The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, December 26, 1890, Image 1

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He who thinks to please the World is dullest of his kind; for let him face which way he will, one-half Is yet behind.
NO. 42.
'Southern Pacific Route.
P. X. I Lr
33 P.St. I Iv
15 A M. 1 Ar
Portland Ar9;3A. M
Albany Ar6:15A. M.
San Francisco Lv 9 OPT. M.
,bove trains stop-only at the following stations
nb ot Rose burg : East Portland, Oregon City,
" V-dbura, Salem, Albany, Tangent. Shedds,
"S r Harrtsburs, Junction Ciiy, Irving and
Roseburg Mail Dally.
8 K.0 A. X. Lv
11 S) P. U. I Lv
5j40 P. M. f Ar
Ar I t M P.
Ar l- :00 M.
Lv 1 6 :20 A.
Albany Local Daily (Except Sunday.)
S SjO P. K. Lv Portland Ar I 9 aX) A. X.
9 .-00 P, X. Ar Albany Lv SKX A. M
Local Passenger Trains Daily Except
2 :SS P. X. I Lv
2:5K P. X. I Ar
T iW A. X. Lv
8 :22 A. X. I Ar
Lebanon -Albany
Ar 9 ri5 A. X.
, Lv I 8 :M A. X.
Ar I :Vi P. X.
Lv I 3 :0 P. X.
I z Tourist Sleeping Cars
Vr accommodation ot Second Class Passengers.
attached to Express trains.
Mail Train Daily (Except Snnday.)
i 7 ao A. X. I Lv
11 :10 P. X. J Ar
Arl P..
Lv 1 IS 5 p. x.
At Aluany ana uunaiua kuuikvi ......... - -
Oregon Pacific Railroad.
(Express Train Daily Except Snnday.)
:40 P.,
1 Lv Portland
.nx n r 1 4 v M.TinnvillA
Lv 1 5:45 A. X.
, MB lnt'Ju ,n - ...
( For tickets and fall information regarding
,-atea. maps, etc, call on Co s agent at Lebanon
Manager. Asst. G. F. k P. Agt
p E NT I S T
Office over First National Bank.
AI.BAXY. - - - - - OREGOX
Dealer in
Grpceries and Provisions.
. : 1
Tojbacco and Cigars,
Smokers' Articles.
- i
Foreign and Domestic Fruits,
j Confectionery,
Queinsware and Glassware, Lamps and
t JUamp tixtures.
. i
Maim Street
LcbsDoo, Oregon
vr; l. McCLEUE
- i
(Successor lo C. H. Harmon.)
Bark : and : Hairdresser.
Lebanon, Oregon.
Shaving, Haircutting and ShampOO
in o- in 1 h latest and best style. Spec
ial attention raid to dressing Ladies'
hair. Your patronage respectfully so
.Bank of Lebanon
Transacts a General Banking Business,
Exchange sold on Npw York, San
rancisco, Fortland ana AiDanj, uig
Collections made on favorable terms
dleat Market
"resh & Salted Beef, Pork, Mtjt-
' ton, Sausage, Bologna & Ham.
. , Main Btreefl'liebanon, Org-.
An Anslrallan Poem.
The loneliest rifiht or nil the year!"
'lnencK man murmured w it h aweary moan:
And I shall spend, with ut a creature near.
Anotncr arcary tiirisiuius-iide n one:
A rrooilen shanty, com mor rotifrh, nnd bare.
Kline Rrelti r nffi'red tn a KiifTeriniy m-n?
Its door fluiifr open to the warm tt,
(.ourtingr, in vain, a breeze ins cheek lo fun.
A man well on in years: ileep-lined and pray
his nrow, and iiiose scam locks whlcu o r
it lillllff:
One who had lost, he had been heard to say.
All that he had lived lor while be still was
A world-worn wand'rer on the face T earth.
hom le th nnd rrow. in an tril time.
Had driven from the country of his birih
io loneiy iaoor in au Autrttl eilme.
Where .tolling without heart, to keep alive
A life he did rot cherish, he had failed.
As hopeless toilers fail 'mid those who strive;
er sorry life alone his gams availed.
Half-!ress d, and flnnfr upon his restless bed.
He. burnin -oved. irnzed out nnon the ni ht?
Gazed from the glowiiifr darkness overhead
-lo n nere ii.e distant townships lamps
shone bright.
Full many kindly souls," lie muttered low.
"F,ating nnd luugbiDsr on this Christinas
Did they my dire extremity but know
onid gladly sects my sutr rings to relieve.
And who am I, to wrap me in my pride,
Seoroinff- to ask what would he f el v pirpn?
Yet. no! 1 cannot Im-jt!" be feebly cried.
"Help, to be hi lp for me, must come from
E'en as he spoke, liiprh in the vast dark blue.
a meie r, loosin a irora its viewless tit s.
Across the star-flow red fl- li s of ether new.
Like some frrand Ure-winged bird of para
Its Irailing lusire shed a transient gleam
I Don two ntrures at tne cd- n do r.
Whose fact s brishtene l with atender beam
Ihe lonely hut that wee so im 1 cfore.
A womrn rnd a child! Was he distranrht.
That neither fear n, r wonder Le d him
To we come beinfrs wh, his reason taught.
Had slept for twenty years in Englisb
Why should he fear them?
W( re they not bis
ow n
The wife, ihe child with whom
h:s heart
had died?
What wonder if, when he was sick and lone.
Uhey lett tbeir Hraven lor service at his
Hand clasped in hand they crossed hla
threshold now.
Smiling udoii their loved one as thev came:
They spoke no word, but kissed his pain-dewed
And coolness fell upon his frame.
Row 'twas T.e knew not hot within a space
That seemed no longer than a moment I
A happy change had come upon the place.
And au around mm streamed a soit, ciear
The child was hanging gar ands everywhere
x aminar wreatits ot hony e glossy green.
Of laurel and of bay; while here and there
O learned marv lous unknown blooms oi
6oowy sheen.
The mother spread the table for a feast.
as mouth resuming old, sweet household
And he, in whom all sense of pala had ccas'd.
i as gently led this wo idrous meal to tnare
What was his fare, that Eve of Christmas
He cannot tell us, nd he only could:
But, if 'twere not a dream of weakness born.
He, for the first time, tasted angels' food 1
Then, smilii g stil', they h?ld his feeble hands.
Ana sweetly raited that old, old hymn ot
That -hoes on through widest-sundered
Tn Christian hearts all earthly Christmas
Come all ye faithful!" Were they calling
Bidding blm seek a heavenly Bethlehem?
He smiled in answer as his eyes grew dim, -And
strove to rise that he might follow
"Joyful and triumphant!" Ah! such hap
Thrilled through the humble hut, as human
TJnhelp'd by angel-teachers from the skies.
Has never heard, may never hope to hear.
Grandly it rose and swelled, that Christmas
Surely all the choirs of Heaven joined tht
That mighty stream of praise that bore along
Upon its flood a being freed from pain I
When bis next neighbors, on the Christmas
Day, Some friendly impulse to his shanty led.
Calm, placid, still, upon his bed he lay,
A smile was on his face and he was dead!
Lindsay Duncan.
"Only two days until Christmas!
How different this will be from the one
I looked forward to this j-earl" thought
Mr. Romain, as he restlessly paced the
wide porch of his handsome home.
"How ulcasant the air is as warm
and balmy as spring! Exquisite, if one
had some'one to enjoy it with; but I'm
lonesome. Poor Tom! How I hoped
to see 3-ou again, to tell 3-ou that the
fault was mine in that quarrel; and
you are dead buried only last week,
they tell me and I am back in Old
Virginia, with never a child or a chick
to bid me -welcome."
"Dood-morain Mister Man; will
yon please turn to ye nauetion?"
As these words fell on his ear, Mr.
Homaia turned and saw two little
children standing on the steps, a chick
en held tightly under the arm of one
of them.
They were pretty children, too a boy
and a girl, exactly the same size.
Blonde curls crowned each shining
head; brown eyes, with long, curling
lashes, looked frankly out from under
straight, clear-cut eyebrows, and two
little pug noses turned up merrily from
the little rosy mouths that were always
I Mi A
smilinor beneath. No, not always; for
there was a frightened little quiver
about them now, as their. owner looked
up timidly at the stem, handsome man
who was so earnestly regarding them.
"Come to your what?'1 repeated Mr.
To our naiiRtion,1' the boy explain
ed. "Palm's gone to heaven, and tve's have a nauetion; it's to dot
inorey, you see; we's goin' to sell all
our sings. Mamma says ye more yo
folkes come ye more we'll dot money;
and if dere's enough, we's not going to
sell my wockin-htuse. I'se dot Tickle,
dis here chickic, safe me aud Rosy
take turns holdin' her but tve tan't
hole ye horse. I dess we'll go now."
Did your mamma send you?" asked
Mr. Homatu.
"Oh, no! she's
cryiu'. an wo dus
fought we a neip
ask folks. 1 lease
turn, Mr. .-Jan."
And smiling hi a friendlv, but half
frightened fashion, the children trot
ted down the walk. As their little
figures vanished. Uncle Peter came
around the house.
Who are those children, uncle?"
questioned Mr. Romain. gazing after
Dov's po' Massa Blake's chillun,
lah. Yo' 'meitiliers I tole you how
Massa Tom done die las' week; well,
.ley's his twins. Dey do say it's scan'
lous how Miss' Blake's be in treated.
Massa Tom done sign a note fur a gen
neman. an' he can't pay an' dey is ter
be an auction dore to morrow, an'
Massa Tom not dead a week vet scase
ly. Po' Miss' Blaker
That night Mr. Romain sat tip late
in his library, reading over letters and
papers he had uot seen in ten years.
uot since the day he ha,l that qn-trrel
with Tom Blake, for it was ta s:tnie
morning he had received a cablegram
calling him to Europe to take posses
ion of a large estate left him. and yes
terday he had reached home for the
lirst lime since his departure.
"I was just beginning my battle
with the world then," he mused: "now
I feel like a warrior, battle-scarred
and louely. How enthusiastic Tom
and I were then! how close our friend
ship was!''
And taking up an old letter, a low
laugh burst from his lips as he read its
witty allusion to an almost forgotten
college scrape.
A very different look came into his
face as "he glanced down the. page of
the next letter which met hN ye And
"My Dear Feilow: After all, I find I can I
lend you that money. 1 nave reen old nrown,
and he is willing to Hive it If I n ortaiige the
Meadow Farm. I don't like mortgages, but
we must save ytur horn--. Ur wn imugims
that there is coal ut.der that land. 1 ihiuk
not. I'll tell you a leenet, hough. I know
there is under the field adjoinino-. -"In
ten years I hope to have m-wey to open
mv mining land: nv an ime I'll use my
Meadow Farm to save your home, -nd you can
repay me liefore the mortgage falis lie. I
ha I intended to settle both f. rms 01 Nellie
bs soon as we were married : so if anything
happens to me. my dear boy, you may con
sider Nellie and her interests your iegntcy-
Tours as ever,
To think I threw away a friend
ship like that!" almost groaned Mr.
Romain, as he laid down the paper.
Then a sudden thought struck him,
and he hastily rang the bell. .
"Uncle Peter," he said, ''who owns
what used to be Mr. Tom Blake's
Meadow Farm?"
"Old Mr. Brown, sah; he got power
ful rich on dat farm. 10 see, sati.
hit's got a coal-mine in it. On, yes.
sah, he's rich."
"And Tom mortgaged that' land to
save my old home," thought Mr. Ro
main, sorrow fully, "i wonder if it
could be that the" check I sent from
Enzlaad did not get to him in time?
In any case he's dead, and Nellie and
the children penniless, aud" glancing
at the letter again "a legacj- to me!"
"An auction almost on Christmas
Eve! Why, it seems fairly barbarous!"
thousht Mr. Komain, indignautiv, as
he entered what had been the pleas
ant home of his friend Tom, and was
so soon to be left desolate under the
hands of the auctioneer.
It was early in the dav, but already
the house- was rilled with neighbors
who had come from miles around to
attend the sale; aud as Mr. K'tinain
moved amoug them his ears wern con
stantlv orreeted with remarks on the
foolishness of "sijrnin' for people."
Sick at heart he entered tbe little kit
chen back of the house, which was as
yet unoccupied, save by Mrs. Blake's
faithful colored cook. Aunt Nancy
She was sitting on a split-bottom chair,
rocking herself to and fro, and occa
sionally wipiug her eyes with her blue
Check apron.
Where is your mistress, auntie?"
Mr. Romain asked.
There was a kindly ring in his voice
that unlocked the old woman's bur
dened heart, and she sobbed aloud as
she answered:
"Oh. massa, she done took de chil
luns, an' gou" to her cousin's. Miss
Rachel. It jest broke my po' ole heart
to see em go! Uut Miss liiake say
she couldn't stand it here, an' dey have
to go soon sure. Po' things! only de
good Lord know what's to come of
dem, she say. .
Oh. massa. hit awful hard on missis.
dis is. She went all over de house dis
mornin' tryin' to sav good-bve to it.
De little ones a clingin' to her kep' a
pickin' up thiugsV 'Mamma, dey won't
take mv wockin -horse, will ., ueyr
"Mammy, will de nauetion man dct
my little chair?' dey ask. Missis
tried to hoi' back de" tears an' speak
chirk to deni chilluns, but when she
come to her owu room she say: 'You
stay out here, darlings; mammy wants
to go in here alone. 1 took de cuii
luns. but pres'ntlv I peek in de room,
'nd dere my 00' missis, a kneclin' 'fore
massa's bir arm-chair, w'ul her head
lyin' on de biff famblv Bible dat she'd
put on de chair; she had her arms
around dat, and s!io was cryin' softly
"Oh, my husband! she whispered
over and over, and den she sav:
"A fader to de faderless, a husband
to de widow.' 'Dear Lord, let dia cup
pass from me.
1 J.
I shut de door den. By 'in by 8he
come out, all white nnd tremblin", but
she tried to smile on de chllluns as she
led dem down de walk.
'Dose po' little things! Kosy was
uggtn' her rag doll au' tryin' to ntae
it uuder her rag aprun, au' Romain
was totin' Pickie, de chicken, clost in
he arms. De nauetion man can't take
mamma's chilluus, and so he can't
take ours,' dey'd keep sayin'."
Komain?' repeated her visitor.
"Ye9. sah, Romain: dat'a for a fren
f Massa Tom's. Massa not see him
for years, but he talk a heap o' Mr.
'Thank God! Tom fonrave rue,"
whispered Mr. ltomain, as he left the
kitchen in response to the business
like ton of the auctioneer that now
rang out clear and cold as he began of
fering the parlor furuilure.
Great was the indignation of one
spiuster when the lirst bid of a tall.
handsome stranger, carried the price
far beyond the sum she had mentally
decided on, and he secured it without
Her feeliugj were soon shared ty
most of those present, for a similar
scene took place over almost every
article offered for sale, from Mrs.
Wake's piano to Romain's rocking
horse. The stranger outbid every one.
and was soon sole posesor.
He even liecame the owner of the
fnrm and slock, the onlv active bidder
.linst him lieinjf the representative
of Mr Brown for the Held adjoining
his coal-mine.
Mr. Brown had not expected to meet
with any oKv-ition. an I so had set the
unit his representative wms lo pav at
very moderate figure. This Mr. Ro
main instantly outbid, and soou se
emed the whole.
As soon as the auctioneer aunounced
the close of the sale, Mr. R-imain asked
the astonished and disappointed crowd
to please vacate the premises as soon
as xissil)le, as he had laiiight every
thing for a lady who would take pos
session of her projierty that nijrM.
lne people tiled slowly out and Mr.
Romain was at lat left alone with a
awverhehad brought, the auctioneer
and the holder of Mr. Blake's unfor-
nnnle obligation. - All - the claims
against the proiierty- were very soon
met, and then, after seeing the gentle
men depart, Mr." Romain hastened to
the littte kitchen.
Go for vour mistress, auntie." he
said, "and ask her to please bring the
children and eome back at once, there
js a jmper she mint read."
Y hen Aunt ancy delivered this
message, a few minutes later, to Mrs.
Blake, she was greatly surprised; but,
w ith the palieiic Ixirn of great snffer-
nr, she ut once called the children to
accompany her. and went home, won
tiering, as she walked along, how she
was to endure the agony of seeing her
home despoiled of its treasures.
She had dreaded the sight of wagons
and people moving her goods, and, as
she entered II e gate, was astonished
to see .' no one. Only Rollo, the old
dog. lay basking in the last raj-s of the
setting sun. and bounded up to meet
them. The children ran joyfully up
tne walk, and at tne sigiit ot the rooms
when they entered, cried gleefully,
Whv. mamma, maybe dere wasn't no
Mrs. Blake gave herself no time to
think, but hastened frnui one room to
another, seeking the lawyers, until she
came to her own room.
How pretty and homelike it still
looked! There was her husband's big
arm chair, still drawn un to the table.
just as she had left it; the family Bible
still lay on its seat, but on it lay some
thing she had not left there, and as she
picked it up she read her own name on
the big enveloe. With lingers trem
bling so she could hardlv use them, she
tore it open and read:
"My Dear Mrs. Blake When you rend the
erclnsed letter, written twel-e year, ago, b
my friend and your husband. I think you wii
not deny It Is my right to give you the en
closed deeds, etc., securing to you your home.
lie rave me mine.
"1 find Mr. Brown hurried the sale to secure
the land adjacent to his coal-mine. It Is very
valuable, aua in a rew years win make you
And now. my dear friend, to-morrow can
not be to you a Merry Christmas, but with
brave cheerfulness I hope you will make It to
your children not an unhappy one. I am
v ery sincerely your 1 1 lend, as 1 was your
nnsDana 8 xriena.
"A father to the fatherless, a hus
band to the widow." Once again the
words fell from the lips of the weep
ing woman, who for the second time
that day knelt bv the old arm-chair.
- Then, clasping her children in her
arms, she cried:
"Thank God with me, my darlings
we have a home one more!"
"And isde nauetion clear gone away.
mammae ltomain asked, anxiously
"All gone, my treasure; every bit
gone, thank God!"
"Then," said little Romain, careful
ly pulling out Susanna Louise from un
der his apron, "set down, Pickie, and
turn on, fo'kses, an' less have Chris-
mus!" Anna IHerpont Siviter.
Oat of His Head.
Guzzleton (alwut to depart after
Christmas dinuer at his club) Shay,
are you sure tlnsli isli my hatr
Waiter Yes, sir, there's your
in it.
' Guzzleton (looking in tho mirror)
Well. then. 1 wonder I 1 nam t bor
rowed some other feller's (hie) head!
A Sclentiflr Diagnosis.
Van Doodenbocker (in front of mon
key's cage at Central Park) "Say,
Chawppie, I don't take any stock in
this twash some of those beastly old
scientists invented about these cwetaws
being our gwaudfathaws, do you?"
Chappie (gazing vacantly at the in
tense faces of their monkeyships)
"Naw, tbawt I don't; too deni'd much
expwession for a gentlemau's gwand-
f fat. haw, don't chew knaw." Judqe.
The Out-of-Date Works at the Oolden Gate
to be Modernised.
Since the abandonment of Fort Scott
the artillery at the Presidio has been
greatly In need of a suitable place for
testing heavy ordnance and for practice.
Some months ago the construction of
earthworks was begun under the super
vision of Lieutenant Hamilton for the
reception of a battery for practice, which
are rapidly nearlng completion. The
works have a front of 170 feet and a
depth of 80 feet, and are sixteen feet
high, except the western traverse, which
Is over twenty feet high, being raised in
order to deaden the concussion and
sharpness of the firing, the hospital being
In that vicinity.
The battery consists of four eight-inch
converted muzzle-loading ritles, which are
the best firing guns so far Issued to the
service. They are mounted on Improved
barbette carriages, which are furnished
with a hydraulic cylinder ot bumper for
recoil check and are strengthened by
transoms or crosspleces which have not
been In use hitherto. The charge con
sist of thirty-five pounds of powder and
a conical projectile weighing 190 pounds.
The guns were formerly smooth-bore
and were converted by Inserting a steel
tube which serves the double purpose of
contracting the caliber and reinforcing
the gun. They had been mounted on
casemate carriages which would not ad
mlt of the use of a full charge of powder.
hence tne change. The earthwork Is a
simple parapet and not built as a per
manent feature of the post, yet could be
turned to good account if needed as a
defense. In the center of the works is
located the magazine, fully protected by
thickness of nearly forty feet of earth.
Congre e has appropriated $260,000 for
enplaeements for 128 twelve-Inch breech-
loading rifle mortars and for several
eight-Inch high power steel rifles, which
are to be placed as a portion ot the de
fenses ot this harbor. The emplacements
will be so constructed as to accommodate
sixteen ot these mortars In a group and
will be made of solid concrete.
Summary of the Platform Adopted
at the
Urmia Section.
The national Farmers' Alliance at Ocala
Fla., on its closing day adopted a plat
form demanding the abolition of national
banks and the establishment of sub-
treasuries In the several states to loan
money on land and farm products at 2
per cent, the prohibition by Congress of
dealings in futures on farm and mechan
ical products, free coinage of silver, pro
hibition of alien ownership of land and
the acquisition by the government of all
land owned by foreigners or by railroad
or other corporations In excess of what
they actually use, "the removal of the
present heavy tariff on the necessities
of life that the poor must have," a grad
uateu income tax and government con
trol or ownership of railroads and tele
A motion to reconsider the protest
against the Lodge election bill was de
feated, 56 to 82. Illinois, Texas, Indiana,
Michigan, Pennsylvania and North and
South Dakota and a portion of the delega
tions from Arkansas, Missouri, West Vir
ginia, Florida and Kansas Voted for the
A memorial approving the Paddock
pure food bill and protesting against the
Conger lard bill as discriminating against
the cotton oil ot the south and the beet
fat of the west was adopted unanimously.
The next meeting will be In "Washing
ton, D. C, the third Tuesday in next
This arrangement does not compel the
support of alliance measures or the ad
vocacy ot alliance demands on the part
of these newspapers in their editorial
columns, but does compel a certain de
gree of friendliness on their part, and
amounts to an absolute boycott of all
newspapers which do not come up to the
terms ot the resolution.
Parnell and the Fopnlar Majority A gain t
th Prlesta aad Leaders.
The split in the Irish party is complete
and Parnell on one side and Davltt on
the other are appealing to the people of
Ireland for support. The bishops having
decided against Parnell, the majority of
the priests naturally go with them, but
In most ot the towns visited by . the two
leaders of the campaign Parnell has had
the support of a majority ot the people
and Davltt and Healy in many places
have not been permitted to speak. In
some instances Davltt was the favorite
and Parnell could net get a hearing.
United Ireland, tne recognized organ
of the Irish party, under the editorship
of men placed in charge by William
O'Brien while he was In America, opposed
Parnell. When Parnell was in Dublin he
took legal measures to seize it, claiming
to own seven-tenths of the stock, and the
sheriff ejected O'Brien's editors. These
latter recaptured the office and destroyed
several columns of type set under Par
nell'B direction, but Parnell and a posse
broke open the door with crowbars, again
ejected the opposition, and published the
paper. The Antl-Parnellltes then began
the publication of a paper called Sup
pressed United Ireland and the followers
of the two factions amused themselves
bv destroying wagon loads of the two
sheets as they left the offices to be mailed
Koch's Tuberculosis Cure.
Success continues to attend the use of
Koch's lymph for the destruction of the
tubercles which, when they make prog
ress on the lungs, produce consumption,
when on the skin lupus, etc. The injec
tion of tho lymph, as has been stated bo
fore in these columns, causes the affected
tissue to slough off, carrying with it the
A quantity of the lymph has been se
cured in New York and Is being used
with Buccess in the polyclintlo hospital,
and. on the request of Kooh's assistants.
an agent an expert chemist, Richard
Rnnrinirer has been recommended as
sjmnt in San Francisco to receive a
Bupply. . i t- '
The lymph. Injected Into a person sup
posed to be healthy, reveals the presence
of tubercles If they exist, and removes
them. It is reported also to have favor
ably affected a victim of leprosy.
The French- government, has analyzed
a specimen . of the lymph and reports
that it "Is composed of ptomaines of
tubercle bacilli, glycerine and one of the
cyanogen compounds ot gold."
Women's Wages.
Sax Francisco. Dec. 10. ;
One of tho black chapters of outrage
and wrong In the history of civilization
Is that pertaining to the proper field for
women's work. The opposition which has
been made to the efforts of t omen to
work their way Into institutions of learn
ing, and into the various trades and pro
fessions, is answerable for the downfall
of many a woman who has turned. In
despair, from virtue to vice for the
means to appease her hung, r and clothe
her nakedness. The means of edacatlon,
until recent years, have been kept beyond
woman's reach. She might uot enter a
ollege nor an academy, 6he might only
study the more common branches In the
common schools. She could not fit her
self for any profession nor enter upon
it even if she we:e fitted. Gradually the
places of learning have been forced, for
very shame, to open their doors to the
sex, though therj are many colleges and
higher schools yet where ' woman may
not enter.
But when fitted for a profession there
has been a roost ungenerous opposition
from persons ot both sexes to her prac
ticing any profession. In the trades the
same sciusn meanness is marines tea.
No person working at any of the Indoor
manual trades in which females are em
ployed can lone remain Ignorant of the
extent to which the prejudice against
employing girls prevails. And when em
ployed they seldom get the same pay
that a man gets for the same work. There
are prlnttng offices which pay a regular.
stated price for composition 43 cent per
thousand ems to men . and 30 cents to
girls; the same practice prevails in other
trades. It is no defense of this crying
and cruel wrong to say that girls have
less expense than men, that some of the
latter have families to support. The em
ployer Is not a benevolent institution to
furnish means of support to his employes
according to their need, and he does not
act In that character. He simply hires
his help at the lowest price for which he
can get satisfactory work, and takes ad
vantage of the girl's necessity to compel
her to work cheaper tnan the man.
In every field that has been opened to
women seeking employment this unjust
discrimination prevails, and it Is answer
able for much of the crime and vice to
which so many are driven who were once
sweet, pure little girls. This distinction
In waaes between the sexes is a relic of
the ages when women were deemed
property to be bought and sold. What
Is the logical interpretation ot the system?
It is this: The workman who opposes
giving women an equal chance with him
to earn a living virtually says to the
woman, " I want to keep you in need of
money. You must not receive generous
wages. 1 must receive enougn ior my
work to pay my own expenses and have
some left over with which to tempt you
in your penury to step aside from the
path ot virtue. " That Is what it amounts
to in actual, every-day practice, and hun
dreds of poor girls, willing and anxious
to work and honorably earn their way in
the world, are crowded out of employ
ment by the selfish prejudices of work
men or compelled to work tor inadequate
pay, until, driven to despair, they yield
to the temptation placed before them by
better-paid workmen and take the first
and lrretraeable step toward the most
terrible hell known to mortals.
Woman's proper sphere, If all men were
in theirs, would be, in the majority of
instances, the circle of home ; but she
has a light wherever there is work to be
done that she is capable of doing, and
she Is entitled. In simple justice, to fair
pay for good work. Until she receives
It until the discrimination between the
sexes in wages for the same work Is
abolished the employers and the work
men who crowd women out of work as
they would not crowd men are partners
with the direct actors in the hideous
wrong of leading girls Into the hell of
immorality whose doors stand opeu to
receive them. Mattie Norms.
To Clraa a (Sink Spout.
" If you want a point or two about
cleaning waste pipes without sending for
a plumber," said a retired member of
that fraternity to a New York Telegram
reporter, who was complaining of the
trials of house ownership, "just listen to
me. It I were still In the business I
would not give away what I am going
to tell you now, but as I am out of It I
do not see why I may not help a friend.
One of the most frequent and trying
annoyances," he contlmed, "Is the ob
struction to the free, quick outlet of the
waste water of the washbasin, bathtub
and kitchen sink. This is caused by a
gradual accumulation of small bits of
refuse material, paper, rags, meat, bones
or grease, which check and finally stop
the outflow of waste, and then the
plumber is called in to remove the stop
page with his force pump. Sometimes
this is accomplished, but often the pipe
has to be cut, and there is great incon
venience and expense. Just before re
tiring at night pour Into the clogged
pipe enough liquid soda lye to fill the
" trap," as it is called, or outlet. Be sure
that no water ruus into it until the next
morning. During the night the lye will
convert all the offal into soft soap, and
the first current of water In the morning
will wash it away and leave the pipe as
clean as new. See? This is practical
chemistry, yet few chemists would ever
think of it. "
The Women Suffragists.
Mrs. Laura de Force Gordon pskled
at a meeting of the California State
Women's Suffrage society at San Fran
cisco, Dec. 12. Among the ladies present
were Mrs. Jennie Phelps of Modesto,
Mrs. Emily Pitt Stevens, Mrs. Addie M
Ballou, Mrs. E. G. Edholm and Mrs.
Maria Farrlngton. The report ot the
committee on the revision of the con
stitution and by-laws was received and
adopted. A resolution was adopted em
powering President Gordon to telegraph
the American Federation ot Labor In
session at Detroit, urging tho delegates
to adopt the resolution favoring women
suffrage before the convention.
Mrs. Gordon was authorized to repre
sent the society before the legislature
and to obtain what aid she could to ad-
vaneeHho cause of women suffrage la
this state.
The Federation ot labor adopted the
desire resolution.
n si
should be smart enough to
the genuine -Seal of North
Sncr Cut" costs them no more
than i
to fort
otiacco. wnicn someueaiers.iry
ra them.
Apaches are raiding in Arizona.
Watsonville Is to have a savings bank.
Burglars are having a boom in Oakland.
William Skaggs of Skaggs' springs Is
Vaca vallev took in 1.000.000 for fruit
this year.
Five victims of the lake Lablsh disaster
are dead.
A navv vard will surelv be located on
Puget sound.
Burelars and footpads are active at
Sierra City.
Fresno has shipped 1286 carloads of
green and dried fruit, raisins and wine
this year.
Shasta county Is exportinar raisins bv
the carload.
The Fiesno canal has been declared a
Footpads are numerous and bold at
The Union Pacific switchmen at Oeden
e truck Dec 8.
John Deutsch committed suicide at
San Rafael Doc 11.
Portland. East Portland and Alblna are
to be consolidated.
Constable Pearson killed Alfred Hourse
near San Diego Dec. S.
Delano marketed 9865 pounds of tur
keys for Thanksgiving.
urovme snipped a carload of oran&es
east Jjec. 10.
An army of workmen are employed on
tne new stocayaras at uaaen.
The Jesuit fathers will build a training-
school for novices at San Jose.
Mr. Hagle has got a divorce at Sacra
mento after a suit lasting ten years.
There is 20,000,000 acres of forest open
to settlement in Washington.
Entry of land containing the big trees
of California has been suspended.
Port Orchard will probably be selected
for the Puget sound navy yard.
Work has been stopped on the Union
Pacific's extension from Miiford to Pioche,
Cho Chung. Imprisoned at Portland for
Insanity, hanged himself by his queue
Dec. 10.
Henry Chappeli was killed by powder
fumes from a blast in the Chollar mine
Dec. 10.
Mrs. Langrez of Portland, whose daugh
ter was accused of poisoning her, died
of alcoholism.
Spokane Falls is to have a million
bushel grain elevator and a warehouse of
equal capacity.
D. R. Fredericks, convicted of arson at
Fresno, has been sentenced to ten years
at San Quentin.
John Hayes has been arrested for arson
at Madison and is believed to be one of
a gang of firebugs.
W. C. Fry has sued the sheriff of Fresno
county for $10,000 for arresting him with
out a warrant.
As much fresh fruit has been shipped
from Sacramento in 1S:W as trom the en
tire state in 19.
Cnarles JJamelson and 1. Jr. Carr are
in jail awaiting trial for stealing corn
from a box car at Lathrop.
H. M. Mitchell and William E. Dunn of
Los Angeles went hunting and Duan
killed Mitchell for a deer.
Two lepers confined in the San Fran
Cisco smallpox pest-house for want of a
leper hospital have contracted smallpox.
Foulke Lewis got drank and set fire to
his cabin and was burned up In it at
lreka Dec. 13.
Skaxit. Nooksack and Snohomish rivers.
in Washington, are likely to be Improved
oy tne lederai government.
A strike of union miners against the
employment of non-nnion men is in prog
ress in the Coeur d'Alene mines.
After a bad run of luck, in which they
lost $30,000 in two weeks, all the Port
land gambling houses elosed Dee. 10.
Superior Judge Mount at Spratrue. Wn..
has decided that a woman Is not eligible
to the office of school superintendent.
One man was killed and two seriously
injured in a collision wnicn wrecked two
freight trains near Coyote, Wn, Dec. 12.
The Sacramento Bee boycotters have
been fined for contempt of the court
which enjoined them from boycotting the
Aibert Dillwood and John Hern made
several bullet wounds in each other at
Fresno Dec. 8, but neither was danger
ously wounded.
Burnette G. Haskell has been arrested
for embezzline $72 50 which a member of
the Kaweah colony trusted him to collect
in San Francisco.
Sylvester Novella, who killed Robert
H'guera at Cayucos and was discharged
by a justice of the peace, has been in-
dieted by the grand jury.
A passenger train ran into a freight
tram near needles uec. 11 and killed Al
A. Thompson of Iowa City and a fireman
ami wrecked tne tram.
The eschscholtzia has been chosen bv
the state 11 oral society of California as
the state flower and the spelling of the
name changed to "escholsia."
Mrs. Eckerson of Pleasant Home. Or.
fell into a log fire and a log rolled on
her and she was burned to death before
her husband could rescue her,
Benito Solarsono was shot and killed
by accident by one of the shooters at a
Thanksirivinir turkey-shoot at Madera
Solarsono was placing the turkeys to be
shot at and did not make allowance
enough for bad marksmanship.
Shag rock, which the San Francisco
supervisors bought, against the protest of
the board of health, for $15,000, is one
tenth of a tract of tide land assessed at
$275. -
A gang of street graders under E. C,
Curlineame of Tacoma have struck
against a reduction of wages and com
pulsory boardini; at their employer's eat
bteeihead salmon, which run- in the
Columbia in winter but have been con
sidered of little value, have come into
such favor in the east that they bring
more tnan omnooK.
John de Mars, while hunting on Sarvis
island, near Portland, hid his gun under
a barn, beetng that the muzzle was
visible he pushed it farther, when it was
discharged, filling his leg and thigh with
Three men concealed themselves In the
Wljrwam. a cheap San Francisco theater.
Dec. 8, and after the audience was gone
pound ana gaggeu tne nigra watchman
broke open the safe and made off with
$1900 in money and $1000 worth (?) of
diamonds ( t ) ana otnec jewelry.
Castle Frothers of Stockton hired six
teen Chinese at Columbia the other day
to work in their mine at Pice Log, near
Copperopolis, discharging their white
miners, but the next night a posse of
Copperopolis miners drove the Chinese
back to Columbia like a drove of sheep.
The Del Norte county grand jury has
submitted its report, it charges that the
treasurer s books are in a bad condition
that there is a shortage of $851 3J in the
accounts of the county clerk, and of
$751 6o in those of the recorder. The
board of supervisors of the county and
the district attorney are censured for
neglect of duty.
The high Brazilian officials . ha-
changed their minds and will not let
ex-Emperor Pedro return to die la ihe
republic. So many signat -es w-ob-tained
to the petition for perml.SPn fur
the exiled monarch to return tAat the
officials became afraid he was too popu
lar for the safety of the reppjie.
William Joplin eloped w'.' -lis3 Miller
of Jenny Llnd, Ark, t"10, but her
father overtook them J l3re they could
be married and took wj)tirl. Joplin got
a shotgun and sttrtj: back to Jenny
Lind on foot. A ,-rrs! on horseback over
took him. Jo-. v.f!;ot and killed him,
rode the he7tv s far as it could go,
took posJPr., -y tf another team and
hurried tr? , ly Lind, where he killed
Dr. Stey-ivho he thought had some
thing -o dowipj fustrating his marriage,
antf then Killed Miss Miller, her father
Snd rnotLer nd himself.
Jarrtt Bote.
I ertlnent Paragraph.
The annual report of the bureau of
animal industry states that the bureau
has succeeded la producing a drug In
oculation with which makes swine Im
pervious to hog cholera. This, if true, is
one of the most Important discoveries of
the age and a pretty even offset. In point
of usefulness, to Koch'a discovery ot a
tuberculosis remedy, for if we can thus
fortify the American hog he will probably
be admiftei to European markets again,
and while consumption disappears in the
human race cases $f death from eating
cholera-infected pork, as well as those of
poverty from our inability to sell our
hogs to the Europeans, will disappear,
and we can all be happy together. Seri
ously, the statements of the United ,
States bureau of animal industry are
worthy of respect, and it seems probable
that the greatest enemy of the hograiser
has met Its match. The report claims
that a substance has been produced
Which not only resembles the bacteral
product of the hog cholera germ in com
position, but which has quite the same
power of conferring immunity from dis
ease. The Patrons of Husbandry are work
ing all over the land for both the Conger
lard bill and the Paddock pure food bill.
The Farmers Alliance, which is strong
in the south, approves the latter, but the
former touches the pockets of southern
members, forbidding the sale as pore
lard of compounds of lard and cotton
seed oil, and the alliance is pledged
against It.
Apple Maggot Fly..
We have not heard of the Importation
into California as yet of the apple mag
got, which is so destructive in Maine and
other eastern states; but there is a prob
ability of its importation at any time, in
similar way to that in which the codlin
moth was brought into the state. The
apple maggot (Trypeta pomonella ) Is
one of the meanest of trait pests as it
completely rums the fruit attacked and
every precaution should be taken to pre
vent its Introduction, and no pains should
be spared to eradicate it should it be
found. The following description by
Prof. Harvey will give some idea of the
pest. .
The female fly deposits her egg just
beneath the skin of the apple by means
of her sharp ovipositor, and the number
she may thus dispose of are from 300 t
ju. xnese are placed one in a place,
though there may be half a dozen or
more in different parts of the same apple.
These hatch In four or five days into
minute footless maggots, that at onee
begin to work on the pulp of the apple,
or the part between the skin and core.
In this they differ much from the com
mon apple worm, for that works round
the core, though sometimes going from
there out through the pulp. As the larvm
grow and the fruit matures, the channels
made by the larvse become brown. They
often cross each other, and in de last
stages of the Trypeta work run together,
producing large cavities. Finally they
involve the whole fruit, rendering it a
worthless mass of disgusting corruption,
held together by the peel. From this
picture any one ean tell easily whether
wormy apple is made so by. this Insect
or by the ordinary apple worm.
'The worms usually attain their full
growth in from four to five weeks, when
they are a little less than a quarter of
an inch long, slender, footless, the greater
part of the body cylindrical, tapering
near the head. The color is of greenish
white. With two minute black hooks on
the under side of the head. They usually
come out of the apple when full grown
and go into the ground about an inch
below the surface to pupate, but thv
may not be full grown till after the
apples are gathered and stored, when
like the other apple worm their pupee
will be found in the barrels or bins. In
the field they may not go into the
ground, but pupate beneath some rub
bish on the surface. In Maine the per
fect insect does not come out till July,
but it is probable that it it is to be found
in southern Illinois S appears as a winged
insect earlier than this. There appears
to be only one brood in a season, the
flies not all coming out at the period
mentioned, but hatching from that time
all through the season. The perfect fly
resembles somewhat a related fly that
hatches from the galls that are found at
this time of the year in the stems of the
golden rods. The body is black, the head
is red, and the two wings have four
smoky bands across each."
The best and most practical means of
getting rid ot the post when once intro
duced is to destroy every windfall and
carefully sort the stored .apples frora
time to time, thus preventing its breed-
iut- wmiurum r run, rower.
Xdme, Salt and Sulphur Wash.
The spraying of deciduous fruit trees
for the San Jose scale will soon be in
full blast, says the California Fruit
Grower. It should be unnecessary to
urge thoroughness in the spraying of
trees, but some fruit was noticed the
past summer, covered with scale, from
trees which had been sprayed in a slov
enly manner. It the work is not done in
a thorough manner, it had better not be
done at all, as both time and money are
wasted. Fcr the benefit of thos who
have new orchards or have occasion to
spray for the first time, we give the
formula of the lime, salt and sulphur
wash, as recommended and most success
fully used by the Sutter county board of
horticultural commissioners :
lake 40 pounds unslacked 11m,
pounds sulphur; 15 pounds common stock
salt; water to make 60 gallons. Boil ten
pounds of lime and the twenty pounds
of sulphur in twenty gallons of water
for half an hour or-more, or nntfl botlr
lime and eulpfcorare , dissolved. The"
sulphur must thoroughly dissolved
and mixed with the lime; '-the mixture
will then be ot an amber color. Then
slapk.-in an empty half barrel forty
ponnda of lime with soft, hot water,
osing enough water to thoroughly slacken
the lime and keep it in a liquid form.
After the lime is slacked, add fifteen
pounds of common stock salt while the
mawrlal is still hot. -When the salt Is
well disso.'.--i mix the two iota together
with sufficient water make sixty, gal
lons of spraying material, wiijh will
then be a thin whitewash. The m'at&riai
should be strained after being thoroughly
mixed through a fine wire strainer. -Apply
the wash, milk warm or warmer,
with a spray pump. Use either a "New
Bean NozzleJ" or a San Jose .nozzle. If
the latter is used, the usual brass disc
accompanying it should be replaced with
a rubber disc, to prevent the material -clogging
the nozzle. Use oaly wher
loU&ge is off the tree. i- -