The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, February 13, 1891, Image 3

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    Lebanon Express.
FRIDAY. ... .FEBRUARY 13, 1891.
T. C. PtH.bler'8 groceries.
Valentine social Saturday night.
To-morrow la St. Valentine's day.
Hurrah for an electrlolight plant!
Go to T. C. Peebler's for glassware.
Two cigars for 5c at T. C. Peebler's.
Itrald 2 cents per bunch at Monta
na's. llalsey wants a bank, and wants it
J. F. Hyde was recently appointed a
notary public
i Save money by patronizing the One
Price Cash Store.
Go to T. C. Peebler's and get 17 lbs.
E. C sugar for $1.
There wan a" dance in Union Hall
last Friday night.
" F. &t. French, the Jeweler, Albany,
keeps railroad time. .
Bemember T. C. Peebler pays cash
for eggs and chickens.
Just received at M. A. Miller's, a
flna linn of tj tinner v.
The Salvation Army are engaged in
a good meeting in Scio.
Why is It that-the Albany Democrat
fails to come regularly?
All Roods deliverd free of charge
"from T. C. Peebler's store.
Rev. J. R. Rlrkpatrick Is engaged In
a revival meeting In Seattle.
jw. wusifri i v iiiAtie a oral ouipic i or
the M. E. Church, South, this week.
We had a light snow-fall Monday
but it disappeared about as fast as it
A. I. Mouaer sold his new residence
and three lots to L L Buckner last
A correspondent for the Salem Jour
nal says some good tilings about Leb
anon. i Henry Morgan, the negro boy who
speut last summer in Lebanon, has ab
sconded. The heaw rain Tbursdav nicht nut
the ground in excellent condition for
Mr. Harris took possession of Mr.
Hanlman's dwelling, on First street,
last week.
The Santlam river has kept within
its banks notwithstanding winter will
soon be past.
Rev. N. L. New preached in the M.
E. Church, South, Saturday and Sun
day evenings.
Don't growl becaus there Is no side
walk lumber; go to Wheeler's mill and
get all you want.
To meet the demands of a reading
public, the Express has lately added
another font of type.
Dr. Hope, our postmaster, ha been
afflicted with a very bad cold, aad
also with neuralgia, of late.
J. W. Bihep on last Saturday
bought a farm of Mrs. K. McKinncy,
omDrisimr 490 acres, for SoOOO.
Rev- Iic Van Winkle, of Halsey,
occupied th pulpit at the M. E. church
Sunday morniug and evening.
Dr. Skipworth's health continues
about the same since his attack of
nervous prostration last Bp ring.
A family of immigrants arrived
Thursday morning-; they rented a
house and took possession at once.
Aaron Springer has the frame of his
dwelling up, and will have a verv
comfortable dwelling when completed.
If you want a bargain In an overcoat,
call at Montague's, as he has only a few
left, and must sell them before spring.
Phil. Smith says the question of divis
ion will not ba revived in the "Forks"
until another generation claims the
It is remarkable while Canada East
Is looking toward annexation, Canada
West bet ween the Santam rivers) is
plotting secession.
"tWM . - . . . . . .
i ne diii contemplating ine creation
of a new conn ty to be called tSantiam,
was on motion of J. K. Weatherford,
postponed indefinitely.
Men who have Just returned from
the Santlam mines report the snow
from two to fifteen feet deep; a slight
discrepancy in the reports.
Yon man! If you want an Inerest
ing paper or magazine to read call at
this office anf made your selection and
we will get the same for you.
A sheet and pillow slip party will
be given by Troutman's Orchestra in
Union Hall Friday night, Feb. 20th,
to which the public are invited.
Rev. Boyd informs the Exprfss
trial a deep interest is msmresten In
ihe revival services at Halsey. Five
eon versions are reported to date.
Rev. A. C.. T?lwrillrl noirlnr XT V.
church at Halsey, will occupy the pul
pit at the M. E. church in Lebanon
next Sunday morning and evening.
All parties knowing themselves in
debted to me will please call and settle,
as I need my money.
M. A. Milxer.
The O. P. R. R,. under the manage
ment or Mr. Hogg, Is grounded, and
wur deril.who is much of a wag, insists
on calling it the ground Hogg route.
;-' Funeral services of Mrs. Frev. who
ttjed in Albany a short time since, were
held in the Presbyterian church last
Sunday, Rev. A. Marcellas officiating.
Themichievousveinin human nature
vented itself on Friday night last bv
transporting signs, overturning crates
or crockery and in other harmless diver
sions..'. ..
The reason why Montague's goods sell
mo well is because he has been here so
long be knows just what the people
... ant and Vi iu nvvwfa a ma nt. mrltk th.
The rich alluvial deposit on Main
street has been churned to the consist
ency of buttermilk and suggests to our
mind the allegorical "Slough of De
The bulk of the world's business is
done by combinations: even the bur
glare are beginning to recognize t he fact
and work almost altogether on com
B. F. Bodwell has concluded, after
canvassing - the Sound country, to
locate in Lebanon. We believe it
wise conclusion and hope that he
will profit by it.
Are you in love? If so, marry the
idol of your affections and then go to
Matthews & Washburn's, at Albany,
buy a stove or range, raise a large fam
ily and be happy.
We opine that the Lebanon Canal
Company will have their plans ma
tured by spring to carry out, by far,
the greatest enterprise ever inaugur
ated in this town.
.Eat good things and enjoy yourself
while you live, for you will be a long
thne dead. If you buy your groceries of
T. C Peebler you could not be other
wise than happy.
. The most delicate constitution can
safely use- Dr. J. H. McLean's Tar
.Wine Lung Balm. It is a sure remedy
for coughs, loss of voice, and all throat
and lung troubles.
The "pullet" party on Wednesday
evening was pronounced unsatisfactory
by one who whs in attendance. Another
argument lu favor of the co-mingling
of the sexes.
The late Indian campaign has cuet
the government the large sum of
$1,300,XW. The redskins did the "danc
ing," but Uncle Sam paid dearly for
the fiddling.
Two or three clergymen have boen
added to the ministerial force this
week and the meetings will be pro
tracted as long as the interest In the
same will warrant.
Young Tucker, who was lost In the
mountains above Gatesvllle two weeks
ago, has been found, but his privations
and hardships have had the effect to
dethrone his reason.
It Is not likely that the city council
will take any very important steps in
legislation before Councilman Westfall
returns from Iowa, which, however,
will be but a few weeks.
The city council met Wednesday
evening, but owing to the fact that
G. M. Westfall is absent and J. P.
Matchett is sick, no business of im
portance was transacted.
No small stir is occasioned in Marion
county by the discovery of oil in three
or four localities. So far as heard from
Lebanon has the only genuine gas
field 1 n this pai t of the State.
We learn from A. F. Ayer that his
brother-in-law 8. Perciful of Browns
ville, has bought a farm fifteen miles
from Portland and that he will re
move to his late purchase soon.
Recorder Peterson took advantage of
a lull in business Monday and sawed,
split and housed more wood than any
feather-weight in the country could
have cut in the same length of time
How much longer will the people of
Lebanon wait before demonstrating to
a gainsaying world the fact that we
have a superabundance of natural gas
and a quantum mjfieit of petroleum?
Even the most vigorous and hearty
people have at times a feeling of weari
ness and lassitude. To dispel this feel
ing take Dr. J. H. McLean's Sarsnpa
rilla; it will impart vigor and vitality.
A disease (which for want of a bet
ter name is called la grippe) has be
come quite prevalent in Lebanon of
late, it is not considered dangerous,
but is anything but pleasant while it
We were compelled to Issue a sup
plement this week. The supplement
is not printed to advertise some patent
medicine, twit is filled with news.
Head, digest, subscribe, pay and be
A little timely. Judicious, concerted
action on the part of our leading busi
ness men will draw capital to jUebauon,
establish manufactures, advertise our
resources and double the population
this year.
The fact that January is our windy
month may be accounted for, In part,
by remembering that our legislature
convenes the first month In each year.
This year it amounted to almost a
Take one of Dr. J. H. McLean's Lit
tle Liver and Kidney Pi lifts at night
before you go to bed and you will be
surprised how buoyant and vigorous
you will reel tne next aay. uuij :s
cents a viaL
It Is earnestly hsped that the
Weather Bureau took advantage of the
stiff breeze on Thursday to float their
wenther flags probably another such
a chance may not present Itself for a
whole year.
As the sun rose warm and bright
Saturday morning, revealing deep
snow banks on the Coast Range and on
the Cascades, we could not help think
ing that we are lucky in the Will
amette Valley.
Two men were wrangling about the
number of times one could have the
measles, when an end was put to the
controversy by one of the parties de
claring that the word was plural and
be believed in plurality of measles.
Thirteen thousand pounds of goods
were received by Lebanon merchants
Tuesday. If you think that our mer
chants do no bu-iness,keep your eye on
the trucks for one das-,ana perhaps you
will change your mind in this regard.
A private letter from F. M. Miller,
who recently went to Iowa, states that
he had a most enjoyable trip. The
Judge has a faculty for extracting
pleasure from the surroundings, ami
therefore we were not surprised to hear
of his pleasant journey.
Perhaps it's well enough thst the ap
propriation for Sodaville springs was
not granted; two arrests were made in
that town lately, and if the legislature
had "troubled" the waters by putting
iu a 'stick," there is no knowing
what the outcome would have been.
Since the two factions in the Evan
gelical church at Sweet Heme cannot
agree, it is rumored that another
church will be built. If the two con
gregations cannot worship in the same
house the plants a good one. A very
good motto for the disaffected parties
would be, "Let brotherly love con
tinue." Several car loads of lumber to be
used In the paper mill buildings have
been received from Coburg lately.
The inclemency of the weather has
made out-door work impracticable,
though several men find employment
under shelter. Work will be resumed
in earnest on the first approach of
Waterloo people are more anxious to
to see the water power utilized at that
place than the adjacent lands set to
prune trees. Locations for prune or
chards can be had anywhere, but it
wwnld he hard to find another water
power like the one at that point that is
allowed to go unharnessed and un
trammelled. Mr. Kizer, landscape gardener and
florist, was engaged by J.R.&H. Y.Kirk-
Katrick to arrange and beautify their
orticultural garden in East Ijebanon.
Mr. Kizer entered upon the work last
Monday aud we are of the opinion that
the horticultural garden will be one of
Lebanou's attractive features before
many years pass.
An honest subscriber, who really in
tends to pay for this paper as soon as
he is able can get nil the time he wants,
but the man who studies to defraud us
will find that he has entered upon a
most perilous course. Widows and
those who are too poor to pay for the
Express can get it regularly by giv
ing us their names.
Friend, aren't you ashamed te bor
row your neighbor's paper every week?
Hand the publisher $1 50 and then you
can look him straigt iu the face. If
the Express does not suit you, look
over our list and select any paper you
want and we will get it for you cheaper
than you can get it, besides you will
not be bothered in writing.
The late frosty weather should be
regarded as a blessing, for it served as
a warning to expanding fruit buds
against being too forward. Had the
warm weather continued a few weeks
longer the buds would have opened and
could not have withstood a low tem
perature later on, and consequently the
fruit crop would have been cut short.
Found, at the residence of
on a tete-e-tete, the lost mustache. The
owner tan have the same by calling
aud paying for advertisement. No
proof needed, as the mustache is a
guarantee of the owner. The young
lady has agreed to have her front teetu
extracted as soon as another mustache
has matured. The parents of the young
ladv request that keep earlier
hours, as the frost-Kasa tendency to
retard the growth f a young beard.
Mrs. Ullerv camo in on Saturday's train.
Miss Arnie Doud-vixitcd the "Hub" Sat
urday. Carson Holt returned from Marrislmrg'
Willis Calder drove over from Brownsville
last Friday.
Jos. Buhl is clerking for B. F. Bodwell at
the lied Front.
Miss Xettie Amos returned from Browns
ville iast week.
Frank Marks Is dispensing drugs at J. A.
Benrd's drug store.
W. B. Donaca siwnds most of his time on
his farm below town.
Mrs. Dr. Negus wss a passenger ou the
incoming train Monday.
Miss Lulu Westfall visited friends In the
country a few days this week.
M'ws Lizzie Donaca has not yet recovered
from an attack ot the measles.
K. Goan was transacting business in the
county-seat the tirst of the week.
Mrs. Funk spent Sunday with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Smith, near Hplecr.
Rev. T. P. Boyd went to Halsey last
Thursday to assist in meeting at that
Miss May Hardy, on last Saturday, ac
cented a position in the U'U'Kranl. otllce in
Revs. McFartand and Turner came to
Lebanon Monday to assist in the revival
Miss MagKie Sutton, formerly of Lebanon,
is now a smrcssful teacher in the school at
Tumwater, Washington.
Jerome Gentry, who was in so critical a
condition laxt week, is improving and we
hope to be able soon to chronicle his recov
ery. Mrs. E. McKinncy and Miss Edith McKln
nev, J. W. Bishop and wife, Jacob Newman
ana several others from Lebanon were in
Albany last Saturday.
Mrs. Jennie Csher went to Portland Wed
nesday, where she will hereafter reside.
Mrs. Csher has many friends in Lebanon,
who regret her departure. -
O. M. Westfall, after six-nding a short
time in Iowa, concludes that there is no
country so good as Oregon. Mr. Westfall is
visiting his folks in Iowa after an absence
of twenty-six years.
A private letter from Prof. J. O. Hickman
to Melvin Williams, announces that he is nt
present at Florida, Missouri. Prof. Hick
man's friends in Ijebanon will be sorry to
learn that he is aftlictcd with an incurable
malady, and is also nearly blind, having
been uiiahle to read or write for live months.
Mon7 la It.
The favorable turn In the weather
Monday morning admonished us that
this la a very opportune time to solicit
spring poetry. Rhyme is a secondary
consideration. Sophisticated and foot-
hardy men. if turned loose promis
cuously Into the best rhyme, will spoil
Its rhythm and drag it down to the
level of blank terse so that an expert
could not tell it from the antiquated
scribhllugs of a Milton. Poetic feet of
any length will be gladly received,
even if we have to take out several
column rules to give them room. The
cravings of a poetic age must be met,
and we are anxious that this shall be
the pijneer paper In catering to the
sentient part of our nature. Poetic li
cense (thanks to a generous and ac
commodating literature) is not so ex
acting as a Ijebanon liquor license, and
anyone with the slightest manipulative
skill can write a poem that will sur
vive the season by mixing with it a large
quantity of that antiseptic known a
common sense. As an incentive to a
Smouldering genius, we offer for the
best production of the klud a choice
lot in our waste basket.
Lebanon's Growth.
A correspondent of the Salem Jour
nal says of his visit to Lebanon: "Leb
anon is a terminus of a branch of the
Southern Pacific from Albany, from
which place it is about twelve miles
distant. The past year has been one of
remarkable growth and development
for Lebanon. Over 100 new buildiugs
have been erected since January 1,
1890, among tbem being some hand
some residences which would be a
credit to any city. The large Influx of
strangers from Eas:ern btates has
served to stimulate this growth, though
the fine agricultural land on all sides
of Lebanon Is a sufficient stimulus to
a healthy growth. Many of the resi
dences recently erected are the prop
erty of substantial farmers who have
moved to town."
Valeatln Social.
The Lebanon CTornet Band will give
a Valentine social at Union hall on
Saturday evening, Feb. 14, to which
the public are invited. An interesting
program will be rendered, interspersed
with plenty of good music, followed by
lunch and a general good time. A
Jirize will be given to the handsomest
ady In the house, aud also to the
homeMest gent. There will be valen
tines for sale, a postofnee and other in
teresting features. Don't forget, at
Union hall, Saturday evening, Feb. 14.
Admission, 23 cents; children, 10 cents.
' The natives here are enjoying real
web-foot weather.
Bill Alphin has gone on a business
trip to the foot-hills to buy stock.
Vroora Bros, have a large amount of
shingles on hand for this season of the
Alvin Diekerson, the time-honored
employee of Vroom Bros, has re
turned from Silverton.
A Safe Investment
Is one which is guaranteed to bring
you satisfactory results, or in case of
failure a return of purchase price. On
this safe plan you can buy from our
advertised Druggist a bottle of Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consump
tion. It is guaranteed to bring relief
in every case, when used for any affec
tiou of Tin oat. Lungs or Chest, such
as Consumption, Inflammation of
Lungs, Bronchitis, Asthma, Whoop
ing Cough, Croup, etc, etc It is pleas
ant and agreeable to taste, perfectly
safe, and can always be depended
upen. Trial bottles free at Besrd'a
drug Btore.
Liver Complaint BIlloaanaa.
The symptoms of this disease are de
pression of spirits, foul coated tongue,
bad tasting mouth, disagreeable breath,
dry skin with blotches and eruptions,
sallow complexion and yellow eyes,
tired aching shoulders, dull pain iu
right side, faintness.dizziness and irreg
ular bowls. This complaint in all of
its rorms can tie reaaily cured ty tak
ing Dr. Gunn's Improved Liver Pills
as directed, and a lingering spell of sick
ness will often be warded off by their
use. Sold at 25 cents a box by M. A.
Miller. ,
Tired feeling, dull headache, pains
in various parts of the body, sinking
at the pit of the stomach, loss of appe
tite, feverishness, pimples or sores, are
all positive evidence of poisoned blood.
No matter how it became poisoned it
must be purified to avoid death. Dr.
Acker's English Blood Elixer has
never failed to remove scrofulous or
syphilitic poisons. Sold under positive
guarantee by M. A. Miller.
A new system of bookkeeping has
been introduced in this part of the
country and promises to revolutionize
all previous systems. About January
we ventured to ask a few of our del in
fluent subscribers to settle to dale:
few days elapsed and we received some
official cards from some postmasters
informing us that the Express was
not wanted. Friends, can you tell us
where our next meal is coming from
if this system become popular?
"The harvest is passed, the summer
is ended," aud the frog pond in the
north end is undraiqed, -
O It ITU A 11 V.
Oco. V. Bboup was born in Union
county. Pa., March 5, 1818; died in
Lebanon, Or.; Feb. 1, 1891. At the age
of 21 years Jie was married to Cather
ine Kramer; with whom he lived aud
walked in holy wedlock for nearly half
a century. Eight children blessed this
union, four of whom, with their
mother, have Missed over beyond. -. Of
tne lour living, John Bhoup lives in
Indiana, S. K. Shoup and Mrs. Gilbert
in Ohio, aud Mrs. Cockerell in Leba
non. The great distance and the short
sickness of their father prevented them
from being present on this occasion.
Bro. Shoup made two great moves in
his life, going from Pennsylvania to
Wayne county, Ohio, In 1.859, and com
ing t Oregon October last, residing
with his daughter until yesterday
evening, when he departed, seeking a
better country.
Forty-eight years ago he found peace
iu Jesus and united with the M. E.
church. In which be has been a class
leader for over thirty years, leading the
people in testimony and praise. He
was favored with a cod voice and
musical talent and took great pleasure
in singing Zion's songs. He Impressed
me as a model Christian gentleman.
On Saturday last, In answer to inquiry,
he said, "I set my house In order forty
eight years ago and it has been In order
ever since," quoting a large part of
Romans, viii chapter, "There is there
fore now no condemnation to them
which are In Christ Jesus, who walk
not after the flesh, but after the spirit."
Thus prepared and believing Implicitly
In God's precious promises, his spirit
went back to the God who gave it. -
"I have fought a good tight, I have
finished my course, I have kept the
faith," was the subject of funeral ad
dress, after which the body was laid to
rest in Masonic cemetery to await the
resurrection of the jint.
Thus. P. Boyp.
Good weather for Ducks at least there is
plenty of water.
Where is San Ham's correspondent? and
Echo answers, where?
There Is alwnvs a cnlm after a storm: no
there are no more dances.
Come back, "Prodigal." the load that you
have laid on us is more than we can bear.
Bill Hndelson. alias "Sweet William " left
this fertile valley for Eastern Oregon la.t
Monday. He was an ornament to societv.
and his los is regretted by ull.
lid you ever sec an Orepon girl.
As she tts before the tire?
Her mouth is full of chewing gum,
And her Jaws they never tire.
The chewing stops a moment.
The gum mils on the floor;
In a sudden burst of anger
You fling it out the door.
"See here, you horrid, nply man.
It's no diirervnc what l"do;
The men are alwars just the same.
They either smoke or chew,
C!o to town, drink sour beer
I know you through aud through
Buy Hed llose gum lor the girls.
And make fun when they chew."
Now, girls, we know our weakness,
Wpm tell us something new;
If nothing el-e w ill do you.
Just keep your gum and chew.
In the midst of conversation
We sometimes ston and smile
As we hear the hurried whimper.
"Ix.-t me chew your gum awhile,"
We also hetir your cold advice.
As vou slow It close one eve.
To e back to the World's fair,
And go with old Hill Nye. C. Rmc
Out literary society is progressing nicely.
Mrs. Kester has been sick for some time
Mrs. Bnraee returned home from Salem
W. W. fairish has been quite sick for the
few past weeks.
Mrs. Mattie Moore has been quite sk-k for
the jast two weeks.
Hugh Parry took a living trip to the Cap
ital the last of the week.
Rettticu Pavis and wife took atrip to Har
ris burg to visit a brother.
Our school is progressing finely under the
suerintendence of Louis li&rzee.
We now have our calaboose done, stove
and beds in it, and it stauds waiting its
Miss Rhankland returned home to her
grandtarents yesterday after an absence 01
lour months.
The young people of this place met at Mr.
Boyle's Friday evening, where they enjoyed
themselves until a lute hour.
There is talk of several new buildings
er ring up in the spring and some business
houses, a drug store among the rest.
Our honorable council met Friday even
ing and appointed Mr. Harzee marshal. We
think we have the right man in the right
place, as he pulled two of the bovs the first
day. Each of them was relieved of $6, and
a better future stands before them. We
don't think this centurion will be afflicted
with boils, and the bovs hail better lookout.
Correspondcuce to the Herald.
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh
that Contain Mercury,
As mercury will surely destroy the
sense of smell and completely' derange
the whole system when enteriug it
through the mucous surfaces. Hucb ar
ticles should never be used except on
prescriptions from reputable physicians,
as the damage they will do is ten fold
to the good you can possibly derive
from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, man
ufactured by F. J. Cheney A, Co, To
ledo, O., contains no mercury, and
is taken internally, aud acts directy
upon the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh
Cure be sure you get the genuine. It
is taken internally, and made in Toledo,
Ohio, by F. J. Cheney A Co.
tSo!d by Druggists, price 75c. per
"Th Jersey Lily."
Anolksea Cottaqk, L. B., July 2.
Gentlemen: Altho' it is very unusual
for me to use any lotions or
washes, still, in answer to your
request, I have tried Wisdom's
Violet Cream and Robert ine. The
former I consider especially efficacious
In cases of rough iu'bs of the skin, and
I have been using it every day for the
last fortnight. I have found the
Robertine au excellent preparation in
casees of tan, sunburn, etc., caused by
exposure to March winds and a July
sun. Yours faithfully,
Liixie Lanqtry
To Messrs. Wisdom & Co.
A Ran Cure for Piles.
Itching Piles are known by moisture
like perspiration causing intense itch
ing when warm. This form, as well
as blind, bleeding and protruding,
yield at once to Dr. Rosanko's Pile
Remedy, which acts directly on the
parts affected, absorbs tumors, allays
itching and effects a permanent cure.
50c Druggists or mail; treatise free.
Dr. Bosanko, 329 Arch street, Philadel
phia, Pa. Sold by M. A. Miller.
Take It It e Tor Breakfast
The great appetizer, tonic aud liver regulator.
In use fur more than AO yean in England. Posi
tive specific for liver complaint. Bad taste In the
mouth on arising in the morn I nit. dull naiim In
the head and back of the eyes, tired reeling' du
llness, languor Symplons or liver complaint.
Remedy Dr. Henley's Knglixh Dandelion Tonic.
Relieves constipation, sharpens the appetite and
tones np the entire system. Jet the genuine from
your drupglst for tl.00 and taka according to di
rections. Notice to Farmers.
, Wanted at once, chickens, ducks.
geese, turkeys, dried rruits, butter,
..nrti a n .1 all Irlnriu of farm rhrottiffc
" -------- . . r f
for which I will pay the highest price
in casn or exenange ior gooos.
G. W. Simpson, .
Albany, Or.
Three Families Arrested on the Streets
Of Albany, by the magnificent display
of hardware, stoves and ranges at Mat
thews fc Washburn's, who carry the
largest assortment iu the valley.
School progressing nicely.
Miss Ada Leever Is sick with dlph
theria,whlch is causing quite a vacancy
in school this week.
Rev. A. Mareellus and S. VI. fJnr.
land made us a visit on Wednewdny at
iuis weea. uoiun again, visitor
always welcome.
Next Friday night Is the regular
election of officers at the Literary So
ciety. The candidates are now on the
canvass and quite a lively time is an
ticipated. This week begins the third term this
winter, with some changes aud good
prospects for the future.
The meeting of the Literary Society
on last Friday evening was very Inter
esting. It being public night, quite a
nu in Iter of friends and visitors were
preseut. A very Interesting program
was reudered. prominent In which was
the reading of the "Literary Star,"
published semi-occnsloDnlly by the so
ciety. Miss Rohm, the editress on this
occasion, deserves special praise for the
arrangement aud cimpltin of the
paper, which ;was full of good pieces
and jokes. After the literary nrocram.
a lively debate followed on tho ques
tion, "itesoivea, mat education is a
better defence for nations than a stand
ing army." which was decided in favor
of the negative. Sri'iKT.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve
Til E Rest SAf.VK In the world for
Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt
utieum, rever Sores, Tetter, Clispiied
Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin
Kruptlons, and positively cuiesPilei.
or no pay required. It Is guaranteed
to give nerreet satisfaction, or money
refunded. Price 2-3 cents ir box. For
sale by J. A. Beard.
Runs high In Lebanon at Beard's
drug store " over System Builder,
cs everbody is using it for Catarrh of
the Stomach. DvstM'iesla. Coiisunmtlon
and Impure Blood. Try It and tell
your friends about it, as it must possess
wonderful merits when all speak well
of It.
Santiam Academy.
CUsses in I -at In. Hither Arithmetic. Alrehra.
Physiology, Pliya. Geography, Book-Keeping. V.
S. History and also in Common llranchct. Mental
Arithmetic dally after Jan. Int. 18UI.
Termw: titstl per month.
VV. H. BOOTH, M. D.,
Office In Guv's New Building.
Residence at Mrs. Ambler's.
Physician and Surgeon.
Graduate of Royal Colletre of Loudon aud Bell-
vue Medk-al Collece. Man.
Chronic run a specialty.
Caneer rrmoved without pain or the knife.
OFFICE Kirkpattlck't building, Lebanon, Or
Pa li-rivE
.J. '.
Bhetinialiam, Keuratgta, Corns
Tfc Oaliforala PMitiv aad pativa
"It y all Dragji.u. 60a & tl
Ormslngar Ss Co , Prep's. Lea Angalas, 0l,
For Sale by 1. A. Beard, Lebanou.
I have been troubled many rear with
diaeaie of the kidneys and have trad
many different remedies aad have
sought aid from different physicians
without relict About the 15th of April
I was sufTerin j from a very violent
attack that almost prostrated me 1st
snca a manner inac 1 was oeni over.
When I sat down it was almost Impossible for me
to set up alone, or to put on my ckrth-. when
kind Providence sent Ir. Henley, with the
hotel. I Immediately commenced
aster the tea. It had an almost
miraculous effect, and to the aston
ishment of aU the guests at the hotel.
in a few days.I am happy to state,
that I was a new man. I will
recommend the tea to all aillicti
a I have beta.
proprietor Occidental Hotel,
bants Soaa, Cat.
I'nlted States Iaml Office,
Orepon City, Oregon. January 5, 1W1.
Notice is hereby given thnt in compliance with
the provisions of the act of Conirress of June H.
1S7C. entitled "An act Tor the onle of timber landx
iu the Status of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Wsxhltigton Territory," Au?ut Uountier, of Ban
Francifro, eontity of Han Francisco. Slate of Cali
fornia, hax this d'ay tiled in thl olllce Ills sworn
statement No. 2417, for the pnrehs- of the E. J4 of
8. W. I4 and lots 3 aud 4 o Sec. No. SO, in 1'p. So.
13 H., K. No. 8 E., and will otter proof to show that
the land sought Is more valuable lor lis timber or
tone than fiar agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish his claim to said land before the K?ritcr and
Receiver of this office at Oregon Citv. Oregon, ou
Wednesday, the 21Hh day or April, IWU.
lie names at witnesses: Jean Kcke, llaptiste
Iimnon, Michael Ihifmrd and John Van llom. all
of Sau Francisco, California.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
abovc-doscrlbed lauds are requested to tile their
claims In this oflice on or before said 29th dnv of
April, laiil. J. T. AlTEKtSON, KegLster.
I'nlted States I-and Office,
Oregon City, Orctroii, Dee. 16, i8i)0.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with
the provisions of the aet of Congress of June 3,
1H7A, entitled "An net for the sale of timber lands
In the 8lHlcs of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory," Loul Axllatii, of 8an
Francisco, county of Kan Francisco, State of Cal
ifornia, has this day filed in this oflice his sworn
statement No. M, for the purchase of the N. E.
of Ncc. No. 24. in Tp. No. V.i U. No. 2 E., and
will offer proof to show that the bind Mniuht Ik
more valuable for its timber or stone than tor ag
ricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to
said land iM'foru the register ami rec -iver of this
office at Oregon City, Oregon, ou Friday, tho 7tn
day of April. ltt!)l.
lie names as witnesses: I.. lie fange. B. In
mau. U. Ilayum.and A. Audriuu, all 01 &ui Fran
cisco, California.
-Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lauds ore requested to tile their
claims iu this oflice 011 or before said 17th day of
April, INIl. J. 1. AI'l'fcKMUN, KCglHlcr.
t'nltcd States Ijind Office.
Oregon City, Oregon, Dec. IU. 190.
Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with
the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3.
1H7H, entitled "An act for the sale of timlor lands
In the Mules r California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Tfnrirorv." Jewett II. lyewis. of l'ort-
land. County of Miltuoipuh, Stale of Oregon, has
tins uiiv nieo in nns omee ms sworn statement
No. SWr"for the purchase jf the N. E. Vl of Sec.
No. 12, in.Tp. No. I8.. K. No. B E and will offer
proof to'show that the land sought is more valu
able for lis timber or stone than tor agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim to said land
botore the register and receiver of this office at
Oregon City, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 22d day
of April, lwt.
He names as witnesses: O. A. Ileimett, F. Ran
somer and O. Kofoed, of Portland, Oregon, and F.
Bramlet, ofrcsno, California.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-descrilied lands are requsled to tile their
claims In this office on or before saitl 22d dav of
April, 1801, J. T, APPEUSON, Kegibie'r.
A. V
Chain of Every Description and De
r Iencrrpuor
of Comfort,
Picture Framea, Mouldings, Bric-a-Brac
of Every Description,
In Fact Everything Belonging to th Trade
at Prices that Dsfy Oompatltlon.
Churchill A Montcith's Old Stand.
ITjcitku Statcb I-Ajcn Crrnca, 1
Oregon City, Oregon, January 12, 18fU.l
Notice is hereby (riven that in coniliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3, 1X71, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in tlie Ftates of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
Jamej A. Colliim, of Hay wards, comity of
Alameda, Ktnte of California, has this "day
fil'-d in this office his sworn statement No.
2422, fur the urrhase of the N. W. K of Sec.
No. 8, in Tp. No. 13 S. K. No. 3 E., and will
offer proof to show that the land sought is
more valuable tor its timber or atone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish
liia claim to said land before the Repister
and Receiver of thl office at Oregon City,
Oregon, on Wednesday, the 6u day of May,
He names as -witnesses: Chas. Prowse.
Hiram P. Preston, Tlios. E. Norria and
Frank II. Ontea, all of Hay wards, Ahuaeda
county, California.
Anv and aU jk-i-otis claiming adversely
the nlove-de!crited lands are requested to
rile their claim in this oilice on or before
said 0th Uuv of Mar, 111.
J. T.AlTERSOX, firgister.
UNITED STiTrai I.AXn Ofhcr, I
Oregon Ciry, Oregon, January 12, lfWLl
JCotue is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3. 187S, entitled '"An act for the sale of
timber lands in the States of California. Ore
gon. Nevada ami Washintrton Territory,"
I bomns K. Norris, of Hay wards, county of
Alameda, State of California, has this Hay
filed in this office hi sworn statement No.
125, for the purchase of the S. W. of cVe.
No. 8, iu Tp. No. 13 S., K. No. 3 E., and will
offer proof to show that the land sought is
more valuable for its timber or stone than
for agricultural purjjoses, and to establish
his claim to eaid land lefore the Register
and Receiver of this office at Oregon Citv,
Oregon, ou Wedaesdar, the 6th day of May,
He names as witnesses: C Trowse, F. I.
Gates, W. i. Ramaee and J. A. Collins, all
of Hay wards. California.
Anv and all persons claiming adversely
the al)oveies-nld lands are requested to
tile-.their claims in this office on or before
said 6th dav of Mar, ln.
' J. T. APPERSON, Register.
: Uhited States La Office, 1
. Oregon City, Oregon, January 5, 1891.,
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
Jnne 3, 1STS, entitled "Aff'art for the rale of
timber lauds in the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,
Charles C ha tain, of San Krarx i-eo. eonntv
of San Francisco. State of California, has
this dT file! in this office his sworn state
ment No. 2418, for the j.urchase of the S. E.
'i of Sec No. 20, in Tp. No. 13 It. No. 3
E., and will offer proof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for its timber
or stone than for agricultural purposes, and
to establish his claim to said land before the
Register and Receiver of this office at Ore
gon City, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 2SHh
uav of April, 11.
lie names as witnesses: John Van Horn,
S. Jooquemicr. Jean Ecke, J- Fort I'osey, all
of Sun Francisco, California.
Any and all persons claiming adversely
1'ie atMjve-descnbed lands are requested to
file their claims in this oflice on or before
said 2111 h day of April, 1M.
J. T. APl'EUSON, Register.
TJsiteo States Lasd Office, -1
Oregon City, Oregon, January 5, 1891.,
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3, 187S, entitled "An act for the sale of
Umber lands in the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
1. Fort Posey, of San Francisco, county" of
Han Francisco, State of California, has "this
dav filed in this office his sworn statement
No. 24-TJ, for the purchase of the N. E. X of
Sec. No. 20, in Tp. No. 13 S., R. No. 3 E., and
will offer proof to show that the land sought
is more valuable for its timber or stone than
for agricultural purKses, and to establish
his claim to said land before the liegistei
and Receiver of this ofrice at Oreu City,
Oregon, on Tuesday, the 5th day of Mar.
He names as witnesses: M. PufTard, Jean
Kckc, A. Bourdier and C. Chatain, all of
San Francisco, California.
Any and all persons claiming adversely
the Rbove-descrit d lands are requested to
file their claims in this office on or before
said 5th dav of May, 1S01.
J. T.APPKRSON, Register.
V sited States Lakd Orricie, 1
Oregon City, Oregon, January 12, 1891.J
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress
of June 3, 1878. entitled "An act for the sale
of timber lands in the States of California,
Oregon, Nevada, aud Washington Terri
tory," Hubert L Mann, of Hay wards, coun
ty of Alameda, State of California, has this
day filed in this office his sworn statement
No. 2423, for the purchase of the 8. K. y of
sec. io. b, in i p. po. 13 K. No. 3 K., and
will offer proof to show that the land sought
is more valuable for its timber or stone than
for agricultural purioses, and to establish
his claim to said land In-fore the Register
and Receiver of this office at Oregon Citv,
Oregon, on Wednesday, the 6th day of May,
lid ,a,.,na a a witnAMa.. T A rVvlllna IS
H. Gates, C. l'rowse and T. E. Norris, all of
llaywards. California.
Any ana all persons claiming adversely
the above-described lands are requested to
tile their claims in this office ou or before
said 6th day of Mav, 1W1.
J. T. APPERSON, Register.
Uhited States Lasd Ofhcr, )
Oregon City, Oregon, January 5, 1891.,
Notice is hereby eiven that in coimilianc
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the states of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
Jean Ecke, of San Francisco, county of San
Francisco, State of California, has this day
filed in this oilice his sworn statement No.
2416ofor the purchase of the N. W. of Sec.
No. 28, in Tp. No. 13 8., K. No. 3 E., and will
oil'cs proof to-show that the land sought is
more valuable for its-timber or stone than
for mrriculttiral nurooses. and tn ntnliliah
his claim to said land before the Register
and Receiver of this oflice at Ore tun Citv
Oregon, on Wednesday, the 2SHh day of
lie names as witnesses: A. Bourdier, M.
Duffurd, C. Chatain and B. Juanon, ail of
San Francisco, California.
Any and all persons claiming adversely
the alwve-descTibed lands are requested to
file their claims in this office ou or before
suid 2Uth dav of April, 1X91.
; J. T. APPERSON, Register.
n r v
t - - --
Wake Upl
And run down to Charlie Hackleman's and get some of ihtf '
uargauis mar,
too many goods and warm
going at COST: -
men Ajuug-eg ioston ltuDDer
" Knee " -. "
Ladies' ,,VhiteandRed All-Wool Vests .... before 81; now 80c a"
r,.,lt , ' 001 vests
Ladies. AlMVool Hose..
- ti-
Clnldren s the sarae Drorxirtion
Scarlet Twilled Flannels .
i-iue " "
Various other items that we
sold at a reduction in price, but
snnxi ucnains, every one at
Our Rand-MeNallv Atlas of
haying. We give everyone
only a limited number.
C. C
We have changed our name,
may come and seasons go,
goods to
Rich and
For ten months we hflve'Kfnnd t nur hnci coii;. nrxx
like leaven,
Increases All the Time.
Old Jason, like a fool. mIW
search of the golden fleece; now-a-days people find the e''
wen ucwe iu me irownsvuie
Remember, Farmers I w
I pay cash for vour Droduee and tf camA tima
everything you want. Formerly all roads lead to Rome-rJl
uuvtcx ixic new ruau law every
leads straight up to
or -
. 33 . B
Also an Elegrant Stock of Cloths in Merchant Tailor J
ing Department with Frst-Cl&ss Tailoring.
Refitted, Enlarged and Improve'3
I manufacture and deal in Doora, Blinds, all styles of -W"
Frames, Door Frames, Mouldings, Brackets; Etc, in fact aoyt;- " -nfactured
and kept on hand in. a fiarst-clags" planer, ' -
In connection with the above, I also tare on hand -sj - .
lumber yard in which is to be found reugh and lresved Luml ' i
Bevel, Weather Boarding, Flooring, and all kind3of,''iI:n, -for
Cornices, Etc. .
Wake Upl
selling AT fJUST. Ueason,
winter nnmomu; J
. '
uoot, before 4 2o: now S3 50
o. n
.different sizes at cost .
...l.efor n(V.. nnw.ifu'
" 40c; u CCte;
" ' . tt (
in riripft . " . .
before f0f- nnv 4t)n-'t "
...c::t:...-r "- 50c; " 35c' '
, -7J.' tt , .
... .,.... v jjVj mjJKJ.
" C0c; " 45c t
shall not namo i10 wm 1
the goods we name here aro -
wholesale cost.
the WnrlH ;G CATV! Cf V i - rr wnvflv
with every $30 worth of goods;
Next to the Bank, j
but not. onr hA Van W
but I go oil forever selling
Poor Alike.
GOODS, and yet our stock t
m tlio A rm Vri:
g9oas ior sale at iJach s vorwr'i
iraii, toe-patn ana wagoa road
' . -
L. A I IV m
-y.- - - J;
. -1