Lebanon' Express. FRIDAY. .AUGUST 29, 1890 EYES AND EARS! Business jooJ. growtn is phonotaetial. LuiiiUt 3 and $9 per Mat WIu eler'a saw mill. GiiHrat-.tt'tHl machine oil at Cruson &, Menzies. Tho hj:lth at thhslown and vicinity is very good. Screen !oors and windows at Cru sun A Meniies'. Work is progressing on the Southern Methodist church. A. Dodge is having a barn built. Mr. Barret is the workman. lee cream every Friday and Satur day at the ten-cent store. Has the bridge been repaired at this piaeer ir not, why not?. ; One coat of paint has been given the new school-house already. The painted front of Guy's new store bespeakes a good workman. Fourteen men aud one boy run over yesterday with perspiration. One building t the paper mill will le-feet long and 50 teet wide. Several men wanting to rent housw-s lately, but there were none to be found. Mr. Springer is finishing the outside of his dwelling by the addition of rus tic. We sampled some fiue plums, pears and apples at J. Marks' expense, Mon day. A few ear loads of lumber were shipped to this place from Coburg last week. Thirty-two columns of solid reading matter every week for four months for 50 cents. Property-owners about town are or dered to put their walks in good con dition. " Jbre miles of sidewalk are be ing laid in Lebanon to-day than in any towu in the valley. At an miction on Monday, Uncle Billy Nichols bought a very good horse for 43.50. . ' Geo. Gross takes one "hundred and i forty-four bottles of soda water to Al bany every week. Several Lebanon men are about to conclude to visit the Caiapooia and Blue River mines. Remember you can get a hot or cold bath any day in the week at I. R- Bo rum's barber shop. We have not seen a school building anywhere that will compare favorably with ours thus far. - V; 'We will eend the Express on trial from Sept. 1st to Jan. 1, 1891, four months, for 50 cents. ' A. W. Moses boujrht a lot in Kirk patrick's second addition this week and iii build on it. ; Wbeat in the "Forks" Is averaging fifteen fiushels and oats thirty bushels to the acre, snys Mr. Ray. We notice dtshps in ili iiir!rfr it will be some time Ivfore thev'sup-j plant the delicious metei. j J. R. lvirkp.it vitk inU a house this fall on the ids to hniM black which lie bought in Sweet Home. Married, in Albany, Aug 23, Wm. Ray, cf Eastern Oregon, and Miss Nettie Mouser, of Lebanon. "The Santiam Mineral Paint Co. had a representative in town yesterday, in the person of Mr. Dayton. As evidence that our town is grow ing in population, every new house is occupied as scon as completed. J. A. Archil aid's new dwelling Wasom's addition will be a little ahead i u uie .average resideuee in towu. Furniture, nphoisterr-d goods and hardware at Barbour Bros, in Lebanon. Churchill & Monteith's old stand. Ambrose Powell was looking for a nirui Tuesday to fill the place of his sou, who was kicked by a horse Sunday. W. K. Ray on Tuesday was thrown from a horse and kicked on the back of the head, hurting him pretty badly. Barbour Bros, have just opened a jpoHiplete line of furniture and hardware at Churchill & Jonteith's old stand. 3. H. Frey & Son will remove their harness shop next week to the room now oecuppied by Peterson & Wallace. The M. E. conference closed Mon day morning aad the several ministers went hopefully to their allotted fields of labor. Mrs. Biggars has contracted with John Banta fw the building of two houses in Kansas City, our northwest ernsubarb. The West Shore came to hand last week enlarged and improved. This puDucauou is a credit to the North Pacific coast. Wilcox, the photographer, will open his galley- in Lebanon Friday morn ing, Aug. 29th, and remain until Mon day evening. W. J. Guy and James Smith had an unpleasantness this week that resulted in a few scratches and a replenished city treasury. If a snrvey of the government timber lands on the Santiam be made this fall, there will be found s man for eyery quarter section. We noticed another new building west of the railroad terminus, and we shall credit it to Joe Harbin without farther inquiry. We have been told that the county toard of xjommis??ners have let the contract to build the the abuttments to xir crippled bridge. 'The .ladies of the W. R, C. will be plcasedTte regale with ice cream and cake as many as see fit to patronize them this Friday evening. John Elliot came in from Prineville with several head of horses Tuesday. He says the range has been unusualiv good in his section this year. A private letter received by C. C. XIackleman from the West Shore as sures us that one of the staff will be here soon to sketch our town. Rev. C A.Mcllroy will hold services in Band hall next Sunday morning and evening. A cordial invitation is given to all to attend these services. The social given by the ladies of the M. E. church on tht Academy grounds Tuesday evening was well patronized aud heartily enjoyed by all present. The little son of Mr. Doud led a horse into the St. Charles Wednesday to register. We think the new boarder paid aboutfivedoilarsforbis first meal. If the enormous straw stacks in the west end of town bear any relation to the product of our paper mill, Oregou groceries will not go unwrapped next year. Oregon prunes seem likely, to be ia demand in t he east. A fruit met char, t of Eugene cannot get enough to fill orders, which amount to sixteen car- I loads. Parties knowing themselves indebted to Cruson & Menzie'a since 18S9, plea: e caII aadsettle, as alt of our old sccftuuia wiileooa be put in the hands of a collector. The repoit that there was a w of hydrophobia in Athena hes been contradicted by the Athenian. Oregon has yet to see the first genuine case l rabies.- E. R. Bkipwnrth, an nttnrnev of F.ujretic, after sipping the water at S.KiavilloproioiiiVit morecOloactons inhincHs; than any imxiielne lie has ever taken. Mr. I.onshorry, formerly of Engine, has concluded to lx-aie in our town, lie says Lebanon is pood enough for him. lie tind employment at present on the paper mill. Children who are troubled with worms may be quick) v relieved bv piv injr them Dr. J. H. McLean's Liquid Vermifuge. It kills and expels worms. For sale by Beard & Holt- Not long since an artesian well wbs sunk in Heppner, when simultaneously with reaching water a jrreat manv wells in town ran dry, and the artesian well also fails to furnish water. Geo. Gross came down from Water loo Tuesday, bearing with him "the little brown jug." Ve will now recall all pievious threats upon your business and treat you kindly in the future, W. E. Smith and Ab. Hall were hauling straw at the farm of Mr. Smith, near Waterloo, last Saturday, when the wagon turned over, and Mr. Smith was slightly hurt by the fall. While lowering rock into the well at the school house Wednesday, the rope broke and tne keg of stone's dropped upon the head of the workman lielow. The injured man is not seriously hurt. Someone treated J. H. Markham's cow most cruelly by prodding her with a pitchfork, leaving a brokvu tine in the flesh. Such cruelty to animals should not be allowed "to go uimun Ished. Harvesting continues in this part of thecountry.owing to the fact that there were a good many fields of late-sown grain. Very little if any grain will be left unthresbed at the" close of this week. j Superintendent Ge. Downing, who thought he had sighted the cscaned convict, after following his man from i Albany to lush lake, found him to be an escaped lunatic from the asylum at Salem. Mr. E. Keebler brought 'us on Wed-i nesdav as fine a lot of peaches as wej ever saw in any country. Mr. Keebler has a fine crop of this fruit, which he j Is selling at one dollar per box. Many i thanks. j Dr. Foley shipped to New York and Baltimore ten thousand pounds of chittim bark Wednesday. The Dr. has shipped about seventy-two thou sand pounds of this bark during the s-.-ason. H. Y. Kirkpatrick traded for eight head of untamed horses this week. The eapturinirof these spirited animals in a corral adjoining the feed stable aflbrded a good deal of pleasure to on lookers. The M. E. church, South, at its recent conference in this place, donated $500 toward the building of a chnrch in North Brownsville, also fSOO to the church edifice now under construction in Lebanon. The ladies of the Relief Corps will give an ice cream social Friday even ing, August 29, at the McDona'ld hail, one door south of Beard & Holt's drug More. Everybody invited. lee cream and cake, 15 cents. H. C.Moran. of Sweet Home, went to Salem Monday and returned i Tiu-wiay. He savs grain in his part i of the countrv will yield well, and that he thinks oats will average fifty bnfehels to the acre. The Santiam Paint company have leen tendered two sitfs for their paint factory in Lebanon. Choice between the two locations will be made this week and Lebanon will have another important industry. Some time since we heard one of the old patrons of the Santiam Academy say that the friends of that institution contemplated repainting the building, whitewashing the trees aud making other improvements. Will you do it? Peterson & Wallace will, as soon as they move into their new office, present every new-comer with a choice lot; on condition, however, that they become bona fide residents of our town and jy the incidental expenses nec essary to a transfer of this kind. Rev. F. II. Calder, who has been pastor of the M. E. church in Lebanon the past year, will move to Brownsville, and Thomas A. Boyd will succeed him at this place. Rev. Walton Skipwonh was appointed to Mount. Tabor, aud Rev. J. M.Sweeney remains at Spring field. Families not already supplied should lose no time in procurine a bottle of Chamberlain's Cholic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is the only remedy that can alwavs be depended upon "for bowel complaint in all its forms. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by M. A. Miller. A quartz mill ef the capacity of ten tons per day was i-hipped from Port land to the Albany Mining and Milling Co., Tuesday. The mill will be sent iui mediately to the mines at Quartzville. Actual results are what the people want to see and they will not be denied the privilege much longer. Few people have any idea of the magnitude of Lebanon's paper mill. Themill when completed will cost more than $100,000, and would be a credit to any city. It will be lighted by electricity, as will also the town if satisfactory arrangements can be made with the proprietors, O'Neil Bros. Chas. Williams, who lives ten miles east of town, tells us that there is growing in his garden a vegetable mon strosity, whis is nothing more nor less than a triple-headed cabbage, each of which will weigh ten pounds. Our German friends will please take notice that this is not a saner kraute country. The little son of S. W. Moore was taken to the office of Dr. Lamberson on Tuesday to have a grain of wheat aisiongea irom tne ear. joiner was administered, and Drs. Lamberson and Booth soon brought the offending kernel to light. The little fellow had been a sufferer from this cans about a year. J. B. Parrish tells us that an accident occurred in his neighborhood near Sodaville last Friday. As Wm. Smith aud Mr. Michener were crossing the bridge over Oak Creek the bridge gave way and engineand riders fell through. Neither of the gentleman was seriously hurt. The engine lay In the ditch until next day. Not long siuce, Mr. Gross of Waterloo spread a canvas over the Waterloo spring, and some evil-disposed wretch cut it in pieces with his knife. Such wanton destruction of property is due to some irresponsible centaur half man and half beast, as we know of nothing of the humankind that would do a thing so mean. Exposure to rough weather, getting wet, living in damp localities are favorable to the contraction of diseases of the kidneys and bladder. As a preventive, aud for the cure of all kidney and liver trouble, use that valuable remedy. Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver aDd Kidney Balm. 1.00 per bottle. For sale by Beard & Holt, W. J, Turuidge, of .Lacomb, savs that work in the coal mine near that place goes steadily on. A tunuel 275 feet in length reveals several small veins of coal which seem converging to a poiDt near the end of the tunnel. There seems to be no doubt that there is a fine vela of coal in this locality, and both industry and capital are l;ent on uncovering it. If. Y. Kirkpatrick disp-wd of n block in Wiissom's addition this week to It. B. Healey of Crook county and Mrs. Jane A. Stimpson of Albany. These lots will bo fenced and net with tree ihi fall and perhaps two house will he built upon them. We can spare a column to our female readers, which they can fill with news that would Ik of Interest to .the ex. We Would be glad if the ladies would enter upon the d:cusioti of the cur rent topics of the day relative to the interests of the letter half" of our population; with the understanding, however, that whatever may be writ ten Is the opinion of the writer only. Strangers get but an imperfect knowl edge of Lebanon as a manufacturing town until they have visited the paper mill now under construction. This industry will give employment to a number of men and will manufacture rive tons of paper dally. The Lebanon tiour mill is owned by the O'Neil Bros, and will iu time le remodeled In con formity wiili the latest-improved Hour mills. On next Sunday Rev. Culder will occupy the M. E pulpit in this city for the last time, and will remove from Lebanon on the Tuewlay following. Rev. Hoyd is expected in Ibanon on Sept. 5. We understand Mr. Boyd is a young man of fiue culture and ex ceeding good ability. The church should make preparations to give the brother a cordial welcome toliis new field of labor. Mr. Callahan, of Sn Francisco, one or the proprietors of the paper mill, arrived in town a Tew days since. lie says that Oregon straw possesses the properties of California straw in an exalted degree and that It will make a superior quality of paper. Mr. Calla han says Oregon has superior advan tages as a manufacturing State and that the time is coming when she w ill sur pass the old Bay State in this regard. Some of our exchanges are fearful that the Mongolian pheasant will be come extinct unless the clandestine slaughter of these hlrds is arrested. Calm your fears. The Mongolian has several qualities that will forever serve to Keep alive his name and guarantee a numerous brood: He is very tenacious of life, can outrun the narrow gauge, dodge chain lightning, is very prolific and can multiply in the face of a bat tery. A new kind of social party has been invented. It is called the avoirdunois social. All the girls are weighed and the weight ef the girl is written on a piece of paper with her name. Then the papers are all put into a hat and the young nwn draw, lhe young man must ge to supper with the girl whose weight he draws and pay for her supper at one-half cent i?r pound. It is very exciting as far as the young men are concerned. A fire oecured on the farm of J. M. Settle, one and one-half miles north of town, last Saturday, by which a barn and all its contents were destroyed. The Ids. was as follows, as near as " can be calculated: Two and one-half tons hay, ?25; one barn, worth three dollars and six bits; a hog pen, con sisting of thirteen rails and s stump; one hen's nest, aud a gourd. The hay avid the gourd belonged to the tenant, Mr. Cleavinger. No insurance. A man and family arrived in Leba non Wednesday from Dakota. Thev came by wagon, and were six weeks on the road. The gentleman says he beard ! SSffitX feSKi town on the coast, and, like the Queen of Sheba, he declares that the halt" had not been told him. .He had not been in town two hours before lie wa con fronted by two men who wanted his services at double the wages paid in Dakota. We always thought woman a su- pcrior creation, and the latest stvle oi ures oniy serves to connrm our exalted opinion of the eex. The very latest style of dress is fashioned at tiie shoulders to re semble a pair of miniature wings: and her angelic appearance has created a suspicion in the minds of some of our young men that she is not long for this world, and to prevent her translation they are hanging on to these Rngflie appendages. Nothing wrong about this. f-uppose we arrange tor s tours? or: Sffi? l,Btt I delivered weekly through the fall and winter mouths by prominent edu- j cators at a mere nominal sum. f Tliey could be turned to good aceountby charginga small admittance fee. the proceeds to go to a libary fund; and in this way we would soon be in possesion of a ? od library. We have seen the good effects of such a scheme in towns much smaller than Lebanon. Montague mut be preparing for a boom, judging by the way he is stock ing up his Mammoth and One-Price Cash Stores. By purchasing his goods in such large quantities he naturally gets much lower prices. He guaran tees good goods in ail the departments ot nis extensive establishments at prices that absolutely astonish other merchants in the valley, some of them going so far as to say that Montague retails his goods as low as they buy them at wholesale. The eareful buyer invariably goes to Montague's. We received another letter relating to the church controversy this week, but in iustice to our many readers who see nothing of interest in this protracted discussion we can not give it publication. Every attack seems only to widen the breach and intensify the bitter feelings wh ich already exist. We venture to hope that the two parties to the contro versy both of whom are loyal to the Great Head of the church and honest in their convictions of right will be drawn together, not indeed by a news paper controversy, but by that "chairity" which "suffereth long aud is kind." The One-Price Cash Store has be come one of the features of Lebanon. As everything is hew and fresh, and the frices are so much below that charged n credit-giving establishments, peo ple who desire to buy their goods for cash naturally go to the corner, where thty do not have to make up to the storekeeper for the nou-paylng cus tomers who, when they can do so, buj en credit, and who are constitutionally opposed to paying for anything. Get prices at the One-Price t -ash Store and if there is any reason in you that is the place where you will purchase your supplies. Wm. Robe, who has been at work for the Caiapooia and Blue River Mining company for the last three months, returned Friday to report progress. A tunnel seventy feet in length has been run on one of the com pany's mines known as the Poor Man, and while the mine is not fabulously rich, at the depth of forty feet it is suf ficiently rich to cause an excitement among both mine hold rs and those who have no interests in the district. The ore becomes richer with every blast, and soon the question of paying mines on the Caiapooia will cease to be a .mooted one. A man was brought before a Missouri justice of the peace, charged with the oticnoe ot Kissinga young lady "by force and violence, aud against her will." The young lady, who was very hand some, gave her testimony in a modest and straightforward manner, after which his worship gave the following decision: The court in the case sympa thizes with the defendant, and will therefore discharge him without a fiue, imprisonment or reprimand, because the court, while this case has been in progress, has been obliged to hold on to both arms of his chair in order to keep from kiseiug the complainant himself." Now iliiit llv eveningi tire lengthen ing, the organization of a literary soci ety is in order. Why not organize a" mock congress, differing In no respect sav in the matter of salary from our pro totype at Washington? We feel sure that such an or-an zati .n could be made Uih Inter sting and profitable. Hy this mean our citizens would be come iN'tter acquainted w ith parliamen tary rules, obtain a better knowledge of our uncial and political economy.nnd lethe Utter prepared to vIjw thw many-sided problems peculiar to a republican form of government. If only some one will move In the matter, the material for ueh an organization will be forthcoming. Let us organize. Lebanon seems to he more Inquired about than almost any other town. Three years ago the name was seldom mentioned and very few strangers ventured far enough rrom the main O. & C line to learn of our whereabouts. To-day she Is pronounced one of the thriftiest townsl.i the great Willamette valley. Tne agriculturist finds in our surroundiugs the elements of a prosperous farming community, the Iruit-grower Fees In both soil and cli mate the guarantee of h rich reward in ids favored branch of husbandry, and the various trades find employment at reasonable wages. Wc desire not to mislead anyone, but would say to all come and see fot yourselves rather than trust the judgment of another. Machinery made and repaired at the Lebanon machine r-hop. We have nothing but the lx s' machinery, it is mannged by practical machinists and consequently w e can repair steam en gines, boilers, saw mills, grist mills windmills, quartz mills, planing mills, chop mills, mud mills, rock mills cof fee mil!, shingle mills, bark mills and palut mills. In short we can make or repair anything that has wheels and wears belting. We also keen on bnml lace leather, vubher packing; hefMp packing and brass goods. You can take them a skeleton ot an engine, a thresher or anv kind of machine and they will put it in run ning order on short not ice. DOBKINS A OSBOKXE. Rev. H. L. Chapman, pastor of the M. E. Church Johustown, Pa., says: f 'Soon al:es the greet floo at a tine when diarrhoea was quit prevalent, I received a box of six dozen Chamber lain's Cholic, Cholera and Diarrhoe Remedy. As soon as it became known that I had the medicine for free distri bution, there began a great run on it, which continued until it was about all gone. Every one, so fur as I heard from them, testified to its virtues de claring It the best medicine for the pur pose they had ever Used. Those w ho i;ot it shared it around with their neighbors, so that I am confident it was productive of great good. We used some of it ourselves aud found it not only an excellent medicine for diarrhoea, but for all kinds of pnin and uneasiness in the stomach and bowels. It has been regarded as the best medicine known here for the di seases it is recommended. For sale bv M. A. Miller. OEEGOS HAS IT ALL. Oregon has the climate, the timber, the water, the ml.ieral, the grazing lands, the fruit In endless variety, com munication with every country under heaven, and the most c mlented pop ulation in the civilized world; and what more do you want? Evervthing that is irablefe to ground in this .-win-, nuu ine conniiioiis upon wnicli iney may oe possessea are withm easy reach of the industrious and frugal. It Will support a population five times as great at that which now finds a home upon its soil, with nothing like impoverikhmeiit of its resources. If . I - m . ... ! ol3" Eastern people could be convinced that the savasre no lonsrer roams the country in war paint and feathers, but that he la cooped up on his reservation and is engaged iu rural occupation's; that our educational facilities are iu advance tf the log cabin with its rough-hewed benches and Webster's speller as a text book; that we are In a measure civilized, perhaps more of them would venture on an exnlerimr expedition to the Northwest coast Friends, If you have this opinion of our C!ntryand LncleSam will not engage to escort you, take a Pullman car aud ride ihron.rh i If once you see our country you will be loathe to leave it. M. E-, tiOCTH, CONFEBESCE. Columbia Annual Conference of the M. E. Church, South, convened at Leb anon Aug. 21, 1800, Bishop E. R. Hen drix in the chair. G. S. Hanleiter was elected secretary. The conference was well attended, only three members being absent. Rev. J. C. Mori Is, D. D., of Kentucky, was present looking after the interests of the Board of Church Erectiou. The following resolutions were unan imously adopted: Roselved, Thnt the thank or the conference are hereby tTiilrrel to the jrootl ptk of Leba nou and vicinity for thetr (rcnerous hu-pitiUUy iu entt-rtaiiiing the conference fommptuonslv. Resolved, That the thauks of the conVerence are liereby must heartily tendered to the M. E. chnrch or I-Ohanon f'r the u of their church and ftr courtesies during the conference tension. liesoived. That e tender onr thank to the Prehyterian aud Cumleraud Presbyterian ermrche for the offers of their churches for the conference. The appointments for the year are as follows: wru-AKfrrTr. mstkictd. c. m'farlisp, r. m. Allmny H S Shnnale. Toi-vaiiU f Atkins, pp. Tmnrent W U Howard. I"h1Ik J W Cratp. lAfayette To bo supplied. Independence E E t'hipits. Tillamook C Jf fiw. Oresron City cireuit W I, Molloy. limwntville C Ierrick. Ia'Iwmioii f s Hanletter. Junction City circuit Supplied by J M Turner. Corvallu Ox ruiege i AlKina, O V, V , President. RlfeKBCKO DISTRICT T, Rofebunr W B Pniiili. . r. HAYNRi, r. E. Myrtle Creek P A Mom. Jacksonville 11 C slebv. A ppleernlo ft B ."warlord". Gmnfs ! To le supplied. Coqoille City L f.eilfh. 'oqiitUe circuit To be supplied. I.lnkville J W Bryant. I M Contvay traii.-fcircd to South nest Missouri conference. WATERLOO WHIRLINGS Arc cst 28. Soda water. Harvest is about completed in this section of the country. Miss Irene M A nsorge of this place went to Lebanon Tuesday to visit friends. . . Say, boys, if you won't take too much soda water on Tuesday evening, you won't get your feet w et. Jiss Jtfay Hardy, of Lebanon, who has U-en visiting relatives at this place, departed on .Monday for her home. rV-luoi will commence on the firet Monday of .September under the ef ficient management of Jrs Vennie Kerne. We note an item in the Daily Demo crat which said that ifa railroad were extented to this plaee it would de cidedly be one of the most popular resorts on the cost. Now the question is, why would it not pay? Dance next Fridav, Sept 5. All are cordially invited. Free pitch in for all. Farewell ball to the hall. Jusic will be furnished by C. H. Devlne and company. Floor manangers will be, T L Rice, T M Devine and F A Oleasou, Charges resonable, and something to eat, too. Little Birdie. We guarantee our machine oils to contain no cotton seed nor fish oils; but pure machine oil. Ceitson fc Menzies. I-FIISONAMTIKS. Dr. V. C. Ntgtis has located In our ujwn. A. R. Cyrus came up from Astoria iu outlay. W. 11. Rlntichard visited Lelmimn on Saturday last. .1. R. Kir k patrick returned from Seat le last Friday. Joseph Hansard of Brownsville was In town this week. Dr. S. P. Irvine, of Albany, was in Lebanon last Friday. J. H. R. Morelockof Brownsville was In Lebanon Saturday. Mrs. J. R. Kirkpatrick la recovering from a few days' illness. Dr. Courtney and wife returned from Ni st ucca Wednesday evening. Enoch Ridgeway, of Brownsville, spent Wednesday night lu Lebanon. Jack Hickman and Hugh Nixon left Monday morning for the Santiam mines. The fading form of our old friend R. W. Moses cast its shado iu our town this week. Rev. Hanleiter, pastor of the M. E. chu ch, South,' moved to Lebanon Wednesday. Boon Fort has been prostrated for several days, but is likely to le on foot again shortly. J.O.Eaton and famly and Miss Ollie Armstrong went by wagon to Yaquina last week. Ben Donaca and family atid O. W. Cruson and family returned from their mountain trip this week. Rev. A. Marcellus returned from the coast last Saturday. He says he spent his vacation very pleasaatly. : H. B. Derrick, of Crawfordsville, manufacturer of the justly famous Derrick ax, visited our town last week. J. J. Whitney came In on last Fri day' train. The Judge had some busi ness of a legal nature which demanded attention. President Johnson of the State University, who has visited Sodaville three times this season, returned to Eugene Monday. Rev. Geo. W. Glboney and family re turned Saturday from a three week's vacation, and left for their home at Oregon City ou Wednesday. E. M. Myers, recently from Kansas, has been in Ijcbanon since Saturday. He says that there will be a largo em gration from Kansas to this coast. . Miles Carey was In Lebanon last week. Mr. Carey lives near Crawfords ville, and was attending the annual conference of the M. E. church, South. Uncle Billy Hunter, of Brownsville, walked in from the Junction Monday morning, a distance of four miles, in aliout an hur and a half. This is pretty good time for an octogenarian. C. C. Hackleman and w Ifc, Mrs. S. H. Cowan, Miss Ivy Smith, Mis HRttie Swan and Charlie Jlindman of Lebanon were am nti the excursion ists to the Bay on Saturday, all of wnom wiin the exception of the latter returned on Monday. Xottce to Tax-payers. The school fax voted by school dis trict No. 1, Linn county, Oregon, Is uow delinoucHt, and notice is hereby given to all who have unpaid taxi's to pome in at once and save costs. Done by order of Board of Lirectors. J. A. Robkbts, Clerk of School Dist. No. 16. The Experience of a Conacientiona Wo man. Ciiicaoo, Nov. 13. . Mr. Wisdom Dear Sir: I be to thank you for the delightful and re freshing Roliertine" you so kindly sent me. I have used the toilet prepa rations of the mottt ce'ebiated manu facturers of London and Paris, but con sider your " Robertine" their superior in point of purity and excellence. Wishing you the unbounded success you deserve, I remain, faithfully yours, Km ma Abbott. A Sore Care for Pile. Itching Piles are known by moisture like perspiration causing intense itch ing when warm. This form, as well as blind, bleediug and protruding, yield at once to Dr. Bosanko's Pile Remedy, which acts directly on the parts affected, absorlis tumors, allays itching and effects a permanent cure. 50e. Drujrgists or mail; treatise free. Dr. Bosanko, Piqua, O. Sold by M. A. Miller. Take It Before ft rrakfixt. The great appetiser, tonic and liver rcRtilator. In use for more than 50 years In England. Posi tive specific for liver complaint. Bad taste in the mouth on arMnfr In lhe monilnp, dull pains hi t.ie head and bock of the eyes, tired leelirur diz ziness, lnniruor symptom of liver complaint. Remedy Dr. Henley's English Dandelion Tonic. Believes constipation, sharpens the appetite and tones tip the entire system, tret the genuine from yourdnnrgirt for $1.00 and take according: to di- Thanki. I desire to extend to the ladies and friends of the M. E. church, my sincere thanks for the Interest Ihey have taken in my welfare, and also to thank my friends for their many kind words of sympathy. F. H. Calder. We wish to say to our old customers, and also new ones, that we are prepar ed to furnish well seasoned lumler, made from soft mountain fir, at the following prices: Second clear, . 5l0.no Clear ...... ....... 12.0(1 clear lx-1 ... ls.no Fencing, boxing and timbers 7.00 Atourmill in Wirlshurg, Linn Co., Oregon - Jeskinos & Co. No fish oil in our machine oils. Ckitsow A Mrnkiks. THOS. BRINK Has Just Received ONE OF THE FINEST STOCKS OF Upholstered Goods TB1T EVER CUE TO ilSlHT. When in Albany, stop aud take a peep at Ihem if you do not buy. Eureka Meat Market, SHERMAN KTKKKT, Wheeler & Troutman, Prop's. Beef, Pork, Mutton, Sau sage.' ' A share of the public patronage so licited. StlO MFTINOS. I rom the !'reJ George Morrow has put all udditktl onto bis hotel. The old city ball has lieen moved to the back of Johnson fc Hibblcr Co's store. The plasterers are at work on I lie new bank building and will soon have it finished. Walter A. McGhee, of Albany, has secured the prineipaiship of the Scio public school. M a rried, at the residence of the bride's parents In thistity Sunday at 10'clock, Mr. Lee Welch and Miss Anna Goln , Died, at the home of her brother-in law. Albert Compton, three milts hoik hwcKt of Scio, on Tuesday, Aug. 1, 1890, Mrs. Mamie Gri&hnm, of con sumption. She leaves many le'.atlvo and friends to mouru her loss. Fanner Jones Weds. It seems that Farmer Jones has at last succeeded In securing a bride, as showed by the following telegram fiom Portland: "Cupid captured Farmer S. W. IX. Jones, of Maioti county, who was buncoed out of $-,000 recently by sharpers, who knew he wanted a wife: nml out tin ti Job cn lilm A f w dnrii ago his children applied for a guardian i-iriiim. i nis morning jones. wno is 70 years of pge, married Miss Cynthia Hlia Harbin at the residence of Sir. firelian. at Xo. 7Kcititli Knnrtli klrwl JuM lee YMd informing theceremonv Hon i tie isrenans acting as wuncssfs. The ladv is fair, frisk v 'and BO. and in said t. lie happy iu her choice. She is quite a oeue, ana minus Jones just tot. pert. Jones is credited with saying thnt he had his pick of forty, and that Miss Harbin was the best of the lot." A Tore for Hick Headache. This distressing complaint is due to an iiiactlvjor sluggish liver with consti pated bowels, which derangvs the-stom- slcli fififl lfBtttrft'4 tli npn'ntn rcfAm cuuscs dizziness and an oppressive dull pain in the bead, often so severe as to prevent all rest or sleep. One of Dr. Uuun's Improved Liver Pills will relieve you of all the pain and misery and a few. more doses will correct the liver ami stomach and regulate the bowles. While these nills ore sm'all. easily taken, and mild . and gentle in thi-ir affirm. Ihprs ! rm mllritic rvw1. that will so effectually cure sick head- acne, cents a oox. ooia oy si. a. Miller. Kweet Home Stars Leaves Lelaiwn daily except Sunday at 7 A. M.: arrive at Sweet Home 12 M. Leave Swi-et Home riiiilv t t fi it Him. day at 1 I-. si.; arrive at Lebanon 6 p. m. V. l. IVKSTFALf. HEW HARNESS SHOP I.KJ1AN-OX, onrxjox, J. C. FREY & SON, DKALKKS IS Harness, Saddles, Collars, Whips, Etc. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. GIYE US A CALL. GOLDEN RULE BAZAAR, Don't Go to Portland Gradwohl, of Albany, HAS EVERYTHING To Be Found in tbe Metropolis. He Sweeps the Valley of AH Competitors In Cmrkerv, Fancr Ooods. Toys. Roer Bros.' S'lyer!tr. French I hitia and tilnsrare. Boys' Wagons, Pell Carriages, Etc. NOW LISTEN! The OnMen V.-i',f Bsutar makes a r-iaHv cf the Finest Tf us. t'oHeeJi ami Bnkiuir l'owift'rs, evt'iy t'a ksjre of whlrh fat mnmifae ture! for ami bear the name of (iolk-n Rule Uam;ir. Curiosity Shop. -IX- Notions, : Novelties, And Gents' Famishing Goods, GO TO A. : W. : MOSES. NOTHING LIKE IT This side of Portland for Variety and Prices. LOOK IN ON US. First door south of Exchange Hatel. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I"nitMl Ptste Ini1 Office, On?Ru City, Oregon, May 2.x, 1SP0. Notiw J hnreriy eriven that In eoropHnnc with tho provisions of the art of t'otiKre-"" f'f Jnne 3. 187K, entitle! "An net for the s:ile of timher lun.Js In the B!teof California, Oregon, Xerada, and Washington Territory." John lirennmi, of Tn-' roma, enmity of Pierce. Stnte of Wh lliuton. ! this day filed in this office j the S. E. j of rVc. No. 2, in To. Xo. 11 S., K. Xo. f ji., tutu ui vuer iimrii iu :iiu mm lilt intiri sought Is more rnlimble for its timber or slon than for Ktrricnltnntl imrpost . nd to establish his claim to .said land before the reciter and receiver of this othce. at Orejfon ('it y t Oregon, on Fridav, the ;d day f October. ISiX). He names as witnesses; F. K. Van Cise, C. M. Postman, F. Postman, G. A. Bennett, all of Ta conia, Washington. Any and mi ixTsotia claiming ndrersely the alHive-descrilted lands are reuuested trr iile their claims in this oflife on or before mi id 3d day of OV- tober, 18!K). J. T. AI'PEIISOS, Register. THE" CRY OF MILLIONS! OH, TvtV BKCKl top ir now, OON IT Will, it TOO UTC I have been troubled many yean with diaeaae of the kidney and have tried many different remedies and have ought aid from different physicians without relief. About the 15th of Apt-it I was sufiermjf from a very violent attaeV that almost prostrated me is sucn a manner tan 1 was oem over. When I sat down it was almost impossible for me to get up alone, or to put on my clothes, when kind Providence sent Dr. Heuley, with tha UKtliO.N KIDNEY TiSA, to my hotel. I immediately commenced using the tea. It had an almost miraculous effect, and to tha aston ishment of all tbe Kuefsta at tbe hotel, in a few days,I am happy to state, that I was a aew auan X wt recommend the tea to- all aiBit a I have been. G. A. TCPPER, Proprietor Occidental Hotel, tMuiUt Hosa, Cat. 1U i 3M ft RIGHT THIS WAY IP YOU WAIST BOOTS & SHOES, Boot and Shoe Dept. Our Boot and Shoe Depafthient wan iievfcr go complete as now. We have just received a full line of Boets and Heavy S1hk?s from St.-Louis, the headquarters for such goods aiifj I can confident!' say that they dre better goods for the money than I have ever seen, Kast or West, Conie in and see the goods. It is a little arly fof feuth goods now, but you will need them soon. ; BeloW-1 give you description and prices: Men's Heavy Tap-Sole Oil-Grain lioot I km t jf? t!ii" U t.ie boot for the money that hag ever been gold lii Lthdtion for cah : or credit or any other way. Price. vV. . ........... ; $2 75 The Oliver Twist Fine Dress Calf Boot, iieprg mSferg a nice light boot for those who Ho nut want trwi ha,xr- a -t. Kr.i t w4 m that astonishes the Oregonians. Priee eeetfiis ImjoI) ...... Men's Leader Calf Boot, for persons that want a joW-fiflced ealf boot, made with tap sole, screwed bottom. Price. i ... t: Men's Frisoo Kip Boot, the best-heavy loot for the fiiohs Hr . ofiered here, made with tap sole, all solid. No chance for bK.-Tp to growl at high prices in the boot line. Price. ........ Same in Boys' I.-... Ladies' Oil-Grain Bntton .Seamless Back Shoe. vmt 'hrmit,. This is a first-class solid shoe. We sold one last rear" fof 2 00 that was not so good. Come in and s what cash prices will do "ce --..V.v ...... .. .... .............. .... i m Will give the people some prices in the Dry Goods line in a few days. Come in and see these goods, no matter If voil tin Tint want tr ,ntr . imn. T : . 1 a.z i- . .. lioots and bhoes. C C - ' FARMERS'. HEADQUARTERS gricultural OF ALSANY, OREGON, HAVE IX STOCK toK TliEIR FAiLL, AXIJ WiXTEfi THADE The MONITOR SEEDERS arid DUlLLS, winch have never been equaled fot seedin? rmrtm irm w I'ilfihn I'noef. unn-L.cu rLUwa not cast-iroh. s.4 others are.) These nlows rivpr fail in rr;- c. :,r....: "L.i it is no experiment when a farmef buys one. e have added to pur line of Plows the OLI VEll STEEL PLOW, Avarranted to scour in any soil. This i a plow to which we desire to call your Special attention- - jiisu cany ijaraen caty iuicnman ana lasada fculkey and Gang Plotvsy the best Floating Iron Harrows made at bottom prices. We alio have constantly on hand tht TiolrlrtT t?A r- ters, American Feed Mills, Bain Truss Skein Wagon Bug gies, Hacks, Pvoad Carts, Barb Wire, Baling Wire; in fact everything kept in a first-class implement house, v. aiaiogue iree on appicatioii. Always glad to give prices. 17 t-T pnernt? W. B. DONACA, Cigars, Tobacco, FnrnisMng Goods, lie. AT .flEASONASLE PRICES, f Country Produce Teik:efi Iri Exchange far Goods. ; Give Me a Trial and Be Convinced- KEEP ON HAND A STOCK OF Shingles, Posts7Boards and Pickets BRICK! BRICK! 125,000 Brick . At toy yard it the mibtirlHi tit I-banot For Sale at Reasonable Rates. AH Kiit.1 vf MASON WORK EKJNE Vith Npatnm and T?si.itf hr. IW. HARDIN. 1 If, 2 23 2.1 75 icuucuuiis . m an lines oi HACKLEMAN, Next Door to Bank. Implements. ..... ana JMohne VlaM, Fivinf Manager, , - NEWSPAPER lMk Iui it ion Now Reftdy. A luiok of. ver 2t ps".ffj, civ-" ADVERTISING oi value tn Ktvt-- pnWH-atimi ever isstied. ?t riv?s the nemo of' cvt ry Keiriper vuliistve1, rmvin a citvuiutfoif rutins iu the Amettcta XcwrwpT I'irwu.rv of" more th:wi V.Cti0 copies u-h issue, wiv ft tilt-envi lr hiw Snr n-1vf rtL-i-ne in tlx?ra. A Si't .f tb' oesi papers tir hx-at cm-ulxtiun, in every rjty ami ....... ... .....t .unii ...utr p.iiii'Hni wiin r " iy lrjcn tor one month,"'!';!!! v-U-m Mre- rt!sw pftt-.. i'r:-.un r,rH i l value t suuOl advertisers at lit.! n istiiri"- Ur experiment .HHliekvly f-h a sbiU m.vit of WiotHsy.. Sh"v etm-luivety -htw to cet rhe pi.t wn-K fur tne nwney.'r etc., ete. S(-nr p f.t Fi t. iVl.hvhcrs and :.-nert A.lveftiinif Agi-pi!i. iO.priiee ireet. Xfff Ywt t ity. 7 Bureau of inforrnatrorv. ; -T-tMBKK AM. JUSEUAT. REir:0f OF" I ..I.iun cobbty u.ale Viurt on .!:!--.,. . t