The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, February 27, 1891, Image 3

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    Lebanon Express
T. C. Peebler's groceries.
Oo to T. O. Peebler'a for glassware.
Two cJgars for 5c at T. C Peebler's.
Settle Bros, sliipped several car-loads
! of grain lately.
V Farmers report fall-sown grain in
Go to T. C. Peebler's and get 17 It.
JS. C. sugar for t.
Read the article, "Will a Cannery
SPay," in issue.
F. M. French, the jeweler, Albany,
Ideeps railroad time.
(Remember T. C. Feebler pays cash
toy eggs and chickens. '
jtJust received at M. A. Miller's, a
fiie line of stationery.
Borne of onr sportsmen were on the
alert for game Monday.
The'S. P. Co.'s pay car made glad
many a heart last week.
A. W. Marks took possession of his
new dwelling last week.
AH jroods dvliverd free. of charge
from T. C. Peebler's store
K P. Bach has added
full line of -boots and shots.
' - i . . !... T ..1
btrangers continue uHninc iuw jutu-
Our merchants shoveled the first
snow of the Reason Monday.
O'Neil Bros, have received the sash
and doors for the paper mill.
Keep your feet dry by buying your
boots and shoes of S. P. Bach.
I. R. Borum has moved into G. E.
Hardy's house, near the depot.
Mrs. Biggers is laying walks In front
of her property ot Grove street.
The firemen will elect officers at
their first regular meeting In March.
follow the crowd, and you will
wind up at Montague's Mammoth store.
W. J. Guy has taken out a 1600 liquor
license under the uew naminisiraiion.
Jim Westfall, the Christianised Chi
naman, was over from Albany Satur
day. M. Lonsben y was laying walks for
Mrs. Biggers on Grove street this
S. P. Bach keeps a line of boots and
shoes as well as Brownsville woolen
The mail carrier between thte place
" end Sweet Home went on horseback
R sure to bnv a uair of those fine
oil-grain shoes at Montague's, just from '
the East.
If reports be true, there will le some
ostly buildings erected in .Lebanon
this year.
- A walk was laid on Bridge Avenue
last week as far as Mr. Scanlan's, in
East Lebanon.
Don't growl because there is no side
walk lumber; go to Wheeler's mill and
get all you want.
Did you hear that noise yesterday"?
that was the drop in prices on winter
jjtiods, at MoHtagae's.
District Deputy Backinston, of Lo
lurp, instituted a lodge of the I. O. O.
F. at Drain this week.
J. Wassom has purchased some til
ing, and purposes draining the slough
in the north end of town.
Yfc-. Odell- of Sodaville has been
adjudged partially insane, and sent to
the insane asylum for treatment.
The high waters lat week threatened
to carry away the new railroad bridge
across the McKenzie near Coburg.
Write to all vour wife's teople that
Lebanon will have a f 25,000 canal next
year, and that they can tret all the
water power tney want for manufactur
ing purposes.
Eat good things and enjoy yourself
while you live, for you will be a long
time dead. If yon buy your groceries of
T. O. IVebler you couhl not be other
wise than happy.
Are vou In love? If so, marry the
Idol of 'vour affections and then go to
Matthews A Washburn's, at Albany,
buy a stove or range, raise a large fam
ily and be happy.
The mostdelk-ate constitution can
safelv use Dr. J. II. McLean's Tar
Wine Lung Balm. It is a sure remedy
for coughs, loss of voice, and all throat
and lung troubles.
Geo. Cobble and Robt. Whited of
this place, were up the Calapooia last
week, and they report the snow from
five to six feet deep at Huckleberry,
tweutv-nve miles from Brownsville.
Even the most vigorous and hearty
people have at times a feeling of weari
ness and lassitude. To disiwl this feel
ing take Dr. J. II. McLean's Sarsapa-
rilla; it will impart vigor and vitality.
Who savs that one cannot have
the, mumps in triplicate? We heard a
man say that he had the munips on
one side vears aco. and at time of writ
he has them double and the end is not
We are liable to have 6ome high
water vet. The snow in the mountains
is from six to fifteen feet deep, and
to his stock a j just as sure as it passes off with warm
rains we win nave iuku wmcia
A man who came down from Eugvne
this week, says the snow was five inches
deep in Kugeue Monday morning,
which wasafcoui inrce incnes more
snow than tell in tnis pari oi uie
Tfc one of Dr. J. H. McLean's Lit
tie Liver and Kidney Fillets at night
before you go to bed and you will lie
surprised how buovant and vigorous
you will feel the next day. Only 25
cents a vial.
Do vou want the earth? If so, call
on M'atthews A Washburn, Albany,
Or., and they will take pleasure ill
showing you the largest and most com
plete line of hardware, stoves and
ranges in the valley.
Messrs Kizer & Wilson have leased
some ground and will establish a nur-
sery in iieimnnn. inr. ivizer us mi ex
perienced horticulturist and we are
glad that he is to embark in this in
dustry here in Lebanou.
The men owning real estate adjoin
ing Isabella Park are cutting, slashing
and burning timber and brush, aud
thus extending the iew eastward.
Lebanon will soon be built to the east-)
ward as far as the canal.
A number of ladles gathered at the
St. diaries last Friday to celebrate
Aunt Kate Spencer's sixtieth anni
versary, in addition to navmg a jww
social time, Mrs. Spencer was the re
cipient of some valuable presents.
Tiiis office has made arrangements
with the board of publication ot the
C. P. church, and will keep on hand
all the standard works of that denomi
nation. These works are non-denominational,
apologetic and scientific.
We wonder If the trade in cascara
bark will be as active this year as it
was last year. California, in this as in
most other transactions on the coast.
A letter from a friend on the Sound !
tells us that several families just ar
rived in Seattle from the Eeast, have
turned their faces toward old Linn.
A little judicious advertising would
double the present population of Linn
county. What says our board of trade
about laying before the thot'samls of
npw-nomers in the Sound cities the ad
vantages of this part of the Northwest
On the evening of the 25th, it being
Mlfs Maud Hahiton's nineteenth annl-
versary, a large company or young
people, having assemoieu at me cm.
harles, marched in a Mniy to tne resi
dence of C. II. ltalston and surprised
the unsuspecting young lady. 1 he
company presented Miss Ralston with
handsome worK-oox. tne evening
was spent in the usual diversions, swim
games and plcasaut converse.
As Mr. Carlile went home from
church Sunday he discovered fire In
A. TWIN'S huidinir. which is occupied
by Mr. Robinct. The f..mlly had made
their bed on the second floor the night
nrv!ntw mill it 1h thoutrht that the
children carelessly drew the bedding
too close to the stovepipe wnun runs
rtirniiirh tlin tinner room, ana tne nre
originated in this way. The bedding
was destroyed but the building sus
tained little or no damage.
So far. the members of Lebanon
T. O O. F. have exnrcssd them
selves in favor of an anniversary cele-
r, nit Inn on the 26th of April. Say It
shall be done and goto work and make
it a success. H. Y. Kirkpatrick has
tenered us the use of Isabella Park on
that ncrassion. and futhcrniore he
Hirt-eea to nut the crounds in cood plight
The cost ot the celebration will be
nnthino- bevond a little efiort on the
part of the membership.
Talk about vour sauash and pump
kin land: A man owning lots in the
suburb called Kansas City, was so ex
tremelv: imnrudent as to plant two
hills to eouash and pumpkins, and be
fore the summer past lie was compelled
to buy two lots adjoining ou which to
mature and round up his crop: besides,
several of the more robust among the
pumpkins swam the canal and were
found bv wood-choppers on the bank
of the Santiam outside the corporation
The G A. R. and W. R. C. had
very enjoyable time on last Saturday
evening. The occasion was the cele
bration or tii-orge WBsniugions anni
versary. None have a greater vener
ation for American patriotism than
have these kindred organizations, and
these several gatherings have a direct
tendency to inspire the young with a
love far "our country and a patriotism
which seeks to perpetuate American
ideas and American institutions.
Joseph V. Dory, of Warsaw, III., was
troubled with rheumatism and tried a
number of different remedies, but Siys
none of them mined to do him any
good; but finally he got ho'id of one
that speed ly cured him. He was much
pleased with tt, and ten sure tnai oiner
similarly afflicted would like to know
what the remedy was tnai curea nun.
He states for the beni fit of the public
that it is called Chamberlain's Pain
Balm. It is for sale here at 50 cents
per bottle by M. A. Miller, druggist
When the weather becomes fa-or-able
something will be done toward
prospecting our gas field. The surface
indications are equal if not superior to
anything this ilenf Pennsylvania.
The presence of oil is also indicated by
the thin scum which forms on the
water. There is no doubt that boring
for ens and oil will be begun early in
and It tne supply oi inese
Jas. Hooks visited Albany the first of the
Bon Podge is studying telegraphy in
James I'utman came over from Albany
Win. Hale was in Sweet Home the first of
the week.
T!ev. tl. 8. llanleitcr has been quite sick
this week.
S. M. W. llimlntaii lias been unwell for a
week or more.
Chester Harris contemplates moving to
vfferson soon.
Ir. A. O. Prill, of Sweet Home, was in
town Tuesday.
refer Iwis had business in Uio county
seat this week.
Kred Doud is learninR the ihotoranher s
art with Mesarvcy.
Mrs. Lovrlcc has been KUiTcnng from
rliou-mitism lately.
Jos. l;nM went to Albany Tuesday and
returned Wednesday.
John A. baker went to Eugene Friilay
last and returned Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. O. II. Montague returned
from Vancouver last Friday.
Smith returned Wednesday from
a short visit in the Metropolis.
Mn Pllorv wns a nasseiicpr on the out
going train Wednesday morning.
Mr. Mclntvre formerly ot t-endieton, out
more recently of Astoria, is in the city.
Miss Ada Miller visited with the family of
T. J. t'oyle, near Sotlavuie, a lew ciays s
Z. T. Rrvant is down-from Hi Bottom.
Tui mm h"snow in that country for him at
Wm. M. Iloatr. Col. lloag ftnd VI . asn,
l). 1. Itailroad ortinaU. were in our town
Mrs. E. E. Montagus went to Alrmny
Wednesday. Her father, I'rof. J. I., uiibcrt,
is again very sick.
. . 1 , . fl .... ( n r..H I'.unA
Irs. IHlwnrK It'll rnmni, ni
Iowa, to join her husband, who preceded.
her alxiut a n.onth.
tiso Mamie tientrv. May Hardy and
Frankie Constatae. of Albany, attended tlse
j.liantoni hall Friday r.ight.
1n r n. ftinta!ne. of Vancouver,
visitins parents and friends in Iebanon.
We exiieet Charley almost any time.
(irr Thimmson was in town this week
after an alscnce of a month, during
tin:e lie has been in the Capital City.
Mrs. M. Klum has tccn quite okk at the
hnrno nf her brother. W. C. Peterson. She
is recovering slowly at time of writing.
Mr. I'rivot and son, f asliineton, came
t ljlnon last Satnrrtay. Mr. 1 "n vol is a
cousin of our esteemed eitiien, Marion Fol-
Mrs. Irene M. Day. of Shclton. V.'asliing
.mi nrrivtil in IVanon Wednesday and
ill visit her parents at Waterloo for a few
Vn. Ail Htiildleston. of Astoria, came
m lat Sntnntav to see her mother, Mrs. t.
B. Gross of Waterloo, who has been quite
sick for several weeks.
Miss Ada Lrever, Messrs. I- A. Wiley,
Win. Wallace, Melvin Williams and Kay
and IiOimie J ackson attended the teachers'
examination in Albany this week.
A. J. Gross, who has located in Browns
ville recently, parsed through Iham n
Monday en route for I'urtland to noy a
stork of goods for a grocery store in Brownsville,
Jas. Matchett received telegram last Fri
day evening informing him that his son.
Ir. Frank I . aiatciieit, was scnousiy in.
Mr. Matchett took the tram turoay morn
ing for Kockford, Wash., the home of his
Lester Blackburn entered school last week.
I'rof. O. H. Wilkes made us a visit Wed
nesday afternoon.
Miss Ada Iecvcr and Chas. Italston arc
absent on account of sickness.
Joseph Torbct is suffering consideraUy
from tiie effect of a sprained a:ikle.
flitice we last cirrcsponled, another tutor
has been adlei to the "faculty," in pcrsou
of J. K Marks.
In the past two weeks, quite a good deal
of ixtlloijuv has been made nliout organixing
a "ball nfne." but as yet no active sU-pg
liave been taken.
Last Friday evening the society met, but
soon adjourned because some of the mem
bers had (little) phrenology on the itrain.
Next Friday evening there will l an
.i-ii nirptine of the Uitc l.tterarv rKM icty.
Mi intirram will consist of all kinds of lit
erary performances (except a few), but the
princiiud feature will la? the debate on the
I 11 S LI..... t !... (V.. n-al-.
following Sllltjtl'l ; iirtnvt-,i, iimi utv
riors of our country deserve more credit
than the statesmen. Everybody come.
Kirernl of the students of the Academy
will lie al. scut from duties, the last of this
week, while In attendance at the teachers'
pxaminntion in Albany. v line we are
sorry to lie deprived -of their presence ui
school, we wtsli them tne greatest success in
their attempts, aim iiopetnai iney
urn Willi lirst-grauc cenmmrn.
ACAlir.MH Al
Usitkb r?TATrs Isn Orrtcic, I
Orecon City, Oregon, January 12, 1SU.I
Votiiv Is beroliv eiven that In compliance
with th provisions of the act of Congress of)
June 3. l-i". entitled "An act for the sale of I
ndT lands in the states of t.aliloriua.ure-1
"n. Ni viii a. anil w as uninon icrruorv.
J limes A. Collins, of Hay wards, county of I
A lameila. Stale f California, has this oay
lied in this ottlce bin sworn statement no.
I-" the iiui-chiisi- of the . W. 'A of bee.
Nil K. in T. No. 13 S. R. o. 3 E., and will
offer proof to show that the land sought is
more valuable lor its llinuer or sione man ni'rictiltural mirooses. and to establish
his claim to said html bctore the Register I
ami Receiver of this office at Oregon t.ity,
Oregon, on Wednesday, the 6th day or alay,
it. .
lie names its iun-5.-s; nun.
Hiram I. Preston, Thos. E. .Norm and
Frank II. Gates, all of Haywards, Alameda
'oitntv t 'iiltfornia.
Anv anil an jersons claiming aurem-iv
the above-descrdied lands are rc-iuested to
tile their claims in this ollice on or before
said Bill day of May, ll.
J. l. ah r.uau., negisicr.
Wake Up ! Wake Up I
And run down to Charlie Ilackleman's and get some of tl;3
following bargains that he is selling AT COST. Reason,
too many goods and warm winter. Remember they are
going at COS! :
Specimen Cases.
a. II. Clifford. New Cassel. vv Is., was
Jronblcd with Ketirahcia and Ilheuma-
tism, his Stomach was disordered, ins
Liver was nflecied to an alarming le
nw. Hotietite fell awtiv. and he was
lerrioiy reauceii in iicbh ni pumm.
Three bottles of Electric Hitters cured
Edward Shepherd. HarrlHburg, an.
bail m rimninir wire on bis leg of elsrli
years' standing. Used three bottles of
Electric HitU-rs and seven boxes of
IUieklen's Arnica Salve, and ins leir is
sound and well. John Sneaker, Ca
tawba, O., hud live large ever sores on
his les. din-tors said he was incurable.
One bottle Electric Hitters and one Uix
Huckleirs Arnica Halve cured umi en
tirely. Sold by J. A. Heard.
Bucklen'a Arnica Salve
The P.est Salve In the world for
Cuts, Hruises, Soros, U'cers, Salt
Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, CliapiHii
Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin
Eruptions, and positively cures Piles,
or no pay required. It is guaranteed
itIvp iwrfeet satisfaction, or money
n.f.itidfd. Price 25 cents l T box. For
sale by J. A. Beard.
I'vinn Stat I.inn Office. I
Oregon City, Oregon, January 12, ISM.f
hhVhe SSiJm of con'of Men's Ing-Leg Boston Rubber Boot, before $4 25; now $3 50
June 3. 1H78, cut tied "An act for the sale of I
timber lands in the States of Caiilbriiia, Ore-
nn. Nevada, and a.hinrtoii lerntory.
Thomas K. Korris, of Haywards, county of
Alameda, State oi uainornia, nas mis nay
tiled in this of flee his sworn statement
i--S for tin. oorcliasc of the S. W. 14 of Sec.
So. 8. in To. No. 13 S.. K. No. 3 E.. and will
offer proof to show that the land sought is
more valuable for its timber or stone than
for tifrricnltuml nurposes. and to establish
his claim to said land lieforc the Register
and Receiver of thi3 ofhee at Oregon t lty,
On-Rou, on Wednesday, the (ith day of May,
H. nstnes as witnesses: C. Prowse. K. I
Oritcs. W. J. Ramnce and J. A. Collins, all
nf llriv!iri!s Culilornia.
Anv and all persons claininir advarscly
the alitive-ilescribed lands are reiuested to
lile their claims in this office on or before
said Cth day of May, 11.
J. 1. AlrHK!S.i, liegisier.
Knee " " 3 25; " 2 85
Ladies' White and Red AJl-Wool Vests before f 1 ; now 80c
Children's All-Wool Vests different sizes at cost.
Ladies' All-Wool Hose ..::...before 50c; hoxfAOg
tl u
40c; " 30c
35c; " 25c
25c; " 20c
Children's the same proportion in price
Scarlet Twilled Flannels
..before 60c; now 40c
Three Famlllen Arretted on the Street
Of Albany, by the magnificent display
of hardware, stoves and ranges at Mat
thews & Washburn's, who cai
largest assortment in the valley
UsiTrti Statfs Lasd Office,
OreRou City, Oregon, January 5, 1.191.!
Vnti is herehv iriven that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of J jiaving.
timber l.-onis in the States of Cabfonna, Ore- I onl V a limiteU number.
con. evailu, and asuinjtiou icrnuin,
" " " " 60c;
Various other items that we shall not name here
sold at a reduction in price, but the goods we name here are
special bargains, every one at wholesale cost.
Our Rand-McNally Atlas of the World is something worth
We give everyone with. every ?3U worth of gooas;
" 30c
" 45c
will be
.,t ; t f.vr fiirnihiiir tbw commod-1 the spring, and if the
Hot .hp Vphf.t irot the money. substances is as great as surface pros-
- i .,3 Indicate. Iebsnon real estate will
We have heard sometalk about build- advance a hundred per cent
ing a cannery in Lebanon. It is toj mer
Deliopea mat ine project w in uu mw
this sum
snmethimr tamribfe and that this in
dustry will be established here and
operated before another twelve-month.
The man who told us that there
would be a telephone line connecting
Lebanou and Laeomb, and that it would
te built before the close of the year
1890. mis-calculated somewhat. Fig
ures may not lie, but liars sometimes
W. H BOOTH, M. D.,
Office In Cuv' New Bulletins.
Residence at Mrs. Ambler's.
-,:irl-s tiiat.iin. of San Francisco, county
of San Francisco. State of California, has
his H:ir tiled in this office his sworn state-
men t N'o. for the of the S. E.
i. of Sec. No. ai, in T). No. 13 S., K. Xo. 3
L ....I m-,11 ir.ukf In hIuiv thttt. the
i..'..) amivi.t h m.irp viln:ilIf f,,r it tiliiher
I J, I , I ' . ' ' - . f . . ... . . .
carry tile ,.,i.,- h hi' rlaF.ii t-j said land before the
Kciri-tcr atsd Keceiver of Hum :tice at
Civ, Orcein, on Wednesday, the 20t!i
.:av of April, 11.
lie naniea as witnesses: John an Horn.
. Joijue;nier, Jean Fxke, J- Fort Posey, all
of Sa i Francisco, California.
An." and rll infnoiH claim'ng adversely
the alnjvc-di.TTihel lands are reiuestwl t.
nle their cliiims in thi office on or before
aid ii.ii dav of April. 1!H.
J. T. APl'KitSOX, Register.
Next to the Bank.
We le:trn from one Mr. WlUiams, of
Colorado, at present Clerk of uma
county, that on account of failure in
crops and some untoward features of a
Colorado climate that many of the
people living in that country will em
igrate soon. Some of the would-be
emigrants represent a large amount
' f money ad will look for some in
vitine field In which to invest. We
that a slight acquaintance
Feel sure
Lsmtfallit was predicted that po- with our country ana its resource
.-J?;.MlJwor?h 60 bv the firstVould determine the question of loca-
f March, bnt evidently there were
rcr rr tapntv. met
1 - -----,,,
in ana iok steps
The phantom ball wfoieh was given
on Friday night last, was accounted a
success by those who participated.
We see nomoreappIeB in the market;
are they all gone or are farmers care
less about bringing this fruit to market?
Harvey Cross has housed his engine
1nee the wet weather began and is
running a chopper on Bridge A venue.
The Sweet Home stage was loaded
Z LichTpTaKfell Zr the mountain' j "gating money orders, etc
town. j
Did you ever examine J. A. Beard's
stock Of perfumery? After yisitingdiis
drug store you will wish you were
two-thirds nose.
Settle Bros, shipped all the oats out
yvf their warehonse this week. Wheat
is worth sixty-four cents, awd oats fifty
cents at the warehouse.
It is claimed that the O. Ry. railroad
Vwidge across tbe McKenzie at Coburg
m the longest wooden span in the
United States 800 feet.
Frank Crabtree, while unloading the
trucks Monday, had the misfortune to
let a box of goods fall upon his foot.
Ilis toes were badly mashed.
TCenry Boyleswas arraigned in the
Recorder's court Tuesday on a charge
of disorderly conduct; from lack of evi
dence the case was dismissed.
Several little rrlsses assembled at the
St. ??t Friday and had a very
woyable time. The occassion was
Miss Doud's tenth anniversary.
Rev. N. L. New closed his engage
ment with the CP. church on bun
' day, having accepted a call to the
Brownsville church for this year.
We acknowledge the receipt of a pack
age of seeds from the old reliable firm
of D. M. Ferry A. Co., Detroit, Michi
gan; also their seed annual for 1891.
The revival meetings closed at the
M. E. church, Sooth, Friday evening.
There were a number of conversions
and several additions to the church.
Brethren of the three links, say you
will celebrate A pril 26tb, and let's make
preparations for this anniversary oc
casion becoming a town of our import
ance. Wm. Cox, of the firm of Hoberg &
Cox. Albanv. has been employed by
the Santiam Lumber Company of Mills
City to superintend the planer at that
A skirmish occurred over in Canada
last week, between ' Robert Foren and
.Tames Bostwick. in which the latter.
being a weakly man, was pretty badly
Why has the Kansas City bridge
over the canal never been rebuilt? It
would be a great convenience to people i
living In the suimrus to nave me span
Lebaon needs a $20,000 flour mill
and an oat-meal mill. The Ix?banon
canal will secure both, and suppose
we rise in our might and hasten these
Several thou land pounds of goods nlY,le Democrat.
rpr nwivnl at the Mammoth store 1
this week. C. B. Montague against I The Oregonian has the largest eircu-
more tubers raised in the valley than
these prophets figured on; at any rate
potatoes are only worth about half
these figures.
Call on the Exprkss for any paper,
magazine .r periodical published in
this or foreign countries, at reduced
rates. Tell us what paper you want
and we will get it for you cheap, and
you will not be bothered writing letters,
At the meeting of the O. A. R. Sat
urday evening, Trof. David Torbet
reviewed the life of George Washington
in a very interesting way, and was fol
lowed bv Capt. C. B. Montague, who
pronounced a fine eulogy upon the de
ceased warrior, Uen. W. T. fchermau.
Dr. H. A. Jones, of Nebraska, veter
inary surgeon. Twenty years steady
practice. I handle all diseases pertain
ing to horses. Chronic diseases a spe
cialty. Bring your horses to me and I
will do vou good. I have come here to
stay. Can be found at Nichols' barn.
The carnentc-s of Lebanon to the
number of .
Mondav ev-'
toward organ iy..n a carpenters' as&oci
ation. AcommiU- v ( f three was ap
pointed to draft pl: ?:s f..r said organi
zation and report t:. Monday evening
Recorder Peterson had an unusual
amount of business on hand Tuesday
morning. Several persons on the eve
ning previous had imbibed too freely
ofKiirzaer whiskey, and the mania for
breaking window lights and other
devilish i astimes called for an atone
ment to the offended law.
t ion, r.nd secure a class ot immigrants
that would materially aid in developing
the Paine Northwest.
A few days ago while sitting hi Elder
Bros.' drug store at Tingley, Iowa, Mr.
T. L. Dver. a well known citizen, came
in and asked for something fr a severe
cold which he had. Mr. JMder iook
down a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy and said: "Here is something
I can recemmeud. It commands a
large sale and gives genuine satisfac
tion. It is an exeelleut preparation
and cheap." Mr. Dyer purchased a
bottle, and the next day when we saw
him he said he was much better, and
thetiav following appeared to be en-
lirelv restored. This is a specimen of
the effectiveness of this preparation.
J) Moines Mail and Itmes. M. A
Miller, druggist, sells the above men
tioued remedy.
Here Is your winter, "monsbacks."
IHvine services at the insane aylum last
T. - Rice is slowly recovering at Saletn.
A cider factory aill be built here tht
,nnfv ili a nrmie ranliervl.
i -(-. . z .
Bovs of Soda, come to Waterloo and shoot -
all you want to; we are not incorporated.
One moonlight evening last week, two
young ladies rvle doin ltroadway a..d
'hurrahed for Waterloo! dad, head us!"
Wonder if that Laconib cor. knows tnat
our West Linn Crow-Foot is a young lady.
tv.nst creature he ever met. It
i our opinion tnai u ne win can biu
threshing" time he will hnt trie most pro-
nonr.cea case oi cxpeii laicii-sinup mm
big brother combined he lias seen lately.
We got a valentine last week,
A painted, plastered thing.
And covered o'er with verses
About the ioet king.
'Twas the picture of a miner;
That's how it lixiked to me.
With one suspender at his back.
And a patch upon bis knee.
Ilis hair was long and curly.
His dress wns roiiRh and wild.
A quill was stuck behind his ear.
He was Nature's own dear child.
We don't deny we've lieen there.
And thank the generous giver;
Cf course wc know who sent it,
It came from up the river.
All day we sit in silence.
Knraptured with one thought.
The valentine you sent us
Was the ugliest ever bought.
C. Ritic.
Physician and Surgeon.
Graduate of Royal Colk-ee of London and IK-li
me Meilleal folleja-. Miw.
Chronic casw a srHltT.
Cancers removed without wdn or the knife.
OFFICE Klrklrick's buildiinr, Ixhanon, Or
a, mm i Hw Bl Km wt4
Rheutnatistn, eura'c5a, Corns
T1i CHforla Foa'tiTa in3 Higat'.T
cvttts ccio. cp.oup. coNSumriiO.
old by all Drsggista. ack 26 o, COo & tl
For Sale s 1- A. Beard, Ibanon.
Uftl tt 1 1 1 1 1
UsiTEn pTTrs La sen Orricit, i
ire-pin City, tiregon, January 5, lSOl-l
heri-hv iriven that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Cotrpress of
June 3. ITS, entitlcl "An act lor me suie oi
litttlier lands in the states of California, Ore
'evj.ila ami Washineton Territory,"
i Fnrt I'osor. of San Francisco, county of
San Francisiii, Hate of California, has this
hiv rilM in this oflice his worn statement
No. '.'4J0. for t!ie PtiK-hase of the S. E. H of
Seu No. .'0, in Tii. No. 13 S., K. No. 3 K.,aml
will ofli r proof to show that the land soupnt
is more valuable for its timler or stone than
for acrtcultural purposes, ana 10 esxaiuisn
claim to said land tefore the Ketristet
anil Keceiver of this oftice at Orejron City,
( in-con, ou Tuesday, the 5th day of May,
He nnnirs as witnesses: M. Ilutlanl. Jean
Kffce. A. Itoiinlier and C. Chatain, all of
San Fram isi-", California.
Aov anil all tMrrsons claiming atiTereiT-
the aliove-describeAl lands are requested to
hie their claims in this office on or before
said 5th dav of Mav, ln.
" j. T. AI'fEKSCiN, IScBister.
We have chanced our name, hut not our base. Panics
, 1 . T
mav come ana seasons go, out, x go
roods to
on forever selling;
Mr. Henry Morgan died at Plain
view Feb. 14, lS91,of tonsilitis, from
which he Buffered several weeks. He
was a dutiful eon, assuming the
entire responsibility and care of his
father's extensive enterprises. He
was one in which his father could
place implict conttdene, and a staff on
whom thev expected to lean in their
old age; hence the almost unbearable
loss, lie enjoyeo tne enure coiiiiueucv
of the people'of Plainview and held
several positions of trust and honor.
Mr. Morgan was not married. He was
born near this place on his father's
farm in I860, was consequently 26
vears of aire. He was engaged in
hirnilno- and its manifold duties up to
the time of his death. F. M. 8.
A Sundiiv school was organized at
the M. E. Church, South, last (Sunday
afternoon. The following officers were
elected: SuDt...A. Jack Adams; Asst.
Bupt., 8. M. W. Hindman; (Secretary,
Miss naziett; ireasurer, jiibs maggie
Burkhart. The regular hour for hold
ing school is 3 P. sc. Everybody come.
A man by the name of V. M. San
ders committed suicide at Grants Pass
last week. Deceased was sixty years
of age, was an old pioneer and had
taken part in the Indian wars of the
Northwest, but succumbed to the inev
itable after eight months of married life.
The question "Is marriage a failure"
is still a mooted one.
A correspondent at Springfield sent
the following item to the Eugene
Guurd: There has been a great revival
here in our town, and is still going on.
Tt has caused some of the hardest of
hearts to turn and lead a letter life.
Bros. McDonald and Sweeney, of the
M. E. church, are holding the meeting,
and with great success.
Yesterday a seedy-looking farmer,
looking as if it would be an act of kind
for one to buy him a suit of clothes,
stepped up to the sheriffs desk and paid
him 1370 7 111 casn, ins taxes tor inyo,
the most paid by any one individual
in this county Jaeob Kees. Notwith
standing his noted close-fistedness this
was done without a murmur ana wiwi
the world for all kinds of goods and
low prices.
G. W. Wheeler sold his saw mill in
town Mm. Preston & Weddlc. last
wk. We understand that the mill
will be removed to the vicinity
Sweet Home,
lation of any daily, Sunday or weekly
paper west of the Rocky mountains.
And in order to further increase its
circulation they have selected with
creat care, a large list of valuable
f I hooks and other uful articles, and are
i offering them as premiums to each new
J suliscriber, to any of its several issues
A V,or hivhn rp nesroLiatm i lor yearly suuscuyuuiia mc w.""
f-jr next year's crop. This i surely I ieui should be i 11 every Household.
TOhud, tOi"""" " f-SjTVJVlllg Hops Ue- lor picmium uoi.
A Kew Gold Separator.
The Pomeroy, Wash., Independent
Bays: "This city will some day feel
proud of an Inveutive genius now in
our midst and who has patented a de
vice for saving gold that will revolu
tionize mining and bring an income to
the inventor that will place him along
side Croesus in point of wealth. It is
useless to attempt a description or the
invention in the process of doine its
work. Centrifugal power will do the
work of separating the quartz or refuse
from the cold in a cylinder coated with
ouicksilver and run at a high rate of
snood. The ereat paper of Munn &
Co. will soon have a full description of
this machine accompanied by euta."
Uver Complaint Blllouanesa
The symptoms of this disease are de
pression of spirits, loin coaten longue,
bad tasting nioutn, nisagreeaoie oreain,
dry skin with blotches and eruptions,
sallow complexion and yellow eyes,
tired aching shoulders, dull pain in
right side, faintness.dizzinessand irreg
ular bowls. This complaint in all of
its forms can. le readily cured by tak
ing Dr. Gunn'n Improved Liver Pills
as directed, and a lingerlngepell of sick
ness will often be warded oil oy tneir
use. Sold at 25 cents a box by M. A.
Runs high in Lebanon at Beard's
drnr store over System Builder,
overbod v is tisinsr it for Catarrh of
the Stomach, Dyspepesia, Consumption
and Impure Blood. Try it and tell
vour friends about it, as it must possess
wonderful merits when all speak well
of it. m
The Leading Trlses Come to the V'nlled
In The Queen's last word o ntest, Dr. EV.-
miind T. 8tevcn, of Buffalo, X. V., won the
6rst prize of a free trip to Europe and f3
in cash, and Annie B. Turner, of Deposit,
X. Y. secured the special prize of a hand
some Shetland pony.
The publishers of this well-known Maga
zine have decided to offer one more compe
tition, and to the persons sending them the
lant list of English words fof not less
than four letters) constructed from letters
contained in the three word, "Dominion of
Canada," they offer many useful prizes, in
cluding $750 in cash. Shetland ponies, China
Dinner Sets, Guld Wntehc, French Music
Boxes, Portiere Curtains, Silk Dresses, Man
tle Clix-ks, etc., all to lie awarded strictly in
order of merit. An elegant Silver Tea Ser
vice (valued f ) will be given each day to
the persons irom whom the largest list is
received that i!ay from the State in which
thev reside. The object of this siecial daily
nrize for each H;nte is to increase the inter
est in The Queen's competitions in every
loonlitv in the United Slates. Those desir
ing to contest for one of these valuable
prizes may start 011 their list at once, but
number of The Queen Defore forwarding
your list. Address THE CANADIAN
QUEEN, Toronto, Canada.
17 II W
haw teen troubled msny Tears with
disease of the kidneys and hire tried
many different remedies sod hsre
sought aid from different physicians
without relief. About the 15th of April
I was suflerins from a violent
attack that almost prostrated me la
such a manner tnat I was bent otct.
When I aat down it was almost Impossible lor me
to iret up alone, or to put on my clothes, whea
ti7t Prurience sent Ir. Heuley, with th
hotel. I immediately coinroencca
nsing the tea. It had an almost
miraculous effect, and to the aston
ishment of all the guests at the hotel,
in a few days,! am happy to state,
that I was a new man. I wti
recommend the tea to all afflict.
as 1 hare been.
C. K. TtJPPER, 1
Proprietor Occidental Hotel,
Santa Rosa, Cal.
. land, Orejrou.
The Pulpit and the Stag
Rev. F. M. Shrout, Pastor United
Brethren Church, Blue Mound, Kan.,
ays: "I feel it my duty to tell what
wonders Dr. King's New Discovery has
done for me. Mv Lunes were badly
diseased, and my parishioners thought
I could live only a few weens, i hwk
five bottles of Dr. King's New Discov
ery and am sound and well, gaining 20
lbs. in weight."
Arthur Ijove, Manager Love's Funny
Folks Comhination, writes: "Alter i
thorough trial and convincing evl
dence, I am confident Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption beats 'em
all. and cures when everything elfe
fails. The greatest kindness I can do
my many thousand friends Is t urge
them to try it." Free trial bottles at
Beard's Drug Store. Regular sizes oOc
and Sl.OO.
A Sure Core for Piles
Itching Piles are known by moisture
like perspiration causing intense itch-Iiip-
when warm. This form, as well
as blind, bleed inir and protruding.
vield at once to Dr. Bosanko's Pile
Itemed v. which acts directly on the
parts affected, absorbs tumors, allayi
itching and effects a permanent cure.
50c. Drueirists or mail: treatise free.
Dr. BosanVo. 329 Arch street, Philadel
phia, Pa. Sold by M. A. Miller.
Take It Before Breakfast
The great appetiser, tonic and liver regulator.
In use for more than 50 years in England. Posi
tive specific for liver complaint. Bad taste in the
mouth on arising in the morning, dull pains in
the head and back of the eyes, ttren feeling- diz
ziness, languor ymptons of liver complaint
Remedy Dr. Henley's English Dandelion Ionic.
m a m
Uicited States Ijisd Office, I
Oregon City, Oregon, January 12, 13UI.I
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
a ith the provisions of the act of Congresi
of Jui.e 3, p7, entitled "An act for the sale
of timber lands in the States of California,
Orecon, Nevada, and Washington Terri
torv," HulxTt I Mann, of Haywards, coun
ty of Alametla, State of California, has this
iiav filed in this oflice his sworn statement
No. 24'23, for the purcha-e of the !. K. J of
Sec. No. 8, in Tp. No. 13 8., K. No. 3 K.,antl
will oiler prool uisliow that tne lana sougnt
is more valuable for its timlwr or stone than
for nirrieultural imriKjses. and to establish
his claim to saul land before tlie IJegister
iinil Krifiver of this oflice at Orecon City,
Oregon, on Wednesday, the lith day of May,
He n.mies as witnesses: J. A. Collins, F.
H. (iates, C. 1'rowse and T. K. Norris, all of
Huvwanls. California.
Anv and all persons claiming adversely
the aliove-desi-ribed lands are requested to
rile their claims in this office on or before
said (ith day of May, 11.
J. T. A 1'PfcnSOX, Register.
Rich and Poor Alike,
For ten months we have stood at our post selling GRO
BROWNSVILLE WOOLEN GOODS, and yet our stock,
like leaven, - -
Increases All the Time.
Old Jason, like a fool, sailed in the Argo to Colchis in
search of the golden fleece; now-a-days people 'find tho gol
den fleece in the Bfcrwnsville goods for sale at Bach s Cornel -
tore. . -
Remember, Farmers I
I pay cash for your produce and at the. same time keep
everything you want. Formerly , all roads lead to Rome--
under the new road law every trail, toe-patn ana wagon roaa
leads straight up to V
United Status iJind Ofllee,
Oregon City, Oregon. January 0, 1S91.
Viiiw u lii-n-hv irlrpn thai In compliance with
he nmvlslons of the act of Connrew of Jane 8.
1ST?, emitleil "An set Tor the sale of tmifH-r lHrnls
iu Ihe States of Clirornl. Oreijoii. Neviwla, ami
Washington Territory." Auinist Hounuer. oi win
Fmneisi-o, eonntv of San Francisco, state of Cali
fornia. Iiok this dav filed in lliis oflice his sworn
siatemeut No. ill", for the purchase or the F-. of
W. li una 1-ots anil 4 n- See. o. w, in i p. an.
13 8., K. No. 3 E., anil will oiler prom to show inai
the land sought is more valualile for its timber or
stone than for airrieii'lnriil iiioms. anil to estab
lish lite o.ftim to sniu lana oeiore mc ivesi-u-r un.i
Iieiviverof llii oflice al firegun i ny. ua-snu, ou
Wohiesdnv. Ihe Mh day of April, ln!d.
He names as witnesses: Jean r.fKe, iminisie
Jtinnon, Michael Dullard and John au Horn, all
of San Franei-o. t alitornia.
av r.1 nil tiorscins clAiiniu? adveru'lv inc lands are reuuesled to lile Iheir
claims in this oflice on or be lore sain .-.nnna oi
Aplil, KOI. J. T. Ari'bllfUA, lieeu-icr.
I'sited States Laxd Orrn k,
Orecwi fity, tlregon, January 5, ISOl.l
Vntii-e is hcrehv eiven that in oimiilinrice
with the t.r,ivisiunn of the act of Coneress of
June 3. 1878, entitleil "An net for Ihe sale of
timlK-r lunils in the states oi t aiitornia, wc-
pn, .Nevada, ana v asninpion icrruorv, i
.lean Ki ke, of !aii Francisco, county of 8an I
Kraifl isi-o, Stnte of California, has this day
filial iri this oftice his sworn statement No.
2H, fi r the viirchase of the N. W. icifScc.
No. . in To. No. 13 S... K. o. 3 t.., ana will
oiler jroof to show that the land sought i.
more vaiuame ior ns iimoer or pivnc nmn
for nirrieultural j-urposes, and to entaMish
his claim to said land before the Kcjrister
and Keceiver of this oftice at Ircgon t "ity ,
Urcpoii, on Wednesday, the 29th day of
Aitii, 18SI. . ....
lie nanns as witnesses: A. DouitUer. M.
Iiiillitnl, I'. Wiatain and 11. Juanon, all of
8un Francisco, Califorma.
Anv and all Mrmns claiming adversely
the aliove-de-riled lands ure reijuestetl to
file their claims in tins ofhee on or lielore
said 58)th day of Ai-ril, lt 1.
J. 1. Al rtmsva, negisier.
Tailed States IjiihI Offlee,
Oregon Cily. tiregon. lH-e. l.r, 1SH0.
Vnitw Is linrebr eiven that in eoninlianee with
H nr.,v-Ui.,ll fif liH Ht of 1)UU!VS Of Jlllie U,
187H. enthled "An act for Hie sale of limber lands
in the Ktuti-s of rnlifbrma. Oreeon. Nevada, anil
WnslnnutDii Terrilorv. 11111 akiioiii. oi inui
i. ruTi.s. . cfiiiuiv of San Francisco. State of t'al
;r..r.,i i.a rlnv flli'd in lhls oflice his sworn
statement No. vX, for the purchase of Hie X. K.
I ; nf Sic No. L'l. Ill TD. Ml. 13 S.. K. Ml. It r... BUM
will oiler proof to show tluit the land soiiitht is
more valuable for ils limber or Mono llian lov k
rieullural purisiscs, and lo establish his claim to
said land he lore the register and receiver of this
otllce at On-Kon Cit-, Oregon, on Friday, the I7tn
day of April. l.l. . ,,. T..u.
lie names as wiiiiuiwv:'. ,..r.-. ...
man. t,. llayiim ana a. Aiiuncu, uu ui ,
Cisco, I'aUuiriiin. , . ...
Any and all persons claiming- adversely the
above-described hinds arc reoue.-tcd totilelheir
claim in this oflice on or lierore sunt litn nay oi
April, IMil. J. T. AITKUSON, Hegister.
Carpenter & Builder.
All Kinds Repairing & Jobbing
Done on Shortest Notice.
Shop on Main Street, Next Door to
Tailor Shop.
Not if VOU CO tiirou-ih the world a dys- Relieves constipation, aharpeiia the appetite and
? 11 TJr Tlnpmia Tr h&U ! tones up the entire. s-stem. Gct the itenuine from
nri n no.sitive cure for the worst forms
of Dyspepsia. Indigestion, i-iaiuieney
und Corjpotion. (Jriiaranteexi mid
sold by-" - filler.
, i. ' . i -
yonr druggist for $1.00 and taka according to di
rections. Twenty emigrants arrived last
Sunday ut Grant's Pass, from Iowa,
Fulled States Land Otnce,
Oi-croii Cily, Oregon, Her. Is', lsflft.
Notice Is hereby plven that In compliance with
th T.Tivisinns of l be act of Coiiam'ss of JmicS.
1S7S, entitled "An act lor the sale of timber lands !
lr. the Slates of California, OrcRon, Nevada, and
Washineton Territory," Jeivett H. Ijwis, of l'ort
laiid. count v of Multnomah, State of Oregon, his
this dav tiled in this oflice his sworn statement
No. SWi, for the purchase f the N. K. H ol' s-''.
No. VI. in Tp. No. i: S.. K. No. a K.. and will otl'er
proof lo show that Ihe land nought is more valu
able for Its timlier or stone thou for agricultural
purpoes, and to establish his claim lo said land
isjtore the register and receiver of this oftice al
Oregon Citv, Orecon, on Wednesday, the J-id day
of April. ls'Jl.
He names as witnesses: O. A. flennett, F. Kan
souier and (. Kofoed. of Portland, Oregon, and F.
Bramlet, ol Fresno, California.
Anv and all persons claiming adversidy the
above-described lands are roqiisted to tile their
claims in Ihisolfice on or before said day ol
April. lS'Jl, J. T, Al'Ffclii-ON', Register.
Harness, Saddles, Collars,
Whips, Etc.
At Peterson & Wallace's Old Stand.
3L. . OE. BL.AIN'8
Also an Elegant Stock of Cloths In Merchant Ta
Ing- Department with Frst-Class TaHorinsr. t
Notice of Dissolution.
N partnership heretofore existing between
K. Hull and K. S. Kolerts, known aa Hull Kot
erts. and doing a butchering business in Lebanon,
Orejron. Is this dav dissolved by mutual consent.
All liiiMHTics of said firm will be oaid b R. S.
KotJ!; all debts owing the same will be paid lo
K. U4
Refitted, Enlarged and Imj
I manufacture and deal in Door?, Blinds, all stf
Frames, Door Frames, Mouldings, Brackets, Etc., in ft
nfacturcd and kept on hand in a first-class planer.
In connection with the above, I also have on Tiav
lumber vard in which is to be found rough and dressed
Bevel, Weather Boardingi f !ooringt and all kinds of F
for Coornices, Etc f v -
M t : ' -" : - -v