The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, July 18, 1890, Image 3

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LCball ill
! "A
JULY IS, !&.
Hotels crowd- d with stringers.
Fred Gross wiw nt Waterloo Tuesday.
W. J. iiuv is 're-covering his saloon
i-il.s nt Cruson
tSuarantf-ed machin
& Mensues'.
Harvesting Iwgan lust wtek on soim
valley farms.
fck-reoi doors and windows nt I'm
m A MenitW.
litv. llanhitcr, of Albany was in
town this wit k.
Whit Crawford went to Cohurg last
week and returned Monday.
The Albanv Omni Co. will build a
lani tu-ros-sthe Hantiam soon.
F. P. Hod well is painting a sign for
Kd. Kellenberger's meat market.
T.tir.dxr is hemsr hauled for John
lienrd's residence on Mum street.
The eivll engineer finds some work
.tijLSUr ttie puper mm mi wtx-iv.
Mr. Heed will have some letti-riiiR
done on the front of his store room.
Oountv Survi vor Fisher Is doing
some work tor A. Dodge this week.
i w wiwler has all kinds - of
lumber r.t his saw mill in Lebanon
rir Kir of the Kay Woolen Mill
Co., Sa'lem,'was in to sen us this week.
Mr. Waldo, former proprietor of the
... ..... ; . . .... U'.utii.lAv
it. v.liaries, came ut"1'
Mr futile is ready to store and
bushels ot una years.
t,r wvoioeted citizen Henjamin
i...x-tr is vihitimr in Eujrene this
Kow potatoes have recently retailed
nt Prineville at seven cents per
n,i.n,.v U rocoverinsr from
m MtVm-k of la, srrinneor some kiudretl
Aboat t wo thousand steel rails for the
narrow anw line nave DOt'U nc-iveu
at Portland.
Th fni-r cron in this section of
country promises well in both quantity
and quality.
Mrs. B. F. Mrs. I. R- Bo-
vnm nre nu-kinir berik-8 in the niOUtl-
tidns this week.
Tf V. Kirknrtrick drives a colt that
hvii trained to crowd the
lieels of Maud fv.
Remember you can get a hot or cold
lath any day in the week at I. li. Bo
rum's barber shop.
Work will le resumed on the public
school building just as soon as the
lumber is forthcoming.
Fiftv thousand people are wmin?
to this Northwest coast by way ot tin
Kor:he:ii Pacific aloue.
M. A. Miller h:s a tarce stock of
m.-u bine oiis of all Kim's and will meet
i-y and all competition.
Home h?rrv pickers lav? return; d
with ianr; stiirw f ibis fruit, which
svn;s pU iiUfui this year.
This f..;l 't will le teen that Lebanon
Isns m:;de s-we jriant strides between
liio inL-is of two winters.
The nnix r mill at this place will re-
W.- .uu '.. f liH :hM
l-.iu-k 'w vr'.'Ash d v.illi Urnn? rs who
uppeur ausb us ti their thirst
with "Mum-thing better than Well
AVork wnsbounon the fatanoola
tr.iH tin iirsl of the week. The labor
will If accomplished hy voluntary
contribution!) in cash, labor i:nd provisions.
F (loan unwittingly put bis hand1
on the ear track at the planer and now
he cai l ies it in a sliny:. The end f
one tinier was cut oil' mid another
badly mushed.
It is pencrally undcrstoi.l that the
contnict for huiidinar the M. l-l. church.
South, will be let Saturday. This
church 1ms two choico lots muih of the
Presbyterian church.
Kev. A. LeHoy and dsiUsihter call'-n
r.t the lIxi'lti-KS ellH-c Monday, air.
LeUov has Just finished an n paint mit
f..rJ. It. Kirkpalrick ttiat gives cvi-
lence of rare artistic skill.
O.C. llackleman and family and A.
H. llr.bcrts and tamisy hud away to
the mountains Tuesday. u cmn
lently expect these melt to teturn :is
plump anu red as autcrmeu.
It is to Ik" hoped that the mountain
roads will dry s.ww, as it will t:ike n
much larger quantity of lumber to
mii only th honm demand than na.-
. ... ...i. n.
yet iH-eli nauieu iroiu me mm
(!co. Wiletix. our artist, has formed
.. ... 1T..I . . .1
a copartnership un sir. i ihh i u
of Albany, and w ill in the future carry
on business at both places, l.eo. is u
rustler and will not ne nainpeixu
When nature fait era and requires
help.reeruit her enfceliled eliel gu-s with
l)r. J. It. jMeiiCau s rHrcngniciiiuji.
Cordial and lllood l'tn itier. j 1.0.0 pel-
bottle. For salo by Heard fc iiiit.
F.iiifintrs have located the east side
nxtt-iision or t lie S. i: ironi oourg io
JasiHr, twenty-two miles, and as sion
as the right of way can be settled,
active construction wrtk w ill begin.
If you suffer any affection caused by
impure blood, such as scrofula, sait
rheum, sores,uoiis, pinipu-s, won, imw-
worni, iniie nr. j. n. .n.-iA-nn ?
?arspari 1 la. l or sale py Miru uou.
r. Andrews moved his family to
Sweet Home last week. Mr. Andrews
n, 1 it inconvenient to be Separate!
from his family and has wisely
eluded to move to his place ot
Call and see the long list cf desirable
nronertv for sale by Peterson & Wal-
I ir- 1 f thev have nothing to suit yon
-i wmtd tif-tter move on. for you will
tind uothing to please this tide of Para
(I. K. Hardy, the popular jeweler,
boons. full line of lim-i-lass jewelry.
IT want it underst'XHl that his
telegraph line now includes the three
stations. Tallman, Jeuanon ana poua-
The brsel all srame which was playtd
last Friday by" nine of our busim-s
and nine other citizens, resulted
in a score of 1 1 to 2 in favor of the bus-
ndent of ti-.. U. Hy. w.'id bi lh-"
vitle r'ridav tu attend n mueting in me
Trinitv Mining tin. F.vcry man who
ciiii e .'tabllsh a claim to a few feet in
lit snilnlng d.sirirt is In-lit on an inves
tigation of his treasures.
Families not already supplied should
lose no time in procuihur a Ix tlle of
Chamberlain's Ch iiic, Cholera and
Dianboea Uetnetlv. It is the only
rennit v tnat on aiwuvx nc
itiiii tr bowel complaint, hi all
form. tT and ill) cent bottles for
by M. A. Miller.
The San Francisco Surgical Imtiluto
nre t establish a branch hmi-e in LcIh
anon, just north of the Fsctianue
hotel. A careful calculation of the
probable casualties likely to occur on
the broken, ticket V sidewalk nt this
. til ... A . I ........ ..."
place h'H llhlllciil Ilieni io n-i-au;
nuuiehtly or until the oll'eiu-e is
removed. Ku circumlocution about
Tuesday evening th-r was quite a
clouilbust at 1). Tcinpleton's pbn-e on
MeDav. Col. Siniih and wife weiv on
their w av hom-. and were caught out
In the tn'nent of w ater as it came down.
Mr. Smith thin'.s there was about a
f ot of water fell itisidii of a oiial'ter of
im l.n! the radius was so small
that no material damage was done.
Prineville lleview.
Kastern capitalists are look; ng Tor a
phn-e to invest tin ir money where it
will he absolutely safe and at the
same time net the owner a profit,
la canvassing the towns if the coast,
l.itianon has not U-en overlooked.
Cu-town otters n Held for w ild spec
illation, but for a safe and profitable
investment Ijclulnon oilers Induce
ments equal to any other town.
Articles of Incorporation were drawn
Us week bv wht Is known as the
Trinity Milling and Mining Co. The
nnmnanv is -onilOSt-d of II. W. tJoil-
ihir.1 of I'ortlatnl. A. jacK .-ii!ini
1 ..hniuin. Peter Hume. J. A. wintei.
A .1 tlrtihind and S. ivrcituii oi
Brownsville. It is pretty centra II v
..mi. m. lid that the Trinity t o. own
some of the best claims In the l-aia-
piK:; district.
One of the latest novelties in I he way
of advertising is the head gear given to
the nurehasersof the Arm and llain
mer nmnn oi soi:i. uiivniuiiin k v
of our woolen lactones take the hint
f.-nm this ami oresi-nt the -poor country
ivlitor with a full suit of clothes.
,nli!:nr heats a .walking ntvertise
ment, and if we had a suit of broad
cloth, or even iweeu. we wouiu cucu
Hood Si.ii,
water, rich
ii-K;Tit t'enini', pure
Uilnelal deposits and a
healthful climate arc the taelors tm.t,
build stabs. Seeing that Orcfou
combines all these -.nd many otlur
feutnrcs, we may ask, w hat lack wcyit
to make this the richest nd nnist de
sirable slate in the Union-.' simply
development. Of what use me rich
farming lands unless the ground 1
tilled and secds.ovii? Our stately fores Is
are valueless until they are made to
ihronidi the saw-null anil me
pinner. Mountains of Iron oreaihl noth
ln:' to the wealth of a state until tin-
workman sets the price on the iinisiieii
product. The fact of t hue belli X a cos 1
strata underlying tins sceiion o
country, reduces not. ihe price ot ntei
until the coal is mined ami put upon
themarkit In competition wit! woi d.
All tin? gold ami silver which is hidden
in the Cascade mountains w ill never
liiererwi' in' one dollar the circulating
nieedlum of the country until the
bullion Is extracted. Develop! Develop!
A gentleman riding on one of our
rid'ii-oads, opened his Waterbury watch
with a view to examining the dirty
nitchanlsni, when the
spring which accnmnaulcs watclies
of this i.i'inufaeture, scceede 1 from the
union mu 1 fill-due,! in the aisle, black-
shinimr ...ill coiled for tho fatal blow.
The lady at whose feet the wi HK-ser-
pe:it lav. uttereil one pieicui-j m-
and swooned. The Waterbury man
made a lean ;or his cscajMHl treasure
just in time tosee it Jump eight or t-n
scats nntl Mini m ar me rear con w lin
ear. Bv this time every nns-enger
was on foot and rushing madly lor tne
d ior. The bell was rung, the train
stopped and the passengers tied like
sheep, leaving the conductor and the
owner of tho wat-.-h to chase the
escaped spring. After several fruitless
t lUMV k-OO T 8 tit tit HKS.
"Caw cow caw." I) you hear thai?
Well the "Crow" Is still alive although
he has not done much scratching
Some diphtheria reported In this
Fine weather now and the Crows
are all busy harvesting.
Crops are good. The recent rains
have been of much benefit to late
Conundrum lor the .lay birds: Why
Is one of tho iincrowmtf Jays like
lb nry Clay?
Mr. J X! Welt has lately purchased
a traction steam ttigino w ith w inch
he will run his thresher this season.
Wild's the matter with the Jav
birds. Tfoy swiii to ha v. retire 1 tu
pi lvKle lit.:.' Jjct ih laar I hem
ouco more.
'Sithnagnndi" of Browns illc, sei-nis
to have l-e.-n hit hard by the McK iu
bist niiusti-els. Itid-dit fr 'in his last
weeks corrcr poi:!ic!icc. Th Crow bad
Ihe Piivilec of hearing litis troupe,
but they did not hurt tin quite ; I ;.d
as thy s:eiii to have c'.'. -itel Hal.
Will its nk-e to have some isitemtiug
news to write about.
The Crow has to do a good deal of
scratching this wi i k s;j w c will close.
Tiik Crow.
a OiTii-K AT Ort;; ii ttty. fin-etui,
.mm- !. '. i
V..-i t' 1-iH.v irtvi'ii Hint tin? l..llii-v(i!i-tirtiii''I
m-tili-r hns I t '1 i elico nf hU liitiicina jimVs."
Iniil i.r.r in si: i -i . rt ir!i.i. un! Ihn "!!
i.nil i. Ill l.c- ii.ikI.. I --r..!.- tin- CiniMtjf l icrt; .(
1 .1 1. it inaicv, nt A'.Uiny. Orcjtoii. on 1 imp an;-,
.lulv -J-J. l.'t. vlxr
iikn::v b. cnosr.v.
pre- -. I -i I. s. X . iUKI, f.r the X. E. li or t-1
lie nan.e- tic- n inir v. Itni-we lfi lirov.; hi;
i-.i iiSaaoii- n i.ii iie.-iiiH.a -iillivCl, n r. wit'l
i...i ry II U Vnniai. J. 1. siimms. A. V.
t.-rini.' V. A. 1 ixn, nil l -'-iiiiii 1'. II..
I.iaa n.u.iiy, ha f!'.i- J- 'i-- AI'I'1--1;SN.
Come In and Look Out
1 !
I i-a.l or..i-
. ut Or
) ! ! i: is in
I t !.a-: I'-ia
1 -
I i
(..ucti :.!:
ta-.t.t. li.e
"na I'Cy. Orr '.-.ri. 1
jaia- n, '. J
I'.V :lVl".S T!!. T TIIK T"! -it'.U
r!i;s H'.ci r.K'..f .f l.'
,-,! i.r.,.if- ia .'.ll-.'sn 1 el
,.! ,aH ;!.! V, ill ! C I ''" ln-ron-tl i-
: ,.f l liiii at Alt.i-.nj-, tircsur,
..,t y;: ,
A ! I.lsi S C. MSTF.K,
I cn:i f.-r fl:B !..S. 4 aifl
, .' of Sec. , T. 1 - s.. !:. 'I K.
c r.,-i.,l.'if-ivcn-- . .i T-i.v
-'. '. a'-irl :uaf .'calv.;"!.ua rK:'t
V ).:-h.ij., licary ii. V"M'm, .?!.!. li
I -i n- i:. i ru-'.iv . oi- WT l.' f. O..
J. r. Al iT ;:-'.
y. uiv,;in.
elioitstolav hands on the runaway it
lied up under tlm stove. I lie legs ol
the frtove were broken and IV) pounds
orhardware falling mon it held it
secur dv until both conductor mid pro
prietor d agued It from the corner ami
plneed it in iis old cage. After some
time spent im-oaxing me lanu-s nu-u
back into the car and resumed their
journey. . .
The faptaln Hon BerryltiR A HrlilST'
Full Ihronrh with Two Ladles.
Rev. 11. Ii. Chapman, paster of the
M. . Church Johnstow n, l'u., says:
".sikui cites the greet Hood, at a lime
w hen diat rluK'a was piit prevalent, I
na-elved a box nflx dozen Chamls-r-lain's
Cholic, Cholera and Dimrhoe
Remedy. Assoon a it became known
that I bad the medicine for free distri
bution, there began a great run on
It, w hich continued until it was iilsuit
aH'gene. Kvcry one, so far as I hcaid
from them, testified to its virtues de
claring it the best medicine for tint pur
im thev hail ever used. Those who
i;ot it shured It around with their
neighlMirs, so that I am confident it
was productive of great good. We
used some oT it oursclvis and found it
not only an excellent medicine for
dianboea, but f r all kinds of pain ai.d
uiicasliiess In the stomach and
bowels. It ha been regarded as the
best medicine known here for the li-
sases it is recoiumiiuicu. ror eaie ny
M. A. Mllkr.
:: Aii. i:
.1. ii: .
tjst. On ies at Ouw:os ity. OnfcKiS, I
Jnlv S 1ss.
". n l.r rtvrii tliiU the (eil ia Intr-tiau-ott
... : .-il iio-.U-i- ir hi inu-u'lua t- niae
','.' !:' ia.;..irnil !.b .-i.-iini. HH'l n""- ;'
i;',t. s. h.U- l.-'i.r... thcceaaiy JicIki- or In
;. , ' ,a ! Ih- '.n i; Hi tU or l eia riwii.-
vull, oil A cHilfMu:, .i hk .-.,
Itiflic -'
Si'iv '! !
I1..- i-.-iiii.
r.i 'Ji.-.H.-.c
liiinl. :
I in
A. 3. Kit'. WATER,
v r.airv :mi. r..r tin., x. w.;ir
11 Smnii. lilCll-i I Ws. :
. Mllo last ita.i-x t t-rove nt
f . at-.- ;au mill i-aUitnn-m , wim
uiia . lii i'l. Jami-s T
p.nmiv, iLri?!:!!. J. T
Im ninif. Jihn
nil cf"..i'a. l.iim
AifKlWiiN. IU)rvter.
otiire an
will le in active opvn.tion.
Brn, to the w if to II. J
cdavillc. m the 14 inst
Hand, near
, a girl. A
jjoolI many peopie mis j em.
Mrs. Ilarvev Btanard callcil at this
office Mond;.y last. Shc was en route
to Browusviile, her former home.
Farmers who ought to know say
that the wheat crop in Linn Co. this
year w ill exceed that of lat season.
Mrs. R.C. McClurc and her mother.
Mrs. Howell, left for the mountains
Friday to pick berries and rusticate.
We snpiviee that no one need be idle
just now when there is so much work
Hi u7 U :u tow n t.r.d on the farm.
J:is. D -vidwn und f..mily ntreateil
to the p.;.- jntains tins ws-k- A pleas
a it tlaic and many berries is ar wish.
(i. 15 Spl-r-vn, a farnnr 1 vir.g be
tween Sweet Hume and Craw fordsville,
wcHt to Albany Wednesday oa busi-
11. ss.
Mr. T.implin, of luw, will handle
the razor and shears in McClure's bar-in-r
shop while Bob rusticates for a few
Frank O'Neil r tnrned from Califor
nia Saturday. Frpnk feels that the
paper mill requires his personal
l; V,. TTardv has received a new eon-
of iewclrv.. Mr. Hardy
makes- a specialty of doing fine jbs of
TTnivka ment market, lust open-Mi on
Wiornian street omite St. Charles
i, Whet lor & Troutman. Call
and see uj
Lost, near V. V. Crawfords, a part
of a set of single harness.
leave the same at W
or this office.
Dr. Duckett is aide to be on the street
again. The Doctor has been afflicted
with varicose veins and la grippe, tor
two weeks.
Rumor has it that Lebanon offere to
bridge the South Santiamior me o.
iness men at the close of the third in
ning. Oscar Wilde was bewailing the ab
sence of old ruins and the lack of curi
osities iu America. An American lany
n.t.trmi bvs-ivinir that we cared noth
ing for ruins and that w e imported our
John (i. liw.1 is determined to keep
on iih the bi.sincss and has moved
in o the busini-ss center. Las scrublKil
tin'-lloor, rt papered t no room and is
ili ins a clean business. Call and sec
for yourself.
Elmer Montague returned t Leha
n n lately. The arduous duties of the
.-Wkshin for the nast two years has
eaus'-d him to i-kik in ine uav.-mni vi
Mt. JelFerson with a view to pleasure
and reeuiwration.
Some pnner states that Dr.
son. of New York City, has succeeded
,,.-rfiiifr the nrain of one animal
upon anel her. Plenty of work thifc
w x- Dr.. if von w ill only furnish the
grafting material.
To corivi nation with a gentleman
last Friday who had just been
in S:!em. we learned that
Price, who was recently
Ihe insane asylum
place, is recovertiig.
The M. K- church. South, will hold
then- annual conttrence in,
-!:i!i;l::g Angust .t.:.
lie lsrg st so l mo t i'u;
sias' ii-ai ii:t lave n it
part of the country.
A lr.?,l of cured yellison llAMlS Wdt
Finder will
W. Crawford's
R -v. J. M.
commited to
an near this
This will If
loilant ei'i-lc-held
in this
late amongst the jxople mucii in on
A 1cmocrat man has been shown
some specimens of the work with paint
from the mines on the Santiam mar
Lebanon. It shows the equal of any
thing vet imnorted hen-, and no doubt
w ill create hig demands for the home
M-oilner Thymine is on the farm of
C. T. Iccver. The firm operating the
,iiin lia i tU-c vears f.-e9 leasv in con-
a; Juration nf tho development f me
mines. The machinery is m ojieraiion
.mil soon the naint will be placed on
the market.
We hail the pleasure of riding b".
VViitei-loo Tuesday ill company with
J. K. Wcatherfo'rd and 'llios. Ky
These geiitk nien went up t examini
their isvss,s.sions at this celebrated re
sort. From time to time they have
lieen adding to their property until to
day thev own 21 S acres of land. Includ
ing several houses, and a water jKiwer
S. M ',11 n 1 to few in the State. It is possi
ble i but the. vast oower which is con
tinually running to waste et Waterloo
will 1 utilized, and that a thriving
tittle villa-je will spring up at thi
Montague must be preparing for n
Umm. Itiitirinir lv the w ay he is stock
ing up his Manimain ami uuwikt
Cash Stons. ly purchasing his good
in such large quantities he naturally
gets much lower prices, lie guiran
tees pood goods in nil the department'
of his extensive establishments at
pri-es thr.t absolutely astonish other
merchants in the valley, some of them
going so far as to say that Montague
retails his coo ls as low as they buy
them at wholesale. The careful buyer
invariably goes to Montague's.
A c-iiiriti-.l. untamed horse wa
i ionuht into town Saturday, and
was oilered to any man who would
i.i. him Il'.ders were not slow to vol
unteer. Tiie horso w i-.s saddled ai d
i-liiidfo'd d. and then he i-pgng-Hl in a
came of blind man's buff with so much
i-iiii UiMt ii'ilv one man t hariey ni
-oul.l be f und to mount him.
11... wist ercwd of ssvi tutors panel! io
the liilit ar.d l it to make room lor me
offered tV-r sale on rur Mrccts tnis week.
Our mouth waU-ivd, we rest -d our
feet alternately mid jammed our neao
against a t.ric'k wall a few times anu
walked away hungry.
. It will lie seen hy examining this
irsue that our neighbors are falling
behind in their comf-pondence. Ail
totrethc-r, kt uy build up on this cosst a
little empire of our own. Advertise
and build up all sections alike.
The Wilcox photo gallery will le
closr-d after July l&lh. Lveryone
w'shinc pictures taken lefre Sept. 1st
will call this week. Further
particulare at the gallery.
Gko. I
Ruowsvn.i.E, July 13.
After a few days' rest uismi my re
turn from the mines, my is-itcr nan
ordeix d me hack up the 'alap'Kiia ri ver
to gather blaekl ri les, on l nnrsu iy.
Jnlv 10. Messrs. Pereifull. F.d Stanai d
Frank Venncr and your humble ser
vant lilt llrownsville tor me oerrj
patch. On arriving there we foil ml
iic man ami woman anu iwo n;o-i'.-
forevirv blacklierry there. etiic!
to gitbi-r some, but only succeeded in
getting about half a gallon. Our I let
ter half accused us of fishing. If w i
did not get any berries we had plenty
of lish. Mr. enner csugni, one buoui
time pjunds lu weight.
On .ur return, as we were ncaring
the bridge, we met a voung lady w ho
informed us that the boit im cf th
bridge had broken llircu.'li as Miss lvy
Tcnipletmi and Mrs. Win. Tcinplcton
drove on it. VV jumped out of our
wagon and lost no time In getting
then", and found Miss Ivy Tcinplcton
and Mrs. Wm. Templeton lying on a
small gravel bar below the bridge.
They had fallen about thirty-five feet,
the wagon turning over on top of them.
TheTavlor family had heined them
out of the wreck and starte-i for help
Miss Templeton had hi r left leg broken
above the kne and the right orni
broken. Mrs. Templeton w:is Imdlv
cut atvut the faw, lier right eye was
put cut, and she was badly bruised
aliout the le-s. As the river was very
deep and the hanks steep, we hail to
make a raft and cut a trail to get them
out and make a litter to carry them
a!oui hulf a mile to John I'ugh s otu
house, which took about one hour, lly
that time, w e had plenty of help and
we snon had tin in w here thev could Su
nken care of bv Drs. Reese and Starr.
Mrs. Tavlor and son, also Mrs. hen-
ston of'Halsey, dist rve great pnxis'
for tho heln thev rendered, also all the
ladies who were inert; in lact en uiu
everylhilig they could.
I exammeii me i.riuge aioi iw inn
hesitate to say that anyone who would
build such a bridge ought to Is? snit to
the State prison' for life, and if the
county eommiss'oners do not have the
titer bridges on ihe liver repaired at
oncetiiey should Is puvtshed the same
wav. The bridge thnt cnsses the Cul
apooia on the Sweet Home road is also
unsafe, and all the others below.
Ciucl'a ItleRBlnK to Humanity.
So Sajnan Dr.-inm Mi.nccr Xlac-iv Tckit OM.
li:tT liaovr. nr.. !i IT.
I hv'. irsfl t!-.s iliy;i. KIPNK.V 1 ! A ur l
iltiiia-.l im iaei liars n-lii f. It t si-r I.U---I-W
luaiHiiitv. I lute j.'i a-ure in tmnnmi mlia-j il
a thi- aft!'.etil. lain mw !).-nr!- niiiiy y-nrs
.t.i M.-w. t,i i ii.nia in 1st ia t In- t'l ifley -f
Hn.'tni Bnv I'' ac nav. i-.a-l fiia-c I I.-nn u-lac
ihe OltKliON KllJ.NKY TEA I i-nt y.v.l I
PAVlii jit siroi:.
Inquiry is m-ide ivcrv week tilxtiit
ihe "jays." Their warbling will bi
ll on nf iu the future.
nl,ii' riiivcr'tlv of Icwa: nl-o RTailim'e
.nl Hal'i In the HcUvuc Horpiwl Medical Co'.
!( . New York.
Ot'.'.. ? at n l nes on Main stroet.
To Mcko l:y.:n fur !ty
Ths Road to h
Spring and Summer Stock
We Are Not The People
At the lafcl;all Imsiness, hut iho cas'i business works like a
tliarm. The "Uban i-xpress is read tty a great, many
people, but there seem to be a few wlso do not reau. io
those and others we want to say mat we are iu uuau tauiwv
about sellinsr for cash, but we are selling cheap.
Now as a business proposition, is it not better to bin lor
cash and get your goods cheap, than to buy on long time
and pay a bice profit?
Na rredit hou6 can sell cheap; they must add an extra
nrofit to carry b?.d .bills, for thev are ur to make bad ac
counts. No credit house can do business without making
bad accounts.
There are lots of people in and around Lebanon, as the
Fourth of July celebration showed, and they must have
-ood?. and I co on the plan that it is better to sell two pairrf
of shoes for cash at 25 cents profit than to sell one pair at
50 cents profit on credit better for me and better for the
buyer. -
If you cannot get the cash to buy goods with, bring in
your eirgs and chickens, and if you have none of them, get
them, raise them: thev are always as good as cash, ana are
the hard cash ii peopie wouiu
much more plentiful
I only raise them.
The day of high prices is
even the rich cannot afford
Ctnnot b tueceMhitly trtreted with
out jood hlth. Ta reach eEH!i er ny
COTttfrd petition In lite requires the (nil
oteIon end operation cf est mt no-
Itles kind nsluro naoe mz mr.n.
The coniilltons cannot exist onltta the
phrt'cal belRf Is U perfect ererklng
rder. and this It Impotflble when tha
Iher and tpleta art torpid, thus octtntct
Inf Ihe secretion. ca'i? Indigettlon
und dyspepsia, Ua ait at their ecctxn
xnjrinf ktrrora.
English Dandelion Tonic
tiertt tptclfle Inlatnet trer the Hrtr,
txcltet H tt healthy action, resolves Its
chranto ensorementt. end promotes the
aocrellons ; cures Indlsestlon ard consti
pation, sharpens the appetite, tones p
the entire srsleni, and makes Uts wonn
Kutiro Steels cf
past. The poor cannot pay it,
to nay it. Give me a chanct to
sell you fome cheap goods, but do not forget to bring the
cash! This means everybody.
Next Door to Bank.
Boots& Slioes
AT co&;t.
Now is tho Tim? to
I Propose to Hava
Leading Dry Goods Store
In tho Valley.
Promptly attended.
to that
if it will run the Oregonian Ry
city. Sfio Press.
Z. B. M-iss in still carrying the grip
BSic-k and the Hssessraent roll. Maybe
Linn finds it hard to part with so
faiiiiful an ofiicer.
Thtre has lieen a great demand for
t-,-..i Ann fherries this season. Hor-
tioultuirts would do well to plant more
trees of thin variety.
The thort letter from Sweet Home
this week will probably conclude the
discussion between the two factions of
the Evangelical church.
W. It. Barrett has bought the lot ad
ioinins the parsonage and will build a
dwelling house soon. Lots in this part
of town are nearly all sold. in ill a weather have re-
fn cvrol Afises of nleurisy of
lAte We know whereof we speak,
ut-iny one t the luckless ones.
i nUr onrrsTinmlonce from
Tj.,.tcvir!. rfafheil us too late for
.,.,;.nt;,- but. Cant, llp.cen cauie to
our rescue with a budget of items.
I will leave Lebanon on Monday, so
ifvmi w-antanvthiiisr in my line you
must rustic around and got it quick.
Gko. L. V ilcox.
xtT ,.., rrnr machine oils to
contain nn cotton seed nor fish oil:
but pure machine oil.
1 Crttsox & Mexzies.
Thetiniehas leen changed on the
Lebanon branch road, allowing us but
.two trains daily. The train men jj.ii
make their home in AUny Hereafter.
J. li. Kirkpalrick informs us that he
has a tine supply oi w.w ui.
j..n hnl and soft, which he will de
liver to any part of the city
Parties knowing themselves indebted j the
to Cruson & Menate's since wj, iie--all
and settle, as all of our old accounts
will soon be piit in the hands of a col-
GKO. i-.. W ILOJX.
In conversation with our hardware
dealer lately we learned that w e hay
a few shrewd business men hf-reaboiits
who will a.tually, drive thirty mile
to pay ioie tor nam ware man mv.
samegjocla can be bought for at home.
In uneventful times the editor is
forced to rely upon his inventive fac
ulties, and because he indulges in fisrii--otiv-
innmaM. and now and then
writes hvperboHc.illy, to eoiu-lude that
all editors are liars, outstrips Aristotle
To allay pains, subdue inflammation,
henl foul sores and ulcers, the niot
prompt and satisfactory results are
J-.btained by usit'.g that old p-hable
remedy, Dr J. H. MeliCan s Volcanic
Oil Liniment. For fcale by Beard &
Rev. O. A. Wooley of Eugene, Rev.
nt t. v of Scio. and other minis
ters of the C. P. church met in council
in thu rttv Thursday, to oenoerau-
upon some very important
connected with this
Whit Crawford informs us that he is
making arrangements lor a grauu
military ball to le held some time in
the month of August. It is the inten
tion of Mr. Craw ford to nave an me
bands in this and other towns preseui
on that occasion.
Coming down on the narrow gauge
Monday we noticed thai. rooii warn
has been adding to and improving his
barn. Scott has a great many head
of stock and he does not leave tneiii
to the mercy of a rigorous wnuer.
ood shelter saves teea.
w i-nnu- -f . few crinnled walks in
.. . ... ,, .
town that require attention.
a section ot walK neiween iuc
change and the Cash store that is a
disgrace to anv tliorouginare. a ue
walk elevated, to the proper level
would look much better in its place.
r. o,.TM-fnil. nf the work to tie
done before the paper mill is completed
'her who com 1 cover so mucii
U i-rit-H V in so short a nine, ine norsv
iu":ell v "trot ted oil' and Charley ivceiveU
the money; that is all.
The development lieinc mad- in the
Santiam mines are brining out some
sine siKt imens of ore. The AUany
eompanv will put in some mills imme-diat-lv
and work their mines as fast as
jumble. The O. P. II. It. Is within
twenty miles of the mines now, and
with a litile work a wagon read can I e
made covering the rest of the distance.
The P. li.R. iso we are informed)
will extend their rosni at any time
from Lebanon to the mines, on a
.rn-.rtit,..' of five ear loads e,f rock
daily. It is likely there will soon be
business for ten times that amount.
Vimw triamde including the Cala-
p.ioia and Santiam mines with Leba
non in the acute ancle, and you have
our exact position with reference to
those two localities. If Lebanon does
t lunrviP the riirstrihutins IHiint fi r
ti,f.aM.iinpB. then we will acknowledge
rn, ii-,Mti. t is dumb and the teT
U l.lind. To attempt to divert the traf
fic from our town w ith the nuruberles-e
,-of...a M-lucli we lOiawoiini uen
oHt-ss task We shall have a railroad
v,.,rtville and a watron road to
The following gentlemen left Browns
ville to-day to make a trail up the Cal-
aijoota, uii'ier ine leanersiup oi johu
Waters, Hr.: u-ssi-s. iate taiKiisn,
Phecley, Uarlaml,, ionu, i:ir-
trer, AHirsters smi i eii-uun. mrj mm
lie follow ed by several more iroiu i. raw -fordviIle.
The sto:k of the I alapooia and isiue
River Mining Co. is going liKe lif t
cakes, a minister of the gonpci having
taken the hrst share.
CAIT. i. It. XiAUES.
branch of the
i.i Hill mid then nothing remains
but to feed ourselves with both hands,
rri, fin-Prirt C'rtsh Store has be-
M.iomiiif the features of I ban on
As everything is new ana tresn, aim me
nriees are so much below thst charged
in credit-giving establishments, peo
ple who desire to buy their goods
rr .nh tiatmallv aro to the corner,
where tlK- v dt not have to make up to
the storekeeper for the non-paying eus
lu ii thev can ho, buy
ait. nnd who are constitutionally
I tn navinc for anvthinir. (Jet
t i ht One-Price t'ash Store am;
if there is anv reasrn in you that is the
nlaee where you will purchase your
wu ni i lies.
T"itin was flshine In the
upper Santiam recently when he had
that rivals in some re
spects the fishing jaunt of the prophet
Jonah. Planting himself securely on
o laoo fcnnliler. he threw out some
strong inducements to the inhabitants
f tim ivntcr. A whale, leviathan, sea
lion or some other unnaturalized cit
izen seized the hook and pulled so vio
lently that noon the angler found him
4.if in ih water, and cratefully did he
resign his fishing tackle to tne nungi-y i
monster and struck out boldly for the
shore. The usual discount of fit) per
cent, on fish stories will not be allowed
in this case; it is literally true.
Machinery made and repaired at the
Lebanon machine shop. We have
nothing but the lest machinery, it is
managed bv practical machinists and
.i.oin!if.iiilw(c&ii repair steam en-
Don't Go to Portlaiic
Gradwohl, of Albany,
To Be Found in the Metropolis.
He Sweeps the Valley of
AH Competitors
tufnxVerv. Fnnejr T.v. Rrann! nw
tUv-rviin.-. Kn-m-li r'in npH.! i-arv,
" lioi-s' Wnsanif, Wil Cnrrii'-svs. i:tf.
Curiosity Shop.
Cigars, Tcbacco, FsraisMng Goods, Etc.
FirstGlass Good.3
Country Produce Taken in Exchange
for Goods.
Notions, : Novelties, Give Me a Trial and Be Convinced,
. . . . n 3
rits' Knnicriina i.rnns
Weather favorable for harvesting.
Billy Elklns drove to Lebanon Mon
Mrs. Harvey ftanard of Albany, is
biting in llrownsville this week.
Mm. J. ('. Itilveu and Miss Me-
Kinley went t 8oda ille Sunday.
An ice cram festival was given
In the City Xlall Maturaay evening.
Tbe woolen mill has now on hand
enough wool to meet the requirements
of a year's run.
Btill there are a few iu town who
have not had the mumps, w'-netiy
await your turn.
Mrs. Reeea Windom. recently from
Prineville, was visiting relatives near
Ilalsey last week.
Tb bridyre at this place was eom-
uleted Wednesday of thla week aud is
evidently a line structure.
Rev. A. Leltoy and daughter went
to Albany Monday, returnini? Home Dy
way of Lebanon the same day.
Mrs. G. C. Ptanard, of Albany, wlio
has Imh-'H viitins relatives in town,
returned to lier home by way or ieu
auon last Sunday.
Dr. K. II. Curl is finishinjr his dwell
ing which was begun early last spring.
The Dr. has a desirable lot, and will
have when -completed a good commo
dious residence.
A company of men left this place
Tuesday morning armed with picKs,
axes, and shovels, for the upper
nooia. The mines are
The OfiWcn Rule Bnar ninkM ST"''"";' "f the
Fiue-'t Tvtw. I'olt'it-5 ntvl !'ki:isj I'mvdfM,
tvt ry -k!re nf which is muimlac-tiin-l
rr Hint ln-nrs the imme
of tiol'lon Kisle lltuaiar.
A. : W. : MOSES.I
ti, nf Portland for Variety and
First d wr south of Exchange Ilfttcl.
Shingles, Posts, Boards and Pickets.-
Refite d, Enlarged and Improved,
We Are Too Busy to . Write
Doors. Blinds, all styles cf Window
Frames, Door Frames, Mouldings, Brackets, Etc., m fact anything man
nfactured and kept on hand in a first-class planer.
In connection with the above, i aiso nave on nanu a ni-u
lumber yard in which is to be found rough and ttressea j.uniuer, nusiic,
n i T!Qrli, KInnrincr. nml all KinQS OI r ilUSIllllsi liiuui
vj ' "- '
i for Cornices, Etc.
ir. nort ho inferred bv examining j.,1!, p. w mills, srrist nulls
the"excavatioH which has already lceii in,Vmills, quartz mill, planing mills
j . m - ivtiiil onres US llial lite .1 .,;ti., , i-.i
distant from
i!t-,vivrwv-iHi nlMut 45 miles: and as we
have now a war-on road 22 miles np
iii t ivi-r. it will lie seen that it is nec
essary to make a trail for 23 miles,
costing perhaps $i"0.
t,v. tha iipvt. ao lavs M. A. Miller
will offer for sale Welwter'a Unabridged
nietionarv. comnlete. for $HJ50. Don't
fail to avail yourself of this opjvirtu-
nitv tne greuici. narHiu iicuu
One hundred must be
sold iu thirty days.
h.. tMr i'.ii assures us vimb n"-
mill will lie completed and ready for
themanutacture of paper by Decem
ber 1st.
Mm Heard and family left for the
Notice j mountains Wednesday. One by one
i nor.nln are, breaking ranks to join
1 t . e H..T(ltU t-iiii-itc.ra
long column oi "isri3,
. . I I .... n..-l IT IS IT!'! 1
ana oerry-piei.eiP, - ---o wi,l nut it.
lonely. Just how Ion 2 wesna iremu u , . ,.r " ti -e
I a . M . i . , i . I , t-i T ; i. T ! I11U . W C i I'lIIV -Ji . ..... v
1 know not. 1
chop mills, mud mills, rock nulls cot
fee mills, shingle mills, bark mills
oinf mills. In short we -can
ttHU 1 " -" - . , . .14.
make or repair anything that
iw,..lo o-irl wrars beltintr. We
UCIW ... " - - ..,1 ..
on hand lace leaiuer, ruui
l-..iiin iiac;ui2 ana oravs
john c. reed, dumber ! Lumber !
All nnrtios onteKiT)latin: buildin?:, or desirinp: lumber fof
any other purpose -whatever would do well to call on
AVoodl AVoll
T linvp n lnrm ollalilUV Of Wood Oil
Uoml wbicb will lie delivered in any
part of town at the following prices:
1,-iru-nml. iwt cord. S2: niaiile wood.
?2.2o. leave oruers ai fi.v nor cord
also rKS3 cilice. J. II. Kihkpatmck
cooils. "You can take them a skeleton
The Lebanon Flour Mill has been
rented bv me, and it will be rim in the
U lias 111 ine jmsi
I buy
of an engine, a tliresner or any k. i A'ua in oll excl ange. Doth
Itl 1 llli-
& ObKOlOfE.
n. ..,,.,.! fi-f it en liana at all limes a4
i llcrtoforc -OHI-' U.NGKK.
Has Been Rented by Me, and It
Will Be Run in the Future as It Has in the Past.
T Ri iv Grain and Take In On
olh Flour and
d on Hand at All 1 imes as
At his lumber yard at this place or at th sawmill. -
We have on hand a first-class stock of V :
Rough and Clear Lu mber.
Bills of all lands filled on short notice
Give me a call
Before Purchasing Elsewhere.
Hmuphrev &