Lebanon Express. FMDAY... .fr-KPTKMBER 11), lS'.H). EYES ANO EARS! drain nil store-!. Hay tuow ed away, ' 'luikctl woodsheds. O. Wallace la buihlitiga rvsUleiu't. T1h Exi'RKSs four months for 50 o.k. John went to Albany vWdtnsi- lay. Lumber $8 and ft) per M at Wneltr'H fM'w mill, ' A.W. Marks has been Imllspnaed for several days. Hon. K. It. Sfclpworth came in on "Wednesday's train. The county bridge at tills place Is viitlorgolug n-palra. We noticed P. C. Miller riding the p! Silkier ltla week. Julius Hyde and wife visited Linn's net wpinlla this week. Ja. Matchett has a thought of buy ing a house in town. Boon Fort la holding down It la pre enipMou on the Santhun. . A iiflrtre In town; Benjamin Jroa. art the proprietors. 1 II. Y. Klrkpatriek was taken sud lt ulv ill Wednestlay night. There are four hMea under con st ruction on Biidire Avenue. T. V. lVebler intends to make his homo In Eugene, no we are told. , . Miller called an extra session of the eonueil Wednesday evening. C C Haeklentan and 8. M. Garland went To Albany Thursday morning. Cabinet photos for 12.50. p,r dog. for one week only at the Wlleox gallery. II. Y. Klrkpatrlek sold to J. tl. Rtd two lot-sin Iliatt'a addition last Hatur iay. A. G. Fropst had hia hand badly cut on Friday last while feeding the steam saw. Dr. A. Q. PtU!. a practicing physician of Jsew- York, has located In Sweet Home. W. D. Washbnm, of Bruwnsville, contemplates building on hla Lebanon property. Surveyor Warner is plattinsr Kirk pa'rick'a third and fourth additions lids week. The Albany papers report the di:- overj of natural gas within t ur niilen of i hat city. The little daughter of Ben Donaea is quite sick, but at last accounts waa re ported .vetti-r. Whit Crawford waa in town this r:t, but he said nothing about that military ball. We would like to have some money on Bubeription, but we would die befoiv vo would ask for it. Charley Walton is carrying hte hand in s p'inir; he lias h ten-dollar boil ou his disabled meuiber. Did plumes, tips and feathers dyed and re-curle4 by Mrs. Nellie B. Smith, milliner and dressmaker. Mr. J. B. Alexander, of Kugem, v.- s visiting iter son. Vieo. it. Alexamtei of the Expkess, this week. waiKer s fcastman, or Albany, arc lathing the school building, and will ifieir worn this wetK. l ive teams ntun I'astern Dreg w w;tra(1 thnrngli twn Tuesday.- Their 'de.vtiualion we did not learn. Mrs. W. J. Guy has been in a very critical condition for several days. ShV is .Miii'ering from heart aflection. lr. BarKer and Mr. Hale were the first men to take horses m-er the Cala- iM ia trail to Treasure Mountain. Furniture, upholstered goods and itardwreat Barbour Bros, in Lebanon Churchill & Montcith's old stand. Itcmember Crttson & Menzies' hard ware business will be run on a strictly e::u oasis on ana aner uet. 1st, jsso, L''''n;;n i s-t"ll extending ht r limits i ! '. iJ ning her borders. IJ. lturtcii- s-skw is the last man to plat an addi tion. M r. Oaltt rw. who reeeiitl v pun-ham. a intcivst in the liwry mid fivd Mablc, wi 1 1 move into ine uoutse vacated ly i-nii. ."Miiiiii. A. V. Moses has built considerable shelving iu the variety store this week. a:i of eoursa lie makes a better display oi itss goods. W Hcox fe Corwi will open their jrr.lWy in Lebanon Sept. 27th, continu tog one week, at reduced prices. See anotner ooiuain. On Mouday a chamje was made in the time of the Lebanon afternoon train; it now arrives at 3:10 instead of 2 :P0 as heretofore. All those interested in the organiza- too ot a literary soeletv. are reauestecl to bo prcseiit at the Academy, this Fri- a evening, at 7o. The reduction will positively last but okc eeK at tne V Heox & Conn tra! Vry, iTehiing Sept. 27th and end jug Oct. oL inclusive. The S.ir.tiam Academy opened Hon-! day with a good attendance. We pre- diet that this old institution will be' weii patronized this winter. The people along North Main street are praying for more light. The town council have heard their cries aad will doubtless grant tneir petition. To one who has seen a Mongolian phcasaTst run, wings certainly seem superfluous members, designed foi or nament rather than usefulness. Our customers all speak highly in pv;iie of ir-t Patrick's Pills. They are the best. Berry Bros., Carroll, Xc hracka. For sale by M. A. Miller. One of the turbine wheels slipped from the wagon on which it was loaded, at the paper mill, and it re quired a good deal of work to put it in place. We learn that trie iron ore near Oowego is not so extenrive as tt was thought t be, and the consequent is that now deposits will le sought in the future. A photegTafdier earned Briggs is thinking of stopping temporarily in Lebanon, and should the outlook justify he may conclude to locate per inanently. Tnore is tio disputing the fact that a few more lights are needed on Main street aail we believe that they will be furnished. Mrs. MaltlaiuL late of Montana, was viewing Lebanon this week. She was vcrv favorably impressed with thei town and will probably invest in Leb anon real ; state. John S. Baker, contractor, builder and designer. Drawings and specifi cations noatly and promptly executed. IyCt.auon, Oregon. Give me a call be fore letting contract. Phil. W. Nichols, formerly foreman of the Express, spent Sunday in Leb anon. Phil has a host of friends in this part of the country who would be glad to see him oftener. Dr. Barker and Mr. Hale started to the Cahipooia mines last w-.-ek. These iaiitleaier nave never seen this portion cral telt md their curiosity i K-tAkened. DrVH Thompson 1 tl'.esame Kcnermis, wlinh'-soiiled ttinn that he was ten days a, when we left town; we had hot iteivd our otrloa on rv turning before he treated us to melon. Br. Barker and Mr. Hale returned from the Culapoola mints this week; they took claims white In the district and appear to Ik? well pleased with the outlook for these mini's. Joe. Carey, J. Abbott, F. Gilt, C. Butcher and II. Myers.of8elo, rctttrnetl from Fish Lake Tuesday, after having caught 501) pounds of llsh. We ac knowledge n pleasant call. one saloon was closni weuneaitay night, the' license having expired. Application was made for a -renewal of license, but the council would not S'-cept the proprietor's bondsmen. All pnrtiis knovvhtsr themselves in- debted to Cruson & Men ties are re quested to call ami settle their accounts iy the first of October, as we intend to s-oll for cash, only, after that date. W. K. Temple's steam baler presses hay faster than a regiment of horses an eat it. Oo out to Cheadle's farm for proof; but leave your poor horses behind you might discourage the ma chine. We hear it confidentially remarked that there Is now a scheme on foot not an Utopian scheme but one that Is feasible and Is certain to mature, the equitl of any enterprise hitherto pro- ecteil in thva town. Tn conversation with one of our' business men a few days, since relative to the loss to Lebanon of the Santlam Mineral Paint Factory, he very gneroiasly remarked, "O, well, we do not want the earth." We made an Inspection this week of J. O. Heed's new uwellitig on Bridge Avenue. The house Is commodious in all its apartments and It Is evident that comfort and convenience have dictated the plans throughout. If reports be true, we need the ser vice a of "Pied, Ihe Piper," in some parts of town. A sturdy old rodent went so tar as to cnaiienge a lany to battle. Of course the courageous female accepted the challenge. Jaa. Matchett, of Bantlam, Is how occupying a portion of Jake Bilyeu's house, tne way families crowa into every available point of space reminds us of the "doubling up" process ou the overland emigrant train. Phil. Smith has removed his family to-Judge Miller's housa near the Meth odist church. Whether the late con ference at Grants Pass ordered the change we know not, but Phil, says his presence was wan tea tnere. At the trial of S. II. Walpole at Al bany last Saturday, he was found guilty of vagrancy and was iiued $2." and coats. In default of which he was sent to jail for thirty days. He threat ens vengeance on his release. L. L.Burtenshaw, Eso.., went down to Lebanon, Linn county, this week, to visit with his forty brothers, cousins uncles and aunts ana other relatives. h?says, f'Vt few days his first visit home lu twelve years, Ashland Tld- iig?. Willis Young, of Oakland, Or., died it Sodsvule last Sunday evening. Mr. Young and wife had been at the springs one week, wnere tney nad come for the benefit of his health. The emains were taken to Oakland for burial. Mr. Geo. Finlev. the nonular vntine merchant of Crawfonlsville, anil Miss Ina liiee, daughter of Hon. J. N. Kioe, -vert mai rietl at the residence of the rid.'s father in Crawfonlsville, Wed icsdjiy, Sept. 10th, Itev. C. A lliciatitig. Mcllroy 1 That sour-tempered, cross, dyspeptic individual, should take Dr. J. H. Mc Lean's Sarsaparilla. It -will make im feel as well and hearty as the 'icalthiest of us. lie needs bracing up, .-italizinsr. that is all. For sale by Beard A Holt. Frequently cweitlont ciocur in the household which cause burns, cuts, sprains and bruises; for i se in audi ases Dr. J. H. McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment has for manv years been the constant favorite remedy. For sale by Beard & Holt. Several property-owners in Lebanon, who reside in other localities, have sig nified their willingness to build in our town provided they have the assurance f rviiling the property. Why, sirs, our houses will lie rented lefore the foundations are laid. Mr. Garland, a young attorney of Lebanon, was called to read the law to tome parties in dispute near Craw fordsvllle. When the matter in ques tion is legally adjusted, Mr. Garland will probably conclude to extend his visit to the Oalapooia mines. News conies from County Recorder Davis, that Peterson & Wallace, real estate agents at this place, recently tel egraphed to Albany for 510 blan k deeds. Mr. Davis jestingly added one cipher, and hence the rush for Lebanon can be accounted for on satisfactory grounds. i ne taaiesot tne r trst t resoyier.au church will give a Blue Point sociable at the Band Hall on Friday night. Sept. 26th. Mufcical and literary en tertainment to begin at 8 o'clock. Lunch and eociabie to follow. Admis sion, 25 cents. Come and enjoy your selves. S. Percifull, of Brownsville, owns several lots in Kirkpatriek's second addition to Lebanon. He tells us that he will build on his property provided there is any assurance of renting the dwelling. Samuel, a renter will be on the ground before the building is com pleted. S. M. Garland returned from Sweet Home Wednesday. He disposed of the suit and remained several days making the acquaintance of many of the good people of .Sweet Home and Crawfonls ville. A little practice is all that is necessary to give our j'oung friend prominence at the bar. It has long puzzled some business heads to know why Mr. 's store is so liberally patronized, especially by the feminine gender. But now the secret is uncovered; the courteous clerk dumps the purchases into Gordon's delivery wagon and carries the fair purchaser home on his arm. Julius Schmidt, who eloped with Mary Schlosser, is well connected in Jacksonville, and his wife is the daugh ter of the late Gen J E Ross, and a most estimable lady. Their little child, 11 months old, is now lying at the point of death. Schmidt and wife have been separated for several months. You may as well learn now as later on that If you have come to this coun try with the expectation of whittling out a fortune with a jack-knife that you must find softer wood than Oregon fir. Brawn and muscle are just as es sential here as elsewhere and always bring a good price in the market. I. 'A. Bennett, our obliging depot agent, after a week1a leave of absence, returns with a life partner and four roods of good-natured smiles. We receipt him for some delicious wedding cake. Many of our young men are envious of your good fortune and are anxious to know how it was all brought about; but it is a lesson each has to learn for himself. A social was given the Chcadle family by the Presbyterian church and their many friends not thus con nectedat the home of Rev. A. Marcelius, last Friday evening. Mr. Cheadle and family will hereafter reside in Portland, and it was fitting that they should be thus honored on theeveningof their departure. To say that all present enjoyed themselves, would be to put it iu its truest form i We regret to lose them from our midst, . hut sur-h j life. AffWof our Hilli towns Foriland anion iz the mmdses are Inclined to disumlit the discovery of natural gas In our town, and regard the statement a a mere pteaaantfy. Well, we will deal charitably wltti you fellows; you have been so long dealing In the man ufactured product that you have no faith itt anything unless certllied by your senses. We hare the genuine article and It will be utilized. We are told that we received a sere nade lust Batunlay night from some of our ttest musicians, but we did not en Joy tho pleasure of hearing it tut ac count of not waking up. Home others who were so fortunate as to be sere nadi'd Ihe same evening, say that it was most delightful music, and we mueh regret that weiiid not hear It. Tln re was n B elal the night ls-fore, and we must have been very sleepy. Thanks, all the same, tjoys. Some agent for a patent nostrum tacked the following 14x6 plew of con solation on a board fence In Iebanon: 'Electricity Islife." A few weeks since, theauthorltlesof theStateof New York decreed that F.leetrlclty Is death, and could poor Krcmler testify In the matter he would confirm the decree. We an? willing to lea ve to those whose labor are less arduous the pleasant and profitable task of reconciling these dis crepant statements, it will be seen at the Altai assixe that the large nock of gouts on tho left hand are not. all editors. , Montague mut ho preparing for a boom, judging by the way he Is slock ing up his Mammoth mid Oiu-Frtce Cwsh Stores. By purchasing his gda In such large quantities he naturally gt;ts much lower prices. He! guaran tees gotal goods in at! the departments of hts extensive establishments at prices that atsolutoly astonish other merchants In the valley, some of them going so far as to say tliat Montague retails his goods as low as they buy them at wholesale. The careful buyer Invariably goes to Montague's. Thus. Kav of Rulctn, ahd J. K. Wtatherfork, of Albany, have acquired a valuable property at Waterloo. The Immense water power at tills place, the soda snrlnsr, and two hundred acres of laud covering a beautiful town site, have all passed Into their hands. It li the purpose of the owners to form a syndicate with a capital stock of $ik 0tK, build a ten-thousand-doltar hotel, to istruct an electric railway to Lctnt non. farm their water power and thus build on the banksof the South Kuntlam an Industrial city of ho mean pro portions. The One-Price Cash Store has ix- come one of the' features of Lebanon. As everything is new and fresh, and the rriccs are so much below that chargid n credit-giving establishments, xtn ple who desire to buy their goods for cash naturally go to the corner. where they do not have to mnke up to the storekeeper for Ihe non-paying cus tomers who, when they can do so, buy on credit, and who are eonstitutionnlly opposed to paying ffr anything. Oct prices at the One-Price Cash Store and if there Is nny reason in you that Is the place where you will pur base your iupplies. Mr. John Keown, Ihe worthy post master at Keown, Allegheny County, Peiin., says; "Chamberlain's Cough Itcmedy dells better! han any other." The reason of this is because it can p ways lie depended upon. Iet any one troubled with a severe cold give It a trinl and they will find that the first dose will relieve the. lung and make breathing easier, and that its continued use will free the system of all symptoms of the cold. The promptness and cer tainty of this remedy in the relief and cure "of colds, has won fr it many sincere friends and made it. very popu- Jar, For sale by M. A. Miller. A manufacturer of woolen fabrics' remarked, after seeing the p:uer mill at this place, that such an industry is worth as much to a town as two woolen mills. With no disparagement of the last-named industry, a careful calcula tion will convince "the most skeptical of the truthfulness of the remark. We are told that ?75,tHH will te spent annually bt this company, every dol lar of wliicli will be left In the town and it immediate vicinity. There will lve no importation of raw material; that can all le had just outside the city limits; the 1200 cords of wood required to feed Ihe furnaces, grows within a stone's throw of Ihe corporate lines; and las.ly, Ihe employes will live amovgst Vis and paronize our home merchants. By consulting the register at the St. Charles hotel It will be seen that the immigration to this country is from no particular locality exclusively. There seems to lie a restlessness, a general dissatisfaction with the way things are ordered in the East. The e:ra-shcnerB in Kansas in 1S74. after having eaten all the forage, marched in bodv to the lanes and thoroughfares there to await orders. Like the provi dent creatures they are, tnev went not to the desert or the plain, but they headed for pastures green and abun dant. This, although it may seem a vu ! gn r comparison , uccu ra tel y d cser i bos the condition or thousands or people in the East who are sighing for the "flesh i t of Uli8 motlern Ei?vpt i b ,,,,. .,,.. n Jr ricnu, make room; they arc conuog. That there is nn Immense gas field lying in part within the limits of our town, cannot be doubied by anyone who has the slightest acquaintance with tiiis luminous agent- Since its first discovery, some three month since, the tests have been both varied and numerous, and the settled convic tion of our citizens is that we have In our little town the elements" of a thrifty little city. AH thoughts of marsh gas have been dispelled, as none of the properties of this gas can be ascribed to the late discovery. Organized effort will soon bring to the surface what seems to be an inexhaustible supply of this gas, and tuel and light will cut but a small figure in the annual ex penditures of the families in this and more distant parts of the country. Much ado has been made over the cam of John J. Brown, c harged with sweating twenty-dollar pieces. Physi ologists mention two kinds, or degrees of perspiration, the sensible aud Ihe insensible. John Brown's is the only case of sensible sweating on record. For thirty-five years we have endured every degree of' heat known to Fahren heit's thermometer, from the gentle perspiration to the drenching night sweat, and the largest coin we ever sweat was a buzzard dollar, and then we had a good run of job work. The Inconsistency of calling in Coke and Blackstone to settle a disputed physio logical fact when any old woman can cure the worst case of sweating in twelve hours with sycamore chips and sage tea! Well, since it is a crime to sweat, we propose to cease our la bore right now and look fora sinecure per haps a position on the Lebanon Ex press. An exchange says that "the average number of hairs on the human scalp varies" and that "a sinirle hair can support the weight of two ounces." If the former statement be applied to males only, we accent it in toto; the number of hairs on men's heads do vary crreatlv. the minimum number leing found ou the married man's head every time; and there is a reason for this, which we decline to give, on the ground that the problem, justly belongs to woman, is not above her iutellectual stature, and is in har many with the whole bent of her mind. The second statement, that "a single hair can support the weight of two ounces," we accept with considerable reserve. A very small tuft of hair a handful for instance has been known, in a crucial test, to suppoit a weight of two hundred pounds. Brethren, be careful how vou write: a few loose ! statements like the latter will bring it! p'oioRwon into disrepute. 1U UMKB TO DEATH. Mrs. Elliott, wife of Jon Elliott, waa burned to death at Glass's hop yard, on Thomas creek, last Thursday. The Sclo Press gives the following account of the horrible accident: "Thursday, Mr. Elliott's baby being tick, she did not go to the hop yard, but stayed in camp, and waa busying herself about camp work. In passing around the camp tire her clothing was lighted. She had smelled the burning cloth for some little time before she discovered thittlt whs her own clothing that was on lire. She then stalled to the tent to get a blanket to smother out the flumes. At the tent door she met her l.S-motith'S-old baby, nod even at thp exciting moment the safety of her child predominating over personal pain, she took it and placed it out of harms way, a few feet distant, and then returned to the tent for the blanket and rolled herself therein In the attempt to smother nut the flames that were by this time blistering and crisp ing her flesh. She rolled the blanket around as well as she could, but the agony she was undergoing was so great ihnt.Hhe threw the blanket away and st at fed for tho hop yard near by, all the time screaming for help. Tho first person Hie met was a man, and of course she went to him for help. He not having any other nie.ins of putting out tho tire, commenced throwing dust ou the burning woman. Other help arriving, the" unfortunate woman's burning clothing was torn from In r, what little there was left by this time, ami she was conveyed to her tent by kind hands and word sent for the doe tor and the husband, who was, as be fore stated, at Lebanon. Upon exam inntion Mrs. Elliott pioved to le liter ally rousted, with the exception of her arms and a e. Her shoes evert wrt burned In a crisp upon her feet. Mrs. Elliott, whose age Is but 23, leaves a huf.hand and a little child but about 18 manthsold." The remains were brought to Leba non and funeral servlci s were held at the Presbyterian church, Sunday, and the burial took place at the Masonic cemetery. Mr. Elliott and family re cently moved to near this place from Crook county. She was the daughter of Geo. Mlllican, a prominent citien of lane county. A Tlirlvln Tovn. The editor of the Sclo Press gives ovr town the following favorable ' notice: "We wire over at Ltbanon the first f the Meek, and after m'ngling with 1m r citizens for two or three hours, came awav with the Imortasloii that for a thriving energetic go-ahead town, la-o- anoii has nosupeiJor in the State., !. e. for a town that is no larger, ine m per mill, the prime cause of all the activity . is making fair progress. We notice two very large ricks of straw that had Uen hauled from the neighbor ing farms, that Is to be used In the manufacture of paiver. In the town proper we not lee several new residence under way; also the foundation was toe ing laid for a church building for the M. E. church. South. The new school house, which is well along under con (miction, will be a source of pride lo citizens, hen completed. These with many ot tier improvementstha t is going on, gives to Ute streets a very lusy, hustling aspect, and we predict that Leluuiou will be before many years pass, one oi the very Important cities of Oregon." Jules Schmidt Arrtstd. Wedntsday aftcrnoou Marshal Hoff man or Albany receiver a uispatcn from Sheritr Birdsey, of Jacksonville, reading: "Jules Schmidt bete. Woman with him. Do you i ant him," followed by another: '-Schmidt has been arrested for polygamy. Examination this afternoon, v ill notiiv you u discharged." A letter received by Win. Pieltter stated that schmldt and Mary Schlosser were married at Crescent Citv, Cal., where the lienuicrat a few lavs a;n stated Ihcy bad gf.i.e. It secerns that they returned to Jackson ville, when Mrs. Schmidt -No. I had him arrested. We are imformcd she had lieen walohlns the j r.KXuliugs. The dispatc'.i corn bo.a'es the letter iu r f-i cnce to their marriage, hit h alone could create a e.-s.' of polygamy. The general sentiment here is that Schmidt can only get his just deserts by a resi dence in t lie penitent kiry at lei.st fcur years, the limit. D;unlcrat. Jiet Ready fnr m Kite. Emms I.F.ruNos E.rr.t.-S: In a recent issue of your paper was a query asking Ihe Lebanon Enttlne Co. If 'they were ready in c ise of a fire. I answer "no. We have a good com pany of firemen, a noid engine anil curtj Sut only have 200 feet of service able hose. I called the attention of the present town council to this fact, in Slay last. Perhaps if we had afire that would bum up half the town, our present economical city council would wake up and buy at least 00') feet ot good host. .Interest is leing lost in the company for this very reason . J. A. Lambkrmx, Foreman Lebanon Engine Co. Not Quite an Accident. As we entered the cut at Ward's butte on Tuesday morniag our sensi bilities were shocked beyond measure by the din and clatter of a dmengagid brake on the mail coach which waa Iveating two-four time ou ties and rails and seemed to menace the safety of the passengers. An animated conversa tion in pantomime was carried on tietween the brukemen and tho engi neer for a short time and the train sud denly halted. The train was stopped none too soon, for had the brake fallen olf it would have derailed the coach and might have resulted seriously. A Word to I.a.licn. Ladies who desire a leautiful clear skin, free from pirn jkf, liol In, blotclua and other eruption", should commence at once to use or. uutui'a improved litver I'll la. Thev will also remove that heavy look alxtut your eyes and muke them brijilit, and will cure head ache from whatever cause it arisen. Rememlter. yon are only required to take one small pill at bed time, wh'ch is coated with pure sugar, and will not gripe or produce . any unpleasant sensation. Sold at 2 cents by M. A. Miller. A Sure Cnro for Fllea. Itching riles are known by moisture like perspiration cauHing intense itch ing when warm. This form, aa well as blind, bleeding and protruding, vield at once to Dr. IJosanko's Pile Remedv, which acts directly on the parts affected, ahsorbs tumors, allays itching and effects a permanent cure. 50c. Druggists or mall; treatise free. Dr. Ilosanko, Piqiia, O. Sold by M. A. Miller. Kxcltrmrnt Runs hicrh in Ijebanon at Beard & Holt's drug store over Wvstem Builder, as everbod v is using it for Catarrh of the Stomach. Dvuneueada. Consumption and Impure Rlood. Try it and tell your friends about It., aa it must possess wonderful merits wnen an spear, wen of It. (Sweet Home State .Leaves Lebanon daily except Sunday ai 7 A. M.: arrive at Sweet Home 12 m. Leaves Sweet Home daily except Sun day at 1p.m.; arrive at Lebanon B v. M G. M. Westfall,. Persons who lead a 1 ife of ex posu re are subject to rheumatism, neuralgia and lumbago will find a valuable remedy in Dr. J. II. McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment; it will banish pain and pubdue inflammation. For sale by I Beard & Ho)t. FltO.n W1LLUW I'RAIKIK. Beit. 9, 1890. Harvest la over, and for the purpose of allowing others to compare their crops with ours, I append a few exam ples of yields: j rx uamraitu nad oata tnresiuHi tunt averaged over 00 bushels per acre. J 11 Oaibrallh had some line beans. but I did not get the yield. w v iiowes una w neat mat averaged f0 bushels and oata 04 bushels per acre, ana an ma grain was sown Ueiweeu tne ist ana tut u or May. - Elder Shea, our Mormon pre siding elder, had oats that aver aged 50 bushels, besides they were cut Willi hatid binder and mule a lot were fed out In the sheaf. The elder has the finest crop of onions lie ever raised, and ulmot evcrv iiuin that has crofSi-d the mountains will tell you that they are tlrst-class. as tViey have eaten of them (and, by the way, If I can prevail on I ho old man, ho will bring a few to vou the first time he comes to I-lmnon.) Your correspond ent boaght a few some dais ago, and being Mruck so favorably wit It the large ftlr.i 1 measured one, and found that It was lid inches one wav and 151 the other. .- The Russell Brothers had Im o sorts of oats; the last averaged tM bushels ar acre and the others 00 bushels pr-r acre, and they weigh 44 pounds to ihe measured bushel. Their soring wheal averaged m bushels. They have a squash that lucasurcn 04 twt around one w-sy ami 6$ feet the other, and quite a lot that ill compare favorably Willi tt. Ilic!rlcans made 75 bushels per acre, and buckwheat 10 bushels tier acre. Wm and Juo A Thomnson did not thresh their oats, but their vield was it-llnmtt d by different ones at from 7." to iH) bushels per acre; but they did thresh their potatoes, and the fcllow- Ing it the result: One hill produced 8K large tut a toes, ami this so astonished Uncle William Unit he did not think to weigh them. However, something over n week later, his nervousness hav ing somewhat sultslded, when he dug another hill, and by the re piest of some one, the old gentleman weighed one of Ihe largest, and fxind It weighed 8 pounds, fp. S. Editor of Plains- vlfle, III., Observer please copy. The potatoes referred to it re of the variety known as Early Rose. Joshua Nieholts raised some wheat that was not thnslud, but was isti-niat'-d by good Judges at from 40 to 50 bushels per acre. Galbraith and Morchead had wheat that made 31 bushel per acre. Now whit community can furnish a mosc substantial reason why pople should leave the c-c!one lelt and set tle In this, the grandest part of Oregon. Men can buy farms, Improved or unimproved, very cheap, or thev can find good government land subject to nomcstean or pre-emption. Item niis-i these reiKirts are not for less than acre lots: for InMane, Russell Brothers' oats went over 12"K) bushels, and Gal braith and Morchead had near 10 acres wheat. I speak of this to show that 1 did not cut out little pieces, but took whole crops. Mrs w in Iliompson has fully re covered from her sick siwll, and now all the Willow Pralriles are at home will and happv, except Its wayward son, Andrew J Nichols, and he is e trreiei pome so-n, ami, by tne wav. some really licltevethat be will capture a better half while at Uoltra and bring her heme. Be that as it may, we d know that when he comes home, that he will get some venison s-khi after, Joseph Steinpraiidt rctntnrJ horn' from his vacation, pitching bundles for a thresher on the pra'r!e. He sjvs it is a good Job, but oli, my! how they put a fellow Ibrougli! Joseph lon!bt a W Inchest er rifle and expects to feast on venison and cougar this winter. Mrs J A Powell and Bert and MIonlc. from Lebanon, and OH Rusdl, area! Irfiwer Soda recruiting their lost ener gies. Hope that they will enjoy them selves to their hearts' content, return thoroughly rejuvenated and bring back plenty ot venison and iisit. IMrs Josnua iSlcholis lias some peaches that are said to le the liest In the count rv. Thv are the California Chili variety. The tree is full, and they are sweet aud delicious. Jo-diua Nlebolls I" preparing to thresh bis wheat. He will anon complete hi kitchen, and then, golly! wlint an oys ter sup er! Just stand one side, please rrank stelngrandt promised voui correspondent a niece of venison with'n two weeks. If he comes to time, 11! send half ef it to the editor. Bud Mealey and family are visilii g his mother. They have pone to Fish Lake for a pleasure trip. Joy tind Will went with them. Mis I.ol Reamer goes again to Al bany to-morrow, to stay ov-r winter with the parties she spent the t-umm r with. Charley Howes killed a cougnr on George Zullner's place that measured nine feet from tip of bill to end of nose. O. Judd Mealty' has some hogs for mlo. He sold some to Mr. Nichols for 3 cents growth. Reporter. The Kxperlencn or m Conscientious Wo man. CuiCAtso, Nov. 13. Mu. Wisdom Ik-rtr Sir: I lag to thank you for the delightful and re freshing " Robert ine" you so kindlv sent me. I have used the toiht prcpa rations of the most ce'ehrated manu facturers of Loudon and Paris, but con ider vour " Rolertlne" their superlo in point of rurity and excellence. Wishing vou the unbounded succcj you deserve, I remain, faithtullv yours, EMMA ABBOTT. We wish tosav to ourold customer?, and also nev ones, that we are prepar ed to furnish well seasoned lumlier, made from soft mountain fir, at the toliowing prices: Set-ond rk-nr ,.510.0f. floor li.no Clear Ixl l.."" Fencing, boxing and Umbers - .00 Atourmill in YVirtsburg, Linn Co., Oregon Jennings & Co. flo.l bleating to Humanity. .o Soys n Oregon 1'iont-er Ninety Yer OM. Fwkfst OnovK, Or., Mnreli 19. I lmv iiso'l tho OKF.HON K1PXEY TEA nixl obt Kineil immediate rellcC It in tixl' ble-viim to humanitv. I tnkc pUanro in reeonmioname 11 to ihe itfnipttvl. Iain now nearly ninety ypHr old, came to Orejmn In IM'2 In the employ of the lluriwin t'nv nmpnnv. ami since l iwirnn uiiie the OUKUOX" KJDNKY TEA I enjoy good henlth. UAVIO ML AKO Ik Poets, Board and Shingles for Bnle. I have on hand a full supply of the above of the best quality, delivered here in Lebanon. C. V. IlACKI-KMAV. Dissolution Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN' THAT THE co-pnrtnerchip heretofore existing between J. P. Ilnhn mid A.U. Prill, partners doing imci new" tinder the iirm name of Hiihn & Prill, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent; J. P. Hahn to volume all liabilities of the linn. J. P. HAHN, A. Ci. P1UL.L. Sweet Home. Sept. 15. NOTICE. Cut this ut, and when you visit Portland dur ing the Exposition, call on Tovne, the Photog rapher, and receive tho following extraordinary offer: All persons presenting these Mips will be given one dozen of rny best style cabinet photon and one extra for framing, for &3..i0. My regular price for the same work to those not holding these slips in Sfi.OO per dozen and 3.f.8 lor extra picture. This Is an extraordinary offer, and the probability of doing enough extra work to make it pay prompts the Inducement. Call and see our work, it speaks for itself. This holds good until November 1st. Very truly yours, B. C. TOWNE. Studio cor. First aaS Morrison Streets. TAKE YOUR BABIES TO TOWNE. f ItlNEVII I.K I'ICKI.HC.9. (From the Oelioco IUVkw. Heavy forest fires are said to be raging in the vicinity of the Three Sisters. That Is probably where the smoke which hangs over this country comes from. Jeff Helslcr, of Beaver, was In town ist Saturdav. and Informed us the Beaver creek cattlemen have sold their beef to It. A. Glhuore, of John Day, for f ;10 per head, to bo delltvered at the cor rals on Beaver, This Ss the best sale of beef made in the county this season. On Friday of last week State Vctnlnary Surgeon Whltcombc, of Portland, arrived here for the purjnmo r losM-cling toe cattle belonging to s. I. NeWHoiu, which were altcelcd with sore eyes. ,n rviiurday lie visited Newsoin creek, where Mr. Newsom's cattle are kept, mid after examining the cattle pronounced t bed isrp.se ulcer ated sore eyes, which he aays Is a con tagious d Incase, though not mi.Msi1lT ratal, lie says animals anccteu wkii it will usually become totally blind, and not atile to'lind feet I, will itecomo very poor and will sometimes die from starvation. Usually cattle are some what feverbdi while nfllicled, and will lose flesh veiy rapidly if not well cared fur. The duration of the disease Is from three to live weeks. There may be persons In this com munity who are nt times troubled with colic, or subject to attacks of bowel complaint. It so, they should try Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Di arrhoea Itemed v. It will afford almost ImmedMte relief, and when reduced with water is pleasant to take. If taken as soon us lliefirst Indication of the dis ease Is fctt it will ward olf the attack. Many eople use it In Ibis wav, and find that It never fails tl e u. A 23 or .r0 cent lottle inr.y I e obtained from M. A. Miller. - Remember you can get a hot or cold bath any day In the week at I. R. Bo rum's barber shop. w. h booth; m. d., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Offlca In Guy's New Building. Residence at Mrs. Ambler's. BARBOUR BROS., DEALERS IX FURNITURE, l T I 1 1 o iti: l A', WOYEN-WIRE MATTRESSES, LOUNGES OF ALL KINDS, Chain of Everv Description and De gree of Comfort, Picture Frames. Mouldings, Bric-a-Brac of Every Description, HARDWARE, n Fct Evenrthlnr Belonging to the Trade at Prices that Defy Competition. Churvki!! & Monlclth'a OM Stanrl. LEBANON, OREGON. GOLDEN RULE BAZAAR. Don't Go to Portland Gradwohl, of Albany, HAH KVEHYTJIINtr To Be Found ia the Metropolis. He Sweeps the Valley of All Competitors 'n Cpvkf-rv, Ffltwy O.hv!, Tt, RiKrfr Tiros.' fcUvemarf. Fn-'tirh rtna i;ta-narc. ' Boy' Wa; tin . I)U t'rrlfrfj, Kie. NOW LISTEN! The ;4'!rm Kule n!ar malw a wtnl'y the r'itt'-! -t'.-. n'if Unking liTf!i;r evrv 'ii fcnsr ol" t Itieti iw innimiac t(irtl Thi-hikI rnr Hi? itame of UtiUU-u Kulu B-ij ir. Ths Road to Vealthl Cannot bt toccatxfull tnntM wlth oul good health. T raach alta r any cortd eaillon In IH raquiraa th fun pottcaalon and operation of all Iha fao Mltlss kind nataro ha ondowvd arllh. Ihe eonditleas cannot txlit anleta the phytlcal bolng la la ptrfoct working order, and thit Is Impetalbla when tho lira and spleen are torpid, th as ohstract Ing tho secretions, eaoslna Indigoofloa and dyspepsia, with all of their accom- anyrRg horrors. DR. HENLEY'S English Dandelion Tonic eisrts specific Influence over tho liver, excites It to healthy action, resolves Its chronic engorgements, and promotes tho secretions : cures Indigestion and consti pation, sharpens ths appetite, tones op ths entire system, and makes life worth living. NEW HARNESS SHOP LEBANON, OREGON, J. C. FREY & SON, i'EAI.EItS IX Harness, Saddles, Collars, Whips, Etc. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. GIVE US A CALL. At Tctcrsoti & Wallace's Old Stand. Eureka Meat Market, SHKK.MAX STKKirr, L. M. WHEELER, Pro'p. Beef, Pork, Mutton, Sau-I sage. A fehare of the public patroiwge so- A r - MT?? I - DON'T YOU ALL WANT TO ATtKXD TlUi Great Exposition OR State Fair Of course vou do. but vu will want to look refhefct&hjtj ami "citifietl;" bo in order to do that vou Must call at Hack-' Ionian's and buy one of those fine, all-wool suits- The Best in the City Just think! Warranted at the Salem Woolen Mills. Our Hat Department! rs complete. Fall and Winter styles just coming in. Tim shapes are new and stylish. Come and see them. If you have the blues, buy one of our hats; sure cure. Good square dealing 13 rarer than rubies, but that's what you get at the store where you P. S. Oh, yes! We forgot unparalleled line of Boots and W. B. DONACA, -DEALER IX- GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Cigars, Tobacco, Famishing Goods, Etc. Firsts-Class Goods AT REASONABLE PRICES. Country Produce Taken in'Exchange for Goods. Give Me a Trial and Be Convinced. KEEP ON HAND A STOCK OF Shingles, PostSjBoardsandPickets Lebanon Planing Mill -AND- UNIVERSAL WOOD-WORKER. ESTAL1SEED I 1875 BI S. A. KICKEESOI. Refitted, Enlarged and Improved. ' NEW MACHINERY OF THE BEST MODERN TYPE. I manufacture and deal in Doors, Blinds, all styles of Yinlw Frames, Door. Frames, Mouldings, Brackets, Etc., in fact anything man ufactured and kept on hand in a first-class planer. ' In connection with the above, I also have on hand a well-assorted lumber yard in which is to be found rough and dressed Lumlier, Rustic, Bevel, Weather Boarding, Flooring, and all kinds of Finishing Lumber for Cornices, Etc. - E. C. SEARLS, DEALER IN BOOTS & SHOES, DRY GOODS, Ladies' & Gents' Furnish ings. Soie Agency for Ludlov's Fci Shoe. f Prices Always" tfieXowest. i Albany, Orojon. Blumbfrj-sBio!;. at Portland ! TMI3 - at Salem? for the Least Honey. all-wool suits from 9 to S1G, mada will find, lours respectfully, C. C. HACKLEMAN, to tell you we still keep the Shoes of this city. CITY PROPERTY. I r.m agcut for Real Estate la Cowan's :-: Addition TO lx iA.rvo:v. fit . . -V ? fc C A " IN A Very Desirable Portion of the City t i:: p :.r t:ie ;.exl ij It. P. E0PErvT .