f -tftrilna Jttnd. ht of a Infrotv nhnws in the momfnir Itjrht, tiwlor at noon it wow. ad-! imt at. tbe fall of nlprhtt r or cUnitly Mrvna nil an one, ?Us MHMmii f m hot! wtt.ti t.hn RUItl Hllnr emilil not. iittd HMt.it nd. Vftl tbe country Sunaulne. Land. J make von tnTl when once you know Mion bloMoms were all iutJnw: ay. so many. small and brlfrlit, -orerml the hills with a mantle of llrhtt wild bee huimneU.ai.id the glad broe-se .mniHl 4 " Ute netmyed ttetds of Sunshine Laud. ho sea w twn bound. jtijj. dar uhlld. would we choose for .iM nail and mil tilt at last we found iB inlrv o-olil or u mllltou Hownrs. dnrllnfr. wed find, tr at home wo staid. anu idiii ji our pleasure an v niad e near than we think very rlose at hand " the fColdrn flHdw or Pinhtnn Land. ' Edith Thonum in N. V, Weokty. , i phaSton portrait. i m1kah Mrac; WHl mi look in at mv shop bts eventiifr? Oulllor Is In town and Hi imlng . dtue with me at the elub. I t utaml an evt'nlmr with him alxue, hut If you and Teddy , U Hrien will support me, with pine and pota it tlons, 1 think wo Khali be a mutch for htm. 1 IV mo ; -in ! -- friend for llft , DlCKUKAVU." I bait nothing particular to do. so I I sent? wort) 'routid to Dick that I should tttrA up. having first made sure that Veddy O'Brien, whoso studio was in t the same block, would ijo also. Quitter yre knew of old. as all the world knew him a man who bad seen everything; done everything, been evert-where and these occasional visits of "his were a perpetual terror to Graves. Why he naid them we never knew. There" was a kind of traditional friendship be- tween the families certainly, but ' Quiller was a man who scoffed nt tra dition. He was In every way out of ' sympathy with a set of ardent and fro j pecumous painters. As journalist, as traveler, as mau of the world, he had outlived his enthusiasms. Life con- - tatued no new experiences, no sur prises for him. It wm only a monot ;'' onous round of the known and the ex pected. I Dick Graves, who usually shone as Awi host, was not at his best that evening. He was nervous at first, end rather silent, leaving the burden of the talk ; fo Teddy ami myself; and we had the 111 luck as the punch circulated to light on a vein of hmnorous stories, at - i" which we laughed eousumedly our- selves without evoking even a smile from the gueat of the evening, j WHl you fellows look over my i Ooratsh sketches?" said Graves, sud- denly lumping up in desperation. ? 'There are some you have uot set-it !L and he beran to rummage aliout among . a pile of old canvasses. Quiller resumed his seat and sat alf-abaently, half - contemptuously, watehinir us as we turued over the paintings; possibly he wns amused by eur jargon of "lone" and "quality, . and the rest. At length I picked tip from the heap a painting that caught mv eye and propped iton the easel near the lamp. It was quite unlike braves' usual work, and I stood look ing at it for a moment, not quite ' kuowine: why I did so It was the . -v, aeait of a young wentaa, pale and sltgiitly worn- ik was. leiMitnga little forward, looking ot of the pietur-. her month parted by s slight, treim. lou smile, and ta her eyes a look that . was a strange- mingling of emotions. if a new hoe- &nif hnuoiness had ome inta a life of sorrow a look half exultant. I turned to eak to Graves and saw that Quitter had got up and was standing gazing at the picture with vrook ot lasviuation or of tear. ajt last was something that inter ested him. "Where Jul you get that? be asked abrupllv. hatdoyou think of k?" said Graven, slowlv. "It's a g hmI heail, sjwd Teddy ORi-ien. "It's a woudtrrfitl motelk" said I. '"Afaqe to liatuu one1 said Quiller. In a tone- qute unlike- his ordinary Qynionl one. vAh, that's it, saiit Graves. 'Its more than human. " "Who is UP" said Quiller, in his abrupt way again. "'Pon my soul I can't tell you. for I don't know. Va a queer story, and one I'm. almost ashamed to ask yon to believe. I sha'n't blame you if. you Uiink I'm, humbugging.11 We settled oursel ves by the fire with our pipes, and Dick began his story in. a manner, for him. so unusually grave and impressive that it seemed to leave no room for doubt as to. his perfect good faith iu the matter. "I. went into Cornwall, as youkaow at the end of summer, and after leaf ing 'round Newlvn foe a while I wen to the south coast, to try and nol some place that had been less painkedv I staid a few days at Polperro. but it was -all so much like the smaller exhibi tions in town that I could noi stand it. and x finally landed at -' naming a small seaport town "where there were no painters and not nanny visitors. 1 stayed at the 'Ship irw and looked 'round for some place fee hang np my pallet. After some inquiries I found a small cottage which had been empty for soaue time, but which had evident ly bee used as a studio, for there was a wall knocked out at one side and a good-sised room added, with a high, aorth light. On the south side the kitchen and 'parlor.' which opened one Into the other, had a view of 'the love liest little harbor in the world. The place was just what I wanted, audi thw rent was absurd onlv 10 a year; so-1 took it for six months, on the- under- standing 1 was to keep it on if. L obese. I bought a few things to. make?- the place comfortable, and got a eld woman to look after it for. me,, tat I lived most of the time at the Ship ion, and just at first I spent very Little time at the studio, only taking: io may can vases at night. When : October set in cold and wet I had (to do some work indoors, and thea.it. was. began to think there was -SOJuethiiB queer about the place. One day I bad been paint ing a young girl from the village, the granddaughter of ay ancient dame, and ( wa& putting on a few touches to Oie background when I heard a sound close bebiad me. like a very gentle sigh, 1 looked 'round quickly, but there was one in sight no one in tad veero. in fact. I went on painting, wit a. an uncomfortable feeling' of some thing aneanny. and in a few minutes the sound was repeated actually at my ear. I dropped my brnsh with the start I made, and then I went all through the bouse to see if anyone was in it. I knew that Annie and her grandmother bad gone home, and I thought I hoped that some poor soul had crept in to shelter from the raic by the kitchen tire. Well, there was not a soul near the place, I lock ed up carefully that night when X went back to the inn, and in the solace of a glass of grog and a pipe before I went to bed I almost persuaded my self there was nothing in iL In the morning I had really forgotten it, I fancy, but when 1 got back to the studio a curious thing happened. Right across the face in my picture were a couple of brush-marks, such as you might make if you were trying tbe tooth .of a.canvas. completely spoiling inj; work of (the day before, I called up Annie and her grandmother, and -accused them of playing tricks. They were indignant at the idea, and finally 1 bad to apologize for my suspicions. We searched the h0use together, but " -Id 6qd no mgttus by which any one tve entered, and at last I waa 'tide that X must have) " -1' ' - -': rT-S'? "V -r done the damage myself when I let my brushes fall. In a tew days, how ever. It became Impossible to explain the thing by this or any other natural means; constantly my canvases were tampered with, and I grew to have the fouling that after twilight I was never alone in the room; that faint sigh, which had so startled me at first, I came to listen for aud expect, mid I began at last to clothe It with n per sonality, and to wish I had some meaus of comforting the poor soul who hail no other language In which to express despair. I did not think It was she who had defaced my canvas, however, and I took to carrying my works baek with me at night to the Inn, where they were secure from Interference. "I suppose the thing would have ended there but for an accident. There was a race meeting In the town and the 'Ship1 was invaded by a low set of fel lows, who got drunk and made beasts of themselves generally. The place became unbearable and I determined to camp In the studio uutil they cleared out, 1 made up a big fire, got my old woman to leave me some hot water in the kettle, and with help of a rug aud a pillow stuffed into the back of my chair I made myself tolerably com fortable for the night. How long I slept I don't know. 1 awoke sudden ly, not as one does In bed, with a drowsy feeling of relief that it is too early to get up, but with every sense on the alert, and a curious impression that something unusual was happen ing. The fire was still bright, and made a glow on the opposite wall, but what made the room so light was the moon shining in through the square window in Ute roof. 1 could see everything in the room quite plainly, but I seemed oppressed by some weight that made me powerless to move. 1 sat there staring at what happened as helpless as If I had been bound. My painting things were just as I had left them; my canvas, on which I had sketched In a head, on the easel, and close by on a stool, paints, brushes, and pallet. They had been there, that is to say, for there stood In front of the easel, with his back to me, a tall man, with a stoop in bis should ers, and dark hair; he had my pallet In his hand, and he was painting with a sort of nervous intensity that it thrilled one to see. I looked to see what he was painting, tor he kept glancing over toward the patch In the moonlight; but at first 1 could see nothing. Then I heard that little gentle sigh, but not, it seemed to me, so utterly weary and heartbroken as formerly; it was a sigh almost of content- And as I pondered on this my eyes seemed to become more ac customed to the light, and there in the moonlight, on the very chair in which Annie had sat was a woman, leaning slightly forward, young, beautiful, and very pale but vou nave seen the picture. I looked at her more than at hire, only glancing now and then to see how the work went on. As I watched her the face changed, and the sorrowful, worn look gave place to a kind of wondering happiness he has not quite got it in the picture; it was as if the feeling were so intense it made a kind of radiance 'round her. I don't know how long I watched. At last a sound made me turn and look at the painter; he had thrown down the pallet and brushes, and was stand ing looking at his work; then he turned slow.ly and held out his bauds with a supplicating gesture. She had risen. too. and came a step forward with a wonderful light in her eyes and just as she put her hands in his a cloud crossed the moon and blotted out the figures from my sight. When it passed, the patcli of moonlight was empty, and there was only the painted head and the pallet lying on the floor to convince me I had not been dreaming. After that I mast have fallen asleep for it was broad daylight wlieu I next remembered anything, and I heard the welcome and familiar sound of my old wuman prepariusr my breakfast. The smell of fryiivg pilchards ww refresh ingly mumlaue. aud I got up stiff and sore from my uneasy couch, prepared to find that my phantoms of the night before had been nothing but a dream. No; there was the pieture. just as you see it. and on tlm ll-xtr were the pallet and brwsles. 1 picked them up aud looked ewriously at them. If you'll believe uae. I could never make up my uwmt to clean the p:tint off that pallet, ami it baugs there just as that fellow left iS. We sat silent for some minutes when Graves had. done. 1 confess the story kupressed me a good deal. ami. glauciug up. X could see that Quiller was strangely moved. "And did vou never have any ex planation of the thing?" said I at last. "No." said Gra-es. 'l never had any explanation, and I don't suppose I ever shall." Quiller haJ risen and stood near the lire. "I think 1 can give it," he said, knocking tbe ashes out of his pipe. Graves stared at him; no one spoke, and he went on as if tinwilliuglv. That must have been I)rakes cottage you. had; he was here before your time- J dare say you never heard of hin. He lived there with his wife aadthafs her portrait." r. 6raves-' stare of surprise became naore- profound, and Teddy and I looked oa in silent wonder. Quiller weut on, speaking like a man tihat has been carried quite out of himself: "There was a tragic story tokl about Irake and hi wife. He was a good deal older than she, and changeable and moody in his ways; and stw, poor child, was ambitious to help him to be great. At first be was tender and thoughtful toward her. and then he seemed to forget how fragile and sen sitive she was he neglected her, and grew more and more morose and moody. He used to get very savage about his model, and complain that it was impossible to get any one with intelligence enough to sit decently. Once his wife asked him whether she could not sometimes help him by sit ting, and he only langbed at her, I remember. Yon you!' he said; that was all. Then the poor child had an illness, which, if she had been happier, might have ended differently and been a new happiness to both of them; but she was too worn out with sorrow and disappointment, and in the end she died. Iu her delirium she was always calling to her husband: 'Let me help you; let me- be of some use; only once, dear; paint nseonly once;' and poor Drake, who woke up to a sense of his loss, was heart-broken at his inability to satisfy her. The tenderest and most passionate tones of his voice never reached her, and she died with out ever knowing him again. After that Ifc-ake was a changed man; he seemed to have only one idea to paint the portrait of hfs wife- Canvas after canvas he spoiled. :tnl when I went to see him he w.mil say: 'She can not rest until I h:ivc dn' it- I must succeed; sooner or later f must satisfy her. At length he I. e m- so uomoDageable, eating noLbii j, and spending long sleepless nights w .Uking iKbotrt. tbe country, that his frieuds caane and took him away. He died soaee months after iu an asvlum." "By Jovel" sakl Tedd v O'Brien when Quiller had finished, and then relapsed into silence. J looked at Graves, but be was lost iu a wonderment too deep for words. -The portrait's very like her," said Outlier; with a strange awe in his tonev "Pm gl&d poor Drake succeeded 'Vou- bbink said J. and broke Off. Quiller was putting on his cost, tie answered my unspoken question with a solemnity for which I was not pre pared. For twenty-two years these two poor ghosts have been watting their opportunity. Let us be thankful that in the eud they fouud it1 He seemed to forget to take leave of us in any way and went without an other word. As the door closed en oh of us drew a deep breath bf relief. Dick raised his head with an air of stupefaction. 'That's a ruin story," said Teddy Oil lien. "Why did you never tell ft before?" "The ruin in lest thing about it is the sequel," said I. "Diek, old man. Is vour part true?" "I don't kuow," said Dick; I begin to thiuk it must be." "Great Scotland Yard!" said Teddy O'Brien, did you make It pP" "K very word of it ou the spur ot the moment." Did you know " Not a word. Quiller seemed struck by that picture, and It was the only sign of human Interest he had shown, so X thought I'd humor him. I didn't mean a ghost story when I began, but it somehow developed into that. I would have given a good deal to take a rise out of hiin. but I never hoped for anything so complete as this." 'It was a curious coincident that you should have taken Drake's cot tage." said Mr. O'Brieu. "Yes," said Dick dryly; "but the most curious part of it all is that the enttno-e wns made uu. too." Great Scotland Yard!" said Teddy O'Brien asrain. "And who painted the head?" "1 painted it myself," said Dick, "and I began to think it must be a deuced good picture.1' Cornhilt Magazine, Talleyrand aa King-Maker. The Talleyrand Memoirs In the Ctnlurv narrate, briefly, Talleyrand's appointment at the head of the pro visiuubi kuyci u meruit nuu ma i evejr- tion by Louis XVU1 The duties of my position kept me In Paris and made it Impossible for me to go and meet Louis XVIII. I saw him for the first time at Complegne. He was in his study M. de Duras brought me to it. The king, on seeing me, held out his hand, and said to me in the most amiable nay, the most affectionate manner: "I am very glad to see you; both our houses date from the same epoch. My ancestors were more clever than yours; had it been the reverse, yon would say to me to-day, 'Take a chair, come here, near me, let us speak of our affairs'; where as to-day it is I who say to you. "Sit down and let ns talk." I very soon did my uncle, the Arch bishop of Kheims, the pleasure of re peating to him the compliments paid by the king to our family. I repeated them the same evening to the Emperor of Russia, who was alOompiegne, and who with much kindness asked me if I was satisfied with the king. These were his own wonts. I have not been weak enough to relate the openfcig of this interview to any other person. Iu the year 1807. when the Em peror had couqtiered. one after the other. Austria. Prussia, and Russia, and held the whole destiny of Europe in his hands, what a graud and mag nificent role might he not have played! Napoleon is the first and ouly power that could nave given to .curope a reai balance: a goal which for centuries she had tried in vain to reach, aud from which she is now more than ever distant. For this he only needed, first, to urge Italy to uuife, by giving it the house of Bavaria; secondly, to divide Germ an v between the house of Aus tria, which would stretch to the mouth of the Danube, aud the house of Hrau- denberg, which could have been strengthened; and. thirdly, to re awaken Poland bv giving it to the house of Saxouy. With a true balance of power Na poleon might have given Europe an organization in aeconl with the moral law. A true balance would have made I war almost impossible. Au appropri- j ate organization would have brought i to each people the highest civilization : of which it was capable. Napoleon could huve done these things, and he did not do them. If he bad done them, he would have had everywhere statues to mark the grati tude of the people; every nation would have bewailed his death. lustead, he prepared the way for the state of af fairs which we now see, and brought upon us the dangers which threateu us from the Orient. It is by these re sults that he ought to be, aud will be, judged. Posterity will say of him: This man had great intellectual iorce, but he did notknow what true glory meant. His moral power was slight, almost absent. He could not bear success with moderation, or misfortune with dignity; thus the moral force which he lacked was the undoing of all Europe, aud himself as well. Placed as I was for so many years in the midst of his pians and in the very crater, so to speak, of his politics, and an eye-witness to what was done or plotted against him, it did not require great astuteness to see that the coun tries recently subdued to his rule, all these new princi pal i t ies created for and placed under the domiuiou of his own family, would be the tirnt to strike the blow" at his power. Talleyrand Memoirs in Century. Getting Kven. I had some important business to transact with a merchant in an Ohio town, but we had scarcely gt seated iu his private office when in came a drummer for a Chicago house. He was probably new to the road, and he wanted some of his cheek shaved off. He was politely informed that nothing whatever was wanted, but he talked and hung on. and had to be fairly turned out. In half an hour he re turned to the attack with a freh stock of gall, saying: "I know you must want something, and I'm bouud to have au order." Again he was turned away, and again he returned to the attack. The merchant was now mad all the way through, but he concealed the fact and quietly remarked: "Come to think of it, I do ueed a few thiugs. Get out your order book." "Ah, ha! I knew 3011 would give me an order if I hung on long enough!" exclaimed the drummer. "Nothing like perse verauce in this profession." The merchant ordered 2.CHH) pounds of sugar, teu chests of tea, 1.1)00 pounds of coffees, and a lot of other goods, figuring up a big bill, and the drum mer was on his high heels as he with drew. "Pretty big order." I observed. 'No order at all," he replied. "How?" "He'll mail it to Chicago to-night, and to-morrow I'll countermand it by telegraph. Did it to get even with him for hanging on, -you see. All the fun in this thing is uot ou the side of the traveling men." N. '. Sttti. An Indiana Precious Stone. Wilbelin V addle, au eccentric char acter and naturalist. residing near Ver sailles, Ind., who spends much of his time searching in the woods, among the hills, flecp gulleys, nnd ravine, found a stone about four inches long.that has a number of dianiond-shaj-ed points on tbe surface. A Cincinnati jeweler is said to have offered Mr. Vaddiu $2,000 for his treasure. MAMMY BROWN, .. Aa Old Virginia War Time rinr Whe Has Sarvtma Until the present One of the most familiar and le loved faces Iu the Virginia hospitals during the war was that of an old col ored woman. By the side of the sick and dying she wns always to be found whether they wore blue or gray. The face of old Mammy Miiry Brown was the face of an angel of mercy to many during this time. She belonged to the old Nell estate. Her mother, who died within the lust three years, lived to the age of 112. and was, up to a few weeks of her death, a brisk, bright-eyed old lad. She was visited by many of the "nniil Ity folks," as she remembered the Rev olutionary war, being a child nf some five year's old at that time. Mary, at the age of 2si, was bought by Mr. Tow sen (afterwards Major Trnvseu), who was then just married. Nine children were born into the family, the mother dying when the last child was an in fant In arms. So to Mary fell the care of the children, and they could not have fallen Into better hands. Her life was given up to them. She never married, affording almost the ouly caso on record where the colored dam sel has failed to take Unto herself a better half. Some jears before the war Mr. Towsen moved to Philadel phia, tnking Mary with him. Of course she was free upon crossing the Hue, but her deep devotion to the family kept her with them, and she returned with them to the south. She had cause to be proud of her little brood. seven of w h ieh were boys, for they grew iuto noble men and women. When the civil war came it wtift with au aching heart that "mammy" saw her beloved boys don their soldier clothes to leave her. But she had no time for repining. Those four years were full of unselfish deeds for her. She was always nursing the sick, taking the covering from her owu bed that they might not go cold, buying them dainties from her own scant stock of monev. Sleepless nights she watched by the side of some poor, dying fellow, whose last faint words were those of thanks and blessings for his nurse. She made from two to three hundred suits of soldier clothes, sewing them for the most part duriug her night watches by the sick. At one time when the troops were stationed at Manassas, before the first battle there, she made a barrel nf blackberry cordial, for the most part I ticking theb-'iries with herown hands, low those thirsty, wornout bovs did cheer when tvat barrel arrived! The story of an old colored woman having in fit fe it for Idem was told. "Boys,u said one poor fellow, "let's give her three cheers." And cheer her they did. Mammy was twice cheered by the soldiers n't Manassas the second time at the reception of some much-needed clothes she made. All this time her heart was bleeding for her owu especial seveu. Before the close of the third year there was not one of them left. "It do seem." she said on one occasion to Gen. Mosbv, "dat de good Lord hab set His mark'ob death upon them." They all died in her arms. All the boys made her tbe confidant of their joys and woes alike, ever find ing Iter a most sympathetic listener. On one occasion mammy lost all of her few remaining possessions while trav eling from one town to another. "Dey's wrapped in an old blue coun terpane," she told one of the soldiers, "and dar is a bottle of juach brandy in de bundle. Ef yer finds der couu terpane yer can hab de bottle." It is needless to say that with such a reward offered, most diligent search was made, but without avail. The old blue counterpane has never come to Mifht. The soldier, who has now chaiigcd iuto a portly judge, who couuts his dollars by the teu thousands, never meets mammy without saying (with a twinkle in his blue eyes), "I am still looking out for that blue coun terpane, matumy, and remember, the bottle's miue when I find iL" After the war mammy went to live with Major Tow sen's daughter, where she has beeu ever since. She finds much comfort in a new set of boys, though they can never take the place of her dear dead soldiers. The twin bovs are her particular delight. Mammy is over 90 now, but still brisk, and looks quite equal to several generations. Her life has iutleed been fuil of good works, ever marked by a loving, unselfish spirit. Philadelphia 2mes. Realism Knorkml All thv Powtry Oat of ttt Tonne Woman. An incident which is said to have taken place recently in Paris may be of use to some of our girl readers, says the t'a-iruiiart Queen. A young woman of high culture nnd gentle breeding had been obliged to earn her living as a governess nnd grew impatient of the monotony of her life aud its few chances of advance ment. She fancied that she had great histrionic talent and thatt she could am axe the world aud make' fortune ou the stage. She went to a well-known tragedian and told him iter story and her ambi tions. Now. the tragediaii happcued, fortunately, to be a mau of much sense and kindness of heart. He did uot tell her that she lacked ability, know ing that she would not believe him. "You shall choose for yourself," he said; "but you should see this fairyland close at hand before you cuter it." "I go to the tbeator every night, monsieur!" she exclaimed. "Ah, yes! Before the curtain! For one month you shall have a seat be hind the curtain. If at the end of that time you wish to become an actress I promise my aid to you." A line from him to the stage man ager procured for her a chair Iu the wings. There she sat night after night, not seeing the enchautmeut. the fun, the brilliant, gay touches which made a picture for the spectator-, but the coarse canvases, the machinery, the paint and the dirt the hard, mo notonous work, the jealousy and squab b lings, the weariness of body and soul out of which the players made the picture. Before the first week was over she left the place iu the coulisse never to return, declariog her gratitude to the mau who had so shrewdly interposed to save her. Origin of Mermaid Stories. The dugong, a species of whale found abundantly iu the waters of both great oceaus, but especially off the coast of Australia in the Pacific, Is believed to have furnished the slender basis upon which all mermaid stories have been founded. Its average length is from eight to twenty feet. It has a hand much resembliug that of the human species, aud breathes by means of lungs. It feeds upon submarine sea weeds, and when wounded makes a noise like a mad bull. Long hair in the female species and hair and beard in the male add to the resemblance of the head and neck. The flesh of this species of whale is used for food, and is saia to nave tue navor 01 oacon, mutton, or beef, according to the part of the body from which the meat is taken. New Orleans Picayune. St. Louis Is the largest fur market In the United States, ami on coon skins ia far ahead uf auy other city. &t2v" A Kins In a Tortoise-Shell. , The eradle that a queen should choose for her priueety Utile baby must be a very grand affair, don't you think sop Perhaps made of choice or costly woods or even of a precious metal. In either case It must, you thiuk, be most beautifully shaped and perhaps carved with the figures of sweet little cherubs, watching over the favored mortal baby as he sleeps softly amid his clouds of line linen aud delicate lace. This may all be. What made me think of It was something that I heard a traveler tell about within a few days. This traveler had lately come from France. While In that country he had visited the town of Pau, amoug the Pyrenees Mountains. In this town, high up, looking over the valleys, stands an old, old castle, dark and gray and gloomy. It was built in the oldun days wheu there was much fight ing, and uobles and princes had to live Iu castles, with walls made so thick and strong to keep out their enemies that the blessed sunlight was kept out too. and the big rooms aud halls were dark and dismal enough. Here in this castle of Pau, in the year of 1653, said the traveler, lived the old King of Navarre, aud here, Iu this same year, was born his grandson Henry, Priuce of Navarre, afterward known the world over as Henry the Great, King of France aud Navarre. He was called great uot ouly because he knew how to head the armies of his king dom, fighting his enemies, but because he loved his people, aud tried to make them happy aud prosperous as well as glorious. So his people loved him. and after his death they cherished everything that had belonged to htm with the freatest care. Here, In his castle of au, Is still treasured the cradle In which the royal baby was rocked to rest. It Is a cradle made all of tortoise shell. Shouldn't you think It would break very easily P It would if It were thin and polished tortoise-shell, like a girl's dainty bracelet, wnicn is almost as britCo as glass; but there is little dan ger of this royal cradle meeting any such fate no more danger than if the shell were still on the back of the tur tle, its first owner! The shell is not polished or altered In any way. It was taken from the back of the big sea-turtle (who had carried it so long, aud thought himself so safe in his stout shell-house), and was cleaned and turned over on its back. Then only a little blaukot was laid In it, for the young Prince of Navarre was not brought up delicately, and In his very cradle wa taught to lie wrapped In a rough blanket, instead of ou soft cushions, amid luxurious linen and lace. The traveler did not tell the friend with whom he was talking whether or not the turtle-shell cradle was mounted ou rockers, if uot, how could the cradle have been rocked without giv ing the poor little baby a most terrible jouncing f A little boy, who was walking with the traveler and his friend, said that he didn't think the little Pritfce Henry had half so comfortable a time of it as his own little baby brother at home; and X shouldu't wonder if that were true- But, perhaps, after all, it Isu't good for babies to be quite no comfort able. It may be that more babies would grow up to be strong and hardy men aud women if they were not treated quite so tenderly at the first. Jackinthelnlpit, in St. Nicholas. A Statement from Mrs. Fremont. In a recent number of The Century Mrs. Fremont gives the following ac count of bow she balked an official at tempt to delay General Fremont's sec ond expetlitiou to the West: "In the month of March, 1343. I acco m pa u ied Mr. Frem o n t to St, Louis, where the second expedition was fitted out; that through, be left for the frontier, where the men and animals were gathered. Following out my duly of secretary. I was ta open the mail and forward to the camp at Kaw Landiug. now Kansas City, all that in my judgment required Mr. Fremont's "attention. One day there came for him an official letter from his colonel, the chief of the Topographical Bureau: It was an order recalling him to Washington, whither he was direct ed to return and explain why he had armed his party with a howitzer; say ing that it was a scientific, not a mili tary expedition, and should not have beeu so armed. I saw at once that this would make delays which would involve the overthrow of great plans, aud I felt there was a hidden baud at work. Fortunately my father was ab sent from St. Louis, and X could act on my instinct. Without telling any one of the order X put it awav and hurried off a messenger to Mr. Fremout one of his men, Basil Lajeunesse, who was to join him with the last things. I feared a duplicate letter might have been sent ou to the frontier; but the river mail was verv irregular and slow, and I charged Basil to make all haste, for much depended on that let ter. I wrote Mr. Fremont that he must not ask why, but must start at once, ready or not ready. The ani mals could rest aud fatteu at Bent's Fort. Oulv go.' There was a reason, but he could not know it; my father would take care of everything. And as we acted together unqnestioningly, he did go immediately. . . . "Not until after I received thegood by letter did I write in -answer to his colonel who had sent the order of re call. Then I wrote him exactly what X had done; that I had not sent for ward the order because it was given on Insufficient knowledge, and to obey it would break up the expedition; that tbe journeys to. and from Washington, with indefinite delays there, would lose to tho animals the best season for grass and throw them, underfed, into the mountains in winter; that the coun try of the Black feet aud other fierce tribes had to be crossed, aud that Ind ians knew nothing of the rights of scieuce, but fought an wnues; mar. these tribes were in number and the party not fifty men. therefore the how itzer was necessary; that as I knew a military order, must be obeyed, I had not let it be known to any one, but hud hurried off the uartv. "When my father returned he en tirely approved of my wrong-doing, and wrote to the Secretary of War that he would bo responsible for my act. and that he would call for a court martial on the point charged against Mr. Fremont. But there was never anv further question of the wisdom of his arming the party sunieienuy. Tbe American Girl. After much observation of the women of many countries, the con clusion is inevitable that the freedom of early girlhood, the looking upon men as brothers, friends, and honor able gentlemen, the being thrown ou one's own good seuse as a guide, above all, bei n g trusted by father and mother, aud lover, not being suspected or watched by a "black mesour," or a too suspicious duenna -that all this has madet very noble race of Ameri can women, who can be trusted with the future of the nation. She may be slightlv in need of a few hints, but we believe in - pretty witty Nancy." Mrs. Joan nterwooa, t narpers isazar. Coins with Holes in Them. 0 The French live and teu centime pieces are hereafter to be coined with ""-"Va iu them like Chinese currency. THE EARTH, An tntHMitln Talk About tha Orlgi ane lllrth of the Planat W Mti On. Accepting the theory nf astronomers that our sun and the millions of other suns were evolved from masses of nebn lous matter, we should like to know how the earth and the rest of our sun's planetary brood came iuto existence. The Bible tails us someLhing about the earth's Iiifauc3; and inferentlally about the other planets. "The earth was without form and void," we are told. There was no division of land or water -nothing but chaos; This agrees with well-known scientific facts. Geology takes us back to the time when land ami water began to take form as we see them now. But ae should like to know some thing about the earth's historv farther back than the Bible and geofogy take us. We are satisfied with the evidence as to Its childhood, but when and where was our dear old earth bornP How came the sun's eight planets, and the little asteroids, to be- made into balls aud placed out ward In space at distances ranging from $5,000,000 to miles from the parens suur feveti the a-urouomers uo not pretend to say positively hew this mighty work of world-making waa ac complished, but Bouiu of tbeiu hare a theory that seems plausible and that fully harmonizes with demonstrated fa en. What are called spiral nebula nebulous bodies which are evidently rotating or whirling, have lately bees studied with greater care aud minute ness than ever before. It seems prob able that thete spirlals indicate a stage In which masses of nebulous matter began to concentrate and begin the initial work of making a star system after the manner of our solar system. The attraction ot nebulas, as we know by analogy, would cause a rotary motion, parts nearest the nucleus mov ing with the greatest rapidity, and other parts moving more slowly in proportion to their distance from the center. Such a nebulst as this would extend billions of miles In space. Tbe different velocities of the parts would naturally produce spirals, and as the process of condensation went ou the nucleus would become a comparative ly solid bodv, like our sun, while spirals, at variou distances therefrom, would, by their own attraction, be come more closely defined as individ ual rings. In course of time, perhaps millions of years, these rings would gradually draw together and assume the spheri cal form that seems to be the ultimate shape of all heavenly bodies. If this supposition be true, the earth was once a section of spiral nebula. As the sun settled dowu iuto comparative solidity the nearest spiral ring became the planet Mercury, the next one Venus, the next the earth, and so on out to Neptune, nearly three billion miles awav. ana 11 planets are thus eroiveu from spiral oebnia surrounding tbe sun or star, then It logically follows that our moon, and the moons of the other planets, are the spherical outgrowth of nebulous rings. Astronomers wno oe- lieve In this theory declare thai Saturn's rings will eventually increase the very liberal allowance ot mat planet's moons. But 11 tins pianet-maKing ineory is correct why can not the completed planets of a star be discerned through the teleseopeP Because the stuff of which tbe pi met i-t made becomes thousands of times smaller when com pleted thau it was iu the nebulous state. A woman's dress mnv not be more thau four feet high and two feet iu diameter: but probably there are tweuty yards of stuff in it. The spirals of which our planets were made must have lieen billions or miles iu diameter, but the diameter of the largest planet jt only SO.OOO miles. Philadelphia Junes. w-0 OSSAWATTOMIE'S BOYS. How Ow il iloa llrown Ufpod uf Tt r Cllll Fortune. John Brown, of Harper s Ferry, whose soul goes--marching on, has two sons, Owen and Jusou. who went iuto the valley where Pasadena sits in the sunshine of the California paradise. and there struggles agniust adversity and fought pinched circumstances in a loug and bard coutest. A Lewiston gentleman who is just nome irum v asmngton, met in iNew York last week an old friend, an attor ney of much note, who recently settled the estate of one of these sons, who has recently died at or near Pasadena. Tbe attorney told the Lewiston gentle man a story whose moral will be found touching, no matter bow badly it may be told in this place, and whose theme Is heroic along the better line of hero ism. This attorney found the affairs of the deceased in good order, but his estate small. He obtained from the surviving son a memento of John Brown, a letter written to one of the sons nearly fifty years ago, a good let ter, with one or two bits uf honest. manly advice in it. In progress of looking up the affairs the attorney found out this, that tbe two sons had lived along in a rather pinched way Eaying for their little place, working ard and patiently, uncomplaining in their toil, and that they finally had saved azuu lor a little nest egg against future troubles. About two years ago or more, as everyone knows, Charles ton, e. c, leu in eartuquaxe. mere was want and suffering a misery in some sections paralleled only by the Hood at Uonemaugh. When those two brothers heard of it, forgetting that South Carolina had embodied the ele ment that had slain a father, and bear ing only tbe cries of want and distress. they sent their entire little fortune to Charleston and it was used in allaying the miseries of the men and women who iu a certain way had been respon sible lor their lather s death. There's the story. You can think It over, especially in the light af its un ostentatious giving, and perhaps vou may see its moral. The fact that it has been unnoticed so long, and that one of the sons has died, without see ing even a newspaper reference to the incident, is proof enough that it was a gift of pure generosity aud nothing else. Liewiston (me.) journal. A Great Shot. In the time of the second empire there had been at Couipiegne a great and elegant bunting party, with a tremendous massacre of hares and pheasants and other game. . Standing in chosen spots, tbe emperor and his followers had the game driven up be fore them and had nothing to do but shoot it dowu. These high-born hunt ers had but to stoop to pick up the game that they shot; but they did not even ao us maun as mat. ineir vat ets, dressed in picturesque costumes. went about picking up their game for them. As the hunters returned after the day's sport it was noticed that Prosper Merimee, who was one of the party, was the only oue whose servant was not laden with game. He was left completely iu the lurch, as it were, without having taken as much as a sparrow. "Well, well!" his literary fellows exclaimed, "how did they man age fo get away from you?" "When game is so plenty as that." said Meri mee, gravely, "the merit of a marks man lies in hittiug nothing. So I fired between the birds." Argonaut. A Gardena (Ca1.) farmer sold $1,600 worth of strawberries from his patch. IN THE VALLEf Of DEATH. Itleafc ttranarnrt's KxpaflanS lulnnit at Java I visited -The Valley of Death' when on the Islam! of Java three months ago." said LIuL Leon Bancroft when talking to a Chicago IVibune reporter. The Lieutenant is connected with her Majesty's service Iu India, and reg isters from Calcutta. "The place is called the Valley of Death," explained the officer, "ou ac count of the deadly fumes there. . But the natives cannot account for tbe poisonous odors, nor has their presence ever been explained. The deadly place Is ahont thirty-five feet below the surrounding ground, looks like a dry net! ox a stream, ana is about one mile circumference. As I approached the place X noticed a suffocating smell. and was attacked with nausea and die- zinesa. A bolt of this fetid atmosphere surrounds the valley. I passed through il, anu in purer air was permuted to view the awful spectacle, for it was awful. Before me I saw scattered all over the barren Hoor of the valley skeletons of men, wild hogs, deer, and aiikiiHisoi birds anu small animals, The entire bed of the valley is one solid rock, and I could not discover a hole or crevice In any place from where the poisonous fumes came. The hills surrounding this desolate atrip are covered with vegetation, and alt hough the neighboring mountains are volcanic they do not emit sulphurous odors, or present any indication of a recent eruption. there is no appareot cause for the strip of deadly fumes surrounding the valley. After I passed through it I became bonier ana approacnea tne edge of the deadly place. X was anx ious to reacn the bottom of tne vauer if possible, but was afraid to make the attempt, as I had been warned to give the place a wide berth, j determine! however, to see what the fumes smell- ed like, and started to descend. My net Irish terrier waa with me, and as soon as be saw me step over the side of tne bank he rnsneu novo aneaa 01 me. I endeavored to call him back, but was too late. As soon as the little animal reached the rocky bed below he fell over on his side.' He continued to breathe for ten minutes. I don t be lieve I waa ever nearer death's door than X was at that time. Four or five times I was tempted to rush down to rescue him, but 1 subsequently learned that such a more on my part would bare been certain death. For tea minutes I suffered the agony of seeing my dog die. and then turned and fled from the spot. While there I saw a bird fall a victim to the deadly fumes. It evidently intended to fly to the bot tom of tbe valley, but before it reach ed the ground it fell dead. I don't be lieve It lived half a minute after en tering the deadly atmosphere. no one baa yet been auie to ex- nlain the cause of the fetid emanations from the earth, the natives say, and so many lives nave been sacrtneeu in at tempting to explore the valley that they have determined to keep away from tbe spot forever. AN INDIAN LEGEND. Tne Tradition ConerNn BInlna ftasv Pnint and thn Btanlton lalnnd. The folk lore of the Indians of Michi gan Is almost a thing of the past, but few of their legends being preserved at the present time, lo be sure, tnere are a few of the old natives, whose locks have been whitened bv the recur ring frosts of many winters, who pre serve a few of the traditions of their tribes. Such a one is Wien-da-goo-iso an aged brave, whose huge proportions gave hiin the name mentioned, which. trans l a teu into fengnsn, means giant. Beiofz in a communicative mood a few days ago he related one of bis tribal traditions concerning tne mam ion Islands and Sleeping Bear Point. He said that many years ago, before the primeval woods oi Michigan ana Wis consin had been invaded by the ruth less white man. the wild animals of the forests were possessed of spirits, and that the medicine men of tbe tribes were able to talk with them. Once upon a time a huge she-bear was compelled to desert the shores of Wisconsin and with her two cubs take to the waters of Michl-game, the great lake, on account of tires that were raging in the wilderness. The heat was so Intense that the mother bear concluded not to return to the Wis consin shore, but struck boldly ont for the banks of Michigan. When nearly across the lake tbe two cubs sank from exhaustion and were drowned. The old bear swam about the spot for hours, bnt her cubs rose not again. Finally weariness compelled her to seek the shore, reaching which she climbed a huge bluff and lay down to sleep. That bluff was Sleeping Bear foint, ana xrom that a ay to mis ine spirit of the old bear has remained oa that blnff, and from the spot where sank the two cubs there gradually arose two beautiful islands, the North and South Maui ton. or, aa it means in the vernacular of the Ottawa- Spirit islands. . Tbe spirits of the cubs are supposed to abide on the islands, and that of the mother bear keeps a con stant and loving watch over the homes of her loved ones, where they are bound to remain until terrestial .time shall be no more, when they will be transported to the Indian heaven, or happy bunting grounds, not as victims of the huntsmen, but as guardians of the Indians who love them. On stormy nights tbe Indians say the spirit of the mother bear moans and cries from her post on the great sand blnff, in anxiety for the fate of her young, the shores of whose home are being assailed by the treacherous wav?s which caused their death. Call for a Hair-Cent. The 1-2 cent has become a necessity in trade, and the American Newsdealers' association will petition congress to establish a 1-2-cent coinage. On 1-cent papers the dealer's profit is only 1-2 a cent, and in many instances tbe 1-3 cent is lost because there is no coin of this value. An appreciable loss arises from this source in the course of m year. It is a favorite way in marking retail goods of all kinds to rate them in such a way that the 1-2 cent comes in, and in every case goes to the dealer. This odd cent in a large establishment certainly amounts to several dollars daily, while the buyers lose and the seller gains, for want of the 1-2 cent coin. The infinitesimal divisions of industry and retail supplied long ago made these small coins a necessity in Europe. A centime is a lifth of a cent. Switzerland has a centime piece, Bel gium a 2-centime piece, Germany has ine pieumg, equal to one-ionrtn oi cent. Age of Steel. Value of Old Records. It is said that the Confederate archives captured at the fall of Rich mond and other Southern cities have saved the United States hundreds of thousands of dollars in the Court of Claims. No sooner does an alleged "loj'al" Southerner file a petition ask ing zor compensation ior property taken or destroyed by Federal troops than au officer sets to work to hunt through these voluminous archives to find evidence to prove the "disloyalty" of the petitioner. Often the search is successful, and not infrequently it hap pens that the claimant is confronted with writings of his own which go to show that he was in full accord with the Confederate Government. Mich- mond Dispatch. . . HoHfta trite Anton l&ofalty. " v Life at Sandrlnghant is very eEmple, says Iadr Elizabeth Hilary in Tlte Ladies iVrnte Journal. The Prince breakfasts with his sons and any male members of the -royal family who may be there; the Princess breakfasts in her private apartment, while the young princesses break their fast In an old- ashioned room stilt known as tbe school-room. When this meaj Is over they come down to say good-morning to their father, and are usually accom panied by a group of pet dogs. Tbe gentlemen go out shooting or riding. wnue tne lauies in tne nouse amuse themselves with books and papers and, later In the day, are joined by the Princess. Luncheon brings all to gether, and this informal meal la.when the season will permit, served in a tent, put up in the woods near where the mighty hunters are. The Princess leads the procession going to this In a smart yellow cart drawn by the plump est of ponies, driving herself and one of her lady guests, erne is. oy-tne-oy, an extremely good whip. Lnneheoa over, the ladies return to Saudi in g ham House, everybody meeting again at five oelock tea, and dinner being served In tbe diiinlng-room at a twin half-past eight o'clock. ; ine rrince and Princess dine with their guests; the Prtucess sitting In the center of one side of the table, while the Prince is exactly opposite. When dessert Is served a piper plays the bagpipes la the corridor outside. In veritable High land style, that is, pacing oacftwarua aud forward. A recent survey has established the nntnber of trlaeiera Iu tbe Alua at 1. fth. of which 249 have a length more thsa four and thrtw-quartirr mile. Iha French Alt contain 144 glacier,, thm. of Italy 78. Switzerland 47 Land Austria 462. A Young Man's ftftotfeaty. Old Vickar, Oil, of eoarae, you think you know erer ao much mora ttann your father. Younjc Vickara Oh, no, t don't; in deed I dou l. It la. no donbt, true that your nge and experience - more than counterbalance my enuerior in tellectual auilitr. oa. ItuUanutnlia Journal, rACIFIC TATKS Type-foundry And Printer? Warehouse, in, IT uli.ilia at. JI'bc UETorH Fi tutelar anopiy Howt of tfce Paciae Coaat. Prc-rapt. Sqanra and Pro- . arcnatTC. Btocfc cotaplete, tvpreseattmmts Latest aal beet of tbe Barters Market. Tra ana kok au oa ut roiai nynrw, t Meats coast ao aay fotk Conner V. 8. Type Foundry, New York. Barnbart'i O. W. Type P era-wiry, Cbfcao. t Benton, Waldo Co'i eeu"-pncinsT Type. Babcock CyHndera, Cott'e Armory Imp UnfrereaJ, Chandler and Price Gordon Piees. Fecrleae l'reaeca ana n Bcononile Paper Cnttera, ao-tfttnaF Pi mi auid TonSa. Bedawiclt Paper Joasrr, nveyavone ifna-ma. NEWSPAPER ON THI HOME PLAN. Complete Ontfltn nnd tbe Sninnest Orders meet witk tbe name enrefal nnd pro-nipt attention. Specimen books mailed oa as U rntlon. Addresa ail orders to HAWKS & 4o WnaWna-toa St.. 8 H ATT U OK. Is srale hguriiur year trees and. disagar in? vonr fmiti Isths mildew threat-miag year grapes and vinsst Is the corb-leaf making year trees weak leaiiees) An your Pears and Apples wormy and kid- to SlKht: " Are ine Blossoms dropping ana trees losiiup meir ireiL; Tlten nse for the dtiatrnetloni nnd p-r-a-nnUoni tanft wah which ear. be as Beireljr applied In imaw an in winter. " THE LIL COMPOUND. SIS CATLirOKNlA ST, ROOM BAM VAATCIBCa. IROQKLYN MOT Bi. . Under new MninMerwnt. i . bet. ManlromcrT St m MOe- fl. n CondiKrted on frith tbe KaroDenn and Amerloan plan. Tnla favorite hotel Is under the ezpert-eiv-ed management ot I'H AK7LS MONTOOM Kltr, and Is aa rood. If not tbe bent. Family and Buvtneea Hra's Hotel In San FranoLsm. Home emaforts, cuisine unexcelled, flrst clans see rice and tbe blsbest standard of reepectbtuty runran. ted. Bord and room per day Sl.aS to S3. Sin gU rooms SOc to SI. Free conob to and from hotel. TREE WASH. Powdered 9J 1-100 Caustic &. BOP WASH. CalVOTt, Crtolla. Par Ml. I. T. w. Ivk on OtK, Sol. Ajpau, 1M luiut at, ka Fraa BLAZE, M0FFITT A TOWKE, inttoanaa un stuni or BOOK, NEWS. WWfTTPta MO WIIAPflNO PAPERS Card Stok, Straw and Bladna' BoavA. rm at to at i SHOES I Chllda button, beels and tlpe, stout I lo S. M to ascents; UlBseegoa. lace, everyday heels, XI to 18, s. T cents; Misses goat, lace, everyday heels. 1 to 2. 86 cents: Chllda iroat. lace. Srerr- day heels, C to 10. 60 and SS cents: Ladies coat. wee. everyoay auraoie special, i ; iaies sons, button, neat style, SI. SO; Ladles kid, button, all sixes to 7. SI. 60; Ladles slippers, fair quality, neat, 7 cents: Ladles low cut shoes, late a " " fashion, S1.40; Hisses clojh and kid, lace, 11 . : 13 bi. SO cents: Mens low cut sboea, annua ' wear, SI; Mens low cut shoes, better quailr Sl.as. Job lots of shoes oi first quality bousV. - here and there at reduced prices, will be rffrinrr- i to our patrons at the smallest mar gin of nronw It you want to see a full list ot these aak for March Home Circle. It Is worth vnar while to look It over. Cost you nothing- but tbe trouble m wuuing your nsnie sua maarcse to I Cash Store, die aad 1S Front 84 8. smk. JoanaM oe-s EdncatiMal Mascara ef Anatomy o tbelr mw awning, mat R. HALL'S Pulmonary Balsam. JL Snpmlor Itamdy tar All Throat and Lung Troabtes, Aathma, Concha, Colda, , . Croup. WaMpinr Cna. Infloaiua, Bronchitis. Loas of Voice. Homnemaa And Incipient Coasuaiptioa. riHit fcM ,f HaBna towm. PRICK GO CSHTB. - J. R. GATES &. CO., Prop'rs. iff I r -a -tnlorgwd, when ttimiis of kratt-fttttve I OK 'k m A. tn7 be smb. mUarUKI Is Surop k Tl J W etmt t0-1 Vht-1 '( only MoaeoK V m r th kecky Movntatn. buk- 3.. tobed jemra. 6 aud a -aBjfwt how 1 WT fa. -"-"-n-Ja-rfDilJ jom mrm nra, m! hew toamut Ivl I B slckiiwa sod dlNiM. blnnt Sm- ImAU R axi pemrw ft, pM)u lqZ7 r-