v (press. 4 ALEXANDER, AOAMS v I'unt.snEns aki rRorimrrous. TERMS CF SUBSCRIPTION. Off Tmitv - ! fO i months - 00 Ttirrc months.,... ..... - - "9 .kucie coii". .... ....... IK TO FRIES' DS A XI) READERS. The worl'l in penenu is a eresit deal better than m:ny people pre- leul to believe. With very few exceptions, indeed, everrbody would rather see everybody else happy than miserable, and if it did not ost too much in trouble and other things vre would all make an effort to contribute to the happiness of the human family. Now, apply this reasoning to oitrself, we all -an, if we will, do much toward increasing the enjoyments of others, at the same time enlarging our own. At present we hrve no doubt that many of the kind and thought ful readers of the ExrRKSs, after, or even before getting through with it themselves, have it borrowed by the neighbors, Who likewise enjov it. Leaving out the question of its not bing fair for one family to pay lor . paper which another enjoys without its costing them anything. to that extent a double pleasure is conferred by the paper. Notice how easily the enjoyment all around mav be made both farther- reaching and more justly satisfac tory to all. Let those who now borrow the Express of their neigh bor, subscribe for it themselves and lend their copy to other neighnors. Thus next year those borrowing neighbors will like it so they will subscribe for it in their turn ai d lend it to still others. In this way the circle of subscribers and readers will be rontinuall' widening. The subscribers will be making them selves and their neighbors better pd happier, and they will be giv- ang the .Express additional means tfor being happy bv being able to add more and more name to the subscription list- Our object in running the Express is two-fold, to -earn an honest living and to assist others in doing the same. If in hia way we can keep the wolf from ike door and contribute to the 3iappiness of others, our labor shall mot have been in vain. THE KICKER. The frequency with which this word is used is liable to give the impression - that the kicker is a re- cent creation. ioi bo, nowever. The first account which history gives of this invaluable member of society is that of Saul, whnse pedal extremities were convicted of in subordination and the descendant of Abraham was told that it was "hard to kick against the pricks." For the first few centuries follow ing this federal headship of kickers, the good old Hebrew num bered but fw followers; in truth, it was not until the era of news papers that men ot reiractory heels multiplied to an alarming extent. O. S. Fowler says that if a man have a weak spot in his head, he is sure to show it in his heels. W hile we endorse the state ment of the great phrenologist, we would much prefer saving so bv proxy. Unlike Josh Billings' rnule, wldcK had two legs to kick with and two to walk with, the kicker has only half the endowment of his prototype. His members of locomotion, which were originallv but two in number, have lost their original function and ore wholly swallowed up in the dramatic pas time of kicking for a livelihood. There is a sense in which kicking is justifiable, fcs in self-defence, but for a man to kick without anv provocation whatever is, to say the least, a useless expenditure ot lore e He infests all classes of society, and no organization is complete that has not one or more hip-strikers as honorary memlters. He has leen known to enter the sacred precincts of a church fair, and bv a well-di rected blow of his unhallowed and sacrilegious members, kick into chaos the plana of disinterested benevolence. His offi-e in society is identical with that of the dead weight in mechanics; he serves the purpose of keeping in running order the social machinery. Much more could be said in favor of the lower extremities of the social com pact, but we desist. m:u i-kf.fkrkm:k. I iuVwI hor what pajxr xlio jweforrtHl, Ami vmrnilv kiwnil her oiiet'k, Thfi) im'Nl"hiT (or Ikt heart' tvly: "S.iy, darling, can t you .pt'uk?'' She lunved n Utile ncuncr then, Ami answorvil: 'l.vvly H Tlio on of all that suit xan uuist . Is Ihc 'Wnylttml kopltli-r! " Wnylatnl RegfeUT. Jurt klw hor on he other chiut, r wlml she think of thul; Then press her tor her answer Aul ihe'll say "The lemoerrt." First napers roml, liko morion told. Are kihxI till roine a lH-tter; Ju.t kiMt that Klrl upon her lii. And hc will say -'.cWK-lx'tter." New York News-Letter. Wc know a very pretty mol.1 w ho unites ner wikiion Known, Whenever nhe wnntu sweet kiss. Through "HoeistiT-Telephone. MeMtnnvme KcBiwvr-iciepnone. Oh. come off the poreh. Ann sive tw MnueininK rai; Jnst kiss the Albany irlrl Prime Goods fv. O. PETERSON. Al? COST. of Awl slie'll cry ' The IXmoemt." Albany Democrat. making a 8. O WALLACE. The ladle all arc avei to rhyme. It lireathes too mneh or tooltstinoss; But every Friday they eome to time Ana urn goes norae wun a u. rv- The Road to Health! Cannot a tuccwsitully travel wlta- nt () haatth. T reach waalth or any eovotoa1 podtioa In IHo roqulro tht foil oolon and operation of all th le BttUl kino natura kat tndowed . That condition cannot exist anltu th phrdea) kolRf U U porfoct arorklnj oedar, and this It Impootlblo wtion Iho Ihor and tplaen ara torpid. thu abstract ln tha Mentions, canslnp Indlaastlea and drtpopsla, with mil ot their aceom panjlnf horror. DR. HENLEY'S English Dandelion Tonic Marts spocIRo In" Banco Ovtr tho Ihrar, axcHas It to aaalthj action, rosolvos Its chronic naortoaonts, and proatotas tha aerations ; cars Indigestion and consti pation, aharpens tha appotna, tones ap the satire aystsai, and atakss Ufa Mrth IMiia. With a view RADICAL change in business on the first of the New Year, all goods, without any exception, in the Mam moth as well as those in the Cash Store, will be sold at Net Cost until December 31, 1800. C1IAS. D. MONTAGUE. Final Notice for. the Year 1890. ; PETERSON & WALLACE, Real Estate Brokers, DO 1 CEJEKJL AGEKCI BHSWESS, Including Fire and Life Insurance. -HAVE ON HAND SOME Choice Bargains In Both City Property and Farm Lands. 4 SB t r PROM DESPAIR TO JOY. atMrail nxmrr mt Mw Ska Imu4 Mp Th Oreeonian of the 17th dig nifies the unhappy guesses of the : signal service with the name of eeii ence. Science, forsooth! In the estimation of the common mind it is hardlv on a par with astrology and is certainly not gifted with the sagacity of the modern railroad com mission, hich can predict with tolerable accuracy a railroad wreck within twenty-four hours after the crash is heard. KXOWIXQ TOO MUCH. I find no man so disagreeable to mneet with as one who know every- j athing. Of course we expect it in ; newspaper editors, and allow for it; but to meet a man engaged in ! Innocent occupations who is armed from head to foot against all new ideas who "knew it before, or has lverd so," or doubts it, or replies o your most truthful sally, "it isn't o, is aggravating in the extreme. Juit frequently we meet with men la different parta of the country whose chief difficulty is that they lenow too much. I do not know of one sinele charge whieh could be it against a. man of this kid ney that could cover more ground or cover it better. It is hard to ! make intelligible to a third party Ms apparent inaccessibility to new ideas, his satisfied quietude, his in vincible mertium, hia stolid capac Itv to resist novelties, his self-as surance, his contempt for know! 3dge not his own, his supreme and ineradicable faith in his own pe- J uliar doctrine, w hcther of farming. hnology, politics, or religion. He lias a peculiar contempt for being' taught. He ha3 a conviction that liifli schooling, his faith, his princi ples, and views of truth whether tinman or divine are smong God's test works. He likes to impress you with the notion that what you ma- tell him is only a new state ment of what he knew already. Such a mind is a rare psychological studv. If such an one could only be made to think that he knew less there would be some hope for him. AroXSEJVSE. We re a queer people. We will suffer all sorts of tilth to accumu late about our residences, allow foreign emigrants to come among infected clothing and rags, and then when typhoid fever and diphtheria, scarlatina and email pox, yellow fever, and cholera in vade our homes, we bewail the Providence which brought such dire suffering upon us. It is not Jiard to trace cause and effect in this matter,, but the lack of tidi ness and a proper regard for sani tary measures sometiaies prompt us "to charge Divine Providenoe with what is dc to natural causes nd slovenly habits. e know a man who is an in veterate liar, and some say he will have a good deal to answer for at tho dav of hulgment. Yes; but he won't mind that, talk. w ra. Morton D. Hrlan. raiding" at No. 6S West th Straet, Vmw York City, has paaaed through a most Wondarful experience. Mrs. Hanan hm a aappy noma and throne her derotlon to ner borne duties over-taxed her atrentth. 8be had d pliant if feeling, entire lack of enersr In Hfe, and finally a oooah at ntffet and morn ing which grew worse each dar. Upon looking in the aho dark ctrclea nnder ner ere ana found that she was grnwtng thinner and loetng .ii ini.no i Ufa. rht nalnf ul atate of thlnrs eontinued for months until finallr abe became ao wrak abe eonld not aiuna u ner auun inn waa oonnnea to mt oea w btw r . - . v-- Am- um HiriBD1! rr dear frwnd Mrs. Willatd oallad ajn w amaxed to aee her ao wan ana raawa. two o"i - Mnh nliaafe. her 11 OS were blu ker fc pnci)ed and drawn, and there waa a Blteoua lookln lier eTea. Inxa. WUlard I knew ila meant conramption and her neart waa touched for her fnenLAt her earn rat request. the uee of an Sngiun. Kern ed r Cor oonsumpnon was tried. As the start rery uttlo effect oouia e aero, ao greet an Inroad bad the.dta wue made, but by degrees Urn. rftrhw began to rerun her Met apreute, then her uen ner Owing to the contemplated change in rny business by January 1st, 1 must insist on those indebted to me paving up promptly, whieh means XT ONCE. 1 would dislike very much to be compelled to force oavments. and to avoid . ... that 1 now cive you timeiv notice that all overdue and unpaid accounts in my hands on the 1st day of next month shall be promptly turned over to a collector for immediate and. if necessarv. enforced payment. (JllAS. 15. MUM AUUL. Collections Attended Promptly. to Our stocks in every Department are now comp; and we are ready to show the Largest, Best Assorted, Most Attractive Stock of Goods in this country. Our Specialties are too large to give in full; but following are some of them: w DRESS SILKS in Great Variety, in Black and Colors, SILK WRAP HENRIETTAS, in Black and Colors, Ladies', Children's and Misses' CLOAKS and WRAPS, FANCY DRESS PATTERNS, BLACK and PANCY SHAWLS, FASCINATORS, LADIES' LINEN, TABLE COVERS, TABLE SCARFS, LAMBREQUINS, LACE CURTAINS, PILLOW SHAMS, Carpets, Carpe?!! AGENTS 1R- I-OXDOS 4i LIVERPOOL & iLOBE IN't'R ANC E CO; GCARD1AS ASSVBANCE CO., of Loudou. OAKLAND HOME INSl'RAC'E CO., ofOaklnnd, C&llftKnla; STATE 1NSCSANCE CO.. of Salem, Orvron. FARMERS' & MERCHANTS' INSURANCE CO., of Saltm. LADIES' SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, kuuw 1 uutAi a kijx, BADIES', MISSES and CHILDREN'S FURS, TABLE CLOTHS and NAPKINS, FINE SKIRTS FOR LADIES, Perfumery. Fancy Crockery, Tea Set?, FINE SHOES, for Ladies, Misses and Children, LAMPS, Standing and Hanging, FANCY SLIPPERS, Plush, Velvet and Embroidered, FINE BLANKETS, White and Colored, OXFORD TIES for Ladies, Trunks, Plated Knives, Forks and Spoon?, LACE COLLARS, JEWELRY, Etc., Etc. . STAMPED LINENS, consisting of Bureau and Table Scarfs, Splashers, Tidies and Tray Cloths, UMBRELLAS,' with Gold and Silver Handles, bought expressly for the Holidays, FANCY CROCKERY, CUPS and SAUCERS, Etc., Etc. Many of these Goods were bought expressly for Holiday trade, and bought in quantity, and of the best kind. Parties wanting cannot buy too soon, as near the Holidays the assortment gets broken, and in the rush, as is alwas the case, you cannot get the attention we wouiu inte to iive an our cusiomeia. GOLDEN RULE BAZAAR. Sanrnel E. Young. Don't Go to Portland AT COST! Ne trouble to show goods, Gradwohl, of Albany, nrena-to. then bee I The man who believes talk; is cheap never employed a lawyer md it you know that place. wish 16 Montague's buy is we the Dissolution Notice GIVEN THAT THE MOTTOE IS HEREBY IN partnership heretofore exintinir betw een J. A. Boarl and t. V. Holt, of Lebanon, On-tron. is this dar dissolve-1 by mumal ronwnt. Mr. Holi retirine;. ' AU debts rtue br wiid firm will be poiii v J. A. Benrd. and all debts due to said tirm must be paid to either of the midttvij.-m-!. J. A. BKARD, D. C. HOLT. Lebanon. Or.. Dee. 1, BBS. ooe. hMith. and abe la lo- He loves to I dar In perfect phyall J ac,wnoilyaa n reaejt ef ine nee 01 vr. jisnr cur nab Bemeee xor uoneuaap-. The k on of tbia armnle etorr aheuld be plain to alL No aaan or woman een afford to Birct hum A rat vmDtomi o( oonaumetion, which teem to aUrht but which beceoaea eo 1 in MnL Thia Great Bm mm-A tw Him of hundreda of well known Baen and wen who were on the Terwe of the rrava trona eoneoaaptlon but wbe are well nnd bawf lo-cay. U la aoid nnlTeraaiy , BARBOUR BROS., DEAI.KRS IX Notice of Dissolution. N TICE 13 HKKKBY GIVEN THAT THE TOTtnerahin hfrrt-fore exiting between Herbert Cnw and E-er.-tt T. Miller, of I-banon, Oregon, eniraaed In sawinp woml and running r-Ni rwr in th'i ttjiv dboantvefl bv mmiwl fennt. The stiid Miller retires from the bnluc. The a.id Cross wfll pay all debts due by Mud linn and will eullect all a.x'ount aw to nia nrm. HKKI'iERT CKOS, EVKKtTT T. MILLER. Lebanon, Or., Dee. 12, 1SU. CLOTHING. We offer vou full lines of Men's Youth's and Boys' ClethinR at prices that simply Jefy competition. We haye ey now m stock y Oregon City Manufactured Cloth ing:; Lew x Straus aianulactured Clothing; Fine Cassimere Clothin'r; Fine Imiwrted Worsted Clothing; Fine bpring-Bottom Tants; Men'o, Youth's, Boys' and Chil- Iren'B sizes. These can be had at Montague's. HAS EVERYTHING To Be Found ia the Metropolis. He Sweeps the Valley of All Competitors InCrorkerr. Faney Ooort. Tors. Rogers RrotO fcilveruare. rreiicn nma ann t.inwmare, " Buys' Wagons, Itell Carringr. Etc. NOW LISTEN! rne Golden Rule Paiaar mnkr a erla'.tT of tbe Fine Tea, lofleea antt HaKitig imwaera, every package of which is mannrac tured for and bear tlie name of Uoldca Kuie Bazaar. To Make Room for Hf Fall & Winter Stock OF DRY GOODS, FUSKiSHIKG GOODS. AKD lOTIOIs, I WILL CIX)SF OUT MY Eutire Stock of Boots & Shoes MONARCH GROCERY. We have changed our name, but not may come and seasons go, but I go goods to our base. Panics on forever selling ra .aMn aaje Be au tJie r. THmmttta wTthoat name mnd prle etmmpea oe uom. pot aim down aa (rad. S FURNITURE, Xo the udiesI Georgia, Alabama and Louisiana, respectively cliim to have the stin giest man in the world among their inhabitants. Georgia's stingy man is said to stphi8 clock every night to save the wear and tear of the machinerv; Alabama's stingy man requires his family to write a small hand to save ink; and Louisiana's is so stingy that he will never drink a,s much water aa he wants unless J.a from another man's well. Dr. Koch's wonderful discover-, - y4ch if reports be true guaranteed new lease of life to those afflicted vft'ith weak lungs and could endow a ked bellows with fresh vitality, r,s met with some reverses u Fraftfe- Several iatients have difi n after the injection of Ivmphhereas no one can point to a singlecure by his treatment- When certain persons abuse us, let us ask ourseive what descrip tion of character iU that tney ad mire; we shall ofte find tuis a very consolatory question. -TV- It is true that the lax make a man HELP WANTED. An Snflostrions. frntelliirent and energetic man ! or vonsn willing to work can ernre profitable empioymem tiy appiyina; now tor tec ncaj agent? or mib lowiuuip lor iiuti wvoucnui new uimjk. Literary Industries, H. H. BANCROFT, The Fa Mors Author. MTint is it? Read the great daily papc rs every where ft an answer, it A VERITABLE SURPRISE to tbe book world. A troaiire-houe of brTTj-.nt literary jewels. A grand galaxy of wit and wis dom. A graphic rera oi TRAVEL, INCIDENT. ADVENTURE The life-story t rr.nn who, beginuing at the bottom round of the ladder, ha. ly determined indnflry, overcome erery obstacle and reached the top. AIM IMMbMab SALC unml mr all einmes are deer.lv interested in thi powerful work; and the price the world over nas been nxea a piienomcnauy low nguic. ONE MASSIVE VOLUME Over 800 pages, bound in Crimson Silk Cloth, gilt edufs, with noxtfy eover design. Every copy ac companied with a line full page tecl plate ptir trait of the distinguished author and 14 exquisite half-tone illuxraiions, iryxO inches in size. WE WANT AGENTS in every eonntrv, and in every town, connty and state in the Union. The hit of the century. Address j THE HISTORY COMPANY, 723 Market St., San Francisco, Cat. UPIIOLWTKHY WOYEN-WIRE MATTRESSES, LOUNGES OF ALL KINDS, Chairs or fcverv ucscrint gree of Comfort, aud D?- The ladies of Ibanon and vicin- tv express themselves aa verv liuch pleased with Montague's fine ines of Fall and inter Uress 'ioods which he has just purchased from one of the leadine importing houses of the United Htates. Mon tague's stock is unsurpassed this ?ide of Portland. Ihe ladies are resneetfullv invited to examine them. ho Now la tho Time to SECURE REAL BARGAINS. I Propose to Have THE Leading Dry Goods Store In the Valley. MJIL, ORDERS Promptly attended. VV, L. DOUGLAS Picture Frames, Mouldings, Bric-a-Brac of Every Description, HARDWARE, In Fact Everythln Belonarlna; to the Trade at Prices that Defy Competition. Chun-hill & Monteith'a OM Stand. LEBANON, OREGON. Oregonian Railroad Go. General Office Corner Front and F Street, Tortlaud. EAST SIDE. From PoRrttjco To PORTLAKD 8 s S? . 1 j 1 i t J c fcTATIOXS.- 3 -3 3 E K . 1 - W l.V. l.V. AK. AS. rM. A.M. F- M. A. M. r, 00 8 00 Portland S P Co 4 00 9 KS ? 45 10 2 Wmxllmni ....... 1 40 7 60 8 50 11 22 SUverton . 12 0f 6 45 2 4S West Sfio 9 X 3 TRllmnn 8 S4 SOT Urtiwnsvilie 7 4f j 8 .-0 . Cotmrg- 8 1 that the cannot moral, but can WEST SIDE. Airlie Mall. 9 20 12 05 2 00 4 16 4 fw 5 .Vi ..Pc-tUnd & W V ..Dundee Junction..-.., Sheridan ..... Dalian Monmouth . ....Airlie Portl'nd Mail. 5 15 2 OR 0 00 8 22 7 SS 6 42 e hirrTread readfullv uncoififort- mmoral. Tlc.Vetii lor Wot Side utation for aalc at loot of Jeft'erxon Mreet. Tickets for Kst MO nalions lor aUeal Union dejxjt, corner Fifth and I etreeta, , ranecrs fnrifa LehaiKta for Scio and other pninrr north of TaTlman fSouthem Pacihc ecu i:i!. can connect at Tallinau at 8:54 A. M.. and for Hrowrosville and point south of Tallmati, con nect there at 8a5 P. M. CHAS. N. SCOTT. otn. Stir'- fa. F. & Fas', Atcnfc THE OXLY TRUE TOWDC rnt PvMy tw lull rmliU tha jt.r and IMm), mid Riar the limmrl Urtlth ut Taatk. lTPPa Wat of Appeiita. ladijr.-ttoa. k JmcU ot Htrtnith and Tird I Am tmm ir" Hosiery, Corsets and La-!)d 9rlVC dies Underwear. Full lines in all these branches oi ine vrv oixkib iraue, ami tc can offer you good value for your money. Should j-ou need GLOVES we have everything desirable and stvlish in Silk, Lisle Thread and Cotton. Remember Montague's motto is "One hundred cents' werth for a dollar every time." Boots and Shoes. made na nrr reciT bw force. Enltvwna Mind andnnpfillea Hrmfn rower. Bvfferin from complaints eoDliar tothsir x wiM4 a D&. BARTERS IRON LADIES TOKIC fe and pAj e .tjteaolr, neaU thy complexion. Frativent attempt. At oonoterfeifr inn on I j add to tha popularity of tho oriainM. fn notMl-oHmont urt the ORffilSAI. ..d BEST. Or. HARTCR'8 LITTLE L-JVEB PILLfk Ciir. tnMUfttton. Linr Complaint and Sick Headache. Sample loee and Dream Bo' Emailed on reoeli of twoeenta m poMatce.. Dr. HARTKR MCOICIMC OO-, SLLatiia, U O. E. HARDY Has on hand a large stork of JEWELRY . ' JUST RECEIVED Call And Secure Prices. FOR GENTLEMEN. Bm Im k wnvl4 r.tmlM Ilia ms.OO OESV1SK H.WD-5F.WED SHOE. 4.00 RMUEffKU WELT SHOE. 3.50 POLICE AND FAKMEBS1 SHOE, f .0O EXTRA TAI.l'E CALF SUOE. i.M and SI. 75 HOYS' SCHOOL SHOE& U niada la tooitrta, Button ana Lata. W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE lafdTc8. Het Material. Ba Stylo. Beat Fittinc t aat sold by your dealer, writ W. L. IHJLGLAM, BROCKTON. MASS For sale C. C. Hackleman, LEBANON, OREGON. Each and every pair of Boots and Shoe in the two la rim establishments owned by Montague are manufactured expressly for him. Every pair fully warranted. These (roods we ao not iuiDort from Missouri, as haa been al leged uy wouia-te competitors, uui are made up from the very boat stock by white labor employed by Buckingham & Hecht and tahu. Nickelsburir ti Vo. When you want anything lieat and nerviceable at bed-roon prices, wun a full guarantee on every pair, you will aftsm-edly buy your foot-wear of MOX- H & I 11TL 1 AAUUA. Hats and Caps. Xo man, youth, boy or child can be considered well dressed if their cranium is surmounted by a 4,shockine bad hat." In order te set our numerous customers rijrht in this regard, Monta gue hast laid in for the fall and winter trade an immense ittock of Hats aud Cans. These aroods were bought direct from the manufacturers and at very low figures. Take a look through theni, and when you do want to buy, aa matter of course you will buy your head-gear onlyof Montague. Men's Furnishing Goods I As underwear for the masculine gender is usually called, is an essential article for the comfort and good health of mankind In this humid climate. Mon tague's stock of Fine Shirts Lion Brand; Fine Shirts Standard Brand; Fine Shirts Neglige; Fine Shirts In Cassimere; Fiue Shirts in every style; Undershirts and Drawers An end less variety in all weights, shades and patterns. W sell hugeous quantities of these goods, and invite your attention to the new grades and new prices. ' Be wise, buy your Underwear of Montague. DON'T SHIP YOUR OLD STOVE. You can buy any of the LATEST XVT'X-lilJlNH Cheap, of SWA.N BROTHERS. THEY CARRY A FULL LINE OF Tin, Copper. wooden and Stone Ware, also PUMPS AND PUMP FIXTURES. S&" Job Work done on Short Notice, HEW HARNESS SHOP LEBANON, OREGON, J. C. FREY & SON, DEALERS IN Harness, Saddles, Collars, Whips, Etc. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. GIVE US A CALL. i ' At Peterson & Wallace's 0M Stand. W. READ, Albany, Oregon. The Yaquina Route. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD, T. E. Hogg, Receiver, AND Oregon Development Co' s Steamslip Line 225 MIlea Shortorl 20 Hour Leaa Time! Than by any other Route. - Rich and Poor Alike. For ten months we have stood at our post selling GRO CERIES, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS and the BROWNSVILLE WOOLEN GOODS, and yet our stock, like leaven, Increases All the Time. Old Jason, like a fool, sailed in the Argo to Colchis in search of the golden fleece; now-a-lays xeople find the gol den fleece in the Brownsville goods for sale at Bach's Cornei Store. Remember, Farmers! I pay cash for j-our produce and t the same time keep everything you want. Formerly , all roads lead to Rome; under the new road law every trail, toe-path and wagon road leads straight up to BACH'S CORNER STORE. FIRST-CLAS8 THROUGH PASSENGER AND FREIGHT LINE From Tortland and all points in the Willamette Valley to and from San Francisco, C'aL OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD. TIMK SCIlEnrij; (Except Sundays.) Lv Yaiuiu....7KK) A M L.T corvaiii ..!:.;.- A m Ar AHwnv 1KW A M I.v Altwnr li:w P M Lv Conrallis 1 J P M Ar Yaintna 4:85 P M O. & O. tntlm connect at Albany and Corvallis. The above trains eonneet at Yaquina wHh the Oregtm lcvclopraent t'ompajiy'a line of Steam ship between Yaquina and Sou Francisco. SAILING DATES. S. S. Willamette Valley WILL SAIL From Yaquina Dec. 10, Pec 19, Pee. CR. From Han Francisco Dec. 5, Dec. 15, Dec. 24. Thi rompany reserves the right to change sail ing dates without notice. WM. M. HOAO. C. C. HOGlTE, General Manager. G. F. 4c V. Agent. Corvallis, Or. WHEN VISITEVCr ALBAN DONT KAILr TO SEE THE MAMMOTH STOCK -OF- Winter Clothing -AT- A1. AZTJTIS NEW STYLES! NEW PRICES! Also an Elegant Stock of Cloths in Merchant Tailor ing Department with Frst-CIass Tailoring-. iMlulO DENVER, Omaha, Kansas City, Chicago, ST PAUL. ST. LOUIS. AND ALL POINTS East, North tP South, UNION TICKET OFFICE, C. G. RAWLINGS, Agent, Albany, : : Oregon. O. LOYELEE, 4 EIerchant Tailor, LEBANON, OREGON. An Elegant Line of Suitings Kept in Stock. Cleaning and Repairing Promptly' and Neatlj'- Done. A GOOD FIT GUARANTEED. - - i r i r X