is i Lebanon Express. FRIDAY. . . .NOVEMBER 14, 1890. EYES AND EARS I Jas. Matchctt Is Improving his prop erty. T. C. Prebler added another counter this Week. Abe Loveall commenced work on his dwelling Monday. Don't read the new ads. In this pa per, under penalty. When In Albany call ou F. M. French, the Jeweler. Joe Klxou la enclosing his premises with A nice picket fence, Mrs. M. Bants was granted a divorce at the last term of court. The stock of the Variety store has been sold to T. O. Feebler. Agent Bennett says, "Harrisburg and Lebanon for chlefeens." We noticed a new street tamp at a corner near the M. E. church. John Banta is bulldinar a eottajre on ria street near Isabella Park. The lots on Vine street opposite the M. K. church have been fenced. The town ! at present distressingly healthy, as the doctors would say. II. C. Moran of 8weet Home shlpr ed some beef cattle to Seattle Tuesday. Ernest Case purchased three lota in Kirkpatricks third addition this week. Parties who paid the Went Shore art ist for sketching will have their money refunded. J. I. Walton has conferred a favor on pedestrians by laying a walk along his premises. Messrs. Smith A Hammack, of TaH man, were shipping both oat3 and wheat last week. Kirk patriok's horticultural garden will be set to trees, shrubbery and flowers by Dec 1st. The best and roost substantial bed steads ever sold In Lebanon, at bed-rock prices, at E. Goan's. The town received a new Invoice of street lamps recently. Our town will be well lighted soon. A. W. Marks has bought half a block in the Wassom addition and will build a house lmmedaiely. The addition of rustle to the M. E. parsonage adds to the appearance and comfort of that building. Go to E. Goan for window shades, hI paintings, wire beds, wool beds, sofa oeds and feather pillows. A peddler was arrested on our streets Tuesday for vending his wares without a license. He was tried and acquitted. Judge Miller Is the proud possessor of a most beautifully-written letter f ,'om his little eight-year-old daughter Bessie. Rich dialogs were struck at Toll man Ba-prday. In other words, Jim MulveMU stumbled iif a well seven feet deep. A letter From I. Kamue', of the West Shorr., assures us that the sketch of ou town will appear aboat the middle of the mout b. Messrs. Garland and Barker have retred from the Hantiam mioea, and report wonderful preparations for the apring work. The !ad?es r.f the Presbyterian church wi'l give a pie social at the residence o D. Cou: ney this Friday evening. All are invited. C. C. ITrekleman lost his milch cow last week. .harley. we sympathize with you, but there is no use "crying over so't milk.5 Mr. Hamilton, of Sweet Home, tells ns that fou members of Ad. Nye's family, including himself, are down with jf.yphoid fever. The demand for brick In Lebanon hzs oiiirun the Bupply this season. Three car loads of brick were shipped into town last week. Austin Kees cut his hand very badly Monday morniosr with an ax. He says he lost a pieca of flesh about the size of a boarding noose eteas. Mr. Bossier, formerly fireman on the Lebanon brencb, writes from the East to Abe Loveall of th's place, that there Is no country like Oregon. . Oregon behaves exceedingly well tb's fall as regards climate, and every roan in the East who contemplates moving Is sure to find it out. We have many, and good reasons for thinkinar that the building boom in Lebanon next year will eclipse the very eredirable record or l&ao. Buy your watches, clocks and jew elrv of F. M. French. Albany, and get chances in the drawing. See list of the presents to be given away. There are from six to twelve houses under const ruction constantly, and it has been so since last spring, and yet you cannot find a vacant dwelling. For sick headache, female -troubles, neuralgic pains in the head take Dr. J. H. McLean's Little Liver and Kidney Pi I lets. 25 cents a vial, at Beard A Holt's. Walei 'oo springs t eased to flow last week. Should the spring continue dry, ii wou'i be a severe blow to G. B. Co, who ruusahoiel and store at thisptace. Mr. Whited, formerly af Browns ville, was inquiring for a vacant house Fridav. We doubt if he found one; I think your humble servant got what be was after. The people of Lebanon are decidedly fond of public speaking. Large audi ences were in attendance upon both churches as well as the literary society Monday night. Tha nrkiu.in1 Avclone that swent the coantry last week Is the subject of j;. . I 1 MlJat TK Democrats are jubilant and the Repub licans are sooer. A great deal of improvement work will be done in East Lebanon this win ter, which points to that portion of our corporate limits as the handsomest spot in lieoanon. We will bein a serial story in the Ktpre next week. Now is the time to subscribe and get the first chapter of this serial, whlcn we promise you win be good reading. Are vou in love? If so. marry the Idol of your affections and then go to Matthews A Washburn's, at Albany, buy a stove or range, raise a large ram ily and be heppy. D. J. Wheeler received a letter from Ed O'Neil recently informing him that bis rattier is sick, mn is greaiiy dis appointed, as be was expecting bis fatner in ieoanon soon. We noticed two new freight cars at our depot wnicn oeiong u me v. . xw At the present rate of widening the i a. s a : 1 1 fcailK" on idm line, lurae vans wm buuu be needed where tbey belong. T35ftcr rfts!lai-a was rail: 11 rk mi n. 1 fMT fight last Friday, but the parties bet ting could not come to any agreement respecting the rules which were to gov ern the fight and no blood was shed. "Resolved, that the mortage ?x law should be repealed," will t de bated by Lebanon Literary Society on Monday evening, Nov. 24. - AfHi-aia-tive will be opened by F. M. Miller pad the negative by M, A. Miller. v machinery for the paper mill arrived this week. Work la progressing rap Idly and soon will be heard the pleas ant sound of its busy machinery at work. Dr. H. A. Leinlnger, dentfut, of Al bany, will be at the Bt. Charles hotel, Lebanon, Friday and Saturday, Nov. 14 15. Painless extracting and gold fillings a specialty. All work warranted. A large percentage of the buildings erected In Lebanon this fall have been plastered. The latter finish is prefer able to either paper or celling, and Is, perhaps, all things considered, the cheapest finish. Do you want the earth? If so. call on Matthews A Washburn, Albany, Or., and they will take pleasure in showiug you the largest and roost com plete line or Hardware, stoves aud ranges in the valley. For sale or exchange, the Lebanon Steam Planer. Machinery almost new and In good condition. Will sell rea sonable ror cash or will exchange for good stock farm. Apply to Walton A Wiley, Lebanon, Or. The crayon portraits on exhibition at the drug stores are works of art. Alma Morris, the artist, Is at rut genius. Mr. Morris is a native of this county, living at Sweet Home, and never re ceived but one lesson in drawing. Our better half called rather unex pectedly last week and caught us at some of our clandestine' schemes. Of course we promised better behavior, but nn amount of coaxing and promis ing can prevent her moving to Leba non. Old people suffer much from disor ders of the urinary organs, and are al ways gratified at the wonderful effects of Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver and Kid ney Balm in banishing their troubles. 1 1.00 per bottle. For sale by Beard Holt. Chicken Bristle was enlivened by a runaway last week In which the oldest inhabitant Inst her fronts tooth, the roost was depopulated and a fine buirgy was transformed into a bicycle that moved gracefully off without a rider only to be lost in a cloud of "Brick Dust." We are told that there are as many buildings in contemplation right now as have been built the past season. About the first of January we will surprise the people by furnishing in tabulated form the amount of money expended In buildings in Lebanon for the year 1800. Our streets do not since the lumber season is about over and the rock haul ing has ceased present the life and bustle of a month ago, but the men engaged in these occupations find em ployment at something else, bo that there Is merely a change and not a ces sation of business. All members of the Elite Literary Society of Santiam Academy are re quested to meet at the Academy chapel on Friday evening, November 21, at 7 o'clock, for the purpose of reorganizing the society for the winter. Let all members come out and take an inter est in this work. We by the Herald that Albany gets her wood supply from the San tiam, t.ver the O. P. 11- R. Lebanon can furnish that city with wood at a cheaper rate than that paid at present, and by the time this stock of fuel is exhausted we can furnisk either coal or natural gas if you prefer the latter. Imperfect digestion and assimilation produce disordered conditions of the spstem which grow and are confirmed by neglect. Dr. J. H. McLean's Strengthening Coi dial and Blood Puri fier, by Its tonic properties, cures indi gestion and gives tone to the stomach. $1.00 per bottle. For sale by Beard 4c Holt. The Illustration of Lebanon which will appear In the West iSAoredemam's your notice. The short article descrip tive of the town which accompanies the picture Is so brief and hastily writ ten that it affords a very imperfect idea of Lebanon and but a tltbe f oar re sources. See that your Eastern friends get a copy, imperfect as it is. Rev. O. B. Whitmore gave us a pleas ant call last week. Rev. Whitmore is a hisrh official in the A. O. U. W. and came to Lebanon In the Interests of that order. As a result of his visit, this worthy order haa received new life aud vigor. Fiileen new applicants have been examined by Dr. Both, the physician of the order, and will be In itiated on Thursday, when Rev. Whit more returns. Our streets are well kept, but our alleys! Tell In not la Gath, publish it not in Askelon, are hot-beds of malaria and the breeders of diseases wh'ch make it unsafe for wagons to stop over night in them lest the timbers be shrunken with fever and the tirc3 shaken off with chills. Let there be a general cleaning up and the people will feel better and the doctor will make fewer calls. The people of Lebanon now have a good tvpportunity to attend religious set vices. The revival at the M. E. church is progressing finely under the preaching of Revs. Boyd and Aldridge. The Cumberland Presbyterian church have also commenced an interesting series of meetings. The town is large enough to furnish good congregations for both churches, as is shown by the large attendance upon both meetings. We know a successful teacher in our common schools who has introduced the Lebanon Expkess into the school room, and is well pleased with the re sult. That's right; If the parents will not take a paper, see that their chil dren are informed in the every-day history of our country, and In this way the head of the household may gain enough knowledge by absorption, if in no other way. to know when Sunday comes and also the name of the last President cf the United States. Monta3ue mut be tpring for a boom, feeding by the way be is block ing un il aiwmmoih e.d One-P-ice Cash ito? e. Byv-"chs.s!Og bis goods In such l.,f;e t uai?tivies be n. turally gets rjorc'a .'ovrer ces. He guaran tees gocvi jtoods o ail i e oenanments of Lis e-ecslve aVKhments at prices that a-rTolu!ely emconish other mercnancs in tue vt'ey. some or tnem going o far as to scy'liirt Montague retails t ' oh-s ea low r they buy them si wlio'ejle. The co. eful buyer Invanao y goes to Montague's. We could nut our finger on a man in Lebanon who last spring planted about three acres of potatoes, cultivated them with his own hands, in the Interim of growth and harvesting plted nts trade as a mechanic at good wages, and the harvest shows a net profit of $8 50 for every day's work on his crop. And yet there are a few men who will spend whole days in the unprofitable work of ornamenting a goods box witu a jacR knife, and then when Poverty comes as an armed man their only defense is that Oregon as an agricultural Stats is a failure. In settling the merits of the country, which of these two men will you beneve7 Ten fine and useful presents to be given away $55 worth at . M. French's jewelry store, Albany. Com mencing Nov. 1, I will present every one a ticket for each dollar's worth of goods purchased, entitling the holder to a chance to draw one of the follow ing beautiful presents: 1st, large din ner castor, worth $10; 2d, fancy fruit dish, f9; 3d, silver cake basket, $8; 4th, silver cake stand, f7; 5tb, set silver knives and forks, $6; 6th, double picket castor, $5; 7th, silver butter dish, $4; 6th, single picket castor $3; Oth, Seth Thomas clock, $2; 10th, silver cup, $1. Drawing to take place New Year's day. The corner jewelry store, The One-Price Cash Store has be come one of the features of Lebanon. As everything Is rew and fresh, and the firlces are so much be'ow that charged n cwl't-glvlng establishments, peo p'e who d-lre to buy their goods for cIi nstR rally go to the corner, wlie'e thy t'o pot have to make up lo the iorepcpe- for the non-paying cus tomers wbo, when I ney can do so, buy on Ciit'' and wbo are constitutionally opposed lo pyiii-r for r;ythlng. Get onees at I lie ure-ni'-e i-usn eiore ana It there is any lesson In you that is the place where you will purchase your lupp'les. The Albany Herald recently said that three car loads of brick had leen shipped to Lebanon for the foundation of the paper mill which is to be built next sprlnar. The inference to be drawn from this Is that the paper mill is an tnaiguirhrant building and will be built next year. The fact Is the frame is up and rests on a foundation perhaps equal to anything in the State. Brother, you certainly have not been away from home for some time, and about the improvements being made in neighboring towns you don't seem to kuow just a little. .The literary society, had a crowded bouse last Monday night, and the audience seemed well pleased with the exercises. The musical program was greatly enjoyed, and much interest was shown iu the speeches of the de baters, who ably discussed the relative merits of the pulpit and the bar for inspiring eloquence. The question to be debated at the next meeting is, "Resolved, that knowledge exerts a greater influence than wealth" Speakers, on the afllrmatlve, Bernard Marks, M. A. Miller and a M. Gar land; on the nejrative. Rev. Mcllroy, F. M. Miller aud S. Wallace. . FEUSONAIATieU. W. R. Bilyeu was In town Friday. Steve Bach went to Salem Saturday. Jos. Wassom returned from Beat tie Tuesday.. , r John Donacals spending a few weeks in Seattle. Miss NeHle Amos la clerking in T. C. Peebler's store. Isaac Banta and son Guy left Friday morning for Cn'lfornia. M. T. Llndsey of Bploer was In this office Inquirlug for news lately. Charley Wilson returned the first of the week from a trip over the moun tains. W. J. Guy and family left last week intending to spend two weeks on the Sound. Mrs. Btratton of Albany was visiting her sister, Mrs. Cowan, last week, in Lebanon. Mra TTmrlov. of Ppnnsvlvanla. a sister of Mrs. Doud, la visiting at the St. Charles. C. J. Stuart, soliciting agent for the O. P. R. R was iu town this week in the interest of his road. Bob Montague was kicked by a horse recently, which Interfered with his locomotion to some extent. James Burlenshaw arrived home ye3'rd ay from Southern Oregon, w here he has been for several months paat. A. J. Gross, from Washington, was registe -ed at the St.Charlrs Thursday. M Gross formerly hved near Brow us 01e. Miss Emma Bringham, who has been vis'tingthe family of W. H. Reed, returned to her bomeiu Pendleton last week. Dr. Negus was threatened with ty phoid fever lately, hut precautionary remedies have warded ofl the attack thus far. Ed Carr was caught at a disadvan tage Saturday while handling lumber and hurt bis spine, disabling him for a few days. Mr. Barnes, wbo recently came from Pennsylvania, and who hss been work ing In'the Eureka meat market, went to Portland last week. Prof. J. W. Wl'son called Saturday last. Mr. Wison savs his school has more than doubled in numbers since the term began, which Bpeaks well for the teacher. ACABEMT NOTES. Miss Hela Gilbert, of Albany, has been secured to teach music at the academy. A class in book-keeplnac will p relia bly be started next Monday. From i resent Indications the Elite Literary Society will soon resume work, much to the satisfaction of the pupils. Mrs. Skipworth visited the school for a short time Monday. We would be pleased to have more of the patrons and friends to call around and see us. Several new names were added to the scholars' roll this week, among whom are Bernard Marks, Frank Marks, Melvin Williams, the Messrs. Ross and several others. Prof. Torbet spares no pains to make the school a success and a pride to our town. Our list is rapidly increasing, and we hope soon to have a member ship which an Institution like this, with its excellent corps of teachers and ether advantages, such as the lit erary society, the library and cheap tuition, justly merits. "ACADEMICAU" Fearfal AeeMeat. The overland traSsfrom Portlaud to San Francisco went through a bridge between Salem and Brooks Wednesday night, causing a frightful wreck, with many killed. The long train, with sleepers, day coaches, mall and ex pre s cars, engine and all, piled itself up in an indiscsiminate mass. The killed are John McFadden, engineer, "Fin" Neal, fireman, and two unknown men. The deaths will probably reach twelve. But ten escaped uninjured. The doc tors from Salem and other points hur ried to tue scene. I have this day sold my general mer chandise business to B. F. Bod well. who will continue the same at the old stand. All accounts against me should be presented at once for adjustment. All bills due me must be paid at once, otherwise they will be left with an at torney for collection. Thanking the public for their liberal patronage, and bespeaking a continuance of same to my successor, l remain, Very resp'lly, John G. Fe3D. Lebanon, Nov. 6, 1890. A Poiatr. I have coucluded to discontinue the general merchandise business in Leb anon, and offer my entire stock at prices that will surprise vou. Cloth ing, gents' furnishing goods, hats, caps, boots and shoes, everything goes. Come in and see aud be convinced Now Is a good time to lay in a good supply. And Christmas goods will be sold from now ou at prices to suit any one. Remember the place, Red Front store. a. a. iiodwell. The Eat Ldy That always looks so pleasant, says go to Matthews & wash burn, Albany, ur., to buy stoves and ranges, because they only keep the best and always do as they agree to. Three Families Arrested oa the Streets Of Alhunv.hv the roamitficent diimlav of hardware, stoves and ranges at Mat thews & Washburn's, who carry tne largest assortment in tne vaiiey. COMMl'MCAIED. LEBANON, NOV. 4, 1800. Ecrros I.mahon Exrum: - Once more I have had the pleasure of mingling with your citizens and re ceiving that heartfelt hospitality that fairly rivets the bonds of friendship. Many of the old- time ft tends, with the same genial smile, the hearty hand clasp, the warm words of welcome, greet one on evry hand. Some I used to know are gone, some here, some there, across our broad domain, and some are In the silent city of the dead forevermore at rest. Time, ever ceaseless In Its flight, leaves changes with us all. The happy schoo!-gtrl of a few short years ago Is happy wife and mother now, and many like myself, who once were young like they, have ceased to pluck the silvery hair from beard and trow, and have settled down resignedly to the undeniable faet that we are grow ing old. The prattling boy or girl wbo climbs upon our knee and whlxpcrs "Urnn'm' In ntir Mtpa -t fl rmu tha fact aud brings to mind the Bible truth: "The thiug that hath been, It is that which shall be: and that which is done is that which shall be done? and there Is no new thing under the auu." The growth of Lebanon Is phenom enal, and one cannot be Indifferent to the radical changes of the past few months. The comfortable cottages that are being constructed, the new sidewalks and crosswi.lks, the beautiful new school bouse, the extensive and expensive paper mill now under course or construction, the different additions that are being platted and added to your beautiful city, speak eloquently tor tne energy aud roresigUt of Jier cit izens. ' And Jet there are 'some thing that should be remedied without delay. Constant contact with danger lessens our vigilant"; and leads to actual indif-; foresee and neglect. As the city grows. and spreads In all directions It Is only a matter of justice to the citizen and tax-payer that adequate protection should lie afforded in case of a confla gration. The wealth of a city is the nucleus around which gather the hab itations and Inhabitants, and as it is life, so It should and does receive the best protection. But while this Is light, the citizens should als be re membered on the outskirts and beyond present avauaoie r acuities. A cistern here and there and ample hose of good quality would Inspire many hearts witn tue fact tbat they were being cared for. Another matter tbat the Express has paid so much time and attention to, remains unchanged, m shi m; and disgrace to any place your cemetery. We love the memory of our dead, for this is all that now remains of what was real. But when one looks uuon the weeds, the prostrate monuments, the unkept graves, the rotten en closures, the thought wilt come on summoned to the mind, gone and forgotten. Here and there we find the evidence of true aud loyal loye, in Kiuaiy acts ana sweet mementoes. Two ch'Mreo ljrlry tl.V by side Wi.ii'n kj b ll HHlih, Rem-nd im of ibei.- r - Ail lives I Am' s one haw lutine. Tbo (towers blomnij; on the grave Kept Mih ftorh te'ider care, Brmlnti ns of a Uniitu beait Thju fl'vl (arret memvtte there. Tj memo- It? wlrWl an Influence " That reach the Inner l! And make us belie.- day b day, No nuutcr what the si rile. The caring for the resting phveof the dear departed Is usually spasmodic. "-Tte iroe. 'rta rlty. m Ami pity 'tla, uue. For were we brought Into closer and that brings to ni'.nd associations and friendships of the past, our hearls would be more tender, our sym pat hits nice easily esc; ted, our homes tt hanpie-. our influence for good more es Minded. . 'Tib not for me to dictate nor suggest how to make the radical change that shcald be commenced In this direction, but as I stood within the gate to-day and noticed everywhere the signs of neglect and decay, I thought how pleasing It would ve -were each mad rounded up and gravelled, the walks he same, the weeds and fern gtubbed out, the stones all nicely cleaned, and ail appearances of decay removed. let Jowm bloom on eve; v hand, Wbr e no-:ioes weetSs now la'ot the air, Perf.'n'al. wih neii-) per.uiue, D .fins; .aiaiiee eretrwheie: ImiiHuelieH, .kmi!i atavh erave, Xmvey we. messages of love . . To those, more .iinae than we. In mauKiong prepared, up above. C A. M. Read, te the Mlaes. Considerable interest is centred just now in a trail from the wagon road above Sweet Home to the Quartzville mines on the Santiam. There was at one time a trail over this route, but having been travelled but little of late years, fallen timber and a rank under growth have blocked the way to some extent. The citizeus of Sweet Home and vicinity show a willingness to co operate with Interested parties at this and other points aleng the route and re-open the way. The mines are dis tant from Lebanon about fifty miles, one-half of which distance is already traversed by a good wagon rond. This seems to be the most practicable route to the mines, and a good road up the South Santiam would shorten the dis tance and tend to divert the travel from the northern route and would benefit the farmer, the miner and the merchant. We hope our people will consider it to their interest to second any endeavor to shorten transportation and benefit all classes alike. "Is this the best?" Is a question often asked, when medie'ee is wanted. The following-are a few of the medicines of known reliability, sold by M. A. Miller, drugg'st of this place. He has many; other excellent meccires, but", these aie worthy of espec'al men to.-; Chamberin u Cooch "Remedy, famous for Its cures or sever clds, and as a preventive of croupyr Price 50 ce.its per bottle. 'v , " Chamberlain's Pain Balm, a gen eral family liniment and , especially valuable for rheumatism.' Price 60 cents per bottle. Chamberain's Colic, Cholera and Dtark :kka Remedy, the most re liable know in medicine for bowel com plaints. It is especially prized by per sons subject to colic It has cured many cases of chrenic diarrhoea. Price zo and 00 cents per bottle. St. Patrick's Pills, for disorders of the liver and bowels. A vigorous but gentle pnyelo that cleanses aud renovates the whole system. Price 25 cents per box. Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment. For tetter, ealt-rheum. scald-head, eczema aud chronic sore eyes. Price 2a cents per box. How's This? 1 . We offer One Hundred Dollars re ward for any case of catarrh that can not be cured by taking Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, O. . We. the undersigned have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, aud be lieve htm perfectly honorable in alt business- transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligations made by tueir nrin. . west & xruax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c per bottle, riold by ail druggists. THE tH-'AKTivilXE MIKES. .A few hours' ride on the O. P. R. R. trp the North Fork of , the Santiam brought us to GukBvilletle nearest accessible point to the wines." After a good night's rest and a hearty break fast with Landlord Gutes, the question to be decided was whether we would walk the long trail of twenty miles up and down the steep mountain, or trunt our corporeal treasure to the sierra-Ilka back of one of the : descendants of Ba laam's loquacious companion. A hasty inspection of this forbidding-looking beast caused us to decide to tramp it. Like the boy that hud had his fill of plum pudding, we thought we would never more be hungry. So on we started without providing for the pos s'ble needs of the Inner man. Miles of steep hills were niunfully overcome when finally the aforesaid Inner man became the most important and self asserting part of two lone tramps. But a few raw potatoes, found at a deserted camp, and some frost-bitten huckle berries, gathered along the roadside, were all that we had to satisfy the pangs of hunger. Finally, when we tiegau to think that our stomachs ex tended from the crown of our bends to the 'soles of our feet, we reached the friendly shelter of a mining camp. Where wholesome food and sweet sleep restored us to our original vigor. Quartzville is an old mining camp where broken bits of mining 'ma chinery mournfully suggested its for mer activity. Further up the gulch, the Albany company has erected a new mill, built a stout tramway up the mountain aide, run long. tunnels and sunken deepshafts. An abundance of rich rock has been brought to the sur face, froui some of which has been milled a brick of gold of the value of $180. Much anxiety preceded the first day's crushing, and great, satisfaction , tbfi'r encouraging yield, i The miners are-jubilant, and they have good cause for their jubilee, for the result of tbelr lniatory labors proves tbat great wealth awaits them.. Theii mining ' stock baa been withdrawn from the market, and they intend to hold lo the last share, so confident are they of the wealth of the mines. This company owns but a small part of the mines In this district. Other compa nies and individual miners have even richer ledges, which will soon be de veloped. Next spring the district will be full of miners aud mining machin ery, and the old activity of Quartzvil'e will be revived. It is not Improbable that In the spring a railroad will go up the Santiam divide to thene mines, and Lebanon should secure Its western terminus. These mines have been rid iculed for many years, but recent re sults prove beyond doubt the wealth of gold that will soou be taken from these rugged hillsides. O. B. A t J .e Cj ."er PlSea. ? o" I e r e kvown by rroVore l':e ne -s " .. "o j ft ps' 13 i, 1 tense i.c'.i I j 3 flie.i xtr ns. '$'' "o.m. rn well rt '1 "', j'-3i t.'.i piot'ci in-;, vied at.ote o Dr. Bosa-'ko's Piie Retret'v, wl'le'i aci" directly 0,1 the parts "ueett' aiwvos tumors,, rl'sys lt?hlnT sue! eoVcte a permanent euoe. 30c i;-UTii-is or mail; treatise f-ee. Dr."Bosanko, 329 Arch street, Philadel phia, Pa. Sold by M.A. Miller. CALiFOMNIA PosiTiyEi 7 w "Am nm?7 'ures UATahBH Rbeamatira, enra!gia, Corns " ' HEADACHE, And ALL PAIN. Ths OslihrilW PmIMt aai frtW ELECTRIC COUGH CURE CUIIl S COLOS, CROUP. COHSUMPTtOH. toU ty all DrergMt. Eack 95o, 50b k tl . Oraaslnajar Co , Prep's. Lea Angeles, Cal, 1JEAIID Ac HOLT, Agents for Lebanon, Or. ; , Artistic. . ALMA MORRI8. PASTEL CRATOH PORTRAIT ARTIST, WIU devote hla time this Winter to tliat beautl ftil and fascinating ait. CRAYON PORTRAITURE. Phrttires enlarired "and framed in nealest and handsomest syle. Be wlU spare no twins in doing his work, that it may compare favorably wflh highest aceonylltimint In the fields of art. Call and examine -Mmples of his work at XtilieYs and Beard 4 Holt's Arug store, Lebanon, where all orders w ill receive rromp. stlcntlon. EnMa Meat Market, 5 SjfcEKMAN. STREET, L; M. WHEELER, Pro'p. Beef, Pork, Mutton, Sau- il. .?:! eagra: LA hare of;! the puV-q pairooage sc-. .;. - iiciicd. - . : . xr. 1 11 wm 1 -m 1 -i 1 1 Manon Plping;;;Mill -AND- UNIVERSAL WOOD-WORKER. ESTALISHED IS 1S75 BT S. J. SICKERSOS. Refitted, Enlarged and Improved. NEW. MACHINERY OF THE BEST MODERN TYPE. I manufacture and deal in Doors, Blinds, all styles of Windew Frames, Door Frames, Mouldings, Brackets, Etc., in fact anything man ufactured and kept on liandih a first-class planer - In connection with tHe-above, I also have on hand a -well-assorted lumber yard in whicli is to be found rough and dreesed Lumber, Rustic Bevel, Weather Boarding, Flooring, and all kinds of Finishing Lumber for Cornices . Etc. ' , HAMILTON CREEK ITEMS. ' November 10, 18!X). Roads are very muddy In this valley. Illg dunce at Sheppard's Tuesday night, Three inches "of snow fell at Dald Peter I ant week. John Wirt sold his White Cloud, so he lms to walk now. There Is not a muii on the creek but that Is busy at work. There Is not much news up h-rc. We are always glad to receive the Ex- Jennings A Co. have shut down their mill, but Lebanon can get all the lum ber nhe wants from Daddy Fry, who will start sawing soon. . - Jjog-rolllng at Andy Jennings Satur day. Everybody is Invited to come. Uncta Charley Williams will have a log-rolling Thursday week; ne says he will have a barrel of good cider. Uome every body. - , J. B. Wirt came very hear commit ting suicide. A big buck jumped Into the mill pond and J. B. got his revol ver and commenced firing at It. - In 1 1, A avtltumulif 1 1 n i Mul tiw. I i s? an1 . V 1 1 111. II, lib t v .jw.v-n Ml... Inst misled his fingers, and the powder lurued his hand. J. B. says be can't account for the accident. - Log-rolling Is alt the'go. Mr. John son had a log-rolling the other day, alrto Bittbop A Story. Mr. Sheppard rolled lops last Saturday. There were thirty men to help him, and they piled about five acres of logs. This is the wiiy to clear this land. : Hamilton Ccek has some good, "skookum" young men. But, boys, a lit He too much cider. One of the Boys. I0 MOT SUFFER ANT LONGER. . Knowing that acouph can bechecked in a day, and the first stages of con sumption broken In a week, we hereby cuararHee Dr. Acker's English Cough Itemed .v, and will refund the money to all who buy, take It as per direc tions, and do -not find ur statement direct.-;; .. -.Mv jy. Miller. JL Oiitt Liver HeSJcIa. Dr; Gunn's Improved Liver Pills are a sure Cure for sick headache, bilious complaints; dyspepsia, Indigestion, cos-tlv-n ess, torpid liver, etc These pills insure perfect digestion, eorreit the liver and atoinaeh, regulate the bowels, purify and enrich the blood and make the ttkiu clear. They also-produce a good appetite, and Invigorate and strengthen-the entire system by their tonic action. Bold at 2o cents a Lot by M. A. Miller. LAST BOT HOT LEAST 18 THE 3IAM3IOTII Clothing Store! OF T. L. WALLACE & CO. STRAWS' CLOCK, ALRAST, OR. The grandest display of Clothing for both young '81111 old ever seen in the Willam ette Valley. . : ; ; ; Our stock embraces the very best of goods, the latest patterns and the newest styles; Our Boot and Shoe Depart ment is replete with the very best brands of Eastern man ufacture. AVe are anxious to make the acquaintance of every man, woman and child within a radius of forty miles, and we take this method oT intro- dacinsjovrseives to the public. Fall into Voe w.'Mi'lbe masses of peor'e who every day visit our sio'-e and be convinced that we nrean eve 'v word we say. W. H BOOTH, M. D., PHYSIC! fN& SURGEON Office In Guv's New Bulldinar. Residence at Mrs. Ambler's. SAML. M. GARLAND, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. LEBANON, OREGON. O.Tloe wlih -"Lebanon Express." Dissolution Nollce. NCTICK IS HEREBY G1VEX THAT TTTE ro-rrtnerKhlp heretofore existing between J. K. Mun'ey and Jopl Mayer, under the Arm rime of Muhsey & Maver, Is thU day dissolved hy mutual consent. All debts due Mid firm must be paid at once. k : - J. E. MVNSEY, JOEL HAYES. . Lebanon, Or., Oct. 16, 1S90. . ANY HEADACHE " but cures - fiOTUlMQ ELSE. TAKE IT Were we to advertise-that quarter to every customer, our the people that would crowd But That's What We Do. We might just as well charge the same prices as others merchants charge and then present each customer 10 per cent, of each sale, for our prices run at least that much lower; so while we don't take their money first and then give it back, we save it for them, and it's Just as Good , Please rt member this when a quarter.. Ilackleman 'b is quarters..'--- -- Don t forget those All-Wool Wwlen MilljOo. .of Salem, .Oregon, the' beft value in Cloth ing in the market. Come let us build upvhoine industries. ".t ' ; c. - , WOTICE ! THE -TO BE T. C. PEEBLER'S; is lbs Extra.c Sugar . 13 lbs Granulated Sugar..,.;.... '..I.:..., 4 lbs Best Rio Coffee . ; 14 lbs Rice.......;..............: . 20 lbs Beans 4 lbs Soda.:........... 10 lbs Lard We have the largest as well Crockery and Glassware, CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, T ' . Furnishiug Goods, Gents; Neckwear, ' -,We pay cash for all kinds of Produce. We invite coxiparison. T. C. PEEBLER.- W. B. DON AC A, -DEALER IN- GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Cigars, Tobacco, FnnrisMng Goods, Etc. Fir stClass Goods AT REASONABLE PRICES.' Country Produce Give Me a Trial and Be Convinced. KEEP ON HAND A STOCK OF. ft '.si i;P r.-i.jff ..- - " ." Tt"-"' -.-kv i-'--' Shingles, Posts,!B6arclsnd Pickets. SANTIAM :-: FALL TEU3I BEGINS SEPT. 15th. .- ; Iatin, Greek, Mathematics, Sciences and History Taught. . " ALSO BOOK-KEEPING "AND COMMON ' BRANCHES. TERMS 50 to 75 cents per week. ST. CH ARLES HOTEL- M.: Y: DOUD, PROPRIETOI l Only Rrst-Class Hotel - BOARD REASOWAELE, OUIGK; . .we would present a -silver store would be unable to hold to our store. as a Present. you feel that vou want to find the quarter in . which to find - - ;. .-:;ri ' . "v . Suits from the Thos. Kav c. . h AckilEMAN, Next Door to Bank. WOTICEJ I HAD AT- J i? i .11 00 :,-1 00 .... 1 00 .... 1 00 ... 1 00 . .. . 25 .... 1 20 as the best select stock of Taken in Exchange for Goods. ' ACADEMY. D. TORBET,' A. M,, ; 1 Principal, Lt?anon, Or. BY f o 0f