The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, November 21, 1890, Image 3

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    Lebanon Express.
FRIDAY. . . . .NOVEMBER 21, 181M.
Frt tt Ward was 1 1 town Frlila;-.
Jack Fox Is buiklhtg nenr Ppiecr.
Jas. Muiisey lias bought Into a sa
loon in Albany.
When In Albany call on F. M.
French, th Jeweler.
Itev. Holllnger preached in the C. P.
church Monday evening.
He v. I. Carleton pieaehed In the U.
1 church Sunday evening.
jMnemnery tor me iwiht mm rnn
By the car-load almost dally.
Rev. Mcllroy irenchcd In Holly,
Uo In Sweet Home, Sunday.
We learn that the wifo of J. K.
A fishmonger was on our streets Hat
urd&y retailing a mammoth sturgeon.
Pr. Hope la having Band hall re
painted. J. A. liaker la doing the
A Thanksgiving Imll will be given
at Union hall by It. 1,. Kile ami Will
"fcharp. ... ,
J. J. Swan .him built a burn on his
property ifear the new public school
F.d Kellenlerger tella us that he
shipped seventeen beeves to Portland
last week.
J. Settle of this place sold to Cyrus
llahr of Sweet Home teu head of eat-
lie on Monday.
The liest and moat substantial bed
steads ever sold In Lebauon, at bed-rock
prices, at JC Uoan'a.
Jos. Saltmarsh recentiv purchased a
ear-Kad of five-year-old steers which
he Intends to stall-feed.
Mr. Gstts, recently from Kansas, has
rented Klrkpatriek's store building
and wilt open a naKery soon.
do to E. Goan for window shades,
oil paintings, wire beds, wool beds,
sofa beds and feather pillows.
Do von like to read? Subscriptions
for all the leading newspapers and
magaeines received at this oluee.
Ernest Case had a runaway on Mon
day, lievond spilling the occupants
of the vehicle, no damage was done.
J. It. Kirkpatrlck sold to Rev. A. B
Wade two lots in Isabella Park. Itev.
Wade intends to build ou his property.
We learn fram H. C. Moran of Sweet
Home that a party left that town Mod
day to work on the trail to the mines.
Mr. Fleetwood now drives a span of
mutes, the donkeys cover less ground
man tne greys, out tney cover it well
Several wells have gone dry lately
and the Santiam is lower than it has
been for many years, sa-s one of our
A gentleman by the name of Weath
prhv ramp nver from A Hutu v n fpw
Jays since to learn what he could about
our mines.
Several wells in town refuse to pnmp
or be pumped. Whether this fact is
'chareaMe to the milkman, deponent
sayein not.
Rev. O. R. Whitmore was exp-H-td
in lA'banon Inst (Thursday) evening t
initiate candidates into tht order of the
A. O. LT. W.
A car-load of lumber wra received a
few days since, and we expect soon to
see the depot undergo some changes
for the better.
The recorder's court presented a
lively spectacle Saturday last- There
were" four eases tried before his honor
on that eventful day.
The interest In orcharding seems to
be reviving In these parts, if we are to
judge by the large iuvolee of trees re
ceived at this place last week.
Buy your watches, clocks and jew
elry of F. M. French, Albany, and get
chances in the drawing. See list of
the preseuts to be given away.
In an Indirect way we learn that
there have be-.-n several weddings In
Sweet Home lately. Bring on your
cuke and receive aiir congratulations.
For sick headache, female trouble,
neuralgic pains in the head take Dr. J.
H. McLean's Little Liver and Kidney
PUleta. 25 cents a vial, at Beard &
We will begin a serial story in the
Express next week. Now is the time
to subscribe and get the first chapter of
this serial, which we promise you will
be good reading.
The old store building at the south
end of Main street which has served
as an art gallery for the circus bill
poster for a number of years, was re
moved last week.
We predict a cold winter, and we
base our predictions on the fact that
wood rats are building large dens and
our Dakota friends are building high
their wood-piles.
Are you in love? If so, marry the
Idol of your affections and then go to
Matthews & Washburn's, at Albany,
buy a stove or range, raise a large fam
ily and be happy.
First street has been opened beyond
the new school bouse. The Btreet has
been graded, new walks have been laid
and that part of town is much more
attractive than formerly.
The Switzerland .butcher lost one of
his young stag hounds last week. If
you see the Lebanon meat market
draped in mourning, just attribute it
to the loss of this blooded dog.
It will be necessary to extend onr
corporate limits very soon. East Leb
anon has built so rapidly this year
that about one-third f our population
reside just outside the city limits.
The report that T. C. Peebler bo ught
the goods in the Variety store was pre
mature. Mr. Peebler' 8 stock is new
and well selected, having bought
nothing from this store save some
Do yon want the earth? If so, call
on Matthews & Washburn, Albany,
Or., and they will take pleasure in
showing you the largest and roost com
plete line of hardware, stoves and
ranges in the valley.
Ad. Nye, a well known aud respected
citizen of Linn county living near
Sweet Home, departed this life Sunday
night- He was buried by the Masonic
fraternitv. beine an honored member
f that brotherhood.
H. C. Moran of Sweet Home was in
this week gathering what news he
could concerning the late wreck near
Salem. Mrs. Boatman, of Puyallup,
who was hurt bow badly is not
learned is his sister.
The pie social given at the residence
of Dr. Courtney last Friday night was
well patronized, a good many voraciou s
appetites were sated, and the dream s
consequent on the night's festivities
were of the pleasantest nature.
Old people suffer much from disor
ders of the urinary organs, and are al
ways eratified at the wonderful effects
of Dr." J. H. McLean's Liver and Kid
ney Balm in banishing their troubles.
$ 1.00 per bottle. For sale by Beard &
B. O. Fellows was arrested at Scio
the first of the week, charged with
rape on the person of Miss Krenger, a
German girl, who resides near Scio.
The accused is charged with having
drugged the girl and then accomplished
tier ruin.
Our hints on courtship have, we fear,
led to the establishment of a bud pre
cedent; Recorder Peterson held eouit
on last Monday until 1 o'clock In the
mornlnir. and now the young men of
the town say they can court as long as
alter, and tuoy no it.
K. B. Crmich la now haimv In antic
ipation of n free ride and a lx of Ha
vannas. Mr. Crouch wagered a box of
cigars with Judge Miller last spring
that theie would le one hundred
houses built In Lebanon In 1S!K). Al
ready one hundred and Ave buildings
have" iieen erected.
I carry a full line of pills, powdered
drugs, elixirs, tablets, capsules. The
only dealer In Frederick Stearns &Co's
popular non-secret remedies. Buying
my goods at the factory, I am enabled
to'sell at reduced prices. Olllee and
salesroom corner Main and Oak streets,
Lebanon. I)K. J. A. Lamkrrsux.
Imperfect digestion and assimilation
Produce disordered conditions of the
spstem which grow and tire confirmed
ny neglect, or. J. ll. McLean's
StrengthenlngCoidial and Blood Puri
fier, by its tonic properties, cures indi
gestion and ctves tone to tne stomacn. per bottle. For sale by Beard &
We call the attention of our lady
readers to an article in this issue by
one of their sex. The Held open to our
lady readers Is an important one; there
are many unestlons arrowing out or tne
social fabric which can best l dls-
cussed by them. Iiet the article, "How
Shall We Serve?" be the first of a se
ries of contributions front the ladies.
J. K. Charlton told us this week that
his brother, who lives near .Sedalia,
Washington, raised about 7tKK bushels
or wheat tins year. ve presume sir.
Charlton finds farming fully as profit
able as collecting taxes in Linn county.
Yvn ara sorrv to lose so irood a citizen
and so efficient an officer, but It Is grat
ifying ti know that he Is prospering
Pead the Interesting budget from
Hweet Home this week, our corre
spondent mentions the discovery of
some mines near that place which may
prove valuable property, especially
some quicksilver mines. ir these
mines yield reasonably well they will
prove veritable bonanzas to the owners
and stimulate me growtn oi mis mouu
taiu town.
The Pan Francisco Examiner gives a
list of the lucky ones in the guessing
contest, and we notice that L. L. Bur-
tensbaw of Ashland, son of B. Burten
shawof I,ehanon, guessed within forty-
two of LUenshurg's population, thereuy
getting two Traver lots. Mr. Burten
sbaw also guessed within one the poi
ulation of lYrt Townnend and got a
lot In South Sacrament. A few such
guesses as these will cause the Yankee
to turn green with envy.
Montague must he preparing for i
boom, judging by the way he is stock
ing up his Mammoth and One-Price
Cash Stores. By purchasing his goods
in such large quantities he naturally
gets much lower prices. He guaran
tees good goods In all the departments
of his extensive establishments at
prices that absolutely astonish other
merchants in the valley, some of them
going so far as to say that Montague
retails his goods as low as they buy
them at wholesale. The careful buyer
Invariably goes to Montague a.
The One-Price Cash Store has le-
conieoneof the features of Lebanon.
As everything is new and fresh, and the
prices are so much below that charged
in credit-giving establishments, peo
ple who desire to buy their goods
for cash naturallv go to the corner,
where they do not have to make up to
the storekeeper for the non-paying cus
tomers wno, wnen tney can no so, Duy
on credit, and who are constitutionally
opposed to paving for anything. Get
prices at the One-Price Cash Store and
if the.e is any reason in you that Is the
place where you will purchase your
Ten fine and useful presents to le
given away f-Vi worth at T. M.
French' Jewelry store, Albany. Com
mencing Nov. 1, I will present every
one a ticket for each dollar's worth of
gods purchased, entitling the holder
to a chance to draw one of the follow
ing beautiful presents: 1st, large din
ner castor, worth f 10; 2d, fancv fruit
dish, $9; 3.1, silver cake basket, $8; 4lh,
silver cake stand, t"; 5th, set silver
knives and forks, W; Cth, double pickel
castor, $'; 7th, silver butter dish, H;
ftih, single pickel castor; ?3; 9th, Seth
Thomas clock, f2; 10th, silver cup, fl
Drawing to take place New Year's day.
The corner jewelry store.
A. P. Florey of Sodaville called on
us Monday. This is the first time we
ever met Mr. Florey. We should like
very much to meet all our readers,
make their acquaintance, get all the
newB, confer with them on matters of
general Interest, and then we could
the better promote one another's inter
ests. ill all our readers please re
member that our office is on Main
street, that the door to our office has
no combination lock, that the publish
ers are made of ordinary clay, and that
they are never too busy to entertain
you in a senii-civiHred manner, print
all the news you feel willing to impart,
and will be glad tesee you anytime.
Come iu and see us.
The shooting gallery at the upper
end of Main street was kept open last
Sunday, and the discharging of fire
arms was continued at intervals
throughout the day, much to the an
noyance of people living near this
scene of Sabbath desecration. If the
man in charge of this place of amuse- j
meut nas a license tuus to amict a
sober, law-abiding citizenship, we have
no word of rebuke, but If this loud
mouthed shooting match be run in de
fiance of law, we say set the brakes.
If a supine citizenship will tolerate
this sprout of iniquity, they would
better put the park in order, arrange
the seats, aud the Sunday concert and
beer garden will soon be inaugurated.
An enthusiastic meeting was held at
the C. P. church on last Sunday at 4,
p. m. The meeting was open to men
only, and the object was to consider
how best to conserve the morals of the
town, to promote law and order, to
preserve the sanctity of the Sabbath,
and to secure united action with a view
to elevating the standard of morals in
our town. Not that Lebanon is worse
in this regard than other towns, but
believing that a wholesome regard for
all that is pure and manly and en
nobling is for the best interests of a
community, our citizens have been
prompted to take this advtmce step.
Aside from the church and every the
ological system, the moral element has
always determined the true value of
civilization; vice has meant danger,
virtue has meant safety. Connivance
at iniquity is an aftront to the spirit of
virtue, and is equivalent to opening
the flood-gates and liberating torrents
of crime. The case is one that appeals
not to benevolence, not to philosophy,
but strictly to the moral sense. If the
insane idea which some entertain of
allowing vice and iniquity to go un
checked, and wickedness and crime to
go untrammeled, were seriously pro
posed, all good men would at once
combine. "In times of peace prepare
for war." Let everybody attend the
meetme next Sunday at 4 P. M.. and
thus escape the humiliation of trusting
to feebler hands the female sex a
duty which properly belongs to man
hood. Three Families Arrested on the Streets
Of Albany, by the magnificent display
of hardware, stoves and ranges at Mat
thews & Vashburn's, who carry the
largest as5ortninl. in the valley. .
Mrs. B. Donaca was taken pretty sick
last week.
John Beard and T. 0. Peebler went
to Portland Thursday. ,
H. M. Garland went to Oregon City
on legal business Thursday.
Rev. A. Marcellus went to Nehalem
last week. He returned last Tuesday.
Charlev MoidAtnm went to Vancou
ver Tuesday. He wlU return Saturday.
Hush Nixon has some mining In
terests which called him to Quaitsvllle
this week.
John Grigga, of Independence, Is vis
iting his sis'em, Mrs.O. H. Ralston
and Mias Griggs, In Lebanon.
Rev. N. I,. New came from Scio
Tuesday to asalxt In the protracted
meetings at the C. P. church.
7 T. Brvant went to the Santlam
mines this wetk to make good his light
to a certain rich mining claim.
Rev. A. B. Wade, pastor of the
Christian church at llarrlsUurg, Is vis
iting I. A. Bennett of tills place.
Misses Clara aud Lucy Gard, of Mon
mouth, who have been visiting the
family of C.J 1. Ralston, returned home
J. V. Hvde went to East Portland
last Thursday. Engineer McFadden,
who was killed In the late rallruad
wreck, was Mr. Hyde's brother-lu-law.
George Hale and Ed Knapp returned
Sunday. Messrs. Hale and Knapp, In
company with others, went to aah-
lngton to file on timber claims.
J. V. Keebler came down from Oak
land this week after an absence of nine
months, and he says our town has
grown so rapidly in the meantime that
lie hardly recognized It.
Rev Lamar of Missouri, a cousin to
S. O. Wallace, arrived l i Ijebanon
Monday. It Is rumored that he Is to
become the pastor of the Baptist
church in isorth Brownsville.
Miss Blanche accomplished
vnmiirladv from Duvton. Wnsb. Is vis.
hlng at the home of her grandmother,
Mrs. K. Carol hers, in Lebanon. All
lovers of music would profit by her In
struct ion.
Nov. IS. 1S0O.
Weather has leon very pleaant here
tor some time past. A little cold nights.
A memlter of Mr. Shea's family Is
sick with typhoid fever, but is improv
ing at present.
Bill McKlnnon, from Cannon creek.
passed through here Sunday on his
way to Albany.
Walter McUhee Is down from the
toll gate, and says that gate-keeping is
anout enueu for mis season.
The citizens of Sweet Home are talk
ing of organizing a Ixmrd of trade to
regulate the price of ehlttlm bark.
Mr. Wilkinson, of the Mountain
House, was in town Saturday. He re
ported weather fine, but very dull, as
travel across the mountains Is about
A. P. Nye died early yesterday raorn-
ing. xur. i ye was nu oia pioneer ana
was very highly respected bv all who'
knew him. The balance of the family
who have been Bick are getting along
very wen.
Sweet Home is the place where the
young people have come to theconclu
sion that living the life of an old bach
elor or that of an old maid Is not the
nut pleasant way to drift down the
tide of life; so they are taking the more
sensible plan, viz: marrying. On the
11th Inst., Samuel 8. Pickens and
Mary Hhea were united in the bond
of wedlock, and on the 12th Allien
Pulliam and Dora Hopjw took upon
themselves lhe same covenant vows.
Thos. A. oat, of the Evangelical As
soctatlon, outdated in both instances.
There have leen a counli of quartz
leans niunn oniy a rew miles troru here
Messrs. Iewis ai-d Pickens are the
nwneis of one that is rich In quickil
ver, and some deaf and dumb ersons
have round one on the farm of Israe
Wood and are working it. They have
sent some or the rock away to be as
saved, but have not yet had returns
from it. And some parties think they
liHve found some crude Htroleum
down Ames creeK aim have sent t
Lebanon for an expert to come up and
prospect ior gas. r.ioer tsnea says
there are plenty or men in Lebanon
who are experts on gas.
A company left Sweet Heme yester
day for Whiteomb, a txjstofflee in the
Big Bottom country, to make a trail
from there to the Ouartzville minea
The party from here consisted of A. F,
Hamilton, Air. iianlinson, I). Y. Hum
baugb, Herman Keehn, Gus Kinze
and T. B. Lewis. They will be met at
Whiteomb by G. B. Whiteomb, D. T
Litsingcr, Mr. Bone, Mr. Carroll and
some others. John Donaca and Mr.
JMiey and some others will go up
Thursday to help. As the tuiues are
on this pmng of the Santiam river,
with a trail irora here they can pass
in and out oi tne mines anv time Our
Ing the season with pack animals or on
foot, so I am told. There Is now a good
trail from Sweet Home to Whiteomb
and a weekly mail at present.
(Jar Metre.
A new class iu grammar was started
Messrs. Geo. Walton and Emory
Jjoud entered school this week.
Robt. Mont a true has been absent
from school for some time. Wonder
what's tiie matter.
Anyone hearing the geography class
recite is constrained to say, "Europe
certainly is a musical country."
This week closes the fall term of
school. The winter term will hcidii
Monday, at which time the plan of
work will be thoroughly revised.
The question for discussiou at the
Elite Literary Society Friday evening
is, "Resolved, that our government
has been more liberal to the soldier
than to the Indian." The stieakers on
the affirmative are Win. Wallace, J. B.
Marks and Melvin Williams; negative,
Prof. Torliet, Miss Abble Fry and Miss
DoraTorbet. There will be recitations
by MissfS Maude Eaton and Dot Hope.
All old nieml-ers are requested to at
tend, and especially members of the
school. "Academical."
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars re
ward for any case of catarrh that can
not be cured by taking Hall's Catarrh
Cure. F. J. Chenby & Co.,
Props., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned have known F.
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be
lieve him perfectly honorable in all
business transactions, and financially
able to carry out any obligations made
by their firm. Wkst & Tbuax,
- Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Warding, Kiska.v & Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter-
nally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system,
Testimonials sent tree. 1 rice 7oc. per
bottle. Sold by all druggists.
Are active, effective and pure. For
6lck headache, disordered stomach, loss
of appetite, bad complexion and bil
iousness, they have never been equaled,
either in America or abroad. For salo
by M. A. M iller.
Tbe Fat Lady
That always looks so pleasant, says go
to Matthews & Washburn, Albany, Or.,
to buy stoves and ranges, because they
only keep the uest ana always an as
j they ngrve to,
Fulling leaves.
Fall rains are late.
Hotel overcrowded.
Scarlet fever iu town.
The roads are drying up.
Mr. Starr, of Salem, Is In town.
The wood-saw finds plenty to do.
James Peurl of Halsey was in town
H. B. Moyer Is preparing for the log
ging season.
E. Walkpr. residing in the foothills.
a quite sick.
Lincoln Simons la able to be on the
treets again.
Mrs. Kenry Mackey Is very low with
Dr. Curl returned to Brownsville
Friday night.
The N. G. will transfer frelirht at
McClea, Sunday.
Samuel Simons moved Into the Wil
li; house Saturday.
Ben Reese Is mauling the buss drum
u the Cornet Band.
Daniel Standlsh and son start for
Nebraska Monday.
Mrs. Hull, wife of Elmer Hull, has
arrived from Tennessee.
Mrs. David Hull has entirely recov
ered riom her late uinefs.
Miss Lottie. McKlnlev nnd her sister
are both sick with scarlet fever.
The water-wheel for the electric
HghH in lhe woolen mills arrived Sat
urday night.1
J. B. Moore, while monkevlnir with
the wood-saw last Saturday, got one of
ins lingers badly cut.
Mrs. A. W. Stanard has had n chlm
ney built on her new house aud other
wise Improved her property.
We are Informed that the distemper
mis broken oir, among a baud of horses
owned by J. It. ashburn.
Geo ri;e Drlnkard. late of Harrlsburc.
who has lately taken unto himself n
wife, has moved Into Mr. Mi-Fern's
house In South Brownsville.
Bert Tetr.pleton, RoWrt Templeton,
tamuei rcmpicton, John Montgomery
aud Lew Tieer start for the mines up
tne iaiapooia niouuay morning.
Ped Rosa sas-s that if the r.wds Is
tween this place and Cruwfordsvlile do
not Improve, a certain family In Cra
rordsvuie will have to move to tiro wm
A team belonging to Aaron Colin, a
traveling man, took night at I
woolen mill Monday and took a lively
spin for about two miles. Damage
vk-ry sugut.
.Minor Jackson has lust received an
appurtenance from the East for singe
ing the hair of his patrons. Slopclng
Is becoming quite opuIar among the
patrons ot tne onrber shop.
S. P. Barger and John Pugh got Into
an altercation ou the stmt (Saturday
which ended in blows. Both pnrtles
appeared neire Jtcorderi-osnow Mini
day and paid the usual tines.
Mr. Sim Tieer and bride were given
a grand serenade Saturday night by
our l ornet band. The Imud boys have
received a shower or compliments for
their playing on that occasion.
Last Sunday we were shown a poem
written by Get. Frey and published in
the Jiranaeliiil. The sublect forbids
our criticism, but the writer has cer
tainly shown the true genius of a poet.
At the residence of W. R. Kirk. N v
I-H, a grand dinner was given in honor
of Mt. Kirk on his 04th birthday.
large Party of his neighbors and frietu'a
assembled, who did ample Justice to
the gotKi things set before them.
After the band bad serenaded Mr.
Tieer and ladv Katurdav nlirlit. thev
also serenaded Dr. Reese and Mack
Sawyer. We should add that the Dr.
and Mack are not married yet, but the
prospects are very bright for the futur
It Is better to be torn lucky than
rich, has been verified in the rase of
our old friend Can. ilngeii. We have
been informed that Cap. has InveuUi
a new chimney Hue that is a marvel oi
perfection. He has just erected the
first one ou the station house at Scio,
and the ladv agent at that potut was
so delighted" with the wav Cap. got his
work in that she walked three miles
aen8 lots to take supper with a friend
so that she would have a chance to ex
tol its merits. There's millions in it.
r.d hawver, while milking a cow
Sunday morning, bad a little exieri
ence that he win not torget very soon
the cow kicked him and the bucket
half full of milk, about five feet
When' he recovered his scattered sense
he found him elf dripping with milk
and nun. ite was aiHrtii to leave the
barn In disgust, but when passing
cow that bis brother was milkinir. she
planted her dexter heels in bis rils
Ed has swore fif on milking; he will
spilt the kindling-wood in the future
Ivy Templeton, one of the victims of
tne bridge accident, is not improving
in fact from what we can learn she it
in a critical condition; and this, by the
way, reminds us or me controversy
which has been going on for some tim
lietween the Brownsville Times and
the Albany papers In regard to bridges.
When we call to mind the suffering
endured by this patient girl, the trouble
which her friends have had and will
have for mouths, and perhei vears,
and the expense of medical & tendance,
it is no wonder that the editor of the
Times has raised his voice in condem
nation "of bucIi criminal earele-siiess.
The Times has demauded justice for
this part of the county, and If we can
not got it at Albany, let us divide the
county. nemo.
"Is this the best?" is a question often
asked, when medicine Is wanted. The
following are a few of the medicines of
known reliability, sold by M. A. Miller,
druggist of this place. He has many
other excellent medicines, but these
are worthy of especial mention:
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy,
famous for its cures of severe colds, and
as a preventive of croup. Price 50
cents per bottle.
CiiAMRERLAt x'8 Pain Bai.m, a gen
eral family liniment and especially
valuable for rheumatism. Price 50
cents per bottle.
Chamukrain'b Colic, Cholera
and Diarrikea Remedy, the most re
liable know in medicine for bowel com
plaints. It is especially prized by per
sons subject to colic, it has curtd
many cases of chronic diarrho-a. Price
2-jand 50 cents per bottle.
St. Patrick's Pills, for disorders
of the liver and bowels. "A vigorous
but gentle physic that cleanses and
renovates the whole system. Price 23
cents per box.
Chamherlaix's Eye and Skin
Ointment. For tetter, salt-rheum,
scald-head, eczema and chronic sore
eyes. Price 25 cents per box.
A Sure Cur for PllM.
Itching Piles nre known by moisture
like perspiration causiriv? intense itch-
ing when warm. This form, as well
as blind, bleeding and protruding,
vield at once to Dr. Iioeanko's Pile
IWnedy, which acts directly on the
parts affected, absorbs tumors, allays
itching and effects a permanent cure.
50c. Druggists or mail; treatise free.
Dr. Bosanko, 329 Arch street. Philadel
phia, Pa. Sold by M. A. Miller.
Ttuus hiarh in Lebanon at Beard &
Holt's drug store over System Builder,
as everbody is using it for Catarrh of
the Stomach, Dyspepesia, Consumption
and Impure Blood. Try it and tell
your friends about it, as it must possess
wonderful merits when all sienk well
of it.
MINTS ON tOt llTSIlir.
Let tne tell you right how, young
man, that about the time you coni ltn e
that your "dearest" Is the embodiment
if perfi-'cticjn, goodness niid sweetness
ncarnatc, and you are dally expecting
an angelic pair of wIiiks to (germinate,
you are anxious to make her believe
that you are the smartest man that
was ever made. This Is a very com
mon conceit among young muu who
suffer with heart disorder! and we may
add right here that in an ailectlou of
this kind the brain Is apt to bo in
volved. If she be the right kind of
lrlsho will think as you wish; not
realise you are really an knowing as
you pretend to lie, or even half as
much, but because the reinale sex has
lieen endowed with large li'-ails, and
with the heart they cannot help be
lieving the best about you. Woe lie
unto you, my boy, If you try to make
her believe you tire greater than you
are; you will find It to be about the
most stupid blunder a lover ever com
mitted. Women are eeoerallv ac
counted jHHr Judges of human nature,
and we believe It, else some of us lucky
fellows would not oeeupv our present
position In their affection. But there
s one fellow they can detect almost at
sight; the fellow known as a blower.
Jf you have any doubla on this subject.
usi iaae out cluing with you some
young man who likes to talk about
himself, and the, next time you see
your girl she wilt tell you something
which It Is a pity she could not tell the.
other fellow. Don't imagine for a mo
ment that other eoplo are going to see
you through your own eyes; sople are
not matte mat way by nature, ami
they wou't change even If you happen
to he In love with them. Even chil
dren are quick to turn up their neH
ni a if now that talks too much about
himself. Did you never hear a six-
year-old say of some man. "lloii't he
think he is smart?" If your girl has a
little brother or sister, your courtship
won't lie helped a bit by such a remark.
Besides, probably she has a Bible ami
has read the -erse: "Seet thou a man
wise in his own conceit? There is more
hope, of a fool than of him." Gil la
like to read everything that is printed
ulxnit men. even If they have to look
in the Bible for It.
There are young men who seem to
think that courtship don't amount to
anything untli kl es and hilirs la-gin.
but If you are one of them, just toi.e
up your Ideas a little. Don't imagine
that your girl Is challenging you to
hug and kiss her just because she hap
pens to look at you roguishly occasion
ally. Perhaps you are your girl's su-
H-rior In some resia-ets, but If you can t
'eel that the girl you love Is vustly
your superior In pnrilv, delicacy and
innocence, you would letter withdraw
your attentions be Tore you have In
come to much in earint-t. You can
not do lettr than to get your nnslesty
in gmsl working order froui the very
A Orrat Liter Merflrlne.
Gunn's Improved Liver Pills are
a sure cure for sick headache, biliou ;
complaints, dytetia, indigestion, eos-
tlveness, torpid liver, etc. these pills
insure perfect digestion, corrct the
liver and stomach, regulate the IkiwcIs,
purify ami enrich the blssl and make
the skin clear. They also produce a
good appetite, and Invigorate and
strengthen the entire system by their
tonic aetinn. bold at cent a box by
M. A. Miller.
Cupes UAIAIitiM
Rheumatism, Keuralgia, Corns
li OtHforaU Piti ond 1fcgs!T
Coli ty U Dtirgittr. Z: ST-e, 53o k t
OraOn(r & Co , Prep's. Los Angsts. Cal,
Agents for Lebanon, Or.
Will devote hfe time thi Winter to tlint leftuti
fltl ami fiiFcinaiins art.
Ili-tun? enlnrpprt ami framed lu iitt'l mul
h!!dimest style. He will spare 110 in
dntti lit work, that It may comtre fnvuruMy
with hlfcUent acciiruplL-hments In the field ot art.
Call niHl examine &anilcA of tit" work at
Mtller's and Dean at Unit's drug Mure, Lebanon,
where all orders will receive prompt attention.
I huve been troubled many Tar with
disraae of the kidneva and nan tried
luatiY different remedies and have
ought aid from different phyairtana
without relief About the 15th of April
I was auHerina; from a Verr violent
attack that almoat prostrated me In
a.trh a manner tnat I waa bent over.
When I sat down it waa almoat impossible for me
to get up alone, or to put on my clothe, when
kind Providence sent lr. Henley, with the
hotel. I Immediately commenced
using- the tea. It had an almost
miracnloua effect, and to the aatoa-
ishment of all the guests at the hotel,
In a few days.I am happy to state,
that I was a new man.
I will
' I
recommend the tea to aU afilictc
as I have becu.
Proprietor Occidental Hotel,
Only First-Glass
L. A CO Mil.
Tluso pleasant days remind us of
springtime. ,
Dame Rumor lells us we are to have
another wedding In the mar future;
but we can't afford to give the con.
trading parties away ho, not much,
we ain't built that way.
Samuel Boyd, a sou of John O. Boyd
of till place, returned home n few dayj
Mtro from un extended visit at Helix,
l iiiiillUa county. Or. Hum appear to
have made a solid mash while enjoy
ing himself "up north."
Our publici school is progressing
finely under the able superviMlon of
Prof. It. W. Swlnk, with a daily at
tendance of 45 to f pupils. Prof.
Swlnk Is an able teacher and deserve
the estimation of the learning public
generally. "
Farmers In this vicinity are busy
sowing fall wheitt and plowing up
their fields iu ship order. Persons
complaining of their Inability to plow
nowaday bhould locate at Laconib if
I hey wish n soil adapted to plowing
twelve mouths in the year.
Quite an unpleasantness occurred al
our burg, the principal being two of
Iacnmb's well connected young men.
The matter wns taken la-fore Justice
Savage' court for argument, resulting
iu the arrest mid dismissal of one of
the parties. No money In quarreling,
We wonder why the black-eyed i
Lebanon Isiks that wanted to msu-li the
Lacomb correspondent, doe not show
up; anyhow we were Informed by h
literary chunk last July that the
above-named dame was making vio
lent darts for our long coat-tails. But,
by the way, we won't run from
nobody, no,"s!r, not much; "we were
born Dutch."
P. B. Tucker has erected quite a neat
ami cotnitifMiious iiwelling on his rami
at Ibis burg, and is away un In 'IP at
entertaining hi many friends. AI;
ref.dy he has tendered us two sociable,
and we predict the game is not up yet.
"Branch" may safely l relied upon
by the pleasure-loving ones of Lacomb,
who enjoy his entertainments to their
hearts' content.
These brilliant sunny days seem to
have brought Lacomb to life oik'
more; anyhow we have hud two wed
dings in the past two weeks, which Is
not a bad item at lenst, the contracting
parties Uing W. II. Mills aud MIm
Addle Jenkins, and Jas. C. Hardin
ami Miss Dosie Turnldge. Although
this may prove a late messenger, we
predict for the happy ctKiples it bright
and happy future. ' . Nl'F t'Kp.
.J 1 1
-13 THE-
Store !
grandest display of
Lloimng lor uotn youn:
old ever seen
in the Willam-
ette Valley.
Our stock embraces the
very best of goods, the latest
patterns and the newest styles.
Our Boot and Shoo Depart
ment is replete with the very
best brands of Eastern man
ufacture. AVe are anxious to make
the acquaintance of even
man, woman and child within
a radius of forty miles, and
we take this method Of intro
ducing ourselves to the public.
Fall into line with the masses
of people wlio every ila' visit
our store and bo convince!
that we mean every word wc
Office In Guv's New Building.
Residence at Mrs. Ambler's.
Office with "Lebanon Express."
Eureka Meat Market,
L. M. WHEELER, Pro'p.
Beef, Pork, Mutton, Sau-
A share of
the public
patronage so-
nnr.i im.. tf a I lro-ri,!.
Hotel in Lebanon.
Our congressmen have wilh much worry and fuss,
Aud fighting, ami cussing, and something ftill wuw,
With what they call love ior the dear lalxiring man,
The tariff tixed uji
On dry goods, hoot and shoe schedules are raided,
On foreign goods the'tariiT completely is razed,
And all things thev'vo tinkered eo much as they can,
Now prices go up,
But Hacklemau will prevent with the hest of his aid
The result from dlccting his customer's trade,
The prices stay ..dawn and never a man
Can say they go up.
15 lhs Extra C Sugar
13 lhs Granulated h"
4 lhs Bnst Itio Coffee,
14 lhs Bice.... :
20 lhs Beans
4 lhs Soda
10 lhs Lard
We have the largest as well
Crockery and Glassware,
Furnisliiug Goods, Gents' Neckwear,
We pav cash for all kinds
We invite comparison.
Cigars, Tobacco, FnrnisHng Goods. Etc.
Country P'r-ocl tioo Taken in Exchange
' for Goods.
Give Me a Trial and Be Convinced.
Shingles, Posts, Board s and Pickets.
Refitted, Enlarged and Improved.
I manufacture and deal in Doors, Blinds, all styles of Windew
Frames, Door Frames, Mouldings, Brackets, Etc., in fact anything man
ufactured and kept on hand in a first-class planer.
In connection wit-li the aVove, I also have on hand a tvcll-asrsortcd
lumber yard in which is to be found rough and dressed Lumber, Rustic
Bevel, Weather Boarding, Flooring, and all kinds of Finishing Lumber
for Cornices, Etc.
pip R Q M
ltr ani kmm? ana wrir nw
aat of AijpeUUs icdigeotioM
,LcK or tttrenztn ana urea.
Heeling umawy trt. rono
muscic ami nrv rw'fe
new lorca. ivnuen Mm a
t audiapplies ilrain rower.
70NTC asafe and rety c -r. Give a clear, ferU
thrcomplftiton- Freqoent artror-t at connwrfeit
in only add to the popularity of the origin!.
to not experiment eTiiBwin i u n
not experiment eet the ORHi
Born J
HMinHcae. &hid3I iwh auu itukiu w
tcHilfdon receipe of two oentrt lit poanure.
Or, HARTfcR MCDiCiNE CO., cLoiu&
as the best select stock of
of Produce.
a in s i
125,000 Briclc
M y yard iu the srXurba ot Lt b'-
For Sale at-ReasojsSfiT
mason, Work bone
v-ft"Uh XfatoesB nl Despatch,