The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, January 30, 1891, Image 1

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    He who thinks to please the World is dullest of his Hind; for let him face which way he will, one-half is yet behind.
NO. 4
Druggist and Apothecary,
Pure Drugs and Medicines, Taints, Oil, Glass,
Southern Pacific Route.
7 SO v. M. I l.v
10:33 P.M. l.v
10 ;1S A.M. 1 Ar
IVrttan il Ar I ; A.
Albany Ar fl:l A.
San rranclsoo I.r v.
A BUS VmiUB " ' - - " . -
... k.wKi-F - Vjt V-ortland. Oroffon Ctt
Halnoy, Harrtsbrtr, Juncdon cur. Irving aud
Rotelran Mall ltly.
8 .- A. . I Lv
IS :20 V. M. I 1.V
ft :o P. M. 1 Ar
Ar 4 f r.
Ar I VI H.
l.r ( :20 A.
Albany Local lally (Kacept Sunday.)
5 A0 P. M.
A. M
0 A.
ljuuwnErT Train lally Kcet
4 :S P. JC. I l.v
S ;2 P. M. I Ar
1 :30 A. M. I Lt
B rii A. M. I Ar
Ar I 9 -.33 A. U
l.r 8 a. M
Ar I :Se r-.
Lv I 3:40 V. M
Tourist Sleeping Car
Fi accommodation of Roeontl Class PaMwngers.
SlUKIini M v. .......
Mall Train Unity (Kir-eft Sunday.)
T 5 A. sr. 1 Mr
12 :10 P. M. J Ar
Corral Us
Art 4fOP. M
JLv IS P. M.
At Albany and Corralll connect with trains of
Oregon Pai-iac Kauroaa.
0Exprea Train lally Kxeept Sunday
4 AO p. M.
1 :S5 P. M.
Lv Portland Ar I B A. M
Ar MeMlnnvllle L 6:45 A. M
S-Throus& ticket to all points East and South
rur ueseta anu iuji mn.Hi.u'ni
rates, intra, etc., call on Co ant at Lebanon
K. kOlHl KK, K. P. RtHiKKS.
Muutgw. AmL . K. P. Agt
Office over First National Batik.
ALBANY. - - - - - OREOOX.
Dealer In
Groceries and Provisions.
Tobacco and Cigars,
Smokers' Articles.
Foreign and Domestic Fruits,
Queehsvjkre d Glassware, Lamps and
Lamp Fixtures.
Main Street. Lebanon, Oregon
Bank of Lebanon,
; Transacts a General Banking Business.
Exchange sold on New York, San
rancisco, Portland and Albany, Org.
Collections made on favorable terms.
Meat Market
h & Salted Beef, Pork, Mtjt
r, Sausage, Bologna & Ham.
(6u'rear to C. II. Harmon.)
Barber : and : Hairdresser.
Lebanon, Oregon.
Slmvlng. Ilaircuttiiiir and Khamjmo
ing in the latest and lst style. Spec
ial attention palU to Uresnint' Indies
hair. Your patronage respectfully so-
I. 11. BOllUM.
Tonsorial Artist
A Good Shave, Shampoo, Hair
Cut, Cleaned or Dressed.
Hot and Cold Baths 'at all Hours.
Chlldwn Kindly treated, t'all and " mc
Coast Bciuit.
burveylnir haa been beirun br the
bouthern 1'at-llto on a railroad from
l'omoua to Chiuo.
Senator Hearst is
dylnflr of cancer in
Stanford was of course re-elected to
tne i nited btates eenato.
Senator De Lour- of Marin Is
working for a bill to place the state
money on uetntsit In oolvent banks, so
mat while not in use by the state it may
be in circulation and do away with the
periodic dull season when a larire per
centage of the coin Is locked up in the
state treasury after taxpaying time.
Mahonev has introduced in the Senate
tne ma prohibiting the sale oi opium
which Stoneman vetoed.
The northern citrus fair at Marvsvllle
was a great success and oinca the eves
oi inousanus to tne citrus possibilities of
tne sacramento valley
The railroad from Oakdale to Merced
is eompletM.
Robert McGregor stabbed and killed
Estill Frank Samuels, a brakeman. in an
Oakland restaurant Jan. 12 with no prov
ocation. BCTTS CorjiTT.
George Wilson tried to kill his wife
January 15, but only shot her in the
nana, lie was jealous.
John Cronln. one of tne bovs who
burned St. mcent's orphan asvlum at
ban Karael two years ago, has been ar
rested, in aew York as a stowaway on a
Pacific mailship. lie says he planned
the lire as the best means of escaping
from the asylum, where the boys used to
be severely wbalea by John balen, the
Jean Daudtne committed suicide bv
blowing the top of his head off at San
liafael Jan 12.
N. C. Coldwel. one of Mrs. Terrv's
attorneys, who was recently fined $40
for using offensive language to her aud
lawyer Lynch, knocked her down and
kicked hrr when she went to his ofHce
Jan. 17.
A man and woman registered at the
Cosmopolitan hotel Jan. 11 as Mr. and
Mrs. Lewis or Li 1'aso and the next day
the man shot and killed the woman and
then fatally wounded himself in their
room. The couple proved to be Mrs. J.
X.iRetty, who left her husband and home
at San Diego about four months ago,
and Lewis 11. Stokes, a discharged soldier
and pensioner.
Andrew McKay quarreled with the
porter of the depot hotel at Bakersfleld
over a dice gam Jan. l and struck him
on the jaw, breaking his neck aud kill
ing him instantly.
George Johnson, an Austrian laborer,
35 years old, despondent from ill health,
cured his troubles by shooting himself
dead at Los Angeles, Jan. 16.
A state convention of bankers will be
held at Los Angeles in March.
The coroner's jury found that Mrs.
Lottie McDowell was murdered by Elbert
F. Hale. Mrs. Hale was jealous of Mrs.
McDowell. Hale borrowed a rifle on
the day of the murder of the same
caliber as the fatal bullet. Tracks re
sembling his led from the scene of the
murder to his door.
The Merced Augus and Journal have
been bought by Rogers and Radcliffe.
and will be merged in a new dailv, the
A man named Burton deliberately shot
Alexander Gutsch in the arm between
Uklah and Lakeport Jan. 13. Burton is
under arrest.
The Salinas gas well, down 1050 feet.
is to be pushed further.
Miss Annie Parker of Napa eloped with
John Thompson Jan. 15, the eve of the
day set lor her marriage to llenry ilc
Daniels of BntLe City.
A thaw brouc-ht water and 1000 Grass
Valley miners resumed work Jan. 14.
August Forgous murdered his wife.
Marie, at Sacramento Jan. 11.
E. M. Startman of Sacramento has
gone to the state prison for six years
for indecently assaulting 11-year-old
Florence Butterfield.
San Ber " - "'no City has been enlarged
from one s ' lie to four.
The Kan Francisco Is likely to lie made
uio nagsiup or the 1'aciiic squadron.
Congress haa appropriated $1,873,000 for
uie improvement or tne Columbia river,
only $700,000 of which is to be siient in
any one year.
A territorial government Is likely to
be given to Aliinka at this session of i-on
i ne oacBers or tne bill now in con
gresa for the establishment of agrtcul
tural experiment stations contemplate
the introduction of reindeer to be raised
as cattle are farther nouth, and the pro
motion of the culture of apples, cherries
ane naruy small nulls.
Fort Lowell, on the trail from Ban Car
lo to Mexico, is to le abandoned am!
the Arlzonans are excited and indignant
Congressional Delegate Oury is dead
erdugo. the murderer who escaped
innu me j ueson jau wuu iwo others,
one of whom was recaptured, has passed
over into Mexico and there la no hope
oi enuring mm. J nun (VthUUo wus
raught at Ulla llnd Jau. 13 and was
shot In the leg, probably fatally, while
ntuHung arrest.
Several nre forgeries of Captain Bullla'
name by Indians at Kolomonvllle have
ieen tiiscovereii and arrests made. Tho
Urst dlst-overy of the forgeries was made
at the San Francisco sub-treasury where
a Vint- was presented Which the red
skinned rorgera had dated Sept. 31.
Apaches killed and horribly mutilated
Chiquito Smith in his own house In
Mose's canyon and soldiers were at last
accounts on the trail of nine suspected
Large droves of cattle are being driven
n foot by way of Yuma, Los Angeles
aim ciaunits w nan rranclsto.
A wharf fell at Victoria Jan. 12 while a
gang of men were unloading salmon and
lour were tirowneu.
John Wild passed a worthless check
for $20 on S. Gray at Chlmaltius and
committed suicide at Victoria when he
rouud omeers were alter him.
an oii lauy named uuest got some
live coals In her lap while poking the
lire Jan. 13 at Nanalmo aud was burned
to death.
an oia inaian named sumach was
hanged at New Westminster Jan. 19 for
murderimr Lewis llee. a half-breed, last
The temperance societies. Methodist
and Presbyterian churches and organized
women were beaten and Grant was elected
mayor of Ictorla Jan. 16.
J ft mm I rk Pf m-n u ftvvn itaatti
while going from Salundri to his cabin.
nair a mile distant raw days airo.
The lloiflA Plfv AlA..frlA nwil nimruin.
has let the contract to have the rood
completed by June 1.
ine raiace iioiei at vtaikerine was
gutted by lire early In the morning of
au. it, uie guests escaping in their
The motor road at Helena Is In the
hands of a receiver.
Herman Brass and his eon and two
brothers named Mildred have !een ar-
resteu ror systematically serving cus
tomer of their dairy with artitlclal milk
The Big Ox ffilr.lnjr com Dan v has been
aitacneu ror employes wages.
A stranger who said he was a stairs
robber and ofllcers were after him left
Simond's station, on Pyramid lake, Jan.
ana walked eight miles and then cut
his throat. His body has just been found.
I lowing water has been struck at a
lepta or 207 feet near ltoswell. A n
end jubilation was held in the town.
The gallery of the convent of the
Sacred Heart In the city of Mexico was
shaken down by an earthquake Jan. 13
and six persons were killed and nine in
jured. A surveying party has gone to locate
the reservoir for the Immense Rio Grande
irrigating canal, which is to irrigate 200
miles of country on the left side of that
stream, starting from the junction of the
hanta Ana and ilio Urande, lorty miles
below Albuquerque.
Tone Licket murdered a man named
Rowland at Holbrook, Jan. 17 and was
J. P. Collingsworth and Con Sullivan
have been arrested for knocking down
and robbing Solomon Cohen of Chicago
In Collingsworth's saloon while Cohen
was waiting at Albuquerque for the Kl
Paso train.
An electric car' ran into a four-horse
wood team at Portland Jan. 14. killing
three horses, burying the driver under
the load of wood and damaging the car
$230 woith but Beriously hurting nobody.
The new road and tunnels In Row
Creek canyon have been completed and
George Blessing was killed by a tree
which he felled near Oregon City Jan. 12.
The difficulties of the Oregon Improve
ment company have been arranged.
John Edwards, while workinir at a saw
mill on Griffin creek, near Mod ford.
slipped under the saw, and the flesh from
a few Inches above the knee nearly to
the ankle was taken off as the saw passed
back. Tho bone was badly cut in one
place and the wound was a frightful
An eye disease which physicians fall to
diagnose and which attacks Urst the left
eye and then the other. Incapacitating
the patient for work for several days,
has broken out at Salem. Those who
have recovered from it say their eyes are
uuini paired.
Hubbard, a few miles below Salem.
has an oil excitement and many farms
have been bonded by prospectors.
A bill has been introduced to forbid
the marriage of either party to a divorce
to a third person witmn a year.
A thief In Portland the other nltrht
broke through a window in a jeweler's
store and got away safely with a tray-
iui 01 onruonus valued at $12,000.
Whatcom and Lohome have been con
solidated, making the fourth town in the
state in population.
The persons who strunc un E. L. Kur.
ris at Dayton, and attempted to make
him confess arson of which he was not
guilty, were members of a gang of white-
caps who have committed numerous out
rages in the neighborhood. The errand
jury of Dayton is after them.
The commission to report on the ad
Isabllity of opening the Puyallup reserv
ation, across Commencement bay to
Tacoma, to settlement has arived on the
A slide of rock and mud at Palmnr
Jan. 17 covered 300 feet of the Northern
Pertinent Paragraph.
The season has been a dry one, but
the forehanded and wide-awake farmer,
who plowed his land when he could, with
out waiting for more rain, and put his
seed In early, has green fields. The cold
weather has retarded the growth of
grass and kept butter high in price, but
grain, orchards and vineyards have not
suffered, and the always-behlnd-hand
farmer, who wants to sow his grain by
and by Instead of row, Is about the only
sufferer from the peculiar weather of the
Smokers should ha "
art enough to
Seal of North
'. T -nure
v" :.that the genuic .
11 raps Orowliiff.
The state vltlcultural commissioners
have received the annual report of George
West, tho commissioner of the Ban
Joaquin district. It appears that In the
county of Ban Joaquin the entire acreage
of vines will not exceed 3000. Three vine
yards are devoted exclusively to the pro
duction of table aud wine grapes, both
of which are very profitable.
Stanislaus county contains thousands
of acres of line land which will soon be
developed by irrigation and will then be
well adapted to the growth of raisin
Merced county now ha nearly 2000
acres of vines and this sctmon will see a
Urge acreage planted In muscats. Wines
and brandies of good quality have also
been produced.
Kern county has about 1200 acres of
muscats, mostly young vines, all doing
Tularo county contains 463 grape-
growers owning 10,000 acres of vineyards,
2300 of which are in bearing. Few wine
grapes are grown. All of the raisin vine
yards are in a thriving condition.
Fresno is the banner grae-growlng
county of the state. It comprises 49,500
acres of vineyards owned by 1600 growers
There are 6000 acres planted in wine
grapes and 4S.901 acres in raisin grapes.
lbs wine vineyards are nearly all in
full bearing. The vintage of im3 was
probably the largest that will be seen In
California in many years. Porta, sherries.
angelicas, Isweet muscats and brandies
of excellent quality are produced in that
It is upon the raisin business that the
chief interest of the grape-growers of
Uie Ban Joaquin district is centered. The
number of vineyard proprlutors now In
the valley aggregates upwards of 2300,
most of whom are growing raisins. There
are 66.430 acres in the district planted In
raisin grapes. 20,000 of which are In bear
ing, but not half of these In full bearing
Twenty thousand acres are also planted
In the bUUj outside of the valley. These
vineyards will produce when in full bear
ing 2.000,000 boxes, making a total
7,600,000 boxes of raisins annually from
the vineyards now planted for the entire
state. The total consumption of raisins
in the United States is now 3,2..O0O
boxes, including di led graN. The yield
from Uie vineyards already planted in
California will, when in bearing, be more
than double this amount. The California
product of 1895 may be estimated at
7,600,000 boxes, and the American con
sumption at 4,000,000 boxes, without fur
ther planting.
Commissioner West, in view of these
facts, advises vlUculturists to study the
fuluie of the industry before planting
any more raisin vineyards. He also dis
courages the planting at present of any
Turther wine vineyards.
Tha Ollva Industry.
Extensive arrangements have been com
pleted for the erection of what will be
the largest olive oil factory in the world
. Gr Is wold of the Los Gullleos Olive
Company says:
e propose to spend $250,000 In the
building and equipment of an olive oil
factory. Work will bo begun almost lin
mediately, as we have sixty acres of six-
year-old olive trees bearing splendidly.
We have a large force of men at work
laying out the ground aud planting trees.
and by spring we expect to have over 700
acres planted with olives. Tho severe
winters in southern Italy and southern
France have totally destroyed the crops,
and the oil made in Spain reaches this
country In such an adulterated and In
icnor conuiuon mat importers are now
looking for a home product. Already
large orders have been placed with us for
oil, and we hope before long to Bupply
the whole eastern market.
New Citrus Varieties.
At the last meeting of the State Horti
cultural Society B. M. Lelong showed
two Interesting citrus fruit varieties
which are but little known in this state,
but which may become of prominence
and value.
One is the orange of Joppa, taking its
name from the famous old seaport of
Palestine. Tho fruit shown by Mr. Le
long was grown upon scions secured in
Joppa by a Callfornian tavelcr who saw
the fruit there and brought the scions
home with him.
The orange Is large, seedleB?, exceed
ingly fine-grained and free from "rag
the significant term which Is applied
to the fluffy white layer which lies be
tween the true skin and the pulp. The
orange, though seedless, has no rudi
mentary seed vessel which forms the
characteristic mark of the navel orange
and occupies part of the space of the
fruit with a non-edible material.
The other fruit shown by Mr. Lelong
was a genuine ilia Franca lemon grown
from stock secured In Portugal. Mr.
Lelong claims that the common Villa
Franca lemon as grown in California is
not true to name. Among other objec
tions in this common variety is a scant
foil age which does not protect the fruit.
The genuine Villa Franca has good
As the stock of these varieties is now
introduced and bearing fruit In this
state, the distribution of them will no
doubt soon be effectod. Rural Press.
Xw Breed ot Poultry.
A veracious correspondent of the Rural
Press writes from Brlceland, Humboldt
county: We have a queer breel of
chickens here, which is a natural pro
duction of this vicinity, having first ap
peared on several ranches here in the
spring of 1889. The chickens do not have
feathers, but instead are covered with a
long, hairy-like down. They are fine
layers and we call them "Rustlers" from
the fact that they are very industrious
and hardy and wander farther in search
of food than other chickens. They can
not fly and are very desirable on that
account. It would be well for some one
to collect them and experiment with
them, as I believe that they are the
"boss." I think that they would furnish
excellent down for pillows, bedding, etc.
They seem to have sprung from crossing
the Plymouth Rock with other breeds of
chickens; or has one ever heard of such
chickens In other localities? They ar
new here.
The advancing of
funds -by Jewish
"" ' er cent
, ' ' . . The
lis Tells How It Js Mads The Krrnrli
Analysis Was Wrong.
Professor Koch has revealed the secret
of the compoultlon of his lymph which
has had such remarkable effects uimhi
tuberculosis cases, and it proves to con
tain none of Uie .cyanide of gold which
the, recent French analysis was reported
to have found 1m it. It consists of gly
cerine and an extract from the pure cul-
Uvatlon of tubercle bacilli.
Koch explains that In ' expcrlmenUng
with tuberculous guinea pigs he found
that when he inoculated with a greatly
diluted cultivation of tubercle bacltll the
animals remained alive, and, with con
tlnued inoculations at intervals of one
or two tlays, the ulcerations following
Inoculations, grew smaller and smaller
until they healed. The original tuber
culous symptoms simultaneously lessened
and finally disappeared, unless the orig
inal disease was too far advanced. He
also found that it made no differance, in
this treatment, whether the bacilli in
the injections were alive or hail been
killed by extreme heat or cold or by
chemicals. From Uils he reasoned that
the curative property lay not In the
bacilli themselves but in a substance pro
duced by or wlUi them.
He finally succeeded with a 4(1 or 5')
per cent SoluUon of glycerti.e in obtain
ing this effecUve substance from tuber
cular bacilli, and the remedy which Is
used in the new treatment consists of
glycerine extract derived rroni the pure
cultivation ot tubercle bacilli into a sim
ple extract.
The tubercle bacilli, produced when
growing in living tissues the same as in
artificial culUvaUons, contain certain
substances which unfavorably influence
living elements in their vicinity. In tis
sue this becomes necrotic bacillus. The
tubercle bacillus finds such unfavorable
conditions of nourishment that It cannot
grow more, and BoraeUmes dies.
A Mill ITovldlng That tha (ixitim.iil
Shall liny Them.
C. P. Huntington offers to devote a por
tion of the Southern Pacific's earnings
to iaylng the (Central Pacific's debt to
the government if tha government will
reduce the Interest to 2 per cent and ex
tend the time 100 years.
The Union Pacific asks for 100 years
and a rate of 2'i per cent.
Senator McDonnell ot Idaho has intro
duced a bill dlrecUng Uie attorney gen
eral to commenae proceedings sixty days
after the !ossage of the bill under the law
of eminent domain against all property
real and personal, of the Western Union.
Union Paclllc. Kansas Pacific, Central
Pad lie, the branches of Uie Union Pacific
and the Sioux Lily aud Pacific Railway on
which mortgages are held by the govern
ment, together with all stations and lines
lending thereto, the Omaha, Oakland,
Kansas City and San Francisco stations
being not included in Uie mortgages.
The president 1 directed to detail three
officers of the engineering corps of the
army to appraise the property. Including
the lands granted to the roads.
The secretary of the treasury is directed
to issue $230,003,000 In legal tender notes
which are to be used to pay off the first
mortgages on the roals and pay to the
companies the appraised value of the
property, and the government Is to lease
the properties to parties who are not to
make any combination with competing
lines, and whenever the not receipts are
more than 10 per cent above the rental,
which Is to be not lees than 2 per cent
on $250,000,000. the freight charges ou
the products of farms and mines are to
bo reduced to bring the net Income down
to that figure.
The bill will not be pushed for passage
at this session of congress, and no re
funding bill is likely to pass before an
other congressional election.
I'aciOe Coast Trade.
8. G. Brock, chief of the bureau of stat-
IsUcs, has sent to Secretary Wlndoiu a
statement of the exports of breadstuffs
for the last six months ot 1893 from the
principal Pacific ports as follows:
1, 113.1
1.6 IS
Wheat Qimr...
Totals, six months
Totals, twelve months
The value of breadstuffs exported for
December, 1890, was as follows:
Oregon $I1,3I4
Puget sound. Wn 8ft7.:K.'J
Sau Francisco, Ual a,857,im
Willamette, Or...., G1H.WH
Total 13,349,754
The total value of exports ot beef, hogs
and c'alry products Irom Ban Francisco
for December, 1890, was $36,465, an ln-
craase of $2000; Tor the year, $474,000
against $303,760 for 1889.
Storms and lilting- Cold.
A severe storm raged along the New
England coast, as well as inland, Jan.
12. At Birmingham, Conn., a freshet
broke up the ice in the Housatonio and
the river swept away many houses and
barns and railroad embankments. At
Fall River, Mass., two schooners were
badly damaged, thousands of tout of
lumber and much merchandise were
washed from tho wharves and carried off
and the fires of two mills were quenched
by the tide. Several vessels were dis
abled along the coast.
At the same time the continent of
Europe remained frozen up. An ava
lanche near Livna, in Bosnia, crushed a
number of houses, killing a score or more
of their inmates. The harbor at Geneva
froze over for the first time sinje 1830.
Wyoming's Wonderful Mountains.
Almost in the ieo;ruphicul center of
Wyomiu is a mouutnin of solid hem
atite iron ore, with 6U0 feet of it above
ground, more than a mile wide and
over two miles in length. Besides
the iron the mountain contains a bed
of lignite coal large enough to warm
the entire world for a century, a dozen
dried up lakes of soda where the soda
is deposited to a depth of over three
hundred feet, some of the lakes beinsr
over six hundred acres in extent. In
a mountain adjoining there is a pe
troleum basin .larger than tli
Pennsylvania and West Virginia
bined. Wf stern Exchange.
General Bciujs.
The Birmingham
(Al.) miners' strike
The senate has passed the free coinage
The people of Sherman county, Kan.,
aro Huti'viug lor waui or iooa auu I feez
ing for want of fuel. Crois have failed
for live years.
Mrs. Rachel Btlllwagon died at Flush
ing, n. i Jan. 11, aged 105.
A trust Is being formed to control all
the anthracite coal mines and raise prices.
George M. Bartholomew, brother-in-law
of Cyrus W. Field, who embezzled
over $1,000 000 while president ot the
Charter Oak life insurance company and
fled to Canada six years ago, has re
turred to Haruord, pleaded guilty and
gore to the penitentiary for a year. He
Is 74 yeais old and very feeble.
The bailMsd-wIre trust Is In perfect
woi Kiug con-tiuon.
Kmma Abtott's will provides for her
parents aud relatives but leaves nearly
.l.OO""'! to charitable institutions.
Tho owner of .he Seized British seal
ing schooner W. P. Say ward has taken
the question of United States Jurisdiction
over liehrtng sea into the United B tates
supreme court. That court is likely to
disclaim JurlsdlcUou.
The rubber trust is reorganising to
buy all the rubber In the world.
The North Carolina senate indorses
the lluancial reform platform ot the
Farmers' Alliance.
Professor AblHitt of Johns Hopkins
university has ben experimenting with
Koch's lymph and cays it Is a sure cure
for lupus, beiiellclal in consumption if
taken In the early stages, dotibtfnl In
tuberculosis In Uie Intestines and of
bcnclit la surgical treatment of tuber
cuIohIs. The ll-mouth-old baby of Oscam M.
Hurries of BulUmore was left alone In
the sewing room a few days ago. How
much It swallowed' is not known, but a
physician and several emeUcs recovered
eighteen plus, four needles, eight tacks.
acven waas or aper, two wads or mus
lin, eight china buttons, one vest button,
four pearl buttons, one shoe button, one
piece of bark, live pieces of cork, on
piece of leather, one piece of match, one
shank ot a button, one brass pants but
ton, six plecus of chips and one piece of
wrapped cotton.
Branch mints at Omaha and Boise Cltv
are proposed.
The leadinir oatmeal eomnanies hate
formed a combine.
Miss Hattle McPuerson of Beaver. Pa
20 years old, kept her bed for several
months thinking her right side was par
alyzed, but the house causbt lire on the
evening of Jan. 15 and she got up and
ran lor the theater where Iter parent
were. She was cured.
The Polish St. Staluslaus society of
Mount tarmel. Pa., refused to par $300 sick
bcnelits to the widow of a member be
cause they were refused admittance to
the church at bis funeral when they re
fused to remove their regalia at the door.
Judge Kearney of Shamokin summoned
them In a suit to recover the money.
nd thov responded. 300 fitronir. with
flags and banners aud a brass band, and
drove mm irom tne courtroom.
Edward H. Horner, agent In the United
Htat-s for Indemnity bonds ot Austria.
Hungary and other foreign countries has
ben arrested in ftew lorfc for sending
lottery circulars through the mail, the
Hnds balng nothing but lottery Uckets,
lie has lieen doinir a iartrer bnsineas than
the Louisiana lottery ever did.
Dougherty. Mary Anderson's lover and
persecutor, who escaped from the insane
asylum at Ftatbueh and, returning, shot
superintendent Lloyd, has been convicted
oi muruer in tne second degree, with a
recommendation to Uie mercy ot the
At Split Rock uuarry. on Lake Cham
plain, a ruuaway car on the tramway
crashed into a group of persons, killing
two eons of Superintendent Robertson,
the engineer and one quarry man, and
fatally injuring two quarrymen.
At Bells, Tex- Jan. 14. George Smith
with a revolver robbed seven men In a
saloon of their money and then killed
the town marshal, who fired at him. - He
was arrested.
Commander Keller has been noUfled
by the secretary of the navy that his
ense has been tleflnately disposed of and
that he cannot have a trial by a naval
lhe sugar bounty applies to sugar
produced alter July I.
The Indians came Into the Pine Ridge
agency Irom the Bad Lands and sur
rendered, but they had hidden the greater
part or their guns.
George Bancroft the historian is dead
England will divide her naval force in
the Paciiio Into a north Paclllc fleet and
a South American fleet and it wiu be in
Nine skaters cosslng the Seine at Paris
Jan. 13 broke through the ice and were
Over 200 houses in Bombay have been
burned and hundreds ot families rendered
homeless. Much suffering has been
Barillas is reported as keeping a vessel
ready in port in which to escape from
Guatemala in case of a revolution and as
preparing In any event for a year's
visit abroad as soon as he can convert
bis property Into coin. If he goes he
will probably never return, as the Guate
malans are tired of him.
Frofessor Vlrchow cautions tuberculous
patients against the use of Koch's lymph,
charging several deaths to it, and some
of them refuse further treatment.
There is an Increase of 4,000,000 rubles
In the Russian budget for the army and
a like amount for the navy.
Three more prisoners escaped .from
the alleged United States paultentiary
on McNeil's Island Jan. 10.
The Chilean navy has revolted against
President Balmaceda.
So many suicidos are occurring at the
Monaco gambling hell, and the bodies
are burled with such haste by the authori
ties, to prevent their Identification and
the sensations that would follow, that
indignation has risen high and the prince
Is afraid France will seize and annex his
dominion and abolish gambling.
Tho conductors, drivers and teamsters
of Rio Janeiro struck the first week in
December and rioting and much blood
shed resulted. In four days the strikers
That terrible scourge known as the
" black death " Is raging in Asiatic Rus
sia. Buildings were demolished and several
persons burled in the ruins by an earth
quake of wide extent in Algiers Jan. 18.
Hundreds of people In Galway are ab
solutely naked as well as starving.
The blshoD of Armaeh and primate of
all Ireland intimates that if Parnell will
marry Mrs. O Shea the church will cease
to make war on him.
The Chilean rebels have blockaded the
port ot Iquique.
The man who has been passing as
Captain William McDonald at Portland
nas been luiiy taentinea as ltook, tne
English will forger.
The reorganized Panama canal com
pany asks tho French government for
the privilege of conducting annual lot
teries, the proceeds to go to the com
pletion of the big ditch.
The board of trade and the Farmers
Alliance of Palouse city have sent a car
load ot flour to the starving farmers of
Cheyenne county, Neb.
' French military force is -5
wed up In fer--'- ' V SPX
. rn --" ' - , -- '. . '
Uoa't finch tha Baby.
Hone of us would inflict such cruelty
wim thumb and linger, but how is
with Baby's clothing bands and straps
and sleeves and ankle fastenings? Are
we sure they are soft and giving on the
sensitive flesh and tender lltUe limbs?
Tf . I ... ...
uuw uiucu our neipieas babies can
suffer from bands and bindings that
choke and chafe them with their
scratchy, goading edges, we cannot
know, since our skin, doubUeas,
thirty years older, and, maybe, that
many Umes tougher than Baby's.
Perhaps we do know how IrritaUrgly
uncomfortable are the pinching sleeves
of sotne wiry, rasping dress that we
allowed fashion to cut with too snug
fit to our arms. . Then let us be merciful
in cutting sleeves au4 arm sizes' tor our
little folks, whose tender flesh is sorely
chafed by a rough seam, and whose
arms round out so fast, and allow gen
erous space for breathing and growing
All seams and bindings on Baby's
clothing should be made perfecUy
smooth and flat, and as soft as can be
sewed from silk gauze flannel, and un
starched, finest cambric, that no bung
ling ridges, or hard scratchy edges may
goad the sensitive flesh.
not long since I saw a fond auntie
making underwalsts for her little
nieces, one and three years old. The
garments were cut from stout tin
bleached drilling that would wear like
sheet iron and give almost as lltUe.
For greater strength the arm sizes were
bound with a strip of the same stout
goods, making a thick, scraping finish
that was hard and rough enough to
rasp the skin from an ox's neck, if ft
had encircled It. But a no less cruelty
was In the scrimping dimensions of
these arm holes, cut so small that the
lltUe fat arms could scarcely be squeezed
inrougn mem. not a bit of space
allowed tor the play and growth and
breathing room for the poor little choked
In eelecUng boots for our lltUe peopl
we must see that plenty of ankle
Instep, as well as toe room. Is glyen t
fast growing feet. You and I find acute
misery In pinching boots, especially
across Uie instep. Uow much more
Baby must suffer with cruel strictures
cutUng into her soft flesh and strangling
senslUve chords.
I have seen sock ribbons and ankle-tie
straps drawn so tightly that the plump
ness of Babv's ankles was pinched Into
purple ridges, and who has not seen both
scrawny and fat little feet so strangled
in too snugly buttoned boots that the
warm blood could not circulate In them
and ice-cold feet were one ot the evil con
LltUe folks and big folks, too, as for
that, need breathing room all over; feet
and mis and wrists and ankles, lungs
and stomach and bowels, and common
sense tells us to let them hare IL
Plenty of breathing room, and good.
pure air to breathe, with common sense.
care and cleanliness, means a sound
body ana a sunny nature for the grow
ing baby.
When our litUe one is fretful and
troublesome, instead of attnbuUng its
irritability and wretchedness to colic or
eeth or worms, as we are apt to do, see
if Baby's miserableness is not caused by
a cruel hunch or band or seam that
somewhere Is chafing or choking Its
person. Ladles Home Journal.
A Comfortable Sort of s Woman.
" It comforts me, " said the bent lltUe
old man as he spoke tenderly of his dead
wife, " it comforts me to know that Sally
would alius lie down every afternoon an'
Bleep a bit. Borne roixa tho t twos no
wonder we didn't get rich faster, bat she
suited me jest as she was. Sally was a
comfortable sort ot woman to have
around, never frettln at a teller or
faultln' him when things didn't go right.
When feelln' troubled she'd often say
'Father, I believe Til lie down for a few
minutes,' then back she'd come spry
and chipper as a canary bird. Sally
didn't drive and scold, but she wasn't
lazy, an' she brought up the youngsters
to do their part. I don't see that dririn
women get on one mite better than she
did. It does comfort me to know that
Sally would take her rest.
a gooa many women woo are over
working to do things which are not halt
as necessary as a live mother is, might
well take a lesson from this "comfort
able sort ot a woman " and " lie down for
few minutes " and take their resL And
if mothers would bring up " the young
sters to do their part, " Instead of work
ing themselves to death while sons are
ylng in bed and daughters are playing
Uie lady, we might have more healthy,
cheery grandmothers than we now have,
and their children, when arriving at the
years of discretion, would be thanking
God for mothers who taught them to
work, instead of mourning over Uie
graves of mothers who worked them
selves to death instead of laying a part
of the burden on the shoulders of thought
less children who were much better able
to bear it.
Current Comment.
The King's Daughters are acUve and
energetic in San Francisco. They are
about opening a home for incurables
and are giving public entertainments to
raise funds in addition to what may be
raised by contribuUons. Nowhere Is
woman more appreciated than in the
sick room, and the pie-eminence the
sex has achieved in recent years as a
promoter of hospitals and a practical
carer for the sick and the injured in in
stitutions, on Uie battle field and else
where leaves no room to question the
assertion that Uie sexes are not equal
in all fields of usefulness and that woman
has as many special fields of acUon In
which she excels over the opposite sex
as man has.
The Women's Educational and Indus
trial Union ot San Francisco has de
cided by 245 votes out of S70 members
to incorporate. This society is doing
much for the benefit of struggling and
needy women. Its directors are .Mrs. H.
M. Solomons, Mrs. M. P. Piaxotto, Mrs.
E. L. Campbell, Mrs. C. W. Kinsman. Mrs.
R- C. Ewing. Mrs. J. P. LIghtbody. Mrs.
L. G. Feusier. Mrs. H. A. Keeler. Mrs. E.
A. Dohrmann and Miss Maria Soule. Tha
good, wishes of 'JU lovera - 'nity
attend t.h r. , ';"-.' -
The PUlnl Cry of the Utila chile What?
Mother Has tn4.
The sorrowful song hare been tan 5.
the tender prayers hare been said, th'
last sad words have been uttered, si
that love and sympathy and tender,
ness could suggest has been does for
the wife and mother calmly retting is
her satin-lined coflin under tnaases of
beautiful flowers, sajs the Detroit r'
FreM$. r
The mourners hare gone out :h
aching hearts and tear-dimmed "eyes. '
The hearse mores slowly sway, aa4
the kindly neighbor women left Im
charge of the houne go about ofUyJ
putting things in order and ipealtiEj
In an undertone awri gtitl by the ma.
jestj of death, although the one it Las i,
claimed has been carried forth. There
is still that indefinable something lit :
the deserted rooms that-tell of the.
dread visitor. ;
Suddenly the door of as upper room
opent and a sweet childish voice ssji "
"I want my mamma; I'm going to
find my mamma."
"No, no, dear," says the carte, with
suggestion of tear in her Toiee, .
while she furtireljr wipes her eyes,,
come with roe, like s good little !."-.. .
"No, I want my mamma. I naren't " '
teen my own mamma for two, free ' -ob,
most four days. I'm going to find
my mamma."
"But baby, dear mamma isn't the
isn't here.
"Where it my mamma then? She it
here too. Sihe't down in her own pit!
room. I'm going to bunt for my mam x
ma. Mamma! Ob, mamma! Baby
wants your
In all this world of tad neat and tor. ,'
row is there anything more sad. any. r
thing more pitiful than the pleading,
wondering cry of a little child too tint
pie to understand the mygtery of death,
and yet dimly comprehending that a
change of tome kind has taken place f
Is there anything that touches the '
heart more deeply than to answer the
pleading, pitiful questions, "Where i
mammaF" "Why don't she corns P"
"She has gone away where? "Won't -,
the kiss me good-oight any moref
"Can't I go op to heaven and tee berT'
The ejes of the litUe questioner open
wide, and there is a perplexed and dis.
satisfied look on her face Baring plain- t
ly that she does not ocderstand what
you mean by saying that "mamma is '
gone." mat "God took ner," that the i
up in heaven bow.
You try tearfully to make it plain to i
the child and to have her understand V
that the will tee mamma again "some -time,
but again the liule voice says K
with pitiful petolancr: "But I want
my mamma now. and I'm going to bunt
until I find her. .--
What a sorrowful, disarmcistisz "
search it ist It ends in tears and heart. '
aches, and it is lone before even
children understand that mnrwriiiti Till
come no more to the little one calling
vainly for her. Everything is full of
touches and suggestions of the mothe' 1
who is gone. There are things that i
make her seem so real, so sear. And - "
so the baby goes hunting for mamma.
May all such sorrowful little ones find
their best mammas in the heavenly
land! -'. 4
How oar Navy Used to Sbooc
The proficiency of American runner
in this war is perhaps best illustrated
by the Constitution's first action, with
the tiuerriere, in which she was bulled
but three times, while her antagonist,
to use the words of ber commander.
was reduced to a "perfect wreck with.Jsr-
in iony minutes irom tne time tne wol
stitution began to fire. This battle oc
curred on Aneust 19. 1812.
in her action with tne Java. Decem
ber 19. 1812, off the coast ot Brazil, the
Constitution was hulled but four times,
and with the exception of her maintop
sail yard she did not lose a tpar. The
Java, on the other band, was "totally
dismasted." while her hull was so
shattered and pierced with shot-holes
that it was impossible to get ber to the -v
naroor 01 Jan bairador, which was only
a few hours' saiL
In ber action with the Crass and
Levant the forces opposed were: Con
stitution. 61 guns with 1287 pounds of
merai; isruisn, oa guns with lzu$
pounds of metal. In this extraordinary
action the Constitution was hailed only
luiricrcu umes, wane ma vyaae naa
every brace and bowline cut awayT"
"her main and mizzen masts left in a
tottering state,' and other principal
spars wounded, several shot in tbe hull,
nine or ten between wind and water.
Tbe Levant also was roughly bandied.
itnuiv uufiuissinir mo Buujecioi gun
nery we should take into considera
tion: 1. The inferior quality of Aroer-
lean cannon and shot. 2. Tbe defi- '
ciency in weight of American shot S.
The fact that in two of the four actions
between single frigates tbe English ;
used French cannon and shot, which t
were eight per cent, heavier than their
nominal English equiralents -Century.
What, Really, Is Sleep?
What sleep is no one knows. Tha
prevailins theory as to its nature, ac
cording to Youth1 Companion, is that
of the physiologist. Preyer. who holds
that refuse matter accumulates in the
nervout centers in such quantities as
to bring about insensibility, which con
tinues until the brain has been relieved.,
of the waste matter by its absorption
into the circulation.
Whatever feats of endurance men
may accomplish, they cannot live long
without sleeping. Coder every condi
tion of bodily and mental suffering,
men sleep. Those condemned to die.
although they fear their fate, generally
sleep the night before execution.
Soldiers have been known to sleep
when on a long and wearisome marca
uie walking in the ranks, or lying?
on a bed of stones, or in the mud and
water. .
The qnesUon is often asked. "How
Ions can a man live without iimof"
The victim of tbe Chinese ""walking,
torture" seldom survives more than ten'
days. Those condemned to die by the-'
walking torture are given all they
wish to eat and drink, bat sleep is
denied them .
Whenever the poor victim doses his
eyes he is jabbed with spears and sharp
sucks nntu ne is awake, xnere is na
torture more horrible.
The bath of roses, so often men
by writers oa the Jnvp--.. ;
Rome lit " "
luxurf -j-i.-'-V;.' ';;---'
quant ;'Vi - ;'v- v
quire,; ..' y --- ,X ' ' -' '
t '
a --
firms to refunl"-' f
loan to 4 per; --
.. nug Uuf. ;i
zar has bus-- r