I J V l 4 . ...... EXPRi He who thinks to please the World is dullest of his kind; for, let him, face which way he will, one-half is yet behind. VOL. IV. LEBANON, OIIEGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1890. NO. 30. LEBANON 4 W - EAST AXD SOUTH -VIA- Soutiiern Pacific Eoute. tnu MOV NT SHASTA ROtTE. XTBXS TIUIXS LEaTX FOBTLASD EAILT : :U) r. st. I Lv AS P. X. I Lv Jill. ar. Ar "Portland Ar ( 9 :3 A. M Albany Art .l4A. M San Francisco Lv 9 :O0 P. X. Above trains stop only at the following stations j).cspts;t Koseburg: Last Port 1 find, Oregon City, w oortourn. Sairni, Albany, Tangeut, Shedds, Catsey, Hamsbuig, Juacdn 01 y, Irving and Eugene, Roaebura; Mall Daily. 8 :00 A. X. LV Portland Ar I :00 p. X. 13:20 P. X. J Lv Albany Ar 1 li X, 6 .-00 P. X. ( Ar Boaebiirg Lv 6 :00 A. X. Albany Local Daily (Except ennday.) 5 0 P. M. Lv Portland Ar I 9-00 A. X. 9:00 P.M. Ar , Albany Lv t 00 a. x . Local "Passenger ' TrainsDally Except -- v.. - Sttaeay. SaiP. X. J Lv Albany Ar I :25 A. x" 3 SS p. x. I Ar Lebanon Lv 8 0 A. X. T SO A. X. Lv Albany Ar , :26 P. X. 8:32 A. M. I Ar Ltbanon Lv 1 3:40 p.:x. PtJT.T.WATf BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Cars Far accommodation of Second Clnss Passengers, attac ed to Express trains. WEST SIDE DITISIOX. BETWEEN , PORTLAND AND CORYALLIS. Mail Train Dally (Except Sunday.) T :30 A. x Lv , Port lurid Ar I 5 :S0 p. M. 13:10 P. M. j Ar ' Corvallla LvH:6SPX. At Albany and Corvallla connect with trains ot Oregon Paotfic Railroad. (Express Train Daily Except Sunday.) 4 :0 P. X. 5 riS P. M. LV Ar Portland iicMmnvllla Ar 8:20 A. X. Lv 8:15 A. X. yThroogh tickets to all points East and South Fur tivkeis aud luil luloi malum rv-eardr&g rates, xnapa, etc., call on Co's aem at Metir. i d. It. KOttJLKK, . f. KOOKtt-v Manager. - asm a. F. P. Act. DR. C. H. DUCKETT, DENT I S T - LEBANON-, OREGON J. K. WEATHERFORD, ATTORNEY- AT - LAW. Office over First National Bank. ALBANY. - - - . - OREGON. W. R. PILYEU, ATTORNEY- AT- LAW. ALBANY' OREGON. G. T. COTTON,. D:er In Groceries and Provisions. Tobacco and Cigars, Smokers' Articles. Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Confectionery, Queenaware and Glassware, Lamps and Lamp Fixtures. PAY CASH FOR EGGS. Main Street. Lebanon, Oregon ILL. McCLRUE (Successor to C. H. Harmon.) Barber : and : Hai Lebanon. Oregon. Shaving, Haircutting and Shampoo ing in the latest and best style. Spec ial attention paid to dressing Ladies' hair. Your patronage respectfully so licited. 3. L. COWAN. J. M. RALSTON. Bank of Lebanon, LEBANON, OREGON. Transacts a General Banking Business. ACCOUNTS KEPT SUBJECT TO CHECK. Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco, Portland and Albany, Org. Collections made on favorable terms. LEBANON r 1Wa0'! UR4aMi! ' MeatMarket .ID. EELLESBEEGER, Prop. Fresh & Salted Beef, Pobk, Mut ton, Sausage, Bologna & Ham. BAm AXD LAID ALWAYS OX HAND. rebellion is imminent In Cuba. V Moltke ha- refused a dukedom. The French beet crop Is a failure. Mudle, the English librarian, is dead. Ticlno is liable to be divided into two cantons. Dillon and O'Brien arrived in New York Nov. 2. Portugal has recalled her minister to England. Mrs. David Still wagon ot Flushing. L. I., is 106. The New Zealand strikers surrendered unconditionally. A case of leprosy has been discovered at Chester, Fa. The original package houses at Topeka, Kas., are closing. The coffee crop Is short In Java but abundant in Brazil. Beet sugar Is being successfully made at Grand Island, Neb. Owen Jons outraged a girl at Savannah Nov. 1, and was lynched. Sealskins sell for from SS to 9 5 per cent, more than, a year ago. Several of the Cuban brigands have been captured and shot. A fever caused by eating diseased potatoes prevails in SlUarney. Since Nicholas became czar 270,000 Jews have been expelled from Russia. Eleh deposits ot gold and silver have been found in the CliicKasaw nation. The French are fighting bloody battles Senegal and with uniform success. The pope says he relies entirely on France to restore his temporal power. Winter wheat sown in September In Kansas has been ruined by the Hessian By. Two negroes were lynched in Dalton county, Ga., for the murder ot a white girl. - Russia is considering the expulsion of all missionaries of other than the Greek church. The British destroyed the town of Vltu. the king and his forces fleeing at their approach. A vote of want of confidence In the ministry has been passed by the parlia ment of Victoria. The czar has issued a ukase raising duties from 20 to 40 per cent, to take place July 1 next. Denis B. Sullivan, treasurer of the Fattier Matthew society at Newport, R. I, is S1.3J0 short in his accounts. All the union and most of the non union sU-am-tittiug establishments in Chicago are closed by a strike. Miss Lizzie Fhelis, a society belle and heiress of Binghamton, S. Y., has eloped with William Slattery, the family coach man. Stanley and his subordinates are quar reling about who was the greediest and most conscienceless la the African ex pe al Lion. Captain Grombtshevskl. the explorer, has returned to Osh from an expedition to Hindoo Eoosh. His survey covered 7,000 versta. Eome la excited over the disappearance of a will whico waa known to leave 5,0, uuO lira to the pP". In tbe absence of a will the state get tbe money. Koch believes he has found a remedy which will kill the consumption bacillus, and has two cured patients la the charity hospital at Berlin. Tbe king of Holland has gone insane. The council of state will rule for a mouth, and if he is no better Queen Emma will be proclaimed regent. Armour, Swift and Morris have boaght 4i,ti00 acres of land across the line In Indiana, to which they will move the great Chicago packing houses. The prince of Wales and Baron Hirsch nave formed a partnership with a capital of SnkiimO lull turnlunnl hv tlia haretnt The Canadian government has purchased four type-setting machines for use lu setting up the debates in the house of commons the coining winter. Mrs. Levy Hall of Halls Mills, N. Y, while insane, murdered her 18-year-old daughter with a club in the presence f ber husband, who lay helpless with rheu matism. Oct. SI. 1 Henry Irwin, a prosperous lumber mer chant of Weaverton. Va, committed sui slde Oct, 31, his wife having discovered that he supported another woman who failed him ber husband. Millet's painting, "The Angelus," which the American Art Association secured at a sale in Paris in July, 1889, much to tbe chagrin of the French, for 553,000 francs, has been bought for 750,000 francs to be taken back to Paris. At Huntington, Pennsylvania, Oct. 30, a coal train of thirty-six londed cars was thrown by a misplaced switch through the Hotel Brunswick, and landed in the yards of the Girard House and the Jack son house, 200 feet eastward. Twentytons of molten iron were spilled in the Bethlehem, (Pa.) iron company's mill, Oct. 80, and Michael Dievan was fatally and live others seriously burned. Detective J. J. Murphy of Columbus, who disappeared at Ogden white on his way to San Francisco after a prisoner, got on a spree and fell into a creek and was drowned. His body has been found. In the districts of Kharkoff and Ekater lnoslav, southern Kussia, the peasants are in a state of revolt and prowl around In armed bands burning property and shooting at landholders. Miss Elizabeth Baudet married Charles Eearrlck at Woodsocket, S. D. Three months later she got a letter from an old sweetheart and then she poisoned her husband. She is In jail tor murder. The Choctaw legislature has passed and the governor has signed a bill dis franchising any member of the nation who takes an oath ot allegiance to the United States. Vienna will on Jan. 1, 1892, absorb suburbs that will change her from a city of twenty square miles and 700,000 people, to one of sixty-five pquare miles and 1,300,000 people Antonio Panagaooa was walking-along the street in New Yorfe Oct. 27 with $5 i sewed in a belt next to his skin when Joaquin Marapaulos rode alog, lassoed him and robbed him. Marapaulos was arrested. There was such a severe storm at St. John harbor Oct. 81 that Fred Munder, aged 13, who whs on a wharf with others watching it, was blown off into th water and he and Fred Young, aged 17, who sprang off to try to save him, were drowned. The law forbidding the mailing of printed reports of raffle and lottery draw ings is to be tested by the Leavenworth (Kan.) limes, which has sued the post master for $10,000 for refusing to receive the Times containing a report of a draw ing at a ihurch fair. Rev. James Butler of Chattanooga, TennM has been arrested for stealing the wl'e and the best span of horses f Benjamin Jackson, a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, of which Butler was the pastor. Gilbert rle Eevere drove into Brooklyn at a very fast gait Oct. 25, and a police man halted the outfit for fast driving, when it was found that De Revere was dead, sitting bolt upright and firmly grasping' the reins, with his arms out stretched. Judge Caldwell of the United Slates district court at Little Rock, Ark., has decided thac the Wilson act prohibiting the sale of liquors in original packages In prohibition states, takes effect from Its passage,- and that tbe state laws passed previously to the W'ilson act are valid under it. Sarah McMullin, 19 years old, threw Delia Brown, aged 5, and Nellie Connors, e gel 10, from a bridge sixty-five fet high into Murder creek at Akron, N. Y., and then jumped off herself. Nellie was killed ; both of Delia's legs and arms were broken but she way rwwror. Sarah was (Eoast Bcros. Work has begun on the Poso canal. The hotel Bailey at Slsson has been burned. Seattle has bought water works for $352,265. The Humboldt land office la to bo in vestigated. Elch quartz ia repcrted at Burner's bay, Alaska. John O'Brien died from drink at Ba kerstleld Nov. 1. - Joseph Mortran escaped from the Idaho penitentiary Oct. 23. The Marysvllle canner paid $25,000 in wages this year. Scarlet fever has been having a mild run at Walla Walla. There was a $10,000 fire In Carson's Chinatown Oct. 2i). William Kelly has been held for ehang haelng sailors at Astoria. E. L. Williams has been appointed postmaster at Santa Cruz. Thirteen raisin driers have been burned in Fresno county this year. Artesian water with a strong pressure has been lound at Wheatland. The Seattle city railroad has floated $1,000,000 bonds in New York. People who allow their hens to run at large at Pomona are tlmd $W. A single-track railroad company has been incorporated at Union, Or. Walter and Ed Ray were run over by a train near Delano Oct. 81 and killed. Work on the Jetties at the mouth of the Siuslaw river will begin lu the spring. Chicken eholera is reported at Peta luma, one man having loot looo fowls. Lake port Is to be connected by rail with the Donahue road by July 31, 1892. The proposed additions to Fresno ' de cided by a majority ot one vote to stay out. The Kern and Tulare irrigation dis trict haa voted to issue $?00,0u0 worth of bonds. Tacoma merchants are bidding for the Alaskan trade and sav they propose to have it. Dayton, Wn is overrun with firebugs and burglars and is ripe for a lynching party. M. Baker blew his right arm off while firing a salute to Stanford Oct. 81 at lulare. A new line of steamers will run from Puget sound to Mexican and Guatema lan ports. A young man named Neill accidentally killed himself while hunting near Hue uezne Oct. 2i. George W. Lewis and August Richards dug out of tin Nevada state prison at Carson Oct. 23. Since J. L. StiUraan was convicted of the murder of Fiske at Fresno Mrs. Stillmau has died of grief. Herman Dods of Nap shot his right eye out he other tiav with a pistol that he didn't know was loaded. Milo G. McKee blew off both arms and iestroyed both eyes while tiring a salute to Stanford at BakersUeld Oct. 31. . j A kicking horse discharge4 a gun In a bxiglty ne r Aitnewa uct. 26 tand blew Leopold Giovanni's shoulder uB. Policemen Charles Raymond and Nel son Clonett of beattle have been arrested for assisting in the Bmnggling of opium. Seaton Boren was badly shot and tubbed by Constable Spiers at Turloek Sov. 1 while drunk and resisting arrest. Plalusburg averaged three arrests a week. The town adopted and enforced prohibition and has but three arrests a year. Paul Wiegert, living near West port. Or, was killed while working In the woods Oct. 29 by a log which fell on him. Opium is coming in from British Co lumbia in large quantities and several seizures have been made lately on Puget sound. A German named Ott was killed for a deer by a boy with whom he had gone hunting twelve miles from Eugene, Or., Oct. So. Francis W. Hunsaker ot McMlnnvllle, Or, and Miss Lulu W. Bleakney of ftalem were married on the street at Salem Nov. 1. Five carloads of ralsina grown within five miles of Yuba City were shipped to Chicago a few days ago. They were pro nounced flrt-claes. A fire drove the gueets from the Grand hotel, San Francisoo, on the morning of Nov. 3, but the building was not much damaged except by smoke and water. The Northern Pacific wheat elevator at Eureka Junction, Wn was burned, presumably by the carelessness of tramps, Oct. 29. with 60,000 bushels of grain. Loss $100,000. J. J. Allen and Lawrence Roach had a political discussion In San FrancLsco Oct. 23 and Allen made sure that Roach would not vote wrong by putting a bullet in his brain. A. G. Lloyd's farmhouse at Waltsburg, Wn., was burned on the morning of Nov. 1, the family escaping in their night clothes. Lloyd was badly burned while rescuing his children. James T. Bogue, a Sutter county nur seryman, has offered to distribute his stock of 15.000 young black walnut trees among the school districts of the entire state, free of charge, provided the trees are properly cared for. James Pipkin and Charles Hatch mur dered Joseph Lewis, an Apache county (Ar.) cowboy, Oct, 81. Next day a sher iff's posse went to Hatch's house and called for him. His brother came out and somebody in the posse shot- him dead. Frank Mason shot and killed Charles and Matthew Van, his brothers-in-law, as they lay asleep at his place near Westport, Cal., Oct. 31, and then killed himself. He was mentally deranged and thought the Van boys had tried to poison him. About 200 sheep and cattle have been stolen recently near Mcllinnville, Or., and Ed Rogers and Charles Shelling have been arrested for stealing cattle, driving them to Portland and selling them. They are about 20 years of age. Both have jumped their ball. Mrs. C. Sieuhold of Salinas saw a bur glar carry off her husbane's clothes in the morning of Oct. 29. She awakened Sieghold, who fired several fhots at the retreating burglar, but the latter got away with $18 or $20 in money, a watch and chain worth $151 and bieghold's clothes. Passenger Brakeman J. H. Smith was brutally kicked, trampled on and thrown from his train by a rlde-steallng tramp near Fresno Oct. 29 and five of his ribs were broken, his left arm, collar-bone, shoulder-olad and nose were fractured and he was internally injured. The tramp escaped. A switch engine ran into a passenger train at Tacoma Nov. 1. When the en gineer saw that the collision was inev itable he reversed his engine and jumped off. After smashing a car the reversed engine ran backwards Into another train, smashing several cars and seriously injur ing two switchmen. Shtnn, the escaped convict who was brought back to California from Chicago with his mate, Dorsey, confesses thai after their escape frem San Quentin they went east but returned to Califor nia early in 1889, where they robbed three stages and committed a long list of burglaries, robberies and garro tings, and then visited Illinois. There they had committed twenty-11 v burglaries and robberies since last April. Bushnell and Thurman of the typo graphical union, San Franrisoo, have been expelled from the Federated Trades for employing Chinese labor In connec tion with a so-called co-operative shirt factory. E. W. Thurman, the expelled man, has been for years walking dele gate of the San Francisoo printers' union and has traveled on the coast as an or ganizer of labor unions. Bushnell had long been vecretary ot the printer' Qlxtrrtmf Bimis. A NEW EN CLAN D CYCLONE. Uouses ttest roved on Land and Ships at Sea. . The third of a series of eyclones which Bwept New England came Oct. 17. In Boston the entire water front was under water, the big wharves going out of sight and vast quantities of wood, coal and merchandise floating away. The" cellars were flooded and considerable damage was done. The town of Scituate was a perfect Venice. The water Btood two feet deep in the pobtofflee and great rollers came In from the sea, demolishing a whole row of buildings which faced tbe beach. Merchants and families lost heavilv. At Plymouth the outer sandbar was all that saved the lower town from destruc tion. In Lynn, Salem. Nenburyport and Princeton the entire lower business por tions were 8ubuier-d and vast quantities of coal, fuel and produce carried to sea. The beaches were washed clean along the north shore. The Revere and Lynn railroad and the Eastern railroad tracks were either torn up or buried under tons of sand, seaweed and wreckage. At BearhmonL Revere and Wlnthrop a fleet of boats was busy all day getting the inhabitants to and from their deluged homes. - From Cape Ann to Cape Cod the beach was one streak of wreckage, spars, bar rels, cabin doors and pieces of ships that are no more. At Chatham five wrecks were reported. Off the Chatham life-saving station a'blg barkentine was pighted heading for the fatal reef. Station after fetation along the beach was telephoned td look out for her. Cannon were flred and every thing was done to show her she was out of her course, but when Bhe reached the reef a squall enveloped her and when it passed she was nowhere to be seen, having evidently been ground to pieces. At Mlnot'8 ledge light the hlh rollers went clean over the seventy-foot tower. BACK FROM THE DEAD. A Bereaved Mother Sees ao Apparition and is Comforted. A handsome young weman, 21 years old, with gulden bair aud blue eyes, hold ing a letter in her hand, rang the door bell of Mra. Meyer, on One Hundred and Seventy-elxth street. New York, the other day. When the door was opened Mrs. Meyer, a woman well past middle age, dressed In black, looked ouL She started at her visitor s if she had been con fronted with an apparition from the other world. While the young woman hesitatingly held out the letter Mrs. Meyer made a short step forward, tried to hold out her hands and then dropped In a heap just Inside the door. The girl shrieked and a young man ran out from one of the room. He looked at the girl much in the same, way as Mrs. Meyer had; theu he rn up to het and putting his arms around her before she knew what he wa going to do, kissed her. Together they carried Mrs. Meyer a pleasant little parlor and laid her on a tiofa. She came to presently, and stared round like a person in a delirium. "Who are you?" she asked. "You are llre my Annie, who has been dead not yet a wek." The letter revealed a story which sounds like a romance. The atory, which would not be believed were facta not at hand to prove It, dates back twenty-five years, when Mrs. Meyer gave birth to twins. Her health was wretched, and while she was unconscious the father aud nurse agreed to take away one of the babies. She was placed In charge of Mrs. Hirsch at 26 South' street, Hohoken, and with her she since remained until she attained full womanhood, when, on tbe death of her sister, it waa decided that she should return to tbe parental roof. Mrs. Meyer's grief was thus turned to joy. A MEXICAN STORM. Distress Canscd by the Destruction of Many Homes. Much damage waa done by storms In Mexico the three last weeks of October. In Sonora heavy rains, accompanied by high winds and hall, blew down whole groves of trees In the public parks; hall cut crops on the plantations to pleees and caused unlimited damage. This will re sult in future hardship among the owners of small plantations and laboring classes It is estimated that it will take years to repair the damage to the trees and shrubbery. . . : - The city bt Teroloapan fared even worse. There the rain was so heavy that it washed away the stone pavements ot Streets and undermined the foundations of many houses.,-One peculiar rosult of the storm was that a number of graves n the old bpanlsh cemetery bn the out skirts of town were washed partially open and after the storm a number of human bones were found in a near-by street, where they had been left by the floods. A number of coffins willed were near the surface were also exposed. Along the northern border of Mexico the Rio Grande river rose so rapidly that the people of the cities of Portlrlo Diaz and Villa de 'a Fuehte had to flee from t heir homes without stopping for food or cloth'ng. Many houses were swept Into the river before the occupants could es cape, and boats had to bo used lu rescuing some of the families. The distress in the storm-ravaged dis tricts Is so great that President Diaz has appropriated mwney for the relief of the inhabitants, while subscription paper for the relief of those made homeless by the storm have been opened In all large cities. A Sharp Letter and a Humble Reply. A few days ago President Ezeta of Sal vador sent a" sharp telegram to President Bogran of Honduras, asking him what he meant by Increasing the garrison at Arapalaand allowing conspiracies against Salvador to be hatched in Honduras. He said to Bogran: "If you Intend to keep peace the treaty must be kept to tbe letter. I want peoe, but if any attempt Is made to make war upon me I shall make war upon you, and In your own territory." The reply ot Bogran was very humble and entirely satisfactory to Ezeta. A call has been issued for a national convention of Mrs. Foster's non-partisan Women's Christian Temperance Union to be held at Allegheny. Pa- Nov. 19. 20 land 21. The representation is one dele ( gate for every 100 paying members of 1 auxiliary state unions, and in unorgan jixed states or territories one delegate Jarm Boles. A Poultry Talk. As I have before said, our young growing fowls can bo fed almost en tirely on green green stuff of various kinds chopped and perhaps mixed wltii a sprinkling of bran or middlings, and even laying fowls can be fed largely In the same manner. I have corn of the large yellow variety as high as ten feet, with of course quite a thick, hard stalk, which I chop for them and mix with their mush in equal quantities, and they eat it all readily, eating first the pieces of stalk which, although Bomf hat pithy, are 8111 Juicy. Afterward they eat the leaf, but eat all, and hav ing a supply of chopped corn, carrot or cabbage to work on through the day, it keeps them bright and fresh looking and in good condition. For this purpose 8unflof,r eeed fed to them occasionally la good also, but like corn (or even more so) it Is very fattening and should not be generously fed, as a fat fowl la com paratively a very poor layer, especially where yarded and deprived of the ex ercise It would have If it was on a free rltige. I am Inclined to think that when fowls are yarded, particularly in somewhat small yards, the tendency is to over feed, which I consider another argu ment In favor of feeding green stuff plentifully, as even when quite fleshy. If fed In this way, it doea not seem to lessen the number of eggs as It would If they were fattened on corn or wheat.; On two acres of land, well watered, enough green stuff can be raised to feed 2000 hens and to spare, and at trifling cost, and 20 acres in grain, which In these days of combined harvesters need not cofct one (outside his own labor) more than S2 or at the outside S3 an acre in sacks, on hta own land, would furnish the necessary grain. One man's labor Is sufficient (except the harvesting) for all this and the necessary care of the fowlg, particularly if he has u family Inclined to be helpful in the care of the chicks. Therefore it seems to me that we really could prepare ourselves to meet successfully competion prices If we gave ourselves determinedly to the effort. We need very little, really, that we cannot raise ourselves, such ns gjavel, shells, charcoal and some lime. These things, if we except the shells. are ot trlnlng cost and fill a verj small place In the expense list. There Is a great deal in feeding fowl In such a maner as to make them good layers, and while I do not advocate the foicelcg or stimulating of fowls to make 1 hem lay, I do believe in getting and keeping them in the beet possible 'on dltton by careiul and regular feeding of good and nourishing food In proper quantity sufficient but not too much, as overfed fola become dumpy and re fcBi to lay. By condition I do not mean fat or flesh, but a bright, fresh, healthy appearance. Indicating that the fowl is in its beet state for the doing of Its full duty as an egg-producer, and with the fowl in this condition, not ouly are the eggs produced more in number, but they are larger and finer and contain more nutriment, are richer in flavor and In every way than an egg laid by a poorer or an overfed fowl, and for this reason eggs from properly kept poultry farms, and known as "selected ranch eggs," are always lu demand at higher prices than are eggs from poultry a'lowed tr forage for their own food and getting little care. Such eggs come Into mar ket through the store and are known as store eggs, " which, by the by, are not up to the mark In goodness, as wit ness the experience of a friend of mine not leng since (during the hot mouths), who on buying a dozen eggs at the store and finding only three of the dozen good, begged the grocer to give him three more eggs, that he might stand a show of getting a halt-dozn at least out of the dozen. I am willing to ad mit, however, that this was perhaps an extreme case, and that the store eggs are not always quite so bad as wure these. Where one desires to feed egg food he will find the following recipe, I think, as good as any and as little hurtful ; In fact, they are all things constantly needed by fowls to keep them In proper condition : Ten pounds of beet ground scrap beef, 5 pounds fine ground bone, 2 pounds granulated or powdered char coal, 1 pouud sulphur, 2 ounces cayenne pepper, 4 ouncea salt. One quart ot thi mixture to every hundred fowls say twice a week will be found helpful and is to be given in soft food. In this connection I would say ah?o that fowls should be fed morning and noon a mush of middlings (unless very rich, when bran should be mixed with it) mixed with Bcaldlng water or milk, aud milk Is much the best, as stiff as can be made. At night give a feed oi grain, principally wheat, but barluy, rye, buckwheat or an occasional feed of corn may be used also, and for the mush a mixture of ground rye, barley and oat with an equal bulk of bran may be used In the place ot the middlings. I have been for Borne time past substituting fine-cut green stuff for half the mid dlings or ground, grain mixture of the mush, and find It excellent. I know of no other thing so good at a plentiful supply of green stuff to keep fowls bright and fresh-looking, and con sequently healthy. T. B. Goffroy of Lodi lu Rural Press. Sorghum Is extensively grown on thU coast and fed given to milch cows, li Is growing in popularity for this use. John Bid well has placed on exhlhlbltlon at the state board of trade rooms, ban r ranclsco, a pumpkin that Is over nine feet iu circumference and weighs 211 pounds. It grew on his Chioo ranch. At the Oregon state fair the premium offered for the best ram of any aire o breed for wool and mutton was won b the Cotswold ram Dexter 3036, owned by David Craig of Macleay, Or. The Cots wolds have been in Oregon for a long time, and have proved to be a eood. hardy sheep, raising nearly all their lam tie, giving a large carcass of meat aud showing a heavy neece of long-staple lustrous wool. R. W. Bell, the Santa Rosa nursery man, writes to the Rural Press that he finds that the olive survives flooding on low ground better tba - peaches, and that some rows of olives which were too small to Bell stood under an inch or more of watwr during every heavy shower last winter and came out all right and are now alive. The Improved varieties, he says. stood the frost a well as the j Redding Picholine. The Manzanillo, for uisuiouo, wtu nuinu even mora uobi, muu the Redding, while the True v Picholine, Columella aud Manzanillo are all more vigorous growers than the Redding Ftcb Women's H)tirlD. The Cook of the Future, I. for one. believe that the glrla of to day, generally speaking, are not profi cient cooks, and, 1 unhesitatingly add, rightly bo. There is too much expected of the girls of to-day, without saddling upon t em the burdens which their moth era were not able to bear. Women were Intended to be something else besides cooks. The numerous exhortations In the papers and magazines In tbe "do mestic economy " etyle tell far more than their authors thought or Intended. They tell tli at the girls of this age are not taking kindly to cookery, but they also tell that the writers cf such essays are not able to discern In this fact the true signs of progress. By preaching cookery to a generation which la rapidly growing beyond it they are unconsciously trying to turn bick the wheels of time. Ot iouise 1 understand that we are in a transiion age. I know that we cannot all at once reach the period in which cooking will be done out of the house by professionals. Just as weaving and dye ing .are to-day. We scarcely stop to think that our grandmothers spun and colored th Ir own yarn. How many of us know that "wire" originally meant a weaver, and " spinster," or maiden, a spinner ? But we have mothers at.d daughters who never spun or wove; in nother century there will be just as a many mothers and daughters who never cooked. The pferson who is arguing so forcibly in favor of girls learning to cook is really upholding the servility of women. He is actually resenting the Idea that in these days women are learning better. I was once romantic enough to agree with Lady Mary Wortley Montague when ene said that preparing a dinner for her husband was not menial employ ment " it Is providing refreshment for him whom I love. But the question has occurred to me. Would he have done as much for her? Would he not have thought it uumanly? In simple Justice, then, let us have reciprocity before we begin to talk of what is or is not manly or unmanly, menial or dignified that is, if we can. A woman's true mission is intellectual and spirituaL Besides which, men have already invaded woman's traditional " sphere." Men, whether French or Af rican, make better cooks than women; and men American as well as Chinese are performing the greatest part of our laundry work all over the United States. Now, when women are even partly eman cipated from the cruelty of old custom, why seek to reverse the present verdict f centuries ? . - -.' If y"u will say that boys ought to be tauuht "domestic science" I will agree that glrU nughL Boys have quite as much time to learn as have girls, for gills go to School quite as long and earn their own living Just as soon; or if they don't earn their living they can afford to hire their cookery done; and bovs have quite as much probable need for the ac complUhment as have girls. If boys and gl-ls both learned cookery, as a sort of laying up for a rainy day, it would le all right, for the Idea of the servility of women would be taken away. A short time ego I read an open letter from a woman who said that she was teaching her little daughter to be use ful. The little daughter was 5 years !d. The mother stated, with pride, that tjis little daughter could sew on buttons for her brother, " a year and a half Mder." Now, I should have liked to box that mother's ears. She was already in stilling Into the minds of those two in nocent little ones the pernicious doctrine f the servtdty of woman. It that brother was a year and a half older than his sister he was big enough to sew on his own buttons, and, If need be, his slater's too. If ever you see a man sitting at a table while his wife stands by the stove and turns cakes for him you may safely Iraw your own conclusion as to the In terior social position of the parties. A gentleman, even - in -reduced circum stances, would stand by the stove too until there were cakes enough for botK, aud then they would Bit -at the table to gether. I believe that cooking is a suitable mployment for . men, but not for women. . Men are Detter cooks than women. They know more about it, and are, as we say, better "diners. The time is rapidly coming when men will do all our cooking. In the meantime, if tfirla want to cook let them do it as am ,it urs. just as soma already dabble In painting and photography; but under stand, womanly character does not de pend upon cookery, nor does the sanc tity of the home, nor levo, friendship nor hospitality, any more than they do on coal stoves or gas ones. Keep things In their right places, or, If you choose, separate the permanent from the temporary and the eternal from the temporal. Margaret B. Har vey In Rural Press. The corner-stone of the treat temple of the UHlioual Women's Christian Tem perance Union at Chicago was laid Nov. 1 with appropriate cere m nles. The nulldlng Is to be ot granite, fifteen sto ries high aud is to cost $1,100,000. Fran ces E. Willard delivered the opening ad- tress. Mrs. Davis, Miss Mary Garrett and the committee of ladies who resolved to raise $lu0,uuu and give it to the Johns Hopkins university for the purpose of i ou niling a medical college into which women would be admitted have accom plished the task and the trustees have iccepted the fund. . j - Nut Cake Mix two cupfuls of sugar and one-half cupful of butter together; dd four eggs beaten to a froth, one t-upful of Bweet milk, two teaspoonfuls f baking powder sifted in three cupfuls of Hour, two cupfuls of hickory nuts or A'uluuts, brokeu but not chopped. Fla vor with vanilla. Fig Pudding Chop together one round of dried figs and one pound of line bread crumbs, add one pound of chopped beet suet and one pound of brown sugar, a cup of milk and six well- oeaten eggs, liou or steam three hours in a buttered mold, and serve with cream or liquid sauce. Other fruits may be used In place of figs. California Fruit urower. An egg dropped Into boiling water and allowed to boil three minutes is indigest ible. The moment it is plunged into ooiling water tbe white hardens and toughens. To boll an egg properly, put it in a vessel, cover witn coia water, place over the fire, and the second the water beurins to boil your ease is done. The white is as delicate as a jelly, and easily digested and nutritious, as it should be. This recipe comes from a man who has oocupted the place of chef at several of the largest hotels ia the Content. CTlieD spring romnlanghlng' with her lap of a mipnn w u'w 9uuiii wmu iv nir can. Till beauty springs where'er lior footsteps fall, Aoil frairrance fills the newly greening bowers. While whirr or wings with notes of bird are blent, I am content. While drowsy hum of bce upon tlio wing Fills all tlie f-pn-c of the af lernoon; When mocking-birds, half wakened by the mo. hi. Lull tlm still midnight with the tune they Bl,,s: When summer suds fill mxratiilo's firmament, 1 am content. When summer glorv fai?tli from Uie days. nd hazy inornlnirt fMed with dread and fear Come (loirn the misty pathway of the year; Wlien ml rih and music long have gone their ways; When bt ontlng buds with blighting winds are spent. I am content. Tbouirti winter, riding from the Northern pole. Gulilc tils tnsd steed 'dM all our Joys abloom AihI chill tlK-m quick wiihiti a noy tomb, 1 Mirmw not that these from m he stole. E en from tin? de.it li of Joy new Joys are lent. 1 tun couteut. When friends a!oucd or loves prove all un true. When winds of fortune blow from every coast. Or troops of tiobie- press me, hoot on host; hen skies are ashen grsy or purest blue, Whhe tender a-raue of Iteaven Is jot unspeut, 1 am content. Bubf rt Everett Prctlow. A TltUE LOVE. A charminjr little summer honse, set In the midst of somber p'::ie and wav ing cedari. and overrun with climbing roes and purple passion flowers a perfect liovrer of beauty and frasrance it was, though its sole ocenpant. a vonng girl, seemed utterly oblivions of its charm. She sat on a rustic bench, her face bidden in her hands, her whole attitude one of unspeakable nii.-ery. An open book lay on her lap, the gilded leaves of which a soft wind kept bio win? b.iek and forth with a rnstling sound. - The noise mast have disturbed her revery. for she sud'ienly removed her hand from her face, dis closing the features of a beautiful southern girl. Just then there came the sound of eager hastening footsteps upon the cemented path near by. and a young man appeared at the opening "of tbe summer house. 'At last I have discovered yon. you iianjjhty girir" he eried in a tone of joy which was immediately followed by a deep sijrh. l have been waiting op at the house for almost an hoar," he continued, and was beginning to fear jou had run a war from ns. I have come to say good-by. you know." He spoke the last words in a slow, hesitating manner, and glanced keen ly at the girl's n.-ilf-a verted face. -I thought you would come, bat scarcely exected you so early," she answered, smiling faintly. Daphne, it is not alone to say good by that I have come," and be clasped her hands as be spoke, ' but to tell you something I should hare told you it at at first." A sudden wave of warm color swept over the girl's face, and her eyes drooped nailer his earnest gaze. I have been a coward." he con tinue:!, '"a coward not to have told yon before this, that I am engaged to be married." -Why need you felt me this?" she asked sharply, as she withdrew her hands from his clasp. The color had faded from her cheeks, leaving her as pale as death. "Why tell me now," she continued, with scorn In her eyes, and disdain in her voice. "After hav iug been silent so long, wa it neces sary to have told me at last?"' "Yes. because you know you must know that you are the only woman whom I could lore! And because I could not leave you without telliiigyoa the truth and asking your forgiveness. I have told yon because yoa Jiave a right to know." lie answered, his face fl nailing hotly nnder the scornful anger of her eyes. '-You know. Daphne, why I have not to'd yoa what my heart has l-eeii louring to say in tbe blissful days that' are now to fad. that I love you so fondly and ten derly above all other women! And yfu. beloved am I nrun in thinking that von care for me a little?"' "What risrht have you to ask me such a question? 9he demanded, cold ly. -I have laughed, jested with you. nelped to pass away an idie summer; is not that sufficient? Gj back to the woman yoa are to marry go go!" Then you do not love me it will be left for you to forget?" he asked de spairingly. "What does.it matter? .Yoa will go away and forget in a little while. A summer is not much out of your busy life yoa will not count it lot, while I I will have a whole lifetime in which to remenilM-r." She sat down and eorered her weep ing eyes. . . I cannot say at present what is in my heart to-day. but I will go back aud beg to be 'released. Then I will return to you you will hear me. Daphne, when I nin free to speak? I can bear anything except your anger and contempt, and if you would only say something that would give- rue hope, that I need not go away with this doubt between ns.then the parting would not be so bitter. Yoa are si lent. Daphne. You will say nothing no word of forgiveness? Then noth ing is left save to say good-by." Without another glance at herdroop ing form, he turned to depart. ; Oli, Silvan, don't go I love you. Oh. I love your' she exclaimed, pas sionately, lie rushed back to her. covering her lips with kisses, and pressed ber again and again to his heart, forgetful of all else but that she loved him. ' Until to-day," Daphne's voice falter ing a trifle, "I have been happy in the thought that yoa would tell ine what you have just said except that there won d be no one to come between ns; but this morning something told me that there would be no more summers like this." 'I will not suffer myself . think of that," said Silvan", quickly. "I will come back to yoa iu one short month It will nut be long to wait, and yoa will wait for roe, sweetheart?" . I will wait." said Daphne, bravely, though her features were drawn with pain. "But, o!i! Silvan, come back to me. for I cannot live without you." Don't desnair. I will come back. An hour ago I was wondering how I could say good-by;' - now you have made it easy for me." And if yon fail?" she asked. -' ..." "Then 1 will write." be answered. briefly. "And whatever happens," he added, clasping ber close to his heart. remember that it is you I love, vou only. Good-by, my best beloved, my ouly love, good-by," he said, and was gone. - - - A month had come and gone witir ont briuging to Daphne the realization of ber one sweet hope the hope that days of waiting. Ah, the "bit'eraes-s i that waiting; the alternate hopes arid fears that made her life a feverish dream; for Silvan Milboara did not come back, and if he sent her a letter it never reached her. It wss as if be had slipped qaietlv oat of her life. leaving her to bear all the pain and longing alone. if ber father noticed that she wii growing more quiet and womanly fas attributed it to tbe secluded life a&a led, and to nothing else certainly to no secret sorrow that was preying no on her heart. And Daphne was care ful that no shadow ot her sorrow should fall upon him. She humored his every whim, feigned an Interest ia his raastr old books, and looked after his com fort In a tender, old-fashioned way that amused, vet touched him. Thus the months and rears passed away. And then came the terrible war that sent so many brave men to the front to die. and that defolated so many, happy homes. Uapimes father was amoDjr the trst to eniiit when the call came for vol nnteers. "I am not too old to tiirM, and my country nee .is me." nesaia. when U.ipn- ne won Id have urged "him to star. An-i patting sway his mnch-lovcci books among which he had lived for so many years, he kissed her and weat away. And when one day news came to her that he had fallen in battle she sorrowed no more than she had done when she kissed him good-bye a few weeks before. She only kissed hH pictured face, wept a few tears over his books, and. with other brave wom en of the village. left her home to of fer her services, if need be her life, as hospital nurse. In tbe trying days that followed she someytimes thought of her old love, and wondered if it were possible thai Silvan had sent a letter to her. The terrible silence that had Laid between them for jght ion sr years waa worse than death. To have known that he was alive and happy would have beett far less bitter than to feel that he hsd been a coward to leave her ia doabt m to his fate. Dar after dar. Week after week, she searched eajerly araooz the sick and wounded soldiers, half-hoping, nall-u reading, to lino biivan iltlbonru among the at. . If over his dead face she could have went away the bitter ness of her pain life would not have been half so desolate. Yet It was the thought that others had given up tbeir dear ones, others had sacrificed as much as she. that made her so patient and gentle that the poor, maimed soldiers &moaz so many brave, good women turned in stinctively to her for comfort and aid. They intrusted their letters Jto iic.. care, told her their plans ia the event of their recovery, and listened to bar low, sweet voice a p raver when tba chaplain failed to impress them with the solemnity of death. "Sister Daph ne they called her. and more thaa one soldier died with her came apoa his lips. "Your influence is . stronger than mine." tbe chaplain often told her. And it was no selfish Joy that thrilled her heart at his words of praise, but a glad consciousness that out of her wretched life was springing prt;-22i. trust, that wonld bring its own reward in tbe years to come. Una night, while going her nsaai rounds, she stopped at the col of a joa ng soldier who had been brought in a few hoars before. "Shot through the lacs? will not last much longer," whispered the sur geon, who was hastening by. Xbe soldier smxlexi faintly when Daphne laid her cool hand on his Darning head, and whispered a few words of encouragement, It's no use," he said, with great " difficulty, 'the surgeon has told me that I will die I am not afraid a brave soldier never fears death there is no one to miss me. no one to grieve when I go." "Bnt is there nothing I can do for " yoa?" asked Daphne, gently. "Have yoa no friend to whom yoa wish to send a message, or " 1 here is something I wonld be elad if yoa would do." interrupted tbe youth, eagerly. "I had a comrade who feu just before I was shot; he gave me a letter before the battle which be begged me to send to the per son to whom it is addressed. He was a brave man, and I loved him. Will yoa take it and send it for me?" He made a feeble motion toward his breast for Daphne to look. . bhe found the letter at lasL crum pled and stained with blood. "I ou will take care of it?" he asked. "If possible, it shall reach the right person," answered Daphne, placing it -in her pockeL "Is there anything else yoa wish me to dor .Nothing." he answered, wearily. "There is no one he added bitteriy. "I thank ton for what you have done, but I cannot talk more I think I should like to go to sleep," and he turned bis face to the walL It was past midnight when Daphne, tired and worn with watching, went to her room to snatc'i a few moments of rest. - It was always her habit before " going to bed to look over the letters that bad been intrusted to her care, and, if possible, seo that they were mailed. -To-night she suddenly re membered that she had , nothing bat-. the letter the dying soldier had seemed so anxious she should take charge of. She examined it closely - by the lamp lighL Although the envelope was dirty and blood-stained., the address, which was written In a bold, charac teristic hand, could be plainly read: "Miss Daphne So comers, Ellsviile, Kentucky.". For a moment there was mist be- ." fore her eyes, and her heart beat wi'h a strange thrill of pain. She broke the seal and read the . letter slowly -CS carefully from " beginning to end. If' contained only a few lines. What that ? message was only he who penned it the brave soldier, sleeping where h", felL his grave a battle-fiekl and sT . who read it ever knew. S ' When "she had finished it wiU , moan, without a tear, she foldfior'"; ' ently and put it war. Site h' tears to sbed she had wept them away long ago. when youth sad hope had leu ner side lorever. . z, Then she opeoedxthe little locket that for eight yearsbad lain above her , -heart, and kissed the pictured firci?. that smiled at her from the golden set- - -ting. . Dear heart, vou loved me best. And even now I do not regret not even bow," she said. An Advertising Dodge, ' ' A Vienna baker is advertisinstr' " business by pulling a gold ducat r . -loaf out of every thousand t' . bakes. The people ia the poor i'- ' where his shop is situated Xa" .'. ( v: i -- J