Lebanon Express. A. Atlt AtvAXS, QRO. I ALKXANIER. ADAMS & ALEXANDER, PCBLSHERS AND PkOPRIETORS. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. C.'e yt-a,' iion'lH Ylisw months . lo copies.... 1 00 .. SO . OA WHAT MEN HAVE SOT FOUGHT FOR. Appropos to the tion of the liquor present agita- qucsiion, Bob Burdette gives his son some philo sophical pointers iu the following numerous vein: " My dear boy, men have fought, Ued and died,. but not for beev. Arnold Winkelweed did not throw himself upon the Austrian spears because he was ordered to close his fa'oon at 9 o'clock. William Tell did not hide bis arrow under his vest to kill the tyia-it because the edict had ne foith that the free born Switzer should not drink a kesr of beer everySabbath. Free dom did not shriek a9 Koiiosco fell over a whiskey barrel. Warren did not die that beer might flow as the brooks murmur, seven days a week. Even the battle of Brandy wine was not fought that whiskey miht be free. No clause in the Declaration of Independence de clares that Sabbath concert ear den, with five brass horns and one hundred kegs of beer, is the in alienable riht of a free people and the corner stone of good govern ment. ' Tea, mild, harmless, innocent tea. the much-sneered-at temper ance beverate, the feeble drink of effeminate men and good old women. Tea hold.3 a higher place, it fills a brighter, more glorious -page, it is a grander figure in the history of the United States, than beer. Men like tea, my boy, but they hurled it into the sea in the aiame of liberty, and they died rather than drink it until they made it free. It seems to be worth fiehtinsr for. and the best men in -the world fouffht for it. The his- orv of the United States is incom Tlet with tea left out. As well reisrht the historian omit aneuii Jlall and Bunker Hill, as tea. But there is no story of heroism or pat riotism with rum for its hero. "The battles of this world, my on, have been fought for grander things than free whiskey. The Iieroes who fall in the struggles for yum, fall shot in the neck, and their martyrdom is clouded by the iiaunting phantoms of the im Jama. Whiskey makes men fight, it is true, but they usually fight ether drunken men. The cham pion, of beer does not stand in the temple of fame; he stands in the police court. Honor never has the delirium tremens. Glory does not wrear a red nose, and Fame blows a iiorn, but never takes one." LITERARY CULTURE. libraries are much more com- -mon than formerly, books are mul tiplying almost as fast as catalogues can be minted, but we must not Imagine because we possess many libraries, institutions , and other -means of culture, that we are mak- ia ii"ea progress. Such facilities ray as often be a hindrance as a lielp to individual self-culture of the highest kind. The possession of the mere materials of knowledge is something different from wistlom and understanding, wnicn are reached turoueh a higher kind of discipline than that of reading. The multitude of books which modern readers glance at, may pro duce distinction as well as culture; and their contents may leave no move definite impression upon the aniuu than gazing through the Iiiung forms in a kaleidoscope ctoes upon the eye. Doubtless tnaay indulge themselves in the conceit that they are cultivating their mmds, when they are on'y emploj-ed in the unprofitable occu- tal4on of killing time. It must also be borne in mind that the ex pe iciice gathered from books, though ofen valuable, is but of the nature of learning; whereas the experience gained from actual lite of the nature of wisdom, and a small store of the latter is worth a great deal more than any stock of the former. Useful and instructive though Good reading may be, it is yet only one mode of cultivating the mind; and is much less influ ential than practical experience and good example in the formf tion of character. England had many wise and cultured men long before the. existence of a veading public. Magna Charta was secured by men we are told who signed the deed with their marks. Thus the foun ' dations of Fnelish liberty were laid by men who, though unskilled in the art of deciphering the liter ary signs by which principles were made known upon paper, under stood well the things and princi ples signified. BROWN9VILLK BREEZES. Guy Howe is qcite mck. Everybody ia hog-Killing. Who will be our nest city dadst Dr. Starr recently moved to Piety Hill. South Brownsville taUa of incoapo rali lg. The band boys have employed a teacher. Pail of theelec";ie-liitht plant has arrived. J. McFei-son removed to Albany Monday. Mrs. D. Ambrose Went to Albany Monday. A. Jack Adams moved to Lebanon this week. Miaa Etta Moore went So Seattle Wednesday. Mrs. WiUson has moved to the Har rison ranch. Dies La: Kelt wants two girls. See adve.-;itemenL Ca-ot. llajren is hammering spues on the J. U. road. Robert Kearnes bought property of Mrs. Pimona lately. R. M. G. Bradley came down from the mines Saturday. J. Php&ley took chance of the Ar lington hotel Monday. Rumor says that the Liberal hall in South B ow.isviHo ia hauuieu. Nine new buiidinrs have been erected in Ame'ia this summer. Ped Boss complains of the roads be.ween he"e aod Craw Toms ville. Mrs. Dode Howe ia none the better by coming in contact ith poison oax. Wm. Acock returned from the mines slightly afflicted with rheuma tism. The sign Bazaar is emblazoned in large letters on the Red Front jewelry store. Charley Howe bought five acres of land in the Galbraith addition last week. The facio.y coiupanv is widening ibe race to iac e-e ti e supply of vta.e. W-n. Sne -ry has a lame hand, the ii of a KicK f.ora a cow he was mi'K's. Mrs. Minnie Adams went to Leba non Friday and returned 8unday morning. Miss Alice Dean went to Califo.nia this week in the hope of benefitting her health. Tho-s. Fi1ili- has the neiet and bet'-a a -jel vi.se.y t;oce Una bide of Po.-I. Ot'. Manon rowell occupies the resi dence which he recently purchased of H. R. PowelL Jafce Bilveu wrenched his ankle while i Miliar through the timber iu po'-snit of a cow. Hi-h !" ""ose. (au-ba k t'c'ewalrs aatl Jis ae caa ie; wm soon be ie o.te.- o: bts jet.8. James Wilson moved into the houe which he purchased from A. Jack Adams this week. J. F. Venner bought a house and lot of Mrs. Lemaster lately, and look possession this week. Tlie fcio s.i-'.'rd up Monday, .ev b ijr n e .h ee davs while a Jew flu iie w."s pot 5 1. M . Howe .'a'.her of Chavtes and E -e.' Ho?e ie'i'- -ted to lua home ke-- A1 i'y. J. W. Driver went to Union Mon day. Jim will ply the trade of black smith in tnat town in the futu.e. Mc. Sawyer, while encaged in th to him novel occupation of splitting stove-wood, received a bad cut on the lip. James Waggoner received bis house hold roods Lorn Portland Monday. He is living with his mother-in-law at piesent. Wro.Speivy and wi'e relu-ned from ForJand last week; they have con cluded to live the remainder of llieii- daysin Brcwnsrille. A ieiiie.a ice mce'5oj wjw he'd at the -'? f It-ll Sujcay e eilan e-jeches wo e made by Messes. Mc- Do ?a u a jd Do,- e.-. At a meeting o? the C. and B. R. M. and M. Co., held rnay evening, Geo. A. Dyson resigned the secniiavy- einn and C. E. StanaM was elected in his siead. A mai ne.. C.aw.o-.-?. i,,e has c'is- coe.ed a oe ies-- no'se in. yieVs a b;)'e jc"id a'i: v of sheei) d'p. eaw'o x's te p-ole In. a up itieir nosea ti. oalo at gas. J. J. Sawyer, H. B. Mover, Chas. L. Miller, Wm. Mooi-e, Cnrran Cooley and Jeff Isom went to Eugene Satur day to assist at the institntion of a K. of P. lodge in that ciiy. The Brownsville Building and Loan Associaiion held a meeting Monday evening. We are told that the associ ation have sold the greater part of the Galbraiih addition at a goed profit. The publishers of the Times, armed with a shotgun, drove out into the country Monday, oslensibly to hunt pheasants. If anyone is missing, you may know the boys were successful. I it;:v!o:ion ot toe high rcense 'ie: ;e'.'g eiecJet", amaa from Jcac o Ias oo.-" t a !': o.i ihe uew road r'o-'s '-e e, out of the c' y J" j, oa ich to put up a sa loon. , A p9:i.'iou asking fo- a C'osswalk and also a sidewalk in Hausman's ad di.ion, was laid before the Council at a re. e-.?i meeting. The crosswalk was o-de.eJ boiU, but Jhe latier was laid ion ihe la'jle, fo;r the ve.y good reason that the s .eel along which the walk is to be laid has never been opened. Nbmo. BARBOUR BROS.. DEALERS IN IMTAGUE W. O. PETERSON. FURNITURE, UPHOLSTERY, W0YEN-W1RE MATTRESSES, LOUNGES OP ALL KINDS, Chairs of Every "Description and De gree or comfort, Picture Frames, Moulding, Bric-a-Brae of Every Description, HARDWARE, In Pact Evarrthlng BalonKtaf to th Trad at Prlcaa that Dry Oompvtttlon, ChorckUl A Kontelth't Old Stand. -18 AS VSl IN THE LEAD -W1TH- LEBANON, OREGON. Hs- . pr: j, f .if-? - J- An Immense Stock of General Merchandise! Bouclit for Cash at remarka bly low ficures. . Close buyers who expect to pay cash for thpir poGiia are resDectfullv invited to examine the large stocks kept at the MAMMOTH " AND One-Price Cash Stores Tb above brfarht and benevolent face, k Dr. . W. Acker, of England, dtoeovcrer ot tfaa celebrated Acker's Kngtlaa BaaMdy for Coa- aomDUoa and other popalar prrperattoea. Dr. Aekar practiaad ta Ua roaagar lays amoof torn middle daaaea of London, and traa the meant ot doing peat good, bat his bestta failed and be found himself ia the tTP of eoBaomptJoa, with a wife and ebfld depending' opoa him tor support. While in this condition- be dtooorered bratod EngHsh Kjwnedr. saved bis owe Hfe and has since saved tae ares or tnoussnos vw on the sore road to death. Any maa or smaa K. VMta a. tirHnm in the throat- who eooxha. asceciallr ta the morninjr. who raises or has a . o wALLAoe. PETERSON & WALLACE, Real Estate Brokers, DO k GEKERAL AGEICY BGSIXESS, Including Fire and Ufa Insurance. HAVE OS HAND SOMES Choice Bargains In Both City Property and Farm Lands. f ; Collections Attended to ' Promptly. AGENTS FOR AT COST! To Make Room for Vf Spring and Snmmcr Stock DRY GOODS, FDKSISHIIG GOODS, AID I0TI0X3, I WILL CLOSF OUT MY Entire Stock of Boots 8c Shoes AT COST. MARCH GROCERY. We have changed our name, but not may come and seasons go, but I go goods to our base. Panics on forever selling Rich and Poor Alike, For ten months we have stood at our post selling GRO CERIES, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS and theV, nilOWNSVILLE WOOLEN GOODS, and vet our stock f like leaven, '4' Now la the Tim to SECURE REAL BARGAINS. 1 Propose to Have Leading Dry Goods Store In the Valley. MAIL, ORDERS Promptly attended. Increases All the Time. Old Jason, like a fool, sailed in the Argo to Colchis in search of the golden fleeces now-a-days people find the gol den fleece in the Brownsville goods for sale atBaeh4s?urrjer Store. ' - . Remember, Farm I I pay cash for your produce and at the same time keep everything you want. . Formerly , all roads lead to Rome; under the new road law every trail, toe-path and wagojt road leads straight up to . - ' BACH'S CORNER STORE. ttirht fcetimr shooting pain the Jtteet, who has sharp na (hrowh tfaa hrac or tftmeulty ia breathing, should realise that Uteee are arse fntptvM of coiumptio which, if Beircted, are sore to result fatally. Dr. Acker's Enffhah Rerasdv ass cured more than oa thoaaaad per- rho anqqeaBonaoiT naa omnranpgoa wn who ww 1 ft It'lMls. no hs popularity and is sold by reputable drngrista xR every a ford to city and town ia America. MSKMSia It merit l ow cam THE CRY OF MILLIONS! OH. 3rv BKCKl TOP IT MOW. MR IT Will at TOO LATE. t have been troubled many years whh disease of the kidneys and hav remedies ave tried and sooeht aid from uinrrent pnysKsans without relieC About tae 5taof Apru v mAmnv fm a veiv violent aitadt that alanat prostrated sae h .w w.Mw tnat i eat bent over. When I sat down ft was almost tepoeaibte for me .h nr to t eat bi dothea. when PUdMee seat Ir. HeaW. with the OREGON KJDNHT TKA. to my boteL I fanmedistery aommencea sisa the tea. It had aa almost miraculous egret, and to the bhment of all the g-uests at the hotel. in a few dara.l am happy to sts that I was a new man. I wiT recommend the tea to sH as I have been. C. A. rvmoL. FroprMor Occidental Hotel, 2 F C37 smictedl I 141 Tbs Read to H Caanet ke aactaaifstlr trsvslsd wHh at feed health. Ts reach wearth sr ssy aeveted see (ties la Itf raaslrta vMI asasslllsa asd sssraties af all the taa. ; attlsa klad aster ha sdewsd a wfth. Thss esasftioss caaaat rf4 soiess th aajpsfcaj hlaf ta la a erfsc warklna srtfer. and this I hssesslhi whea th Braf sad sat Sr fax Id. Mist skatrscK lt Ik eeretlMS, eansls msleestiM sad drsaaftia. With aM thaw actio DR.HCNLETS English Dtndtlion Tonic MarUaaaaeW mtac aver th livar, axctts n ts healths act!, resetve Ra chraale sraniia. and prot 1h SStntlsm ; car ladlfeatiaa Sad tiattl set lea, sharp as th apseiRa, tea aa th sat lr srsteat, aa snaa in IMa. Ne trouble to show goods and if you wish to buy we know that Montague's is the place. CLOTHING? We offer yon full lines 1 Men's, Youth's and Boj's Clothing at prices that simply defy competition. We have now in stock Oregon City Manufactured Cloth ing; Levy x Straus Alanulacturetl Clothing; Fine Caasimere Clothing; Fine Imported Worsted Clothing; Fine Spring-Bottom Pante; Men's, Youth's, Boys' and Chil dren's sizes. These can be had at Montague's. To the Ladies! The ladies of Iebanon and vicin ity express themselves as ver much pleased with Montague's fine lines of Fall and Winter Dress Goods which he has just purchased from one of the leading importing houses of the United Mates. -Mon tague s stock' is unsurpassed this side of Portland. -The ..ladies are respectfully invited to examine them. " ; Hosiery, Corsets and La dies' Underwear. Full lines in all these branches of the Dry Goods trade, and we pan offer vnn mod value for vonr money. Should you need GLOVES we have everything desirable and stylish in Silk, Lisle Thread and Cotton. Remember Montague's motto is "One hundred cents' worth for a dollar every time." Boots and Shoes. Each and every pair of Boots and Shoes in the two lanre establishments owned by Montague are man u fact urt d I expressly for niiu. Jbvery pair , full; warrantea. These gooaa we 00 not Imoort from Missouri, aa baa been al iegvd by would-be competitors, but are made up from tue very tt atocR by wntte labor emr loyea oy uucKiugnam A Hecbt and Calm. Mckelsburg & Co. When you want anythine neat and serviceable at bed-rook prices, with a full aruarantee on every pair, you will assuredly buy your foot-wear of MON 1 rvvji u tOKPOS UVERPOOL A GLOBE 1S8UB- AN( E CO; GUARDIAK ASSCRASCE CO., of London. . OAKLAND HOME 1NBURACE CO., of Oakland, California; 8TATE INSURANCE CO., of Salem, Orepon. FARMERS' MERCHANTS' INSURANCE CO., of Salem. W. K.. READ, Albany, Orejjrow. The Yaquina Route. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD, T. E.' Hosts', Receiver, AND WHEN VISITING ALBANY, DON'T KAIL, TO SEE THE MAMMOTH STOCK GOLDEN RULE BAZAAR, Don't Go to Portland NOW LISTEN! The GnMen Role Bsiaar make a "periaTtr of the riaeat Teaa txiiteea anu BaauiR rowuera, ererr perkaae of which is manufac tored ra- anl bear the name of Ikikfea Rule Bazaar. O. E. HARDY JEWELER, Has on hand a large stock of Tke mind is ls.rgely dependent for its hl.-enih and clearness of vision upon the pnrfty of the life. IV1s t that a man should know what is light in order to do what l iht; but it is also tiue tbr.i I-e mvit be in the hsbit of doing vgbt in Oider to ,i?,ke such knowledge or any p.actic?l value. For ex s .i nle, one who -is accustomed to live wisely and to avoid whatever ho bel'eves iojci'ious. lea. ns ooe cy vb oagh a ;el!able source tbst w.:n article of diet of which l'.t jiond, or a ce.tain habit be a.cqt!ved, is deleLerious. and he aLonca Siscontinues it. Aaother, acetumed ' io self-iadulgeace. ve eeives the same instructions and snake no change in his condect. The intellect of each has been ao peiiledio alike, and their koovl ec'e of the point in question is equal; but in the one casft me naDit of right-doing makes it operative, in the other the habit of wrong- ei-.-iTiii'Is it inoperative. "The Jersey 1-"T-" Axglksea Co'-.n ace. I. B., Jny 2. Gertiemen: AUho' His veiy wiwsual for me to use any 10. ms or wa!iea, atill, in answer o your roqceist, I have tried Wis3om'B Vok-t Cwm rvA Roertine. The former I enVe ."'-c'pl'y efficacious iiicaeo e je exin, ana I have W 1 -".', !. ere--y day for the last o ."! . I rave found the Rober.'e r 1 efv Vri preparation in CMsees ofta .-. t,c v'h ej., caused by exposure to M. x-1 'da acd a July euu. Y tfubful!?, 1j1.'. 'J1? LANG'-lKY To Merer. VVisdoai &, Co. rclaSKl Hats and Caps. No man. youth, boy or child can be considered well dressed tr tnetr cranium ia surmounted by a "sbockinr bad hat." In order t set our numerous customers right in this regard. Monta gue has laid in for the fall and winter trade an immense biock 01 iiaia ana Cans. These iroods were boueht direct from ine manufacturers ana at verj low figures. Take a look through them and wben you do want to buy, matter of course you will buy yoi head-gear only or Montague.!? r Kxelteaaeat Buns high in Lebanon, at Beard A Holt's drug store over Bystem Bu'lder, severbody Is using it for Catarrh of the Stomach, Dyspepeaia, Consumption tnd Impure Iilond. Try it and teH your friends about It, as it must possess wonderful merits when all speak well of it. , G4s TC assina; Hamsnity. So Says an Oregon Pioneer Niueiy Years Old. For et Gaovn. Or., Msrrh 19. Ihaveuned the OREGON KIPNEY TEA and obtained immediate relief. It is God's blowing to tnimanitr. I take pleawre in reoommendinft It t (he affticted. I am now aearly ninety years ld, came to On-pon in 1M2 in the employ of the H rtwin'n Ray Compaji. and since I bejtan using h OREGON KlTNKtf TEA I enjoy grood health. PAVllt MUSROE. JEWELRY JUST RECEIVED Call And Secure Prices. HEW HARNESS SHOP LEBANON, OREGON, J. C. FREY 8c SON, DEALERS IN Harness, Saddles, Collars, Whips, Etc REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. GIVE US A CALL. Hen's Famisliing Goods!; As underwear for the masculine gender i ia iiHuallv called, is an essential Article for the comfort ana gooa neann 01 mankind in this humid climate, ;Mou tague's stock of Fine Shlrta L,lon Brand; . Fine Shirts Standard Brand;' ' Fine Shirts Neglige; ' -r. Fine Shirts in Cassimere; Fine Shirts in every style: Undershirts and Drawers An end less variety In all weights,' shades and natterns. ' ,' We sell hueeous quantities of these goods, and invite your attention to the new grades ana new prices, ise wise. buy your Underwear or Montague. Natural ys. Artificial Gas. No. there is no ioke about the natu ral teas beiug found in Lebanon. The eas Is a fact: nor is it. aa some imag ined, the outcome of windy advertise ments in tne "ljenanon n.xpress." Always buy your goods of Montague and get full value for your money. At Peterson A Wallace's Old Stand. THE CHURCHES. TO THOSE WHO OWE ME MOSEY, PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH A. Marrellu". ti tor. Service ererr Babbath st 11 A. M. and 7-30 P. M. Sabbath school at 10 A. H. Prayer meat- ins Wednesday evening at 730 o'clock. AU welcome. CUMBERLAND PRESBYTERIAN CHCRCH N. L. New, pastor, memoes tne secona ana fourth Saboa-hs of each month, motjin; rnd evening. Sunday school every aanoatn at 10 A. M. Eveiyone w tleome. Montague- has waited long enough for what you owe him. Pay up NOW Not next week, or next month, or next Christmas, but NOW. I can use it to advantage, need it in my business, and vou will confer a very great favor on vourself and Montague by paying t right up without furtner solicitation. Oregon DefelopmentCo'sSteanslipLlns 22S Mites Shorter! 20 Hoars Last Tims I Than by any other Route. -OF- FIB8T-CLA88 THROUGH PA88ENQER AND FREIGHT LINE From Portland and all points In the Willamette Valley to and from San Francisco, CaL FALL CLOTHING Gradvvohl, of Albany, oregom pacific railroad. TIME SCHEDULE (Except stmdays.) -AT- IIAS EVERYTHING o Be Found in the Metropolis. He Sweeps the Valley of AH Competitors Lv Ywitilns 7.-00 A M Lv Cnrrallta ..10:35 A H AT Albany 11:0 A M Lv Albanr IZclO P M LvCorvallfai 13P SI Ar Ysquins A-X P M O. A C. trains connect at Albany and CorralUs. The above train connect at Yaqnina with the Omron Development Cimpany's line of Steam ship between i aquina ana san rTancnoo. SAILING DATES. S. S. Willamette) Valley will sail raox loCrorserr, rsncy Good. Toy, Rostra Bros,' SUyerware, rrencn I rtina ana ut&-rare. Boys' Wagons. Dell Carriages, Etc. TAQt'rj, November 1 November November 90 1 s.'W riciseo. , OrtoteT 27 November 5 November 1 Nirri-m ber 3 November So Thh nrninanr reserves the rivht to change sail- leg aates wuauut notice. Reraetaher the Oreson Paciflc Popnlsr Stnnmer Exi-unMon. Low Kate IK-reis are now on sate from all Valley Points to lsquina ana retnrm. WM. M. HOAO. C C. HOOUE. General Manager. G. F. P. Agent, corraus, or. NEW STYLES! NEW PRICES! Also an Elegant Stock of Cloths in Merchant Tailor ing- Department with Frst-Class Tailoring-. rraai ii nn aavs fuaa eh W. , Nmm vuMit aD asxl srte St tsvs hiattsss. swat Boas sns aa at nsas, Oregonian Railroad Co. Oeneral Offices Corner Front and F Btreets, Portland. EAST SIDE. , Headquarters tor Bargains T(M PoSTLAXD TO PoBTLtTO fill "STATIONS. I - I I gg IT. LV. AR. it r. m. a. r. n. a. w. UU W t-orluunl t t . 4 "O 7 45 10 25 Wootibttrn 1 40 7 60 8 60 II 28 pilTCTtoa , 13 06 45 t 43 Wesi fen to 58 M Tsilmsn 8 f-4 6 07 BrowmnriUe-.i 7 49 6 50 Cobnrg 6 10 -IN- WEST SIDE. 17. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE roit GENTLEMEN, SS.OO OEMCIItK HD-SEWED HO! . wi uimvurn , ii v v I T HtioK. ISJV Pt)l.lt K AND FARM EES SHOS EXTRA VALUE lALl KUUfi, AAOasMl 1.7 BOYS' SCHOOL IHOKa A trite I Portl nd Mall. MiL 9 20 I Purtland A W V. 115 12 05 JHinrtee Jnnctlon i OA I no Sheridan 00 4 11 lwllas $ 22 4 55 Monmonth 7 S 5 56 Alrlie 43 w. tioaares, Batlea ana L. DOUGLAS SHOE la'dT.. ia -tal. ttmmt Mvte. Baa FltrtBSC U as oa br y mr dealer, writs VT. lm IHt; GJLAii. BROCKTON. MAM For st la C. C. Hackleman, LEBANON, OREGON. Tickets for West SWe stations for sale at toot of I Jeflerson street. Tk-kets for Kast SMe stations for sale st Union derot. corner Fifth and I streHs. PSKKeneers from Lebanon ror sow ana otner mints north of Tallman (Sonthern Pacilie enws- , lng, can connect at Tallman at :S4 A. M., and for ttrownffviiie lira mims soutn oi la-unaa, eou- nect there at ssa P. M. chas, B. pajrr, Gen. BapL & Gen. F. A Pass. Agent. DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, Men's, Youth's and Boy's Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Etc. Also Keep on Second floor a full line of Boots & Shoes, - " ' . In which I will not be undersold. Come and . see me and I will treat you well. LITTLE 00 KOT CRIPE, SICKEN 03 CONSTIPATE. Sosi Cni na Sick RuowHt, sac au troaDMs sruias irom ladifastiaa sr Ooasttpatiea. Am prtma tns unn p ! xioai sjaessssaBaalealyadlaatsd io wait th. mm. m m pUl eaa aevac tw toe larsss don. Kur to take . as so bm saamr. a pill, sat up ia a vtraac vtal , DIM n. ncwiiN i n rmm . muei, m .1 1 -MM, a Ti ,.li al IllkM In. twm VraahM wH. . .- SAarLS BOSS aaS aasAB SOWS tar S. km sfif. (on. HAimara iwom'TOmio. k PtmirtKS lh BLOOD; BIOULATK Ih, LIVV I ... KIDITSTS aa BKSTOBS8 tk. DSntUTATRD I BBALTH .S VIOOBOVB 8TBBM QTH 9t Tovni I THi UU HAITI MEDICINE CO. ST. LOUIS, HO. J ! iliiaSgaasSwSBSBSSW (ALBANY, OREGON. DON'T SHIP YOUR OLD STOVE. You can buy any of the LATEST PATTERNS Cheap, of SWAN BROTHERS. THEY CARRY A FULL, LINE OF Tin, CappEr, lUnodEn and ; 'Stone UlaiE, also PUMPS AND PUMP FIXTURES. W& Job- Work done on Short Notice. BEARD & HOLT, Druggists & Apothecaritas, '- - DEALERS IN-" Pure Drugs and Medicines, Paints, Oil, Glass, Stationery, Fine Perfumery, Brashes and Combs, CIGARS AND FANCY TOILET ARTICLES, Main Street, Lebanon, Oregon. SsTPrescriptions accurately compounded. . G. LOYELEE, DENVER. Omaha, Kansas City, Chicago,! ST PAUL. ST. LOUIS. AND ALL POINT East, North tP South, .AT - - UNION TICKET OFFICE, C. Q. RAWLINGS, Agent, Alba ji v, ; ; Okeron. BRICK! BRICK! 125,000 Brick At my yard In the suburbs ot Lebanon For Sale at Reasonable Rates. All Kinds of MASON WORK DONE With Neatness and Despatch. D. W. HARDIN. Merchant LEBANON, OEEGON. An Elegant Line of Suitings Kept in StOCk- Cleaning and Repairing Promptly and Neatly Done. GOOD FIT GTT.A.lA.TaEr.