The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, March 13, 1891, Image 3

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Lebanon Express.-
FRIDAY MAKCH 13, 1891.
.-.1 1 j
Better health.
lA-banoiv cnnal.
Mining fever rising.
lousiness la reviving
Bui Kiln s boom begun.
T. C. Feebler'a groceries.
Twenty-thousand-dollar mill.
Go to B. P. Bach for boots and ehoes.
Try one of IVebler's favorite 5e.
T. C. Pecbler gives 10 ouuot-a for on
For fine coffee and tea go to T. CV
Remember Monday night at M. E.
church, 8 o'clock.
Lew Johnson's mlustrela, Thursday
evening, March 12.
F. M. French, the Jeweler, Albany,
keeps railroad time.
A little daughter of Harvey Cross is afflic
ted with typhoid fever.
Go to T. C. IVebler's and get 17 lbs.
Extra C sugar, ft 00.
II. Vroom has erected the frame of
his baru on Vine street.
Remember T. C. Feebler pays cash
for all kinds of produce.
Lebanon Express, the leading pa
per, only f 1 60 per year.
All good deliverd free of charge
from T. C. IVebler's store.
For choice groceries at bed-rock
prices, go to T. C IVebler's.
Rumor points to the Chinese quarters
as a juvenile gambling house.
T. C ieebler keeps Schillings' best
apices and extracts. Try them.
Mat. Lonsberry added a sew piece of
furniture to this oft ice last week.
- Miss Stella Ames, the elocutionist,
at the M. K. church Monday night.
Carpenters are framing tho timbers
for the addition to A. Dodge's barn.
8. P. Bach sells good Brownsville
roller process flour for $ 1 10 per sack.
The press speaks very highly of
Miss Stella Ames as a dramatic reader.
The Lebanon Literary Society will
meet In Union Hall Monday night
8. P. Bach keeps a line of Ixwts and
shoes as well as Brownsville woolen
The Barrett comedy company will
play here next Tuesday and Wednes
day evenings.
treat to the people of Leb-
"anon; don t miss it; .Miss Ames at
M. E. church.
O. W. Wheelsr has sold his mill,
but net his lumber; call on him for
building lumber.
Dr. Lamborson has rented the old
school house in which to store his caa
cara bark this year.
As soon as the weather settles we
shall have a man in the field canvass
ing for the Express.
Come on, let's go over to Cruson A
Meneies' hardware store and see tiie
new Oliver steel plows.
Merchant Bodwell will remove his
. st-ck of goods to Port Towuseud about
the 20th of this mouth.
The carpenters are getting every
thing ready for the erection of three
line cottages for J. A. lieard.
Licenses to marrv have been issued
J.F. itains and Willia Queener, and
It. E. Lee Miller and Edith Miller
Mountain Lodge, N, 103, 1. O. O F.
was instituted in Drain two week ago
with a membership of twenty-three.
The parties who bought G. W.
Wheelei 'ssaw mtll removed their plant
to Sweet Home or vicinity this week.
There should be a general cleaning
up of the back yards, alleys and streets
to insure good health the coming sea
son. TheEpworth League of M. E. church
intend to give several entertainments
in the future, of which Mia Ames is
Several strangers arrived by Friday's
train. As spring approaches the
number of new-comers continues to in
crease. There were rumors of a tornado Pun
day night; judging by the noise there
were every thing in the air except
Laides, do not fail to see the stock of
fine S. K. and C. P. corsets from the
East at Montague's. Satisfaction guar
anteed. It now looks like every village ahd
hamlet in Oregon is to have a news
paper. Certainly, Oregon is a prosperous
Before another summer passes, the
Odd Fellows of Crawfordsville will
have a new hall in which to hold their
The late snow and the abundant
rains which have fallen within the
past three weeks have dissipated all
fears of drought.
Miss Ames's readings are very de-JlgttffwL--
She renders comedy
"aud dramatic selections with equal suc
cess. Oregon ian.
Forepaugh's circus will visit the val
ley the coming season and you cannot
conceal it from the little folks how
ever hard you try.
O. Lovelee our merchant tailor,
bids everybody look out for his new
advertisement next week, advertising
his stock of spring goods.
After going to Cruson & Menzies'
hardware store and getting prices, we
find that they are selling goods as low
as any place in the valley.
' J. R. Wyatt, deputy prosecuting- at
torney, appeared in bobalf of tlie State
In the prosecution of Thos. James for
house-breaking, yesterday.
If you think the buildiug of the Leb
canal is an impracticable scheme, you
have not beard the latest that can be
said in favor of t he enterprise,
C. C. Hackleman had just room
enough by packing his boots and shoes
" from floor to ceiling, for one more box
of goods, and that arrived last week.
Clint Gordon went to Albany the
first of the week, presumably to sue for a that seems to be the business
that demands most attention at pres
ent. Farmers and business men needing
posters, letter heads, bill heads, note
heads, statements any and all kinds
of job work, are asked to call at this
Mr. Cheney, a newspaper man from
Dakota, was in Lebanon Saturday.
Mr. Cheney has two or three news
paper plants and is looking for a lo
cation. There will be a farewell social given
to Rev. Marcetlus and family, at the
residence of J. J. Swan, on Friday
evening, March 13. All are cordially
Next Sunday evening the Epworth
- feacrue will eupy the hour of service
he M. E. church. An interesting
-am. .Come and seethe Leagne
Some ef the city's money could lie
well spent In covering the' bell tower
ami in buying some new hose. It I
well enough to provide against con
tingencies. Married, nt the home of (he bride's
parents, liiKautlam ptvelnet. Wednes
day, March 11, Hev. O. H. Hanlelter
nftlciatlmr, W. H. Paul and Lllla D.
Mm Ames's recitations at our
church delighted her large audience.
M. 1). Buck, Pastor of the
Powell-street Church, San Francisco,
Aug. 10, 1WH.
It looks llko Cruson Menxies In
tended to sell every farmer a plow,
iudging from their Mock of Oliver,
Blsaell, John Deer, J. I. Caw and Nor
wegian plows.
Died, near Providence church In the
forks of the Santiam, on last Friday,
Mrs. H. Payne. IV-eeased leaves a
husband and four children to mourn
her untimely departure.
All who know themselves to be in
debted to the Exprfss would oblige us
by settling the old score and paying the
small sum of 91 50 for the paper and
receive it for a whole year.
Rev. C A. McDonald Is agent for
the famous Kp worth pianos and
orjrans, which for tone, durability and
finish, are unexcelled. Inquire at Ex
press office for prices and terms.
If your are sutlcrlng with weak or In
flamed eyes, or granulated eyelids, you
can Im d'ulekly cured by using Dr. J.
II. Mclean's Strengthening Eye Salve.
25 cents a box, at J. A. Beards.
The recent teachers' examination In
Albany resulted In the granting of
certificates a follows: Two first grades,
seven second grades and sixteen third
grades. There were thirty-four failures.
One of the literati? recce ntly Inquired
of us about the defunct literary society.
Had he leen a reader of the Ex muss
he would have In-en abreast of the
times; as it Is he Is living In Dei-ember,
The meetings which were legun In
the C. P. church last Thursday night
are being protracted by the Baptists
under the leadership of Hev. Lamar.
Everybody Is iuvited to these meet
ings. J. It. Thompson of Tallman fell last
week from the roof of a shed a dis
tance of alnut ten feet and was
pretty badly hurt. We have not
learned whether or not any phones
were broken.
IO baiion will have a circulating li
brary soon. A membership of twentv-
flve was secured with little ellortj
giving ns seventy-five volumes as a
nucleus for a good library, at a cost of
f-3 SO to each hiembr.
One of our citizens was hauling
smutty poles for fuel the first of the
week ami it oeciirrd to us that twice
burned wood when cut six inches too
lonsr for the flr lint should i-rnwtinun
good grounds for a divorce.
Mrs. G. W. Rice, our fashionable
milliner, wishes to announce to her
many customers that she has Just been
to the Metropolis and purchased a full
line of goods of the latest at vies. Four
doors north of the St. Chartes.
Everybody Is hereby notified that
the Lebanon Literary Society will
meet in Union hall next Monday even
ing. The meetings of that society will
continue uninterrupted hereafter, and
we hope that everyone will contribute
to its success.
The prospect for a peach crop In this
section is good. We asked a each
i: rower last week. If the peach crop I
a sure crop In Linn county; he saM
hU crop hed never failed but once and
he has been raising this kind of fruit
for many years.
Bev. E. E. Thompson, of the Cumber
land Presbyterian church, returned t
Portland Tuesday morning. He goes
to the Metropolis nft r his family, hav
ing been engaged by tbe C 1. church
of this place as their resident pastor
for the next year.
The city council have made a good
beginning. They are draining that
pond in the north end of town and
we are told that a few more wells will
e mnk in different parts of the town.
This is greatly necessary in the event
that fire breaks out.
A man by the name of Thos. James
and claiming to I a cousin to Jesse
James, was arrested In Sweet Home
this week on a Charge of house-breaking.
The accused waa given a pre
liminary hearing before Justice Wal
lace Monday evening.
There are many accidents and dis
eases which effect Stock and cause se
rious inconvenience and loss to the
farmer in his work, which may be
quickly remedied by the use of Dr. J.
H. McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment.
For sale by J. A. Beard.
A gentleman from a neighboring
town was in Lebanon last week in
quiring alxuit our facilities for manu
factories of various kinds. We could
only point him to our prospective canal
and if that fail we fear that we have
established a first-class reputation as
a liar.
Lebanon Fire Company held their
annual election Monday night, with
the following result: President, S. M.
Garland; vice president, P.. L. McClure;
foreman, W. C Peterson; first assist
ant, Joel Mayer; second assistant, Al
vin Williams; secretary, John Hope;
treasurer, J. A. Roberts.
If our Eastern friends who contem
plate emigrating to the Pacific coast
will purchase their tickets for Linn
county, they will save money and un
nccesssary traveling over the country.
If one (it matters not what his calling)
cannot find a home in Linn county,
we have but little hope of his locating
on the coast.
A correspondent for the Salem
Statesman says H. B. Munson, late of
Nebraska, residing on State street, con
templates applying for a valuable pat
ent, which will be of great benefit to
real estate agents. It must be an unique
invention; we thought that -business
had well-nigh attained to perfection.
Perhaps it is a talking machine.
When we get that canal through
Lebanon (and we'iecl assured that we
will get it this year) there will be no
better location for a $20,000 flaur mill
in ail the valley than herein Lebanon.
In addtion to that there will be an ex
cellent opening for an oat-meal mill.
Men of capital, and casting about for a
business, will do well to boar this in
At a crongregational meeting of the
Prespyteriau church at Oregon City,
Monday night, a call was extended to
Rev. Giboney to become settled pastor
of the church in that city. Mr. Gib
oney has been with the church since
January 1, 1S90. He received a unan
imous call at the meeting Monday
night, and bis sajary was increased to
$1100 per annum.
We wish to announce to the public
! that we have a large stock of wagons,
i buggies, hueks and carts coming direct
I from the factory in the East. We have
1 selected these goods to suit the climate,
I roads and people of this vicinity, and
! we cordially invite all those wishing
' to buy anything in this line of goods
to call ou us before purchasing else
where. Cruson & Menzies.
Mr. G. M. Westfall, who recently re
turned from a visit in Iowa, tells us
that the Express is appreciated in that
conntry. The people read it before
reading their home paper. Are there
not two or three hundred readers of the
Expbess who would like to make glad
Eastern households by sending them
j a paper which will kecpthem informed
I as to your whereabouts, what you are
doing, etc?
Died, In Waterloo, Tuesday monthly,
Mrs. Sarah tlro-no. Funeral services
were conducted by It. V. Sperry In the
('. P. church, in this city, Wed'nemltiy.
Deceased was tinned lit tho Masonic
cemetery mirth of town. The bereaved
family are assured oflhe sympathy of
a large circle of friends, as the departed
was widely known and n ioecled In
this county.
Joseph V. lVry, of Warsaw, III., was
troubled with rheumatism and tried a
iiuiiiUt of dlllerent remedies, but says
none of them seemed to do him any
good; but Anally he got hold of one
that apeedlv cured him. He whs much
pleased with It, and felt sure that others
imHarly afflicted would like to know
what the remedy was that cured him.
He Mates for the hem fit of the public
that It Is called Chamberlain's Pain
Balm. Ills for sale here at 50 cents
per bottle by M. A. Miller, druggist
Our readers must not take it for
granted that we endorse the sentiments
expressed by correspondents, or that
they reflect our opinions upon the sub
jects treated leause we give them
space in our columns. The country
newspaper Is a mirror which should
reflect every phase of life and everv
shade of thought and texture of senti
ment that is not positively devilish or
hurtful to the readers in the com
munity In which it la published.
Should any of our readers Imimie pos
sessed of Information In any field of
knowledge which would enlighten
or benefit the readers of the Expkkss,
send it right along.
The fruit-grower Is coming to le rec
ognized as the man of all means and
power, and to le a horticulturist is to l
possessed of the fat of the land. The
Willamette Valley, Including the foot
hill for a distance often or twenty
miles, is well adapted to fruit, es
peciallv the grape and jieaeh. The
time is coming when our hill-sides
will be covered with vineyards and
peach orchards. To be an orehardlst,
is to be possi-ssed of the talisman which
puts the piir man above want am'
guarantees the fruit-grower a comfort
able and easy life, and provides a com
petency against contingencies which
beset other callings In life.
A few davs ago while sitting In Elder
Bros.' drug store at Tingley, Iowa. Mr.
T. Ij. Dyer, a well known citizen, came
In and asked for something for a severe
cold which he had. Mr. 'Elder took
down a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy and said: "Here Is something
I can recommend. It commands a
large sale and gives genuine satisfac
tion. It is an excellent preparation
and cheap." Mr. Dyer purchased a
lottl, and the next day when we saw
him he said he wa much better, and
the day following apjeared tube en
tirely restored. This is a specimen of
the effectiveness of this preparation.
Irn Mninen ftil ami 2'iinen. M. A.
Miller, druggist, sells the above men
tioned remedy.
Some business men say they cannot
atlord to advertise, whereas the truth
is they cannot atlord to do business
leeause they do not advertise. Of one
thing we are assured, that the men in
Lehanou who advertise extensively
(and we conclude it la so elsewhere) do
the business. A business can no more
run successfully without advertising
than a hotel can be run without a hell
or a gong. A man who thinks that a
two-by-lx sign-board will draw pat
ronage from a distance, has yet to learn
the first principles of husiut'ss. An ex
amination of our exchanges show that
in all other parts of the country, men
advertise their business, while iti our
own town a great msnvare sanfled
with a stray line now ami then, writtt n
In a half-heart ed, apologetic sort of way,
and they must be satisfied with an oc
casionaf stray dollar.
Lebanon has reached that point in
her history that she must either take a
step forward or adopt the stand-still
policy. Our water iower Is limited
and will soon 1 wholly utilized. We
need more Industries and these we can
not hone to have to long as we have
no inducements to offer beyond what
very other town In the valley can give.
The salvation of th's town, financially,
depends upon the proposed Lebanon
canal. To Ite sure, we have as pleas
ant a locality to live In as can be found,
our soil la prolific and our social en
vironment will compare favorably with
that of other parts of the country, but
something more is needed to draw im
migration and to give employment to
the people after thev have decided to
make their home amongst us. Pri
marily, our prosperity depends upon
our ability to give employment to the
1 Kit SON A LIT I K.
Dr. Fkipworth has not yet recovered.
Dr. Harker went to Albf ny Monday.
J. A. Beard went to Portland Thursday.
Rev. Mareellus went y Albany Monday.
Mrs. Hanlnlian want to Albany Wedie--day.
Mrs. G. W. Riee went to Portland this
Steve Coyle has recovered from his late
M. A. Miller paid the couuty-seat a visit
Liieien Gilbert returned from Albany
Thos. Parker, of Brownsville, was tn town
Miss C'clia Smith, of Tallman, was in Leb
anon last Saturday.
G. V. Cmson's family are having the
measles and muni s.
Mrs. Hettie Johnston wsa taken suddenly
ill last Sunday night.
Mrs. Kate Hickman and son Granger are
alllieted with mumps.
Mrs. Jennie Roby and son spent Sunday
with her sister, Mrs. Adams.
Mrs. Rilev, of Falem, w as visiting her
sister, Mrs. L. G. Carr, this week.
Mrs. Ijevis of Harrisburg. is vUiting her
sister, Mrs. M. Follis, of Ijebanon.
Mrs. C. H. Ralston and her daughter. Miss
Maud, are visiting in Albany this week.
Dr. A. (i. Prill and w ife, of Sweet Home,
were registered at the St. Charles Tuesday.
Mrs. Rolerts, of Ilarrisburg, is visiting
her daughter, Mrs. I. A. Bennett, of Leba
non. J. P. Donaca, of Sweet Home, stoped in
Lebanon this week while on his way to
Miss Eva Scott, of Albany, visited her
cousins, the Misses Westfall, a few days
this week.
A. Vulgamore, of Brownsville, is visiting
his daughter, Mrs. Fitzgerald, a few miles
east of town.
James Mntehett was taken violently ill
the tirst of the week. He is improving at
time of writing.
S. M. W. If indman has been quite sick
for two or three weeks. At time of writing
he is recovering slowly.
Frank Thompson, of Tallman, sj ent Sun
day in Lebanon, lie is employed as a sec
tion hand on the O. Ky.
Frank O'Xeil is expected to return to
Lebanoft in a few days, when work will be
resumed on the paper mill.
Mr. Jessup, the young man who is estab
lishing eireulatinc; libraries in the towns
throughout the State, left for Brownsville
M onday.
Hiram Raker and family, from Keodesha,
Kansas, moved to Lebanon last week. Mr.
Baker will embark in a general merchandise
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Cobb, who have re
sided in Seattle for the past ten months,
returned to Lebanon last week. Mr. Cobb
is a son-in-law of J. K. Kirkpatriek.
Mr. Privot and son, with their wives, left
for Colfax. Washington. Friday last. When
they left here, young Mr. Privot was threat
ened with an attack of fever, but we learn
that he safely arrived home.
Our fellow-townsman, G. M. Westfall, ar
rived home from his Iowa trip last Friday.
He has lost somewhat in flesh, which we
cannot attribute to the tropical weather of
Iowa, seemg that the thermometer regis
tered many degrees below zero while he was
in that State.
Coughs and cold3 come uninvited,
but you can quickly get rid of these,
with a few doses of Dr. J. H. McLean's
Tar Wine Lung Balm. For sale by J.
A. Beard.
An Invmn Si-mli m Ilrler Skftcli of
Hill-Knuivn C'ltlicn of l.cbanun.
Dkhisv, Iowa, March 2.
EniTon I.mumon KxHitkw:
Knowing editors in Rfvrtirjn land
like to hear frm other forehn lauds,
especially when one of their own
townsmen Is concerned In the write
up, I thought I would send you a short
sketch of the life of one of your citl
xens who has been visiting relatives In
Derby, and give the details of a family
reunion which was held at the home
of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. D.
WeMtfall, of Derby, while he was here
on a visit to relatives and friends.
The subject of our sketch started
from A Ilila, Iowa, some twenty-six
years ag, when a boy of 19, to make
a home and fortune fit the far West.
The train with which he waa connected
consisted of 150 wagons, each wagon
averaging five souls, which made quite
an army of people, and in fact It was
necessary to go thus for mutual protec
tion against wild beast and savage
men. The time consumed in making
the trip was five months and twenty
days; and now a a rson can go there
In an many days.
Since he left home he had not seen
any of his people until he came on his
recent visit. The meeting waa Indeed
a happy one to all, and It would lie
hard to find a family of eight grown
children who think more of each other
than they do or enjoyed each other's
company better; and when parting
time came it was hard to sever the
tmud that held them together, each
one knowing It was hardly possible
that they would ever again all l to
gether at one time. Long may Father
and Mother WcMfall live to remember
the happy time they had with their
children In Derby, Wednesday, Febru
ary Sii, 1S!)1; and may they live to see
another reunion In 1M).1, as is now con
templated. Several nice and useful
presents were given by the children
as man If.atat ions of their love and af
fection to their parents.
The names and residences of their
children are as follows:
Mr. Piana IVnick. IVrhy, Iowa;
Mrs. Kmma Tedrick, lH-rbv, Iowa;
F. A. Wrufnll, lVrby, Iowa;
A. 1. esif ill, Ottumwa, Iowa;
J. C. AVestfad, Avery. Iowa;
Mrs. M. A. Stodgehill, Chariton. Iowa;
A. Westfall, Atkinson, Nebraska;
U. M. Westfall, lrlianon, Oregon.
The aliove-namcd, with twent jr-twogrand-eliildreu
and four great-prand-cnildren, con
stitute the household of Grandpa and
Grandma WtstfalL Albekt I- Geobob.
Sajstiam, Feb. 27.
EniToa l.r.sisos Exrse:
Astrology is the sublime art of fore
seeing events from the po-.itlou of the
heavenly bodies. The stars were made
by Omnipotence for signs of things to
come, and for seasons and for days and
for years; but sectarian bigots, Ignor
aut enthusiasts and religious hypocrites
say it is wrong to wish to know what
shall befall them in this or that under
taking at a future day. Let us ask.
Hate you not anxious desires about
your future prosperity or adversity?
lias not the Omuitotetit Creator Im
planted those desires? and has He not
provided a su ply for all all our mod
erate wants anu inquiries? And it 'a
essential to man's welfare to be fore
warned of the time and the judgement,
that the wise man shall know it, th: t
I e may not be overtaken with difficul
ties so as to wrong his neighbor and
his friends by cheating them of the r
honest claims, as many religious cants,
who are willing to follow blind and
deceptive chance, which they blas
phemingly call Providence, have done,
these have heaved at a gnat and swal
lowed a camel. When they embai k
with their ueighlor'a property, U t
them ask what the "sius of heaven"
will le the result, and let prudence
and morality, honesty and modesty Le
the rein of their procedure, and then
they will reflect honor on the cause of
(jod, instead of stigma and reproach.
I know I will meet with antagonists
who will quote the opinions of learnt d
men, hut I will let them know thtt
learning is not always united with di.
cerument and real knowledge, any
more than the words of a talking bird
are united with idea. Some will say
that we have no learned men on our
side. We will see.
We have the greatest astronomers
that ever lived, as Coperulcus, Pytha
goras, Newton, Wing, ltrahe, lleplt-n,
Ptolmey, Cnistead, Galileo, Descartes,
Winchel, Noyren.-
We have renowned physicians on
our side, as Dioscorides, Agrippa, tiil
bert, Galon, Dodoneus, Culjeper,
Diocles, Foster, Mothlolus, Starkey,
Hypoorotea, John Dee, llertrueius.
Partridge, aad many more. All these
were astrologers.
Next week we will consider the
twelve bouses of the heavens.
N. C. Enoberq.
A Good Mm Oond.
Died, In Albany, March 6, 1801, Prof.
J. L. Gilbert, aged 72 years. Prof.
Gilbert had resided In Oregon about
two-score years, during which time he
was engaged in educational work.
As a popular educator, he had few
equals. In every relation of life he
was indeed a model man. During the
thirteen years he was identified with
the Santiam Academy at this place he
gave to that institution an enviable rep
utation. Ou account of declining health
he was forced to resign his position as
principal of the Academy two years
ago, since which time he has tieen
a constant sufferer. By the death of
Prof. Gilbert the State has lost a valu
able educator, the clinch a tried mem
ber, t he Sabbath school an active worker
aud the family a loviug father.
Spelling Contest.
The spelling contest at tho Academy be
tween the boys and the girls was continued
a second week, with the following results,
Monday Girls won one-slstv-thlnl of a wont.
TucMtav Girls won by lUirly-seuen-oinstietlui
of s word.
Wednesday Boys won by one-ixiy-ihird of a
ThursdayHoys won by thirteen tlilr.y-Mxdis of
a worn.
Fiii'ay Girls won by one aud tlnee iourths
Oeneml result Girls won fov an average of
neai ly ovo worfs.
Kemitrk: As In last wpck contest, ro In lltiw
Ilic btv.s won twice ont of five; a)M. tlie tioyi,
mtwle itie ttewt pponl both weeks on anv t.JnOe
da . yes the lest two record during ihe year.
tnisi.!3 no words om e ami but an avcae of one
welfth of a word at another lime. Ti e rtrln won
three titm't in five eaeh week, and won bttih con
tests. Nearly ono thousand words en pro
nounced iu the ten days. David Tokeet, Prlii.
March 4, 1891.
Snow 1-t inches 3-et.
Trail Is passable again.
Settlers all out of hay, but their
stock are doing well In the timber.
Messrs Carroll and Letsingcr spent
Sunday trying to overtake a bear, but
Bruin was too long-winded for tbem.
Charles Goan returned from Lebanon
Sunday accompanied by his brother.
and as usual found one of his sweet-
scented pet kittens in a steel trap.
M. E. W.
A Sore Care for Plla.
Itching Piles are known by moisture
like perspiration causing intense itch
ing when warm. This form, aa well
as blind, bleeding and protruding,
yield at once to Dr. Bosanko's Pile
Itemedy, which acts directly on the
parts affected, absorbs tumors, allays
itching and effects a permanent cure.
50c. Druggists or mail; treatise free.
Dr. Bosauko, 329 Arch street, Philadel
phia, Pa. Sold by M. A. Miller.
The following grand Jury was em
panelled at the convening of circuit
court Monday: John Isoiu, Samuel
King, J K Michael, J V Pipe, I F Dad
ley, Solomon. lloud and 0 P Deakins.
Solomon lloud was appointed foreman.
F M Mitchell and C U Itawlings
were appointed bailiffs.
P J Porter vs J V Llder, partition;
Th Jefferson vs O 8 Montgomery;
attachment; continued.
T Dittenholtcr vs Perry Smith, to
recover money; continued.
State va James llanuon, burglary;
Topllts 4 Co v Mary Couglll, to re
cover money; continued.
Goo J Burner va Mary Couglll, to re
cover money; continued.
Karl Itace vs Scarl Dean, attHch
nient; dimised at cwt of plaintiff.
Mooney, Valentine A Co va Mary
Couglll, to recover money; continued.
Albany Farmers Co va HH McFad
deu, to recover money; continued for
Flla Mendcnhall va Fll Belshaw,
partition; on docket by mistake.
W A Kimsey va H M Mt Daniel, par
tition; sale confirmed.
J H Autonelle va Anna McNulty,
equity; continued.
May A Senders vs M T McGrath, at
tachment; settled.
Jerry Hay vs J 1 Schooling, appeal;
Jesse L Adams va Mary A Adtim,
divorce; dlumtfwed at eo-tt of phtintiH'.
Deyoe A Uosbon va C G Stab I, to re
cover money; continued.
W II Motor v J 11 McCoy eta!,
equity; sale confirmed.
S A Crowdcr va Sarah A Crowdcr,
divorce; divorce granted.
, D F ljetsinjfer et al va Geo Itowell,
Injunction; eontintied.
l)eyoe A Itobson vs D T LetslnRor
and H F Patrons, to recover money;
Ik-yoe & Itobson va Wm Ileeves; to
recover money; continued.
Hart Saddlery Co vs Multby A Cary,
to recover money; nettled.
Capital National Bank vsWF Cros
by, to reoover money; continued.
F U Pnder vs K B Kendall and
wife, apeeific performance of contract;
dimiaMed atcostof plain! It!'.
10 J Daly vs M Alexander, damages;
dlptnl-sen at cost of plaintill.
v uB.crmaii A i.o vs Met?gar A Slees-
ntrer. to recover
for want of answer.
8 Mtnr A Co vs Metjjar A Moessen
frer, to recover money; judgment for
want of answer.
John Diamond vs Margaret K Fiiu'
1 , 'orlosure; deciee tor want of au-
1) M Oa'torne A Co vs R N Morr'a
et al, to recover money; verdict of f 40
for defendant.
Mary A I taw-ton vsCJ Stewar', to
recover money; continued.
I M iMiorne k Co v Jesse M South, to
rerover money; rfimiHed.
D M Onliorne A t'o vs John Wlcklzer, to
rwntcr monev; judgment for want of an
nwer: attached property to be twdd.
W II tioltra va Win Khiirp and Klmer
Morris, to recover monev ; judgment uguiurt
Hhnrp, continued n to 5lorri.
l M (H-bome A T J h i Dranninp, to
reenter money; judgment for want of an
swer. 1 M 0lome A Co n T J Montgomery,
to recover money; settled.
Hondriek A W'ol ey vs Wm F White, to
recover monev; Judgment for want of an
swer, Httnehed property to lie old.
I It J'awAou va J Powell Co, to rr
C ver money; settled.
1) M Os Kirne A Co vs Henry Bom', action
or "o'e, attachment: nettled.
I R Ilaawn v O Howell, to recover
money ; judgment tor want of amcaer, at
tached pnirty to tie sold.
I It Dawson "vs lilnckhurn A Peroni, to
recover money; judgment for want of ai -swer.
Knapp, Hurrell t Co ts Clirisman A
llentty' to recover money; twtt'ed.
L K i.iuin vs I and M K Ilolman, to re
cower money ; dismissed without prejudice.
II it Mom'eith A Co vs K L (iearhart, to
recover money; j ulgment for want of an
swer. Assignment Llaekburn A Peroni; contin
ued. T M Dsborne A Co vs Henry Bond, to n -i-ov..r
njoney ; settled.
W II G lt"ra vs John I Miller, to recover
money; dismissed.
John thmeh vs M F Bl e.mrd, specific jr
sonal prolan j ; dimied.
It (Sower va'li J Hower, to recover moi.ey ;
on docket by mistake.
A smith men t of K C Warner; eontintied.
A 1'ietvr vs It Mills, to recover money;
judgment for want of answ er.
(Susan Martin vs Koltcrt Martin, divorce;
nunc protune order granted.
Cooler A Washburn vs Nathan B Stand-is!-,
to recover money; iudgncBt an. I u;-.
tac hed protH-rty to be sold.
llunilee MortgiiKe A Trust Investment Co
vs T H Thompson, continuation; sale eon
firmed. L K Plain vs H It Humphrey; judgment,
attached protiertv to I sold.
All any Iron Works vs J W Brown A Son.
to recover money ; judgment on verdict at
last. term.
Knapp, Biirrcll A Co vs E Becker et al,
foreclosure; granted.
L M Curl vs J it Hughes, to recover
money; judgment for want of answer.
James A lioherts vs J B Hughes, to re
cover money; judgment for want of answer.
11 R liriggt vsCaroline M Briggs, divorce;
tieo Monroe vs Mary Munroc, divorce;
tttute vs Thos Hieklin, burglary; pleod
not guilty.
Davenport, Wash, March 0.
Kditor Lebanon Kxpress:
I will drop a few lines from this
place to let your Webfoot readers know
where to find no Jleat and but little
rain but Zero!
Snow, fog, and "la grippe."
Stock look well for this time of the
We had fine weather up to three
weeks ago, when snow came; but upon
the snow depends the crops. No snow,
small crops.
The farmers worked hard all fall,
hauling off their grain, but about as
many sleighs, loaded with grain bound
for the del ot anl warehouses, ure seen
as there were wagons last fall. You
see this is a grain country.
We have found out a few things
about Jack Frost during tlie last few
days; Mercury stood 18 degrees below
Zero Monday morning, March 2d, and
stands below the frutzin; point most
of the time, both day and night, but
if it is cold your correspondent enjoys
a nleigh-ricle with a nice, gool-lookiog
ilirl iu tbe sleigh. M. h L.
Electric Bitters.
This remedy Is becoming so well
known and so popular as to need no
special mention. All who have used
Llectric Bitters sing the same song of
praise. A purer medicine does not ex
ist and It is guaranteed to do all that is
claimed. Klectric Bitters will cure all
diseases of the Liver aud Kidneys, will
remove Pimples, Boils, Salt Khcum
and other affections caused by impure
blood. Will drive Malaria from the
system and prevent as well aa cure all
Malarial fevers. For cure of Head
ache, Constipation and Indigestion try
Electric Bitters. Entire satisfaction
guaranteed or monev refunded. Price
60 cts. and $ 1.00 per "bottle at Beard's
drug store.
Notice to farmers.
Wanted at once, chickens, ducks,
geese, turkeys, dried fruits, butter,
eggs, and all kinds of farm produce.
for which I will pay the highest price
in easu or exchange for goons.
Q. W. Simpson,
Albany, Or.
God's Blessing to Humanity.
So Says au Oregon rioneer Ninety Years Old.
Forkst fiRovi:. Or.. March 19.
I have used the OltKHON KIDNEY-TEA and
obtained immediate relief. It is God's blessing to
humauitv. I taVe pleasure in recommending it
to the alllieted. I am now nearly ninety years
old, came to Oregon in ls-12 iu the employ of the
Hudson's Bay OompRnv. and sinee I began usinir
the ut.iio Jian-Ntr xla i entoy goon neaitn.
Several of the scholtirs have left school
We in knowledge ntlsii fnvrt Prof. Wright
and Mr, Frank floss, of Portland, on Mon
thly. Mr. M. A. Miller visited the Klite Literary
rWiciy , iiuil ex put hit ed ipiite freely on the
"tarilt," which was tlie subject discussed.
Election at the K. L H. !nt Friday even
ing resulted as follows: President, Melrfn
illiams: vice-president, C. W. Marks; at
torney, v. K. Wallace; reviewers, Lizzie
heed and ! A. Wiley; marshal, Jos. Tor-ls-t.
Word conies to us thut Prof. J. I,, tlillnrt.
former principal of Hnnthim Academy, died
in Albany on last Friday evening. 'e were
crsonally aeiutinted with Prof. Oillart,
having Uen under his tuition lornevcrul
years, and can say truly thut he was always
prompt nt duty and ready to give Instruc
tion. We rccnguixe in las death that his
family litis lontakind and loving lather,
the church an earnest and uhlo worker, tho
community an honest and upright citizen.
Thr tinnr of man nre rtnmjef to few,
ror lime arid year both liv;
The tiling we all sliotibl ttrivc to do
Is ts bo prepared to die.
The sword of Heath lias come to lis
And tuki'ii lionie our teacher dear;
The tints we all reniemls-r well
VVIieu ho our path did strive to steer.
Hl amliitlmi mind wa always flxsd
Toward doing wnui-ihiiiK Rood;
JiiMirr . truth, aud ri'lil. and love
For this he uloay Ktootl.
fte sMijdit, he worked, lie toiled alway
To muke of MchtMi! surce:
Hiai, Ids end. his sole intent,
Ills iukihc, a to blew.
life. Ms work, and toil for us
In no a I-; wan iu vain;
lcm, tn-,-ct.!s toitlisand rules
Wc er (halt retain.
a' hen lire shall rotnn to rloM, with us
And e take our hcar'nly fticlit.
We know Unit we hhsll meet with lilm,
III lual l.lrst land of I.l;;lit.
fio let u live, that Right may say.
When life ahall Holly
Of h we tiave nUt if lit:n,
Wb tired !ii truth, ami died in rv.
Chairs of Every P-icription and De
gree of Comfort,
Picture Frames, MauL-tings, Bric-a-Brac
of Every Description,:
In Fact Everything Belonging to tha Trad
at Prices that Dafy Competition.
Chim-aill A Monlellh s Old Stand.
Estray Notice.
alxHit the l:Mh of Jammry, o his farm tw
miles fsmthce of Ijrhanon. oito ctve-?car-iit
fefT. cell red, with ome while, mnrked with
hole In each ear and branded with V" on rieht
hip. A'm one Hve-jear-ukt Xeer, color dark red,
with Mack liead and lepr. marked with mile In
each ear and hrauded with "W" on right hip.
I ke auiinau, were ai'taraiacd at 110 each.
A. f. HALL.
Notice of Dissolution.
laiinerhip heretofore exlsiinr between
K. Hull and R. 8. HoN-rti. known as Hull A Rob
erts, and d"ing a butchering business in Ijphanon,
Oregon, I- this dav dissolved by mutual eonsent.
411 lial.llitlfiof said firm will be paid It R. B.
Rol-ert; all debts owing the same will be paid to
K. Hull.
Lehauon, Oregon, February 16, 1890.
W. H BOOTH, M. D.i
Office In Guv's New Bulldlnar.
Residence at Mrs. Ambler's.
Physician and Surgeon.
Graduate of Royal f'tilleue of London and Bell-
vue Medical College, Mass.
t'hronle ea-es a sivcialty.
fanccrs removed without pain or the knife.
OFFICE Kirkittiek"s buildiug. Lebanon, Or
W. T. Uurney. L. T. Harim. J. W. nrEB.
Twcniv vcars eTntrlenee a Reeisterof tha tT.
H. lJtud Oflice at Oregon t Ity. Orepon, and iu the
liivl ofliee rraetice, recommends us in our
special! of all kinds of burincKs before the Land
otllee. or the Court, and involving practice in
the lieneral Ijmct utnee.
soon it tsriii. mm too lati.
T have feeen trou bled many with
disease of the kidneys and have tried
many different remedies and hare
sought aid from different physicians
without relief. About tbe 15th of April
I was suflcrinir from a very violent
attack that almost prostrated me is
such a manner that I was oeni over.
When I sat down it was almost Impossible for me
lo get up alone, or to put on my clothes, when
kind Providence sent Dr. Henley, with the
hotel. I immediately commenced
using the tea. It had an almost
miraculous effect, and to the aston
ishment of all the iruests at the hotel.
in a few days.I am happy to state,
that I was a new man. I
recommend the tea to all
a I have been.
Proprietor Occidental Hotel,
beats Rosa, Cat.
Harness, Saddles, Collars,
Whips, Etc.
AL re torsos & Wallace's Old Stand.
afflicted! IJ
Wake Upl Wake Up! '
And run down to Charlie llackleman's and get some of ii4
following bargains that lie is Kt-lling AT (JUST. Reason.
too many goods and warm
going at COST:
Men's Long-Leg Boston Rubber Boot, before $4 25; now f 3 5d
" Knee " "..' " 325; " 285
Ladies' White and Red All-Wool Vests... ...before $1; now 80c
Children's All-Wool Vests..... different sizes at cost
Ladies' AH-Wool Hose ......before 50e; now 40c
" " 40c; " Sfe
" " 35e; " 25j
" ' , " " - " 25c; " 20e
Children's the same proportion in price.
Scarlet Twilled Flannels ..........before COc; now 40c
" " " .., :.. " 50c; " 35c
" '
Blue w "
Various other items that we shall not name here will be
sold at a reduction in price, but the goods we name here are
special bargains, every one at wholesale cost.
Our Rand-McNally Atlas of the.World is something worth
having. We give every one with every $30 worth of goods;
only a limited number.
Next to the Bank.
Also an Elegant Stock of Cloths in Merchant Tailoring-
Department with Frst-Class Tailoring-.
Refitted, Enlarged and Improved.
I manufacture and deal in Doors, Blinds, all styles of Windaw
Frames, Door Frames, Mouldings, Brackets, Etc., in fact anything man
ufactured and kept on hand in a first-class planer.
In connection with the above, I also have on hand a well-assorted
lumber yard in which is to be found reugh and dressed Lumber, Rustic,.
Bevel, Weather Boarding, Flooring, and all kinds of Finishing Lumber'
for Cornices, Etc.
Vkitkd States Laud Office, I
Oregon City, Oregon, January 5, 1891.
Notice i hereby given thnt in compliance
with the jTovisiona of the act of Congress of
June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the states of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
Jean Ike, of Sjin Francisco, county of 8an
Krancico, State of California, has this day
filed in this office his sworn statement No.
'.4ia for the purchase of the N. W. i of Sec.
No. 28, in Tf. No. 13 S., K. No. 3 E., and will
otter proof to show tliat tbe litn.i sought i
nicre valuable For ita timber or stone tban
for aifricultural urpose. and to establish
his claim to said land before the Kegrister
and lleceivcr of this office at Oregon City,
th-egon, on Yediicsday, the 2Sth day of
Ai-ril. 18!U.
lie nanu s as witnesses: A. Courdicr, M.-
IHiflan, C. C'hntain and B. Juanon, all of
San Francisco, California.
Any and all persons claiming adversely
the above-described lands are requested to
tile their chums in this ot'i-ce on or before
said 29th day of April, 18 1.
J. T. AI'l'KKSON, Kcgister.
UsiTED States L.r OFncE,
Oregon City, Oregon, January VI,
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress
of June 3, 1878. entitled "An act for the sale
of timber lauds in the 8tates of California,
Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Terri
tory," Hubert L. Mann,ot llaywards, coun
ty of Alameda, State of Califi'r lia, has this
fav filed in this oflice his sworn statement
No. 24'.23, for the purchase of the S. E. of
Sec. No. 8, in Tp. No. 13 S., It. No. 3 E.,and
will offer proof to show that the land sought
is more valuable for its timber or stone th&u
for agricultural uurfioses, and to establish
his claim to said land before the Kegister
and Receiver of this office at Oregon Citv,
Oregon, on Wednesday, the tJth day of May,
He names as witnesses: J. A. Collins, F.
H. Gates, C. Frowse and T. E. Norris, all of
Haywards, California.
Any and all persons claiming adversely
the above-described lands are requested to
tile their claims in this oflice on or before'
said Gth day of May, 1891.
J. T, AI'FEKSON. Register.
winter. Kemember tbey aru.
... " 40c;
" Mio-
-. wc;
Oregon City, Oregon, January 6, 1891. f
Notice is hereby given that in compliance"
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of"
timber lands in the States of California, Ore
pon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
i. Fort Fosey, of San Francisco, county" ot
San Franciscoj State of California, has "this
day filed in this office hb sworn statement
No. 241), for the purchase of the N. E. X of
Sec. No. JO, ia Tp. No. 13 8., R. No. 3 E., and
will ofler proof to show that the land Bought .
is more v;'.lnu!le for its timber or stone th&it
for atrriculuiml purposes, and to establish
his claim to said land before tlie Kegister
and Itetciver tf this oflice at Oregon t "ity,
tregon, on Tuesday, the 5th day of ilay.
He names as witnesses: M. DuiTard, Jean
Ecke, A. Boanlier and C. Chatain, all of
San Francisco, CaliforFtia.
Any and all per-ons claiming adversely
the awiveescrribed lands are requested to
tile their claims in this oflice ou or before,
aaid 6th da v of M av, 1S01.
Fsited States La-ant Offic, i
Oregoii City, Oregon, Jauuary 5, 1891.1
Notice is hereby given that i-t compliance
with the provisions of the act of Corgress of
June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of
timlier lands in the States of California. Ore'
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,'
Charles Chatain, of San FTancisco. county
of Sati Francisco, State of Caiifomia. has
this day filed in this office his sworn state
ment No. 2418, for the rmrchase of the S. E.
H of Sec. No. 20, in Tp. No. 13 S., li. No. A
.., and will otTer proof to show tiiat the
land sought is more valuable fir its timbcf
or stone than for agricultural purnos. and
to establish his claim to said land Viefore tl
Register and Receiver of this oftce t (Ire
gin Citv, Oregon, on Wednestlay, the 2Dti
dav of Aril, 1-301.
lie names as witnesses: John Van Horn,
S. Jocquemier. Jean Ecke, J- Fort Posey, alt
of San Fraiit-ifico, California.
Anv and all ersois claiming axiverseiy
the al-ove-!cscril.i lauds are re;;ue.nefi to
tile their claims irt this office on or before
Kiid 2tli daT of April. 18Sl.
ir T AFl'EJiSOX, Rcp--"
- f
T -