Express. aY JANUARY 16,-lSOl. EYES AND EARS I IVn F. Dodge waa taken ill last Fri day. W. B. lHnaea's family hnve the measles. Mrs. ITar.rlhau's loV has been very 111 of late. Boh. McClure has the measles; also, his wife to ill. Several new la tups adorn our streets corners of late. , L. M. Wheeler is preparing to build on Grove street. W. E. Hardin is building a house on Grove street. Mrs. Spencer was quite ill a few days since, but has recover!. J. Niehola Is building a picket fence in front of his property. After a short lull, real estate Is legin lag to move a little more lively. Hazlett the "Hljrrfm Printer" slept In Lebauon one night last week. We of this part of the county appre ciated tne cuange or weatner Tuesday night. Indian hostiliten are ended. The Indians will sin-render and be dis armed. Mr. Klrkeudall has dodered the men- files about fifty years, ouly to be caught turn wiuter. Rev. Lamar will preach In the Academy- Sunday morning and evening. All invited. A. Hcskins has been working in Mc ClHre's barber shop during the illness of the latter. M. Lonsberry is of the opinion that his well has eaved. "It looks a leedle like it, aint it?" ' Mr. Ivimbro was alatent from Don .aca's grocery store Thursday morning; cause measles. Rev. T. P. Boyd preached in Albany Tuesday evening and returned to Leb anon Wednesday. Born. Jan. 4th 1801, to the wife of J. H. Downing, a son; weight, 10 lbs. Mother doing well. Why could we not have a readiug club, or Chataqua literary society or something of that kind? Get on to those dress goods Montague is selling at such reduced prices; why people are just going wild about them. Dr. Courtney sold a lot this week to the trustees of the Presbyterian church, on whieh they will build a parsonage. Mr. Harris drew off his express wjicon this week. Mr. Gordon can attend to the delivery business just now. Montague is selling $4 00 shoes for $3 00 this week. New is the time to get in, as the rains have commenced in earnest. . That 60-cent flannel Montasrue is selling at 4o cents is going like hr.t esses. Jay tn your supply before it is all cone. A little daughter of Mr. Goodrich ac cidentally choped off finder a short time since. -Dr. Negus dre.-d the member. . . The marble cuarries of Don alas rownty are said to be extensive and of as line a quality as can be found out side of Italy. . We acknowledge a pleasant call from Mr. Nichols of Sweet Home. Mr. Nichols tells us that his little town is growing slowly. N. B. Standish. who returned from theCalapooia and Blue River mines Ift-iT awR. rpnnrt thA cikiu- frrtm tfiwa. to four feet deep on Hold HUL Died, Jan. 8, 1S91, little Genevieve, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John A. lieard. The bereaved Have the syru- painy or tne entire community, Prof. It. N. Wright has been indis posed this week. His ailment was first supposed to be la grippe, bnt has since aeveiopea into an attack of measles. At last tbe stained glass for the South Methodist-church have arrived. Rev. Han letter expects to hold services in the new church building in a short time. H. M. Perry of Soadville went to Salem Wednesday armed with a pe tition numerously signed asking the legislature for an appropriation for tSoadville. Montague Is selling clothing at prices never heard f before; in fact his cus tomers have begun to think that the tariff on clothing has been repealed altogether. The Express is anxious to settle with all its subscribers by Feb. 1st, at latest, and start in. on a eash basis. Remember, the Express is uly$l 50 in advance. The most delicate constitution can safely use Dr. J.H. McLean's Tar Wine Lung Balm; it is a sure remedy for i. i . . i j i i . wragua, jh oi voice, auu an inioai ana lung diseases. Are you In love? If so, marry the Idol of your affections and then go to Matthews & Washburn's, at' Albany, buy a stove or range, raise a large fam ily and be happy. An Idaho editor concludes his de scription of a growing town by saying 'No flies on us." We venture that the thermometer stands 40 degrees below zero in that town. . We are thin king of publishing from time to time the biographies of our prom inent men. We feel sure that such a course would reduce the hungry horde of office-seekers about ninety per cent. Do you want the earth? If so, call on Matthews & Washburn, Albany, Or., and they will take pleasure in showing you the largest and most com plete line of hardware, stoves and ranges in the valley. Senator Jeff Myers has introduced a bill to appropriate $3000 for the estab lishment of Soda Springs, in Sodaville, Oregon, and all money not so spent shall be retained to keep such improve ments in good order. S. G. Foster laid on our table last week a copy of The Guardian of Lib erty, published in East Portland. The paper has a high moral tone and de serves much at t he hands of those who love good, pure reading. Members of the legislature have been in training since last June, and are so well instructed by their constituency in the wants of. the people at large that there is no possibility of making a mis take, if only they vote right. The average Oregon weather prophet has been dumb for several days, but simultaneously with the adventof the new moon Sunday his tongue was loosed and he is able to forecast the weather for another lunar month. T r t f J . his home January 10th. Mr. Bacon held the position of postmaster in Ore gon City for more than a score of years. He was also grand secretary of the I. O. O. F. of Oregon for about the same length of time. There are a few maces in town where a1rfrv AllHa nnri nt I kitchen have infected several woodpiles with measles and fence posts with diphtheria and we call the marshal's attention to the matter lest more seri ms develcpmepts fullow, Tbli wnrtil Is all a tiwilnjr show, ; " H itli I'.mls aivl tti tora )t"lity; The irritiJ system's bouml to go, Or efce down fix's MoChay. Tht rhret!n; for the p'.nv are east. The IDotiiuht H n out, If mp fixlffo the future hv thw past Mvouny's sure to be khcx-kel out. W.C. Peterson sent olF several copies of lni week's Express to friend tn different pstrts of the country. This Is t he way neople acquaint themselves with the resources of our conn try. am! we fool like asking others to treat their friends with the same consideration. W. J. Guy's license expired Thursday last and his saloon will lx closed until tbe newly elected council meets In Feli uarv. The license at present Is twelve hundred dollars and Mr. Guy will douhtl'.83 await the action of the new council; in the meantime we have but one saloon. The meetings at the Presbyterian church are awakening much Interest. Nine ministers, representing the vari ous denominations of the city, were in nttendence Wednesday evening. God pity the man In whose Imncrinatton the Lord is only an enlarged Methodist, Baptist, or Presbyterian. AmmiR all our exchanges, but two (the West Shore and Brownsville Times' h.ive cnni)(Hinnitiit fn rr progreas as shown by the figures which We Smve two Weeks rtv Thorn uvn ll6,2R8 expended in building In Leb- noon iot tne year inmu, ana we want the people to know lu Please help ua Sick Headache and a sensation of op pression and dullness in the head, are very commonly produced by Indiges tion; morbid despondency. Irritability and over sensitiveness of the nerves may, In a majorty of cases, be traced to the same cause. Dr. J.H. McLean's Kidney Balm aud Fillets will posi tively cure. Peterson A Garlasd are adding to the comfort of the real estate office con tinually. A large rocking chair Is the last piece of furniture bought. Always aflable and courteous, thes gentlemen will not only make yon comfortable but will mako It to the interest of all who wish to buy or sell real estate to give them a call. The "Life of he flesh Is the blood thereof;" pure blood means healthy functional activity and this bears with it the certainty of quick restoration from sickness or accident. Dr. J. H. McLean's Strengthening Cordial and Blood Pnritler gives pure rich blood, and vitalizes and strengthens the whole body, f 1 00 per bottle. I have a cousin who Is a printer, says Ex-Mayor J. B. Loughran of North Desmoines, la. Some years ago he was employed in this city where they where they were priuting circulars for Chamberlain, lie had a deep seated cold and terrible cough, and while setting up copy he made up his mind to buy a bottle. It cured him ami that was the first I ever knew of Chamberlan's Cough Remedy. I have been in its favor ever since. My own experience and that of my family con vinces me that this remedy is the best In the world. That may be strong language but that Is what I think. For sale by M. A. Miller. AN EDITOR'S FOOD. Newspapers receive all sorts of ad vertising propositions. We received a proposition some time since from the manufacturers of a Cyclone wind-mill aking our signature to a contract which promised to relieve us of thirst until the last drop of ink had evapo rated from the bottle. In a very cour teous manner we informed the gentle men that Oregon editors did not drink by machinery, that they still adhered to the good old custom of drinking through a straw; that wind was un certain in this country, but that straw was reliable and that we didn't Ijelieve in innovations. The next man plied us with a few rods of woven-wlre fence and stipulated for & panel next rending matter. This proposition we should have accepted, only we had no ground to enclose and eouid ill afford so costly an ornament. We waited a week and received a letter from a music firm. This we declined in the most peremp tory manner; we have just enough knowledge of music to distinguish be tween a dinner-gong and a fire-bell, and boast not of our accomplish men ta, but we have been in the newspaper business Jong enough to find out that a man cannot live on wind alone. That man is a benefactor who can disabuse tbe public mind of false no tions regarding an editor's physique, his habits and manner of subsistence. If you think an editor is a man of lux uriant habits, 'epell" him awhile and you will come to the conclusion that Dr. Tauner is not entitled to all the laurels. Among his readers at home, the only legal tender whieh he ever sees is cord wood. From January to December he is expected to live on four-foot wood. This is a wholesome diet, but it is not brain food. We have chewed pine wood, spit turpentine and picked pine knots outof our teeth until our editorials lack the spirit which so delights a reading public Bring us some money; we prefer those yellow pieces which read "In God we trust," which is far better than trusting to the dry provender with which our manger is always filled. WATERLOO BIPri.ES. There is no railroad at Waterloo, but all impatiently await the arrival of the "Express." We attended a lecture at Sodaville Monday eveniug. Subject, "Reynolds' travels in India." The good people of "Soda" and vicinity showed their ap proval by rounds of applause during the lecture and by donating liberally at the clos. If Rev. Reynolds will deliver a lecture at Waterloo we will insure him an attentive audience &ud a warm reception, for here talent Is appreciated. The writer called at the flourishing town of Waterloo a few days since. Friend Gross welcomed us with a smile, but there were traces of sadness on his usually cheerful countenance. We soon learned the cause of this tired look; for, grouped around the stove iu the most approved American attitude, were the citizens of the town, discuss ing the Bible from the time of Adam down to the present day. The McKin lcy hill .leo received attention. There is talk of a lyceum at this place, to give the would-be orators a chance to cover themselves with glory, also to give friend Gross a rest. C. Ritic. Specimen Cases. S. H. Clifford, New Cassel, Wis., was troubled with Neuralgia and Rheuma tism, his Stomach was disordered, his Liver was affected to an alarming de gree, appetite fell away, and he was terribly reduced in flesh and strength. Three bottles of Electric Bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, 111., had a running sore on his leg of eight years' standing. Used three bottles of Electric Bitters and seven boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and his leg is sound and well. John Speaker, Ca tawba, O., had five large Fever sores on his leg, doctors said be was incurable. One bottle Elect ric Bitters and one box Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured him en tirely. Sold by J. A. Beard. The Fat Lady That always looks so pleasant, says go to Matthews & Washburn, Alljany Or., to buy stoves and ranges, because they only keep the best and always do as t hey agree to. Three Families Arrested on the Streets Of Albany, by the magnificent display of hardware, stoves and ranges at Mat thews & Washburn's, who carry the largest assortment iu the Valley. THK Jt'KT LIST. Following Is the list of names drawn, from which the jurors will be selected for casus in the circuit court for Linn county tor the present year: Albany B Swank, John Pchtneer, N II Allen, Strouder Froman, J V Cu sick, H M Peuuinglon, C G Bttrkhart, Wm Ketelium, Jacob Clum, H A Daw son. R A Irvine, David Bttrkhart, F IVebler, Phil Swank, Jas Wallace. West Albany Frank Trites, James Hunter, Ulle Peters, M Sternberg, (J V Warner, J V Pipe. W C Morgan, M Hulburt, A J Auslyn, Morgan Huston, Geo Cllne. I F Conn, R B Vuuk, F M Redfield, B WCundiff. East Albany J F Hadley. J E Knox. G W Harris, John Isom, Geo Geisen- .lorfer. F I) Haight, W H Goltra, Smith Cox, Ed Chambers, Price Wallace, I N Woodle. Brownsville W D Washburn, W T Cochran, Luther White, C E Rock well, Oliver Chesney, Joseph Hume, D M Walters, J W Swank. Brush Cr..-ek H F W Hamilton, J N Rice. Fox Valley press Berry, Q W Gar dener, J B Potter, W E Potior, F F Bodiker. Frauklin Butte John Curl, Henry Ray, A R McDonald, R D Cs laran, John Bryant, Wm Brenner, Isaac Griffin, Nute Crabtree, Thos Allison, John Cyrus, John Bilyeu, Jr., Entxrh Shelton, Chtis B Dcnkins, M YV Miller, A W Gains. Harrisburg John Sommervllle, Jno Hay worth, J F McCartney, Hugh Din whJdie, H Bishop, G M Alrord. Crawfordsville H B Derrick, Milton Washburn, Robert Glass. Center Isaac Whealdon, Moses Par ker, J W Swauk. Rock Creek Thos H Butler, R May s, E S Barzee, T B Barnes, W J Turn ridge. Liberty Thos Arnold, J D Arthurs. Lebanon Chris Hardman, G W Cruson, John Denny, A Jack Adams, J R Peebler, Joe El kins, N Bridge, F M Crabtree, Ed Myers, P Kester, V B lonaca, Jonathan Wassom, A M Wilson, Frank Moist. Sclo Samuel King, T Munkers, II Shelton, O W Hunsaker, G W Phil lips, G L Sutherland, O W Arnold, W E Arnold, Henry Shank, Jr. C W Cole, Ed Goina, del Daniels, A J Johnson, Cora Titus, John Montgomery. Santlam W A Paul, Allen Charlton, JM South. J E Michael, Albert Sav age, W D Miller, John L Bilyeu, J M Hassba, 8 B Powell, E L Plutiimer, W E Ray, L C Rice, J D Lay ton, C L Leaver. Shedd R H Wright, W C Davis, C J Shedd, Peter Bether. Orleans Johnson White, W II Pugh, Jos. Yates, A M Achesen, Paul Min senmelr. Perola H A Powell, Rilev Garret, J H Rudd, J A McBride, 8 S Myers. Sweet Home W V Howes, Wm. McKinnon, Orlande Pickens, H C Moran, Thomas Lewis, D V Rum bangh, Thomas Morris,T;,rank Bamett, O H Russell, S F Hamilton. Tangent M C Calaway, J S Archa bald, Jas B Jenks, A Blevins, Dan Houek, J J Beard, Henry Freerkson, L H Smith, Geo. Cochran, Joseph Simpson, James Morgan. Waterloo J W Bishop. BenParrL-h, Isaac Saltmarsb, Dan Simm, W W Parrish. At the last regular meeting of the C. M. C. A., a communication was re ceived from the recruiting officer at Sodaville asking the Grand Instruct ress to institute a lodge at that place. The communication was referred to Messrs. Allsides and Topheavy, the committee on organization, who re ported such an organization impractic able at present owing to the bottomless condition of the roads. The following communication was also received from the mustering sen tinel: To Yoor Roynl Hijrhnei. the Grntwl Inrtrwt ress: Whereas, article 4, se tkii 9, of our ronti tutl'n hiw been violated. It l-riiies thtdmyof j-rttir huml'le servant to report the said case to yonr royal hljrhnecs. The section ot the constitution above referred tort-acln: "No male mi-rabcrof thi anociation shall be alio wed to acevt a lantern with whit-h to bcht his wandering (step homeward after hav ing stayed out after reinilation hour.' In the casu aiiove rrfem-d to a certain youne and handsome gentleman having i!oie some little distance fonn the city to fee the otm-ct of his aiTW-tious rorjrtteth the old adage that "lime tiieV' and ere he awake to a tvaliatiim of the fart the shade of nijfht are falling: around bins, which cau-cih the young clerk to quake and tremble with fear, while his yotinp l.idy frifitd tried, by the laving on of hands and the applica tion of tulip aalve and other remedies, to rvtore him to his natural atate of equilibrium, but with out avail. Finally, however, a happy thought came into her by this time badly-rattied mind; '1 11 loan him the lantern!" Putting her thoeirht Into execution, she pot the lantern and ofletvd H to her 'nnrar lump. This was too much for the younfr man. and falling: at her feet, he moinent-d ner t-orn-patch with the briny team of grateful thankfulness. At length he wais able to rise, and with a bounding heart he pursued, through the wind and rain, his perilous Journey bark to town, never once falling, lor he as guided by tle light of the lantern given him by his 'little bunch of rose," as he expresses it. The young lady called at the More the next day and got the lantern, and as she now has It, 1 would advise your highness to guard against the roenactment of this f-ene, as it t very demornlU ing to the young man. to say nothing alout tha ctl'cct it bad on the lantern. Yours dutifully. Muster I xg Kkxtinel. CANADA. J. S. Caldwell has been quite sick, but is slowly Improving. Benny Mills, of Tangent, was visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Cummings last week. Misses Olive and Lula Morgan are expected home next week from Shedd, where they have been visiting their grandparents, Mr. aud Mrs. Miller Morgan. Jas. Morgan and family and Mr. and Mrs. Curamidgs spent New Years with W. A. Gleason and family, where as fine a dinner as was ever spread before a king was enjoyed, and although a very rainy dajT, it passed off pleasantly and was enjoyed by all who were pres ent. iire noticed in the Democrat of Jan. 9 where a gentleman iu Yamhill coun ty butchered a hog that weighed 675 pounds net and was three years old. Now that Is a good-Ized hog, but Dtnn couuty can beat that. W. H. Cum mings of Lebanon butchered a hog that weighed 422 pounds and was only a year and a half old. Its head weighed. 30 pounds. Mr. C. challenges all of Linn to beat him. Brown-Eyed Saixie. personalities. Dr. A. ?. Prill of 6weet tlome called Thursday. I)r. Barker returned from Qtiartzville Wednes day. F. H. Roscoe of Albany was In Lebanon Tues day. T. U Rice, of Waterloo, left for Glendale Monday last. Itreck Mover of Brownsville made Lebanon a short visit Tuesday. Mr. Gilliam, f Illinois, Is spending a short time with his relative, A. P. Blackburn. Mr. Bossier, formerly fireman on the libation road, returned from Missouri recently after an absence of several months. Commissioner Rnmbaugh . who has been in at tendance at the county court for several days, returned to Sweet Home Saturday. W. B. Blanchard, of Brownsville, started to Al bany Tuesday, missed connection at the Junc tion, and came over to 1ebauon, aud went to Al bany on the evening train. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve In the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chaped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, aud all !kin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. Tt is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 2-5 cents per box. For sale by J. A. Beard. A CHILD KILLED. Another child killed by the use of opiates given in tne torm of Soothing syrup. Why mothers give their chil dren such deadly poison is su prising wfeen they can relieve the child of its peculiar troubles by using Dr. Acker's Baby Soother. It coutains no opium or morphine. Sold by M. A. Miller. - BWEKT HO.MK. Mud. . - Measles, Barbers. Our barber has gone. - Jim, Dick and Hurry had an attack of the measles. Our bund boys have divided to some exieut (!t money.) "I pronged and she said she would If I would be a good boy." Qtille a number of young folks from Fern itldge spent the holidays In this vicinity. The foothills near our beautiful vil lage have put on their ermine garb, snow iH'lng lu sight. D. Andrews' family have been hav ing a siege of sickness, but we are glad to say they are improving. Our Justice of the peace, Hit-hard (Diekl Watklndu, took a little salti)va tlou along with the measles. Our postmaster was kept In his room a short time ago on account of illness, but is seen on our streets ngain. Business Is very quiet In our burg nowadays. People do not venture out this rainy weather for mere pastime. Joe Collins and Tom Cheaher hnve contracted to make, we think, 75,5231 rails, and they will If they will only stay boys. s We are sorry (?) that we have last so valuable (?) a piece of humanity as we did when we lost Dr. Maxtongetona tearandtakehUdeparttncintbenightaiid nnttellanythingaboutit. But we all have to bear our losses. r " Some of the boys got allttle toomuch IX D at the dance Christmas tdght, and some of them wanted to fight. Hoys, you should quit drinking before you take thelastdrink, then you would not feel so much like fighting. Jtad boys light. . Quite a-sensation was crrated here recently, when a certain young man, whose occupation Is iwrberlng,' wrote a certain young lady a letter which read about as follows: t'Kjtn : I am In so much trouble and mis ery without you: and you know hen I aoked yon to be mine ymi said vou would tf I would be a good boy, and uow 1 will give vou till tn-motv row noon tnmake up pair mind, and tf vou da not marry me 1 w ill kill you and then end my life. Hefceuttothe eirl's home about 4 o'clock in the morning to deliver the letter. The girl not leingat home, he gave the letter to her ma, and the mother beinga little suspicious, opened the letter and read it. She went to call in assistance (she Mug a widow); also notified her daughter; then as she was going to town she nu t the disap pointed lover, who wanted to compro mise and not say anything alout the matter. She gave him back the letter and he came to town. Someone told him he had better Bkip, as he had laid himself liable to the law, and the last we heard of him he was hitting the road to Lacomb at a rate of 2:40 lime, knocking the bottom nut of the roa i. When he got to the bridge across the Santiaui he stopped, no doubt with the intention of making the fatal lean, but seeing the fish come to the surface of; the water he thought he would not feed his love-wrecked form to the little minnows, then, startled at the sound of hoofs, he hit the road with increased energy and greater speed, and soon put i . . . toe lerii-vovereu nuges IX I wee II nim and his cruel sweetheart. Uno. The people of Sweet Home have had a serious time on account of the measie epidemic. In one instance at least the whole family, husband, wife and three children were down at the same time, making them for the time dependent on their neighbors, who, I am pleased to say, are always ready to aid iu time of sickness. . By good nursing and the skill of our young physician, Dr. Prill, those still afflicted are rapidly recover ing. The holidays are past, but we n tuember them with pleasure. All seemed to combine to make -those around happy. The Christmas tree was a decided success. It -was heavily laden with lieautifut and useful pres ents for young and old. The pngram of exercises was good, the young peo- fde acquitting themselves admirabl n their declamations. The music was very good and appropriate. The Swet Home band deserve credit for their masterly efforts. They are learning rapidly, and if they continue to im prove they will soon stand shoulder to shoulder with bands that have perhaps greater notoriety at present. While we were remembered with a number of valuable presents on Christmas, for whieh we are very thankful to the kind donors, our brightest spot during the holidays was New Years eve, the neighbors and friends filing into house, each laded with groceries, provisions, &c. Ac, until there was scarcely room left for ourselves; the ladies even tak ing charge of affair in the kitchen, and soon had a good stiper waiting. Well, Mr. Editor, we just submitted, and hope these dear people may efteu be as glad and happy as their greeting made us on New Year's eve. Thos. A. Yost. ACADEMY NOTES. Miss May Ross and Miss Harden entered school this week. MissCclia Smith, a former student at Sautiam Academy, visited the school Monday. The new officers of the E. L. S. were installed last Friday evening; we pre dict that their term in office will be one of prosperity aud success- The following question will he dis cussed at the Elite Literary Societv on next Friday evening: Resolved, that the fear or punishment is a greater in centive to effort than the hope of re ward. The latest question of interest Is a challentte by the young gentlemen to the ladies in the spelling class for a contest In orthocranhv. We under stand that the ladies have accepted the cnaiienge. with eager anticipation somewhat mingled with fear and trembling, we await the contest. . Several of the students. at present are preparing to at tend the teachers exami nation next month, while several of the other students- now-hold certificates. We suppose that Santiani Academy tir tne ruture win continue to do as. she hasldone in the past: in fitting teachers to fill positions iu tbe country schools of this county. "academical." Statx or Onto, City or Toledo, H CAS UOCNTY, I '- . . Frank 3. Chenft makes oath that he Is tlie doing; business in the City of Toledo, County amf State aforesaid, and that said firm will pav tbe sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by tne use oi hall s (jatakkh i ckk. FRANK J. CHENEY.. Sworn to before me-nd subscribed in mv pres ence, this 6th day of December, A. I). 18. ' (m-alH A. W. GLEASON,, - y Notary Public. . Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Inter nally and acta directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, 0. BSTSold by druggists, 75c Llrer Complaint Blllousnesa. The symptoms of this disease are de pression of spirits, foul coated tongue, bad tasting mouth, disagreeable breath, dry skin with blotches and eruptions, sallow complexion and yellow eyes, tired aching shoulders, dull pain In ritrht side, faintness.dizziness and irrejr- ular bowls. This complaint in all of its lorms can oo reaany cured uy taK mg Dr. Gunn's Improved Liver Pills as directed, and a lingering spell of sick ness will often be warded off by their use. Sola at zo cents a box by Al. A. Miller. .. Kev. F. II. Calder, lu company with Evangelist Alridge, came over from Brownsville Friday, . Otllt tJIUNDSTO.VE. i Chlr-up, said the robin, spi kig Is com ing. The'Sinate USImon-pure(?) Republi can this time. Hereafter we shall announce births under the head of "Sheet Music." One may be deprived of the sense of hearing aud yet huvtt a de(a)rinlte knowledge of sound. One trade has been highly honored In this country; nil our prcsideuts have been cabinetmakers. Because the violin utters put-turn! sounds, some have Inferred that it pH sesses the faculties of speech. The bald headed man Is made the butt of manj' a Joke, but no one ever thinks of calling him a halr-braiued fellow. The difference between women and men as talkers, lies altogether between the superior and submaxillary bones. Husband and wife may te one, but you can't make the landlord believe it when you come to settle your hotel bill. The. reason clergymen have such poor railroad accommodations is that they never stipulate for more thau half-fare. The complaint that Chinese mer chants give short measure grows out of the fact that Chinamen believe In short feet. " - v "The wicked shall not live out half their days," read the husband, and the good wife wondered If he didn't come of along-lived family. A Dakota man, on hearing tWtt the Indians had broken out, declined join ing the milititt on the grouud that he had never had the measles. This world, says some one, la debtor to lowly cradles. This may actount for the fact that the smaller members of tho family jiet all the "back" pay. Wife to huslntnd, who had Just re turned from a visit So you arc going hack; you must have felt perfectly at home with the family. Husband Oh no, I enjoyed myself. Row to Break I'p a flevar Cold, rrora the Virginia City, Mont., Mad soniau When we find a medicine we know to possess genuine merit, we consider It a duty, aud we hike pleasure lu telling the public what It Is. Such a medicine we found Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy. Bv the use of thiSMyrup we have reiieveL in a few hours, severe cold?, and In the course of two or three da.vs, entirely hrokeu them up, as has sev eral of our friends to whom we have recommended it. It Is all It Is rep resented by the manufacturers. If you have a cough and want to stop it, L'liMioU rlaiii'n t:otih Remedy will do the work. For stile by M. A. Miller. Kotlee to Farmers. s Wanted at tnoi: r-bieki-na. rim-Ira itpnp. tlir!rVii fruit titittpr . . . - " - -- ..... - , eggs, and all kinds of farm produce, for which I will pay the highest price lu cash or exchange for goods. J1 X d- ...... . , Albany, Or. Pa riTivEJ Ami l- 4 f f ATA Final Hbenntalism, Neuralgia, Corns HEAOAOHE. And ALL PAIN. Taa California Poiitlvs sad Kjgs'ivs ELECTRIC COUGH CURE ojnt cold, chqvp. consumption. !a j all Drapg Ut. Eaea SSo, 50e a (I Craaslnawr a Co", Prop's. Los ncls. Oal, , For Sale by J. A. Beard, Lebanon. THE CRY OF MILLIONS! OH. 7W BRCK! STOP IT NOW, SOON IT WIIL It TOO LATC. I have been troubled many yean with disease of the kidneys and have tried many different remedies and have ought aid from different physicians without rel:ef. Aboat the IJth of April I was aufferins; from a very violent attack that almost prostrated me la sucn a manner inai a was una uvpr. When I aat down it was almost Ira possible for me to get op alone, or to put on my clothe, when kind Providence sent Dr. Henley, with the OREGON KIDNEY TEA, to my hotel. I Immediately commenced nsina- the tea. It had aa almost miraculous effect, and to the aston ishment of all the guests at the hotel. in a few days,! am happy to that I was a new man. I recommend the tea to all as 1 have been. O. A, TPPPER. Proprietor Occidental Hotel, Santa Rosa, CaL. GO mm 1 m r "s F 4 ii ttr wm afflicted! I 11 T. C. PEEBLER'S FOR BARGAINS Groceries, Tobacco and Cigars, FINE EXTRACTS, TEA AND COFFEE, PRIZE BAK : ING POWDER, CROCKERY and GLASSWARE. CASH PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. ST. CHARLES HOTEL, M. V. DOUD, Only First-Class BOARD REASONABLE, U. -.- r-J . mtmsjm m.zam- vviiiitotrjt r. iioks. Jan.O, 16M). Itain, rnin, rain. Kan tin iu has liecu quite h'gh at this phiee. Light snAW this morning, the first this M'HNOll. The mail has lieen detained foruearly two w t its on rteeount of la gripjie anil bad weather. O. B. Whltcomltf little boys are both over the meuM-ht except a bad cough. It takes pluck to travel over these trails this time of jour and In this kind of weal her. Mr. Preston left here last Wednesday with some bad boils on one of hfs wrlste; has ntt returned yet. MesMrs Workman and G.i.vlord aio upexpcetliig to stay awhile. 'Mr. JJoo.j came today with their provision. M. E. W. The Pulpit and the Stage. Itev. F. M. Bhrout, rastor United Brethren Church, Blue Mound, Kan., aays: "I feel It my duty to tell what wonders Dr. King's New Discovery has done for me. My Lungs were badly diseased, and my parishioners thought I could live only a few weeks. I tok five liottles of Dr. King's New Discov ery and am sound aud well, gaining 20 lis. in weight." Arthur Love, Manager Love's Funny Folks Combination, writes: "After a thorough trial anil convincing evi dence, I am confident Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption beats 'em all, and cures when everything ele fails. The greatest kind news I ean do my many thousand friends Is to urge them to try if." Free trial bottles at Bernl's Drugstore. Regular sizes 60c. antltl-00. "Th Jersey Lily." Asni.r?KA Cottage, L. B., July 2. Gentlemen: Altho' It la very unusual for me to use any lotions or wavhes, still, : in answer to your request, I have tried- Wisdom's Violet Cream and Itohcrtine. The former I consider especially efficacious In caws of roughness of the skin, and I have tteen using it every day for the last fortnight. I have found the Underline an excellent rreparatlon In cnec of tan, sunburn, etc., caused by exposure to March winds and a July sun. Youis f-iithfulfy, " LlM.IK Lanotrv To Messrs. Wisdom fc Co. A Sura Cars for fllea. Itching Piles areknown by moisture like perspirnt ion causing intense Itch ing when warm. This form, its well as blind, bleeding and protruding, yield tit once to Dr. ISosanko's Pile It'-tnedy, which acts directly on the parts affected, absorbs tumors, allays It -h!m? and ctfeets a permanent cure. One, iJiwginta or mail: treutlse free. Dr. B osauko, 329 Art h street, Philadel phia, Pa. Hold by M. A. Miller. Santiani Academy. Cla-we la Latin, nieher Arithmetic, Atecbra, Phyilry, Pl;y. Geography, nook-Keeping, I'. S. History and also In fwnmoo Branches. Mental Arithmetic dally after Jan. 1st, 1S31. Terms; 2 to SS per month. DAVID tORBET. A. M.; Principal. W. H BQOTH, M. D., PH YSICI AN & SURGEON Office In Guv's New Buildinar. Residence at Mrs. Ambler's. DR. W. C. NEGUS, Physician and Surgeon. Graduate of Royal College of Loodda and Fell vue Medical College, Mas. Chroulc cases a specialty. Canrer removed without pain or the knife OFFICE Klrkpatrfck'a tuildiuj. Lebanon, Or SAML. M. GARLAND, ATTORN EY - AT - LAW. LEBANON. OREGON. W. T. Bt !Y. L. T. Baius. J. W. Skates. BURNEY, BARIN At DRAPER, ATTORNEYS-AT- LAW, OREUOJT CITY. OREGON. . Twenty years experience as Reeister of the V. it. I-and t mec at Orvson City, Oreiiou. and in the Laud Oflioe practice, recommends ns In our afvM-ialty of all kinds of bnsine liefore the Land 0,!:ce. the Court. aiKl involving practice in the tieueral Land Office. TO IN PROPRIETOR. Hotel in Lebanon! BY THE DAY OR WEEK. HEADACHE DUT CURE 3 -&OTi!NG ELSE; AKY I! iOOK AT THESE FEE' They sliow a lack of early training and suggest a neglected youth. The path of duty was loo narrow for them; s:-sal! blame to it, either. Nothing could reduce their size ex-r-j-t a jack plane, but something might be done to improve, their shape if their owner could be induced to Wear Hackleman's Shoes Then art ivould conceal deformity like a corset. The shoo' might be large, but its fch ape ..would atone for its size. The trouble with these feet is - As much with the shoe as the shape. As much with the fit as the foot. There is no need to sufTer and feel ashamed because vo '. are puffed up about the feet; better have big feet than bur head. Don't let these little things Drive You from Society, We will help you out of your difficulty D3' helping you into a comfortable, shapely shoe, if you will call on C. C. HACKLEMAN. Remember the Rand-McNally Atlas we are giving away with every $30 worth of goods; only 4G left. . W. B. DONACA, -DEALER IX- GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Cigan, Tobacco, Fnrnisliing Goods, Etc. First-class Goods AT REASONABLE PRICES. Country Produce Taken in Exchange for Gofcds. Give Me a Trial and Be Convinced. KEEP ON HAND A STOCK OF Shingles, Posts, Boards and Pickets, Lebanon Planing fill -AND- UNIVERSAL WOOD-WORKER, ESTALISHED IH 1875 BT S. I. IICKERSOI. Refitted. Enlarged and lmnrovefL NEW MACHINERY OF THE BEST MODERN TYPE. I manufactxire and deal in Doors, Blinds, all styles of Winded Frames, Door Frames, Mouldings, Brackets, Etc., in fact anything man nfactured and kept on hand in a first-class planer. In connection with the above, I also have on hand a well-assortv. lumber yard in which is to be found reugh and dressed Lumber, Rustle Bevel, Weather Boarding, Flooring, and all kinds of Finishing Lumbe -for Cornices, Etc. " Will Pnriiy Um Blaodt rvTTtt4 tb iCi-aH' Jfraivh a4 Taatb. Insiiepcia jLtMCK piTrentTTa tan Urea moaciaa ana nerves ree.v new foTa&. alivns Mind Mndaupf-lie Brain Power. I fF ISS pcuiiarwthirBxwil ftn4 EaHU l.W ia DB. HARTZK 6 IB OX TOiIC m saft ruid aoee4y e TVi Oivem toltir, heml- nr otilv dd It lliA EkooulatriCy tf th4 oritrinHi. lo not rxpriTTifin set nw wsmwisjiu ji ffcs. Or. HARTER'S LITTi-E UVER Plt-CS Dure Con&ii(i&cJOH, Liver imi .i-i:it acd u-kfl Oaailad on recirt two o nti its potntfb . . Xi,-.' i L 4 ON SALr DEISIV Omalia, Kansas City, Chr; ST PAUL, ST. LO'" AND ALL POINTS East, North Sd? i UNION TICKET OFF C. C. RAWU-. Age'