f r .""tor V- I .jbanoii Express. A. JACK ADAMS, OKO. L. ALK.TANDKR. ADAMS & ALEXANDER, rtMiSHERS AKI PROPRIETORS. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One yar .... ... 1- 00 (If paid In advance, tl SO per year.) JM month f .. 1 CO Three month ........................ ...... f mg!e copies - - 05 U." 'L'JJ'iUJiJ 1 -I", FACTS ABOUT THE ALLIANCE - The following from the National Alliance, the orpnn of the Colored Alliance, published at Dallas, Texas, will, if read carefully, brush the cobwebs from the eyes of some who hold erroneous views of that organ ization. The Colored Alliance num bers about 1,000,000 members in the Southern States, and they are ready at the drop of the hat to unite with a. new party that shall represent the interests of the great industrial organizations, North and South. It says: "Perhaps nothing could be viler than the effort of some white peo ple, and some colored people, too, to make the people believe that the Colored Alliance ia a Democratic organization, or in any way con nected with the Democratic party ... JNow the Alliance - leaves every man free to do as he pleases. If he wants to, he may vote the Dem ocratic ticket; if he wants to, he may vote a Republican ticket, or, if he prefers, he need not vote at alL Members of the Alliance, if they know anything, ought to lenow tnat before they took the ob ligation they were distinctly told that the Alliance wouldinno.wav interfere with their religious or po litical opinions. "The Alliance is a non-partisan organization. If, however, the ex isting political parties will not fur nish the relief we need, if they will make no effort to save us and our families from the clutches of mort jjage and starvation, we may be compelled to organize a new polit ical party that will take hold of he affairs of this government and lo justice to the people. "We must not forget that the Republican party has given away . ur lands to the railroads. They 2ave given the railroads land eaxrogh to make eleven States as large as South Carolina, and leave a block aa big as Georgia. They 3iave given the railroads land enough to .have furnished a home Ifor eveey "homeless family in the eantitry. But why should the peo ple be impoverished in this way jand their property given to a few yich railroad men? " -"Then, too, we have tried the T)emocratic party, and they did no Hwtter, perhaps even a little werse. 5t ned, therefore, surprise no one - 5f l"he Alliance people should drop "2x"Ch the Republican and Demo cratic parties and enter into an or ganization without party, and for Jth bneSt of Ihe whole people. ." "After all, why should we keep "np'the party business? It anybody lenefitted by political parties out side of those few who can hold office? The late Indian trouble suggests some reflections on the average Tnan's want of sens. Some say -the only good Indian is the dead Indian. It is true with gone In dians as with some white men the best thing to d in an emer gency is to kill them. The average Indian, after all, differs but little Sri his leading traits from the aver age white man; both are smart, selfish, sullen, and not too fond of -lai work, not .entirely devoid of conscience, nor indisposed to be decent, when he finds that it pays to be so. Accordingly he should be governed a good deal like the white man is governed he should be given a chance and held to it. Failure on his part should meet with prompt punishment, and when he behaves "he should be treated decently. Indeed the In dian is not so much of a phenom enon as the average white man fancies. Two magnificent cars containing an exhibit of California's products have ,oomTleted a tour of some of the Southern, Middle and Northern states. Onr $ "jO,000 turtle with a mouthful of grain, looks insignifi cant in comparison, but, like the tortoise in the fable, she will get there just the same. Very little grain comes to Port land from Eastern Oregon and Washington, but on the contrary train loads of graii are shipped daily to the East. The cost of vslvipping this way is so great that farmers have naturally concluded to ship where they can do best. Whenever you hear Christians claiming to dc converts to l aui or Apollos, this evangelist or thai "rain doctor," please remember that all such credentials amount to little unless they bear the seal of the IIolv Spirit. The failure to divide the countv to as to create the new countv of Santiam will be a sore disappoint ment to a few aspiring, "f orked," individuals, otherwise the petMile will regard the political abortion with composure. vTlic hardest word in the English language t speak, has but two let- ters, it is no. Young men, and old nen too. would do well to practice on it until they can speak it flu-' .The New York World prediets -iflb'dt before the clotie of the year 1891, all -the railroads of the North-; west will be operated under a sin gle management. j The teaso there are bo many bmken merchants all over the " -ovrntry it?. that men of this class are i Lrash. .-. KILLING CHINCH IS COS. It may not be generally known that F. II. Snow, Professor of Nat ural Science in the Kansas State Universitv, and also State Ento mologist, Vas almost if not ciuite exterminated the pestiferous chinch bug in two States already, and the same will be true of that insect in Kansas in a few years. Prof. Snow's plan is simplj' to communi cate to great numbers of the bugs a fatal disease, which is communi cated by thern to others, and in this, way the infection spreads, and in process of time the whole army of grain-destroyers becomes extinct. If Prof. Snow does for Kansas what he has already accomplished in two States, he will have done the far mers of that country a great ser vice, and the oflice of State Ento mologist will be deservedly popu lar. Man ia free to elect his jwn des tiny. Every man begins life with a spiritual dower, a moral sense, which if rightly used will lead up to salvation, and ultimately te an inheritance in a higher Kingdom To every man is given the awful power of deciding whether he will be & temple of the Holy Ghost or a synagogue of Satan. As to the mere fact of your manhood yeu are not responsible, but as to the way vou treat your manhood you will have to give an account at the great, final assize. Thers is nothing in the nature of things to hinder Oregon from be coming the richest State in the Union, but there is much in the present constitution of things to hinder wealth from coming to Ore gon. We need not insult the read er's common sense bv telling him what are the barriers to the iuflux of capital and the introduction of an era of general prosperity. It begins to look as though the annexation of Canada to the United States will be brought about in the course of time. Our relations here tofore with Her Majesty's subjects aa cousins have not been altogether amicable, and whether the relations growing out of a closer affinity would add strength to existing lig aments of kinship is questionable. Hereafter Oregon will have two congressmen. The legislature hu divided the state into two congres sional districts. Eastern Ort-gtm and the Columbia river counties comprise one, and the Willamette Valley, Southern Oregon and Klamath Lake counties the second district. The lower house of the Nebraska legislature passed the Australian ballot bill. This looks verv much like the Alliance M would "rather be right than president." Hirsch's bill asking for an appro priation of f 80.000 for the comple tion of the State capital, passed the house on the 11th. They sav that Lieut. Schwatka can stand the rigors of an Arctic winter, but that he goes down be fore Iowa whiskey. The poor Indian doesn't stand a "ghost" of a chance in- some parts of our country. Ihe legislature has voted an appropriation of $50,000 for the World's Fair. Gen. W.T.Sherman was reported to be in a dying condition Feb. 11th Merit Wins. We desire to twj- to our cltlzena, that for yenr we have Iwn soiling Dr. Kinjr'a New Disooverv for (!ttinip tion. Dr. King' New Life Pill, liuck- leu's ArnicalMlve ii1 Klectric Bitters, and have never handled remedies that ell km well, or that have given such unlveraal n:itifaction. We do not hes itate to guarantee them everj time, and we Hand ready to refund the pur trhase price, if satisfactory results d not follow their use. These remedies have -oti their great popularity purely m tueir merits. J. A. Hkakd, Druggist. Hew to Vreak a evr Cold. From the Vircltiia Oty, Mont., Madixmian. When we find a niedieine we know to poe.-H-Si genuine merit, we cotiKider itaduty.and welMkeploasurein tellin the public what it i. tSuch a nxilicinr we found Chamberlain's Couch item edy. Bv the use of thin syrup we have rvr.eveo, in a r w noun, severe eold.s, tnd in the (i-urxe of twit or three davn. entirely broken them u;, as haft aev--ralofour friend to w hom we have roeoimiieiMit d it. It i ail it ia rep resented by the manufacturer. If you have a cough and want to atop" it, t 'b:imlierlaiii' Cough Kemedy will do the work. For aale by M. A. Miller. Hi. rat I.ly That alwaya look ao plcapant, aaya go to Matthew.-. & WY.shljtirn, Albany, Or., to buy Move and range, lecauae they nly keep the U-t and always do bh they au;rce to. Tb above bright and benevolent f aoe. Is Dr. A- W. Acker, of England, disooverer of the celebrated Acker's Engltah Bemedr for Con. nmption and other popular preparations. Dr. Acker practised in bis younger fays among the middle rlaesM of London, and was the means of doing great good, but his health failed and be found himself m the grasp of consumption, with a wife and child depending upon him for support. While in this condition, he discovered the eels. brated English Bemedy, saved his awn life and baa siaoe saved the lives of thousands who were on tbe sure road to death. Any man or woman who feels a tickling in the throat, who eongfas, especi&llT In the morning, who rmJaea or has e. tigrbt feeling across the chest, who has sharp shooting pains through the lungs or difficulty ia breathing, should realise that these are the jlnt tvmptamt of eonwmptto which, if neglected, are sure to result fatally. Dr. Acker's English Remedy has cured more than one thousand per sons who unquestionably had oonsumpboa and who were given up by their friends. It merits Its popularity and is sold by reputable druggists is every city sad town in America. You can't uffard re b without it. tiffl A . i ... .--Hi?; i ..v ' . .;:-:- CALL and BE C0M1CED - THAT MONTAGUE Is still at his old stand with Merchandise Satisfaction My stock is complete in every particular. Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, Dress Goods, Silks, Velvet3, Rib bons, Flannels, Collars, Cuffs, Ties, Gloves, Braid, Plushes, Lace, Embroidery, Etc., Etc. Boots & Shoes. My stock of Boots and Shoes but the standard brands, which have been tried and; not found wanting. . . CLOTHING. I make a Specialty of this line gon, California and Eastern Goods. Men's Suits from $Gto$25; Youth's Suits, f 5 to $20; Boys' Suits, 4 to $12; Children's Suits, $2 to $8. Gents' Furnishing Goods. I have just received a large bill, and have the latest styles in Collars, Cuffs, Ties, Gloves, and in fact everything that goes to make the line complete. Spring Will Soon Be Here, And every article of Winter Goods in my Mammoth Store will be sold at prices that cannot be equaled. My Spring orders will be in early, and I Must Have Room, And the only way te make room is to sell the goods in their season. To do this, all I ask is for you to bring me Cash or Produce and I will do the rest. C. B. MONTAGUE. aVlVVVX NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. tMTrt Rttfs T..xn Orrtca, 1 Oregon City, Oregon, li-e. IS, 1!D.)' Notice ij hereby given that in inipliai!ce .vitli the vrovisions of the act of Congress of lui:e 3, 1871, entitled "An art for the sale of iiiila-r lands in the States of California, t re jtm, Nevada, and Washington Territory,' lirrre le llovle, of San l nii iro, coiiiity .f San Francisco, State of California, lias this day filed in this office his sworn atate nent N'o. TZrl. for the imn-hase of t!ie S. K. of Sec. No. 2, in Tp. No. 11 S., It. No. 2 j M anil will oiler irof to show thnt the ! land sought is more valuable for its timber r stone than for agricultural tur;scs. and to establish his claim to said land: lieforc the itegiKfer and Ke-eiver of this office at Ore mi Citv, Oregon, on Thursday, the ltxli lav of April, 1SD1. lie names as witnesses: A. Aniirien, 1 Vgiiatii, Havum and 11. Iehman, allot a!i Fran-ii, California. Anv and all Jri:is clain.i. p adversely he arvc-lesTitxHl lsnds are riHiiiested to tiic their ilainis in this ofliie on or Iffore ail lfith dav of April, 101. " J. T. AITKUSON, IU-Kister. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. rnfied States Land Office. Oregon 'ily, Oregon. Nov. IV. If0. . Notice is hereby given that In wwnriliance with he rvi-in of the act of xaijm-na of June 1T. etitiilel "An act for the sale of limber lauds :n the Staten of t'aliforola. tsnn, Nevada, and Washington Territorv." John K. Wtiml. of Hun r ran eh, county of Han l"ran'i.-o, slate of C'aliftniia. haft iM day tiltl in thi oftice his swtrn ;tatt:nn.'iit No. :til"2. for the pnn-hae f the X. W. i of 1S.-C. N". l . iu Ti. N-. 13 S.. K. So. 4 K-, and v. ill offer rNif fo show that the land srmght it iiiv vahi bl? foi its timber or stone than for agricultural iiror4. ami to etnhlili Ills claim to .akl land before the rt-gisler and receiver of this o!t:ce at OreffOH t.'ity, ttregon, on Friday, the 27th uay of March, lv.il. He names as witnesses: F. I.ate, J. R flrant. J. F. Teranle and V. Frey, all of San FraiiciMio, Cl lfonila. Any ami all persons claiming adverndy the tlsve-cecrlbed lands are renestil to tile their claims in this oflice n or befmr said "J7th day of March, J. T. Al"l'KKft;X, itegistcr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. l"nied S'ates land Oftice, Oregon City. Orcg.ai, Nov. , 1S;. Notice I hereby given (hat In compliance with rle provisions of tin art of Crtigrcss of Juliet, IH7S. entitleil "An art fta- the sale of timber lands in the Mate of alifornia. On-ijnn, Nevada, and Wahington Teritrt-y Ktank Ijike.of lhiywanls. county .f AlamcOa. State of California, lias this day fli.'d in this oflice his sworn statement No. ZMt. for the purehaM! of the X. K. i of .St:. No. 12, In Tp. No. 13 K. No. 4 K, and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valu able for it timber or stone than for agricultural Kirposes. and to establish his claim to said land :lore the reirisfcr and receiver of this olHeo at Oreron City, Oregon, ou Irklay, the 27th day of March. 1KWI. He name as l'nes-s's: J. F. Wood, J. K ";rant, J. K. T-in'le and C Frey, all of 'Sau Francisco, C'ali'iM-nia. Any and all persons claiming adversity the ali-e-di.crirrd lands are nsjneMed in file tlicir claims in this ouicc on or before said '7h dav of March, 1S1. J. T. ArPKISSON, Keglster. MCawkl TMt Ait THE BEST. 11. M. FBKBT CO llhwumtatl. DeacHpnva aut Pricaw SEED ANNUAL) ! For 1 391 will ha mailed r KLL i tee all applicaau. ad te tsstscaaoa'af l cunomcn. it ta osiirr man ever. I Every person usine GaraVSy Flnntr e fit id ixtdt. ihould send for it. Addresi D. M. FERRY . CO. DETROIT. MICH. L Larjei bcedsmca ia the world j - the largest in the city. stock of General Guaranteed. is complex. I carry nothing and can fit the fittest. Ore CIUBBS AMY ilEADAGHE - 11GU3 lC.llgll, BUT CURES -KOTMIPiG ELSE: NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. T"aiTr.n States 1ab Ornii. I Oregon City, Oregon, Dec. 15, lHM.i Notice is hereby given that in compliance mm inr proviaioos oi ine in oi origrcas of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of Caufornii Oregon, Nevada, anil Washington Terri tory, Charles A. Jones, of San Francisco, county of San Francisco, State of alifomia, has tills dav tiled in this oftice his sworn statement No. 23iQ, for the purchase of the N. W. H of Sec No. 20, in Tp. No. 13 8., It. .. 2 i-.., and will oner proof to show that J the land sought is more valuable for its tint tier or stone than tor agricultural purposes. and to establish his claim to said land be fore the Kegister and Receiver of this otllce st Oregon ity, Oregon, on Wednesday, the uiii uay oi -April. i,sh He names as witnesses: F. Brandt and eo. ilayunt ami A. Andrews, of 8an t'raii- ci, i aiitornia. Any and all ersons claiming adverselv the nlsivc-k'soribed lands arc requested t tile their claims in this office on or before said 15th day or April. J. T. AITEHSON, llefrister. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Tnited Ptate Ijind OOlee, Oregon City, Oregon, Nov. , I.S90. Notice Is herebv given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Coneresi of June . 1S7N entitleil "An act for the sale of limber lands in the States of California. Oregon, Nevada, and WashlnictfHi TerriUiry," Krelyn K. Hahjnhn, of Han r"rancico. county f Kan rYancbeo, Htate of t-auiornsa, naa tuts oay nu-d In this oltice her sworn statement No. -jx. for the purchase of the H. K. . of See. No. 2, iu Tp. No. 13 K. No. 4 K , and will offer posif toshow that the land tooght is more va'ualik1 for p tindtcr or stone than for agriculnnal pvir.-s, and to e-tnbllMi her claim to said laml before the n rUcr and nt elver of this omce aton-gnii city, Oregon, oa Thursday, the Jtithdayor March, IV.tl. Mie names aa witnesses: j. Klehards, A. Frey J. M. Temple. C. 1". chamber, all of San Fran cimo. California. Any and all iierson elaimins adverselv the alove-dci riU-l lands are rco.wtcd to file their claims m oils omce on r ocTore saiii wtti nay of Marcn, van. j. t. APPEIMION, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. t uilt-d Rates I.atid Offlee, Oreg.n 'l!y. Oregon, Nov. It), 1K80. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the orovisions nl ihe ael of Coiu-ress of June S. 1STS. entitled "An act for the sale of timber land.. in tne males or caittonita. Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory, John M. Temple, of San rrancisco, county of San Francisco, Slate of calilomla, has this day tiled in this office his sworn statement No. 2:!S, for the purchase of tne 8. W. V. of See. No. in Tn. No. IS S.. H. No K..and will oHerproiif to slmw that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or atone than for agricultural mirnoses. and to establish hi claim to said laud before the register and reoetver ortniaotncc at Oregon Citv, Oregon, on Thursday the 20th day wf March, latil. He names aa witnesses; J. E. Grant, F. lake J. F. W.ssl and K. K. Kabjohu, all of San Fran Cisco, California. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are n-ouested tn tile their claims In this office on or before said 2ith day of uarcn, isi. j. i. AlrhKbU.N , Kcgutcr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laxo OrnCE at Oregon City, Oregon, 1 January 7. 11. ( Notice Is hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said pnsif will be niadu before the County Clerk of J.inn ruiity, at Albany, Oregon, on March 2d, lMUl.viz: ISAAC N. HAYES, Pre-emption 1). S. No. 6940, for the 8. W. i of Sec. 14. Tp. 10 H., R. S Fast. He names the following witnesses tn prove bis continuous residence uism and cultivation of, said land, vis: tK'orge A. apemvr, T. J. McClcary, Amly Koilmanand Mary Myers, all of Rock Creek 1. O.. binn counts-, Oregon. J. T. A1TER30N, Reenter, I sCwh NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Ukitfp fiTAtw Las OrrioK, I OrcRon I'ity, Oregon, Dec. 15, 10. XotU-e In hereby given that In compliance with the fmivisiona of the :t of Congress of .Tune 8, 1878, entitled "An net for the attic of timber luntla in the Htafa-sof California, Ore pm, Neviula, mid Washington Territory," Oeorpe Havum, of San r'ranelsx-o, county of Situ Fram'fseo, Butte of California, ha thin ilay flletl In this oflice bin sworn stntcment No. 238, for tlie tiureliUMe of the 8. E. of See. No. 24, in Tp. No. 13 8.. K. No. 2 K.. and will otter proof to nhow that the land (ought is more valuable for its timlier or stone tlinn for agricultural purposes, nod to establish bis claim to siiiil land before the Register ami Receiver of this office at Ore gon City, Oregon, on Wedmiwlav, the 15th dnv of April, 1801. He name uk witnesses: A. Andrlen, 1. Aclianl, P. Dc Hoyle and I l)e Lange, all of Han rranciaco, California. Any and all tiersons claiming adversely the ahove-decrhed lands are requested to tile their claims In this office on or before said 15th dav of April, l)t. ' J. T. APPEKSON', IlegNter. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ITaiTsa States Laud Orrter, i Oregon City, Oregon, Dec. 15, 1890. f Notice is hereby given that In romnlianee with the trovlton of the art of Consresa of June 3, 1H78, entitled "An act for the aale or timber liuula in the Matea of California, Oregon, Nevada, and WaMliington Terri tory," Alfred Alidrien. of Han Fratu'iM.i. comity of Han FrancUco, State of California, t .1.1-. .1 M1I-..M .1 ! - . f 1 iih iiih ui mm in linn omoe ill sworn statement No, 23S9, for the inm-haoe of the N. K H of Sec No. 28, in Tp. No. 13 S., It. No. 2 E., aad will offer roof to ahow that the land sought in more valuable for il tim ber or utone than for agricultural urOHr, and to establish hia claim to auid land be fore the Itegixter and Hcceiver of thia oftice at Oregon City, Oregon, on Thurwdnv, the 10th day of A.ril, lll. He names aa witneaacs : ' Oeorpe Hnrtun, P. IVe Ifciyle, 11. Lehman and T. Agliaiii, all of 8nn Krant-L.'tco, California. Any and all nerxma rlniming adverselv tbe ahove-dcarrnjeil lands are roue!t-l to file their rlainia in this i if lire on or before aid 16th day ol April, 1KH. J. T. AlTElbSOX, negistcr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. t'MTicn States Lash Orrtre, I Oregon City, Oregon, Iec. 15, 1J0. Notice ia herehv given that in comidianre with the rviioiia of the art of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An a-t for the aale of timber lands in the 8tatf of California, Oregon.Nevaila.and Washington Tcrriuiry," Agliant Amedee, of Sn Krancisrat, omiitv of San Kranciaco. 8tate of California, has this dar tiled in this oflicc his sworn atate nient No. 28)1, for the twrrliaae of the N. V. H or Sec No. 24, in Ti. No. 11 S.. R.Xo. 2 K., and will offer proof to ahow that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish hia claim to said land before the ltegixter and Keceiver of this oftice at Ore gon Citv, Oregon, on Thursday, the l'Jth day oi .iprii, idi. He names aa witnesses: A. Andrien. I. Agliuni. il. Havum and H. Ixrliiiian. all of San Kranriaen, Caiifornia. Any aim all persons claimnig adversely the atavc-le?-ritiel lands are requested to tile their claims in this oftice on or before said loth day of April. IU. J. 1. AITfcUSU.N, Hegister. NOTICE FOR PUBLICAHON. l'nltel states 1-ind OInee. Oregon City. Oregon, Ue 19, 1SS0. Notice Is hereby riven that In compliance with be provisions of the act ttf Congress of June X ST, entitled "An act fur the sale ut timber land 111 the States of California, Oregtm, Nevada, ami nanington Territory, imo Koioed. of pin laud, -otintv of Multnomah. State of orrrun. has this dy filed In this oflicc his sworn statement No. 4. for tbe nurcliase of the N. W. M of Sec. No. li, InTp. No. IS 8., R. No. S E-, and will offer prone to show ihat the land sought is more valu able for Its timlwr or stone than for agricultural purrsxr. and to establish iiis claim to said land hefore the register aod receiver of tills otllce at trreon Citv. Ore eon. on Wediiesdav. the M dar of Ajsil. 11. Me names as witnesses- i.. A. Bennett, J. h. Lewis ami F. Kanamner. of iortlad, Oregon, and F. Brain let. of Fresno. California. Any and all persons elaiuiiiis aovcrselr the abore dest ribed lands are n-fiiHrsted lo Idc their -latma in this oflicc on or Peforr said 2--M day of ii. j. T. APPtBSON. JU-gister. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Fnited States Land OJtlre. Oregon City, Oregon. Dec. 15, 1SS0. Wotire Is hereby riven that in compliance with he trnvisions ol the act of t'cmrmw of June ;i. tsl. entitled "An act fiw the sale of tlmla-r lands :nth states of t allfornia. On-con. Nevaila. and Washlnrtnn Terrlna-v." Henlsmin lrhman. tif san Francisco, countv of San Francisco, state of aummia. nas tins onr rthsi in tint nnice his Mrora statement No. 230. the pun-l a e of the . W. ! of Sec. No. 24. in Tn. Na 13 t.. II- No 9 r and will ofler nrraif to slmw that Ihe land aiglit ia more valuable for iu timber or stone ban for arlctihural purposes, and to e--tablih lis elai;n to aid land before the register and re- elver or tuts orrtce at firegon City, Oregon, Phunslav. the IMh dav of April, tatil. He r.aines as witnesses: L. De Ijitice. P. De Hoyle. U. Hayuin and A. Andrews, all of San Fran cisco. California. Any and all person claiming adversely ihe ibove-desrribed lands are reuiicsted to file their claims In this office on or before said ISth day of Vpril. 1HS1. J. T. APi'KKSON. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Fnlte.1 sutes I .ami OfTlce, Oregn City. Oregon, lice. IkSO. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the urovtsions if the act of Cmirrcs of Junes. ISTS, entitled "An a-t for the sale of timber lands In the States of California, Oregon. Nevada, and WashiiiKton Territorv. Chris fl. Ijtiblin. of Pi.rt land, eiainly of Multmtniah, State of tirrguti, has this day filed In this office bis swum stan incut So. for the tmrchase of the S. W. f m-c. So. 22. ill Tp. No. 13 8, It. No. 2 .. and Kill offer nnsif ios!mw that the land amurht is more valu- tble tr its timber or stoue than for agricuhnrMl pnnsaea, and to establish his claim to said land lienwe the register and receiver of this oftice at ' iregon City, Orcgou, on Wednesday, the loth day h April, l'Jl. He names as witnesses: F. Brandt, of Portland Oregon; C A. Jones, o. Havum ami A. Alldrten, rf San Franclwo, California. Any and all persona claiming adverselv the above-dc-srilied lainls are reouested totilethi lr claims in this oftice on or before said 1Mb day of tpnl. iwn. . T. Afl'ElUjON, Kegister, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Fnited States Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon. December lfi, 1S90. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with rhe provisions of the act of Congress of June!, ;S7S. entitled "An act for the sale of timlier lands n the States of California. ire-.-on, Nevada, and Washington Territory, fred Itrandt. of Portland taintv of Mullnoiniih. Hlate of Oregon, has this lay tiled In this office his sworn statement No, wr.. for the piitcha.-x; of the S. K. H of . No. i in Tn. N. 13 .. K. No. 2 K. and Mill olfer proi o (hour thai the lund soukIiI Is more valuable for .ts timber tr atone than fir airrieultuml Mirnose. and locsiablUh bis claim to said land before the register and receiver ot this oilu-e at Oregon City h-cron.on Wednesday, the l-'xlidayof Aiail. W He names as witnesses: C. II. Iiiblin. of Port land, Oregon: C. A. Jones. l. llayuui and A. Au- drien. of San rrancisco, Califirnio. Any and nil iier.-ons claiming ailverscly the thovoleseribed lands are reuesled to tile their "laims In thisotlice on or lietorc said l."dhdayof April, 1W1. J. T. Ai-l'KusoN, lUgistir. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Fnited states land om-e, Oregon City. Oregon, Dec. IV. 1H90. Notice is hereby given thai In Compliance with he provisions of the act of Congress of Juno a, !.", ectillcd "An act for the sale of timlier lands in the Stales of California. Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," Frank Ununlet, of Fresno, countv of Frotin, State of California, has this diiy Mlcil iii this otlicc his sworn statement No. Tor the purchase of the S. K. J4 of See. No. 12, in Tp. No. 13 S.. K. No. 3 K. and will offer pnxf to .how that the laml sought is more valuable for its timla-r or stone than for airrl'-uliural purposes, and to establish Ills elulni to sum land ocluro tne tvg istcr and receiver or tnts omco at tiregon t:ity OrcBon. on Weilnesciny. tne 22i nay of April, is;m lit; names aa witnesses: G. A. Hennett. F. Kan -oincr. J. 11. Lewis and O. Kofoed, all of Portland, O.vgou. Anv and all persons claiming adversely the alsive-duscribcd lauds are reouested to tile their claims in this oflice 011 or la-fore said 22d day of April, lS'Jl. J. T. AI'PUtSON, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United states Land Offlee, Oregon City, Oregon, Dec. 1ft, 1890. Notice Is hereby given that tn compliance with (he urovislons of the act of Cmigresa of June it. 1K7M, entitled "An act for tbe sale of timlier lands in the bUiios of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Wufhtngton Terriuay,' lmls IH Lange, of Siui Francisco, county tif san Francisco, State of Cali fornia, has this day tiled in thia office his sworn statement No. 23SM, for the purchase of the 8. W. of Sec. No. 26, in Tp. No. 13 8., K. No. 2 E., and will offer proof toshow that tbe land sought ia more valuable for its timber or stone than for ag ricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land twiore the rexister and receiver of this oflice at Oregon City. Oregon, on Friday, the 17th dav of April, 1891. He names as witnesses, A. Andrlen, T. Agllam, P. Dc Boyle aud O. Hayum, ail of Saa Francisco, California. Any and all persona claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to hie. their claims in this oflice on or before said 17th day of April, 1891. i. T. ArrERSOX, Register. AT'COST! To Make Room for My Fall & Winter Stock OF DRY GOODS, FURKISHISG GOODS, AND XOTIOIs, I WILL CLOSF OUT MY Entire Stock of Boots & Shoes jSSJD oost. Now ia the Tim to SECURE REAL BARGAINS. I Propose to Have Leading Dry Goods Store In the Valley. IvlAIL, ORDERS Promptly attended. W. K. READ, Albany, Oregon, GOLDEN RULE BAZAAR. Don't Go to Portland Gradwohl, of Albany, HAS EVERYTHING To Be Fonnd inthe Metropolis. He Sweeps the Valley of All Competitors In Cmrkerr. Fancy Goods. Tors. Rogers Bros,' bdyerware. French China and Glassware, ' boys' Wagons, Dell Carriages, Etc NOW LISTEN! The Oolden Rule Bazaar makes a specialty of tbe Finest Teaa. Coffees and Raking Powders, every package of which is manufac tured for and bears the name of Oolden Rule Bazaar. USirs W8. W. L, DOUGLAS $3 SHOE and other aneeta uea for Oeuanm. Ladiea, ete., are war tsulsA. rd an asmstd aa Iwiliim Acktfaaa V. liUlUIAH, Bneklsa, Maaa. aelakv C. C. HACKLEMAN. THE OXLY TRUE mow flMTMINIUlIM IN. 17lrtPll HBt ot Appetite, Ind itt too. stvck or HtronirtB mn Tirod tiing iim-wy uric Vodm, form. KbUtmh Mitwl ftod ntipllM Hrin Povar. 6iffHni from complaint I r Wm I tTvsS rocui.artotbirexwi)t find BAHTKR-fl IHOlf tby Mttti'o. Fro-ioont attempt t oonnterfoik u bbIi mdd to th oooalarttr of the erivinl. PflBM MMnir"n-rnintwiiiii.i nan. Xa ) ( Dr.HAKTErs'S LITTLE LIVER PI Cur OonMipatlon. Livor Cvmpiaim aod Or. MASTER MKOICiNC CO., SbLeaU, Xe. NOTICE FOR PUBUCATION. United State Land Oflice, Orestm City, Orejton, SeT. , IS90. Nollee is hereby gtTen that in compliance with the iirovisions of the aet of f?on-ree of June 3. 18TR. enUilol "An act for the sale ol timber lands in the Slntcs nf California. Oregon. Nevada, and Waslitneton Territory," Jeremiah E. Grant, of San Kranelseo, county of San Kraneiseo. Slate of Cali fornia, has this day lilwd in this otllce his sworn statement No. iEHSI, for the fairehase of the S. E. of Kee. No. 12. in I'D. No. 13 S.. K. No. 4 R.. and will ofler proof to show that the land sought l more val- tisie lor its iimucr or stone tnan lor atmeuiinrai Kinses, and to establish his claim to said land fore the reclster and reeeirwr of this olnee at Oregon City, Oregon, on Thursday, the 26th day of .Miireu, issi. He names as witnesses: J. f. Temple. J. F. Wood, K. E. Kabjohn and F. Lake, all oi San Francisco, California. Any and all persons claiming adversely the abovu-descrllied lands era requested to Die their claims In this office en or before said 26th day of March. 18l. J. '1. ArrtHiKJ.N, Kegister. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. t'nited States Land Offiee. Oregon City, Oregon. Nor. 21, 1800. Totle Is hereby frlren that in eompllanee with Ihe provisions of the aet of Congress of June 8, l.7s, entitled "An aet for the sale of timber lands in the states of California, Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Territory," Anna M. Frey. of San Kranetseo, county of San Kranciseo. State of Cal ifornia, has this day filed in this offlee her sworn statement No. SKA for the purchase or the 8. of N. K. 4 and IxHs 1 and 2 of Bee. No. 2. in Tp. No. 13 S.. K. No. 4 F... and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its tim ber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before tbe reirister aud receiver of this office at OrcRon Citv, Oregon, on Thursday, the '3th day of March, isvl. Hne names as witnesses: E. E. Rabjohn, C. P. Chambers, J. F. Wood and J. M. Temple, all of San Francisco. California. Any and all persona claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to hie their claims in this oftice on or before said SGlh day of March, 18yi. J. T. APPERSOX, Kegister. SAML. M. GARLAND. ATTORNEY- AT - LAW. LEBANON, OREGON. Tr-ni v. . ' v -x. v m WHY Buy Goods at tlieRedFront? We wifh to announce that worth of Boots and Shoes to a a small stock of Ladies', Gents', Shoes left, which will be offered at surprisingly low prices. We have a fine lot of Fancy and Staple Groceries of all kinds, and at prices that defy competition. We carry Cloth ing, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hats ..and . Caps, e., &c, all of which we wish to dispose of as speedily as possible, &3 we intend to retire from business shortly. Therefore please call and get prices and examine Thanking the public for past you will all make us a call and benefitted thereby, we remain," Headquarters -nr- DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, j Men's, Youth's and Boy's Clothing Furnishing Goods, Etc. Also Keep on Second BOOTS & In which I will not be undersold. Come and see me and I will treat ALBANY, G. LOVELEE, Merchant Tailor, ij:banon, Oregon: . . : -- An Elegant Line of Suitings Kept in Stock. Cleaning and Repairing Promptly and Neatly Done. A. GOOD FIT GUARANTEED. ST- CHARLES HOTEL, M, V. DOUD, Only FirstClass BOARD REASONABLE, Q. E, HARDY JEWELER, Has on hand a large stock of JEWELRY JUST RECEIVED Call And Secure Prices. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. . I'nited States Land Office. Oregon City, Oregon, January 12, 191. Notice ia hereby riven that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1H78, entitled "An act for tbe sale of timber lands In the States of California. Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," William J. Ramas-e, of Hay wards, county of Alameda, State of California, has this day filed in thisotlice his sworn statement No. 2424. for the purchase of tbe N. K. J of See. No. s, in Tp. No. IS 8.. R. No. S E., and will offer praof to show that the land sought is more val uable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish hia claim to said land betore the Register and Receiver of this office at Oregon Citv, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 6ih day of May, 1891. lie names as witnesses: J. A. Collins, F. H. Gates, H. P. Preston and T. . Norrts, all of Hay wards, California. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to hie their claims in this ofbee on or before said 6th day of Uay, 1891, J. T. Al'FERSON, Register. NOT we have disposed of $4,450 Taeoma man; but still have Misses' Boys' and Children's goods. patronage and hoping" that that we may be mutually very respectfully yours, B. F. BODWELL, " lied Front Store. for floor a full line of SHOES, -I you well. OREGON: PROPRIETOR. Hotel in Lebanon. BY THE DAY OR WEEK. DONT SHIP YOUR OLD STOVE. You caii buy ax j of tbe . LATEST PATTERNS - Cheap, of SWAN BROTHERS. THEY CARRY A FULL LINE OF " Tin, ' Copper. .'' Ufoaden and V StonB Ware, alsc' PUMPS AND PUMP FIXTURES J Job Work done on Short JTottceX W. T. Burnet. L. T. Bajux. J. W. lHtarCk. BURNEY.BARIN& DRAPER, C ATTORN EYS-AT LAW : OREGON CITY. OREGOS. Twenty years experience aa Register of thf-? H. Land Oftice at Oregon City, Oregon, and in -Land Office practice, recommends ns la- soeeialt v of all kinds of business before the X T Oflice. or the Courts, and lnvoivw praotic the General Land Ofhce. f " Bargains f5t i r-. r "" 1 i ' -