' J : " :-" Lebanon Express. JL FRIDAY .NOVKMHKU 28, ISIH). EYES AND EARS! A fewMreer lamp have lnvn placed lit position lately. When In Albany call on l M. French, tbe jeweler. Oregon U havln some growing Four ear-bmds of machinery arrived for the paper mill hist wtek. Mr. tJatts took possession of Kirk jatrlek8 store building Monday. Wheat la worth 01 eents and oats 45 eents jn-r bushel at the Lebanon wait house. Clint Gordon Bold to I. A. lbnneit on Wednesday a lot north of the rail road for f ISO. The In-st and mit substantial ln-d-ateadsever In Lebanon, at bed-rock prices, at K. Uoau'a. John lianta sold bin cottage and one lot In the Park addition to Lebanon this veeh to Mr. Case. R M. Garland Is undecided whether to iret a set of teeth or a wet nurse for tuts dog, 'Unele Tom." Itev. V. A. Mellrov had a thumb badly emsln-d while handling heavy tiujoers at lle pa er mill. GotoE. Goan for window shades. oil paintings wire brtls, wool bed a, sofa bed and feather pillows. Union Thanksgiving services Were held" at the First Presbyterian church. Itev. N. li. Kew delivered the sermon J. J. Bwan i havinsr material laid on liis lot adjoining the public school grounds, and contemplates building soon. At a meeting of the members of the Baptist church last Saturday, they de rided to enjraire llov. Uimar one-half liia time. The rain of Hnmtav nijrht threw a damper over farm and mendow. ir-otnc- t lines cold water is a lenetit in more ways than one. Postmaster Hoims intends erecting a brick building next season on the ground now partly occupied by the jHJetofHee building. The drug firm of Beard fc Holt have dissolved partnership by mutual con sent; Mr. Holt retiring from the firm on account of HI health. Buy your watches, clocks and jew elry of F. M. French, Albany, and get chances In the drawing. See list of the presents to be given nway. The cltizena of Sodaville school dis trict held a meeting last Saturday, at which it whs voted to levy a tax of t?25d for the purpose of carrying on the school. The vote stood 'J.A to 17. The S. P. Co. beenn the work of re construction at the Lebanon depot this week by constructing a new driveway. Other improvement-, will follow. The G. A. U. and W. H. C. passed Monday evening very pleasantly, at which "time the W. It. C tendered a reception to their oflU-Sal inspeeiorB. V. N. Tut hill, who b ft Lebanon last March, has been In different part a of this State and WashinKton, and ho says the Willamette valley cannot K excelled. The new ieluol building at thlnpiacc i nearlv eotnjdeted. There remains little to be done beyond placing the seats. A new walk bus la-en laid trn the street to the building, and the ci'ound Is enclosed wlthaitood fence which has I teen painted, giving to the j premises a neat and attractive appear-: a nee. Imperfect dlneslbm and asslinilatlon ' nroduc disordered conditions of the spat em which grow and are confirmed lv nettled. 1M'. J. ii. iMci.cans Strengthening fmditil and Itlood Puri fier, by Its tonic properties, cures Indi gestion and gives tone to the stomach. $1.00 per bottle. For sale by Heard ,V I loll. The ladles of the ('. P. church, think ing that President Harrison and Gov. Pennover were tardv in Issuing tlietr Thanksgiving prclaniations, an nounced to i ho membership and their friends that a Thanksgiving service would be held in the ( P. church even if they had to saerlllee Turkey to hold said service. The old proverb, " As the twig is bent the tr-e's inclined." is contradicted in our expcticYiee; many a lime have we been hent across niotiicrs Knee until our hodv formed a right allele with our lower extremities, and yet we grew to manhood straight as an arrow, and are no way inclined to return to the twig iH'iiding habit. We are told that some uncivilized destruetiouists oil last Saturday niuht broke every pane of glass in a building belonging to J. willicr, near town We had hoped that ticnernl Allies would keep the fanatical red men cooimhI up east of the Itocklcs, but the depredation of Saturday night points to the arrival of a number ol tmrbarl ans. (!. H. Grows attributes the failure of the Waterloo soda, spring not t a blast of giant powder, as was tlrst. reported. but to the unusual IV dry weal tier Should the water fail to rise at the old fountain, he hopes to find the same water vein on the north bank of the at ream, which would be much easier of access and altogether a more desira ble place than the former location. We don't want to appear otlkiotts and dictatorial, but we venture to soir gest tl-nt if the shp from the kilt-Inn were applied as a fertilizer to diri-uut, gooseberries and other small fruits. In stead of forming disease breeding ccs pools near the door, your bushes and briars would show a marked exuber ance nnd your family would probably esenpe the dreaded" attacks ef scarlet fever, diphtheria and kindred dlsea os. A noisy ('?) altercation occurred this week at Sweet Home between two deaf mutes, in which the sign lan guage was carried a little too far for the safety and comfort of one of the combatants. The parties were given hearing before Justice W'atkins, who sent Mr. Krope to j.iil to await the action of the grand jury. Mr. Krokc gave ball and was released on Wednes day. A g!d deal of Interest Is manifested in the revival services now in progress at the M. K. and V. P. churches. The Hon. John H. Finch said in speaking of revivals: 'lt has leen my experi ence as a lawyer that you can collect debts after a revival that were not worth ten cents on the dollar iefore. The religion of Jesus Christ does make men honest. A town could aft"rd, for the sake of business alone, to run a re vival once a year." The alsenoe of lightniner rods in th;s fr;ttN.t.l ru s. Onrson Hwlt visited Albany Wednesday. Miss tlrlsj.'- visited Albany Wedties- iay. Win. White returned from Seattle last week. 1". Keebb r went to Albany the first of I lie week. Miss Hellroio Klrkpatrlck was in Al bany this Week. J. L. Hansard of llrownsvllle was in Lebanon Monday. Win, Otiv and fnmllv relumed from the Sound Tut wlay. Al. Cru-ion returned last "week from a tour on the Sound. Mr. llames returned from Portland the tlrst of the week. Mrs. K. G. fair visited nt Salem and Wood burn a few days last week. Mrs. H. K. Parrlsh was visiting In the Hock Hill tn-ip;hloi'htod this week. M. A. Miller, has been unwell of late, but so lar has been able to keep on his f'Ct. imovi is ii.i.k it niu:i.s. Diiiiaca returned last w'ek few weeks' sojourn on the .bhn from a Sound. Samuel Case went to 1 ndcpeiidciu-e to spend thanksgiving with obi Iriends. Have t Sentry made Ins appearance on our streets last week after n severe Illness. Miss A rni.e I loud was suffering from her tlrst and she hopes the bed at tack of rheumatism last week. Miss Mattie Nixon returned from California this week after an absence of several months. F.dwnrd Nib s of Portland Is. visiting bis mother, Mit. Dr. Ni'gus of this place. We are sorry to learn that Mr. Nib s is su.ii ring from an attack of fever and ni;ite. Prof. H. K. Mi.hener, pri.ic!p:ilv.of the Hab-'ey public s.hsdn was In town Wednesday. llehaslHS'ti given a va cation 1-eeaiise vf the prevaletiee "f diphtberia, hieb, happily, is of A mild torm. svi;i:r no.ut:. Nov. 21, I MM. Not a vne.int house in town. Klder Shea says the onion market is strong. Mr. tSsrland, of Lebanon, was in tow u this week. Measles are all over town, but none are dangerously ill. The expert on gas has not made his appearance yet. He has all he can at tend to at Lebanon Js-rbaps. Mr. Preston has moved into the building on Main street that was built for a butcher shop, and is tlxing up for winter. Stewart Kvaus has his dwelling nearly completed. 1 understand it will be occupied as a milliner and drcasmuLing shop. Mr. She's son, who was sick with fever. Is convalescing at present. Dr. Prill of this place attended him through bis illness. tin the arrival of the mail from Whiteomb we learned that Mrs. W'lilt -comb, the only lady resident of lUg Hotioni, was seiiou-lv Hi, and then- was some t:dk of bringing her mil tn Sweet Home for treatment. The p.n tv who went up to work the Should sirne of our lx-a!s appear a little crochet y, don't In- too rieid in your criticisms, but bear in mind that the editor has been suffering with neu ralgia of late. Are you in love? If so, marry the idol of 'your affections and then go to Matthews fe Washburn's, at Albany, buy a stove or range, raise a large fam ily and be happy." We received a correspondence from Hamilton creek for tius issue. Send in the news from the several neighbor hoods that we may know just what our neighbors are doing. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. O. H. CSross i3 not improving in health. We deeply sympathize with the afflicted in thfs case inasmuch as she has been a constant sufferer for years. We acknowledge a pleasant call from Mr. Upton, of "aciuina. Mr. XJnton was formerly a citizen of Iowa, Wt he thinks Oro'gon superior to hi native State in many respects. The Iebanon Cornet Pand Is profit ing by its weekly meetings for prac tice. "Gentlemen, the muie is good, but we Pbnld the better appreciate it if you would play with open doors. Those desiring thorough instruction . in music will please call on me at the home of Mrs. IS. Carol hers, and make themselves acquainted with my terms. Blanche F.okxkr. We read a U tter from a Texas Crm this week in w hich inquiry was made about Oregon oafs. We venture to say that after the World's Fair in more than one State will inquire after Oregon cereal. Do you want the earth? If so, call on M'atthews & Washburn, Albany, Or., and they will take pleasure in showing you the largest and most com plete line of hardware, stoves and ranges in the valley. We expect before many j-ears pass to liave an abundance of fish to meet the home demand, and within the town limits, tt is the intention of J. II. Kirkpatrick tostockapoud in Isabella Park with tJerman carp. s The deaf mute who waS sent to jail from Sweet Home this week owes his hasty deliverance from prison to the alacrity of S. M. Garland. Mr. Gar land is fast tuiilding a reputation as an attorney, on merit alone. Joseph, the two-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Brown If ansa rd died Friday. Our sympathies are w ith the bereaved, and we cnerish the hope that the sep aration is but for a season. Rev. Mar cellus officiated at the funeral. The Lebanon Literary Society met and adjourned last Monday evening, as several of the leading members were absent, some on business, some sick, and others were at the revival services. Liet ail attend the nest meeting. Beeinnins with the new year, the ecuutry is an argument in favor of our elmifde WHICH even me .tillo-sl ot otner ; trAtt , ni!n. nre cno imoed mi ime dimes cannot but appreciate. We ,,iL.ilt tni;,.s aUoe l!ig ri. Uoiu, and ex know from experience that a few sea- , p,. to nuch Uk- mine this week. Mr. sons spent Hi it.Migmg ngiiining mm Donaea and omo others staffed to-dav burrowing in the earth to escape the ravages of the cyclone is followed by a process of wear and tear that is unfa vorable to longevity. Long life and an abundance of the 'g'Hl tbin-js i f this world are the inheritance ef these vhn settle vn the Pacific eoat. We take pleasure in referring inter ested parties to the card of Metr. Burney, Barin A Draper, in another column. This firm has had twer.ty year of experience in active praotii-c Vicfore the registers and n-f-ivers of laud ctnees, the general land ollice and the courts. They make a specialty of all contests Is fore the land efliees, and rsre the lst equipjMii firm in the State for purposes nnmiii. Any business intrust-i'I in their banib will receive prompt r.nd careful attention. We ai-e in pivsse?sion of informatiom which compels the belief that a species of petit luieenyis Ining practiced in ur town, yet so adroitly as to evade the law. We will pay S-"i for tle arrest and convict ion of tin vono found rend ing the Kxvhkss N-aring any other than the reader's own name end ad dress. There nre but three ways in which you can come into possession of anything; make it, steal it, or have it given to you. What will vou do alnut it? Montague must bo preparing for a boom, Judging by the way he is stick ing up his Mammoth and One-Price Cash Stores. By purchasing hi- goods in such large quantities he naturally gets much lower prices. He. guaran tees good goods in all the departments of his extensive establishments at prices that absolutely astonish other merchants in the valley, some of them going so far as to sav that Montague retails his gesKis as low as they buy them at wholesale. The careful buyer invariably goes to Montague's. The furnace of the Oregon Iron and Steel Company of Oswego, turned oiit last month 1421 tons of iron. Just think of it. only one furnace in the State of Oregon! A State like our own, with mountains of ere, dependent upon the Fast for our supply of this ore, which ranks perhaps above gold in point of utility. We would, not le surprised to see some of our enterpris ing citizens importing fuel and railriMid ties iustead of drawing from our own forests; it seems to be fashionable now adays to use nothing but impoited goods. We ho-M4o see not a few brick blocks built in ljcbanon next year. We have certainly passed the ''slc.b town" era, and if as all are agreed Lebanon is to be a city, let a more substantial style of buildings take the place of box and batten, ami then people will see that we have some faith in our town. A careless, homely and inexpensive style of buildings erected in an apologizing sort of wav, will never is-get confi dence in the stability and future for th. ir camp to a-sist on the trail. John Atkinson and Charley Foster were In toun getting supplies for win ter and the early spring trade, as the roads ie very good now. Mr. Atkin son re-ddes nt the Walboi ranch and Mr. F'-stcr caters to the wants of the travelling public at t'pper Soda. There was a very quiet lawsuit in town last Saisn d iv. A deaf and diuul- per m by the name of Koi-per was ar ! re-ted for !-.;s u'.t with a deadly weapon, and was sent to Albany t- await the action of the grand jury. As the prisoner and ail the witnesses on lth sides were deaf and dumb and no lawyers to quarrel, it was a very quiet affair. Gas Mctkk. riTIZESV MKKT1M). Pursuant to announcement made one week previous, a nuinU r of our citi zens met t;t the C. 1. church on Sun day bint at 3 r. M. S. O. Wallace was elected ehuirnia 'i, Prof. K. N. Wright secretary. A Coiiimitb-e of live were appointed to draft some resolutions set ting foill the object of the imvlimr and out-lining a course of action to lc puiMicd by the chin. The following resolutions were read and unanimously adopted: K. Fit't Timt we orvrtiu?.- mn-!vi- in;e lau orter eiul IW lit-.- fti!-i"-e oi' a riiri.1 eii!-Tvuul! ttC muviv.pttl law a:il i!r- e'u'l' ti.n fi iv.en i. Sv- tiiu t ii:-t rW-iniiyor toul j'n-s-iii Ixvat ni -uue. iisi-ii ;--vn - rh.: i haTik" i.i oitr riUt !i lr ilicti CHni-'.i e;l';i'? e'Oii.-ii ijiicni-'ion' ti iIh 1i ami Tor liio h.'nUl.y at!te,:i-ivao.u u( ei;y n.v r.'ineiii. 511'hir.l Tlmt in 111' (vMii) eiiv rU-itimi wo U-ave to itie 'OM'iviioU ".nesiicn i lut-h or low lU'ra(v ol" tin- vhw l"-'ur;ii Tlal thi-- iue,-liitur L ni"u hull at ihv eall el tin- i lat- v.rtiuH! ei--'t the JU-eiist. inn! all oilier jjteuco, j.Hy al Ijourii to meet at iaah. Xo t'pcertalnty. That the railroad will le extended ' . . l. . . ... : -. : . ... ! . . i. . ... . . , j to iiie .T-aoLi.titi iiiiui.' m o iiie mc.-ihh of that region is made known, there can be little doubt. 1 lovelopment work lu.s progressed so far that contingen cies consequent on mining weivh but little in this case. Kveryle.ly gifted with common sense knows that there is no business without an element of risk, not even farming. Agriculture is regarded as a comparatively safe business, and yet the farmer is placed wholly at tiie mercy of climatic changes in the growing of his crops, and if fortunate enough to have a good harvest he has still to content against the depreciation of prices and the con stant fluctuation of the markets. Min ing, if conducted in an intelligent, economical way, is less precarious; and whereas in all other pursuits t lie re turns are governed by the market, in the latter calling the product is money itself. subscription price of the Express will j growth of a town however high its beH 50 per year, cash in advance; if j aspirations. The One-rriee Cash Store has be come one of the features of Lebanon. As everything is new and fresh, and the prices are so much Ih Iow t nut charged in credit-giving establishments, peo ple who desire to buy their goods for cash naturally go to the corner, where thav do net have to make up to j the storekeeper for the non-paying cus tomers who, when they can io so, ntiy .- ! on credit, and who are'eonsf itutionally swarming j j (0 payinr t-r an Vfhing. Get the one-rnce v a-sn More ana not oaid in advance, ?2 per year. No deviation from these prices. Settle up and take advantage of the reduction. Old people suffer much from disor ders of the urinary organs, and are al ways gratified at the wonderful effects ot jDr. J. H. McLean's Liver and Kid ney Balm in bauishing their troubles, f 1.00 per bottle. For sale by Beard fe Holt. Our town was literally with people Saturday. Lebanon is a , .,. r ti : . . l . . , f gS)ll umrhi-i iw an muus "i "u jf tdero Of'fS. lUC litllJiei Miuwn llifil' nr rati buv what ho wants at reasonable Tirices.'and therefore he comes here to j trade. Santiikni Academy. The friends of Santium Academy will lie gratified to learn that this grand institution was never in a more flour ishing condition than at present.. Fol lowing is a very brief report forlhe fall term: No. on roll fall tenn 41 No. in Alwbra S Xii. in riiysiologj' VI Si. in litt'lier Arithtpotic - - 7 Nn. in 1". S. llisterj- 19 This is a satisfactory showing Tor the first term, but we hope, may we not expect the enrollment to bo doubled next term? Frosty nights. Look out for diphtheria. Get your winter's wood. Kd Shea Is quite slclt with a cold. Tramps are getting quite numerous. The water In the Cnlapnnla Is very low. The mall Is very Irregular on the N. G. Five ear-loads of freight arrived Sat urday night. George Cnshoxv has had n' relapse. He Is very toc'. We want Hie iiantes of candldalcs for city ollicers. Died, In Brownsville, Nov. 2d, Mrs. Henry Maekey. Thomas I'henev Is employed at pres ent on the N. G.'lt. It. W. L. Met cat Ms In Brownsville can vassing for the llalsey News. Charles Howe Is Improving his prop erty in the Galhralth addition. The eldest daughter of Thus. Thomp son Is down with scarlet fevur. The household goods oT John Howe are advertised to be sold at auction. luirnev 1 lowc Is iitille slcu ami con- tin vd to ills room u iih a billons attack. Tin-re has la-en a ehoM s.-eii three times In the last week In Liberal hall Henry F. Myers, lute of Iowa, ar rived in Brownsville Saturday night. Harry Jackson, son of Minor Jack son, has been sick for the hist two days. It Is Impossible for the woolen mill company to Si 1 1 present orders for goods. The met battles have arrived from Portland who will place the eleetrl lights In ponition In the woolen milh Jl.-tllanl I veer Is sutb ring troni an attack of oiiiu.v. Dr. Iteese i-rl'ormed t surgical operation on his throat Mon day. A t- legrani to Al. Howlaud from Chb.-o, Cal., announces I hat his lather, Dr. W. 11. Ivonlainl, It very sick at Ihut place. Died, at the homo of her parents lit llrownsvllle, Nov. U.'t. of e-n!let fever Mish M vrlle Mi Kinley. 'I be fimerat tonk pliiee Monday at I o'clock. A pnvati letter from Mls Liti Monte to Miss l.lla Lt master stub s Ihat Ml j Moore is j cMVclly delbjliteu with her present home on the Sound. Winter Is fa-t approaching. Our meiehants me displaying tlieir rnblwr goods. This Is a sure sign; It Is more reliable than Old rrolmbiiities or the time-honored predict ions of the ground hog. We are requested by several ladles to state that the troop of rough lxvs who nightly cotigiegate rtrouud tie town pump and block up t he side walk, are getting to be an unbearable nui sance. If the young man who stole our um brella Friday night and used it In es cort his girl home, will return it. we wilt forgive and pnseiit him wiih .-i chromo. We hae slept In that um brella for the la-t six mouths, and it is devilish Imi it t g- I nloiij; without it. The Ituptint Association held a im-ct-ing Bt the church Saturday afternoon for the ptirp. se f lecling a pastor, but owing to some mysterious reason which Me failed to learn, no di ii-ion was nrrlved at. The As.s.M-ie.tion will mei I again next Saturday for the sann- purpose, win n it is nofM-ti lliey will ie m iv successful. It is ruuioied t li-i t the stela pptieg nt We.teibvi has dried tip and that the wells are drying up. The Calapeoia river at Brownsville is fust drying i:p, and tie-re is a let of people in ths State w bo want to dry up tiie saloon. Now we would like toted:, iti the liati.e of common sense and reason, where a thirsty man shall go to j-et a drink. For heaven's safe, will someone tell Us where this tbitg is going to stop? Friday evening rd the City hall a grand literary entct t linment was given by the teachers' iusliiiue, then ns-cin-bb d in 1 Irowusxllle. First on the pro gramme Wits 4 vocal duiite, followed by a recitation by Mws Lillian Bruce; entitled "Mono's Vat rs," which w;,s j rendered with much feelirg and hie' dramatic effect. No higher compli ment colli. 1 have bet n paid to lie young lady than the perfect silence oliserveil by the h-.rge aiidi.'iiee. "S inj. Low, Sweet Chariot," by the select choir, was next on the progmni. Mrs. (larland then recited, ".My Husband Studies l-;iH-ution'' in a manner that marked her as n fine elocutionist. A song that reached m v In art was then sung by Miss Grace Itiley in a manner that brought down tli. house and for liieh site received many compliments. I'rof. Bronse.n, piesideitt of MeMinii ville Cllegc, was then inti-iMhiced and delivered a lecture on the work of school teachers. He dwelt upon the influence of teachers in tin' social and political world and the great possibili ties of their profession, end as rtrotiglv condemned the too common practice of men and women in all pt-of-ssiou.. who take up their work when the should ho attending school. He dwelt at some length upon the qualification, both natural and acquired, for n sue- ce-sltil teaclier, and gave, ntil' li vain- i able iuforuuition on the details of' school management. To those al.otit j to adopt the profession, his advice will prove particularly valuable. Afler the j loctuie another piece of music was j given by the choir. Prof, tiartand j then took the fi-or and made a few j well-chosen remarks. He was fob j lowed by Profs Baib-y and Micheucr, j and others. A m cling of the teachers j to lake place at the school house Sa'- j urdav alt cmooii was onnotmeeil and a very iHteresting program was givin out. The choir sang "Home, Swell Home" as a gentle hint to the waiting j audience, who did not seem to realise i that the entertainment was over. N KMO. How's This? We oiler One Hundred Hollars re ward for any care of catarrh that can not tie cured by taking Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cukxkv '& Co., Props., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned have known F. J. Cheney for the last 10 years, and 1 lieve him h rfectly honorable in all business transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their thin. Wuvr & Titi'Ax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Wamuxo, Kixnax & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the bl.xsl and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price ."c. per bottle. Sold by nil druggists. HINTS OK '! ItTSlIlt'. The critical point In every courtship l w hat Is called In common parlance, "popping the question." As It lentil nates the courtship and Involves the happiness or misery of tit least two liettils, It is regarded by the aggressive patty us Ihf! most momentous period of his life. It Is somewhat remark able thai a young man will conduct himself for a score or more years as though In; was prep trcd for any event and could acquit himself creditably In any business, tninsuelloii, only to how hhi wttihitcss nud puerility nt the last moment. The bare thought of that ou short sentence w ill choke the young man with emotions as bulky as a bale of hay. Stand up to the ruck and take your Ashler like a man, Instead of strad dling about on your knees. The latter attitude Is not only ridiculous. It Is de structive of trousers. Take her bv Un hand and talk to her in a btislue-s-like way; If slut says yes, you do not need any further instruct Ion, the whole business lso li'iiiniti. If she happens to say Ito which she probably will do afler yon have made such a fool of yourself don't promise yourself that you will commit suicide and thus ter minate the uithttppv iitl'uir. No girl w as ever wort hy of such u .saei lllce, and besides you may have a chance' to try again with l-tter success. There Is no last chance In love, the ease only prows hopeless when the jlrl diex. W'e once heard of a young man w ho broached the subject eighteen limes to the wanie girl iiinl In got lu-r. i'lnb r no circumstances, write a pro posJl to ti go !. There Is room for sev eral undesit fdle results from such ti mad course. Written language Is more ditilenlt of interpretation than spoken language. 'l ite w ol Id has probably dili'-rcd more over Its writing limit over anything else. Ju-t think what might l'e tin- outcome of your written proposal should you make tiie mi.stnUe of addressing yotir b-Uer to on old-r sist.-r. Tins iit maid would otilv Im- ln jfled to nccepi .vmi by return mull, and if you lu-.-onttvd to iioirry Iter, tin way is i.M-u lt bii-noh-of-prontlse unit and for the lU-litliitr man of the house hold. Lttci rub d nib eiiun Is t-xpt n.-lve tis well at lorluititH, Hut yott mil-1 ti 't consider yourself ait-epfed because she i Joels you twice; two iietr ttii cs make an atllrmalive in iir.iiiuifir, but not In courtsbqi. 15' snles, you are not exjievteil toilotliK sort of bti-ln-ss ur.iitililhtleiillv, the well-wtllten bivert'iry to the (sail rary notwithstanding. Piliueo, Harvey and a host of ol her authors may give valuable rules for conjugating ll- verb love, but in the conjugal relat ion w Idell mostly iMiteerns you their advice weighs not a i-oppi r. 11 A ! iji.i I AM. mM. .1 Tjc.iwi'ii-.-t'gftMJBB'ji'tl'''iW'riwii''iiii i m.tm mwtmi " m n jfPnawwum' m$imv If AMI I, TOM On RICK, Nov. 24. We nre glad to hear that Miss Pet Johnson !m recovering from her bite Illness. I'nele Chfirlev Williams bud his log- rollimr. but bis barrel of elder had i tuructl to "bun Juice." We understand that Mr. Maine, of Nebraska, who 11 v. d at Soduvllle nhoitl a year before returning to his former home, Is rclrai'big' his s(cts to this fu voreil laud. lie now speaks very hb'hly of Oregon, Brltig along your cash and stop til l'btilion; It beats Ho davllle. Wn rise to say that Sweet Home can't bent this part of the world In the way of lieu 1 1, iv s. We had a wedding bet week in which the contra"! lot: parlies were Mr. D. Vinson and Mrs. King; the bridegroom had attained his majority neat ly four times over, being years old; the bride had Just passed the levities of youth ntnl hail entered Upon her Holli year. The Swiss bell- lilim is plnyed ton full house III the evening and were lilcrally rewarded. Nolhinir stroinrcr than cider was tltirnk on I Ids oecnslon. Miss Todd and Thus. HroiiL'h also passed around Some us dell'-ioiis enkc as mi editor ever set eves on. We wish the couple a htippv lotirnev Hirctlgh life, but can't help thinking It uiifortunnte flint they did not net thus sensibly twi-Mcrire years ego. Oni: ok i UK BoVS. Tlir-f I nuillli-ii Arrmteil on tlio Strrrl ff Albany, by the mngulflccnt display of hard were, stoves and ranges nt Mat thews A Washburn's, who carry the largest a-sortmettt In the valley. mui7 iiiiij TARIFF 8 FIXED. Our t'ongrc'sintm hava with mucti worry ami fiiss Ami firl tti jir, and cut-sing, ami something fitill wu With what they call love for the tlcur lahoring limn 'J 'ho tatifT fixctl tij On tlry gtxxl?, Inxt anl ;hoo r-t holuii's aro rai.e'!, On foroign goods the tnriir ootnpk'tt ly is razed, Ami all things thuv'vo tinkcrctl fo much as they caii; iNtnv nriftfl oi up, . , . Hut Hacklonian will prevent with' the best of his aid The result from -n"octing his customer's traley The juices stay dwn ami never a twan s Can say they go up. W. II BOOTH, M. D., IMIVSICIAN&SURGHON Office In Oiiv'a New Bulldlnar. Peslilenoe at Mra. Ambler'. Fat l.vli !.s i-o ph-aseii licit nlwnvs b..!,s -;i plea.ieir, says go to Matthews A. iflibitrn, Albany, Or. t buv ftnVf titnl ran j' s, bciHtirfi- ihey only keep the be-t ttnd iilways do a.-, thev I'.gtee to. DR. W. Plivsician C. NEGUS, and Siirtrt'on. Orn'l'iii4'' ft it'ivn! I'oltfirt- lit Jltl'tlltl U1 II.-1 ! -Vli'- M. -ill.-ivl l -.ill. Vi: Hp. t'lilo-tt.- i jvm It it lill'y. t .. (;:. nillti' i-.l tlliillt I'Ull) HTjbe kfliflB. " ill I'T.-Kiik) iitri' k' l uM l!tis. Ielinii, (r EAML. M. CA15LAND, ATTORNEY- AT - LAW. I KIIAN'tlN'. OIlEtiOV. Office with ''Lebanon Exprosa. LITTLE GIANT SCHOOL SHOES, The Very Best School Shoes In tlio IVlarUet. . All Solid.. Call and See How They Are Made, h . I-s&s ka .II nr n iraMirrp n r n n t. i r U l ..' M A.J i I .i J ;J K-4 .T " 7 Ii tFA(rr-tli RbcumiMlstri, ra-K! Corns HEADACHE. And ALL PAIM. TV? rHfrnla Pe! ib Jf j;MIt ELECTRIC COUQIi CUUE tUKIS CCl , ChVL'P, COM' -IPrK'H. PeH ry a'J Prw.-j'.u. Eclt 2Pe, A tl Cr ilnr S (.to , Pt op', lot Angiiloi, Onl, iii:aici v holt, .Ccji it for Lcfljntion, Or. THE CRY OF PILLION! -irf" OH, TVV BKCKi m TOP IT WOW, IT WIIL BC TOO LATl. toon 1 het-im ImiihW mny ttt with diiriv of the kiilne- nnij haTe tricrl man ditTirrrnt rrmcdiM ud he iiivjlit aid fnjra iliticrit tiTk-aia wu!i.,ut rrlief. AtoHt the tsih of April 1 irai urrin; from a err itiletil uttnclt Hint atm.t pnjatrntrd me In nfh a ninnncr luat lrll tietll liver. When I at ilonro it w almiirt imil!e for me : to art un al'ine, or m 1 en mr nuin, wncu i kin 1 T-i OTMlem iw-nl lr. lleulry, iuKK'jUN KIDNICY TliA. to my i li'HrL I inimeiiintely cnuroenced umuh the tea. It had an almost miraculous effect, ami to the aston ' ishmenl of all tiie rhcs at the hotel, i i,i fw .lav I am bfiimv to Mate. I that I mi a new ! reoitnmi-od the tta to aa 1 lucre been. with the IV. T. I'riisft. I.. T. lUr.is. J. W. !it.irKB. RUHNCY, BARIrM A. DRAPER, AT'l'OKN UYS-AT-LAW, ttithi.uN .HY, it;f.i.v. T iti-ttbr vtni i rii ttii- ax ft' cl-ti-r f the t". s I in l i: -e t i in kii!i I tn, itiroii, mi 1 III ll: I.an l i men i mii M' i'. rM i:(,i!ii-t:-!' ui In "tr MM-iiitty "t ill IiIihI- if t;iiiMtA l-tTe ih Iaii'I iicih .-. . r tin- i ut i . ntnl Involving .racttet- in tin- !. ii. ib! I mid OIIW. Eureka Heat Market, fin:iiM v.v PTiurrr, L. M. WHEELER, Pro'p. Beef, Pork, Mutton, Sausage. A flnvri' of the public patronage eo- Itciteil. CD O C CO "o o o CO -r- c OS o CD Kvcry parcnt knows bow hard children arc on shoe. Wig lave made it' a study to find tho h'.-pt School Shoe in thtf market, ami think wo can give it to you when we give? the " LITTLE -GIANT." AVo a.sk you to call and let us show you how the shoe is? made. There is nothing like Solid Leather to wear Fop ular prices. C. C. HACKLEMAN man. I wil! to all afflicted! I rPER. I G. A. ti: rroprirtor CVfidenlat Hotel, BRICK! BRICK! 1125,000 Brick: At ley junl In tli fi ntl.. iJ Ilmnim - For Sale at Reasonable Rates. All Kln l of MASON WORK DONE Willi Neat new and Pevjoilch. P. YV . HARDIN. , 1 rn m'A vr'i rfevi i K G1TI2ES AMY HEADACHE rmileYouWait; MOTU1MQ ELSE. Naa nntvs a any reisson in von ttnxi isine I nlace where VOU Will purchase your I A Creat Livrr Medicine. iupp!;ti. I I'r. tiunn s linproven j.tver l itis are ...ipn ,a n. . intinnf rnf T'ipr inni one: vun. i.'i civi. ..i,. ...... ... , ."i.v" 1 11... t i n.n,.t, tt.A ta iii I oomvlaints. dvs-'iM n;iia. indiircstion. cos- Married, in Albany, ov. V ni. t,lrj ,ln,. , i,n 1 . tivcness. tnrpi.l bvor, etc. Hit-sc pills Barlwur of Lf -ban on and Mi. Minnie t on h.;ve v,rt.,iieU-iV a dist-eti r on this i insure perftt-t . digt-sthm, corre.-t the Beall of Toronto, taantlti. We con- ; rw, ,ople' tinio it Jias the un.,a. ! liver and stoniath, regulate thebowola, gratulte the happy 'pair awl wis-h ' ,.oev'rei".utntion'f 1-circ the ron-'ht-t ptirify and enrich the blood aiid make thewi all the happioefis which belong ; 'jj cl jn aJ, t'iu. 011;,..trv7 lnl!- kin eb-Hf. Tiny also prolt:co a to the new relation vvbieb. they l':vM 'vr-.t p,'.r the above wo want it iiid.-r- i f-'o'-d apix-tiie, ami invi.rorate and just assrumed. " i std''hat the sK:tion ft;ix-ni:inV in rtn jfttx-nirthf'ii the entire system bv their I carry a full line of pills, powdered ; sense to blame fur the bad condition of : tonio tiori.. old at 2o cents a box by drass elixirs, tablets, capsules. The! the mad. Mr. Skclly does his work i -l- A. slider. on'y dealer in Frederick Prearns & Co's ! ami dtn-s it well, but no four men can! - popular non-secret remedies. Buying t keep thirteen miles of mid in jrood For siek lieadat-ho. female troublen, mv ffiis- at tt-P far.tr.rv- T f-n.-thWl : rns.ir Tlii frest uniribiT of rotten t iieuraiuic lmins ill the head take Dr. J. tosell nt reduced prices. OfTlce and i ties on this line should be replaced j IT. McL;a:i's Little salesroom corner Miiiu and Oak s'reets, ! wilh good ones, and that bef"re any 1 Fillets. 5 eenSs a jLebapon. Bs. J. A. LiMiiEEv. . serio'is neci-letst oceors. IlcltV. ST. CHARLES HOTEL, M. V. DOUD, PROPRIETOR. Only First-Class Hotel in Lebanon. BOARD REASONABLE, BY THE DAY OR WEEK- Ten fine and iit-eful presents to be given away f.V worth at F. M. French's jewelry store, Albany. Coiii moncinjr Nov. 1, I will present every one a ticket for each dollar's worth of trouls purchased, entitling; the holder to a chance tr draw one of the follow- injj beatitif'.il presents: 1st, larire din ner Citntor, worth $1(1; 2d, fanev fruit dish, J; Sd, silver cake basket, $8; 4th, Milver cake stand, $7; 5th, set silver knives and forks, $(!; 6th, double pickel castor, fo; 7th, silver butter dish, 4; 8th, single pickel castor; $3; 0th, SSeth Thomas clock', 2; lOih, sil'ver enp, H Drawiag to take place New Year's day. Tho comer jewelry store. A Sure Cure for Ml. Ttchintr Piles are known by moisture like nn sniratioti eattsinti intense itch- itt when warm. This form, asMelij Leoanon P aning Mi I- ' r V i J1 5- -J.it. ' . , . . j ri f is 'i V 4 ; t : 1 if) (D O Si CO "o .o o CO c as a 0) WOTICS! NOTICE! THE jSOLFCI TO BE HAD AT . T. C. PEEBLER'S. 15 lhs Extra C Sugar ,.,....:.,,,.. $1 00 13 lbs Granulated Sugar. 1 00 4 lbs Iiest Kio Oofll-e 1 00 14 lbs Kice 1 00 20 lbs Ik-ans 1 00 i lbs Soda 25 10 lbs Lard . ,.. 1 20 We have the largest as well as the best select stock of Crockery and Glassware, CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, Furnisliiug Goods, Gents' Neckwear, ATVI GLOVKH. Wo pay cash for all kinds of Produce We invite co.iparison. T. C. PEEBLER. W. B. DONACA, -DEALER IN- -A.ND- UNIVERSAL WOOD-WORKER. ESTALISHED IN 1875 BY S. A. KICKERSON. ReMecV Enlarged and Improved. NEW MACHINERY OF THE BEST MODERN TYPE. f.ivc-r nnn Kidney vial, nt I?eard & etui Ir.(iih'ii:i:r OtiliO i ts . T r.if-p.ufacture ami h rames. i.'oor r rames, elonl in Doors. Blinds, all ptvles of Windw Mould incrf, P-raeket?. Etc., iu fact anything man well-assorted lis biiml, bli-t-tiin . 1 .5 . I ... I ieiu til lime iu ti. it.i umj i nr: - - . . - , , , i i.i,iv wiii..i n. a !ir.v.i!i7 n-.t tii lifneturea ana keiit m haou in a tirt-euvss jnanei. i.arts aileeted. ftLsmbs tumors. al!ri! In c.uiieetion with tho above. 1 aiso l:;ne on hand a itebiti.tr und ei'ieeb; ti perjnnnent en re. in.,i,l.r vtrl in which i-? to' bo found rouiih nnd dressed Lumber, Rustit 0(k. l)rusir.f.s or rutai: treatise tree. ,, . , ..i t i: vi .,,..! 1l I-;.-.,la xf' Finishing I.-nmiv i Itr 1((w..L-n s-)Q -.-.h trf.. PMlndel. I J'fVel, eauiei wauutig, i """a i phiti, ra. c5old by M. A. MiUer. ! for Cornices, Et GROCERIES, PROVISIONS Cigars, Tobacco, Furnishing Goods, Etc. First-Class Goods AT REASONABLE PRICES, Country Produce Taken in Exchange' for Goods. Give Me a Trial and Be Corivicea KEEP ON HAND A STOCK? OF i Shingles, Posts. Boa r I and Pickets,