The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, October 31, 1890, Image 4

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" ' caskl.' Belle.
t at the teacbe tUU
sat '.erable toceao.
LtuD are food c-ooufli j
h f r ie. -V" .
0e ia
i t tt. lair tuTi
luti'iti lit ei from morning to
,r t al. . e thin fa. a, fraud. -
. I i tn t ui I, p
r -n 8.M i thf ir swirl.
,ii j oiir mn ai a biro to girt.
vant'cfVean is -a popular ocean, .".
i t n 1 i r tiie .a.
.-. i w ;' .mt mf-o u a J ull kind of thing-,
r. s ro k ; !i it of ocoa n tor me.
: i en i-r tin en-.w or the sunset gea
: annus laoe of light:
c n i ! or lw n nth the moon'B ray
e never a man in sight. $
i ' - ' . and the 0imie.
It . ii i n, 1 in afraid.
'ii a u.u i man area Uoreto a ma! J.
. i.. oi in n a good enough ooean,
vv fi v it rti-tsi e-
u tut ; uiing man and all that sort uinjif ..-.- ' ' '
r 1- 1 ot cnxin for me.
it to tot ts e sung of tbe sett.
( v t- Wi 1 sinjj;
it a i lit -e si rvu-tiuf boach and no man within
U:-,! . , -
i a verv luirabrttmsthiuf. J--"1' .
a:,.! t t.e summer t-otol.
i mi tne eui-1 ami tiie swell,
Vi Ui-out a toung roan are a bore to a belle.
tv. Kus. la Yankee Blade.
it was in the month of June ' that
riiLt-Eves, the Indian girl, who had
! ; a brought up by the old backwoods
man, baas rarker, and his wife, as
thus i" t's-ti child, went out into the woods
to her blaeberries.
I here had been a fire in the woods
i . t v, icier, and where it ran the
1 3 pew thick. When Bright
i s til rilled her mils she would
v, k down iato the village and go caR-
- irttn house to house, "tsemes,
i i it terries! who wants nice blue-
t?mfs?" until she had disposed of them
I. At.d what with the berries nd
--afrw bark. which she sold to th
. - :it, and wiatersrreen and cala
u us ioot, and nuts in autumn, and
1 1 r little bead-work baea, there was
' i a s.v pnoufh to tmt bv to buv Briffht
I . ci ht-r gray calico frocks, shoes for
r i.r vrettv reet, yarn tor her stoctmrs.
arsd those little stisl straw hats, which
she trimmed with the gray wings of the
turas that i atcer arker snot at umes.
iiirht-efes was very independent, and
icuaer oi sivms man recsjiving.
To-dar. the berries bein? so thick.
she bad a great harvest, and high noon
had come and it was time that she
went, home, tidied herself, and went
.lown to the Tillage to be in time for
the housekeepers who wanted berries
for tea: when, as she gathered
t.: her pails, slinging them to a sort of
yoke she plaeed upon her nect, sne
3rd a ptosb hard bv. and after some
search found a man lying among the
underbrush, bleeding "from a terrible
wound in his shoulder and apparently
nest his end. ' "
I he I.rst thiusT linsM-i-ves did was
to stanch the wound as well as she
eouUf. with certain herbs of which she
toe a-, and bind it with her apron the
t.- l ItJ ll'J 1UL 3.1U.
In a little- time the old woodsman
and his men arrived, and together they
bore the wounded stransrer to their
hmnp. 'llie rough, self-taught surgeon
of iLe laee attended him: the 'bullet
.v;H extraeted, the fever allaved
. l h:i the, man had accidentally shot
l! nisei t itad twn seif-evuleut from the
v;?st and it was certain that not
L4right-Eye3 found h'tnf in the"-voods he
ivoiiid have bled to death In a , very
tie swrnisl jrratwiil. and not avers
to cjirfiii'' his ft'elinjrs.
Oi'l I'.u kt r, as he expressed it. 'took
a shine to him." -, -
-1 tiit!r!j lies a citv chap anil a
college feihjw! bt& said, "he don't
The name he "ave them was Charles
"Grahatn, and he would gladly have
eomnensated his host for all the trouble
aoif 'e"Xfenie fie hcid.Jjeen at. lint that
itt the far west, at. that date, the
thought of receiving paynient for saeh
inmsrs was never entenaineu
"sUv as long as vou like: we'reglad
to liave von," r!sl Parker said, and
Graham lingered.'
I hat Brigat-Kvea was the attraction
ft so.o verv evident.
More tiiaa one man of the place had
siisrrk-d an Indian girl, aod Bright
Eves was a Christian and went to the
iiltie church on Sunday, and
drr-ss and had the wavs
wore the
of white
- ' K'll.
Moreover, site was lieautiiul
h i it-rt-d at bis fanev.
No one
1 no girl gave him her whole heart
i! d sold; and when in the autumn he
i i!'Uar, He supped a brignt ring
v a jel ia it upon the girl's finger
-lit'tore the snow fall I w til return
s. f miiTV von."
He left a!o many presents. Stuffs
s .'re t-nstiv Itian tsnght-Kves liad ever
woi n. iud the sir! set to work to fash-
t ii thru into garments which she
,'. '.' 1 wear when she was his wife.
iWt the snows eame and he returned
nut: crr did an v message . come from
n ril.
And ieopie began to whisper when
t -!4;e of the Indian girl, and to
i..v tf. it ait the teaching on earth
wou!4 not change a savagre; at last
i': iLt-i-es held in her ai'ms a little
, ' it Kinned balje, with it3 white
latner's features and itslndian mother's
1 he olt people were not cruel to her.
'1 s.ey tid not drive her foilh. But
i..- iiimning thev awoke to find her
S It ,
1 will not staj' to disgrace you
.',e li-iit written on a piece of paper
Tirn-i to her pillow, .'-ion have been
i good to me. Good-by."
As fi,!' Charles Graham, he iiad bv
'J time almost forgotten the pretty
Ii'.I,.n girl who had amnsed him that
ujinnier In the wnods. and thought her
Vi'ineu wen paid .tor in tne silk
eses and the handful f trinkets he
3 given her.
mieti-mes he said to himself: "She
prettv creaturer' and laughed
K That was all.
brevery man one true 1VT comes
It was not long beforFtJliarles
"rnol his fate! One of his-own
'dy.- beautiful and attractive.
... i her heart to him, and whom
ry happy with his Mar-
pr her sake resolved to live
For Tier sake aVo, he de-
jlSF&ng ago. - The spirit of emi-
jon wiJibroad at that time. From
eastern bNtes thonsands went forth
. ....
tiie lar wesr-ui . search ot lortnne.
r iriad.
fertile lands were ready for
them. Cities yet unbuilt were marked
i ;ori great maps. With energy every
i in conk! prosper, it was said.
i ivim witn tins idea Charles Graham
i.l his bride joined the throng. The
,Niine was neither easy nor pleasant
i.utSjiev were full of hope, and the
itiern-t of the long, caravan-like pro
tt ioij- with its covered wagons,
miuttitedNtien. and led horses, that day
v 1 iy went farther and farther west--rd.
."i .
Xt iiit ui.e evening they found them
s .ies i.pon the verge of an Indian
iM.-r,ieiit and though the very naeKS
of Indian Was associated iu the mind of
i, r ,'i'le settler with" treachery,, tbe
tiTui were. all propitious. The gray
I, .jvd (hkfs came forfhjq ueet them,
i .e spiaws ofltered them corn and fish
itiiif fmit.. The music of reed-flutes
uud of laughter tilled the village as the
Moon arose-. All seemed to speak of
- Vice and plenty.
Aary ith long sojourn in the
. on Charles GrahamVivif reclined
upon a . blanket spread under some
great trees, ; and her husbaud sat le
s"ide her. . A little half-breed boy who
had bet-it plating at his mother's koee
camp t C!:m;!ijr to her. and she took him
in her arms and kissed him. As she
did so the . tnutjier approached and
stood bwikitig down upon them. Mie
wore a liiank' i. and, with tt eeintd to
shiidd tier f:iee. either In modesty or
elijues. But she made friendly
gestures. And a bov to whom sh
HH-koned interpreted what she said to
She asks the while suuaw who loves
her little boy to sleep in her tent to
night, and to eat tirst of her food in its
Margaret Graham was delighted with
the invitation. -..--
Conic. she said to her husband, "tt
will lie something to remember in the
futnm." " ' i
Thev arose ami followed the woman
to the tent. " "
Within its shelter a feast was spread.
The viands were tempting and the
rreat calibashes were tilled with a
lelifMtely flavored drink. This the
woman, still veiling her lace, pressed
umn .Charles Graham. lie drank
rather t gratify tier than liecaiise he
likinl it. and soon a drowsy feeling
stole over him. his hands dropped to
his sides, and he slumbered. .
Hour after hour passed in obliviou.
But at last a restfutness began to fall
upon him; strange visions passed
athwart his brain scenes of his early
vouth. faces forsrotten for years, and
for the tirst time iu his life he dreamed
of Bright-Eyes, the Indian girl who had
saved "his life and loved him there in
the old woodman's home among the
western forests.
She stood before him. smiling into
his face. He slipped a shining ring on
her, brown tiuger.
"Before the snow falls I will come
back to marry you."' be said.
'Come soon;" come soon," she an
swered, "for you are my all; my life,
mv soul, my everything."
'With these words in his ears Charles
Graham awoke, and, sitting up. gazed
about him.
The light of dawn was struggling
through an aperture of the tent, the
remnants of the feast lay before him.
Beside him on the rug "lay his wife,
closely wrapped in a blanket.
How still she lay? He did not wish
to disturb her. but she was so motion
less that she alarmed him.
He put forth his hand she did not
stir. He flung back the blanket-from
her face she Ta)- before him, dead. A
great wound In her bosom, her face
gashed in many places, and scalped,
and tied by a thocg to her neck was
a ring with a bright stone in it. and- a
piece of paper on which was written:
"So I return tt to 3-ou. An Indian woman
can revenue herself. 1 have rone where you
cannot find me. BRIG HT-EY Ei"
There were strong, desperate men
among those emigrants. As they
listened to the hideous tale their com
rade told,-, wrath took possession of
them. They put no faith in the pro
testations of sorrow made by tne In
dians, and they were many and well
armed. " .
Before nightfall there remained of
that peaceful little village nothing but
a heap of ashes, among which lay the
bodies of its men, women, and child
ren. The massacre was complete.
Several emigrants were wounded, but
only one killed outright it was Charles
They found him gashed with wounds,
lying beside the body of his murdered
wife. There they buried them, heap
ing the stones high above the grave,
and left them sadly
it was a day no man cared to re
member. But later, when the moon
was risen, there came to the spot an
Indian woman, with a half-breed child
in her arms. In her eyes were no
tears of pity or of sorrow. She stopped
before the cairn of stones, and spurned
it with her foot.
"So perish all betrayers,- she mut
tered, and taking her boy upon her
shoulders, stalked awav across the
prairie. Family Story Paper.
Queer and Palatable Uishea Eaten With
out Hath Cenmonf,
As a rule onlv one principal meal is
eaten in Central Africa, in the early
part of the evening. It usually con
sists of parrot soup, roasted or stewed
monkeys, alligator eggs (also well
liked by Europeans), and birds o
every aesenption. iney aiso nave
rnoambo, or-palm chops, and fish. A
great - delicacy, so considered by
Europeans and natives alike, is ele
phants feet and trunk. These have
somewhat the taste of veal. To pre
pare them the natives dig a hole about
live feet deep in the sand and in it
build a large tire. After the sand ia
thoroughly healed the fire is removed,
leaving only the ashes in the hole. The
trunk and feet are placed in this hole
and covered with leaves, and after
wards with hot sand. In two hours
they are done.
All carcasses of. animals w hich are to
be cooked are placed on a block of
wood and pounded until every bone is
broken, care beirg taken not to tear
or bruise the skin. They are then
boiled or roasted on an open wood tire
or in hot sand or ashes, w ithout remov
ing the hide or feathers. The cooking
is of a very inferior grade, the only
spices used being salt and pepper.
The kitchen utensils consist of common
earthen or wooden ware. Very little
time is taken for setting or decorating
the table; knives, forks and napkins
are dispensed with.
Africans have several vegetables
well liked by Europeans. K'gntti
n'sengo is a dish eaten all over Africa.
It consists of egg plant, small fish,
somewhat like our sardines and the
roots of the cassava or raanioca plant
(called n'gutti), which have a knotty
appearance and often weigh as much
as twenty pounds.
As the latter contains poison, the
manioca is soaked in water for three
to four days to extract the poisonous
substance. It is then cut and sliced
and small tomatoes are added. All is
placed. in a vessel with water and
seasoned with salt and pepper and
boiled. Moambo, or, as the Europeans
call it, palm chops, is a'so a favorite
dish. , The palm nuts are first boiled
in water until the pulpy substance
loosens from the jit, then the shell,
which contains a very delicious oil, is
placed in a wooden mortar and crushed
to obtain the oil. Whatever the meal
consists of, meat, fish, mnstels, is put
In a vessel, adding the oil and the
pulpy part of the palm nut, also red
pepper and salt, and is boiled. Roast
or boiled squash (loenge) is generally
eaten with it. Sweet potatoes (m'balla
benga) are more farinaceous and
sweeter than ours, but do not tasie so
good. They are boiled or roasted.
Bananas (bitaebe) weigh about half
a pound each and are about 15 inches
long. . When half ripe they are cut in
slices and boiled in water with salt and
i'sensi is a little .red bean, w.hich is
boiled in water without salt or pepper,
and is freely eaten. For peanut bread
(chisnlu)the peanuts are first roasted
and then crushed. This, mass is then
rolled and put into the skin of a
banana, adding a little pressure, form
ing it into a body. It readily retains
this shape from the pressure of the
oily substance in the peanut.
A Sumter ""county. Gofcrgia, man
recently killed scyen wild turkeys in
three shots'. " Three birds were killed
at the first swot, "and two each at the
econd and third sh'ci7 ' - -
Stanley's favorite .btHkiu Africa
were the Bible nnd Tennyson.
Rider Haggard hears n certain facial
resemblance "to the young Emperor of
Col. Ingefsoll believes thill when ho
lives through February he W safe for
the rest 'of the year.
The Rev. Ir. Storrs says that the
principal duty of the college President
those days is'to get money for the col
lege. '
Mrs. Theodore Irving, the founder
of the order of King's Daughters, is the
widow of a. nephew of Washington
Husrh'Mi-Leod. a Scotch crofter liv
ing in 'County Ross. 'is galled the old
est mau in Great Britain. His ag- Is
10t years.
Bertha von Hillerii, the German
artiste, is said to have made a jhU of
money by speculations in Virgini.i
real estate.
Mrs. Morilla M. Ridker, the first wo
man admitted to the New Hampshire
bar, never receives a retainer or ac
cepts a fee.
Marion Crawford, the uovelist, has
command of eleven languages, besides
the ancient which he is fair
ly well versed.
Mrs. Robert Purvis and John Green
leaf Whittier are said to be the only
survivors of the founders of the Anti
Slavery Soeietj".
W. D. Howella wants newspaper
writers to sign their articles. He says
that a man writes w ithout conscience
when he writes without a signature.
All employes of the New Jersey Cen
tral Railroad have been notified that
they must abstain from the use of in
toxfeating liquors while on or off duty.
Lord Randolph Churchill does not
regard himself with great favor. His
political life, he thinks, has been a fail
ure, and racing has leen more In his
Dr. Gatling, of Hartford. Conn., the
inventor of the'famous gun, is a com
paratively old man. but Tie still keeps
busily at work with his plans and con
ceptions. George R, Graham, for years the ed
itor of Graham's Magazine and the
early publisher of Toe and of other
celebrities, is yet alive, upwards of 80
years of age.
The Rev. Joseph Parker of Loudou
now preaches one minute sermons aft
er his more elaborate efforts. He di
rects these brief discourses to some
particular class.
Colored Cadet Whittaker from West
Point, he of the clipped ears, is turn
ing his opportunities to good advant
ages by teaching a colored military col
lege at Sumter. S. C
John Greenleaf Whittier has atteud
ed the little Frieud's church in Ames
btiry. Mass.. where ha lives, for a pe
riod of fifty years, but has never been
known to ' -s'peak in meeting. "
Mr. William Astor of New York en
joys an income of $23,593 a day. Mr.
John D. Rockefeller's amounts to $1S.
715. Mr. Cornelius Vanderbilt's to $15.
000, and Jay Gould's to $7.4."0.
Capt. 'Tillman, the leader of the
fanners movement in South Carolina,
owns 1,800 acres of land, runs iweiify
plows, and lias a dairy supplied by
forty thoroughbred Jersey cows.
Richard Cannifhnnl, a well-to-do
farm? r of Qtirien A:3'' C vinty. Mary
land, has kept adj .. f u shim years,
and it shows that it has iuvaiiubly
raincd on the 2Cth of July during that
'lime. -
' "Ir.- Norviu Green,- the President of
the Western Union 'Telegraph cotn
oany. looks about 60, Is tall and na
"nuuly. with grizzled whiskers, a face
like parchmeut, and general gnarlod
nd knotty air.
M. Stambouloff. the Premier and
practical ruler of "BqJgaria, is about iS
. . '' . i .
years old. He is short and rather
stout, and with his round face, black
mustache, and small gray eves some
what resembles the Chinese.
Mrs. Edison, the great electrician's
wife, is a woman of 24. whose grace
ful figure is a trifle above the average
height. She has brown hair, hazel
eyes, a clear olive complexion, aud is
an unusually pretty woman.
A voting Russian noble, the Bareness
Lonbanowski. is going to ride from St.
Petersburg to Odessa. l.oOO miles, to
win a bet and break lhe record which
was set some years ago by the Aus.
trian Archduchess Maria Theresa.
Mr. Andrew Carnegie will spnd
more of his time in Englaud and Scot
land than he has been in the habit of
doing. He has taken a house in the
south of England, in addition to Clunv
Castle, in Scotland, which he has rent
ed for the season.
Senator Gorman is said to be the
handsomest mau in the United States
Senate. He is a Presbyterian and one
of the few members of the Upper
iiouse who pay sumcient respect to the
Chaplain's praver to be present when
it is uttered, tie has been nicknamed
Secretary Seward is credited with
having made the remarkable predic
tion during the dark days in tbe war
that the Capital would be removed not
to Chicago or St. Louis, but to the City
of Mexico, which "will probably be the
center of population of the United
States one of these days."
Mrs. Gen. Grant says she first met
the General in 1844, and they were
married in 1848. She has many of the
letters written by him during the days
of 'their courtship, and while she re
gards these in their entirety as too sa
cred for the public eye. she will make
extraets from them for her book of
reminiscences of her famous husbaud.
John Greenleaf Whittier. the gentle
Quaker poet, says: "Our dear society
seems changing and becoming more
and more like the Calvinistic and other
dissenting churches, both in doctrines
and testimonies. But the good work
it has done aud the simple exterior of
its life in the past will not be forgot,
by tbe world it has made bettor and
Mr. J. E. Wingate of Houltou, Mo.,
has some very ancient family heir
looms in his possession, among which
are a powderliorn bearing date 1769,
which went through the French and
Indians wars and the Revolutionary
War; a copy of commentary fin tho
Bible, printed in London in 1677; and
a pair of razors over one hundred
years old.
Mr. Conkling. though he generally
knew the author of a chance quotation,
was positively annoyed if he could not
find the name. He" was never weary
of discussing these three great and ab
sorbing theme". Napoleon's destiny,
Mary Stuart's life, and Byron's poetry.
He alwajs declared that the lovely
Scottish queen was his first love, and
that she still smiled at him across 800
Mabel Jenness will be glad to learn
that Muie. Dieblafoy, the well-known
Persian archaeologist and novelist,
rides her horse like a man, even in the
streets of Paris. She acquired the
male habit by donuing it in her jour
neying and excavations with her dis
tinguished husband, and now she likes
it so well that if she puts it off iu the
evening she usually puts it on again In
the morning.
Miss Mattie Hester U the United
States mail carrier over lhe route froni
Condar, Laurens County, to Lothair,
Montgomery County. Gii.. a distance
of forty miles through a sparsely set
tled region, wleh stu traverses three
times u week. S!a drives her own
mail-cart, eaijrtes a revolver, and is
punctual as the sun at alt seasons and
in all weather. Beside transporting
the mails, sh mamiges a farm, gets
otlr lumber, splits fence rails, and con
trives to sniiport a widowed mother.
Hvw younger sisters, and u brother,
w bile slm is ti't el id j ears of ago.
A Farjr wli.i I'hIcIih TIiiii and Keep
Them In llo'.low !."K.
The Sustpteanna River rises in Central
New Yor': and, flowing southward,
enters the north-western corner ol
Pen nst lvania. near Great Bend. Sus
queha'una county, and taking a west
ern course, follows ciosen i lie ixhi no
li rv line of the two Stales. Ranges of
hills, rising almost to tin dignity of
mouglains. skirt its banks on i-itiiei
sidu and present a rough, ragged, and
rocky surface, so that cultivation is
is almost out of the question; but wild
and hilly and bart on as It was in many
parts, the pioneers ot tne country, in
tent bh securing homes and farms and
a living somewhere ia that region,
foiiuit-here and there a valley and a
running stream aud a tlat place where
they could plant a house aud clear up
a few acres of land for farming. Among
those streams is one named Snake
Creek, which rislug lu a beantiful lake
near Montrose meanders through a
valley and finds iia way into lhe Sus
quehanna about twelve miles from the
lake In which it rises. This creek was
so named by tho early settlers because
of the fact that, w hile bears and wolve
and other ferocious beasts wero Tory
numerous In all that region, snakes
were conspicuously more numerous.
Oue of the highest hills, whoso head
rises well lip into the blue, was named
Blue Top, because of the large and
luscious blue whortleberries were found
on k In large quantities. The large
rattlesnake wm found there, as heb?
to-day, neatly as plentiful as the ber
ries, and in the season of ripe berries
he is exceedingly restive aod hostile to
all intruders,
A few days since, as a large party
was ascending the uiouuiaiu, one o
their number called attention to an
object ahead of tiiein stretched across
the road. As they approached nearer
it turned out to lie a "monstrous rattle
snake sunniug himself. Tho men got
clubs and made an attack. For some
time he fought, striking at them fur
iously and Sashing his snaky eyes and
darting his forked toward them, but he
finally was killed. It "was ascertained
that he had twenty-two rattles, and
ueasured 6. feet 2 inches.
On Snake Creek, a few miles abovr
its month, an old nan of the name ol
Chalkcr lives all alone who is so
familiar with the snakes that by com
inoo consent he is called Snake Chalker.
His large farm lies along the creek, ex.
tending up on either side to the very
top of the hills. On one occasion,
while passing that way, the writei
hitched his horse at his gato and went
in to see him. Hanging up all around
the old-fashioned fireplace I observed
what appeared to lie dressed eels, pre
paring for the table. They were ex
ceptionally large of their kind, and 1
asked where he caught Mich large eels.
'Eels?" said he. "Those are my
"And whatureyou goiug to do with
. "Eat them. They are much finet
than eels."
Passing toward his back door, he
"Couie out and see what I have in
the yard."
"Vou see these tubs, as I call them.
in wnicn i fceeD them. These are
hollow log sawed off about ten feet
long, burned out aod made smooth in
side, so the snakes cau't get out. 1
place one end of the log, or tub, abont
five feet in the ground. I then pat tbe
snakes down about twenty or thirty
In each tub, and keep them, feeding
them every day until I want to use
them. Suakes, you know, come out of
their dens on warm, pleasant days and
lie on the rocks to sun themselves. I
cut a small stick with a short crotch at
one end. I approach them quietly.
and placing the crotch on the snake's
necK noid u priuiv down until I put a
stout pin through his Hps. Then
twisting it about so he can't open his
moutn or bite, 1 nil my pockets, or a
basket, and take tiiein home and re
plenish mv tubs. When I want a snake
to eat or sell I slip, a noose over his
head and bring him up." A. I. Sun,
The Tiny C.n Buried Beneath Maaaea
of Lilies and Pale Itoaebnda.
The fur.eral processiou comes slowly
along lhe street, says the Petroit Free
ly-ess. Prawn by two milk-white
ponies, the little white hearse with its
nodding white plumes moves on. Up
on its snowy, silken curtains, buried
beneath great masses of lilies aud pale
rosebuds, rests a tiny white coffin. All
is white as purely white as the little
souL that has flitted away from the
waxen baby form Iring within the
At the street corner stands a crowd
of noisy boys, tossing a ball back and
forth among them. The crush of the
passing wheels falls upou their ears,
aud, looking up, the bail is dropped,
the loud shouts hushed, as each boy
doffs his cap and stands in mute rever
ence while the little white hearse
passes by.
A street car conies rumbling along
the track, the bell upon the horse's
neck jingling and clanging upon the
air. The driver sees before him the
little hearse, with its fiower-strewn
burden, and feels his strong heart
throb beneath his rough jacket. Tbe
brakes are down, the bell hangs silent
upou the horse's neck, while the driver
w ith bowed head thinks of his baby
boy, whose ruby lips he kissed to-day
at parting, and thanks God that no
flower-decked colli n lid hides away his
laughing face, The passengers look
out and the women whisper with a
sigh: "Some mother's eyes have look
ed their last upon her babv."
Amid the grime and dust of the
street a long row of laborers delve with
bent form in the earth beneath. The
roll of wheels Is heard, the weary
bodies are lifted in vague curiosity.
and each toil-hardened face softens as
the little white hearse goes on its way
to the grave.
So on, bv merry girls, who check
their gay laughter; by stern-browed
men, who forget for a moment the
mighty problem of money and trade
and ambition, and give a lleetin
thought to lhe world where the baby
has gone, and where this remorseless
struggle for wealth and fame and
power will count for naught; on, on
through the ranks of the weary and
toil-ladeu, who gaze and sigh for the
rest the babv has found, the little white
hearse goes, teaching its lesson of
love, of pity and of rest.
Beating Dollars Into Oold-Leaf.
There is a firm iu Cincinnati which
each vear beats 21.000 gold dollars in
to gold-leaf, aod as each dollar can be
beaten into a sheet that will carpet two
rooms sixteen and one-half feet square
some idea may be formed of its tenu
ity. It requires 1.400 of gold-leaf to
equal in th.ckness a sheet of writing
paper, and takes 280,000 of them, piled
one uion the other, to equal an inch
in thickness.
How the l'ueoirer nn a wild Kngln
Wr Sated hy an Oltetl Track.
"Talk about fast time." said a rail
road mau on the Missouri Pacific train
the other day to his companions, "but
I have never heard of atrip that would
beat otio I made myself some j ears
ago, nor of any Imlf so excltin""-. I
formerly lived at. Garrett, lnd.t the
terminus of the central divison of tho
Chicago division or the Baltimore and
Ohio railroad.. Iliad little to do. and
made the railroad vards mv loafing
headquarters. At that limo"'Billv-( V
had ati arrangement with the Wabash
to transfer all New York freight at
Auburn Juuction. nine miles instant,
to the east of us. This was done by
tho old switch-engine, tho 642, which
made two trips to the junction dally.
Well, oue day I climbed aboard a box
car when the engine left with a few
cars of merchandise to transfer. There
wore six of us In the party four yard
men, another follow, and myself." We
had a jolly time going down; made the
transfer, and were to come back light'
that is.- with nothing but the engfue.
We had all crowded on the tender, the
signal was given, and Gent Potter, the
engineer, threw himself forward pulled
at tho throttle Valve, and the eti'iiio
jumped forward as if shot from a cata
pult. We did not think much of this
at tho time, as Gent was a tine engi
neer and handled the engine to suit his
fancy. We went tearing over the rail,
road crossing nnd frogs in a manner
that was frightful. The tender rocked
as if on binges. Something must be
wrong, wo thought, as Gent was plac
ing our lives in jeopardy. Climbing
over tho coal we found the cab full of
steam and Geut and lhe fireman banr-
lug at the side of tho engine.
"Jump bova. said lliev: 'In mn fot
God'a sake The throttle valve Is poll,
ed clear out and tho engine Is ninnin"
"To biinii would have been iiist-int
death. As one of the bovs said after
ward, the telegraph poles looked like
a flue tooth comb. The mile posts
flew by with unseemly rauidltv. Ttm
yard foreman claimed that a mile was
covered in fW seconds, and not oue
would doubt Ids word. St. Joe was in
Sight. Would the track be clear? Onlv
three miles to Garrett, with its net
work of tracks, switches, aod spurs.
The steam gauge registered ninety
pounds. There was. no hone of the
engiae dying out in five or six miu-
utes. ith presence of mind the fore
man dashed off a few words:
"Engine wild. Telegranli Garrett
to clear tho trick.
"This he dropped as we oassul St.
Joe. and the oiH-rator. vlear to com.
prehend the siti; it to the dis
patcher on the t-ast eid. without a
call.' as w o lent uod afterward. There
was Garrett In sight, with it.ta!l
chimneys la-lehing forth smoke; there
were the vards tilled wit'i frei-'ht-cars
and engines. A we ot closer we
could see thum hiary ing bit i. it ami
thither. The other Vard euglue was
rushing madly to the wst end of the
yard. Tho main track was clear. V
iiassert the depot like a pursued victim.
a!e faces watched us in our flight.
We passed the railroad s!ions.aud hun
dreds came running to see the cause of
the commotion. The engine was lu a
quiver, the bell was ringing wildly
with each sway of the engiue. the es
caping steam whistled as if demented.
and lire blazed Irom the hot bnxe.
Theu'We j?:iw something . which made
us think we were doomed. The switch
to the coal chine was open, and the
long 4'oiit could only cud in our de
struction. We looked again, saw men
working on the track, and then knew
we were saved. What were they do
ing? Why. bless my soul, friend, those
fellows were oiliug the track of the
chute. We struck tho ascent and slid
up about 100 feet, and then the old CIS
stood still and the wheels flew arodnd;
sparks came from beneath them like
from au emery wheel.. Gradually the
engine slid down, the h heels utill in
thefcrward motion, and thus the en
glue died out. We all suffered a se
vere shock to our nervous system. Jbnt
had it not been for the presence of
mind of the master mechanic, who or-r
dered the oil poured on the chute
track, 1 might not have been here to
day." "Hqw fast did you go?'
' "Well, the first six miles w ere made
in less than five minutes; the last three
were made in much slower time, as the
steam was exhausting itself rapidly."
The Fair Sea Ha Ponnd More Arreeable
Field or Work.
Women priuters a few years ago
were a standing menace to the trade,
in the view of the . men printers, says
the N. Y. ,S'. and the question of
their admittance to typographical
unions threatened to become a burning
issue in the labor world. In this city
it was settled for the time being by the
admission of women to union No. 6,
with the condition that they be not al
lowed to work for less wages than men.
This handicapped the women heavily,
for the trade is not one in which a
woman can bold her own with a man
on equal terms, but even at this it was
not satisfactory to a large element
among the men. who objected to
having woineu in tbe trade at all, and
the trouble continually threatened
to break out in new spots. Meantime,
however, the matter has been sum
marily settled out of court, as it .were.
Women don't want to lie printers any
more. The introduction of the type
writer and the opening of other lines
of employment more agreeable and
suitable for a woman seem to have re
lieved the female labcr market of the
greater part of tbe women who used
to want to be printers.
It is snid by officers of the Typo
graphical union No. 6- that there-" are
not over 300 women printers iu -New
York now. One hundred of these are
in the union. They work chiefly in
large book printing offices, where the
hours are easy and there is no rush. A
few are in the morning newspaper
offices working-as distributers, in tho
afternoon. omen havo worked as
compositors ou some of the morning
papers, but the cases were exceptional,
such as" where a man died and his
widow was allowed to take his case
until she could get something belter to
do. It is thought that the number of
women printers is decreasing constant
ly in spite of the rapid growth of the
trade. Men say it is a good thing, not
only for selfish reasons, but because
the trade, although generally classed
as a light and easy one, is really top
wearisome, too imhealthj. and in other
ways unsiiited for women.
Two Kinds of n Man.
"What kind of a man is BiblingtouP"
"No account at all. lie knows a
dozen languages, is up in all tho
sciences and arts in fact, he's read
everything and remembered it all, but
what does all that amount to?"
"Well, bow about Staver?"
"O, now you're talking! Slaver's a
smart ' man a 'mighty smart mau.
Why, he made $50,000 on just oue tnru
of the market last week! I tell you
Stayer's got brains, be has." Boston
Tramcript. - . , -
Drs. Gorham and Stephens have jusC
extracted a tooiii tor J. h.. aictvinqey
of Woolwich. Mo., which is iaid to be
the longest human tooth on record. It
Is an eye-tooth and measures oue -and
nine-sixteenths inches iu length.
A M'lH Who A1mV4 1'eeU an r.lertrlc
Shock W lien Near Mineral.
'T ro;i 1 an article entitled 'The
Divining Rn-I. with considerable in
terest," said Mr. John Holmes, -of
South McA letter. . T.. recently,
especially as I am myself gifted with
the phenomenal powers of which the
article treats. Mv first experience
with this power was thirty-two years
ago. when I was a boy of leu years,
aud it Is dot likvlv to be forgotten by
inc. I was sent by my father one day
to look for some stoek. and as 1 was
crossing a mountain not far from my
home 1 felt a strange sensation all
through my body something like an
electric current. As I proceeded it
grew stronger until at last I stool root
ed to tho ground. It took all my.
strength to tear myself away from the
spot, and w hen 1 did, I lost no time in
getting back home. ntnL for months
afterwards 1 could not lie prevailed on
to go near that mountain. Two years
later rich vein of copper was dis
covered on the mountain where I had
my first experience with the mysterious
po'wer. The superstitious people of tire
neighborhood loved to relate mv ad
venture, they believiug that the fairief
had guarded this treasure for centuries,
and had trie I lo abduct me; they also
predicted terrible calamities to befal.
those who had broken into the fairy
treasury. But the miners kept on, and
all of them are rich men now.
"This power, for which I know no
name seemed to develop iu me with
years, until I became so accustomed to
it that I paid but little attention to it
mauifestations,and it wasn't until about
three yea.s ago that I became aware of
the fact that 1 was. so to speak, a living
mineral rod. Since that time, how
ever, I have experimented with and
made a study of this gift of nature, and
I am convinced of its virtue in locat
ing minerals. I am as helpless without
the twig of hazel or jieach as a sur
veyor without his transit. I may walk
over the ground and feel the current
all through my body, yet without the
indicator! am unable to defiue the
exact locality of the mineral. But the
hazel twig has never failed to locate
even a coin or piece ol metal hidden by
parties desiring to test the powers of
the diviuing rod. .
"About a year ago my work was so
situated that I bad to walk about one
mila to and from my field of labor. At
one poiut on the road I always felt the
electric current. Finally I concluded
to try the hazel and learn the cause ot
the sensation. I found that the pro
truding ledge tf lime rock was the
agent. I had never heard of mineral
existing In lime rock, but I broke off a
few pieces ami sent them to the School
of Mine to be tested. I was surprised
to learn that the rock contained 15 1-2
troy ounces of silver t o the ton, This
seems but a small quantity, buttill its
presence attracted my nerves. I have
often been asked why I do not cast my
lot among ih miners of tbe Far West,
but I ti 't familiar witU mining, and
am sens;' . ! t!ie fact thai it rttj lire
money in -neeeinj Some day., how
ever. 1 mi" t k my hazel twig a:nl
seek tux !.i!u:n- ill the Rockies."
itiilti.t IJ ' . '
Come from Turkey, and Is Chiefly
, I fl for Pipes.
The meerschaum comes from Turkey
In boxes, A box holds about fifty
pounds, and is worth from $20 to $300,
according to the size and quality ot the
pieces. It looks like plaster of parts
smoothed off and rounded. The amber
looks like beeswax or large pieces of
resin. It conies in pieces, and is worth
from $2 to $20 a pound. Meerschaum
to make a five-dollar pipe costs abont
$2.50. The amber tips raw costs abont
one-quarter or one-half as much.
When an order comes for a pipe the
proprietor goes through the stock of
meerschaum to get a piece ont ot
which the pipe caii be cut with as little
loss as possible. Four-fifths of the
meerschaum is wasted, though the
chips are often saved and nade Into
imitation meerschaum pipes.
The meerschaum is first cut on a cir
cular saw into a piece a little larger
than the pipe. If the cutting shows
hole3 or cracks, the piece is cast aside.
Then it is soaked in water for fifteen
miuntes and cut the rough. shape with
a knife. Then a hole Is drilled through
it, and it is turned with a half motion.
After the taming the stem is inserted.
It is smoothed off when dry, boiled in
wax and polished, then it "is ready to
be sold.
Tho amber is worked with a chisel
aud turning wheel. Tbe chisel is
sharp and razor-like. A clumsy
operator would cut his fingers off with
it. An old operator takes the piece of
amber in his hand and rounds it with
the chisel, the forefinger of the left
hand serving as a gtyde for the chisel
to play. W hen it is rounded it is held
against the face of a roughened wheel
until it is turned to approximately the
required size. Then it is put in the
same turning wheel and a hole is bored
through it.
This is for tbe more common and
cheaper amber stems, the same kind
that are put in brierwood pipes, which
sell for 50 and 75 cents. It does not
take more than a quarter or a half-hour
to liuish one of these stems. A "stem
for a more costly pipe will take a day.
The shortest time in which a good
meerschaum pipe can be made is three
daj-s. . That is for a plain pipe. If the
pipe is to be carved that time has to be
added. Workmen have spent month?
on carviug one pipe.
The dust and chips from the amber
and meerschaum are saved. The amber
dust is melted and made into amberine;
The meerschaum dust is chopped up
and worked into a paste, from which
the imitation meerschaum pipes are
made. It is a common idea that real
meerschaum can be told from imitation
meerschaum by the fact that real meer
schaum floats on water, but imitation
meerschaum floats also. Imitation
meerschaum can be made to color better
thau real .. cerscliaum though it does
not last so long and the color is likely
to come in streaks. It is hard for a
man wno is not in tne ousiness to tell a
real from an imitation, meerschaum.-
The best quality of meerschaum fre
queiitly has air-holes and crack9 in it.
Dreaming Out an Available Story,
Having a severe cofd in the head
, ,- m ...
literary inenu oi- mine nad taken s
hot bath before retiring and a dose ol
fine whisky, says the Washington Post
"I slept like a log," ho says, "until
about 5 o'cloqk. When I awoke my
head was as clear as a bell and I found
myself interested in a peculiar storj
which in all symmetry was passing
through my mind. The plot was some
what complicated, but thoroughly
artistic. I was astonished and at first
thought that my memory was recall
ing some tale that I had read. As I
reviewed the story, however, I realized
that it was eminently original. Much
pleased at this seeming presentation
from the gods of a literary nugget 1
composed myself to steep and in the
morning found that tbe tale was still
mine. Some weeks later I received
an order from a syndicate for
a stciy of 10,000 words. I had thirty
six hours in which to - produce the
t-manuscript. The plot that had been
tne outcome of a. hot bath, whisky, and
sound sleen now oume into play and I
had no difficulty in' completing my
story within the allotted time. As 1
received $150 for it I am now patiently
awaiting another -cold in the head."
'Adrift with a t'orpma-Shark as I'nhldder
PtMrfeltowc. -
A remarkable story of the sea eoisef
from St. Malo. the narrator being ar
ancient mariner named Batiche, who.
painful experience in.a small boat op
the ocean, as related iu the London
Teh-graph, ought to be a warrant for
the truth of bis tain. Baiiche hac
signed articles with the captain of r
vessel called the Mathilde. in which he
mailed to Martinique. While in the
harbor of St. Pierre in a loat with thf
cabin boy one day he was driven ocean
ward by a gale of wind, and was
knocking about for a week- on the
waves In-fore he was rescued by a
Norwegian bark.
After the first night at sea Bauchf
says that the cabin boy became partly
lelirious Water was'filling the boat
every instant, and in order to prevent
the dying lad from being drowned in
it the old sailor made pails of the legs
of his pantaloons and was thus en
abled to keep the bottom of the little
craft tolerably dry. He had also to
deprive himself of his shirt, which he
utilized as a Hag of distress. On the
third day the cabin boy died, and
hardly was the breath out of bis body
before seven or eight ferocious black
sharks began to circle round the boat,
which they sometimes almost touched.
Rather than deliver up the dead body
to the monsters of the deep Bauche
kept it until it became decomposed.
Being afraid of illness, be at length
threw it overboard, after having said
hi prayers over it, and the prey was
speedily seized by the sharks, which
disappeared with it. and did i t show
up again for about tweuty-four hours
or so. Bauche now felt" so utterly
miserable that he was thinking ot
throwing himself overboard when he
was dissuaded from bis intention by
the reappearance of the sharks, which,
after eyeing him ravenously for somei
time, actually began to gambol before
him as if in anticipation of a good
feed off bis body.
"I did not want to be eaten alive,"
remarked Bauche, in his narrative of
his perilous adventures. . "so I re
mained where I was and. awaited
assistance." On the seventh day the
sailor lost consciousness, fell down in
the boat, and was rescued in an insen
sible condition by Captain Paderson,
of the Wladimir. .
fa his mouth the Norwegian sailors
found what they first thought was an
old quid of tobacco, but which proved
to be part of the horn handle of his
knife, which Baiu-hc was crunching to
slave off hunger when he became un
conscious. The rescued sailor, after
having been taken to New Or'eans,
obtained a passage home to St. Malo.
Only the other day he went down to
tbe port to meet bis old shipmates of
the Mathilde, who had been wrecked
off the coast of Newfoundland, whither
they bad made another voyage since
Bauche" disappeared at Martinique.
The crew of the Mathilde had been
rescued off tho banks of Labrador bt
an English vessel. They had long; of
course-, given np Bauche'and the cabin
boy as lost iu mid-ocean, aud great
was their surprise when they beheld
the former in the flesh and as"bale and
hearty as if he had never been without
fowl on the deep for full seven days in
an open boat ana in perilous eontiguitv
to the teeth of the tigers of the oeean.
A Ixst Kenln.-ltj Mine.
One of the most tiersisfent and yet
one of the most elusive traditions " ol
Kentucky is that of "Swift's "Silver
Mine." Half a ttozeV mountain coun
ties claim to'liave withiu the borders
of each the original mine, but as nc
search has ever revealed the existence
of argentiferous ore in any of them,
half a dozen other counties claim that
a mistake mar have been made, and
hope the wonderful mine may be with
in their own limits. 'Every "now and
then some erson crazed on the sub
ject makes bis appearance with a
map or chart, assuming to show bv
actual survey the location of the long
lost mine.
John Swift was in East Tennessee
and eastern Kentucky as early as 1761.
accompanied by two Frenchmen, and
somewhere in that region 4hyx'oinedf
or pretended to coin, large quantities
of silver money. There were no mints
in the United States then, and Swift
was arrested upon the suspicion of be
ing a counterfeiter. This was in North
Carolina. The coin turned out to be
purer silver than that of the British
mint, and he was released. Swift left
Bell county, Kentucky, because the In
dians were troublesome, and he gave a
lady of that county the journal of hia
wanderings. His journal gave a vague
account ot about $54,000 in 'crowns"
which he and his companions concealed
at various places in the mountains of
eastern Kentucky to facilitate their
journey and secure safety. Ever since
that journal became public search par
ties have huntd for the hidden wealth
as persistently as ever Eastern people
hunted for the hidden treasure of Capt.
Kidd, or the Sonthern people searched
for the secret treasureeave of Capt.
It goes without saying that nobody
has ever found any sign of the treasure.
True, there are more or less plausible
traditions in various localities. For
instance, in Carter county ancisnt tools
and instruments nsed to coin money
were found at the foot of a cliff many
?-ears ago. The crumbling away of a
edge of the cliff had allowed the tools
to fall from their concealment. It is
claimed, also, that one of the first set
tlers of Carter county found near his
pioneer cabin a quantity of peculiar
cinders so heavy as to canse him to
have them tested. "The result was the
extraction of sufficient silver to make
several silver spoons, which, it was
said, were as late as 1870 in possession
of members of the . family. Crucibles,
furnaces, cinders, and other relics of
mineral smeltings, upon a small scale,
have been found in several counties and
attributed to a vicinage of Swift's silver
mine. In 1871 three Cherokee Indians
visited Wolfe county and carried away
two sacks full of some weighty sub
stance, which the " residents in the
neighborhood united in believing was
some Of Swift's silver. The presence
of the Indians was. well known, their
object plainly guessed, yet nobody
watched them closely enough to dis
cover the place where they procured
their treasure.
Moogretism at Lima.
Lima, the capital of Peru, is pro
nounced to be the headquarters of all
the world s mongreldom. its popula
tion is the product of three centuries oi
race-crossing, and a scientific investi
gator finds easily distinguishable among
the inhabitants the following crosses
Cholo, offspring of white father and
Indian mother; mulatto, offspring of
white father and negro mother; quad
roon, offspring or white father and
mulatto mother; quinteroon, offspring
of white father and quadroon mother;
chino, offspring rf .Indian father and
negro mother; Chino Cholo, offspring
of Indian father and Chinese mother;
Chino Oscuro, offspring of Indian
father and mulatto mother; Sambo
Chino. offspring .of negro father and
mulatto mother; Sambo, offspring oi
mulatto, father and Sambo China
mother; Sambo Claro, offspring ol
Indian father and Sambo Cbino mother.
These are the most noticeable crosses.
but there nre many others. '
A chicken with four legs, for wings
aud two head has just been batched at
Pel mar. Del.
A Strange Suicide,
One ot the most extraordinary cases
of sqicide in the annals of self-destruction
is just reported from Austria,
where a regular epidemic of suicides
8eem3 to exist Lieut, Mangasias of
Klausenburg, one of the most popular
officers In tbe Austrian army, is tbe
victim of this queer freak, while his
bosom friend and messmate is a mur
derer, yet not guilty of the crime. The
last time Manasins went to the bar- .
racks' where his company was qnarter-"-
cd, just a few minutes before his tragio
taking off, he was observed to be absent-minded
and much depressed ia
spirits. He talked with his messmate
tor a lew minutes ana men went to a
room where a number of new magazine
rifles were kept loaded one, returned,
and handed it to his friend, saying:
"Take this rifle and let me see if yon
can aim it properly. Point at my eye."
The soldier had no idea the weapon
was loaded, and obeying the words
Make ready, "Present,' "Fire," be
discharged the rifle at a distance of
three yards into the officer's eye. The
bullet went through the skull and
death was instantaneous. He left a
letter for his captain saying that the
soldier who shot him was innocent, i
A Queer Cat,
Mr. McGarth of Woodford, K v., pos
lesses a remarkable feline. His cat
n-as born with only three legs, and as
oon as the kitten became large enough
o leave its .mother he constructed a
rrooden leg and snecefnlly adjusted
:t- ----'-"
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