The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, February 27, 1891, Express Supplement, Image 6

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Since the question of establish
ing a cannery in I,ebanon lias re
ceived some attention and has ieen
discussed to some extent, the most
important feature of the business
is yet to In? answered will it pay?
We clip the following from the Eu
gene Register, which is an answer
to the interrogatory:
A gentleman who last year acted
as boss of the inside work' in the
Oregon City cannery was here a
few days ago. He say that can
nery i operating on a capital of
: 17,000. . I-aft. year the cannery
put i?pJM)to easej? of 24 cans each
of cat d fruits and ' vegetables,
100 .b,V of dried fruit and 101)0
harrj.nrif cider. About 300 per
sons "e employed from four to
five n. Mis. There was paid out
for frt -j labor, etc., 5,O00. ' The
profits last year were about 90 per
t-ent. on the capital stock... Another
experienced canner in Portland
writes that he knows there is big
money in a cannery. He says the ;
profit on vegetables is not as great !
as on trim. He cites iht profits
on berries, cherries, plums and
lears and shows there is a big
profit. You can cut down the esti
mate of either of the?e parties one
half and yet a cannery would le
the best paying business in this
city. A reasonable" estimate of the
amount to le distributed yearly
among the farmer? and paid out
for labor would be 50.000. Every
resident of Eugene would get some
benefit, ilirectlv or indirectiv, from
this $50,000. With a few of these
enterprises the cry of dull times
would be cast to the winds, and
with this one you would not hear
it once where you do now ten times,
t'oliforniaeanners Fay profits range
from 40 to (0 per cent. Fifty per
ent.. profit! Is there a man in
Eugene who is now making this j
luiu li proht on an investment? If
he makes one-half as much, does
the town and country receive one
half the benefit it "would from a
annery? The husinwssof the can
nery would increase each year and
each year more money would le
circulated. Thousands" of kegs tf
pickles are shipjeil into this. State
every year. If pickles can be put
un at a nrofit clapnliorn thi- in
, f . v ;
here. Anvthing in the wav of
r..,; .v. i. : !
ii un vi itfiimuii-!, jail ue reservwi
with profit here if they can any
where. Notice to Farmers.
Wantwl nt once, chickens, Hicks,
jjeese, turkeys, dried fruits, butter,
tr;rs, and nil kinds r.f farm produce,
for which I will pay the hirtiet prit-e
in ea! or exchange for goods.
i. V. Simpson.
Albany, Or.
Dr. Talmage was verv vigorouslv
inclined to believe that the nine
teenth century had not absorbed
all the wonders of the ages. Je
rusalem was a wonderful city, with
wonderful architecture nothing
like it in all the ages. The reser
voirs of Jerusalem were built with
cement as perfect to-day as it was
wh ;n the trowel laid it a thousand
years lefore Christ. That dentistry
had reached an advanced stage was
shown by the filling of the teeth
of the mummies at Cairo. Sol
omon knew all about the circulation
of blood. Job knew all about the
refraction of light. Isaiah knew
that the world vas round when he
said. "The Lord is seated on the
circle of "Uie eartTf." A7icient art ex
celled the modern. Tyrian purple
could n t be made now. Pliny de-
scribes a malleable glass that one j
could tie around hi wrist. T!-e !
nineteenth centurycouldn't produce !
a Damascus blade. Wo have great
cities, but Babylon was five times
larger than London. "I begin to
wonder," said Dr. Talmage, '"if the
world hasn't forgotten more than
it knows. But what this age does
excel in," he continued, 'Ms in mor
ality. There were never so many
good meu and women as now. It
is the result of the influence of
Christianity." Washington Post.
The rib'e says, "Be not careful
to entertain strangers, for by so
doing some have entertained angels
unawares." This wholesome ad
vice hid no very marked effect upon
society until the report lecame cur
rent that a tramp had died in Port
land, bequeathing the sum of f 15,
000 to a lady who had acted upon
the philanthropic principle and
had given him a meal in time of
sore need. Had not theOregonian
punctured this bubble by proving
the story groundless, society would
have conceived a wonderful liking
for its rags. Tramps would have
fared sumptuously every day and
the women throughout the Valley
would have vied with one another
in catering to his slightest wishes.
Chair of Every Description and De
gree f Comfort,
Picture Frames, Mouldings, Bric-a-Brac
of Every Description,
In Fact Everythin - Belonging to the Trade
at Prices that Deff Competition.
Chun-hill Jfc M....i!. !h' l.l Stand.
i "
Let it be observed that Kansas is
the only state in the union which
made a clear, distinct, independent
fight upon the St. Louis platform,
by a Hlitieal union of the indus
trial forces of the state, and is the
only Ftate in the union that can to
day point to a decided dean cut
victory. The result affords an ob
ject lesson worthy of careful study
by those who may be hesitating in
their decision respecting the best
policy to pursue in the future.
125,000 Oriel
At ny yarl In Ihr niturlt ot Lt-hanon
For Sale at Reasonable Rates.
All Kiiulx of
With Neatness mi-1 IXinlrh.
I). W. HAliDIX.
Santiam Academy.
1ici III f Jttin. Iliirhor Anthraftlc. Alsihn-,
I'hyioloiiy, I'liy-s. (Jt-ocraplir. Ilonk-Keiiu. 1'.
S. HItory ntul lo in Common Brenolie--. Mt-nti.i
Arithmetic ilnily attiT Jmi. 1st, 18!'l.
Term: S-' to 3 per month.