EXPIRE -if LEBANON r .:;r.r.;t,;., . . He who thinks to please the world is dullest of his kind; for let him face which way he will, one-half is yet behind. ; VOL. IV. NO. 21. LEBANON, OREGON, Fill DAY, AUGUST 22, 1890. S2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. ; i : I ' i 1 V - THE PACIFIC COAST. Letters at Tacoraa Addressed to Our War Secretary. Prominent Portland Business Man Taken for a Deer and Shot and Killed by His Companion. The population of Utah is reported at 223,539. "Woo You, a Chinese domestic at Pan Francisco, was shot while on his way to work by a highbinder. Wellington strikers are ordered to ap pear in court at Victoria to answer .charges of intimidating miners. Rev. T. B. Cherrington, formerly of the University of California, has been chosen Preside'nt of Puget Sound Univer sity at Tacoma. Money to build the San Luis Key :flume has been raised in Chicago, and work will soon begin. This will irrigate HOC ,00 acres of San Diego land. 'Jhe situation at Wellington is un changed. The striking miners are still s idle. There is much indignation among ithem over the fact that militia has been : sent there. Jack McGuirk, a resident of Mariposa county, was shot f vir miles north of Ma dera by Howard Wills, a veterinary sur geon. "The shooting was the result of a feud of long standing. The Shasta Courier says a surrey is , being made bv Chief Engineer Hood of the Southern Pacific Company for a big tunnel through the Siskiyou mountains. It will be five miles long. Near Folev Springs, Lane conntv, Or., W. H. Walker of Staver & Walker, Port ; land, while out hunting was accidentally shot and killed by a companion, who mistook Walker for a deer. W. N. Gregory, the Southern Califor nia agent at Oceanside, was found in the depot with a bullethole in his forehead and another in his neck, lying in a pool of blood dead. A revolver was by his side. John Lembrick of San Diego while on his way to Attica, Ind., killed himself near Albuquerque. He lost much money in the San Diego land boom, and that was the primal cause leading to his sui cide. The body of a Mexican was found on the Hassayampa desert in Arizona a few days ago. The man had dug quite a hole with his hands where he was found in search of water. He had died from thirst. A jam of logs on the Dungeness river, Wash., has backed up a body of water eight miles long by two miles wide. The people living miles below the boom are in great danger of being swept away and their property ruined. Bradstreet's mercantile agency reports twelve failures in the Pacific Coast States and Territories for the week ending Au gust 16, as compared with sixteen for the previous week and eleven for the corresponding week of 1889. Los Angeles Native Sons say the South ern Pacific gives them $2J rates to San Francisco, while delegates to both State political conventions are allowed a $15 rate, and an effort is being made to se cure better rates from the steamship company. The City of Peking, twelve days and nine hours from Yokohama, reached Victoria August 12. Among the passen gers for San Francisco was Rev. Dr. .Newman, Bishop of the M. E. Church of the United States, who had been at tending a session of the conference in Japan. The death of Arthur Cosgrove, who was killed by a fall from a parachute at East Portland, it is now said was a de liberately planned case of suicide. Cos grove was estranged from his wife, and it preyed upon his mind, and when go ing up in the balloon he said he would never be seen alive again. Letters have been received at the port office, Tacoma, addressed to " Hon. Red field Proctor, Secretary of War, Tacoma, Wash." It iB believed there that the Secretary is on a very important mission that of examining into the condition of the Northwest coast defenses, owing to the Behring sea complications. - An engine and four freight cars went through a washout on the Southern Pa cific railroad near Pantano, A. T. The engine fell forty feet. Engineer Edward H. Allis was buried under the locomo tive, which is nearly covered with water and sand. His watch and part of his hand were found on the engine. The body has not vet been recovered. The deceased was from Kansas City. During the discussion at the meeting of the coast county delegates at San Jose Colonel Crocker ' said that the Southern Pacific Company could not agree to close the gap between Santa Margarita and Elwood in less than four years, but might be able to do it in less time if nothing happened to prevent it. A com mittee to inquire into details of the agreement will hold a conference with Colonel Crocker soon in San Francisco. It is definitely stated that the Pacific Iail Company has abandoned Victoria as a new stopping place, and will here . after send its steamers direct to Yoko hama and Hongkong from San Fran . -cisco. It is understood that satisfactory . arrangements have been made with the - Canadian Pacific Company.wbich threat- - ened to send its steamers to San Fran . -cisco. Harmony again prevails between the two companies, and each will keep within its own boundary. A company to purchase coal lands and prospect ana develop them in the States of Washington and Oregon has been in corporated under the name of the Wash ington Coal and Lumber Company, with ithe principal place of business in Oak Hand, Cal. The capital stock is $1,000,- 00 in 10,000 shares of $100 each. The first Directors are Charles Elliott, John K. Marsh, William T. Hallidaf , John L. Davis of Oakland, Wesley Elliott of Ohio and OsweH Ji. tlerscnberger ot Linkville, Or. An enormous flow of natural gas has been struck at Summerland, a suburb of Santa Barbara, Cal. About three months ago a two-inch well was put down for sulphur water, and struck a strong flow - v : i. v. v. i m gae, w iin;n uhs suit? vtrcu ubcu ikjl fighting and domestic purposes in Sum merland. About three weeks ago a syn dicate of Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo capitalists leased the property, and commenced to put down a ten-inch pipe. Gas in considerable quantities was struck at twenty-eight and thirty four feet, and on the 14th instant at a depth of forty-nine feet they struck a regular gusher. The pressure" is so great that it can be heard for blocks and so heavy it cannot be capped. Experts es timate that the daily flow is at least 10,000 feet. . BLOCKADE RUNNING. Bow the Steaaur Lee Thr a Tftnlea Crulaer Off Her Track During the civil war Nassau was the chief depot of supplies for the Confeder acy. Blockade-runners plied between it and the ports of Charleston and Wil mington, carrying out cotton, and bring lng back cargoes of general merchan dise. Captain Wilkinson, in his "Narra tive of a Blockade-Runner," relates many adventures which befell him on such trips. He was in command ot the steamer Lee, and on the 15th of August, 1S63, sailed from Wilmington to Nassau. We passed safely through the block aiding fleet off the New Inlet Bar, re ceiving no damage from the few shots fired at us, and gained an offing of thir ty miles before daylight By this time our supply of English coal was exhaust ed, and we were obliged to commence upon North Carolina coal ot very infer ior quality, which made a terrible smoke. This was a little after daylight. Very soon afterward the vigilant look-out at the mast-head called out: "Sail hoi" and in reply to the "Where away?" from the deck, sang out, "Right astern, air, and in chase." The morning was very clear. On go ing to the mast-head I could just discern the" royal of the chaser; and before I came down, say in half an hour, her top gallant showed above the horizon. It was evident that our pursuer would be alongside of us by mid-day at the rate we were going. Tho first orders were to throw overboard the deck-load ot cot ton and to make mora steam. The sec ond ot these orders proved to be mora easily given than executed; the chief engineer reported that it was impossi ble to maVe steam with such wretched fuel, filled with slate and dirt A moderate breeze from the north and east was blowing, and every stitch of canvass on board the square-rigged steamer in our wake was drawing. The advantage could only be neutralized either by bringing the Lee gradually bead to the wind or edging away to bring the wind aft. The former course would be running toward land, beside incurring the addi tional risk of being intercepted and captured by some of the inshore cruisers. I began to edge away, therefore, and in two or three hours enjoyed the satisfac tion of seeing our pursuer clew up and furl his sails. The breeze was stiH fresh, but we were now running away from it, and the cruiser was going literally as fast as the wind, so tat the sails were rather a hindrance than a help. But the cruiser was still gaining upon us. A happy inspiration occurred to ma when the case seemed hopeless, and I sent for the chief engineer. "Mr. S., let us try cotton saturated with spirits of turpentine." There were on board, as part of the deck-load, thirty or forty barrels of spir its. In a few moments a bale of cotton was ripped open, a barrel tapped, and buckets full of the saturated material were passed down into the fire-room. The result exceeded our expectations. The chief engineer, an excitable little Frenchman, soon made his appearance on the bridge, his eyes sparkling with triumph, and reported a full head ot steam. I was curious to see the effect upon our speed, and directed him to wait a moment till the log was hove. I threw it myself nine and a half knots. "Let her go, now," I said. Five min utes afterward I hove the log again thirteen and a quarter! We now began to hold our own, and even to gain a little upon the chaser: but she was fearfully near, and I began to have visions of another residence at Fort Warren. I wonder if the officers of the cruiser could have screwed another turn of speed out of her If they had known that the Lee had on board, in ad dition to her cargo of cotton, a large amount of gold shipped by the Confed erate Government There was slight change in' our rela tive positions till about six o'clock in the afternoon, when the chief engineer reported that the burnt cotton had choked the flues, and that the steam was running down. "Only keep her going till dark," I re plied, "and we will give our pursuer the slip yet" A heavy bank was lying along the horizon to the south and east, and I saw a possible means of escape. ' At sunset the chaser was about four miles astern and gaining on us. I stationed an officer on each wheel house, with glasses, directing them to let me know the instant they lost sight of the chaser in the growing darkness. At the same time I ordered the engi neer to make as black a smoke as possi ble, and to be in readiness to cut it oft by closing the dampers instantly, when ordered. The twilight was soon succeeded by darkness. Both officers called out at the same moment "We have lost sight of her," while a dense volume of smoke was streaming far in our wake. "Close the dampers," I called out, and at the same moment ordered the helm "hard a starboard." Our course was altered eight points, the cruiser was thrown off the track, and two days later we arrived safely at Bermuda. The Rapidity of Thought. Prof. Donders, of Utrecht recently made some interesting experiments in regard to the rapidity of thought By means of two instruments, which he calls the neomatachograph and the noernatachometer, he promises some important and interest ing results. His experiments up to date show that it takes the brain one .067 of a second to elaborate a single idea. Writing in regard to this, Donders says: 'Doubtless the time required for the brain to act is not the same in all indi viduals; I believe, however, that these Instruments may be perfected until we will be able to determine the mental caliber of our friends, without our friends knowing that we are testing their apt ness." The professor further says: "For an eye to receive an impression requires .077 of a second, and for the ear to ap preciate a sound, .149 of a sound is all that is necessary; which, however, that the eye acts with nearly double the the rapidity of the ear." No Arg-nment Necessary. Prisoner I don't think there will be any need of your addressing the jury. Lawyer Why not? Prisoner My insanity will be in stantly plain to them when they see that I have retained you to conduct my case. Puck. And No Wonder, "Here I've been sitting all morning trying to write some jokes," said Funni tuan, "and I can tell you I'm tired." "How many jokes did you write?" in quired Parker. "Not one; that's what makea me so tired." Life. EASTERN ITEMS. The Louisiana Farmers' Alliance Denounces the Lottery. The Governor of New Mexico Wants United States Troops to Sup press White Caps. The Pennsylvania crops will be far be low the average. The drought will almost depopulate certain portions of Kansas. It is said that the lottery crowd is cer tainly on top in North Dakota again. John W. Mackay has been elected a Director in the Canadian Pacific railway. The net debt of Pennsylvania in 1880 was $10,940,48, and in lS'.K) it is $1,783, 02t5. Kansas City, Kan., has a population of 38,170, an increase in ten years of 28, 822. The Governor of New Mexico wants United States troops to suppress the White Caps. Careful estimates of the growing or ange crop in Florida place it at 2,000,000 boxes, or about the same as last year. The wheat crop of the Dakota ami Minnesota is estimated at lOO.OOO.OJO bushels, one of the largest ever har vested. , v- , i I . . Hi . nnaeye lias appvareu among came in the vicinity of Kirkwood, 111., caused by the unusually dry pastures and scarcity of water. " A war of ice dealers is threatened in Baltimore by the announcement that the Saloonkeepers' Association will sell ice at 55 cents per 100 pounds. The Louisiana Farmers Alliance de nounces the lottery, and is negotiating w ith members of "Congress and candi dates to support its principles. Cattle in large numbers are dying in the vicinity of Shullsburg, Wis." It is thought they are poisoned by drinking water drained from lead mines. The two new battle ships designed in the Navy Department agree closely with the 10,000-ton battle ships which France has determined to build for its heaviest line. ' Missouri 19 now the only State or Ter ritory in the United States where gov ernment lands may be taken up at pri vate entry or purchased outright at f 1.25 an acre. The total estimated cost of the United States Postal Service at present is fv, 700,000. The net revenue is f56,000,O0 leaving the cost of the service $8,750,000 more than the income. Philadelphia's population ia reported to be 1,044.894. an increase of about 234 per cent since 1890. In the decade be fore that the growth of the city was at the rate of 25 per cent. The Horida Central and Peninsula railroad now awards a premium of $10 to each of its engineers running sched ule trains who get through the month without killing any cattle. The National Bar Association, at its meeting at Indianapolis last week, deci ded to recommend to the State Legisla tures the adoption of a uniform law on 1 1 - . 1 Jnr . C.a Wilis in me uiuereiu s?iaiea. Blair, in behalf of a majority of the members of the Woman's Suffrage Com mittee, has reported favorably a pro posed constitutional amendment to give women the right of suffrage. Cyrus W. Field has sold to Charles Henrv Butler 70J acres of his magnifi cent Ardsley Park at lobbs' Ferrv, N. Y. The consideration is said to be in the neighborhood of $l,000,00a. Hereafter in Canada cigar lxxes must be destroyed as soon as emptied, the same as in the United States. lealers are kicking, but it is the order of the Commissioners of Internal Revenue and will no doubt be obeyed. There is some talk in Washington to the effect that President Harrison con templates sending a special message to the Senate, in which ne will point out the importance of passing the Federal Election bill this session. There are three elevated railroads in Brooklyn, and they have applied to Judge Bartlett of the Supreme Court for writs of certiorari to review the action of the Board of Assessors infixing the taxable value of their propert y. General Sir Frederick Middleton leaves Ottawa for England this week. Regard ing his forced resignation from the com mand of the Canadian militia, lie states that he had been sacrificed by the gov ernment to save the French vote. The visible supply of grain, as com piled at the New York Produce Ex change is: Wheat 18,490,492 bushels, which is an increrse of 1 ,172,813 bushels ; corn 1,121,032,270 bushels; a decrease of 5,712,582 bushels; oats 2,259,713 bushels, a decrease of 271,104 bushels; bar lev 372,555 bushels, a decrease of 37,437 bushels. Superintendent Porter expects the work of counting the population of the country to be completed lefore the end of the present month, and Congress, if it so desires, can proceed to pass an ap portionment bill and so determine how many members shall constitute the next House. The population of the country is estimated at 04,000,000. The Senate Committee on Appropria tions has completed consideration of the general deficiency appropriation bill and reported it to the Senate with a number of amendments, which, with one excep tion, do not largely increase the total of the bill as it came from the House. This exception is the provision for the pay ment for French spoliation claims aggre gating $1,239,88. The struggle that has existed at Ur bana, O., for the past year and a half over the issuing of bonds for natural gas purposes is ended. The City Council has passed an ordinance to issue $225, 000 for that purpose. The work of pip ing from Mercer countv has been let at a cost of $221,000, to "be completed by November 15. There is general satisfac tion expressed by the people. All the amendments to the river and harbor bill affecting the Northwest have been agreed to by the Senate. Among them were numerous surveys of naviga ble streams in the new States, particu larly South Dakota and Washington. A change was made in the extent to which work is to be carried on on the Missouri and in Montana by substituting Fort Benton for Great Falls, which was made the upper end of operations according to the first draft of the amendment. Since the bill passed the House a good deal of argument has been made to individual men on the need of these Northwestern improvements, and the members inter ested believe that some important works which were refused by the House Com mittee will be allowed to stand wnen tne bill comes back from the House. THE " GYMKHANA." V Medley of Outdoor Catnri Indulged la by English Officer In India. A "gymkhana." Well, what Is itt The word hi itself is a compound Hin dostanee term, meaning tho "homo of games," and with many another Indian phrase has been incorporated into the sporting vocabulary of the sport loving Anglo-Saxon race. To put it tersely, it is a medley of games. To enliven the monotony of garrison life in the many stations ' in India the officers from time to time get up steeplechases and athletic sports for the men. After the conquest of the Punjaub men learnt new games that were imme diately dubbed "good." Tent pegging, lemon catting, and last but not least, "polo," were at once adopted by the Fngliah. All these sports were incor porated into the programme and added new zest. An an'onal race always forms part of a "gymkhana." Here each competitor brings to the starting post some quad raped or biped. Pigs, dogs, fowls, cats, rata, rabbits, the gentle tortoise, all are eligible, and if some strange animal or bird can be procured the fan is ail the merrier. Each animal or bird mast be held by a string, but it is not advisable for the harmony of the race to place the dog next in line to the cat, or the latter in Juxtaposition to the rat. The writer, when in Africa, saw a race in which a secretary bird was entered with every chance of winning. Next it was a rat. The bird espied the rodent a few moments before the start, and with one thump of its foot kiUed it The next second the rat had been swallowed. The secretary bird was ruled out of the race. . . " . An obstacle race is indispensable. This is a race for men, and it must be left to the ingenuity of the stewards to devise the obstacles. A race the writer remembers began with some fairly stiff hardies; beyond these an entangle ment, easily made with stout stakes and wire run in every direction around them. Beyond that was a wide water trenoh and then a tarpaulin, riveted in the ground, under which the competi tors had to crawL Next a table, with a good old dry bun for each, which had to be eaten, and then a large bottle of effervescing ginger beer. Flour bar rels, with both ends knocked out and suspended from a scaffold, improved the appearance of the men when they dived through them, and a last climb over palisades, built close together, was about as much as most men cared to go through in an obstacle race. A blindfold wheelbarrow race b amusing, especially when the pusher makes straight for one of the adjoining ditches. For the horsemen, a pretty and excellent competition is "tent peg ging.' An ordinary tent peg is firmly fixed in the ground. Each competitor, at full gallop, with his lance tries to strike the peg and carry it off on tlu tip of the lance. These lances are al ways made of bamboo and tipped with steel The rider carries the lance in his right hand, with the elbow of the arm bent well outward. If the peg is square ly struck, the lucky rider brings it home on the point of his lance. As a rule, however, he comes to the finish with only a few scraps of mother earth. Another capital race is a riding tan dem race. Each man rides one pony while he drives the leader, and every one must carry a tandem whip. A cigar race causes a good deal of fun. The competitors start on bareback steeds, and, on reaching one limit. Jump off, saddle their ponies, light a cigar and make the best time to the winning post. The cigar must be alight when the Judge is reached. Local industries may be used in aid ing the programme. A race for soldiers In full marching order adds to the in terest of the sports, end the small boys of the village will gladly Join in a potato race. In this a certain number of po tatoes are placed in a line, and each youth's task is to run and pick them lip, one by one, and return them to a basket. New York Tribune. A Thievish Goo so. Mrs. Bohem, of Dover, N. J., missed many valuables from her house. A goose, one of a flock owned by Mrs. Bohem, had a habit of tapping on the kitchen dogr to ask for food. When the door was opened it would walk into the kitchen and, after being fed, would sit down near a window in which the sun shpne. If left alone it would pick up anything it could and carry it to a box in a closet and push it under out of sight. One day it was left alone for a moment. One of the family entered the room rather suddenly and caught it running toward the closet with a Waterbury watch in its bilL The watch had been lying on a table. A search was instituted and the hiding place dis covered. Among the things found were two gold thimbles, a comb, two scarf pins, several spools of sewing silk and some lace. Exchange. Swallowed Dollar. James Clemens, a prominent young farmer, who lives near Athens, Ga., swallowed a silver dollar. Clemens was lying across a bed at his home and had a dollar in his mouth. Being very tired, he suddenly dropped oil to sleep. He awoke very soon afterwards with a most excruciating pain, and it developed that he had swallowed the money. He arose immediately and came to the city. Dr. W. A. Carlton endeavored to draw the dollar from the throat by means of an instrument, but owing to the nerv ous condition of the patient he was forced to postpone the operation a day. The money had passed down the throat and lodged in the esophagus. Clemens was placed under the influence of ether, and after a difficult and dangerous oper ation the dollar was brought up through the mouth. Cor. 8avannah News. The peculiar performance of a pas ranger on the steamship Iroquois was the cause of considerable excitement on a recent trip from New York to Jack sonville, Fla. Just after crossing the bar he tied the lead line around his waist and jumped over the side for a swim. He was jerked through the water at a frightful rate of speed, and tie ship had to be stopped and the rratio gentleman hauled aboard. He said he merely wished to take an ocean dip, and thought that he could keep up with the ship. FOREIGN NEWS. Great Discontent Reported to Pre vail in Finland. The Excessive Heat Causes an Alarming Amount of Sickness in the Austrian Empire. The Kim? of Holland Is in fwhlft mn. dition. Professor Alphonso Favre, Swiss geol ogist, is dead. The estimated fortifying of Heligoland will cost $7,500,000. . Persiani, the Rusm'an Minister to Ser bia, has become insane. A slave trade in Punjaub women has been discovered in Scinde. Workmen on Parnell's Ark low quar ries at London have struck. Baron Leon of Vienna has been killed by falling over a precipice in the Alps. Prince Waldemar's name is withdrawn as a candidate for the Bulgarian throne. A diamond has been found in the Kimborly mines of South Africa weigh ing 133 carats. Emperor William captivated every one he met in Brussels by his gracious and cordial bearing. England has nut in a claim of $10,000, 000 indemnity for the recent row in the Argentine Republic. One-half of the town of Monetier, France has been destroyed by fire and many persons injured. Leighham Court, Streatham, near London, comprising sixty-fix acres, has just been sold for X'.W.OOo". Major Wissmann's lieutenant says that the former will, so far as known, resume his duties in Africa. The Maharajah Dhuleep Singh has written a letter to the Queen begging forgiveness for his past acts. Herr von Uerson, the Austrian engi neer recently captured bv brigands in Circassia, has been released. The tioverninent contemplates a fur ther iiiiortant reduction ot the British army of occupation in Egypt. One hundred and tweuty-four head of cattle are to be slaughtered in Yorkshire on account of pleuro-pneumonia. The Chin expedition reports that some of the tribes it has encountered belong to the most degraded stage of barbarism. Cameron, the English African explo rer, favors the introduction of Chinese and Indian planters into Africa, particu larly the former. Joseph Arch, the apostle of the Eng lish farm laborers, has been adopted as the Liberal candidate for Northwest Nor folk at the next election. The London Times has at length com plettd the payments on its expense ac count for tne'Parnell Commission, the t'tal being understood to amount to 150,000. In Australia the labor organizations have secured the 8-hour day with a half holidav on Saturday, and now thev are agitating for a 7-hour day with no work on Saturday. The Russian Government has espec ially invited General Boisdeffrie, the Adjutant-General of the French Army, to attend the Russian Army maneuvers at Krasnoe Selo. The Congo Free State has annexed the kingdom of Monatayamyo, which coin prises a vast extent of territory south of the present frontier of the Congo State and extends in the direction of the Zambesi river. The Australians are beginning to doubt the wisdom of importing so many stoats, ferrets and weasels to exterminate the rabbits. These creatures multiply most rapidly, and have begun attacking chil dren and lambs. The difficulty regarding labor at Zan zibar has reached an acute stage. No porters are available, owing to the drain from the Congo and the German sphere of influence. The question is vital, both to Zanzibar and to the British company. The migration of settlers and laborers from the interior of Russia to the Cau casian and Siberian districts is still in creasing. The cities on the various roads are literally overflowing with emigrants, among whom great distress prevails. The greatest discontent prevails (says a Daily News correspondent) throughout Finland owing to the promulgation of the imperial ukase which abolishes the Finnish Post and Telegraphic Adminis tration and amalgamates it with that of Russia. The King of Italy contemplates copy ing Queen Victoria by adding a colonial title to his Royal dignities. He would call himself "Emperor of Erythrea and and Eastern Africa," in view of his pro tectorate of Abyssinia and colonies on the Red Hoa coast." The Siecle says that French agents in the Upper Senegal country have made treaties with Chiefs Macina, Yatenga, Aribunda, Gourtna and Moussi, by which they secure a protectorate over that territory and greatly extend French in fluence "on the Niger. A California salmon has recently leen caught in the Mediterrannean, near Banyuls. Probably it found its wav thither from the River Aude, into which many young fish of this species have been introduced, in the hope that they may be acclimatized in France. A mine of pumice-stone, it is stated, exists on the Teneriffee Peak, of which the working was only started in 1888. The stone is found in that part of the peak called the "Canadas" at about 2,000 feet above the sea level. While Chili favors the scheme for an international railway, and will build her own system to the northern line, and, if necessary, assist Peru to perfect her por tion of the system, she will oppose the projected system of arbitration, as will also the entire press and people of Chili. M. Constans, Minister of the Interior in France, speaking at a banquet at Ro dez, congratulated Republicans upon their unity. The Republic, he Baid, was strong enough to be conciliatory. The day was approaching when the enemies of the Republic would have Generals, but no soldiers. The excessive heat is causing an jLlA.rinino' Amount nf flinknAnn -in A nutria In the military camps of the southern army the death rate has risen SO per cent. Deaths from sunstroke are daily reported. " The thermometer registers an average of from 105 to 110 degrees Fahrenheit in the shade at midday. In I some of the southern districts the wheat crop is quite burned by the Bun. Brother Gardner Is Taken In One Mora by a Uerignlns Knave. At the opening of the meeting Brother Gardner announced that lecture No. 2 of the summer series, announced at the last meeting, would be delivered by the Hon. Sidehill Wellington, D. X. & O. Al, of Eufaula, Ala. The gentleman named was known as "The Demosthenes of the South," and ranked as a philoso pher of the first water. His subject was: "Why Ar' Dis Thus?" and Samuel Shin and Pickles Smith were warned to pre serve a proper decorum in the presence ot the stranger or be prepared tor the consequences. The honorable gentleman was intro duced by the visiting committee in one time and three motiona Like all great philosophers his shoes were down at the heel, his elbows frayed, his knees out ot true, his general appearance proved a carelessness on his part as to whether he got up right end first in the morning. He was received with enthu siastic applause, during which Deacon Baker managed to give Elder Toots a vigorous kick and lay it to accident. As he bowed his applause two buttons were heard to strike the wall behind him and his collar made a determined effort to rise above his eara "My frens," began the honorable in a voice rich with anticipation of the com ing watermelon season, "we go to bed at night. If we her no company we go to bed "iong 'bout half-past nine o'clock. If we hev a toiree on hand it may be two hours later. If I ax you what you go to bed fur you answer to sleep. What do you sleep fur? You reply dat it is be -kase natur intended you to. Yes, but why did she? You can't telL You tumble into bed an' lay dar on your j backs an' snooze an snore an dream of , oe lucley numbers In poller, an when tnawnin' comes yon fall out an kick de dog an' jaw de cbill'en, an' wish you was rich an' didn't heve to go to work. Yells of applause. Natur meant dat you should lie down in sleep to give de body a rest to let de mus cles relax, de nerves grow quiet, de brain ceas its tremendous efforts fur awhile. My world-renowned tonic, which kin be had in de ante-room after dis meetin' adjourns at two-bits a bot tle, ebery bottle warranted to hold half a pint, will bring about dis happy re sult No cure no paT. The orator paused here to imbibe a glass ot water, and a puzzled look crept into Brother Gardner's face. He was observed to make a signal to Giveadam Jones, and that individual nodded as if he understood. "We hev de back-ache," continued the orator "de back-ache, de colic, pains in de chist, fits of melancholy, bad dreams, sudden desiah to jump off de tower ot de City Hall. We hev sich things an we nebber stop to Inquar de reason. We jist go right 'long sufferin', layin' our sad condishun to Jay Gould, Vanderbilt an de Standard Oil Com pany, an nebber supposin dar is asartin an' cheap cure right at hand. Sensa tion. My frens, I has the proud satis fackshan to tell you dat I am de in ventor, proprietor an sole agent on dis globe fur de ''Wellington Cholera Pre ventative an' Ligbtnin' Co'n Remover, an' arter dis meetin is ober my remedy kin be had by any of the gem'len pres ent at de usual price of two bits a box warranted purely vegetable or money refunded." High old applause. As the speaker stopped to take an other pint of water there was a broad grin on almost every face, and this was increased by the nneasy movements of Brother Gardner. It was plain to be seen that he had been takes in and done for again, and that he was arranging some sort of a programme with Give adam Jones, who has long held tbe posi tion of Bogardus Kicker to the club. "My frens," pathetically continued the honorable, after the water had been put away behind his nankeen vest, "you is walk In along de street, an' am sud denly tooken wid a crick ia de back. an can t go on dowa to de bank an draw out $50. You git up in the mawnin' feelin slumpy. You doan keer two cents whether you hev quail on toast or turkey on sweet cake fur breakfast. You wake up in de night wid a cole sweat startin' out, a wiolent beatin' of de heart, an' a fear in your soul dat a band of Anarchists is hidden under de bed to take your life. On sartin occashuns you sot down wid a piece of chalk an' a shingle to flgger up how much a y'ar it will cost you to rent forty post-office boxes at 4 each. You is stuck. De riggers danse away from you. Your eyes blur an' you jump up in alarm if de dog howls in de back yard. You go right along jist de same, however, nebber stoppin' to inquar into de nateral causes, an' de fust thing jou know your friends am gathered around your bed stead t to see you expire. Decided sensation all over the hall. My frens, it gives me de utmos' pleasure to be able to inform you on dis auri ferous occasion dat I am de sole owner of what is called De Wellington Cu re All Plaster. which I warrant to be com posed of sixteen different roots an' de best Norf Carolina tar. Dese plasters sell at twenty cents each, or six for a dollah, and de President of dis United States had one on de small of his back when he entered de White House fur de fust time. Arter dis meetin' is smbuscaded I shall be moas happy to see you all in de ante-room, an' I At this point Givedam Jones inter rupted the speaker to say that a man wanted to see him outside on very im portant business. "Exactly," replied the honorable. "My frens, I will retiah fur a moment ,n' ascertain his business. My address it only half concluded. He retired in (rood order, smiling and towing as he passed down the isle, but be never came back. Two minutes lsterhis voice was beard saying: "Boy, be keerf ul whar you put dat for of yourst I doan't low nobody to fool wid met" And a little later. "1 nebber skipped a town yit, an I won't begin now!" Then Paradise Hall jarred and vi brated, and ths plaster fell in spots, and the stove-door swung wide open. Something bumped on the stairs and leil "kersquash" into the alley, loi- lowed by a racket as if a dray-horse was galloping for his life. In three or four minutes Giveadam Jones returned, the right leg of his trousers split to the knee, and his breath coming hard, and as be sat down Brother Gardner arose and said: "My frens, de difference between a philosopher an a fakir is sometimes so powerful fine dat de best of men are de ceived. It's my opinyun dat we got hold of de wrong animal, but dere's no great harm, dun. I reckon he won't bodder usjjo more, an' perhaps he has . I' ui k'few grains of wheat among de V' aft We will now annunciate home- Wardi" Detroit Free Press. f ' " FIRESIDE FRAGMENTS. Cocoa should never thicken in the cup; if it does it shows the presence of starch of some kind. -Hash Roll: Take a rich biscuit dough, roll Into a long sheet and spread it well with butter and finely hashed ham or beef already cooked. Roll up, place in a deep plate and steam nearly three hours. This needs a good brown gravy in serving, and it makes an ad mirable supper dish. Western Rural. To avoid the odor which too often fills the house when cabbage or other green vegetables are boiling, follow these simple directions: Put your cabbage in a net, and when you have boiled it five minutes in tbe first pot of water, lift it out, drain for a few sec onds, and place carefully in a second pot, which you must have full ot fast boiling water on the stove. Empty the first water away and boil your cabbaee till tender ia the second. Boston Bad get Blackberry Tapioca: Wash a cup of tapioca through several waters and cover with cold to stand several hours. Then set over the fire, add a pint of boiling water and let simmer slowly until the tapioca is perfectly clear. Sweeten a quart of blackberries, stir in the tapioca, take from the fire, pour in a dish, stand aside to cool and serve very cold with cream and sugar. Farm and Fireside. Cucumber Fritters: Peel and grate full grown, tender cucumbers. Press all the juice from the pulp, and add to one quart of pulp hall a teacup of rich, sweet cream, half a pint of flour, one gill of melted butter, salt and pepper to taste. Beat four eggs separately, very light and add to the butter which should be very thick. Have ready a ket tle of boiling lard, and drop in one large spoonful at a time, removing as soon as crisp and brown. Serve as you would fried oysters, which they very much re semble. Ladies Home Journal. Did you ever notice a boy whose father always treated him as if he were man. talking to him sensibly, puttinr confidence in him as if he were much older than he is? If you have, you have seen a boy that was very manly even at six or seven years of age. Now all the difference in the world between a boy and a young animal, in the matter of training or education, is in the boy's susceptibility of a higher degree of edu cation. Both are pliable when young; both can be readily molded. N. Y. Wit ness. Curry of Spring Chicken: Cut up a a young chicken; put two ounces of butter in frying pan. cut a small onion in slices, and add it with the chickea to the butter, and fry a golden brown; take up the chicken, put it in a saucapan witb a little water, season with salt and let simmer gently for fifteen minutes, then add a teaspoonful of sugar, and the juice of a small lemon. Mix a table spoonful ot curry powder and one of flour with a little cold water, and add to the chicken. Stir until It boils. Serve with boiled rice. Ladies' Home Journal. THE OLD REGIMENT. It Dwell la the M.raorr of the Soldier m Loot as He Uh Bremth. Ask an old soldier where he has served, and his answer will invariably be. "With the old th" infantry, Cav alry or artillery, as the case may be Then perhaps he may tell you where he has served, whether in the hot sandy deserts of Arizona, or under the biting blasts of Dakota blizzards, whether un der the dun canopy of sulphurous smoke at Gettysburg, or with tbe wild yell of the savage ringing ia his ears at the "Big Hole;" but his first reply which In his mind comprehends every thing will be, "With the old th." The reg iment is the home of his manhood's most glorious days, tbe memories of which stay with him throughout all the after-years of his existence, be he still a soldier or be he retired to a quieter field of action in civil life, and many a time his thoughts will turn with affectionate sympathy to those comrades in whose company he has fought and marched, with whom be has cast his jokes and sometimes quarreled, shared dangers and pleasures, the perils of the battle-field and the routine of the garrison. Mutually dependent upon one another from the very nature of their occupation and of the stern dis cipline that controls their lives, tbe friendships formed by soldiers among themselves are strong, pure and un Belfish as human nature will permit of, and the representation of this mutual dependence on one another, this com radeship that will lead them to do and dare together, to suffer together, to die together, is embodied in the number embroidered on the silken folds of the regimental colors. And the women of the regiment? Ahl they too share th e glory of the old th, from the matronly, soft-voiced, pleasant faced wife of the commanding officer, to the buxom, faithful, hard-working partner ot the humble private the laundress. How many a time have they opened wide the hospitable doors of their houses to the stranger among hem! How often, with tear-bright eyes and trembling, proud voices, told of what the th bad done, and how they too share together in their feminine way the joys and privations of military life! And which is the harder to bear, think you the hardships and dangers of the men in active service at tbe front or the fears and hopes, the dread suspense and sickening anxiety of their women left behind at the lonely frontier post from whence the regiment has marched to its duty. The writer once lay in camp in the wilds of one ot the Territories with a famous regiment of cavalry. We were not far from a railroad recently con structed, and the news came one day I that the General in command of the de partment would visit the camp on a cer , tain date. This officer had formerly I commanded the regiment as Colonel, and had left it for other tours of duty some years before; but the memory of his soldierly qualities, his strict adher ence to duty, his undaunted courage in the presence of danger, as well as of tbe goodness and kindly tact of tbe gracious lady, his wife, was strong in the breasts of the com mand, and it was this feeling far more than tbe respect to be paid to the General officer that prompted the offi cers to ride out from the camp in a body to meet and welcome their old comrade and commander. And later in the day, ' as he sat out there on his horse on the broad prairie, and bared his head In re sponse to the lowering of the yellow standard and the bright flashing of the long line of sabers presented in salute, his stern soldier features softened and his eyes lightened as he saw once more before him the familiar weather-beaten . blue uniforms and bronzed faces of the men ot the old regiment Harper's I Weekly. . HOUSEHOLD BREVITIES. Lemon Marmalade. Peel lemcn? and extract the seeds. Boil the peel pntil soft add tbe juice and pulp with a pound of lemon, Boil until thick. t Black Currant Tea. Two large ta blespoonfuls of jam to a pint-snd-a-half of boiling water; stir well, strain and set to cool, when it will be ready for use. This is a safe and refreshing dnnk for all sick people. - Meringue Pudding. Line a deep pudding d sh with slices of sponge-cake, cover with rich fru t jam, pour over, : custard and bake, ice 1 ke cake, set in the stove to dry, take out and cover with meringue. Serve without sauce. Ladies' Home Journal. 1 Wax drippings from the tapers now so fashionably used for light ng pur poses can be removed from linen table- cloths with a hot iron and a piece of blotting paper, or by d pping the part in eau de coiogne, which renders the ws brittle, so that it can easily be rubbed OiJ with the finger. Boston Budget j Marsh-Mallows Dissolve over a slow fire four ounces of the best white gum-arable in one-and-a-half gills of water. Strain, make a tea by boiling marsh-mallow roots in a teacup of water, boil low, add to-the gum-arabic stir in four ounces of white sugar; cock slowly until thick. Stir in the well-beatea whites of two eggs, and stir until cool Flavor to taste, and pour into a pan. Very pretty doilvs are made of fine cambric with hem-stitched borders. Tbe des gns, symmetrically arranged sprays of leaves and flowers, are worked with very fine flax threads, fllo-floss, or out line embroidery silk. Tbe flowers are done in satin stitch, tbe stems in cord- ' ing stitch, and the arabesques are out lined in the same, with interlaced stitches m the center. Yankee Blade. Graham Biscuits. Three teacupf uls graham flour, one teacupful wheat floor, sift with these two teaspoonfuls baking powder and rub in two teaspoonfuls but ter, add a teaspoonful salt two table- : spoonfuls sugar, one egg and enoogh sweet milk to make the dough stiff enough to roll out Cut out the cakes with a biscuit cotter and bake at once in a quick oven. Orange Judd Farmer. A Chair Comfort Ma'e two bags of soft cotton just the width between upright rounds of the chair and fill them with very soft light batting in which is sprinkled sachet powder. Cover with figured or plain India silk ia co ors to harmonize with the other furnishings of the room. . Tie the bairs tog-ether in three places with soft satin ribbons in different shades. Place the bags over, . the back of the chair, so that one will lie on each side, or over the front and back. Pretty cretonne may be substi tuted for the silk. CORK TREE FORESTS. They Will Thrive la California aa Well as In Spain or Africa. The available forests of cork trees are already relatively extensive, although hardly sufficient to supply the demands now made oa them, or whieh as the world grows in prosperity must be mads oa them, for there is hardly any end to the uses for cork, and none of the sub stitutes for it which have yet ben tried are very satisfactory or promise to take its place to any great extent The latest estimates of existing areas of available cork oak forests make their extent from S, 800,000 to 8,500,000 acres, of which about one-half, including those oa its African possessions, belongs to France. The wood of the cork oak is heavy, coarse-grained and of a yellow-browa color; it shrinks and warps badly in sea soning and decays rapidly when exposed to the action of the atmosphere. It has little value in the arts, but furnishes a useful fuel and makes good charcoal. The inner bark is rich in tannin, and trees too old or unfit to produce cork a'e cut for the sake of the inner bark. The cork oak is an interesting tree to Americans, as its cultivation now seems destined to become an important Indus try in California, where the climate and the soil in many parts of the State are admirably suited to produce it This is not a mere theory, as trees have been growing now for several years in Cali fornia and have already produced crops of cork of excellent quality. It is prob able that the tree will grow rather more rapidly ia California than it does ia its native country, although the quality of tbe soil, the exposure in which the trees are placed, local climate, and the treatment which the trees receive will influence, of course, the rapidity with which the bark is developed. In Africa it is found that the tree's which grow the most rapidly produce bark of the poorest quality, and that within certain limits the slower the trees grow the more valuable the product provided the growth ' is not too slow, ia which case the bark loses some of tbe elasticity which makes it valuable. The conditions whieh influence, the development of cork a-e so numerous and complicated that the product of all the trees in a grove or forest can never attain the same uni formity of thickness or quality la any -given time. This is so well understood in the countries where cork is grown that the best methods of harvesting has been found to be to go over the for est every two or three years and remove the bark from such trees as are covered with merchantable cork and not to strip all the trees at tbe same time. AH these matters must of course be consid ered in connection with planting forests of cork oak in California, The planting and care of such forests ia Portugal and Spain has long been an important indus try, and there is no reason why they may not be made so in California, where the local consumption of cork is already enormous, although the wine industry there is hardly more than ia its infancy. Garden and Forest The lrmuda-tf Uitax Cable. Considerable interest attaches to the laying of a cable between Bermuda and Halifax, and its completion will mark a new era in the history of the island. An American electrician who has just returned from the Bermudas points out how much more paradoxical the absence of telegraphical communication there is from the fact that it is an important British naval and coaling station, with one of the largest floating dry docks in: the world, and a large military garrison, and that the prosperity of the island ia mainly dependent on its export of vege tables, which brings ia a revenue of over $360,000. The people have become alive to the necessity of knowing what is go ing on in the world around them; they , are putting up better buildings, dredg ing the harbor channels so as to admit the largest craft, building docks and wharves, and now are placing themselves in a position to reap the full advantage of daily prices current This evidently is not the end, for it is rumored that plans for aa electric road are already under, consider tion. N, Y. Son.