Lebanon Express. A. iAt.1v ADAMS", OKO. I- ALEXAM'ER. ADAMS & ALEXANDER, rcniiiKKS asu I'roI'uiktoks. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Tno year........ ix months..., S2 no ... I no ... 30 05 Three months Pintle tovW.. .tsxr QUKsrroxs. There arc a pkm mam methods jof learning, but the old original mcthol. suited to any age, calling or condition, is at your twrviee at anytime; it is to ask questions. Several years ago we read that Ren Butler was the most versatile man in the White House, jnd the same paper in which we read this news told what made him so he made it a. 'point all through life ta ask questions of the professional man, the manufacturer, the artisan and the unskilled laborer. Who does not see that this course when con tinued for annmlier of years would give one a rich fnud of general knowledge. In spite of all im jwoved methods of teaching, the nsking of questions is to this day the most direct method of learning for anyone who really wants to learn. It desn't cost a cent, ard there is no end to the number of teachers of whose knowledge you may make use. It is the one means of education which the Rst edu cated persons never cease to use. There are some self-satisfied, self contained people who never ask 'questions except about some matter of gossip or scandal, but you will find that all the smartest lawyers, doctors, preachers, mechanics, col lege men, West Point graduates and statesmen, the inost wily poli ticians, the shrewdest traders, are -always asking questions. Xo mat ter how much they have" learned, they rarer know enough. Next to Jiaving sense enough to disover nvhat you need to know, it is im ortant to know how to ask for information. If you think that questioning ts going to relieve you of thinking, you are doomed to dis appointment. People will answer "the thoughtless questions of a child for an hour at a time, and think it fun, but they will not endure the thoughtlessness of a man or woman :iive minutes. "Think before you speak," is one tf the wisest of the old sayings that the world has kept Sn use; and it never is more im "portant that when you are asking questions relating to your business. If mere chatter did any good, mon--eys and parrots would be the "wisest and richest beings alive; on "the other hand, the fox who seldom opens his head, except- to take in something, is geoeralh- wiser than a whole pack of dogs as well as equally larger packs of dudes who constitute the tail of the proces sion. Be sure of what you want to Ik now about l?fore you ask j-our questions, then you will get what von are looKinsc tor. tictore von ssrin to question, be careful to re- 3jmIw that your purpose is to get something not to give yourself away. Hosts of the sxiecessful men ,of the world are doing business on other people's ideas; and they get all the glory besides ;,..you never iear of the other fellow. Indeed, -yaxi never hear much of anybody who talks too much; people like to forget that sort of a fellow as soon s possible. . Don't fear you are 4aking advantage of the peopl who answer you; there are thousands who know much and talk well to one who knows how to put his own ideas into practical shape. A ek ques tions; it will vield you a great deal nf worldly- wisdom, besides giving yu what you are particularly after. Politeness is worth cultivating. if only fwr tire sake of policy. In every business it attracts and al lures, while a rude manner reels and often drives away trade. Et?-! peeially may this be said of any business Vhkh tiepend.s for success upon tbfe custom of ladies. Many a good customer ii driven oil' by the rude manner of the employer r his assistants; for, as a class, ladies are apt to resent in this way any want of politeness in those whose shops they patronize. Man ners are the ornament of action; ami there is a way of speaking a kind word, or of doing a kind thing, which greatly en ha nees their value. What seems to Ins done grudgingly, or as an act of conde scension, is scarcely accepted as a favor. There are men who pride themselves ujon their gruffhess, and their manner is anything but prepossessing. It Lj difficult to like a man who, though he may not pull your nose, habitually wounds your self-respect, and takes a pride in saying disagreeable things to you. You cannot love however hard you may try an individual in whose character and manner there is nothing lovable. The cul tivation of manner though in ex cess it is foppish and foolish is necessary in a erson who lias oc casion to negotiate with others in matters of business. The world at large cannot help forming its judg ments and likings according to oit- ward conduct. Another mode of displaying politeness is, consider ation for tlie opinions of others. Dosrmatism, it has been said, is only puppyism come to its full , growth; and tlie worst iorm tins quality can assume is that of arro gance. Let men .agree to differ, and when they, do differ, bear and forbear. Principles and opinions may be maintained with perfect tsuaVity, without coming to blows or uttering hard words; and there &re circuinstanMJS in which words .iire blows, -and inflict wounds less easy to heal, I think, some of us will even, go so far as to admit that the poet ? right when he said, "We are;-nettles. niue of us, and giv- offense by the mere act of -'iPprinUvf up' mtovNsvn.t.K iirekzes. - Mr. Hansard returned from Califor-' nia last week. Geo. V. Moore returned to bis trm near Jefferson Monday. Mrs. Hoby and family returned from Portland Saturday. J. J. Sawyer went to Albany Satur day, return iiijr via Lobanon. Pock Garroutte will woenwy J. B. MorelocK'a house this winter. John Standish returned from the Blue River mines Friday last. Elias Marsters and W. IS. Smith are attending circuit court this week. S. J. Wilhoit is laying material on the ground for the Southern Metho dist church. Harvey Stanard and family are re siding on the farm with his father, A. W. Stanard. Saturday was a very satisfactory day to business men ; their sales were large and principally cash. Alvis Gentry went to Lebanon on Sunday, having heard that bis cousin, David Gentry, was dangerously ill. IMck Larkell, our tailor, has more work than he can do. Dick is a good fitter and deserves a liberal patronage. Eph. Betts returned to the logging camp on the Sound this week. Mr. Betts will leave his family in Browns ville this winter. There are two trains on the O. Ry. at present, and of course passengers are no longer compelled to stop over night at Tallman. Dr. 1. W. Starr returned from Port land this week. The Dr. will add to his well-stocked drug store a book and stationery department, Messrs. Moore & Kirk are kept so busy at their blacksmith shop that they have employed an assistant in the person of Mr. Kcariiea. I. 1). Boyer was carrying his suit maxillary in a nqikin Saturday. In quiry elicited the fact that Dr. Vox had twen hun'.ing for ivory. J. M. Howe, after casling almut for some time for a business location, has decided to locate in Eugene and ten a complete line of gents' furnishing jriKHls. Emil Koppe left for Salem Monday. Emil has leen in the employ of the B. W. M. t'o. for number of years. He is now in the employ of the Thoa. Kay Woolen Mill Co. of Salem. A new sign was flung to the breeze on Saturday last. It reads, "Churn Office." A very significant sign when we rememlier that these agents churn about $100 da j- from the community. There was sacramental meeting at the Presbyterian church Sunday, the different denominations uniting in the service. The pastor, Kev. It. Robe, baptized two infants on this occasion. With the two institutions, a church and a jail, in Hausnian's addition, the morals of this iortion of town will take on a higher tone and the inhabi tants of "Sodm" vi id not lack tl e leaven which is to be found in the chosen few. Mrs. Jane Willi;, of The Dalles, is visiting relatives in Brownsville. Mrs. Willig lived in this town formerly and her husband, Phillip Willig, plied the tailor's trade for a number of year , after which he moved to Arlington, and in more recent times to Tl e Dalles. The Brownsville tannery received an order last week from San Francisco for fifty tons of "splits." The propri etors tell Uf that orders are placed faster than the leather can be manu tifstctnretl. This tannery has earned an enviable reputation and has done much toward breaking down tke prej. -dice against Oregon tannages. Prof. A. J.Gailand marshalled alwmt a score of his male pupils on Saturday and cleared the school grounds of rubbish, built some fence and other wise improved the surroundings. Acting on the principle that "the la borer is worthy of his hire," be re munerated the toilers by providing for the occasion an ample stock oi con fection ery. There came very near being a fire in Brownsville Tuesday night. Wm Donne's little daughter gave a party to a number of young jieople aJiout her own age, in theiew house which be recently built but has not occupied as et. 1 ii their earrings about the room $Jie children tipped over a lamp, igniting the contents of the lowl, which for a time threatened the de- strucuon oi ine ouiuung. l wo oi Mr. Grimes' girls envelojieil the flames with their wraps and in this way smothered out the fire. Great credit is due the little misses for their pres ence of mind. I.ETTKlt FROM JOUS WATEBS. Ki kki.a x r. Wash ., Ot t. 24. KlslTOR I.KBANON KxPKE.-.: I tliounlit I w'uUl drop you a f-v lines and Irt you know, as well ns my friends, how I nm prospering in this prosperous State of Washington, coun ty'of King, city of Kirklaml. Woll, here I nm, happy as a elani, and doins: a good business in our line. Kirklaml 13 a town of about 4X jn-ople. We are supplied with a reneral uier char.riiso store (Wtitcrs & Jklort-lock, proprietors), tlire grocery stores, one drug store, bunk, meat market, thrtte hotels. Mie livery stable, one shoe maker shop. We are located 011 the side of a mountain with a gradual slope to the water odfre of Lake Wash ington, nine miles from iSeattle. We can jro to S-attle every hour in the day. We have six miles of water and three miles of eable si reef cars. Th-e name of our town was taken from a wealthy fr ntlcman living here hv the name of IV tor Kirk. (I have not had Jime to ask linn if ho was re lated to our old friend W. It. Kirk of i Brownsville is not a nifir, the rest of our citizens all work to gether. They put tltir shoulders to the wheel ami push, and by this our town moves 011. The iieonlo Isiutrlit their drv arood-s in .Seattle lnTore we came, as there was 1 other place l-i trade, but now they all come to us and keep their money tit home. During the short time we have been here we have known several to come in our store and tell 11s they were going over to Seattle and if we had what they wanted they would not buy while there, and we are sure to i suit them, both quality and price. : fi 1 you sh? the ieople Hve and let live, j and so the town goes on. 1 Tlu; other day while wrestling witii a box of dry goods just received, I ; htard someone come in; supposed it ' wtts some of our customers, but on j looking around I found to my great 'surprise two of my old chums, K. IX Moyer of Albany and H. Ji. Moyer of j Brownsville. Now I was glad to see ' the boys, and alter a hearty shake and ia few minutes' talk the hoys proposed j going to Seattle, and I agreed. We i went to the hike and took a sail boi-t, 'and under the good management of j tin two young siiilors we landed safe ; on Seattle vii' after almut one hour's ; sailing. SVe sivni a pleasant evening lofrether, ami the next iimrning wc i i. pafU-d. The oYts went to difioreni' points on the Sound and I returned to my place of business In Klrkland, where 1 am tn-lay. The sun Is Binning bright ami warm, and In the blue sky not a cloud cnu be seen, while upon the beautiful lake there are a round dozen height and passenger steamers and a great many small sailboats. J. M. Waters, superintendent of flouring mill, Is now In his glory. The hum of tl e machinery and the flue grade f Hour they are making makes him feel good. W. M. Blakely, president and pur chasing agent of flouring mill, was In Kirklund Friday. J. It. Klrkpatfick, general sales agent of flouring mill, has a good livery sta ble and a tine lot of horses in ltavenna. W. W. Waters Is second miller In Seattle flouring mill. James and Geo. Smith are running the engitie and are well pleased in lta venna. John Wilson Is packing the Hour. Mrs. Mary Woods is well pleased In Ravenna and will stay through the winter months. J. XI. Waters and wife will go to Brownsville on business next week. J. H. W. We wish to say to our old customers, and also new ones, that We are nrenar- ed to furnish well seasoned lumber, maae irom sort mountain nr, at tlie following prices: Second rlrar, .... ....... SlO.lrV fhr ............ 12.0 Cl-urlx4. i.o) Fencing, boxing ncl timbcre 7.00 Atourmlll in Wlrtsburg, Linn Co., Oregon Jkxnings A Co. BARBOUR BROS., DEA1.KUS IX FURNITURE, UPHOLKTEltY, WOYEN-WIRE MATTRESSES, LOUNGES OF ALL KINDS, Chairs of Every Description and De gree of Comfort, Picture Frames, Mouldings, Bric-a-Brac of Every Description, HARDWARE, In Fact Evvrythln; Belonging to th Trade at Pricas that Defy Competition. Chun-hill & Montcith's Old Stand. LEBANON, OREGON. THE CRY OF MILLIONS! OH. TOY BTtCKl TOP IT MOW. SOON IT WIIL BK TOO LATg. 1 have been trembled man v veers with disease of the kidoer and bae tried BUD lerem retaeaies ana asr SOU! eht aid from different physicians bout rtllrf About tbe !5th of Aprd 1 ins suffering from a very violent attack that ausost prostrated saa In stx-b a manner tnat I was bent over. Wb X sat dovro it was almost Impossible for me to get up alone, or to pat on my ciouaes. wnen kind Providence sent Dr. Hen lev, OREGON KIDNEY TKA, to my hotel. I immediately tomncsad uspg the tea It had an almost mrracnlcjs effect, and to the aston with Use ishment of all the gnests at the hotel. tn a lew days. I am happy to state, tnat I was a new man. X wil recommend the tea to all a 81 aa I have been. C. A. TVPPEK, Proprietor Occidental Hotel Santa Rosa. Cal. NO MORE BACKACHE! CALIFORNIA CATARRH Rbenmalism, Neuru'gia, Corns HEADACHE. And ALL PAIN. Tit CaKbraia Po?t!T as i H-gativs ELECTRIC COUGH CURB CVKtS COLDS, CROijP. CONSUMPTIO. Sola ry sUl Brnrsi.-tt. Each 25o, SOe & tl Oraasingar & Co , Prop's. Los Angelas, Cal, 1JI1.VIII HOLT, Agents for Lebanon, Or. O. E. HARDY JEAVELEK, llan on hand a larsre tm-k f JVST RECEIVKD Call And Secure Price?. !Eureka Meat Market, SHKKMAN RTRKKT, L. M. WHEELER, Pro'p. Baef, Pork, Mutton, Sau sage. A share of the public patronage so licited. THE CHURCHES. l'RKVTr;i:l.VS ClII RCtl A. 5Inn--llns. j. tor. iJiTvies ovi-ry .Vni.l Rtti nl 11 A. M. nml I'M V. M. Siilwmllt w-l'iivil at 10 A. M. Pniyer raivl hia Wciiucwliiy ovfiilug t Jua 'cltK-t. All xv- riMKRi.AN'n 1'iikshytkkiax curacn X. !.. Xt'W. mtor. K-r'wn-! the HiioiTitl aiul lnurili Kabimllii tf u-h nii'inh. morning and -vi-ninp. Smulay ;-4jmi1 cvity utlatli at 111 A. M. Kveryoue s clcnnu'. Estray Notice. TAKEN" VI IY THE VXlKUIf5NKD OX or alxrtit Sopti nilxT 15. Ih'.n. on my farm fix miles -at of lAjltAimn. olio hiu- cira with nwu sf.t on tin- titk nnl shmilitfrs, 1kII ears roniiptl. iui liramls. Ctrvr mwiox-d lo Ik" eiulit m 9 a 1. Owner will please call nml iay itlMT the OJiiiinil w ill 1h- miM. . j", r. aopwjxi .1 MONTAGUE -IS AS I'SITA!.- IN THE LEAD -with- An Immense Stock of General Merchandise! Bought for Cash at remarka bly low figures. Close buyers who expect to pay cash for their goods are respectfully invited to examine tlie large stocks kept at the MAMMOTH A XI) One-Price Cash Stores Ne trouble tQ show goods, aftd if vou wish to buv we know that Montague's is the place. CLOTHING. We offer vou full lines of Men's, Youth's and Ilov Clothing at prices that simply defy competition. v e have now in stock Oregon City Manufactured Clotlv inp; I.0T3- & Straus' Manufactured I'lotliinsi; Fine Cassiinere Clotliinp; Fine ImNrttc.l Worstil Clothing;; Fine Spring-Bottom Pants; Men's, Youth's, Boys' and Chil dren's size?. These can le had at Montague's. To the Ladies! The ladies of Lebanon and vicin ity express themselves as very much pleased with Montague's fine lines of Fall and Winter Dresf (ioods which he has just purchased from one of tlie leading importing 'nouses of the United States. Mon tague's stock . is unsurpassed this udo of Portland. Tlie ladies art respectfully invited to examine them. Hosiery, Corsets and La dies' Underwear. Full lines in all these branches f the Dry (Joods trade, and wt an offer you good value for youi noney. Should you need (J LOVES ve have everything desirable and itylish " in Silk, Lisle Thread and Jotton. Remember Montague's nottois '"One hundred cents' wwrtl: for a dollar every time." Boots and Shoes. "Kich and every pnir of lioots and .-hocf in the two hirge ctuitlishinents owned ty Montague are nianufneturtd xprwslj- for him. Every pair fully warrantetl. These jpods we tin Import from Missouri, as ha Ixtn a I 'iCp""! hy would-he roinetitor3, hut are made up from the very In-st stock by white hilMir vmi loyed hy lUiekinglipin A Hcchl and t'ahn, Xickelshurg & Co. When you want anything neat and tervieeahle at ted-rook prices, with u full guarantee on every pair, you will tsstintllv buv your foot-wenr of MON rAtil'E. Hats and Caps. Xo mail, youth, hoy or child can le CAiiif idcred well dressed If their cranium '.s surmounted hy a 'shoekini; had hat." In onler to set our numerous customers right in this regard, Monta gue has laid in for the fall anil winter trade an immense stock of Hats and Caps. These poods were houfrht direct from the manufacturers and at very low figures. Take a ltok through them, and when you d want to buy, as a matter of course you will buy your head-gear only of Montague. Men's Furnishing Goods I A9 underwearfor the masculine gender is usually culleu, is an essential article for the comfort and good health of mankind in thin humid climate. Mon tague's stock of Fine "Shirts L.ion Brand; Fine Shirts Standard JJrand; Fine Shirts Neglige; Finn Shirts In Cassimere; Fine Shirts in every style; Undershirts and Drawers An end less variety In all weights, shades and patterns. We sell hugeous ouantitles of these goods, ami invite your attention to-the j new grades and new prices. Jle wise, buy your Underwear of Montague. Natural ys. Artificial Gas. No, there Is no joke about the natu ral gas being found in Lebanon. The gas is a fact; nor is St, as some imag ined, the outcome of windy advertise ments in the " Lebanon Kxpress.' Always buy your gods of Montague and get full value for your money. TO THOSE WHO OWE ME MONEY. Montague lias waited long enough for what you owe htm. Pay up NOW. Not next week, or next month, or next Christmas, but NOW. I can use it to advantage, need it in my business, and 3ou will confer a very great favor on yourself and Montague by paying right up without furtntr solicitation. W. C. PETERSON. S. O WALLACE. PETERSON 4 WALLACE, Real Estate Brokers, DO A GESERAL iCEUCI BUSIHESS, Ichillns Mre and IJfe Insurance. -It AVE OX 1U.VD HOME- Choice Bargains In Both City Property and Farm Lands. Collections Attended, Promptly. to AGENTS Hilt uixnox A uvF.nnxL clobk txst k- AXt'K tx: tifAKMAX AS rilAXCE fO.. it Lotulon. OAKI-A.vn HOME IXSIRACE CO., of Oakland, CaliriiniL'i; STATE IXSl'RAXC E CO of Salem, Oregon. FARMERS' & MERCHANTS' INSVRAXCK CO.. if Salem. GOLDEN RULE BAZAAR. Don't Go ta Portland Gradwohl, of Albany, HAS EVERYTHING To Be Found in the Metropolis. He Sweeps the Valley of All Competitors !u C'n'kcTV. Fancy rtinwls. Toy. Rowr l!ni.' SMyerwHtv. rrviich China and lUa-vtvarv, lky" Witpms 1mH C'iirriiisvs Etc NOW LISTEN! The Ctnl.len Rule Hnznar males re-lttltv of th-FiiH.-)4 Tea. CuilWuand lifitin - fimdcr?, evt'ry (tMknse if nhW-h is timiu;fHc tiire! f'VHint ban the u:aut; of (ioi li il Rub.- Iliiutir. Ifurar aaya tia tima fb TT. L. Deny rtora wit boot nam ud prce aia M muatu, put aua aoan aa m VV. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE GENTLEMEN. But In the world. Kiamlne ril .t.OO OKSIIXK HASD-SKMU) SHOE. S4.DO IIA!I-SETCKU 1VKLI SHOK. S l.no l'OM K AND FA KM Kits' SHOE. .dl KXTKA VALUE CAI.F SHOE. S.'2S AVOBKINOM AN'S SHOE. S2.00 and SI. 1.1 BOYS' SCHOOL SHOES. U madv la :unirreu Button aud Lae W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE LAFDiRE3. Beat Material. Best Style. Beat Fitting. it mt sold by tout drlt-. wrlt W. L. DOUGLAS. iSKOCKTON, MASS For sale C. C. Hackleman, LEBANON, OHKUON. to LITTLE 'LOVER POLLS. 00 ROT CRIPi, SICKEN OR CONSTIPATE. Suit Cum for Sick Rt aohbht , mmm u maom tnu nil irom IadiTOa or Oonuptio Improve the Com pLpxioa k brPnrifvin.thBiaad. Th doM ma nicly tditKtod to iuit th csm, m on pill enn Bvr be too lam Aom. Eur to Inke u to nnoh afrar. 49 pills put np in ntrona rll whicb can b carried in vest pockwt. A Sreai Cmw lac ! Trnvtrm mm4 BMlefa . Ham 6nila wlt SAvariiai vusi mmm vrui huui wmr tat wiMa, DR. HARTlfl 8 IRON TONIC. t ' tTHIFIR8 tti Rt.OOO; RRdVLATRfl the I.IVRItA ; u BIDWKT8 0S RRMTORFS tb DKRIUTATKO to RFALTA Dd VIOOROVS 8THBNGTH tfTDm V THE OR. HARTEB MEOICIME CO.ST. LOUIS, MO. DENVER. Omalia, Kansas City, Chicago, ST PAUL. ST. LOUIS. AND ALL POINTS East, North South, -A.T- UNION TICKET OFFICE, C. C. RAWLINCS, Agent, mia. 3 "J-,-m''C v .--.. l - ...3, y x" - .: -: v"' 'iAa. n ii iim i ..lOfcaaiiii f Jtll ON GALE AT COST! To Slake Hoom for My Spring and Summer Stock DRY GOODS FURHISMIKG GOODS, ARB ROTIOSs, I WILL CLOSF OUT MY Entire Btock of Boots & Shoes COST. Now Is the Time to SECURE REAL BARGAINS. I Propose to Have THE Leading Dry Goods Store In the Valley. NIAII, ORDERS Promptly attended. W. K. READ, .Allum v, OrojjOi. DON'T SHIP YOUR OLD STOVE. You can buy any of the L.1TKST X.TT121tIS Cheap, of -SWAM BROTHERS. THEY CARRY A FULL LINE QF Tin. CopiiEr. to codsn B.na Stans UlaiE, also PUMPS AND PUMP FIXTURES. C Job 1ork done oh SJiort A'otiee. The Yaciuina Route. OREGON PACIFIC RAIfaROAD ASD Oregon De Yelopment Go's Steamshp Line 225 Mile Shertarl 20 Hoar Lass Time! t Then hy any otbCT Route FIRST-CLASS THROUGH PASSENGER AMD - FREIGHT LINE From rivtlurul ojmI all points In the Willamette Valley to awl frmn !? Franelo, CaL OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD. TIME SCIIEUVLE (Ex-cp Sundapi.) Lt Yaiiiiti A .M I.T forTMllL-'H:. A M Ar .Allwnv II! A M Lr AHmnr lirJO P M LTCorralii lt P M Ar Vanning IS6PH O. A ('. trains eonnwt at Albany ami Corvalli. The oIhivc trains ronnect ot Yauina with the Orcsini leveUiiinent fumpntij" line of Steara--hils tx-tit!ii Ya)uiiia aud t-an Fram-i-co. SAILING DATES. S. S. Willamette Valley WM L S.VI1. FRO.H- jiis rr.AXi iscxi. tfc-t.iU-r VovemlK-r S NoTeuirer ! XoTemlier 24 YAQC1S.. Xwtinlier j November 9 November "lo November Tilts eompany reerre-e tlie rizht to change sr.il- j nulates without iKitiee. . Kememlier the OrvEn Pacifie Popular Summer Excursion. Ijow Rate Tickets are now on iale : 'mm all Valley Points to Yaquina ami return. WM. M. HOAO. C. C. IUI"E, General Manager. Actins U. K. P. Agent. Corvallis Or. Oregonian Railroad Co. Crt'neral Offices Comer Front and F . Strctts, Poi lland. EAST SIDE. Fl!03 l'oBTUSI To PoRTLASll ? 1 i STATIONS. M M I x - W I.V. l.V. AH. .K. P. M ' P. V. A. W. h ( cm 1 01 iiuimi t' io 4UI 9 "5 7 10 25 WiMxllim-n 1 40 7 50 8 5(1 ti 2 .......JiilvertMi 11' 05 6 45 : 1:1 Vest Jci' . fts A 'n Tnlhm n K .r4 5 07 Umwnsville . 7 4 1! .V) Cobnrff . 10 WEST SIDE. Airlie Portl'iKl M.iiL M.iil. a ...;T....ror!i)i,ii! a w v " s ii 12 " lmmlee .liinetion. 2 (" 2 i Sheridan 9 mi 4 1 DuUns. ... 8 2 4 -Vt Monmonlh 7 :w - 5 fv Au lie - 6 4J Ticket for West SMe stations for sale at toot of Jetlerson street. Tickets for Kttsi sfcle stations for sale at t'nion ilirst. corner I'irth hh1 1 stn'Ots. rassenirers fnm Xjulunon for IScio ami other txiints north of Tallntnn tSuitthcm Paeilie cro.- iiiKi, can connect at Tallmnu at 8:54 A. M.. ami for HroH iisville nnd points south of Tallman, cou- C1IA3. S. S)TT. (Jon. Snjit. & Hen. F. & Pass. Asrent. HEW HARNESS SHOP LEBAXOX, OKEOOX, J. C. FREY & SON, " DEALERS IX Harness, Saddles, Collars, Whips, Etc. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. GIVE US A CALL. At Peterson & Wallace's Old Stand. Estray Notice. CAME TO THE FLACE OP" THE UX1ER (irnel, six miles west of T-ebtuion, on or alKint Seteuiiier 1st, one bay horse 3 years old. while hind feet, xtarin forehead, snip nose, short mane, no brand, owner will pleas,, call, et an imal und pay chnrKes, V. L. JIOOUK. SANTJAM :-: ' FALL. TEltM BEGINS 8EPT. IStli. Latin, Greek, Mathematics, Sciences and History Taught ALSO BOOK-KEEPING AND COMMON BRANCHES. 1 TERMS 50 to 75 cents per week. WHEN VISITIlVa .AJL,I31IVY, . DON'T FAIL MAMMOTH STOCK -OF- FALL CLOTHING -AT NEW STYLES! Also an Elegant Stock of Cloths in Merchant Tailor ing Department with Frst-Class Tailoring-. S. F. BACH'S New Corner Store IS IN THE BUSINESS CENTER STILL. The public school house on the south, The paper mill on the north, The big planer on the east, And the depot on. the west, Makes the Corner Store the Hub Oil CKNTEIt OF GRA'Vnri". IT IS A NEW STORE I CARRYING KEW GOODS. GIYES TO ALL ITS PATRONS NEW DEALS Keep a full line of Men's and Boys' Clothing of Browns ville manufacture, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Groceries and Provisions; in fact everything necessary to keep soul and body together. , Nobody complains of Bach's goods or quarrels with his prices. Headquarters -rs"- DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, Mens, Youths and Boy s Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Etc. Also Keep on Second floor a full line of - Boots & Shoes, In which I will not be undersold. Come and see me and I will treat you well. , ALBANY, - - - 0REi?,0N. G. LOVELEE, Merchant T ai 1 o r, An Elegant Line of Suitings Kept in Stock. Cleaning and Repairing Promptly and Neatly Done. A GOOD FIX GliRAISTTEJ2r, ACADEMY. D. TORBET, A. M Principal, Lebanon, OrJV TO SEE THE NEW PRICES! for Bargains