The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, July 18, 1890, Image 2

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    ..vv. jack Ait:u?, i;r.n, i ai.kx.yjcpku.
I'l'Rl.SHElIS AMI rnol'K'KTniiR.
lack or rtvcisiox.
The mr.mifattu.'er in ordinary
thncs Mn t-t-ll us with a giv.xl-tloal
of tcrt:!inty' liow iii; !. work lie
can turnout in a jtivcn month, ami
vhnfc his profits will he. The
farmer, whose oroj-s are dcvHnvlent
in a greater or less degree upon eon
lingem tes of wet, or rain, or eoM,
over which he has no control, is
less positive; ami as a consequence,
he prows into a loose hahit of
thought in nil that regards his
nll'airs. Notwithstanding his punc
tiliousness in moneyed details;
and his sharpness at a bargain, he
has a more vague idea of his real
whereabouts in the world of profit
and loss, than any man of equal
capital that you -can. find. If he
has a little pile in stocking legs or
wiiim. in savings that grows, it is profit; if
lie Ins a little debt at the grocer's
or th.e biink that grows, it is loss.
There is not one in fifty who can
toll with anything approaching to
accuracy, how much his grain or
roots cost him per bushel; not one
in fifty w ho can show anything
. like a passable balance sheet of a
year's transaction. lie may put
lown all the money he receives in
3L stumpy figures and all the money
"he pars out in other stumpy
figures, and set his oldest boy to
the Christinas reckoning. But his
rent, his personal labor, the vear
snd tear, the wnste, the consump
tion, the unmarketed growth, as-f-umes
only a hazy indeterminate
-outline, within which the sum of
Tthe stumpy figures is lost. Whether
he is raising wheat at a price
higher than the market one, or
celling potatoes for a third less
thnsi they cost hi in, is an in-
"qwiiy he never submits to ". the
i'atigue' and precision of accurate
.investigation. lie thinks matters
;arc about so and so; his horses are
worth about so much; his wheat
."yields about thirty bushels to the
mere; his barn or cellar costs him
aiothing, for he did the work him
self at odd moments, and that crop
y f roots which is growing on newly-
'oieared land cost almost nothing
iisecause the work was done in spare
-moments, in short, it is intimated
"that all is done at little expense.
This is absurd; great work involves
great labor; and great laW has its
price. YVe must estimate the
iabor at its market value whether
thme in the night or on holidays.
"What will not pay for doing "in
-even hours, will never pay for
laing in odd hours. It is no
excuse for waste
time and
nuscleto waste them in the dark
- 'jl.. - . i -i -
cry space or nammer strote
axs&ii the farm no matter whether
lone by the farmer or the farmer's
.eon, or farmer's wife no "matter
whether done after hours or before
hours must be estimated at the
Mine that such labor would com
mand in the market.
AVhen we reflect that the average
of human life is about thirty-three
years,that the infant ismoreh"elj;les3
and longer helpless than any mere
animal; that one-third of our al
, lotted time is spent in sleep, thus
shortening our active, business
life to a mere span, it does indeed,
seen i strange that one should fritter
away his endowment which cost
him nothing, and which if wisely
invested will yield a handsome
profit. But so it is. Why this
lavish expenditure of life, upon
which everything else so entirely
depends? Without stopping to
moralize upon this subject (for it
obviously has its moral bearings)
we .-shall address ourselves to the
fcubjtrd at the hoad of this article,
odd moments. The reader has seen
young men who let slip daily, eight
hours of precious time, and this is
repeated year in and year out with
iibe -result that at tvenly-five years
of age this man finds himself no
farrhev advanced intellect naly than
when he attained his maWitv.
tf9Kir:ar. take vour pencil and a
sjiap of blank paper and see what
you have lost. You have lost 37,
V'oO hours; time enough surely if
applied in the pursuit of knowl
edge to have given you a diploma
from the best American, English,
or German University. Bind these
rrarc-s upon vour person and bear
them about with vou bovs, as the
V Jews formerly carried their phylac
jr teriep. Never asnire to a seat at
"vvhittlera" corner. Very few men
have made a fortune with a Jack
knife, and unless 3-011 are a boy of
un-.ioubted genius the chip pile
s ettjihtinuucements. Be in
no hurry to rank among ribald
jokers. Sir.ut grows with little
cultivation but th.e grain represents
t'-il, sweat, anxious thought.
For weeks in succession some of
the newspaper fraternity have been
J-Jjoring frantically to stay the
ravasres of the poor codlin moth.
.which might at any time be num
"red on the fingers of one's hand.
" fTTtLrv reminded of the old story
. ,f the mountain being in labor and
winging forth a mouse. The latest
id vices locate six or eight of - the
mvaders on the crest of the Rocky
hi juiitains, bivouaced and waiting
the latest deliverance of the
trucU. nists. Evidently the man
A straw has been demolished.
V Although friction seems to
nil itate against our progress, it has
:. itvv.avt.:j2cgii Wc have ?een men
' tb:ifeand pine v3T)dcr friction as
i tl.ough some great calamity had
v h failou them. If you possess the
4 dements of - a true manhood you
' jnfly expect to be rubbed against
.and jostled. People do not run
jit-ir-st a dead man.
Lcl,u?on is firgint ahwui.
The l:!.-4 thing ih.u t :ivm-,i itt-qmri-iss
care about is a wrii'.cn, for
mal, louna:ic creed. The heart can
iiovor write all that it Wlievcn. What
woikIit then if, when a IKiiisr ami
jllovji'r love comes to rotul the talm
l.iteil iinttrine?" of the church, it
should complain, hesitate or relu'l?
It ban often been averted that-Chri-t
di;l not net down in sequential order
what i.s known in these modern days
ns a system of divinity. The ns-. ra
tion is not only true ns a matter of
fact, but true as nn evidence of his
Godhead. The divine, the immeas
urable, the eternal, cannot he formu
lated. Life cannot he systenmtijod.
Architecture may, so may astronomy,
botany, ami all other arts and science!,
lint life is not a science; tbo soul is
not nn art. Language itself, aa par
taking of the nature of a system, is
often felt to he an inconvenience,
useful for expressing what is upper
most, hut nearly powerless in the nr
tieulation of what is decin-st in the
soul. Wisely, therefore, Christ wro:e
nothing, for written language is more
difficult of interpretation than spoken
language. The eye, the tone, the
smile, help words that are spoken ;
which is but another way of saying
that life is the only true interpreter.
The moment that the grammar and
lexicon are called in, strife begins.
A tone would do more than all syntax
t give the meaning of some words.
"Speak, that I may see you," eaid li
ogones. The spoken word is life,
the written word is statuary. To
have come, therefore, with a written
creed in quest of signatures would
have been a vain errand. The world
has differed more over the interpreta
tion of its own writing than over any
thing else so much so that the in
terpretation of writing has become a
profession, in which the most direct
contradictions are maintained at the
cost of considerable vimlictiveness.
The world is now waiting for a voice
crying in the wilderness that men are
to be saved not by theology but by
Christ. Men must behold the Lamb,
not the controversies which have
raged atout Him, and accept Christ's
own living and mighty way of talking
to aching, craving hearts.
No doubt the Bible des contain con
tradictions more or le.--s real. So does
the book of nature. The desert con
tradicts the garden, the storm con
tradicts the calm; summer and
winter are utterly discordant; one
plant grws poison, another is
is impregnated with healing juices;
the savage beast and the creature of
gentle blood face each other in the
contradictory book of nature. The
world is full of contradictions, and an
intolerably insipid world it would bo
but for its anomalies. Every man is
his own contradiction. In ten yeais,
a growing man will throw otF many
tastes, companionships and habits,
winch to-day are pleasant to him.
There is nothing without an element
of contradiction but death, and death
itself is the great contradiction o;
God. Human maxims and policie
are continually at strife. Out of con
tradiction "comes education. But
what is contradiction? Not lying
necessarily. Contradiction may simp
ly mean incompleteness, or may arise
from ellipsis. Two gases may limtnaliy
autagonize, yet may be held together
by a third. Two statements may be
discrepant until a missing link is si-p
plied One book may be many book?
as the Sew Teatiment is literally.
Its chapters may be addressed to dif
ferent men, or to the same men un
der different circumstances. These
facts are not to be lightly set aside in
estimating the value of a book, weigh
ed against which the tomes of philos
ophy and the literature of four conti
nents kick the beam.
Christ's mission.
Jesu? Christ announced Ids mission
on e-arth in one concise sentence: "1
am come that they might have life.':
This life was to be imparted to thor
whom the Jews regarded as outcasts.
Preaching to the despised, rejected
and down-trodden. We have become
accustomed to its repetition until we
think nothing of it; but place thei
hands on the dial back lfeOO years
and say, how would we like to be seen
side by side with a man in the- public
streets ho had openly announced
that his sole business on earth was to
hold intercourse with bad hearts? The
worse the man the deeper the interc-1
Christ took in him. Polite society
was shocked, and righteous society
horror-stricken. They who had wit
nessed His miracles and knew what
resources He carried about with him,
actually look up stones at one time to
stone Him. It was madder than at
tempting to stone the lightning.
When they stooped to pick up stones
He might have fastened them in that
position as a warning to scoffers of !
succeeding generations; but this
would sot have been ia harmony with j
he spirit ef His mission. Only once,
if we except the destruction of the
swine, did Christ's power operate in
the line of destruction. The w ither
ing, blighting curse fell upon the tig
tree, ami to the very roots it withered
away. It was well, perhaps, to leave
one such example of His power to
show how short a step lay between
life and death.
A Care for Kir k Headache.
Thisdistressing complaint is due to an
inactive or sluggish liver with consti
pated bowels, which deranpres the stom
ach and disturbs the nervous system,
causes dizziness and an oppressive dull
pain in the heid, often so severe as to
prevent rest or bleep. One of Dr.
(iunn's Improved Liver Pills will
relieve you of all the pain and rnisery
and a few more doses will correct the
liver ai.d stomach and regulate the
bowles. While these pills are small,
easily taken, and mild and gentle in
their action, there is no medicine made
that will so effectually cure sick head
ache. 25 cents a box. Sold by M. A.
Miller. '
Tlie Experience of a Conscientious Wo
man. Chicaoo, Nov. 13.
Mk. Wisdom Dear ,S!r.- I bej? to
thank you for the delightful and r
frcshing " Itobertiue" yon so kindly
sent me. I have used the toilet prepa
rations of the mttst celebrated manu
facturers of London and Paris, but con
sider your " Itobcrtine" their superior
m point of purity and excellence.
Wishing you the unbounded success
you deserve, I remain, faithfully yours,
Emma Abbott.
A Sure Cure for T"ite.
Ttchiiifr Pilos are known by nioitwre
like perspiration estisiiig inttiise itc'.i
ing when warm. This form, n.s vo!l
i;s blind, blt-'odiiig and protruding,
yield at wice to Dr. anko's l'ile
jiemody, which acts directly on the
parts atfectt d, alisorbs tumors, allays
itehint? and elltt-ts i ixTiiianotit curt'.
50o. Dniffgrista or mail: treatise free.
Dr. Bosanko, riqHa, O. Bold by M. A.
Jf 5fb oil in our niacliino oils.
:. : .,!. i.fmv.s I'M 1.: --?
I'k'H-o ji'w tut- a .-malt n!, -: i; U.f fliti-r-.trt it
uttrtvl MUM Hil- !:';kis iut it Mr. ! 'ivy imiito. 1
ttid not v. rUf to piilii the svint.-uliy tit" tti coo).'.-,
iia lie aiit, or lor my i)o:;:r, ior I -to Hot ln:y
l'rk-tvtMti; of ntiy o;u ttoi: lit-r t 'ftn? ttVit!
s'lni'vuc t:i!;.fc.-t of me, just .-o 1 iii t'l :i:: I-eirc
t.'t-it- 1 I tt mie w.t.: I htut .tM Utv
ltirs just Hi Ion;- as 1 vuiil(t wit! unit Utiti'S !
pti!ilit' know.
Mr. I'ri'y Mntt-.t tlmt he w:'. not allow til to tvivl
t!ii Kvtiti'jyiii'ul. If that new xhs nut I lieviT of St. I (loti'l hnvr to ok nnyono uhtttl
liiill roml. If vo arc (Vcc in Chrt-A wo are free
ittittit. Ttu! it ts no crvtlit to ntiyotic torvmlit.
fi.r it is only thronjih Mrile. nmi t liftt I we .soint
tlitojr tlmt m.t tit to rcivl I know t'lioMuli to Ntop
tvtu.i.u! t.tilc. r. And n lor Mr. ViM telling Mr.
Mi'Klmy tlmt ho wjw iiotliint;, ho ttiily tot.i loin
tnrec time tlmt he uw no! orthotlox nint Hint lio
tot.-. jf: tifitT 'l-t liitn c.Uv in his oitti iioiix
t!io t;o:t.i:i he vttnt to K-t tlw key Hi tht! bail.
n:t t:i" Suii:l'iy ni'it tlmt ho n.-keil for tho
cattreh to (:iva. h til. Mr. Vot knows is !n:c,
kiK.fs this is fut I'utl Mr. McJ.lroy tan
t.-Nt'iy U it lu'forc itnv eouil. Atul lov Yon
h;:i;!iii: tl;e t-Muivl.. otliers tvorkcl outhe flnirel:,
m srt! toM. nitl lm reeetVKt stt r lnlr he
wrt Imi'.il:':, ton! v.c nil caiit t:;;:u'y to hclj.
Imlhl tt : tht n v.hy tull out' mint want to I t
lor.l nvor !.mVs !ii r;l:iKe. We nre tiUi that ojle
nve t!u !r mo:itv nmi wor'i with tin- exj ;utton
tlint M l tirUio'hi.x den'tmiimtions eo'ihl tit th'
ehurrli i,i ii not iH-i tiri. il hy the Kv,tiit:eii'.iK
niiil it Ir.i Ins-it rv'tnnrkeil hy titotv than one Ihut
it" t liey lia-l known tiny uonM lie denini this
privilvi'i tnt y ttonH not l:nu trlveii Hiirthin.
One t hi nwre. i-siiue o: Vofs ir1e:ils are
telll-iK ; hat v. e reveive i-KM astl tlmt they wont
rive anytlii:t:J. 'J liis is n !Hls-hl; wo 1o:t't
.c.-t near the l.i lt'ttt ilii. .Mt'l now. kr unr,
.het't yon lto any hleeo ovtT ihis. We thm t waiit
ymi tsuiKirt its. H if rite tor you to iiK!t
Mr. Yost, ml I ho;e yon w 111 kifii hint oiiil lain
ily well. i yon otiht to iio. I love Mr. Yo.t ki it
tVimily the nuic as ever I !:1, mnl i wut to hc
ti.ent tvtrcii for: tent n fir n, iloii'l worry: we
will not stitrve. Wtr have ls timity otitMiU
fricml mill OerntHits, f?;M.t lreihren. u iio will not
let ns sturve. HTit my pntyt-r is we will nil keep
sweet. ni w lien the time eomes nil thins will
lie st'tiiei r'itt hy lots smnrter t!m:i niyselj
or.eti:-se Yny. May the lml Hevs us nil nin!
keun its fnnii Mtyinj; evil tilings of one nnotht r,
and when v.e tj ealii tl lo h ave this tvoilJ that
we way he irei;ml to met t Hixt isi rcaee. v. h. 'e
w . ill never haw ntiy more el.tnvfi tmnMe. I
am through. 1 have ta more time to write things
not MiLjcd to the will of m1. Vonrs (Vitientiill.
li-M. E!.lV Mliil-l:oV."
Thoughts Suggested on Reading "Beware of
tl Str.inBei ,"
Oil, wliy shonht vie not trust stranjter?
His vohv why shoni,! to i1;snuii
Is his fn-onri! t hen so frannhi w ,th danger,
When ot;r hearts they l.i.l him rt-mran?
Is -oi:r henrt then so fenrflit of itatiRe-,
Not to weleomc the sirnjurer nttr-i knut?
To l-iieolenee nro you a Mraueer
Theu why should you be so uiiklnil?
How often the stmn?rs have prtveit
1 hut tlieir h arts were noble Hii.l nst.
Have not oM trietnls uo often deceived ns,
Ihiis tiliiitjr o::r henrta with di.-trut?
Si tncttit'.e we piy have to wnmh t
Krot-i the hotae eirele ever so dt a:
Then how would v.e fee! to lioar sxkcn,
ileware Ol that MiiUij;er, hen ore T
JlayVweet t-Jiarity ever then snide tvs.
At i.iMiie er tiMi;i :"ne::ds far a-.rr.v:
Atii r.".;ii'mlr that nil lr.en en- hfothert,
St2 "ei: on, Jk Io a Unto one oa his way
Tl-on let our hearts ever welcome a arranger.
Anil if even hey shi-nlTl nr.'.ve f.ntiue.
'Tis tar l-eitor to trns; or,.-; mother
'i tinn io think every limn us your foe.
A STitANtr
Sastiam, July 10, l-i.
To I'lfMiirf-frtLrrl.
Havinsr purchased the FitttlU-y prop
erty at Ltiyvtr da spririgs, t w iV.
so i!itprov it tn to make it a most de
sirable place to tx? visited ly tlirrc
scckint; health or pleasure. Vi!l ti
ottr l-s: to make it plensant r th-jsr
visitiiiij this wtll-kiK-wn resort.
W.M. Kl.IKKI),
A. ltl.tlTSCJl.
We wish to say to our old customers
'tint also neiv ones, that we are pit pstr
etl to furnish well seasoned lutsiU-r,
titntlo frnni soft mi.uiitain fir, at ti;-.
ftl towing prices:
'ry;i! e'.e.r,... v
'!e ir "." j ."",
"a -r xi "."I!L".V.V."'.V.'..V.'. I.T.s
Kerteii-.','. ho.;t:p and t:n:";K-rs..7""..".V..V..l!".Z '."
At cur mil! in Virtsl-tir.f, T.i:n Co.,
Orcg-m. J f:v-:i n-:s et Ct.
So said Bui-
wer, that
ereatct of
Lie suoGoss
have added with equal force, thr merit
is the essence of success. Wisdom's
Robertiue is the synonym of merit, fed
its history is success. The magical ef
fects of this preparation have been attest
ed by thousands of the leading ladies of
society end the stage. It is the only arti
cle ever discovered which gives a Statur
al and Beautiful tint to the complexion,
at the same ttme removing all roughness
of the face and arms ami leaving the
skin soft, smooth and velvety. It has
long been the study of chemists to pro
duce an article that while it would beau
tify the complexion would also have the
merit of bcins harmless, but these two
important qualities were never brought
to&ether nt-iil combined in
Finest small
and thrt liit cuoieeof nil'
SS and Single or
double notion. Kiftcy Ham-p-.rles
and Target models. I
qnniity wrought
Mieel. carefuilv uslx,-h1
flolibi flornhiiitr nnd nrrarncT. lo
i.t'lbedw;e!ver by cheap nurMcacic iinimUatiomm
nfton oM Tor the (rtnu:ic arfclr. Thr (tr nnr
liiiie aud ttan;'rt-os. The Smith A Vs- ! ftjs.
TLTSR8 are ftcimil upon the ImrrU with firm's
it A me, aritirnftft uti1tvHof phtnTs, aiifi are unnr
snteed rxrtv. In.-nt nrym iavin thcn, al it
yiir Jtfer enrniot nnt1y j-u, an cr.l-r aent ta4
lrfa bekw-jU wnvt-j.rompt attention. Bescru
tiv catAloerie and price upau applicatlou
iriuff2ctX Slass.
I ant agent fur Real Estate in
Cowan's :-: Addition
TO L1A0".
Choice Residence asd Business Lots
Very Desirable Portion of
the City
Cheap for the Xcxt fixtj- Pays.
17."ilh Edition Now
Keauy. A lMKk of
over 3i fnw, eriv
liscrs than any oilier
p;lli(.ntio:i over iiit-fi. It iws tlie lutne f
every lK ivspajr jinlilishi-il. luivinc o circulation
rrkti; in the American Nevracr l'in-ctury tf
Uiorc" .ltan 25.0m) c)ipH each K:t. with the covt
licr line fur HMvci tirinx; in tlu-m. A list of tht
(est i;rs of VKal ciiv ulation. in every city and
town of more thuu "(.(fK) fNpilntion w i'h firiit-s
! tlie inch for one month. Sicial li.ts of dnily,
country. vilWiirc nipi cLivs , V.arrraio oiiV-rs
ol valiic t. n:i:ll ailvcrtifrs or tho-c tviMiiim to
CNrni'ient jrr'W-.iowsly with a F-mall amount of
innTK'v. shov.-y couclu -ively 'hov toirct tlicunist
sorvico for ilic iimney." CO., etc. ?eit nst
to any aoiir;v- ior scents. Aaiires. ttko. J. K'ow
Ki.i. Co.. iv.lilu hers a-ni tivnernl Advertising
ArciiLs 10 Sjirucc Spinet, New York City. 1
La-i Offics at Oivgnn rirv, Or.-crtn.
.Inlv X. l -!H.
Notice is Itcreby given that lite follmvins nai.tert
si tmr iiu tiled iu. lice of hiij inteuiion to make
iinai iroof in siiii-rt of his claim, cml that tM
i.roof will le ma!e in-fore ti;e county jntlpe or in
lii ab.-eiu-e Irei'on; tlie county clvfrk of l.inn conn
tv at Albany, Oregon, on Tuc-stlav, Auju.-it 2ti, lhiM),
ELIJAH it. VROOM, Entrj- No. 5220, for the S. W. H of Sec.
12 s., It. 1 E.
lie tiarnes tltp follonins witnesses toyroveliis
coiitiniion.- n..ilcuco upon ami cultivation of, said
land, vi;'.: AUn-rt biavaiiti. .fajiics K. t'liarlion, John
Smimis anil A.ltljti l.indley. all of I.cliauou. Linn
t'tfUt.iy, UXvuJ. J. ?. Ai i'i-KvjN, XicgiblbT.
i W. C. V LKJON.
Real Estate Brokers,
Inclmlinp Fire nmi Mfo Insaraure.
Choice Bargains
In Both City Property and
Farm Lands.
Collections Attended to
agents ron
STATE INSrRAXCE Ct)., of fol-m, Orcyon.
of Silcm.
You can buy ny of the
C'ht up, rf
Cm t- r
L- ij fJ Z
'IWnndsn and
Stone Ware, alsn
Job H'ork done on Short Xothc.
11m on ham! tt lartre stock of
Call And Secure Prices.
House, Sign & Carriage Painter,
Contracts Taken for Any Kind cf
House Work, such as
Plain : or : Fancy : Painting,
Frescoing and House Decoratiou of
Every Description.
Orders left at the Express offlee will
receive prompt attention.
TL:g Celebrated French Gure,
Witrru.W ftPUpnriTM: r inoii-y
W.-Ii:3 MIIWUIIIIIL TvflllltllML
la ctt rc any
tomiot nervous
lisea.e. or any
ti4rier of the
iroiicrittive w-
rntlK of
e whether r
tim apt eh
S!el iikc of KiiiiinlHiita
'I'oImici-o or 0ilum.
artlirougli yoiillifnl imlicrition, over ln.luk'-
cim e, ci'., simn ns Los i r iain I'owcr, Wakrd.l
Hess. aiine !. ii raitm in the Hack, XcmiiuiJ
V cakness, liyuteria, Ncrvins !nist ration Nm-twru-ul
Kmissioiis. hncorrhicn. Dimiiuwh, Weak Mem
ory, Iiof IMrernm! Iniootcncy, which if tie
frlect'! often lend to iretnntnreoM h'-chih1 insan
tty. rrk-o 11.00 a !ox. 6 boxes for Vi.u0 bout by
mail on rcccivt of price
A W IX I TT KNtll AR X S T V. V. for ercrr 5.60
OT'ter, to refiiml the monc- if a l'rrma- "lit
cure in not edected. Thou. inula of tesiinn'Tinl
frsi ohlanii yonnc, of both exes, jK-rmaneiitK-curcd
bv ApiiKoniTirir. flrciiinr fr-c. ilrej
Hold ly 3X. .Millei,
Hole M.'iit ir Ijcbanon, Or.
Bureau of Information.
Liim cianity inalt known o:i application;
also niiniic-r stock i-onf-Mit and ol.l at the vtliee of
ilM LUiJ&OS liXI'liiiiij.
MjIILi- i;'i JV l.l.lV.Yl ION.
I.MIS'l l
i - -:i ( tt , ic, on, M:;
. I -t: I.
;.(.' ( i. li.-rcl y dvuh that hi cojuoHrim--" with
the provh ioiiH of the net of t onijress of Jane
iH.x, d "A:i ni t for tho mW of thither Iuti(l
in the of 'aij'nri.iii. Oi-CKon. Nev;iIa. am!
Wil:ii!;;lri 'i';rr:lil.v. John llrciuiau, of Ta
coiiui. cimiilv ol" I'ii;rce. .4titii f VVah
istoii, Uh- Ihl.-t .Hi- til'M tn thin otI.'t
!i:;sw .rn mh. merit No. jo7. for the purchaw of
the s. K. ol w c. Nn. in Tp. No. II f.. K. So. I
K., ini'l -.vil! otter proof to xliotv that the laurl
noiijiht i more valuable for it timber or Moite
than lor ir:; U iilni; nl titirpiiKcii, nti.t to cMtihU h his
f'mim to Mil.! Iiuiil U'fotv (h rc-l ter tuxl r-t-etver
of tin oihce tit Oregon ( ity, Oregon on Kn-lay,
tlie :il (lay uf th' ISMt,
Ho iiainex an Iiiilsm-!.: K. K. Van fine '. M.
Pip'tiiiati. V. I'o'-tiuti, U. A. JSennett, all of Tu
cma. u aKiiintrcni.
Any an. I all per-onf clalmlint atlverwly the
n!ioe ilcMTihcl lan-lsaie to lile their
chilniK in thin ollice on or lietore .siilil 3.1 liav of K--
.h.her. J. T. Al'l'El'.HO.N, lieiristcr.
1'nlU il S!atei l Office.
Oregon City, Oregon, June 2, JS!9.
Notice U hereby Riven that in compliance tviih
the provisions of ttie ivt of (,'oiire?i of June :.
17k, entitlcl "An net for the sale of timber lands
ill the States of California, Orvston. Ncvtula, and
Vahln;;to!t Territory," f .'hurlefi O. itorenc, of Ta
Coma. eonntv of Pierce, SHtate of Vuhinton. ha
thix hiy tileii in till olliie Ilia mvurn utatenient
Ni. -ov.i, tor the purchase of the rt. V. ii Kn.
No. m, in Tp. No. H S., K. No. 1 E ami' will oiler
proof to show that the btnil soiifht in more valu
ahle for it t imlK-r or utone than for aurii'tiltiiral
purpoft. nii.l lo elahlh.h bi I'laim to wil.l lanl
lM.'fore th rciri-ier anl n'ceiver of this ollice at
Oregon t ity, Oregon, on TriJay, the 31 lay of Oe-tota-r.
He names as wltrietse: J. I- Macartney, J.
Ilrennan, A. "hihului and J. fiillcspic, all of i
fotilrt, ashitiftoii.
Any nti.l nil tiersnivt cUitinliifr mlvi?rc!jr the
nhnve-'lci-cribf (1 UiikN are re.pioled to file their
e ainik li thi of) ice mo: licfore hi hi S I day of
October. l-'.i. J. T. Al'PEK-SON. KeKWer.
I'nited Wates Ijtrifl Office,
Oregon City, Oregon, Jun 2, li".K.
Notice i hcTi-tiy fiven that In compliance nith
the T.)V:oriK of tlie act of fonjrrcsw of June 3,
17t. entiticit "An act for the Rale of timber lun1
in the states of California, i ireion, Nevada, and
Wa.liitnitoii 'f criiiory," John 1.. Macartney, of Ta
conja, iMimtT of 1'icrec. State f Wahiliton, b:.8
thL-. ihiv tih 'l in (hia otlice hi nwirf-.i tatciiieii'
No. -Vi), for tlie pun ha--e of the K. E. li of H-c.
No. -H. in Tp. No. 11 i., H No. 1 K. and will i.ff.T
proof to !iovv that the land saiyht in more valt
alilf for i:s timber or Httme than for a?rieu'.t'inil
.nrixs. atiit to eteblirh hU claim U ail land
Hior. the repirstr and receiver of this otiire at
i irciou City, ttregori, on Friday, the 3t day of Oc
tolier, f-'.-t.
He tiai.e as v!tps?s: C O. Itorene, J. Bren
nan. A. t hiohulm and J. Uillcpic, all of Tacocca,
Ar.y and nl! wrwuis clalraiti alrerself the
nNve-h M-riix-d liindii are rcjnested to f.le their
claims In thus oQice on or befon- Mid Stl dav of Oc
tober, 1:V. J. T. Al'PKItfioX, Uegister.
t'nited i!ate Ind OfHee.
On goti City. Oregon, June i, 1.
Notice b hcriby piven that in compliance ulth
the proviion ot tlie act of iroesrewi of June S.
1S7S, entitled "An act for tho sale of timber lamb
in the Stales of California. fre!ron, Nevada, and
Washimrtoii Territory,' William J. Ilasedorn, of
Taeima. county of pierce, State of Washington,
ins thi dav tiloi tn thisottiee his wom utauinent
No. 'M, for the purchase of the N. W. l4 oi Sec.
X J. ;!. in Tp. No. VI S.. it. No. 2 E.. nd will tifer
pn"t to snow tr.nt tlie land aij;Pt t rrMire ralu
ub!e for Its tin. Iht or stone than for agricultural
luriKtse. and to ctablih hW claim to xaid bind
before te rvisLu-r and receiver of this office at
Orrton t Ity. Oregon, on Tuuthlay. the 7th day ot
He name as witnesses: C. V. O. Rowland, C. M.
INmIhihii. V. Vim l is; and John West, ail of Ta
coma. I'ien e c.winiv. Wa-hlntrton.
Any and ail 'r-sns claiiuiiiR adversely the
nlMive-ih-wnla'd hinds are re!nelcd to tiie tlK'ir
claims in Hits uliuv nn ur before uid 7lh day of
OctolaT. lf-ist. J. T. AI"l-KltsoS, Recw-tcr.
rnitf't Plates Land Office.
Oregon City, tregm, June t, lS).
Notio h- hereby jriven that in compliance with
the provisions tit ibe act of Coiifrrc of Jane 3.
17. e!iti';.-i "An act for the Kale of tim!r laudt
In the S:;i:-":- -f culKornia. ireir'::. Nevada, and
"iVa-l:::ion Tt rt itor ." "iiarles L". .. Rvil:iml. 4
T.-ieoit. , c..ii!;:y of fierce. Mate of a-hmir'oii.
I'.s this i -y .;.! in thi .:1he his sworn Ma'.cment
N j. "'.(. I r the i ttretiave if ti:e N. r 'i of S--c.
:. St, in Tp. No. li s.. K. No. 2 1-1, and :i Z ntfi r
l i I !o M.. t: .it the land tottul.t Lsinorevalu
:i! le for iit. tin:Kr or ,.ont. thn ffir aicricnltnrai
pttr; and lo e.-a:!.'!!! hts cSaini to aid iai:.1
tH-tore til- raster and r"-tiver of this nfi-e a'
...."n citT. tn-vii, on Tut v'av, the 7,h davo
O-'i-t-er. I
11-: :- a. wS:e-: W. J. ITiredorr.. C. V,
ro-t.ij-i.i, F. Van i-c and John We, all of Ta-
cnn:i, t iert':' rf"'!t'.t-t .t.-:.::tin.
Aitv n:td tV ?T'iis ciaitiiiiti; ndvcr'i?v the
atxive-d.-srril-.-d. land atv rjuc-tcd to rile tic iti :-i:s oij.e on or t-!ore at tti '.y o.
OelJber, !.-A J. 1. All K-rsoN. lUfrJsltr.
fnifed F'r.tcs I.nd
Ore-;.m (. i:y, On-eivi, May Us l$0.
Nmico !" h"r by Ktven that in compliance with
t ne provisions ol tne if! ot t nm-M! June x
1 "An act !
' ihe sjtlc of liu!er lands
i i the
s of C'-ii:Vmm. Orcsmi. Nev eda. and
r-rr;:ory." l-'nsl t:nner. of Tacoiaa.
COUll'.Y O! 1'
dav t". ii
f li t-c, S'ate of WasliinUKi. has this
ih.- o;:i-e his sworn afement No
.ski, r .l-.e pnr.-ha e of the s. W. ; of See. Nr..
in Tp. No. 11 S.. !'.. No. 1 K .and i:l oiler pr-Mt to
snow mai in" latci son:iE is in,re vauiaiiie it
I inilK-r or stone thsn for asrricult-iral purposes.
ni;t to e. titoiisn nis claim ii si'i iana w ;ore tn
n ei-ter :id receiver of thisoHiis? at OrcK-m Citv
Oregon, oh Friday, t he ; It day of September, lss.
He lenries as vintess-s; . Sfet7e:er, J. N. i-ake.
J. i'.rvnnan and J. :-n;;ri"S. all ot laeon-.a. a--b.
Anv and all istsim claimintr alvtrs.iv the
alHve-t'-s-r:lK.-d 'atcls are ren.a-si-d to tile then
claims in tht- ottiee on or before said is'.th dav of
-k-pteinls-r. lnw, J. T. AITKK.S)X, Register.
t'nlted states LRnd Oflti-e,
Cropon City, Oregon, May -JS, !-.
Notice is hereby i?iven that in compliance with
the provisions ot the act of fortress of June .t.
is;s, vtitiiied "An act for the sale ot timber lands
in the states of Cslitoraia, Oregon. Nevada, and
VYa-hi'icton Territory." Henry Metrer, of Tai-o-ma.
eoinity of Pierce, Stale of Washinscloii, has ibiy nlwl in thi- othee bis sworn Klaiemen!
No. Jts. for the rc.rchase of the S. E.iof See
No. 1. in Tp. No. 11 S3.. K. No. 1 E.. and willoffiT
proof to -h w that the land soiicht is more valu
able for its timber or stone tltau for aurictilttiral
ptins.vs, and to establish his claim to said laud
l .t.Tst tne tvatster and nss?iver of this office at
Oregon City. Oregon, ou Friday, the :"0th day of
tse;;ember. lss-1.
He names as witnesses: F. timer. J. N. I-ake, J.
Hretiiicn nu t J. Similes, all of Taeoma, wasn.
Anv and all rs'issmsi elaiminir ailverselr the'd lands are reuliested to tile their
claims iti this otrh-o on or In-fore said Utith day of
Si-ptemlier, is"."). J. 1. AI't'EKSON, Register.
T'nited States Ijind Office,
Oregon City. Oregon, June 11, 1S90.
Nothse is hen-ty friven that in compliance with
the provisions of tlie act of Conpress of June R,
ls7S, entitled "An act for the sale of titular lands
In the stateti of California. Oregon, Nevada, anil
Waslittiirton Territory," Wlllvs itiive, of .sunnier,
eotin'v of lieree. State of Vashiiigton, has th:
dnv liied in this ofliee his sworn statement No.
-'Iiki. for the purchase of tlie s. V. of Si-e. No.
:M, in Tp. No. 12 S.. K. No. i E.. and w ill offer
prHf ti show that t he land sought is more valu
able for its timla-r or stone than for agricultural
fmnsisi-s. and loestablisb his claim to "said land
.efore the ri'irister and retiver of this office at
Otcjion chv. oreqoti, on Thursday, the Win day of
October. lsm.
lie tiamc ns witnesses- Johu Wet, F. I ivesey,
A. W. lticbey and V. I.lscouib, till of Taeoma,
Pierce county, Wa-hintiton.
Any and all thiiis claimine adversely the
above-deserilicd lands are requested to file their
i hiims in this office on or tefore said 9th day of
October, J. T. APPERSON, Register.
I'niled glate Land Office,
Oregon City, trej?ou, June 11, 1S90.
Notice Is hereby efven that in compliance with
the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3,
1K7K, entilletl "An ai't for the sale of timtar lauds
in the Btates of Californiiv Oregon, Nevada, and
Wrtshinirton TiTritory," Francis Eiscomb, of Port
land, county of Multnomah, State ef OrcRon, has
thb. dav filctt in this ofliee bis sworn statement
No. 2110. for tho pnrcha-e of the S. E. yA or i-ec.
No. St, in Tp. No. VI s., R. No. "J E. . and will offer
proof to show that the Innd sought is more valu
able for its tinitar or stone than for agricultural
ptuTist.s, and to establish his claim to said land
before the reeister and receiver of this office at
Oreirnn Citv, oreBm, ou l hursday, the ath day of
fictober, l.s'iO.
lie names as witnesses: John West, F. I.ivesey,
M. Hlrsv ami A. W. Kiehey, all of Taeoma, Piercti
county, Washington.
Any and all jK-rsons elaitnine adversely the
nhoveHlescrilad lands are requested to file their
claims in this ofliee on or before said SHh dav of
October, l.sUO. J. T. Ali'EIliSON, Register.
Ladies' & Gents Furnish
ings. Solo Agency for Ludlow's Fine Shoes.
Prices Always the Lowest.
Albany, Oievoii. : : lUmnUerg's Clock.
Men's, Youth's and
r urnishing Goods, Etc.
Also Keep on Second floor a fall line of
Boots & Shoes,
In which I will not b? undersold. Come and see me and
I will treat
gricultural Depot.
Knapp, liurrell & Company,
most complete line of Farm Implements in the Willamette
Valley, consisting of Buggies
Bain Wagons, Mountain Seeders and Drills, Deering and
McCormick Binders and Mowers, the Celebrated Oliver Steel
and Chilled Plows, the only Chilled Plow3 ever sold in Ore
gon that give entire satistaction in all kinds of ground.
We keep a full line of extras of all goods sold.
Call and examine our goods before you buy; and do not
forget to buy the Lightning Full-Circle Hay Press.
The public school house on the south,
The paper mill on the north,
The big planer on the east,
And the depot on the wert,
iMakes the Corner Store
Keep a full line of Men's and Boj's' Clothing of Browns
ville manufacture, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Groceries and
Provisions; in fact everything necessary to keep soul and
body together.
Nobody complains of Bach's goods or quarrels with his
And I Am lNiowr Prepared to Furnish
and Keep in Stock
Shingles, Boards, Pickets, Doors, Windows
Blinds, and Builders' Hardware
All First-Class, at Lowest Prices.
Cull nnd See 3Io.
125,000 Brick:
At my yard In the suburbs ot Lebanon
For Sale at Reasonable Rates.
All Kinds of
With Neatness and De.-patch. Inquire of
for Bargains
Boy's Clothing,
you well-
of Albany, Oregon, carry the
and Phaetons of all kinds,
Corner Store
160 Acres cf Land
3 Miles Est of Lebanon. "
C 7
Good Road,-oo(l TVjter, Rich Laud,
Good hool i j miie. SmaU
Priced - $io per Acre.
"APPb a-slis ofiftce or to