanon, Or. He came to
Portland on businmss on Wediiwiay, April 15.
Soon after hi arrival he deposited In the Rank of
British Columbia sctne 700 tn aconey, whieh he
brought with hlra. Dnring the day, in addition
to making some new purchase, he drew three
cheeks on the Hank of British Columbia, one of
875. (aynble to himself; another of about t50 p-ay-able
to Messrs. Foster A Robertson, and a third of
about payable to Hears. 8. Jt (I. itimp. He
spent the nijfhi of the 16th at the Bolton hmw,
leaving there on the moraine of tlw lRtn as if ex-
pectins to return. He was seen on the lfiift 1 y
Mr. W. M. Autos, with whom be was nt one time
associated in the a;rocery hnsinewi onVaMiington
street. He railed to return to his hotel on theeveo
inir of the.ltHh as was expected he would do. and
nothing more was heard orseen of him. The police
made dilisvnt Inquiry, but eould trc him only for
a few days after hisdiwipearance. He whs known
to hare about 9125 on hia perron when last aeen.
butas$S0 of this la aerxniuted for by a deposit,
which it was yesterday learned he had made, he
eould not have had over SU5 on hia person. He
also had a (told witch and chain and a diamond
ring. He spent some ef his money for drinks, but
how much is not known. Several saloon men
saw him in their places of business drinking with
friend, but when they last &aw him thty don't
That Barbour wan foully dealt with there s lit
tle doubt. The injuries on the heud are evidence
of this. The fact thai all his money, watch and
chain and dianmnd ring are mlwing would lead
to the inference that he was murderd for bi
money. But how, when or by whom he was
murdered no one knows. The frcneral supposi
tion is that he was mnxdered somewhere in the
city, and that the body was then carted off and
dumped into the river at Pennoyer's milt. Bar
bour would not have strolled out that far himself
and the trody could not have floated up stream.
The police are satisfied that it is a case of murder,
and ilie fullest Investigation will be made.
Good Business Sfaorlna;.
The subjoined report from the S. P.
agent, at this place, gives a general
idea of the business transacted at this
point for the month ofAnril. An ex
amination of the figures shows that
Lebanon is abreast of her neighbors In
point of business:
Total Xo. tons freight received in month
of April, 12f tons, viliM-Ji consisted of the
following articles, viz: Lath, 10 ton; brick,
10 tons; lumber, 20 tons: paper mill ma
chinery, 10 tons; miscellaneous merchan
dise, 76 tons. Total No. tons forwarded
during Fame period, 491 tons, which con
MMed of the following articles, viz: Wheat,
Jiitoit!; jHitatoes. 24 tons: -and, 30 tons;
hay, 10 ton; grape root, tons: miscel
laneous merchandise, 74)4 tons, 'total No.
tons received and forwarded comlnncd, fll7.
Kxdosive of the above figures, the company
shipjied from this station for use at other
places for themselves, 24 cars of locomotirc
A Safe Investment
Ts one which is guaranteed to bring
you satisfactory results, or in ease of
failure a return of purchase price. On
this safe plan you can buy from our
advertised Druggist a bottie of Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consump
tion. It is guaranteed to bring relief
in every case, when ued for any affec
tion of Throat, Lungs or Chest, such
as CoiiHumptiou, Inflammation of
Iu n gs, li ron ch i t is, A s t h ma, V h oop
ing Cough, Croup, etc., etc. It is pleas
ant and agreeable to taste, perfectly
safe, and can always te depended
upon. Trial bottles free at Koberts &
Miller's drug store.
The Liebanon Basball Club and a
mixed nine, mostly from the country,
played a friendly gttme on Saturday.
We understand that the game had
been arranged to take place between
the first and second "nines" of Leb
anon, but the "Greys" concluded that
the second nine could not interest them
so they broke the agreement and
played with the Tennessee club. The
result was that the "Southern Confed
eracy" (The Greys) were badly beaten.
A Change In Business.
On and after May let we will change
our business to a strictly cash system,
thereby enabling us to buy for cash
ad get our discounts, and we will give
our customers the benefit. We will take
produce in exchange for goods, also
will pay cash for all kinds of produce.
All parties knowing themselves in
debted to me will please call and settle,
as I wish to balance mv books. Re
spectfully yours. T. C. Pkebleb.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve
The Best Salve in the world for
Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt
Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped
ITands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin
Kruptions, and positively cures Piles,
or no pay required. Tt is guaranteed
to srive perfect satisfaction, or money
refunded. Prir :io rents per box. For
sale by Roberts & Miiler.
We cannot all go ami fight Italians; gomo must stay at
home and look after the widows and orphans, wives and
We cannot all he heroes; Rome of us must slay at home
and sell Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, &c. But there is con
siderable Glory for the man who succeeds in heing tho host
merchant of Lebanon. We are trying to secure the glory
with a capital G, and are succeeding pretty well. It is get
ting to be quite generally recognized that we are Betting the
pace for our competitors. When people want anything in
our line they know we are apt to have the lowest price on it.
We Like It,
To be understood, and will try very hard to keep up our rep
utation. C. C HACKLEMAN,
Dealer in Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes for CASH.
Merchant Tailor,
G. Lovelee's is the Cheapest Place in Linn
County to Get a Suit Made to Order.
Gall and Inspect tle Goods If you. do
riot Leave your Order.
We wish to announce to our good friends in
Lebanon and vicinity that our Spring Stock is now
all in, and is
Ever Brought to the Willamette Valley.
We carry everything that is New and Novel, guar
anteed to fit equally as well as your Merchant Tailor
can fit you. ; :
Among other celebrated brands and makes, we
carry a full line of the Highly -Tailored Clothing
manufactured by
A full and complete line
ranging in price from $7
Agents for Albany Woolen Goods, and a full line
in stock.
A full line of Shoes and Boots at Popular Prices.
Latest Styles and Patterns in Furnishing Goods.
Come and see us when in the city. '
The Birthplace of Great and Honest Bargains."
of Men's Business Suits
50 to $14.
This Beautiful Addition to the Town of LebanojJU-
Is Now for the First Time Placed Upon the Market, at p
Terms to Suit .'the'
We would much prefer, that all
chase lots in this Addition, would
allv inspect the grounds and learn
many and varied
to tne public.
Bv a personal inspection you will discover the fol-
lowing facts:
'Lebanon lias a population of 1500. '
It lias nearly doubled its population in tbe last year.
One hundred and twenty-five new substantial houses were built here during the yea'r".-
A ftiriOrWM) nanpr mill ia nrw pnmrilwfn a nrl wnrlr will ltarrin fKAiviin Tt.'l.. 1
- -'.-I t - - ' ' ' l-.V. H 1 ' . 1 ' ' ' 1 I' II I t ,111 III I. HJI II III II tj J "
Tlie Lebanon and Santiam Canal Company has been incorporated and work will begin1
thereon as soon as tho necessary preliminaries can be arranged. "
This canal will give steady work to hundreds, and will furnish mill-sites for many
manufactories, and the. town from this and other advantages will be a city of 5000 in-
Now for tlie
It lies along the route of the Lebanon and Santiam Canal.
It is platted, with wide and level avenues; planted with most beautiful young shade'
trees; each lot fully large enough for a comfortable residence, and each having a natural
drainage. We sell no lota that are unsuitable for building purposes, and give a clear title to'
each lot.
which will aii'ord to residents
AU lots are 00 feet iront and 132 to 18o feet deep. !
Let Tliiw Fact Uo Remembered:.
The price of all these lots will fee advanced 25 per cent, after May 15.
This property will be shown to parties desiring to purchase by
Also an Elegant Stock of Cloths in Merchant Tailoring-
Department with Frst-Class Tailoring-.
And Nothing Wears Better than
Honest, Careful Scrutiny will Prove Our Goods
Shrewd cash buyers admit our
hrst -
Money Saved Is
We invite every cash buyer to
before purchasing.
New York C.
McFarland Block,
advantages this
in the Addition beautiful recreation grounds.
prices the lowest, and goods
Money Earned.
come and examine our goods
B. R. Store,
Albany, Oregon.
4f ',
who wish to pur-
come and person-'
for themselves theJ
Addition presentb-
Eu on hand s Isrte Meek of.
Call And Secure PriceeT-
You can bay any of the
Cheap, of ..
Tin, : :-
Ulaaden and.,
StnnB lUare, mIsit
lbzif Job W"ork done on Short 2Votice
OfflaM, Kansas City, Chicago,
East, North South,
. at -
C. C. RAWL1NGS. Agent.