The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, March 20, 1891, Image 1

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He who thinks to please the World Is dullest of his kind; for let him face which way he will, one-half Is yet behind.
i .
7 :
.Cigais, Tobacco,
Groceries and Provisions
First-Glass Goods at Reasonable Prices.
Country Produce Taken in Exchange for
Shingles, Posts, Boards and Pickets.
v. c. r
Notary Public, i
Real Estate Brokers
choice B-A-Raiisrs
In Larffe and Small Farms. Best Fruit Land in Valley. Finest drain Ranches In
the world, improved ana l mmprovea urnw. rrom per -icrt- ami up.
lotten ttuaranteed. Have
in all Additions
Houses Rented and Farms Leased.
London Liverpool A Globe Insurants Co.
Guardian Assurance Co., of London.
Oakland Home Insurance Co., of Oakland, Cal.
Stat Insurance Co.. of Salem, Oregon.
Farmers' and Merchants' Ins. Co., of Salem
Oolleotions Receive F-romnt Attention.
pleasure in giving our patrons all information desired in our line of business.
Pure Drugs and Medicines, Taints, Oil, Glass,
CfBee over First National Bank.
Dealer In
Groceries and Provisions.
Tobacco and Ciprars,
Smokers' Articles.
Foreign and Domestic Fruits,
Queensware and Glassware, Lamps and
Lamp Fixtures.
Main Street. Lebanon, Oregon
Sncceasor to C. H. Harmon.)
Barber : and : Hairdresser.
Lebanon, Oregon.
. Shaving, Haircutting and Shampoo-
ing in the latest and best style. Spec-
i attention paid to dressing Ladies'
ir. Your patronage respectfully so-
Furnishing Goods,
on hand some . unit t-. till
Unslness. Baiffalns
the lowa.
Notary Business a Specialty. We take
Bank of Lebanon,
Transacts a General Banking Business.
Exchange sold on New York, San
T a licit co, Portland and Albany, Org.
Collections made on favorable terms
Tonsorial Artist
A Good Shave. Shampoo. Hair
Cut, Cleaned or Dressed.
Hot and Cold Baths at all Hours
Children Kindly treated. Calland see me.
"J: I ' Jit a
' 1. Vl
Meat Market
Fresh & Salted Beep, Pork, Mut
ton, Sausage, Bologna & Ham.
s I. i : ". t""" !
sit Z
r?l Air H
1 ' 1
Main Street, Tlwi, Ore.
-iTCDjist News.
W. E. Hlokpv. n ratlnnl inan.Grt'U
Dalton, Cole Dalton ami Jaok Parker
havo lHen tttwstetl for theAlilant-
tompteil train iThbMy. ExmvPB Mps-st-ngiT
HojwU, who !lnl tlirniKh
ho (loornrtno car sun neuron ine
robbers away, is still btlievvl by th
railroad nuu to have killtnl the ilre
tnan ami tho express compnny has
been forced to take him olT the road
a!nl ?ive him a posit ion at IjO Angeles.
The sale of intoxicants to persons
under It years of aire has been pro
hibited by law.
.The senate has passed a woman
suffrage bill. -
The larffe barn of John Mozzero, a
rancher near Volcano, was destroyed
by tire the other night. Eleven head
of cattle and a quantity of hay were
lost in the tlatnes. The damage was
$1000, on which there waa no insurane.
John Mayvllle waa badly burned
while putting out a tire in a house ov.
the rancho Olileo March a. The house
was damaged f 15hj worth.
Chnrlea James, n tramp, stabbed O.
Halley when the lntter elected him
from his saloon at Willows and was
Julius Drevfus. a San Francisco
Intmmer, committed suicide at Husan-
villo March 6.
sapa rorsTT.
Alfred Chrlstin endcul a siree by
blowing the top of his head off at Napa
March 6.
T. P. Owen has been convicted of
horse stealing.
tleorure Btone and Mrs. (Ireen left
Lincoln between two days and were
arrested at Marysville n warrants
sworn out by Airs. Htone charging
Httne with desertion anil Mrs. Ureen
with larceny.
Archibald Freeman, one of the par
ticipants In the Moosaeanyou tragedy,
nas ueen uonnn over rr iriai. jcx-
J ust lee V. ll.linwiddie, on whose
illetral warrant the ofllcera were art-
Ing, Is on Freeman's bond.
The strikincr iron molders have re
sumed their assaults on non-union
men and three were badlv leBten
March 8.
The Occidental board of foreign
missions of the Presbyterian church
has undertaken n war on the system
of holding Chinese girls in slavery in
San Francisco.
St. Luke's hospital is to mortgage
its property for flfi.wto.
Several cases of consumption have
loen declared cured by the use of the
Koch lymph in San Francisco.
E. J. Still well, an Examiner reporter,
paid 1400 to El wood Bruner, essembly
man from Sacramento, for a place on
the San Francisco oliee force. He
did not get it, and has sued for the re
turn of the 1400. Bruner says he knew
there was a plot to "down him," and
took tne moaey ana ueposiiea it wun
friends to await result, He says he
did not know the San Fraucisco iolico
mmissioners and hail no places for
An Incendiary fire March 3 de
stroyed J. C. Hoult & Sons' harvester
works at Stockton, with twenty-two
The county courthouse Is lighted
with natural gas from the county's
own well.
Charles II. Ackerson of San Fran
cisco escaped from Dr. Clark's private
insane asylum Jr el), iii ami his uoiy
has been found where he drowned
While standing near a brush fire on
her father's place nenr Fresno the
other day the dress of a little child.
Hannah T. Toft, caught tire. The
names were extinguished before any
harm was done, but the shock was so
great that It undermined the child's
health and in a few days she died.
Constable William O. Lane, who got
drunk and murdered William Can
field in a disreputable house at San
ger, has been convietea or municr,
with a recommendation of imprison
ment for life.
The United States brought suit for
the forfeiture of the bond of the Fruit
vale wine company, whose secretary
is in prison for evading the revenue
laws, but the suit was lost because the
lonil stated that the wjnrry was at
Fresno while it was three miles from
that city.
A sister of the murdered man, John
Ivett, has been found in England and
will claim a share of his property.
John Sullivan of San Francisco was
run over and killed by a train near
Merced March 2.
San Jose has over 1500,000 worth of
buildings in course of construction.
The Watsonville sugar factory made
$40,000 last year.
A fire started in the postofflce build
ing at Moot the other morning, and
before it could be extinguished had
burned out a board ing- house and
butcher shoo. The total damage was
$2100, of which $500 was secured by
A. P. Overton contracted with sev
eral Santa Kosa business men to pay
him a high rent for one of his build
ings if he would secure the removal
of the postofflce to the vicinity. He
got the the postofflce. Some of the
men refused to pay tne rent, iiesuea
for it. The superior court decides
that the contracts are void, being
against public policy.
Petaluma has an improvement as
sociation with a large membership.
The Fremont house, the Midget
saloon and (Jneg ic ierner s wrare;
house at Fortuna burned March 5.
The cause is thought to be incendiary.
This is the third time the Fremont
house was set on fire. Total loss of
all the buildings, which are fully in
Collins and Burke, employes at the
home for feeble-minded children at
Glen Ellen, had a fight March 6 in
which one of Burke's eyes was gouged
Dick Haglin has been arrested on
suspicion that he murdered his fat her
near Pnske'.ita.
Works for the refining of petroleum
are about to be constructed at Ven
tura. They will have a capacity of
from thirty to forty tons a day.
The levee broko opposite Sacra
mento March 4 and Hooded fields.
orchards and vineyards.
W. F. Patton and George Burton
have been Identified as the two foot
pads who have committed several
violent assaults in Marysville of late.
A tornado, or whirlwind, started In
Brown's valley March 5 and passed
between Marysville and Wheatland.
It tore up everything in Its course,
demolished taukhouscs, bams and
fences, took fence panels lfto yards In
the air and moved a 1500-jound barley
crusher twenty feet. It went very
slowly and In a zigzag course. No
lives were lost. ? .
'.Fifteen-year-old Willie Day took
refuge during a shower tinder some
lundier at the Southern Pacific yards.
In Oakland. G. W. Alburn, a watch
man, ordered him away and as he waa
running shot him In the leg and then
went awav, leaving the boy lying
where he fell. Willie will be a cripple
fir life.
Oregon gave nothing for the world'a
fair. Washington gave floo.utK). -
Among the items of damage by the
storm at Ensenada are the destruction
of the soai factory, damage to the
woolen mill, the entire washing away
of 100 acres of wheat and the destruc
tion of most of the roods.
Arrangements have loeu iado to
run through trains from St. Paul over
the Great Northern's own line to
Winning, then over the Cnnadlau
Pacific to New Westminster, over the
New Westndnster Southern to the
boundary, over the Fairhaven and
Southern to Sedro, and on the Seattle,
Lake Shore and Eastern to Seattle.
Yuma presents a scene of desolation
which no n picture can adequately
describe. From the hill at the prison
one looks down on the ruins of almost
the entire city. Among the heaviest
losers here are: H. W. Blaisdell,
$15,000; Althce Modest i, $:12,0U0; An
telope Canal company, $10,ooo ; Ancient
Order of United Workmen lodge,
$4000; J. Molina, f'21,000; Sisters of
St. Joseph, ftOUO; F. L. Ewing, 14000;
A. G. Kingcld, $70OO; Jesus lledondo,
$M000; Juana B. Smith. $'JOOO; Gon-
fonro & Sanguinetti, $:0.KH; Chris
Horner. $-25,Kjo; Isaac Lew, $15, noo;
Charles Baker, $5000; G. M. Thin low,
$5000; O. F. Townsend, $5075. Others
lost from $100 to $30O0 each.
A Mexican woman and five children
were drowned at Solomon ville while
endeavoring to cross the Gila river on
a raft during the flood.
The legislature has passed a law
exempting from taxation for twenty
years all railroads begun within six
months and completed within three
It Is reported that Manuel Verdugo,
who broke jaii after being sentenced
to death for murdering Louis Cohn,
the merchant, at Nogales, has leen
caught In Mexico and shot for some
offense committed there.
The steamer Gila went to the Coco-
pah reservation to rescue some fam
ilies who were perched on the tops of
houses. Ihe Colorado went down
very fast In the night and by morning
the steamer was six feet above water
on a sandbar.
Dispatches from Bellevue say that
Alturas and Logan counties are in a
state of anarchy Weauso all the
officers have leen legislated out of
office by the passage of the law crcat.
Ing Alta ami Lincoln counties. It will
Ik some time lofore the new officers
to le appointed by the governor can
nualirv. Justices or tne toaee are
throwing cases out of court for alleged
want of jurisdiction. No legal papor
can ie recorded. Auseondiug credi
tors have a light of way out of the
county, and even the treasurer of
Logan county refuses to receipt for
money oiierea to im pain into me
Mischievous loys gained entrance
to an old powder-house near Austin
some days ago and. tired aixxit loo
pounds of black powder and two cases
of giant. The building was blown
Into splinters and the explosion was
heart! tor miles, but tne ooys esca'd
Cash V. Willey committed suicid
at Carson March 0 on account of do
mestic trouble.
A wolf killed Robert Chaves' baby
at Hillsboro while the family was out
driving wolves off from a flock of
goats and the baby was in the house.
Albuquerque will bo a city after the
April election.
Georgo Tucker, a young man, has
been lost In the Cascade mountains
east of Eugene, which are covered
with snow to the depth of 8 feet. It
is three weeks since he disappeared
and all hoie of recovering him alive
has been given up.
The people of Eugene arc pulling
hard for a road to the Blue ltiver
An unknown man called Mrs. Mar
tha Hall to her door the other evening
and stabbed her in the throat, missing
the Jugular vein by a scratch.
B. N. Boone, a contractor of Port
Townsend, while temorarily insane
from drink and loss or money, blew
his brains outieb. 20.
The North Yakima City council has
sold $30,000 worth of city bonds to a
firm of Chicago bankers for $27,000.
B. Y. Hampton and Charles Spears,
miners, were caught in a snowslide
the other evening at Boulder Camp,
twenty miles above Ketehum, anil
The wife of Joseph Rule, a bartender
of Seattle, has given birth to triplets
two boys and a girl. Both of the boys
died shortly after birth.
There is a proposition on foot in
Seattle to establisli there a plant for
drying the codfish caught in Alaskan
waters and making Seattle the great
distributing point for fish on the
Pacific coast.
Alexander has been proclaimed king
of Servia.
The German emperor indulges in
ugly talk about France and Caprivi
haa given notice that he will resign
next fall.
General News.
The Chicago presbytery has voted
against deaconesses.
Two of the -murderers of Chief of
Police Ilennessy at New Orleans have
een Identified bv an eve-wltness.
Politz, one of the accused, has also
made a partial confession to the effect
that the chief was killed by tools of
the Mafia.
Twenty-four oysterm? n. most of
them colored, were drowned during a
gale on the lower James river In Vir
ginia the last week in February.
Kansas has prohibited the acqui
sition of land by aliens and provided
that land hew by aliens, if not dls-
osml of within seven yearsj shall Ik
orfelted to the state.
Twenty-live Illicit stills were seized
near Jacksonville, luv., recently.
Jay Gould habitually pays a fine
rather than do jury duty.
Emma Abbott' Ixvly wax cremated
at Pittsburg, according to her request.
The railroad commission believes
the government should fix all freight
and passenger charges.
Several leaders of the striking
miners at Scottdale. Pa., hare 'xeu
arrested for conspiracy and rioting.
The rail mills of the Illinois steel
works at Jollet have shut down owing
to trouble about wages.
A lot of Bohemians who went to
work on a railroad -near the Poca
hontas coal mines In Went Virginia
report that they are half starved.
nearly naked, ami are driven to work,
K or well, by men on horseback
who flog them brutally. They are not
permitted to e goal.'
Chataoua county. Kas.. Is oiiaran-
tined on account of the spread of
smallpox among the farmers.
The threatened strike on the Penn-
Ivania railroad did not take place,
le men learning that the company
was prepared to fill their places.
Five men disobeyed orders by tak
ngoien lumps into the Nottingham
mine at Plymouth, Pa,, March 4, and
an explosion killed two of them and
badly Injured the other three.
The United States government ex
ecta to have a preliminary survey of
he proposed North and South Ameri
can railroad, from this country to
ltnizil, completed in eighteen mouths.
Seventy million dollars has been ex
tended on the new American navy
and $G3,ooo,ooo more is wanted to
complete it ami make It the most
effective In the world.
After a ten-week strike, which made
a difference of $1,000,000 in the wages
earned, MtO0 miners In the Mononga
hela valley got an advance of half a
cent a bushel and went tack to work.
Charles F. Clark, president E. M.
Heed, vice-president; William L.
Bishop, Jr., secretary: William L.
Squire, treasurer, and Chauneev M.
Hepew, l'unt K. Trowbridge, William
1). Bishop. Nathaniel Wheeler. Horace
C. ltohinson, Joseph Park, Henry S.
ijee, v niinm ltockerellcrand Leverett
Brainnrd, directors of the New York,
New Haven and Hartford -railroad,
have been arrested, charged bv a cor
oner's jury with homicide on account
of negligence which caused nn ex-
pl-fedon in the Fourth-avenue tunnel
In New York that killed several per
George White's house at New Lim
erick, Me., was burned March 6 with
his two children In it.
Hunt has been frozen out and the
Northern Pacific has secured his
roads and a monopoly.
The Dockers union has seceded
from the Federated Labor union of
Another carved woman has leen
found in London and the fear of Jack
the Biper is intense.
Italy is practicing retrenchment.
The French government has for
bidden gambling on horse races.
Carlos Ezeta Is elected and Installed
president of Salvador for the current
term or rour years.
The Argentine republic proposes an
export duty on meat, hides, hair and
other animal products, which eon
stitute the bulk of her exports. The
financial situation there seems to be
going from bad to worse.
An immense cotton plantation.
under government patronage, is to be
estaoiisned in itussiaa tJentral Asia.
It will have a monopoly in Russia
and it expects to produce cotton so
cheap as to drive American cotton out
or Lurope.
The three queens of tho Hervey
islands have prohibited the liquor
Bishop Reeves of the united dioceses
of Down, Connor and Dromore, Ire
land, has threatened the excoimnuni
cation of Parnell's sympathizer.
Tho British government opposes the
eight-hour day demanded by the
Tho increase of the French duty on
corn has caused some of the leading
distilleries to close.
Lieutenant Sivrlghl, the Italian
chief of police of Massowah, is accused
of murdering natives to confiscate
their possessions.
A convention of the Australasian
British colonies met at Sydney the
tlrst week in March to establish a fed
eration with a tscnate and house of
representatives which shall have prac
tically the same powers and duties as
the congress or the united States.
The world's tea crop is short and
prices aro expected to advance 10
cents a pound all around.
in tne Canadian election the gov
ernment majority in parliament was
so reduced that it is predicted that
the ministry cannot stand long with
out being again forced to appeal to
the people.
The Chilean rebellion continues to
gain strength.
The mayor and sheriff of Dublin are
treasurers of a Parnell campaign fund
which Is being raised.
A dispatch from Zanzibar states that
Wissmann has punished the Kibosh
tribe, aud in so doing has killod 200,
wounded CO and captured 50 of the
tribesmen. The German loss was two
men killed and fifteen wounded. The
Germans captured 60,000 head of cattle
and a quantity of ammunition and
ivory. They put the kibosh on tho
blacks, so to speak. "
There was a riot at Kolemea, Aus
tria, at the elections March 6, organ
ized by anti-semitics, who wrecked a
number of Jewish shops and ravaged
the Jewish cemetery, where not one
gravestone was left standing. One
Jew was killed.
Smokers should be smart enough to
know that the genuine "Seal of North
Carolina Plug Gut costs them no more
than poor Tobacco, which some dealers try
to force on them. ,
Current News.
Ths Last CongrviM.
The fifty-first congress of the United
States, which expired March 4, will be
principally remembered for its action
on four measures: The repeal of the
timber culture and pre-emption lawa;
the McKlnley tarriff bill, which
passed; the free coinage bill, which
was changed Into aii act requiring the
purchase by the government of 4,500,
000 ounces of silver a month, and the
Lodge election) bill, which irlshed
In the senate. ."
Among the bills which Ifeoame laws
are these : The copyright bill, private
land court bill, postal subsidy bill,
Indian depredat ions claim bill, timber
and pre-emption law repeal bill, cus
toms administrative bill, general land
forfeiture bill, bill to relieve the
supreme court by the establishment
of an Intermediate court of appeal,
United States Judges' salaries bill,
world's fair bill, Wyoming and Idaho
ad million bills, anti-lottery and anti
trust bills, reapportionment bill, im
migration bill, bill to ratify agree
ments with various Indian tribes and
pay the friendly Sioux $500,000, to re
duce the fees of icnsion agents, to
pay tho French tollatlon claims,
meat lnsection bill, bill to prevent
the imMrtatioii of adulterated food
and drink, live tattle and hog Inspec
tion bill, bill appropriating $1,000,000
for the Improvement of the Mississippi
river, to iermlt sorghum sugar manu
facturers to use alcohol without the
payment f a tax, to limit to GO per
cent of the rates diarged private par
ties the rates which the land grant
railroads shall charge for the trans
portation of government troops and
supplies, for the relief of the settlers
on the Northern Pacific mil road In
timity lands, to permit the export
of fermented liquors to a foreign
country without the payment of the
tax, to apply the proceeds of sales of
public lands and the receipts from
certain land grant railroads to sup-
tHrt agricultural and Industrial col
leges, and for the relief of telegraph
ojterators during the war.
Among the measures on which
neither house acted, except In some
cases bv committees, were the sub-
treasury and farm mortgage bills,
service pension bill. Canadian recip
rocity resolution, bill to encourage the
construction of an lnter-continental
railway, postal savings bank and
iHstal telegraph bills, Butler bill to
aid the negroes to migrate to Africa,
woman suffrage and prohibition con
stitutioiial amendments, income tax
bill, and various other radical finan
I'ial and iolitical measures. -
No appropriations were made to pay
the French spoliation cliams bill or
the claims of Pacific Coast states for
the return of the war tax, or to pay
the claims of Pacific railroads for
services rendered the government,
for the last two of which court judg
ments have been rendered. The sen
ate fought hard for these appropria
tions, but the house killed them.
Market Change.
Ban Francisco, March 9.
Potatoes are plentiful. Oregon Bur
banks are now crowding the market.
Humboldts are also in good supply;
1 cents a pound Is the extreme re
tail price. New potatoes have already
Poultry Is in demand, especially
young broilers. A carload of eastern
is looked for every day : $7 and $7 50
Is the wholesale price.
Butter has apparently no price at
present. The market is very heavily
stocked. All houses have more than
they wish to carry and are willing to
unload nt any price; 225i cents
pound is the Idghest price asked for
A few days since a carload of butter
was shipped here from the east, but
as prices declined the shipper tele
graphed not to sell it, but to return
the car intact. As about three-fourths
hail been sold, the car was filled with
California butter and returned. The
shipper will clear two or three cents a
pound after paying freight both ways,
Eggs are about equal to the demand
and 19 cents a dozen Is the highest
price paid for them among the jobbers.
They retail freely at 20 cents. They
do not accumulate now.
Hams are still weak. Competition
among eastern dealers seems to keep
the prices down. ihey will be no
higher at present.
Sugars have declined half a cent a
pound during the past week. We look
for further decline for weeks to come
2 cents a pound duty comes off in
April. Lookout!
Cheese is weak and lower.
Dried fnilts are selling slowly,
Stocks are light and there is not much
demand. Prunes are selling better
than others. Apples are coming into
Massacre In Madlgascar.
News or a horrible massacre comes
from Madagascar. Ramiasatra, gov
ernor of the province of Belanond
resenting a petition from the populace
to tho government to defend them
from cruelties, massacred 278 persons.
including men, women and children
belonging to the leading families.
The slaughter continued for several
days. The agonies of the victims
were in many cases protracted. Some
times their limbs were gradually dis
membered, their heads were sawed
off, and their bodies thrown to the
dogs. .
Many of the women were outraged
The survivers were forced to erect
trophy, composed of the heads of the
victims. Popular fury has caused the
government to announce that the
offenders will be punished.
The ladies of Oakland are moving
fenergetically for the establishment of
cnnio lor the poor.
Farm Notes.
; Valtta of fatal pa Trt.
As shade trees they are especially
desirable alout the home lot. They
are of rapid growth, and are easily
grown from the seed ; their brood
leaves while adding much to their
beauty are better adapted for shading
ian those of many other trees ; their
owers while In season are both pretty
nd fragrant; the trees will bear "cut-
ng In " better than most others, and
an be pruned even to the trunks
every season If desirable, and will but
throw out tatter growth, their vigor
Is so great. Freshly pruned, they pre
sent, the first season, quite a unique
apearauee with great clusters of
tropical-like leaves that soon develop
nto branches.
Every farmer knows, who has raised
the trees, that they make the best
fence posts, and that a fence thus pro-
ided will outlast three others, the
wood Is so Indestructible. Branches
trimmed from the main stem and
used as profis for Lima beans in the
garden have been In use many years
and are as gd as ever. It is said to
be the firmest and best wood for the
use of railroad ties and for wliatever
use an Indestructible wood is needed.
Why then should we not grow more
atalpa trees? They are good ehade
trees for the street, Invaluable at home
for the same pnrpose, while as orna
mental trees they have always won
favor. I never look at the great trunk
f some old eatalpa tree but X think
f the boon it will some day be to the
economical fence maker that is if
fences are In vogue In the future.
Vick's Magazine.
Hens for FreHt.
Madison Avenue writes for the Pasa
dena Star as follows : In the opinion
of the writer, hens may be mad to
pay. Starting about two years ago
novice In the business with a dozen
fowls for the purpose of securing a
few fresh eggs for home use, to-day
my flock numbers 2, including two
roosters, and while my neighbors and
friends are complaining very gener-
lly of their hens laying scarcely any
eggs, mine are averaging nearly ten
day right along, t or curiosity, a
recoid was kept for the month of
November just passed, the product of
which amounted to 290 eggs, and still
tne work goes on. It Is un
doubtedly more profitable for a family
to keep a few hens and take good care
of them than to have a large number
and allow them to shift for themselves,
The matter of feed is of the greatest
mportance and after experimenting
with the various kinds I have settled
down to the following combination as
possessing a large amount of egg-
producing elements, all of which the
dealer thoroughly mixes when pur
chased, viz. : Rolled barley 25 pounds,
cracked corn 20 pounds, bran 25
pounds, whole wheat 10 pounds, shorts
5 pounds, oilmeal 5 pounds, making
100 pounds. Of the above mixture I
give my hens two quarts, wet with
scalding hot water, in the morning,
and toward night they get a full pint
of wheat. Theyareshutup until mid
die of afternoon, when they have ac
cess to green grass, clover, etc., while
before them in tneir corral is always a
supply of cracked bone, fine gravel
and fresh water. I would here state
that for variety of fowl I have a mix
ture of Wvandotte. Plvmouth Roelr
and Light Brahma, ami the eggs for
Bize are not excelled.
Kerosene Kmnlatoa as a Sheep XNp.
It should not be necessary to urge
upon him who owns sheep the Im
portance of ridding his flock of ticks
or other parasitic insects that annoy
them. There seems to be a common
but mistaken opinion that only poor,
unprofitable animals will get " lousy.
Certain individuals in a flock or herd
on account of a tender skin or other
peculiarities are preferred by the ticks
or lice, as the cae may be, and In
consequence they congregate upon
these animals in large numbers. The
first step necessary to be taken to get
such an animal in good condition is
to free it of parasites. This can be so
cheaply and easily done by the use of
kerosene emulsion, a mixture of kero
sene, soap and water, substances that
are always at hand, that it seems en
tirely Inexcusable for a man to allow
his domestic animals, and his pocket
book as well, to suffer from these
causes. C. P. Gillett, Iowa Experi
ment Station.
Planting Vineyards at Night.
A scene characteristic of California's
enterprise and push can be found in
the vineyards of Fresno county, where
hundreds of men may be seen plant
ing grape vines at night by lantern
light. To the wondering observer the
vineyard lands seem to be infested
with a multitude of huge fireflies.
which are darting and moving in
every direction. It is claimed by the
vineyardists who are planting vines
at night that the setting of the stakes
can be done much more easily and
accurately by the aid of lanterns than
in broad daylight ; that more work is
accomplished by the men in the same
number of hours and that a large
amount of time is saved. The one
set of men work from 9 o'clock in the
evening until 6 o'clock in the morn
ing when they are relieved by another
relay. California Fruit Grower.
The question is often asked why
popcorn sometimes fails at the critical
moment to pop. The trouble is that
the corn has either been pulled too
green or has become too dry. In the
former case the skin would be too
tender to retain the heated air until
the explosion took place, and in the
latter case the skin is so brittle that
the air escapes without bursting the
kernel. If the corn i too dry, which
is most frequently the trouble, im
merse the unshelled ears half a minute
ia water and the grains will pop with
a delightful exuberance, California
Fotit Grower.
Tne Woman Whose Mission Wat to Bene.
lit the Unman Race.
She was about 40 year old, perhap
not eo much, says tbe N. Y Herat J. ,
but her face had a look of much tod
cold experience la the . world, look
not at ail disgutseu by the nanil-niade
s in ilo the wore like a veil. , She wjul
tall and well-dressed, but just a trj
over-dressed. She came into tue
Boston express at Bridgeport and
steered straight for a seat beoide a nice, .
tiue-naired old Jauy. altnoug-n there
were eix or seven empty seats in the
The old lady had a little girl travel
ng with her, aod the train Hadn't left -
the station before she of tbe smile had
fed tbe child with candy and asked the
old lady if tbe pretty little girl was her
aaugnter. ro. tier granuaaugbierr
How strange! Then sbe edged op a ,
little closer and turned os another '
valve of talk. How old was tbe little
girl? Fire years? How strange! She '
erself bad lost a little girl of just tbat
age her only child. Children led to -
home. Didn't tbe nice old lady lore
home " And where was her home
Ob, Sunbury, Mass. Oh. Indeed: a
most beautiful place she bad heard.
lea. Indeed, stie did love Home but
her own home had been broken op by
the death of ber child, and how the .
and her husband were traveling try-
ing to do good to the human race. i
Didn't the old lady like to do good'
Oli. yes. if one hail tbe means; that's
very true. And tbe old lady baa some "
means witn wiiicn she aaa tried to do
what good she could? Admirable! .
Splendid! That's what she of the smile
believed In.
About all tbe floodgates of talk were
wide open now. and tbe stream wag
flowing amootblr. ebe of tbe smile
didn't care for money for herself. Ail
they cared for was to do good with
their money. It was so charming to
meet some one who held tbasame view.
Now, one of the cherished plans for
tbe benefit of the human race was tbe
establishment of tbe old ladies' borne.
Waa tbat a beneficent project? Yes in
deed. So glad to find tbe old lady ap
proved of it. We bad got together
about enough money to begin work;
Providence (walling ber eyes) had
opened a way by which the rest could
be secured. 1 be way waa thus: X ears
go ber husband had ' come Into
possession of a gold mine. ' Shares in
this mine be was now aispostng ox at
$100 each. They would be worth
$1,000 each within a year. Then tbe
happy possessors could do just so much
more good for the human race.
J. be train bad passed Mott Haven
now, and sbe of tne smile was exhibit
ing considerable nervousness and
baste. By the way sbe bad one of tbe
shares with her. Pe'liaps that nice old
lady would like one 'o help along the
fund of the home.: With that sbe made
a reach Into her valine. The trais waa
just coming to a stop in tbe Grand
Uentral station, the nice old lady
got op, took ber baggage and ber
granddaughter in hand, and leaned,
over the still smiling benefactor of tbe
human race.
"I have to thank you, madame. she
said, ' for the most entertaining a fter
noon I bare spent in some time. Bat
I am not quite so green as I look."
The band-made smile disappeared
then for the first time, and left a face
that looked ten years older, and some
what bard and crueL And tbat was
the la9t the passengers who watched
the little drama with intense interest
saw of the nice old lady or sbe of tne
New-Born Intmnts.
According to a Yorkshire (England)
notion a new-born infant should be
placed in the arms of a maiden before
it is touched by any one else; and in
some instances its right band is bound
in a cloth during tbe first day of its
existence in order tbat it may gatber
riches when grown to manhood or
womanhood estate. In many parts of
the United States, Germany, France,
and Holland, as well as throughout the
British isles, it is considered very im
portant that an infant should "go ap
before it goes down in the world.
Thus, if a child is born in the lower
story of a house it is instantly bundled
np by one of the old women and car
ried up-stairs; if tbe event occurs in
tbe upper story the same old woman
is expected to take tbe ctuid . in ber
arms and clamber upon tbe top of tbe
table, bureau, or even a chair, any
thing to get the little one up in the
In the north of England when a child
is taken from the house for tbe first
time, it is given an egg, some salt, and
a little loaf of bread, and occasionally
a small niece of money these gifts"
being supposed to insure the child
agaiuet ever standing in need of tbe
common necessaries of life. In the
East Riding of Yorkshire a few matches
are added to light the child to heaven.
In Holland, Sweden, Norway, Poland,
and parts of Russia tbe mother of a
new-born babe, if not too poor, pro
vides a small cheese, which is cut in
small slices and distributed among the
unmarried ladies of ths neighborhood.
Any young lady who receives her share
of the cheese and eats it without ask
ing where it came from and who sent
it, will meet her future husband at . a
cross-path or cross-roads' within a
month. In Northumberland a cake
called the "dreaming bread" is dis
tributed in the same way. the young
ladies who partake of it being sap
posed to dream of their future bus
bands the same nischt. In the United
States, as well as in many other
countries, a book, a piece of money,
and a bottle of liquor Is placed before
an infant the day it is one year Old. -the
object being to test what its after
inclinations wi ribe- -
An Attempted "Kitchen Robbery.
The mistress of a suburban house
hold undertook to relieve her domestic
perplexities in an extraordinary way.
A second suburban chatelain was seat
ed one day last week at her window
sewing when she saw a carriage with
liveried coachman halt at ber door.
Presuming a caller bad arrived,
though not recognizing the estab '
lishment, she was surprised to see the
coachman descend, and, avoiding ttt
main entrance, vanish kitchenward. T
a few minutes he reappeared, esco '
ing her cook to the carriage, wh
she remained for several minute,'
conversation with its occupant. TV .
the cook retired, the coachman f
mounted, and the carriage was djr
away. It was a clear, andrto t'.
credit of woman be it said, a most
usual case of attempted kitchen " -bery.
It is satisfactory to be - V
further report that the cook e"
Rented such a manifest "outrag - r 1 V
clined to make the sujgr -.- . .
in her employer. N. Jr. ' .