The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, October 31, 1890, Image 3

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    Lebanon Express.
See Crnson A Menzies' new sign.
A new counter t the variety store.
K.'s planer is running this
Lumber $S and 9 per M at Wheeler's
saw mill.
Phil Smith ia
Bridge avenue.
building a bam on
John Beard moved Into his new
house last week.
Mrs. Rice is receiving new millinery
goods every week.
Pendleton had a $20,000 fire on the
7th of this month.
G. Lovelee, merchant tailor, erected
liia sign Thursday.
Died, in Lebanon, Oct. 27, 1S90, Miss
Moore, aged 14 years.
Briergs will close his gallery in .Leba
non Mondaj, iov. 3d.
The indications are favorable for
David Geutry's recovery. 0
Jos. Eikins is building a fence around
the public school grounds.
Win. Retherford will soon erect a
dwelling on Sherman street.
Mr. Fastham, a farmer living a few
miles from town, is very sick.
The best of goods and fits guaran
teed at G. Liovelee's tailor shop.
Mr. Skipworth Is building a house
in Kirkpatrick's third addition.
Oscar Cox is building a house on
Hiatt street south of Isabella Park.
John A. Baker Is painting the dwell
ing recently built by Mr. Jjonsberry.
Prof. It- X. Wright has moved into
the house just vacated by John Beard.
Rev. Knowles occupied the pulpit at
the First Presbyterian church Sunday
Yoa will have only Friday. Saturday
and Sunday for photos at the Briggs
gallery. .
Harvey Cross broke his en trine, and
hence the wood-saw was silent for sev
eral days. j
The case of Isaac Banta was dis
missed, the grand jury failing to find
a true bill.
Kd Carr has laid a new walk on the
nerth side of his property and has also
Luilt a barn.
Isew millinery goods, beaver hats i
plushes and ladles' furnishing goods, ;
at Mrs. Rice's. j
"Good morning, John what's the
matter, lame?" John "I am drilling
for a pension."
Wm. Carlile and Abe Loveall will
complete Taylor Evans' country resi
detiee this week.
Jos. Carlile moved into G. W. Dag
gett's house this week. The latter has
gone to the coast.
Abe- Lioveall has lumber on the
frround and will begin work on his res
idence next week.
TbeTiest nd most sulistantial bed
steads ever sold in Lebanon, at bti-rouk
prices, at E. Goan's.
"Brigsrs will positively close Monday,
JTov. 3d. Friday, Saturday and Sun
day is the last chance.
The case of the State of Oregon vs.
J. O. Boyd, for selling liquor without
a license was dismissed.
tsoda water is yet in demand; G. B.
Gsoss takes a load of this bottled bev
erage to Albany regularly.
High license or low liceuse, saloons
or no saloons, wet or dry, are fruitful
topics for discussion just now.
GotoE. Goan for window shadss,
eil paintings, wire beds, wool beds,
sofa beds and feather piUovng .
Samuel Case has moved into the
house recently vacated by Jos. Carlile
and now owned by R. C. Miller.
We know a good joke on a certain
young man, but notning short of the
inquisition would induce us to tell it.
We have received a package of pic
tnres from that excellent weekly, the
Went Shore, for gratuitous distribution.
A stray cow, pale red, with a bell on,
is giving J. JI. Marks trouble. The
owner is requested to call and get same.
The meadows are getting green in
the valley. Such a thing is very rare,
outside of Oregon, this time of the
In a few days Second street will be
opened in front of the public school
grounds and as far south as the main
John Beard received a telegram on
Monday from 'Frisco apprising him of
t he death of bis brother-in-law, Henry
Dissatisfaction with the present rail
load schedule is universal, and it will
hardly be otherwise until a change is
made in the time.
' "Brick Dust" left at this office Tues
day a Bample of wheat known as the
Surprise wheat, and it is a surprise to
every farmer who sees it.
The basement of the main building
at the paper mill will be finished and
the frame erected this week. The four
large Lefel wheels are in place already.
Rev. T. H. Small, at theC. P. chureh
last Sunday, delivered the funeral dis
course of Miss Ollie Wassom, who died
July 4, 1800. A large congregation was
Several new professional cards in
this paper. This is right. The man
who stands high in his profession owes
his influence in a large measure to the ;
, x
Some of our citizens visited the gas
field Wednesday, and wer satisfied,
after practical teste, that the import
ance of the discovery has not been
The marshal sold to the highest bid
der on Friday a hog from the pound.
A shepherd dog which had leeii incar
cerated for several days was executed
on Thursday.
Are you in love? If so, marry the
Idol of your affections and then go to
Matthews & Washburn's, at Albany,
buy a stove or range, raise a large faai
ily and be happy.
We received this week the first copy
r the Xeto, published at Halsey, Or.
The general appearance of the paper,
together with its contents, give evi
dence of long life.
Miss Mattie Gentry is now associ
ated with Mrs. Nellie B. Smith in the
millinery and dressmaking establish
ment which has been so successfully
run by the latter for some time.
S. M. Garland and Dr. Barker went
to the Quartzville mines this week.
As soon as these men return m e will
yive our readers an unabridged -'report
of the mines in the Santiam district.
Our old friend "Brick Dust" called
on us a few days since. He spent two
weeks in Omaba lately, and returned
to Oregon the same jovial, vivacious
Fellow that he was when we lust saw
You take no chances in buying '
clothing for men, youths and boys of;
C. C. Hackleman, as he sells the Salem I
mills woolen goods. Every suit guar
anteed. Also blankets and flannels of
the ame make.
T. C. Peebler received his first in
voice of goods Wednesday. Can-en
ters are at work putting in counters
and shelving, aud In a few days
Thomas will lie selling goods "shust so
sheap as anybody."
Do yon want the earth? If so, call
on Matthews A Washburn, Albany,
Or., and tlicv will take pleasure in
showing you the largest ana most com
plete Hue of hardware, stoves ana
ranges in the valley.
When you are const I pat ed, with loss
of appetite, headache, take one of Dr.
J. H. Mclean's Little Liver and Kid
ney Pillets. They are pleasant to take
and will eure you. 25 cents a vial.
For sale by Beard & Holt.
"The unclean spirit" left this office
ten days ago; In other words, our devil
quit work; since which time our re
maining force has been compelled to
work like the -'Old Harry" to run the
Express on schedule time.
In triumph AU a yonnp man jjo
And (rive to his mir maid
A rulf s tail, to make Ikt some coup,
("The motive in his aM,"')
But, aU.s tor the deliciou soup
The maUlcn sight! in rain:
The cat hart sptnl the treasure rare,
It ni-'er was seen again.
J. R. Kirkpatrick and son have a
stump-puller and seven men employed
on the grounds at the horticultural
park in East Lebanon. To one who
never taw stumps taken ont in this
way it is a sight well worth going to
S. P. Barger of Brownsville called
on us Wednesday. He was formerly a
resident of IjPbanon in the "quiet long
ago" when the town was hibernating,
and was surprised at the improvements
on every hand and the general activity
of our town.
A private letter received by J. F.
Hyde from Rev. O. B. Whiimore,
grand official instructor of the G. A.
R., announces that he will be in Leluv
non Nov. 6, to deliver an address be
fore the Post and as many citizens as
may be present.
The protracted meetinsrs are contin
ued still at the M. E. church. The in
terest at these meetings seems to be
deepening and widening. Rev. M. C.
Aleridge, an evangelist recently from
Tennessee, will be here in a few days
to assist in the meetings.
If your kidneys are inactive, you will
feel aud look wretched, even in the
most cheerful soeiety, and melancholy
on the iolliest occasions. Dr. J. H.
McLean's Liver and Lidney Balm will
set you right again. $1.00 per bottle.
For sale by Beard & Holt.
F. Kreiir. of Santiam. called at this
office Wednesday. Mr. Kreig was for
merly postmaster at the above-named
town, but like a good many others, he
found it impossible to please every
postmaster-general, and has now gone
to Portland to reside in the future.
The Orejron Presbytery of the C. P.
church convened in Lebanon Thursday
evening last. The opening sermon was
fireached by the retiring moderator,
lev. Knowles of MeMinnville. There
were seven ministers and several dele
gates present. The meeting was har
monious throughout.
W. J. Watkins, of Seattle, arrived in
our town on Thursday of this week.
Mr. Watkins is associated with the
Oregon Improvement Company, and
comes to examine our coal mines, aud
other resources. Xext week we will
furnish our readers some important
information relating to the visit of thisiSwink wiih a fairly handsome attend-
expert. i
It may interest some of our readers
of Kx -Congressman M.C George and
v. ( vi.., t rk... !
a native of this place, is located in Se
attle; that he owns a fine brick block
in that city, and that lie has placed, in
honor of his birthplace, the following
sign over his spacious buildings: "Ieb-:
anon, Oregon. ' j
Cumberland Female Seminary, in
Seattle, gave a literary entertainment
not long since, which, according to Se
attle papers, whs a rare literary treat.
Mrs. c. W. Cobb, daughter of Rev. J.
R, Kirkpatrick, is teacher of elocution
in this institution, and her fame is not
confined to the Queen City, but reaches
as far ba.k as her mrnn mater in Penn
sylvania. We have Quite an extensive corre
spondence this week. This is as it
should ber no one, we trust, cares to
live on ttic fagged edge of civilization;
if you do, keep still ami' never, under
any circumstances, tell the world what
the people of your locality are doing,
ana you will have no reason to com
plain of coyotes and couears for neigh
bors, neither will mankind molest you
in your retreat.
Montague must be preparing for a
boom, judging by the way he is Block
ing up his Mammoth and One-Price
Cash Stores. By purchasing his goods
in such large quantities he naturally
gets much lower prices. He guaran
tees good goods in all the departments
of his extensive establishments at
prices that absolutely astonish other
merchants in the valley, some of them
going so far as to saythat Montague
retails his goods as low as they buy
them at wholesale. The careful buyer
invariably goes to Montague's.
The One-Price Cash Store has be
come one of the features of Lebanon.
As everything is new and fresh, and the
prices are so much below that charged
in credit-giving establishments, peo
ple who desire to buy their goods
for cash natarally go to the corner,
where they do not have to make up to
the storekeeper for the non-paying cus
tomers who, when they ean do so, buy
on credit and who are eonstitutionally
opposed to paying for anything. Get
prices at the One-Price Cash Store and
if there is any reason in you that is the
place where you will punhase your
The Lebauon Literary Society had a
well-arranged program for Monday
evening:. The music was very good.
Recitations hy Miss Tda Westfall and
little Miss Eunice Kirkpatrick were
well received and showed much care
ful training. The question for debate,
"itesoived, that Christianity has done
more to civilize the world than law,"
drew out some of our best speakers.
The judges, Drs. Courtney and Booth,
decided iu favor of the affirmative.
The audience increases with each meet
ing, and it is earnestly desired that all
interested in this branch of educational
work for such it is will identify
themselves with this institution and
assist in every laudable way in making
it a success. At the next meeting.
Monday evening, there will be an elec
tion of officers. The program will con
sist of music, recitations, select reading
and debate; Question for debate: "Re
solved, that foreigu immigration should
be restricted."
Following is a general report of Leb
anon public schools for month begin
ning iSept. 29 and ending Oct. 24:
Total No. enrolled .'. 1r0
Average drily IjelonptiiK 13a
Averajr ditily attendance 117
Average per txut. of punctuality Wi
Visitors. 7
In behalf of the school we desire to
speak a good word. Considering tne
crowded condition of the school, all are
doing admirably. .-The students are
persevering, earnest and painstaking
j in their worK. we earnestly invite
patrons to visit, ine scnooi. -it is an
incentive to all to do better work.
Very respectfully,
R. N. WiaaHT, Prin.
Three Families Arrested on the Streets
Qf AIbanv by tbe magnificent display
, , , , . 1, f
of hardware, stoves and ranges at Mat
thews & Washburn's, who carry the
largest assortment in the valley.
Judge Miller went to Albany Tuee-i
Mr. Lonsberry went to Albany Mon
day. Mrs. Riley removed to Pertland this
J, M. Ralston and wife spent Sunday
In Lebanon.
II. It. Powell was in town n busi
ness Monday.
J.R. Kirkpatrick returned from Se
attle Mondaj-.
Charley Miller is now located in
Dayton, Wash. t
Peter Hume of Brownsville gave us
a call Friday last.
Alvis Gentry of Brownsville was iu
Lebanon Sunday.
S. M. W. Hiudman returned from
Crook county Weduesday.
S. M. Garland went to Sweet Home
last week on professional business.
Since 'tis the fashion, W. C. Peterson
went to the county seat this week.
Dr. Snencer Dudley was in Sweet
Home last week on professional busi
Miss Mamie Gentry canceled her en
gagement with the St. Charles last
Miss Pairlee Mackey has been visit
ing her brother Sam Mackey of this
place this week.
W. C. Peterfton, who visited L.
Gilbert in Albany the first of the week,
reports him somewhat better.
J. L. Gilbert, who has been so long
identified with the schools or l,inn
county, ia daugeroualy ill In Albany.
Mr. Beaman's family arrived from
California recently. Mr. Beanian is
building a house iu Wassom's addition.
Mr. Gilderman of Sweet Home reg
istered at the !St. Charles Tuesday. He
is in the employ f the S. P. R. R. Co.
at present.
S. M. Garland is attending court this
week, and after the adjustment of his
cases in court he will go to the Quartz-
ville mines via the O. P. R. R. '
Kev. J. M. Price was in to see us
Tuesday. He and Rev. Hanleiter took
the overland train Tnesday for Xorth
Carolina, the home of the former.
Dan Wheeler returned from 'Frisco
Saturday last. Dan is a good business
man, a genermis, whole-souled fellow.
and we hope that he will conclude to
remain with us.
Fine weather; thick mud.
Farmers in this vicinity are sowing
their fcyl crops by the handrull.
Bill Cox got a black nose last week,
the result of his great pugilistic pow
Lebanon parties are still hauling
lumber from the Downing mill. Ugh,
mud hub deep.
The miners report new discoveries of
coal lodes at this place, and work is
steady and promising.
B. E. Dobson has erected quite a
commodious residence adjoining La
comb and moved therein.
School is progressing finely under
the able supervision of Prof. R. W.
Oeo; W. Bradley, our barber, has re-
moved to isweet Home for the winter,
thus lea. vine us devoid of a chin-Dol-
isher at last. J
Iee Fitzwater. who called on us this
week, informs us that Mr. Eckert, our
batch, shot a bear the
"Varily," a sportsman.
other dav.
(ju-,te a pleasant dance was
Riven at
the residence of II. A. Ilolman, and
an interesting crowd attended who
love to tap ''the light fontistic toe."
W. J. Turnidge, our genial dry goods
vender, is still vending goods over the
counter to a large and steadily-inereaa-
ing patronage, which speaks splendidly
for our burg.
Prof. J. M. Flougher has resumed
the supervision of the mail route from
Lacomb to Lebanon, and discharges his
new culling with the agility of a real
Wet-tern pony express boy, you bet.
While in Albany we had quite a talk
with Eastern home-seekers who till
make us a ce.ll immediately for the
purpose of permanently locating
among us. IIuri;i'.i for Lacomb ouce
Rucker & Lyou3 are making steady
steps toward the erection of a large
steam saw mill on Beaver creek, and
soon we will be able to boast of five
steam milts near Lacomb, an honor
claimed by few villages "out West."
Gents, we need a blacksmith shop,
carpenter shop and hotel in Lacomb,
by the indications ! hungry individ
uals who are constantly perched on
our street corners and the numerous
unshod horses and hornless saddles
which have become an ornament to
Lewis South for some time past has
received numerous letters of inquiry
from Eastern farmers and capitalists
concerning the resources of Linn
county, particularly the foothill re
gions, all of which give abundant evi
dence of the futufe growth of our
country, and many are already deter
mined to come on. Lewis does a big
correspondence in this way, the result
of his write-ups iu various Eastern
journals. Democrat.
It is a significant fact that every na
tion that has ignored printers' ink and
discouraged advertising has been swept
from the face of the earth and their
wares are unsold to this day. With
the single exception of old Pharaoh's
brick-yard ad. which appears in an
ancient Hebrew publication as a free
local, the Egyptian merchants were as
silent as their mummies. No Cartha-
geniau was ever known to occupy a
square in any of the daily papers pub
lished in his realm, and when we last
heard from these hucksters every busi
ness house was closed and tbe dealers
had either emigrated or quit business.
The Grecian's name never appeared in
a business directory, lie had noilodgers
struck, and never paid a cent for elec
tros, the result is that the Grecian
merchant is left in peaceful possession
of a moth-eaten stock that would dis
grace a ten-cent counter in a variety
store. In vain do we search the news
papers of Rome from the period of
Julius Caesar to G rover Cleveland for
either a pay local or a standing adver
tisement, and what do we Bee? Noth
ing but bankruptcy, broken pottery
and faded signs. The Babylonians ex
celled in the , manufacture of certain
styles of brick, but they turned the
cold shoulder to the printer and they
have had their bakea earth on hand
four thousand years, while 1). W. Har
din of Lebanon sold an entire kiln in 1
one summer as the result ot a doiiar-and-a-half
ad. "Go to, weep and
howl," ye men who think you can
carry on a business without advertis
ing; it were as useless as to try to light
up the Pacific by floating beacons on
her surface.
The Fat Lady
That always looks mo pleasant, says go
to Matthews & Washburn, Albany, Or.,
to buy stoves and ranges, because they
only keep the best and always do as
they agree to.
Croupy suffocations, night coughs
and all the common affections of the
throat and lungs quickly relieved Dy
Dr. J. H. McLean's Tar Wine Lung
j Balm. For sale by Board & Holt.
Taking it for granted that you mas
tered the Introductory principles in
article one, you are now prepared for
what follows.
Except leing born and dying, there
is scarcely a human experience thnt a
young man does not think himself
smart enough to dodge In some way.
But when the time of love-making
comes he has to acknowledge himself
beaten; for the very good reason that
he wouldn't dodge the responsibility if
he could.
"The start is half the battle," Is a
sound saying that never was truer
about anything than love-making. So
the luot-t Important feature of the
whole matter Is to start right The
proper way to begin is to determine
just what sort of a woman you want
to love. Some women are good house
wives, some are ornamental, some are
useful. A great many young men Im
agine themselves in love when they
have been a few minutes in the pres
ence of a pretty face or figure. Dogs
and cats think the same way when
they are among their own kind, but
we are not writing about that kind of
creatures. Nobody can help admiring
what is admirable, as a pretty face or
figure, but a man who does not know
the difference between admiration and
love is still In his infancy and ought
to treat himself accordingly. There
are plenty of young women of every
kind to go around, so no man need
make a hasty'step for fear he will be
left if he doesn't hurry.
The unitiated are opt fo conclude
that a happy introduction is all there
Is to courtship. There are rivals In
every kind ot business, and in none
more so than that of love-makine. If
yon have found a pretty, sweet little
creature somewhere, don't 'imagine
that you have an unquestionable right-of-way,
for some other young man is
sure to find it out and will rise up and
dispute your title. If at the same time
some other smitten youth chances to
be prowling around trying to establish
himself in her holiest fmotions, hold
yourself in, no matter how angry you
may feel about it, and instead of say
ing'hard thing about him. praise him
up as a good-meaning fellow, but at
the same time intimate that he is not
much account In a general way. She
will praise you for your magnanimity,
and despise him because you patronize
him. Women's minds are like the
nightmare, they always go by contra
ries. If you loth happen in of an
evening and this is sure to occur let
him do most of the talking at first, and
about the time his limited stock of
ideas are exhausted, you will coine up
smiling and he Is compelled to choose
between going home or sitting like a
dummy the rest of the evening. If he
Stays too late for decency, gtt up and
say, "Come, John, let's go home." He
will get up and follow you out grating
his teeth and swearing inwardly at
you. mil you neeu not rare ror imu,
you know that you have worsted him
wnrrf ' an Wa-V i i n,
The ereatent vexation, and the one
requiring skillful management on the
part of the wooer, is where the parents
volunteer to share their daughter's at
tentions of an evening. have
known old people to protract their
vigils to an hour that was indeed pain
ful. We are not in a position Ju speak
dogmatically at this point, but we ven
ture to suggest that vou retire to the
garden gate. Such a course is prefer
able to rohbing the elderly couple of
their needful rest, and it might have
the salutary effect of preventing a rep
etition of the barbarous practice.
Teachers' Meeting.
A meeting of the teachers of Linn
county will be held In Albany on Sat
urday, Nov. 1, 18.t0. The objects ot
this meeting are to organize district
locals throughout the cuu(y, aud dis
cuss topics that are of importance to
the teacher.
The meeting will be held in the
court house, commencing at 9:30 A. M.
A. M.
Organization of county district locals.
Ppelliug Methods of Discussion.
Penmanship Methods of Discu:i
sion. r. m.
Recitations Met hods of Discussion.
Object lessons Methods of Discus
sion. It is earnestly desired that as many
teachers will be present as ean.
Teachers, this is your work. Come,
aud let us discuss the latest and best
methods of teaching.
Geo. F. Russrlx,
County School Sup't.
"Is this the beet?" Is aquestion often
asked, when medicine Is wanted. The
following are a few of the medicines of
known reliability, sold by M. A. Miller,
druggist of this place. He has many,
other excellent medicines, but these
are worthy of especial mention:
famous for its cures tf severe colds, and
as a preventive of croup. Price 50
cents per bottle.
Chamrkkxaix's Pain Halm, agen
eral family liniment and especially
valuable for rheumatism. Price 50
cents per bottle.
Chambkkais's', Cholera
axij Diarripka Remehv, themostre
liable know in medicine for bowel com
plaints. It is especially prizxd by per
sons subject to colic. It has cured
many cases of eh runic diarrhcea. Price
25 aud 50 cents per bottle.
St. Patrick's Pilj-s, for disorders
of the liver and bowels. A vigorous
but gentle physic that cleanses and
renovates the whole system. Price 25
cents per box.
Chamberlain's Far and Skin
Ointment. For tetter, sait-rheum,
scald-head, eczema and chronic sore
eyes. Price 25 cents per box.
m s.
Runs high in Lebanon at Beard &
Holt's drug store over System Builder,
as cverbody is uuing it for Catarrh of
the Stomach, Dyspepenia, Consumption
and Impure Blood. Try it and tell
your friends about it, as it must possess
wonderful merits when all speak well
of it.
Take It Hefore Breakfast.
The great appetizer, tonic ami liver regulator.
In use for more thsu M) years in England. Posi
tive fpceifie for liver complaint. Bart tnste in the
mouth on arisintr in the morning, dull pains in
the head and back of the eyes, tired feeling' di
zfnens, languor symptom! of liver complaint.
Remedy Dr. Henley's Knglih Pandelion Tonie. I
Relieve constipation, shariiens the appetite and
tones tip the entire pyMeni. tiet the genuine Ironi
your druggist for $1.00 und tuko according to di
'eetionn. A Sure Cure for 1'llea.
Itching Piles are known by moisture
like perspiration causing intense itch
ing when warm. This form, as well
as blind, bleeding ami protruding,
vild at. once to Dr. Bosanko'a Pile
Remedy, which acts directly on the
parts affected, absorbs tumors, allays
itching aud effects a permanent curel
50c. Druggists or mail; treatise free.
Dr. Bosanko, Piqua, O. Sold by M. A.
In view of the quiet agitation in cer
tain localities locally interested," to
have a bridge built, principally at the
expense of the eounty, across the Wil
lamette river at Albany, and from the
further private understanding that the
board of commissioners as now consti
tuted at least a majority of the board
are favorable to theproposition, it
might not be out of place for the peo
ple and the tax-pnyers to fully under
stand the matter and we igh well the
subject In-fore such action is takeu. .
Internal improvements, where they
can be safely undertaken and put
through without great cost or serious
inconvenience to the many, should be
developed. The question naturally
arises. Is the construction of a bridge
at Albany a necessity? Also, Is the
county prepared, at the present time,
to assume the greater part of the ex
pense, in the present condition of its
financial affairs? The necessity Is
surely not one of vital importance to
the majority of the people of the
county; in fact it might seem that the
citizens of another county might be
more direelly concerned than those
upon whom the expense would fall,
aud yet It Is understood that Benton
countv has no money to uid in build
ing a bridge. The only object that any
citizen of I .in I.I county would have in
the bridge, financially considered,
would tie that it might Induce trade
from those living iit-ir In Benton
count'. This might benefit those en
gaged in trade in u small way, but the
great mass of the fieople would receive
no benefit iu that particular iu the
From the semi-annual report of the
county cierK, ending Wept. 30, lb'M, it
is shown that the county was Iu debt
to the amount of near 12,000. Since
that time claims have been allowed
and other temporary arrangements
made which will not 'fall far short ot
double that amount. With this amount
to be paid aud with the tax lew beinj?
increased to 18 mills to giltipi.v meet
the necessary expenses and indebted
ness, it might seem foolish to ask the
tax-payers whether they are ready to
add a fourth or a half more to their
annual donations to the county aud
State. When It is considered that
every man, woman and child, oh an
average, pays about $8 each for eoutity
expenses, to add on more, iu view of
all the circumstances, would seem nt t
the part of wisdom. A county heavily
In debt Is uo inviting field for men of
capital to invest iu building new in
dustries. We trust that this matter will Ik?
fully considered in all its liearings, and
that no action will be taken by our
present board until the question has
been submitted to the people and their
verdict obtained. Tax-Pavkr.
A V4 o rrt to Ladies.
Ladies who desire a beautiful clear
skin, free from pimples, boils, blotches
aud other eruptions, should commence
at once to use Dr. Cunn's Improved
Liver Pills. They will also remove
that heavy look altout your eyes and
uiuke them bright, and will cure head
ache from whatever cause it arises.
, i;c,neiiiber, VnU are only required to
j take olle Biun rm at tiim.f which
Is coated with pure Migar, and will not
gripe or
produce anv unpleasant
Sold at 2 j cents by M. A.J
Will devote hi time this
ful and farina ting art.
Winter to ttiat eauti-
I'icttire" enlarged and framed In neatest and
harid-omcjt style. He wiil sire no inN in
doing his work, that it may cotniare favorably
with highest oeeonirll'dimeiit in the tield- of ar.
Call and examine jamples of hH xiorlt at
Miller's and Beard Jc Holt's drug store. Lebanon,
where all order will receive prompt attention.
I have been troubled manv rears with
d'.sease ef the kidneys and have tried
tn'anv difTerent remedies aud havs
sonjlit aid from different phvsictans
without relief. About the 15th of Aprd
I was suffering from a Terr violent
attack that almost prostrated me ia
sucn a manner tnai 1 was Dent over.
When I sat down it was almost impossible for me
to get tip alone, or to put on my clothes, when
kind Providence sent Dr. Henley, with the
hotdt I immediately commenced
using the tea. It had an almost
miraculous effect, and to the aston
ishment of aU the guests at the hotel,
in a fevr days.I am nappy to state,
that I was a new man. I will;
recommend the tea to all affl
as X have been.
Proprietor Occidental Hotel,
Santa Rosa, Cat.
125,000 Brick:
At my yard in the suburbs ol Lebanon
For Sale at Reasonable Rates.
All Kinds of
With Kent new and Despatch.
Only First-Class
.r .? v:,.
1 "ijpi
May ? Inquire who is the writer of a
series of articles in your paper against
the "filtfiy liabit" of using tobacco?
Ia vain have We waited for something
pointed, logical and . conclusive from
the would-be philosopher. Week after
week have we beeu' afflicted with his
pompous verbosity only to be left in
the fog-banks of empty word and
meanhilefs jargon. Far be it from us
to defend a habit so filthy, or excuse a
practice so dixgusting. Everyone who
uses the noxious weed is a better argu
ment against this narcotic thau are the
six communications which altound in
words without a meaning and careless
statements made regardless of prcof.
Men are not reformed by shouting
moral maxims at them, and the writer
may as well attempt to bombard Liil
ralfar with boiled peas as to try to re
form men by his lame, lengthy aud
stereotyped disquisitions. li. It. E.
The Jersey Lily."
Axoleska Cottage, L. B., July 2.
Oculrtim: Altho it is very unusual
for me to use any lotions or
washes, still, in answer to your
request, I have tried Wisdom's
Violet Cream atid Robertine. The
former I consider especially efficacious
in cases of roughness of the skin, and
1 have been u.singit every day for the
hint fortnight. I -have found the
Robertine an excellent preparation in
casees of tan, sunburn, etc., caused by
exposure to March winds and a July
vuu. Yjurs faithfully,
Lii.lie Lanutky
To Messrs. Wisdom & Co.
-is Tin
Clothing- Store!
crandest display of
Clothing for
both young and
old ever seen in the "Willam
ette Valley.
Our stock embraces the
verv best of "oods, the latest
patterns and the newest styles.
Uur Jioot ana fenoe depart
ment is replete with the verv
best brands of Eastern man
AVe are anxious to make
the acouaintance of every
man, woman and child within
a radius of fortv miles,. and
Ave take this method of intro-
ducimr ourselves to the public.
Fall into line with the masses
of people who every day visit
our store and be convinced
that we mean e.very word we
sav. - - '
Dissolution Notice.
co-part ner hip heretofore exl-lins betv.eei;
J. F Xliin ev and J-1 Mayer, under the tirni
n-uii- of Muhvy & Mayer. i 41.1s day di-smlved
l.v mutual consent. All debt due said firm muM
be paid at once. J. E. MUSEY.
Lebanon, Or.. IKf. IS, lswj.
W. H. BOOTH, M. D.,
Office In Guv's New Building.
Residence at Mrs. Ambler's.
Physician and Surgeon.
Graduate of Royal ("ollepe of London and Bell
vue Medienl College. Mas.
Chnmie ease-' a specialty.
Caueer removed without pain or the knife.
OFFIC E Kirkpatrick building, Lebanon, Or.
Office with "Lebanon Express."
Ladies' &
Role Ajteney for Ludlow's Tine Shoes.
Prices Always the Lowest.
Albany, Oregon,
Blnni berg's Bloek.
Hotel in Lebanon.
, aletcttt at a. aa r-
a y? mx wma inn wsit r
y tJ r wiiiiiu awa at una -
-!?b-7233 BUT CURES- i
. s.- r
Advertisement, although it is full of good horse pense. It
is only another of llackleman's invitations to sit 'down an4
have a square talk with hint about business
You Have Things to Buy,
You must have them, you or
and j-ou will have to provide for these things.5 '" The problem
confronting yon is how to get the necessaries jou must lidve,
with a few of the luxuries to make you feel glad that you
are living, and still keep enough money to add to the re
serve fund. .
I Have Things to Sell-
It-is my business to cater to
profits are my wages for giving the public my time and tho
use of my capital. I am not going to work for nothing un
less it is necessary, but I will work for less than most any
young fellow. I know your
munity a study for five years.
will satisfy you perfectly
The Prices AVe All Right.
There will le no increase in
I have is for sale at a low
the consequences
without kicking.
You at Least
At my prices before you buy anywhere.' You are welcome
to go out without spending a cent if you feel that way. But
you won't. They never do. My prices will surely fetch you.
They are the magnets which attract the coin of the com
munity. C. C. HACKLEMAN,
- Next Door to Bank.
Cigars, Tobacco, Fnrnisiling -Goods, Etc,
FirstClass Good
Country Produce
Give Me a Trial and Be Convinced.
Shingles, Posts, Boards and Pickets.
ESTALISHED 18 1875 BI 5. A. EICKERS03. t
Refitted Enlnrp-pfl and Imnrovec
I manufacture and deal in Doors, Blinds, all ptyles of V
Frames, Door Frames, Mouldings, Brackets, Etc., in fact anythi;' .
nfactured and kept on hand in a first-class planer. ""!
In connection with the alove, I also have on hand a wel"
lumher yard in which is to be found rongh and dressed Lum
Revel. Weather Boardinff. Flooring:, and all kinds of Finihi-
for Cornices, Etc. "
Druggists &
Pure Drags and Medicines, Paints. Oil, G!
Main Street, Lebanon, -Oregon.
jfiyPrescriptioiis accurately
the children can't go nake
the needs of the public-
needs. I have made this com
I have goods that I
mv wat:
s V is fall;
will have
but what
to stand
price, and 1
Ought to Look
Taken in Exchange
Goods. -
' . . .'
T , ' . : '
K U .'