The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, October 17, 1890, Image 3

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    ' .
Lebanon Express.
; . Lemons at the Variety store. .
More eastern orders for the Express.
Lumber $8 and $9 per M at Wheeler's
aaw mill.
Sd. Wallace's dwelling la Vpproarh-
v Hunters report a slight fall of snow
In the mountains.". ;-. '
- ..Mrs. Morgan (colored), of; Shedd, was
in town Friday last..".'
Martin Hickman is clerking in E.
Conn's furniture store.
- -Call awd see the fresh stock of choice
candies at the Variety stored
Remember that M. A. Miller keeps
a full supply of school books.
O. C File is building a uouseT in
Kirkpatriek's fourth audition.
Mr. Ijbnsberry Is building a good
dwelling house on Park street.
-. Dr Walton is painting his commo
dious dwelling on Grove street.
i Jerry Shea, of Sweet Home, was in
! town Friday with a load of onions.
A large and well executed sign sur
mounts the Lebanon machine shop. The Oregon mist made several duek
f onda while w slept AYedniday night.
- Mrs. ttwm liM alda new walk in
front of fcer property on Grove street.
Brown Hansard lowered his building
to correspond with the walk In front
Jas. Boyles sold his cottage last week
and is building another house this
Call at Briggs' gallery and see the
photos of Lebanon people now on exhi
bition. Mr. Barrett Is building a residence
on his late purchase in Kirkpatriek's
. addition. .
. - J. G . Reed's house on Bridge Avenue
Trill be an ornament to that portion of
the town.
J. F. Markham got the "large boiler
.. across the canal to the paper mill
Property owners are laying walks
from Main street to J. Wassoin's near
the flour mill.
'The grand military ball was given
last Friday night as advertised, and
'"was well attended, f .
Briggs will still continue to make
cabinet photos for f 250 per doz. at his
. gallery on public square, ,v
v." We .know- not what our population
Is, but we do know that it has increased
rapidly since January last,
Gus. Reed aceidently stuck a knife
blade Into the left hand of E. B. Crouch,
Inflicting a j -sinful wound.
Rev. V. A. MelVroy bought two lots
on Vine street and ha . erjectcd a cot
tage twenty-six feet square. '-. J
The Oregon Presbytery of the Cum
tieTland Presbyterian church convenes
in Lebanon October 23 at 730 p. M.
v. . A family arrived this week -from
Michigan, and moved into Libertv
precinct five miles east of Brownsville.
Bev. Hanteiter preached Sunday
rnorning to the largest congregation
that ever assembled at Happy Home.
f lr Wood,-of Willow "erekr ive
A tirougti town Sunday the finest band
of horses that we have seen this sum
mer. Dr. Jfegus Las' fitted up very neatly
for offices the two front rooms over the
variety store, where his i visitors will
1 i'Cod.lvim. :- i; r-v' '-. -
The typhoid and pneumonia patients
.r - In and about Lebanon are all improv
' . Ing under the skillful treatment of our
M. D.'s. '
A series of revival services are in pro
. grem at the M. E. church under the
--i" - pervisioivf;the pastor',' Rev. Thos.
P. Boyd.
On Wednesday morning the ground
-Was covered with 'about . a half inch of
snow, the first of the season. Ochoeo
Review. '"
".- Hi Y. Kirk patrick has just received a
-j 1 fine Ossortrrient of jfresh caiidses and
" that will be the place to get your sweet
tooth filled.
Married, Oct. 9, 1890, by the Rev.
Martin Hickman, Wm. T. E. Wilson
and Miss Bertha Jt Stephenson, all of
VJnii cbunty. "
Ko one being found willing to pay
his tax, 'the yellow dog with a bob
tall two years old" was duly executed
' ' according to law., '
The Southern Methodist church will
be completed by the first of November.
Tlie steeple is . now complete and is a
thing of beauty.
2f. C. Engberg will open a jewelry
tore here next week, when he will be
pleased to repair all watches, clocks
and broken jewelry.
Thepeseems ,tybe no, check in the
build lag -boom Vtilrf8 pWMc?. LunbeV
Is put into buildings as fast as the
planers can dress it.
From all appearances, the Sunday is generally. observed. That
Is right. Give the bartenders a rest
one day in the week.. .
The public school building will soon
..- be completed, much to the satisfaction
of teachers and pupils, who are com
pelled to use the old building. '
From the quantity of paints and oils
that our town drug stores are selling,
It looks like unpaintedhouses wiH be
thing of the past in Lebanon.
H. Y. Kirkpatrick took several fine
horses to Seattle Monday. Among
the number was Dr. Foley's fine driver
; Eli, that always used to "get there."
Messrs. Wilcox A Conn, photogra
phers, left liebanon last Saturday after
fifteen days of successful work. Mr.
Briggs still remains and is kept busy.
. v. -If the young man who took a quill
from the hotel at-Waterloo the night of
the dance knew that he was seen and
recognized, maybe he would return it.i
Prof. Torbet was walking rapidly
down Main street Tuesday night when
lie uu fortunately stepped off the' walk.
He was violently-shaken but not badly
hurt. rJ -.. . ' . ' :r.
Munsev & Maver clowd f hrir s&lonn
t rm Wednesday' of this" week'. We !
understand ihat Mr. Monsey "-will
return, to his fcrmcr .home in Ken-1
A petition asking for an early morn
ing and evening train on. the Lebanon
road was circulated quite freely lately.
We need them and should by all meaus
have them.
The dance of ..Friday night was a
social and financial success. The band
boys always give good music, and
their pretty new. .ujQifojiiii-R-q'ulteiif
irresistible.. ..
Mr. Hamilton of Sweet Homo was
seen wheeling a barrow load of stove
pipe this", week.' We iriTervfrom this
that some of his customers are Invet
erate smokers.
- The Methodists will hold special ser
vices at Crabtree school house on the,
fourth Sabbath of this month. Basket
dinner on the-ground-.- Allcordially
invited to attend.
Are you in love? If so, marry the
Idol of your affections Ta"nd-vthen go to
Matthews A Washburn's, at Albany,
buy a stove or range, raise a large fam
ily and be happy.
We received a letter from P. M.
Hamlin, of Wilkesbarre, Penn. Mr.
Hamlin, who is a reader of the Ex
press, tells us that he expects to be here
within three months.
Work is progressing rapidly on the
paper mill. There are about fifteen
mechanics employed, and a number of
unskilled laborers find regular em
ployment at the mill.
Sam Claypool left at the office of
Peterson & "Wallace tbis week,- four
large Burhauk potatoes which 'grew In
one hill, the longest of which measures
eleven and one-half inches.
The weekly meetings of the Lebanon
Literary Society are growing in Inter
est and attendance. The question of
national prohibition was ably argued
both pro and con on Monday evening
last j
Who was the young man that prom
ised his girl a buggy ride last Sunday,
but failed to get a horse and went up
and down the streets offering such ex
travagant prices as "my kingdom for
a horse?" "
J. Houk and family returned to their
home in Crook county this week.
Eastern Oregon Is a good country tn
many respects and seems to be the
natural home of the cowboy and
shepherd, but it has - no charms for
I. A. Bennett, the depot agent, pre
sented this offloe with some wedding
cake last week, but we received it too
late for acknowledgement In our last
issue. Many thanks, Mr. Bennett, for
the delicious cake.
Do you want the earth? IfBO, call
on Matthews" Washburn, Albany,
Or., and they; will take pleasure in
showing you the largest and most com
plete line of hardware, stoves and
ranges in the valley., ,..
When you are constipated, with loss
of appetite,, headache, take one of Dr.
J. H. McLean's Little Liver ami Kid
ney Fillets. They are pleasant to take
and will cure you. 25 cents a vial.
For sale by Beard & Holt.
The question for debate on next
Monday evening is, "Resolved, that
the army and navy of the United
Statesshould be increased." The chief
disputants are Prof. Torbet on the af
firmative and .W. C. Peterson on the
negative. f
The hotel sitting-room is graduating
knot only first-class checker-players, but
also able debaters on the tariff, prohi
bition and the leading questions of the
day. There is no danger of the Leba
non people remaining ignorant on the
suhject of polities.
: It your kidnej-s are inactive, you will
feel and, $ook wretched, even in the
most cheerful soeTety, and melancholy
on the jolliost occasions. Dr. J. II.
McLean's Liver nud Lidney Balm will
set you right again. ?1.00 per bottle.
For sale by Beard & Holt.
Samuel M. Garland, whose profes
sional card appears in another column,
may be found in the office of the Leb
anon Exprkss. Anyone having legal
business to transact of whatever nature
will find Mr. Garland a genial, cour
teous and competent attorney.
Dr. Lamberson left at this office a
large piece of chalk which-', was given
him by Joe Harbin and Mayer.who got
it on the mountain road between this
place and Prineville. Wearetold that
there are mountains of this calcareous
earth in that part of the country.
A few sanitary precautions if observed
at the proper time will prevent the out
break of scarlatina, diphtheria and
kindred ills. Every town and city
should see to it that streets, back yards
and other places whore filth is liable to
accumulate and thus breed disease, are
kept clean and healthful.
A lawyer's knowledge is not ex
pected to exteud to everything, neither
does it. For instance, at the meeting
of the literary society Monday night,
while the question of national prohibi
tion wag being discussed, an attorney
accused good old Job. of getting drunk
anVtlie audience laughed.
A company has been incorporated
in Springfield, 111., under the name of
the "JEronautic Xavigation Co." Some
fools will yet learn that something
more than manufactured wings 'are.
necessary, to a heavenly voj'age. The
assent may be glorious, but the descent
is liable ta be somewhat bathotic
News from Quartzville report the
mill set up and ready for operations as
soon as the water pipe is laid which is
to carry the water from the ditch to
the mill. t As soon as the crushing be
gins, thesecretary of the Albany Min
ing Co. thinks he will have no trouble
in disposing of $25,000 stock in one.
J. F. Hendrickson changed the shade'
of the Express office this week'. We
concluded that the building had worn
war paint long enough and that per
haps many were kept out because of it,
and therefore we changed the hue to
harmonize with ogr feelings and extend
an invitation to all our friends, whether
delinquent or otherwise, to call on us.
Oregon papers should have' a good
circulation in f he East. The people of
that country read- with avidity any
Oregon publication, as they are glad of
any information relative to this coasU.
Why cannot the-readers of the Ex-.
press send it regulary to their friends
and be saved the annoyance of answer
ing the" many questions which are
forced upon them every - week. You
will also save postage and stationery.1..
The ownership of "Spot,' the hand
some old dog that once appeared before
the footlights In "Uncle Tom's Cabin,"
was the subject of quite a lively dis
cussion on Main street last Saturday.
Claimants from Albany appeared,but
returned without Uip old dig, who ap
pears to be fully alive to bis import-
Indlanaclttthnt have whiskey under
the law even for medical purposes. A
druggist of Adams, Umatilla county,
sold whiskey to Indians on a prescrip
tion not Jong ago, and the U. 8. district
attorney holds that the law- has been
violated and the druggist will have to
visit Judge Deady in Portland. Why
not go a little further and protect the
white man a well? .
Louie,. jMurccllus, when returning
from JtliCX position this week, left his
overcoat on the seat at "the depot in
Albany, and returned, the next day to
get his misfting apparel. .A gentleman
told him that he had situ a tramp
spproprrate the garment aud place it
under the walk; sure enough the coat
was found at the-polut designaed.
Rev. 0. 8. Hanlelter will accompany
Rev. J. M. Price to "his" home In North
Carolina. From some cause Rev.
Price's mind became' unbalanced a few
months ago and he was taken to the
asylum fr treatment. Physicians In
charge of that institution report him
sound tn mind but weak, and it is tbe
wish f -Rev-Prle and friends that he
lie taken home, and Rev. Hanlelter Is
the one designated" to accompany hi in.
Montague . mut be ireparlng for" a
boom, fudging by the way he is stock
ing up his Mammoth and One-Price
Cash Stores. By purchasing his goods
In such large quantities he naturally
gets much lower prices. He guaran
tees good goods In all the departments
of his extensive establishments at
prices that absolutely astonish .other
merchants in the valley , some of them
going so far as to say that Montague
retails bis goods as low as they buy
them at wholesale. The careful buyer
invariably goes to Mohtague's.
Some genius has made a calculation
showing that every column In a news
paper contains from twelve to twenty
thousand distinct-pieces . of metal.
displacement - of any' ' one of
which, will : cause . a blunder or
typoraphical 'error. And yet some
people lay claim vto :-' particular
smartness If they discover an error in a
newspaper. When some find a letter
misplaced, they are sure they could
spell that word right, and they are
happy for a whole day, and go around
to the neighbors, and show them the
word that is spelled wrong.
'- The One-Price Cash Store has be
come one of the features of Lebanon.
As everything is new and fresh, and the
prices are so much below that charged
in credit-giving establishments, peo
ple who. desire to buy their goods
for cash naturally go to the corner,
where they do not have to make up to
the storekeeper forthe non-paying cus
tomers who, when they can do so, buy
on credit, and who are constitutionally
opposed to paying for anything. Get
prices at the One-Price Cash Store and
if there is any reason in you that is the
plaoe where you will purchase j-our
Marion Powell was in town Tuesday.
'John Donaca has the typhoid fever,
C. H. Ralston has been unwell for a
few days. . .
Al. Niekerson went to Portland
Wednesday. "
George Alexander visited the expo
sition last week.
Mrs. Mayer is attending the expo
sition this week. ' '
Dr. Dudley feasted upon the exposi
tion sights last week.
J. D. Arthurs, of Liberty precinct,
was in town this week.
A. It. Cyrus came up Friday last and
returned to Astoria Saturday.
Rer. A. Marcellus and family re
turned from Portland Tuesday.
W. D. Washburn and family, from
Brownsville, were in town last Friday.
D. W. Dowi ick and family, of Scran
ton, Pa,, arrived In Lebanon Tuesday.
Edward NjIes, of Portland, spent
a few days last week visiting, his
mother, Mrs. Dr. Negus.
We are pleased to state that Mrs. Dr.
Negus, who has boen sick for several
weeks, Is now rapidly improving.
I. R. Borum, our up-town barber,
who was confined to his bed for several
days, is again attending. to his cus
tomers. Charley Stonewood, Jim Mulvehill
and Messrs. Ewiug and Hale returned
Saturday from their pre-emption claims
on the Santiara. -
. Miss Maud Ralston, who has for sev
eral weeks been . Buffering from an
attack of typhoid fever, is gradually
regaining health.
Chas. L. Miller, who has been In
Grants Pass since June, returned to
Lebanon Saturday. He will visit for
some time in. Lebanon before going
back to his new. home.
Mrs. J. G. Gross and daughter, of
Waterloo, were in town Wednesday:
Mrs. Gross has been quite ill of late
and we are glad to know that she is
again able to be about.
A Good Jok.
The recorder's court has been so
thronged of late thatithaVwon the sob
riquet of Deady's court. Neither Judge
Miller nor Attorney Garland. are averse
to a joke, and an opportunity to perpe
trate a joke on the people presented
itself en Thursday evening last. - Some
trivial case was set for trial on that
evening at 7 o'clock. In the meantime
the guilty parties came forward and
paid their firie, though that fact was
kept a secret. As the hour for the trial
drew uigh, old men, young men and
boys crowded into the court room two
abreast. The recorder, seated at his
table, looked the very personification
of wisdom, the attorneys were absorbed
in profoUndest thought. While the
spectators were debating the possibili
ties of conviction, both recorder and
counsel Withdrew. The marshal vis
ited the room a half an hour later to
extinguish the lights and left the
Would-be listeners in the dark as to the
final disposition of the case. If Wal
ter expects our vote at next election he
must - apologize for malfeasance in
office and swear that we were not num
bered with the befooled on that occa
ou. ; - -
Mr. Snyder, who came down from
the Calapooia and Blue River mines
Monday, gives a very glowing report
f these raining camps. Mr. Snydefc
is a practical aasayer and. has- made
more than a hundred 'ossA-ya df Claims
in these districts, and he gives Has his
caudid opinion that near the head
waters of the Calapooia will be the
greatest mining camp on the Pacific
coast. - His ludgmeiit-is'haaed on 'data
which Is both sound -and conclusive.
He located eight er ten claims, only
after thorough inspection for he never
locates a claim haphazard and will
build a house and continue work
through' the winter. Being familiar
with every mining camp of any note,
from the famous Tread well mine of
Alaska to the Tombstone mines of
Arizona, bis Judgment Is eutitled to
some weight.
There are more men In these camps
to-day than been seeu at
any time since their history began. It
Is also a notable fact that for the most
part the men are practical miners rep
resenting considerable capital, and
thelr;object can . be .easily -dlvineJ, as
men of his stamp do hot Usually spend
their money In the vain hope of being
profited by the dreams of visionaries.
The tunnel on the Poorman has been,
run, at last accounts, lOtf feet, at 'which
point a-tJch. ipayiBliieuney has been
struck, and the directors of the C. and
xJ. K. M. and M. Co. have received
Instructions from the superintendent
to fell no more stock, .TJie,, iwyuerp of
the Lucky Boy miiftj are" working' sev
eral men n,thrir yla$m, which prom
ised well from the time it was first dis
covered four years ago. The Trinity
Mining Uo., which was recently Incor
porated In Brownsville, sent some men
up to make still further developments
and to get everything In readiness1 for
profitable work in the year ,lS9U ! 3
Hard Indeed it Is to convince men
who have bt-eu' accustomed to look
upon gold and silver mines as belong
ing exclusively to other states and ter
ritories, that we have a rich mineral
belt lying contiguous to :and parallel
with the great Willamette valley, but
facts have been fouud to outweigh the
ories, and the people can see In the
discoveries aud developments of to-day
the dawning of a prosperous' era In our
history. ' -
A Warm Reception.
A minister who lives in Lebanon
went out to Splcer a few daya ago to
look after the interests of his flock In
that locality. Having worked hard
all day, he retired to rest, and for the
first half of the night he slept the
"sleep of the righteous." About 2
o'clock in the morning it became ne
esj-ary for him to change his position,
and then it was that be liecamfr- pain
fully aware of the presence Of air' Inter
esting bedfellow. A biting, stingiug
pain was felt in the right loot, when
the bed Was vacated aud the gentleman
prepared for a hasty ioi let. Instantly
he began mentally to run over all tbe
possibilities of having been bitten by a
spider, gored by a tarantula, ir haunted
by poisonous reptiles. 'The first glare
of the match revealed the presence of
four or five wasps that' had becnofC
entangled with his pedal extremitfe
and were entertaining him quite
warmly. The busy insects were ligh'tly
brushed aside aud the parson again
retired to rest.
"Is this the best?" Is a question often
asked, when medicine Is wanted. The
following are a few of the medicines of
known reliability, aojd by AI. A. Miller,
druggist of this pladc. . lie has many
other excellent medicines, but these
are Worthy of especial men t ion:
Chamberlain's Currm Remedy,
famous for its cures of severe colds, and
as a preventive of croup. Price 50
cents per bot tie. "
CiUMBERLAIX'g Paix Balm, a eeti-
eral family liniment and especially
valuable ror rheumatism. .Price 50
cents per bottle...,.- A.
Chambrrain'b tSVffc,s Cholera
ami Diarrhcea- Remedy, the most re
liable know in medicine for bowel com
nlaillts. It is efiLM-eiall v tripil hv nei.
. j -
sons subject to - colic. . It has cured
many cases of chronic diarrhoea. Price
25 and 50 cents per bottle;
, St. Patrick's PitLSJor disorders
of the liver and bowels. A vigorous
but gentle physic that" cleanses and
renovates the whole system. Price- 55
cents per box. ,. "
Chamberlain's Eve akd. Skin
OlNTMKJtT. For tetter, sait-rheum.
scald-head, ecrema and chronic sore
eyes. Price 25 cents per box.'
Excitement '
Runs high In Lebanon at Beard A
Holt's drug store over System Builder,
aseverbody is using it for- Catarrh of
the Stoinach, Dyspepe ia. Consumption
arid Impure Blood. Try it and tell
your friends about it, a-it must posscM
wonderful merits when all ncak well
of ltj. 7 V - ; -J-
. 4 rrrf 1 1
... Take tt Before tlreakfrft.
iThc great pptlwr.' tmiV aiid UvrroRiilnlor.
la use for more than 50 rears in -Eagtand. PoM
tbrepeclnc for ltver winplnJiit. .. Rd tiwte In the
mouth on ariMng tn the morning,, dull pains ill
the head and hack of tbe ejn6a,tUW feeling' diz
atnem,. fatngtlor ymptoti of, ,11 vcr complaint.
Remedy Dr. Henley's Engliyiaodeiion Tonic.
Relieves eonrtfpaHoh, narptrfis the apprtite and
tones up the entire vtera. f Jet the genuine from
your druggist for 1.00 aud ioka according to (fl
ections. ' -"-v ,''"'
The work on the Oregon Ian railroad
Is being prosecuted with vigor, A large
camp of laborers a re located at Shel
buru, the crossing of the Orcgojr Pacific
and , narrow .gauge, and the . prepara
tions for the widening of the track are
nearly completed. ' . V t .
The Fa Lad
That always looks so pleasant, says go
to Matthews & Washburn, Albany, Or.,
to buy stoves and ranges, because they
only keep the best and always do as
they agree to.
Timber and mineral resources of
Linn county made known on applica
tions, at this office. Mining stock in
tbe Calapooia and Blue River districts
sold at the Express office. For par
ticulars call and see our specimens. and
read our descriptive pamphlets. '
Three Families Arreated on the Streets
Of Albany, by the magnificent display
of hardware, stoves and ranges at Mat
thews & Washburn's, who carry the
largest assortment in the valley. . .
Croupy suffocatie ns, night coughs
and all the common affections of the
throat and lungs .quickly relieved y"
Dr. J. H. McLeanV Tar Wine Lung
Balm,. For sale. by. Beard & Holt. . - .-i
j- There is a -species of petit larceny
ractjeed In tfj Is f country which Is Ig
nored by law 'and bnleruted by common
eorisent-Sr-we're'ti'rio the very common
mistake of carrying oft the wrong
Umbrella. We don't know whether to
attribute It to an innate tendency to
steal on the part of the human fumlly,
or to that mild disorder known as
color blindness. There are men and
women, too who would lift a cambric
;-ryes, a silk umbrella right from
under the printed commandment,
"Thou shalt not steal," and the saddest
feature of the case Is that they seem to
think it will facilitate their passage to
a better world. Such moral delin
quencies deserve to lie preached about.
People who ought to be as familiar
with the prohibitory commandment,
Thou shalt not steal," as they are
with the -daHy paper, thlHk it a sufficient-plea
for breaking this Command
nient, that the Old Testament was
written in Hebrew aud they huve
never made any proficiency in this
language. Think you not that the
tauilatef should "preach against a sin
wp common and a crime se Universal
ths$ it wlU close theelestlal gates to
fft per Jhe American race?
A. Wntit InLtitlH.
Ladies who desire, a .beautiful clear
skin, free fr6ni pi lit plea; boils, biotches
and other eruptions, should commence
at once to use Dr. Gunn's Improved
LIT er Pllla. t-,They ,will bIkk remove
that heavy look. aftsuCjTuV eyes tul them bright, and will cure Iliad
ache from whatever cause it arises.
Remember, your "are only required to
take one small pill at bed time, which
Keoated wth pure, sugar, and will not
pTIpt; or produces arty. ?. unpleasant
seSmation. - Sold at cents by - M. A.
We wish to say to our old customers,
anil also new ones, that we are prepar
ed hi furnish well seasoned lumier.
nfatte from soft mountain fir; at the
following prices
Pwoud clear. , tlO nc
Fencing, boxing nd Umbcra...
... 111.00
. 7.00
At our mill In Wlrtsburg. Linn Co.,
uregou - . JEXXixos & CO.
Pests, Board and Shingles for Sale. '
I have on hand a full supply of the
above of the best quality, -delivered
nere in xeoanou.
' ' ' C.'C; Hackleman.
PRERB.Vrr3il.tS rlirRPH A. Murr-ellm im-
tr. Ben-ire erery Hafohath at 11 A. M. and 7 30
ra M. Snbbain scliiioi at in A. St. rTnycr tueet-
im.' i I ; l -r nn 1 1 1
i..;t-MHERi.ANn Presbyterian cniRcii
fourth SahMiui of earh month, mnniing and
etemng. nday irhuol every ubUalh at 10 .
Kvcryoue aeleoiue. .'
Estray Notice.
or abort September 13. lsso. em mr farm nix
mtlt-s rj of Lebanon, one white cow with man
jepiitii. on the neck and ahouMrr. both ear
fnH''t. no liraudv t ow uptoed to 1 eigtit
year m. iiwncr will piue ea!l ana laj-
cuarces, oincri-c ine animai win dt mhi.
.. . s f. P. BODWEI-L.
Estray Notice.
signed, six miles irrt of t-banon, on or
attorn srptcmner lt. one oar norwe s years om.
hire hind fft. star in fort-head, snip nwc. short
inane, no oratm. owner win pteate ran. pet an
Imal and pay charjres. W. L. MOOKE.
Dissolution Notice.
" ro-trtnerhrp heretoftwe existinjr between
J. P. Halm and A. . PHIL rnii-r doine bti.i-
M undfr the nrra name of Hahn & Prill, hat
thudaT rcen-diolvel br mutual eonnent; J. P,
HAta to sia all Uabililles of the firm.
J. P. H A IIS,
Sweet Home, !?cpt. 13. f
. .Office Jn Guy's New Building-. ,
., Residence at Mrs. Ambler's.
-,:.- - Office llh "Lebanon Express."
" Illienmatiam, Nenra'gia, Corns
Tbe Osliforsls FbsIUts sad Vrgstir
- -. ctKia colds, cnoitp, consummon.
talc 1)T all Drs'gUU. Esoh S5e, 60o k tl
"0nmt'lna;r Oo . Prep's. Los Angstss, Oal,
-XgeKts for Lelianoni, Or.
;v. . WTOfj IT, NOW, ...
-'60N tr'WllL It TOO UTI.
.,- . ' 1 . -it
I hsre bm troubled ssn rears with
disease of the kidneys and nave tried
many different remedies and haw
on sat aid from dirtrrcnt physiciaas
nrilhont nHief. ' Aboul the 5th o April
1 was suflerins; from a very violent
attack that alasoat prostrated m la
urh a manner tuat I was bent over.
When I sat down it was almost Impossible for mt
to) trt np sloae, mr to put on ar dothea, whea
kind Proridence aent Ori Henley,- with tbe
hotel.. 1' immediately commenced
asms; tne tea. it naa an
miraculous effect, and to the
ishment of all the auests at -thar I
in a few days.I am happy to
that I waa new bio.
recommend fh tea to all. al
as I have been. ' a -
t . O. A. TUPPER, . '
I-,. . Proprietor OccidenUl Hotel,
tianta Hoaa. Cal.
Has Just Received
Upholstered Goods
When in Albany, eUsp and take a peep
istonK i a
hotel, f A)
state, yy
I wil C
Bictedl 1 a
The Oregon. i Legislature- will.
doubtless favor a reasonable appro
priation tor the state exhibition at
the World's Fair, but it-is not
likely, neither la it desirable: that
they should counsel such wholesale
extravagance as is advocated by
some people. Oregon products will
command attention without any
considerable flourish of trumpets.
To attempt to compete with older
and wealthier States in the matter
of appropriations is, in our judg
ment, unwise, borne writers are
so eager for display that they mis
judge our wealth and our ability to
compete with States which have
many times the population of Or
egon. Let California give her. mil
lions if she like, it is a noble gift
to the cause of progress, and she
can afford i( when her metropolis
has a population ' nearly - if not
quite equal to the population of
our Ftate. Our population should
be taken into the account, and fig
uring on this basis, the people will
come to wise conclusions in the
matter. ' "
Mottee to Itairjsstea.
The public Is hereby notified that,
on account of a change in business, we
now offer for sale our entire stock of
dairy cattle, consisting of pows, heifers
and liclfer calves; also one bull, half
grade Holstein and Jersey, from regis
tered stock. The rows are from one-
half to thrr e-fourths Jersey grade; the
ueireru ano caivear-are onntourtn ftoi
steln and half to three-fourths Jersey.
neiR-rs or tins slock nave made a
pound of butter per day at 2 years old
when fresh.. Will sell at low prices.
All dairymen are requested to give us
a can. or anyone waniing rood utien
cows will And us on the farm of R.
Cheadle, two miles south ot Lebanon.
J. At. MARKS..
Chftlrs of Every Dewrinlion aud De
gree oi Comfort, s
Picture Frames, Mouldings, Bric-a-Brac
of Every Description,
In Fact Everything Balona;lna; to tha Trade
at Prlcea that Defy Competition.
ChurckiU 4 Monteith s Old Stand.
J. C..FREY 8c SON,
Harness, Saddles, Collars,
Whips, Etc.
Al reterson Wallace's Old Stand.
Eureka Heat Market,
L. M. WHEELER, Pro'p.
Beef, Pork, Mutton, Sau
sage. A share of the public patronage so
licited. E. C. SEARLS,
Ladies' & Gents' Furnish
ings. -
.' .. : .
Sola Agency tor Ludlow's Ttne Shop.'; .
r . . ,
Prices Always the Lowest,
Albany, Oregon,- : : Blumberg't Blork.
1 60 Acres, of Land
. 3. Miles East of Lebanon.
Oocxl Road, Good Water, Rich Laud,
Good Bchool in i mile; small '
Improvement. '
Price, - - $10 per Acre.
Apply at this office or to
Martin Hickman, .
Cut thts.ut, and when you vB Portland dur
ing the Exposition, call on Towne, the Photog
rapher, and receive tho following extraordinary
All perrons presenting these slips will be given
one down of my best style cabinet photos and
one extra ftir framing, for $3.50. My regular price
for the same work to those not holding these slips
is fl.oo per dozen and S3. 00 for extra picture.
This U an extraordinary offer, and tbe probability
of doing enough extra work to make it pay
prompt the Inducement
Call and see our work, it speak for Itself. This
hold good until November 1st. Very truly yours,
Studio cor. FMt and Morrison. Streets. -
ge Hammers for Cale.
Now don't think for a moment-that I have cone into the
hardware business, for such is
sledge hammers in bargains that I am now -ofFering-e very
one of them a bargain, not a single exceptioh-f
Bargains In Cotton Flannels!
Pink Flannel, half cotton.... .;. ..;; 0 yds for $1 00
Flue Flannel, half cotton, little better..:.Z.v 5 yd? for' ft' 00
Black Velveteen........ . ..37c per yd; forme? ptira50"pd C0c
Vandyke Point Lace 8 and 10c; before. 15 and 20e
Plushes ........;.;.70c and $1 00;- before $1 XjO and $4 25
0 Spools Mile Cotton.......... v.;....K.vW.;7.i.:.:;.XJv.:.i.Vu;-?.w'2oc
AJl-bilk batinrEdge Ribbon..'.....:.... ..;."from tdloc-per yd
far 50c; good as anyone's 75c
The finest line of UMDERWEAR- that has ever been
shown here, and at prices that
v.w : t .i:., l
these goods. .' ;. "".
PRINTS, 18 and 20 yds for $1VKX: :
MISSES' WOO L H0SE,'up to Ladles' feize," 25c. V-
T' 4nTf wrfT TTrton An.-.' i i :
lan anyone's, . s' - ' '. - - - -
" ' , - " , .- ; .5 f - Kfext Door to Bank,
. Cigars, Tobacco, FnrnisMn Goof s.: : ;
Firsts-Class Gockis
Coiintry Procltice Takeh ih Hxpliarige
- -. for Goods.' .
Give Me a Trial and Be Convinced.
Shingles, Posts, Boards andPickcts.
Lebanon Planing Sill
Refitted, Enlarged and Improved.
I manufacture and deal in Doors Blinds, all styles' of ,Windw
Frames, Door Frames, Mouldings, Brackets, Etc., in fact any thing man
ufactured and kept oh hand in a first-class planeri .
In connection with, the abore, I also have on Hand a wpllassorted
lumber yard la which is to be found rough and dressed Lurnbeii," RustUs
Bevel, Weather Boarding, Flooring, and all. kinds of .Finishing Lumber
for Cornices, Etc .
Druggists &
Purefpttigs andMedicines Paints, Oil, Gla,
Main Street, Lebanon, Oregon.
XiCTrescriptions accurately
ns on h&nd a Ipm stock of
Call Acid Secure Prices.
not the case; but ITiave'soma
the best tiling you everaw,
goods.; -. ; ' ; -
are absolutely below all com
Tt- :u
: 'r " :ir- ::
1 -
1 .
1 . ..
-,- -
V 1 -
HOT P" :
ov &ae
ST PAUL. S'f i-tOUns
East, Norh South,
'" - i , OhBGOX.