. .. I ' anon Express. a . . . ... .I K AHA MS, UjBo. U AI.1S.Y ANDKR. tiMMS & ALEXANDER, TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. - OW wm ,,..,.....;..... 2 00 ill it luhunns 1 M tr J'v-ttt.) W .mniUi. .....,....,.... , 1 00 I brwiwrntw .. -"u1 tlijtlt-tvU-v.., ....... - 9h 8l)lAVI!t.tK KKYS. ??ivv fUrTmit mow elilcwnlV 1m Hon, lo hn wifonr fl. V. McKlhnw. tmf. XV. W. Cmfnn1, itf tllmim, Has! Wen tniivlityiHl tv teh tin tmmt. W will tell you in tl n.tuw. t. MUin.Ll,-l tkcttitliaxi'' Ht llto Itttltiij nf MttiarU. 8iinSaf frhool nn! irnyer moetlrp nf . . tins pIhit? v in htlttty iMiuliifcm. The J""" next flcj U to tiivm Mrafn IVrrv V Yerhun aiv mnktl-kl mt intiHii-tant rlmiifivs hi their 1 inre livtry ta- new Ihwit. Thr Frw MvHuMWts will Imld their n- i& f JuilU'lnl district, rmtimMMlne tn the V?K, .rox. A .urg rrowu will l pivsuiit from iiiliVrtHit tiiuiuics A Biellin mtttftt w 1M on FrMny girl of thomhool, tthfa'tt vmktl inn vtotory ft rthvh , thov winning two out of tltrvc time. Try URiun, girlf. l itm ttHtovtUo 1,1 torn ry 'r.oty etiwM on '.RutuiMfty owning lt ull tit Hnt SoiimUy in th'toivr next. TM mivt In boon In licnJthv Ktntc ulnoo It InrtH Itwt full, but iU twwlii: on the tahlc till next tnll. IVoplc law nofctm to come in alrviuly tit tin eprinjt, And av licnr f mmte fuuulit WW will w uir ii.iiikv win. niv xtWtinv a livplv time for Htwli thin auni- mvt wt inll.vii tliti uunitirr who riit for rwt tnU lunltti raUUy invrvoseH flvm year Mr. Ba-hor are to start Knt on the 27th innt. Thev will wwvvtl Uirct't to MurvUiinl, where the Khlor is aent as ilelc patettlie Unnkarfe churiMi. Mrs. H. will jvisit ntanv fHts ntul rt'inttres while nwny m their lstern trii. Thev will be altnent . v .about two mouths. . wr school is in a rpcrons ami iirnlth- UMttlauce aiul miifh interest iuatiifKtttl by (at'iipr. imiW and iatroi;s. Vhen the tiew will have leen built antl anthor -teatnior binpi. the irtMuts for a laruv atul Interesting selioot are good. The ittkf Miaviiie an iniiy aware inni a poou wiuhm in a eommunitv alwavs insures general au- i.. ....1. ,uwl I..UJ p the lirst aim of all wnccrneU Mrs. Kmily Pitt Sevens, a lady from Pan Francisco and a lecturer of the V. V, T. lT. jtidtirewarti a full house at this dnce on Wed- itswiny night last. The result of Iterevru jug's work, was s list of fifty new mem tiers padded to the already large" orgamui'n of tlw Women's Christian Temiieninee i'tiinn. rt'wenty-fi-etif these were Indies and the remainder geutUmen. Mrs. Stevens m not mly well tviired ti do her vrH-fc, hut is an -interesting and imtireKstve talker as well. About the smallest, meanest and mot raiiwinitibleeaper that has lieen ierfitrnieil 3n this vicinity for mmiic time, was the gireaking down of one of Mr. Hard man's maple khatle trrea in front of the hoMi by prnne deakt4e sneak of hs- standing -'who has more brains than he can nicrly jnannge, and who should be shrunk from dind shunnetl by everybody in utter disgust. v..VVt a in ttte form of a human, hotd thus stoop so low1 and willfully ami aiialiciously destroy public or private pro ertyf is one of the mysteries of my s cries. . u A cornet band has been organixeil in our " itwn consisting of ten piero. Those w ho re thi mtuuesily Inclined are: II. I. 'Klnm, James round, Ala Tarrish, Kvcrett lkarrish, Wm.Vmmd, Wm. Smith, Jo Ilau- iertj Kdward reery, l-swrence IV try, and -IWMJtn here In tiwa,u paid for, and a gid 'Tftrtsf4otiI tntcher smphiyett. This lotks flike business, and it ambition, energ- and earnestness mean anything, jodavihe will lia-e a gsd hami. It will be known to the 4ubiae as the Bodavilic Cornet Hand, trot svs. lors. oiAYUj.m, Or.. April 2t, lflOt. THITCOMB KCHOK8. ApHl 17, 1801. Cloudy nd cool, There wm quite n thunderstorm yes tenlay, which lasted about two hours. Mrs. Ivcteinger Is up visiting her Jhusoand on his home stead. Sftctmtattm spems to he the prevail ing coiuplaiiit, this wet, late spring. The croak of the frog, the song of the lrd and Uie fragrance of the wild flower denote that spring Is at hand. The storm yesterday, came up with a. shower of hail which lasted alout ten minutes, after which the rain ' fioured down, rafefug the river about 18 inches. ilf. Ilnmllton was taken down with rheumatism a week ago. He has been , stopping with Mr. Carrol and when the rheumatism beean to affect him. he thought to get out of the Bottom be fore he got very sick, so he was helped on a nore ana orougnt as rar as Air. Whltoombs where he still remains un able to leave his bed, though the neigh- iors are tioitig ait tucy cn to relieve bis suiiering. ju. v'. Tlie Cli-n aa4 Jo-Jo Is with McMahon'a New United Show. - The much heralded combination will he with us at Lebanon on Saturday April 25. The excellent character of entertainment always given by the attove show recommend it to the lovers of sawdust novelties. The small hoy ' auad the large man needs a circus or fttstoiinlly in his business and we can suggest mo better antidote Tor the crav inir than a viisit to the above show. That Is among the fw legitimate arc wie exhibitions traveling cannot lie do med ana now wttu us aiuea attractions must amrfe a desire on the part of tnanv who are not in tlie natut or at- tendinif shows to see its many wonders. We are assured by those who might to Know that there is ixucn of unusual Interest to the spectators. Every man man, woman and child in a mdius of many miles will want to see the per formance given by the largest ele- pbsuls in the world. Married. Woom, Or., April 16, 1881. One of the most pleasant and distin- guislied affairs of the season took place at the residence of Mrs. Z. K. Dnnn, of Little Kcstneca. on Wednewiav, April 15. It was m. wediHtte in wJiicJi two of 3sestueoas most fiontilar and rcsected young folks were united in those holv bonds. Willie Com t- ton, the enxtm, was a former resident of I han on, whereof course he has scores of jnenas to wish mm ana ms lair nnaeaiong and happy life. Miss Maud Ounn, tbe bride, is one of Nestucca's niost handsome and accomplished young ladies. After the eeremonv aas performed, the few select guests who were present were led to a table groaning with all the good things that only a wedoiiig vnn e&li forth. Mr. Compton haslmilt him a new store building at Woods, wbtch he will stock up at once and dire in to the rcalitic of life, a memltant surrounded with the respect and admiration of all who know him. The schools in districts 29, 31 , 42, and 65, respectively known as Plainview, I lock Hill, Denny and Alexander, will hold a picnic on Peterson's hutte, Sat urday, May 2. Two of tbe schools will ineet at the Denny school house, and ascend the hutte from that place, while fhe other two will go up from their wn school bsust-s. A short program will be rendered by each school, after which dinuer and a time of general nierriiueut will ba win w etnoyea. J!, very echnol ia the vicinity is hereby invited j to be present, and have a short pro-: jrrarei to render. Everybody will he welcome. Ifcemember the place and! liuie the lap of Peteraou's hutte A lay j Cu ' i S W K ET IIOR. All thp sick In this vicinity sio improving. Ir. A. Ut t'r-UI madti Hying trip to Citsh creek rotrntlVi Farmers are rush I tut through with their spring work. KveryOoe in aiinlentttg. HcIumiI opened a week ng with tit pupllst nnd promist to muke nrmAiieiit improve meut. It is rutte likely thttt there will lie some real estate tnuisu'etious 1m tore long in this vh bitty. Krtistus Wilson tuts In ert clearing up some land for gardening, itlsmt tl acivs, ICmer WiImoii has ttiso ck tti-ctl ntnit one acre. John A. Thompson was downand Immgltt sonic ptiibsis lor weed, lie reports every tuing pmgresstng (hiely lit Alder Wruve It seems thHt some of our young men arc very enterprising one In particular would likes foreign mission, nnd wunld prefer one to jiutherti Asia, esptvlally to India. Mrs. 'lias. Metiley has gone to Washing- ton to attend the Uilside of her hither, who i I dangcnHtHly sick. Mi Mills is up at j i ice. sun i itiugc vimng. Jo.dmn Nlcholsl Wittcromnf. or he would ! have Itccn tlr twncd lft Wdlnesdity, hh lie1 made a living t.iip from Sweet Ilium-to Wit-: iw prairie tiurmg one oi tne Heaviest run is ever saw in Oregon. A. II. Yost, from Western IVtiitsvlvrtnia. is stopping nt the Kostcr milU, attending n fin Irs until the owners can come ant) iH'giu wnrK. i tie man wno vns the grist mill will lie on hand nlwnit July lt. m. Ywl, who owns the naw mill uut, will lie on blind curly In the full. There were unite a lot of iteonle In Hwcet Home Saturday. Among thofc from n di mnce I noticed lmf. llnrncc, .biscpb llau-i-ert William Voil and Allte t'nrrish, fiom KkMlMTtlle. and Prof. T. U Khe of Wat- ertoo, l'rof. lti-e is teaching in the lwis ii strict. lie is a nrst-class teacher, and tbce pistftlc have found it out and are de termined to keep biin ttn bmg as HW.HjUle. If the nitsiiiB illiatn from uterlon does not return, the imrents may Hud his wnerc moms nv s ion'smg ' .uanieum er respondent." William ' has a verv severe attack of lovesickness, and when hist heanl from was soma- tow arl the Ituti-h settlement just atsivu Mr. iillilamrs. He was hear I to say ".Mwiwi, my .muo, win i ever mm you? as he trotted itpthe mad lateWumlny eve .tug. The ttand hoys of P-weet Home have sol.l their instmimMits to the Sweet Home bovs. tt Is rumored that 1'Ue Sweet Home tmvs will soon have amit her set of tine instru ments. f thi t am not sure, for the rea- son tmit tney soul out too low; the motiev received was little over half what thevcitsf. Hut time will tell. The Hwcet Home hoys did some good playing before they jMirted with their instrument, l'rof. A. J. Nichols leu on tlie K o -ornet, and his playing was 'roimimced tirst chis lv all wlio'heanl it. He is preparing himself" ftr a Kind instruc tor. II Ins mueh peeseverauec and is sure to win at no uitant ony. Prof. A. J. Nlchol has n splendid vnrt ety of mrawlierrv, and is takin advantan oi the situutio'i in m ther iH-ciilmr wav. He has been working the plants prefiarntory to cultivation, and ns H-mil htul unite a snf- Ivlus of plants. Knowiug'that UMst eople ik' stmwbcrrtew, he H-d up nuite a lot. tot.k them to Sweet Home, and diviilnl them out among thoe having marringeable girts, t it eoiirse tie was mvitett to come in straw rierrv time thi eat "1erries and cream, which invitation he accepted, of course Now. Air. tJreen Peter, if von imfer straw- tiernes to ieaches, rail on Mr. icholn. Our Sodaville and aterloi eorrestoni- cnts have lot sight of Tntawaka altog-ther in ttteir Kmght-errnnt iiei-sivenesi. Please halt, reform, and tell us of sunn-thing good to eat with vour stala water. SmU water is irood enoueh ti drink : now what shall w use as ft Kitter T 1 11 furnish tienches. when thev set riie: A.J. KichoN. ntrawleri-ii. and treen I'etercan hringstvne snow r ici when lie comeM home. hnt lt viui mvI 1 am credible informed that since the white ribNin club was orfftuiixed tbe mcmlers are oietcu to in roe quails oi sona water ir itay KIder 1 hon. A. wt preached quite an inere-tinw sermon from the text alatians. :14, loan attentive audience, at Concord school house at H r. M. Sunday, April 19. Tlie apwntpnent to preach at Conconl wm ehangcl from the third to the fourth Sunday. The Klder a-as warmly welcomed liaek to tlie miuistrr by bis iriends and church members. This sneak well for Mr. Yost, ami the eople do not need to keep up the church iltspute. Ict it le one of the thing! in the pact and of the mat, ami as friends and neighbors Ictus think only of the future. H auv of us have walked amiss, let us uuietlv correct tiie false steim, nn try to walk more hocful, seeking tbe light and ieace rather than darkness. Ami, n I pmphesieil some months ago that good would eventually come out of the "Sweet Home church trouble," it is now a fact. Ki ller Hittner reports his welcome snd good treatment, and now the other side is well received; so what else but gtod is the re sult? One can wait patiently for the thing to adjust itself, and then peace ami good will will reign supreme. Au re voir. W. K. Its. AH THE UK, UKMOmAT!1 We Itave no saw mill, no mmilried shecp nkin purse to be proud of, and our boys do not hunt new iastures, for Webfoot is giod enough for ua we do'nt want the best. We have 110 '2CasbyM cither, but, Mr. 'Comber, we hare a nice, shady walk eonnectiiiRSoda with Waterloo, something like the Priest's walk from fanta Clara to Pan Jose. Now we advise you to come some Saturday night and mav a wcrk to let vour brain coot. You can walk hack and ftli studying your Mormon sermons," and ait in the shade while reacting your Whisky on the Brain" novels. Don't forget to hring that slang dictionary you suit Kast for. nn we would learn ani:.c of your warranted-to-kill-at-four-hundred - yards-without-raising -t he sight phrases. '"SahheT" We have no em pire here; nor do we till three columns with items as a sign of business every time a tli-.e horse passes this war. As to the "merry war of rorrespondents," you le careful it don't get you down. Your llyrouic burst about the "bull ring" should place you where von could till a corral with your ora torical eloquence. Knowing your delicate feelings about receiving a gift, we propose to lend vou the following. lut it in your pockctlt'Ok, and every time you feel the Hoodirates of eloquence rising in your throat, take it out and read it carefully. 'J5onjour." Dice or laco:r- ITcnr w. O. Ijioomhor, A row has been your prayer; Yon sre not l.ufliuK (Tow Ftiol Whiz in. tor we don't care. Yon have srattered wed of discord. Now you must pick the fruit; My friend, your eaii!e is ttoptiles Vou ate a raw ivcruii. Yout "Inland empire" city of one Mttall store ran bonst: Ijteoml.er"M correKponttent thinks 'Ti tbe largest on the coast. Yon call it Inlnnd Empire, We call it Ferny Ridge; You tiAve to wade old lienver creek. You have not got a brkle. Come over here to STdnvillc. tw to Waterloo k down: Co hock and tell your inland friends Tiuu you utkve tn-eu to town. Kow bewsre of n, Ijicomber, Yon will pet it in the neet: We trill haiiR vonr town upon a nail, A thing for Crows to peek. O. T. Waterloo. April 30. Electric Bitlers- This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special mention. All who have used Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise. A purer menicine noes not ex ist and It is guaranteed to do alt that is claimed. Klectric Bitters will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Boils, fcalt Iiheum and other affections caused by impure blood. Will drive Malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all Malaria fevers. For cure of Head ache, Constipation and Indigestion try Electric Bitters. Entire satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Price 50 cts. and $1.00 per bottle at Roberts & Miller's drug store. A Lneky Miss. A young lady of Portland one of the typewritists in Staver A Walker's establishment struck a bonanza the other day when she located and purchased from the State some school land in Linn county, seven miles from Crawfordsvilie. Kite paid three dollars per acre Tor amimlKT of acre of it, and when the land located came to be looked up it was found to be a fine farm in a perfcet state of cultivation. It was all cleared ai d had been cultivated for years and was alwaya supjosd to have boeii part of tlie donation land claim of Harvcv Fields. The young lady has been 0 Tcre.1 $20 per acre W her laiid. tialem statesman. We have money to loan on improved farms and ranches. H. N- iStecJe & Co. Albany FACTS AND FIGURES FOS1831 About th North western M wrUaT Lira Insurance Company. Tlie Cnmpmiy wnn nrKini'nwil nml tXiiuint-nccd bu-.luem Nov. 28, 1P6H, on A purely imitunl ImMin, nml has ulwny. bivil cnlKliictoit nn Hint plnn. The Nnrlhwrstcrii sliuldit union r the UlRlKwt of the II fu oonipmilra of the emmtry In nlreiittU nuit MHiurlty, tw hIiowii hy the ratio of surplua to llalilll-Ik-p. tt InreMlg 1U funds nnnn Improved rcttl estnte neurit)', nt Western tt.Um of Itih-itMt, nml It tins now so Invested over TiiiKTV-ti'iVK-Mti,i.toNH of Dot.- larh. Its lucntltin euuble It to eeleet the etiolcest fiocurltles, Bnd to com mi nil the hlKluwt rates of Interest. No flnetuntlUK Beeuritlea. Mo lonus I nre ninde bv the company nn stock, rollnturals or nny kind of fluctustliig or doubtful net-mill. s. I The Interest receipts of the Company since organlsntloii have exceeded Its losses by denth by nearly seven mil lions nf dollars. The Company has paid to policy holders, nnd has Invested for them, MORKTHAN TK! MlI.t.lOH FlVKHUNlV RK1 ANI NlNKTYTllOl'SASn DOI.IMR8 IN KXCISOFTHB I'BKMIHM UkCKIITS. WHAT IB TIIK BKMI-TONTIHK PLAN Of TIIK NOKTHWKBTBKNT" The growing popularity of this plan renders desirable a single and untecu nlcnl explanation nf Ita working. "Soml-Toiillne" Is not a peculiar KIND or Policy, but rather a peculnr way of usliif pronta or dlvhlonds or ORtii- nahv policies so as to produce extra- ordiuary results. HupOHe 1000 of us take policies In the company this year on auch of the various plansns we may each prefer. Ordinarily eauh one would receive cash dividends to reduce his payments in future years; but In view of certain advantages to be gained, we apree with one another, in this case, to forego dividends for a certain period of time, say 10, lfi or 20 years that Is, tlie surplus earned on our ik.II- rics Is allowed to accumulate for that length of time, and then, the proceeds are divided among those of our num ber who live out the time and pay all the premiums. If any of us dicdurlng the thtterour-Ttetrs get a full amount of the policy, hut have no share In this rumt of dividends. 1 rany or usstoppuv. lor sfter 3 vcar. we net tmved no noli. cUt, but lit dividends. None of us can drawn dollar from the fund till the end of the period, though we can have a siatcmcnc or our contingent interest in It at any tjme we like after three years. Finally at thoendofihe peritnl, the entire accumulation Is di vided among those who have lived and itsfd throuirli tlie time. Now let us see how tlie p'an works. In the first place the runtl Is constantly increasing dividends are added to dividends, tlie compouna interval is piling up, ana the fund grows faster and faster, year after year, till it reaches a large aum at the end of the period. In the mean time the numlier of persons interested Is constantly uecreastng; some amp out and Home die not many at firat but more nnd more time (.aiweft and the insured irrow older, no that every year a hows more money In the fund and a lem nunitier of persons lo elmro It. Now auppxxe, at the end of 10, 15 or 3l years, aa t license may lie, (here are persona h-ft, of tbe origi nal 1,000. When the division in made thete 4O0 will get all the dividends that would otherwise have heen paid to the 1,000, with ncetimulationa at : compound inten'flt. The odvantaKes to the 400 are apparent at a pltinee, and at the aatne time the pi tin is eminently Junt and equitable to all, for It trivea 1 he J N HtTKANiK to the representatives of those who die, and the pro lit a to those who prove profitable by living, while thonc who cense paying during the period are entitled to paid up insurance, thus doing away with the tifds of forfeiture In cane of inability to continue pay ment of premiums. Finally, at the end of the period each policy-hot. lor In allowed his choice of several method i of settlement. He may eimuly draw i in cam. nts snare oi me accunituaieo dividends and continue his insurance or besides drawing his dividends, ho may terminate his policy and draw out his entire cash value, thus making his insurance practically an endow men t or he need not draw any caatt, but may take the entire value in paid up insurance, provided he is then In good health. No mnti can tell how he will le situated It), lo or 20 years hence. He may lie in need of money or he may not want money but want Insur ance. By thin plan he may have alt. MONEY, or AM. IXSl'KAXCK, or PART op each, as suits htm best at the time. In view of the many changes that are certain to occur in such a period of time, and esjwciHlly of the tremendous risk of hustiies (and b ta ilzies show that only three out of a hundred business men are perman ently successful,) It Is hiirdly possible to overestimate the importance of these privileges. It is the deliberate judgment of many of the very best businessmen of the country that the perfect tSeml-Tontine of the "Northwestern Mutual Life In surance Company is the best thing in the way of Life Insurance evereftered, and that this is strongly endorsed by Albany's business men is fully attested by the fact of the following LIST OF POLICY HOI.PKRS IN THE NORTHWEST BRN AT ALBANY. OBEtiON. .ieo K Chamlerlin . ....$ fi 000 lO.tmo .... 10,000 .... a.floo 2 .wo 2.S00 Sand E Young Edward F .Sox " 2,sn K C Searls S.oOO II F Merrill 1.000 " 1.000 44 " s,ono J W Blain - 2.000 v 4 " 2.01X1 2,000 1.000 5,000 3,000 2,000 5,000 L E Blain , John K Stockman. O C Awbrey Dr G W Maston - 5,000 Jas V Pije 5,000 Win F Read 5,000 C H Stewart. 2,000 " " 3.000 E E Montague 6,000 Vt m L. Jester. 6000 Joseph P. Galbraith 6,000 N II Allen o.irnu 5.000 6,OtO 2,500 2,600 2,500 2,500 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 F li Koscoe E J McCaustland Joseph Klein Pliil A Goodwin Joseph V Wilson Harry M McKee U K Montgomery W Elkins CJi:is K JSrownell , Cliaa 11 Cusick , J A Cumming - 2,000 Alfred Dawstn 2,000 aui'l A Huun . ;has H Hart C K Burkhart Wm Fortmiller...... Fred Fortmiller 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 1,000 1,000 2,000 Rev E R Prichard . T L Wallace 1,000 Geo W Dodder 1,000 lr Mil Ellis - 1,01)0 Wm It Graham 1,000 Win 8 Thompson 1,000 V II James - 1,000 John Zaehes 1,000 E L Thompson 2,000 A M Jiaminer, 1,000 rP Jutting .., l.nno 1 IVl .liiMmaii,(..kit....,..,,4..t.iot.i "tf U.ulin.. l.otm K W Aulilson A.OIW AT LKSAKOH. ; neo W Onwmi J.noo M K Hearn iS mo Prof H N WrlKlil.......,...,..!. ............ 2,(K) .!,! Ixivelee..! ...,....,.......... .leo t. Alcxioirt.T....... l.miO l)r Win II hootll I,'"" C tl lloriim t,( llr J A I.iiii,I-i-oii. ........ t,ii II VKIrktwtriek !.( Itev J It Kii k.utriuk......-..- -. lo. v i miner ....i. i. AT SMOWSHVILLK. t b Borr ....,...,..... .I.... .m.. ......! A.wn BFi'lilld - - I.1"" t, I.Snv .l I' KMlsnant .' rmiik (' Sl.llnl... ..........-... 1.0"0 IJ8rr .... . The aim of this company Is to afford sound and legitimate lire Insurance bills meuilieraat the lowest possible cost, and to make the must protltable returns ror money entru.ted to its stewardship. Its iHilicv-holders everywhere not only feet and express aonndence In the man agement of their eompany, but believe anil publicly affirm that actual results to them, In ordinary life insurance as well as uniler the oeverai ronns or en dowment and Investment insurance. have proved most stallnfactory ill the iNorlliwestuni. ami nave surpasseu tne results attained nv ANY ol lir.K 1.IKK INSUBANCB COMPANY IN THIS WOHLD. The Northwestern Is the onlr ctiin- pany whloh by Its charter Is forbidden to Invest any of its assets In suali ttuetuating securities as Kail 'road Stocks ami Itnuds and Hank Ptoeks, etc., In which all of Its competitors do Invest, some very lieaviy. Fnltowlmr Is an Illustration of twenty-payment Life Policy forH.0110 at tlie age or su yearst Annunl nrtMnlnm , S Ml 12 Tolsl plil 111 twelitr r.r ail 441 omos at rsu or tostisk rssieii (TO vsas.): rush wirrpnnVr mine of ei'lirsr .$l,nni In N imiStlu MlittiUta to lu..rur!W rears .' so flrmwl stimiii. arnwn in nwn .iti (IrlKlual polii-y ctntluul..... 1.0U0 0il-l,&7B 4B OHRln.l Mllrr belns flill P.l'l will mnlinit. wiiiinui mnnvr CUU. miiu will RiurucMo (iivHiiuu jtnuiijr- Thlrd OrlKln.t eollt-T -nnllnned tl .One AdiUtlmt. fnm mirplu. 1,'aw 2,703 On 1'lie policy and additions are both Ki'i.L paid nun will im one at aeatn AN11WII.I. MKTCHN YOU. TILL Til KN cahii mvtiiKNIia nnnuaiff, Hits Policy Is exchangeable after 8 years for 11. mnn.' -.Sllli 1.1.11. .f i.rli.1 liul ru.llcv as complete annual payments sliail hive Isren maite. Thus II payments entitles the Insured to a paid tip mticy ror M.xi. 110 wouui nave pam in vtiu an, been insured 3 years for fluuo, and nave a pant up policy ror fiou. THE OOI.OIH nil.1 BAZAAR. Tlie fullest store we have ever seen In Linn county, the finest assortment nf goods In the valley, outside of Port land, is to be seen at the Golden liulc Hnssr. Children never tire looking at the Immense stock and uulquediHplny of toys: thesUick of crockery, glassware and ehinaware Is the wonder and admi ration of all who see it; the six hundred nonndsof tea of the choicest brand and beet flavor, which the proprietor has sold within the last year, has cre ated a thirst for more of this excellleut beverage. While llr. Price and other chemists are wrangling over tlie purity or tueir baaing nowaers. tne Moiueu Itule prise paking powder eells and nn questions are asked and no fault Is found as to ita merits. A complete line oislien naruware, lamps, tricycles, baby carriage, etc are to be seen at this house. Don't spend 10 gohig to I Portland when you can nee all jibe above aiehu for the simple j coat of a look. When In Alliany apeud an hour In this great curiosity .store ana vou win always tie giita tnae vou visited Gradwohl's Goldeu ltule Ba zaar. Albany, Oregon. Deafness Can't Be Cured By local applications, as they cannot rce.cn tne uisensea portion oi me ear There la only one way to cure deafness, and that fa by constitutional remedies Ieafncss ia caused by an Inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of the Eus tachian rune, vt lien this tutte gets in flamed you have a rumbling sound or iiiierrcct Hearing, ana wnen it is en tirely closet!. Deafness Is tlio result, and unless the intluiuathm can be taken out and this tube restored to Its normal condition, hearing will lie des troyed rorever; nine cases out or ten are caused by catarrh, which Is noth ing hut an iullamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred dollars for any case of Deafnesa (caused by ca tarrh) that we cannot cure by taking trial I s uatarrn rure. tsenu ror ciru- lars free. F. H Chexkv A Co., Toledo. O. Bold by all druggists, 75 cents. LEBANON PRODUCE MARKET. Changed Every Week. Wheat 70c Oats 45c, Hay 15 per ton. Flour fl lotwi 25 per sack. Chop $1 60 per cwt Bran 00c per cwt. Middllngsl 50 per cwt. Potates-4i!e. Apples Dried, 8c per lb. Plums Dried, 7c Onions 5c Beef Dressed. 67c. Veal 5(?.5Ae. Pork Dressed, 5J6c I.ard lSJfo'H. Hams 12i(16e per lb. 8 h o u 1 d e rs Hf1. 1 0c. Bides 10i12Vc per lb. Geese f 1 1( 12 per doz. Ducks $7 50 per doz. (Thickens $4 00(5 00. Turkeys lUc per lb. Eggs 16'$c per doz. Butter 25c per lb. Hides Green, 4(5c; dry, 10c. "Xle Jersey Lily." A no i-eska Cottage, L. B., July 2. 1 Gentlemen; Altho it is very unusual for me to use any lotions or washes, still, in answer to your request, I have tried Wisdom's Violet Cream and Kohertine. The former I consider especially eOicacious in cases of roughness of the skin, and I have been using it every day for the last fort night. I have fou n d the Robertine an excellent preparation- in casees of tan, sunburn, etc., caused by exposure to March winds and a July sun. Yours faithfully, Li i, lie Lanotry To Messrs. Wisdom & Co. An. Sure Care for Fllna. Itching Piles are known by moisture like perspiration causing intense itch ing when warm. This form, as well as blind, bleeding and protruding, yield at once to Dr. Bosanko's Pile Remedv, which acts directly on the parts afrected, absorbs tumors, allays itching aud effects a permanent cure. 50c Druggists or mail: treatise free. Dr. Bosanko, 329 Arch street, Philadel phia, Pa. Bold by M. A. Miller. Take It Before Breakfast The great appetizer, tonic and liver regulator, tn use for more than 50 years in England. Posi tive specific for liver complaint. Bad taste In the mouth on arising in the morning, dull pains in the head and back of the eyes, tired feeling' diz zineHs, languor sympton of liver complaint. Remerty Dr. Henley's English Dandelion Tonic. Relieves constipation, sharpenn the appetite and tones up the entire system. et the genuine from vour druggist for 91.00 and take according to di rections. Notice to Farmera. Wanted at once, chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, dried fruits, butter, Qn(l ftU kinds of farm produce, for which I will pay the highest price in cash or exchange for goods. G. W. Simpson, Albany, Or, Coming la All Its Saperiatitt Splendor! Ths Grandest! Ths Orsatsstl Ths Bsstl McMAHON'8 NEW UNITED SHOWS Hippodrome, Museum, Wild Animal Exposition Grand Free International Horse Fair WILL KXHIBIT AT Lebanon, Saturday, April 25. Kalarg4 to Foar Times Ita Former His lOO TIM KM MORE OBAHDI A City of Tntl A World of Woaaort An Amashia: Galaxy of Crownsd Champion Aranlo Staral QUEEN JUMBO; The Mommirth, MumIm Mitsioiiiin, inn i Jirm-"! Mitiiinil k i town tottlMnrr. a puti'lerrmti moTln mounts) ti; welglu WW llxi. more man mnj niiiiMut evvr mu. Jo-Jo, Europe's Greatest Curiosity AND ALL THE WONDERS. AN ALUFKATrRK "HOW. SIOK1S ABSOMTK- LY KKW ACTS THAN OLD ANI NKW IS ANY OTUKR EXIIIHITION IN AMERICA. Nature's Marvels and Apt ArUatte Supremacy Genvrml Jubltas) Oooaslon For All I TWO GRAND KXHIBiriONB OAILY. For narttrttlar. srr lit ill! In nnanl. I.ilnocranhs iuiu me varioua to vermin meuiunto. MRS. 8. II. COWAX'M Emporium of Fashion i rrplete with th latrrt Rtrle of II at, rlnnnets aiHi every rnnety m nfwi-p'iir inuHnui tit fanhkmahhe world. rift-Clam Prcwrmaltlns Shop In connectloa. Sliicn prrmoro over oy iiwiie wn mmmw t uiiiin and riiUug a specialty. Okb Door b htu or tub Exranei" Omtn. THE CRY OF MILLIONS! OH. SKCKl TOP IT NOW, soon rr wiit. ate too uti. I hM tM ttmbled MBv vmh wHIl dlaraot of the kidney and have tried many different rrraediee ead have ought eld from different pbyekHaM wttbuol reitrr. aochii uie 151a 01 aj 1 M ffipriw from a verv vtet attack that alawet proetrated m la euca a meatier inai ww ow wwm t .ion S m ilmoK hiipolbte for M to ret mp eloee, or to put on nf chAbre, ween kind Providcwce orat 1t. Henley. OH SOON K1UNRY. THA, to WkJ boteL I faMmedtatclv c ealne the tea It hod ea alt mtracaloua effect, and to the lehment of all the ffweate at the hotel. m a few day.i am eappy u Mate, reooeametid the tea as 1 have bora. to all c. a. Tfjrrsm. THE CHURCHES. MRTIIomsr KHWXlfAt CIU'RrH Th.ttt.as P. B.vl. p UK1. rviw t-Trrr SUb&th tl 11 A M. snd 7 V. M. Heldxilli twhoitl at 10 A. M. Meet ing of the kpwnrih Ienmic at a J. M. riaver niertinr Tmirlny e-eiilitir two cluck. AU Invited to attend these erv!cen. I'HEHBYTKBIAN fill ROM A. Marrellit. Js P. M. Siit.lith m'hnol nt 10 A. M. Irayer meet in Wvtaewlny evciilng at 1:SQ o'clock. All wel come. f I'M rtFR LAND PKRRBVTRRIAX flirttfll- K K. Thompson. pnjUor. Prarhing wr irr-n cfh fabunth at 11 A. M. and 7: P. M. Praver mrrt Ing WraliiesriMy evening at 70. Humiay School every Hai(atti at iu a. m. M K CHI'HPII. HOI'TH 1. S. Han Iciier. tor. Preaching first Hnhlmth at tl A. M. and each xabnain evening at 7::su. eunany friiooiat 3 r. . fo'laxe prayer mecUng each Friday evening. Ever-oouy M'eirouie. FIRST BAPTIST f HfRTH C. R. Lamar. im.- tnr. Hen lcce held In the Arndeniy. Prewhlnff every lint and srennd Sundny at 11 A. H. aud 7m P. H. Sunday School at UAH V. U. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. 1.ad OrnrK at Oregon f Ity. Oregon. 1 Anrll . lRil. f Vol lee is herehr elren that the foUowl rut-named guardian hastllrtl notice of his intention to make (Inal proof In support of the claim of the minor heirs of Juab Powell, deceased, and that said proof wilt be made befort- the Hegisterand Re ceiver 01 ine v. . ino vnu.'e ai vfrqiun ny, Oivmrn. on June A. 191. vie: James tYabtree. Kuardian of the minor heirs of Joab Powell, de- ceaiieo: Homestead tnirv AO. siki. ior ie h of N. C hi and A. E-liof S. K. ) of See, 26. Tp. 11 a.. R iVprt. He nnmex the following witnesses to prove his and their continuous residence npon and cultiva tion of. mid land, viz: i. A. Cns-kett, Thomas Crockett. A. J. Filswater and F. B. Powell, all of Lebanon, Linn county, Oregon. . T. Al'PERSON, Register. PRODUCE WANTED. Hoavlng opened a produce market In Lebanon, we will ' xjrr CASH fob Egrgrs, Butter and All Kinds of Poultry. Give ub a call before .elltnjryoui' produce, ohl Eureka meat market. MONFORE & MELVIN. C. E. RANOUS, Carpenter & Builder. All Kinds Repairing & Jobbing Done on Shortest Notice. UPHOLSTERING A SPECIALTY Shop on Main Street. Next Door to Tailor Shop. W. H. BOOTH, M. D., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Office In Guv's New Bulletins:. Residence at Mrs. Ambler's DR. W. C. NEGUS, Physician and Surgeon. Graduate of Royal College of London faA Bell viie Medical College, Mass. Chronic cases a specialty. Cancers removed without paiw or the knife. OFFICE Kirkpai rick's faildiog, Lebanon, Or trwl eneed y bm! Ji aHUcUdTl Ta AT. COST! Tn Maka lUora IW Mr SPRING & SUMMER STOCK, or DRY GOODS, FDRHISBIHG GOODS, ADD lOTIOIs, I WlhL CI.OHH OUT MY Klitlre Htock of Boots & Shioes .ASF OONT. Now ia tlie Tim, to SECURE REAL BARGAINS. I Propose to Hav Leading Dry Goods Store In the Valley. MAIL ORDERS Promptly Attended. W. F READ, Allinn.v. Orofoii. WM. BARBOUR. . riEAI.KH IX FURNITURE, UPIIOLSTKHY, WOYEN-WIRE MATTRESSES, LOUNGES OP ALL KINDS, Chains of Kverr Dpftrrlptlan nd De- gre or Comfort, Picture Frames, Moulding, Bric-a-Brac yi Every Lescription. HARDWARE, I. Fact Evaryttttng tonalns tha Trad. at PHcaa tNaft Omff Oomp.tttlon. Chun .111 A Vontelth'a Old Stand. LEBANON, : : ORKOOX DO MOT WIPE, 8ICKEM 03 CONSTIPATE. SORt COBt FOB StQtC HfH3ACt. limatiaa ar CoHitiMtiama lnproTMitMOoiupixitM . hv Pnr4filnlh Rload. xnetiaeeeaa ne ne(7 sajamaa vo en pill can nirr b" too istk a 4c mm ma tnttftt wunr. alfl nillti But ut hlab Mn tw ritrilnl In ml p4M't 1 Urr.t ( m.. mml "Wl"Tr.4in.rk. M Bti rii,lW.I bMlla, g OR, aad KID to DEAL DR. HArtTtiTI IRON TUHIV. InNlrVlSud KESTIiRV) ih IKRft.rrATC.Ifl t ALTH ud Vlf;iHOI!S DTMKNUTH (fTornf THE 0B. HART Eft MEDICINE CO. ST. LOUIS. MO. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE no ma mmnan on nr 1OUOU8, BMdun, Ha C. C. HACKLEMAN, NEW HARNESS SHOP LEBANON, OREGON, J. C. FREY & SON, DEALERS IN Harness, Saddles, Collars, Whips, Etc. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. GIVE US A CALL. At Petexaon A Wallace's Old Stand. W. T. Burket. L. T. BAanr. J. w. BKAra. BURNEY, BAR1N & DRAPER, ATTORN EYS-AT- LAW, OREGON CITY, OREGON. Twenty yean experience as Register of the U. 8. Land Oince at Oregon City, Oregou, and In tbe Land Office practice, recommends us In our specialty of all kinds of business before the Land Office, or the Courts, and Involving practice in the General Land Office. SAML. M. GARLAND, ATTORNEY- AT - LAW. LEBANON. OBBGOS. Spills. SPRING If you want to mjo t!io best assort ment of General Merchandise in town, and get the best values for your money, you cannet do better than call on me at my old stand, where the latest nov elties in Spring Goods are to be had at way-down prices. Gentlemen, Call and examine my stock of Fur nishing Goods, Ties, Collars and Cuffs, Kid Gloves, Fine lialbriggan Under wear, Etc. Ladies, I have the latest novelties in Dress Goods,. Ribbons, Iluchings, Silks, Mushes, and Trimmings of all kinds.; I keep the celebiated P. N. and S. K. Corsets, which give elegance of shape and perfection of fit. Full lines of CLOTHING, BOOTS and SHOES and GROCERIES con stantly on hand. Produce of all kinds taken in ex change for goods. Your patronage is respectfully in vited. CHAS. B. MONTAGUE, Lebanon, Or. Headquarters - DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, Men's, Youth's and Boy's Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Etc. Also Keep on Second floor a full line of BOOTS & SHOES, In which I will not be undersold. Come and see ra and I will treat you well. "W. SIMPSON, ALBANY, - - - OREGON. Lebanon Planing Mill -AND- UNIVERSAL WOOD-WORKER. ESTALISHED II 1875 BT S. A. IICKERSOI. Refitted, Enlarged and Improved. NEW MACHINERY OP THE BEST MODERN TYPE. I manufacture and deal in Doors, Blinds, all styles of Window Frames, Door Frames, Mouldings, Brackets, Etc., in fact anything man ufactured and kept on hand in a first-class planer. In connection with the above, I also have on hand a well-assorted lumber yard in which is to be found rough and dressed Lumber, Rustic, Bevel, Weather Boarding, Flooring, and all kinds of Finishing Lumber for Cornices, Etc. Nichols, Westfall & Co., FIRST-CLASS Turnouts Reasonable Sates. Livery, Feed aad Sale Stables. Bpecial attention shown Commercial Travelers. Transient stock carefully cared for. Daily stage from Lebanon to Sweet Home; leaves at 7 A. x.t arrives at 6 P.M. GOODS. for Bargains IN - DRAYING DONE j Short Hotice