The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, April 24, 1891, Image 3

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    Lebanon Express.
T. C. PeMer groceries.
I. O. O. P. celebration today.
McMahon'a circus to-morrow.
do to 8. P. Bach for boot and shoe.
J. A. Beard' UtUe daughter baa the
One of Mr. Hogan'a chlldreu haa the
Waterloo hotel fer rant. Inquire of
. w.uroaa.
J. O. Oron of Waterloo aella goods
at DQHon prices.
Sulky plow for Bale. Inquire at Elk
noru twiHuirauc
F. M. French, the jeweler, Albany,
Keeps rauruaa nine.
New millinery at Mm. Geo. Rice's.
ocraw naia ror ow oenta. -
Frank Ftavls, of Bodavllle ha been
appointed a notary public
The survey of the proposed Lebanon
vanai waa uegun jaouuay.
For choice groceries at bed-rock
prices, go to T. C Peebler'a.
3. O. Gross of Waterloo takes pio-
auoe in excnange ror goous.
R W. Keith Anils employment
chief cook at City Heetauranu
r. Courtney's new business house
win ee mix, mil two stones.
Go to T, C. Peebler's eash store and
Set IT lbs. Extra C sugar, 1 00
Rettle Bros, shipped all the wheat
iram weir wareuouse last wees.
Mrs. Geo. Rice, milliner. The lar
gest stock and the lowest prices.
' ' Mr. Bingham, of Albany, will set up
iu uawiioery me paper mill.
' The Singer Manufacturing Company
uave an ageo in Ajeoanon, uregon.
W. B. Donaea shipped two car loads
or potatoes to eau ranclsco last week,
; 8. P. Bach keeps a line of boots and
ehoes as well as Brownsville woolen
r Mr. W. 8. Oickena died at his home
In the Forks of the BanUam Tuesday
I G. W. Wheeler is straightening lines
and putting a good fence around his
Rot. T. P. Boyd went to Corvallia
Monday to attend the Ministerial Aa-
Mr. Wilsou bought Mr. Wiley's In-
era in me tvaiton x viiey planer
At the auction Saturday the bulk of
i ne goons were aoiu at toe Horn
Restaurant. ,
A spaa of match three-year-old
mules for sale; inquire at Elk Horn
J. C. Frey A Son manufacture their
own horse collars. Call and examine
ueir stock.
Rev. G. W. Wheeler of the Baptist
church lectured in the academy Tues-
day evening.
We understand that Postmaster
Hope intends to manufacture brick
this summer.
The council has appointed Earnest
Case marshal during the temporary ab
sence of Steve Coyle.
Mr. Stone, who has recently come
amongst us from Arkansas, haa tele
graphed for his family.
Cntne on, let's go over to Crason 4
Mensies' hardware store and see the
new Oliver ateel plows.
There la confidential talk of a few
brick structnr.a being built in Leb
anon the coming season.
Kfcbols, WeetJall A Co. will add 20
icettotnclr livery stable jnetaa soon
as i lie lumoer can oe oauieu.
Attention is called to the new ad. of
Mrs. vowan's. uoto the Basaar for
Data, Ooaneta and ladies' apparel.
Wanted, 250 dozen chickens, 800
anteen eggs. Will pay cash or give
goous ror same. 1 . u. rKKBLKR.
There will be an old fashioned "spel-
nn- bm- at nnct run, r no ay even
ing at 7:80 o'clock. Come, everybody.
John Hants has some lumber on the
lot whir he recently bought of J. R.
Kirkpatrick and will build on the prop-
C. A. Elson of Albany baa made ar-
i-nuttesnenia no Decome a citizen or Leb
anon, tie will remove bis family
W. J. Hay of Harrisburg moved to
Lebanon this week. He occupies the
A. R. Cyrus heme near the Presby-
KTian cnurca.
Nichols, Westfall, A Co. are add
ing to the "rolling stock" of the liv
ery stable; the latest purchase was a
very nne ouggy.
We know a good loke on a certain
young man but we would suffer all the
tortures of the Inquisition before we
aia aiscioBe ic
The introductory hall game was
piayeu rwiurnay ueiween me ieoaiiou
imse bsu nine anil a cum seieotea ny
the citizens. The former nine won the
game aa waa expected.
Owine to the great amount of snow
there Is In the mountains, It Is not ex
pected tnat travel across tne cascades
will begin until the middle or last oflM"'"'"y:
C. V?. Cobb relumed from fteattls Friday.
Orva Thompson was up from Halem Sunday.
O. K. Rtananl of Brownsville, was In town
L. 0. Rice, of Beaver creek, was in town
May. Ocuofco Review.
- J. M. Wiley commenced to repaint
hie fence, but for some unaccountable
reason lie nas suspended work, w nen
the lob Is completed we shall make I of the week.
Hon. J. K. Wentherfbrd waa In Lebanon
Hsrrev Blanard was In our town the Drat
of the week.
W. C. Peterson went to Albany the flrat
mention of It, not before.
Rev. C. A. McDonald Is agent for
tne lamous r.pworill pianos ana
organs, which for tone, durability and
nnisn, are unexcelled. Inquire at jsx-
i-khsb omoe ror priues ana terms.
It would certainly he a great con-
veinence to tanners uvina west or town
if a railroad orosaltia were made south
of the turn table and Grant street con
tinued westward to the boundary nne.
Mesarvey, the photographer, has
Kue on the road with his tent. When
Courtney's new building Is
completed Mr. Mesarvey will ooeupy
the uoner storv and locate perman
f). XX Mm I. n-t.-lo rr ttx Utm nmln.
lses an air by whitewsslilng T"1,1" Mrs. ,"' Psrei
every appurtenance belonging thei Jo'm"to" '? "' the ')'"
JI C. M. Smith, who is at the h
Thrhlh T Ihl. Sir '" '"." Association,
escajca the brush of this amateur lu hi. ,11(t.u to tb, offlceon Monday.
"I know that bov of mine will ulln
oil to tli c inula tSatimlay, ami I elmll
nave 10 $o ana stt uiroUKQ tne enure
perrormanoe and see that no harm be-
fHl him. I lust never did see ae diso
bedient a boy In mv life."
In resDonse to a letter from the Incor
porators of the Lebanon i'anal Co.,
If. Y. Kfrkratrtck wni taken uddentr
ill wun la Krune, moiuiajt.
Mr, A. P. JUntilton, of Bweet Heme, waa
In town the mtuuieof tne week.
Minn Flora Temple, of PWnvkw, b clerk-
fna in tne itaaar. Aiixiny-.
Thoe, Key, of Halem. panned throiifrh Teb-
nnnn tine weea on nip way mi ruwiiBnio.
Silas Powell, who Uvea between Ihanon
and Brownnville. was In town weanewiay,
Mm, M, Follis had a eevere attack of la
I (trippe, with symptoms or epinat diseane.
i itvfli ween.
Rer. 0. 8. Han letter went to Rcio Monday
toauMftt Rev. N. ! New in a protracted
meeuiift in tnac wwn,
Mrs. Rontar has been dangerously ill of
tvpho-malnriai fvver. At last aceuunts she
was fast reruvcriiiK.
B. It. Irvine and family of Fob Valley
iftrems, J. 11
head of the
Mrs. Dr. Nemts anb tlauahter. removed to
Portland this week. The daughter, Mfm
Sites, wilt enter Mrs. Homes school in the
Rev. F. w. Parker, of Woodhurn. was ji
tjehnnon Frit In v niulit. lie was on his wav
to Brownsville to till an appointment at that
pine on dummy.
MIm Miv Tl nrrlv. whn m rwon mrniinn-
Inttnff livhtnina Cor the Western Union In
three surveyors came on (Saturday's Albany for some time, visited her parents
uu Monday following they be- M, p w
gran the preliminary survey of the pro-
poseu route 01 me oanai .
Mrs. Hind man and niece returned from
Allmnv Hatitnlav. Miss llnalet's health is
much Imnroved," but Mrs. Hindman, while
i la griitpe and has not yet recovered.
O rouse.
La frripte.
John Trachsel is very sick at present.
F. Hprlng went to Portland Thursday.
Divine service in the "col lew" Hundav bv
nev. Aicr.iny.
8. K. Lewi, of v Venice. was visit in in
owiisvrianti urn wwr
'(.ub" Fellows deiarted for Lebanon on
the overland, Saturday,
Our school is a success. We thuiudit
as mucn, lor an uae nice.
Wediile A Vo. are makine many needed
J. H. I-ewis and 'Vultus are farminc on
an inirovcu pian. ranicuuirs iawr.
A Oerman Sabbath schoid has been or-
frantced at independent; Mrs. Rein hart.
1T.LI CZLXZ "lift i a . I Klder Rhea will plant a small orster bed
marks er brands v'8"'f. A".y w"e In connection with his onion patch-as oys-
Ien't lay this nnner dowa until VOU I in A lbany, wasseiset.1 with that dreaded dis-
snau nave reao m enree column an. on
local pajre, by J. ft. Kirkpatrick. Park
Addition, aa everyone knows. Is des
tined to be the most attractive spot in
Lieosnon lor resiaence properly.
The Alliance la taklnar deen root In
Bantiam soil. He vera! Alliances have
already been otvanlsed in the "Forks'
and before the year passes JeffVreontau
uemoerney in tne -rorM" or tne an
14am will have been swallowed up by
iue people's party.
All oarties know I nor themselves In
debted to me will please call and settle.
as I am fn need of money. All ae- j
counts of 1890 not nald In next 30 davs i
wiit ne piacea in uie nan (is or a collec
tor. M. A m I L.UER,
Ptraved from the farm of W. K. Tem
ple, of Plain view, on the 13th or 14th
of April, one 8 year old sorrel filly
with small star in forehead, no other i
g said animal will be liberally ters are a Rarity
tied by returning the same to the I w Bre iug t
A private letter from P. Bchuler. of
Minnesota, bearing; date of April 1 1 th.
says that country was visited with a
heavy snow storm on that dav. No !
seeding had been done to date, eays
Mr. ischuier. He does not say that
he Is sighing for the flesh rts of Egypt,
uu, uib letter Dreatiies tnat in re re nee.
The manager of the Blue River Min-,
Ruins: to Rola to hear the amateur
hand tootetoot this summer. Bweet Home
is safe. Iter band is tie-bomed.
The calaboose in Hnaar Home nresents a
line appearance. Keliftion is so precious
over there it is held under lock and key.
R. F. J.'s came is old. A few of Leha
non's fair sons could tell how the thimble
game worked at Albany to catch not mice
out tne unwary.
Please. Mr 7. and O. T.. irive the troubled
waters oi your respective sprmas tanti
lug Co. took a paractical engineer up j reaov, a rest. Have you found Ponce de
to the mines last week. f.r the iurtoi ?A,!?n 01 ,,r "' Ul lwl
"i ,,.-it.,iip( ,,iv,r nt niauip 11,111,
ana selecting a roao loinemineawnicn
Eugene will build. The manager is
enthusiastic about the mines, and says
ine results attaineo tntis rar exceea
theirhlgbest expectations. Oregonian.
Ed Kellenberger'astag honnd is In a
precarious condition, lie iiaa strons
symptoms of spinal meningitis, super-
At the meetineof the director of Die 1
8., W..-B. ., B. . anu o. K. K.,Halurdsr,
rousing siecrl,es were made. Hecrptary
Whitvnml, etvw enthusiastic and dwelt at
tenirth irnoti the tiaturnl rvmrnhT, of the
country, and psrtirularlv the prospect of
ills null in o. ii. ne nas pnnigeti i . it.
Lewis, sn old man in mill affairs, to super-
ilena, also to run nifl carnage ty riauit
Hob" is to be retailed at once, as civiliza-
Jea. Skelly, section foreman on the
Lebanon branch, was loading wood
last week, the wood issent toCoburg to
sv mcu uu uie v. xiy.
After going to Crason A Men lies'
hardware store and getting prices, we
And that they are selling goods as low
m J pisax! in we vaiiey.
Mrs. Dr. Ballard Is dangerously 111 at
. Ootville, Washington. Mrs. C. C.
Hackleman of this place has beeu at-
searaina; ner ror some time.
Her. V- A. McDonald has purchased
erne land on the West Side Ry. in the
vicinity of Dundee and haa concluded
n set a large prune orcuard.
The entertainment to be given by the
Academy students has been postponed
until the 15th of May, due notice of
wnicn will oe given hereafter.
A valuable elate quarry was recently
visoovenn 10 jasepDine county.
There is but one other slate quarry on
Mra SUM. 1. kb iu vuiioruia.
Prof. David Torbet of the Santiam
Academy went to Albany Monday, he
having been engaged to teach in the
uuiegiaie institute tor a season.
Marshal Cevle haa mnH.i11 in
breathe the air of the rural districts if
ne can get some one to officiate in hia
piaee as conservator of the peace.
Mr. Eggleson of Brownsville came
flown on Monday and is working with
Al Crusen. These gentlemen will ply
the painters trade together this season.
G. W. Bice has been harvesting Ore
gon grape root for J. A. Lamberson.
Aa a result of his toil several loads of
this commodity have been received of
Tf the weather bureau should fail to
"record the mntterina? thunder which
was heard in this section Thursday of
last weea, if, will oe an unpardonable
It looks like Crason A Menzies In
tended to sell every farmer a plow.
Judging from tneir stoek of Oliver,
Bwsell, John Deer, J. I. Case and Nor
wegian plows.
The trade which comes to Xiebanon
from that section of country which lies
atortbwest of town necessitates the
opening of a street along and parallel
erUfc fbe railroad. ,
induced by the wheels of Gordon's ex- Hon is apiiroaching. The road will o never
Dress, l lie oog waa loll in or in tne " "
street one bright sunshiny dav lately, I
.limUMnniMof Hi. .Mnn aiUiH I Venice ILehatiotiy wilt act Its can si
rch hia alnmish Mr-th mat nth. P'se get it before the 24th; so nice, you
. . . . . . , . ; , i Know, to iaae a nue 111 our new sonooia.
story Is best told In the fciwitzer's own I T1,e ctv (, n ,he ..hons of a direnima."
n luuery: w nere snail it enterr we trtist it
8neculators are circulating through S"1 not "" one of the 'horns "as the
j - T . ""lout ot the iini'n ann save It a name.
years wueat crop, une farmer told us ne which is right and proper. We hope the
had been offered 65 cent in advance. I citisens of Lebanon and vicinitv will
We were told of another Instance I press" their thanks In a substantial
where a rarmer nad neeu onered to to tne managers or ne same,
cents for his crop. Let us hope that a JP- i?ur eyesight is improving.
better era Is dawning upon the
lug classes.
P. S. Medal almost completed.
We are told by a person who lives I
near the cemetery that it la no un-1
common imng ior persons io invsae I
the sacred precincts of the dead and
rob the graves of choice flowers. A I
sense of respect for the departed, oua-ht. I
one would think, prevent these unholy I
Incursions, but not so. Let not these I
visits be repeated or we shall be com
pelled to deal in personalities.
It Is reported tnat certain persons in
this town have a penchant for disturb
ing religious worship. These repeated
Interruptions have been allowed to
pass un rebuked for some time, but let
Aa Oness B.rb.
It has been known that the Oregon
grape root possesses medicinal proper
tics, but its real value as an alterative
and tonic and as a remedial agent In
the cure of certain disorders haa been
ascertained bv actual experimental
tests within recent years. This plant.
the root of which seems to have been
designed for the healing of a variety
of maladies, is indigenous to the
Northwest only. The mountainous
portion of our ettate seems wenderfullv
sHsntpd to t ho smwlh of this horh and
us whisper gently Into the ears of these and tne supply is practically illlniit
miscreanta that the line of toleration able. Already It has become an tin
has been passed and that they will be nortant article of commerce and the
with speedy tribulation If they time is not far distant wheu hu idre!e
of men will find lucrative employment
We wish to announce to the public '? gathering and preparing for the
that we have a large stock of wagons, JUsrn market a purely Oregon pro
buggies, hacks and carts coming direct duct. The time is not yet, when one
fmm ih. in , t. 1.,.. .. ,,.... i can ae. noumin to trie resources oi tills
. ... -T : : . i i. ., .i ,. .. u .,
selected tnese goons to suit tne climate, I
roaas ana people or tnts vicinity, and I
we cordially invite all those wishing I A Wonder Worker.
to buy anything In this line of goods Mr. Frauk Huffman, a young man
to cauon us oerore purcnastng else- of Burlington , Ohio, states that he bad
Wlierw. LHUBUS S aiEUS. hnn nnikr lhi.n nf lisn nmmlnant
Two hundred newlv-marricl nonnlea nnysicians. ana usea tneir treatment
wanted at R. rWn'ii fnrnitiim aton. to until he was not able to sret around.
buy bed room sets, that they may sail They pronounced his case to be Con
througb life "on flowery beds of ease." sumption and incurable. He was per
I am not seeking an invi jatton to vour suaded to try Dr. King's New Discov-
wedding but I do want to congratulate ery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds
you and start you on the highway to and at that time was not able to walk
prosperity by furnishing your rooms across the street without resting. He
with tht hest. the handaomnat and found, before he had used half of a
cheapest furniture this side of any- dollar bottle, that he was much better;
wnere. ucwiiwiiut. wic miu ,o vuji'j'iiig
The following statement from Mr. .,, - ,-w. , it w-'
W. B. Dennv. a well known dairvmau ..Mn.AA ' 't'-ii .... j
of New Lexington Ohio, will be of in- free at Roberto A Miller's druir store.
terest to persons troubled with Rheu
matism. He says: "1 have used Cham
berlain's Pain Balm for nearly two
years, four bottles in all, and there is
A Chssga 1m ltn.lae.a.
On and after May 1st we will change
nothing I have ever used that gave me our buainess to a strictly cash system,
as much relief for rheumatism. We thereby enabling us to buy for cash
vZ'JK hHf VnJd:.?a8e" ! Set our discounts, and we will give
For sale by M. A. Miller, druggist. nr ,, the nlt. w will tike
Those who imagine that the Alliance 1 produce in exchange for goods, also
is lacking in literature and in the mat- will pay cash for all kinds of produce.
-ganization are unacquainted ah e
with the facts.
ter of org
.nization are unacquainted All parties knowing themselves in-
:ts. xne Alliance nas no dented to me win please can ana settle,
Dapers in Kansas alone. Napoleon I as 1 wish to balance my books. Ke
'eared three newspapers more than the soectfullv vours. T. C. Feebler.
combined armies of Europe; J. J. In- j
galls ondertook to walk over 116 news- j Spring; Medicine.
apers in Kansas but round that tie D Gunn.a improved Liver Pills, on
ad miscalculated bis strentrth. We . -.v.i JTn.i "
.... , , - , , , wewu, , ,i iii.ii mi iu maiiiui mv tsimi
admire the man's courage but deplore a adapted for correcting springis
his judgment. orders, such as impure blood, tired
There is an old addaee that "what brain and aching and worn out body.
everybody says must be true." Henry They act promptly on the Liver and
t:ool. tne leaoinir merchant, nf npv I jrvianevs. anve out an impurities irom
H.noxville, Ohio, says; "Chamberlain's tne Diooa, ana malaria nomine s.ys-
We cannot all eo and fight Italians; some must stay at
home and look after the widows and orphans, wives and
We cannot all be heroes; some of us must stay at home
and sell Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes. Ac. I3ut there is con
siderable elory for the man who succeeds in being the best
merchant of .Lebanon. We are trying to secure the glory
with a canital (J. and urn niincentlinrr nrettv well. It is get
ting to be quite generally recognized that we are setting the
pace lor our competitors. When people want anything in
our line they know we are apt to have the lowest price on it
We Like It,
To be understood, and will try very hard to keep up our rep
Dealer in Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes for CASH.
IVLerchant Tailor
Lovelee's is the Cheapest Place in Linn
County to Get a Suit Made to Order.
Call and Inspect the Goods if you do
not Leave your Order.
Clo tiling,
We wish to announce to our good friends in
ebanon and vicinity that our Spring Stock is now
all in, and is
Ever Brought to the Willamette Valley.
We carry everything that is New and Novel, guar
anteed to fit equally as well as your Merchant Tailor
can fit you.
Among other celebrated brands arid makes, we
carry a full line of the Highly-Tailored Clothing
manufactured by
Coucrh Remedy has takeii well here.
everybody likes it. They say it gives
i mnsea taie reuer. ' ' 1 iiac is wnai
makes it o nooular. It is nromnt iu
relieving a cougo or coia ana can al
ways oe oepeuaea upon.
tem. Only one pill for a dose. Try
them tnts spring-, worn ai ss cents a
box by M. A. Miller.
Tie wants it known. Mr. J. H.
There is I Straub. a well known German citizen
nothing that will loosen and relieve a of Fort Madison. Iowa, was terriblv
severe cold so quickly. For sale by afflicted with inflammatory rheuma-
M. A. Miller, druggist.
Bucklen s Arnica Salvo-
The Best Saivk in the world for
Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt
Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped
Hands, Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin
Sruptions, and positively cures Piles,
or do pay required. Tt is iruaranteed
to give perfect satisfaction, or money
refunded. Price 25 cents ser box. For
tism when Mr. J. F. Salmon, a promi
nent druggist there, advised him to use
! Chamberlain's Pain Balm. One bottle
! of it cured him. His case was a very
severe one. He suffered a great deal
and now wants others similarly af
flicted to know what cured him. 60
cent bottles for sale by M. A. Miller,
M. A. Miller is agent for the cele
brated Cleveland ready-mixed paint.
A full and complete line of Men's Business Suits
ranging in price from $7 50 to $14.
Agents for Albany Woolen Goods, and a full line
in stock.
A full line of Shoes and Boots at Popular Prices
Latest Styles and Patterns in Furnishing Goods.
Come and see us when in the city.
T. JL. Wallace & Co.,
"The Birthplace of Great and Honest Bargains."
This Beautiful Addition to the Town of Leha' v
Is Now for the First Time Placed Upon the Market, at .:.
Terms to Suit the People.
We would much prefer that all who wish to pu
chase lots in this Addition, would come and pcrsor
ally inspect the grounds and learn for themselves th -many
and varied advantages this Addition presents
to the puhlic. '
By a personal inspection you will discover thejbr
lowinjr facts:
Lebanon has a population of 1500.
It has nearly doubled its population in the last j-ear. -W
One hundred and twenty-five new substantial houses were built here during the yea .
A $150,000 paper mill is now completed and work will begin therein this July lst..
The Lebanon and Santiam Canal Company has been incorporated and work will bee'w
thereon as soon as the necessary preliminaries can be arranged.
This canal will give steady work to hundreds, awd will furnish mill-sites for many
manufactories, and the town from this and other advantages will be a city of 5000 in.
habitants. ',
Now for tho k
It lies along the route of the Lebanon and Santiam Canal.
It is platted, with wide and level avenues: nlanted with most beautiful vnunr shasfo
trees: each lot fully large enough for a comfortable residence, and each havincr a natural!
We sell no lots that are unsuitable for building purposes, and eive a clear title tn
each lot. . . ...
This Addition joins tha beautiful Isabella Park from which it derives its name and!
which will afford to residents in the Addition beautiful recreation grounds.
au lots are oo leet Iront ana IAZ to 18o feet deep.
Tliie Faot He Ilftmembered:
The price of all these lots will be advanced 25 per cent, after May 15.
This property will be shown to parties desiring to purchase by
Also an Elegant Stock of Cloths In Merchant Tailor
ing Department with Frst-Class Tailoring.
(Successors to Will Bros.,)
Haa aa hand a larta Mask at
"'T-!! ll"'ln I f II ii1
Call And Secure Price..
You cau buy nmj of tit
Cheap, of
lllaaden and
Stane Ware, alsm
Job Work done on Short lfotiot
Pianos and Organs,
Musical Merchandise & Sewing Machines,
Invite the people of Lebanon and vicinity to acquaint them
selves witn
f 0rgans.
These Instruments they keen in stock, but solicit orders for "SteiDwav" and
'Weber" Pianos. Our Drices are the lowest. Sheet Music Bonks and Small
Instruments a specialty. The best Sewing Machines In the market on easy
terms. Write for catalogues. -
Second Street,
Albany, Oregon.;
Omalia, Kansas City, Chicago,
East, North P South,
C. C. RAWL1NOS. Aiant,