The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, March 27, 1891, Image 2

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    oil' Express.
; .U'K ADAMS, OKrt. 1.. A1.KXANHKK.
lVnusitKita and 1'HoruiETons.
Vne Jenr 2 lK
ill' paid In advaure, tl M it yi-nr.)
tl won-.". 1 tX
T mmiihti., . - f0
iMiigto ci-it. .... U
The statistics bearing uixm crime
in this and other States, together
with the fact that our own peniten
tiary is at this time overcrowded,
compels the admission that every
we must and will have a liveli
hood; nor has society the choice,
tthether or not to provide for its
uienibeis. If an individual is not
put in & way to earn a livelihood,
Ji will aV it hv unlawful meAnn.
nd industrious life he will lead a
me oi dissipation; ana u society
iriutc Vi lLIVT ".CUTS J4 (Will All uio
minority, he will force it to notice
"him as" an object of self-defence.
As we have had occasion to remark
fcefore,it is cheaper to educate boys
in the path of rffetitude than it is
. to let crime go to etvd and take
vare of the criminals afterward.
Tims society cannot avoid giving a
livelihood to all, whom providence
lis placed under its care and tu
ition, nor help devoting time and
expense to them; for they are by
faith or circumstances, dependent
has the power to make everyone
available as on honest, industrious
nd useful citizen, would it not be
the best policy (to say nothing of
the principles) to do so, and attach
all to society by ties of gratitude,
rather than put them in a condi
tion to become enemies, a condition
in which it will be necessary to
punish them for an alienation,
which is the natural consequence
f destitution? Schools, founded
un true Christian principles, would,
in the end, be much cheaper and
letter than to support our criminal
eode by the proseeutious incident
to that state in which many come
up, instead ot being bhoight up
and the consequent expenses at
tending our houses, of correction,
penitentiaries, etc., (of which manv
eeem to be proud) on the score of
public justice, but of which, on the
ecore of philanthropy and Chris
tian love, we have reason to be
ckeply ashamed. We have but lit
tle hope of bringing about a speedy
revolution m ttsis regard, out we
do purpose having a voice in the
matter, so long as our constitution
vouchsafes to all ita citizens the
right of free speech.
The following communication
was recently submited bv the
VJH -r."- V 4 W 1V1I. MM. T .
JBIair, (J. S. Senate, Washington:
Dear Sir: In view of the fact:
First that intoxicoting liquors are
in common use at the White House
by our republican President, Benj.
liar risen; Second that the re
publican Vice President, Levi P.
Morton, through, an unrebuked
agent, took out and now holds a
saloon license for his hotel, the
Shoreham; Third that the Repub
lican Senate and the Republican
House have each a saloon under
their control, will you inform the
"Lever's" constituency how long a
time may be reasonably expected to
elapse before the Republican party
n aid us in the suppression of
the saloon business?
My Dear Sir: Your letter pre
poundingcertain conundrums to me
in regard to the time when I sup-
Sse you can reasonably expect the
epublican party to aid in the sup
pression of the saloon business, is
received. I am not very much of
prophet, and at this particular
time am totally without prophetic
inspiration, arid cannot help you
At all. Truly yours,
H. W. Blair.
This country is bound to make
wonderful strides this year. The
incoming population promises to
be greater than t any other period
in our history, the farmer's pros
pects for a good yield never were
better, the plans now under con
templation for the development of
our mineral resources will require
the help of a small army of labor
ers and the expenditure of vast
euros of money, and nothing but a
etend-stili policy can keep Oregon
out of the front rank.
The reason some reforms are so
short-lived is that they aim at the
sarface rather than the core. In
stead of lopping off branches, they
should vitalize the root. The rem
edy should be adapted to the dis
ease, measures should -bear some
proportion to the magnitude and
gravitv of the evil. He is a fool,
who having a fever, scrapes his
tongue and takes no medicine.
The evils which afflict the
country are due to no party nor
class, but are the joint results of
over-banking, over-trading, over
buying, over-selling, over-reaching,
over-eating, over-drinking, over
acting of every kind except over
working. Industry is the founda
tion of the government, the corner
stone of civilization.
Lord Coke wrote the following,
which he religiously observed, ''Six
hours to sleep, to law's great study
six, four spend in prayer, the rest
to nature fix." Wm. Jones, a wiser
economist of the fleeting hours of
life, amended the sentiment thus,
"Seven hours to law, to soothing
slumbers seven, ten to the world
allot, and all to heaven."
Harrisburg has a weekly news
paper and if the people will patro
nize it as they should the town will
change its clothes and will enjoy
somewhat of its old-time prosperity.
the ciunnr,
The root idea of the church is of a particular relation of man
to man, originated by a common
relation to Jesus Christ. When
men ave nrdently attached to their
uutivo country, they are related t
one another as compatriots, though
they may differ upon every ques
tion ef political science. It ia the
same in the church; attachment to
Jesus Christ is everything; the
widest differences upon theology
may exist, but no doctrinal heresy
can break up the vital and eternal
union of eoula which is brought
about by an all-absorbing love for
Jesus Christ. "Thou shalt love
the Lord thy Cod with all thy
mind." Loving with th mind is
the idea. The very intellect is to
be turned into an organ of affection.
It is not written thou shalt believe
with thy mind, but, thou shalt love
with thv mind. "With the heart
man beiieveth unto righteousness."
When one's love is right, notions
about this and that are of smaM
consequence. One must either
"sell all he has and give it to the
poer," or he "must be born again"
into a new spirit in which there hll
be no self, and then be is in the King
dom of Christ. This shows the in
clusiveness of the church. The seel
can hold but few, the church may
comprehend all. To be a Christian,
it is not necessaty to chose a secta
rian appellation; nothing is necessary
but perfect love of the beloved Son.
Entrance into the church is a trans
action between Jesus Christ and the
imlividnal heart. Love is the security
of the church. Love CSod and love
thy neighbor. The love of man comes
from love of God, and in the Judge
ment love of God will be tried by
love of man. The ajiostle John says
plainly, that if any man say he loves
God, and yet hates his brother he is is a
liar; and no liar shall enter the
church, he mav creep into the sect , but
he shall have his portion in the lake
which burnetii with lire and brim
stone. The true church-member can
never become a heretic in any bad
sense of that term for he has an unc
tion from above and his supreme
love to Got! and his love toward man
will keep him perfectly balanced.
God grant that the mud huts of big
otry may be nhmergetl by the mighty
ocean of God's love.
A certain class of thinkers who
style themselves scientists now
and then bob up to to tell us that
religion is a perversion of man's
nature. This might give the fol
lowers of Jesu3 some concern, did
not the weakest of them know it to
be a mere caricature of scientific
thought?. If religien be a perver-
of man s nature they ought to tell
us what faculty is perverted, estab
lish its function clearly, and in this
way prove that it is perverted.
They cannot point out the faculty
and name it without conceding re
ligion. The faculty is spirtuality,
veneration,conecientiousness. Again
if man have always made this
greatest of all mistakes in the most
important of all matters, then surely
nature cannot be trusted
"For mankind is ever weak
And little to be trusted;
If self the wnvt-niiK balance strike.
If rarely right aijiicd."
If human nature be so unreliable
how did these philosophers find it
out, by means of this perverted
human nature? There are many
dark problems which our minds
never could penetrate and we are
not sure but this ia one of the
Changed Every Week.
Wheat 70c
Oats t.Vj.
Hay J 1" per tn.
Flour t lofal 25 per sack.
Chop $1 50 jier cwt
Brsn POe per cw
Middlings 41 50 per cwt.
Potatoes 50e.
Apples Green, 50c per Lu; dried, 9c'
per lb.
Plums Dried, Sc.
Onions Sv.
Beef Dressed, 6(3. 7e.
Veal 5!-ilc.
Pork Dressed, 5J6o.
Lard l?ir";H
Hams l:(A15c! per lb.
Shoulders iWvlOc.
Side lflJ2Je p.;r lb.
Geese ts f4) per !z.
Ducks $7 50 per doz.
Chickens O0 00.
Turkeys 1 A; J per lb.
Kjrps-lCte per ftoz.
Butter 302 per lb.
Hides Ureen, 4 (a. 5c; dry, 10c
"The Jery Lily."
Asglkska Cottage, L. B., July 2.
Gcnllemen: Altho' it is very unusual
for me to use any lotions oi
washes, stiil, in answer to your
request, I have trk-d Wisdom'o
Violet Cream and Knhvrtine. The
former I consider especially cllicaciou
in rews .f roughness of the skin, and
I have been using it every day for the
last fv.rtniglit. I have found tin
HolH-rtine an excellent reparation in
casees of tun, sunburn, -tc, caused by
exposure to March winds nd a July
sua. Yours fuilli fully,
To Messrs. Wisdom & Co.
A Sure Cei for I ile.
Itching Piles are known by nmlature
like perspiration cunsitig intense inch
ing when warm. This form, as well
as biiud, lU-edm- and protruding;,
yield sit once to Dr. liosanko'a Pi I
Remedy, which acls directly on the
parts afli-eted, almorbs tumors, sillayi
itcliiny: and effeets a fterit'ianeiit cute.
50c. Drutrtfists or mail; treatise free.
Dr. liosanko, 32J Arch street. Philadel
phia, Pa. Sold by M. A. Miller.
Spring Medicine.
Dr. Gunn's Improved Iiver Pills, on
aocount of their mild action, are especi
ally adapted for correcting spring dis
orders, such as impure blood, tired
brain aud aching ana worn out body.
They act promptly on the Laver and
Kidneys, drive out all impurities from
the blood, and malaria from the sys
tem. Only one pill for a dose. Trj
them this sprinjr. Sold at 25 cents t;
box by M. A. Miller. "
Ood'a Blessing; to nunmnlty.
So Says au Oregon Pioneer Ninety Years Old.
Forest Grovh. Or., Marrh 19.
1 have used the ORKOON K1PNEY TEA anr
obtained immediate relief. It is ol's blessing U
humanity. I take pleasure in reomineniin? i
to the afflicted. I am now nearly ninety year
old, came to Oregon in IMi in the employ of thi
Hufln Bav Oomrianv. and Kir toe I betran usin;
the OREGON 5TTDNEY TEA I eniov pxirl health
There are many accidents and dis
eases which effect Stock and cause e
rious inconvenience and loss to th.
farmer in his work, which may b
quickly remedied by the use of Dr. J
H. McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment.
Fortale fey J. A. Beard.
Editor T.kbanos Kjo'Rkss:
I will ive expression to a few
thoughts in reply to F. W. Parker in
your last week's issue. 1 dont see
much in his argument except an
effort to luiaeonstrue the mean
ing of my first solilloquy which
by your generosity appeared in
the Kxi-RKSs. When we talk of life
outside of (he plane of action, we
simply get beyond our depth and the
the subject becomes what I would
call not thinkable, and no one but a
dreamer will indulge in such futile
employment. As to mystery, I differ
from Mr. Parker only in that I have
nothing to say in ita defencq. What I
said in toy first was if heat had not
its opposite there would be a same
ness, etc, (the word summer does not
express my idea.) Mr. Parker takes
special objection to my idea of the
necesity of vil The fact that it exists
is proof audieient to my mind that it
is a necessity. Life's organisms from
the seed is a growth physically ns well
as spiritually and conditions have been
adapted by an all-wise Providence to
sustain and promote this growth, and
what right have we, blind and imper
fect as we are, to demur from the decis
ions and ordinances of fhe Almighty.
Hut when 1 say evil is a necesity I
don't say that it is neccessary to let
it run amuck, so to say, any more
than it is neccessary to drown or burn
up because the elements of water and
tire are neccessary. It is our ignor
ance of life's laws which makes us
suffer from the effect of evil. I find
illustrations a little difficult, but I
will make an attempt. Now suppose
there was a place where good had no
opposite, all things being perfect
there would be nothing to accomplish,
inaction and inertia would be inevit
able, and what is inertia but the very
enemy of life. The evil itself becomes
akin to no life, thus we perceive that
the I wo oppotatea are absolutely in
seperable. Good without its opposite
would be as imperfect as man with
out woman, or the positive without
the negative pole. It could not exist
Again, as to the subject of opposition
If we studv the condition of vegetable
and animal life on this planet of ours,
we bud that said organisms including
the human mind is more advanced
and develoied in the temperate than
the torid or arctic tones, the cause of
which I attribute to the fundamental
elements, heat and cold, being more
evenly balanced in the former than
in the latter regions, that is, they are
more m motion, winch means more
energy, more life. In conclusion I
would say, don't theorize, don't sul
stitute the shadow for the substance,
but adhere stn.-tlv to facts, for only
by so doing we hope to arrive at any
thing like satisfactory conclusions.
" J A CO.
A Safe Investment
Is one which is guaranteed to bring
you satisfactory results, or in ease of
laiiure a return or purchase price. On
this safe plan you can buy from our
advertised Drugvist a Iwttle of Dr
King's Js'ew Discovery for Consump
tion. It is guarxnteed lo bring relief
in every ease, when used for any affec
tion of 1 in on t, Lung or C hest, such
as Consumption, Inflammation of
Lung, Itronchitts, Asthma, Whoop
ing Cough, Croup, etc., etc. It Is pleas
ant aim agreeable lo taste, perfect ly
safe, aud can always le depended
ummi. Trial bottles free at Beard's
drug store.
A few days ago w hile sitting In Elder
Hros.' drug store at Tlngley, Iowa, Mr.
T. I. Dyer, a well known eiti?sen, came
in and asked for something for a severe
eohl wliteli lie nail. Mr. l-.tder took
down i turille of Chamberlain's tkrneh
Remedy and snid: "Here is something
I can recommend. It commands a
large sale and gives genuine sattsfae
tion. It Is an excellent preparation
and cheap." Mr. Dyer purchased a
bottle, and the next day when we saw
him he said he was much better, and
the day following appeared to be en
tirely restored. This is a specimen of
the effectiveness of this preparation.
'- Mttinr Mail and Time. M. A.
Miller, druggist, sells the above men
tioned remedy.
Coughs and colds come uninvited,
but you can quickly get rid of these,
with n few doses of Dr. J. It. MeLean's
Tr Wine Lung Balm. For sale by J.
A. Beard.
MHilm MH lit Ji.'iTJ 'jr""ffimLLArfW
The Road to Wealth P
CaniMt fc ucccMfullr trml4 vftfe
at oo4 fctalth. T reach rtt1th ar any
Mvta4 petition fa IHs require th full
boimmIoh and eperatlea of all th fae
altit kind nature ha nt'ow as with.
Thaaa condition cannot txlrt antaa th
phyataal bolng la la perfect amrklnf
ardor, and thla I Impottlblo when tho
Ihrtr and aalaon are torpid, that abstract
ln th cocrotlont, caatlna Udlgc tttea
and dyaptptl, arlth all of thair accem
panytna, horror.
English Dandelion Tonic
axort a apociffs Inflatno oror tho Hirer,
axcltot It la healthy action, recolv It
chronic ngoriMnta, and aremeto tha
accretion ; cure Indlaactien and eonttl
jt pation, iharpon th appatlta, Una ap
fl tha tntlr ytm, and aiakas lit worth
Usitkb States Laso Orrtcit,
Oregon City, Oregon, Dec. 15, 1890.)
Notice is hereby piven that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Con cress
of June 3, 1x78, entitled "An act for the sale
of timber lands in the States of t.aiifornin,
tirepMi, evaoa, nnct ashmgton terri
tory," Alfred Andrien, of San Francisco,
county of San Francisco, State of California,
has tJiis day filed in tins oiflce bis sworn
statement No. 2389, for the purchase of the
N. K M of Sec. No. 26, in Tp. No. 13 S., K.
No. 2 E., and will offer proof to show that
the land sought is more valuable for ita tim
ber or stone than for agricultural purioses,
and to establish his claim to said land be
fore the Ke.urister and Receiver of this oflin
at Oregon City, Oregon, on Thursday, the
Ifit h day of April, 1S01.
He names as witnesses: George Havum.
P. l)c Boyle, K Lehman and T. Agliani, all
of San Francisco, California.
Anv and all persons claiming adversely
the ahove-descrUied lands are requested to
file their claims in this office on or before
said 16th day of April, 1S91.
J. T. Al'PEKSOX, Register.
United States Laxd OrricE, I
Orcpon City, Oregon, Dec 15, 18.90. (
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress
of June 3, 1873, entitled "An act for the sale
of timber lands in the States of California,
Orccron,Nevada,and Washington Territory,"
Ac'iiani Ainedee, of San Francisco, county
of San Francisco, State of California, has
tins aay rued in this ollice his sworn state
nent No. 2391, for the purchase of the N.
V. y. of Sec. No. 24. in Ti. No. 13 8., It. No.
1 K., and will offer proof to show that the
and sought is more valuable lor ita timber
r stone than for agricultural purposes, and
o establish his claim to said land before the
tejrister and Receiver of this office at Ore
gon City, Oregon, on Thursday, the 16tU day
.f April, 1S01.
Vglisui, tl. Hayura and B. Lehman, all of
an i-raDcisco, t auiomia.
Anv and all rernrtR rlsiim i n v aHverselv
he above-d escribed landa are requested to
le their claims in this oftice on or before
.aid 10th day of April. 1801.
J. T. APl'EiiSOX, Register,
If you want to see tho best assort
ment of General Merchandise in town,
and get the best values for your money,
you cannet do better than call on nie
at my old Bland, where the latest nov
elties in Spring Goods are to be had
at way-down prices.
Call and examine my stock of Fur
nishing Goods, Tic?, Collars and Cutis,
Kid Gloves, Fine l'albriggan Under
wear, Ktc.
I have the latest novelties in Dress
Goods, Ribbons, Ruchings, Silks,
Hushes, and Trimmings of all kinds.
I keep the celebiated P. N. and 8. K.
Corsets, which give elegance of shape
and perfection of fit.
Full lines of CLOTHING, ROOTS
stantly on hand.
Produce of all kinds taken in ex
change for goods.
Your patronage is respectfully in
Lebanon, Or.
Vhitep Ptatth T.A5D Orricr, I
Ore!n City.tiregon, 1H.-C. 15, lWO-f
Notice is hereby eiven that in fomidinnce
with the provisions of the act of Conere- of
June 3, 1H78, entitled "An act for the sale of
umber landa in the inates of 1 ahf mm. i 're
iron, Nevaila, and Washineton Territory,"
ieoi-pe Havum, of San Francisco, countv of
l - l . .. . . r . i : : l . it.:.
.-'ail r rin-i5MTij .t . mi i.rt tuji, un 1111s
inv toesi ill mis nis sworn fmit-uitni
No'. 2ns. for the ourvhase of ttie 8. E. H of
Sec. No. 24, in Tp. No. 1.1 S., K. No. 2 K..
na will oner proot to show that tne limit
oiiKht is more valuable for its timber or
tone than for nfrtcukural jmrtiosef, and to
establish his claim to said land lefore the
rteiriter ami Receiver of this office at t re
an Citv, Ottpm, on Wedneaday, the 15th
lav of April, isai.
He names as witnesses: A. Andrien, I..
Aaliani, V. le Iloyle and Ij. lie Lange, all
f San r'rancisx,California.
Anv and all jerons claiminff adversely
'he alwe-descnliel lands are requested to
tile their claims In this oftice on or before
said 15th day of April. l9l.
J. T. APJ'EKSOX, Uejrister.
I'ntted tate Ind Ofllce,
Orejton t'tty. Oregon, Dee. 15, tSOO.
Notice Is hereby Riven thMt In compliance with
the pntviNlons of Ihe act of C onitrow of June 3,
1K7S. einttlcl "An act fi the nalo of timber Innrts
in the "ilatin of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Washiteiin Terriiorv lienifmin Ihinan. o
"un Francixo. OHinly of San Francisco, Mate of
C'aiiiotnin, has this dy Rled in this nio hts
rn stHieiiient o. iivi), mr tno purcnase hi me
a. W. i of Sm-c. No. 24. in Tp. No. 13 S., K. No. 2
K., and will offer pioof to show that the Und
wight it more valuable for Its timber or stone
than for Rirrioiiitvirnl purposes, and to establish
hi ctaim to aid hind before the regiHcr and re
ceiver of this office at Oregon Oilv, tlreifon, on
Tlmrwlay. t!i 16lh day of April. 1S:1.
tie niuc as ltnw: I.. De I.anr. T. r
Borle, i. Havum and A. Andrew, all of San Frau-
ciw.H, t'Hlifoinia.
Any and all persons clnimlne adversely Hie
uiMi'le.vriiM.d lMnds si reonente.1 to nla their
rlaiiim in this oftice on or befora snid tfitlidsyof
pril. ltai. i. T. KvgiKter.
t'nited States Iand Oltlee,
OreRou t;tty, Orefrou, Jee. 15, 1890.
Notice is hereby ittven that In compliance with
the provisions of l lie act of Congress of June 3.
1ST8. entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands
in the. States of California, Oreeon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory," Chris it. Lalblin, of Port
land, county of Multnomah, 8tate of Oregon, hss
this day tiled in this oltii'e bis awom sUia-ment
No. 2 , lor the purctianc of the S. W. of Sec.
No. 2-J, in Tp. No. 13 8., K. No. 2 E., and will otter
pnxf to show that the land nought U more valu
able tor it timlwr or stone than for agricultural
punws. and tn eMablish his claim to auiid land
before the rojristcr and receiver of this oftice at
Orecon Citv. Oregon, on WedneMtay, the luth day
of April, K9l.
He nnnies as witnese8: F. Brandt, of Portland,
Orvfc"u; c. A. Joiick, O. Hnyum and A. Audrieu,
of San KrunciTO, California.
Any and all perums claiming adversely the
above-derilwd lauds ere requested to tile their
claims in this oftice on or before said l.Mii day of
April, 1S91. J. T. An tlWON, Kcgistor.
. M. Fbkbt & Co s
IDastrattd, Dcscriptiv and Friosd
ibqi .:ii ka . ti rHFir
io mu applicants, and to last season
1 customers, it is ocner inaa tsr
sTcry pcrsoa using barona,
Fhrwrr tr Fitid Seeds
ahoold sikI tot it. Addrtna
I Largest ScedsoMii ia tha world
- -
44 VYWIf Ybh Wflit.
IUI w f ai V m J
.'ir'iii 'it miMi
VmTeo States I.ahd Orrtaa. )
Orpfrou City, Oregon, Iec. 15, ls0.f
Notice is hereby (riven that In compliance
with the provisions of the art of Congres?
of June 3. 187, entitled "An act for the salt
of timber lands in the States of California.
Orvertn, Neva'la, and Wanhitigton Terri
tory." Charles A. Jones, of Han' Franciaco,
county of San Francisco, Btate of t alifornia
has this ilny filed in this office bis swore
statement So. 237. for the purchase of tin
N. W. 4 of Rec. No. 28, in Tp. No. 13 8., K.
No. 2 E., and will offer proof to show that
the land sot'pht ia more valuable for its titn
lier or Rtone than for agricultural purposes,
and to establish his claim to said laud be
fore the Kepister and Heceiver of this oftlet
at trcpou Citv, Oregon, on Wednesday, the
15th day of April, 1H1.
He names as witnesses: F. Brandt ant'
t H. ljiiblin, of Portland, Oregon; aim
Oeo. llarum and A. Andrews, of San Fran
cisco, California.
An? and all tersoii8 claiming adversely
the aliove-descriljcd lands are requested to
file their claims in this oflice on or before
said 15tl dav of April, S!t.
" J. T. AWKKSOX, ltegister.
t'nlted States Ijuid Office,
Oregon City, Oregon, Uoe. 19, 1890.
Notice is hereby alven that hi cuinpliauee Witt,
the provision of the act of Conrresji of June S
187t. entitled "An act Kr the tale of timlwr landt
ill the States or Cullfornia, Oregon. Nevaila. and
Wa-hinpton Terrilor-," tltlo Knl(d. of 1 oaland
county of Miiltnimiidi, Stale of Oregon, ha thi:
dav tiled ill this office fits sworn statement No.
24UO. for tho purchase of the N. W. i of Hec, o.
1.!. in Tp. No. 13 S., R. tin. 3 K., and will oflei
proof to show that the land soUKht ia more vain
able for its timber or stone tliau for agricultural
rurpiws. and to eMublili his cla ra to said land
efire the r'iflstcr and receiver r tins offtee ai
Oivroii City, tlregon, on WedneMlav, the 2M dav
of April. 1U.
II? nanus as witnesses- f. A. Itcnnelt, J. H.
I-eis and F. Kansotner. of Portland, Oregon, aud
F. Hrauiiet, of Krsno. California.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
aNivc described lands are rcquesled to tile their
claims in this oDlce on or before said 2-'d day ol
April. 1M1. J. T. A1TKKSON", Rcgtster.
I'nited States-Land Office,
Oregon City, Oregon, December 15, 1890.
Notice fs hereby given that In compliance with
tha provisions of the act of Congress of June 3,
1N7S, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands
tn the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Torritorv," Kred Brandt. of Portland,
countv of Multnomah, Stale of Oregon, has this
day tiled in this oftice his sworn tlatement No.
238S, for the pui chahe of t lie 8. E. of Sec. No. 22,
lu Tp. No. 13 8., R. No. 2 K., and will otter pmof
to show that the land sought is more valuable for
lt-s timber or atone than for agricultural purposes,
and to establish his claim to said land before the
register and receiver ot this ollice r.t Oregon Citv,
Oregon, on Wednesday, the 15th day of April, 18l.
He names as wilucHses: C. II. lAibllu, of Port
land. Oregon; C A. Jones. G. Havum and A. An
drien. of San Francisco, California.
Any and all persons claim hut adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file their
claims in this office on or belore said 15th day of
April, 1801. J, T. APPERbON', Register.
Carpenter & Builder.
All Kinds Repairing & Jobbing
Done on Shortest Notice.
Shop on Main Street, Next Door to
Tailor Shop.
To Make Room for My
Entire Stock of
Boots & Stioes
Now la the Tlm to
I Propose to Have
Leading Dry Goods Store
In the Valley.
Promptly attended.
and other tpeela
lit tor 0atima.
rate4, and ao itmtd on bnMan. Addraa
WiIkUUIU L.A Imklti, Him. BoMkr
ftJKr tod IMmti and KaMBPa thm
Mtwct tad ctrm rri
, tnfliriwiiwBrtin Ptr.
I A D IPCS MraHartathrirfil!iei3d
thy ecflnitxoa. FriinC iRfacti at oonttrii
tsionlr trt't to tl foiMtiaritr of fhs orfrinat.
iq ma xtrifouticit tu UKici tL aaa cT.
wr . oo: t nini ho Mr
tMmm e4 limm Boo
odmiIi in pnttmf.
Dr. MARTE MCOIOlNft CO., SLosia. X.
United States 1.axd timet. I
ttrx-piii C ity, OrrfciMi, January 12, 1S91.
Nutire Is hrrvtir friven that in compliance
itli the provinion of the act of Conpress of
lime 3. 1"7, piitittcrl "An act for the sale ol
: imlx-r lamln in the States of California, Ore
ifon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
Thomas K. Norris, of Havwards, countv of
Alameda. (State of California, has this rlT
nitfi in tins oltic Ins sworn statement o.
.'liV for the purchase of the 8. W. W of Sec.
No. 8. in Tp. No. 13 ri.. It. No. 3 E.. and will
itt'cr jrHf to show that the laud sou el it is
nore vatuaiile for its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish
hisVlniin to said land before the Kerister
nd Heceiver of this oftice at Oregon t'itr,
'.regoii, ou Wednesday, the 6th day of May,
He names as witnesses: C. Frowse, F. 1..
"iatcs, W.J. ltamacv and J. A. Collins, ail
jf HaywarUs, California.
Anvaiiff atl iwrwln cliiiniitier arfvar4tr
(he alovc-decntHd lands are retiested to
iile their claims in this office on or before
.fud (illi day of Slav, tfl.
J. T. AFl'EKSOX, Register.
Uniled Ptates Ijinrt Office,
Orcsou City, Oregon, Dec. 19, 1890.
Nollr ts hfrchy clven that In eompllnnce with
lie prorlKiuiiM ol the wt of (kmgress of June 8.
7. eftltlcil "An act for the sale of timber land
ii ihe stnfs of ( 'alifornia. Oreiron, Nevaila. and
VVanhliieton Territory," Frank l.ramlel. of l-"resiio.
fimiity t.f Kmnn, HtHte of t 'alifornia. has this day
lied iu tlil ollice his sworn statement No. 2399,
.'or the u in haj of the 8. E. i of l?oe. No. 12. in
Tp. No. Is H-f R. No. 3 E.. and will offer proof to
-licw Hint tho laii l sought is more Taltiable for iu
iimlM-r or alone than for agricultural pnr(KiMa. and
o elhlih his eluim to Raid land before the reg
ister anil let-elver of this ofliee at Oreiron t'iiy.
Dn-Koii. ou Widiicdny, the iTJd day of April, 1S91.
He nauie a ilne-: U. A. Bennett. F. Ran-nm-r.
J. It. Leu ta and O. Kofoed, all of Portland,
Any and all persons claiming- adversely the
iljove-defcrliied lands are requested to file their
Inlnis in thi oftice on or before aid 22tl dav of
April, 1RS1. J. T. APPEKSON, Kegtsler.
Cnlted States Ijinil Office,
Oreuou City, Oregon. lec. lo, 1890.
Notiee Is hereliy piven that in compliance with
the provision of the act of t'-onress of June 3,
IH7X. eutitleil "An act for the sale of timber lands
in the Slates of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
WashiiiKtoti Territory," Inuu lie Lanfte, of Sau
KranciMii, county of Sim Kranoteco, .state of Cali
rornia, has thtcd'ny tiled In this ollice his iworn
statement Ne. 'fM. for the ptirchase of the S. W.
of Sec. No. MS, In Tp. No. la 8., R. No. 2 E., and
will ofler pnsif to show that the land sonpht Is
more valuable for Us timber or stone than for ag
ricultural purpottes, and to establish his claim to
said laud before the retrlster and receiver of this
ollice at irefton City, Oregon, on Friday, the 17th
day of Aprii, 1H.
He names as witnesses, A. Andrien, T. Apltam,
P. Ie Iloyle aud Q, llayuin, all of tiau Francisco,
Any and all persons clalirine; adversely the
alove-decrlbcd lands are requested to tile their
claims in this oftice on or before said 17th day of
April, 1S91. J. T. A1TKKSON, Register.
I'nited States Land Oftice,
Oregon City, Oregon, January S, 1891.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with
the provisions of the act of Congress of June S,
1X7K, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands
fu the states of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory," August Bourdier, of San
Franeueo, county of San Francisco, fet&te of Cali
fornia, has this day filed in this office bis sworn
statemeut No. 2417. for the purchase of the E. of
8. V. i and Lots 3 and 4 ol Sec. No. M, in Tp. No.
13 8., R. No. 3 K., and will offer proof to show that
the laud sought is more valuable for its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish his claim to said land before the Register and
Receiver of this office at Oregon Citv, Oregon, on
Wednesdav, the 29th day of April, 1891.
He names as witnesses: Jean Ecke, Baptiste
Juanon, Michael Duffard and John Van Horn, all
of San Francisco, California.
Any ind all persons claiming adversely the
alsive-descrfbed lands are requested to file their
cluimi In this office on or before said 29th day ot
April, 1891. J. T. APPEESOS, Register.
i I IIUJ . -a.
r n, w ' - t. .a
Men's, Youth's and Boy's Clothing,
Also Keep on Second
In which I vrill not bo undersold. Come and see mo and
I will treat you well.
Merchant Tailor,
An Elegant Line of Suitings Kept
in Stock.
Cleaning and Repairing Promptly
and Neatly Done.
Only First-Class
Bat en hand a larga atock ot
Call And Secure Prices.
Vkitkb 8tatk Lakd Omc, 1
Oregon City, Oregon, Janilhry 12, 1881. f
Notice ia hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the eale of
timber lands in the States of California, Ore
son, Nevaiia, ami Washington Territory,"
James A. Collins, of Haywards, county of
Alameda, State of California, has this 'day
filed in this office his sworn statement No.
24, for the purchase of the N. W. J of Sec.
No. 8, in Tp. No. 13 S. 11- No. 3 E., and will
offer proof to show that the land sought ia
more valuable lor ita timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish
his claim to said land before the Register
and Receiver of this office at Oregon City,
Oregon, on Wednesday, the 6th day of May.
He names as witne?ses: Chas. Prowse.
Hiram P. Preston, Thos. K. Norris and
Frank 11. Gates, all of Haywards, Alameda
county, California.
Anv and all persons claiming adversely
the above-described lands are requested to
file their claims in this office on or befora
said 6th day of Ma v, 1891.
J. T. APPERSOX, Register.
Fnitid States Laud Office, I
Oregon City, Oregon, Dec 15, 1390.1
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the States of California, Ore-
fon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
Metre le Boyle, of San Francisco, county
of San Francisco, State of California, has
this dav filed in this office his sworn state
ment No. 2392, for the purchase of the S. E.
'i of Sec. No. 28, in Tp. No. 13 S., R. No. 2
K., and will offer proof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for ita timber
or stone than for agricultural purposes, and
uyesiaDtisn nis ciaim rosa:u una Deiore me
Register and Receiver of this office at Ore
gon Citv, Oregon, on Thursday, the 16th
dav of April, 1891.
He names as witnesses: A. Andrien, L.
Agliani, G. llayum and B. Lehman, all of
San Francisco, California.
Any and all persona claiming adversely
the above-described lands are requested to
file their claims in this office on or before
said lOth day of April, 1891.
J. T. APPERSOX, Register.
f United 8tates Land Office,
t Oregon City, Oregon, January 12, 1891.
Notice Is hereby given that tn compliance with
the provisions of the act of Congress of June S,
1878. entitled "An act for the sale of timber landa
in the) States of California. Oregon, Nevada, and
Washing-ton Territory," William J. Kamatre, of
Hay w rda, county of Alameda, 8 late of California,
has this day Sled in this office his sworn statement
No. 2-U-4, for the purchase oi the N. E. of Sec
No. 8, fin Tp. No. 13 8., K. No. 3 E and will offer
praof to show that the land sought Is more val
uable (for its timber or stone man tor agricultural
es, and to eatabiisft ins claim to saia tana
the Register and Receiver of this office at
i Citv. Oregon, on Wednesday, the 6th day
.- isal.
names as witnesses: J. A. Collins, F. H.
H. F. Preston ana l . fc. raorns, an oi ny-
, California,
aud ail persons claiming adversely the
-described lands are requested to file their
8 in tela omce on or Deiore saw om aay ia
1S91. J. T. ArrKKfcOJS, Kegmer.
for Bargains
Goods, Etc.
floor a full line of
Hotel in Lebanon.
You can buy any of tho
Cheap, of
Uloaden and
StonB Ulare, also
StaT Job Jf'ork done on Short Ifotio,
125,000 Brick
At my yard is tha snbnrba ot Lebanon
For Sale at Reasonable Rates.
All Kinds of
With Neatness and Despatch.
United States Land Office.
Oregon City. Oregon, Dec li, 1890l
Notice Is hereby given that tn compliance with
the provisions of the act of Congress of June S,
lff7 entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands
in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory," Loui Agliani, of San
Francisco, county of San Francisco. State of Cal
ifornia, has this day filed in this ofliee his sworn
statement No. 2393, for the purchase of the M. K.
of See. No. 'M, to Tp. No. 13 8., R. No. 2 and
w ill offer proof to show that the land sought ia
more valuable for ita timber or stone than for ag
ricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to
said land before the register and receiver of this
oftice at Oregon City, Oregon, on Friday, the 17tn
day of April, 181.
- He names as witnesses: L. le Lange. B. Leh
man, G. Hayrnn and A. Andrien, ail of San Fran
cisco, California.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file their
claims in this office on or before said lTtb day of
April, 1891. J. T. APPKRSON, Register. '
fnited States Land Office.
Oregon City, Oregon, Dec is, 1890.
Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with
the provisions of the act of Congress of Jnne S,
17S, entitled "An act fur the sale of timber lands
In the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory," Jewett H. Lewis, ot Fort
land, county of Multnomah, Istate of Oregon, bas
this day filed tn this office his sworn statement No.
2398. for the purchase of the X. E. W of Bee No.
12. In Tp. No. 13 8., R. No. 3 E., and will offer
prod to show that the land sought ia more valu
able for ita timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim to said land
befora the register and receiver of this otfieo at
Oregon Citv, Oregon, on Wedneaday, the sad day
of April. 1891.
He names as witnesses: Q. A. Bennett, F. San
somer and O. Kofoed, of Portland, Oregon, and
T. Bramlet, of Fresno, California.
Any and all persons claunmg adversely th
above-described land are requested to file their
claims in this office on or before said 22l day of
April, 1S9U v, J. T. APPERS1S, Restfter.