The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, November 14, 1890, Image 4

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    A I'ntt.
y V.n I catnptug on ttie Vols banks,
Xt, trader Zantliuu ttl teli or mnrv
nt by my tent. I knew the wily Jew,
And hi- knew me. Ite nmttored a be paed,
"Tlie lust Batlion.v, and his tusks are grown.
A broken 'vutcb.u t ft 'scutcheon Hill,
Arid A. rut no token li mv vnf'tan IU-
Amine, who w-t and wi!i for bin rt'turn."
He cau?ht mv eve, aud sHppcd tnt-Ulo the tent.
"Haw, 2snthou, up trout Foluud, t your
flow veerthe hoiir on old Ilnthotiy's towers?
It-we to the winds that blow ou Poliuid'l
TIipv hltc tho Just, my lord, beast 10
W hon Volts cnsrilr, crmwplrwev alone
FiinHTS, to hot or In the ninrky air.
My lord, Batliony' gutes art) loft ajar
T'or j ou tt emor, 01 remain nuisijt:
The foni bottle the atn'rei yon surprised.
And rm.n are there, to dura as they have
"Haw, Kantt on, toll me or tho palatine.
The air of tiuasta n,kt a man fin-wot
lie was a man elsewhere: the truiiiKt' squeal
1 follow and the thud of drums. You spuke
a tf 1 we n of prlDcclr birth: Imrk ye,
Baitallon 1 the name i listen to."
"The crane that plunder lo your rent, toy
"he dove that nest wlthlo your w oda, I saw
lly round the gaping wall, and plume thell
Vpoo your father- grave. Do vou know thlsr'
"A token, Zanthonf so a withered tlowtsrl
You think 1 wore one In my sword-hilt oncer
Methtnka tlier. I? no perfume In this flower.
Watch, whil 1 tUn It on the Volant' tide.
The chleT, nay rather, sent me with a curse.
To travel In the ateppva, and so I do.
t hi:tir of Ritbta make a man roryet
He was a man eat-where, for love, or hope,
A ad a? he man. lies, he b cornea but this.
Maw, Znnthon, would you learn tho rettkou
Search on the Caucasus, the northern seas,
Look lu the sky. or over earth, then ask,
Ibe answer everywhere will be. "Tint Txar:"
Elizabeth Stoddard,
It was a dull, ruiny day towards the
end. of September one of those days
when earth and sky are grey and
dreary, and the raisi drops pattering
against the window sounded like
human sobs. The clock that hung
aeainst the wall pointed to the hour of
Sin the afternoon, and I was sitting In
our little inner office, looking out at
the expanse of dull, grey wall that
formed my only prospect from the not
over clean wiudow, and thinking. I
had read every square inch of tj'pe in
the newspapers.
I was musing about Kitty Elton aud
woudering how long it would be be
fore I should be able to marry her.
Dear little Kiltie! she was as sweet
and as patient as it was in the nature
of a woman to be; but I kuew it was
a ban! life for her in that over-crowded
milliner's work-room, and I longed
to set her free from the monotonous
captivity. She was a pretty, blue-eved
girl of 60, with a dimple "in her chin,
and the sweetest roses on her cheek.
I was no poet, yet I think I understood
aud appreciated all her womanly beau
ty as fully as if my heart's thoughts
could shape themselves into verse.
And it was of them I was thinking
when the door opened and Mr. Clenner
came in.
Mr. Clenner was our chief" a
dark, silent, little man,, with square
stern mouth and clouded grey eyes,
which appeared almost expressionless
when they were turned full upon you,
and yet which seemed to see every
thing at a glance. He sat down be
side me.
Meredith." he said in a quiet sub
dued tone that was natural to him,
"didn't you say that you were tired of
doing nothing?"
"Yes, sir."
"Well, I have something for vou to
-What is it. sir?"'.
"Something- that will brino- vou lth
credit aud friends, if you "manage it
skillfully. I had intended, to go my
self, but circumstances happened urt
towardly, and I shall send you in
stead." Bending his head toward me and
speaking scarcely above a whisper, he
told me the special business on which
I was to be senL
There had been, it seems, a series
of very skillful forgeries lately com
mitted, w ith holduessand audacltv that
" -J ..... v. . ' .-v t. iin. auiiiviuivs a,
defiance. For some time he had been
in doubt as to the exact perpetrator of
the crime; but after much quiet in
vestigation and easting hither aud
thither, he had detected the hidden
spring one Perley Matlison. who had
skillfully eluded "all pursuit, and was
now somewhere io hiding in the north
of England. llis whereabouts had
been ascertained as nearly as possible
and it w as for me to go quietly up and
apprehend him before he should be
come aware of our knowledge of all
his movements.
T ant- 1 1 ..... 1 ..11 , I, a t I'i X,. a
4. BUU J IIL lit' , J nil, I ,ivru3
details of our plau. as they were
sketched out by Mr. Clenner. "The re
ward that had" been privately offered
was high; my heart leaped as I reflect
ed how much nearer ir would bring
me to Kitty Elton, nor did the enter
prise seem particular difficult to ac
complish. "Do you think you can do it?" Mr.
Clenner asked, after the whole thing
had been laid out before me.
Yes, sir. When shall I start?''
"Now, within half an hour."
"So soon?"
"Yes; why not?"
I could think of do sufficient reason,
except one, which I did not care to
communicate to my superior the
longing to see Kitty once more before
I started.
'Just as you decide, Mr. Clenner, of
course," I said rising. "If I take the
night express I shall be there early in
the morning."
'Yes, and that is altogether the best
plan. He will not remain long in any
one place just at present, depend up
on it, and what you have to do must
be done at once."
All through that long night journey
I mused upon the task that lay before
me. The house to which I was direct
ed was quite in the country, about half
a mile beyond the village of Berwood.
and was the residence of Mrs. Matti
son, the mother of the audacious
forger. If help was needed I was ful
ly authorized to call upon the con
stabulary authorities at K ; but I
expected to need bo assistance.
The rosv dawn was just ushering the
eastern sky when I alighted, stiff,
weary and jaded, from the train.
Can you direct me to Mrs. Matti
son's place?" I asked of the sleepy
"Mattison Mrs. Mattison; I don't
know her, but I can tell you where she
lives. Just vou follow the mam street
of the villaze to a wood, with a foot
path running through it. Get over the
stile, follow the footpath, and in a lit
tle wniieyon ll see a yellow bouse the
last place iu the world where you'd
expect to see a dwelling. There's
where Mrs. Mattison lives.-'
I thanked my informant and set out
at a brisk walk, carrying my traveling-
bag ia mv hand. It was half an hour
ere I diverged from the main road, or
rather lane. J. he stile at the end ol
quickly reached, anf the little yellow
'-house a cream-colored cottage literal-
r overgrown with honeysuckles
' ently rewarded my search, and, as
ked at the door, a clock some
Tuck the hour of 7.
?nt-looking elderly woman,
"reeds, came to the door,
(attison in Mr. Perley
. vered quickly, with,
".,'ir a confused look.
her, and asked
-' . tu expect him
iue to go
- into the
"Mother," naked a soft voico at th
head of the stairs, " '
And then, for the first lime, 1 be
came aware that some one had been
watchiogtand listening to our colloquy
from the head of the stairs a young
sir!, dressed like the mother, iu deep
black, with very brilliant eyes and a
profusion of jet "black onrl.
Soma one to jour brother."
She came half-way down tho stairs,
pushed back her curl with tutu hand
ami looked at inn wlt't her wonderful
eyes. Even Iheu her beauty struck rue
as I stood gazing at her. .
"Perley is not at home," she said,
hurriedly. "He has gone away. We
do not know when he will return."
Evidently this mother aud daughter
wore in the secret of Mattison's til
liany aud doing their best to screen
hfm from its consequence. My heart
bled for both of them; but it "was no
time to Indulge iu sentimental pitv.
Speakiug as briefly as 1 could, 1 told
them it "was my duty to compel them
to remain were they were while I
searched the house.
Mrs. Mattison sat dowu pale and
trembling. Her daughter colored
Mother." s!ie said, "why do jou
stand by and li.-teu to snelfslamlers?
It is false? Let this mau search the
house if he w ill,- my brother is as lu
nocent as I am!"
Ko opposition was offered to my
search. It was entirely fruitless, hov
ever; there was no where any trace of
the missing bird. Nevertheless, I re
solved to rental u there quietly, for a
day or two, to see w hat a little waltiug
miirht brlnr forth.
The same afternoon Clara Mattison
came iu as I sat by the wiudow, keep
ing a silent watch on all round.
"Mr, Meredith," she said, softly,
"mother thinks I have been rude to
you. She says it was not your fault,
persoually. that you were sent hero on
such a mistaken erraud and, perhaps,
she is risrht. I am sorry if I have hurt
your feelings."
The pretty.penitent way in which she
spoke quite" won my heart, and a few
questions on my part seemed to unlock
the hidden recesses of her confidence.
She talked at first shyly but after
ward with more assurance, of herself,
her absent brother and her mother,
giving mo a thousand little family de
tails which I almost dreaded to hear.
This twilight talk was one of the
pleasantest episodes of mv by no
means universally pleasant fife, and I
was not a little anuoyed when it was
broken in upon by the arrival of the
constables from K , who were to
watch through the night.
At the sound of "their footsteps.
Clara rose up, and sat down again,
confused and frightened.
"Oh, Mr. Meredith, those men."
"Be easy. Miss Mattison." I said
"you shall iu no way be annoyed by
tbera. Your privacy shall not be
broken in upon, believe me."
"I know I am silly," faltered Clara,
"but oh, it seems so dreadful!"
My orders to the meu were simple
and succinct. I stationed them as
seemed best lo me, and then returned
to spend the evening with Miss Matti
son. And when I was at length left
alone I eould not help thinking God
forjdve me how much more winning
and graceful she was than poor Kitty
At last answer came to mv reiiort
to Mr. Clenner. It was short and to
the purpose."
I read the missive with a tanr.
Clara Mattison's check deepened in
color as I announced my departure to
"You have been far kinder than we
dared to hope, Mr. Meredith," she
said, ae I held her band in mine.
"Yon will think of me sometimes,
The reader will easilv perceive from
this how our intimacy had progressed.
She smiled, hung her head, aud, tak
ing a pair of scissors from the table,
severed one bright, black curl from
the abundant tresses that buns over
her forehead.
"Keep this. Mr. Meredith, iu mem-
orv of me."
Was I foolish to press the jettv ring
let to my lips ere 1 laid it closely
against 1113 hart? Clara evidently
thought I was. for she laughed, but did
not seem displeased.
Air. Clenner appeared to be a irood
deal annoyed when I got back to town
rather au unreaonabla tin nyr on bis
part, for I certainly did all that man
eould do under the circumstances.
"We have been mfctaken all the
way through, it seems," be said biting
his lip. Strange very strange, 1
never w as mistaken before iu my cal
culations. Well, we muit try again."
I went to Kitty Elton's that night
She received me with a sweet, ahy
sadness of welcome, that should have
made me the happiest man in the
world; but it did not. Clara Matti
son's dark beauty seemed to tand be
tween me and her like a visible bar
rier. When- I took my leave then
were tears iu her eye3.
Kitty, you are crying."
"Because you are changed. Edward.
You do not love me ns well as yoo
"Kitty, what nonsense"
I was vexed with her simply because
I knew the accusation was true. But
I kissed her once more, and took my
leave, moody and dissatisfied.
Wrhen I reached the office next morn
ing. Mr. Clenner was not there.
"He has gone to K ," said mv
fellow detective; "he went last night. ?'
To K ? '
I was seriously anuoyed. Did Mr.
Clenner doubt the accuracy of my re
ports? Or did he imagine" that T was
unable to institute a thorough and
complete in vestigation of the premises?
It's very strange," I mused aloud.
Jones laughed.
Well," he said, "you know Clenner
has a strange way of doing things.
Depend upon it, he has good reasons
for his conduct."
I was sitting at my denk two days
subsequently, when tho door elided
noiselessly open and Clenner himself
Yon are back again, sir? And what
"The best."
"You don't mean to say you've got
"I do mean to say it, Edward Meredith-
I knew I could not bo entirely
mistaken. Perley Mattison is in the
next room half an hour from now he
will be in prison."
"Where did you apprehend him?"
"At home in his mother's house."
"lie was there all the time you re
mained there, Ned, cny boy, "yoa've
made a blunder for once; but don't let
it happen again,"
"What do" vou mean, sir?"
For reply he opened the door of the
private inner room his own special
sanctum, a slight boy ish hgure leaneu
against tne window, smofcing a ci
garette, with black curls tossed back
from a marble-white brow and brilliant
eyes. . He mockingly inclined bis head
as 1 started, at him. with a motion not
unfamiliar to me.
"Clara Mattison!"
"Yes," be said, ia a soft, sarcastic
voice, "Clara Mattison, or Perley Mat
tison, or whatever you may choose to
call me. Many thanks for your polite
ness. Detective Meredith; and tf you
would like another lock of hah? J
1 turned away, burning scarlet, while
Mr. Clenner closed the door.
"Never mind, my boy; it will be a
lesson to you," be said, laughing.
"He made a very pretty girl, but I am
not at all susceptible."
What a double-dyed fool I had been!
1 had lost the reward, failed in the esti
matiou of my fellow officers aud be
haved like a brute to poor Kittv aud
all for what?
I went1 to Kitty aud told her tho
whole story, and to mv surprise, the
dear, faithful, little creature loved me
just as well as ever.
"1 wou't be Jealous of Perley Matti
son. Edward." she said, smiling what
ever 1 might bo of his sister." Ami.
dearest, don't be discouraged; I'll
wait as long as you please, aud you
will be a second Mr. Clenner yet."
She was determined to look on the
bright side of tiling, this litllo Killv
of mitiet But I, felt the moi titlcatlou
110110 the less keenly; although, as Mr.
C'leuuer said, it would undoubtedly
prove a lesson to me.
Perley Mattison's girlish beaut v is
now eclipsed hi one of Her Majesty's
prison nor do I pity him. Tho stake
tor which he played' was hiuh-aud he
lost. Hani ii it'orlil.
Brigands Outwitted.
Fenlmore Cooper. In his stories of
hairbreadth escapes from Indians,
never hit mum a more extraordinary
device for eluding p irsuit than one
which wa related to President Carnot
duriujr a recent tour in Corsica. A
French traveler, so the story went,
ventured, some years ago, "to pass
through n mountainous district of
Corsica without escort or any means of
protection, and lu crossing a particu
larly rouirh and craggy region, found
himself pursued bv a band of briirand.s.
As the traveler had some money on
his person, and feared that, besides be-
itiar roblied. he would be held iu cap
tivity for raufiom. eveu if he were not
put to death, he took to Bight.
Knowing little of the country, lie
soon stumbled upon the tiorder of a
lake in the mountains. There was no
path around it; It was impossible to
swim across it, and the brigands were
behind him. though he was luddeu
from them as yet by the rocks.
Whatever he did must be done in an
iustant. Necessity quickened his wit;
he saw at once a way out 01 the uiln
culty, and availed himself of it-
lie hastily cut with his kuife one of
the long, hollow reeds that grew on
the shore of the lake. Then he stopped
np his ears and nostrils with wet clay
from the margin, took the reed in hi"s
month, and waded out into deep water.
where he remained submerged, with
upturned face, just allowing the upier
end of tho reed to project above the
Ou came the brijrands. following
the traveler's tracks to the water's
edjre. But what had become of bim?
Had he flown across! Certainly he
could not have swam. There was no
other way of escape, and the surface
had by this time stilled to a perfect
The brijrands remained waiting on
the shore for some time, but no sign
of the traveler a ppeared. They conclud
ed, at last, that lie was a sorcerer, who
had caused himself to vanish into thin
Then they disappeared, and the
Frenchman, who had been under water
all this time, breathing through his
tube, came out. He mauaged to keep
under cover and make bis way to
Ajaccio; and there he declared that be
had been underwater four hours.
It is possible that his distress and
alarm mav have caused this period to
appear many times lonjrer than it
really was: but iu confirmation of the
main part of his story, the Frenchman
brought with l.i t waier-soaked
section of a hollow 1 .
The Vegetable of the People.
The potato is pre-eminently the
vegetable of the people and undoubted
ly if a birds-eye view of the midday
meals of the civilized world could be
taken, ibis esculent would be seen to
enter more largely into their compo
sition man any other vegetable, from
the potato cake and stew of the Irish
peasant, the potato broth of the Scotch,
the potato and salt of the American
poor, to the dainty lid-bit prepared by
the French cook. In folk-lore its
language is "stout blood but bad luck;"
which has reference to its often being
the only article of diet among the un
fortunately poor, who somehow seem
to thrive upon it. aud often show
a physique to be envied by, those
whose appetites are onlv tempted by
an elaborate menu.
The leading; market potato is the
Burbank; an excellent producer, of
nne navor, very mealy and 01 good
keeping qualities; it is" white-skinned,
has but few eves, and the flesh is tine
grained. This is closely followed by
the White Star, which is medium early",
of the very best quality and apear
ance. and whether baked or tailed is
admirable in floury texture ami color.
the tubers are large, oblong and uni
form in size, lhe White Elephant is
almost as trood as cither of ti.em. but
does not produce as well. The Empire
state and state 01 Maine ar varieties
that give very good satisfaction. One
of the most delieious ami desirable of
potatoes is the rjnow Flake; it is not
commonly found in market because it
is an expensive variety to raise, re
quiring rich soil and not yielding
largely but potato growers who are
couuoissenrs cultivate it for their own
use. Among somelhiug over 300
varieties, more or less, grown, there
are only a few standard ones, or nt
least, only a few sorts which lind favor
wi'.u the shippers. (Jood Housekeeping.
In a London Drug-Store.
There is a wide difference between
the London drug-stores and ours.
There is no such craze for patent
medicines there as here, and there is
nothing like the American inclination
for every man to le his own doctor.
An English druggist sells face powder
cologne, soap, tooth-brushes, patent
pills, and the like; but his main busi
ness is putting up prescriptions. He
has no clientele of men who drop in for
a little aromatic spirits of ammonia
after a night of dissipation, or for acid
phosphate after too much smoking, or
for tincture of iron aud so many graius
of quinine, or a glass of Calisaya for a
tonic, or a teaspoonful of bicarbonate
of soda to offset a too hearty meal. All
that which so enriches oiv druggists is
unknown in England. The Americans
in London last summer fouud this out
to their cost. One of them told me
that he had this queer experience. He
asked a druggist for a draught of iron
aud quinine.
"Oh, we can't give vou that with
out a prescription, you kuow," the man
I'he American persisted, but the
druggist was firm.
"Well, can you give me an ounce of
tincture of iron?"
"Yes, sir."
"And two two-grain quinine pills?"
"les, sir."
"Will you lend me a tumbler with a
little water in it?"
"Yes, sir.,:
Having all these things, the Ameri
can dropped a dozen drops of iron in
the water, and took that and the pellets
down with a gulp. The druggist
looked on with keen interest, and tuen
said, very gravely:
"Do yon know, I call that very neat.
It is very neat indeed." Julian' Ralph,
in Harper's Weekly. v
Every man should have au aim in
life, bat he shouldn't spend too much
time aiming. The quick shot gets the
clay pigeon when the trap is sprung.
Somtrviile Journal.
One bright summer morning as 1
threw open the blinds of my sitting,
room I saw an old man corning slowly
up the walk, seemingly seeking some
one or something. 1 ausweredbis gen
tle tap at the 0en door.
"Be you tho lady who lives here?"
he asked timidly. I replied that I was
"I hate to trouble ye. ma'am, bnt
have ye seen nnythlng'of our little galP
We call her Polly. She has brown
ej'es and long, t aller curls, nnd wears
a blue dress anil white pantalets. It
an't but a few minutes since I seen her
about, so I kuow she can't be gone
fur but it seems like I ort to keep her
in sight more now that mother's gone."
I hail seen no child of that descrip
tion, but thinking that she might have
strayed too far for his feeble strength
To follow, I offered to go with him to
taolp And her. He accepted my offer
with thanks, ami I put 011 my hat and
we started slowly up the shaded street.
Mr companion chatted with tne as
we went along. He was "ulgu 81."
he said, anil but for a touch of the
"rheumaliz" was as well and strong as
bo ever had been.
He was a handsome old man, a little
bent, but still taller thau the average.
His hair was fine and perfectly white
and hung in long locks, making a
silvery frame for his ruddy face and
blue eyes.
Hu told me a good deal about Polly;
she was a good little thing, but of late
she had taken to running away. Polly
"favored" her mother's side, aud site
came from the handsomest family at
this end of the valley. They w ere short
lived, that family. and poor mother was
the last to go. I supposed the little
girl was h's grand-daughter, although
he referred to her as "my little darter."
We were passing a comfortable
lotfkiug house with a great roomy
yard at the back, where some children
had made a miniature ring on the -turf
and with a pony were having the gay
est, noisiest sort of a time, playing cir
cus. Father! father!" called a stout,
middle-aged woman, who came out of
the door and down the walk to the
It's Mis' Greeu, my darter," ex
plained my friend.
"1 hope he hasn't bothered you,
madam. It's only father, aud be runs
away U we don't watch hiiu pretty
"Not al all! I was trying to help
him tlnd his little girl." I replied.
"Oh! that's just his notion. Since
mother died he isn't quite himself
here," tapping her forehead. "I'm
Polly, and he forgets that I am grow u
and thinks he has lost me. If I only
had a daughter uow ho'd" be more cou-
tento 1 like, but my five is all boys, you
See. Some davs he wanders about iu
the church-yard, there hunting for my
name among the tombstones. Good
ness knows! if them bovs don't quit
breaking their necks with that circus
out there, he'll And it soon enough, but
it will be a bigger mound than be is
looking for."
The old Mian had quietlv slipped into
the house aud uow came out with a
faded daguerreotype.which he put Into
my iiami, saying ihis is my little gal;
inv Pollv."
As I looked from the delicate little
pictured face, with its long, fair curls,
to the broad, eood natured features of
the woman before me, I scarcely
wondered that bis weakened brain
could not grasp their ideutity.
Here with a rush and a whoop three
youngsters came running toward us
calling '-Grandpa! grandpa! come to
our circus and see how Bub can ride
bareback, standing up."
"Yes. yes. boys. Vm coming." he
answered. aud otl'he trotted after them.
Aud I beard hitu asking as he went
aloug, "Bovs. has anv of ve seen mv
little gal? We call her Polly. She has
browu eyes and loug yaller "curls, and
wears a blue dress ami white pantalets.
It an't but a little while since I seeu
her about and I kuow she an't fur off.
but it seems as though 1 ort to keeu
her cl:se by me. now that mothers
gone." M trie More 21 tiih, in Chicago
'Pirn s.
The Apnatto nt thr LUr San Soma Real
Cutting- Thlot About Lire.
Beautv ends where intellect begius.
Intellect is in it.-e'f an exaggeration
ami destroys the harmony of any face.
The ugly and the stupid have the
host of It in-this world. They can sit
quietlv and gape. They live as we all
should live, undisturbed, indifferent,
anil without disquiet.
The one charm of marriage is that it
makes a life of deceptiou necessary for
ooth parties.
Conscience aud cowardice are really
the same thing. Conscience is the
trade name of the firm, that's ail.
Laughter is not a bad beginning for
a friendship and is the best ending for
The more insincere a man is the
more purely intellectual his idea will
be, for it will not be colored by his
wants, his desires, or his prejudices.
Every impulse that we strangle
broods in the mind and seasons ti.
The body sins ouce and has done with
its sin. for action is a mode of purifica
tion. Nothing remains then but the
recollection of a pleasure or the luxury
of a regret.
Nothing can cure the soul but the
senses, just as nothing can cure the
sens but the soul.
The only difference between a caprice
and a lifelong passion is that the caprice
lasts a little longer.
Sin is the only color element left in
modern life.
Young men want to be faithful, and
are not; old men want, to be faithless
and cannot.
Punctuality is the thief of time.
Nowadays people kuow the price of
everything and the value of nothing.
Men marry becauso they are tired,
women because they are curious. Both
are disappointed.
People who only love ouce in their
lives are really shallow people. What
they call their loyality and their fideli
ty 1 call either the lethargy of custom
or the lack of imagiuatiou.
Faithlessness is to the emotional life
what consistency is to the intellectual
life simply a confession of failure.
Religion consoles some. Its mys
teries have all the charm of a flirta
tion. Is insincerity such a terrible thing?
I think not. it is merely a method by
which we can multiply our personali
ties. Reaping with Shears.
Out on the western division of the
Soo road, says the Minneapolis Journal,
there is a line 100-acre farm owned by
a gentleman who often visits Minn
eapolis. His brother, who lives i.:
Oliio, also a farmer, is out from the
Buckeye state on a visit. The two
brothers were looking over the farm
the other day just as the harvesters
were getting dowu to their work in a
big field of wheat. Said the Ohio
brother as they stood chatting with one
of the workmen:
"Why, you folks up here are behind
hand with your harvesting. Seems to
me you don't cut very fast. My grain
is all cut."
"How large a crop have you got?"
asked the workman.
Ten acres, sir." rejoined the Ohio
farmer proudly.
Ten h 1." blurted out the work
man, "if we only had that much we'd
cut it with the shears."
Certain Animal I1a Charactrrlattr fm
Which Jto Jteaaon Can Mb Fnnnd.
Prof. Agassiz used lo tell a good
story about his friend Bueklaud. tho
British naturalist, who. on one of hit
visits to the London 7.00. was attacked
by a bablroussa, or homed boar, aud
had to savo himself by a headlong retreat-.
"That brute would l:nve knocked
vou down if hu had struck you w ith
his horns." remarked a sympathizing
"Oh. I don't care'sald tho philosopher;
but it worries me to notice that he
never does us his horns, as you call
them. They are horn-shaped tusks and
curved too much back ward to bo ol
any service In lighting. What In the
world can be their practical purpose?"
Naturalists of tht sort are liable to
a good deal of worry, savs Felix L.
Oswald in the N. Y." Ledgir. Nature
nlKiunds with uoexptalued phenomena.
Of what use. for instance, is the long
tail of the male pheasant to a bird ttnit
has often to save Itself bv flight? In
some varieties (as in the Chinese sllvet
pheasant) the problematic appendage
is nearly six feet long, and makes it
almost impossible for Us pi opt let or to
take wing at short notice. In running
through the tangled underbrush of a
tropical forest the tail is hardly less
n! tructive. and is certainly not wr
it 1 ueutal enough to compensate its
;v desirable tendencies. Aud. again,
' what benefit to its owner aro tho
.t irmous horns of the Wapiti stag
uutlers wilh a spread of 50 inches aud
a weight of 2' pouuds? Besides stretch
ing lett and right almost as far as a
man of average size could extend his
arms, they send out a number of lateral
branches, forming a system of hooks
and- prongs exquistie'ly adapted to
catch- against every brush as the in
cumbered animal dashes along through
the maze of lis unlive woods."
"I noutd not fi'n for the bite of a
mosquito If it wasn't for its infernal
whine," I hate heard many people say;
aud it seems, indeed, not quite easy to
understand of what profit the droning
aud buzzing sound of its wings can be
to any blood-sucking Insect. It merely
serve to warn or nunoy its Intendeil
victims. to whom it can hardly be more
aggravating thau to the whining lit
tle vampire itself.
A still tireater enigma is the deadly
virus of the African tsetse flv. In
southern Nubia tl;ero are districts
where herdsmen have to drive their
cattle hundreds of niHes everr spriug
to avoid the bite of the liule pest,
whose private purpose is limited to the
extraction of a few drops of blood, and
whose interests have no imaginable
connection with the subsequent agony
of its victims. A day or two after a
Stout steer has bee'n bitten strange
swellings appear under his Jaw and
about the grruins; the animal shivers
and twitches as if iu extreme distress,
and finally dies in ' convulsions, often
attended with outbreaks of fury similar
to those observed in an advanced stage
of hydrophobia. The testimony of
such travelers as Dr. Livingstone" and
Sir Samuel Baker leaves no doubt about
the actuality of the described result;
yet, if a wasp should be provided w ith
an apparatus to poison every pear it
nibbles the arrangement could hardly
appear more preposterous.
The gratuitous destrucliveness of
certain earuirereus animals presents a
very similar problem. An otter in a
well-stocked fishpond will kill about
fifty fishes for oue it eats, aud the
murderous instinct of the weasel and
tho European piue marten far exceeds
the needs and conceivable interests of
the little demons. An amateur poultry
fanoier of my acquaintance once lost
twenty-eight imported chickeus in a
single night, all of them having been
killed by a small, sharp bite iuto the
base of the braiu. In three or four
cases the murderer had gnawed the
skull of its prey and torn open the neck
in quest of blood, but with those ex
ceptions the massacre seemed to have
been prompted by a sheer wanton love
of havoc Willi a little more prudence
poultry-loving marten could have
repeated his visits and banquets for a
tong series of nights, and have all bis
depredations credited to one or the
other of the half-hundred different dis
orders fowls are heir to, for the hen
house harbored an army of feathered
bipeds, some of them on the sick list.
But that one night's mischief ended
the game. The fiend was tracked to
his loophole and trapped the very next
As a rule, defenseless animals are
dressed in the colors best adapted to
conceal them from their enemies, nnd
kind nature goes so far as to vary the
protective hue of certain creatures
with the different seasons of the year,
as in the case of the Norwegian grouse,
whose plumage is brown in summer,
but turns white at the approach of
winter. But this close study of that
rule reveals some curious exceptions.
In the Arctic regions, where enow-
white would be the best possible pro
tective color, several species of seal are
dressed in suits of black and dark
brown that contrast strikingly with the
bleak surface of the ice-fields, and at
tract polar bears and other connois
seurs of sealskin from a distance of
many miles. Sparrow-hawks often
pursue tanagers or summer redbirds,
that try their best to escape by darting
into a thicket of tangled vines, but are
betrayed again nnd again by a color
that flames as if it was going to set
the woods afire," as Henry Thoreau
expresses it. Several species of tropical
fi nehes nro attired in even more risky
Lues a glaring combination of white
and scarlet or of yellow and dark blue
colors that can not possibly escape
the attention of even a casual observer.
Butterflies light the struggles for exist
ence under similar disadvantages, aud
many species of their helpless caterpil
lars seem to have been colored express
ly for the convenience of their chief
enemies, the predatory inchneumon
wasps, that can hardly fail to see a coil
of red and dark brown worms ou a
green tree.
Digestion and the Brain.
The dyspeptic who, of course, eats
only a light supper, may resort to the
use of a towel wet with tepid water
and covered with a dry cloth, tho
whole then applied to tho pit of the
stomach. Before tho sufferer knows
it she will float into shadow-land; such
is the sympathy between the organs of
digestion and the brain.
Owing to the position of the stom
ach, a light sleeper ought to sleep on
the right side instead of the left, never
on the back. If there is a tendency to
cold feet, a thin woolen blanket may
1 line the low er third of the bed. Iho
limbs ought not to be greatly fluxed, a
position which prevents free circula
tion, aud .they should rest upon one
another lightly.
Tho night light, where used, ought
to bo a tiuy taper and not gas or kero
sene, both of which devitalize the air.
A darkened room is best. Nature
puts out her light and draws the cur
tain of darkness for a purpose.
With good habits, physical and
mental, and a determination not to
deal with anodynes, sleep may be won
from its shyest lair to watch over the
restless pillow. Good Housekeeping.'
Sir James Crichton Browne says the
Scotch brain average fifty ounces, tho
English forty-nine ounces, the German
fortv-eight aud three tenths ounces, and
the ireu'di forty-seven and three-tenths
The white rose is the favorite flower
lu France this summer.
A San Bernardino (Cat.) paper is
printed w ith blue ink.
Until 1778 cotton spinning was per
formed by tho liaiidsplntilug-wlieel.
Germany manufactures orer 2.000.
UO0 worth of child rei.'s toys every year.
To salute with ih l ft hand is a
deadly ItiMilt lo Mohammedans In the
The natives pronounce Newfound
land Nnllonloii" with the accent
hard on the lust syllable.
The veteran Duu Rice Is going into
the show business again with au old
fashioned one-ring circus.
Constantinople Is believed to have
founded the first hospital in the world,
as we now understand a hospital.
A machiue has been Invented for
drilling square, oblong or hexagoual
holes, heretofore found impossible.
The average width of the path of de
struction w ith tornadoes is said to be a
little more than oue thousand feet.
About 4.500 species of wild bees ore
known, of wasps 1,100, of which 170
and 18 respectively live In Britain.
According to the Wilmington Every
Evening a nail was found In the heart
of a cow that died near there recently.
An Owosso (Mich.) firm advertises a
job-tot of tombstones, and advises peo
ple to hurry np because there are only
a few of them left.
Mrs. Eva B. Hart, who died near
Sy racuse. N. Y.. recently at the reputed
age of 113, smoked as far back as her
children can remember.'
Seattle, the Indian chief aiter whom
the .Washington city was named, is to
have a monument erected to him by
the whites. He died in 1800.
The Portuguese nation is said to be
one of the least instructed ia Euroe,
the illiterate inhabitants being official
ly stated at 82 per cent, of the total
One of the heavit wagers ever laid
was that of the Marquis of Hastings,
who bet 1300,000 on a single horse race
aud lost. The Marquis and his money
were soon parted.
Few ladies consider that they carry
some forty or fifty miles of hair on
their head; the fairhaired may even
hat e lo dress seventy miles of threads
of gold every morning.
It is said tiiat a woman iu Missouri
had her husband's name put down on
the census enumerator's report as a
lunatic because he had sold out two
years ago and left Kansas.
Professor Dauiel Willard Fiske. w ho
won the 2.o00.XX lawsuit brought bv
Cornell University, is abroad at pres
ent, lie is noted for his Icelandic
Scholarship aud his big lawsuit.
" Justice Stephen J. Field Is the poor
est man in dollars aud cents on the
Supreme Bench, and yet he is several
removes from being h'ard np. His re
sidence is one of the finest in Washing
ton. It costs the English Government f2.
9G2.000 annually to support Queen
Victoria and her immediate family.
Whenever tha Queen visits Balmoral
Castle it takes $5,000 to defray the
railroad expenses of the journey.
As soou as the horse cars from Cairo
to the pyramids are completed, and
the work is nearly done, an elevator
will lie made to the tops of the vener
able piles so that ascent may be made
quickly ani comfortably to the modern
Samuel Dey, of Wesley. Me., is one
of the greatest bear hunters of bis
time. During bis life he has killed
220 bears and cubs, receiving over t---000
in bounties therefor. He must
have gone around pretty well loaded
all the time.
Ralph Woodman, a workman, of
Auburn. Me., snatched a 3-year-old
child from in front of railroad train
and had such a n-"row escape himself
that the cow-catcher of the locomotive
knocked off his hat, and it was carried
tinder the wheels.
The French mint will soon replace
the copper sous with nickels. Singular
ly enough the 5 and 10 centime pieces
will be perforated in the center after
the manner of Chinese coin. This
enables them to be strung and counted,
or handled with great ease.
David Dudley Field savs that he re
members bearing Mrs. Fannie Kemble
say some years ago, of the 1.200.000
people then Inhabiting Massachusetts
that. taking them all in all. 6he though
they were the foremost 1.200.000 peo
ple living together iu the world.
John Rose Ward.the British Admiral
whose death was recorded recently,
orgauized the working department of
the National Life-Boat Institnrion, and
during his thirty-one years of service
as Oeueral Inspector of Life-Boats
that institution saved more than 20.000
A German of Detroit tried to figure
the hejght of 100,000.000 silver dollars
if placed one on top of the other, and
because he couldn't get it w ithin a foot
or two he jumped off a wharf with
suicidal latent. Although he has never
had n pile a foot high be wanted to be
exact about other people's money.
American naval officers who hare
adopted the cholera belt in the tropics
find it so beneficial that they often re
tain it in all latitudes. It is simply a
broad band of flannel worn night and
irfiy the year around tight about the
waist, so as to protect the stomach
from sudden changes of temperature.
It is an excellent preventive of
stomachic disorders.
A very influential committee has
been organized in New York, with Dr.
A. L. Loomis as president, to preserve
the Adiroudaeks from further destruc
tion by reckless tree cutting. It is
hoped that tho state may be induced
to purchase all rights, and to conver
this beautiful region, which is highly
spoken of by New York physicians" for
its health-giving climate, iuto a ."state
forest park."
Herr Schmidt relates that one day
when Chancellor (then Lieutenaut")
von Caprivi was at military school
three volunteers were summoned to
give evidence against a sergeant. Ap
pearing at the barracks they inquired
where this important matter was to be
settled. Of course at Lieut, von
Caprivi's." "Why of courso." "WelL
ho is the only Lieuteuant in the bar
racks who has ink iu his room."
The English love of dancing still
puzzles lazy orientals. At a recent I nil I
at Rangoon two native grooms were
watching the festivities from a veranda,
and one of the observers asked his
companion why the couples walked
after each dance. - The other groom
described the reason in stable phraseo
logy: "The sahibs run the uiems and
missies round to make them hot, and
then walk them round to cool them
Dr. Charles W. Dulles, a prominent
physician of Philadelphia, holds to the
opinion that there is hope for consump
tives and that medical science will be
able soon to control the disease. In a
recent paper on the subject he pointed
out that while in England half a cen
tury ago there were 63.000 deaths au
nually among lo.000.000 people there
are at present in a population of 40.
000.000 but 14.000 deaths due to
There is a butcher's boy in Seattle
wno traveis around on norsetmck a
great deal that attracts considerable
attention. He has a dog. and that
animal will perch on the horse's back
and ride aloug the street apparently
with as much ease and enjoy men t as
the boy himself. But when the boy
wants to hitch the horse is the time the
dog comes in handy. Tho dog Is told
to sit down and tho horse is fastened
to him, when tin two animals are left,
to all intents and purposes, iu perfect
A Bnrt LlttU Kny Who V Ilamanlsod
br Maale and Flower.
Those interested in works of phi
lanthropy and reform realize to-day
how necessary it is to begin with the
children, and some are of the opinion
that It is worse thau time wasted la
manv instances to attempt to do any
thing for thos maturely hardened and
degraded. "But few realize how hard
it is to do anything even for tho little
ones," a woman said the other day,
who has been for years laboring in the
cause of religion and philanthrophy
among the tenement poor of the city.
"I rememtier one day," she continued,
"when a little brother and sister came
from the slums to one of our free kin
dergartens. The boy was six year
old.' his sister two years older, and just
the same as sisters all the world over
she seemed to take the greatest pride
in the bright little fellow.
"Ah, Mickey's the boy, she ex
claimed as she drew the little chap up
in front of the . teacher. 'Why. he
knows all th the enss-words now.
Don't you, Mickey?' The youthful
reply was proof positive of the truth
fulness of the proud sister's assertion.
"Come here, my 'dear said the
teacher, anxious to change the subject.
What are vou going to be when you're
grown up?5
'"What 'm I goiu to be when I' in
growd? I'm jus' goin to be a tough;
dat's what I am. Au' den said he,
his big eyes flashing with a baleful
light, -won't I baste tie old woman and
turn her out of d house? Youse bet I
will.' Little sister looked prouder than
"But the teacher sighed. A child of
6 with its ambitiou already formed.
And what an object in life! To be old
enough to beat his mother and turn ber
out of doors.
"With sueh little poor, hardened
hearts do we have to deal, and some
times it seems to us that we can never
find the way to awaken in them the
slightest consciousness that there is
siica a thing as good iu the world.
But the teacher would not give Mickey
up. little twenty-four inch tough' that
he was. though the task was most dis
couraghig. Finally one day the incor
rigible youngster was found seated on
the floor, with both arms clasped
around the leg of a piano upon which
one of the teachers was plat ing. There
was a different look in Mickey's eye
from that day, and when on another
occasion some one gave hiiu a bunch
of lilies of the valley, and, smelling, he
exclaimed that sotnethin was singin' a
song with his nose, we felt, said the
narrator, 'that the harmony of God's
music and God's fragrance had
smoothed the rough and stony path
way to Mickey's heart." X. 1. Tri
bime. .
Two Conspicuous Women.
Seeing the announcement iu all the
American newspapers of the engage
ment of Mrs. .7. C. Aver, of sarsapar
illa fame, to Prince Dolgorouki, cousin
of the morganatic widow of the late
czar of Russia, takes me back to four
years ago. w hen I met Mrs. Aver at the
famousspriogs of Yichr, the" fashion
able health resort of France, savs a
writer in the Su Louis Globe-Democrat.
She was accompanied by Mrs. John
toigelow, wife of John Bigelow. who
was for so many rears American min
ister to France. Tne two ladies were
conspicuous figures in the crowd of
fashionable visitors from every land
which thronged that famous bsalth
resort. Mr. Bigelow was that sum
mer the guest of Mrs. Ayer, and was
as much noticed for her eccentricities
in dress as Mrs. Ayer was for her
splendid toilets.
The latter, w ho has a pleasing but
scarcely a handsome countenance, is a
woman probably about fifty j'ears of
age, but yet so wedded to the gay
world that she devotes much of her
time to personal adornment. Her
wardrobe included, at that day. a great
variety of w igs of every shade, so that
one day she appeared as a blonde, the
next as a brunette and later as a
Titian beauty, with rich auburn hair,
which seemed to be her favorite color.
Her favorite necklace was a siring of
fine pearls almost as large as wren's
eggs, clasped with a diamond aiguil
lette of great value.
Money was no object to the fait
w blow. Mrs. Bigelow. who was a wel
come visitor at the houses of the old
est nobility in France and England,
was. on the contrary, a veritable
dowdy, uotable for the entire absence
of taste iu her attire. On one occa-aou
she wore to the little English church in
Vichy a gorgeous-hued berege, cut sur
plice, with a piece of ribbed cotton
tape tied around her neck, while her
hose were of pale pink, and her shoes
of light yellow leather.
Could Have Saved Lincoln's Life.
The one man in the world who
could have prevented tho assassination
of President Lincoln is dead. John
Frederick Parker, boru iu Winchester,
Va., came to Washington some time
before the firing upon Fort Sumter aud
soou found employment- upon the
metropolitan police "force. When in
1862 it was decided to strengthen the
regular force of doorkeepers and
watchmen nt the While House with a
squad of polieemeu. Parker tva3 one
of those selected. It thus happened
that when President Lincoln and party
entered the old Ford Theatre ou the
night of Good Friday, 1863. they were
accompanied by Parker as guard. He
took his iosilioii at the door to the
private box from winch President Lin
coln watched the performance, where
he was expected to remaiu and prevent
the ehtrauee of every one except the
members of the party. As the play
proceeded. Parker," from his' post,
could hear just enough of ", what was
said on the stage to arouse his curiosi
ty, and it was not long before he left
the door and edged his way towards
the auditorium. He finally took a seat
in the orchestra or pit." as it was then
called, where he had scarcely settled
himself when the whole audience was
surprised by the report of a pistol shot.
The assassin. Booth, had stealthly ap
proached the door of the President's
prluate box. where, finding no one to
challeugehim, he entered unannounced
aud tired the fatal shot. There is no
question in the minds of those who are
familiar with the details that had
Parker remained at , his post Booth
eould never have taken President Lin
coln unawares. Washington Letter.
y Steamer Chairs.
A company 1ms been formed to rent
out stwimer chairs for fl for a trip
across the ocean. The chairs are sup
plied with little tables designed to hold
a plate, tumbler, aud a boitle.
The invention of smokeless powder
has been followed by a counter-invention
in the shape of a "smoke rocket,"
to be used to screen the advanoe of a
body of troops. It has been tried with
Old Hats.
The man who was hurrying into the
batter's Thursday was on business. He
wanted his old bat. When did you
leave It here?'' "I duano," was the
reply. Tbey hunted over a great
pyramid of hats and found it, labeled
July 2. When be went out tbo hatter
aid: "That man bought a new hat
here, and when be weut out said that
be would call for It in half an noun. It
has now been four weeks. WTe throw
away 700 or 800 old hats every year -"
for which the owners are going to c&ir-y
--jo nan an uour.
A Pecnllar Iteqaest. ;
One of the early settlers of Oscods
county, Michigan, made a peculiar re
quest when he died a few years ago.
For some time before his death Tils V
stock was being stolen, either by mea
or bears, and the old man's miud was f
affected by his loss. He asked that hV
be buried standing, on the east side of
a tree which grew on a bill overlook
ing his farm.- From this position be
hoped to deteet the thieves.
Can be msd etmr br
raising Cntckens. Our
tratrd CataiMrtte via
all ll53V i trCB5? .
lsrrxx! wtt to tf-l
chicken. In ta-.t nil
ail the se"ret of tho
chicken buslnMn. it
y-tt only keep hn'.t a
dmen ben jaa nerd
thta book. It fire
more Informal Ion.
thin twuij of tha
books ll at as cent
We en'l It free on re
ceipt ot i cents to par
Potaloju. Cal.
No Vacations. V&J anil Ten luff Seaaioca.
For farther partlcttlrr address
T. A. EOBIXSON, M. A. Fmidrut.
Powdered 83 1-100 Caustic Soda.
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son fc Co , Sole A treat, lot Market St, Baa Fraa-
ii '."il Kansora Sc. S. P., ts the bet Fam!!r
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Free ecacli to and front bote).
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"T Circular.
K. I H KALI J. Pres. C. 8. HALEY. Sec
sook, NEv;s, vanma no whappjsp
J F K 3
3ar J Stock, Slr-ar asi. Eiatlors Scvji
511 to SIS P-crstsen Sit rtUv..
fetsry twlsing 783 v ST. San Franciear
Protirs' m Complete
403 Washington St, San Francisco.
irsotrscE a Frrx stock t ivkrtthijo
required lu Sewsiper and Job Printing, and
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Conner's 17. S. Type Vonndry, Kew Torfc, w
Barntaarfs Great Western Type Foundry, Chicago
tfagley Sewsll Cylinders,
Colt' AmKj.-y Improred CulTeraal Jobbers
Thorp's Gordon Presses, -loMfmuc
Paper Cutters,
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Ooiding s Presses and Tools.
Fdglck Paper Joggers
Keystone Quoins,
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Inks, Rollers, Tablet Composition, to.
Newspapers on the HOME PLAN.
Stereotype Newspaper Plates
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Iodide of Potass
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r-scor4 the Appetite, Increases and harden?
tie "- "
It stimulates the Liver and Kidneyt to healt'.
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I. 7?. GATES & CO. pROPSism?
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