LIB. -irf rr- Lebanon Express. A. JAUtt .VDAM8, ai. I. AUXAMlia ADAMS & ALEXANDER, I'l'tlUUtBltB ASD PboPBIKToKS. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. . 00 . 1 00 80BEB THOUGHTS FOR SOLEMN PEOPLE WHAT HAVE I DONE? NO. 1. Tlie ncrann into whoso hande BROTHERHOOD. Ml mankind are brethren. Every human being who conies in or rV and stands in need of bur aid, is entitled to our sympathy. Hu man nature and distress form a legitimate claim to our frieudly assitnc. We nre not to with hold our brotherly affection from ftny of our fellow-men because an imaginarv line, a degree of latitude, or possibly a mountain chain may have separated their birthplace from our Own; because their man ners, customs and political institu tions are not the same with our O'svn; because by reason of a differ ence of climate' their skin is tingpd with a different color, or because thev worshiD their Creator in a dif ferent manner. The sentiment of " Yini versa! benevolence expands the heart, humanizes the mind and fruiters everv senerous affection: but jealousy, malice, hatred, and other malignant passions pervert the soul and cramp and vitiate the best feelinsrs of our nature. Man- .kind often complain that they are unlnoDT: of course they are un happy; "and there is a reason for its unhappiness. Whence come Hhcir sufferings and sorrows? Do they not, in a great measure, pro- -reed from their own selfish and jiialietiant passions? Remove the cause and the effect will disappear. ttanish malice, envv, hatred, let : gemrine good- will toward each other prevail and a great portion 01 nu - -i, jr. 3 man miser-v win lauc iiv. "The interdependence of human ity must fee patent to everyone, -"is the foot's complaint" with, or -iriihout its amplication to society -Itvdav? Can the head suffer, and vet other members of the body en jov perfect health? Can you mash a1 nail and keep the head in igno rance of the mishap? A young man n'lnims the right to sow his own -rild oats, but he compels society -to harvest his crop. The young Indv looses sisterhood and forces tthose of her sex to participate in Tthe burial of prostituted chastity. -SSocietv is composed of units, each f which is a social organism in -miniature, a microcosm, a nation an embryo; and all are associated together in such a way that when he units suffer the body politic SFeels the unhealthy pulsation. If "-those only, who sow to the wind, imn the'whirl-wind, it would not smatter so much; but the mischief Ss that the blindness ot bigotry, the madness of ambition and the rniscalculation of diplomacy, seek their victims principally amongst 4he - innocent and unoffending. The cottage is sure to suffer for every error of the court, the cabinet ajad the camp. When error sit in tie seatof power and athority, and ib born in high places; when design ing men put iniquity into the stat ute book it may be compared to that rrent which originates in the mountains, but commits its devas tations in the valley below. The Orestmran f the 31st says j that a man who has delivered 200 peeches in Kansas in the interests of the Farmers' Alliance has been declared insane, and that there is no knowing how many more have gone mad as a consequence of lis tening to his speeches. Let's see; we heard of one J. J. Ingalls who has gone stark mad, of another by the name of Anthony, the recog nized head of a leading political paper, and several lesser lights who' are semi-rabid, and we think if the Oregonian will pry into the matter that he can get all the statistics rt- desires. The craze rarely at tacks, those outside of the leading narties, aod if you can tell how anany disaffected politicians there Tein Kansas and figure on that liasis, the number of madmen can 2be easily ascertained. these series of articles may come, is supposd to ask "what have I done ?" Let no one refuse to con sider the answer on the ground that he knows already what he has done better than anyone can tell him. It may appear, en ex amination, that you have much to learn in regard to what you have done. Let no one deny me a hearing on the pica that it matters not what he has done. It matters much; vou are a moral and ac countable agent; answerable for vour conduct to God. 1 here is a rule bv which it should be regu lated: God is the author of that rule, and He is the avenger of its violations. There is a conduct which is nleasinc to Him, and a conduct which is displeasing; and whether He be pleased ordispleasea, whether He smiles or frowns, is certainly of some consequence. The inquiry relates not merely to overt acts; "what you have done, embraces what you nave saia, thought, and felt, as well as what j-ou have acted, and for all you are equally accountable. "The law is spiritual, the commanameni, i broad God will bring every work into judgment with every secret thing all a man's ways are right in his own eyes, out me loru pmi dcreth the heart, the Lord weigh- eth the spirit." The language 'what have I done?" sometimes bespeaks a mind utterly devoid of conviction. It asks, in a spirit of self justification, what evil the per son has done. At other times it expresses the keenest sensibility to sin. A person having done some thing, the evil nature ot whicn tie did notst the time fully apprehend. and the sad consequence ot wuici he did not foresee, when afterward he comes to see the evil and mis chief of it, exclaims in mingled alarm and grief "what have I done?" I shall consider it the Unminiw of simme inquiry: as the Borions interroeatorv of person willing to know what he l. I shall tell vou what you have done, neither on the one hand extenuating, nor on the other exaggerating. What if . you have done nothing? you say "what have I done? "meaning pernaps mat vou have done nothing, and supposing this is a valid plea, a sufficient justification for you. But is it bo? Can I not conaem yuu own admission out of your own mouth? You uve done nothing: But vou are required to do some thing av, much. Then you have not loved God with all your heart, nor glorified Him in your body and spirit, which are His, If you have done nothing, vou have broken at least one-half of the law of God. In so far as its positive require ments are concerned you are guilty according to your own con fession. It was lor uuiiik nothing that the inhabitants of Meroz were cursed "they came not to the help of the Lord against the mightv." They staid at home and attended to "their worldly business. And Christ will say, He informs us, to those on His left hand in the final day of judgment, ' Inasmuch ' as ye did it not, tr. And He says also, "Cast the un profitable servant (the servant that does nothing) into outer darkness." Yon have done nothing: But to do nothing when there is so much re quired to he done, is to do evil, to de that which most cast you into outer darkness forevsr. You need do no more than nothing to insure and justify your condemnation. Srange that you expect to be justi fied for the very reason for which Christ savs He will condem men. VHJiAP SCOAR. By careful tests, made by compe tent authority, the sugar beets raised on nndvked tide lands aoout Toledo, shows the prevalence, of saccharine t the extent ot 1(5 per eent; t hat is, each ton of beets turns out 320 pour.ds ot sugar, i'lacing the yild of beets at 10U tons per acre, we have a production of six teen tons, or 32,000 pounds of sugar to the ucre. As the govern ment pays a bounty of two cents a pound on beet sugar, the factory would receive the sum of if 4U as bounty on eivch acre of beets pro ducing '100 tons. Carrying the idea still further, if the sugar was put on the market at four cents a Dound. the manuiaciurer wouia re ceive a total of $1,920 for the pro duct of each acre. The consumer would be eettinit the best refined sugar at the rate of 25 pounds for one dollar. Competition might, in time, reduce even this price (four cents a pound), but we apprehend no one would ever kick it it never got any lower. Give us the mill and we 11 produce the sugar beets. Yauqina Post. - - . Happy Hoosl9rs. Wm. Timmotis. Postmaster of Ida- villt?. Ind.. writes: "Klcctric Bitters has done more for me than all otht-r merifchus combined. fr that had feci ine nrlainj? from Kidney nnd Liver trouble." John Ijcslie. farmer and atockimvn of eamo place, says: "Find F.Uwlrln Bitters to lie the best Kidney and Liver medicine, mado me feel like a new mail." J. W. Gardner, hard ware merchant, same town, says: Klec- trie Bitters is lost the thinir for a man WHO is an run uown aim mm l vnre whether he lives or dies: he found new strength, good appetite and felt just lmpim nna a new ease m me. umv 50c a bottle at Roberts Miller's drug store. Akolesea Cottage, L. B., July Or nflemm.- Allho' it is very unusual for me to ue any lotions wSMhea, still, in answer to you roooest. I have tried Wisdom': Violtt Cream and Hobertine. The former I consider especially efficacious in eases of rnu"limt of the skin, and I have tteen using ft every day for the Inst fortniKht. I have found the Robertine an excellent preparation In easees of tan, sunburn, etc., caused by exposure to March winds and a July UU. inunf fHHilimiy, LII.LIK LAKGTEY To Messrs. Wisdom & Co. Joseph V. Iory, of Warsaw, III., was troubled witn l-neumaiism aua inea number of different remedies, but say none of them seemed to do him air good; but finally he got hold of on that sneedlv cured him. Hewasmurl pleased with it,aud fett sure that others similarly afflicted would like to know what the remedy was that cured him. He states for the belli fit of the public that it is eallert fnamiierlain'S rai Maim. It is for sale here at 50 cell per bottle by M. A. Miller, druggist. NOTICE FOR rUBLICATIOJf. TT sited States Ia;ct Omn, Orcjfon City, Oregon, IK. 15, 18W1.1 Notice is hereby piven tbot in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June S, lf78. entitled. "An act for the sale of ti-nber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Terri tory," Alfred Andrien, of San Francisco, countv of Ban FranciseOj State of California, has tliis day filed in this ottlce his sworn statement Nk- for tise mirchase of the N. K. H of fiec No. 38, in Tp. No. 13 3., R. No. 2 E.t and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable tor its tim ber or stoae than for airricultura! i-urnoses, and to establish his claim to said land be fore the licioter and Kecciver of this office at Oregon citv, Orejjon, on Thursday, the lmh day of April, Iran. He nnies as witnesses: Oconre Havunij P. De Boyle, B. Lehman and T. Agliam, all of fcan Francisco, California. Anv and all persons claiming- adversely the aliove-descrihed lands are requested to file their claims in this cfnoe on or before said loth day oi April, IBM. J. T. Al'I'KilSON, Register. - In the event that the Italians mndertake to avenge the Mania murderers, the Texans to the num- er of 5000 are ready to march to 4he seat of war. We apprehend no serious trouble from this source, liowever, as we believe the Italian : ruler has too much horse sense to precipitate a war on so slight a pre text and where there is so little ' honor .involved. Should Italy claim an indemnity it will work no hardship on Uncle Sam. It would be hard to find a board ef appraisers that would estimate the loss above zero, and indeed it is more than doubtful if Italy did not find herself in debt to us in a fair and equitable adjustment- of the matter. . Baron Fava, Italian minister to this country, has been recalled. This action on the part of the Ital ian government is susceptible of a variety of interpretations. Some regard it as equivalent to a declar - ation of war, while others attach to it but little importance. There is jio doubt, however, that this sud den and offensive action "has grown Washington has outdone Oregon in immigration for the past one or two years, but the tide is now turn ing and people are setting their faces Zion-ward. Hundreds and thousands of men who have come , this coast exoectine to buy T-i-r. farminc lands near the Sound i . cities have been disappointed in ! San Fraii. isi-c.,' Calif, the character of the soil in many , L'X-T' instances and surprised that prices ' gje their claims in this ofiiceon or in rule so high. Wd these people : -M ih day r Alj&Jgfe,, but know tnat tlie uiainevw i- ley has the tcst cumaio in .ire world, that the soil is exceedingly ferule and that land is compara tively cheap, we would see a large influx of population. Cannot some . , - , means be oevisea to acquaint, iuwc home-seekers with a lew common place facts and turn the tide thitherward? The la grippe is raging to an NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. VsiTrn Ptatbs Lad Ornct, Oregon City, Oregon, lec. 15, lX).i Notice is hereby piven that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1S78, entitled "An acl for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Washington Territory, A trhani Amedee, of San Francisco, county of San Francistro. Sfste of California, has this dav tiled in this olfioe his sworn state ment No. 23U1, for the purchase of the N". W. J4 of Sec. No. 24, in Tp. No. 1.1 S-, P.. No. 2 K.. and will offer proof to show that the land songht is more vslushle for its timber or stone than tfnr agricultural purposes, and to estehhsh ids claim to said land before the Kesister and iieceiver of this office at Ore gon Citv, Oregon, on Thursday, the iS.h day of Aoril. !!; Hayum and 1. IjeJtman, all oi ornia. ins claiming adversely lands arc rcouested to oeiore er. alarming extent III Some parts of before the iKi.tcr and receiver of thii A ; . , t ..r i Oreem ci:y, Oregon, on Wednesday, th the J-ast. A lar?c percentage of e April, jssi. NOTICE TOE rCDLICATICX. o H CO X, H o MONTAGUE'S SPRING GOODS. If you want to see the best assort ment of General Merchandise in town, and get the best values for your money, you cannet do better than call on me at my old stand, where the latest nov elties in Spring Goods are to be had at way-down prices. GENTLEMEN, Call and examine my stock of Fur nishing Goods, Ties, Collars and Cutis, Kid Gloves, Fine Ualbriggan Under .wear, Etc LADIES, I have the latest novelties in Dress Goods, Ribbons, Ruchings, Silks, 1'lushes, and Trimmings of all kinds. I keep the celebiated P. N. and S. K. Corsets, which give elegance of shape and perfection of fit. Full lines of CLOTHING, BOOTS and SHOES and GROCERIES con stantly on hand. Produce of all kinds taken in ex change for goods. Your patronage is respectfully in vited.' CHAS. B. MONTAGUE, Lebanon, Or. Bargain Houses, 1 AT COST! To Mke Room for Mf SPRING & SUMMER STOCK, OF DRY GOODS, FURHISHISG GOODS, 1HD KOTIOHs, Headquarters for Bargains I WILL CLOSF OUT Entire Stock of MY o m o m o en x w H O DO m Boots & Shoes k.T COST. Now lathe Time to SECURE REAL BARGAINS. 1 Propose to Have Leading Dry Goods Store In the Valley. DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, ten's, Youth's and Boy's Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Etc. . ; Also Keep on Second floor full line of BOOTS & SHOES, In which I will not be underssld. Come and see m and" I will treat you well. ALBANY, MAIL ORDERS Promptly attended. W. F READ, Albany, Orcgron. nf it Ml I 1 I BIT S)AWHEADACHE ANY BUT CURES NOTHING ELSE KOTI'JE FOB PUBLICATIOX. Vhited States Iji-tr. Omm. I Orwn City.OrPgun, IXsr. 16, WSO.f Notice i herehr iriven that in tmpriare -;. .,i..i-i.mI.c i.f tin. net of C'ooereitn of June 3, 1873, entitled "An act Sir tliesalc of KOTICK VOB, PUBLICATION. frJITEB 8TATD IlUB OmI, 1 Oreiron CitT, Oregon, lec IS, 1890.1 "Kntit- 1 herehr tTti that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress nt June 3. IWM. emiuea tur - Jf 00 Udifs VP. 5ts W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE - a win? . 1 Km rtwvs -V Mi INfc C. C. HACKLEMAN. THE ONLY TRUE IRON TONIC Want JIM lenq new fore. InUraai Mind nd applies Bnfe Power. Jft V pcuta.r to their eoz will And Tone m. uf and newd otit. tiirm m clear. heU thr oomDleia. Frqant attempt cMBterfatl got. JMItTM'l LITTLE Liven PlkLfV dm OoiwUpttm, IJr Ooajplaint n.l Sick iHMdaelu. Bropl t Dii rmw Boov Dr. HAJtTER MUMOINS OO. -IX- OREGON. G. LOVELEE, IVIer chant Tailor, LEBANON, OREGON. Lovelee's Is the Cheapest Place in Linn County to Get a Suit Made to Order. A NEW LINE OF GOODS JUST RECEIVED. Call and Inspect the Goods if yow do not Leave your Order. FIRST-CLASS TAILOR, FIRST-CLASS $00DS. NICHOLS, WESTPALL LIYERY, - FEED - AND - SALE - STABLES. First-Ola aa Turnouts at Reasonable Kates, urnyuiii Done at Short Notice. SRECIAL ATTEHTIOH SHOWS COMMERCIAL TRAYELERS. Transient Stock Carefully Cared Fortf ;. Dail v Btee from Lebanon to Sweet Home. leaves at 7 A. M.; arrive at s p. m. 1 1 ST. CHARLES HOTEL, M. V. DOUD, PROPRIETOR. Only First-Class Hotel in Lebanon, -i BOARD REASONABLE. BY THE DAY OR WEEK- dav tiled in this ofline his sworn statement No. 238, for the purchase oi me o. t-. "i ec. No. 24, in Tp. No. 13 8., K. No. 2 K., and will offer pmK)f to show that the land , Dnt,t t. valimfilp fitr it ft timhoror stone than for aerieuRural pnnwtses, and t i estahlish his claim to said land Deiore tne Reiter and Keceiver of this offic-e atf 're gon ritv, rein. on Wednesday, the 15th day of April, 18S1. fie names as witnesses-: A. Andrien, Ij. A?Ham, V- Uc Bnyte and L- le I-anpe, all of San Francisco. California. Anv and all iei-son claiminp adversely the above-described lands are rmetrd to file their claims in this office on or before said loth day of April. 1881. J. T. APPEItSOX, Register. those attacked, die f some pulma nary disease, such as pneumonia and kindred ailmonta. ; " Remarkable Rescue. Mrs. MichaclCui-taiiNrimuncKI, Til., makos the statement that tJic caught col;!, wliich settled on lior Iuurs; aiie was treated for a Dionth by her family bJiysician, but prew worse. He toul fccf she wan u hopclcsH vUU-hn of xn xumplion and thnt no medicine euld uttlicr. Her irinrgis.t sugrsted tr. King's New Jirteoyery for Consump tion; 1ie bought a 4otUc nnd to her delint found iierselT benefitU'd from first do-e. Hhe continued its use and fter taking ten bottles, found herself pound and welt, now does ht-r own Iiousuwoj fc and is us well as she cm, Free tri:d birftles tf tliis Omit Discovery at Roberifc MilW's Druii Store-, large liotlles 50c, and H 00. A Snr Cure for Pit. Itching Piles are known by moisture Hfc. r.-T-iiHtion causiucr intense iteh- Oregon t'irv, Orepiu, lec. 19, fW. 3totfoe is horehy Riven that In ooropHnwe wUh tbe nviMiis of liie act ' OiiDfin-M of June 3. 1S7. enliUeil "An wt Tor the sale of limber lar.d iB the state?1 f liromin. Orrpoti, Moviola, aI Washington Territfirv," Jewen H. I.ewis.oJ Foit laivl, comiiy of Multnomah. SIte if Orepvn, has ihi 1:ir fl!d in UiiofVif-rr '.lis -rrti Hateir.em K-. rAr thp ti:iroh)L-o nf the N. K. of yco. No. 12. in Tp. No. IS B., K. No. 3 E-, ami will offer proof to show that the land pong'ht is more valu- j rirptes. snd to eftnlih h's cluim to Mfd land the 22d day if names as w1tnesn: fJ. A. Bonm-tt. F. Rnn- somer and O. Kofjed. of Portland, Oregon, and IJramlet, ot rresno, traiiTornia. tur ami nil mrNim claiming adverw-lv the above-described lands are reiwvted to file their t'laims in tnis omce on or nem; . April, 1S91. J-T. A1TEKSON, Register. mt of the unhappy Mafia affair at iaSb blind, bleeding and protruding, X'A firLona TKo Tlian Ti.-n.nt i A mr tn fr. Hos.lllko7S PUt 1 ja.wknB AnnJWmcilv. which acts directly on the ' l ; f narts affected, absorbs haste slowly." tumors, allays Uoltiag K"Ml effects a permanent cure. 50c. Uruggista or mail; treatise free. Dr. Biisaiiko, S20 Arch street, Philadel phia, fa. Sold by M. A. Miller. Take It Before Breakfast The great appetizer, tonic and liver regulator. Tt, n. r,r more than SO years in England. Post- lalxjring to become the recognized I tive Btjoeine for livereomrjlalnt. Bad taste in Tin organ of the farmers' Alliance, it i iti it be .a rum- rr Would be better tO Walt ID ODCdl- I zinei. langiiorsymptons of HVCT eompMnl. , v Bemndj Br. Henluy s Euelfch Dandelion Tonic. ncn to the ordinary rules of mod- giStei mntUjtim. rtierpcm tlM! st decorum for an invitation than , iHi''S, There is an unseemly scramble going on between the Woodburn Indenendent end the Eeform Jour nal, published in . Portland, esLch KOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. I'nited 8tntei IjitxI Offiee, Ore$ron City, Oregon. January 12. 1S91. Xotiee in hereby given that in compliance with the provlMonsof the act of Coiisress of June entitled "An act for the sale of timber land in the SI at eo of California. Oregon. Nevada, and ff,uih.nrton Territory,' William J. Ramac, of Hiiywards. countv of Alameda, State of California, hs thi dav t-iled'in this office his nwoni statement No. 2424, for tlie purchase of the N. K. of See. No. s. in Tp. Xo. i:s S.. K. No. 3 E., o;;d will oifer nrof to r-how that the land wmprbt is more val uable for its timier or stone than for agrinu'.tnral rrtirpoTOS, and to ewtl!b-h bis claim lo aid land nctore the Kegister and Keeeiver of this office at Or;Kon Citv, Oregon, oil Wednewdiiy, the 6th day of MllY, is;a. Us names as witness: J. A. Collins. F. IT. 0:.tey, H. T. Prestou and T. E. Korris, all of Hav a'anls, (ilifomia, 4 ni- anA tall Twrw.ns laiminff fid-erselv the ,w,v.i,jl,wfT-ir.f.fl lmiosjirf n-ouesttl to iile the .ilainis in this ofiice ou or before said fith day of May, 1p91. 4. 1- Ai i r-Kau., jxeK""- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Tnited StftteB Land Offiee, Orejron City, Oregon, lcc. 15, 1890. Notice I hereby Riven that in compliance with ..... ... f.r i !i net nf rnneress of June 3. ;S7S entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands n V-f Stales of California, Orejron, Nevada, and Wahinirton Territory," Chris H. iJiihlin, of Port and couuiv of Jlnltnomah, State of Oregon, has his dav (Wed in this oilice his sworn statement io, iui. for the purchase of the 8. W. X f pc To 22. in Tp. Ko. J3 S., R. No. 2 E., and will oifer .roof to show that the land sought is more valu tble tor fat timber or Morns than for agricultural rtirnonea. and to estAUish hts claim io sain tana ri ,,. ar.fl rdivfT of this OfTrCe at reKon ciry. Oreproii, on Wednesday, the lyticday tii nn m n. 4rnr.KSMs. Brandt, of Portland, repon; C. A. Jones, O. Hnyuin and A. Aiidrien, inv ami iiii n.rt.ns elaiminff aiivermilT the tri-.i.f.cHl.ii Imidfi una reuuestod to lile their laiins in lid oftice on or before wiid l-th day of pril, lfc&i: J. T. APl'ZKSON, Register. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Tnlted States lanA Offiee, Oregoo City, Oregon, Dec. la; 1X. IfoJiee In herebv iven that in compliance with ri,- it .if rniiOTPSK nf June i ISTa, entitled "An net for the sale of timber lands ; in the States of CalifiWiiia, OntEOti. Nevada, and ..hiiimnn Terriinrr." IteilialUln Lehman. Ot San Francisco, county of Sail Francisco, State of 'Jaiuornia, nas mis oay mt.i in ni.i " worn statement No. 2:. for the purchase of the ortii nfFfi- tiriiof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or utone than for agricultural purposes, and to establinh his cliiui to mid land before the resltter and re ceiver of this office at OBgon City, Oregon, on ThurKdav, the Hh day of April. 1SS1. - He noiitten s witnesses: i. i-ouk it Boyle. i. HnTim and A. Andrews, all of Sah Fran cisco. California. - Any and all peTsons elalmlnir dvereiy the above-deribed lands arc requested to 01 their' claims in this office ou or before said 16th day of ApriL lSSH. J. 1. At Jraitajr, negiMer. The Yaquina Route. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD, T. E. Hosts:. Receiver, and Oregon Development Co' s Steamshp Line 225 Mllea Shorter I 20 Hour Laaa Tlmat Than by any other Route. statement No. 2387, for the purchase of the N. W. H of Bee. No. 2B, in Tn. No. 13 8., R. No. 2 E., ant. will offer proof to show that the Jand oRlrt is iwtre raluable for its tim ber or stone than for apricuHurnl pwrposes, and to establish hia claiirT to said land be fore the I.egister and Keceiver of this office at Orepm Citv, Orepon, ou Wednesday, the 15th dav of April. 1H. lie names as witnesses: F. Brandt and C. H. Laiblin, of PoicUn!, Oregon; and Geo. Havum and A. Andrews, of Ban Fran- r-w. 'U'lir.trmn Anv and all persons claiminp adversely the aoove-described lands are requested to file their claims in this oftice on or before said 15th day of April, 11. J. TTaITERSON, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Offiee,. Oregon City, Oregon, Dee. 19, 1890. Xotlee is hereby piven that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Cotuerew of June S. 1878, entitled "An act Tor the sale of timber lands In the States of California. Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Territory." Olto Kotoed. of Portland, countv of Multnomah. State of Orcpon, has this dav filed in this office his sworn statement No. 2O0, for the purchase of the N. W. of Sec. No. 12. in Tp. No. ISA, It. oo. 3 E.. and -will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valu able for its timber or stone than for agricultural purpose.-, and loeBUiblit-h his claim to said land before the rcgi,er and receiver of this oftice at Oregon Citv, Oregon, ou Wednesday, the 22d day f April, lfl. He names as witnesses' G. A. Bennett, J. H. Lewis and F. t.anomr.f Portbuid, Oregon, and tr HrwuiTpt of Frrvunn. tralifortlia. Any and all persona claiming adversely the tim-o lit(rifnd in ml nre niiiiepled to file "thetr clalni!- in this office ou Or ttefitre id 22d day of April. A. T. APP1--KUUN. iceginer, NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION t'ymti) Ptatct Lacti Orrrrr, Oreeon City, Oregon, January 12, Notice is hereby Riven that in complianc witn the provisions oi me art oi c-ifn--Ms Jiini a. 1KT. entitJel "An act for the sale rimher lands in the Htates of California. rc fSim, Nevada, and Washington Territory" Thomas E. Norris, of Haywards. comity o Alameia, State of California, has this da? filed in this office his sworn statement No. 2425, for the purchase of tlie 8. W. i of Set-. No. 8, in Tp. N. 13 S., R. No. S E-, and will tiffer proof to show that the land smteiit ts more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and- to estaHilj his claim to eaid land before the Kegister and Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Wednesday, the titU day oflia.v, 1891. , He names as witnesses: C. TV" w. V. L. Gates, W. J. Kamnpo and J. A. Collins, all of Ha v wards, California. Anv and all persons claiming odvorsely tlte abovenieseribed lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 6th day of May, 1801. J. T. APPEKSOX, Register. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. t'ntted States Land Office. Oregon City, Oregon, Dec, 19, 189a Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with the proisionsf tsr a of Congress of June 3. l7(t, entitled "An art for the sale of limber land in the Stales of California, Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Territory," Frank Bratnlet, of Fresno, county of Fresno. Plate of California, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. 299, rr the purchase of the 8. E. i of Sec. No. 12, in Tp. No. 13 S., K. No. 3 E., and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the reg ister and receiver of this office at OregonCity, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 22d day of April. 1S91. He name, as witnesses: G. A. Bennett. F. Ran omer, J. H. Lewis und O. Kofoed, all of Portland, Oregon. Any and all perrons claiming adversely the ,ruv-n-riofrit.'rl laiulft an remifistfd to file their claims in this office on or before said 22d day of April, 1RWI. J. T. ArreaBtfUW, itegister. FIRST-CLASS THROUGH PA88ENQER AND FRtlQHT LINE From Portland pA all paauts fn the Willamette Valley to and from 8au Francisco, Cal. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD. TIME 9CHEDULK (Except Sundays.) I.v Yaquina 7K A M J Lv Corvauas10:35 A M j Ar Albany 11:03 A M iv 11 Lv Corvallls 1KB P M Ar Yaquina 4:S5 P M O. A C. trains connect at Albany and GarvaHte. The above trains connect at Yaquina tvith tlia Oregon Development Company's line of Steam ships between aquina and San Francisco. S. S. Willamette Valley -WILL SAIL From Yaquina March 8th. 16th, 2ft1h. From Sun Francisco March 3d, 12th, 21st, 30th. This company reserves tlie right to cliange sail ing dates without notice. WM. M, HO AG, C- C- HOfJl'E, 1 General Malinger, G- F. P. Agent. Corvallls, or. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. ITnlted States Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon. December 1&, 1890. Notice Is herebv given that In compliance with thi provisions of the net of Congress of June 3, JB7S. entil.el "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California. Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territorv, Fred Brandt, of Portland, countv of Multnomah, State of Oregon, has this dav filed In this office his sworn statement No. iSttifV, for the purchase of the 8. F,. Jtf of Sec. No. 22, in Tp. No. IS S., It. No. 1 E., and will offer proof to show that the laud sought is more valuable for its timber or slone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the rcgfaior and receiver ot this oftice at Oregon City, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 15th day of April, 1891. He names as witnesses: C. H. Laiblin. of Port land, Oregon; C. A. Jones, O. Hayum and A. An drien, of San Francisco, California, Anv and all persons claiming adversely the trfwln .m-4 timl hinds M.rv roo nested to file thetr claims in this office on or before said 15th day of April, 1891. J. T. APPKKBUW, liegister. C. E. RANOUS, Carpenter & Builder. All Kinds Repairing A Jobbing Done on Shortest Notice. UPHOLSTERING A SPECIALTY Shop on Main Street, Next Dppr to Jallpr Shop, O. E. HARDY JEWELER, Has en hand a large stock of j n: a v xt: ky JUST RECEIVED Call And Secure Trices. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. TTnited States lnd Ofllee, Oregon City, Oregon. Dee. 13, 1890. Kn.ff 0 ta lii.rv.hv irtvon that In ramnTiance with the provislous of" the act of Congress of June 3, iia, enuiiKu an aw iw Hie miib ui iiiiiiH.-! iuius In the Suites of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,' lxuis Pe Lange, of Han Franciwo. countv of Sim Francisco, State of Call-1 rornia. has this dav tiled in this office his sworn statement No. 234, for the purchase of the S. W. . W Of Bee. rio. l, in lp. INO. ia t., it. .o. x ami will offer proof to show that the land sought is : more valuable for its timber or stone than for ag ricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to Haid land before the register and receiver of thl" office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Friday, the 17th day of April, 1891. Me names as witnesses, a. nnuncii. i. akuiu, . Tc Bovle and O. Hayum. all of San Francisco, California. , Any ana an persona claiming aavereeiy hib aliovo-deMTibed lands are requested to lile their lainiK in this oJnce on or neiore saia Kin aay oi AprU, 1881. J. T. APPKRSON, Register. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. United States Laud Offiee, Oregon City, Oregon. January 5, 1891. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of Juie3, 1878. entitled "An act for the sale of tfnrter lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, aud Washington Territory," August Bourdier, of San Francisco, county of San Francisco. State of Cali fornia, has this day filed in this office hia sworn statement No. 2417, for the purchase of the E. pi of S. W. 4 and Lots 3 and 4 ot Seo, No. 30, in Tp. No. 19 a n TSt S tr und will ntfar nroof to show that the la ad sought is more valuable for Its timber or stone thae for agricultural purposes, aud to estab lish his claim to said laud before the Register and Receiver u this office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 29th day of April, 1891. Juanon. MWhael Dunard and John Van Horn, all of San Francisco, California. Am and iH npTsnnR claiminp adverselv the above-described lands are requested io file their claims in this otnee on or oeiore saiu win hbj w NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Ufitbd Statm Iano OrncE, 1 Oregon City, Oregon, January 12, 1891.) Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of Jnne 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Ore- fon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," ames A. Collins, of Hay wards, county of Alameda, State of Califiomta, has this day filed in this offiee his sworn statement No. 2422, for the purchase of the N. W. X f Wec No. 8, in Tp. No. 18 8. R. No. 3 E., and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable tor its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish hia claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 6th day of May, itwi. He names as witnesses: Onus. Prows. Hiram P. Preston, Thos. K. Norris and Frank H. Gates, all of Hay wards, Alameda county, California. An V ana an persons claiming mivewiy the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in. this otlice on or before said Sth day of May, 1891. J. 1. Ai'PJiiiiSOJ, Kegister. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. TJittTEi States Land Offtcx, Oregon City, Oregon, Dec 15, 1890J Notice is herebv eiven that in comnliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in tne states oi uauiorma, ore son. Nevada, and Washineton Territorv." Pierre De Bovle. of San Francisco, county of San Francisco, State of California, has this day tiled in this otnee his sworn state ment No. 2392. for tlie Durchase of the . Jl. i of Sec No. 26. in Tp. No, IS S., K. No. 2 K., and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this oftice at Ore- eon 1,liy, URvli, OU J. HUlou , uj u day of April, 1891. . . xi e names tu wiwnswra. a. anuncn, u. Aeliani, O. Hayum and B. Lehman, all of Han Franrim. California. Anv and all nersons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in tnis otnee on or oeiorw said 16tu day oi April, ten. J. T, APPKUSON, Register. DON'T SHIP YOUR OLD STOVK. You an bay say of tb LATEST PATTERN Cheap, of SWAN BROTHERS. THEY CARRY A FULL I.HffB OW Tin, Conner. ill oo den and ' htone ill ares a PUMPS AND PUMP FIXTURES- f Job lfw done on Short Notion 9.': BRICKI BRICK1 125,000 Briclc At my yard in Um obarbsof Labaaom For Sale at Reasonable Rates. All Kind, at MASON WORK DONE With Neatness and Despatch. D. W. HARDIN. NOTICE FOR PUBUCATION United States Laiwl Office. Oregon City, Oregon, Dec 15, MM. Notice fc hereby stven that hi wmpHaiw wttfc the provision of the act of Congress of June 3, 1ST, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lanos in Ha Btr.ia .lifnniia. Ctrfarm. Nevada, and WaKbintrton Temtory.'' toui AgrUaot, of Sp Francisco, eoanty of San Francisco, 8tate or tl- uornia, Da idu aay niea in uiu iw im m t; statement No. 239K, for the i will offer proof to show that the land sought i more valuable tor its timber or stone U a-i !jr afr. ricultnral onrpoeea, and to estabusn hia claim ui said land before the resrister and rectiver of tnfa otnee at Oregon City, Oreeon, on Friday, the lta aay ot Apru, iai. ... He names aa witnesses: I le Lange. B- Leh man. G. Hayum and A. Andrien, all of Baa 3Fraa cisco, California. , . . Any and all persona etaimlnr adversely the above-deflcribed lands axe requested to file rhuir claims n this oftice on or before ud I7th lar of April. 18U1. J. T. Al'l'EKaON, Busier. ApnJ low, h ArrtutftUrt, nesiMei. i .