LdKiina Express. ADAMG & ALEXANDER, A T I 'li li ( i tt-V .YA'.V.v To liave to de;U with unreason xi'Uy o'fnuue Rujle is trial to tiie jwtlonro if a M.vtff khul. It is like t:ilkiii:x of ' oolora to the riv.or-l.Uul, whtiso infirmity is not known, suul who argues from his HkLvt, nt't from your perception. ( trantinpr freely that the old axiom ;i?H!Ut onenirtn's moat beinganotheri man's p-.vUon, extends over move , prmmd thin itlf, ptill, there are unie tiling which are absolutely wrong, and thopc who do them sin juMm.-t tiie liuht of reason when ll-yv ";ist in their course and do I tike counsel of the standers v. lrj see men? clearly than they. rah youths alio, without jinowii-d; or previous draining, vsiM-nd iSftni-r.ni! mountain heights aJone,- the foolish iris who, to fol-do-s th 'f.vhion, violate every law of health, sad hntgh to scorn all she fact? of nn atomy and fhysiol c2y; the crcdul-.ms speculators who tiy ail the rubbish recommended to'tho.n by certain interested lio'dera all these are to be con-icrmed"- when tV.ey refuse to be jitiided by wiser heads, and will go m h.3 they have begun. "I will do it," or l'I will not do it," is the raottt by which the days are or tbred, and the amount of reason in I he decision counts no more than fthc salt in a Christmas pudding. "Obstinate people indeed have eel !.mi nr reason to go by. Their deteriuination stands instead of -valid argument, and is aa a wall of -adamant which nothing short of in universal earthquake could overthrow. With neoide of this kind there is always the sense of finality, vf restriction,, of mental rigidity, of intellectual death, of .general moral mummydom. TIkt -arc cy,tallized and petrified. You rare not able to make them go a rtep beyond the line the r have ruled for themselves.- You cannot deilect those baeklwnes of theirs Tby so much as an inch from their .perpeuilicTiIarity. They are em phatically inflexible, and if their course leads them on to ruin, dan-ri-cr, disease or death, the- continue 'it, when onee they have said they will. They are trials to one's pa tience truly, but at the nioet you know what you have to expect. Expostulations fail dead, reason ings are mental exercises thrown pravers are lost like so many -j-ighs in the wide expanse. You -TT-ive to give waj-, una to accept their suu-id-.il decision if they have jsower oyer you. Or you have to llet them rule themsefves to their imrt if they s-s will it. You know .It all, and there it ends, ami bad as it is, it ha at least the sorry merit f the known and the certain. (i REA T MEMORIES. "The history of mankind has pro mIucxh! a i-uocessioa of prodigies in int of memory. As far back as the remote periods of antiquity, we -s.re told, there were men who Were ..f.imous for their wonderful powers -f recollection. Mozart, when only 13 years old. played from one hear ing, a new ojcra that had been om posed expressly to test his skill. It is said of Them"ist-:cles that he could call by name the people of Athens, which citv then numbered 10,000 inhabitants. George III, though deficient in education, never "forgot a voice once heard or a face ice seen. Not long since a Jewish rabbi in the city of New York had a divinity student that could re 3cat the w hole of the Old Testa ment. Indeed he could begin with u.y verse given him and repeat forward or backward with equal facility. Porson. the Greek scholar, -could rejjeat the whole of "Para Uise Liost," backwarda.' A monk w ho resided in Mosxw in the fif iecnth century amid repeat the whole of the New Testament. Instances are on record of many others equally gifted in this respect. N'o donht s:nnc people have been L3-ied with a more liberal endow ment -of this faculty of mind than -thers-,it is als tructhit the memory js asceptible of improvement which sf'cems all ht iafinitc It was a Jin&'.t or self-imposed task ofLrd Jlt-tuley to commit aprtionof V ... a , fwm every night be tore re tiriMg Am a result of this disci 3line Ism- eonki repeat a p ?em after one residing. There have teen sev eral eMs to memory prop, sed and not a few system f mticaionics invented, all of which doubtless losscss more or less merit, bat the simple plan adopted by MeCauley is open to all, and speaking from experience, we can endorse it most heartily. It is the misfortune of young people, before they become fully ngaged in the relations of life and business, that they look too much to acquaintances for encouragement, and make the assistance w hich ac quaintances can fun i --h too indis pensable. The tender mind of youth i-s reluctant or unable- to stand alone; it needs to be one of a class. Hence the hours which ought to be spent in the acquisition of that general knots ledge w hich is bo useful in after life, and which can be acquired only in youth, are; thrown away in the jnofct inglorious pursuits, for acquaintances arc sel dom the companions of study or the auxiliaries of business. I Hick an energy huikt cjties ;:nd nevclnpe a country. We always admired the little man who, though he. weighed but 130 pounds, declared that 125 of that weight was hack-; bone. Two hundred pounds of ndipose tissue,nnless packed around 't go'd. limestone formation, will . ccomplish but little. For A 1 job work and a readable i-t t3?I--n th.' Kxpi:r.s-. IJiCi THOUGHTS rOHSOUMM PiOFtE Rt'.'.srr A wron; metiio'-s. In RttcinptiiiK the ncpative work of keeping nun from evil, it is cus tomary to sit down in systematic order, minute re guU-tinua and direc tions respecting things which are to he avoided. Christ did not adopt this plan. Kathcr by allusion than by detailed statement he indicated certain forbidden territory, and then botmik himself to the affirm ative side of his plan. lie did ntt hope to keep men from evil by lec turing -about it, by ' elaborating a penal system, or by any appeal to the lower instincts of human na ture. Hi simple plan wastocoun-i teract death by life Thus, instead f telling a man not todcspnd, he inspired him with a new hope; in stead of telling a man to not mur der, he gave him such notions of l e sanctity of human life as took away the very tendency to anger. This was his fundamental plan. 'Thou shalt not" was adapted to a ruder age of the world; "Thou shalt" was now to take its place. The ineffectiveness of merel neg ative instruction is shown every dav. Take the case of the gambler: Tell him that gambling will bring him to ruin or inflict ruin on others, and not improbably the gambler will assent to th doctrine; but will he abandon the habit? Go further: Imprison the gambler, take from him all gambling instru ments, and condemn him to live in penniless poverty all the rest of his days -does he oease to be a gam- bier? Only in the lowest sense; he is still a gambler in spirit; the evil is untouch!. What does Christ propose in such a case? lie not only casts out the devil, but He puts in the Holy spirit, lie gives the gambler something better to do, and proves Ilia entire success by leaving the man in the world, yet keeping him from evil. This method is reasonable, it is philo sophical, it is Christ-like. I1CI.IXESS. God requires time for thia last all-i-rowniug, all-glorifying miracle, isim ply because man i indisposed to the highest good. The iirah is that any man should ever have felt any desire towards holiness. Consider the view of limtian nature which is given in holy scripture, and then hear that same human nature pray, ,4(iod be merciful to me a turner," and there is the miracle which outshines all other wonders. We need not wait for ab solute holiness, for holiness is a growth; the miracle is at the Wgin ning, not at the end, in the prayer tor mercy, not. in the completed char acter. The Christian aspirant says he sees holiness afar, in the rtgnre of a shining angel, and that he longs wi:b arueat desjre to sene the prize. Then why not ie it instantly? Be cause between himself and the angel there is a wide battlefield on which a deadly figfet is proceeding without break or pause, and the combatants are his own paswaons and his own bel ter nature. The miracle is that he still wishes to penetrate the opposi tion and find his way to the other side; the temptation is to surrender, but he is saved from that humiliation by the assurance that "he that en dureth to the end shall be saved." Holiness is a word not eaily written on the rugged surface of human life, but it shall in the long run 1 e graven upon it indellibly. It is to be written upon the bells of the horses, and to be inseti'oed upon the lintels and doorposts of human dwellings. It aims at no partial empire,' at nothing less than universal dominion. It is now the one condition of seeing the Father Everlasting; "Without holi ness," no man shall see the Lord." Towards holiness, human life is being moved by the Holy Ghost, and when the end ceracs there will be no such miracle in the universe. IMPATIENT WITH DIV1XE TROCESSKS. We are tempted to become impa tient with Christ as he devotes so much attention to details. It eeenis almost a waste of time for a man who came to sve a world tt be lingeiing over a special case or oiseae. Could ths Wind man not have had his soul saved without lirst having his eyes opened? If not, what beeomes of the blind men of la-tiny? We think that we could have hastened Christ's movements, especially in the physical department of his service. Why not speak one healing word for all. s thai .hroughoui the land every sick-bed might have been vacated at the fame heir? What a magnificent introduc tion to spiritual labor this would have been! How quickly he could thus have come to his main point the rev elation of Godl Yet He lingers over individual cases with a calmness that bailies us, considering how much work lies before Him. IJut is it not the same with Him whom we know an Creator? Docs He not dally most vexatiously in physical processes? How long a time He fakes to mould an cir of corn. And what a waste ot power it appears, taat tbe eai t'i sh u"d bring forth but one harvest in the year. In His physical service Christ was strikingly like what we know o? the Cre: t r. The meaning of tl i slowness may come to us in the higher spheres. In the 'meantime, itnpa iience is an infallible sign of weak ness. HIMIUTV. If you would bring ptople up from the lowlands, you must be like the Master and go down after them. It wiil not do to be afraid of getting muddy if you want to help poor stum biers out of the gutter; and it will do no go k1 to scold them for being there Xeither will it do to be too afraid oS losing a high posi ion, if you want to help people out of doubts and fears sn l unbelief. You may not feel quite so light and buoyant, you may suffer a little with them ; hot what of that, if you really desire to do good? Where would you be now if Christ had not left bis high estate and come down to seek and s.-ir the lost and perishing? What good would it do for him to say, "Come unto me, all ye that arc weary and heavy laden," if He had not first lowered himself into the sin ner's place, Jind gone down, crushed and broken, into the earth under tne awful weight of their sins? "He wat rich, yet for our rakes He became poor, tht w?, through His poverty, might be made rich." There was an act of humiliation. If ym know of anyone wiios. ambi tion takes a literary turn, and who ihinU ji.n easy matter to write seven coltnutis of news weekly, direct him o this office and wo will go ht,ek to he jijiut.-t. liiiOW?;$ IM.K l'.l;KtKH. Harry Archibald tiuU crutches nco es.sary to JiK'omotlon. Pome ttf I)oe f3-OToutie'H n-intlve were visiting htm this week. Little pupils sijih when they think of the restraints of the public school. H. W. hdd:tr1,or the O. lty., pasted Hhwii the road Tuesday morning. Appl e mt for vcrant hmten ate numerous, but their wiuila euinunt be met. Mr. Voiuioiii recently Joined I he company of bridge carpenter on the O. lty. Hr. Btarr lulends to odd a complete line of stationery ami nlao the latei-t edition of school books to his drug store. A stranger came Into town Monday, heard of the mines, rolled his blanket and modestly bowed to the "Three Sisters." Jos. Itlggs is hauling his tan bark out of the mountain this week. Capt. Hngen took his place at the tannery as chief engineer. It M. O. Bradley left for Portland Wednesday with about 5(H) pounds of ore from the Trinity Mines, which wHJ he milled In Portland. Stock Is being taken In the Calaptmla fc lllue Itiver Mining Co. People are not so chary about taking stock since the lateciicouraiihuT reports. Last week's county papers did not arrive until Wednesday of this week. The narrow gauge is entirely too femi nine to be posing as a mall train. Frank Jack finished picking hops Monday noon. The quality of the hops is good, the yield fair, ami Frank wlU pocket considerable money this year. A. C. Haumar, in order ta belx-fere-hand with the hop louse, picked his hop rather burrltdly. tin, has the lest cultivat.'d yard in this tectiau of country. r.. Some of oar people are availing Iheni selves of the low stage of water in the Calapooia and are getting their win ter's .wood from the drifts of lus-t spring's freshet. Dr. Carl talked quite glibly of gotntf toOohlllilt last week, but thoughts of calloused heels and dropsical patches on the great toes of his feet, sufficed to change ids notion. A plan to unite both Brownsville and North Brownsville Into one corpo rate body is certainly a desirable one and ought to be effected without con trovcrsy or eeucession. W. I. Washburn Is attending the State fair this week. - William Is an extensive stock grower ami it is natu ral that he should take deep lntcrtst in the annual stock exhibit. Kd Shea is visiting at his former home, H:tlem, this Week, ami of course the tate fair, which Is now being held at that ptoee, will have some minor attractions for the young niau. T. S. Pillsbury has bought a milch cow which with n little pamierSng is expected to give cream biscuits and skim-milk cheese. He has built a shed for the comfort of his last purchase. V. I. Drake tells us that his scheme for supplyiug the town w ith water Is likely to take tangible stiape. As an honest and Industrious schemer, Mr. Drake has no superior in Brownsville. W. It. Kirk went to Salem Tuesday. He took with him a fine calf to the State fidr, but it had been butchered before starting. He says there Is no market for veal In Brownsuille, and consequently he ships his meat to the Capital Mr. Snider, late cf Alaska, visited tne Calapooia mines last week. He has probably had a more extensive ex periencecovering as it does nearly ell the mines of the Pacific const than anyone who has ever vi;tel thene mines; rnd without hesitation he de clares that he m ver saw & mining dis trict to compare with ours, with the single exception of Tombstone, Ari zona. Just how to maintain a proper de gree of animal heat with the least pos sible amount of fuel, has been solved in a thoroughly seien ti tic ' man tier hy some of our citizens. Instead of plac ing warm bottles in contact with the feet according to the antiquated I heorv. the bottles are placed at the head of the bed and securely held in place by a very ingenious contrivance resem bling two raws of teeth. Kimugh heat has Imjcii generated in this way to cause ebullition in fifteen minutes. Smile Lax. KOtMlf So said Bui sucoeoas wer, that greatest of Novelists, and he never spoke more truly, and he miebt Like success have added with equal force, that merit is the essence of success. Wisdom's Roberline is the synonym of merit, and its history is success. The magical ef fects of this preparation have been attest ed by thousands of the leading ladies of society and the stage. It is the only arti cle ever discovered which gives a Araiur el and Beautiful tint to the complexion, at the same time removing all roughness of the face and arms and leaving the skin soft, smooth and velvety. It has long been the study of chemists to pro duce an article that while it would beau tify the complexion would also have the merit of being harmless, but these two important qualities were never brought together until combined in WISDOM'S M& ROBEfSTIflF THOS. BRINK Has Just Received OSE OF THE PISEST STOCKS OF Upholstered Goods TH3T EYES C3SE TO ALBAHI. When in Albany, stop and take a peep at them if yon jo not buy. MTA6U1 -IS AS fSI'AIi- IN THE LEAD - WIT II- An Immense Stock of General Merchandise ! nought for Cash at remarka bly low figures. Close buyers who expect to' pay cash" for tbeir goods are respectfully invited to exam i no the large stocks kept at the MAMMOTH AND- One-Price Cash Stores No trouble to show goods, and if you wish to buy -.we know that Montague's is the place. CLOTHING. We offer- voti full lines of MenV, Youth's and 1 Joys' Clothing at prices tbnt simply defy competition. We have now in stock Oregon City Manufactured Cloth ing; Levy A Straus Manufactured Clothinir, Fine Ctsmere Clothing;; Fiin Imported Worsted Clothing; Fine Fpring-ltottom Pants; Men's, Youth's, llove' and Chil dren's pizea. These c an 1h? hud at Montague's. To the Ladies! The ladies of Lebanon and.viein ity express thetnwlves as very much pleed with Montague' fine lines of Full and , Winter Drcs? Goods which he has just purchased from one of the ler-ding importing houses of the United State?. Mon tague's stock is unpumnsfcd this side of Portland. The ladies are respectfully invited to examine them. Hosiery, Corsets and La dies' Underwear. Full lim?s in ivll these hranchco of the Dry .Goods trade, and we can oner you good value for your money. Should you need (J LO V ICS we hare everything desirable and stylish in Silk, Lisle Thread and Cotton. Remember Montague's motto is "One hundred cents' worth for a dollar every time." Boots and Shoes. Kach and every psir of Boots and .Slum in Hie two largn establishments .iwned by Montague are manufactured expressly for tilui. Kvery pair fully warranted. These gtHnls we to not Import from Missouri, a has hceii al lejrift by would-be competitors, tmt nn iiinde up fmni t lie very Inut Mm-k by white labor enit loyed "by Huckiiighnni A Hechl and ChIhi, Niekelssburg & i. When you want anything neat and cTviceable at livd-rook prices, with a full guarantee on every pair, you will iiBRuredl v buv your foot-wear of iMON TAUUJi. " Hats and Caps. No man, youth, boy or Child can lie considered well dressed if their cranium la Bin-mounted by a "shocking bad hat." In order U. set our nunieiou customers right In thin regard, Monta gue has laid in for the fall and while! trade an immense ptock of Hats and Caps. These gooda were bought direct from the manufacturer! and at very low fijiuret. Take a look through them, and when you do want to buv. aa n matter of course you will buy your ueuu-gear ouiy ui jioniaguc. Meas Furnishing Goods ! As underwear for the manculine cendet is usually called, Is an eeneiitial nrtlcle for the com tort and ijood health ol mankii d in this hum. d climate. Mou tague'a s-tocU of Fine Shirts Lion Brand; Fine Shirts Standard Brand; Fine Shirts Ncglijrc; Fine Shirts lu Cassinierc; Fine Shirta in every style; Undershirts and Drawers An end less variety In all weights, shades and patterns. Wesell hitjreous quantities of these Broods, and invite your attention to the new grades and new prices. Ite wise, buy your Underwear of Montague. Natural ys. Artificial Gas. No. there Is no Joke about I he natu ral gas being found In Lebanon. Tht gas is a fact; nor Is If, aa some Imag ined, the outcome of windy advertise ments In the "Lelumon Exnress." Always buy your iroods of Montague and get full value fur your money. TO THOSE WHO OWE ME MOSEY. for wnai you owe mm. jray up jN(Jy. Xot next week, or next month, or next t Christmas, but NOW. I can use it to d vantage, need ft In my business, and you will confer a very great Aivor on yourself and Montugue by paying riht up without furlo.cr solicitation. 6. 0 WALLACE PETERSOH & WALLACE, Real Estate Brokers, DO A GENERAL IGESCI BUSTKESS, luvliiiliiiff Fira and IJfc Inmiraare. HAVE ON HAND POME- Choice Bargains In Both City Property and Farm Lands. Collections Attended Promptly. to AOE.NT8 FOU- I.ON1IOM A I.IVKKPOOl. i III.OUE IXM tl. ANt'E ft); GI AHDIAS AWTRAKCK CO..r Lotulmi.' OAKI-AMR HOME ISSfltVCElt)., of cwklMml, California; STATE INal'RANCE CO., of Kuli nt, Ofrmn. FARMKH8 MERCHANTS' IXSflt AM K CO.. 'if Snlpin. DON'T SHIP YOU II OLD STOVE. You can buy any of the LATEST 1'A'ITi: IISM Cheap, of SWAN BROTHERS. THEY CARRY A FULL LIN'KOl" Tin, Copper , wooden and Stnna Ware, also PUMPS AND PUMP FIXTURES. Bay1 Job If 'oi k done on Short .Vo.'fcc. Curiosity Shop. -IX- Notions, : Novelties, And Cents Furnishing Goods, CIO TO A. : W. : MOSES. NOTHING LIKE IT This side of Portland fur Variety and Pricf. LOOK IN ON US. f'iixt door noath of Exchange Hatel. BRICK! BRICK! 125,000 IBriclc At my ynt tu the miburbn ul UIiomou For Sale at Reasonable Rates. All Kliulavf MASON WORK DONE With Kent new am'. In-.-i n:eh. D..W. HARD IX. IP VOU WISH A OOOD REVOLVER HV8B SMITH & YESSON'S Ttn8t small nwn ufactursd and the tlrsteiMkkwoC r xiertA. In oaltbras 88 and 44-ltiJl Sitiwto or tiitrleiia and Tarmt modnla. Ueni nliir wroatrnt stel, eu-iuUr tusttveivd km-worsmaoMiiD auauocK. UDnuec flnlnh. dnrKl4licv M m tl mtvmrm iv. On not 4m decotrnl by chp maUeaW intn imitation ortra (old fur U freuuln article. Tbf r n nnre liable and diutKcroua. The BHrrH 4k WBmoK Kr toltwui ara autinuvd upon the barrela with Arm's Dame, adtlreM auddatea of patents, and are liar antecd perfect. Insist apon UavinR tnem. and If your doaier cannot anpply you, an order sent to ad draas below wlH receive prompt attention. Ueaorlu. Mia catalogue and prtoaa upon application. tUlITIi &i WRSMON. tirlBB0eld, Ataaa. NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING 175th Edition Kow Readj-. A book of o;-cr 200 rmsfoii, glv injDioretnfonnatkn of value to adver tfaprs than anv nthnr pubtiratloii ever l5iied. It iiives tho liamn of ov-pry newBiwiwr publWicd, havinfr a circulation rating m ine Aincncnu isewsnnper Olrertorv nf more than 2.",000 copies each Ikmic, wtih thecmt per line for advertising in them. A list of the iioMt nartnrs of local rirciilfilion. tn evorv citv ttorl town of more than 3,000 population with prices hv the Inch for one mouth. Sriccial list of dnllv. country, village and clasa pa.cra. Bargain oflers ot value loanmii nuvcrtiscrs or tnoso wIsMiiir to experiment judiciously nith a small amount of money. Hhowts Hnchisively 'how to sot the most service for the money," etc., etc. Sent pot. paki to any nddrew for 30 cents. Address Geo. P. Kow- r.Lt. Co.. PuMifherR and General Advtrti-im? Agents, 10 Spruce Street, New York City. 7 Bureau of Information. TIMBER AN'D MINERAL RESOURCES OF I 1 I.mn county made known on application: I ult-o miuins stock bctiirht Hnd sold at ite mcc cf ' Iho M.BAN0-S EXI'BKa, . PtTtfTSON. a - , ...:S.I 1 1 i I Tn Msk Itooiii for Uf Spring and Snminer Stock DRY GOODS, FDBKISHIIG GOODS, AKD ROTIOKs, I WILL CI.OSK OUT MY Eutlre Block of I3oot35c Siloes AT OOHrr. Now Is tho Tlmj to SECURE REAL BARGAINS. I Propose to Have THE Leading Dry Goods Store In the Valley. MAIL ORDERS Promfjtiy AttendtMl. W. K. READ, EXECUTOR'S SALE. In the Count jr Court of I.tnn County, Oregon, lu the matter of the rotate 1 of V (icotirn H. IJgcctt, rk-ccaiI. Ntnu R i ii v.nmv hives that thk uitdvrsncd, the lu!y afl'tl)lid, itta1icd and si liiiir Kxrruior of the la- lil and tr4o men! oih! t-atc of Ch-itk II. Ugiftt, deerartl. in ptrtianHr ttf the term of tha 111 It! an.: t.-t.iim-iit of mid dweancd, and In further pur uiicof an order .f the abute entitled ( oun dulv tcadc and -ittired of record In the ab-ive-entiik-d caio on the 9th day of January. 1, n ill II at auction at the court honc door" lu the li of Albany, in l.iim comity, Oregon, on Saturday, tha 4th day of October 1890, At the hour of I a'rtoek V. M. of aahl day. It the lileht-Nt ami lt lililder for casn in hand, the fol low irjif dciHll real pmerty, to-'it: I oirimcucitig at a tnt tw iwt eat and 120 fee north of tiie ouihciM etmter of lot 4 hi l.iiirk S tn the city ef ici'(iMti. tn Unn County, resnj. and ruiouru; thcucc ta-4 il (rrl. t notice mnh 31 fret, tlurtie-e i.t li feet, thence Muth M feet to the luce of bepiimiiiK. Alu the north halt of A H. Petenwn and !-i!Minna i'terrtr dmmtt.m laml rUtitu, Xo. 6, Noillicaiion No. Htsi, utttmted lu township So. Is M.u(h of ranrc o. t west of the Willamette Me ri!iMii. in I.mn rounty. Oretrnm. e!tcetin that txinion of the Raid north half of utut land claim hcrctotore deeded aa follo: one hundred acred dvetiil to F. M. (Sitvell ierd to lil h I found recorded on paire 2S of Hook H of Records of Ieel; a too 2w acre to Imviil tl. IeterMti. deed ft vhich l found re tniel on ikikc 1st of Hook H f Record of ieed; . 1. . . tn . 1 I imm. .,. , 1... 1. 1. fwjnd rccoriicd on ee 7 1 0 Vol. 2 of Records of Ircrt for l.t;n cniniy, ttreiton. Thfci lnciudw Mrlp f l..i 1 Vi feet a ide heretofore reaerveil, acros.. t!e al-ove-menttotted tract of to acre, deed to l. J. lvn ron, tiiat in now ileeilcd to the W tico. 11. l.icecit for the fone of a roadway. AHtthe f"llrln-decr1bel trae! for the rainxwe of a roadway. dMNh-d hy Mm, Eliza lenney to Aa 11. 1'etcr.on, to-it: Onaacre, belnc a atrip ol utnu aimt ri feci wine acro tne wr end ot tne land claim de.CTibed aa followa: ComBienrine at tiie n'rt!iwe comer of claim o. tl In towiwfalK J J nouth. ranee 2 wtt, thence eat TSJIl eltahw. hence nmtn yM chains, thence west VS.21 chains, thence mrth 2t."M chains to the place of 'ertrinii:2. 10 nave ana 10 noht tne ki premise a m. ah ochik Minaiei in una iwimf. Jreex!t. kihI coutaininc I Ml acres", more or lean. Al"othe en half of the northwest quarter and !mi 1 mi.l i n mlli'il 1H intdunship llaaulhof ramie 1 w-t of the Willamette Meridian, in Linn t ouiy, ua gun, contaiiunK ls.Ti aeres. . H. U'WiETT. Kltec'i'nr of the last will and testament ami estate ol teo. H. Liggett, deceased The Yaquina Route. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD AKD Oregon De?e!o?mest Co's Steamslip Line 228 Mil 8horterl SO Hosn Lata Timet Than hy any other Route. FIRST-CLASS THROUGH PASSENGER AND FREIQHT LINE From TonHnd ami a.U points In the Willamette Valley to aud from San Francisco, CaJ. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD. TIME 8 'IlEDrLR Except Sundays.) I.Y V(iiliiK O t A M Lv CorvalliK.lH;Mft A M ,r Alhsnv 11 it A M Lt Allan? U 19 t M I.vCorva!H 1:01PM Ar Y!Uiiia... 4:S P M O. truin. connect at Albanr and C'orvalUa. The above train connect at Yaquina with the urctron iK'veiifment t;imrMtny 9 line of steam liiw between Vaquiua and tsan FraiK'Lco. Thi comrxi'ty ce-vi the right to t h mge tail aj dates without uotlw. RempmliCT the Oreeon Pac'ft Pnpnlai' Summer r.xen rstfin-, ltw Hnte 1 ictets are now hi sale rjjn all alley l"olutto ajuina ant return. WM. M. HOAO. C. C. HOtirK, tieneral Manager. Acting U. F. P. Agent. CurralUa, Or. 'Sh rail: n B3 ROT CRIPt, SICKU 68 CONSTIPATE. tint Ctror n Stat HraoatmE, aa mil utjoum, annaf mat Iadiftttaa er OaaaDpatiaa. The 4rmm eaa tta nleelr adjaatad to nit th eaaa, aa on pitl eaa nwr he too larae a doaa. ay to take uaoanehmcor. 4S pills aut mp ia a atrona vial whicb can r rarrta in vmt pooat. A ttmt C .aaii tmm tnwlMi . . 4 BwstaM . Sao waislM Hb "rrnrll,rk. Sold InfTWiMUM aMtni. uirita wna mmm dhui mwm wmr aa. aa I Dt. HMTfff'l IWOM-TOMIO. rtJalFIKa lh atOOO: HKOULATKfl UiUTrJl aa4 mn?rr.vi4 a rToaai t& dkbiutatcdI i W HKALTH a VIOOROU8 8TMMQTH at Tom I THE GS. MAJ.TEI MUICINE CO. ST. LOUIS, MO. a. E. HARDY Has on hand a large stock of TArcs JUST RECEIVED Call Aad Secure Prices. SANTIAM :: AOADEmW' FALL Ti;i83X illXJIINK KlUT. Ifitli L,.itin, Greek, lVlctti:ierriotie, Scienceu and History TatJlit. ALSO BOOK-KEEPING AND COUUON BRANCHES. TF.I1MS 60 to 75 cents per week. UON'T FAIL MAMMOTH STOCK - OF FALL CLfOTmBTG -AT 111. BLAIIV NEW STYLES! Also an Elegant Stock of Cloths in Merchant Tailor ing Department with Frst-CIass Tailoring. S. F BACH'S IXTew Corner Store IS IN THE BUSINESS CENTER STILL. The public school house on the south, The paper mill on the north, The big planer on the east, And the depot on tiie west, Makes the Corner Store the Hub CUT CKNTKIl OF" GIiAlIT'. IT IS A NEW STORE 1 CARRYING NEW GOODS. GIVES TO ALL ITS PATRONS HEW DEALS Keep a full line of Men's and Boys' Clothing of Browns ville manufacture. Gents' Furnishing Goods, Groceries and Provisions; in fact everything necessary to keep soul and body together. " Nobody complains of Bach's goods or quarrels with his prices. Headquarters -LSf- DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, Men's, Youth's and Boy's Clothing' Furnishing Goods, Etc. Also Keep on Second floor a full line of In which I will not be undersold. Come and see me and I will treat you well. O . XV . SI3IPSO?f, ALBANY, - - - - OREGON. DROP I3ST! AND SEE US At Our New Quarters. We Are Too Busy to Write an Advertisement. JOHN G, REED D. TOR BET, A. M Principal, Lebanon, Or. TO SEE THE - NEW PRICES! for Bargains