The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, February 27, 1891, Express Supplement, Image 5

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Express Supplement
LEHAXOX, OU , FKH. 27, 1S!)1.
Seattle, Ftb.Sl, 1891.
Ei'iToR Irmsos ExrttEss:
I have just rei-cived froui the real
state firm of Peterson A Garland n lot
of circulars setting forth the advant
ages of I,ch:inon as m farming and
mantifaciui lug community, which L
shall industriously circulate among
the home-seckeis froiu the East. It is
n well-known fact that Seattle is the
. objective point for the largest bulk of
Ivisterit emigration, anil has lioeonie
tide of living humanity that Is pour
ing like if living stream from the At
lantic to the Pacific const. A large
Kr cent of this emigration are farmers,
who know nothing but tilling the smI
ami raising the cereals, fruit ami veg
etable. This el ivs of eile by "no
menu an unimportant nnl essential
fnoior in society. whiiikTi ntui pres
jxTity are rinding it very dilib-ult to
get fanm nnl farming lands adjacent
io the Sound country, and are turning
their faces from here to California and
Oregon, to find a home. California,
always on the alert for immigration,
ha "wmie of the nest rxieii.iv?
scheme for eatehtn tin immtrrant
here in
street 9,
judiciously spent, the county
receive in net returns Hollars,
fill study of Li nu county will
convince any candid, honest inquirer
that the c untv could fupport a popu
lation of 2,tK0. and Iheiieonle could
have more home rotn forts and luxuries
than are now enjoyed.
funned fruits and canned goods of
every description, farming implements
and "ma.-hinery of all kinds, t he colli n
mid shroud to imrv your, the
wedding outfit ntui imby carriage
ever.! thing but the Hour and potatoes
in your ft ore, is shIiMd across the
continent, w In n , they should Ik made
at home. - 'ht is the remedy? There
is but one answer immigintioii. How
shall we attain it? Hv jndicinu, In
sistent, unrelenting advertising, not at
home, hut in the world' great centers,
on the great highways of travel, and
bv live, t lie rgetie meth -ds. More anon.
J. H. KiatifATiiiCK.
" Mditrtir-D r.i r.-
Some very icnsilde remarks arc to Ik?
found in a rei-ent ltic of t he 'Mining
Scientific I!evlew. The outlook of the
mining industry f r 11, l very favor
able. No kind of investment p;ys
Ix tter than n jndicliosly managed mine.
Men of in pit al are not slow to invest in
a mine that i develoiwd and promises
piiek and lasting returns on the money
invested. Oregon mines. cj ly-. ar
beginning to attract the attention of
capitalist abroad. If the wi ath.T cnu
timie favorable till April there will lie
an unpn-eedented rush for tin- min
ing districts in the Cascade range.
Several mills will 1e nut in the eotn-
iitir season, not to urosicct. but to work
kittle, tin cront ami mhh:hi i claims already pr.fpecteil.
oeenpying the front entrance i . 1irn.. . '.i.. irpM.,Mi..,- in the
or some of the most costly apartments, j u,.!V 1 H'lliocrut, savs the millers
art? largo exhibits of C.ilif.rnia fruH'. nM,t town may bes-euin knots ex
nrranged in the most fascinating and ; Hiioi..iiiLr winksand chncklinir over the
attractive manner, ami these establish- ! -,,, Mroni-i:ilitiii for h rend no the
Cnlapooia. Well, the citiceiis of that
' place, cseclilly those who own in-
IO i.r., I., tiin ,,,?rit a oo ff I tk I, Mol witters
inputs are presided over by sharp.
shrewd airents, that are using every
c to California. (Hk astent lu-re is i
olVering to pay the way of every irti:ni
grant. to Piis dio, Cal. Jut think of
it, emigration aavnts in Seattle to get
eustotuers for California. X- w tlieiv
it onlv one aes;t h -'ic for Oregon, that
we have nn-i. who is paid anything at
!! to h -lp turn this Wist stream to the
Willamette valley, and this gentleman
is from 1'u.rtiie. All the firming
lauds, that we can hear of, that are at
all accessible and can le lulit, are
iw ticing sold at from 100 to O per
acre, ami when I tell them th?y -ai
buy U-ter frui, garden ai.d grnin
lands in Linn eoun;y for $21 per aerv,
they ls.k at me in astonishment and
ask me where i Linn count v?- I have
silready imlucctl tlir-e fanrilio to Mart
for Lebanon this Meek, and expect
some i i tore to jr next week.
The more I travel and s"o of this
world, the more thoroughly I am con
vinced that Linn county, On-gon, is
the garden spot of the world, and if
the proper steps were taken by her cit
izens to advertise her timber and min
eral resources, water power, mid al-o
her fruit and garden lairds, it would
not- Ion j bef re Iwr material wealth
and p'!pul.-t ion would place her in the
front r.oik of anv other part of this
const. Hut this tirxiffrittni cannot
be attiwned by simply dsiring it; there
must Ih h vig.M-us clt'ort, united and
concerted, put forth by all oijr jh-oiU.
One gootl. live agent, with the neees
siry eiiipments, could turn Hl.tHH)
"wo(ile ti iaiiii iron nly in the next
welve in. Willis; an. I for every cent
of tin- Calapooia, have irood reason to
njoi?. There ia lonucr miy doubt
as te the ex stence of givsl paying
mints in the Ca'apooia and Blue Uiver
districts, and all interested parties Kf
in the promised wcgoii road n short
route to the iniii" and g-sxl fucilites
j forshippinrrin snpplic, machinery. etc.
j If the road le built llrownsville ill le
, well repaid (and just!y, tsl for In r
i efT'ort in that diriatieii. We could
wish that other towns wire as enthusi
astic in iincov-.riim the rich metals us
are the llrownsvilliails.
Ttie Jersey Ulty."
Anoi.kska CTTAfJE, L. II., July 2.
(i iifhiiirif: A It ho it is very unusual
for me to use tiny lotions or
washes, still, in .answwr to your
retiest, I have tried Wisdom's
Violet Cream and Hohertine. The
former I consider cseeinlly clm-aclou-in
cases of rouuhncss of the skin, and
I have been using it every day for the
last fortnight. I have found the
J Knbcnine an excellent t reparation in
' casct-s of tan. sunburn. to., caused by
' exposure to March winds and h July
Yours fidthfullv.
Lh.i.ii: Laxutkv
To Messrs. Wisdom i Co.
Tir Fnt I. oily always l.x ks so pleasant, says go
to Matt hews & Washburn, Albany, Or.,
to buy stoves and ranges, because they
only keep the best and always do as
they agree to.
An old ajvostle by the name of Paul,
a little more than eighteen hundred
years ago, wrote thus to some Oula
tiatis: "Ye did run well; who did
hinder you?" They started off with a
bound. They ran like a Grecian in
the Olympic sanies. All al nm?, how
ever, they c.ime to n dead halt. Xo
bedy was to blame but lite runners
themselves; what then was the mutter?
They had simply hal a lit. While
the fit whs on them they promised to
break all previous records. When the
lit passed off they went back to old
conditions. Modem people are nflJcted
with falling (Its, but here N ifently
a case of running fits. Th4jk.-st was
Utter than nothing while It lasted;
but the trouble is thl fits d(."yiat
long. A certain old doctoj., ,sted
that while' he knew but lit- ialMiul
tnedieiiiM, he could at almost frrrf time,
no matter w hat Hie disease was, throw
almost Miyoiie into fits, and then their ,
recovery wus sun, for he w as death on
fits. I cannot hut tlmt I covet the
powrr to lliniw er pie into fits, but I
would like to have the power tu nmke
the lbs lasting. Those I ;alati ins hnd
a genuine tit and it was of the right
kind. If t lie spasm had only cotit in
tied there is no means i.f - knowing
what ttuy miub.t hove dime. Some
fits should lneured. Some should not.
The Hi Id.' is full of exhortations to '
peotdc to le pal ient, in stand, to con
tinne steadfast. This is my idea of
tits, something that is ix rinnnelit and
lasting. Thackeray cay a ill one place
that'a piece of slns'inaker's wax on
one's cha:r is two thirds of the secret
of literary siUMess. To stick to a thiiitr,
or, as the writer says, to ls stuck on it, .
makes it sure Unit one will succeed.
There is not the rush, and rattle, and
brilliancy, in plodding ulnti?, that there
is in having a fresh fit every day, but
the one who contium s in the old line
diss more work. Anyonu can sail at a
sriasl sjteed with a strong wind carry
ing him along, but to keep ahead
bravely, moving all the time, si ows
character and winning ijuality. We
want to lie careful that our revival
I worl. is not a succession of tits. There"
j are some people who ItTcve in that
I .-ort .f tiling, and thev Ulieve in it 8'
strongly that their chief object in life
seems to la? to throw people into fits.
Some evangelist or revivalist conns
(along with some new met hods, some
j new machinery, some new songs. At
. omv he gives some Hople fits. Some
! poor souls will a ! on st worship him,
t and they will praise him by disparag
j ing the slow, plodding ways of pastors.
S They. say if old pastois were only like
Kvan ire list Illgli.-ed that the world
' would lie'siMidilv converted. They
i talk loud and long at a few prayer
I meetings, talk seme altoiit revolution
i tlie church for awhile, and then
i t he lit goes oil". If it could only have
stayed on through fifty-two prayer
I m eiintrs and church services and col-
! lections! "Ye did run well" ye did
for a little while. Perhaps we shall
have something more to sa' about fits
1 next week.
! All parties knowing themselves in-
; deMcd to me will pit use call and sett le,
; ns I need my money.
i M. A. Miller.