r r cbaiion Express. X; JACK AOAMS, GEO. T,. At.EXAMEll. ADAMS & ALEXANDER, and rKorniKwus. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Dnc rcnr Six i'mnth Tlirw raimihs....; Suislc cn nvs . .12 W . 1 .. ." C1TT EI.KrTlt)N. BROWNSVIllK BRKKZES. The oitv election is over nn1 ma jority of the KHpJe have deoh'.rvd by their votes that they are willing to jjrant a lievnse to a saloon for the pur ine of selling spiritous liquors for the ensuing year. . The election va con ducted so quietly that a stranger visit tug our town would not know thnt it was election day unless lie was told of the fact. The result was a surprise to n-innv, but they r.eet not look far for the csuse. The fait is that the propri etor of the saloon, by conducting his business in a quiet, orderly manner in the past, baa contributed more to the ueetss of the conservative ticket than ail other eausesTeombined, and it would be well for him to stick a pin right here for future reference. It is a good Vointer, and shows that a well-con- flatted saloon is not so objectionable as it might be. Several years ago one of Rmwns- - ville's quiet, steady-going citizens sud denly became imbued with tlu idea that Brownsville needed a railroad. At that time the only means of com munication with the outside woJd was a wretched, washed-out, portable ,OTt- torn county road between Brownsville and Hulscyy the navigation of which in winter required about as skillful a nilot as the Columbia river bar in a lad storm. Hrownsviile at that time had nt got its eyes opened on the railroad tjuestin, and the quiet, steady going citizen was laughed at when he ersi.stent ly urged the fx-ople to give a bonus to tl'ie SScotch company. At last Ins effort were crowned with su-evs-, tin? ties were laid, the rails were spiked 1cmu and the Utile engine puffed up ort:;tion. Of course the ro.id lu:s never Vwrtt what we desired, but when we remember that the little engine brought the big one, and that in a few jrcara from now Brownsville will le .-sruiated on one of the trunk lines of l.the great Northwest, the gratitude of 'The peor!e of Brownsville is due to -Oeorge A. Dyson, the man who so per sistently, in the face of all onpswition, ' --urged the people to bring the iron fliorse to this town. From a quiet oor tucr in the freight house, Sunday, w-e Mvatched the expression of satisfaction n his face as he read the words, -"Union Pacific," on a big Imx car on -he side track, which enme to Bivwns- villc as the re- ult of his tireless effurts The people of South Browiasville "vill hold a meeting this week for the siurpose of resurecting their long-slum-- iering corporate authoritv, and also tfor the purpose of procuring a new -charter. This step has become a ne--cessity for the reason that 8011th J Brownsville numbers among its citi-j j zens some of the most enterprising and i ' ; : . ,i t : H i . t . ifil-iiistriil I'ling iiifii uiaii liuii v HiH- -4y can bojist of, whoso wounded pride i Jas borne the taunts of their neighbors - a-.s lotig as human nature could stand. l"be homes of these men had to be ap proached over the ruins of a once Hieautiful town, where the diligence of iStPaul wasexempli'ied from the pulpit -itnd wiiere the parable of the unfruit ful tree was expounded every Sabbath dlay. Manv times during the Inst even years have we sat in the churches in South Brownsville and listened to the fctory of the foolish virgins who j liowcd ths oil to bum out of their -Titi find tlwin vrnt. r;lit lilts. th - " - -1 , -- - - - ------ - - - darkness and tore a hole in our best unday-sehool punts while trying to : get out or a big rupture in the side walk; and yet the citizens of South Jirownsvilh? expert to walk Uie golit Ji ned streets of the " e w Jerusalem in their beautiful diamond slippers, and leave poir Xemo tangled up amongst the rotten skeleton of an ancient side walk to work out his salvation the best way that he can. Oentlemen of the nioes-bacK lred, if this is your inter pretation of the iroldeil rule namely, do unto others as you wish to lie done by we wish to say right here that you are away off your base, and if you ever wear "them golden supers" in the; New Jerusalem, it will be against the j stem protest of 3-our humble servr.nt . for whose feet you have so often set s. , snare that he fears to visit one of your churches after dark. Of course you have saved a few dollars thereby, and if you think that you have gained the right to turn up your nose when we pass you on the street, we will forgive you and prayerfi.l y ask the Omn'e cient Creator to shod a new light a- ro s your palhwav. With feelings of pn - found sorrow have we witnessed ti e j decay and neglect by which you are surrounded, and many times have we , said to r.urselvcs, "Here are the fiiisli virgins, with ilht a dnr-gasted dnj of oil in tiieir lamps, and with the wicks sputtering in r.n uncertain way as ihey try to lead the sinners to re'peutasiee ViT a nitrwly, rotten sidewalk." It was a cJT.r ease cf the blind leading the blind, with tbo certainty of ell falling into the ditch together. In con clusion, we most nspoctfu ly ask you to let your lower lights he ba ruing, Sf-nd a glejim acrse-'H the wave, some jmor, s) rafrgliJig-hojnewnrd sinner's Sunday breeches j ou may save. Nemo. Our city election will bo held on the first Monday In January. Let every man vote, his convictions, having in view the best Interests of society, and alove all, vote as you could wish your sons to vote, remembering that your ballot on that day muy affect society through many generations. No uc tlon Is self-contained; all actions are influential, and the gvod or the evil influences which your ballot will help to inaugurate on that day will con tinue to bless or aflliet mankind through generations yet uultorn. No one can compute the dynamic of a single ballot, and before you vote you would do well to ask yourself a few questions, such as the following: What is the issue in this election? What will be the effect of this or that gov ernmental policy? How will it affect society? What is the financial equiv alent of a debauched life? Am I to choose lctwcen two evils, or am I al lowed to compromise with evil under any circumstances? What impn-sion will my son get from my vote In this election? These and many other ques tions which will doubtless suggest themselves to a reflecting mind, are Involved in the question of voting. The ballot is a sacred trust: it has a moral as well as a political bearing, and the citir.en who fails to recognize the former force, whatever may le his standing as a citizen, Is not to be en vied for his far-sightedness. ia . . j Come a Running! J JOIN THE RUSH! The Road to Wealth Cannot k tuccatttalty tratl4 wtth eat good hMtth. To roach wealth or any eotettd position In Hi rooolrot tho tall aomnton and operation of all tha fao Bltitt kind natnia hat tndowt at vttb. Thata contfltlont cannot oxltt anlott tha phjrttcal holnf la In ptrfoct orfcln rdor. and thla la tmpoaathlo arhtn tho Hvr and apltan aro torpid, thntoastract tn tha aoerotlont, caatlnf Indlgattloa and dytptptla, with all of thatr aceow anytnf horror. DR. HENLEY'S English Dandelion Tonic axertt a t pacific Influanco orar tha Irrar. xcltat It ta haalthjr action, roaolvot ttt chronic tnjoratmenU, and pronotaa tha ocrationt ; caraa lndlottlon aad conttl- patlon. tharpant tho appetita, tanaa ap tho anttra ayatan, aad atakaa tlfa worth IMn. And I3viy Your Goods at NET WHOLESALE COST -OF- onta REMEMBER one I JVIean What I Say And that for the Buy Goods Next Thirty Days You Can at Net Cost for Cash or Produce. BARBOUR BROS., -PKAI.ERS IX FURNITURE, ttiioi;tkhy, WOYEN-WIRE MATTRESSES, LOUNGES OF ALL KINDS, Chairs of Every Description and De gree "of Comfort, Picture Frames, Mouldings, Bric-a-Brac of Every Description, HARDWARE, in Fact Everythln? Belonging; to th TrmcS t Price tti t Dttfy Competition. Churchill St Montcith t Old S'.anJ. I have quit the credit business entirely, and from and after this date will not pell goods to my grandmother's uncle nor anyone else without they pay for them on the spot in Cash or Produce. I HAVE HOT ROOM TO NAME PRICES HERE, lint come in and examine our Immense Stock of Dress Goods, Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, ttc., and you will find that you can get " more goods for less money than anywhere el?e in creation. ' PETERSON 5 WALLACE, Real Estate Brokers, DO 1 GEIERAL AGEICI BDSIIESS, Including Fire and Life Insurance. HAVE ON HAND ROME- Choice Bargains In Both City Property and Farm Lands. LlDAY AfflOUEEIEKT Collections Attended Promptly. to Our stocks in every Department are now conijjie and we are ready to show the Largest, Best Assort Most Attractive Stock of Goods in this country. Q Specialties are too large to give in full; but followiJ. are some of them: J TABLE COVERS, TABLE SCARFS, LAMBREQUINS, LACE CURTAINS. PILLOW SHAMS, r 1 JO 10s n't Carpets, Carpet !. VARIETV", i AGENTS FOR I-OXDOS 4 LIVERPOOL GLOBE ISSt'R ANTE CO; GUARDIAN ASPfRANCE CO.. of London. OA KLAND IIOM E ISHCR ACE CO.. of Oakland, California; STATE INSCRAXCE CO.. of Salem. Orcfon. FARMERS' Jl MERCHANTS" IS8CRANCE CO.. of Salem. DRESS SILKS in Great Variety, in Black and Color, SILK WRAP HENRIETTAS, in Black and Colors, Ladies', Children's and Misses' CLOAKS and WRAPS, FANCY DRESS PATTERNS, BLACK and PANCY SHAWLS, FASCINATORS. LADIES' LINEN, LADIES' SILK HANDKERCHIEFS. RUGS IN GREAT BADIES', MISSES and CHILDREN'S FURS, TABLE CLOTHS and NAPKINS, FINE SKIRTS FOR LADIES, Perfumery, Fancy Crockery, Tea Se FINE SHOES, for Ladies, Misses and Children, LAMPS, Standing and Hangifi FANCY SLIPPERS, Plush, Velvet and Embroidered, FINE BLANKETS, White and Colored, ; OXFORD TIES for Ladies, Trunks, Plated Knives, Forks and Spool LACE COLLARS, JEWELRY, Etc., Etc ( STAMPED LINENS, consisting of Bureau and Table Scarfs, Splashers, Tidies and Tray Cloths, UMBRELLAS, with Gold and Silver Handles, bought expressly for the Holidays, , , FANCY CROCKERY, CUPS and SAUCERS, Etc., Etc. j Many of these Goods were bought expressly fc Holiday trade,-and' bought in quantity, and of tl best kind. Parties wanting cannot buy too soon, i near the Holidays the assortment gets broken, ai 111 the rush, as, is alwas the case, you cannot get t attention we would like to give all our customers TO YOU WHO ARE OWING ME. can only say that if you pay up at once you will save costs. Now don't think this means someone else; it don't; it means you; so come in ami pay up. I r CHAS. B. MONTAGUE. LEBANON, OREGON. eadparters for Bargains -1"N- DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, - FROM DESPAIR TO JOY. w ts& , Men s, Youth s and Boy s Clothing Furnishing Goods, Etc. JVO MOKE IF. It is an hor.omHo characteristic of the spirit of this age that pro tects f violence and warfare are regarded amonjr civilized nations with gradually increasing aversion. The Universal Peace Society ccr ' tainly dee.- not, and probably never will, enroll the majority of states men among its members; but even thope'ivho lofik upon the appeal of battle as occasionally unavoidable in international controversies, con cur in thinking it a deplorable ne ' ccs.city only to be resorted to when all peaceful modes of argument have been vainly tried, and -when the law of self-defense justifies a ptate, like an individual, in 'using rjo-orce to nrotcct itself from iniini- 1 iient and perious ininrv. Instru ments of destruction have so mul tiplied within recent years as to satisfy the most inordinate thirst for blood; id that too in a way tit. P.lnrmJ Strjr ad Haw ftfc. Vti flBMf Mn. Morton X. RarUa. rcatdlftckt Wo. tl West XSih ttnat, N. Tork CHy. htt psand throurb a mxt woadOTfnl HlxHeoot. Hit Harlan bad a happy bom. and throofh kar darattoa to Iter noma dtitiea arw-taxed eer tr.aath. Sba had da- preawd feallaa, an tire lack of aarnr ia Ufa. aad flaaUr a eouv at alffht and mora iiif which worca ach day. Cpen looklDf in tta Flar the saw dark drclM Bndr fear eras and ound that (h. vu rrowlaa tb(nar and loitaf nil iuterot )n lif. Thie piafvU UW of t blurt continued for month, uotfl ftnaiiy .ha cacano. go wank ska could not attend to fcer dutl. and wai oonflnad ohmr bad th. rroater put of ta. tiroo. On. day Mia. HarUaa T.ry 3ar friend Mrs. Viliard oalled aad ww aaaed to mo ber so nn and faded. Two brtffht hactio apota itootl upon each eheak. bar lipa vera blue. hor face pineiied and arawcu ana tnere wai a . w ujmru k nw ker heart M At her aarneat rrauwW tho um of an Knf ma imbv ady for oonuaipHon w tnea. At to. wim.n -rvry 4ittl effect could ba ma. ao rrentnn iaroad had da mo rnaua, bat by defti'ia Mra. Harbu) trB to regain ber lost appetite, then her ttreriffth, th.a ..r hope, then ber health, aad f b. is to day ia perfect pbyeloal coa- D1UD. wnonj 1 tho tie of Dr. Ac tiah Remedy lor Ooaauaip-I Ion. The lemon of thia aimpl. ttorr ahould ba plain 1 to all. No man or wooaaa can afford ta neglect Kfm .a .light but which become ao terrible un low taken in time. Thi. Great Kenedy baa laved the live, of hundred of wall known men nd women who were 00 the rerge of the grar. from coui umptioa bat who are Well and kappa to-uar. ItisaolduniTaraaUy. GOLDEN RULE BAZAAR. Samuel ID. Youngs Don't Go to Portland AT COST! Gradwohl, of Albany, HAS EVERYTHING To Be Found in the Metropolis. He Sweeps the Valley of All Competitors InCrorfcerr. Fancy Gooda. Tor. Rocrr Bros." S'lycrwarc. French China and Clawware, Boys' Wagon.. Dell Carriages, Elc. NOW LISTEN! rticollen Rule Barsar mukr. a specially of the Fluent Teas, lOfrt-ca anl liaktng ivaders, every arkape f which ia manufac tured for and bear the name of lioMru Rale Bazaar. To Make Boom for My Fall & Winter Stock OF- DRY GOODS, FURIISIiXG GOODS, IIS XOTIOXs, I WILL CLOSF OLT MY Entire Stock of Boots & Shoes JSJF COST. tfaMMrwT BATS m wTi Moot nn Also Keep on Second floor a full line of oots & Shoes, In which I will not be undersold. Come and see I will treat you well. me and piteous loon in aar eyaa. atra. wiu.ro anew tnia meant coawapusa uu touched for her friend. . AV . SI3IP O IV ALBANY, OREGON Oregonian Railroad Co. Gk-Hornl OflTiccs Corner Front mid V Btnt'tf, I'orthiiul. EAST SIDE. M roHTl.ASO T that calls for litUc military HELP WANTED. An i.Klwt-rin.H. intollifrent fll energoti man or ivdiiiuii w ilHiij; to vrk ran Fcrtirc prolital.t einv'l:nt iy iirtpjyhia now for the local aifiuty lor tiii Ut A n-hii litr tlint wonderful new book. Literary Industries, H. H. BANCROFT, Thk I'jmius Anrnis. x l.V. r. M. "iT(iff 7 V 8 50 l.T. . M. "Ifon 10 23 II 2 AX 5 ."A ,s 0: 6 oO STATIONS. ....-T'ortlan'l S I Co.-... Woodtmrn Pilvertoi Vort Scio- Tallmsn Hrow nvill Cohure lN'ttl LAM "it; a. AK. r. 1. 4 00 1 12 Ofl flS 8 : 7 40 10 9 :-S 7 .V 6 45 WEST Airlie Purtrnd Mhi1. Muil 30 " "....".."rNirllain! A V V....7."-.. '""3 15 12 W . Ihm'U-e Jimelioii 2 OS 2 or j?lnirilau 9 00 4 If. I11 8 12 4 ftS .Monmouth. 7 J 5 S, Airlie 6 4S What is it? Re;ul the whore for ftii hiij-wit. crc.it daily piipe r every it is A VERITABLE SURPRISE Hie inventive ETCninS of thlS liac I literary jt-wels . sru'l subiy of it nl wis- promipcs tne wnoie?aic aestrucnon , . . i e - The li;e-Mor-r a ir.an who, beyinniiifr lind in thC?e latest triiinhS fit : iK.llnm round of the huMer, has, by ilete: pcnnis we discover the strongest A rnUit n-eArl of TRAVEL, INCIDENT, ADVENTURE inniiiR at the rminot i-ilnr4r. cwmmic every oitMaele ami renehed i lie ton, AN IMMENSE SALE Sl.iRii.r all rtKKws arc deeply interested in tak fnwemil wort; and theriee the world over Huteen iixed at a phenomenally low figure. v ONE MASSIVE VOLUME n s ft ;ce. hound in Crimson silk doth, pilt eies..jX-ofitly cover dcsiiu Kver copy c eoiaj.itr.v,, itli o t:ne full pnire Meel plate por trait of tniit,'''jiTi-iiished author and 14 exqui.-ite hull-tone j!vs,'4mis, ;x9 me.he in sixc. Wl.WANT AGENTS argument in favor of arbitration. The humane sentiment that forbids the extirpation of an rmed foe J-fV jacans cf poisoning will, - just as certainly revolt nt ji. -death-dealing instrumcfits -of latter -days v.iiieK cnnteiTiplate nothing short i t the a unib.ilation of whole armies. T'np time ia cotnintr lin n:itii .nil ( WIi kAN . - - t In ciinnfrf .fcii.l In "-o-i- ertnnli.- anrl ! cnsigriB will fade to paleness, and intim fniV.nl i.st r tht. Miiii.neir. v. hen liigli uplifted on prouder staff' j Art,i' ''A'"-i; ' shoH fit fKt one flag over all nations, i and th.it flag will he white em- I 01 universal peace! '723 Market St.. Skn Vancnco. Cal. Tiekets for Wert Side totio'i for sale at loot of Jefferwn xlreet. Tiekets for Kart Side stations for ale at I'nion depot, eorner Kilth and I street. lasseni'r from Iu'taMon for Seio and other points north of Ttl;n.i!i (Sim: hern !';iei:ie ero--tns ean eo'ineet at Tnl'tnait nl l:.M A. M.. ' d for Urownsvilie and points oiitlt of Ta!ln.a:, con nect there at 'Am I'. M. LITTLE 5 Ba P- g BO HOT CRIPt, SICKEI 01 CONSTIPATE. SVtC evtt POt StCf Kf MMHC, ana ail mvoaaa anatnc rrom JadifMtiM ar Oaaatlpatioai k bT Pnrif vin tha Rlncwl. Tha ioa CM h aladr adJoatad to auit tha eaas, aa ana pill caa navar ba too laraa doaa. Easy taka aa ao mask aaaar. pilla pn ap ia a itron Tial vrhioh onn bacarrfad in vaat pocket. A Qrmt Cmm i wm. a a a 1 at ' Hi Trmaar. a 1 4 Inrfffkm,! aa htttla. af DR. HARTKR'S HvOMTOMIO. k M rVBlrlRStka BLOOD; llncUTIH hl.lTHfj mm KIDNKTSaad RanToaas the DKBIUTATCOl U HKAI.TH aa TlOOHOUg 8TRKXOTB tTovraf TNt MU HASTU MEOiCINECO.ST.LOUlS,Ma. CHAS. (Jen. Snpt. A (Jen. F. N. SCOTT. A Cnvs. Auent. Dissolution Notice. KtoTlCE JS HKKKBY filVKS THAT THE IN piirtnership lien-tofore exisiinjr betirccnj, A. Heanl and 1. C. Holt, of l.ehanon, Orecon. is this duv dissolved i'V luiittml eoii.-cit'. Mr. Holt reti iiiK. ' All .lehts dim l,y i:d tinn will he paid by J. A. Heard, and 11 dnlt dii4- o snid firm niui Ia: tsiid to eiiiier of the t'.ndei lned. J. A. IlKARD. . V. C. HOLT. I.el.an.-.it. Or., Icc. 1, THE HISTORVvWMPANY, Notice of Dissolution. N' TICK 1 ITKiiKRY G1VF.V THAT THE partnership heict ifore existirlK between Ht?r!x-rl t'tiiw nnd Kverelt T. Miiler, f Ibamin. on. etiLiis-ed in snu'iiiff wood nnd running a chopper, is this day disolved l,y miiHitil consent, Thesid Miller retires from the .business. Tho wud cm will i ay all deht due r .id firm and will collect all a.HHmt. dc to- firm. VKRl'.t fUiSK. KVKRH MI LI, RR, XfhaTio;i. Or,, Ice. 12, !!.' . 't i -.1 J V ' t- V -):.. - O. K. HARDY flax on hand a large atork of i .1. aaotwTta Bs 1M Ml tMW. Km PaiiglM mttnm, pt bin om mm omatu Itiii-ri'-liii1"' i itrrt ' ii r..----y Now U the Time to SECURE REAL BARGAINS. I Propose to Have THE Leading Dry Goods Store In the Valley. MONARCH GROCERY. "II 1 I 1 J A. 1 e nave cnangea our name, oui doi our uase. ii'amcs f may come and seasons go, but I go on forever (' selling ? goods to . , 9 Rich and Poor AlikQ. .- !' I For ten months we have stood at our post selling GRO CERIES, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS arid tho" BROWNSVILLE WOOLEN GOODS?, and yet our stock, like leaven, Increases All the Time. Jlchis MAIL ORDERS Promptly attended. $3 L. DOUGLAS SHOE GENTLEMEN. VtMt In tk wnr-lfl. CiainlM Ills U.MU(tl'l!)S HA! D-8EHID SBOE. fa.OO HAXII-StffEU 1TE.LT rhok. fSJtO POLICE AND rAKMEatA' 81IOK. fa.BO KIT It. A TAI.CE CAI.r SHOJC . HORKHQMlICa IDOL MWaad ROM' M HtKll RROK& All Baado la eoaareaa. Button and Law. W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE lafdi. Rm Material. Beat Srrle. Beat Fitrimc. u Bwt via uy your aeajar, W. L. UOUOLAB. W. K. READ, Albany, Oi-ejjon. wrtta BROCKTON. MAM For sale C. C. Hackleman, I.EBANOX, OKEOON. The Yaquina Route. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD, T. E. Hogg, Ftcelver, AND Oregon DeielopmentCo'sSteamshp Line 225 Mite Shorter! 20 Hears Less Time I Thau br any otlier Kuule. Flh8T-CLAS8 THROUGH PA8SENQER AND FREIGHT LINE From Port turn! and all points In the Willamette Valley to and from Ban Fraueiscoi CaL OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD. TIME PCHEIU-LE (Except Sunday.) Lv Yaqullir. l.v i orvnllis. Ar Allrtiny.... ... K)J A M .10 :3 A M .11:08 A M Lv AlbiMiy. Lv t'irvallis Ar Ynqnina. .. 1'.PM . 4:35 P M DON'T BIIIP Y0UU OLD STOVE. You can buy any of the LATEST PATTK1JISS CliCHp, Of SWAN BROTHERS. THEY CARRY A FULL. LINE OF Tin, CoppEr. wooden and Stono Wars, also PUMrS AND PUMP FIXTURES. B Job Jf'ork done on Short Ifotice. O. A V. trains connect at Albany and Corvalll. The alKive tinina connect at Yaquina with the Oregon mrelopment ComiM!!?' line of Steam ships Dctwceu aquina ana ban r raucLsco. SAILING DATES. S. S. Willamette Valley WILL SAIL From Y'lUiiiiim Dec. 10, Pec. 1!, IHe. 2. From Han Francisco Dec. 5, Jec. 15, Dec 24. Thl pninpAny reserves the rixht to change tail ing dates without notice.. WM. M. HOAG. C. T. IO0UK, Ciencral Manager. O. F. dc V. Agent. Corvallis Or. Uld Jason, like a iooJ. saiJeu in the Argo -to tOichis n searcli of the golden fleece; now-a-days people find (the gol den fleece in the Brownsville goods for sale at Bach's Cornel Store. i -..--v Remember, Farmers! I pay cash for 3'our produce and at the same time keep ; everything you want. Formerly, all roads lead tS Rome;' under the new road law every trail, toe-path and wagon road - leads straight up to " BACH'S CORNER STORE. WHEN VISITING CI DON'T FAIL TO SEE THE MAMMOTH STOCK -OF- Winter Clothing -AT NEW STYLES! NEW PRICES I r. Also an Elegant Stock of Cloths in Merchant Taik ingr Department with Frst-CIass Tailoring-. r Of' SALE DENVER. HEW HARNESS SHOP Omaha, Kansas City, Chicago, JUST RECEIVED Call And Secure Prices, I LKBANOX, OREGON, J. C. FREY & SON, DEALERS IS Harness, Saddles, Collars, Whips, Etc. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. GIVE US A CALL. At Fcteron & WsHaet's Old Stand. ST PAUL. ST. LOUIS. AND ALL POINT East, North & South, . -A.T - UNION TICKET OFFICE, C. Q. RAWLINCS, Agent. Alsanv, ; ; Obegon. O. LOVELEE, Merchant Tailor, LEBANON, OREGON. An Elegant Line ofStritirigsIC in Stock. i Cleaning and Repairing Proml and Neatly Done. A GOOD FIT OTJVIlArsTTj:iar. f i i v - 1'' 23 Market St., SrXrant V