" " " I Ljbnnnii lixpress. A, Jack a;.v.:,, okik l. alkxanpkk. ADAMS & ALEXANDER, AC270SS AS2 THEiR The intcr Ioret;tlcnc! of the hu- m;ui family must be apparent to everyone who is in the slightest decree given to observation and iv iioction. "No man liveth to him yi'lf " is a truth so clearly tan? lit tfc&t no sumo man would deny it in theory, however unwilling he may be to admit it in practice. From tltis admission there results a grave feeling of responsibility in regard to our actions and their influence upon succeeding arnorat ions. All actions are iniluential. What is done in a moment may affect soci ety through many generations. Jiong after the pbble is at the bot tom of the lake, the circles uuiiti j. ly and expand on the surface. 1 -he lifting of a hand sends a vi lratiou toth stors. There is something solemn and awful in lh thought that there is .u.t an act -nor thought in the life of a human being but carries with it a train of consequences, the end of which we may never trace. The food deed or thought will live, even though we may not see it fructify, and so with .the. bad; and no -person is so insignificant as to be sure that his example will not do good m one hand nor evil on the other. 1 litre is, indeed, an essence of im snoit&lity in the life of man, even in this world. No ir.dividu.il in 1 1 i uiii ri i-ifii. vie. . 1. 1 - . i iv. a v wmiponent part , of a VFtem of several acts, he either increases or ftiminishes the sum of human good iow and Torever. -No man's acts lic utterly, but his good or. his bad deeds will be bringing forth fruit -sifter their kind and influencing generations of men Tor all time to -come. When we "reflect "that our very action is scrutinized and is likely to be perpetuated in unborn generations, and that we cannot twalk the street wiihout impressing someone f arArabiy or otherwise, we free the necessity of circumspection in our daily intercourse with the -world. Character painters we are, sind not until the final wreck and crash of worlds will the canvas be enrolled and our life work be re pealed. RURAL A DORXMEy TS. How often is it the casj that the -proprietor of a Email farm, and with perhaps but two children, will miake an effort toward those adorn- .mem-. 01 tne town -wmcn re wholly unsuited to his habits and surroundings, hy building a house 13 large as a church, and perch a cupola upon it, from which he may review the flat country for rmiles, while he contents himself with occupancy of one or tw back ! iMms. lt contented witn small ;?pace, why not, in the name of .1 :on.e,6ty, -declare it boldly, instead ni covering the truth under such Numbering falsehood? What for "Hds giving to the country home a simple propriety of its own with :its own wealth of rural decoration its shrubbery, its vines, its ar 'lor3j instead of challenging unfa vorable comparison with an entirely different class of homes? If a man is disposed to advertise Ihimself An accidental farmer by Jlaming architecture and appoint ments, there is little hope that he '""will fiver do am-thing to the credit of farming interests, or contribute -verv larsrelv to the -charms of our Tural landscape and the fashtomftg if -our wayside home?; aud when tb&r-shall take pride, as a body, in giving "grse tn these homes, the country will have taken a long tcj forward toward "the refine ments of civilization. You can ?SEate your home, however email it be, 0 cojnplete in its simplicity, o Utted to its oQioe?, so governed iry Eeatries, eo -embowered by Trealth of leaf and flower, that no 'YtwK an the w rld could add to it withe tit damaging its grace aud Leant f, AVe can call to mind a small away, that had- neither, wealth of timber nor fertility of soil to rec- maaeivi it. but the buildiner. the yard, the homo adornments, were a to cover defects of eoil and timber and make a meet desirable Jjome. Indeed, the surroundings rere such as to cause it to change proprietors three times within even years, the writer being one of that ! number. Adjoining tarms, far bet ter in many respects th?n the one to which we allude, failed to att ract jwehasecs simply because they were lacking in the matter of home rfler.OTatior And in a scrumilons re gard for illness and taste m beauti fying the fireani1. Too rnanv farmers are wholly bent on raising wheat, 33 if man j selves, and pours it into the ears of can live lv bread alone. We are , perhaps your best friends, convinced that a little more atien- and after fueceeding in get tion to tho miuor details of farm i ting them to say something life would prove an innovation of j harsh, returns to you laden with great value, relieve the tedium 2nd j the precious burden of strife and monotony of the good wife's labors adds fuel to the already increasing and prolong her life not a littl. The effect which KmroleT'f execution has had upon society in c-Aners! haz ben vsripd. It is t- garded by some as cruel beyond fflrrir.tion flnrl a disrrar.ft tn t . " ... c . . civilization like ours. Death bv . out uui.n, m electricity i considered bv others;' of discord and hate? If so. tn as next to painle, and, therefore, nre fpral.lp ta hr-r,cnrF Others professedly' more humane than thaf th aboyc classes, would -i; - .,w7.on a.. r,Thnr A 11 en rMr, nTldill Aril i - V saily be settled inthe light cf thej Jfct. J m pn.n meEjt lor lite doee ;. euefj AXXi fciirichtd bears life and j of ftathersjmd a horrible squawk, aud Tioteter raenfroraintTUing their Icnerc-to every portion of tlie bxly; wheu the emoke had cleared away handf in h-CTnanblcK-dto the extent appetite returns; the hour-of rett brings, the roof-ter was completely bald. His hateaivial r,unibment will and?wifhit sound rcpojie. This can be j voice, which used to be a-keen saw-file tuat capmai puuisnment wuu ana!w,ured bvtakinsDr J n McLean's soprano, is now a deep uuder-grouud murder are more trequent under i SarpariiU. For sale by Beard & Nalto with a dreamy, melancholy accent. Jis humane treatment. ! Ult. i nemo. i ii mkt:ii:! of teaching. Jesati ChrUt gav His disciples a new method of reading the land scape and all natural objects. lie turned nature into a great book of iliat lration and made it preach the doctrine of trust in the divine Fatherhood. He ppoke of the lilies as pledges cf God's care, and pointed to the fowls as an illustra tion of God's watchfulness over all life. He bade His disciples con sider these things and lay them to heart us defenses against distrust or -apprehension. Who knows how much life there is in alilj'? Who can measure the distance between God and a flower of the field ? W hat connection there is between the lily and the man we .have not yet been sufficiently educated to dis cern, but Christ' lesson i abso lutely pointless if there is not a line common to all kinds of life running through and binding all. Lt would be useless to "consider the lilies" if they and thw consid erers had no '-point -in common, though in the present state of our faculties it may be inappreciable. The explanation is that the Tini verse is a series, aud that He who cares for the least cares for the greatest. Christ taught us to be gin with the lily and reason upward to the absolute, and then descend and preach lessons of loviog trust in God to anxious men, who are foolishly carrying all the weight of to-morrow on shoulders already pressed with the burdeisof to-day. But can the consc ious learn from the unconseions? Can the man learn anything from the lily? Enough to know thut the lily and the mau eat at the same table aud quench their thirst at a common Lt. n 2 -'i " t u ..u - - 1 1 there is mystery in life of the 1 west kind?, and we are taught the solemn yet gladsome truth that the whole earth is sacred with the pres ence of God. rERSECCTIOS. Persecution in its various forms is only the development of a principle which most unavoidably exist umil either Christianity or human nature be altered. There is a neccessary re pugnance between Christianity and human nature. One must be changed before it will combine with the other. We fear that Ibis is, in a degree, an overlooked truth, and that men are disposed to assign persetulion to local or temporary causes. Hut we wiali you to nnderatand that "tlie offence of the cross" has not ceased, and 'cannot eease. We are willing to allow that the form under which the ha'red manifests itself will be semiUy affected by the civilization and intelligence of the age. Ia days of an iiperh?ct rtHsnenient and a sscaaty literature, you will find this hatred unsheathing the sword and lighting the pile; but whn human society is at a high point of polish and knowledge, and the principles of religious toleration are well under stood, there is, perhaps, comparativcly sms.ll likelihood that savag violence will be the engine emploved against godliness. Yet there are a hundred batteries which may, and will be opened epon the righteous. The fol lowers of Christ must calculate on mauy sneers and much reviling. He must expeet to meet often with cold ness avd- contempt, harder of endur ance than many forms of martyrdom; for the courage which could march to the staler may be daunted by a laugh. Frequently the opposition assumes a more decided shape. The parent will aet harehly towards the child; the superior will wi hdi a.v hisooun tenanee from the dependent ; and all because of a giving heed to the direction of Scripture. Religion, as though it were rebellion, alienate the affections and alters the wills of fathers and guardians. So we tell the individual that he Minds himself to plain mat- ters of fact, if he suppose that the the i aixtstle's words applied only to first ages of Christianity, "All that will live godly in Christ Jesus must sutler ne":ecntion." To live eonly in i,, ,.,,. a-i,.- - ? ,i, "r! oetneen youiseives anu tne seeu ol . . . , I tne serneut: and vou may be assured! , , ioai uniess te enmuy oe nominal on ' your side, it will manifest iiself by acts on the other. the eeat:ti:ies. The bea;itudes constitute a com plete delinea'.ion of Jesns Christ himself : he wa poor in spirit; he moomed; he was meek, merciful, pure in heart and peaceful ; his meat and bis drink were todo his Father's will; and he was 'pre-eminent among those who were persecuted lor righteousness sake. Hia power was thus derived from nis own enjoyment ot messing, so mat ne couht, in the ! deepest sense, say, "The words that ! I "Peak unto you, they are spirit, and tney are ine. ine blessed man Mmsfrlf told how ether luen might be. He preached, not a sermon that he had learned, but a sermon that he had lived. What would be the effect if BOciety wersooiprisedof such men as are described in tfee beatitudes? What-is a tattler? A vile leach sapping the life blood of human happiness. A busy body who lis tens cleei'ully to what one may say, either in a joke or pettishly, of a neighbor, ar.d then carries it magnified and f xed up to suitthem- ! flame. Thus, little by little, the ghoul of human 6ocity filches i happiness of friendship and dc 'veiopes between the neighbors and ; friends a feeling of hatted which 1 &bcu!d only ; Ot demons. be known tothe bosoms 4 ri a tatW D.m ! - ,-l.l iV. y 1 m v a s i tnc f.8" ftnman"y resist. ye ! are Jianlc to err, but deep is the wn ol them who, taking our weak- ! ncss tor their capital, destroy tv,A v - ; happiness cl our neighbor by tat- 1 tliilf. The bojr xo i)uWk tn j'rk h! etiat Hl ruwr tnis'lit to run B joko. Goods at eoHtsit Waters ilros. K. of IMotlge every Thursday night. Jim WHlson went to Albany .Mon day. Pete Ncttleton' went to Albaiu Jon day. A fine lot of melons came Into town Tuesday. Dr. lhidt?ey went home to HUIsboro last week. V. E. Rockwell went to Portland Thursday. F M Jack wants seventy-five white hop-pickers. VenaOibbler is able to lie on the streets again. W It Bishop returned home to Port land Thursday. II B Mover has shut down his mill for a few weeks. John LonK came home from Sweet Home Monday. Geo Smith went to the mountains on a hunt Monday. J B Moreloek went to Lebanon on business Saturday. Miss Millie Glatteu went home to Portland Saturday. H P Burger went to Halsey ou busi-i ness last Saturday. Ed Starr was over from Halsey Sat urday on business. Jake Bilyeu lias bui!t a private offlee in his lively stable. Born, to the wife or W. S. Towell, Aug 23. a 12-pound hoy. Billy Wilkinson arrived Saturday evening from Pendleton. "Wm. Is'agl, of PrlneviUe, is in town for & few daya ou husincs. Doe fiaroutt makes more noise than any other ten men in town. Brownsville has no justice tf the lieaee. ;mui oe a civil place. Jiss Jiuuie Bpra-ue In nor quite eick, and her rtxjovery ia doubtful. Jim Smith ami J D Irvine wnt to the mountains last wevk for a hunt. Waters Bros. Is the place for vou to get your goods for the next 30 days. James Smith and Ballard Tycer eame in Thursday w ith a fine lot of bird. Sum Goble eame home from lill City Motiday and n turned Tuesday. I)r Starr la improving his rug atre, making more room aud a private oWee. Born, to the wife of Wm Bradler, Aug 24, a girl that weigh eight poundV. Jim Wilson has lieen ciHupIaining for a few days -with an aching under W W Haiijcsof Eucene was in town Saturday looking after the inte:-vsts of hU farm. Rev A LeRoy ns'gied as pastor of the Baptist church. Mr LeRoj- will su it x.a (.iranae. Be comfortably fiatisfied with a few dollars and do not worry tteeause 3-ou have int a fortune. R. V. Warner. R. P. Bnrger, Sam l'eretiun, frea MeKirey, itft luesday morning rorine mines. If all Dronertv-owners in town were J like Jake BHv u. we would have inuat ! waiks and graded streets. Stephen A.Unbleeame up from Port land Mouay will rusticate a few days and theu return to his home. AVm. Rplie came down a few days ago from the mine. Monday he re turned witn a Uiacl of provisions. We read a loiter from wbieh we learn that our ;5d friend Mat FarUy w ill Tali heir to a handsome sum of money. AH accouuts of Waters & Moreloek, J M Waters and Waters Bros ate in the hands of orlietrs for collection. "We do not blame our farmers for put ting up trespass not lees on their farms, for they have so much stock killed. The beautiful song sans by a vounp mau Sunday afternoon should lie re membered; t-iiUtk-d "Sailor's Return." II It Moyer put In a hard day's work this wefk renairinir the traction enfine U-loiiging to the l'earl threshing com pany Pome good Christian will pet his neck broken one of these days n the bad sidewalks, and then who will ny the bill. When you pee J. B. It. Moreloek and J. A. Waters come toward you, you may know they are after their old accounts. Mrs. R. L. Blanchard returnHl home from Oregon City Snturdav eveninsr, bringing her sister, Elleu Blauchanl, with her. Married, at tho residence of the bride's parents, Mr. John New-land and Misft.Viva, Banta, both of Craw fordsville. Saturday H. B. .Vnyer was busy lay imr water pijie to the residence of J White. The waterworks are a great convenience. J. II. Waters and W. 8. Powell w ere elect d delegates, ao , w L ana It. L. JJIanchara i ..,i r i.- i d W. C. C'oloev proxii, to the ianu twite ui IV of P.. to be held in Portland November next. Dave Hull eauie into town Saturday even'mg with a fine string of trout. We do not believe that it was owing to his S'-ienee- or bait it was, more than likely, his winning ways. T. S. Plllsbury says the uan that built his jewelry shop, forjrot to put slecpera under the floor, and when you wrlk over the floor you will almost shake down the stovepipe. People in our town should be careful and not let their lamps burn all night through neglect of blowing them out. We have known this to occur several times in some of the business houses. Wm Bassett came to the sawmill Monday after lumber, and his team became frightened and backed off" into the river. Had it not been for help from the mill boys he would have lost his team. Prof Thos Crawford and his eister, Mrs. Smith, came up from Portland Monday. The body of Mr. Crawford was removed from Portland cemetery and buried in the cemetery at Browns ville Tuesday evening. Scur. Uobert Blanchard has accepted a po sition in the Albany woolen mills. Douglas JeFeron has been quite eick for a few days, but is now improv ing. Eruil Koppe is driving his shawl fac tory to its full capacity to fill present orders. Bernie Howe has returned from Al bany and is nnce more at his post in the woolen mills. We are pleased to notice so many new sidewalks being laid. The im provement was much needed. Ped Ross has been promoted to th position left vacant tn the woolen mills by the departure of Robt. Blauehard. The water supply for the factory pat riot been quite sufficient nwins to the dry weather, thus compelling the eotn- I pauy to run the engine for a few days. ' We learn from a man who has just arrived from th Blue Kiver mines that "Queen Sheba" has got the "Lucky Boy" down and is knsckiug the stuff- i ing out of him. jar Scud, in regard to the feathers , m our room, we wish to say that we j pave been experimcm ng with elec- tricity, and selected for a subject a large . ... .1 . 1 J 1 1- . 1 c i rooster iiiai uao ut-eu ilimkiiik oiaiseii altogether too rresn around our roonis. We fastened his off kg to the north pole of the dynamo and pulled the S. O WALLACE. PETERSON & WALLACE, Real Estate Brokers, DO I GENERAL AGENCY BUSINESS, Including Fire nnd I.U'e Iasurawo. HAVE ON HAND POME Choice Bargains In Both City Property and Farm Lands. Collections Attended Promptly. to -AOEXT8 FOR- VOXDOS ANCE CO; i UTEftTOOL A- OLOBE ISSfK- GCARDIAS ASSVSATE CtX, of London. OAKLAND ROME IXSCRACE CO., ofOklnd. Culifornia; STATE IS5CRA3CCE CO.. of RaScm, Orefon. FARMERb' &T6ERCHAKTS' IKSVRAXCE CO.. of Salem. Homing : So said Bul wer, that preatest of SUGGBBtIS Novelists, and he never spoke more trolv. and he mieht LiKe success hare added with equal force, that met it is me essence oi success, wisaoin s Robert ine is the synonym of merit, and its history is success. The magical ef fects of this preparation ha-ce been attest ed by thousands of the leading ladies of society and the stage. It is the only arti cle erer discovered which jrfves a Nair- I al and Beautiful tint to the complexion. at the same time removing all rouehr.esa of the face and arms and leaving the skin soft, smooth and velvety, lt has long been the stndy of chemists to pro duce an article that while it would beau tify the complexion would also have the merit of being harmless, but these two important qvalilies were never brought together nnf.i combined ia WISDOM'S DON'T SHIT YOUR OLD STOVE. Yo can luy ay of the LATEST PATrEIlNH Cheap, r-f SWAN BROTHERS. THEY CARRY A FULL. LINE OF Tii CcppEr, Ufanden and bin: na LUais, also t r PUMPS AND PUMP FIXTURES. BQ"" Job W"ork rione on Short Xoi iff . Will Iry ik MW, rrcmtatoth Witnt of ApptitA,, iDdifrttstlon, t iinm .fct.tr Hono new rorro. kalixii3 Mind and aop,4ie Brnia Power. la-l ! DR. IRON TONIC wfo na4 w 'ly e re. Oir a ciear, bnl. thromplax:oa. Frftrpient attmtt at eoontorfat iusoulradd to the popuUrity of th orictnf!. Oo oot wjTriment et thGKIHINAI. aa4 BKT. (Sr. HARTEit'S LITTLE LIVER PILLBl Cm 0nt)atli, Llrar Uompiaiat and Sick Qa-1arhfl. S:.nilfl Ooae and Dream Booh mnilfn) on rcnt of two wnti in poataKw. W Or. HARTEA MEDICINE CO., SbLouim, Ma. O. K. HARDY lias on hand a large stork of mm JUST RECEIVED Call And Secure Prices. W. H. BOOTH, M. D., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON SURGERY A SPECIALTY. Graduate of Cnlvemltv of Iowa; also gra4ut of pccla!tle In the Bellruo Hospital Jledical Col lege, Kow York. ' Office t residence oa Main street. W. C. PETERSON. CiJri-1 s;-- : ; t . - ? ...V TKECHLY TRUE iff uaaaaaaaaBaaaaUI A tt K3 f""" I 1 1 1. 1 "'"l L jaaw M v A 2g en El AT COST1 To Mttk ftoom fur My Spring and Summer Stock DRY GOODS, FURKISHIKG GOODS, AID SOTIOKs, I WILL CLOSF OUT MY p:ntireBtK-kof Boots 8z Slnoes AT OOHT. Now is the Time to SECURE REAL BARGAINS. I Propose to Have TUE Leading Dry Goods Store In the Valley. MAIL ORDERS Promptly attended. W. K. RED AD, Allui-, Oreiroit. E. C. SEARLS, DEALER IX BOOTS & SHOES, DRY GOODS, Ladies & Gents Furnish ings. Sole Agency for Ludlow's Tin Shoes. Prices Always the Lowest. Albaiir, On gon, : : B!umberg's Block. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. t'nited States I aaJ Office, Orcgiui City, Oregon, June 4. 1S90. Votiw ii hvbv elTen that in eompllanee with the ro-i-l-u of the act of Congress of June S 17 entitled "An mi-t for the sale of timber lands Wa-hiiisin Territory," Charlea t. rVireue, of Ja- coma. F.-wntjr ' r-iert-e. Mate or wa-liuietou. aa tliU 1uy tiled In nils orttre Ha a-irorn tateni-nt Nn. fur the iurrbav of the S. V ii of See So. . in Tp. No. 11 H. Na 1 E.. iwl will ofl'er jnoi t nnv tnar tne una soi?m w Kir? vam ai.le for it t:mfer r stone than for ajrricttltuml piirim. and to etahith bin elMiui Ut mid Uuid tieforetiie ri'ifWer and rvn-tver ot" the, otlice a Oregon City, tuegou. ou Frfalay, the sd day of Oc tolfr, 1--.SI. He names w itnesses: J. I. MawirtneT, Rn-iinan. A. l lii-hulia and J. Gil'.espu;, all of Ta mini. W ahisisftoli. Any an-i a'l tx-rson elalmins adversely the nljove-dt'riVied fandx are requested to tile their Ctaiiux i l I hia oftiee on or Ix-fore Raid Sd da; of .K-toler. lssni. J. T. Ar-r-KKJiOJi. Ktgi-ter. NOTICE FOE PUBLICATION. t'nited State Land OfSer, Oregon City. Oregon. Jane 2. l.a. Kiti-e is hereby giren thai in compliance with the rrviluf the aet of Congrewof Jane 3. l8Tt, entiMcd "Aa at'! for the sale of timber lands Ir. the S'ateiof Caiitoriiia. treeon. Nevada, and WahininHi Territ'irr," John L. Marartney.of Ta- etiraa. connty of fierce. State of Wahing1on. has thia iay nleil in tiitst omce nls sworn f-tateluen! N-. for the purchase of the 8. E. i of tc. .V. St. In 1r. No. II 8.. R. No. 1 K.. and will off-i lnxf to show that the land sought I more vaht Atle for it k timber or tone than for agricultural pnipoM". and tn e4ab'.ii hi riajia ta "aid land before the rtgb4er and receiver af this entice at tn-gni ity, Oregon, on Friday, the 3d day of Oc- utM.-r. t-f. He names as wituessea: C. O. Borene. J. Bren nan. A. f hi.liuim aud J. UiUepie, alt of Xacoma. Washington. Any and all persona claiming adversely the almve-leTibed Uinds are reijucVtcd to file their ciniui- in tnit omce on or uctore sam .hi nay ot tc tobcr. J. T. APfERSOX. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. t'nited Slater Land Ofliee. Oregon City, Orcgou, June 4, 1W. Notice h hereby given that in compliance with 'he provi-ioni of the t of Congress of June S, !TH. emitted "An act for the sole of timber lauds in the state nf California. Oregon. Nevada, and WHshliiittiiii Territory." H'illiatu J. Hagedorn, of TMContM. i-otm1vtr rsrre. f.tntf of Witshiiiffton has th:s dav tiled In thlsofiice hissworn statement .Na -Hi'i. for tiie (lurcliase of the N. W. J4 of See -Nil. ;m, 111 i p. o. 12 s.. K. o. 2 r. tun iu one proof t allow titat the laud Kought ia more vain able for iut limber or stone than for agricultural purps. and to CKtablLsli hfa claim to said land before the register and receiver of this office at Orea-on t liy. Oregon, on Tuesday. I be 7th day of U.'tut-er. He mime as witnesses: C. V. G. Rowland. C. M Piwnun. F. Van Cise aud John West, all of Ta eomn. Kieree count v. ttasntnston. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described buids are reauested to file thei claims i this outce ou or l.e!ore ?aid 7th dv of October. IM J. T. Af f ERSON, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, Oregon City. Oregon, June 4. 1990. Notice is hereby giveu that in compliance with the i.rovl-ioiis of the act of Congresa of June 3. 1X7. entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the Slates of California. Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Territorj-," Charles U. U. Rowland, of I Kinna. county or fierce, btate ot Ttasnington, has this day filed tn thianittce his sworn statement No. 3U76. for the Diirchase of the N. R M of See. No. !M. in Tp. No. 12 8.. R. Ha t E., and wUlJ offer pmoi 10 smminiiuie lana sangnt is more vatu able foi its timlier or stone than for agricultural tmrposes. ana 10 emaousa tits eiaim 10 sara tana telore the register ami reeciver of this olfice at Oregon City, Orcgno, oat Tuesday, Uie 7th day of October, 1!HU- He names as witnesses: W. J. rtftgetlont. C. M. IVistman. F. Van else and John West, all of Ta coma, fierce county, Washington. Any and all persons claiming adversely the ftlHive-th'scribcd lands are reouestcd to rile" their claims in this office 011 or bef'.ve said .th davof October, 1HSSX J. T. Af PERSON, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States I,and Ofliee, Oregon City, Oregon, June 11, 1S90. Notice is hereby given thfit in compliance with the provisions of the act of Omgress of June 1H7S. entitled '-An act for the sale of Umber lands In the Ht ntcs of California. Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory, Willys Ulrge, of Suinntr, county of Fierce, Mate of Washington, has this day tiled in this ofliee his sworn statement No. 2109, for the purchase or the 8. V. of See. No. 8f, in Tp. No. U 8.. B. No. 2 E., and will offer pnwf to show that the land sought Ls more ralu able for its timber or stone than for agricultural ii rposes. and to establish Ms claim tn said land cfore the register and receiver of this olfice at Oregon City. Orvgou, on Thursday, the Vth day of October. ISyO. He names as witnesses: John West, F. Livesey. A. W. Kichey and P. Liscomb, all of Tacoma, Pierce county Washington. Any and all person claiming adversely the above-dccri)ied lands are requested to file their c lainiK in this oil ire on or before said 9th day of October, 1H!. J. T. APPEKSON, Kcgister. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office. Oregon City, Oregon. June 11, iKl. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1N7H, entitled "An act for the sate of timber lands in the Urate of California. Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," Francis Liscomb, of Port land, county of Multnomah, State af Oregon, has thin dav tiled in tills office his sworn statement No. 2110. for the purchase of the S. E. of Sec. No. 31, In Tp. No. 12 S., K. No. 2 E., and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valu able for its timber or stone than for agricultural fiurpoKen, and to establish his claim to said land cforo the register and receiver of this office at Oregon Ciy, Oregon, on Thursday, the SKh day of October, 1K. He names as witnesses: John West, F. Livesey, M. Birge and A. W. Richer, all of Tacoma, Pierce county, Washington. Any and ail persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested tolilc llieir claims in this office on or beiore said tth day of October, IKKi. J. T. API'ERSON, Register. SANTIAMifrGADEMY. FALL TKIWI IIli2irVH HIIT. -ttI. Latin, Greek, IvTatlTemEJiticsj, Sciences and History Taught. nuuv juu vu nuiit iiiu mi For terms, -call on or address Headparters -IN- DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, Men's, Youth's and Bov's Clotrtirrg? Furnishing Goods, Etc. Also Keep on Second floor a full line of Boots tc Shoes, In which I will not be undersold. Come and see nie and I will treat you well. G.'.W.. SIMPSOIV, ALBANY, - - S. TP. BACH'S New Corner Store IS IN THE BUSINESS CENTER STILL. The public school house on the south, The paper mill on the north, The big planer 011 the east, And the depot on the west, Makes the Corner Store the 1 Inlr Oil Or CiLt AVITV. IT IS A NEW STORE I CARRYING NEW GOODS. GIYES TO ALL ITS PATRONS NEW DEALS. Keep a full line of Men's and Boys Clothing of Brown Se ville manufacture, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Groceries and Proxisions; in fact every thing necessary to keep soul and body together. Nobody complains of Bach's goods or quarrels with his prices. DROP 'IN! AND SEE US At Our New Quarters. We Are Too Busy to Write an Advertisement. JOHN G. REED. Lebanon Planing Mill -AND- UNIVERSAL WOOD-WORKER. ESIAL1SHED II 1875 BI S. 1. IICIEESOS. Refitted, Enlarged and Improved. NEW MACHINERY OF THE BEST MODERN TYPE. I manufacture and deal in Doors, Blinds, all styles of Windew Frames, Door Frames, Mouldings, Brackets, Etc., in fact anything m&n nfactured and kept on hand in a first-class planer. In connection with the above, I also have on hand a well-assorted lumber yard in which is to be found rough and dressed Lumber, Rustic, Bevel, Weather Boarding, Flooring, and all kinds of Finishing Lumber for Cornices, Etc. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. : Unitort States lnd Ofliee. Oregon city, Oregon, May 28, 180l Notice is hereby g-ivon that ta compliance with Hie provisions of the act of Compressor Junes, lf.7H. entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Xerad. and WaahinRtnn Territory," Kred L liner, of Tacoma, rountv of Pierce, State of Washinfrton, has this day nkd in this office his sworn atateiaatit Ko. i6l, f the purchase or the 3. W. H of Sec No. 4. in Tp. !o. 11 S.. E. Kx 1 E , and will offer proof lo "how that the land aought is more valuable for ita timber or atone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the rOKistur and receiver of this omce at Orejron Cltv. Ore iron, oa Friday, the 26ih day of September, 1S0O. He names ax wilnesaes: H. Metzger, J. N. Lake, J. llreunan and J. Squires, all of Tacoma, Wash, Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-descrlticd lands are requested to nie their ' iaims in thisoifice on or before said 2rtia day of 8 plemb r. lWXi. J. T. AFPKRMN,JuKiter. vviaMvn uunuvtiuijt D. TOR BET, A. M Principal, Lebanon, Or. for Bargains - - OREGON. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon, May 2. Xotiee is hereby sivon that in compliance wit It the provisions of the act of Congnaas of June S. 1873, entitled '-An act for the Sale ot timber lantrs in the Stale of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," Henry Metzeer. of Taco ma. comity of Pierce, State of WasiuncTon, ha this day tiid in this office his sworn statement No. 20S3. for the curt hne of the S. E. of Sec. Na 4. la Tp. Na U S.. R. Na t E., and' will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valu able for Its Umber or stone than ft agricultural purpose, and to establish hia claim to said land before the register end receiver of this othee at Oregon City. tregor-, on Friday, the i'Sth day of September. ISM). He names as witce&en: T. Chner. J. S. Lfifce, J, BrwncMi and J. Squiies. ail of TaCutna. Wah. .Any and all persona Ci.jnin? adVeraly the alMve-dtvicr.bed letsds rn.reqvletd to tl their elatms la this otf.ee n or betire saia day f September. Uw. J. 'i. APKRSO.S. Keef.