The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, March 06, 1891, Image 3

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    ' . . .
i. -
T. C. Feebler' groceries.
Eugene is to have a street railway.
Uo to T. C. Peebler's for glassware.
C5o to 8. P. Bach for boots ami shot s.
Two cigars for 5c nt T. V. Peebler's.
A gardeirer would do well la Leba
non. Oregon City had a $ 16,000 fire on the
Lebanon hw one livery and two feed
bo to T. C. Peebler's and get 17 U.
E. C. sugar for $ 1.
Chester Harris drovetbeSweet Home
stage Wednesday.
F. M. French, the jeweler, Albany,
keeps railroad time.
Remember T. C. Peebler pays cash
Tor eggs and chickens.
All pmxls dellverd free of charge
Ironi 1. C Peebler's store.
About twelve inches of snow fell
here Saturday night and Sunday.
Had you noticed that the snow is
" lying ou an unsual length of time?
Two companies of Immigrants arrived
In-Lebanou from th East this week.
8. P. Bach sells good Brownsville
roller process flour for $1 10 per sack.
The sections hands are putting the
-witeh in good condition at the Junc
tion. Fireman's election next Monday eve--ning.
A general attendance is de
. aimL
8. P. Bach keeps a line of boots and
shoes as well as Brownsville woolen
For reasons easy to give, garden seeds
were not in demand the first day ot
John A. Baker and Wni. Elkins are
painting Mr. Miller's house in Hals ton's
ad J i ton.
ir. Dudley contemplates spending
two or three weeks in Junction, doing
dental work.
At the school election Monday, C. H.
Ralston was elected director and Dr.
L. Foley clerk.
Junction City was visited with fire
last week, for the third time within
thirteen months.
. O. AV. Wheeler has sold his mill,
but wot his lumber; call on him for
building lumber.
8. P.-Bach will give you a good bar
gain in Brownsville elothing. He will
also ray you cash for produce.
A sociable will be given at the resi-
bf Dr. Courtney this Friday
evening. Everybody invited.
Frank Crab tree moved Into Mr.
Blodgett'' house on the corner of Sec
ond and Viue streets last week.
Deputy Sheriff" Vanny Smith was in
Sweet Home lst week subpoenaing
. witnesses in the church quurrel.
The second meeting of carpenters
Monday night last, was dismissed
without effecting an orgtiuization
"Where are the men who one year
ago talked so earnestly about bnildins
a telephone lii.-e to Sweet Home?
- Unless the gronnd-hog lore bff at fault
there will be no settled weather until
after the sixteenth of this month.
Brownsville people are hopeful of
the waffon road appropriation of o000,
notwithstanding the governor's veto.
-Saratrel Case is building an addition
to his house.. .There is room here for
at least one or two desirable inferences.
.... The public school was dismissed at
noon n Monday and an election cf a
school board was held in the afternoon.
Dr. J. A. Lamberson is making ar
rangements to duplicate last year's
tfatle in eascafa bark and Oregon grape
: George Elkins is taking the census
r of our juvenile population with a view
of drawing our proportioa of the school
Laides, do not fail to see the stock of
fine 8. K. and C. P. corsets from the
East at Montague's. Satisfaction guar
anteed.. The miners in this part of the country
are praying for the snow to pass off m
. that they can commence work early in
(be season.
Ten acres of land sown to sorghum
will make more and better forage
than twice that amount of either cheat
or timothy.
A man in town wants about twenty
aeres of land, ten acres of which he
Eurposes to set to hops and the other
alf to prunes.
. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. E. G.
Carr died Wednesday afteraoon. The
bereaved have the sympathy of the en
tire community.
- The Albany Herald of last week
"'reported a Lead ville man in the city,
looking for mining property in the
Santiam district.
Bran, and chop seems to be scarce
articles in this part of the country,
consequently some of our people have
to import from Salem.
O. Morsran of Albany moved into
H. C. Hardman's house this week.
Mr. Morgan will team for Jennings &
- to. tne coming season.
Rev. Lamar of the Bapt ist church
will begin a series of revival meetings
next Monday evening, to be protracted
for ten days or two weeks.
A gentleman from Seattle was fig-
iferHgona certain business in our town
last week, but whether negotiations
will mature is yet uncertain.
. Two passenger coaches on the road
between Lebanon and Albany and two
. trains daily; this argues sorse business
for the Lebanon branch road.
The rich soil and the numerous coal
deposits in Canada, or the Forks of the
Santiam, will make that one of the
richest sections of the Willamette Val
ley. -
The Brownsville Times says Wm.
Role, Supt. of the Calapooia and Blue
River Mining Co., went to Portland
. Jat week.- in the interest of that com
pany. Halsey wants a flourmilt and to that
. end,-a . meeting of the citizens was
iCalled last week when the iniatory
steps were taken to secure that enter
prise. J. Chandler, who lives eighteen
miles up the Calapooia, tells us that
the snow is deeper on his farm than
he ever saw it since he has been in the
Coughs and colds come uninvited,
but you can quickly get rid of these,
with a few doses of Dr. J. H. McLean's
Tar Wine Lung Balm. For sale by J.
A. Beard.
Section foreman Skelly was busy
opening up the water courses alonp the
track in Lebanon Monday; it threat
ened to interfere seriously with the
turn table. ,
There are several feet of snow (per
haps more than there has teen for
s years,) in the mountains and we are
TKoncerned about the manner of it
passing off.
V.:t p-ood things '1 enjoy yourself
while you live, lor you will be n lonr
time ilead. If you buy your groetriw of
T. V. I'eebier you could not bo other
wise than happy. ... '
A barrel of old bourbon whiskey was
shipped to Lebanon this week and was
returned forthwith. Was it a mistake
or i- the "original package" law in
force in thU country?
Itisa Mtame and disgrace to any
railroad, 1h. it narrow or wide gauge,
that will compel it p;is-nufers tostand
in the snow as they are forced to do at
the Lebanon Jutietiou.
At n meeting of the stockholders of
the Calapooia and Who itiver mining
company in Brownsville eve
ning, it was decided to put a mill on
the property early in the spring.
Rev. C. A. McDonald is agent for
the famous Kpworth pianos anil
organs, which for tone, durability and
finish, are unexcelled. 1 nquire at Ex
ruEss ofliee for prices and terms.
If your are suffering with weak or In
flamed eyes, or granulated eyelids, yon
can lie duickly cured by using Dr. J.
H. McLean's Strengthening Eye Salve.
25 cents a box, at J. A. Beards.
On the 1st of March, 195)1, Mr. J. K.
McClun and Mis Elmira Duniway,
both of Sweet Home, were united in
holy wedlock; Thos. A. Yost, pastor of
Evangelical church at Sweet Home,
J. A. Beard sold bisdrug store last
week to Messrs J. A. Poberts and
Charley Millerof this place. Although
John will retire from the business, we
are assured that he will continue to
abide with us.
Now that immigrants are coming
into our town, it may he well for our
people to remember that first impres
sions are usually lasting and very
much depends upon our manner of re
ceiving strangers.
Phil Smith makes good time as as
sessor; having assessed the county sev
eral times, he knows where to find every
man, where every man has been found
and what he is worth when he is found.
You can't dodge Phil.
A gentleman is canvassing our town
with a view toestablishng aeireulating
library. By the close of the week 'a
membership will have been enrolled
sutlcient to guarantee to our town a
valuable circulating library.-
One of our citizens who has resided
in Lebanon but a few months, has
returned after a month's travel in dif
ferent parts of the country.sntistied that
Linn county and this particular part
of the county is unexcelled.
A total abstainer, seventy-five years
of age, challenged any man who used
tobacco to wrvstle with him last Sat
urday and not a single lover of the
narcotic plant dared grapple with
this advocate of temperance.
Died, Sunday, March 1, 1S91, near
Shedd, of diphtheria, Thomas, son of
Mr. John Morgan, aged 12 years. This
is the second son Mr. Morgan has lost
from this disease; and two others are
afllieted, but are improving.
Be sure and read the mining news in
this issue. The facts set forth In this
article can be relied upon. The mires
in the Calapooia and Blue River dis
tricts are all that we have claimed them
to be, rich, easy of accessand practically
There are ninny accidents and dis
eases which effect Stock and cause se
rious inconvenience and liss to the
farmer in his work, which may be
quickly remedied by the ne of Dr. J.
H. McLean '9 Volcanic Oil Liniment.
For sale by J. A. Beard.
The weather on Saturday night and !
Sunday last, left a conglomeration of
ice, snow, mud, etc, on our streets
that was not a pleasant mixture by
any means, and we don't know
whether to charge it to winter or spring,
perhaps both are to blame.
The two towns of Brownsville are to
he united under one charter, says the
Times. It is much better to have the
two towns under - government.
Such a union will keen down petty
jealousies which are suiv to arrive in
the absence of such a compact.
Rv. K. E.Thompson, of the C. P.
church, arrived in Lebanon Wednes
day and will hold services in the C. P.
church each evening this weK; also
Sunday morning and evening. Rev.
Thompson is a. new-comer to this
country aud beara the lst f creden
tials. " .
There sre about twenty-five families
in Lebanon, the majority of them new
comers, who do not read the Express,
and if they do not want their names
to appear in our forthcoming table set
ting forth the illiteracy of this town
they would better take up t heir line of
march in time to avoid notoriety.
Reduced rates at the photograph gal
lery one week longer. Having run
short of material lately, I was unable
to accommodate my patrons, but I
now have the materials and the re
duced rates will obtain one week longer.
$2 00 per dozen for cabinet photos.
W. D. Mesarvey.
The following is the most comical
piece of grave-yard literature we ever
remember to have read. It appears as
an epitaph in an English cemetery
and reads as follows: t
Here lie the remain1- of Albert nonion,
Mouth almitrbry rti'1 teeth aceordin';
Stranger. treal liirhMv oe'r this wonter.
If he opens his mou-.h you are gone, by thunder.
We wonder that the Grangers as a
body do not take hold of the sugar
beet industry. If there is a state in
the Union that can excel Oregon in
growing this vegetable we do not know
it, and why our people should be so
slow in inaugurating the beet-sugar in
dustry, has puzzled wiser heads than
Among the government sinecures in
this part of the Union we may men
tion that of carrying the mail between
Lebanon and Lacomb. The latter
town has a bi-weekly mail service
which costs the government two dol
lars a week for fifty-two weeks in the
year, making an annual expenditure
of $104.
F. H. Rosco of Albany was in town
this week with a view" to feeling the
public pulse with reference to the
Albany bridge. Let us regard Linn
county as "one and indivisible" and
build lip the interests of the whole by
strengthening the individual parts.
"Let there be no strife between thee
and us."
Why not incorporate a gas and oil
company and commence boring for
"treasures better hid ." A Kansas com
pany while boring for natural gas dis
covered a salt mine as valuableas any
thing of the kind outside of England.
If we fail to find what we are looking
for perhaps we shall ftnd something
At a meeting of Lebanon Lodge I.
O. O. F. on last Saturday night it was
decided to celebrate the forthcoming
anniversary of the order. The various
committees were appointed and will
report progress at the next regular
meeting. As the anniversary falls on
Sunday the celebration will be held on
Friday or Saturday preceding, notice
of which will be given in due time.
The Oregon ian has the largest circu
lation of any daily, Sunday or weekly
paper west of the Rocky mouu tains.
Aud in order to further increase its
circulation they have selected with
great care, a large list of valuable
books and other useful articles, and are
offering them as premiums to each new
subscriber, to any of its several issues
for yearly subscriptions. The Oregon
ian should be in every household. Send
for premium list.
Oeegoxian PrBLisiiiNd Co.,
Portland, Oregon.
PreaehiiiL.-'ervlees will be"luld fiwrhv
niuhtthl. wSelc In the CP. ihureh
by Rev. 'lompson, lately from the
East. The meetings will be protracted
by the lbtptrits for two or three weeks,
beginning next Monday evening.
Owlwg to the above appointment,
there will be n prayer meeting nt the
M. K. church, South, to-night, thereby
giving all mi opportunity to unite in
the services at the c. p. church.
G. S. 1I ani.i;itl:h, Pat tor.
Joseph V. lory, of Warsaw, III., was
troubled wllh rheumatism and tried a
number of different remedies, but sn.Vs
none of them seemed to do him any
good; but tlnnlPy he got hold of one
that speed tv cured him. He was much
pleased with It, ami felt sure that others
similarly afllieted would like to know
what the remedy was that cured htm.
He states for the bciulltof the public
that it is called Chamlerlain's Pain
Malm. It is for sale here at 50 cents
jer bottle by M. A. Miller, druggist.
The enterprise which received a
good deal of attention here last
summer, vir.: the building of a Hume
from Jennings' mill, eiphteen miles up
the Santiam, to Lebanon, has lately
been revived. As everyone knows, the
road between these two points is impass
able for about nine months in the year,
and as a consequence Lebanon is with
out building material for several
months annually. If the Hume were
built lumber could be floated at all sea
sons of the year, besides tho water
would furnish an excllent power after
transporting the lumber.
A few days ago while sitting In Elder
Bros.' drug store at Tingley, Iown, Mr.
T. L. Dyer, a well known citizen, tame
in and asked (or something for a severe
cold which he had. Mr. Elder took
down a bottle of Chamlterlain'a Cough
Remedy and said: "Here is something
I can recommend. It command a
largo sale and gives genuine satisfac
tion. It Is an excellent preparation
and cheap." Mr. Dyer purchased a
bottle, and the next day when we saw
him he said he was much better, and
the clay following; appeared to te en
tirely restored. This is a specimen of
the effectiveness of this preparation.
. Jfoinrs Jfttil and Timra. M. A.
Miller, druggist, sells the above men
tioned remedy.
E. E. Montague went totJervais last week.
J. A. Lamberstm went to Albany Tuesday.
MissMuttieGetitry left for Silverton Tues
day. It. I Tallent, of Turner, was in town this
Mr. Chenille canto up 'rota Portland Wed
nesday. Jerrr Banks of Brownsville was in Teh
anMi Saturday.
H. Y. Kirkpatriek went to Albany Ssitur
day on business.
Miss Ettie INnvell, of Brownsville, is vis
iting in Iehanor.
Miss Mamie Swan bus been quite ill, be.t
is now recovering.
John Tracksell, of Sweet Home, snt
Friday in Ix'tsauou.
F. U. I5os-oe sjent two or three days in
Lebanon this week.
Ir. Dudley spent a part of last week in
?weet Home on pmfessiouid business.
Marshal t'oyle lias been stek for several
days. Z. T. Bryant wears the star.
Andy Privot, who recently came from
California, is suHering an attack of
Miss Nettie Ansos has been visitsnpr rela
tives in liarrisburg during the past two
Mr. Cov.n and Mr. Underwood. of Albany,
were in Ijebaiion this week scenting a busi
ness location.
James ?nenk, Jr.. ouit the ctnplov of Pr.
Xeuus last week and has gone to Albany to
ntiiirh-hew lits fortune.
Jas. Matchett returned from Rvfcfnrd.
Waslihiffton, Wednesday. He rejxtrt bis
sin. Ir. F. P. Matched, very much im
proved. Mr. Barrett returned to Ids home i?t belv
anoTt Tttesi'av. after an alisence of one
month. He lias !cett sojourning tn Port
land and The Dalhs.
Jo-e)i!i Biirz. of the Brownsville tannerv,
s'ii; e.l i'l I'banoii ore r.isb.t la-t week.
Mr. Hiiiir i tnakirg n tour of the country
iit the interest of the Brownsville tannery.
Jim WolTe called on us last Monday. Mr.
Wolfe worked for the C. V B. H. M. .v M.
Co. last yenr. nnd is at present I'X-atcd on
the coast atxmt ten miles south of Vauina.
Rev. C. A. Mcloe.ald returveil from
PprinarfieM last week. He litis In-en nsist
itiir Kev. J. 8weetly in a protracted meet ins
in tbe al-ove place for a few weeks, with
pood suo'pss. Kev. MellottaM is now cois
iuctiti a meeting in McMinnviile.
T. L. It ice, of Waterloo, who was taken
ill in Salem w hile serving as clerk ot the
late session of the Legislature, so far recov
ered as to le abie to return home last Mmt
rfav. Mr. Ui"c's pliysi.nte is ctuisiderably
depicted, but we trust tlint lie will rcRain
Ins former robustin-ss by a residence in
Hazell, daughter of W. S. and Ida
Swann, of Sweet Home, died on the
28th day of February, of dipt heretic
croup, aged 2 years and nine months.
Hazell has withered on earth, but
blooms In Heaven. The Lord comfort
the bereaved parents.
Funeral services were conducted by
Thos. A. Yt.
The Sweet Home Sunday school
adopted the following resolutions of
Wheress, Hazell f'wann has been called from
amoiiR as t her home Above: therefore,
Kexolved, That in this af'I'etion we recrwnize
the hRiid of onr Father in llenven, and al his
wvere'jm right to Jo with each oi us as tn his
wisdom seems leM.
Keolvel. Tht while we feet our loss ami miw
her from the Sunday school, we knor our los is
her rain ours the cross, but hers the crown. We
also receive this as a ethcmmis admonition to lie
realv and waitifjr, that when the summons '
eomes to ns we shall have on the wedding gar
ment of fitness to cuter into her presence.
Resolved. That our sympathy pocs out to the
home where she was the bright, beautiful child
and daughter: our prayers ari-e for them in the
hour of their sorrow, and we commend them to
the great fo&iforter who not only pities as a father
his children, but U able to supoort us in the day
of need. J. N. Uai.braitii.
AnilK Kl MBAl'iH,
R. V. Yost.
Tire girls and the boys of the spelling class
of the Academy entered into a contest to le
continued for one week, with the following
results, viz:
Monday Boys won by one-forty-fifth of a
Tuesday Boys won by one-fifth of a word.
Wednesday j liirl.s won by one word.
Thursday Girls, won by four-ninths of a
Friday Boys won by three-eighths of a
Kesttlt Girls won by sixty-one seventy
seconds of a word.
Kemark Vri.ile the pirls won in the eon
test, the lnjys made the best record yet made
during the "year on any one day by missing
not a single word on Friday. " The number
of words pronounced was "about five hun
dred. D. ToactT, l'rin.
This is what you ought to have. In
fact you must have it to fully enjoy
life. 'Thousands are searching for it
daily, and mourning because they find
it not. Thousands upon thousands of
dollars are spent annually by our peo
ple In the hope that they may attain
this boon. And yet it may be had by
all. We guarantee that Electric Bit
ters, if used according to directions
and the use persisted in, will bring you
Good Digestion and oust the demon
Dyspepsia and install instead Eupepsy.
We recommend Electric Bitters for
Dyspepsia and all diseases of Liver,
Stomach and Kidneys. Sold at 50c.
and $1.00 per bottle by J. A. Beard,
Bucklen'3 Arnica Salve.
Til's Brst Salvk in the world for
Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt
Bheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Cbapiied
Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skia
Eruptions, and positively cures Piles,
or no pay required. Tt is guaranteed
to give perfect satisfaction, or money
refunded. Price 2o cents ier box. For
sale by J. A. Beard.
t Ant Tarnma Men Think of the Cala
lnnt and ltlue Klver Alluva.
The following from the Titeoma
Ledger, with reference to the Cala
pooia tnd Blue River mines, is pointed
and readable:
Ho quietly bas It gone about Its work
and so little stir has been made that
few people are awnre of the existence
of tho lUue Mountain Mining and M il
ling company, purely a Taeoma syn
dicate and one which promises to nmUe
for those Interested a fortutie, If it dis s
not prove a bonanza.
Some six months ago the Prospectors
Mining & Milling company was organ
ized with 10 stockholders and f 10.0(H)
for the purpose of investigating a rich
Held of mining operations in the state
of Oregon. A few weeks later another
company wns organized, the Blue
Motiutuin Mining and Milling com
pany, with a capital stock of 45(l),lKH)
and having numerous sttK-kholders.
This last company began work imme
diately on the prospect located by It
in Laneeounty Oregon, at tjuartz Creek
Camp, in the HI tie Hi vcr mining district.
The results of Its operations are shown
In the following Interview with Wm.
1 1. Heed, manager f the company, pub
lished Sunday In the Oregonian":
Hu said: "I am down here in pursu
ance of a resolution of the board of di
rectors, passed nt the last meeting,
authorising me to examine milling
machinery for the establishment of a
ten-stamp mill and reduction works on
Quartz creek, in Laneeounty, the seat
of the I5luc River mining district.
Our company Is composctl of the lead
ing merchants and business men of Ta
coma, and Its otllcers are JndyeH.C
I'atric, president; J. L. MeMnrray,
secretary; K. N. Otiimette, treasurer;
S. S. Ijoel), vice president, and myself
manager, and the above ollleers with
Max Llebcnthal and Ei win C. Rse dl
rectors. "Our company owissl:! mines In this
district, all of which are developing,
and we are all enthusiastic over the
deposit of gold in the district. We
have the mining ex ert in charge who
developed the Curry (Joldeit mine in
CornsttH'k ledge, John W. Welch.
He predicts the richest mining camp
in the country. The district Is alnrnt
four by six miles in area, ami there are
more than 1"0 well defined ledges of
paying rock that have been developed,
but the company is now concentrating
its effort on the claim known as the
Gilt Edire mine, shunted on Treasure
hill. This is a true fissure claim, out
cropping more than two mlksof frve
milling quartz.
"The amount of sulph'urets does not
exceed 2 per chL, thus; enabling the
ore to lie milled fir f 1.50 per ton. We
have lately had five mUl tests of ore
from this ledge by the Tacoma Smelt
ing A ltenninr Company, which have
yieldtd as follows: The first 7.fi0 in
gold and .41 In silver to the ton; the
second and .54; the third 32 80
anil .4(1; the fourth $-3 and ?23; aud
the last one fKO in gold and sliver, but
I do not remember the exact propor
tion. "There la a bill !cfore Ihe legislature
now to build a road from Brownsville
to these mines, but we bad rather they
would build from Ktigene, as this
would lessen the dintance from the
railroad by some 30 miles. I am now
on my way to Eugene to see if I can
induce the ehamlxr of commerce
there, through their county commis
sioners, to furnish menus of access by
a public road from that city, and I
think they are disposed to do so, as the
establishment of mills and a mining
camp in that vicinity would mean
thousands of dollars to that city alone.
We want the road cut from the conflu
ence of the McKenzie and Blue rivers
to the mines, a distance of seven miles
Our company has been working these
mi ins for over six months steadily, but
now we are running two shifts of men
day and niirht. The result of the as
says I have given you have been actual
by the Tacoma 'Smelting company,
from ore shipped to them ,!n bulk.
We have also had numerous tests made
by private assayers from selected spec
imens, ami have yielded from f Mi to
$l(i00 per ton. The natural result of
.this is that the company is satisfied
that the ledges will mill on the aver
age $3) per ton clear ;tld. This is a
remarkable average richness, as the
celebrated Treadwell mine of Alaska
averages but ?U er ton. We are not
alone In this district, a the Calapooin
and Blue Kiver Mining and Milling
company, of Brownsville, owns twenty
claims and are doing some develop
ment work, al-o aCorvallis company
and a Kugene company have good
ledges In the same district.
"The aggregate value of these depos
its can hardly lie estimated, as there
are six distinct fissure veins running
almost parallel, nortn ana south, for
nearly two miles, ranging In width
from 4 feet to 10 feet. All this is on
an average of 2000 feet above the water
level, so that we have continual natu
ral drainage and no pumping will be
The Leading: Trice Come to the United
In The Queen's l:it word contest, Ir. Ktl
mtind T. Stevens, of ButValo. X. Y., won the
lirst prize of a free trip to Kurope and $200
m casii. iiiki Annie is. i timer, ot uei-osit
N. V. secured the special prize of a hand-
some Midland iwiv.
The publishers of this well-known Jfaea-
zine have decided to oiler one more compe
tition, and to the persons rending them the
lamest list of Kwrlish words (of not less
j than four letters) constructed from letters
container in tne tnrce woros, "i onuntou ot
Canada," they oiler ninny useful prizes, in
cluding $750 in cash, Shetland pomes, China
i Dinner Sets. Hold Watches, French Music
Boxes, Portiere Curtains, Silk Presses, Man
tle Clocks, etc.., all to be awarded strictly in
order of merit. An elegant silver Tea Ser
vice (valued $ 10) will lie given each day to
the persons from whom the largest list is
received that day from the State in which
they reside. The object of this spivial daily
prize for each State is to increase the inter
est in 'Ihe Queen's competitions in every
locality in the I'nitcd States. Those desir
ing to" contest for one of thew valuable
prizes mav start on their list at once, but
send Rix C. S. 2c. stamps, and nnvive last
number of The Queen before forwarding
vonr list. Address THIS CANADIAN
QI KKN, Toronto, Canada.
"The Jer.y tlljr."
Anglkska Cottage, L. B., July 2.
Gcnilemcn; Altho' it is very Unusual
for me to use any lotions or
washes, still, in answer to your
request, I have tried Wisdom's
Violet Cream and Itoliertine. The
former I consider especially efficacious
in cases of roughness of the skin, and
I have been using it every day for the
last fortnight. I have found the
Itolicrti tie an excellent preparation in
casees of tan, sunburn, etc., caused by
exposure to March winds and a July
sun. Yours faithfully,
Li i.i.ik Langtky
To Messrs. Wisdom & Co.
Buns high In Lebanon at Beard's
drug storo over System Builder,
as everbody Is using It for Catarrh of
the Stomach, Dyspenesia, Consumption
and Impure Blood. Try it and tell
your friends about it, as it must possess
wonderful merits when all speak well
of it.
IS'otice to Farmers.
Wanted at once, chickens, ducks,
geese, turkeys, dried fruits, butter,
eggs, and all kinds of farm produce,
for which I will pay the highest price
in cash or exchange for gooda.
G. W. Simpson.
Albany, Or
God's ISlcsMins to Ilnmnnity.
So Says an Oregon Tioneer Ninety Years Old.
Fokfst Orovf.. Or., March 18.
I have used the OKEGON KIDNEY TEA and
obtained immediate relief. It is (jcd' Wexsins to
humanity. I take pleasure in recommending it
to the afflicted. I am now nearly ninety years
old. came to Orecon ill 1S42 in Ihe employ of the
HnflNon'is Ray Companv, nnd Mnee 1 het'an UKlnt?
the OREGON' KIDNiV TEA I eiijov pood health.
cnu i it c-oricT.
Following Is the docket of the Circuit
Court, which convenes In Albany next
I J Porter vs J C Elder; partition.
Th' s Jefterfon vs U S Mont
t gumery ;
T I'll ten holler vs Perry Smith;
recover money.
State vs James Bnnnon; burglary.
'l'oplitz fe Co vs Mary Cougill; to re
cover money.
Goo J Burner vh Mary Cougill; to re
cover IlltltlVV,
Capital National Bank vsVF Crw
by: to recover money.
Earl Race vs Sea'i l et Dean; attach
ment. Moouey, Valentine A Co vs Mary
Cougill; to recaver money.
D M Orshorne tt Co vs It N Morris
ft al; to recover money.
Albany harmers Co vs SH Mcl ad-
den; to recover money.
iMia lUeiHleliliull vs 11 Belshaw;
OG HlekokvsJS Atitomlle; tore-
cover money.
11 Custer vs Margaretto Custer; di
vorce. W A Klmsey vs S M McDanlel: par
J S Antotielle vs Anna McNulty;
Assignment C.iarlrs l'arker.
May Senders vs M T McGrath; at
tachment. Givenx vs Glvens; divorce.
Jerry Hay vs J P Schooling; appeal.
Jesse L Adams vs Mary A Adams;
lh yo fe Ilosbon vs G Stab!; to re
cover money.
Gtistav Abraham vs Eggert Eggers;
to recover inonej-.
W II McCoy vsJ II McCoy etal:
j a crawrora vs tr x: iiobinson, tt
tlx; foreclosure.
A L Llllard vs K II ithodes; to re
cover money.
I H Dawson, assignee Don Smith, vs
J W Brown A, Sou; to recover money.
S A Crowdcr vs Sarah A Crowder;
Mary A Itawttoii vs C J Stewart; to
recover money.
Assignment Earl llace.
Deyoe A ltohsou vs J B Pctter; to re
cover monev.
Deyoe fe Itobson vs D T Itsinger
and It F Parsons; to recover money.
John Diamond vs Margaret E i'im"
ley; foreclosure.
"F D Scauimon vs Frank Ingram;
Hart Saddlery Co vs Maltby & Cary;
to recover moi ey.
State vs Polk Thomas; netting liquor
to minor.
State vs Polk Thomas; selling liquor
to minor.
F 11 Pr der v E B Kendall and
wife; sjeciflc Hrformance of contract.
E J Dalv vs M Alexander; damages.
A T Gilbert et us vs P Belvins; to re
cover money.
Wassernian & Co vsMetigar Mes
senger; to n cover money.
8 Mo-r fe Co vs Metsgar & Mocssen
ger. llMflslHimeitCovs
Jesse J.I South; to
recover iiHinry.
1) M A Co vs 3
ihtl AVickixer; to
recover inoner.
V il d.ltra vs Wm Sharp etux; tore
cover money.
11 M tislKinie A Co vs John Brauning; to
rei-over money.
1.) M Nbonic t( Co vs T J Montgomery;
to recover inoner.
Hendrick V Wolscy vs Wni F While; to
recover money.
J S McKecliiiie vs J T Davis; to recover
I K "Dawson vs J F Powell A Co; to re
cover money.
D M i islio'rne t Co vs Henry Pond ; action
on note, attachment.
I It Dan son vs O Howell; to recover
I K'Dawsuu vs Blackburn tv. Pemni; U
recover money.
Keapp, llurrell A Co vs Clirisnmn A
Beattv; to recover money.
1. ti Plain vs 1 and M"K itohnan ; to re
cover momr.
- D 11 Monuitli A Co vs E I. Gearlislrt; to
re -over moacr. v
- 'As!gtinirtt blnckburn Prroni.
D M slsirne A Co vs Henry Bond; to re
cover money;
3Heo Iti':foe vs Mary Muumc; divorcee.
W 11 licit ra vs Jiihii I Miller; to recover
Jeniiie St Cicrmaiii vs Frank St Germain;
John Gooch vs B FFhe atl; specific per
m:.::1 erojierty.
S" H Maple'vsM A Maple; divorce.
A F Hamilton vs John T Davis; tu re
cover money.
Sallie S Clement vs Robert L Clement;
H K Briggs vsCandine M Briggs; liivorce.
l!osa K Ik-niiy vs Charles IKriuty ; tlivon-e., Burn.'!! t Co vs K ik-t keretal;
Mary 10 Kmcrson vs John Emerson; di
vert -e.
O Sower vs 11 J Sower; to recover money.
Assignment of 11 C V arner.
M Saltniarsli vs H Goest ; appenL
T It Williamson vs Jl J bower; to recover
T If Williamson vs H J Sower; to recover
K Wills vs F D Leverieh; mandate from
supreme court.
Jane E Bidlard vs M McBride et al; to
make deed.
J FHendrixvs Henry Roggs; to recover
L M Curl vs J B Hughes; to recover
Mc! i'lnville National Bank vs Sidney S
and bla E Dorris; to recover money.
A J Houston vs Martha Houston; action
to clear title.
E B Kendall vs Bessie Kendall; divorce.
A Piene vs B Mills; to recover money.
Yerliniia Stamlish vs A W Staudish; oi
vorcc. Jennie St.iudih vs X II Stamlisli ; divorce.
James A BoIhtis vs J B Hughes; to re
cover monev.
X Mills vs J C Lyons et al.
ET T Fisher vs J no aud Pauline Scluneer;
J W Games and Lewis Striegej vs Linn
county; review.
Bamliergcr A Frank vs KoIhM Morehcad;
to recover money.
Stafford & Gray vt II McEluiurry; to re
cover monev.
T 1 Baldwin & Co vs Goldsmith Renkle;
to recover money.
State of Oregon vs Linn County Fanners'
Union; to dissolve partnership.
Koei:eglerger. Falk vt Co es J A Gross;
to iwove'r money.
E M Wharton"vs Gibson, Mcj-cr & Chris
topher; to recover money.
Susan Martin vs Robert Martin; divorce.
Coolcy t Washburn vs Nathan B Staud
ish ; to recover money.
Pronounced Hopeless, Yet Saved.
From a lettt-r written by Mrs. Ada E.
Ilnrd.of Uroton, D., we quote: "Whs
taken with a bad cold, whit-li wttled
on my LunR, couh t-t in and iitmlly
terminated in Consumption. Four
doctors gave me up, Baying I could live
but a short time. 1 guve myxelf up to
my tSavlour, determined if I could not
stay with my friend on enrth, I wruld
meet my absent onen above. My hus
band was advised to get Dr. King's
Now Discovery for Consumption,
Cougha aud Colds. I gave it a trial,
took in till eight bottles; it linn cured
me. and thank Ood I am now a well
and hearty woman." Trial bottles
free nt Heard's drug store; regular size,
50c. and f 1.00.
Guarantee Dr. Acker's Blood Elixir,
for it has been fully demons! rated to the
people of this country that it is super
ior to all other preparations for blood
diseases. It is a positive cure for sy
philitic poisoning Ulcers, Eruptions
and PimpU-8. It purities the whole
system and thoroughly builds up the
constitution. For sale by M. A. Mil
ler. A Snre Cure for Piles.
Itching Piles are known by moisture
like perspiration causing intense itch
ing when warm. This form, na well
as blind, bleeding and protruding,
yield at once to Dr. Bosanko's Pile
Remedy, which acts directly on the
parts affected, absorbs tumors, allays
itching and effects a permanent cure.
f0c. Druggists or man: treatise tree
Dr. Bosanko, 329 Arch street, Philadel
phia, Pa. Sold by M. A, Mijler.
1 j riio LSTEllY
Chairs of Every Description and De
gree of Comfort,
Picture Frames, Mouldings, Bric-a-Brac
of Every Description,
In Fact Everything Belonging to the Trade
at Prices that Defy Competition.
Churchill A Monteith OU Stand.
Estray Notice. '
iibcut the UHh of Fehruarjr, on hit fnrin two
milcH f")iithc.-t of Ix'hanon. ono live- ear-old
imt. '.vlor r'l, l h mine white, marked with
hole I each car and m-auded with -W" on rijiht
hij. AL- one five-Tear-oM 4-er. color dark reit.
i' h t'tnek Lend ami li R-. nmrkeil i;h hole in
r ich cur and branded with"N" oti right hip.
i tie nnmials acre ai.i.ralcd at tl5 each.
Notice of Dissolution.
trtnerliit hcrftfre existius bet-areen
It. Hull nnd It. It.-U'rt-. knoun aa iEull & Uob-e-t,
mid dtit:f a lnl-hrlne biimew i:i I ebanon.
t 'n-c mi. i thi dv li-Milvet ,x mutual consent.
Alt liu!.lliticof -aid linn will l fai-l liy R. S.
HoN-rc: a!l debts owtnj the name will be paid to
tt. Hull.
W. H BOOTH, M. D.,
Office in Guv's New Building.
Residence at Mrs. Ambler's.
Physician and Surgeon.
Graduate of Royal College of London and Bcll
nie Medical Collcce, Slew.
Chrt'iiic eaMeii a x-eialtj-.
t'aneem removed without pain or the knife.
OFFK'KKIrS: pa trick's buUdltis, Lebanon, Or
W. T. Be cs tr. 1 T. Babis.
J. W. t.n.Km.
T-entT rears ernerienee a Resriter of the t".
S Land iittiee at Oregon t'ity. repmi, and In the
I an I onice practice, ncfmmt'iidi w in our
jw.-inltv ff all kinds of liMrn-w Itefor the Lend
n:n-e. ir the "mirt. and inTolrunj practice in
the Ucaeral Ijtnd Ofttce-. . t ,
Santiam Academy.
rir."cl in Ijitin, Ilicber Arithmetic, Alpebra.
PhylolorT, Thru. Oeiwrnphr, Bovk-Keepinr, I".
S. Hiory and alo in Common Tranche. Mental
Arithmetic daily after Jan. 1st, 1SU1.
Terms: to 53 per mont h.
I hsTe been tronhled manj years with
diae of the kidney and hat tried
many different remedies and fcaw
son k lit aid from different physician
without relief. About the 15th of April
I waa sutiiriny from a Terr ioleut
attack that almost prostrated tne in
itch a wanner ttiat 1 was bent over.
When I aat down it was almost impossible for me
to cet up alone, or to put on my clothes, when
kind Proridenoe cent Or. Henley, with the
hotel. I immediately commenced
sfna; the tea. It had an almost
miraculous effect, and to the aston
ishment of all the cuests at the hotel,
in a few daya.I am nappy to state.
that I was a new man. I wu
recommend the tea to aH afflict
as I hare been.
Proprietor Occidental Hotel,
Santa Rosa, Cal.
Harness, Saddles, Collars,
Whips, Etc.
At Peterson & Wallace's Old Stand.
United States I-aud Office,
Oregon City, Oregon, lec. lft, 1890.
Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with
the pmvistnns of the act of Congress f June 3,
1ST, entitled "An aet fur the sale of timber lands
in the States of California, Oregon. Nevada, and
Washington Territory." Imii Agliani. of San
Francisco, cotinty of San Francisco, State of Cal
ifornia, has this nay filed In this office his sworn
stntcinent No. 'ZtiKt, for the purchase of the N. K.
H of Sec. No. 21, in Tp. No. 13 S., K. No. 2 E., and
will otl'cr pnsif tosliow that the land sought is
more valuable for it timber or stone than for ag
riciilluriil puriKwes, and to establish his claim to
said land liefore the register anti receiver of this
ofiicc at Oregon City, Oregon, on Friday, the 17tn
dav of Ajiril, 1W1.
He names as wttnesses: L. lie t-ange, B. Leh
maa. (1. iiaytim and A. Andrien, all of Bun Fran
cisco. Calilornia.
Any ond all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to iile their
claims in this ofliee on or before said 17th day of
April, J. T. Al'i'EKSON, Hegister.
Vnited States Land Office.
Oregon City, Oregou, Dec. 1S, 1S90.
Notice is hereby friven that in compliance with
the provisions ot tlie act of OoiiKtess of June 3,
1.17S, entitled "An act for the sale of timber binds
in the States of California, Oregon. Nevada, and
Wnfhinirton Territory," Jewett 11. Lewi, of Port
land, county of Multnomah, Stale of Oretron, has
this rttiy tiled in this office his awnrn statement
No. for the ptm'hiiie f the N. E. X t e.
No. 1, in Tp. No. 13 S.. K. No. S E., and will offer
proof to show that the land sought is more valu
able lor its timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his elnim to paid lanil
lielore tlie register and receiver of this office at
OreKon City. Oregon, on Wednesday, the 22d day
of April, ls'il.
He names as witnesses: G. A. Bennett, F. Ran-
I uramtet, of Frvsno, ruiifomia.
Rotner and W. Kotoeu, ot I'ortiand, Oregon, aud .
ninilet, ot Fresno, ( unionim.
Ai;v nml all uersons elaimine adversely the
alKive-rtescrifood land are reqnsted to file their
claims in this office on or before said 22d day of
AprU,.iayi, i. T,APPKSOX, Register.
a I 4
Wake Up I Wake Up!
And run down to Charlie Hackleman's and get some of tho
following bargains that he is selling AT COST. Reason,
too many goods and warm winter, llenieniber they are '
going at COST:
Men's Long-Leg Boston Rubber Boot, before $4 2o; now $3 50
" Knee " " " " 3 25 2 85 '
Ladies' White and Red All-Wool Vests before $1 r now ROC
Children's All-Wool Vests different sizes at eost r -
Ladies' All-Wool Hose........ .before 50c: now 40a
Children's the same proportion
Scarlet Twilled Flannels
- -
" "
Various otlier items that we shall not name here will be
sold at a reduction in price, but the goods we name here are
special bargains, every one at wholesale cost.
Our Rand-McNally Atlas of the World is something worth
having. We give every one with: every $30 worth of goods
only a limited number.
Next to the Bank.
Also an Elegant Stock of
ingf Department with
Refitted, Enlarged and Improved.
I manufacture and deal in Doors, Blinds, all styles of WindiTf
Frames, Door Frames, Mouldings, Brackets, Etc., in fact anything man
nfactured and kept on hand in a first-class planer.
In connection with the above, I also have on hand a well-assorteoj
lumber yard in which is to be found rough and dressed Lumber, Rustic
Bevel, Weather Boarding, Flooring, and all kinds of Finishing Lumbe?
for Cornices, Etc
Usited States Laxd Office,
Oregon City, Oregon, January 5, 1891.f
Xotire is hereby given that in compliance
witli the provisions of the net of Congress of
June 3. 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the States of California, Ore-
fon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
can Kcke, of San Francisco, county of San
Francisco, 8tnte of California, has this day
filed in this office his sworn statement No.
241, for the purchase of the N. V. of Soc.
No. 28, in T. No. 13 S., K. No. 3 K, and will
otter proof to show that the land sought is
more valuable for it,s timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish
his claim to said land lefore the Register
and 1'eceiver of this office at regon City,
Oregon, on Wednesday, tlte 29th day of
April, 1891. .
lie names ns witnesses: A. Bourdier, M.
Dull'anl, C Chatain and B. Juanon, all of
San Francisco, California.
Any and all persons claiming adversely
the abovc-descriled lands are requested to
tile their claims in this office on or before
said 2Uth day of April, IS 1.
J. T. Al'i'EKiSON, Kegister.
United Statm Land prncic,
Oregon 'ity, Oregon, January 12, liOl.l
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress
of June 3, ItC.S, entitled "An act for the sale
of timber lanciH in the States of California,
tory " Hubert L. Maun.ot Hay wants, coun
ty of Alatneda, State of Calilornia, has this
day tiled in this office his sworn statement
No, 2423, for the purchase of the S. K. X of
Sec. No. 8, in Tp, No. 13 S., K. No. 3 K.,and"
will ofier proof to show that the land sought
is more valuable for its timber or stone- than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish
his claim to said land before the Register
and Kcceivcr of this office at Oregon C'itv,
Oregon, ou Wednesday, the 6th day of Xlav,
18!)1. . -
He names as witnesses : J. Av Collins, P.
H. Oates, C. I'rowse and T.. ti. NTorris, all of
Haywards, California.
Any and all persons claiming adversely
the above-desjcribed lands are rejuested tb
tile their claims, in this ofriee oa or before
said 6th day of May, 181U.
J. T. A IM'iiKSOX, Register.
40c; " SOc
in price.
...before COc; now 40c
" 50c;
" 40c;
: " 37c;
- " COc;
Cloths in Merchant TaiTor
Frst-Class Tailoring;
TTkited States Ijiib Ornei, k
Oregon City, tregon, January S, 1S91.V
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with tle rmirinons of the act of tongress of
June 3, 187S, entitled "An art for tlie sale of
timber lands in the States of California, Ore.
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,
J. Fort Posey, of San Francisco, county of
San Francisco, State of California, has 'this,
day filed in this office his sworn statement
No. 2420, for the purchase of e N. K. X of
Sec. No. 20, in Tp. No. 13 8., K. No. 3 K, and
w ill offer proof to show that tlie land sought
is more rahiable for its timber or stone than,
for agricultural purposes, and to establish
his claim to said land before the Kegister
and Keceivcr of this office at Oregon City
Oregon, on Tuesday, the 5th dav of May.
1891. "
He names as witnesses: M. Duffard, Jean
Kcke, A. Bourdier and C. Chatain, all of
ban Frawisco, California.
Any and all perstms claiming ad verse!
the above-fescribetl hinds are requested to,
tile their claims in this office on or before
said 5th dav of May, 18S.
J. T. APPKKSON Kegister,.
TJvri Statfa IjAN Ofticb, t,
Oregon City, Oregon, Jan nary 5 1891. f
- Notice is hereby given that v compliance
with tlie provisions of the act of Congress tf
June 3, 1878, entitled "An art for the sale of
timber lands in the States of California, Ore-,
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory ,'v
Charles Chatain, of San Francisco, eoiirsty.
of Sau Francisco, State of California, haa
this day hied m this office his sworn state,
merit ?n. 2418 for the purchase of the-S. li.
H of Sec No. 20, in Tp. No, 13 S, K. No. 3;
K., and will offer proof-to sliow that the.
land soucht is more valuable for ka timber-"
or stone than for airicultunj purooscs, and
tc cstab!v!i his claim to.said laud Wfoie the
iJegisterand Keceiver of this offief at Ore.
gon City, ticgon, op Wednesday the SsAh
Gy of April, '1891.
He names as witnesses; John Vanllwwi.
S. Joeiuemier, Jean Ece, JU. Fort Posey, ai
of San Francisco, California,
Any and all pt rsons clainiHie adversely
Use above-described hinds are Eeqvetd ti
tile their claims in this ouiee on or os. fort
said 29th day of April. 1811.