1 :tr LEBANON EXPRESS '"39 V He who thinks to please the world is dullest of his kind; for let him face which way he will, one-half is yet behind. VOL. IV. NO.22. LEBANON, OHKGON, FRIDAY. AUGUSTS, 1890. S2.0U I'BU YKAK IN ADVANCK. MMSSSSSSIMSSSSWSWSSSPSSSSSSWMWMSSWSWSWMSSSSWJaSS , , . , I ; PACIFIC COAST NEWS. Eight Murderers Occupy Cells in the Fresno Jail. Forest Fires Do Considerable Damage In California A New Democratic Paper at Seattle. The recount at Seattle is showing a population over 40,000. Dr. Leila I-atta in under arrest at Los Angeles, charged with criminal malprac tice. Good shooting is leins; done at Fort Wingate, N. M., by the sharpshooters of the regular army. " Purchases of large landed properties in Shasta and Butte counties, California, for fruit purposes are noted. The run of salmon in the oquille river this season has been equal to, if not ahead of, any previous year. San Jose, Cal., is taking measures for a census recount. It is claimed that several thousand people were not en rolled. J. D. Fiske, who was murdered at Fresno, Cal., had his life insured for t5, 000 ; he also carried an accident policy for $10,000. The United States Circuit Court at Ta coma has decided that the entry of tide lands at Tacoma with Valentine scrip is invalid. There is a big run of salmon at Coos bay this vear, but it is doubtful if much fishing will be done, owing to the low price offered. Pay Director Williams at Mare island has applied for an investigation into the open charges of fraud which have been made against him. The American schooner Mattie J. Dyer has been seised by Deputy Kmcns in the harbor of Ounalacka for illegal sealing, with seventy-eight skins aboard. The Rush boarded the Victoria sealing vchoxtner Ariel, and was ordered out of gehring sea. The Captain was presented With a copy of the President's proclama tion. The controlling interest in the San WegQ Dallv and Weekly Union has Wen disposed ot to Thomaa Gardener and to (ieneral KH H, Murray, who will be ed Uordn -chief. The necessary amount t !V has leen guaranteed hy citizens of Albany to de fray the expense . of their hose team while training and attending the North west firemen's tournament at Spokane Falls, Returns of the census supervisor give the population of Arizona, not including Indians, at 57,000. The three largest towns are : Tucson, 5,185. not including additions and suburbs; Phoenix, 3,115; Prescott, 1,843. Export from Tacoma were : Lumber, 5,364,776 5,000 cases; coal, 24,628 6.425 tons. The total real during July feet; salmon, tons; wheat, estate trans- fers for seven months have amounted to 9,282,032.87, Clnese have len smuggled across from British Columbia, where they tem porarily took up quarters in the Colville feservatlon as squawmen. They re mained there until such time as they could leave without molestation. Eight men charged with murder now occupy cells at Fresno, Cal., and secret meetings of certain parties have caused the jail to be fortified with armed men against the possible attack of vigilantes, who declare they will hang all the mur derers. The sworn statements by the superin tendents filed with County Assessor at Virginia Citv show that the total ore yield of the Comstock lode mines during the quarter ended June 30, 1890, aggre gated 88,fl3 tons, , yielding f 1,300,000 in bullion. The Native Sons of the Golden West and Society of Pioneers have decided to in vite the President to Depresemontneoay of the celebration, and an invitation form engraved in gold plate has been prepared and will be immediately forwarded to Washington. The Pacific Mail steamship China, Cabtain Seaburv. has sailed from San Francisco for China and Japan via Vic- ports. iae yuiiia io iirc uiov Bwrnniri ui this one1 to sail bv this route, and will be fefyysed uiitil fufthef orders by the rest gf $he. company's vessels. 4t peattlf- tne Prohibitionists held a meeting th. other night, at which it Was decfted to put a full ticket in the geld to? the coming election. The party Claims to hold the balance of power. The Labor partv; which will also put in a ticket, makes the same claim. A revolution In the newspaper business la about to take place in Seattle. The Journal, a Democratic paper, has just changed hands, having been bought by syndicate of real-estate men. The Democrat, aided by Jim Hill's big sack, .re now going to start another daily. TheBupreme Court of Montana de cides that the Australian baUot law is mandatory and not directory, and that a contestant who received a majority of the votes cast could not hold office be cause he had failed to notify the Court Clerk of his candidacy within the time fixed by law. Governor Waterman of California has offered a reward of 3J0 for the arrest and conviction of the Chinamen who in dicted the stabs resulting in young Pier ton's death-last week at McCracken's bridge, near Sacramento, and $100 for the arrest of each of the others partici pating in the deadly affray. JTamea W. Kerr, the foundryman who shot and killed Edward Cognan, the molders' Apprentice, at San Francisco on June 26, has been held to answer in $53, 000 baiL Bonds were furnished imme diately, Henrv T. Scott of the Union Iron Works, W. H. Taylor of the Risdon, James Speer of the Fulton and Robert Watt of Langley & Michaels being sureties. ' forest fires have done considerable qaWke'tQ lumber and dry feed in the Kurth western part of Sonoma county, California. Grass is very dry, and ranch men have been so foolish as. to attempt to clear the ground of timber and brush by firing it. A very destructive fire near Cioverdale, which " burned over several thousand acres of ground, had its origin in this way. Sarah Althea Terry had her case aeainst the estate of the late William Aharon retried last Tuesday in the Su-j?vrr-m Court f-. Vrannisco, and Judge ' "'- "'i holding - . - - - - - ficate, j .. . - aa a .. , . '- aar- . .- --no A KICKING BOYTSAID TO SCIENCE. He Helps Zr. Sayre to Discover Cars for locomotor Ataxia. As announced in The Herald's cable dispatches, a cure for the dread disease known as locomotor ataxia has been recently put to practice Sn Europe. It is alleged Unit Dr. Motschutkowtky, of Odessa, is the discoverer of the new treatment, which aims at curing the curvature of t he spinal column by aus pending the patient. Dr. Iewis A. Sayre, of thia city. Is accredited with having invented: the apparatus in use which was described in The Herald, whereby the patient is lifted from his feet with the object of elongating the vertebral column. I called on several eminent surgeons yesterdayj with a view to obtaining their versions of the new cure of loco motor ataxia, and failed to find one who could disclose the secret. They all acknowledged they efficacy of the treatment .pursued by Charcot, admit ting that it is due to the process of suspension by Dr. Say re's instrument Various theories were offered in expla nation of the results attained, the most plausible one being that a straight ening of the spine removes the clamp like pressure unon the nerves and thus permits them to open communication with the legs and produce their action. One surgeon maintained . that a curve is not effected, but that a tem porary relief is given, the same as is ecu red in cases of neuralgia by stretching the nerves. Dr. Barre was in bed when I called on him. Having been a sufferer from rheumatism for many years, and more acutely so in the last three years. His handsome, benevolent face lit up with satisfaction when I related the purpose of my visit "I discovered accidental ly, several years ago," said Dr. Bayre, ' that the straightening of the spine produced a salutary effect upon the locomotor ataxia, which means an in ability to use the legs. A boy was brought tome suffering from a curva ture of the spine. His parents were poor and lived at Chatham Corners. They supposed I could cure him in one trip. As the little fellow was in freat suffering 1 determined not to let im return home without relief, my intention being to give him a plaster jacket with instructions to return when he had grown a few months older. "As I lifted the little fellow, holding him with my hands beneath his arms, I noticed that he began to kick. " That's funny, 1 remarked. 'IIow the devil could he do that?' "In a few minutes the jacket was east and I laid the boy on a lounge in my office so that the plaster could set nana, t went out for a lew minutes and on returning found that the lad had left the couch and gone to the window, to my further surprise. On giving this peculiar case deep study I came to the conclusion that by hold ing the boy up and thus straightening the spine the hitherto impeded circu lation of the blood had been Btarted and given his legs free action. Ant! that seems to be the case in all in stances. Here Dr. Savre bent his thumb to illustrate the effect of a spinal curva ture. He said that by suspension the spine is straightened and that the nerves are relieved of the pressure due to trie curve, as, for instance, when the thumb is bent at the joint New York Herald. Tha Gola of Grace. "Notice anything peculiar in the posture of the girls on the stasref" said a physician to a reporter one evening at the "Crystal Slipper," pointing to the line of pretty girls in pink: tights standing beside the throne of the prince. "No," was the reply, "nothing, un less it is they re uncommonly pretty. "Well, said the doctor, if you will observe now they stand you will notice that their pose is unconscious, but that every girl of them save one has her risrht hand behind her back. and the exception, is a girl wearing a oarecioire ores. "Well!" was asked. "The arm behind the waist means that every one of those girls are laced too tight They're so constricted that they cannot let their arms bang by their side, and so unconsciously they put one behind their back. The eirl with the three toire dress isn't laced tightly, and you will notice that her arms fall naturally by her side. Cin cinnati Inquirer. A Wm Ttrgtni Wonder. Of all the specimens of liliputianhu inanity that nave ever found a wel come in this world of comparative giants, the little daughter of John El Miller, of Hampshire countv. W. Va ts the most wonderful. She is 23 years of age, cannot walk or talk and is but twenty-six inches talL Always lving in a little cradle, she is enabled to keep a sharp lookout on what is going on ; no one has ever vet been sharp enouch to call for an article in the house that the little one could not point out Her memory is most remarkable. A new song or poem repeated in her presence is never forgotten. If the same song or poem is again repeated or sung with, the variation of but a single word the little prodigy will show her disapproval by yelling lustily and frownin? a frown that cannot be mis taken. How such a remarkable mem ory can find resting place in a head no larger than a teacup has long been the wonder of physicians and savants who hare journeyed from far and near to test the remarkable gifts of the little wonder. J. w. Wright in St. liOuis .Republic A Change of Scene. "What U that, motherf" The rink, my child; The year it was built all the people went wild. They crowded its walls, and to music' glad sound On furniture casters they slid themselves round; But the fool killer caaie, with his two handed club. And be smote all the sliders, from gray beard to cub And the building so silent is used, as you see. By the Mourners' Embalming and Shroud com- - - ' pany." liooert j. uuraeue. ThfT Don't Grow Then, Chatmcey Depew toil ttis experience In a recent speech: "I was in Scotland thij Rummer, where they understand a joke mors easily than anywhere in the world, and was tired out traveling and sightseeing, and said to my Scotch guide: I mast find a soft stone somewhere to sit down on. He said: 2Iy friend, there are no soft stones in Scot land." Expose Tow Cows. An Indiana cow which gave two quarts of milk per day was struck by lightning while in the pasture and had a horn knocked off. Since that date her yield has been eight quarts, with not tbj slightest trace of brimstone. If yon have an old cow stand her out Detroit Free Press. EASTERN MELANGE. A Steamer Collides with Another Off Port Carroll. A Young Spanish Nobleman, ho Is At tending School In This Country, Said to Have the Leprosy. It is rumored that Chrlntine Nilsson in n New York. Nine member of Congress have died luring this session. The cruiser Philadelphia has ln ac cepted by the government. A (iiroo of men at Johnstown is still engaged In searching for- the desd. According to a recent census the impu tation of Montreal Is estimated st 277,- 000. The schedule of immigration at Balti more shows that 27,V4 immigrants lumi- ed there. i :..,........! v !, ion mm ll.nll. tants, but no hospital or public diien- sarv, it is said. The new census gives Atlanta, tla., a population of 00,000, an increase of 100 per cent. In ten years. A Western Republican Penator thinks Congress will not adjourn before OvtoW'r, and perhaps not then. Fehoharie. N. Y.. has aeconling to the last census shout 4,000 less people than she had forty years ago. Frank Woodruff, who was conmM-ttfd with the Cronin murder, is now wanted In Kansas for horse stealing. Ernest Hess, member of the Hoard of Trade of Chicago, has failed, lie was short 2,000,000 bushels of oats. Several citv officials at Omaha have been arrested and charged with bribery in Belling a railroad right of way. Iav Inspector George A. Lyon, U. S. N, has been ordered in charge of the pav office at San Francisco on Septemlier 10 nest. It Is thought that the census will show the pojrtilation of Kansas to lie alxmt 1,300,000. Nebraska execta nearly 1.5J0.00O. The assessed valuation of real estate In Brooklyn this year for purposes of taxa tion is M31 ,(7.-M4, an increase oi tz.!,- 4,309 over last year. Travel over the Brooklvn bridge is in creasing so rapidly that the President of the Commission says a new bridge should be commenced at once. Secretary Tracy has signed the contract for the tulmlar boilers for the armored coast-defense vessel Monterey under con struction at San Francisco. Alliert Geonegan, Citv Clerk of larii. Tex., fs missing, and his accounts are short between la.OOOand 1 10,000. KtTorts are being made to overhaul bim. James Moonev, the man who attempt ed to blow up the steamer Queen in North river s few years ago, was drowned at Fort Itockaway last week. A sutiscrintion fund has leen started among New York physicians for the re lief of Ir. John II." IViuglas, who at tended General Grant in his last illness. The total contributions to the Johns town (Pa.) sufferers were 12.912,34n.:t0. The totalexpenditures were 12,845, 140.83. The commission has $07,205.47 cash in hand. The apple crop of Nova Kotia wjll be below the average this season. Great ravages have bet-n committed by cater pillars, which have stripped whole or chards. The Western railroads are considering a plan by which no road shall take more than a certain percentage oi any com modity. It is to get around the anti pooling law. New York's water supply is graphic-1 allv described as a stream equal to a river fifty feet wide, ten feet deep and I flowing six miles an hour, pure and cool, out of the bills. The steamer Louise, with 1,600 excur sionist on board, collided with the steamer Virginia the other day off Fort Carroll, five miles from Baltimore. Sev eral lives were lost. Gambling is in full blast at Saratoga, Long Branch and some other places that could be named where the authorities do not suppress it for reasons, perhaps, best known to themselves. Secretary Harris of the North Dakota Board of Railroad Commissioners char acterizes as unreliable the report that no elevators in -North Dakota will accept grain for storage this year. An investigation is under way in Bos ton as to the running of peach trains from the Middle States to New England, it being alleged that the Eastern mar kets are discriminated against. ir.-.,i on .l.t , o:.-.n of a noble family in Spain, who has Iwn attending the military academy at Ches ter, Pa., is now in New York, and it is declared that he has the leprosy. The House has non-concurred in the Senate amendment to the sundry civil appropriation bill, which increased the appropriation for the Sailors' Home at Santa Monica from $90,000 to f 117,000. Nearly 1.000 heads of families in the Province ot Quebec alone have made ap plication for the State bounty of 1,(0 acres of land voted to Canadians who are the fathers of twelve children or more. The saloonkeepers of Chicago are in arms against the big brewery syndicate, and will not accept orders from"it. This is owing to a resolution of the syndicate binding saloonkeepers in an arbitrary way. The Western Union people will carry up the partially burned building in New York nine stories, discarding the man sard roof, and will build an addition nine stories high on a twenty-hve-foot lot in rear of present, building. According to a telegram from Boston the damage in New England by the pres ent drought is now past recovery. Most of the districts have been without rain sufficient for a growing season for weeks. Corn and tobacco on the lowlands are still in fair condition. J. A. Shea & Co., the fruit dealers of Minneapolis, have commenced a war with the Earl Fruit Company of Cali fornia, which is likely to be a pretty warm business contest, and sooner or later is certain to draw the other fruit and commission houses of Minneapolis into it. The colonization of Swedish immi grants upon the deserted farms of Ver mont, a dispatch from Rutland (Vt.) savs, is not proving a success. Discon tent prevails, and some of them are re moving to the lumber regions of the State upon the Canadian and Maine borderi AFRICAN PRI2E FIGHTERS. ttausgwr of Hunting the fiorllla la tikm " ts of the Dark Continent. "The gorilla is Uie prize fighter of Africa," said Carl Bteckelmann, who has personal knowledge of the Dark Continent lie had been Speaking: of a leopard skin on exhibition in his window, and had been telling of the danger encountered In flp-htii)(r with the original owner of the skin. "Contests with all wild animals pale in comparison with that in which one must engapre in meeting the gorilla." he said. ' The gorilla is found in only a comparatively small portion of West ern Africa, lie lurks in the woods along the coasts for several hundred miles north of the mouth of the Con go. I have never seen a gorilla in the open country, and. by the way, I think that the fact that he stays in the woods accounts for the fact that he is almost a biped instead of a quadruped. You see the gorilla in passing through the forest reaches out with his long arms, and, seizing the branches of the 'roes, rhes on his hind legs and walks on them, supporting himself with his bold on Uie brunches. Habit has thus almost made an upright creature of him. "The gorilla is as brave as brave can be. The male gorilla does all the fighting for the family. If you ap proach a pair of gorillas the female will run, screaming, through the woods, or will climb the highest tree, uttering all the while cries not unlike a woman in great fright. But the male gorilla will come straight at yon. He does not know what fear is. U will fight any uumber of men." "How do you fight themt" "Wish pistols. It is very unsafe to trust to a gun or to a poor weapon of any kind. The gorilla is so fierce and powerful that you have but one chance at him at the best. Hie woods where he is found is so thick that it i impossible to see him accurately at any distance. If you fire at him as he comes at you down the tree a limb may turn the course of the bullet Before you can fire a second time he will be upon you. He drops from limb to limb, and comes at a rapid, winging pace. The safest way is to hold your fire until he is at arm's length, and then fire steadily into him with a pistol. "The gorilla is easily killed. An ordinary pistol shot will have about the same effect upon him as it has upon a man. Hie hunter's danger is in not making the shot tell. Once I was iwiss ing through the forest with a body guard of natives. The natives are furnished by the Dutch traders with a miserable gun, the barrel of which is made of gas pipe. The natives have learned to be suspicious of their cuns. When they fire at anything they point in me general direction, pun uie trig ger and fiinsr the min at the obiecL They throw the gun because they are afraid it will explode in their hands, as it very frequently does. Well, we came upon a gorilla, A native saw him dropping from a tree coming at ua. Aiming at the descending form. he fired and missed. He bad not turned before the grim monster was upon him. Standing and throwing his arms around the negro's neck, the gorilla seized his throat in his manlike jaws, and was crushing the life out of mm when we came up and Ured a pistol ball into him at close range, but the wounds inflicted were mortal, and the native died in great agony." "Are the gorillas numerous in the tripof country where theyarefound? "They are scarce. In making a trip once I saw two in one day, but that was unusual. They are the fiercest and bravest of animals. The male go rilla, in going into battle, sounds fearful warning by beating its breast and giving fortn sounds that make the dense forest resound, lie is a danger ous antagonist and you are all the time reminded by his appearance that tou are contesting with a creature that iuu iiJtt.li a iiu.-uiiiv-a mm upuvarsuce. a giant's strength and a monkey's agil- On Keed Hare tint Few Friends. To exchange calls and dinner invita tions; to be members of the same club or the same church ; or to have views in common regarding the Wagner operas and Ibsen dramas is by no means friendship; although many relations even more superficial than these mas querade tinder that name. There are plenty of people fitted out with a relay of substantial qualities and pleasing at tributes, who fill well the place of that extensive outr court of acquaintances. Society requires, for its cohesion, polite conformity, culvitated taste and pow ers of selection and self control. Of friends, in any genuine sense, one can inevitably have but few. Even one Is quite enough to make life beautiful and redeem it from materialism. And even one is more than perhaps the majority of people possess, although they who least know the higher possibilities of friendship would be the first to deny this assertion. That life is rich which holds one perfect friendship, in which mutual sympathy is almost mutual clairvoyance, andin which sacrifice would be a personal luxury, if done for the good of one another. London Sat urday Review. Leap Tear Faperstltlons. The ancient Romans considered the bis-sextile or "leap day" a critical day in their calendar, always reckoning it as being among their unlucky days. That this belief has not by any means lost ground is evidenced by the deep rooted dislike parents have to a child being bora on a "leap day," it being a popular notion that to come into the world at such an odd time is ominous as signifying the child's speedy exit A variety of this superstition exists in Tuscany, and, in fact, in many other European countries. According to Tus can folk lore a child born Feb. 29 will not live to see another "leap day," or. if it does, it will be motherless. In Austria a child born in the forenoon on Feb. 29 becomes a great personage if in the afternoon, a robber; after night a murderer. Other notions of this sort, modified to suit whims and fancies, exist in the various countries of the world. St Louis Republic. Editorial Kindliness. The manuscripts of contributors to the Century Magazine are always re turned in plain envelopes If they are rejected. If they are accepted, the no tice of acceptance is sent in a Century envelope. In that "Simple rule is be trayed a degree of thonghtfulness, deli cacy and consideration that it is not asT to match, Chsttwi FOREIGN PARAGRAPHS. Uruguay to Raise Her Customs Duties Ten Per Cent. utato Illlght In Sweden India Tea Said to be Taking the Place of the Chlnise Article. Cholera is epidemic at Mecca. The Cathedral at Strasburg Is to be ttuirjwighly restored. rtniallpox Is decimating the ixmiilutioii f village in Egypt. HtiNvia oiiiMiws the appointment of Bulgarian Bishops by the Porte. Belgium Is recruiting hundreds of Sou danese native for the Congo State. The Crown Princess of Greece is criti cally ill from premature confinement. It is reiwrted that Emperor AVilliaiti will hereafter revise Bismarek's inter views. Violent religious animosities have len excited at Vienna by a ci'se of abduc tion by nuns. Mrs. Mackav is report! from London as saying that she will hire a house at aslnngton next season. A hurricane at Sunkim has demolished the water conductor causing great scarc ity. Natires are dving from famine. The slave trade between Madras and Rangoon still continues. The coolies are sold in the latter place at 25 rmee each. The next Siengerbund festival will Iw held in Vienna from the 14th to the lfcih of August, and will bring together about 12,000 singers. A dispatch from Cairo savs: Ravages ot the cotton worm in Egypt continue, and prospects for a full crop are consid erably impaired. a iiungarian-juisi innan Meanishin lompany, with a capital of l.OOO.OK) iranes, lias been urmeu at I-in me under the sanction of the government. The French Chamber has adopted the bin lor the renewal id the sur tax on sugar. Ihe bill extends to August, lKri, The sur tax is 7 francs on raw sugar. The Russian Minister of Finance will shortly visit Central Asia to examine the measures to 1 taken for the develop ment ot the I ranseasptan provinces. it nns been calculated that there are about 200,000 families living in London on almut 1 a week, and they are in a large measure the people of one room According to Etiroiean merchants tea from India is rapidly taking the place of the I itmse article, the result liemg that many Hron iu China are without work. The President of the British Board of Agriculture savs that within a short time animals suffering from pleuro-pnemnonia have arrived at Liverpool from New York. me r.ngnvn tiovernnictii has sum moned ttieintke ot llartnilton to par iiO,O00 levenue duty on the 3,0(K),iNiil realized by the recent sale of his art col- Uftion Desertera fnm the German flrmv pass ito France nearly every week. Th take service in the foreign legion, and are sent to Algeria and ami other parts oi Airica. The potato blight has made its apiK'ar- ance in lwelen, and the outlook lor the crop is very discouraging. In certain parishes the priests report that a famine is expected. The English Roval Niger Coniiianv has prohibited the importation or side of intoxicating liquors in its African terri tory north of the seventh parallel of north latitude. The Government of Uruguay will prob ably raise the custom duties 10 percent.. making them payable in gold, and will levote the tund thus raised to the re demption of paper money. An American named Skinner and Russian named Kriegsk have started from London on a wager to ride on horse hack from Moscow to the Crimea nd re turn. The Prince Regent of Bavaria refuses to ennoble Miss Wheeler of Philadelphia, who married Count Panpenheim. The Count must recognize the marriage as morganatic or lose bis titles. It is reported in Limerick. Ireland. that Bishop O'Dwyer has received a let ter from the Pope approving the Bishop's recent letter of censure to Dillon in con- nection with the Persico mission. A plan is now under the consideration of the Russian Senate to restrict the rights of the Jews participating in vari ous branches of trade and commerce and to limit the privileges of Jewish me chanics. The London Daily Telegraph states that England and France will appoint commissioners to find the limits of the French share of influence in Central Af rica, as modified' by the Anglo-German agreement. Amilcare Cipriani of Rome has been condemned to six months' imprisonment and to pay a fine of 1,000 francs because his recently published memoirs contained certain offensive remarks about the royal family of Italy. A ladies' committe has been formed in connection with the International Con gress to be held in Berlin, to provide for the comfort and amusement of the wives of foreign practitioners during their stay in the German capital. Several ladies of Lemberg have offered i their services as Amazons to the Ein-1 peror of Austria in case of war. They offer to furnish their own uniforms, arms and horses, and ask only that a military instructor be provided for them. As soon as the horse cars from Cairo' to the pyramids are completed, and the work is nearly done, an elevator will be made to the tops of the venerable piles, to that ascent may be made quickly and comfortably to the modern traveler. I A ukase is impending in Russia for the I expulsion of Hebrews numbering 4,000, OOJ from that country. Thia is believed to be the only means' to prevent conten tion of the poorer classes, growing out of money transactions and race hatred. An English company under royal pro tection has been granted control of the Straits of Ormuz, which connect the Per sian gulf with the Arabian sea. This virtually gives England control of the gulf, and is a menace to the forward move ments of Russia. The London Daily News' Vienna spe cial says that Premier Stambouloff of Bulgaria has summoned the Colonels of all the regiments and the Deputies of all the leading towns to assemble at Sofia on August 8. when Bulgaria will be nro- ( claimed independent, with Ferdinand as I King, Pncatant Poacbiog. This is always beset with difficulty. and the pheasant poacher is usually a desperate character. Many methods can be successfully employed, for the tieasant la rattier a stupid bird. Ow- ng to their wandering proclivity, it by no means follows that the man wlio rears the pheasants will have the priy ilepe of shooting them. At the time of the falling of the beech and oaken mast the poacher watches as closely by the covert side as the keeper himself. The former knows perfectly well that the birds feed in the morning-, that they dust themselves in the turnip fields at noon, and that they ramble through the woods in the afternoon. He, better than any one else, knows the coppice to which the wandered birds have gone and in which trees they will roost Is he slow to use his knowledge! At dark he passes over the land, and lights a bit of brimstone beneath the roosting birds. The powerful fumes soon over power them and they come flapping do-To one by one. This method has the advantage of silence, and if the night be still need not be detected. Away from the covert time is no ob ject, and the poacher who is content witn a brace or birds at a time usually rets the most in the end. The poacher nows that no bird is more pugnacious man the pheasant and out oi this trait he makes capital. lie takes a trained game cock under his arm, fit ted with spurs, the latter as sharp as needles. Upon the former's crowing. one or more cock pheasants immedi ately respond and advance to meet the adversary. A single blow suffices to lay low Uie pride of the pheasant and in this way half a dozen birds may often be taken, while the poachers representative remains unhurt The Gentleman's Magazine. Bow He Lost (he C "I was out on the West Side Mon day night toa progressive heart party," remaraeu a young attorney yesieruay. "Ever been to a progressive heart party f Not Welt, just take mr ad vice and send regrets to one if you are invited. You'll feel better the next morning. !Now, I thought I knew how to play hearts when Fwent to this party, as 1 had the beat sort of training. Learned to play it with men who slide their bats over their eyes and hold their cards up under their eyebrows fellows who play as though their lives depended upon the Fime. So, you see, I felt pretty easy, drew the last table, and started in by winning a game with a good partner. I moved up a table, and there 1 bad a partner who made things pleasant for me by leading the ace of hearts at the start When I raked in the four big hearts she looked at me and timidly inquired, 'Was that right?' I had to smile and tell her it was. Have you ever Bmiled when there was murder in your heart! Jt's awful bard. It was my luck to strike that woman for a partner five times during the evening, and she kicked a biz bole in my other wise good record, knocking me out of the buckhoru cane, which was the first prize, and which I bad a dead cinch on had it not been for her. And I had to look pleasant through it all, too. I wonder where that woman will go when she dies 1" Chicago Her ald. A Silver Wago Road. "You may talk about nickel plated railroads," said vice president L. T. Stanley of Walnut street "but what do you think of a solid silver wagon road? The Horseshoe mine, in Colo rado, has ont, although when it was built they didn t know it would pan out that war. They had to have a road from their mine, a distance of three miles, over which heavy loads were to be drawn. They took the rock that had been taken from the shafts they were sinkinir. and which lav around in the way, and macadamized the road all the way through. The wagons passing over the road ground the rock down. One day they had a heavy rainstorm, and when things got dry again after the rain wind blew the dust olf the road, and all through the road bed, every which way, they could see big streaks of silver. Well maybe they didn't collar on to the rest of that loose rock that lay around those shafts I They sent away a lot of it to be assayed, and when the report came back they found that their road Deu was worth f zuu a ion. it was, a little expensive to drive over, but they nad to nave the road, and they've got it yet, n their mines nave held out Philadelphia Press. The Manufacture of Celluloid. Most celluloid is made in France. A vill nf ivitwp i a cnn-lv iinwniinil Anrl at the same time is saturated with a mixture of five parts of sulphuric and two parts of nitric acid, which-falls upon the paper in fine spray. This changes the cellulose of the paper into pyroxyline or gun cotton. The excess of the acid having been expelled by pressure, the paper is washed with plenty of water until all traces of acid have been removed. It is then re duced to pulp and passes on to the bleaching trough. It is this gun cot ton wnicii enves it its explosive nature. Most of the water having been got rid of by means of a strainer, it is mixed with from 20 to 40 per cent of its weight in camphor; a second mixture ana grinding jonows. tnia pulp is spread out in thin slabs which are squeezed in a hydraulic press until they are as dry as chips. Then they are rouea in n eaten rollers and come out in elastic sheets. They are from that point worked up into almost every conceivable form, New York Tele- rrajn.. A Big City. Omaha Child (on eastern railway train) Oh, mamma, there's a policeman walking through a corn field. Mamma (without looking out) Is he chas ing any one? "No; he's walking along just as they do in the street "Dear met Get your things on. We are within the city liiuita of Philadelphia." Umaha world. Unnecessary Anxiety. "George," she said, and her manner be trayed anxiety, "what has come over papa of late? He treats you coldly and evidently tries to avoid you." "He borrowed $10 of me a couple of weeks ago," explained George. Jiew x ork Sun. Unanswerable. Mr, ftl'"kins You know the old pro verb, "The best is the cheapest?' ' Mrs. B.Unkins Qh, you are mistaken. The best is the dearest I know, for I've asked the prices. New York Weekly. Poor John. "la your husband particular about what he eats?" "Indeed he la. John Is a full fledged epitaph. " Harper's Bazar. WILDCAT HUNTING. Delights of This Sport Eatertaln- tna-ly Told. Wildcat hunting Is very exciting, especially for the cat. Onoe in Mendocino county. Cat. I was enjoyl. g a few days' quail shooting at a farmhouse where was a large and sociable dog. Hi father was a setter and bis mother a bull terrier, and the combination of in herited qualities made this dog peculiar. If I took bim hunting with me the setter in stinct prompted bim to rush around through the brush and scare ofT every bird within half a mile, and If I slipped away without letting him know, the faithful bull terrier quality would tend to come out in company with a large piece of my lea; when I returned tin war to cajutt a otnr. One evening I was returning from a hunt with that dog. He bad enjoyed the hunt so much that not a qoaU had remained in the county. Suddenly be planged forward; there a quick rush and sscrabbie, and I beheld a huge wildcat poised on the limb of a small tree just out of the dog's reach. Emotion swelled visibly in the cat's tail and frenzy ruled the dog. I stepped back a rod, extracted most of the shot from one barrel and sprink led the eat In the region of the jumpers. He came out of the tree and cajno suddenly, and next minnto there was a whirlwind of .fur and agony under that tree, and mingled sounds informed me that both the cat and the dog had asr-ertainsd that something was wrong. There was a oosabin&tkm of clawing and yowling, spitting and snapping, re volving and rough and tumble excitement which lasted about a minute, and then a peaceful hush succeeded, during which the zephyrs blew away the cloud of dust and hair and disclosed what was left of the doe lying serenely at peace with the trivial re mains of the cat, and both so mixed as to be inseparable. The trouble with that dog was that his pedigree was contradictory. His setter in stinct prompted him to let go the cat and run, and his bull terrier Instinct prompted him to hold on, lie down and chew, and be fore be could make up his mind whether he ought to obey his father or his mother be died. There is nothing so necessary to a sports man as a thoroughbred, well broken dog. Always purchase a pedigree with the dog. A full blooded dog with a reliable pedigree costs about tlW, which allows 1 149.50 for the pedigree and fifty cents for the dog. The best dog for hunting purposes in this section is a pointer. Borne pointers are very expensive. I heard the other day that Cyrus Field once got a pointer from Jay Gould which cost him oO.OUO. Henry Uuy Carleton in JNew York World. Owo Whs Smoked SIS Cigars 4SA.OOO la m Single Sight. Bankruptcy appears to be becoming fashionable among the great princes of Germany. Within two months Prince Albert, of the sovereign bouse of Wal- deck ; .Prince Charles, of the reigning family of Liechtenstein, and Prince Trantmannsdorfl have all three been declared insolvent debtors and placed "nnter curatelle," and now Prince Frederick IV, of Salmi-Kyrburg, has been subjected to a similar ignominy. Jc orty-lonr years oi age, and Uie pos sessor of numerous titles, including that of a Rhinegrave and of a Spanish Grandee of the first class, his debts amount to about 13,000,000. During toe course of the legal pro ceedings it was shown that until his father's death be had been forced to content himself with a' paltry allow ance of fl,200 per annum, which, al though possibly sufficient for the wants of an ordinary mortal, was far from adequate for a high and mighty prince who refuses to smoke anything but Havana cigars at $3 apiece. Under the circumstances it is not surprising that it should have been a tobacco merchant who first instituted the steps that finally landed his highness In the bankruptcy court and resulted in his being placed "untcr curatelle." This "unter curatelle" condition is one that is exceedingly unpleasant It is equivalent to a declaration of per petual minority, and the person on whom it is imposed is not only declared incapable of managing his own aJZairs, but is practically outlawed and de prived of the electoral franchise and almost every other right of citizenship. No civil contract entered into by him is valid. His signature Is of no account in point of law, and from the legal point of view he is nobody as unsub stantial as the family ghost and as irre sponsible as a babe unborn. Prince Trautmannsdorff was the president of the 'Austrian Jockey club. where he lost in a single night f450, 000 at cards. With a view of retriev ing his fortunes he straightaway pur chased for a rise a large number of op tions on wheat and other cereals. which, however, greatly to his dismay, tooK a aownwara instead oi an up ward course, rendering him thereby liable for differences to the tune of $3, 000,000. Another well known personage J who Is at present unter curatelle, " and whose name is well known in the United States, is Baron Victor Exlanger, once a magnate of European finance, but now an exile residing on the shores of Lake Geneva in Switzerland. A suit was brought against the trustees of his bankruptcy, in the course of which the whole circumstances of his ruin were again made public Cor. New York Tribune. Her Physician 3,000 miles Away. Mrs, Ogden Goelet of New York, was at one time treated for typhoid fe ver by cable from Paris while lying in her sleeping chamber in her New York residence. Miss Gracie Wilson, Mrs. Goelet's sister, while in Paris had been successfully treated by a French physi cian who had never lost a case of ty phoid fever, and when Mrs. Goelet was stricken with the disease this physician was communicated with by cable. He consented to treat Mrs. Goelet and every day until her recovery his direc tions were flashed over the 3,000 miles of wire under the sea and were carried out in the sick room in New York. soma How They Mo-red ft. Here is another of the stories whlcb the people of Toumaisla, In Belgium, tell at the expense of their neighbors ol -the prosperous village of Vezon : At one time the tnoi-ning of a holi daythe male Inhabitants of Vezon were discovered in a great state of pa ley and perplexity la a field close by the village church They had eotu out with a strong resolve to clay ball. and had discovered that the field was roo narrow. "Ah," said the burgomaster, Tier55;:. comes 1'eter tjorbeau, who made tin ' mistake of studying to be a lawyer. lit i Is wise in devices; he shall decide what ' we shall do." Master Corbeau looked over the situa tion. "There Is nothing to do but tc move the church," be said. : . So the villagers all took off theii jacKets ana inrew inem aown in a neap 5 and to determine bow Ur they mud push the church they measured the dis- tance from the heap of Jackets to the church and found it to be exactly ten yards. Then they all braced them selves against the chorch sind pushed with might and main. Toward noon they stopped for rest and to gather strength for further push ing. But somebody now measured the distance from the pile of Jackets and discovered that happily it was not nee- ? eseary to push any more, because the measurement showed that the church had been moved back ten yards. i Then they fell to their game cf ball and did not find out for some time that' while they were hard at work pushinfl at the church a mischievous inhabitant of Toumasis, who happened to pass, had moved back the pile of jackets! Youth s Companion. He Kept a Eye oa the Plata. A special collection was announced for the day hi a Scotch church, bnt as the purse strings of the old farmers were known to be pretty tightly tied the collection was to be taken up in the old fashioned ladle after the delivery of stirring discourse on giving and the excellencies of the scheme in question. About the middle of the sermon the minister, happening to look out of the window, spied a cow wading about in the adjoining cornfield. Turning to ward one of the side seats, where sat the owner of the corn, and presumably of the cow also, be stopped bis sermon and said : Rab Stevieson, there's a coo wast yonder frae the kirk up to the horns amang yer corn. Ye'd better look after't at once." Up sprang Rab, seized fads long haired turn hat and stick, and made for the door, while the minister calmly took up the thread of his discourse. As Rab reached the door the minister stopped again and sang out: "By the by, Kab. yell better jist leave the collection wp the beadle in case you dinna get-back, again. " It is confidently stated that the ladle profited more by Bab on that occasion than it would otherwise have done, and no wonder. Few, unless to tally bankrupt would have had the hardihood to pass without drawing the purse after such a hint Chicago Times. . - ', Plaatatloa Philosophy. If s nachnl dat de higher we gits in dis life de mo' trouble we has. De taller de tree grows de mo' its shock by de win'. He bigger an' bealthM7 chile mighty often doan' grow up ter ennount ter nothin'. De biggesr an' mos proimsur wheat sometimes runs ter straw. I has knowed many er thief dat could dis count er hones' man in putvin' up er straight tale. I aint neber yet seed er baby dat could cry any mo' pityful dea er painter ken. - "I hope I has ligfoo, but I doan' know I hab beam folks say; but I neber beam er man say, "I hopes I has money, but I doan know." Dat sorter ligioo dat yer hopes yer's got, but doan' know, aint gwine ter do yer no mrf good dea der money what yer hopes yer's got, but doan' know. EI I was axed ter put er estermate on bow much er man is wuth ter dis yere worF I would fust try to fine out how much he thinks tf his mother. Er man may be good ter his wife an' kins ter his Chilian, but ef be aint good to de ole 'oman dat give him part o her hie an' fust lamed him ter walk toward de sucoons what he hab reached, be aint de right sorter pusson. Arkansaw Traveler. A rwrefgner's TWIltsfca. ; -v Distinguished Foreigner Yes, I have tray-- eioa a great neai in uuscounwy ana x T""7f help wondering why your government does not catch these train robbers and lock them up. American Have you met train robbers? "Plenty of them; they're everywhere, it seems to me, but I must say they are very polite for highwaymen.1' "PoUter "Very; and I notice, too, that they are an colored men." "Oh, thoee are not train robbers; those are porters." Omaha World. . A Cook's Blander. Omaha Dame Jane, our guest, Mr. De Hunter, complains that you chopped up his decoy ducks for kindling. New Cook It wasntfor kindling, mum. 1 thought they was a pair bf chickens your husband sent home, am' I was tryia' to cat them, mum. "Of all things! Where was it you said you worked before you came here! "At Mrs. De Styles bearding house, mom. Omaha World. R freshing- Her : "I am so glad you came in, Mr. Wabash," said Miss Breezy, brightly; "mamma and I were trying to recall a certain posts name. Perhaps you can kindly come to our assist. ance. His first name is Walter." . "Scottr suggested Mr. Wabash. "Na, not Scott; it begins with 'W.'" "Whitman, possibly; Walter Whitman f" "Oh, yes, that is it, Walter Whitman. Thanks, awfully.'' The Epoch. The Smallest Edit v At one time about 1SS3, The Key West (Fla.) Democrat was under the editorial management of the smallest man who has ever used the pencil and paste "to give to airy nothings a local habitation and a name" -Mr. A. I Sawyer, better known as Gen. Saw- yer, although Gen. Shorter wouldfc?-" ' ' far more appropriate. On the begin- ; ning of Mr. Sawyer's connection with f , the Democrat he was 22 years old, SO inches high and weighed S3 pounds. ; ; Dwarf in body, but giant in mind, this prodigy dictated the politics of the southern end of the Florida peninsula ' for years, and when he did at last re sign his position in favor of a larger, but not better man, it was not because bis fountain of bright Democratie ideas had run dry, but because he had been tendered a more lucrative posi-.r tionatthe head of a large wholesai , house. A remarkable personage, deed, is Sawyer, the midget poLtf. - . -J. W. Wright iaSt, Louis JP' . J.' - :