: Beard. Druggists and -DEALERS IX- Pare Drugs and Medicines, Paints, Oil, Glass AND Stationery, Fine Perfomery, Brashes and Combs, CIGARS AND FANOY TOILET ARTICLES, - Main Street, Lebanon, Oregon. XPre9criptions"accurately compounded. DR. C II. DUCKET?, DENTIST. Offics: Betvrrea O. T. Cotton Peterson & Wallace. and Xjt&UTOIf,' OsRGOM. J. K. WEATHERFORD, Attorney - at-Law. CSe over Fvnt National Bank, ALBANY, . OREGON. W. R. BILYEU, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. ALBANY, ORKQON. T. S. Pillsbupy, Brownsville, Oregon. LEBANON - - V . 1 hi Meat Market, ED. KELLENEESGER, Projr Fresh & Salted Beef; Pork, Mutton, Sausage, Bologna, and Ham. Eaaoi) at?d Card fllwiys or? apd. Main Street, Lebanon, Or. Stop and Read. Smooth Shave AXD Hair-Cut. Nice Shampooing and Spanish l.nster carea the acalp oi aanamrr. Hot and Cold Baths. Gentlemen and ladies nay Imxury. Indalgre in the Kelt door to Peteraon & Wallace's real estate office. I. R. BORUM, Proprietor, Lebanon, Orrfaa. t T aanavAr amys tta bai tha W. efcoe wiisast u am .na tnvT. i uta iwrrtoan, pm mm aown aa a 17. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE .t?.".. 1tst In the wrtd. CitinliM bta 5.00 f.ETIK HANIVSEWKD SHOE. a.OO HAMkSEWKD WFH.T SHOE. HJiO POLICE AND FARMERS' SHOE. .60 EXTRA VAI.CE CALF KUOiu (t WiWOKKINfiMAN'S SHOE. 2.0O sad ttl.TS BOYS' SCHOOL SHOES. Jul DLiada ia oafrreaa, BuUe and Laaa. IV. L. DOUGLAS C3 OHOE lafdTe. Tfatarlal. Bt Style. Beat FltrimC " j- hv vfttir dnalrr. wr w.'x. myvGUks. brogktos, : mine W. U. Doug-las $2 Sh ' . ' ' ''( '"' ;t' I ' v ': ' 1 sbh a h-i'mihIi 1.1)41101 ' '" . y Vliii'iiiaii iisjiiiiilii,ia.r,rih,,u,nri-,-iiiMii","r,J,f Mntiin is-w-m'i rWriiii tic men ana Laaies. ty C. C. ITACXI.EMjt.3r. MttA MA I S3Zolt, llpotheeaiaes, EAST AND SOUTH VIA- Southern Panic Route. Shasta Line. (- tram lea. Fwtland illt L. L. Ar. Portland Anu Sal rradctoo Ar. 1: as a. m. n . at. r. -T ii. A train to onl Itartnr.: feast fonts nlf fUntn( station north of mt, ShtKiaa, Halae , ataralabura. wm A tt n. TunnL Kowburi Mall-Dally. I). 13 r. . r L Ar. Portiaad Albany Ktwrtm ; Ar. Ar I w r. m IS 00 h. ) . ilhur Le-ral-Dally ataoapt Saaday. 9 r. e. M. I L. Portland Alton Ar . . I Ar. Loea.1 rutr Train. - Ually Santtay. ept 1 tu r. m. rs. T. n. 1 90 a. m. L. Ar. .. Ar. Alhsny Albany Lebuon Ar. L. Ar. Lr. !t 4. M HO k. at t v r i to r Pullman Buffet Sleepers. TOCR1ST RLCBPISQ CAR! ro seeoatnodaMoa of md l wrrm attacks! to upna trams. West Side Division. Btlwraa Parti and and Corvallle. Hall train daily (even Sunday. T v a. IMS r. a. I PortUrxt CtttTaiUa Ar. I r L. 1 r. Ar. At Albans and Ourraltts eonao- IU train of 0- goa Factac ratlraHL Fllirw train daily (asocvt 8 an day). IUr.it T XT. a ItT. I Ar. Portland McMmnHJV. Ar. I r. Lr ( 4 4. TkrnnrK Ttekat to All Tolnta Ea.t rd oath. MT Tat ttrkr and full Infomathm rrfrdia ralaa. Btafw, ru.. ail m eumpany agi nt at Lrioaua. aTEi.HL:rt. E P K.KlKRB. Maaaaar. Arat. O. T A Vm. Aaoil J. t, COWAJt. J. M. mAUTOlt. Bank of Lebanon, LEBANON, OREGON. Trusts a toral Mlki BusIiks. ACCOUNTS KEPT SUBJECT TO CHECK. 0 Bxcnanfe aold on New York Su Franciaco, Portlaad and Albany, OregxM. Collections made on favorable term a. G.T. COTTON, : DSALRK IN : Groceries sol provisions. TOBACCO and CIGARS, SMOKERS' ARTICLES. Fcrein ni Doinsstic rmiU, Confectionery, Qneenaware and Glassware, Lamps and Lamp Ftxtnres. Paajrsr Csh for Rg(a. Main Stratat. Lab anon, oraton ft. L McCLRUE, (Saoeeaaor to C B. Habmor.) Barber : and : Hairdresser. LEBANON, OREOON. MIAVTKG, HAIR CUTTING AND 0 Shampooing in the latest and best itrle. Special attention paid to dressing parties' nair. Your patronage respacv auy soiiciiea. Practical Christianity. He Would you care much if I should steal a kiss ? She (strictly Purtanic) I should. could not bear to look at you again, should I know you to be guilty of vio lating, in the smallest degree, one of the commandments. If you must have a kiss, occasionally, ask me for it and will only be to willing to donate it, but you must not steal it. Life. The many accidents which ha been caused by the ignition of alcoholic vapors discharged during the operation of varnishing the interior of beer casks. which arise from the exposure of the illuminent required, can now be pre vented. The ordinary lanterns used are being replaced by the electric light. Aa iscadescent light of small candle power is surrounded by a strong iron frame. which protects the lamp without ob structing the light. The frame of the lamp is provided with a hook, by which it may be hung in the belt of the work nan or suspended from the wood of the cask. The lamp is very handy and is supplied with current from a storage battery which will operate for twenty Sour hours witbeut being recnarged. ENGLISH COURT ETIQUETTE. Betna of tha Things Which Make a Court Hall Well Worth Weelns;. Etiquette is the very life and health of a court It is observed even in llir arrangements of seats. On each side of the small low diss, intended exclusively for royalty, are rows of chairs which, I was told, were definitely and clearly ax signed, not by law, but by absolute al though unwritten custom, to the differ ent orders In the social scale who accept the Queen's invitation. No one but those prescribed might occupy them. Thus on one side are Duchesses and Marchionesses; on the other, AmhasMa- dresses and ladles of the Corps Ptplo tnatlque. It was my good fortune ' to witness a very pretty and graceful little ceremony in connection with these distinctions, when a young and beautiful bride arrived, who, within the last few months, had become a Duchess. This was her first appearance as such at a court ball, and she was making her Way diffidently to ward the position to which her newly acquired rank entitled her when the whole of the Duchesses present rose simultaneously to greet their sister peeress and to receive her into their circle. What makes the court ball so well worth seeing is the fact that almost very body In the room has some well- grounded claim to distinction. My own, will admit, was but reflected lustre, and I entered paradise under the wing f others, like the rent of the debutant es. But these others represented all that Is most notable and prominent in London. Boclal rank of all the higher grades was fully represented, wealth where It was associated meritorious money-getting, dlstlnguinhed sen Ice to the State, and high professional repute. Nothing proved this better than the brilliant dis play of decorations, the constellation of stars, crosses and medals, all attesting the presence of every degree of merit, and every form of celebrity. Little less distinguished but from extreme contrast was the plain, almost homely, black dress suit of the American Minister, ho, of course, wore no decorations whatever. He was the only man there thus simply attired, the type of a great Republic which acknowledges no kind of distinction but that of personal merit, and perhaps, so my father says, thinks more of such baubles than the most arls tocratle nation in the world. Murray's Magazine, JUSTICE NEVER SLEEPS. An Ohio Solomon 1" roves tha Past to i Obatlnate Prisoner. While at the post-office in an Ohio village I heard the report that a mur derer had been captured, and so I fol lowed the crowd to the lock-up to learn more about It. There I found a prison er whose every appearance proved the professional tramp. He was about forty years of age, very cool, and he greeted the charge of murder with a laugh. In a short time be was taken before a jus tice of the peace for examination, and I found a seat in the crowd. One look at the justice satisfied me that he realized the awful gravity of the situation and felt the foundation stone of the United States resting on his broad back. "Prisoner." he began, "don't trifle ith this court, for it won't be al lowed." "Who's going to trifle?" was the ans wer. "Don't you do it, sir don't you do it! Now. then, do you want to con fess?" "To what?" "Cold-blooded murderf "Where?" "In Cleveland." "When?" "Last night at eight o'clock. "Humph! How far Is it to Cleveland, Squire?" "Ninety miles." "And I slept all night in a barn back here three miles?" "That's so. Judge," said a farmer in the crowd. "He came along at nine o'clock last night and I let him in there." "Vou are sure?" "Positive." "And you won't confess?" ha asked of the prisoner. "How can I being as I have done noth ing?" "Very wesftaneh obstinacy deserves punishment, and I awntence you to the county jail for ninety daya." "What for?" "To prove to you that Justice never sleeps, sir never. You may think he do, but she don't she don't, sir. Yon have been overtaken at lant, sir at last. air; and the constable will take charge of the prisoner, and court is adjourned." N. Y. Sun. The Tramp Waa Bhoekad. lie was a persistent street beggar; his beat was on Van Buren street noar Clarke he would hang on to a man for half a block persistently asking for a dime with which to pay for his lodging. There happened along a couple of well dressed newspaper men, who to all ap pearances seemed to own the town. The beggar stepped out from his dark corner, squared himself before the two men, and was about to present his accustomed plea, when the nesrerof the two sud denly faced the tramp and said: "Say, friend, gimme a dime to get a drink, for I'm bo blanked hungry that I don't know where I'm going to sleep to night" The professional beggar first looked puttied, then amdsed, then gave two or three convulsive gasps and fell in a fit Chicago Photo. Took Him at Hla Word. Slowpay (to collector) I can't pay yon to-day. Please call again. Collector This is very annoying. I don't want to do that Slowpay Then stay awsy; but don't ay that I didn't invite you. West Shore, An Honest Man. Bronson I suppose I may aa well charge up that $25 you owe me to profit and loss. Brokeley My dear sir, I am a man of honor. I will pay you that money, sir, if I have to steal it Hun ter's Weekly. . A gentleman in Parts, Tex., owns a fc-orse which makes a habit of eating young chickens. Every time a young chicken comes within reach of the horse it is sure to be swallowed. Jinks "Finemind doesn't seem to get along at alL What is the matter? Is he behind the times?" Blinks "Worse. A thousand times worse. He's ahead of them." Good News, M. Trojanowski, a Polish chemist, has discovered what he claims to bo a substitute for gum arabic, by boiling one part of flaxseed with eight parts of dilute sulphuric acid in eight parts of water until the mixture, which at first thickens, becomes quite fluid. The compound is then strained through mus lin and four times its volume of strong alcohol is added. The precipitate after being filtered, washed with alcohol and carefully dried, produces a clear gum devoid of all taste or odor. Thirty grains, it is said, are a sufficient emul sion for an ounce of cod liver oiL The value of this invention will, of course, depend on how far this new article caa be relied on as a substitute for the orig inal, and the cost at which it -ean. be produced for the market 4 PHILOSOPHER DUNDEI7. Roma of Ilia Ml. a Bavin Worked Over Into (lerinan. It vhas no fun to kick a man whovhns too meek to resent it, und it vhas no use to argue mit a man who vhas too deal to hear you. Kttfen if we haf a bird in our handt, we vhas always looking for some more in der bushes. Human nature vli:i nefer quite satisfied. Yben I comes home at midnight und ray wife says noting, den I know dat he vhas camped on my trail und vhlll make me tired. Vhen she jaws und blows und cries, den I knows she vhas soon oafer it und doan care. While I detest selfish people, I hah discovered dat what pleases me der most Is also werry satisfactory to the major Ity of the poobllo. My nabur on the left hand believes dot shildren should be brought oop by moral suasion. Der one on my right ho llefs dot one licking vlts better and five suasions. Kach vhas sooch a firm be liever dot it lets my boy oudtal together und he has his own vhay. It vhasn t der man in uer grocery so mooch as der people who trade mlt him dot vhas responsible. All of us know vhat he will say to us when we ask him if dot box holds a quart of strawberries. It has purty good advice dot you doan' bet on somebody else's game, but it vhas better advice dot you doan' bet at alb I doan know howoldtdls worldt vhas. nor how long It took to make It, but I belief jny health vhas better dan as If I alt oop nights to wonder alxiut her. Sometimes I meet a man who argues mlt me dot der Democratic candidate vhas der beat. Sometimes I meet a man who offers to bet me feefty dollar dot der Republican vha'. der best It vhas dot vhay in polities you vhas either out-argued or bluffed. Women must be averaged np dersanie as man. Nature mvle her to weep over her husband's grave one spring, und take on a second by der next mltout any weeping. Dot vhas all right W hen a man vbaa dead he vhas no good to any body. It seems to me, if I should net oitdt to educate a boy for State prison und dor gallows, der first shtep I should take would be to ridicule the Hlbleund laugh at der Idea of a (Sod. I can keep hens tin J feel all right to wards my neighbors, but it Is strange dot vhen my neighbors keep liens 1 vhas mad at 'em all der time! iKitrolt Free f-r i THE CHURCH AND THE LODGE Alarm at tha Inroads Made I'pon llglow by ftoere t Organisation. tte- Wliat shall be the attitude of the el lurch toward the secret orders which have multiplied so rapidly throughout the country during the last few years? With many of our churches no problem b more serious, or beet with greater complications. The pmbletn would lie simplified somewhat if these tirgnnita- uona were made tip entirely of men who have professed no allegiance to the church, but the place which the lodge holds in the affections of many a church member Is what gives rise to great anxiety. Sad though the confes sion la, it must be acknowledg-xl that some men whoee names are on the church roll habitually give precedence to the secret society over the church. If the meetings conflict the successful competitor for their presence is the former. They liave no time to spare for the great religious gatherings like those at Saratoga, but they will go a long distance to be present &t a con clave of their fraternity. At the meeting of the Vermont Con gregatioiutlitita at Rutland the subject aroused the liveliest discuseion of the whole session. Resolutions mildly def locating the absorption of some Chris tians in such interests were set one side, because a few thought t lint the formal protest would lie considered a declaration of war, and would emlwir rass them in their efforts to counteract the baneful influences of ' " t-se societies. Yet not a man who spoke failed to ad mit that Christian concerns In his own community were suffering on account of them. Several who live in towns of only a few thousand inhabitants re ported from twenty to forty thriving orders. We believe that Vermont is not ei eeptional In this respect. The lodge using the term to include the meetings of the various secret orders will be found strongly intrenched all through the country, growing in numbers and power, and everywhere detaching the devotion of Christian men from the chureli, and too often, we fear, from the straightforward eervice of their master. Recent figures, carefully com piled, show that Boston has 243 church es to 599 lodges ; Brooklyn, 335 church es to 695 lodges; ..Washington, 181 churches to 316 lodges; Chicago, 384 churches to 1,088 lodges, and the same proportion obtains in other cities. Congregationalist. French Royalists Sell to tha Kaiser. Three French royaliMts have just sold the historical estate of D'Urville, of which they were by heritage the co proprietors. The purchaser is the Ger man emperor, who took a fancy to the place when he first visited Met it, and has ever since watched for an oppor tunity of buying it. The estate in ques tion is wedged in between German Lor raine and Luxemburg. Some centuries ago it was under the sovereignty of the house of Orange, or rather constituted a little sovereign state in itself. Louis- XVI bought it from Maria Theresa and the Emperor Joseph for 40,000. The king was to have gone there if he had escaped from the Tuile ries, and would have been guarded by a regiment of De Bouille's division. As Urville was close to the Luxemburg frontier he could easily have with drawn from France if threatened by the revolutionary army. Thrt estate of Urville became part of the national do main and was sold to the Bande Noire, bnt the old chateau and the timber in the park escaped being demolished and cut down. The castle is a noble pile, and the park in which it stands is richly wooded. Cor. London News. Gen. Flsk's Rooraeran;. MaJ. Ford II. Rogers tells an amus ing anecdote of the late Gen. Clinton B. Fisk. The general was addressing a Sunday school convention. One of the speakers' had reminded the children that it was Washington's birthday. "Children," said Gen. Fisk, "you all know that Washington was a general. Perhaps you know that I am also a general Now, can any one tell what was the difference between Gen. Wash ington and myself f "I know, sir," piped a small boy in the back part of the room, "'Well, what was the difference f said Gen, Fisk, smiling at the lad's ea gerness. "George Washington couldn't tell a lie, sir," cried the boy in exultant tones. Screams of laughter followed, in which the general joined as heartily as the cast Detroit Neva ITMKVKIt FA I t.H -Tit If IT VOI'ItMRLF San FitANriM u, January HO, 181)0. ATartuttcfurrni of the Ortat Sierra Kid- ney and Hitr Curt. Cknti.K.mkn: I have been a sufferer from kidney comp'atnt for several years, and have usnd meillctne uoon medicine with nit any apparent relltf uitlll a friend of nine told mi of the wonderful cures ac wmplUhed by your remedy. I sm In ucrd to buy a bottle but without much faith. After using the first bottle I no- ii-ed such au Improvement I kept on until I had taken three bottles, and can ta'el y that t am entirely cured and never fell 'eiler In my life. I can gla'My recommend he Crcat Sleira Kidney and l.lver Ctre t all people that ere suffering In any wa with kidney and urinary disorders. He p ctfu'ly your, L. H. C'mw, Atlantic & lHne Pub. C J , room fii, St Ann's building, city. " Vim were rtm about my son, ilixior. Vou mIiI itrlnk wmilil kill him. ' 'Aii1 how have I Ihm-u provnl ronx?" ' He's ln hmiKeil," re liirui'il the .-mini mother triumphantly. l'l'T ON Til B It HAKES If you flml you are Roiui downhill In point ot hi-altu. rHlllnif strt-inmi. Imnalreil i11l- PNtton ml aHnlmilHIIiin are the marks of ilt-rllue, l'he'k tlir ami other Imtleatlotia ol premature ileray with the rtmi.t vltnliju-r ami rr.traltiliiR lonte, iiiwtftter etoinacli Hitters. Hi-pltmlnt; at the ftiuiitnln hcs'l, the stomach, the Hitler remeillf Its tnrttlrh'iii-y, rutwK Its ernus ami nets It vltorotily at work. The iltm-xtlve orxau Is thus enable! to thoroughly sepHritte. from the food Its nutritive principle, lilrh the IiIimhI stxlmllntlnu. Is enriched, thus la the system nourlKhctl. ami Im'Iiir uourlsluHi, strettRthrtieil, ami abnormal wa.le of its tissues Nisyet. ApiM tlte the now Mr to rt-t well. a resular h'ahft are also re-entshllNhe.!, ami the various functions move once more In their DHtursI ami healthful frroove. 'I lie hitters, moreover. Is m necl!lc for ami pre ventive of tiisUrlnl t'oniplHluta, rheumali. in, liiliousiies ami kidney troubles. Booils-rass I'd like to pay that hill, but I can't tiFt now. Vou mut frive me time. t-'relllor- ilon't mlml itlvinr: )ou time, hut yott seem to want eternity. Ct'ltKIt F KrlKALOIt. Lottie Ifc Der au, Eat Ylew, Weslcbea ter county, M. Y writes: " I have been a g - at sufferer wiih pain In the back of my head, wonte than any headache. I cjtild not reach It with in ternal tu -dl lite at all, and during the cold wra'her t hsvesullered excruciating ly. I finally thought I would try an ALL, i in k's I'l.AxrKK applied to the nape of my neck. In IcsH than half a day the pain en llr ly cea.ed." Mauntnv the navy Is the next problem before the country new crew. lr, for the new ertilseis, a It were. For waHhiug Jt tnnrl Dob'dna Electric S tap la rnrirt rou.v. ltlankets and woolen wanned with i' look like rwic, and there is absolutely no thrinking. No other soap In the world will d aurh ftfrfeet work, tilve It a trial notr. " I'll haua my t-lothe on a h!i kory limb." said the man with a wooden lfK as hr put on his Iron -era. Rron HiTt-t. For hoarenesj and sore throat " Jtrw-n'a Uronchiiii J'rocAea" ate a specific. Tha Art of Fast Walking. - Persons who have never been trained to walk fast generally quicken their gait by bending forward and lengthen ing the stride, at the same time bend ing the knees very much at each step. It is pretty safe to say that no one can possibly adopt this style and keep a fair walk at a faster gait than six miles an hour. The fast walker must keep himself erect, his shoulders back and chest thrown out. He must put down his forward foot and heel first, and with the leg straight He must take strides so quick that they look short He must. If he expects to get a good stride, work his hips considerably, over coming the eidewise tendency of the Up movement by a compensatory twinging of the arms. The length of stride in fast walking is astonishing to those who look at it Harper's Weekly . . Gen. John C. Fremont who has had a slight attack of influenza, is able to take short walks. This is the first illnees "The Pathfinder" has experienced, al though he is in his 77th year. The Chicago Tribune affirms that this sign is displayed on State Btreet in that city: "Columbus Laundry. Come in ami get your shirt washed and ironed while you wait" Two Russian climbers of Mount Ara rat found in perfect preservation a mini mum thermometer, which was left there Last year. It registered 50 dega. below aero. I Never tonch a vine that has three fin gvred leaves -that is, leaves divided intfl three parts. Vines that show five fin geml leaves may lie handled with safety. Poisou ivy has three fingers. The late Emily Pfeiffer, the traveler nd poet, left all the money that she re ceived from her husband for the estab lishment of cottage houses for orphan prls to be called J urge n Edward Pf filler homes. What is Scrofula It Is that Impurity In the blood which, areumtt latlnpr lu the glands of the neck, produce un sightly lump or swelling: w hich causes painful ruunlns sore on the amis, legs or feet; which develops ulcers lu the eyes, ears or uo-e, often causing hllnduess or deafness; which Is the or! (tin of pimples, cancerous Rrowths. or the many other manifestations usually ascribed: to " hn mors;" which, fastening npou the liniRs, causes consumption and death. Reins the most ancient, It Is the most general of all diseases or affections, for very few persons are entirely free Irom It. How Can It Be Cured By taking Hood's HarKapHrllla, which, by the remarkable cures it has accomplished, often when other medicines have failed, has proven Itself to be a potent and peculiar medicine for this disease. tome of these cures are really won derful. If you suffer from scrofula lu auy of Us for ns, be sure to try Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all drugnlHts. II; fix for .V Prepared only by f. I. HOOD & CO., Unveil, Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar GAIN ONE POUND A Day. A GAIN OF A roDNO A OAV IN THE ) CASE OF A MAN WHO HAS BECOME "AIX RUN DOWN," AND HAS BEGUN TO TAKE j THAT REMARKABLE FLESH PRODUCER, TT'S sior. OF PURE COD LIVER OIL WITH Hypophosphites of Lime & Soda IS NOTHING UNUSUAL. THIS FEAT HAS 11KEN PERFORMED OVER AND OVER 5 AGAIN. FALATARI.E AS MILK. En- horsed by Physicians. Sold by all ! Druggists. Avoid substitutions and ) imitations. SALESMEN WflflTEO, Local or Traveling, To sell our well-known Nursery stock. We want trnod, lively workers, and will pay well com mission or" salary. Good references required. Applv quick.. L L. MAY iSi CO., Nurserymen, tit Paul, Minn. litoiS-li-? ; J WnaiW. 174 j mail! tlC 0 4V AFCS. J&h. 1 fF3 ltr I Olll II TU llKtl.TII. Another Mult "M ml llitppy hi lira, liar rill's Klectrle Treatment. - Tothr Pullir: For many years I have been siiircrinwr from general debllllv. lame back, liver and kidney troubles At time I would fall to the irroued. and wou d lie there some time bt fore J knew what bad httipem d. The (ireater part of my life for a number of years bad b-en one of pain, mi-wry, nlooiny aiul weary of life and unab'e to work. lu thla million I couuaeb cl with Dr. Darrln In reference to my suAering-i an I trouble. They gave me encourag-m- lift, and talked lo tie ao kluniy aud fit ixOy and said they con! I cure me. I went under thefr treatment by elec tr thy and medicine', which baa removed til in v stiflei'lugi and trouble away, and now I ant enjoying the b esHiug-t of good health and happiness. I know what 1 am living for now, and cheerfully recommend the D.M-tnrM treatment to all efll cted oil . For further particulars ad ire A. D. Nhwandkh, Sept. HI, 1WJJ. Fast Prilatt , Or. lira, ltarrlu s 1'l.iro of Itoslnes. . Dr-. Darrln e'en b consulted 'daily at the VaM-.inton building, c-jrner K urth tnd Wa-lrtiKton streets, Portland. II nirs 10 to r: evetiliiga, 7 to 8; Sundays. N to it. Ali chronic diaeaseM, blood aim. IrrcKii'arHlea of women, losa f vital power and early india cretlotis permanently cured, though no references are ever made In the prexx con eernlng such caMea, owing to the d- llcacy of the patients. I-xamiuatlotta free to all, ami circular will lie aeut free to any ad d-ess. Charg a for treatment according to patient a ability to pay. All private dliteaes confidentially treated and cure Kuaranteed. Patient at a dbttanre can be cured by home treatment. Medl cities and 1. 1 tern aent without the ooct tn name apiiearing. Actions .peak louder than words, miles von apeu to le using I lie telephone. AM KLKtlANT FACRAOB CAROS. or FIWB Including 15 rare novel tie, ahapes and vllatle Imported oleotrranhlc and chro matic carda. This large and beautiful col lection aent by mall to any one who will lo this; Huy a bos of the genuine Dr. O. McLane'a Celebrated Liver Pills from any IrugKlat price 25 cents, and mail us the outaide wrapper with your address, plain ly written, and 4 cent lu ft tamp. The genuine Mrline's Pillt are prepared onlj by Fleming Bros., IntlHburgh, Pa anc have been In constant tpte f.ir over alxtj year. They ae stqwrior to all other In uritv and efl'ecll veneaa. A pertain ran tor llKlltreatlon and Sick headiu he. Arl. dreaa, Fleming UroH.. PilUburnh, Pa. Politician, ire a roed deal like shoe Von can't expect the machine made one to be of Hie nigiH-M grade. THV flKttMKa for breakfaot. F.1S"" -a I DISEA (utieura n- n m m J E MfHV MIlK IIFTHE SKIS ASI PCAI.P f Infsitcv and chlhthot.l. whether torttir- Itn. it-niiritiir. Itchfug. tHiratug:. scaly, erupted. illoply or til.tr-bv, with bws of hafr. and every mpur) v of ttie hi,.!, whether simple, scrofu lous . r he editarv, is siteediiv. permanently and imomlcally cured by the t'ruccR kKieniB. consisting of rmi i'ki. the rrint skin cure. If T era Sotr. au eiiillteklu puri tier and hcait- nner, ami I i th cat itr' vkxt, tne new blood and skin purifier and nreatest of hnmorreme- ilies. w hen the best physicians and ail other remedies fall. Parent., save rour children year ol menial and physical surTerina. Begin now. lelay are ianttcrou. Cures made in childhood are tH-rmanetit. Hold every where. Price. Ct'Tt'TRA. SOe; four, if?-: Hixinmt, II. Prepared by potter lirug ami t hemic a! orpornt ion. Boston. Ms-. Send lor How to Cure Wood and rkln Di- ea-c. ' ttnbv's skin and scalp purified and betutlfled bv I'CTti i ll r-osr. Kidney pniti. tmckache and inunrutir henmntistn relieved on one minute bv the elehraied ctiitut AwTt-ria PutMraaie. PAINLESS. If ii HC I '- DXWORTH A GUINEA A BOX-OU For BILIOUS & NERVOUS DISORDERS S,H Sick Headiiche, Weak Stomach, Impaired Digestion, Constipation, Disordered Liver, etc., ACTING LIRE MAGIC on the vital organs, strengthening the muscular system, and arousing with the rosebud of health The Whole Phydcal Ener sy of the Human Frame. Beecfiam's Pills, taken as directed, will quick If RESTORE FEMALES to complete health. SOLD BY ALL ORUCCISTS. Price, 25 cents per Box. Frfpared enly by TH08. BEECH A K, gt, Helett, lanca-hir, England. B. F. A 1.1. K.V iole Atpula far l uitd Atores, .VftI Jt 317 CWnoI St.. Krm Ttrk. trhn (If poxr rirttttttint tiara mat keej. ) M-tl I mmit Hrrhmm fills a, t of ftrtrr mi ttttfMtrr prmw. PORTLAND'S GREAT INDUSTRIAL EXPOSITION OPENS SEPTEMBER 25. Slutnor Liberates Military Band of Fifty li and one-half acrea of floor space Ailed won lertui aiie. A world oi Mcehai lea in lion and view Ha wonders In every de a opportunity such as has never been presented to the people t f thi Coant before. THE FAT AND DOMESTIC STOCK DEPARTMENT v iii open repiemoer zo ana close uciooer thta rtenarlment. Meek llepartment oren -Itlon fr tn 1 p. M. until 1U P. M. On- admisni n ticket admits to b dh. Price, ad n Its. oil cent; chUdre". cents. Heduced ra i nriinnii. r or information aiidre-w ALWAYS m i&AiiSTtl -If.V.-- If you want a first-clags machine, do not purchase until you havt looked up the record of the "Advance," as it is the only machine n tht market that will cive absolute satisfaction. Send for descriptive cata logue to Z. T. Wright, General Agent, Foot of Morrison Street Portland, Oregon, Also dealer in General Machinery and Supplies. - ographers of both sexes, attribute their success to a course at the Portland BtlSr ness Collecre. Portland. Oreiron. or the Capital Business Colletre. Salem. Orepon. Both are under the management study, same rates of tuition. Bustness,iyhorthand,Typewnttnj, fenmanship and b,ng- usa iJcpurtmenis. vv rue toeiuier lorjouic fbiTicvybelTue whaVsome men say. ii iticxL4i i ut; 1 1 la endorses Y is o solid cexke o 9 C ST 11 T v. ae'ATW For many years SAPOLIO has stood as the finest and best article of this kind in the and, although it costs a trifle outlast two cakes of cheap cheapest in the end. Any reasonable price. mi'rb i iihk roa nun, Hare rare for blind, bleed. n aud!t:h)as Pi!. One li has cared tha worst raae of ten yean' ttaudiuir. No one need inffei ten mlneu- afbat asstm Kirk's German file Ointment it absorbs tomors, allays the ltz-h Inn, acts aa a pott It Ice, Site relief. Dr. Kirk- Uermtg File Ointment Is pre-r-d only for Plaea and lUrhluf of the private part, and uothluf else. Every boa t warranted , Hold by rirtnrirlsts and sent by mall en receipt of price, f 1.00 er box. J. J. Hack Co., Whole sale Ateuta, Han Frauclaeo. Iti rTt'RE AND FILES Cl'KEIt. We positively cure rupture and all rectal dla- eases without pains or detention from buslness. No cure, no prv: and pay until cured. Ad irterfield A l.'Ser.NM dre.s for pamphlet Iirs. t'orterfleld Market street, Han Francisco. OIVI3 ElVJOYS Both the method and results when Bjrup of Figa is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently jet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem efectually, dispels cold?, head tches and fevers and cures habit",', constipation jiermafienUy. For sale in 50c and $1 bottles by all druggists. CALIFORNIA FI0 SYRUP CO. 81 ff)CI8C0. CU lovisnue. nr. hew tout, .r. ? Sir-rsaa Stek Haadaoao. CotaMtpatta. Malaria, Li.ar 0 plaint, take tha aX a4 aanaka tw ay. SMITH'S BILE BEANS Vm tha SMALL Sits HtOa kaaaa to the ha. W . Tr art Ik Bt MfMlsst: frrteeat Haar tlx, l east par twuia. KISSING i.?rs2ssn laupiisaa ar at-apai- r. SaffTH a oa , teef'tlla Sa. St. Loata M Mak I CURE FITS. When I say cor I on t for tiro and U-"o tt tbeta rutqrn sajg-tlo. w&t a MsV or FAUJ.NU lSK'KNitaAcfti.l4ocVndf. warranl mf mmtmif tae-r the woni CaWist. Hec&i sl?rj rmrm. Piw mmo- um n:irm of r rra, fcriXr- othmrm h- f-u-Kt m no rvmswo is sat nam rmemnng t tttr. K-oH at anrm in m tramii aad rm Bou.lv my miMi:h! mnsMij. flir riprtaa ana romt iri STEIN WAY, Cabler iBd Peise Pianos Meanlnc the Bnrr Plsso Mtt, and the famrtta e racer P sresi; ail M- si al Iraerametits; hands Hup p M; Unre -rk ! She- MtttM f-rciswsr Ball, Vaii4 iiH f t Hbert; Mtimis Ultf Co. UaU and -r our aew roooa aod arw stoek. PENSION RATINtM ASil BVNOP3W Or PKH.ION AMU HOCMTV LAWS. Itlauk and information free to any address. 7 ait It aits ttlrklorat. Washing ion, ii. t .. laieoi it, n., sua -.. it. Jafantry. pensions: OLD CLAIMS SETTLED under new Law r-oi.iiera, w idow s, t areiiu, end for blank ap dilations and information. Patrick O'r'arrell. t'ensms Agent. Washington. I. O. IIU - S EFFECTUAL ( jren Horn thla pnnrr.J 1 890. CLOSES OCTOBER 25. Selected Musician l I famish the manic. to ove rl-iwinx w ith the woniera of this Alimalnre. rot to visit this threat Rxposf Imeut of art and cleti-e will be to miss an z. f o.oto la it. red In cash premiums in to visitors fri m 9 A M. until S p. u. Expo es on all tranap'wtation lines leading to k. v . ALi.K.,upt. and S c y. THE LEAD, THE DDI DIE THRESHERS, Engines, Horse Powes, Self-Feeders and Strawstackers. THAT CAN BK U8W) EVERY BA? is the kind that pays. Scores of young business men, ana Hun dreds of book-keepers and sten of A. P. Armstrong, have same courses of vaiaiogue ana specimens oi penmansnip. xjryv i text ex iiivsi i say. IHI0M SapoIio. counngso&p- world. It knows no equal, more its makes. durability makes it It is therefore the grocer will supply it at a PRORSPTLY CURED DY Kayvrorid, Kan., Au lu.. ikSS. t f nffcreil irro rears Ith i mlo In ntv side: oetora fal i-d to belo me; r)t. Jan t Oi 1 cu red no return of pa! a. LKMMOX, K J4. Carlisle, Pa., February II, lass. I was hurt lu the left hip and tried sev- Uiau a half buttle of HI Jir.,b. till cured me. uns u. n r..r tit. -abers golden Female Pills. For F ial. Ir -j ilaf I tie: DcHhineliistheai a tba mar set. titom tail 8reful! nsoS of prominent I a! lea month i. uaaraata4 to relieve supprsaaaal B.nstrnatioa. tUIEl SAFE CWTAISI Don't fca fcmbBfTr4. Bar. Tfraa, Hoaita, a a mmaj ,-taka mo a ar. rmi fc aa mAAnm. acara by mail aa ra rl pt of pra.f2.ta Addraa. THE APHKO tlVZlXl C0SP11T, ffMltn Branek. SoA V, tVXTVAKU. tU Sold by Wiaoost Uaue Vo.i Fuctiajtd. Of. Men'o Suits to Order S20 to S40. Hen's Pants to Onfer, 80 to OIO. Fit rnsranteed. fiend 4 cent. In atanit for sample, and rule for aelf measurement, ARTHUR KOHM, CLOTEIER, HATTER, TAILOR, CORSEBB or Second and Morrison SI... FOK1LAKP, OB. DOBBINS' ElecjricsoAP The Best Family Soap in lheVorfd. Jobtintf Electric Soap is eheaper ft you to use. If yon -Jim illrrrtiont. than any other soap would be If itfeea to you. for l y Its oa etathrt are firrd. Clothe eoat mora than aoap. Ikra't yon tryrnl to twre mtnfy, clothe, time, labor, fue!. and health t Alltbeeeeaa be aaved if yoa will trtt bobbins' Kloetrie Soap. We say " Irfi." knowing If yoa try K rme. yoa will always nse tC" Hare yom grocer order it. H.r.l.DISSELL&CO. 219 Fro nt St., San fma.ncisco.Cal CENERAL ACENTS. JH SMOKE? Will have ro other Jobacco Who orvce tries SEL OF N0RTH CAROLINA" Plug CuL Jhls is the secret of its Imrrvertse sale. Puget Sound Business Goilep Mo SEATTLE SCHOOL OF SHGETHAKD. A bool tor young men and women. I jtrgeat and bent in the state. Fall terra eotmneneea An gnst IS. For partienlar address for ratalogae, Seattle, Wash., Seattle Block, hoora 7tt. F. o. Box im A.C.NIcho!siCo.L.Vft5r f,ainJ2r.T 4 OA Hatter "t-. Svatn 'ra aielac. Hlfthest market price paid tor Hides, Pelta and Tallow. Diamond Drill Work. TlePaCificProspecn0Co.,f?lng with Diamond Core Drill for oil. mineral or wa ter. Hole bored for vectilation or drainaga. Agenta for Diamond Drill MaehiDerr and 8o piiea. Corresporidenf-e aniieited. 912 fia ie street, Ban Francisco. cHieHrsrcscs cnqlisw PEMHYRQYAL PILLS Mf Ml .) rr-ttarb.. jttifa. 9mm. vr-kfcta-i nr imammmm mrmmm. a Met-itie Wt, MtM vtdri twtN i riMett- Take r wim- At slm aafffws i in n ttm latAu&fsa) fur pArtiniuara. i -KUr W U.rea,- tha IsMT. IJ I The Best Type -Titer. Bend for Catalogaa. Wiley B. Alj.cn sV Co. G.a.ral Areata. 1I 1st S.PortlwMl.Or. CASPAR NURSERY CHOICE STRAW BERRY PLANTS a KneeialtT Im mense stoek of all leading varieties at the very lowest market rate, s-end for priee list, and I will please yon. Address E. K. JONES, Carpnr .Varsr '. Ft. BtAGfi, Mendocino eounty, Cali fornia. HORSE NAILS. We offer to close oat stock of l3no boxes Horse Nails as follows: 6s, 8a, 9s. 10 at 11 cents pound to the trade or to borseshoers; 6a and 7 'fe, boxes only). 12 cents. They are the Jndaoj make, t he best in the world, and no more will tx " mannf aetnred. Order from votir jobber or from K-Utn'a Caaki Ktarr, 418 l'r.t Mrrtt, - Fraatrlsca, rl. Send rash or best city reference, payable oa receipt of good. Name tills paper. OPIUM AND VORPH NS HABIT cored. Trial free. Confiden tially address INDIANA MINERAL gPRINGa CO.. La Faykttb, Ihd. Box 13. N. P. N. U. No. SE4 S. F. N. U. No. 431 f-r ISI'r-v ad v f Ell 9J h M XTfi Mr tonscalesX of Y ( $66 J BIN8HAMT0M) VtMsi Box Tar. Baaai V$, N. Y. . iuaia V, 9 r? 3 1