The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, August 15, 1890, Image 3

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    anon Express.
. AUGUST 15, lf,iK
Ouarantwl msn-hitr c-Hs at C'rueoii
CarpeirttTa begnn wrk on tin
mill tins wtok.
and windows at Cru-
am A M tushes'.
Hon. Jetr Myers, of Sdo, was in Ia-1-nou
this week.
Miss Buna Klrkpntrick left for Se
attle Wednesday.
Uncle John Nic-lioU is having lumber
hauled for a dwelling.
Ice cream every Friday and Satur
day at the ten-cent store.
Elmer Rogers, of Eugene, is spend
ing a few days at the spring.
airs. 1 moiaon ana Jliss Mamie Swau
are camping out at Waterloo.
Mr. J. G. Reed feas begvn work on
Ms large eight-room dwelling.
Frank Wayne went up the narrow
gauge Friday as far as Rowland.
Dr. Dudley lias removed his oflleo to
brick Work over City Drug Store.
Jws. Rubl has built -a good substan
""'tlal walk in front of his property.
Miss Mattie JCixon left this week
for a protracted visit in California.
5. W. U'tteeier hits all kinds of
lumber jst his saw mill in Lebanon.
Mr. Garland's maiden speech (In this
MHlRtrv at least) WAfl m liitnnv ottVtrt
" ' I I . .....w. v.
IA Hk-kman lost a horse this
-week. Cause too much green feed.
Two ear loads of lumber Tor the
paper mill were received Wednesday.
The marshal Is repairing old walks
aud building new ones where needed.
W. R. Bilyeo was in Lebanon th ia
as eoansel in the Bauta-Willianis
Z. T. Bryant has the contract for
building the M. E. church, South, ed
ifice. TCow that the smoke of battle has
an, nil P fAifn hau ..... ...t C
wonted quiet ness.
J. A. Archibald has rnmnaenwd
work on his large residence in the
Waseota addition.
Remember you can get a hot or cold
hath auy day in the vjk at I. K. Bo
rum's barbershop.
There is little or ahsolutly no sick
ness in town, for which we are pro
foundly thankful.
Tfce heavens seem to be closed to
rain, but the piercing rays of the sun
. make themselves feit.
The M. E. Church, South, have the
brick on the ground for the basement
f their church edifice.
M. A. Miller has a large stock of
caachine oils of all kinds and w ill meet
amy and all competition. .
Boon Forte, the engineer at CJoan's
jlaer. was wmperied t cease work
week on account of ill health.
From six to twenty carpenters find
steady employment in Lebanon. What
eonelu-siuj do you ilrnvv from this?
J. Vul
gaiuore. having sint n fi-w
-a-, . . . - --
i .. 7 i, r r- u,1,,' treated with that consideration due
to his home in Brownsville I ruUy. the Ut blood. We hoe his friends
15. T. Cotton Is digging a well hi I wi'l remember this.
atn.fenh .ar.-town h"3 aQ On next. Sunday, Rev. Calder will
abundance of pure drinking water. I cilee i,;3 minsterial work in thU city.
Mr. Hoyck, who has the contract for He prwch his last sermon at 11 a.
Iwld'THstb paper mill, went to Cobur"-' At 8 p- M- Rev. Ilanleiterof Albany
8aturday last and return! Monday. "jwiH occupy the pulpit. Rev. Calder
We have some choice town property
now, which we will trade for good
jousg horses. H. V. Ki rkpatrk k.
Enoch Ridgway came over from
Urownsville Wednesday. He barely
escaped being mistaken "for that man
Married. i Albany, August 7, hv
Creo. HBtaphrev. Kso . Mr. Mrt i
ivw m ana Miss liosa Uaggertt, both of ,
1banon- I
We received for publication a renl v
to Rev. Fisher's article in our last 411
,JjacK or space, forbids its publication
thia week.
Ewek aneat mar"ket. just open-d on
fhermaw street oposite .St." Charles
tiotel. Wheeler & Troutmau. Call
nd ee us
The family of D. Torlet, A. M., w ho
is to take charge of the Santiam Acnd
TTuy.are expected here from The Dalles
next week.
Work is progreseing rapidly at the
paper mill, and it will not be long until
rr merchants will buy wrapping pa
per at home.
A. Dodge has completed ne dwell
ing near the railroad, and has lumber
n the ground wit& "which to build
juaotfeer house.
J. C. Bilyeu, J. B. R. Morelock and
J. W. Waters were in Lebanon Mon
day. They expected some fun, but were
a "little too previous."
Ex-County Clerk E. E. Montague
" 'OIIU Tasi, Ut -
hmmy for f 2,700. No risk involved in
purchases of this kind.
E. Goan of the Mammoth planer
has been compelled to take a rest. We
hope that Mr. Goan will regain his
wsW vigor by resting.
Rufus Hunter received the sad in
telligence on last Thursday that his
mother, who lives not far from Browns
vi tte, was -dangerously i ll.
Rev. F. H. Calder and family
reefed their canvas last Saturday after
a two-week's vacation and returned
to their home in Lebanon.
J. D. Walton was called by telegraph
to Albany last week to see his mother,
who was not expected to live. At last
reports Mrs. Walton was still alive.
S. M. Garland, formerly of Virginia,
and a man of some experience in news
paper work, -win open a law office in
Lebanon before many weeks elapse.
J. R. Kirkpatrick Informs us that he
has a fine supply of wood on hand.
tooth hard and soft, which he will de
liver to any part of the city. Notice
Eobt. McOlure and family came
borne this week from their mountain
meandering. Bob's beard would
indicate that he had been gone six
J. G. Eaton brought to this office
Tiursday a rutabaga that weighs nine
pounds. Just how this root happened
to escape the notice of John Chinaman
puzzles us.
AH those who read the Expre last
week without paying for it, hold up
their hands. That will do. Now come
in and give us your name and we will
forgive the past.
Mrs. G. C. Cooley and her daughter,
Mrs. D. Irvine, called at the Express
office lately. It is gratifying to an ed
itor to have old friends call and spend
ac hour in sweet converse.
"Vanny Smltri, Mat Scott's deputy,
wm escorting a prisoner about town ;
this week. Van is short of stature, but
like Zaccbeus f old, he manages to sec
what is transpiring about him. i
Jiarher Bros, have opened a furniture
store in -fbe rmilding recently vacated
toy J.G. Reed. H. H. Barber's fnmilv
arrived recently from Ashland and will
settle perraanentiy in our town.
Burning chips and nil-bWi in the
back yard may hasten Indian suimuer,
tiUt we are not aborigines, and would
prefer the late-improved American
Hummer to ;he malodurs of tho w la
wsuit. Obns. Montus-ue and wife, Norman
Smith & Co. returned Wednesday fitmi
their mountain exploits. A complais
ant smile on each of the happy huts
told us that thej' had beeu eiijoving
The strwts of Lebanon have not wit
nessed sneh a irnniping in unv pre
vious year as they havein this. Lum
Inr, stone, worn I, brick, grain and hav
are passing ?ud trassuijj our streets
Our friend O. ynltmarsh has made
great improvement in his property in
J'.ast Irtbanon. Were ail propeVtv
holders imbued with a lihe spirit tlie're
would te great chuuge in the appear
ance of our town.
Mr. and Mrs. C B Montague, Robert
Monir.srue and Dr. Courtney and wife
left Thursday with a view to spend
ing a few weeks at Nestucca. We
predict for the company an enjoyable
time nt this pleasant retreat.
The ladies of the M. E. church will
give a lawn social this (Friday) even
ing at the residence of J. ill kins. Re
freshments will consist of ice cream,
cake, lemonade, etc. Every Imdy in
vited, lee cream and cake, 13 cents.
D. W. Barnett, who brought a drove
of horses from Crook county and dis
jV.)sei of them in this neighborhood,
started back to the bunch-grass coun
try Wednesday, lie will probably re
turn soon with another drove of horses.
Our young friend J. R. Wyatt, who
has spent two years tu the law otllee of
J. K. Weatherford, manipulated a suit
at law in Lebanon Inst Saturdav with
all the skill of an old practitioner. We
predict for "Russ" a successful career.
That man who called at the Express
office for papers, ostensibly to put
under a crHt. but really to read. Is in
no danger of falling behind the times,
but he will learn sometime that news,
like niHuiia, to be good must be gath
ered fresh every day.
Prof. R. X. Wright fiml his last shot,
strung hia last trout and left 'the rocky
fastnesses of the Cascades to their law
ful possessors Tuesday. He looks much
inrroved in health, and the unruly
school boy will not he slow to discover
a marked increase in strength also.
A young lady was lnully burned in
the little town of Ppicer Wednesday.
In attempting to kindle a lire. by pour
ing upon it coal oil, from a glass meas
ure, the oil took fire and expltxied the
vessel, the pieces of w hich cut her in
several places; besides she was severely
RufT. Hiatt, Ed. Keeblcr and Charley
Gentry sold their hops Friday at 20
cents per pound. T. D. Linton,
of Eugene, was the contractor. On
Monday Eugene Uim, Thomas & Mul
lens, Long fe llouek and Mr. Frohlieh
sold their hops to the same party at the
same price.
J. X. Banta, of Little River, Kansas,
has been here only a month, and is so
well pleased with the country that he
started back to Kansas last Saturday
for his family. A month's sojourn in
this state will convince the average
man of the superiority of this over
other suites.
Our hotels were so crowded this
week that "Friday" was comoelled to
sock lodging in a manger. A man
; i 1. i: i. ..i.ti5i.. .:, .
. J-.UUHSU uimiiiiy euouiu oe
1 be pleased to
see an oi ine nu-moerstup present at
the morning service.
Oregon does not always have a full
crop, but you cannot put your linger on
a spot in the Union with" fewer contin
gencies to upst the calculations of the
.irmrr than this Mate. The war of
winds, the crackling heat and the iu-
vasion of pestiferous insects never mar
our peace nor uesi my our crops.
To prove to those who do not ta!:e
our li r that we arc nut iiigjj.-.rdlv.
i,f consider the Exprj-ks worth
reaiJmg and are not financially able to
take it. s;iy so. give us yi.ur name and
you will receive the paper every week.
We venture the opinion that other pa
pers will not treat you more liberally.
Exposure to rough weather, getting
wet, living in damp localities are
favorable to the contraction of diseases
of the kidneys and bladder As a
preventive, and for the cure of all
Kidney and liver trouble, use that
valuable remedy, Dr. J. II. McLean's
Liver and Kidney Balm. sd.OO per
bottle. For sale by Beard & Holt.
Z. T. Brj-ant returned last week
from the Big Bottom up the Hantiam,
where Mr. Bryant and his niece have
each taken a homestead. He reports
this a good countrVt and says that it is
fast settling up. A postoftice has
been recently established in this section
and named Whitcomb in honor of the
first settler, who also has a saw mill.
Mr. Dayton, a member of the com
pany recently incorporated to work the
paiut mines a few miles from this place,
called on us Thursday. He says Leb
anon will be the headquarters of the
company, and that they contemplate
manufacturing the paint, and also es
tablishing a cooperage in Lebanon for
the manufacture of paint barrels. We
welcome tne company.
Mr. Hammock, the postmaster at
Tallman, is one of the busiest .men in
the country. In addition to' assort
ing mail, he manipulates a battery for
the O. Ry., is a miscellaneous dealer
in goods, and handles the crain for the
farming community of that section of
country. lie tells us that crops are
yielding well and that the town of
Tallman is lively at present.
A man was fined in Brownsville last
Saturday for driving through the prin
cipal streets at a rate of speed faster
than six miles an hour, and the owner
of the team feels much elated over this
last, best record of his donkey span.
Ihe mules have been in training for
some time, having occupied a pasture
along side of the narrow gauge; here
is w here they caught the spirit of the
W. S. Wallace, an extensive hor-:
grower living five miles north of Leb
anon, says the hop louse has made its
appearance, and that these pests
threaten to destroy the cron, and that
soon. We are tokl that other crops in
different parts of the State have been
attacked by these insects, and it Is
feared that this branch of husbandry
will have to contend against another
serious contingency.
(Supervisor Blodgett was notified to
come in and repair the approach to the
Santiam bridge at this place. This
bridge has been unsafe since the
Fehurary freshet, and unless repaired
soon the county need not be surprised
to bear of a disaster similar to the one
which occurred on the upper fala
pooia. The county board should see
that the necessary repairs are made
and avoid liabilities for damages.
Bill Nye writes to the ' bald-headed
man who asks for his advire on hair
restoratives, as follows: "Take your
hair restorative money and buy a town
lot in a growing town that supports its
home paper and advertises, pud goes
ahead, and vou will Ik fixed, and the
man M ho is fixed dou't care w hether
he hes any hair or not." We have a
numler of bald-headed men whom
we wuld advise to take Bill's advice.
Lebanon is the place to invest.
II W l II Ml Ml BWteg5jffill,lKHaM'Haui&-ftElWi. MMlWnanHWiMmrfU
FamllivH not already supplitil should
lose no time in proem ing u bottle ol
ChamberhUn'a Chotie, Cholera anil
Diarrhoea Remedy. It is the only
remedy that -nan always be depended
upon for bowel complaint In nil its
forms. 'Si nd 50 cent bottles for sale
by M. A. Miller.
On last Tuesday evening, quite n
number of friends and relatives met
at the residence of A. Dodge, In this
city, on the occasion of Miss Net tie's lMth
birthday. Tho usual mirth at such
gatherings was heightened by lively
games, und was terminated by an old
fashioned "candy-pull." About !i or 3
o'clock the parly dispersed, feeling
h' ;ly gratified with the night's enter
tainment and pleasure.
The reader's attention Is called to the
announcement of the Santiam Acad
emy in another place. The Academy
has always loeii fortunate In having
none but tho best teachers. Tho board
of teachers are to lie congratulated for
this Inst happy choke of instructors.
With R. N. Wright as principal of .our
public school and D. TorU-t presnling
over the Academy, Lebanon is placeil
in the van in point of educational
The One-rrice Cash Store has lie
come one of the features of Lebanon.
As everything is new and fresh, and the
prices are so much below that charged
in credit-giving establishments, peo
ple who desire to buy their goods
for cash naturally go to the corner,
where thy do not have to make up to
the storekeeper for the non-paying cus
tomers who, when they can do so, buy
on credit, and who are constitutional! y
opposed to paying for anything. Get
prievs at the One-Price Cash Store and
if there Is any reason in you tint is the
place where you will purchase your
J. W. Bishop, residing ten miles ast
of Lebanon on Hamilton creek,
brought to this office some fine coal
cropping. Experienced coul miners
haye examined the ground and the
out-croppings and pronounce it the
most promising of anything they
have seen in this part of the state.
One gentleman told Mr. Bishop that
he tlwiught a rich vein of coal could be
struck at a depth of fifty feet. What
we need, and must have, if Oregon
ever takes rank as a mineral State, is
men to develop our resources. Mr.
Bishop offers to give a one-half interest
to any man who will develop the mine.
Mr. Isaac Banta, who provoked the
shooting affray in Lebanon on theSth
instant and attempted to escaje to
California, was arrested at Rosehurg
and brought back to Ijehanon on Tues
day and given a trial Ufore Justice
Wallace. J. J. Whitney, S. M. Garland
and F. M. Miller appeared for 'the de
fense and W. it. Bilyeu on behalf of the
State. After hearing the evidence and
the arguments pro and con, Justiee
Wallace Itound the defendant over in a
bond of J,)00 to nppwir bo ft re the next
grand jury. Failing to give bail, the
defendant was lodged in the county
We are told that arrangements have
Iwh.ii perfected ltwecn the citizens of
Lebanon tud the Snntiam Paint Co.
that w ill secure to our town another
enterprise that of a paiut factory.
This company contemplates manufac
turing 3-30 barrels of paint per dsy. A
cooperage for the manufacture of bar
rels will also be established here, in the
event that we get the paint factory.
The enterprise will necessarHv require
the Ialxr of several men ami teams,
and is of sufficient magnitude to com
mand general attention. Iebauon is
to he congratulated for having men of
puouc spu n anu enterprise.
Messrs. W. F. Read. C. E. Browne 1
and W. H. Bingham returned recntlv
from a trip to the mines of the Albany
-Mining & Milling Company in the
vuartatvuie district on the Santiam
1 hey went up to arrange for putting
in me machinery to worK the mines.
The engine, Ix.iler and one of the rock
crushers is already on the ground.
The machinery wi!l be in place a poon
as osih!e. The ore taken ut bv the
men now at work i the ricbest"ever
rotm.t in that district, and is free gold
bearing quartz of a semi-decompnsed
type. The company expect that it will
prove a veritable Iionnnza, which will
prove a big thing for Albany. Herald.
Machinery made and repaired at the
Lebanon machine shop. We have
nothing but the lx-sfr machinery, it is
muungeti oy pnici icai machinists and
consequently we can repair steam en
gines, boilers, saw mills, grist mills
windmills, quartz mills, planing mills,
chop mills, mud mills, rock mills cof
fee mills, shingle mills, bark mills
and paint mills. In short we cau
make or repair anything thnt has
wheels and wears belting. We also
keep on hand lace leather, rubber
packing, hemp packing and bras
goods. You can take them a skeleton
of an engine, a thresher or any kind of
macuine aim tney win put it In run
ning order on short notice.
Oregon ts fast coming Into promi
nence as a mineral State. The Cascade
range is lined and soldered wl'h the
precious metals. New and rich dis
coveries are beine made every week,
and the occurrence has become so com
mon as to excite but little comment.
Within the last fortnight diseovertes
have been made In the Bohemia mines,
in the Calapooia mines, and especially
in the Santiam district, that rival even
the wildest dreams of the miners of '49.
Ore has been found in the Bohemia
district that yields thousands rf dollars
to the ton. Perhaps the richest. His.
covery made in the history of mining
in this country was that made bv the
Albany company on the Saiitiara.
Ore from this mine assays as high as
f2fi.000 to the ton. This company is
putting in machinery as fast as man-
uiaciureu, ana win soon be working at
a profit. Soon we shall have several
oustimg mining camps near home.
Yes, it was pretty warm Wednesday.
that you need not take our word for
it we will proceed with the evidence.
We have quite a collection of mineral
liearing rock in our west window.
Coming down at 1 o'clock we noticed
traces of load on the floor, and this was
the first intimation we had that the
weather was growing warm. We
dropped the curtain, thinking that we
could thus keep our specimens intact,
but in this we were disappointed. A
few silver balls began to exude from
our silver ore at 2:3(1; the copper ore
wilted at 3 p. M., notwithstaMding the
street sprinkler was kept going. At
3:10 our favorite gold-bearing quartz
oegan to liquify; at 3:30 a stream of
lava issued from our iron ore. and
everything about tho office began to
show signs of fusion but us, and we
locked Ihe office and went home, never
thinking to look at the thermometer.
Mr. Smith, our next-door neighbor,
has a small black dog that is stronarly
attoehed to its owner. Monday morn
ing Mr. Smith boarded the Lebanon
express for. Albany, and in a few
minutes was at the junction, four miles
away; and there he found his dog.
The train on the N. G. was just
moving' off for Portland, and the
winged cur, either thinking his master
aboard or having a desire to run down
two trains in one dav, sought the com
panionship of "'o. 5" and headed for
Portland. Whether he visited the
Metropolis or wether he stopped at
Woodburn, deponent sayeth not, but
be was at home for dinner the same
day, and these facts can lie vouched for
by men who are every whit as reliable
as a rural editor. "No. 5" has lost its
pilot (we will put into a whisper what
is not intended for the public ear) and Hie head and baek of the eyes, tired feeling' diz
we give it as our opinion that the dog ziness, languor ymptons of Hver complaint.
was secretly hired by the managers of
ine u. ity. to trot ahead and part the
weeds, and finding his labors too ar
duousj he "struck" for home.
Brownsville needs several things to
rauko the town attractive ltfnr we
can expect that lush of immigration
that can make property double in value
in tweniy-iour hours, anu if the peo
ple will carry out our plan they will !
surprised at the result.
In the first place we need nn elevated
raihvay.commenclng in South Browns-
ville, running through North Browns
ville, with ia terminus in tho brush
near the cemetery. This would give
'usacucm to the rural districts. Just
think what a pleasure H would be to
go out there In the cool of the evening
and listen to the dulcet notes of the
Irish mocking bird.
We also need an olwervatory. Nemo
is having a dickens of a time to catch
on to all that transpires, and there are
some things continually escaping our
notice. If we had nn 'observatory so
that we could watch the movements
of the heavenly bodies, and, what Is of
more Importance, the movements of
earthly bodies up lb 1 o'clock in the
morning, we could discover who that
tiend is that props our gate open every
tilght and allows a certain brown cow
to stiend the night ringing a dod-gasted
measly bell In our wood -shed. There
is going to be a circus In that wood
shed one of these nights, and it won't
cost the spectators a cent. The Mo
Kaulass reserved -scat racket will be
left out.
We also need the Louisiana lottery,
and we ought to have Jack the Ripper
to cut the thistles down.
The Pyramids of Egypt are for sale.
Our city council could get a couple of
them before they are all sold, and nt
least half a dozen Egyptian mummies.
The mummies we have at present are
no good, and if this town expects to
run a million-dollar boom with six-bit
mummies they are going to get left.
When a town goes in for mummies it
wants the pure quill and no monkey
We also need some China pagodas
scattered around through town to give
the place a sort of an Oriental air. Our
Building ami Iauui Association could
attend to that, and Wash House Jim
could furnish the plans. ,
With a large brewery and a good
system of electric execution added to
the foregoing list of attractions, this
town would bristle up in six months
like a fnur-hladed jack-knife. '
Our fire department is all that could
be desired. Our three large Jlre en
gines, with their shining brass work,
which contrasts so lieautlfully with
the red shirts of the firemen, isa thing
of beauty and a joy forever. The only
thing lacking is a trumpet for the fore
man, and we suppose the committee
that was appointed to purchase the' en
gines will attend to that. at once.
Brownsville had a big fire a few vcars
ago. m which we lost our other shirt. :
It wrs nip and tuck with us for awhile,
with tuck in the had most of the time
until we secured another shirt upon
which we could han a butterfly neck
tic; but with our splendid fire depart
ment that could not happen again.
The ventilation of our sidewalks is
anntlier attraction of which we all feel
proud, especially in the neighltorhnod j
of Dog Town. Pure air is God's best :
gift to man, and the present condition
of some f the sidewalks is calculated
to secure that blrssing in a very thor
ough manner. There are only a few
places where it is neeeesarv to get
down and coon it, but with a good
lighthouse and a whistling buoy thot
inconvenience would not be noticed,
and we would enjoy such splendid ven-
uiuuoii. aemo.
Bkowxsville, Aug. f.
Irth of John A. IUlf.
John A. Rolfe passed from life's
stage of action on August 9. 1S, after
suffering almost a year. During the
last two months he had been confined
to his bed. He bore his affliction very
patiently and expressed his willingness
to depart if God, in w hom he put his
trust, so willed it. Mr. Rlfe was a
memlier of the I. O. O. K. The mem
bers of Crawfordsville lodge rendered
him all the aid in their power, hoping
to be able, by the help or several skill
ful physicians, to restore him to health
and to his family. Though unsuccess
ful, they deserve great credit for their
kind endeavors, ami while they with
out a doubt feel richly rewarded in the
conscious fact of having done their
duty as well as a noble act, they may
rest assured they have the lasting grat
itude of Mrs. Rolfe for their kindness
and sympathy in her time of need and
sorrow. Funeral services were held in
Sweet Home church. Rev. Yost deliv
ering a sermon from 2d Timothy, iv:G
He was buried on Ins home place, seven
ndles east of our village. At the grave
the burial services of the order were
read by B. F. Moss.
Sweet Home, Aug. 12.
m. e. cuotcn ornciAi.8.
At the fourth quarterly conference
of the Methodist Episcopal church in
Lebanon, the following officials were
appointed for the following year:
. Zn.,5tr" Jovr-h ElkltM, i A Beard, N M Follis
J H P iie and J D Walton.
Stewarts J A Heart!. C C Hackleman, Fannit
Gnire and I T Brvniit.
Estimating- Prva'cher a Salanr-J A Beard, C
"'.'rr"". w C Peterson, K Si FolUa and Pmf
wrS1?'1" n Church Records R N Wright and
On Tracts Mrs Onv. Mutt IVimn .
Carsmi " '
, ... --.I n ... . .... . I
Vptttw AmiM n , J iu .
vn II,rt 11 ! I n f nnnni arv ffj.tu,... ....1
. -
B F Bhxlcctt.
v.. ' '."i" '"'" " "aum, 11 a KoDprt.i and .
On Parnmin Pnprllnm at
Fannie liririr. Mm M A V,m
Mary Elklns,
AitntKiiiti M A Follis and Jo-ph Elkin.
'!".,"u!ln "tension O 11 Hland, 1 1 Walton
nil C. C Hiu'kWmau
ne. i:. nackicmau.
On Sunday Pcnno!? Settle Amos, M little N'ixon,
Mrs fcninm Heard, Sarah Pan-inn and Z T Bryant.
lH?ar brothers and kIMim nlooaa - i,i. iu
from tht paper and keep it for reference. Take
your discipline, uml; what your dutv is, and do
it, for the .'mine of Ovid and Uis rhirrch. Yours
iu Lunsuau iove, . F. U. Caldeb,
Rey. II. Li. Chapman, pastor of the
M. 1. Church Johnstown, Pa., says:
"Soon aftes the greet flood, at a time
when diarrhoea was quit prevalent, I
received a box of six Chamber
lain's Cholic, Cholera and Diarrboe
Remedy. As soon as it became known M C FRFV QHM
that I had the medicine for free disflr.ifir,; XVXi X OC OIN ,
but ion, there liepan a great run on T rs dkaleks in '
it, which continued until it was about ' "
all gone. Every one, so far as I he-rd Harness. Saddles Collars:'
trom them testified to its virtues de-1
cianng Utiie best medicine for tlie pur
pose they had ever used. Tbo whu
jtot it shared it around with theirf
ii-iftnoorH, so mat; x am comment it
was productive of great good. Wo
used tiome of it ourselves and found it
not only an excellent medicine for
diarrhoea, but for all kinds of pain and
uneasiness in the stomach and
bowels. It lias Iieen regarded as tbe
best medicine known here for the di
seases it Is recommended. For Bale by
M. A. Miller. J
Montague must be preparing for a
boom, judging; by the way he is stock
ing up his Mammoth and One-Price
Cash iStorcs. By purchasing his goods
in such large quantities he naturally
Rets much lower prices. He guaran
tees good goods in all the departments
of his extensive establishments at
prices that absolutely astonish other
merchants in the valley, some of them
going so far as to say that Montague
retails his goods as low as they buy
them at wholesale. The careful buyer
invariably goes to Montague's.
Take It J c fore Vreakfast.
The great appetiser, tonic and liver regulator.
Iu use for more than 50 years in England. Posi
tive specific for liver complaint. Bad taste in the
mouui on artin2 in the momin-r Wnii ,,,. i
lu-meoy or. Hen leys rJnIlyh Dandelion Tonic.
Relieves constipation, sharpen tho dhpelite ami
tones up the entire syMtem. tiot the Pennine from
your dniKKist for Sl.uo and Uka according to dl
rectiouM. .
The primitive hog of the hazel and
vine maple lias a checkered history.
Ostracised thousand of years ago, he
has been the lawful prey of every gen
eration from the doy sentence was pro
nounced tipon him until now. For
many centuries lifter his llesh had Is en
tabooed from the Hebrew's bible he
fought single-handed against Jewish
animosity and the rapacious wild ani
mal. He was just limiting for hiinsi If
a reputation when the wiir-cloitd arose
In another quarter and a legion of
devils jammed him hard and fast -In
the Red Sea. "He plucked up drowned
honor by the locks" and came forth
from his lavntlons a cleaner animal,
but only to meet another enemy that
threatened UU extirpation. Stigma
tized by the Iron Chancellor as wortuv
and unfit tograce the inside of a Dutch
man' empire, he sought redress at an
American court. He crossed the At
lantic in the same little bark that for
merly plowed the waters of 1 hit lied
Sea. Having taken the. oath of alle
giance, he thenceforth berime a den
izen of the woods and the pioneer of
civilization. But even in free America
he found every lmin's hand against
him, and ho adopted as bis motto,
Root, hog, or die." Positively the
only charge brought against h'iui bv
the Sanhedrim was that he did not
chew his cud. American woriety Is so
exacting in the matter of chewing the
cud (gum) that it is feared ho will con
tinue au outcast and a wanderer.
For the benefit of all who may seek
to swindle the newsnatwniniii. tif
just dues, we publish the following.
which is kept standing at the head of
the first editorial column iu muny ef
our exchanges:
1. Subscrrlbers who do not give
express notice to the contrary are
considered ns wishing to continue
their subscriptions.
2. If subscr bers order the discontin
uance of their periodicals the publisher
may continue to send them until all
arrears are paid.
8. If Bubcrlgers neglect to or rt fuse to
take their periodicals from the office to
which they are directed they are held
resiionsible till they have settled their
bill and ordered their paper discontin
ued. 4. If sutierlbors move to other places
without informing the publisher and
papers are sent to the former direction,
they are held responsible.
5. The courts have decided thnt re
fusing to take periodicals from the
office, or removing and leaving tlreni
uncalled for is "prima facie" evidence
of intentional fraud.
C." Any person who receives a news
paper and makes use of it, whether be
has subscribed or not. is lit Id in lave
a subscriber.
(From the OcWo ReTiew.l
Roadi are becoming very dusty.
The new postoffice building is hear
ing completion.
The present warnt.-drv went !.. u
just the thing for harvesting.
Two moths ago it looked ns if there
would le scarcely anything raised iu
wm county this year, but now the
farmers are harvesting the largest crop
they have raised for years.
Last week we chronicled the death
of one of M. Swiek's children. George,
who died on August 1st, of diphtheria,
and this week it Is our ;d dutv to
record the death of two more of his
sons, Charlie, aged in years, and Scuttle,
aged 8 j ears, who died cm Thursday of
last week, at Mr. Swiek's home, sixty
miles southeast of Prlneville; both
victims or thedread disease diphtheria.
This leaves only two in the family
that but a few weeks ago consisted of
five stout, robust boys.
For the next 3 davs M. A. Miller
will offer for Bale Webster's Unabridged
Dictionary, complete, for $1X0. Don't
fail to avail yourself of this opportu
nitythe greatest bargain ever oliered
in Iebanon. One hundred must be
sold in thirty days.
Children who are troubled with
worms may be quickly relieved bv giv
ing them Dr. J. H. McLean's Liquid
Vermifuge. It kills and expels worms.
For sale by Beard & Holt.
Fartics knowing themselves indebted
to Cruson & Menzie's since XH ';, please
call and settle, asall of ouroM accounts
will soon be put in the hands of a col
lector. The most of our pleasure-si ekers and
bear-hunters have returned after their
summer vacation, and we now have
about the usual population.
I have been troubled many rears with
of the kidneys aad bave trird
many different remedies and nave
sought aid from different physicians
without relief. About the 15th of April
I was sn Serine; from a very violent
attack that almost prostrated me in
V When I sat down it waa almost impoastHle for me
f to get up alone, or to put on my duthes, when
to aet tip alone, or to pnt on toy
1 1 ., - . -. .. .
kuiq rroYiarace inu I 'r. ncairr,
wun we
iih irnnM vinww w . n
1, 1 i-.i.i.i. , 1
sins; tbe tea. It bad an almost
miraculous effect, and to tbe aston
ishment of all tbe frnests at tbe hotel.
m a tew days,! am bappy to stale,
tnat I was a new man. I
recommend the tea to alt afflictev!
as I lure been.
G. A. TCfTEIt,
Vroprletor Occidental Hotel.
Santa Rosa. Cat.
' . ' . '
Whips, Etc
ft II T d
M 9
Lebanon Planing Mill
Refitted, Enlarged and Improved.
I manufacture and deal in Doors, Blinds, all styles of Windew
Frames, Door Frames, Mouldings, Brackets, Etc., in fact anything man
ufactured and kept on hand in a first-class planer.
xn connection with the above. I
lumber yard in which is to he found
Bevel, Weather Boarding, Flooring,
for Cornices, Etc.
If any enterprise deserves success
it is that of tho West Shore. To pub
lish such an elegant, high clas
illustrated weekly on the Pacific coaiit
must take a greater supply of brains,
hard work and perseverance than
nouM be required in Ihe more ilcnsel v
populuted portion of tin- country.
West Flu ire will celebrate its first
annivereary ns a weekly by rnl.trging
its ptiga to admit of better artistie
elVecfs. This enlargement will be
made August In, and tho paper,
printed in five colors, will he the peer
of any colored illustrated journal in
the world. A new department will
thenbe added for the Boys and Girls,
conducted by Finily A. Kellogg, a
lady well known as a writer for
juvenile publications. Ella Hisgin
son, editor of Ihe Woman's depart
ment, lias acquired a national rcptita
tisn as a poet and wijter, and her
work in West Shore is her best. The
original humorous department is
eentributetl to by the brightest wits oi
theeountry. I ts independent and pithy
cditoiials are giving it an enviable
reputation in newspaper circles every
where. The Pacific coast has reason
tn be proud of West Shore, and it
should lie found in every house and
place, of business.
A Cum for Sick Heartache.
This distressing com plaint Is due to an
inactive or sluggish liver with consti
pated Inweb, which deranges tbestotu
ach and drnturbs the nervous system,
causes dirzinew and an oppressive dull
pain in the head, often so severe an to
j.revent all rest or sleep. One of Dr.
Uuiin's Improved Liver PilU will
relieve 3-011 of all the pain and misery
and a few more doses will correct the
liver and stomach and regulate the
Imwles. While these pills are small,
easily taken, and mild and gentle iu
their action, there is no medicTue made
that will so effectually cure sick head
ache. 23 ceuts a box. Sold by M. A.
The circulation of the blood quick
ened ami enriched bears life and
energy to every jiortion of the body;
appetite returns; the hour of rest brings
with it sound repose. This can be
secured by taking Dr. J. H. AfeLean's
Karstipariila. For sale by Heard A
Holt. - -. :
No fish oil in our machine oils.
Cnrsos A Menzies.
Don't Go to Portland
Gradvohl, of Albany,
To Be Found in the Metropolis.
He Sweeps the Valley of
All Competitors
ID Cnvkerr. Fnnrx Good. Tors, Ropers Bros.'
b'lrenrare. rrem-n t lima and,
IJoj Wagons, Deli Carriages, Ktc.
The Oolderi Rnle Raaiar mate a pwia!tr of the
riiit-n iw, 1 ot'ec ami nHEiiij? tmu-r3,
everr p' ksc? of which is manufac
ture! fi'r ari'l bers the rtaice
of UoliK-n Rule Bazaar.
Curiosity Shop.
iron. 1JA11GAINS
Notions, : Novelties,
InJ Gents' FaraisMag Goods,
A.: W. : MOSES.
This side of Tortland for Variety and
First door south of Exchange Hotel.
LiSC Offick at Oregon tltr, Orprn, t
Jlilv 8 IMn" r
Notice Ik hereby given that tbe followius named
i hi ill imrDIHin tO HIHe
final proof iu supuort or his claim, and thM said
proof will be made before the ennntv jttdee or in
his absence before Ihe county t-Ierk of Unit omn-
ir m Aiimny, uregon, on 1 uely, August 'X, lsau,
HomeitefKl I Entiy So. for the 8. W. of See.
2 1. i'2 R. 1 L.
He names the following witnesses to prore his
i upon ana cniiiTation or. saxl
land, vU: Albert Savaee, James R. Charlton, John
Mmnna and Adolpu I jndley, all of Lebanon. Linn
vuuui),urcrou. J. T. APFEBSOX, Repister.
fulled States Laad OfTtee.
Oregon City. Orejmu. May 2K, 1K.
Nolle if. hereby ciren that in enmplianee will
Proifioi of Iho act of .mprew of June S
WH entitled "An a t for tbe sale of limber land;
e mates or . autornia, Orepon, Nevada, and
...-... iiKi,mi jcmtory. John rtrennan, of Ta-
wioiiy m rierce, state of Vah
iKK"", iias uujs day tiled in this otitcc
th k o """Julcut jot ino purehaw ot
- ii of P'C. No. 2. in To. No. 11 S., R. No. 1
''snd win otler prcx.f to show that the land
""'irtn is more valunble for ite timber or stone
"'an for aarteultural j.nrp--is.Hd o estahtish his
"nim to paid Uiml befire the register and receiver
. ' tins ollice at lircaon City, Oregon, ou Friday,
the 3d day f Octolier, lKyo. - .."
He nnmes as witnesses; F. K. Van Cise. C. M.
PoKttnan, F. I'o-tman, U. A. Bennett, all of Ta-
-uiuh. asiiinum.
-Atty-and- all persons claiming ndvcrw!y the
n'oveies-ribed lamls are requested to tile their
claims in thisotlice tu or nefore said 3d dav of Oc
tober, lsyo. . J. X. Ari'ERSOS, Register.
also have on hnnd wnll.a ...i
rough and dressed Lumber, Rustic
and all kinds of Finishing Lumber
Boot and Shoe Dept.
Our Boot and Shoe Department was never so complete as
w. We have iust received a full lino 4f nta .wi n,
tfl r oi. t" .i .
i.vra ,,uiu sjuuis, me Headquarters lor Fueh - goods, and
mi, inmiiuenny say mat tney. are letter roods for the
j-ou will need them soon
than 1 have ever seen. East i.r
thegtxRls. It is a little earlv for pm-h-imtuU-nnx Lt
Men's? Heavy Tap-Sole Oi!-Grain Boot T am fxitc, this i the lx-t
boot for the money that has ever been sold in Ixbanon for rah
or credit or any- other way. Price J . 2
The Oliver Twist Fine Dress Calf Boot, pfggL makes a nide lieht "
wv tor mose wno ao not want too heavv a boot, sold at a price
that astonishes the Oregonians. Price (see this boot) .
Men's Leader Calf Boots, for persons that want n low-prufel calf
Ixxjt, made with tap sole, screwed bottom. Price . . : .
Men's Frisco Kip Boot, the best hwivy boot for the rnoner ever
offered here, made with tap sole, all solid. No chance for -i.e
to growl at high prices in the Iioot line. Price.
Same in Boys'. ........................ .. ".'J-.;!'"'"
L3ii(,.HIirain,Button arn Back Sh,a great bargain.
i uis is a nrsx-ciass solid shoe.
that was not so good. Come in
Price .
Will give the people some
ViiW novo C C.
do not want to buy
Boots and Shoes.
C. C.
The MONITOR fsRFHPRQ oh non i o
which have never been equaled for seeding purposes on the
Pacific Coast. . ....
OLIVERCHILLED PLOWS (not east-iron as
others are.) These plows never fail to give satisfaction, and
it is no experiment when a farmer buys one.
We have added to our line of Plows the OLIVER STEEL
PLOW, warranted to scour in any soil. This is a plow
to winch we desire to call vour special attention
We also carry Garden City and Moline Plows. FIving
Dutchman and Casada Sulkev and Clan" PW ii,
r joaiing iron narrows made at bottom prices.
TI A -T W sT
.e aio nave constantly on hand the Baldwin
tora Amorioon T-.wl ',r:il u; m r,t . .
, .....viitt,i i -i i'illl, JH1I1 iniSS ftk-Ain VV
gies, liacks Koad Carte, Barb
everything kept in a first-class
w v . -
vaiaiuoue wi appncaiion. Alwav triad tn riv. rrTroe
Cigars, Tobacco, Famishing Goods, Etc.
First-Class Goods
Country Frociuice Tak
for Goods. ' ;..
Give Me a Trial and Be Convinced.
Shingles, Posts, Boards and Pickets.
125,000 Brick
At my yard in the suburbs ot Lebanon
For Sale at Reasonable Rates.
All Kinds of
With Neatness ami lpatch.
, . ""V u ijcai )
Below. I give vou description and
z r.
2 2.-
Vi e sold one last vear for 2 00
and see what cash Wice wilMn,'
. 1 50
prices in the-Dry Goods line
aim see uiese gooas, no matter if vou
now. Big reductions in all lines of
ext Door to Bank.
Feed Cut-
WSWra. mm lii'-
Wire, Baling Wire": in fact
implement house
mJ C F
Laxd Okficb at Okegos Cttt, Orwh,
v-... .
NotW ts hereby jrlven thnt th foHowing-nained
sj-UH-r lias tilen norkv of hi intention to msk
fclM?Sf n sntxof hc ciim. aiI thM mikI
Wool will Iw nia-tc before the rotmt y nutse r m
ins absence before the eounl v eh-rt of 1 inn eou.
:l.,MU,- Wrestm. on Wednesday, AaguA i'7
wc. 2a. Tp. U aith. Range 1 West. '
Henamtmrhe follow iilr ricnes to xxnre Yit-t
eninioa! residenee upon and enttivatioa of. .-w-kI
Jand. vis: John . Hoya. JaraesT. i,hn
(usuul U-OTOff. Clark, ail of Lebanon. Ijnn
connty, Oregoi. J. T, ATfERSoX, Register.
Bureau of Information.
ni:;ite 01 rm: jfi.-.w
le RUilftTI ou cum-nfioT
hr and sifcl at iltf jtUca r"ss,