The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, August 01, 1890, Image 2

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    LelviiiOii Express.
-V. jack ak.vms, oKa i.. am:aAnih-:h.
1'rm.SHKHS AM 1'UOI'ltlKTOIiH.
Tntt hua Ih cu tlosoribtHl a? anixtli
sieim1. ami ri'uJly this is not a livl
tlctinition rf it. H is a faculty
vhkh. though it nav 1 impruvt'il,
cannot lt aimml Vy any fttnly,
li:t mut l wu-n vith it's Imppy
'ftes8or. It is that quality of in
tuitive prm-pthm which Mnllff
i to iwHxe fully tin fevlings of
thers, anrl thus to rcnulate cur
conduct meorvUtigly. The roiul to
m,cH'a is pptwaliy'full of pitfalls,
iiiul those who attain the goal have
to itrp wry cnrofuily. All nun
rtl women have their foibles mul
u t theories, and without laet it is
injwsiMe to avoid outraging them
continually. Certutnly it U very
hard to have to -show reppn for ail
the ridiculous hohbits and absurd
ide.s ulaeh are paraded before us
daily, but to give vent to Mir own
orinitMM upon then would be to
yonder outselrrei veritable Ishmncl
itee and to raise every man's hand
njttihst us.
The world is a gotxl deal like a
vaet erowd in w hu h everyone is
struggling for a good place. Nearly
all great men who have risen have
Wen imbued with taet, and many
great men have fallen through lack
of It: What we generally speak of
in-life as tact, is nothing inore nor
lese than a knowledge of mankind.
A consummate knowledire of man
kind, aided by the faculty of using
that knowledge to the best advan
tage, has often raised men of hum
e surroundings to the highest
offices in a state, and even to the
viumand of an empire, while the
"want of a little taet has cost many
a king his crown.
"Let woman vote!" cries one.
""Our wives and daughters might
1S Democrats, while their fathers
and husbands were Republicans, or
irohibitioniet3. It would never do.
t would fvrodme endless quarrels."
And the objector think Ire has
settled the question. Hut, if the
'principle be a sound one, why not
:apply it in a till more important
instance. Difference of religion
breeds more quarrels than differ
ence in politics. Yet "we allow
women to choose their own relig
ious creeds, although we therein
tub the risk of wives being Kpis
tcop&li&KS, while their husbands are
Methodists, or daughters ling
"Catholics while their fathers ore
'Calvinists. Yet who, this side of
Turkey, dare claim that the law
should compel women to have no
-religious . creed, or .adopt that of
heir male relative?? Practically,
urns freedom in religion has made
'nolifiienlty; and probably equal
Jreedom in jolitics would make as
little. It is, after all, of little use
te argue these questions. The mo--ment
you can get woman to go out
sand show by active valor what God
created her for, that moment this
Kiuefitien is settled forever.
Ki occupation is low or to be de
:pisod if itiw consistent with what
.is juBt and honest. We are all
ministening in dome way or other
- to each others' necessities and com
forts. "The world is a great chop
-In which all are buyers and fillers
inturn, and in winch each is ex
;pceted to do something useful for
th general well-being of the con
"Crn. True merit consists in the
correct performance of our part,
-whatever - that may clmnce to be.
There is a silly pride which affects
to look down ipon the man or
woman who earns an honest living
by weekly wages. Manhood and
-womanhood are not the products of
.the worsted mill and silk factory.
rSome .animals are valuable only
;for their furs (their clothing.) Per
'.'haps the same may he said of dudes
u.w !itin.viiiics. iiese cnaractrs
were -sent out into the world half
made up" as early as Solomon's
day, and he says of them: "Pride
goeth before destruction, and a
haughty sririt before a falh"
To live is not merely to breathe.
Life is a comprehensive term, and
is not to be measured by the vol
ume of gcses taken into" the lungs.
To live is to act; it is to make use
ot our organs, sense;?, faculties, of
u ine parts ot the mental and
physical organism, which give us
the feeling of existence. The meas-
W TP rvf MneMAncnice c 4Un
of life. The life of intelligent crea
tures is not merely a question of
years; lapse ot time mav net in
crease vitality. The man who has
lived longest is not the man who
has counted the most years, but he
wlio has enjoyed life most. We
say such an one was buried at the
age of 100 years, when in truth he
was dead.from his birth. He would
have gained by dying j-oune; at
least he would have lived until
that time.
Why is it that there are so few
bald-headed editors? We might
give several reasons. Extreme
piety, which tends to remove the
hair at an early period in life,
rarely attacks the newspaper man,
at least in a malignant form. Dis
affected subscribers cither relent or
consider baldness a slicht punish
ment in settlement of their griev--UUiieSjand
murder the poor fellow
outright, being a trained observer
of human nature, he is rarely im-poi-ed
upon by women cf the Ama
zonian or hair-pulling tvpe; and
thus it happens thai the editor
rwajwg wkat is regarded, the world
over, as a dire calamity.
np: of the poraolosist: We'll
coillia Eiuth on a sourt
i.v 1 aners will
Non' ai'o more. ready to pity the
folly Of other than Hiomo who" have
but a small tifite of wit, tht uwlve?.
'There i no love attutn diriatinn,"
crit'i the ti!i who i.4 tlt-Htitnte of tm.
charity. "Zenl u vnni-'bctl," -x-claims
the Mlo tttlker. "O, for mote
consistency," proan out the h,v
i iite. "We want nmw vital R'Vlli
ns," oxchiinta the falne ptt tcmh r.
Aa in the oll legentl, the wolf preui h
el agninst sheep-steuling, no ry
many hunt down the sins in uHitr?
winch they willingly practice- them
selves. My brother, before jott tie
plore the lack of sense in other,
ontaUiih your claim to at ln.t mie
talent yourself; iu!!cal of Wwailiug
the ahcence of charity in others,
tench ytur Mb ovmen by jhilanthro ic
ihe;ls and a comprehensive love t:s
full import ; before you com luilo that
nil eal vntiilud, e.xnmiitM your
thermometer ami nee if tlie mercury
be not down to sr.ero ; before you cry
out for consirttenty in otho!, remove
the tnak from your own face, sot no!
so high a value upon your catechUm.
until you have ceased to oppress
the hireling ami treat with proper
consideration the humblest of tioil's
creatures. And lastly, If you think
vital godliness i at a low ebb, per
haps a little active Christian work on
your part would do mote to stiinulafe
the npalhcdc professor ami elevate
the standard of godliuesa than all
your carping and fuult-tlnding. You
Cituuot sa e men by your censorshij),
but you can do much toward reclaim
ing the fallen by exemplifyiiig theae
losl virtues. While you ) Tint out
toe disease with one hand, apply the
Teme'y with the other, and you will
in time come to ttink a Vd de.1
more of yourself, and humanity will
appreciate you as a true benefactor.
noiNa coon.
If we view this microcosm, the
human body, we nhall find that the
heart does not receive the blood to
store it up, but while it pumps it in
at one valve, it sends it forth at
another. The blood is always circu
lating everywhere, and is stitgnant
nowhere; the same is true of ail the
fluids in a healthy body, they are in a
constant state of "expenditure. If one
cell stores for & few moments its
peculiar secretion, it only retains it
till it is perfectly tilted " for its sip
pointed use in the bolv; for if any
cell in the body should la-gin to store
tip its secretion, its store would soon
become the cause of inveterate
disease, and the wrgan would lose the
powder to secrete at all, if it did not
give forth its product. The whole
of the human system lives by giving.
The eye cannot say to the foot, 1 have
no need tf yon, and will no .longer
guide you; for if it doea not perform
its watehful otliee every part of the
human organism w ill sutler in con
sequence. If the members refuse to
contribute to the general stoeR, the
whole will become poverty
stricken, and be given up to the bank
ruptcy of death. Can we not learn,
then, from the analogy of nature, the
great lesson, that to get, we must
give; that to accumulate, we must
scatter; that to make ourselves happy,
we mast make others happy; and
mat 10 get goou ana become sjuriiu
any vigorous, we muet do good,
seek the spiritual good of others.
Kuskin, that most accurate observer,
says : " Hrcak otT an elm IkiukIi three
feet long, in full leaf, and lay it on the
Uble before you, and try to" draw it,
leaf for feaf. It is ten to one if in the
whole boughfprovided yon do not tw 1st
it about as you work) yon find one
form of a leaf exactly "like another.
Though the whole bough will look
graceful and symmetrical, you will
scarcely be able to tell "how or
why it is so, nce there is not one
line of it like another." If such in
finite variety prevails in creation, we
may rea.souably exect to find the
same in the -experience of Christians,
Uniformity is no rule of spiritual life.
Let us not judge others because their
feelings have not been precisely sim
ilar to ours. All Christians are led
in a right way, bnt no two of them
sre led in the same way. Far be it
from us to set up a standard and expict
all to le conformed to it ; if we reject
all believers w ho labor under infirmi
ties, or are marred with faults, our
fellowship will be limited indeed.
"Why is it that
societies for agri-
cultural encouragement ersist in
giving premiums to, so called, fat
cattle,- mere monsters, not of good,
wholesome muscular fiber, well
mottled, hut mountains of adipose
substance, which no Christian can
eat, and which are only disposed of
profitably ly serving as an adver
tisement to some venturesome land
lord, from whose table the. reekiW
fat goes to the soap-pot? Crossness
does not absorb excellence, or even
imply it, either in the animal or
vegetable world. Horticultural so
cieties have done creat harm in
bolstering the admiration for mere
grossness. bmoothness, roundness,
perfect development of all the
paris, and delicacy of flavor, are
the true tests. We sometimes
think that this disposition to set
the mere grossnessof a thing above
its finer qualities, is an American
weakness. We do not forgot so
oiten as we might to advantage
mat we are a great people. That
eagle which our Fourth of July
orators paint for ouf delighted op
tics, dipping his wings "in both
oceans, is the merest buzzard of a
bird, except he have more virtue
in him than mere size.
The great number of devils who
were reported to have taken a
plunge in the Red Sea in company
with the herd of swine, were not
drowned as the reporter would ha ec
us believe, hut have each taken
unto themselves seven other spirits
more devilish than they, and are
herding swine and cattle in Amer
ica to-day.
Caret of Thanhs.
Editor Lebanon Express: '
We w irdi through your paper to ex
tend our heartfelt thanks toour friends
and neighbors for their help and sym
pathy through the sickness of our" ton
William. David Feebler,
Si:san Pekklkb.
Card of Thank.
We take this occasion to thank kind
friends for their ass-istance and syru-
patny during oar lata affliction and i
J. II. Feet axb Wife.
Wheeler has nil kinds
saw iaill in i ljuuoiu
1 hiiij'
(ojnuMcvmiN mi. .
EliT" l.rmws Kxriii'H:
If then thU pusUioti whhh I haw
tnki n, lie true, namely, that no iuat
Itxs a rl:ht ,i (we tiny article of diet or
become addicted to any the (
deiH-y of which Is to Impair liU health n his life, or pn vent him from
doing pnnd and using the tub ills glvci
hint in the highest degree for Ihe ul.r
(il'tbuland lite good of his A lluw iin ti
w bat a retu rn! account will that ehi
of humanity have tn remler for the
ue if tohtieeo, the direct tendency o!
which Is to Impair in alt h, shorten t rl.
and hring Its victims to n ' j:c
jrrave, tmd tt. e up millions ol -r
that nd)il t be turned to good ueeouul
for the bctutlt of their own fumillct
and I he piHir and needy that we ha. e
alw ays w th us. That tohaeeo Is a vir
ulent i) .on and Injui'lous to the ph ,vs
ted organism, Impairing the Keneri 1
health, MietliHlm liny premature lc
cay. imp.drimr the vlg r both of mind
and bed v, and that under Its hllj-htlnji
inttueitec tli raiti Is liMwIn If, physi
cal ami Inn lleelttal vlor, an- fact's as
well etai-llsheil as any prol.leni In
mathematics, or th itioiist ration In Eu
clid. And the prevalence 'f thl
blighting cur-e and Its inplil Iucii iim
among alt classes of sect, ty, Is Mif
ilclent to awukeii the most serious p
prhe!isfn and tO'oimi the dormant
and slninU-liug enerules of the patriot
and philanthropist arol cau-'e them to
cry aloud and sire not, mikI show the
ncple their nml the
house of .lacub their sins In regard to
this fearful and vile haolt that will
soon destiny the rai-e unless counter
acted. Th rrl V In 11 an An. .
I wnnt ta vp an rilt'or
.Vict lih tin. .'C. r;
tin-ni kii.n iir,.m my ( nii.lian,
.V ('tub W II hill 111) HMU.l.
Thrrr, Hrtd Mriw mv n-n t.-ri,
S ha.i(iio ami Mtrt,'hta
I'! HCikr M'iui hlttiMMiR. imeti
Ami llsht lsh ly mi'l iiIkIH.
1 never wnuUl urn w.-nrv
J a a mnw i.nhl,- it-i.l Jiivl,
IM wriip iihev my i ten !rpvy:
TliU Htm rnliiiu'. tttTiTit to Itiei.'
Au.l nhrn t.iy miin-ii' i -oiir-.- ua run,
Ci-n. tiik, ul rr tnt.t ni-Ho
I'll fil.t mv rut-v, n ' iH.tiii.
Aii'l Ik : tlv rxttoat fiw Hunt rtd.
Uev. H. L. Chapman, of the
M. K. Church Johnstown, pa., Miys:
"SiKiu attes the greet thsnl, t a time
when diarrhiH'a was tpilt prevalent, I
itHt-lvod a lx of nix dexeii ChamtH-r-l.-dn'a
t'holie, t hi. lent and IHnrtlioe
Helinily. Asmmn tt It iMintiue know n
that I had the medicine for Tret, distil
hut Ion, titers began a Rtcat tun on
it, which continued, until U wa-inlsait
all Kuiii. J-lvery one, so as I heard
from them, testified to Its virtue de
clrtiin.1 It the let the pur
pose they had ever iist'it. Those w ho
!Vt it shared It around with their
neighbors, so that I am confident It
was productive of great ps-wl. We
Used some of It ourselves hii.I found (I
not only nil excellent med'.elnu for
diarrhoea, but for nil kinds ofpniu ami
uneasiness In the stomach and
IwiweK It has Is-cn wganletl us the
best medicine know n here for the til
senses It is recommended. l'"or sale bv
M. A. .Miller.
A Cf.r rP Sick HalR-1t.
This distressing complaint is due to en
Inactive or sluggish liver with consti
lmtcd bowels, which dcraucvM the.-t m-
I ach ami disturbs the nervous svsh-m.
cause UtzzincMi and an npprcs-slve dull
jwiin in the head, often severe as to
prevent all rest or sleep. Om of lr.
liutih'B IniiM-oved I.lver PilW will
relieve you of all the pain and misery
and a few more dose will correct the
liver and stomach and regulate the
tmwlin. W'hiltf thesp pllts are small,
CHiilv taken, and mil. I nml in
imir aeuoii, mere is no uieoicine nunte
! that w ill so t ill-dually cure sick heinl-
i tiie. cents a box. bold by M. A.
Th Kxprrtenr tf rnniclrntluK Wo
til n.
t'lllOAtJO, JCov. 1.1.
Mr. Wisdom lrr .. I ug to
thank you for the delightful and r
frcshing "Itobertlne" you so klndlv
sent me. I have used the toil, t prepa
rations of the inot tv'chratcd manu
facturers of London and laiis, but coii-
j suicr your " K ds-rtine" tlulr supeibir
jin isihit of rurity and excellence.
Wishing y u the un1nn.lcd snrees
you kervc, I remain, faithfully ynuis,
Km ma AnmVrv.
To IMvaaurcPrel.'rra.
Having pun hased the Klndlev prop
erty at liimtr t-'oda, spring?., wc will
en improve it as to make it a most dt
sirahle place to be visited by thtvre
n-cking health or pkasure. Will d.,
our Is-st to make it pleasant for those
visiting this well-known resort.
W.m. Kldkld,
A. l.r.iviTscn.
A Sure ttr for rilen.
Itching Piles are known by moisture
like perspiration esning intense Itch
ing w hen w arm. This form, ns well
fis blind, bleeding and protruding,
yield lit once t Dr. Hosanko's I'ih
Iiuicdy, which acts directly on the
parts ttfiVctt d, nhsnrlt tumors, allays
itching and eltccUt a jK-rmanent cure.
50e. Druggists or mail: treatise free.
Dr. Hosanko, Piqua, O. .Sold by M. A.
We wish to say to our old customers,
and ailso ne oiks, that wc arc prepar
ed to furnish well seasoned lumber.
made from soft ntnisirUtin fir, at the
following prices;
'omt clear, sir
e'-ar - - - 12'ciO
' !earlx4 in on
hriieni?, boxing anit timtvrx 7.110
Atour mill in Wirtshurg, Idnn t'o.,
Oregon Jennings A Co.
Tart ies knowing themselves indebted
to Cruson & Menzie's since 1.SS9, please
call and settle, as all of our old accounts
will soon be put in the hands of a col
Harness, Saddles, Collars,
Whips, Etc.
Has on hnnd a !re utock of
I Call And H
-e Prices.
I ttitvc n trottlilnt tunny rmt with
lic i ol thc kklnrv nml tinv lrlrt
many liil'rn?nt reinrUr nntl hiivc
.iin-lit nut (turn itilirtmt phyntclitn relltil". AtKUit the 15th of April
I whs mtlrrlmt fnm vrrv i,irtit
nttnrk Hint lmot prnstrnlrd nic ta
m 11 ninitner tutu 1 mniow,
tVltit T il-iwu It w HlmoAt litiMHiilhle for me
I :t H ntni ir lt put on my cUllir, trhrn
ktn.i 1 -KMtoVnc-r will lr. llnilt-jr, Willi the
l-Hi;OM KID.Nl'.Y TlvA, tu tltjf
)litc-l. JUmmcillnlrly cummrticnt
living tlit .fit it hud an almost
1:111, -n-uluM rtt'-ct, amt to lha aaton
Uhnirnt o! nil the u-U at the hotel,
lu a li w rtny,l tint pp to atalr,
ihut t w a new man. I will;
rcnmimcmt the tea to all a(Uicte
a 1 have been.
rmprtrtor Orditentat Hotel,
bauta Kuaa. Cat.
Bo Mid H al
wtr, that
cretttcst of
Novrlista, and he
never ptke more
truly, mid he might
Like Success
Imxg added with eqttal fcirce, tht merit
I the eswnce of micceiw. Wisdum't
RolH-rthie ia the jnonytn of inerit, and
1U history is ucc-esa. " The magical ef
fect of this preparation hvts lieen sttemt
ed h tbottwttHls of the leading ladies of
IKiciety and the tR. It is the oulr arti
cle ever diacovered which gives a S'atur
ml and lleautiful tiut to the complexion,
at the same tune rrinovitnj all rotubties
of the face and arms and leaving the
skin soft, smooth and rtlvetj. It has
lotiR been the study of chemists to pro
duce rn article that while it would bfam
tiy the complexion would also have the
merit of hcitiK harmless, but these two
Important qualities went never brought
together until combined in
Real Estate Brokers,
Im Ui lliiK Fire and Life Inuntti(t.
Choice Bargains
In Both City Property and
Farm Lands.
Collections Attended
il AKl'I AN AfSCRAN(T. VH.. of Uuvlcn.
HTATF. tVf t'nANCE "0., of FaUra, Ort-t-rir.
F tliMF.iW & MEIU n.VNTS INEt'n.VXCK (X).,
of ulem.
You can buy nwy of the
Cheap, of
Copncr, - .
Ufaaden and
Stone Ware, also
&" Job Ho7-k done on Short JVorVee,
Lasd Office at Oregon rtt v, Oregon,
Xoliw Is Iton-bytrivcn that the lollowlnir nm lim lilctl 11.. tin. o( his iiit-ntim to innkr
mini ni 111 mifiimrt r clnlm. nii.l tlmt wtitl
proof will 1 ni.lo before the eoiintv Incite or in
n!-.-!iT before the eoiintv elerk t'tT I.init ronn
lv at Albany, Oregon, on Tuewlny, Auru1 1J0,
IIoincMeai! Knlry No. 5i;t, for the S. W. li of Sec.
B. T. VI t.. K. 1 K.
He namcK the foltowtmr wiliu vs to prove hin
rontiiioimii roMlom e upon and cultivation of. tll
iitno. viz: Allert SnvHtre. Jhiih-k R. Charilon, John
Mninn and Anolph l.inrtley. all of Ix-lwiion, Liun
ureKOti. j. 1. .VCCtKSOA, Hegistcr.
House, Sign & Carriage Painter,
Contracts Taken for Anv Kind of
House Work, such aa
Plain : or : Fancy : Painting,
Frescoing and House Deooration
JLvcry Description.
lOrdtTo kft Ht the E.rsiw offici' Hill
j receive jiromt attcntiou.
I 1 fl
iiiLw--1 ' -X 5 r
f'filuvt f''nlfn J.mi'1 Ollleo,
r (tiin c!IV, ln oii, May , HW.
Null'' Ih liiTi-hv Blvcitlhnt 111 (iimiUittnt! tilth
t!i .mvl!liii nt d o H t of I iiiiKn-w of June il,
IH,", entitled "All fi r tlm x.tte of tlttilit-r luilil
liiili- Mii.of tirrniM, tinaoii, Ni-vi..U, itn.t
WrtuhliiKloii Territory." Joint lltennnti, of Ta
folllK, eotltlly of lleree, Hlulii of Wu-ll-It'lttilPI.
lliui tlllo lint- lllt-d In thin Milieu
Ion mvorii Mrtiemeiit No. '.NiSf. fiir Hie iurrltnw tif
tne n. r in we. ivo. in p. mi, 11 K. I
K., ami will oll. r proof to how that tln limit
mmtht Ih more vuliuihle for li llinlt-r or utoiio
tlmit for MjTiriiltiirMl imrMre,atil toelilillHh lilx
elniin lo-jil.l lunil u-fofe lite ri-nMer and ri-eelver
il thin olln-e iti on-iron "If y, Ureijoit, on Kiiduy,
the :UI cIhv wf tlelolH-r, IH'iu.
He name it winieieii: r, K. Van C1e, V. M.
I'tMlniaii, V. I'o-linao, ti. A. lleuurll, all of Ta
eotim, l'ii.hlnetoii.
Any and all per-ottt etiiimltm ailver-ly (Ik-nbove-dewrllii
i lamU an- reiUextit to Hie llc-lr
rlulnia In tlilnuitlee on or lxforf mid lid dr of tn-tolH-r.
INU J. l AI'I'liioHi.S, lteijiier.
t'nlleil Plitteii tjtnd Office-.
Ort-tjoii ( iiy, Or.-nwii, June i, I).
Noltre It Itertrliy ulveit that In eoinpllHitee tt Ith
the m M..ii. of t(,n net of I'ooirre of June 8
1H7H, etllllled "All ai-l lor lite Mile of tlttllier loitd
ill the Hiittr of t rilioriila. On-xon, Neadn. and
Wsihliiiston lerrltory," t harlei. Itorene, of Ta
roiiiH. eoimlj- of I'U-ire, Mian- of W nililnutori, ha
1I1U diiy tiled In nrliee hi nworn' tatt-iiient
No. ilivj, for the stirehie of (tie H. W. i of H-e.
.No. ill, in Tp. Nu. II H., It. Hit. I K., and Hill offer
proof to hIiow ibut thi-land 0111-ht ia more Tain
aide fur ll tiinlM-r or xlotie than lor itttni iiliurnl
Hinw--. and to ennhllili hu elnltn to wild land
lu-loret'ie reni-ter and reeeiver of IhU olll.-e t
Oregon My, ii, i;..ii, on l- riduy, tlie :td day ul t.
lol r. l;ni.
lie nuniea aa ttltittiMe: J. 1 Maearlner. J.
liretnimi. A. I lil.lniliii and J. (lllleMiie, all of Ta
tMXiift, hliii;.iri.
Any wild all tH-ranii clitlmliiif adver-wly the
aliove-deert!-,l Imein are rmtie4trt t file tln-ir
eiahnv I i thla ofiiec on or iwfore Mtiil M day of
OiIoIk r, 11. J. T. AI'fKUMUN, Keitlnter.
fnlleit Hlittea Ijtnil (lllli-e,
(ln-Kou Clly, OnrKon, June 2, nwo.
Xolte It liereliy b Iveit that III complianee Willi
the prot of the net of Cotnrrenmtf June a.
lava, entitled "An a- lor the wile ot tlml-r lod
In tin- soiteaol t nltiornia, Oreiron. Nevada, ami
WH.hlnmott Ten-ltorr," John I.. Miwartney, of Tt.
roiint. eoomj-o,' I'lt n-e. Unite of axliitneton, loot
thin day tllel In tiiU eilii-e I U aaorn rialenient
N'l. '.'"""1. lor Ihe pin lm-e of the n. K. li of iee.
No. l. In Tit, No. it H., It. So. t K, ami tit otrr
proof lo-how l hat the lantl Hitjlil in more vain.
aide for it timlN-r or tone tlian for ai;rtettltttml
nr I-.HM-M. and to tliil-'i hii ctaim to mtid land
leliretlie n-ii.ter and re-iver of ttit tiifl,- mi
t ret!on lly, iin-troii, on rrWIay, tlie 1 day of uo
totser, iwi.
Ho naim- an If nested: f". O. Ilorrne. J. Ilren
tian. A. I hlihulm ami J. Uillei)ir, all of Toeotna,
1 .-llliKOll.
Alir nmt alt reiviiil clHlmliie adrerajdv the
alajrv-flf i-rtla-! Uiulit are n-mi.t.-d to tile their
r Inliua in thin ollU-e on Of liefore anid 3d day of tic-
touer, ito. j. , AI'I'tltHOM, U Kllcr.
I'lltled Piute Ijn.l firttee,
Oivboii city, Oreiion, June 4, la
Nottee I Iterehv vlretl thnt ill eolitollMiw hk
the prol-ioni of tlie aet ol ( oncri -n of June 8.
1K7. enlllli-d "An aet for the Mle of tlinher land
In the late of f iiforola. ftreiriitt. Nevada, and
U aohlntitoii," M IIHmu J. Hacedorn. ot
Tai-oiim. eiHimvof l ierei-. Hiate of W oaiiiiiKlon,
hu III- dan llled ill llil.iiMi-.- hl
No. '.". fi the ttrebae of lit- N. tV. i or Hee.
Nj. .11, in I p. No. IJ H. So. a E., and a ill otter
Lr-if to thott ihnl the lutul Mine ht bt more valu-
ali for tin tliniK-r or tone than for asrleultnra
ihii aiet hi i-lnim lo aid land
before tlie rrciMer and ,- elverof ihla oftiee at
ireiroti I In . Oregon, on luewlay. the Jth day of
ll name at wltneaaeie v. V. n. l'nnland f M
Po-linnn. K. Van Cle and John M eat, all or T.
e nna, I'len-e etruinr. Wanlihnrton.
Ant and all perwrtK el-iliiilne advero-ttr the
BtHve-de-Tilrd land art- reuueMtoil lo file llietr
i-IiiItii In I'll, oflieaottor In-fore mtld 7th day of
wwwr, ibv. j. I. Ai ri,KHl., lUttlvtef.
I'nlteil gbttea Ijnd OBiee,
f Iregou t'lty, tHxgiwi, Jtttre 4, lSTfl.
Notiee . h,-rrtv eiven that In mmiilUnm lth
Ihe t:ovitoii of tlie Ret ff ComrreMs of June it.
lT. rtittticxl "An aet for the wile of titnlier lattdn
In Ihe State of 'altfitrtiia. rttrim. Nevada, and
Wa-diltietoti larri!,WT.":harh-s I'. i. Powland. of
laeottin. rottitty ot i ieree. r-!te of Wa-dmiatiHi.
liBH thli day hied in ihta vltk-t hu ttvurti aiatemenl
.o. .n, t. t.r tne port ne of the . K ;, of i-ee.
No. IM, tit Tp. No. I h., H No. t E.. and w il i ofler
litool to 1iomt tlntt the lnd MMtht i im-re vain-
alle for It tim!T it wiiriie than for aerienlturat
iMtrpov. pint t,i eiealilih hi' elalm Ui .aid l-ttid
l-lire the iKtMer and reeeiver of thi' oftn-e at
ti:eif in t tr. Oregon, on Tuexlay, the lh day of
Hi- inune' a' iitm-.e- W.J. Ittufedoni r M
roKlitmrt, V. Van l ive and Joint Hint, all of Ta-
riium, IVrve ro;iif.v.
Anr and ml i-rni eiannins adverw'r the
ahnt e-dei-i lln-d htniU are rejia.--4Hl to tile their
eialm In thi otriee on or l-etore ni. 7th day ol
vi-i.ioer, l."i. J. I . At I , KeKlMer.
fnlti-it S'atea Land Offleti,
Oreiroii t ity, Oreifon, May -M, lm.
Notiee l Uerlv elven lhat In eoins-Unnee with
me provi-Mon ot tne aet oi t olljsre" of Juie 3,
eniiUeil An aet lor the vile of Unita r land
in the ra:eof t'aliiornia. tJTetnm, Nvva-la. and
aMitiiB'"!! lemiorv. 1-re l I Ituer. of Taeoma
rvmnty ol I'ler-'e. !'a'e of Waohinirliin. Iia." thl
day flHHt tn tlit' riitiee lit' Kwotit i-taiment No
-Jin I, ! lite ein-tiae of I lie H. V. i of ee. No.
in I p. Nil 1 1 K. No. I , . and will offer Proof li
Miow that Ihe lorxt unirlit i" more valnaliie for il
llmlier or atone Hian for aarienllnral pitrpo-e.
and hinelaim tomtld land before the
reai'ter aiel r-i-etver ti" ttd.'oilive at Oreeon fit,-
lio-Koti, oa Krlilay. Hie Tnihday of m. (.ivuil-T. Iiejo.
tie inimi as tanueme-. n. Meiic. r. 1. ti. Ukc.
J. frenttan and J. KuUea. all ol 1 atnniia. Wn-Ji.
Any ami all ir-unx elaiinina ailvenaeiv the
nleive-deir-Hla-d land are renutted to llle their
rlnima 111 thi oflice on or beiore Mid anilt day of
eepteuioer, ti m. j. i, AiT'tiPU, KeKlMer,
foiled ftalea Ijnd Otttee.
Oreeon -taty, Ori'trott, May 2S, layft
Xotti-e t her br eiven that in eon nllmM e a 1th
Ihe provl-iotnot tiie aet of Concre-ci of June n.
t-,i. emitted "Alt aet tor me stile ol ttmlier lamUi
In the Slate tif I -alifortiia. tlreetitt, Nevada, and
Waihliitfion 1 eriiory," Henry Sleter, of Taeo
ma, rotintv of lleree, Stale of Wo-hlnirton, han
iiiik nay tiivit in trii omee ma wom atatement
n. nisi, tor tne pun-hase of lire. K. i of See.
No. 4. ill Tn. No. II li. No. 1 K.. and alii ofTe
proof to liov that the land aotittht ia more valu
able for If timlier or alone than for atrrirnlliiral
iiirioe. ami to eniatiumt lus claim tn haul laud
he I ure the rerUer and rxn-etver of ihL ufhee at
Oret-ott City. Oivgon, oo Knday, th ilHU day of
eeoiemiM-r, l ro.
He name aa Itneoea! F. Ilrner. J. X. Ijnlre J
lireunait aul J. r4uulief, ail of Tarotna. Vali.
Any and all jK'rma rlnimtnr adversely the
alwive-deteribod lamia M reoue-ited to file their
rlntnn in tlii' ofllee nit or l'fore aaid ?".lh dav of
oepieutuer, trr.'i. i. i., rleglsti-r.
I'nlted Platen Land OfJlrr,
Orcgan City, OrvKn, June II, 1W0.
Xottee la herehv eiven tliat in eomrdiaoee with
the prnvi'inns o( the aet of Cottirrem of June S,
1K7. entilled "An aet for the rale of timber laitda
In I he State' of California. Oregon, Nevada, ami
Waehllilftou Territorv." Wiiiva llinre. tif Sumner.
county of fierce. Slate of Washington, haa thia
iav tiled in this oiin-e ma sworn statement No.
JliiW, for tlie purchase of the H. W. of Ke No.
84, in Tp. No. 1'2 H K. No. 2 K.. and will offer
proof to nimw tnal tne land siMiglit ta more valu
able for its timber or touo than for nsrrieuHurn.1
iMiriMW", and to esubllxtt his elalm tn aaid land
lieforetho reitiKter and ret-eiverof thla office at
Oreiron city. Oregon, uu.TUtinday, the wh day of
lie Damea as wittienesi John Wert. F. T.tveaer.
A. V. hiehey and K. Maromb. all of Taeoma.
I'leree connly, VaxtiltiKton.
Any and alt perwma clnlm iur advemelr Hie
ative-durrilied landa are reniested to file their
c inlma in tills oflii-o on or before said !th day of
va-tooer, inw. j. i. Ai'rt.i(su., lu-inster.
Vnlted Btatea Ijtnd Offiee,
OreRou City, Oregon. June 11, 1H90.
Notice Ih herehv Biven that In romnliance with
the provision of tiie aet of Comrreaa of June 3.
1K7K. entitled "An aet for tlie Mile of timlier IrniiU
in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Washintrton Territorv-," Francis l,icomb. of 1'ort-
lufwl ,..ti,ilv t.t Unllnnm.i, W,..,.. f , 1...
tuts uny tneii in tuts oiiic-e bis sworn statement
no. vi in. lor mo purchase of the . E. H of Sec.
No. 81, in Tp. No. 12 S., K. No. 2 K., ami will offer
proof to show that the land sought Is more vain-
able for its timber or stone than for acrli-ultuml
punsiHes, and to establish his claim to sold land
before the reeNtcr and reeeiver of this office at
oreiron tly, Oregon, on Thursday, UieVlh day of
vi:iuiii-r, ifir.
He names as witnesses: John Weivt, T. IJvescy,
M. Ilirse and A. W. Itiuliev. all of Taeoma. Itereo
county, WasIilntrtHti.
Any nnd all persons clatmtns adverselv the
above-desertls-d lumis are requeaUrtl to tile their
claims In this uftice on or before said Irth day of
vAivouer, is-ju. j. 1 . ai'1'J-.kso, negwior.
Ladies' & Gents' Furnish
ings. 7 '
Sole Agency fur Ludlow's fine Shoe.
Prices Alwaj's the Lowest.
Men's, Youth's and Boy's Clothing,
Furnishing Goods, Etc.
Also Keep on Hoeond floor a full line of
Boots & Shoes,
in which i win not ue unuersold t'ome and see ine an
T .,:ii
M "Iffl -
Agricultural Depot.
Knapp, Iturrcll t Company of Albany, Oregon, carry tlie
most complete line of Farm Implements in the Willamette
Valley, consisting of Buggies ami Phaetons of all kinds,
Haiti Wagons, Mountain Seeders and Drills, Deering and
McCormick Hinders and Mowers, the Celebrated Oliver Steel
and Chilled Plows, the only Chilled Plow3 ever sold in Ore
gon that give entire satisfaction in all kinds of ground.
Wo keep a full line of extras of all goods sold.
Call and examine our goods before you buy; and do not
forget to buy the Lightning Full-Circlo Hay Press.
lew Corner Store
The public school house on the south,
The paper mill on the north,
The big planer on the east.
And the dejot on the west,
Makes the Corner Store the Hub
ou ciorvi i:it or GitAvm-.
Keen a full line of Men's and Bovs' Clothing of Browne.
ville manufacture, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Groceries and
Provisions; in fact everything necessarv to keon Rrm1 an,!
body together.
Sobody complains of Bach's
And I Am Now Prepared to Furnish
and Keep in Stoclc
Shingles, Boards, Pickets, Doors, Windows
r" .
Diinas, ana cunaers Hardware
All First-Class, at Lowest Prices.
Oull nml Hoc 31c.
125,000 Brick -
At my yard In the suburbs ot Lebanon
For Sale at Reasonable Rates.
AU Klnda of
With NeAtnom and Drapfttcfr " . - x'
for Bargains
i .. it -
lll.IIIIWft - ll
goods or quarrels with his
L I 1
Land OmeK at Gitbuo cttt, p
Xotlce fa hereby girca thnt theM
si-iiier ass niefi notice of his int
final prtxif In supr.rtof his claim " i . " -
proof wi',1 be ma.Io before theo.t
1JW0, VU: A;.
Horocsteiui Entry No. 537. t ,y.
3ce. 25, Tp. 11 Sornli, Kanse 1 X W
continuous ride:K-e unou Bd.s 'i !bj
land, tU: John O. Bovd, Janjes-rV111401 i
Cox and Georire V. Clark. i , """'r 4. j " ;
.. . , v -," . . . jr . . , .
nis iwencc nefote tiie coartCy elert V .!
tv. at Allianv. flrMrni An i-Uln r-..
: . -ym-on.
Albany, Oregon. ; : 'r.n mi Ivors' s piW.
. e ... : -