The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, December 19, 1890, Image 3

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    DECEMBER 19, 1800.
"or a nice Bible call on M. A. Miller.
hen in Albany call on F. M.
. jTiu'h, the jeweler.
-wr.-EkkwJrick Is handling baggage
the Lebanon railroad.
, 'The Drain eras well haa reached a
aebth of sx hundred feet.
? The public school was reopened in
"the new building Monday.
? Messrs. Hale & Clev in jjer will oien
x blacksmith shop In Lebanon soon.
. I. Mouser is painting his house
.nd otherwise lniproviug his property.
We are pleased to learn that our phy
sicians have fewer calls than formerly.
. Ten teams and about twenty men
And regular employment at the paper
- nAU.
At the city election in Brownsville
Monday, the low license ticket was
1 elected.
'"no week since, snow had fallen to
ueptli of six inches on the upper
Calapooia. - ,
Jobs 8. Baker is repairing Firemen's
hall, which was damaged by fire two
weeks ago.
Mrs. Funk and Miss Ulery hare
been added to the corps of teachers in
ur public school. ,
Elk Horn Restaurant for holiday
goods, bread and confectionery. Klrk
patrick's building.
Dr. Barker, in company with five
other men, left for the QuartzviUe
mines Wednesday.
M. A. Miller has a few Webster's
Dictionaries that will make elegant
Christmas presents.
The potato crop of the United States
is estimated at 145,000,000 against 19,
000,000 for last year.
Ben Barker has built one house and
is at work on the second building, the
frame of which is up.
R. C. Miller has laid a new walk in
front of his property recently pur
chased of Mr. Carlile.
Now that the diphtheria excitement
has abatad, people need be no longer
Afraid to come to town.
A new sidewalk has recently been
built on the south side of B. F. Don
aca's residence property.
John Banta and Ed Kellenberger'
are building a twelve-hundred-dollar
house oa Bridge Avenue.
All persons knowing themselves in
debted to Mrs. George Rice must call
and settle by February 1st.
The Lebakox Express has added
Another niemoer to its staff in the
person of G. F. Skipworth.
All persons knowing themselves in
debted to the firm of Beard & Holt
must eail and settle at once.
J. A. Beard went to Portland this
week and on his return helDed to bunt
the narrow gauge off the track.
A. A. Kees left Thursday morning
for Port Townisend. He will vist rel
atives in that section during holidays.
All parties knowing themselves in
debted to me will please call and settle,
as I need my money. M. A. Miller.
0t winter is so mild and summer
like that Christmas fowls have been
inveigled into occupying the lower
We have had hot little rain so far,
ad the little which has fallen is very i
largely mud so it appears to an on
looker. lb". Perry was in Lebanon Saturday
eirctilatitig a petition asking of the leg
islature an appropriation for the min
eral spring afe Sodaville.
Tf you spit up phlegm, and are treu
bled with a hacking cough, use Dr. J.
H. McLeatf s Tar Wine Lung Balm.
For sale by J. A. Beard.
Buy your watches, etocks and iew-
eirr-r f . M. trench, Albany, ami get
hanees in the drawing. See list of
the presents to be given away.
An Eugene corresponbent scuds us a
curt reply to Nemo's arraignment of
prohibition some two weeks ago. It
will appear in the next issue.
On r about January 1st, J. R. and
H. Y. Kirkpatrick expect a florist and
landscape gardener to plat and adorn
' the park and horticultural garden.
Mining stock in the Calapooia and
Blue River Mill and Mining Company
for sale at this office. For full particu
lars, call on or write to Lebanon Ex-
Jos. Harbin intends to build an ag
ricultural implement house on Bridge
Avenue. The building will be 90x30
with a blacksmith shop in connection
with it.
The young man who expects to
marry in this community and do well
will find it greatly to his advantage to
call and buy one of those nice presents
at M. A. Miller's.
Are you in love? If so, marry the
Mol of your affections and then go to
Matthews & Washburn's, at Albany,
buy a stove or range, raise a large fam
ily ana oe nappy.
Hugh swenK (drove his team across
the railroad track just a little in ad
vance of the incoming train on Mon-
day, when his horses broke the tongue
out or tne wagon.
Owing to the wreck on "the Southern
Pacific Tuesday, overland trains were
cat oft from the wood supply, necessi
tating an extra trip for the Lebanon
train for a load of wood.
J. R. Kirkpatrick has $150 worth of
fruit trees for sale at wholesale prices.
These trees comprise some choice va
rieties and will be retailed to the pur
chaser at wooiesaie prices.
J. Wassom is having the brush cut
which skirts the swale running through
his land near the paper mill. He has
adopted the very sensible plan of mak
ing ail parts oi nis iana productive.
Mr. Stoke, although a new-comer
amongst us, has caught the spirit of
improvement which distinguishes the
town of Lebanon and is adding to the
value of his property in many ways.
From five to seven men behind C. B.
Montague's counters selling the neces
saries of life. A great business, well
conducted. What others call a boom,
is to Montague a common-place dusi
. uese affair.
The holiday number of the West
Shore is before us, neat, readable and
artistic. WTe West Shore Publishing
Company, by common consent, takes
the lead of illustrated journalism on
this coast.
Arrangements have been perfected
for a Christmas tree at the M. JK,
church, in addition to the many
..--presents to b distributed on that oc
casion an entertaini. ;g program will be
Brother Dneger of the Scio Press
mistakes when he says that Nathan
Russell died in misery and want at
Lebanon. Mr. Russell died in or near
Sweet Home.
Do you want the earth? If so, call
on Matthews & Washburn, Albany,
Or., and they will take pleasure in
showing you the largest and roost com
plete line of hardware, stoves and
ranges in the valley. i
jscriptions iaken '
tuw leading newspapersTSnirt!rrfWlWMu.
periodicals in this and European coun
tries. '.Subscribers will find it to their
interest. to consult our price-list before
ordering their papers.
Dr. Odell of Sodaville received a tel
egram Saturday bearing the sad Intel
ligence that both of his parents were
In a very critical condition. The Dr.
started immediately to the home of the
afflicted in Washington.
Beginning with the new year, the
sulwHM iption price of the Express will
be f 1 5) per year, cash In advance: if
not paid in advance, $2 per year. No
deviation from these prtcts. Settle up
and take advantage of the reduction.
Brownsville's new officers are:
F.. P. Roby, President of the Council;
W. A. Dunn, recorder; C. E. Stanard,
treasurer; J- Senger, marshal; J. C. Bil
yeu, J. it. McHargue aud J Shea,
councilman. The contest was a warm
Thesuit broughtby J. R. Kikpatrick
of this place against C C Calkins of
Seattle for commission and damage
was decided in favor of the former a
few days since. J. R. Kirkpatrick was
awarded his commission and also dam
ages. A. F. Hamilton of Sweet Home tells
us that the Quarts villo trail is now
open. P:rties who promised aid in
opening this road to the mines will
pkas make gnod their promised con
tributions, otherwise the burden will
fall upon the fw.
Mr. Bingham, who is largely interest
ed in the QuartzviUe mines, and su
perintendent of one of the leading com
panies, was in to see us Thursday. Mr.
Bingham, like every other miner who
has visited these mines, has unflinch
ing faith in them.
. Frequently accidents occur in the
household which cause burns, cubs,
sprains and bruises; for use in such
cases Dr. J. II . McLean's Volcanic Oil
Liniment has for many yeara lieen the
constant favorite family remedy. For
sale by J. A. Beard. -
This has bet n a very good year so
far in the marrying business in Linn
county, in fact the best on record, a
sure sign of a prosperous year. During
the whole of 1S89 there were 14-5 mar
riages in the county. Already this
year there have been 16S, and several
more to hear from. Democrat.
You will have no use for spectacles
if you use Dr. J. H. McLean's
Strengthening Eye Salve; it removes
the film and scum which accumulates
on the eye balls, sulxiuea inflammation,
cools and soothes the irritated nerves,
strengthens weak and failing sight.
Soc a box at lieara s drug store.
A new-comer from Tennessee who
arrived in Letmnon a few days since
came to this office and called for two
papers, one for himself and one for a
friend in the East. It is very natural
for one after having reached the
"promised land," to manifest a solici
tude for friends less happily situated
The trains are running in a very un
satisfactory manner just now. A trip
to Portland consumes the best part of
a week, and failing to connect with the
stage line with headquartrs at Lena
non, and passengers are given choice
between walking twenty-five miles
and stopping twentyfour hours in Leb
The people in this part of Linn
countv, although not opposed to an
appropriation tor the Columbian Ex
position, think that a little timely aid
from the State in building wagon roads
to our mines on the Santiani and cala
pooia would do as much toward adver
tising and developing our resources as
any other means that could be adopted.
A pleasant evening was spent by a
large company of young folks at the
house of C. B. Montague last Monday.
As this was the last evening that
Charley and wife would spend with
their young friends previous to their
departure for Vancouver, all were bent
on making it one of social enjoyment, j
The company dispersed at a late honr
after wishing Mr. and Mrs. Montague
success and happiness iu their new .
Fellow citizens, the time has come in
the history of our town when it is nec
essary to extend oor corporate limits, !
and as it can be done only by an act or i
the Icfnslature, the assembling of that
body in next month requires ininiedi-;
ate action in the matter. Our Kansas:
City suburb has within the past season
assumed the proportions ot a good
sized town, and should have a voice in
municipal affairs. bo will move in
the matter?
J. W. Willson of Brownsville drove
over to Lebanon Fridav. From him,
we learn that the mining excitement
has sot cooled with the weather. The
Poorman mine has been tested recently
at Tacoma and surpasses in richness
the expectations of the most sanguine.
Work is being pushed vigorously, mills
will be put up in the spring, and we
predict that next year will be a season
of unwonted activity throughout the
Cascade range.
The Brownsville Times offers a prize
to the one who will write the best essay
on the snake, its habits and manner of
subsistence. The Albany Democrat,
in a jocular way, says it has puzzled
him not a little to know how some
men live through the winter months.
Everybody knows that the snake be
comes torpid on the appreach of win
tei, that he hibernates quite frequently
in boot legs and lives on men's brains.
This is its habitude in a nutshell.
The committee on general arrange
ments, appointed by the First Presby
terian, Cumberland Presbyterian,
Southern Methodist and Baptist
churches for Christmas decoration are:
H. Y. Kirkpatrick, chairman; Mrs.
A. Mareellus, Mrs. Dr. Courtney, Rev.
G. S. Hanleiter, Wm. Wallace and
Burney Marks. We are assured by the
committee that the Christmas tree pre
pared by them will be a triumph in its
line, nothing like it ever having been
seen in the town of Lebanon.
We received on Monday of this week
three letters from individuals in as
many States repuesting us to send them
the Lebanon Express. We desire
not to mislead anyone, and although
our Eastern friends may now and then
happen to see a statement that looks
like an exaggeration, they must re
member that this country and every
thing pertaining to it is on an exag
gerated scale and that we but use the
descriptive language of the country
which passes current among those best
acquainted with our country and its
prod acts.
The One-Price Cash Store has be
come one of the features of Lebanon.
As everything is new and fresh, and the
prices are so much below that charged
in credit-giving establishments, peo-
Jle who desire to buy their goods
or cash natarally go to the corner,
where thoy do not have to make up to
the storekeeper for the non-paying cus
tomers who, when they can do so, buy
en credit, and who are constitutionally
opposed to paying for auything. Get
prices at the One-Price Cash Store and
if there is any reason in you that is the
place 'where you will purchase your
Ten fine and useful presents to be
given away $55 worth at F. M.
French's jewelry store, Albany. Com
mencing Nov. 1, I will present everv
one a ticket for each dollar's worth of
goods purchased, entitling the holder
to a chance to draw one of the follow
ing beautiful presents: 1st, large din
ner castor, worth $10; 2d, fancy fruit
dish, $9; 3d, silver cake basket, $8; 4th,
silver cake stand, $7; 5th, set silver
knives and forks, $6; 6th, double pickel
castor, $5; 7th, silver butter dish. $4;
8th, single pickel castor; $3; 9th, Seth
Thomas clock, $2; 10th, silver cup, $1.
Drawing to take place New Year's day.
The corner jewelry store.
lng up-v ... .
Cash 8tnrt.i. - ... 1
in sueli large iu;lUhk . e
gets much lower price. iie
tws good goods in ail the departments
of his extensive establishments at
prices that absolutely astonish other
merchants In the valley, some of them
going so far as to say that Montague
retails nis goous as low as toey uuy
them at wholesale. The careful buyer
Invariably goes to Montague's.
At the meeting of the Lebanon Lit
erary Society, Monday evening, the
following oltlcers were elected: Presi
dent, Rev. G. S. Hanleiter; vice presi
dent, E. II. Ms hr; secretary. Miss Lulu
Westfall. Following the election or
officers, the mortgage tax law was dis
cussed, resulting in victory to the neg
ative. Excellent music was furnished
by the cornet band. The program for
the next meeting will be varied and
interesting. The question for discus
sion oh that evening reads. Resolved,
that knowledge has more influence
than wealth.
We lav no claim to prophetic gift,
but we venture to suggest that tha
ver ISfll will mark an epoch in the
historv of mining in Oregon as marked
as was that of 1S49 in California. The
McKenzie, Blue River, Calapooia and
Santlam mining districts will be
thronged, not alone with prospectors,
but with practical iui tiers bncked by
wealth and all the appliances known
to modern invention, and scores of
faithful, persevering prospectors who
have long borne the taunts of those
whose only argument is ridicule, will
retire with a competency. Upon this
prediction we base our reputation as a
We know of no better way for our
present city council to signalize their
administration than to construct an
outlet for the waters which every win
ter accumulate In the little Dead Sea
in the nort h end of town. Every win
ter this reservoir of riiseaae is allowed
to fill to the brim with stagnant, pesti
lential waters whose miasmatic stencn
through the summer months H revolt
ing to lovers of pure air, and guaran
tees a rich harvest to those who prac
tice the healing art. Pure air is cheaper
than quinine, and pure water Is more
palatable than a doctor's prescription.
Give us both these elements iu their
purity and we ask no more.
The signal service, weather manu
facturing bureau with headquarters in
San Fraucisco is recognized as a great
convenience by Orcgonlans; for In
stance, the weather bulletin for IVc.
15 reported the temperature rapidly
falling and the distant thunder f an
approaching storm was heard in San
Fraud co, 600 miles away. That very
day opeued up fair as a spring morn
ing and men were going about in shirt
sleeves. Oregon imports everything
from California, even to her weather
report, which is just about as reliable
as the Delphic oracle. We think it
about time to quit this nonsense, dis
miss the signal service, stop the impor
tation of foreign-brewed storms and
reinstate the old reliable ground-hog
prophet. -
A race of brewers Malt-ese.
An air line A Kansas cyclone.
A doomed natiou Condem-nation.
The most popular Miss Mis-cellany.
A fruitful occupation the plumber's
Nature abhors a vacuum; so does a
hungry tramp.
The fore-top of Time The hair
spring of a watch.
The smallest measure of sin tolerated
by society A pec-cadi llo.
Wisdom can be bought we know
men who are penny-wise.
A friend that sticketh closer than
brother A mustard plaster.
To what trile does the Wandering
Jew beloug? The tribe of Gad.
The most accommodating letter of
the English alphabet Let'er rip.
The religious sect called Nestorians
is composed altogethercf lay members.
Advice of a milk- man. To prevent
cows going dry lveep your pump
u(k slow, there is a hen on," is a
needless caution eggs are thirty cents
a dozen.
Why is a rooster an improvident
fowl? Because he never lays up for
the future.
"This life is all a flea-ting show,"
said the tramp as he crawled out of a
farmer's barn.
"I hope we meet on a peace footing,"
was Jone's apology for stepping on a
stranger's corns.
"The end justifies the means," said
he, as he lifted a tramp out of the
kitchen on the toe of his boot.
"Coming events cast their shadows
before," Baid the dude as he rode off
the steps on a number twelve boot.
Jones, a cross-grained husband, was
upbraiding his wife' with the mental
inferiority of her sex, to which the
wife replied that she could see nothing
creditable to himself in that, seeing
that man was the bead of the woman
"Every heresy known to the world
has been championed by the male
sex." said the wife to her husband
"Xot so," said the husband, "how do
you make that?" "In every volume
of history we read of he-retics, but of
she-retics never," was the triumphant
All True.
"Prospector," in Albany Herald
under date of the 12th, details the
needs of the Santiani mines as follows,
"We need mail and transportation fa
cilities. e need the mail line run
ning up the north fork of the South
Santiam extended beyond Whitcomb
through to the mines, a distance of
eighteen miles. We need the trail
iuht completed, widened to a wagon
road. We need a custom mill, also a
saw mill." All the above needs are
imperatively demanded, and every
town and farm tributary to the mines
are blind to their interests If they do
not see that the miners get their de
mands. Few people realize the mag
nitude of our mineral resources and
what their development means to ou
valley. A little cool calculation is all
that is needed to enlist men and capi
tal In an enterprise that will place
Oregon in the front oi mmerai-proauC'
ing estates.
As we expect to make cheese the
coming summer, we hereby give notice
that from and after the first of the
year, we shall consider former con
tracts for the supply of butter com
pleted on our part, and shall hereafter
make no yearly agreements for supply
ing butter.
Until the production of butter is dis
continued, the preference will be given
the home market when prices admit.
Thanking customers for their pat
ronage, we are, respectfully,
We wish to say to our old customers,
and also new ones, that we are prepar
ed to furnish well seasoned lumber,
made from soft mountain fir, at the
following prices:
Second clear, . .. ......... SiO.OO
Clear ....... 12.00
Clear 1x4 13.00
Fencing, boxing and timbers . 7.00
At our mill in Wirtsburg, Linn Co.
Oregon Jennings & Co.
Tbe FtVL(lr
That always looks so pleasant, says go
to Matthews s Washburn, Aibauy. ur.
to buy stoves and ranges, because they
only keep the best and always do as
they agree to.
UrOWII Hi.-, llu.
croft, Stands in the very front rank' of
America's distinguished literary men.
hat wonderful historical series, which
It has taken so many years to com
plete, has made hi in famous the world
over. A. brilliant array or eminent
scholars of Europe and America, In
cluding Herbert -Spencer, Huxley, Dr.
John V. Draixr, Emerson. Bryant,
Holmes, Howells, Wendell Phillips,
WliUtier, Longfellow, Sir Arthur
helps and scores ot others whoso
amcs are familiar to book-loving peo
ple, have come forward and testified to
heir appreciation or his genius. Di
plomas and complimentary certificates
lave been snowmed upon him. vaie
'ollege has conferred the honorary
egret of Master of Arts. That pow
erful and indejendent journal, the fa
mous Londou Times, 1 he Thunderer,
devoted two whole columns to a re-
iew of Bancroft's works, and Eng
land's dignified Journals have discussed
at length each separate volume as it
n pea red. Now comes the news that
tubert Howe Bancroft has received a
uiiilxr of votes for a place among the
famous "Immortals," an honor that
those who know what the "Immor
tals" nre will appreciate.
A new work which the author hr s
been engaged on for years has just np-
ix-arcd from Mr. Bancroft's pen. It is
called "Literary Industries," and is
he graphic storv of a irreut achieve
ment t ld by a master hand. The na
ture of the work Is such that it will
haea remarkable sale, esiiecially ou
this coast, where many of the people
mentioned are well known. The work
is to be sold by subscription, aud the
publishers want responsible agents to
receive orders. We call attention to
their ndvertiseiueut under Help
What makes everybody like to hear
of bad luck to somebody else?
Why do old people bo hate to see
oung people enjoy themselves?
Why do men like to see a worn in?
and listen to a quarrel? or see a fight?
hy do dyspeptics continue eating
greasy bacon, baked beans and miuce
Whv do bovs like to break class'
and stone cats'? and tie tin inius to dogs'
Why do men marry women unfit f r
them and bewail their fate forever
Why do fat people who agonize over
their adipose tissue, eat sugar and
munch caudy?
Why doe9 a young man, when he
goes ceuiting, act as It lie were doing
something he is at-hamed of?
Why will men He in a horse trade
when they know it will be found out
as soon as the purchaser tries the horse?
Why do people run down every other
ligiou but their own when they know
that they never make any convert bv
s doing?
Why ds a girl unite herself for life
to a man whom she knows driuks, and
then spends her lif.-:ime groaning
over her lamentable misfortune?
"Is this the best?" Is aquestion often
asked, when tnedieine is wanted. The
following are a few of the medicines of
known reliability, sold by M. A. Miller,
druggist of this place. He has many
other excellent medicines, but these
are worthy of especial mention:
Chamberlain's Cocuh Remedy,
famous for its cures of severe colds, aud
as a preventive of croup. Price 50
cents per bottle.
Chamberlain's Paiv Balm, a gen
eral family liniment and especially
valuable for rheumatism. Price 60
cents per bottle.
Chambebaix's Colic, Cholera
Axn Diarrhcea ItEMEPY, the most re
liable know in medicine for bowel com
plaints. It is especially prized by per
sons suoject to cone- it has cured
many cases of chrenic diarrhoea. Price
2o and 60 cents per bottle.
St. Patrick's Pills, for disorders
of the liver and bowels. A vigorous
nut gentle physic that cleanses and
renovates the whole 3-stem. Price 23
cents per box.
Chamberlain's Eye and Skin
Ointment. For Utter, salt-rheum.
scald-head, eczema and chronic sore
eyes. Price 2o eeu Is per box.
Changed Every Week. .
Wheat 69c.
Oats 45c
Potatoes 50c.
Anplta Oreeu, 50c per bu; dried. 9c
per io.
nums uriea, sc
Onions 3c
Beef Dressed, 44Jc.
Veal 5e.
Pork Dreswd, 55Jc.
Iard 1012T.
Hams 12jc per lb.
Shoulders 9Vi10c.
Bides 10c per lb.
Turkevs 10c per lb.
Geew f 7 00 to f9 00 per doz.
Ducks f6 00 per doz.
Chickens 3 00 to $ 50 per doz.
Kggs 27c per doz.
isutter 2oc per id.
Hides Green, 4n5c; dry, 10c.
A roan who has practiced medicine
for 40 years, ought to know salt from
sugar; read what he says:
Toledo, O., Jan. 10, 1SS7.
Mexr. F. J. Cheney & Co. Uentlemen: 1 have
been in the general ptHctiiv of medieine for most
40 years, and would say fliat in aU my practh'e
nnd experience have uever seen a preparation
that I could ireertte with as much confidence
of success as I can Hall's "atarrh Cure, manufac
tured by tou. Hare prescribed it a great many
tirae and" its effect Is wonderful, and would cay
in conclusion that 1 have yet to find a ease of Ca
tarrh that It would not cure, if they would take
it according to directions. Yours truly,
Ottice, 215 Summit St.
We will give $100 for any case of Ca
tarrh that cannot be cured with Hall's
Catarrh Cure. Taken internally.
Props.. Toledo, O.
JteySold by druggists, 75c.
A Great Liver Medicine
Gunn's Improved Liver Pill" are
a sure cure for 8ick headache, bilious
complaints, dyspepsia, indigestion, cob
tiveness, torpid liver, etc. These pills
insure perfect digestion, correst the
liver and stomach, regulate the bowels,
purify and enrich the blood and make
the skin clear. They also produce a
good appetite, and invigorate aud
fctrengthen the entire system by their
tonio action. Sold at 25 cents a box by
M. A. Miller.
Take It Before Breakfast.
Tbe great appetizer, tonic and liver regulator.
In use for more than 50 yeara in England. Posi
tive specific for liver complaint. Bad taste in the
mouth on arising in the morning, dull pains in
the bead and back of the eyes, tired feeling' d la
ziness, languor symptons of liver complaint.
Remedy Dr. Benley'a English Dandelion Tonic.
Relieves constipation, sharpens the appetite and
tones tin the entire svstem. Get the genuine from
your druggist for $1.00 and take according to di
Not if you go through the world a dys
peptic Dr. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets
are a positive cure for the worst forms
of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Flatulency
and Constipation, (jruaraiiteed and
sold by M. A. Miller.
Three Families Arrested on the Streets
Of Albany, by the magnificent display
of hardware, stoves and ranges at Mat-
tnews Sc wasnourn'B, wno carry tne
largeKtafsewrtnieiit in tbe vajley.
Ca w ! ea w ! caw!
Once morn we
t b" purpose of en-
perch ourselves for
lightening the world to some blight
degree, and no doubt very slightly.
i The roads are pi tting very muddy iu
thiH part of the "Foot Stool," owing to
the recent Jutcv weather.
A series of meetingx. conducted bv
the Rev. Brown, are uow In progress
at the college cliupel, which are well
J. F. Stubblcfield. who has been vis
iting ot the "Foot" for swtue time, will
return to his home in WallnWallu this
week. MJhs Zoe Marks will accompany
him on a visit to her sister. Mrs. S.
Caw, caw, caw, and once ngaln, did
you read that newsy corresKiidence
from Lacomb liiMt week? We did, ami
we have been resting ever since, but
are tired yet. "Democrat," the worthy
correspondent, says, among other
things, that they are still threshing ut
Liaeomb! We don't doubt It If every
thing Is as far behind the times as ho
is, do yon?
Well, as we arc unused to this kind
of business, it got rather hard with
us, so we must discontinue our song
for the present at leasL
"The Crow."
"The Jrraay Lily." .
Asouska Cottage, L. B., July 2.
Gentlemen.- Altho' it is very unusual
for me to use any lotions or
washes, still, in answer to your
request, I have tried Wisdom's
Violet Cream and Kohcrtine. The
former I consider cju'i-ially efficacious
in cases cf roughness of the skin, and
I have been Using it every day for the
lost fortnight. I have found the
Robertiue an excellent f reparation In
casees of tan, sunburn, etc., caused by
exposure to March winds and a July
sun. Yours faithfully,
Lim.ik Lanotby
To Messrs. Wisdom te Co.
A Sure Care for IMl.
Itching Piles are known by moisture
like perspiration cauHtig intense itch
ing when warm. ThiH form, as well
as blind, bleeding and protruding,
yield at once to Dr. Biwaiiko's Pile
Hmedy, which acts directly on the
parts aHeeted, alworlw tumors, allays
itching and effects a permanent cure.
50c, Druggists or mail; treatise free.
Dr. liowinko, 3-U Arch street, Philadel
phia, Pa. Sold by M. A. Miller.
ltu:is high in Lebanon at Beard
Holt's drug store over System Builder,
ns everltodv Is using it for Catarrh t:f
the Stomach, Dyspeinttin, Consumption
and Impure Blood. Try it and tell
your rnencls alKiut it. as it iiium imscm
wnnderrul merits when all cpenk well
of it-
I" I v
r Aw4s-.waa
Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Corns
Tha Califoriia FosHirs sad H'giMrs
PpH fcy all Drsrji.U. Each 35c, 60c & f 1
Orm singsT 41 Co . Prop's. Loa Angalss, Cal.
Fur Sa e !r J. A. Beard, Lebauun.
S'S. at f-
15 lbs Extra C Sugar
13 lbs Granulated Sugar
4 lbs Hest Rio Cofloe
14 lbs Kice
20 lbs Beans
4 lbs Soda
10 lbs Lard
We have tlie largest as well
Crockery and Glasswar6,
Furnishiug Goods, Gents' Neckwear, .
We pay cash for all kinds of Produce.
We invite comparison.
Lebanon Planing Mill
Refitted, Enlarged and Improved.
I manufacture and deal in Doors, Blinds, all styles of Windew
Frames, Door Frames, Mouldings, Brackets, Etc., in fact anything man
ufactured and kept on hand in a first-class planer. -
In connection with the above, I also have on hand a well-assorted
lumber yard in which is to be found rough and dressed Lumber, Rustic,
Bevel, Weather Boarding, Flooring, and all kinds of Finishing Lumber
for Cornices, Etc.
Yh I "lliisYoo Walt." 1
1 v-zj V-rvol but cures - m
- - - .,-r.' ,t . t f raff a til aria i-f ! imu j
Office In Cuv's New Bufld.'n-. ,
Residence at Mrs. Ambler's
and Surgeon.
(iMiliMito of Rofa! Cnlleso of LoiriM! and Ikl!
vup V.t'ilieal t:b'.pu. Muss.
"limiili nirs n se lulty.
Canivr rwnnviil ti ll limit win or tbe knife.
OKKICE Klrkjix: le t's biiiMinif, U-liomin, Or
Office with "Lebanon Express.
Santiam Academy.
Claws In Iji'.in, Higher Arithmetic. Aljrpbrn,
t'hyll.EJ-, I'h-. tivogrophy, Book-Keepliis. I'
S. Illftury nl o1m In Common Bmncber. Mental
Arttlim'tlciaily aHcr Jul!. lst,l!firt.
Tertn.": Si to jxr mouth.
I hw l-n troubled many rear with
dlwtK of the kidneys ana have trieii
many it'tfr'cnl tetnedie and have
nu?bt aid from different physicians
witlwut relief. About the lt of Aoril
I was siiHeriim from s tu yiofent
attack that almost prostrated me in
siiL-h s manner tnat I was bent orer.
When I sat down it w almost impossible for me
to ert
rt tip nlone, or to put on my dome, wneo
Providence sent Dr. Henley, wim me
hotel. I immediately commenced
a sing the tea. It bad an almost
miraculous effect, and to the aston
ishment of atl the ruesta at the hotel.
in a few days.l am happy to state,
that I was a new mas. I wil
recommend the tea to all afflict.
as 1 hare been.
iToprietor Occidental Hotel,
Santa Roaa, Cal.
12G.OOO Brick:
At nj" rani lit the subnrbs ot Liljanon
For Sale at Reasonable Rates.
All Kinds of
Willi Svatiu-w and Iena;ch.
s 1
, 1
as the best select stock of
They'd Like M Closer,
But they can't do it. "We would lUce to make closer figure-
but we can't do it, because there is no room for .reduction-.
To cut down the selling price a little mon; would be to cut
into the cost price, and that would, be digging the ground
freni under our own feet. Already we are
Too Close
To the cost mark and must, sell
to make it pay; Ihe more goods we sell the lower we car
ell. We""had sooner sell ten
one dollar each than sell one
lars. Our profits would bo the
You Make the Nine Dollars
Saved in the transaction. If
patronize the price cutters.
thev save vou monev. If vou
the lowest prices, then stay
P. 8. Please bear in mind we are now receiving Holiday
Goods in the following lines:
Handerchiefs, Plushes, Ribbons, Silks, Satins, Silk Mitts,
Hosiery, Corsets, and the finest line of White-Blankets' (of
the Salem Mill Co.'s make) to be had in the country.
The Very Best School Shoes
In the xVlarl-cet.
All Solid. Call and See How They Are Made.
Every parent knows how hard children are on shoes. We
have made it a study to find the best School Shoe in the
market, and think we can give it to you when we give the
We ask you to call and let us show you how tht shoe is
made. There is nothing like Solid Leather to wear. Pop
ular prices. '
W. B.
Cigars, Tobacco, Furnishing Goods, Etc.
Firsts-Class Goods
Country Produce
Give Me a Trial
Shingles, Posts, Boards and Pickets,
for Comfort
lots of goods at these prices;
articles per dav at a profit ut
article at a profit of ten dol
same in either case, but
vou want low
Thev work in
prices to rule,
vour interest?
don't want
the best goods
away from
Kid Gloves, Silk MufHers, Lace
r .. - ti
Taken in Exchange
and Bb Convinced.
Hotel in Lebanon