The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, March 13, 1891, Image 2

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    Lebanon Express.
a. Jack; a dams, ok. l. ai.kxanoku.
rrr.irfiir.Hs aki ruorttiKToits.
One j r-r $ on
if puid In aiivttiug, SI St) Year.)
FK nwiii'.K , 1 Ort
1 IllVC lmmhs ...... ....... h!
Sinxlu copies .. ... oj
I'i The Alliance people are not the
bnly ones thnt; cause a feeling of
weariness. The other extreme
ia holding them level. The
eternal cant nhout "capital be
ing timid," and about "driving
capital from the state," almost
forces one to tho .feeling that the
Alliance men and the men called
anareliista have some justice on
tkeir side. Muet everyJody be
taxed and regulated bylaw but
the capitalist go free, and to do as
he pleases? We hear an almost in
cessant squall about driving capital
out of the state, but not a word
about driving out the bone and
sinew. If a law is projwsed regu
lating interest on money, and
preventing robbery in the
shape of usury, tne cry goes
tip that it will drive 'capital
out of the state. If a measure
ia suggested giving an unfortunate
man a little time in which to save
his property after the mortgage ia
foreclosed, we hear the same tune
about driving out capital. If a
law is recommended taxing mort
gages, a shriek goes up that splits the
welkin wide open, about driving
capital out of the state. The farm
er's land, the mechanic's house and
lot, the merchants goods, mav be
taxed all lhy will bear, and we
hear nothing about driving them
-out; but propose to compel the hog
with money to bear his share of
-he public burdens, and it will
-drive out capitil.
A farmer s land is taxed the
ramo whether it ia mortgaged or
"lear of incumbrance. The lav re
quires that money shall be taxed,
Tbut money can be hidden and land
"cannot. But let that capitalist
:ioan that farmer $2,000, at 8 to 12
:per cent, interest, his money is in
thape where it is in sight. The
land is still there and is taxed;
Jlmt when it is proposed to tax the
-"$2,000, then the howl comes that
Mt will drive capital out of the state;
fit will compel the borrower to pav
"Jiigher interest; it is, taxing the
,-eame amount double. How U if?
The land is stil taxed, the same as
iit was before, and the farmer has
io pay it. What becomes of the
naoney? It is invested in a mort
gage on the land, and the farmer,
!esides his taxes, is paying 10 per
-vent, interest on the money. If
the money ia in the land, then the
IFa-rmer is paying more than double
tax upon it he is paying on the
Jand and three times as much more
m the money, in the way of inter
est. No fear of runinff him out.
iiut you must not run capital out
of the "state-by- taiiftg it. Troy
Kan. Chief. -
Editob Lebasos Express:
I want to give you the benefit of a
lew thoughts enegesietl by an edi
torial entitled "Mystery" in your last
issue. Now I think the less 'we have
4tt i hat rcrxt mivlW it 4bn t.Atl- cr
: . Ii , , - v-p-)
posi.ionis the underlying principle j
Or Cause CI nil life, an ctnnt Kra our. !
prised if T oppose your article on
mystery, for what we need ia light,
not darkness. To prove the truth us
to opposition, if we take vegetation we
find that heat is indisputable to its
life and growth, but so is its opposite,
cold, for if heat had not its opposite
there would he a summer that would
Biimii oi no cnanse. no mo ion. no
life. Severe heat will kill a plant, and
a win lis opposite. iov the qtu-s-
tion anses as to good and evil. Is
v i-.- i, ; ix aiinnrr i
-most assuredly it is, for if good bad
not its oppoeiteVspritual life would be
as impossible aa would the vegetable
life without the opposite of beat. It
is the opposing forces that create the !
chanvre or mo:ion inlmwnt J !Jf i
Ithrair Inf,. frw ;f .1.1.. . '
It IS Ollr dlllV tO trv. if tuvisihlo i.
solve and understand tlie problem of
life, therefore I say, away with mys
tery and darkness, and let us have
light. The writer is only a clod
masher, but i will make no excuses
...... niiiiii nit; lariner i
-w .....ou .uiuiiciub xuviuucr uj ine 1
Lebanon, March 9, 1891.
The Brownsville Times is of the
opinion that the county sheuld aid
in building a road up the Calapooia
to the mines. Right again, Bro.
Times. The results which are sure
to follow the development of this
nource of wealth will be neither
local nor circumscribed. There is
not a man in this part of the val
ley, le he engaged in farming or
any of the productive industries,
that will not be benefitted many
fold by such an adventure. Every
ounce of silver or gold that may be
ta'va from these mines is so much
created wealth so much added to
the capital stock of the people in
general. Tax-payers are prone to
lOOK linon 5L Tinner r.t this L-i io o
t O & . -.0
scheme to benefit a few individuals
li r
.. y.t.w lJ4, i
whereas it contemplates the general ;
welfare. We see nothing unreason- j
in such a demand. I
i i
The newspapers are just nnvr rlis-1
ctissing the newly-elected Senator
Pfeiffer's wearing" apparel; later on
they will he discussing the texture!
a.nd convolutions of his Drain. I
A writer in the Advocate claims
that the Alliance had its origin in
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
Titk Best Salve in the world
Kht'Utn, Fercr Sores, Tetter, thappt-d
Hands, Clniblains, Corns, and all Skin
Eruptions, and positively cures Piirs,
or no pay required. Tt "is fruarantceci
to give iK-rfc-t pntisfaetion, or niont v
reAmdxI. i; ice 2o een is jK:-r box. l'o:
Ale by J. A. Ik-ard.
M arc it 0, IH'.).
Eldt-r Mulkey will hold meettiifri nil
this week.
Andrew Oustufeon starts for Albany
Aloozo Ames U In lit tier health than
he baa heen for y vitro,
Mr. lilettsch, of Lower Boda, was
down to Sweet Home on buinesa last
Archie McKlnnon was down lat
week. He saya everything is all O K
up at Cash cit-vk.
Elder M. M. Norton hns ehwed a se
ries of meeting. There was ctmsider
tile Interest uinnifested.
The band Is to give a soiree' soon at
Sweet Home, If the music teacher dots
not remain sick too long.
Prnr. Swan lost one of Ids little chil
dren by diphtheria. The family has
the heartfelt sympathy of the entire
There have been several children
slightly url'eeted with disease some
what of the nature of diphtheria. All
are rcxrted better.
I heard that K Harris went over
Saturday to Fern Ithlire. Borne
thought that he was Ruling to Mr.
IVocketts, I hardly think so.
Joshua Rich oils has completed his
kitchen, and your corresiondent is
KoUig up soon to celebrate and to eat
oysters, per agreement made some time
There seems to be an awakenlusr
among the young people; a wedding
eaeh week for some time, with the
prospect of a continuation in the fu
ture. The people are M ailing with anxiety
for the new propiietors of the grist
and saw mills on Wiley creek. It
seems to lie generally understood that
we shall have some push and vigor
shown in the new firm, aud not all
"put oif."
We have had quite a snow for Ore
gon, but since the lively mist legtin
sme time bi.-t n!ht it is fast disap
pearing; none too" soon, however, as it
was having a telling etl'eet on stock
and the feed supply of the farmers iu
this vicinity.
"8. J. Nothlgf r ha graftal some 5000
fruit trees, and has smie few hundred
of last year's grafts. He expects to
supply the people of this neighborhood
with apples, pears, cherries, apricots
and small fruits. For setting out or
chards, be sells trees at 6 cents each,
one year old. He ha a very gooil as
sortment now, but will have much
better next year.
Hamilton A Andrews continue to do
a very lucrative business. They are
the only business men ever in this com
munity who have held theentire trade
at al; seasons of the year. This Seaks
well for them as business men; it shows
fine judgment anct honorable dealing.
It is to lie hoped that thev mav con
tinue here for years in their present
methods of business.
The church trouble is quiet in this
vicinity, but the field of operation is
removed to Albany. It is to he hoped
that it will cease toe-wi. Iri-itnt i.m i,n.i
strife. There is no doubt but that the
general conference will settle It bevoud
a chance for further trouble. It seems
that the parties on both sides here
would have waited patiently, at least
sought an armistice until then.
The copartnership ltetween the Rus
sell Bros, has been one of lonir dura
tion and has ieen of a verv ainioahle
nature, yet one may expect to hear of
a reparation by mutual consent, and
the formation of one with the prospect
of a longer term with the likelihood of
the new firm being celebrated by the
justice of the ienoe acting as chairman.
It may be the senior partner, but more
likely it will be the junior of the pres
ent firm. "fcich is life."
W. It. Iter.
A Wonder Worker.
Air. x rank Jiutltnan, a young man
of Turlington, Ohiof states that he had
beet under the cure of two prominent
physicians, and used their treat men t
until he was not able to get around.
They pronounced his case to be Con
sumption and Incurable. He wa per
suaded to try Dr. King's New Discov
ery forConsumption.C'oughsand folds
aud at that time was not able to walk
across the street with nut rtut i Mir II..
found, before he had used half of a
dollar bottle, that he was much belter;
he continued to hr it .! ix fnt ino
go,nt health. If yr.u have otiv Tl
Lung or Client trouble, try it.
miu.-i. inu DtLf....i;.. n:..i i
good health. If you have onv Throat.
t trouble, trv it. We
en a run tee i-f:wt inn Trt1 lu.tti..
free at Heard's drug store.
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars re
ward for any case of catrrli that can
not be cured bv taking Hall's t':tarrh
Cure. b J. Ciikxky A Co.,
Props., Toledo, t).
Wo, the undersigned have known F.
J. Cheney for use last 15 years, and U
lieve him perfectly nonorahle in all
Business transactions anil llnaneiallv
able to carrv out an v obligations made
itv i nrir linn vt i. vi' -k i ur v
Wholesale Drutrsrists. Toledo. O.
Wai.d;x, Kixnax & Makvin,
Wliol?sale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken tntr
n'Jy acting directly umn the blood
and inue.-us surfaces of the system.
I est Ult.KiaN Milt f
ree. I ne?
oe. er
8oIil liy all druggibis.
"The Jfrtfy Lily."
A.vclesea CoTTAor., L. n.,.Iuly 2.
Gr:ii!t;tfi: AltV.o' it is very unusual
lor me to usk- jiiiv h tions
stilt, in
to vom
ri. ,
t ri"d
iolet Civntii and itiertiiie. The
former I consider especially efth-aclous
in cast-so." roughness o, the skin, and
have lieen using it every day for the
last fortnifcX. I have found the
RolertiiH' an excellent repar.-itifm in
Csoes of tan, Mitihurn, etc., nuscd by
expure to Muo h winds and a July
sun. Yt'tn-s fiit h ful !y,
Li i.i.i k La.xo-tky
To Mcsors. Wisdom & Co.
i - .
Dr. Oumi's Improved Liver Pills, on ;
..v.Mtiii hi ,iit ,r i.jiiu pinion, iire t S ci
itiiy tid;ij)lei fir coriveting spring dis
orders, such as impure IiIixk!, tired
b:;;in and ae!iing jiud worn out IkmIv.
Tbey et promptly tu Use Liver a:id
Ki.i;ie.s. drive ii;t nil impurities frmu
the b!. -;!, a:id iraKiiin from the svs
Um. Only mie pil! for a d"e. Trv
them this sp-.-in v. ,s0j,j ,lt ccnts a
bos by ii. a. Miller.
r'xcltrmppt '
i Uuiir in I, -i.,im.ll t P.m-iVis i
!'lru' - ' " "'-cr ..VSK tll Uuil.r. I
j c v'tIkmIv is nsinc it fop (Vt in li ..f;
tb. -Sioroa. b.DyspcjKtM. Cm sninpficii !
:U:; Il,P!!ni I''1"1. Trv it am! tt llj
yrfri;mls ltit it, j;s it n.tis: Htes.s ;
I Kuiiiiuiui lavnis wiieii an sjwjik well'
oi it. ,
Elieuniati?ini, 'enra'gia, Corns
The California ToitiY8 and K-gatiTa
cunes colds, croup, cossl'xption.
PoUly tliBrneji: Each 25c, 5Cc & $1
Crcusinger & Co , Pro?'. Lo Anjjtis, Oa!,
. Beard, Ixbation.
For buying Clothing, Boots and
Shoes and all kinds of Winter G oods
now, is just about like buying a gold
dollar for 90 centes, yes, or even in
a few cases at 75 cents. I have a
good assortment left, and can fix you
up with neatness and despatch.
Sweet spring-time will soon be
here, and my Winter Stock MUST
one month of cold weather yet, and
think you can use some of my
goods I am offering bargains in.
New goods arriving every day
and crowding the old out at prices
too low for competition.
F.i L
Ik Road to Wealth
CaniMt bt uoccMfntty trmle ltS
ut good health. T. rvach .ltti ar any
Oflvattd petition In Ufa rvqalrca ttta tatl
potlon mn4 aperatlo of all lha fao
Itiaa kln natura kaa andow with.
Thaaa condition cannot axltt anlctt tha
rhyalcal balng la In ptrtect weriilnf
order, and till I Impeaalbla tia tha
lltrar and aplaan ar terpld, thaiebatruct
Ing tha secratlsn. caaalng Indigestion
and dyopeptla, with all al their accom
panying horror.
English Dandelion Tonic
xari a tpeclfle InRutnoa over the liver,
excite it to healthy action, reaolra ita
chronic engorgement, and promote the
aecretlent; cure Indlgedion and conttl-
patlon, sharpen the appetite, tone ap
the entire (yctem, and make Ufa worth
Vnttefl Stnte Land Ottlce,
Ore (ru City. Oregon, Nov. :V, 1W0.
Kotlcp hereby (riven that in compliance will)
the vrovinious of the net m Cnnprvfi of June 3,
1STS, entitled "An net for the Fnle f timlwr land
in the fttate of raliftimia. Orecon, Nevada, nnd
Wa.-hiiiKtonTetTitrj" John F. Vol.ofSan rron
eisieo, eountynf San Krnneiseo, State of California,
hat thin day filed in thi office hie sworn Matenient
No. J3ij-2. for the ptirrliiM of the X. V. i of Sec.
No. 12, in Ti. No. 13 S., R. No. 4 F... and ' iil offer
pmof to Khow that the land nxiht in more valu
able for it limber or etone than for axrh-ulKiral
Kirpose, and to establish his claim to miM land
fore the refiner and receiver of thi ofiiew at
Orejron t'ity. Oregon, oil Friday, the 2Tth day cm"
March, 1X91.
He name as witnesses: F. Ijilce, J. E. Grant, J.
F. Temple and C. Frey, all of 8an Frauclsco, Cal
lfnmia. Any and all perwons clnfmliip ad-er5ely the
abov-i1eseriled lundn are requeued to file their
clnims in this office on or before said 27th day of
March, 1SH1. J. T. AI'1'KIt.ScjN, Register.
t'nlted State Ijtnd OflTn,
Oregon City, Oregon, Nov. 29, 1890.
Notice if hereby civen thnt in eoinpllnncc with
the provisions of the act of ConicrcMi of June 3.
1H7S, entitled "An act for the nolo of timier lmidn
in the State? or t 'alirornia, firrpon, Xrrndt, and
WajJiitiRtcm Territory." Frank Ijike, ofllavwanlx.
county of Alameda, State of ("alilornia, iim this
dy tiled in thin office his sworn Mateinent No.
asS, for the purchase of the X. K. 'j of Sec No.
12, in Tp. No. i;t S., K. Xo. 4 E., a.iid will oflTor
proof to show that the land wmght is more valu
able for it timber or ytone than for a.(;riciiliiirn1
purpose, and to cMabiih his claim to said land
before the rejii-ter and receiver of this oltiee at
tireywi t'ity, tlrrgon, on Friday, the -JTtli day of
March. I!'!.
He namei ns wltncssos: J. F. Wood .1 K Orsnr
J. F. Temple and C. Frey, all of San Francisco,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
abme-dexTilxHl lands ere requested to rile their
claims in this- ofliue on or he 'ore said iTtti davof
Marc h, lSld. J. T. Ai'PEKOX, llegister.
D. M. Fekkv & Co's
Illustrated, Descriptive and Priced
d Annual
I will be mailed FREEt?
ia nrct inI -a lacl tkaata-in'ai
k. It is better than ever
cry person using Gartunm
shcuJd send for it. Address
SailSScStjSfa-iS iiiii" " 3
c m
14 For 1891
tto mil appl
5 1L
Larrt seedsmen in the world C i
rtiiT b'TATEB Lad Ornm, I
Oregon t'ity, Oregon, IVc. 15, lSy0.(
Xotice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of t'ontrresn
of June S, 1K7H, etititievl "Ati act for the sw !e
of timber lnrnls in the State of falifornia,
Orcpon, Nevada, and Washinjrtoii Terri
tory," t'hnrlrs A. Jones, of San Francisco,
county of San I'rancinco, State of t alifortiia,
ha9 this day tiled in this olllce hist awor;i
atntement No. 237, for the of the
N. W. '4 of Sec. Xo. 2(5, in Tp. No. 13 S., II.
N". 2 K., and mill offer jiroor to show that
the land nought is more valuable for its tim
ber or atone than for agricultural purposes,
and to establish his claim to said land he
fore the JteiriKtvr and Kecvivcr of this ottlce
at Onpon t.'ity, Oregon, on Wednesday, the
I5th day of April. 1S91.
He natrtes as witnesses: F. ttrandt and
t. II. Iiblin, of I'crtland, Oregon; and
tieo. Hayuni and A. Andrew s, of San Fran
cisco, t'alifortiia.
Any and all persons claiming adversely
the above-described lands arc requested to
hie thc-.r claims in this office on or before l.Vh dav of April. R1.
J. T. A1TKKSON, ltegister.
fnlted States Ind Office,
Orejrou t'ity, Oregon, Xov. as, 190.
Notice la hctreby Riven that in compliance with
the provision of the act of Congress of June S
l."7S entitled "An act for the tale of timber land
in the Slates of California. Orejron, Nevada, and
tVashinifion Territory," F.velyu K. kabjohn. of
8an Franc-iaco. county of San Francisco, Slate of
t'alirornia. ban this day tiled In thin oflice her
sworn statement Xo. 2:1", for the purchaite of the
8. K. H,pf Sec. Xo. 2, In Tp. No. 13 8., K. Xo. 4 K ,
and will oftVr proof toahonr that the land snuirht
is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for
atmimlinral purpose, and t j establish her claim
to said land before the register and receiver of this
oflice at OreRon City, Oregon, oa Thursday, the
Kt h day of March, lsai.
She names as wltnesvies: J. Rlchanls, A. Frey,
J. M. Temple. C. 1 t hamljcr. ail ol Sau Fran
cisco. Caliiornia.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to Wc' their
claims iu this ottlce on or before snid 'Jcitli davof
March, lssl. J. T. Al'PEKSON", Kegiste'r.
United Slates Land Office,
Oregon City, Oregon, Nov. 29, 1890.
Notice is hereby civen that in compliance with
the provisions of the act of ( empre ss of June 3
INiX, entitled "An act for the sale of timler utndit
ni the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
VVashinnlon Tcrribirt-," John M. Temple, of San
KrauciK, county or Kan Franeiwo, State of
; " . of 'y nien in tins ottice
his sworn statement No. -j;v!), tor the purchase of
MlO Si W I.. rf iiu V.. in 1.. ... .1, ..
K., and will offer proof to show that the land
souKht in more valuable for its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to establish hi
claim to said land before the register ami reeetver
or this office at Oregon City.Oregou.on Thursday
the Jrtth day f March, 1SUI.
lie names as witnesses: J. E. Grant, P. l ake,
J. V. Wood and E. K. Kabjohn, all of San Fran
cisco. California.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lauds are requested to file their
claims in this office oil or Ik-fore saidlYith day of
March, 1KJ1. J. T. A1TERS0X, KegUter.
Carpenter & Builder.
All Kinds Repairing & Jobbing
Done on Shortest Notice.
Shop on Main Street, Next Door to
Tailor Shop.
t'SITKU Ftatk I.AMD Orrti'R, I
Urc trim t lty,tireKon, Dec. 15, 1X!K1.(
Notti e is lictehy irivfti tliat lu cotiiiliance
with tlifi tirovlslnns nf the net ol't'migrM of
June 3, 1S78, entitled "An act ir the salu of
tinitx-r lauds lu Ilic Htatcs of ( 'uhfnnit.-t, Dre-
f)rt, Nevnila, atui WaMliingtou Territory,"
ieorgi) liavlitn, of San FratifiscMi, county of
Man r ratu fsc-o. State of 'aiiliirtiln, lias this
nay nicci in mis cunee ins sworn STn'einent
K.. f.. cl... .... -.,1. .i... a ,y
..... ' mi j'liii iiagfi ui HIP n, r.. "I Ct"
Kcc. No. 'i4, in Tp. No. 1:1 H., It. No. 2 K.
Oliil w III oMcr trtMif to show that the luti.
sought is uiiuis vuhuililo fur its Hintier or
stone iiian mr airncuMurtil iittrtKises, anil to
estalilisili his cluiin to sniil laml before tlui
Itepistc-r and lii't clver of this oflice at Orc
iron t 'ity, Orepm, on Wednesday, the 15til
dav of April, 181)1.
lie nanu s as witnesses: A. Andrlcn, K
Aelliltil, l'. De Hoyle and U I),, lMnm; all
ol Han Francisco, ('iilll'untlu.
Ativ lind nil iwrsona t laintlnn adversely
tilt Um ....I
... . -iij-rii.i to
nie tlii irt linins in tliis oflice on or before
said 15th day of April, IXflt.
J. T. Al'PKUi
U.StJX, Reenter.
Vr-itho pTATta L!t) Owe, I
Oregon t'ity, (treKon, llct:. 15, imw.f
Kotic-e is hereby jdven that in compliance
rllli the pnivisions of the act of t'oiiirress
of June 3, 187H. entitled "An act for the sale
of timlwr lands in the Btates of 'alifortiia,
Oreiron, Nevada, and Washington Terri
tory," Alfred Andrien, of Han Francisco,
county of Han Francisco State of California,
has this day tiled in this ottlce his sworn
jtattMnent No. for the purchase of the
N. K. H of See. No. 211, tn Tp. No. 13 S., It.
No. 2 K., and will oin-r priHif to show that
the laud sought is more valuable for its tltn
ler or stone than for airrit-ultural pttrioses,
aud to establish bis claim to said land be
fore the kcKister and Receiver of this ofllco
at Or. Ron C ity, On iion, on Thursday, the
Ulth clay of April, lu.
i. 'J?,f , ' ': fJeortre Ilavum,
ite ,t,vlp- "d T. Agliat'u, all
of Han Francisco, I 'alifortiia.
Anvnnd all iersona rlaindnir adverselr
the alsvenlescnled lands are recpiested to
rile their claims in this office on or before
aid loth day ol April, IKH.
J. T. Al'l'KKSON, RepjUter.
Umitcd Statm LA-tnOrrim, (
Oreiron City, Oregon, Dec. 13, lKl.f
'.l is llvnV irlf" that In compliance
with the provisions of the act of Coneress
of June a, 187S, entitled "An a.-t for the sale
of timber lands iu the States of California
OrejtroiijNevada.and Washington Territory.'1
.L'""1 Ame,1'?. id San Francisc-o, county
?ii . F,?".,'!!M',; Sta, f,f 'lf''rnia, has
this Uar tlle-i iu this olHce bis aworti state
ment So. 2391, for the purchase of the X.
. H of Sec No. 24, in Tn. No. 13 8., R. No.
2 fc... and will offer proof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for ita timber
oratorio than for agricultural, and
to establish his claim to said land before the
Register and Receiver of this office at Ore
gon City. Oregon, on Thursday, the 16th day
of April, 155)1. '
Hennniea ai witneases: A. Andrien, 1
Aghanl, o llavuin and U. Lehman, all of
tsan Krancisco, California.
-Anvnnd all persona claiming adversely
the above-clcrsinbecl lands are reoueste.1 to
file their claims in this office on or before
said 10th day of April. 11.
J. T. A1TE1LS0N, Register.
t'nlted Staled Land Offiee,
Oregon Ciiy, Oregon 1T. i, iio.
Notice ! hereby given that in com pi (sure with
the provUlous of the act of Ccniareu of June S.
IS, it entitled "An act for the wliul limber lands
12 t,,e of ( alifornla. Oregou. Xevada. and
Washiiurton Territory," otto Kofoed, of Portland
7wll'cof.s,l1;,,,,m"1H State of Oregon, has this
dav 'tiled In this oliiee his swoni statement No.
'-too, the purchase of the N. W. i of See No.
12. in 1. No. 13 H K. N. 3 K.. ai..l will offer
proof to show that the laiBl sought Is more valu
able foritstlmlieror stone than f.vr aaneultural
ixirposes. and loestahliih h!s elatm to said land
lierore the register and receiver of this office at
Oregon City OreguD, on Wedne-sday, the id day
He uames as witnesses- O. A. Bennett, J. II.
Kewis and F. Raiisuruer. of Portland, Oregon, and
F. Uramiet, of Kresno. Califontia.
Any and all persons claiming adversrlv the
alntte described lands are rroursled to file'thrlr
u'", ,h"-ou or tef.jre aid 2.M dav of
April. IMl. J. T. AI'l'EUSON. Hcgtster.
t'nlted States tand OtHce.
Oregou City, Oregon, iec. 15, 1S90.
Notlcsy l hereby given that in eoinpllanee with
the provisions of the act of Coiien-ss of June 3.
I, sntiiled "Au act for the tale of timber lancfs
JJ 'MT. M,ltc of California. Oregon. Xevala. and
Wa-blngicn Territory." ll-!,min Lehman, of
Pan rrsncisc), ecsiiuy c Kan Fraueisut, Slate of
alitornia. has this dav f led lu tbis ofl'c-e his
sworn walenient Xo. 23.U. for the punt ae of the
. V. . 14 of fer So. it, in Tp. No. 13 R., R. No. 2
' W1" ,flv'r P""'' o how that the laud
-Might is more valuable for Ita timber or stone
than for agricnliiiral purposes, ami to eablih
his claim to said land before the register and re
cciver of this offices at Oregon City, Oregon, on
Thursday, the 16!h dav of April. !oi.
He names as witnesses: Ike jcng. p. Ie
Rovle. i Ilavum and A. Andrews, all of San Fran
cisco. aliOtrnia.
Any and all persons claiming adversely it
above described lands are requested to Ma their
claims in this oflice vu or be fore said Iftthdavof
April, mi. t. T. Al'I'EltSo.V. KegUleV.
VnlteJ States Ijind OfTlee,
Oregon City. Oregon. lc. 1ft, 1890.
Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with
the provisions of the act of Con cress of June 8
IS,, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands
in the States of California, OreSon. NeTada. and
Washington Territory," Chris 11. Lalblin. of Port
land. IHrtinlVnr lkli,ltn...l. . . r t
... ..... " ui,,,,',,, ci sic 4.1 crr-jfoii, lias
this clay bled 111 this o'ticc I. is sworn statement
..... I. n- cue porc-iiae ot i lie s. w. of Sec.
-- 1- - v. 11. , Biiu win oner
proof to show that the laud sought Is more vahi-
able tor its ClmlMir i.r u..., 11... r. ... ..
... ...mi mi Kiii-uiiunci
pnnsxses. and to establish his claim to said land
tiefore the register and receiver of this office at
Oreiron City, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 16th day
of April, 1HD1.
He names as witnesses: F. Ilrandt. or Portland.
Oregon; c. A Jones. 0. Ilavum and A. Andrieu,
of t-au rraiictsco, California.
Any anil ail persons claiming adversely the
lhllTlljlCllillul I.H1I..U - . . 1 . - .,
.. , iuii. ii-iin-sceii co nie tneir
claims iu this olBce on or before said lftth clay of
.1,1.1. t. art-r.Ksu., Keguster.
Fnlted Plates Ijuid Oflice,
Oregon City, Oregou, December 15, 1S?0.
Notice to hereby given that In compliance with
the provisions of the act of Congress of June a,
17. entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands
tn the States of California. Oresjon, Nevada and
Washington Territory," Kred Ilrandt. of Portland
county of Multnomah, Btate of Oregon, has this
day filed lu this oflice his sworn statement No
2:ttvc, for the pmchase orthe S. E. of Sec No 22
in Tp. N11. IS 8.. K. No. 2 E.. and will offer ims.f
to show that the land sought Is more valuable for
Its timber or stone than Tor agricultural purposes,
and 10 establish his claim to said land before the
register and receiver ot this oliiee at Oregon Chv
Oregon. 011 Wednesday, the lftth day of April. 1SH1.
He names as witnesses: C. 11. Ijciblln. or Port
land, Oregon: C. A. Jones. i. Havutu aud A. An
drieu, or Sao Francisco. California.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested te Me "their
claims in this oliiee on or belore said lMhdayof
April, 1SU1. J. T. AITEUSON, Kegister.
fnlted Ptntes Land Offlee,
Oregon t'ity, Oregon, Dec. 19. 1S90.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with
the provisions ol the act of Congress of June
1S78. entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands
in the Stales of California, On'gon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory." Frank llrsiiilct. of Fresno,
county of Fresno, 8tate of t ahfornin, has this day
flled liMhls offlc;e his sworn slatenicnt No. lioist
for thcVjinrehiLse of the 8. K. i of Sec. No. l', in
Tp. No. 13 S R. No. E.. aud will c.lli r pnsif to
show tliat the land sought is more valuable for lis
timlier or atone than for agricultural pnrtioscs, and
to establish his claim to said laud before the reg
ister and receiver of this oliiee at Oregon City
Oregon, on Wednesday, the art dav of April, I.S1U.
He names as witnesses: O. A. lleunett. F. Kan
somer. J. II. Lew is aud O. Kofoed, all of l'ortland.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested tn tile their
claims in this oliiee on or before said 2-Jd day of
April, 1891. J. T. AFPEKSON. ltegistur.
United States Land Offlco,
Oregon City, Oregon, Dec. IS, l.S'K).
Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with
the provisions of the act of Congress of June S
17 entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands
in the Mates of California, Oregon, Xevada, and
Washington Territory," Iiuis De La litre, of San
Francisco, county of San Francisco, State or Cali
fornia, has this day filed in this office his sworn
statement No. 23DI, for the purchase of the H. W.
H of Xec. No. 26, in Tp. No. 13 8., R. No. 2 E., and
will offer proof to show that the land sought is
more valuable for its timber or stone than for ag
ricultural piirtmses, and to establish his claim to
said laud before the register and receiver of this
office at Oregon City. Oregon, on Friday, the 17th
day of April, IS'.) .
He names as w itnesses, A. Andrien, T. Agliam
P. Pe Boyle and G. Hayum, all of San Frauclsco
Any and all persons claiming advorsely the
obove-de.-eribed lands are requested to file their
claims in this office on or before snid 17th dav of
April, lSicl. J. T. ATFKKSON, Register.
To Make Roohr V
h - '
-Q .
Entire Btock of
I3oot 6c Shoes
Now la tha Time to
I Propose to Have
Leading Dry Goods Store
In the Valley.
Promptly attended.
-A.llui j-, Oregon.
rsat4, and so stamped oa bestsnm. Addrcras
Vv.i. UULUl.Ati.BrtMktoa, Masck aoUIV
Stmt Cvtt fm iw RrBMmi,
h km Bswici srcstcis rrom
lacUfcwttn sr Wcwstif tlcss.
lm prois lbs Ctora p . .s ins
hfP.iCCI..iki. U1J
THs itt acta bs alcsslf adia4 tom cbo cms, sa
en pill ess nr bs too Ura a docw. Bar to bki
ucosisdinsu. sills sot a ia stranc vial
vsieh css bsrsfrlad 1 vswt ixceasS. A Bi cil C .
t i tiicln WC BcuIbms Sm. Im !. su.
siarLs boss aaaia aooa b a. u n.Ti.s!
BTRirirStb. lUKIO; SlUL-LiTIS C LI Vt 1
I'siTtD States Lasd Orric, I
Orpjrou City, Oregon, January 12, 1831.
Notice is licreby Riven that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of ConaTess of
June 3. ts-s. entitled "An act for the sale of
timU-r lands in the States of California, Ore-
pn, cS'la. and Washington Territory,"
Thomas K. Norris, of liavwards, cotintv of
Alameda, rotate of California, has this dav
filed in this office his sworn statement Nd.
2425, for the purchase of the S. W. V of Sec.
No. 8, in '!. No. 13 K., 11. No. 3 E., and will
otTc r proof to show that the land sou eh t is
more valuable for its timber or stone "than
for agricultural purtioses, and to establish
his claim to said land before the Register
and Heceiver of this office at Oregon Citv,
Ore-pun, on Wetlitesdav, the Cth day of Mav,
He names as witnesses: C. Prowse, F.
Oates, W. J. Kamaue and J. A. Collins, all
of liavwards, California.
Any and all jcrwns claiming advarsely
the above-dcscnlied lands are raquested to
file their claims in this otTica on or before
said Cth dav of Mar. 1W1.
J. T. ArPKKSON, Register.
I'nltcvl States Iand Office,
Oregon City, Ore-iron, Nv. 29. 1S90.
Notice Is hereby Riven thst tn compliance with
the iroriions of the set of Coiijrress of June 8,
lsr;s. entitled "An set for the sale ot timber lands
In the Wiatcs of California, Oreiron, Nevada, and
Washington Territory." JcrcmUh K. Grant, of Ban
Francises), enmity of San Francisco, State of Cali
fornia, hs-s this iay filorl in this oflice his sworn
statement No. 2Stl, for the purchase of the 8. K. 4
of Sec. N. 12. In Tp. No. IS 8.. R. No. 4 E.. and will
offer proof toshow that the laud sought Is more val
uable for its tfmlier or stone than for atrricultiiral
purposes, and to establish his claim to said land
before tha register and receiver of this office at
Orexmn city, Oregon, ou Thursday, the 2clth dav of
March. 1W.
lie names as witnesses: S. F. Temple. J. F. Wood,
P.. K Kabjohn and F. Lake, all of Sau Frauclsco.
. Any and all persons claimiiiE: adversely the
alwive-deserihed lands sre requested tn Tile their
claims In this oflice en or before said 2th dav of
March. IRSfl. J. 1. APPEKSON, Register.
United States Ijind Offlee,
Oregon City, Oregon. Nov. 29, 1890.
Notlcs Is hereby Riven that in compliance with
the provisions or the act of Congress of June 3,
1S7H, entitled "An act for the sa'e of timber lands
In the. Slates or t'alirornia. Oregon, Nevada, a;id
Washington Territory," Anna M. Frey, of San
Fi anri:co. county of San Francisco. State of Cal
ifornia, has tliisclay filed in this office her sworn
slalcinent No. 2:W), tor the purchase of the 8.
of N. E. M and Iots 1 and 2 of Sec. No. 2, In Tj
No. 13 S.. ft. No. 4 E., and will offer proof to show
that the land sought is more valuable for lu tim
ber or stone than for airriculturnl purposes, and to
establish her claim to said land before the recrister
and receiver of this oflice at Oreron City. Oregon,
on Thursday, the 20th day of March, IH'it.
She names as witnesses: . E. Rabjohn, C. P.
rhsmla-rs, J. F. Wood and J. M. Temple, all of
San Francisco, California.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-descrilKMl lands are requested to tile their
chums in this oflice on or before said 26th dav of
March, ls!H. J. T. A 1' PERSON, Register.
rnlted Slates Land Office,
Oregon City, Oregon. January 5, 1891.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with
the provisions of the act of Contrress of June 8,
1x7. entitled "An act Tor the sale of timber lands
In the suites of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory," August Bourdier, of San
Francisco, county of San Francisco. State of Cali
fornia, has this day filed in this office his sworn
statement No. 2-117, for the purchase of the E. of
8 W. yt and Lots S and 4 ol Sec. No. 80, in Tp. No.
l:t 8., R. No. 3 E.. and will offer proof to show that
the land sought is more valuable for its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish h Is claim to said land before the Register and
Receiver of this office at Oregon Citv, Oregon, on
Weduesdav, the 2!ith dav of April, lyl.
lie names as witnesses: Jean Ecke, Banriste
Juannn, Michael f)utfard and John Van Horn, all
of San Francisco, California.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
alxive-described lands are requested to file their
claims in this oflice on or before said Lth dav ot
April, nsl. J. J. APPEKSON, Register.
-ts, Youth's and Boy's Clothing,
: ' Furnishing Goods, Etc.
Also Keep on Second floor a full line of
In which I will not bo undersold. Come and see me and
I will treat you well.
Merchant Tailor,
An Elegant Line of Suitings Kept
in Stock. h
Cleaning and Repairing Promptly
ana ieatiy uone.
Only First-Class
Has on band a larfs stock ecf
Call And Secure Prices.
TJit'TsD States La OrncB, )
Oregon City, Oregon, January 12, 1S91.)
Notice is herebv eiven that in comulianre
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the aale of
hied in this office his sworn statement No.
2422, for the purchase of the N. W of See.
No. 8, in Tp. No. 13 S. R. No. 3 K., and will
offer proof to show that the land sought is
more valuable tor its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish
his claim to soicl land before the Register
and Receiver of this office at Oregon t'ity,
tregon, ou Wednesday, the 6th day of May,
He names as witnesses: Cbas. Prowse,
Hiram I Preston, Thos. E. Norris and
Frank II. dates, all of Haywards, Alameda
county, California.
Any and all persons claiming adversely
the above-described lands are requested to
tile their claims in this office on or before
said 6th day of Mav, 19I.
J. T.APPERSON, Register.
Ukitib Statu Laud Ornci, t
Oregon City, Oregon, Dec 15, 1890. f
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3, 1878, entitled "An art for the sale of
timber lands in the States of California, Ore-
fon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
"icrre Ie Boyle, of San Francisco, county
of San Francisco, State of California, has
this day filed in this office his sworn state
ment No. 23S12, for the purchase of the S. E.
V$ of Sec No. 2(5, in Tp. No. 13 S., K. No. 2
and will offer proof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for its timber
or stone than for agricultural purposes, and
to establish his claim to said land before the
Register and Receiver of this office at Ore
gon City, Oregon, on Thursdav, the 16th
day of April, 1891.
He names as witnesses: A. Andrien, L.
Agliani, G. Hayum and B. Lehman, all ot
San Francisco, California.
Any and all persons claiming adversely
the atxve-described lands are requested to
file their claims in this office on or hfr.n
said ICth day of April. 1891.
J. 1. Al'i-JSKSON, Register.
United 8tates Land Oflice,
Oregon City, Oregon, January 12, 1891.
Notice is hc.TV.hv Hvsn C Vl. t In Mm Tkl i . aa ! V.
the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3,
1878. entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands
in the States of California. Oregon. Xevada, and
Washlnirton Territory," William J. Kccmnire, of
Haywards. eocmty of Alameda. State of California,
im inn uk; uiitu IU WI1S Oliiee C11S SWOTH SI AW HH' 11 1
No. 2424, for the purchase of the N. K. X. nf sw
No. 8, in Tp. No. 13 S., R. No. 3 ., and will offer
proof to show that the land sought is more val
uable for its timber or stone than for agricultural
purroes, and to establish his claim to said land
before the Register and Receiver of this office at
Ore con City, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 6th day
of May, lHyi.
He names as witnesses: J. A. Collins, F. H.
Gates, H. P. Preston and Ti E. Norris, all of Hay-
Any and all nersons rlaimintr silvprl. th.
abovelescribed lands are re4iiet!d to file their
claims in this office on or before said 6th davof
timber lands in the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory."
James A. Collins, of liavwards, conntv
Alameda. State of California, lias this dav
Hotel in Lebanon.
You can hay a ay of tha
Cheap, of
wondsn and
Stnns Wars, also
SSf Job Work done on Short Notice.
125,000 Brick
At my yard in the suburbs of Lebanon
For Sale a("ReasoraMrEae' '
An Kinds at
With Neatness and Despatch.
TTnited states Land Office,
Oregon City, Oregon, Dec. 15, 1890.
Notice hereby given tha In compliance with
the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3,
187, eatitled "An act for the sale of timber lands
In the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, ami
Washington Territory," Loui Agliani. of Ban
Francisco, county of San Francisco, tstate of Cal
ifornia, has t his day filed in tbis office his sworn
statement No. 23SU, for the purchase of the N. K.
of Sec, No. 24. in Tp. So. 13 S., R. No. 2 K., and
will outer proof to show that the land sought is
more valuable for its timber or stone than for ag
ricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to
said land before the recrister and receiver of this
office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Friday, the 17IB
day of April, 1891. "
He names as witnesses: L. le Lange. B. Leh
man, G. Hayum and A. Andrien, all of San Fran
cisco, California.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file their
claims in this office on or before said 17th day oa
April, 1SU1. J. T. APPEKaOiJ, Register.
riiited States Land Office.
Oregon City, Oregon, Dec 19, 1850.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance with
the provisions of the act of Congnss of June S.
IScS. entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands
in the States of California. Oregon. Nevada, and
Washington Territory." Jewett H. Lewis, ot Port
land, county of Multnomah, state of Oregon, has
this day Bled in this office his sworn statement
No. 2B98, for the purchase f the N. E. V; of Sec,
No. 12, iu Tp. No. US.. R. No. 3 E., and will offer
proof to show that the land socght is more valu
able for its timber or stone than for agricultural
Surposea. and to establish his claim to said hind
efore the register and receiver of this offiee at
Oregon Ciiy, Oregon, on Wednesday, the Sd day
of April, lssi.
He names as witnesses: G. A. Bennett. P. Ran
somer and O. Kofoed. of Portland. Oregon, and F.
B ram let, of Fresno, California.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are rexjnsicd to tiie their
claims iu this office on or before said 22d day of
April. 1691, . J. T. APPKSON. SKter,
f '
com.) , aoui. j. t. Aff JitUiOX, Register.